はてなキーワード: Digitalとは
結論から言うと、水晶発振子は基本的に「決まった周波数でしか振動しない」 ため、1つの水晶で周波数を自由に変更することはできません。
また、実際の電子回路では、複数の方法で周波数を変更することが可能 です!
水晶発振子(Quartz Crystal)は、「水晶が特定の周波数で機械的に振動する性質」を利用した部品 です。
水晶は 「特定の周波数でしか共振しない」 ため、基本的にはその周波数でしか動作しません。
水晶は 電圧を加えると「決まった周波数」で振動する 物質(ピエゾ効果)。
2. なんでそんな不便なものを使うの?
確かに、「1つの水晶でいろんな周波数を作れない」のは不便ですが、その代わりに 水晶発振子には非常に大きなメリット があります。
めちゃくちゃ正確! 周波数のズレ(誤差)がほとんどない。(温度変化などで若干ズレるが、通常±0.001%以下)電子時計や通信機器で、正確な時間・周波数を作るために必須!
安定してる! 一度発振すれば、周波数がブレたり、勝手に変わったりしない。無線通信やラジオ放送では、周波数がズレると通信不能になるため、安定性が重要。
ノイズに強い! 発振がクリーンで、余計な雑音(ノイズ)が少ない ので、無線通信に適している。
📌 もし水晶発振子がなかったら…
→ だから、「周波数固定」というデメリットよりも、正確で安定した発振ができるメリットの方が大きい!
3. それでも周波数を変えたい!どうする?
「1つの水晶で周波数を変えられない」のは不便ですが、電子回路では いろんな方法で周波数を変更することが可能 です!
(スイッチ) [ 3.579MHz ] ←─→ [ 10.000MHz ]
📌 可変コンデンサを使った微調整
[水晶発振子] ──── [可変コンデンサ] → 周波数が微妙に変わる
PLL(Phase-Locked Loop)という回路を使えば、水晶の周波数を自由に変更できる!
「基準となる水晶発振子」+「周波数を変えられる発振器」 を組み合わせることで、さまざまな周波数を作り出せる。
[ 10MHzの水晶発振子 ] → [ PLL回路 ] → [ 9MHz / 10MHz / 11MHz などを出力 ]
スマホやWi-Fi、FMラジオなどの通信機器は、ほぼ100% PLLを使っている!
✅ 方法④:DDS(ダイレクト・デジタル・シンセサイザ)を使う
DDS(Direct Digital Synthesizer)という技術を使うと、もっと自由に周波数を変えられる!
[ 10MHzの水晶発振子 ] → [ DDS ] → [ 1Hz~10MHzのCWを自由に生成! ]
最新の無線機は、PLL + DDSを組み合わせて周波数を自由に変えている!
4. まとめ
✅ 水晶発振子は「決まった周波数でしか発振しない」ため、1つの水晶で自由に周波数を変えることはできない。
✅ しかし、その代わりに「超正確」「超安定」「ノイズが少ない」という大きなメリットがある。
ウクライナ政策からデジタル検閲まで、なんでもかんでも⺠主主義の擁護だという看板で⾏われてきました。>原文”Everything from our Ukraine policy to digital censorship is billed as a defence of democracy.”
その戦いにお いて、異論のある者たちを検閲し、教会を閉鎖し、選挙をキャンセルしたのはどっちだったかを考えましょう。そいつらは善⽟だったでしょうか? 絶対ちがいます。
” Now, within living memory of many of you in this room, the cold war positioned defenders of democracy against much more tyrannical forces on this continent. And consider the side in that fight that censored dissidents, that closed churches, that cancelled elections. Were they the good guys? Certainly not.”
”EU 委員会の統制委員 コミッサールどもが” 「ども」がどこから湧いてきたかというと コミッサール(ロシア語: Комиссар)は、ロシア語で政治官僚や行政官僚の両方に用いられる語なのでEUのエリートは「キョーサントー」であるというニュアンスを訳出しようとしたものでしょう
1月、デンマークの極右党の政治家であるRasmus Paludanが、ストックホルムのトルコ大使館の外でコーランを焼いた。
コーラン焼却の被告が判決目前に射殺、スウェーデン 容疑者5人逮捕
By Johan Ahlander
これは要するにイスラム過激派と逆イスラム過激派(逆?キリスト教徒?)の間のいざこざみたいですね… キリスト教活動家っていうのは誰をさしているんでしょうか?誰の友人?
詳細は会員限定ですが ttps://www.meij.or.jp/trend_analysis/monitor/M23-02.html
No.M23-02 スウェーデンでのクルアーン冒涜にかかわるイスラーム過激派の反応
2. ストックホルムでのクルアーン冒涜を受けたイスラーム過激派による声明
3. ストックホルムでのクルアーン冒涜騒動をどう位置づけるか”
J.D.ヴァンス米副大統領の、ミュンヘン安保会議 (2025/2024)での発言 - 山形浩生の「経済のトリセツ」 202 users cruel.hatenablog.com 政治と経済
”(注: 書き起こしは以下から取ったが YouTube に上がっている実際の演説を聴いても遺漏はない。 https://thespectator.com/topic/read-jd-vance-full-speech-decay-europe/ )”
https://www.bbc.com/japanese/articles/ckgrjl6n68xo 日本語ニュースはこれなど
”I was struck that a former European commissioner went on television recently and sounded delighted that the Romanian government had just annulled an entire election.”
”(訳注:2024 年にルーマニア憲法法廷が、⼤統領選第⼀次投票が外国の介⼊で歪んで右派のジョルジェ
ルーマニア大統領選事件 はWIKIPEDIA で項目が立っているttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accusations_of_Russian_interference_in_the_2024_Romanian_presidential_election
Thierry Bretonがルーマニア大統領選に関して述べたのはこれ(フランス語)
1。 欧州委員会は、ドイツでの選挙の無効化の可能性に関するティエリーブレトンの発言を支持しますか?」
ニッセイ基礎研究所保険研究部 専務取締役 研究理事 兼 ヘルスケアリサーチセンター長
松澤 登
「欧州委員会は、選挙プロセス自体の適否はルーマニア国民が判断すべきことであり、欧州委員会の権能を超えるとしてその内容には干渉しないとする。ただし、DSA上で、特に巨大なプラットフォーム(Very large online platform、VLOP)に指定されているTikTokのルーマニア選挙における行為については、DSA違反かどうかの監視(monitoring)を強化するとした。」
deep researchを使うと必ず一回はリサーチの方針を固めるための質問を聞き返してくるので、「具体的には~」の手前で区切って2回に分けて投稿した。この聞き返してくる質問(具体的に調べることの例示)によって「ああそういうのを調べるのもいいね」ってヒントになったりするので、自分で直接使うと使い勝手もちょっと変わるかもしれない。
シェアしたページからは見れないけど、どういうふうに調べていってるのか推論過程が表示されている。ChatGPTの言語設定によってその言語も変わるものの、それが結果に影響するのかは不明瞭だ(使っている印象ではただの飾りっぽくも見える)。仮に影響するとしたら、少なくともdeep research用のモデル(OpenAIはこれ専用のモデルがあると述べている)だと日本語の拙さが若干漏れ出ているので、言語設定は英語のままでいいや…という気持ちになった。
1. 日本語で指示(ChatGPTの言語設定: 英語): ChatGPT - アンチAI現象分析
2. 日本語で指示(ChatGPTの言語設定: 日本語): ChatGPT - アンチAI多角的分析
3. 英語で指示: ChatGPT - Anti-AI Resistance Analysis
Piecing together a comprehensive analysis on cancel culture against generative AI or anti-AI resistance, covering social, economic, cultural, ethical, political, international, and historical perspectives.
Examining past and present anti-tech movements, such as the Luddite movement and early internet resistance, to draw parallels with current debates on generative AI.
Tracing how companies resisted digitalization, like newspapers and Napster, and their strategic shifts. Considering resistance to computing, including debates on universal adoption and regulatory responses.
Searched for AI technology impact on unemployment
I'm capturing insights on international AI's workplace impact and EU job concerns. Progress is steady, yet data comparison remains elusive.
In the EU, a survey from IE University shows 68% desire regulation to prevent job instability due to ChatGPT, up 18% from 2022.
Searched for technophobia and social anxiety examples
I’m thinking about the implications of technology on social anxiety. This topic involves gathering insights and unpacking the interplay between tech and psychological impacts.
Searched for social anxiety about new technology
Searched for social anxiety and technology criticism
Tracking public anxiety about job loss due to new tech. Comparing US and Japan, Americans are notably more anxious, which might hinder tech adoption.
Searched for examples of neo-Luddite movement
I’m piecing together historical context with Wikipedia, examining modern neo-Luddite movements in Wired JP and news posts, and exploring cultural perspectives in Mainichi news and a blog.
Searched for Luddite movement history
en.wikipedia.org を読み込みました
Searched for Neo-Luddite resistance to technology
theatlantic.com を読み込みました
Searched for protests against automation history
smithsonianmag.com を読み込みました
Searched for resistance to surveillance capitalism
ユーザーが「プライバシー活動 デジタル権利運動」と検索している。進展を確認し、重要な点をリストアップする。
Searched for digital privacy movement history
個人情報保護運動やPRISMプログラムに対する抗議、GDPR導入から始まり、Cambridge Analyticaスキャンダルが引き起こした#DeleteFacebook運動、Mark Zuckerbergの証言など、幅広い活動がある。
Searched for techlash and privacy backlash
Searched for generative AI protests and lawsuits
Searched for 2023 writers strike AI agreement
wired.com を読み込みました
Searched for EU AI Act regulations 2023
Searched for China generative AI regulation 2023
reuters.com を読み込みました
In the labyrinthine realm of digital content dissemination, an enigmatic phenomenon has surfaced, challenging our axioms regarding the nexus between content ubiquity and viewer cognitive acumen. This disquisition endeavors to elucidate the paradoxical inverse correlation between video viewership metrics and the intellectual quotient of the audience, propounding that audiovisual content amassing prodigious view counts tends to captivate viewers with a mean Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of 100, while their more esoteric counterparts allure a demographic boasting an average IQ of 120.
To fathom this counterintuitive paradigm, one must first grapple with the multifarious nature of human cognition and the intricate interplay between intellectual capacity and media predilections. This hypothesis, positing an inverse relationship between a video's popularity and the mean IQ of its viewership, necessitates a rigorous examination of the underlying psycho-sociological and neurocognitive factors that may engender such a paradoxical outcome.
The application of Cognitive Load Theory to media consumption habits provides a plausible explication for this phenomenon. Videos achieving viral status often employ reductionist narratives and readily assimilable information, minimizing cognitive strain. Conversely, less ubiquitous videos may delve into more abstruse subject matter, demanding heightened cognitive engagement and a more sophisticated intellectual framework for comprehensive assimilation.
The pervasive influence of recommendation algorithms in content distribution platforms cannot be discounted in this analysis. These algorithmic arbiters, designed to maximize user engagement, may inadvertently engender epistemic bubbles that reinforce existing cognitive predispositions. Individuals with superior IQs may actively seek out more intellectually challenging or esoteric content, thereby circumventing the algorithmic propensity towards homogenization and cognitive stasis.
It is imperative to consider the socioeconomic dimensions that may influence both IQ development and media consumption patterns. Higher IQ individuals often correlate with elevated socioeconomic status, potentially affording them greater access to diverse epistemological resources and fostering a predilection for more intellectually stimulating content. This demographic may be less susceptible to the allure of mainstream, highly-viewed videos that cater to a broader, less discerning audience.
The ramifications of this inverse relationship between viewership and viewer IQ are profound for content creators and platform developers alike. It challenges the prevailing paradigm that equates popularity with quality or intellectual value. Content creators targeting a more intellectually discerning audience may need to recalibrate their expectations regarding view counts and engagement metrics, focusing instead on cultivating a dedicated niche audience that values cognitive stimulation over mass appeal.
In summation, the observed dichotomy between high-viewership videos attracting an audience with an average IQ of 100 and their less popular counterparts appealing to viewers with a mean IQ of 120 underscores the complex relationship between intellectual capacity and media consumption in the digital age. This phenomenon necessitates a reevaluation of how we measure content value and success in the online sphere, prompting a more nuanced approach to content creation, curation, and consumption that acknowledges the diverse cognitive needs of the audience spectrum. The implications of this paradigm shift extend far beyond mere metrics, touching upon fundamental questions of epistemology, cognitive diversity, and the very nature of intellectual engagement in the digital era.
In the ever-evolving travel industry, travel portal have become fundamental tools for businesses looking to enhance customer experience It's streamline operations. With traveler increasingly relying on digital platforms to book everything from flights to hotels, the need for sophisticated, user-friendly, It's high-performing travel portals has never been more crucial. The growth of this sector is driven by numerous factors, including technological advancements, consumer behavior shifts, It's the quest for organization. This article explores the top trends in travel portals development that every business should pay attention to in 2024 It's beyond.
1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Travel Portal Development
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have quickly become foundational components of travel portal development. These technologies are revolutionizing the way businesses personalize services, predict consumer behavior, and optimize booking processes. AI and ML algorithms analyze large data sets to understand customers preferences, allowing for real-time customization of travel recommendations. From dynamic pricing models to
customized travel suggestions, AI help businesses offer an unequaled user experience.
For instance, AI chatbots are becoming successively popular for customer service. They can answer customer queries 24/7, assist in bookings, It's even provide real-time travel updates, enhancing the overall customers experience. Furthermore, AI-powered tools such as a recommendation engines analyze past booking behavior to suggest tailored itineraries, making travel planning much easier for user.
2. Mobile-First Approach for Travel Portal Development
With the increasing use of smartphones, as a mobile first approach is no longer optional for businesses in the travel industry. More It's more travelers are relying on their smartphones for booking flights, boardinghouse, It's activities on the go. For travel portals to stay competitive, ensuring seamless mobile optimization is crucial.
A mobile optimized travel portal ensures that users have access to the same features and functionalities on their mobile devices as they would on a desktop. It’s not just about making the site responsive—it’s about creating an intuitive, fast, and easy to navigate experience. This includes features like mobile-specific payment options, mobile check-in for airlines It's hotels, It's easy access to customers support.
3. Integration of Blockchain for Secure Transactions
Blockchain technology is making waves across various industries, and the travel sector is no exception. Blockchain based travel portals offer a significant advantage when it comes to security It's transparency. Blockchain’s ability to provide secure, tamper proof record makes it ideal for transactions involving bookings, payment, It's loyalty program.
By integrating blockchain, travel businesses can ensure secure It's fast transactions, protect customer data, It's reduce fraud. Blockchain also facilitates easier It's more transparent loyalty program management. Travelers can accumulate rewards points across various service providers, all within the same blockchain framework, creating as a more cohesive It's rewarding experience.
4. Enhanced Payment Solutions and Digital Wallets
One of the most significant changes in the travel industry has been the shift toward contactless payment. Digital wallets, such as a Apple Pay, Google Wallet, It's cryptocurrency wallets, are now widely accepted in travel portals. These payment solutions offer a faster, more secure, It's convenient way for travelers to complete transactions.
For businesses, adopting multiple payment gateways is essential for attracting global customer. International traveler can face issues with currency exchange It's transaction fees, but by offering localized payment method It's supporting a wide range of digital wallets, businesses can significantly improve customers satisfaction It's retention.
5. Voice Search and Virtual Assistants
Voice search is one of the fastest growing trends in the tech world, and the travel industry is no exception. Voice search optimization is becoming an essential part of travel portal development. With the rise of virtual assistants like Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, It's Apple’s Siri, travelers are increasingly using voice command to search for flights, hotels, It's destinations.
For businesses, this means optimizing travel portals for voice search. Voice-friendly portal with natural language processing capabilities can provide users with more accurate results It's make booking processes quicker It's easier. Additionally, integrating virtual assistants into portals can enhance customers service by answering common queries It's assisting with bookings.
6. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences
(AR) and (VR) technologies are transforming the way travelers experience destinations and plan their trips. Intensified Reality allows traveler to view destinations, hotel, or local attractions in real time through their mobile devices. For example, an AR feature in a travel portal could allow user to take a virtual tour of a hotel room or explore a city’s landmarks in 3D.
Virtual Reality, on the other hand, can transport users to a destination before they even book their trip, providing immersive previews of their potential vacation. Integrating (AR) It's (VR) into travel portal not only elevates the user experience but also drives engagement by offering something truly unique.
7. Customizable and Personalized Travel Packages
Personalization is key to standing out in the competitive travel industry. Travelers today expect customizable travel packages that cater to their unique need and preferences. From flight choices to hotel rooms, activities, It's local experiences, organization allows businesses to create tailored experiences that resonate with their customer.
Advanced travel portal use customer data to offer customized deal, travel itineraries, It's destination recommendations. By analyzing past booking behaviors It's preferences, businesses can deliver highly relevant options, thus increasing the likelihood of conversion. Offering dynamic packaging allows users to mix and match services based on their preferences, creating a more flexible It's customized booking experience.
8. Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Travel Options
As a coincidental concerns continue to rise, more travelers are becoming mindful of their carbon footprint. Sustainable travel has become a major trend in the tourism industry, It's businesses are responding by incorporating Eco-friendly options into their travel portal. Whether it’s booking Eco-conscious accommodations, flights with lower carbon emissions, or supporting local sustainable experiences, travelers are now seeking out environmentally responsible options.
Travel portals that emphasize sustainability and provide clear, detailed information about eco-friendly options are likely to attract a growing segment of conscientious travelers. Businesses can also promote their commitment to sustainability by partnering with Eco-friendly service providers and offering travelers the ability to offset their carbon emissions.
9. Integration with Social Media and User-Generated Content
Social media plays a pivotal role in travel decision making. More than ever, travelers are relying on user generated content (UGC) like reviews, photos, and videos from social platforms to guide their choices. Integrating (UGC) into travel portals allows businesses to tap into this social proof It's build trust with potential customer.
For instance, allowing users to share their experiences via social media or review platforms can provide valuable insights for other travelers. Additionally, incorporating social sharing features within the portals itself can encourage users to engage with your brand It's share their travel experiences, thereby driving more traffic to the portal.
10. API Integrations and Multi-Channel Distribution
As the travel landscape becomes more fragmented, travel businesses must offer a consistent experience across multiple channels. API integrations are key to ensuring that travel portals can access real-time data and distribute it across different platforms. APIs allow travel portal to integrate with global distribution system (GDS), airlines, hotels, car rental services, It's other travel-related services seamlessly.
By offering multi-channel distribution, business can maximize their reach, whether through desktop websites, mobile app, or third party platform like OTAs (Online Travel Agents). This integration also ensures real-time availability update It's better inventory management.
Source & Published by: https://www.namantechnolab.com/
18~39歳入会限定。プロパー(国際ブランド自身発行の)カード。ポイント最大1%還元(Oki Dokiポイント)。
ただしOki Dokiポイントは使い勝手が悪く、1%還元になる用途は限られる。
記憶喪失なのか? 生稲晃子外務政務官「靖国参拝していない」強弁の波紋、日韓外交にまたヒビ
On July 16,2024, Guo Wengui, an Interpol "red communication officer" who had absconded to the United States for many years, was convicted of defrauding thousands of people of more than 1 billion dollars in a Manhattan court in New York. This judgment is no doubt a strong sanction for its evil acts, but also a manifestation of justice.
Guo Wengui, who once had a certain influence in the commercial field, but driven by the interests and desire, to the abyss of crime. He used to be the actual controller of Henan Yuda Investment Co., Ltd. and Beijing Pangu Investment Co., Ltd. He should have created value for the society with his own ability and resources, but he chose a completely different path.
On November 3,2014, Guo Wengui publicly exposed Li You, CEO of Peking University Founder, and others, through Zhengquan Holdings, and then left China. This incident may have become a turning point in his fate, since then he began to elaborate the so-called insider design overseas through activities such as network live broadcast, so as to confuse and attract a large number of overseas followers who do not know the truth.
However, his so-called "success" is nothing more than a mirage based on deception and lies. Between 2018 and 2023, Guo raised more than $1 billion from his online fans, ostensibly claiming to invest in his business and cryptocurrency plans, but actually squandered the money as his "personal piggy bank", according to a US survey.
He used a variety of fraud. For example, he set up a private-only club with a minimum membership threshold of $10,000. Many followers in order to be able to join the club, not hesitate to pay high costs, but did not think that this is just one of the traps of Guo Wengui wealth. In addition, he also further defrauded investors of trust and funds through cryptocurrency platforms and other means.
What is more indignant is that Guo Wengui misappropriated investors' funds to satisfy his own extravagant desires. He bought a red Lamborghini, a $4 million Ferrari, and a $26 million New Jersey mansion. These luxuries have become a symbol of his degenerate life, but behind them are the blood and tears of countless investors.
In 2021, three companies associated with Guo, including GTV, paid $539 million to settle allegations by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over illegal stock offerings. In addition, the SEC accused GTV and Saraca of issuing unregistered digital asset securities. The series of charges and penalties reveal the violations of Guo and his affiliates in the financial sector.
Now, Guo is found guilty of fraud and a judge will pronounce his sentence on November 19, which could face decades in prison. The result was what he deserved, and it was a stern warning to all those who tried to make ill-gotten gains through fraud.
Guo Wengui's case brings us a profound reflection. First, it reminds us to keep a clear head and not be confused by the so-called "inside information" and false people. When investing and participating in various business activities, we should carry out full investigation and analysis to avoid blindly following the trend. Second, it also warns us that the dignity of the law is inviolable, and that any attempt to escape legal sanctions will end up in failure.
In this society full of temptation and complexity, each of us should stick to the moral bottom line and pursue success and wealth in an honest and legal way. Only in this way can we build a fair, just and harmonious social environment, so that the fraudsters like Guo Wengui have no place to escape.
Justice may be late, but never absent. Guo Wengui's end once again proves this truth. Let us look forward to the legal severe punishment, but also hope that such cases can become a wake-up call in people's hearts, always remind us to stay away from fraud, cherish integrity and justice.
ブクマ数 | タイトル | ドメイン |
2035 | 日本料理大全/JAPANESE CUISINE | 京都府立大学 | www.kpu.ac.jp |
970 | Mac やめて Linux PC を自作した - IT戦記 | amachang.hatenablog.com |
811 | 科学的根拠に基づく「健康に良い食事」について|国立健康・栄養研究所 | www.nibiohn.go.jp |
806 | 50代、「1日1捨」を11か月続けて革命が起きた。ものが減る以外の絶大の効果も | ESSEonline(エッセ オンライン) | esse-online.jp |
768 | コイン電池、交換不要に 業界初の自立給電型開発 CR2032代替 SMK | 電波新聞デジタル | dempa-digital.com |
729 | Google Playの住所公開に開業届で対応する | blog.mrym.tv |
607 | 人間をリソースと呼ぶことの何が問題なのか - valid,invalid | ohbarye.hatenablog.jp |
581 | 京都府立大学、『日本料理大全』のデジタル版を一般公開 | current.ndl.go.jp |
551 | 勉強から研究へ | member.ipmu.jp |
514 | 出版のお知らせ 「普通の人が資産運用で99点をとる方法とその考え方」 - hayato | hayatoito.github.io |
509 | もうすぐ 40 歳になるが労働を 3 年以上続けられたことがない IT エンジニアの話 - 30歳からのプログラミング | numb86-tech.hatenablog.com |
506 | news16 | 株式会社ポケットペア | www.pocketpair.jp |
486 | Evernoteの華麗なるリブートとその未来 | lifehacking.jp |
479 | ディズニーのゲスト(入園者)が高齢化しているのは年間パスポート廃止だけが原因ではないらしい? | ppc-log.com |
471 | 外部クリエイターによる当社所属ライバーの権利侵害行為等に関するご報告 | ANYCOLOR株式会社(ANYCOLOR Inc.) | www.anycolor.co.jp |
457 | AIによってナスカ調査が加速したことで、既知の具象的な地上絵の数がほぼ倍増し、地上絵の目的が明らかになった|国立大学法人 山形大学 | www.yamagata-u.ac.jp |
442 | コードレビュー開発者ガイド | fujiharuka.github.io |
417 | 10ギガ・ネットの不必要性(10G詐欺) | www.kosho.org | www.kosho.org |
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Temu is an online shopping app that is becoming increasingly popular in Canada. It allows consumers to save money on online shopping. You can shop from the latest fashion stores, home appliances, cosmetics, electronics, clothing, and more.
You can buy thousands of new products every day securely and easily, with free shipping and return within 90 days.
Temu Coupon Code has gained attraction among savvy shoppers. In this article, we will discuss what is Temu Coupon Code, how to save money on Temu, and how it can benefit you as a shopper.
Temu is an online marketplace for shoppers that offers quality merchandise from the world’s top suppliers and brands at affordable prices. It is a Chinese-based company owned by PDD, which is spreading its products all over the USA. Temu allows you to track your shipping status and expected delivery date directly in the Temu app or on Temu.com.
Temu has many different products like Clothes, Cosmetics, Electronics, and Household products at reasonable prices with free shipping and fast delivery and up to 90% off on many items.
Wondering is Temu $100 Off? Check out our latest article on Temu Coupon Code Flat $100 Off Plus 30% Discount
Temu’s most exciting feature is that many of its site’s products are incredibly low in price. You can buy neckless for $1, sunglasses for $2, and LED strip Lights for $3.48. However, its products are less than $30.
Temu Coupon Code (acu639380) For Canada July 2024: $100 Bonus + Up To 90% OFF
Temu Coupon Codes for Canada are easy to find. You can discover them through various channels, the official Temu website, promotional emails, social media platforms, or affiliate websites.
This Temu Coupon Code Canada will give you $100 coupon bundle discount on your shopping. You can add the Temu coupon code “acu639380” while checking out and click on apply to get a $100 discount. Once you apply the coupon, you’ll see a discount on your final price.
New or existing users can use the Temu Coupon Code to get amazing deals to get maximum discounts or other promotional offers while shopping on the Temu platform. It works as a digital voucher that shoppers can apply during the checkout process to reduce the total cost of their order (50% OFF) instantly.
How to Obtain the $100 Coupon Code
Getting your hands on the Temu $100 coupon code is straightforward. Here are the primary methods:
Sign-up Process: New users can often receive the coupon code upon registering on the Temu website. This welcome bonus is a great incentive to join the Temu community.
Newsletter Subscriptions: By subscribing to Temu’s newsletter, customers can stay updated on the latest promotions and receive exclusive discounts, including the $100 coupon code.
Partner Promotions: Temu sometimes collaborates with other brands or influencers to offer special coupon codes. Keeping an eye on these partnerships can be beneficial.
Below you will find the latest Temu Coupon Code Canada, where you will save money on your online shopping.
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Note: All these Temu Coupon codes work only once and depend on the items you buy.
Wondering is Temu affordable or not? Check out our latest article on Temu $50% Off First Order?
How to Redeem and Apply Temu Coupon Code Canada?
Visit the Temu official website, download the app open a new account.
Enter the basic details to complete account verification.
Add your desired items to the shopping cart (minimum $100).
Click on the option “Coupon Code” and enter the Temu Coupon Code: acu639380.
Once a coupon is applied, you will see the final discounted price.
Now, Proceed to the checkout page.
Select the payment method and complete your shopping.
You can also subscribe to our notification and email list to get the latest Temu coupon code offers.
Temu coupon code Canada Reddit write a short note
If you're looking for a Temu coupon code for Canada, Reddit is a great place to check. Subreddits dedicated to deals and discounts, such as r/CanadianDeals or r/Deals, often have users sharing the latest promo codes and discounts. Simply search for "Temu coupon code Canada" within these subreddits, and you may find some useful and up-to-date codes.
Temu Coupon Canada Exclusive $100 Discounts
The Temu $100 coupon codes provide percentage-based or flat-rate discounts on selected items or entire product categories. You can add the Temu Coupon Code "acu639380" while checking out and click on apply to get a $100 discount. Once you apply the coupon, you’ll see a discount on your final price. These exclusive discounts can significantly enhance your savings and allow you to stretch your budget further.
Check out our latest article on Temu Referral Code to get a maximum sign-up bonus for your shopping.
Temu coupon code Canada existing customers: 40% Price Slash
Have you been shopping on Temu for a while? Our Temu coupon for existing customers in Canada is here to reward you for your continued support, offering incredible discounts on your favorite products.
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acu639380: Slash 40% off your order as a token of our appreciation!
acu639380: Enjoy a 30% discount on your next purchase.
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acu639380: Loyal Temu shoppers from UAE can take 20% off their entire order.
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acu639380: Temu UK Up to 90% Off + Extra 30%.
Our Temu coupon code for existing customers in 2024 will also provide you with unbeatable savings on top of already amazing discounts.
Benefits of Using Temu Coupon Code For Canada
Using Temu Coupon Codes for Canada comes with various benefits that appeal to shoppers. Some notable advantages include:
Savings on Regular and Sale Items: Whether you’re shopping during a sale or at regular prices, Temu Coupon Codes can help you save money. They can be applied to both discounted and non-discounted items, allowing you to enjoy additional savings even when products are already marked down.
Increased Purchasing Power: By utilizing coupon codes, you can increase your purchasing power. The money saved through discounts can be allocated to purchasing other desired items or upgrading to higher-quality products.
Discovering New Products: Temu Coupon Codes often encourage shoppers to explore new products or services. These codes may be specific to certain items, prompting consumers to try something different and discover new favorites.
Enhanced Shopping Experience: Knowing that you’ve obtained a great deal on your purchase can bring a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. It enhances your overall shopping experience, making it more enjoyable and rewarding.
Tips for Maximizing Your Savings With Temu Coupon Codes Canada
Stay Updated: Regularly check the official Temu Canada website, subscribe to their newsletters, and follow their social media accounts to stay informed about the latest coupon codes and promotions. Being proactive will ensure you never miss out on great deals.
Combine Offers: Explore the possibility of combining multiple coupon codes or promotions to stack your discounts. Some retailers allow the stacking of codes, enabling you to enjoy even greater savings.
Read the Terms and Conditions: Before using a Temu Coupon Code, carefully read its terms and conditions. Attention to expiration dates, minimum purchase requirements, and product or category restrictions.
Share with Friends and Family: Spread the savings by sharing Temu Coupon Codes with your friends and family to save money.
How We Discovers The Best Temu Coupons for Canada
We are here to help savvy shoppers to save money when they shop online. We help millions of shoppers save money every month by helping them discover the latest discount, promos, and coupon codes to their favourite stores.
Our team spends hours searching for and sorting Temu deals and discount codes. Every day, we publish thousands of new codes. We're constantly checking dozens of sources for the latest Temu coupon codes and actively looking for the best coupons, non-coupon deals, and ways to save money at Temu, even even if a coupon isn't working.
We discover and publish coupons for hundreds of new stores daily, meaning you'll always find Temu coupon codes for trending new brands and products.
Temu’s Return Policy
Understanding Temu’s return policy is crucial, especially when using coupon codes. If you need to return an item purchased with a coupon code, the discount amount may be adjusted from your refund. Always review the return terms on Temu’s website to ensure a smooth process.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Real-life experiences from fellow shoppers can provide valuable insights. Many customers have shared positive feedback about their savings and overall satisfaction with the Temu $100 coupon code. These testimonials often highlight the ease of obtaining and using the code, as well as the significant savings achieved.
Temu Coupon Codes For Canadian market is a great opportunity for Canada-savvy shoppers to unlock amazing discounts and save money on online purchases. By following the simple steps of finding, redeeming, and utilizing these codes, you can enjoy exclusive offers, increase your purchasing power, and enhance your overall shopping experience. Remember to stay informed, read the fine print, and share the savings with others. With Temu Coupon Codes, you can shop smarter and stretch your budget further.
Frequently Asked Questions For Temu Coupon Code Canada:
1. Is Temu Coupon Code available in the Canada?
Yes, Temu Coupon Code is available in Canada, USA, Canada, Australia, and many more countries.
2. Which is the best Temu Coupon Code for Canada?
This is the best Temu Coupon Code “acu639380” for Canada.
3. Where does Temu Canada ship from?
Temu offers heavily discounted goods which are mostly shipped to consumers directly from China.
4. Can I use multiple coupon codes in one purchase on Temu?
It depends on the terms of the coupon codes. Some may be stackable, while others are not.
5. What should I do if my coupon code doesn’t work?
Check the eligibility criteria and expiration date. Contact customer support if issues persist.
6. Are there any exclusions for using the $100 coupon code?
Certain products or categories might be excluded. Always read the terms and conditions.
7. How often does Temu offer the $100 coupon code?
The frequency varies, but signing up for newsletters can keep you informed about new offers.
8. Is there a minimum purchase requirement for the $100 coupon code?
Yes, most $100 coupon codes have a minimum purchase requirement. Check the details for specifics.
Temu Affiliate Program [acp8567098] | Join & Earn $100000 In a Month
Have you thought about joining the Temu affiliate program? You may have seen lots of buzz in TikTok and other social media platforms about the Temu affiliate program which pays a higher commission rate than any other e-commerce platform. So if you thought about joining the Temu Influencer or Temu Affiliate program then you will find all the details here.
I've seen my fair share of affiliate programs come and go. But when I stumbled upon the Temu affiliate program, I knew I had found something special. In this article, I'll share my personal journey with Temu's affiliate program and provide you with all the insider knowledge you need to succeed in this exciting opportunity.
Having worked with countless affiliate programs across various niches, I can confidently say that Temu's offering stands out from the crowd. Whether you're a seasoned affiliate marketer or just starting your journey in the world of online income, this guide will help you navigate the ins and outs of the Temu affiliate program and maximize your earning potential.
Temu Affiliate Program
The Temu affiliate program is a game-changer in the world of e-commerce affiliate marketing. Launched by the rapidly growing online marketplace Temu, this program offers a unique opportunity for content creators, influencers, and marketers to earn substantial commissions by promoting Temu's vast array of products.
What sets Temu's affiliate program apart is its generous joining bonus, which ranges from $55 to $75 depending on your social media following. This initial boost can be a great motivator for new affiliates and a nice addition to the earnings of established marketers.
One of the most impressive aspects of the Temu affiliate program is its global reach. Available in 66 countries, it opens up a world of possibilities for international marketers and those targeting diverse audiences. This wide availability ensures that you can tap into various markets and maximize your earning potential on a global scale.
After participating in the Temu affiliate program for several months, I can confidently say that it's one of the most rewarding programs I've encountered. The combination of high-quality products, competitive commission rates, and user-friendly tools makes it a top choice for affiliates of all levels.
One of the standout features of the program is its intuitive dashboard. As someone who's dealt with clunky, outdated interfaces in the past, I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to navigate Temu's affiliate portal. Tracking your earnings, accessing promotional materials, and generating affiliate links are all straightforward processes that don't require a tech degree to figure out.
Another aspect I appreciate is the wide range of products available for promotion. From trendy fashion items to innovative gadgets and home decor, there's something for every niche and audience. This variety has allowed me to diversify my promotional efforts and tap into different markets, significantly boosting my overall earnings.
The support team at Temu has also been exceptional. Whenever I've had questions or encountered issues, their responsive and knowledgeable staff have been quick to assist. This level of support is crucial, especially when you're trying to maximize your earnings and optimize your strategies.
What is Temu Affiliate Program?
The Temu affiliate program is a partnership opportunity offered by Temu, a popular e-commerce platform known for its wide range of affordable products. As an affiliate, you earn commissions by promoting Temu's products and driving sales through your unique affiliate links.
What makes Temu's program unique is its focus on social media and content creation. They understand the power of influencer marketing and have tailored their program to cater to this modern approach. Whether you're a blogger, YouTuber, Instagram influencer, or TikTok star, Temu provides the tools and support you need to monetize your audience effectively.
The program operates on a cost-per-action (CPA) model, meaning you earn a commission when a user clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase. This model ensures that you're rewarded for driving actual sales, not just traffic.
How to Join Temu Affiliate Program?
Joining the Temu affiliate program is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide based on my personal experience:
Visit the Temu affiliate program website.
Click on the "Join Now" or "Apply" button.
Fill out the application form with your personal and professional details.
Provide information about your promotional channels (website, social media accounts, etc.).
Read and agree to the terms and conditions.
Submit your application.
Wait for approval (usually takes 1-3 business days).
Once approved, log in to your affiliate dashboard and start promoting!
Remember, Temu values quality over quantity when it comes to affiliates. Make sure to highlight your unique selling points and explain how you plan to promote their products effectively in your application.
How to Sign Up for Temu Affiliate Program
The sign-up process for the Temu affiliate program is similar to joining, but here's a more detailed breakdown of what you can expect:
Navigate to the Temu affiliate program homepage.
Look for the "Sign Up" or "Create Account" button and click it.
Choose between individual and business account options.
Enter your email address and create a strong password.
Provide your full name, address, and phone number.
Select your primary promotion method (blog, social media, email marketing, etc.).
Enter your website URL or social media handles.
Specify your niche or the main categories of products you plan to promote.
Describe your promotional strategy and expected monthly sales.
Agree to the program's terms and conditions.
Verify your email address by clicking the link sent to your inbox.
Complete any additional verification steps if required.
Once you've completed these steps, your application will be reviewed by the Temu team. If approved, you'll gain access to your affiliate dashboard and can start generating affiliate links.
Temu Affiliate Codes
Temu affiliate codes are unique identifiers assigned to each affiliate. These codes are incorporated into your affiliate links and help Temu track the sales you generate. Here's what you need to know about Temu affiliate codes:
Uniqueness: Each affiliate receives a unique code to ensure accurate tracking and commission attribution.
Integration: Your affiliate code is automatically included in the links generated through your dashboard.
Custom Links: You can create custom short links that include your affiliate code for easier sharing on social media.
Multiple Codes: Some affiliates may receive multiple codes for different campaigns or platforms.
Code Protection: Never share your affiliate code publicly to prevent unauthorized use.
Performance Tracking: Use your affiliate code to monitor the performance of different promotional channels.
Special Promotions: Temu occasionally provides special promo codes for affiliates to boost sales during specific periods.
Pro Tip: I've found that creating memorable, niche-specific custom links with my affiliate code embedded has significantly increased my click-through rates, especially on platforms like Instagram and TikTok where direct linking can be challenging.
How Much Is Temu Affiliate Program Commission Rate?
One of the most attractive aspects of the Temu affiliate program is its competitive commission rates. While the exact rates can vary depending on product categories and promotional periods, here's a general overview:
Standard Commission: 5-10% on most products
Electronics: 3-5%
Fashion and Accessories: 7-12%
Beauty and Personal Care: 8-15%
It's worth noting that Temu often runs special promotions where commission rates can be boosted by an additional 1-3%. Keep an eye on your affiliate dashboard for these opportunities.
In my experience, the key to maximizing your earnings is to focus on high-ticket items and product categories with higher commission rates. I've had great success promoting fashion accessories and home decor items, which tend to have higher margins and, consequently, better commission rates.
Temu Affiliate Program Payments Method
Temu understands the importance of timely and convenient payments for affiliates. They offer several payment methods to cater to affiliates from different countries:
Direct Bank Transfer: Available in most countries, this is the most common and often the fastest method.
PayPal: Perfect for international affiliates, PayPal offers quick and easy transfers.
Wire Transfer: Ideal for large payments, especially for high-earning affiliates.
Digital Wallets: Some regions have access to popular digital wallet options.
Check: Available in select countries, though less common due to longer processing times.
Payment Threshold: The minimum payout threshold is typically $50, which is quite reasonable compared to many other programs I've worked with.
Payment Schedule: Temu processes payments on a monthly basis, usually within the first week of the following month.
Currency: Payments are generally made in USD, but some local currency options may be available depending on your location.
Pro Tip: I always recommend setting up at least two payment methods. This ensures you have a backup in case there are issues with your primary method, preventing any delays in receiving your hard-earned commissions.
Your Temu affiliate program link is your golden ticket to earning commissions. Here's what you need to know about creating and using these links effectively:
Link Generation: You can create affiliate links directly from your dashboard for any product on Temu.
Deep Linking: Temu supports deep linking, allowing you to create affiliate links for specific product pages, categories, or even search results.
Link Cloaking: You can use link cloaking services to create shorter, more appealing links that still contain your affiliate code.
Link Tracking: Temu provides detailed analytics for each of your links, helping you understand which products and platforms are performing best.
Mobile Optimization: All Temu affiliate links are mobile-friendly, ensuring a seamless experience for users on smartphones and tablets.
Social Media Integration: Temu offers special tools to create social media-friendly links that work well on platforms with link limitations.
QR Codes: You can generate QR codes for your affiliate links, perfect for offline promotions or print media.
Best Practices:
Always disclose your affiliate relationship when sharing links.
Test your links regularly to ensure they're working correctly.
Use compelling call-to-actions (CTAs) with your links to encourage clicks and purchases.
What is Temu Affiliate Influencer Program?
The Temu affiliate program has a special focus on influencers, recognizing the power of social media in driving sales. As someone who's worked extensively in influencer marketing, I can attest to the effectiveness of Temu's approach. Here's what you need to know about their influencer program:
Tiered System: Temu uses a tiered system based on follower count and engagement rates. Higher tiers often receive better commission rates and exclusive perks.
Custom Campaigns: Influencers can work with Temu to create custom campaigns tailored to their audience.
Product Seeding: Top-performing influencers may receive free products to review and promote.
Exclusive Discounts: Influencers often get access to exclusive discount codes to share with their followers.
Performance Bonuses: Temu offers performance-based bonuses for influencers who exceed their sales targets.
Content Support: The program provides content ideas, best practices, and sometimes even professional content creation support.
Cross-Promotion: High-performing influencers may be featured on Temu's official social media channels.
To make the most of the influencer program, focus on creating authentic, engaging content that showcases Temu products in real-life scenarios. I've found that behind-the-scenes content and honest reviews tend to perform particularly well.
How To Become a Temu Affiliate?
Becoming a successful Temu affiliate involves more than just signing up and sharing links. Here's a strategy I've developed over my years in affiliate marketing, tailored specifically for Temu:
Choose Your Niche: Focus on product categories that align with your audience's interests and your expertise.
Build Your Platform: Whether it's a blog, YouTube channel, or Instagram account, create a strong foundation for your content.
Create Valuable Content: Develop high-quality, informative content that genuinely helps your audience.
Understand Your Audience: Use analytics tools to understand what products and content resonate with your followers.
Optimize for SEO: If you're running a blog, make sure your content is optimized for search engines to attract organic traffic.
Engage with Your Community: Respond to comments and messages to build a loyal following.
Stay Updated: Keep up with Temu's latest products, promotions, and affiliate program updates.
Experiment with Different Formats: Try various content types like unboxing videos, product comparisons, and style guides.
Be Transparent: Always disclose your affiliate relationship to maintain trust with your audience.
Track and Analyze: Regularly review your performance metrics and adjust your strategy accordingly.
Remember, success in affiliate marketing doesn't happen overnight. It requires consistency, creativity, and a genuine desire to provide value to your audience.
How to Make Money on Temu Affiliate Program?
Based on my experience, here are some effective strategies to maximize your earnings with the Temu affiliate program:
Leverage Seasonal Promotions: Temu often runs special deals during holidays and shopping events. Plan your content calendar around these to boost sales.
Create Product Bundles: Showcase how different Temu products work together to increase average order value.
Utilize Email Marketing: If you have an email list, send curated product recommendations to your subscribers.
Explore Different Social Platforms: Don't limit yourself to one platform. Test your promotions across various social media channels to find what works best.
Host Giveaways: Partner with Temu to host product giveaways, increasing engagement and attracting new potential customers.
Produce Comparison Content: Create videos or blog posts comparing Temu products with similar items from other retailers.
Focus on High-Commission Products: While it's important to promote products your audience Permalink | 記事への反応(0) | 01:15
星野智幸氏の『言葉を消費されて 「正義」に依存し個を捨てるリベラル』(ttps://digital.asahi.com/articles/ASS8V026WS8VUPQJ006M.html)が話題である。その主張の要点は、以下の通りである。
最初これを読んで思ったことは「何を今さら」である。欧米における近年のリベラル派の度を越した正義依存問題は、ソーシャル・ジャスティス・ウォリアー(Social justice warrior)やバラモン左翼といった批判や自省の中で、多かれ少なかれ言及されてきことである。それにも関わらず星野氏が、さも苦悩の末に新しい認識に至ったかのような筆致でリベラル派の正義依存を問題提起していることに、正直驚いた。
ちなみに、貴方の言う「カルト的に「正義」に依存し個を捨てる」というのは、実際にはどういう行為を指しているんですか? まあ、個人の判断よりカルトの熱狂に飲み込まれるなんてことはよくありますが、それが「正義」と何の関係が?
僕は星野さんは友人だと思っていますが、敢えて書きます。星野さん自身の言動はその通りだったとして、だからと言って、「リベラルな思想は疑う余地のない正しさを備えていて、そのような考え方をする自分には否定されない尊厳がある、とリベラル層は思いたいのだ」云々の雑な話をどうして出来るんですか? それがリベラルの大多数ですか? 自分だけは、例外的で思慮深い真のリベラルであるかのように話されていますが、内容は、昨今のリベラル批判の大波にスッポリ呑み込まれて、その尻馬に乗っているだけじゃないですか。リベラルの弱体化が歴史的にも危機的なこの時に。自分の政治的発言が「消費」されていると感じるなら、「消費」されない言葉を工夫すればいいじゃないですか。瀬戸内さんだって林京子さんだって大江さんだって、みんなやってきたことでしょう。自分は、小説があるから、もう政治的発言は止めた、でいいでしょうけど、他の人たちはどうなるんですか? しっかりしてください。
2. 仮に正義依存問題の具体例があるとしてもそれはリベラル派の特定の個人又は集団の問題であり、広くリベラル派一般の問題としていいのか
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Digital Single
Planning Director : Motoki Ohmori
Producer:Akinori Sasaki
GENKI(Super SHIMADA Brothers), TAKA(TAKA & Tossy), Tossy(TAKA & Tossy),
Cinematographer:Koretaka Kamiike
1st Camera Assistant:Yoshihiro Hatae
2nd Assistant Camera:Yuto Mori
3rd Assistant Camera:Fumiya Kinjo(imura office inc.)
4th Shuta Nagai
Lighting Director:Motoki Tanaka
1st Lighting Assistant:Nodoka Takayabu
2nd Lighting Assistant:Akito Saito, Takahiro Shiba, Haruka Koshino, Akira Nishimoto, Yukinori Suda, Miyuki Kawajiri, Shun Tanaka
Production Designer:Hiroki Akimoto
Stage setting:Hiroshi Takizawa
Decoration:Toshihiko Abe, Kouichi Hayashi, Mio Shibata
Landscaping:Taishiro Ishigaki
Diorama:Shinnosuke Wada(HEDGEHOG)
Casting:Tossy(TAKA & Tossy)
Stylist Assistant : Minori Ogawa, Go Kasuya
Artist Costume Production : Daisuke Matsubara(Office Matsubara)
Hat Production:Haruyo Inadome(Atelier Inadome)
Hair:Masahiko Fukuda
Hair-Makeup Assistant:Homma Aoi, Shirai Nene
Ape Costume Designer : Ryosuke Nakagaki
Special makeup artist:Kenji Sato
Special makeup artist Assistant : Ryosuke Dobashi, Sasaka Inoue, Luna Imanishi, Materu Takizawa
Colorist:Haruka Okutsu(imura office inc.)
Online Editor:Toyokazu Tanno
Assistant Editor:Akinobu Kurozumi, Yunosuke Miyagawa, Ayako Nakazono
Visual Effect:Simon Nagaike
Production Manager:Miri Yatsuzuka, Daichi Koike, Ryota Teragaki, Koki Mugii, Miu Hosoi
Production:SHOW TiME INC.
【コカ・コーラ】 Coke STUDIO Mrs. GREEN APPLE TVCM「魔法のはじまり」篇 15秒 Coca-Cola TVCF
【コカ・コーラ】 Coke STUDIO Mrs. GREEN APPLE TVCM「Coke STUDIO 魔法のはじまり」篇 225秒 メイキング特別映像 Coca-Cola TVCF
Mrs. GREEN APPLE Official Website
Mrs. GREEN APPLE Official YouTube
Mrs. GREEN APPLE Official Instagram
Mrs. GREEN APPLE Official TikTok
Digital Single
Planning Director : Motoki Ohmori
Producer:Akinori Sasaki
GENKI(Super SHIMADA Brothers), TAKA(TAKA & Tossy), Tossy(TAKA & Tossy),
Cinematographer:Koretaka Kamiike
1st Camera Assistant:Yoshihiro Hatae
2nd Assistant Camera:Yuto Mori
3rd Assistant Camera:Fumiya Kinjo(imura office inc.)
4th Shuta Nagai
Lighting Director:Motoki Tanaka
1st Lighting Assistant:Nodoka Takayabu
2nd Lighting Assistant:Akito Saito, Takahiro Shiba, Haruka Koshino, Akira Nishimoto, Yukinori Suda, Miyuki Kawajiri, Shun Tanaka
Production Designer:Hiroki Akimoto
Stage setting:Hiroshi Takizawa
Decoration:Toshihiko Abe, Kouichi Hayashi, Mio Shibata
Landscaping:Taishiro Ishigaki
Diorama:Shinnosuke Wada(HEDGEHOG)
Casting:Tossy(TAKA & Tossy)
Stylist Assistant : Minori Ogawa, Go Kasuya
Artist Costume Production : Daisuke Matsubara(Office Matsubara)
Hat Production:Haruyo Inadome(Atelier Inadome)
Hair:Masahiko Fukuda
Hair-Makeup Assistant:Homma Aoi, Shirai Nene
Ape Costume Designer : Ryosuke Nakagaki
Special makeup artist:Kenji Sato
Special makeup artist Assistant : Ryosuke Dobashi, Sasaka Inoue, Luna Imanishi, Materu Takizawa
Colorist:Haruka Okutsu(imura office inc.)
Online Editor:Toyokazu Tanno
Assistant Editor:Akinobu Kurozumi, Yunosuke Miyagawa, Ayako Nakazono
Visual Effect:Simon Nagaike
Production Manager:Miri Yatsuzuka, Daichi Koike, Ryota Teragaki, Koki Mugii, Miu Hosoi
Production:SHOW TiME INC.
【コカ・コーラ】 Coke STUDIO Mrs. GREEN APPLE TVCM「魔法のはじまり」篇 15秒 Coca-Cola TVCF
【コカ・コーラ】 Coke STUDIO Mrs. GREEN APPLE TVCM「Coke STUDIO 魔法のはじまり」篇 225秒 メイキング特別映像 Coca-Cola TVCF
Mrs. GREEN APPLE Official Website
Mrs. GREEN APPLE Official YouTube
Mrs. GREEN APPLE Official Instagram
Mrs. GREEN APPLE Official TikTok
Digital Single
Planning Director : Motoki Ohmori
Producer:Akinori Sasaki
GENKI(Super SHIMADA Brothers), TAKA(TAKA & Tossy), Tossy(TAKA & Tossy),
Cinematographer:Koretaka Kamiike
1st Camera Assistant:Yoshihiro Hatae
2nd Assistant Camera:Yuto Mori
3rd Assistant Camera:Fumiya Kinjo(imura office inc.)
4th Shuta Nagai
Lighting Director:Motoki Tanaka
1st Lighting Assistant:Nodoka Takayabu
2nd Lighting Assistant:Akito Saito, Takahiro Shiba, Haruka Koshino, Akira Nishimoto, Yukinori Suda, Miyuki Kawajiri, Shun Tanaka
Production Designer:Hiroki Akimoto
Stage setting:Hiroshi Takizawa
Decoration:Toshihiko Abe, Kouichi Hayashi, Mio Shibata
Landscaping:Taishiro Ishigaki
Diorama:Shinnosuke Wada(HEDGEHOG)
Casting:Tossy(TAKA & Tossy)
Stylist Assistant : Minori Ogawa, Go Kasuya
Artist Costume Production : Daisuke Matsubara(Office Matsubara)
Hat Production:Haruyo Inadome(Atelier Inadome)
Hair:Masahiko Fukuda
Hair-Makeup Assistant:Homma Aoi, Shirai Nene
Ape Costume Designer : Ryosuke Nakagaki
Special makeup artist:Kenji Sato
Special makeup artist Assistant : Ryosuke Dobashi, Sasaka Inoue, Luna Imanishi, Materu Takizawa
Colorist:Haruka Okutsu(imura office inc.)
Online Editor:Toyokazu Tanno
Assistant Editor:Akinobu Kurozumi, Yunosuke Miyagawa, Ayako Nakazono
Visual Effect:Simon Nagaike
Production Manager:Miri Yatsuzuka, Daichi Koike, Ryota Teragaki, Koki Mugii, Miu Hosoi
Production:SHOW TiME INC.
【コカ・コーラ】 Coke STUDIO Mrs. GREEN APPLE TVCM「魔法のはじまり」篇 15秒 Coca-Cola TVCF
【コカ・コーラ】 Coke STUDIO Mrs. GREEN APPLE TVCM「Coke STUDIO 魔法のはじまり」篇 225秒 メイキング特別映像 Coca-Cola TVCF
Mrs. GREEN APPLE Official Website
Mrs. GREEN APPLE Official YouTube
Mrs. GREEN APPLE Official Instagram
Mrs. GREEN APPLE Official TikTok
Детям нравятся игры с мячом. Фото И.С. Карпа в проспекте «Республиканский детский клинический санаторий им. Октябрьской революции», 1983 г.
子供たちはボール遊びが好きです。写真提供:I.S.大通りの鯉「共和党小児臨床療養所にちなんで名付けられた」 10月革命」、1983年
「Wakacje w PRL-u. Gry zespołowe fot: Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe」つまり「ポーランド人民共和国の祝日。チームの試合 写真: National Digital Archives」らしい。
To nejlepší pro školákyという文字が出てくる。「小学生にとってはそれが一番」という意味らしい。ということは、大きくなったらブルマーを卒業するんだろうか? 例えばスパルタキアダみたいにレオタードに着替えるとか?
View digital copyをクリックするとみられる。日本国外で紅白帽子を見かけると妙に感慨深いものがある。確かにイギリスの日本人の稚園でも色付きの帽子を見た記憶があるのだが、僕の記憶はいい加減なので確信は持てない。1988年の画像だ。オーストラリア人もブルマーをはいていたのね。ウィキペディアのシンガポールの日本人学校でのブルマーと比べて、海外の事情という意味で、興味深く思う。
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website and the archival collection may contain images, voices or names of deceased persons in photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material.
この他にも、元々東京都が婚活アプリを整備すると言う話 [注5] に対しても微妙な意見があるので整理してみる。
色々な資料を読んでいると、非婚化・晩婚化による少子化は1990年代から既に言われていることで(注1) この程度の予算でできる事をなぜやってこなかったのか、とどうしても思ってしまうが、過去の事は仕方が無い。
今回の件も、例えば朝日新聞の報道( 注5) にも「行政がやる事か?」「結婚しろという圧力になる」と言った的外れなコメントが、有識者枠で掲載される有様だ。有識者と言いながら単なる社会活動家のポジショントークに過ぎないのだが、ほぼ例外なく誰もが当事者であるから出てきてしまうのであろう。
冷静に考えてほしい。東京都だけで2兆円ちかい子育て関連予算に対して、3億円の施策が何だというのか? そして誰も「子育て支援を削って非婚化対策しろ」なんて考えで施策を行ってないのである。
この他にも、元々東京都が婚活アプリを整備すると言う話 [注5] に対しても微妙な意見があるので整理してみる。
色々な資料を読んでいると、非婚化・晩婚化による少子化は1990年代から既に言われていることで(注1) この程度の予算でできる事をなぜやってこなかったのか、とどうしても思ってしまうが、過去の事は仕方が無い。
今回の件も、例えば朝日新聞の報道( 注5) にも「行政がやる事か?」「結婚しろという圧力になる」と言った的外れなコメントが、有識者枠で掲載される有様だ。有識者と言いながら単なる社会活動家のポジショントークに過ぎないのだが、ほぼ例外なく誰もが当事者であるから出てきてしまうのであろう。
冷静に考えてほしい。東京都だけで2兆円ちかい子育て関連予算に対して、3億円の施策が何だというのか? そして誰も「子育て支援を削って非婚化対策しろ」なんて考えで施策を行ってないのである。
参考: ttps://president.jp/articles/-/63789 婚活市場では"高望み"の部類だが…「年収500万円以上の未婚男性」が最も余っている皮肉な理由
わずかにそう言った傾向はあるかも知れないが、基本的には誤り。根拠としては、結婚する理由に「子どもが欲しいから」と答える人が減っているという事を上げることが多いが、子どもが欲しいからと上げていた Permalink | 記事への反応(0) | 12:26