はてなキーワード: High Schoolとは
高校鉄拳伝タフ | High School Exciting Story: Tough | ペーパー・バックだと高校鉄拳伝要素はどこだよ えーっ |
補作:野村 威温
Of all the dreams I can search for
Of all the love that is God sent
Of all horizons I will explore
I will pledge to walk
The road of light and learning
With God in me to guide me every day
See me through the narrow
Send me on my way
A future which lies in our hands
A future we will shape and form
A future to make better for man
I will pledge to strive
To work for understanding
No matter what the race or creed may be
Our souls be all the same
We can work for peace abiding
◆亀田製菓「ハッピーターン つらターン」
◆タイトーの新人Vtuber「阿波野 八四八」登場
◆幻日のヨハネ -NUMAZU in the MIRAGE-
◆新作は学園恋愛シミュレーション💕『ぱる♡わーるど! ~もう友達(パル)じゃいられない~』
◆ドスパラ公式のAI「Chotto GPU」
◆ダブル主人公で描かれるにじさんじ発のゲーム 「にじさんじファンタジー-勇者と魔王とエイプリル-」の制作が決定!?
◆響け!ユーフォニアム ~誓いのダ・カーポ~
◆超高級リゾート列車「GRAN HERMES - グラン・ヘルメス」
◆「ONE PIECE バウンティラッシュ」にニセルフィが登場
◆フラガリアメモリーズ「ALL SO BAD」MVのはぴだんぶいバージョンが公開
◆Kanon 16bit Edition
◆Fate/Dream Striker
◆シャニソンで「4lternative 1dentity」イベント開催
◆「SHY -シャイ-」の各国ヒーローが「シャイレンジャー」としてチームアップ
◆INTI CREATESが新作ゲーム「精霊機(スピリットマシン)フレイリート」を発表
◆虎杖と東堂が高校野球全国大会優勝するまでの軌跡を描いたドキュメンタリー「ブラザーズ ~全国優勝への道~」
◆ドラゴンクエストウォークが超大型イベント「スラミチチャンピオンシップ 〜導かれし競走馬たち〜」を開催
◆ソードアート・オンライン インテグラル・ファクター
◆「僕のヒーローアカデミア ULTRA IMPACT」の主人公が洸汰くんに
◆Deep One 虚無と夢幻のフラグメント
◆「サシュウ」から世界を救え!「IRODORIMIDORI FANTASY VII」発売決定
◆「B-PROJECT 1/2 -half-」始動
◆「救世少女 メシアガール おかわり」に「ぞぬー」が侵略中
◆スマホゲーム「感染×少女」が「感染×少女 パンツゲーム」を発表
◆スマホゲーム「魔法使いと黒猫のウィズ」が本格格闘アクションゲーム「スピリットファイター -The World of Mystic Wiz-」の開発決定を報告
◆「BanG Dream!」がカップ麺「ラーメン銀河」を発売
◆「Tokyo 7th シスターズ」にエイプリルフール限定のタイトル画面が出現
◆「バンドリ! ガールズバンドパーティ!」でエイプリルフール期間限定スキンが登場
◆ゲーミングブランド「G-Tune」がソーラーパネル充電対応ゲーミングPC「G-TUNE HIKARI」を発表
◆新曲「QUATTUORUX / 打打だいず Vs. Tanchiky Vs. からめる」公開
下山後、准教授に誘われて研究室を尋ねると、何故かその場にここなさんが。准教授とここなさんに、一年中山籠もっても誰も怒られないどころか、それを仕事にできると騙されて と聞かされて、学部卒業後、その教授が所属する山岳教育プログラムのある大学院に進学。
その頃、日本で山岳メディアのライターを始めていたひなたに強制され 頼まれ、現地からコラムとVlogをアップしはじめたところ人気に。それで手に入れた金を丸ごと山狂い山岳文化に関する研究につぎ込み、若手研究者として頭角を現す。
しかし、本人の行動様式はあまり変わっていない。(ただの山馬鹿)。しかしなぜそんな楓が学術界でもやっていけてるのか?その正体は、いつも論文のSecond Author以下に載っているYuuka Sasahara (Holy Hope High school)の名前にヒントがある。
▼同じ高校の卒業生約100人が同じタイプの脳腫瘍を発症…ニュージャージー州の地元当局が調査を開始 | Business Insider Japan
▼【日本語動画ニュース】同じ高校の卒業生ら100人以上に脳腫瘍 ニュージャージー州
▼【英語動画ニュース】New Jersey high school linked to mystery cancer cases
A delinquent middle-aged man with a junior high school education shrugged off a preschooler who hadn't yet learned his lesson.
I don't care about that, so don't be a spoiled brat, go apologize to your half-brother.
I can't sleep with my feet turned to the matchmaker who delivered my forgotten belongings to my travel destination in this hard world.
A creative member of the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony music was found to have been a fierce bullying assailant in the past.
Keigo Oyamada (born 1969) became a creative member of the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony music.
In an interview with a music magazine in the 1990s, He talked about being a perpetrator of bullying as if it were a funny thing.
Interview in the January 1994 issue of the music magazine "Rockin' On Japan 20,000-word interview with Keigo Oyamada"
"Also, the bullying was really bad at my school."
But you said you were the bully.
"Yeah. I bullied him. When I think about it now, it was really awful. I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize (laughs) because I've been bullying him pretty hard."
Did you do something that bad?
"Yes. Yes, it's against the rules of humanity. I would strip them completely naked, wrap a string around them, and make them masturbate. They feed you shit. And backdropping him after he ate shit."
The school he attended was a combination of primary, secondary, high school and university.
The school offers "joint education" where normal children and disabled children are placed in the same class.
A writer who read this interview planned a dialogue between the "bully" and the "bullied", but it did not happen.
It became a personal interview with Keigo Oyamada.
There was a guy named Sawada. He was a very epoch-making guy, and he came to the school when I was in the second grade. It was a shock to the whole school (laughs). When he moved to a new school and introduced himself, he would suddenly say (in a tone that sounded like he had a speech impediment), "I'm Sawada. It's like, "Wow, that's great! Then, on the first day at the new school, I took a dump. It's a felony for elementary school students to take a dump at school, isn't it?
There was a cardboard box or something like that, and I put Sawada in it, tied it all up with duct tape, made air holes in it (laughs), and said, "Hey, Sawada, are you okay? (laughs) Then, with a chalkboard eraser or something, I slapped it around and said, "Poison gas attack! (laughs) Then, I took a blackboard eraser and said, "Poison gas attack! ...? He said something really interesting. I don't know what it was, but he said something like "Mommy" or something like that (laughs), and everyone burst out laughing.
When it comes to his jersey, everyone takes it off, but it's nothing for him to take his dick out, so he just walks around with it out. But he's got a big dick, and it's been that way since elementary school, but in high school it got even bigger (laughs). (laughs) The girls would react to it, so we would take it off on purpose and have him walk down the hallway.
Paulette C. Flore, Joris Mulder, Jelte M. Wicherts (2018). The influence of gender stereotype threat on mathematics test scores of Dutch high school students: A registered report. Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology, 3 (2), pp. 140-174, 2018.
教室での数学のテストの成績に関するジェンダーステレオタイプ脅威の効果について、いくつかの文化的文脈で広く研究されている。理論の予測するところでは、ステレオタイプ脅威は数学のテストで女子の成績を下げる一方、男子の成績には影響ない。ステレオタイプ脅威の効果の一般化を調べるために、オランダの高校 (N=2064) で大規模なステレオタイプ脅威に関する実験を実施した。この報告書では、女子高校生における全体の効果を再現し、4つの主要な理論的モデレーター(ドメイン識別、性別識別、数学への不安、テストの難しさ)を調べることに着手した。女子生徒に対しては、数学の成績におけるステレオタイプ脅威の総体的な効果も、適度なステレオタイプ脅威の効果も見られなかった。数学の成績における分散は、性別、ドメイン識別、数学識別で説明された。これらの結果に対していくつかの理論的、統計的な説明を議論する。この結果は調べた対象(オランダの高校生、13-14歳)とドメイン(数学)に限られる。
"(潜在的連合テスト:構成を調査する手法), https://www.researchgate.net/publication/336780823_The_Implicit_Association_Test_A_Method_in_Search_of_a_Construct
- ECLS: The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS) program: https://nces.ed.gov/ecls/
- ECLS-K: 上のkindergarten class(幼稚園) 版
THE GOD OF HIGH SCHOOL(アニメ)、ちんけな話に壮大な話を乗っけた感じの作品だった。
I would like to write about what I know and understand about the Soka Gakkai because the D.C. Times published an article titled "China's Manipulation of Japan, NPOs and Soka Gakkai Act as Pipeline = U.S. Think Tank Report".
First of all, as a premise, the Soka Gakkai is a cult.
This is because there is a definition of a religious cult, and the reality of the Soka Gakkai falls under that definition in many ways.
You can read more about the definition of a religious cult and mind control in the book "Combating Cult Mind Control: The #1 Best-selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery from Destructive Cults ".
The Soka Gakkai is also a collection of criminals, sick people and poor people.
In fact, the Soka Gakkai is similar to the mafia gangs in Italy and Mexico, and it has reigned as the largest criminal and anti-society organization in Japan in the name of a religious organization.
Many of its members have been brainwashed and are unable to recognize and judge themselves as normal human beings.
In the 1950s and 1980s, Soka Gakkai members were forcibly recruited to join the Soka Gakkai, and nowadays, it is estimated that about 10% of the Japanese people are members of the Gakkai (Soka Gakkai members).
In particular, the Soka Gakkai has infiltrated civil servants, specifically the police force, the fire department, and the Self-Defense Forces, and it has been revealed that 20 to 30% of the Metropolitan Police Department's employees are members of the Soka Gakkai.
There is always a certain percentage of Soka Gakkai members in elementary, middle, and high school classes, and in corporate workplaces, and therefore it is taboo to criticize the Soka Gakkai in those communities.
This is because the Gakkai members in each community monitor the words and actions of their community members in the same way as the mainland communists who have infiltrated Hong Kong, and if someone speaks out against the Soka Gakkai, they will target that person and initiate a campaign of sabotage.
The sabotage is similar to the CPC's repressive actions against human rights activists in Hong Kong, including obstructing, harassing, and following them around, an act that has been described as mass stalking.
For example, in Japan, if you make a placating statement in a school class or at work that the Soka Gakkai is a cult religious group because it meets the definition of a cult group, members of the Gakkai in the community get madly angry (depending on the degree of mind control they are receiving) or bite off their anger to deny the statement.
Then they label the person who made such a statement as "anti", and they also share information about the antis with other members of the Soka Gakkai, and begin to perceive them as "beings to be punished by Buddha", to be targets of surveillance and group attacks.
In reality, however, the definition of a religious cult was not defined for the Soka Gakkai but for dangerous religious groups such as Aum Shinrikyo and People's Temple, which were intended to prevent ordinary people from being harmed by them.
The Soka Gakkai falls under the definition of a cult because the Soka Gakkai has cult-like tendencies.
When Soka Gakkai members are pointed out to the Soka Gakkai, instead of thinking "Let's fix what's wrong with my religious group," they think of suppressing their critics (anti) and silencing them, which is a pattern of thinking and behavior of a fanatic of a religious cult, and the sarin gas attack (terrorism). I feel that the followers of Aum Shinrikyo at the time when it was founded must have had a similar pattern of thinking and behavior.
Believers in cult groups are unconsciously mind-controlled and brainwashed, so they don't think that they should change their way of thinking and behavior when criticism is pointed out to them. In this respect, their attitude is similar to that of the Chinese Communist Party towards the demands of human rights activists in Hong Kong, i.e., the fanatics of cult groups such as the Soka Gakkai are not normal human beings.
By the way, there is an organization called JCP in Japan, which is also anti-American and illegal in the United States.
It is well known that some anti-American organizations cooperate with each other in order to undermine this country by signing a pact called "Soko Kyodo Agreement" and facilitating agents of anti-Japanese and anti-American groups.
It is obvious that the JCP is an anti-American terrorist organization in nature and that the JCP is a cult-like organization when it signs an agreement with a religious cult.
From another point of view, the Soka Gakkai, to its followers, appears to be a huge organization that carries out fraudulent and criminal activities such as Ponzi schemes and network businesses. It also has elements of a black business, and believers who join the Soka Gakkai are becoming materially and mentally exhausted.
The following blog, run by Mr. Sinifié, exposes the reality of the Soka Gakkai. It contains the testimonies and experiences of many current and former Soka Gakkai members and ex-members who have left the Gakkai.
It is clear that this reality of the Soka Gakkai is far removed from the original role of religion, which is to provide individuals with peace of mind and spiritual support.
As the saying goes, "like begets friend," it is only natural for the Soka Gakkai to try to maintain a good relationship with the CPC.
However, many Chinese who have worked in Japan seem to dislike the Soka Gakkai and return to their countries.
Although the Soka Gakkai employs a different strategy than Aum Shinrikyo and has infiltrated many organizations such as corporations, police, fire departments, the Self-Defense Forces, and local government officials, the Soka Gakkai members who have infiltrated the Kasumigaseki bureaucracy and the Self-Defense Forces are considered dangerous to the U.S. because they are inherently dangerous.
Because they are essentially anti-American and may act as agents to cooperate with the CPC.
There are some findings that are common knowledge among intellectuals in the U.S. and Europe but have not been made known to the Japanese people in Japan because the media and bureaucrats have stopped them.
One of them is that the Soka Gakkai headquarters has been sending donations from Gakkai members to Noriega (former general, now imprisoned) in Panama for large-scale tax evasion and money laundering.
Noriega received a large amount of money from Daisaku Ikeda of the Soka Gakkai and invested it in his own drug business, spreading drugs on an international level.
Daisaku Ikeda of the Soka Gakkai has been investing and managing the donations collected from Gakkai members in Noriega's drug business as well as tax evasion and money laundering. At the same time, the Soka Gakkai and Daisaku Ikeda invested the donations they received from Gakkai members in Noriega's drug business as a means of tax evasion and money laundering, and returned the profits to the domestic market to help the Soka Gakkai executives line their pockets and build Soka Gakkai facilities and Soka University.
The fact that Daisaku Ikeda raised Noriega's profile in the Seikyo Shimbun during the same period must be undeniable to those Gakkai members who have subscribed to the Seikyo Shimbun.
In particular, there are many Gakkai members at the level of police organizations, the Metropolitan Police Department and prefectures, who have been causing social problems and covering up crimes committed by Gakkai members in Japan.
Well, if they are in a state of unconscious brainwashing and mind control, they may not believe the contents, and may assume a pattern of behavior such as getting angry, grumpy, or attacking the writer.
In other words, one can expect a lot of denial of facts like the followers of Aum Shinrikyo, which is easy to expect, but this (the issue of Soka Gakkai and drug business, tax evasion, and money laundering) is a fact that was revealed because Noriega was arrested and imprisoned for spreading drugs in the US. This is a fact that is well known as common knowledge in the U.S. and Europe.
The fact that the Soka Gakkai is a criminal organization is very difficult to deny.
電波女と青春男 Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl
放課後のプレアデス Wish Upon the Pleiades
いつか天魔の黒ウサギ A Dark Rabbit Has Seven Lives
戦国乙女 Battle Girls: Time Paradox
れでぃ×ばと! Ladies versus Butlers!
裏切りは僕の名前を知っている The Betrayal Knows My Name
ぬらりひょんの孫 Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan
伝説の勇者の伝説 The Legend of the Legendary Heroes
それでも町は廻っている And Yet the Town Moves
神のみぞ知るセカイ The World God Only Knows
お兄ちゃんのことなんかぜんぜん好きじゃないんだからねっ!! I Don't Like You at All, Big Brother!!
世界一初恋 The World's Greatest First Love
輪るピングドラム Penguindrum
ダンタリアンの書架 The Mystic Archives of Dantalian
境界線上のホライゾン Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere
未来日記 Future Diary
モーレツ宇宙海賊(パイレーツ) Bodacious Space Pirates
あの夏で待ってる Waiting in the Summer
男子高校生の日常 Daily Lives of High School Boys
パパのいうことを聞きなさい! Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father!
あっちこっち Place to Place
黄昏乙女×アムネジア Dusk Maiden of Amnesia
人類は衰退しました Humanity Has Declined
恋と選挙とチョコレート Love, Election and Chocolate
はぐれ勇者の鬼畜美学(エステティカ) Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero
だから僕は、Hができない。 So, I Can't Play H!
新世界より From the New World
中二病でも恋がしたい! Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions
好きっていいなよ Say I Love You
問題児たちが異世界から来るそうですよ? Problem Children Are Coming from Another World, Aren't They?
断裁分離のクライムエッジ The Severing Crime Edge
はたらく魔王さま! The Devil Is a Part-Timer!
やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected
帰宅部活動記録 Chronicles of the Going Home Club
神さまのいない日曜日 Sunday Without God
私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular!
神次元ゲイムネプテューヌ Hyperdimension Neptunia
勇者になれなかった俺はしぶしぶ就職を決意しました。 I Couldn't Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job.
世界でいちばん強くなりたい Wanna Be the Strongest in the World
機巧少女は傷つかない Unbreakable Machine-Doll
最近、妹のようすがちょっとおかしいんだが。 Recently, My Sister Is Unusual
とある飛空士への恋歌 The Pilot's Love Song
未確認で進行形 Engaged to the Unidentified
世界征服 謀略のズヴィズダー World Conquest Zvezda Plot
僕らはみんな河合荘 The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior
聖刻の竜騎士(ドラグナー) Dragonar Academy
それでも世界は美しい The World Is Still Beautiful
彼女がフラグをおられたら If Her Flag Breaks
マンガ家さんとアシスタントさんと The Comic Artist and His Assistants
ご注文はうさぎですか? Is the Order a Rabbit?
魔法科高校の劣等生 The Irregular at Magic High School
龍ヶ嬢七々々の埋蔵金 Nanana's Buried Treasure
精霊使いの剣舞(ブレイドダンス) Bladedance of Elementalers
曇天に笑う Laughing Under the Clouds
失われた未来を求めて In Search of the Lost Future
オオカミ少女と黒王子 Wolf Girl and Black Prince
天体のメソッド Celestial Method
異能バトルは日常系のなかで When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace
大図書館の羊飼い A Good Librarian Like a Good Shepherd
俺、ツインテールになります。 Gonna be the Twin-Tail!!
魔弾の王と戦姫(ヴァナディース) Lord Marksman and Vanadis
美男高校地球防衛部LOVE! Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!
“Onyx Equinox”
“The God of High School”
“Meiji Gekken: Sword & Gun (Working title)”
“High Guardian Spice”
The God of High School
The God of High SchoolはMAPPA
NoblesseはProduction IG
いずれWEBTOONやMANGA Plus周りの話もしたいところだが今回はこの辺で。
High school loneliness love …
あとクレイジーサイコレイズが出てくる『舞- HiME』とか『まどマギ』とかもピンとこ無かった
例えば、『ダーティー・ペア』とか、『少女革命ウテナ』とか、ダメダメで平和なテルマ&ルイーズの『ロミーとミッシェルの場合 (Romy and Michele's High School Reunion)』
時間 | 記事数 | 文字数 | 文字数平均 | 文字数中央値 |
00 | 71 | 17993 | 253.4 | 55 |
01 | 45 | 8591 | 190.9 | 86 |
02 | 33 | 4620 | 140.0 | 49 |
03 | 36 | 7517 | 208.8 | 119 |
04 | 40 | 15651 | 391.3 | 52 |
05 | 17 | 1531 | 90.1 | 44 |
06 | 31 | 2495 | 80.5 | 50 |
07 | 38 | 3617 | 95.2 | 40 |
08 | 134 | 11452 | 85.5 | 43.5 |
09 | 200 | 12189 | 60.9 | 41 |
10 | 204 | 14448 | 70.8 | 43 |
11 | 194 | 17583 | 90.6 | 45.5 |
12 | 139 | 17777 | 127.9 | 47 |
13 | 158 | 12763 | 80.8 | 50.5 |
14 | 180 | 13764 | 76.5 | 36 |
15 | 157 | 15873 | 101.1 | 39 |
16 | 118 | 11814 | 100.1 | 51.5 |
17 | 152 | 19241 | 126.6 | 73 |
18 | 181 | 14875 | 82.2 | 42 |
19 | 131 | 10719 | 81.8 | 35 |
20 | 107 | 8902 | 83.2 | 33 |
21 | 128 | 10042 | 78.5 | 43 |
22 | 122 | 23104 | 189.4 | 65 |
23 | 139 | 14182 | 102.0 | 45 |
1日 | 2755 | 290743 | 105.5 | 45 |
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■「男らしさ」を求められた記憶があまり無いんだが(37歳男性) /20190121113933(19), ■腐女子カーストにイライラしたので書き殴った長文1 /20190123044359(15), ■どう考えても死にたい /20190122211554(12), ■今まで本をあんまり読んでこなかった高校生だけど日本語って難しい /20190123135701(11), ■助六寿司の需要 /20190122211553(11), ■作家デビューしたけど向いてなかった /20190122141644(9), ■エロ本に反対する理由が「見たくない」しかないから生理用品が持ち出される /20190123111259(9), ■僕の場合は「男らしさ」を求められた経験がけっこうある(25歳男性) /20190123032713(9), ■芸能人の政治的意見表明に反対 /20190123114636(9), ■漫画、アニメ、ラノベの面白さを面白く語れるインフルエンサーが求められている気がする /20190122224439(9), ■じゃあ逆に魔法少年ものって何? /20190122212019(8), ■ハイクオリティゲーム、ボリュームありすぎ問題 /20190123153814(7), ■レーダー照射問題日本が嘘ついてること証明されたな /20190123030206(7), ■生まれてくる時代を間違えた /20190120190757(7), ■エスカレーター前の下着売り場 /20190123114814(6), ■20年近くの自分の人生を整理したい。 /20190123120341(6), ■洗脳ソングを流している飲食店 /20190123184234(6), ■ /20190123180543(6), ■子供がエロ本を見る事による悪影響 /20190123014615(6), ■まどマギでキュウべぇがエントロピーがどうのこうのいってたけど /20190123115826(5), ■成人男性が病人に電車で冷たい理由 /20190123190654(5), ■anond:20190123131241 /20190123131350(5), ■ブクマへのスターは3個まで /20190121181543(5), ■ヤフコメと増田の違い サムアップ(いいね)ボタンの有無 /20190123083306(5), ■ /20190121182748(5), ■I am a high school student who has not read books until recently, but Japanese is difficult. /20190123141509(5), ■腐女子カーストにイライラしたので長文書いたら文字数引っかかったの /20190123045056(5)
When we were in junior high school, my friend Rich and I made a map of the school lunch tables according to popularity. This was easy to do, because kids only ate lunch with others of about the same popularity. We graded them from A to E. A tables were full of football players and cheerleaders and so on. E tables contained the kids with mild cases of Down's Syndrome, what in the language of the time we called "retards."
We sat at a D table, as low as you could get without looking physically different.
ミント・コンディション(Mint Condition)はアメリカセントポール(ミネソタ州)出身のR&Bバンド。
1980年代中期、セントポール(ミネソタ州)にあるCentral High Schoolにて結成され、オリジナルメンバーはStokley Williams
(リードボーカル、ドラムス、パーカッション)、Homer O'Dell(ギター)、Larry Waddell(キーボード、ピアノ)、
ロジャー・トラウトマン(Roger Troutman)の息子であるRoger Lynch、そしてRay ColemanとKenny Youngだった。
1991年6月、1stアルバム“Meant to Be Mint”をリリース。
そこから同年11月に2ndシングルとしてリリースされた“Breakin' My Heart (Pretty Brown Eyes)”は、全米シングルチャートで
Mint Condition - Breakin' My Heart