# Finnish :: English dictionary generated from http://en.wiktionary.org/
# License :: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License; GNU Free Documentation License
# Version :: 20200901
# Size :: 142994 Finnish glosses; 195231 English translations
# URL :: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/User:Matthias_Buchmeier
-a {suffix} [case suffix] :: Forms the partitive case of nouns, adjectives, numbers and some pronouns
-a {suffix} [verbal suffix] :: Forms the short form of the first infinitive of verbs
a- {prefix} :: [in loanwords] non-, un-
a {letter} :: letter: aa
a {n} [music] :: A (note)
A {letter} :: letter: aa
A {n} :: abbreviation of approbatur
å {letter} :: letter: ruotsalainen oo
Å {letter} :: letter: ruotsalainen oo
{suffix} [case suffix] :: Forms the partitive case of nouns, adjectives and pronouns
{suffix} [verbal suffix] :: Forms the short form of the first infinitive of verbs
ä {letter} :: letter: ää
Ä {letter} :: letter: ää
aa {n} :: a (letter: a)
aa {interj} :: oh, ah (expression of recognition, realization, understanding, etc.)
ää {n} :: letter: ä
ää {interj} [colloquial, childish] :: Expression of dislike, refusal, disapproval, slight disgust, rejection, suspicion, etc
ää {interj} [colloquial] :: erm
Aabraham {prop} [Judaism, Christianity, Islam] :: Abraham
Aada {prop} :: given name, currently popular in Finland
Aada {prop} [archaic] :: Adah (biblical character)
Aadam {prop} :: Adam [biblical character]
Aadolf {prop} :: given name
ääh {interj} :: argh (expression of annoyance, anger or frustration)
Aake {prop} :: given name
aakkonen {n} :: letter (symbol in an alphabet)
aakkonen {n} [in plural] :: alphabet, ABC (ordered set of letters used in a language)
aakkonen {n} [in plural] :: elements, rudiments, ABC (basic tenets of an area of knowledge)
ääkkönen {n} [colloquial, computing] :: Any of the letters Å, å, Ä, ä, Ö, or ö, which are found in the Finnish alphabet, but not in the English one
aakkosellinen {adj} :: alphabetical
aakkosellisemmin {adv} :: comparative of aakkosellisesti
aakkosellisempi {adj} :: comparative of aakkosellinen
aakkosellisesti {adv} :: alphabetically
aakkosellisimmin {adv} :: superlative of aakkosellisesti
aakkosellisuus {n} :: the quality of being in alphabetical order
aakkoshakemisto {n} :: alphabetical index
aakkosittain {adv} :: By alphabetical order, alphabetically
aakkosjärjestys {n} :: An alphabetical order
aakkoskeitto {n} :: alphabet soup
aakkoslaji {n} :: case (nature of a piece of alphabetic type)
aakkoslukko {n} [computing] :: capslock
aakkosnimi {n} [in plural] :: spelling alphabet
aakkosnimi {n} :: spelling word
aakkosnumeerinen {adj} :: alphanumeric
aakkosnumeerisemmin {adv} :: comparative of aakkosnumeerisesti
aakkosnumeerisesti {adv} :: alphanumerically
aakkosnumeerisimmin {adv} :: superlative of aakkosnumeerisesti
aakkostaa {vt} :: to alphabetise/alphabetize, to arrange in alphabetical order
ääkköstää {v} [colloquial, computing] :: to alphabetize, with specific attention to the handling of letters å, ä and ö
aakkostaminen {n} :: alphabetisation/alphabetization (process of arranging into alphabetical order)
aakkosto {n} :: alphabet (an ordered set of letters used in a language)
aakkosto {n} [mathematics] :: alphabet (non-empty finite set of symbols accepted by a given language)
ääkköstö {n} [colloquial, computing] :: A set of characters which includes the letters Å, å, Ä, ä, Ö and ö
aakkostus {n} :: alphabetisation
AA-liike {n} :: The Alcoholics Anonymous (movement)
ääliö {n} :: cretin, moron
ääliömäinen {adj} :: moronic, stupid
ääliömäisemmin {adv} :: comparative of ääliömäisesti
ääliömäisesti {adv} :: stupidly
ääliömäisimmin {adv} :: superlative of ääliömäisesti
ääliömäisyys {n} :: stupidity
aalloitse {adv} :: by waves
aalloitse {adv} :: across waves
aalloittain {adv} :: In waves
aalloittainen {adj} :: Taking places in waves
aalloittaisuus {n} :: waviness (quality of coming or occurring in waves)
aallokas {adj} :: Wavy (full of waves)
aalloke {n} [mathematics] :: wavelet
aallokemuunnos {n} :: wavelet transform
aallokko {n} :: swell
aallokko {n} :: waves
aallokkoinen {adj} :: turbulent, rough, swelling (like that of waves)
aallonharja {n} :: crest of a wave
aallonjohdin {n} [physics] :: waveguide
aallonkorkeus {n} [nautical] :: wave height
aallonmuodostus {n} [hydrodynamics] :: wave formation (process of creating waves, either by natural causes or by a moving vessel)
aallonmurtaja {n} :: breakwater, jetty
aallonmurtaja {n} :: groyne (structure that projects from the shoreline to prevent erosion)
aallonpituus {n} :: wavelength
aallonpituusalue {n} [physics] :: A wavelength band or a band of wavelengths
aallonpohja {n} :: trough of a wave
aallonpohja {n} :: the lowest point or level
aalloppi {n} [dialectal, rare] :: drain, exhaust pipe (any pipe that carries waste material away)
aallota {vi} [of water or some other liquid] :: To wave (usually once, violently or quickly)
aallotar {n} [mythology] :: water nymph
Aallotar {prop} :: given name
aallottaa {vt} :: To corrugate, make (sth) wavy/rolling/swelling/undulating (e.g. paper)
aallottaminen {n} :: making (sth, e.g. paper) wavy / rolling / swelling / undulating, corrugating, corrugation
aallottaminen {n} :: act of producing waves
aallotus {n} :: corrugation
aallotuskartonki {n} :: fluting, corrugated paperboard or cardboard
aaloe {n} [plant] :: aloe
aalto {n} :: wave
aalto {n} :: outbreak (sudden increase)
Aalto {prop} :: surname
aaltoallas {n} :: wave pool
aaltoalue {n} :: short for aallonpituusalue
aaltoaminen {n} :: waving (violently or quickly)
aaltoenergia {n} :: wave power
aaltofunktio {n} :: wave function
aalto-hiukkasdualismi {n} [physics] :: wave-particle duality
aaltoileminen {n} :: undulation
aaltoileva {adj} :: wavy
aaltoilevammin {adv} :: comparative of aaltoilevasti
aaltoilevampi {adj} :: comparative of aaltoileva
aaltoilevasti {adv} :: wavily
aaltoilevimmin {adv} :: superlative of aaltoilevasti
aaltoilevuus {n} :: waviness, curliness
aaltoilla {vi} :: To wave, undulate
aaltoilu {n} :: waving, the movement of waves
aaltoimpedanssi {n} [physics] :: wave impedance
aaltoinen {adj} :: wavy
aaltojohto {n} [physics] :: waveguide
aaltojuotos {n} :: wave soldering
aaltojuovakirppa {n} :: small striped flea beetle, turnip flea beetle, Phyllotreta undulata (insect pest that damages the shoots of rapeseed)
aaltolevy {n} [construction] :: corrugated plate
aaltolevy {n} [optics] :: waveplate, wave plate
aaltoliike {n} :: wave motion
aaltoluku {n} :: wavenumber
aaltomainen {adj} :: wavelike
aaltomaisuus {n} :: waviness, undulation
aaltomekaniikka {n} :: wave mechanics
aaltomittari {n} :: scallop shell moth (Rheumaptera undulata)
aaltomuoto {n} [physics, mathematics] :: waveform
aaltonauha {n} :: wavy band or strip
aaltonen {n} :: diminutive of aalto
aaltonen {n} [mathematics] :: wavelet
Aaltonen {prop} :: surname
aaltopahvi {n} :: corrugated cardboard
aaltopaketti {n} [physics] :: wave packet
aaltopelti {n} [construction material] :: corrugated iron, corrugated sheet
aaltopilvi {n} :: wave cloud
aaltopituus {n} :: alternative form of aallonpituus
aaltoputki {n} [physics] :: waveguide (pipe)
aaltorintama {n} :: wavefront
aaltoryhmä {n} [physics] :: wave group
aaltosulje {n} :: A curly bracket, brace (symbols "{" and "}" )
aaltosulku {n} :: A curly bracket (symbols "{" and "}")
aaltosulkumerkki {n} :: A curly bracket sign
aaltoteoria {n} [physics] :: wave theory
aaltotutkimus {n} :: wave research
aaltovektori {n} :: wave vector
aaltoviiva {n} :: wavy line
aaltoviiva {n} :: tilde
aaltovoima {n} :: wave power
aaltovoimala {n} [electric power] :: A wave power station, wave power plant, wave farm
aaltoyhtälö {n} :: wave equation
aamen {interj} :: amen
aami {n} :: An old unit of volume, 157.03 litres
aamiainen {n} :: breakfast
aamiaisaika {n} :: breakfast time
aamiaishetki {n} :: breakfast time
aamiaismajoitus {n} :: bed and breakfast
aamiaismurot {n} [pluralonly] :: breakfast cereal
aamiaistaa {vi} :: to have breakfast
aamiaistapaaminen {n} :: breakfast meeting (early meeting in which breakfast is served to the participants)
aamiaistunti {n} :: breakfast hour (break of work, usually shorter than one hour, allowed for eating breakfast or sometimes lunch)
Aamon {prop} [biblical character] :: Amon
Aamos {prop} :: Amos [biblical character]
aamu {n} :: morning
Aamu {prop} [rare] :: given name
aamuaskare {n} :: morning chore
aamuateria {n} :: breakfast (first meal of the day, eaten in the morning)
aamuerektio {n} :: morning erection, morning glory, morning wood
aamuhämärä {n} :: dawn, morning twilight
aamuhartaus {n} :: lauds, matins, morning prayer (short divine office held in the morning)
aamuhetki {n} :: early-morning hour
aamuihminen {n} :: morning person
aamuinen {adj} :: taking place in the morning
aamuisin {adv} :: in the morning, in the mornings
aamuisin {adj} :: superlative of aamuinen
aamujumalanpalvelus {n} :: morning service
aamujuna {n} :: morning train
aamukahdeksan {n} :: eight in the morning, 8 a.m.
aamukahvi {n} :: morning coffee (cup of coffee drunk early in the morning)
aamukahvi {n} :: breakfast
aamukaksi {n} :: 2 a.m.
aamukaksitoista {n} [rare] :: 12 p.m. (midday)
aamukampa {n} [military slang] :: A "morning comb"; a comb in which every tooth represents one remaining morning in the military service - every morning one tooth is removed. The comb can then be displayed to younger soldiers for their envy
aamukampa {n} [figuratively, by extension] :: The remaining last days of anything
aamukaste {n} :: morning dew
aamukirkko {n} :: morning mass
aamukolme {n} :: 3 a.m.
aamukuusi {n} :: 6 a.m.
aamukylmä {n} :: morning cool
aamukymmenen {n} :: 10 a.m.
aamulähetys {n} :: morning program, morning broadcast
aamulämpö {n} :: morning temperature (body temperature in the morning)
aamulämpötila {n} :: morning temperature (atmospheric temperature in the morning)
aamulämpötila {n} :: synonym of aamulämpö (body temperature in the morning)
aamulehti {n} :: morning paper
Aamulehti {prop} :: Finland's second-largest daily newspaper, published in Tampere
aamulenkki {n} :: morning run
aamulepakko {n} :: cave nectar bat (Eonycteris spelaea)
aamulla {adv} :: at morning
aamullinen {adj} :: Occurring in the morning
aamulypsy {n} :: morning milking
aamunavaus {n} :: morning assembly (joint meeting at the beginning of a working day, chiefly held in schools, the purpose of which is to orientate the students to the working day, to share information or to deliver a message which may have ideological or religious content, depending on the country)
aamuneljä {n} :: 4 a.m.
aamunkajo {n} :: dawn (the first light of the day which appears some time before the sunrise)
aamunkoi {n} :: dawn, sunrise, break of day
aamunkoite {n} :: dawn, daybreak, first light, cockcrow
aamunkoitteessa {adv} :: at dawn
aamunkoitto {n} :: dawn, daybreak, break of dawn; sunrise
aamunraikas {adj} :: fresh as the morning
aamunsarastus {n} :: dawn, daybreak
aamuntorkku {n} :: late riser
aamunvirkku {n} :: early riser
aamuöinen {adj} :: Taking place during small hours, or wee hours
aamupahoinvointi {n} :: morning sickness
aamupäivä {n} :: (late) morning, forenoon (part of the day roughly from the beginning of working hours to midday)
aamupäiväinen {adj} :: Taking place during the morning half of the day
aamupäivätoiminta {n} :: In Finnish comprehensive schools (peruskoulu), an optional non-curricular activity offered for the 1st and 2nd year students before the beginning of the school day. This allows working parents to bring their children to school in a time that fits their working hours
aamupäivävahti {n} :: forenoon watch (aboard a ship, a watch from 8 a.m. to noon)
aamupäivisin {adv} :: In the mornings (habitually taking place during the morning half of the day)
aamupala {n} :: breakfast (especially a less formal or organized breakfast)
aamupalvelus {n} :: matins
aamupesu {n} :: washing oneself in the morning
aamupuhde {n} :: morning twilight
aamupuku {n} :: morning dress, morning suit (men's formal attire worn during the day)
aamupuoli {n} :: The part of day or night which is close to the morning, i.e. roughly the time from midnight to noon
aamupuuro {n} :: breakfast porridge
aamurukous {n} :: morning prayer (individual's prayer that is read in the morning)
aamuruoka {n} :: breakfast
aamurusko {n} :: light of dawn (change in the colour of the sky) before sunrise
aamuruuhka {n} :: morning rush hour
aamuseitsemän {n} :: 7 a.m.
aamusella {adv} :: In the morning
aamusumu {n} :: morning mist, morning fog
aamutähti {n} [astronomy] :: morning star
aamutakki {n} :: dressing gown
aamutee {n} :: morning tea
aamutohveli {n} :: morning slipper
aamutorkku {n} :: late riser
aamutorkku {n} :: morning nap
aamutossu {n} :: slipper
aamutuima {n} :: early morning
aamutuimaan {adv} :: early in the morning
aamutyö {n} :: morning work
aamu-uninen {adj} :: sleepy in the mornings
aamu-unisuus {n} :: morning sleepiness
aamu-uutiset {n} :: A morning newscast, morning news
aamuvahti {n} [nautical] :: morning watch (aboard a ship, a watch from 4 a.m. to 8 a.m.)
aamuvarhain {adv} :: Early in the morning
aamuvarhainen {n} :: early morning
aamuvarhaisella {adv} :: Early in the morning
aamuvartio {n} :: morning watch
aamuviisi {n} :: 5 a.m.
aamuvirkku {n} :: early riser, early bird, morning person, lark (one who wakes early)
aamuvoimistelu {n} :: morning calisthenics
aamuvuoro {n} :: morning shift
aamuyhdeksän {n} :: 9 a.m.
aamuyksi {n} :: 1 a.m.
aamuyksitoista {n} :: 11 a.m.
aamuyö {n} :: small hours (period from midnight to dawn)
ääneen {adv} :: aloud
ääneenajattelu {n} :: thinking aloud
ääneenajattelu {n} :: think aloud protocol, TAP (data-gathering method used in a variety of research areas)
äänekäs {adj} :: loud (of voice: of great intensity)
äänekäs {adj} :: noisy (making a noise, especially a loud sound)
äänekäs {adj} :: vociferous (making a noisy outcry)
äänekäs {adj} :: clamorous (noisy, loud)
äänekäs {adj} :: boisterous (full of energy; noisy)
äänekkäämmin {adv} :: comparative of äänekkäästi
äänekkäämpi {adj} :: comparative of äänekäs
äänekkäästi {adv} :: noisily
äänekkäimmin {adv} :: superlative of äänekkäästi
äänekkyys {n} :: loudness, noisiness, vociferousness
äänekkyyssota {n} :: loudness war
äänekkyystaso {n} [acoustics] :: loudness level
äänekoskelainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Äänikoski (Finnish municipality)
Äänekoski {prop} :: Äänekoski (town)
äänellinen {adj} :: having sound
äänellinen {adj} :: aural
äänenavaus {n} :: vocal warm-up, voice opening
ääneneristys {n} :: soundproofing, sound insulation
äänenkannattaja {n} :: organ (official magazine, newsletter, or similar publication of an organization)
äänenkorkeus {n} :: pitch (perceived frequency of a sound)
äänenlaatu {n} :: audio quality, sound quality
äänenmurros {n} :: voice break or voice mutation (voice change during male puberty)
äänen nopeus {n} :: speed of sound
äänennopeus {n} :: alternative spelling of äänen nopeus (speed of sound)
äänenpaine {n} [acoustics] :: sound pressure
äänenpakkaus {n} [computing] :: audio compression
äänenpitävä {adj} :: soundproof
äänenpitävästi {adv} :: in a soundproof way
äänensävy {n} :: tone, tone of voice
äänensävy {n} :: timbre (quality of a sound independent of its pitch and volume)
äänentallennus {n} :: audio recording, sound recording (instance and practice of recording audio material with any technology)
äänentoisto {n} :: sound reproduction
äänentoistolaite {n} :: sound reproduction device
äänentunnistus {n} :: voice recognition
äänenvaimennin {n} :: muffler (part of exhaust pipe tha dampens the noise)
äänenvaimennin {n} :: silencer (device that dampens the noise, e.g. that of a gun)
äänenvaimentaja {n} :: silencer (object or component that silences sound)
äänenvaimentaja {n} :: exhaust silencer
äänenväri {n} :: timbre (quality of a sound independent of its pitch and volume)
äänenvoimakkuus {n} :: strength of sound, volume
äänes {n} [music] :: pure tone
äänestää {vt} [+ partitive] :: to vote (for)
äänestää jaloillaan {v} :: To vote with one's feet (to express one's preferences through one's actions, by participating in or voluntarily withdrawing from an activity, group, or process)
äänestäjä {n} :: voter; constituent
äänestäjäkunta {n} :: electorate (collective noun for people of a country, state, or electoral district who are entitled to vote)
äänestäminen {n} :: voting, polling, balloting (act or process of casting votes in an election)
äänestys {n} :: voting, poll, ballot (process of voting)
äänestysalue {n} :: electoral ward
äänestysjärjestys {n} :: voting order
äänestyskelpoinen {adj} :: eligible to vote
äänestyskone {n} :: voting machine
äänestyskoppi {n} :: voting booth
äänestysluettelo {n} :: electoral roll, electoral register
äänestysoikeus {n} :: synonym of äänioikeus
äänestyspaikka {n} :: polling station, polling place, voting station
äänestyspäivä {n} :: election day, polling day (the day on which an election is held)
äänestysprosentti {n} :: polling percentage
ääneti {adv} :: silently, soundlessly
äänetön {adj} :: quiet, soundless
äänetön {adj} :: (telephone) on silent, in silent mode, on mute
äänettömästi {adv} :: silently, soundlessly
äänettömyys {n} :: silence
-aani {suffix} [organic chemistry] :: -ane
ääni {n} :: sound
ääni {n} :: audio
ääni {n} :: voice
ääni {n} :: vote (act or instance of participating in a vote, e.g., by submitting a ballot)
ääniaalto {n} :: sound wave
ääniala {n} [music] :: register, compass, range (range of notes of a musical instrument or voice)
äänialue {n} :: audio range
ääniarkisto {n} :: sound archive
ääniaukko {n} [music] :: sound hole (opening in the belly of a stringed instrument that increases its volume and enhances its tone quality)
äänielin {n} :: voice organ
äänielin {n} [in birds] :: syrinx
äänielokuva {n} [film] :: sound film
äänienergia {n} :: sound energy, acoustic energy
äänieristää {v} :: to soundproof, deafen (to make soundproof)
äänieristetty {adj} :: soundproof
äänieristys {n} :: sound isolation
ääniharava {n} [politics] :: vote-puller (candidate getting most votes in an election)
äänihuulen haavauma {n} [pathology] :: ulceratio plicae vocalis (ulcer in the vocal cords)
äänihuuli {n} [chiefly in plural] :: vocal cord, plica vocalis
äänihuulikyhmy {n} [pathology] :: vocal cord nodule (symmetrical swellings on both sides of the vocal cords, caused usually by strenuous or abusive voice practices, and symptomatized by hoarseness, pain when using one's voice, vocal breaks and reduced vocal range)
äänijänne {n} :: The sinewy edge of the äänihuuli (vocal fold)
äänijänne {n} :: vocal cord
äänikasetti {n} :: audio cassette
äänikerta {n} [music] :: organ stop
äänikirja {n} :: An audiobook (audiobook)
äänikortti {n} [computing] :: sound card
äänikuningas {n} [politics] :: the male candidate who received the most votes in an election, either in total or within a specific district
äänikuningatar {n} [politics] :: the female candidate who received the most votes in an election, either in total or within a specific district
äänilehti {n} :: audio magazine
äänilevy {n} :: record, disk, gramophone record, phonograph record (vinyl disc on which sound is recorded)
äänilevy {n} :: audio disc (optical medium)
äänilevystö {n} :: record library
äänimäärä {n} :: number of votes
ääninauha {n} :: tape, audiotape, recording tape
ääninauhuri {n} :: audio recorder, voice recorder, recorder
ääninäyttelijä {n} :: voice actor, voice actress
ääninäyttely {n} :: voice acting
ääninen {adj} [genitive or possessive suffix +] :: -sounded
Ääninen {prop} :: Lake Onega
ääniohjattu {adj} :: voice-activated
äänioikeus {n} :: right to vote, franchise, suffrage, voting right
äänioikeusikäraja {n} :: voting age
äänioikeutettu {n} :: a person entitled to vote
äänioikeutettu {adj} :: entitled to vote, eligible to vote
äänioppi {n} :: acoustics
äänipää {n} :: pick-up
äänipalkki {n} :: soundbar
äänipeli {n} :: audio game
äänipuhelu {n} :: voice call (on VoIP services, as opposed to video and other types of calls)
äänipuikko {n} :: sound post (dowel located in the interior of an instrument of the violin family)
ääniraita {n} :: soundtrack
äänirakko {n} [anatomy] :: vocal sac
äänirako {n} [anatomy] :: glottis
äänirauta {n} :: tuning fork
äänisaaste {n} :: noise pollution
Äänisjärvi {prop} :: synonym of Ääninen (Lake Onega)
Äänislinna {prop} [historical] :: synonym of Petroskoi (Finnish name of the city Petrozavodsk during the Finnish occupation in 1941-44)
äänisuunnittelija {n} :: sound designer, sound engineer, audio engineer
äänisyys {n} :: -ness (in regard to a sound)
äänitasapaino {n} :: sound balance, stereo balance, panning
äänite {n} :: recording (reproduction of sound)
ääniteho {n} [acoustics] :: sound power
äänitehoste {n} :: sound effect
äänitehostin {n} :: effects unit
äänitehotaso {n} [acoustics] :: sound power level
äänitekniikka {n} :: sound engineering
äänitiivis {adj} :: absolutely soundproof, or near so
äänitorvi {n} :: horn (in a phonograph or gramophone, the horn that amplifies the voice)
äänitorvi {n} :: soapbox (media platform which gives prominence to the person using it)
äänitorvi {n} :: horn (on a motor vehicle)
äänitorvi {n} [pejorative] :: organ (official magazine, newsletter, or similar publication of an organization)
äänitorvi {n} [pejorative] :: spokesman (one who speaks as the voice of a group of people)
äänittää {vt} :: to record (especially music, but also any audio or voice)
äänittäjä {n} :: recorder, one who records
äänittäminen {n} :: recording (act of recording music or voice)
äänittämö {n} :: recording studio
äänitutka {n} :: sodar
äänitys {n} :: The act of recording audio or sound
äänitystekniikka {n} :: recording technology
äänivallaton {adj} :: nonvoting (lacking the right to vote)
äänivalli {n} :: sound barrier
äänivalta {n} :: voice (right to vote)
äänivarat {n} :: the voice (such as of a person or a group of people) as an asset or resource
ääniväylä {n} :: vocal tract
ääniviesti {n} :: voice mail, voice message
äänivyöry {n} [politics] :: landslide (vote won by a wide or overwhelming majority)
äännähdys {n} :: sound, utterance
äännähtää {vi} :: To sound (once; to produce a momentary sound)
äännähtäminen {n} :: sounding (producing a momentary sound)
äänne {n} [linguistics] :: phone (speech segment)
äännekirjoitus {n} :: phonetic writing system
äännelaki {n} [linguistics] :: sound law
äännellä {vi} :: To make a sound or sounds other than speech with one's vocal cords
äänneopillinen {adj} :: phonological (pertaining to phonology, a subfield of linguistics)
äänneoppi {n} :: phonology
äännevaihtelu {n} [phonetics] :: apophony
äännös {n} [phonetics] :: an instance of producing a phone or any sound with one's voice
ääntää {vt} :: to pronounce, enunciate, articulate
ääntäminen {n} :: pronunciation
ääntämistapa {n} :: way of pronouncing
ääntämys {n} :: pronunciation
äänteellinen {adj} :: phonetic (relating to the sounds of spoken language)
äänteenmuutos {n} [linguistics] :: sound change
äänteleminen {n} :: making sounds other than speech with one's vocal cords
ääntely {n} :: making sounds other than speech
ääntenlaskija {n} :: teller, election officer, vote counter
ääntiö {n} [dated, linguistics] :: vowel
ääntiönmukaus {n} :: synonym of vokaalinmukaus
ääntö {n} :: pronunciation
ääntöasu {n} :: pronunciation (in contrast to spelling)
ääntöelin {n} :: articulation organ, speech organ
-ääntöinen {adj} :: pronounceable (capable of being distinctly pronounced in speech)
ääntöpaikka {n} [phonetics] :: place of articulation
ääntötapa {n} [phonetics] :: manner of articulation
ääntyä {vi} :: to be pronounced, be enunciated, be articulated
ääntymä {n} [phonetics] :: articulation
ääntyminen {n} :: becoming pronounced, enunciated or articulated
aapa {n} :: A type of open swamp
aapasara {n} :: Carex rotundata
aapasuo {n} :: minerotrophic bog; a type of open swamp
Aapeli {prop} :: given name
aapinen {n} :: primer, ABC (textbook formerly used in primary education to teach the alphabet)
aapiskirja {n} :: A primer or an ABC (textbook formerly used in primary education to teach the alphabet)
aapiskukko {n} :: A rooster with a raised pointer stick in one foot - a symbol of learning and wisdom used since the 1700s, primarily in ABC books
Aapo {prop} :: given name
Aappo {prop} :: given name
aaprotti {n} [plant] :: southernwood (Artemisia abrotanum)
aaprottimaruna {n} :: southernwood (Artemisia abrotanum)
ääreinen {adj} :: peripheral, located at the border or end of something
ääreishermosto {n} [anatomy] :: peripheral nervous system
ääreisnäkö {n} :: peripheral vision
äärellä {postp} [+ genitive, static] :: at; in the immediate vicinity of
äärelle {postp} [+ genitive] :: to being in the immediate vicinity of
äärellinen {adj} :: finite
äärellisulotteinen {adj} :: finite-dimensional
äärellisyys {n} :: finiteness
ääreltä {postp} [+ genitive] :: from being in the immediate vicinity of
ääressä {adv} :: at
ääretön {n} [mathematics] :: infinity (number)
ääretön {n} [mathematics] :: infinity (symbol)
ääretön {adj} [mathematics] :: infinite
ääretön {adj} :: limitless
ääretön {adj} :: boundless
ääretön-merkki {n} :: infinity, infinity symbol
Aaretti {prop} :: given name
äärettömästi {adv} :: infinitely
äärettömyys {n} :: infinity
äärettömyyspiste {n} [geometry, topology] :: point at infinity
äärettömyyssuora {n} [geometry, topology] :: line at infinity
äärevyys {n} [climatology] :: The rate of occurrence of extreme climate events
aari {n} :: 100 square metres, are
aari {n} :: an Aari
aari {n} :: the Aari language
ääri- {prefix} :: extreme, ultra-
ääri- {prefix} :: peripheral
ääri {n} :: verge
ääri {n} :: end
ääri {n} :: vicinity
aaria {n} [music] :: aria
ääriaines {n} :: extremists collectively
äärialue {n} :: peripheral region, outlying region
ääriarvo {n} :: extremum
ääriarvokohta {n} [math] :: extremum point
ääriarvopiste {n} [math] :: extremum point
ääriasema {n} [physics] :: extreme position (of a pendulum or an oscillator)
ääriasento {n} :: extreme position
ääriehdokas {n} :: extremist candidate
ääriesimerkki {n} :: extreme example
ääri-ilmiö {n} :: extreme phenomenon
äärijärjestö {n} :: extremist organization
äärikansallinen {adj} :: ultranationalist
äärikonservatiivinen {adj} :: ultraconservative
aarilainen {adj} [rare] :: synonym of arjalainen
aarilainen {n} [rare] :: synonym of arjalainen
äärilaita {n} :: outer boundary; extremity
äärilaji {n} :: extreme sport
ääriliike {n} :: An extremist movement, organization
äärimmäinen {adj} :: extreme, ultra, ultra-
äärimmäisen {adv} :: extremely, supremely
äärimmäisyys {n} :: extremeness (property of being extreme)
äärimmäisyys {n} :: extreme, extreme phenomenon, extreme event etc. (occasion of something extreme taking place)
äärimmäisyysaines {n} :: synonym of ääriaines
äärimmäisyysmies {n} [dated] :: extremist (male with extreme political, religious or ideological views)
äärimmäisyysryhmä {n} :: synonym of ääriryhmä
äärimmillään {adv} :: at one's extreme or extremes
äärimmilleen {adv} :: to one's extreme or extremes
äärimuslimi {n} :: Islamic extremist
äärioikeisto {n} [politics] :: far right, extreme right
äärioikeistolainen {adj} :: ultraright
äärioikeistolainen {n} :: A right-wing extremist
äärioikeistolaisin {adj} :: superlative of äärioikeistolainen
äärioikeistolaisuus {n} :: far rightism, extreme rightism
äärioikeistopuolue {n} :: far right party
ääriolot {n} :: extreme conditions
ääripää {n} :: extreme
ääripiirros {n} :: synonym of ääriviivapiirros
ääripiirteet {n} :: extreme traits or characteristics
ääripiirteet {n} :: outlines
ääriraja {n} :: extremity (most extreme or furthest point of something)
ääriryhmä {n} :: extremist group
äärisää {n} :: extreme weather
äärivasemmisto {n} [politics] :: far left, extreme left
äärivasemmistolainen {adj} :: extreme leftist
äärivasemmistolainen {n} :: An extreme leftist
äärivasemmistolaisuus {n} :: far leftism, extreme leftism
ääriviiva {n} :: outline, contour
ääriviivapiirros {n} :: contour drawing (work of art)
ääriviivapiirustus {n} :: contour drawing (art)
Aarne {prop} :: given name
Aarne {prop} :: The letter "A" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
aarni {n} [archaic, mythology] :: treasure
aarni {n} :: (archaic, mythology) giant; giant tree
Aarni {prop} :: given name
aarnialue {n} [ecology] :: primeval forest
aarnihauta {n} [Finnish mythology] :: A place where a treasure is said to be hidden
aarnihokko {n} :: great curassow (Crax rubra)
aarnihonka {n} :: A tall and old pine tree
aarnikotka {n} :: griffon, griffin (mythical animal)
aarnikuusi {n} :: An old and exceptionally tall spruce
aarniluppo {n} :: A species of lichen, Bryoria nadvornikiana
aarnimetsä {n} :: alternative form of aarniometsä
aarnio {n} [mythology] :: synonym of aarnihauta
aarnio {n} [figuratively] :: synonym of aarreaitta
aarnio {n} :: synonym of aarniometsä
aarniohauta {n} [mythology] :: A buried treasure
aarniohonka {n} :: synonym of aarnihonka
aarniokuusi {n} :: synonym of aarnikuusi
aarniometsä {n} :: old-growth forest, virgin forest
aarniopuu {n} :: synonym of aarnipuu
aarnipuu {n} :: A tall and old tree
aarnitoko {n} :: black dwarf hornbill (Tockus hartlaubi)
aarnituli {n} [Finnish mythology] :: A will o' the wisp that burns over a hidden treasure
aarnivalkea {n} [Finnish mythology] :: A will o' the wisp that burns over a hidden treasure
Aarno {prop} :: given name
Aaro {prop} :: given name
Aaron {prop} :: Aaron (biblical figure)
Aaron {prop} :: given name
aaroninparta {n} [plant] :: Aaron's beard, Saxifraga stolonifera
aaroninsauva {n} [plant] :: wild arum (Arum maculatum)
aarpora {n} :: reamer
aarporata {v} :: to ream
aarre {n} :: treasure
aarre {n} :: treasure trove (hidden treasure, subsequently discovered)
aarre {n} :: treasure trove (valuable discovery)
Aarre {prop} :: given name
aarreaitta {n} :: treasury (place where state or royal money and valuables are stored)
aarreaitta {n} [figuratively] :: treasury (collection of valuable artistic or literary works)
aarrearkku {n} :: treasure chest, treasury
aarrehauta {n} [mythology] :: A buried treasure
aarrekammio {n} :: treasure chamber
aarrekätkö {n} :: treasure cache
aarrelöytö {n} :: treasure trove (hidden treasure, subsequently discovered)
aarresaari {n} :: treasure island
aarretuli {n} [mythology] :: synonym of aarnituli
aarrevalkea {n} [mythology] :: alternative form of aarnivalkea
äärrös {n} [shoemaking] :: A strip of leather used to strengthen the side of the sole or heel of a shoe
aarteenetsijä {n} :: treasure hunter
aarteenetsintä {n} :: treasure hunting
aarteenkaivaja {n} :: treasure digger
aarteenmetsästys {n} :: treasure hunt
aarteisto {n} :: treasures
Äärynen {prop} :: surname
aasa {n} [Norse mythology] :: áss (one of the gods of the Æsir)
aasainusko {n} :: Asatru, Ásatrú (neopaganistic religion which aims to revive the belief in, and worship of, the Æsir)
aasainuskoinen {n} :: Asatruar (adherent of Asatru)
-aasi {suffix} [biochemistry] :: -ase (suffix used in terms for enzymes)
aasi {n} :: donkey, ass (Equus asinus)
aasi {n} :: stupid person
Aasia {prop} :: Asia (continent)
aasialainen {adj} :: Asian
aasialainen {n} :: An Asian person
aasialaisuus {n} :: The quality of being Asian
aasianharlekiini {n} :: broadbill (bird of the genus Eurylaimus)
aasianhaukkanen {n} :: falconet (any of the small falcons of the genus Microhierax)
aasianiibis {n} :: ibis (bird of the genus Pseudibis in the family Threskiornithidae, ibises and spoonbills)
aasianiibishaikara {n} :: painted stork, Mycteria leucocephala
Aasian ja Tyynenmeren alue {prop} [business] :: Asia-Pacific
Aasian ja Tyynenmeren maiden talousjärjestö {prop} :: APEC, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
aasianjokipääsky {n} :: white-eyed river martin, Pseudochelidon sirintarae, Eurochelidon sirintarae
aasiankääpiöhaukka {n} :: white-rumped pygmy falcon, white-rumped falcon, Polihierax insignis
aasiankääpiöorava {n} :: black-eared squirrel, Nannosciurus melanotis
aasiankääpiösorsa {n} :: cotton teal, Indian pygmy-goose, Nettapus coromandelianus
aasiankalliokyyhky {n} :: hill pigeon, Columba rupestris
aasiankalliopääsky {n} :: dusky crag martin, Ptyonoprogne concolor
aasiankeisarikalastaja {n} :: crested kingfisher (Megaceryle lugubris)
aasiankiitäjä {n} :: fork-tailed swift, Pacific swift, Apus pacificus
aasiankilpikierto {n} :: Asian moonseed, Menispermum dauricum
aasiankirjotikka {n} :: fulvous-breasted woodpecker (Dendrocopos macei)
Aasian kisat {prop} [sports] :: Asian Games
aasiankiuru {n} :: oriental skylark, oriental lark, small skylark (Alauda gulgula)
aasiankoskikara {n} :: brown dipper, Cinclus pallasii
aasiankukaali {n} :: greater coucal, Centropus sinensis
aasiankultakissa {n} :: Asiatic golden cat, Catopuma temminckii or Pardofelis temminckii
aasiankultakutoja {n} :: Asian golden weaver, Ploceus hypoxanthus
aasianleijona {n} :: Asiatic lion, Panthera leo persica
aasianlumivarpunen {n} :: snowfinch, (any of the four passerine bird species in the genus Montifringilla which were formerly classified in their own genus Pyrgilauda)
aasianlumivarpuset {n} [ornithology] :: The genus Pyrgilauda
aasianmangrovemedestäjä {n} :: copper-throated sunbird, Leptocoma calcostetha
aasianmarmorimurri {n} :: long-billed murrelet, Brachyramphus perdix
aasianmedestäjä {n} :: sunbird (bird of the genus Leptocoma in the family Nectariniidae, the family of sunbirds)
aasianmetsäpyy {n} :: hill partridge (bird of the genus Arborophila)
Aasian mustakarhu {n} :: synonym of kauluskarhu
aasianmutakala {n} :: pond loach, dojo loach, oriental weather loach, Japanese weather loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) (freshwater fish in the loach family Cobitidae, native to East Asia, sometimes used as an aquarium fish)
aasiannakkeli {n} :: chestnut-bellied nuthatch, Sitta castanea
aasiannorsu {n} :: Asian elephant, Elephas maximus
aasianpääskykahlaaja {n} :: oriental pratincole, Glareola maldivarum
aasianpalmukiitäjä {n} :: Asian palm swift, Cypsiurus balasiensis
aasianpalokärki {n} :: white-bellied woodpecker, Dryocopus javensis
aasianpensaskiuru {n} :: rufous-winged bushlark, Mirafra assamica
aasianpikkutikka {n} :: grey-capped pygmy woodpecker, Dendrocopos canicapillus
aasianpöllökehrääjä {n} :: frogmouth (bird of the genus Batrachostomus)
aasianpyhäiibis {n} :: black-headed ibis, Threskiornis melanocephalus
aasianrääkkiäinen {n} :: Swinhoe's rail, Coturnicops exquisitus
aasianrakonokka {n} :: Asian openbill, Anastomus oscitans
aasianräystäspääsky {n} :: Asian house martin, Delichon dasypus
aasianrilli {n} :: oriental white-eye, Zosterops palpebrosus
aasiansatulahaikara {n} :: black-necked stork, Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus
aasiansieppokerttu {n} [ornithology] :: A bird of the genus Seicercus of the family Phylloscopidae (separated from Sylviidae, the Old World warblers)
aasiansieppokertut {n} [ornithology] :: The genus Seicercus of the family Phylloscopidae (separated from Sylviidae, the Old World warblers)
aasiansininärhi {n} :: dollarbird, dollar roller Eurystomus orientalis
aasiantiikerihyttynen {n} :: Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus
aasiantoko {n} :: grey hornbill (bird of the genus Ocyceros)
aasiantöpökerttunen {n} :: stubtail (any of the three passerine birds in the genus Urosphena)
aasiantöpökerttunen {n} [in plural] :: the genus Urosphena
aasiantöpökiitäjä {n} :: silver-rumped spinetail, silver-rumped spinetailed swift, Rhaphidura leucopygialis
aasiantörmäpääsky {n} :: pale sand martin, Riparia diluta
aasiantöyhtötikka {n} :: rufous woodpecker, Celeus brachyurus
aasiantrogoni {n} :: trogon (bird of the genus Harpactes)
aasiantupsuhäntäpiikkisika {n} :: Asiatic brush-tailed porcupine, Atherurus macrourus
aasianturturikyyhky {n} :: spotted-necked dove, Streptopelia chinensis
aasianuikkukana {n} :: masked finfoot, Heliopais personatus
aasianuuttukyyhky {n} :: pale-backed pigeon, yellow-eyed pigeon, Columba eversmanni
aasianviheltäjä {n} :: mangrove whistler, Pachycephala cinerea
aasianvihervarpunen {n} :: yellow-breasted greenfinch, Chloris spinoides
aasianvilliaasi {n} :: kulan, Equus hemionus
aasianvillihevonen {n} :: Przewalski's horse, Equus ferus przewalskii
aasianvuoripeippo {n} :: Asian rosy finch, Leucosticte arctoa
aasimainen {adj} :: asinine
aasimaisempi {adj} :: comparative of aasimainen
aasimaisesti {adv} :: asininely
aasimaisuus {n} :: asininity
aasinajaja {n} :: donkey driver
aasini {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of aasi
aasinkorva {n} [plant] :: Syngonium auritum
aasinmaksaruoho {n} [plant] :: donkey tail, burro's tail, Sedum burrito
aasinpotku {n} [figuratively] :: own goal, backfiring
aasinsilta {n} [rhetoric, literature] :: An awkward transition from one topic to another
aasinsilta {n} [math, rare] :: pons asinorum (Euclid's fifth theorem)
aasintamma {n} :: she-ass, jenny-ass, jenny (female donkey)
aasiori {n} :: jackass (male donkey)
aasitamma {n} :: jenny, jennet (female donkey or ass)
aasta ööhön {phrase} :: from A to Z
aatami {n} [figuratively] :: Adam
Aatami {prop} [Christianity, colloquial] :: Adam (first man, according to the Bible)
Aatami {prop} :: given name
Aatamila {prop} :: surname
aataminaikainen {adj} :: Really old, antediluvian
aataminomena {n} [anatomy] :: Adam's apple, thyroid cartilage, laryngeal prominence
aataminpuku {n} [euphemistic] :: birthday suit (nakedness)
Aataminsilta {prop} [geography] :: Adam's Bridge
aate {n} :: ideology
aatehistoria {n} :: history of ideologies
aatejärjestelmä {n} :: synonym of ideologia
aatekilpailu {n} [architecture] :: ideas competition (competition for architects to find the best and most attractive general idea for a construction project, often for an area or zone rather than an individual building)
aateli {n} :: nobility
aateli {n} [figuratively] :: elite, choice (best or most preferable part)
aateliike {n} [dated] :: ideological movement
aatelinen {n} :: nobleman, noblewoman (member of nobility)
aatelinen {adj} :: noble (belonging to nobility)
aatelisarvo {n} :: noble rank
aatelisherra {n} :: nobleman
aateliskalenteri {n} :: calendar of nobility (listing of the members of noble families)
aateliskartano {n} :: noble estate (large estate owned by a nobleman, often originally granted as privilege by the)
aateliskartano {n} :: The main building of such an estate, even if separated from the original land ownership
aatelismies {n} :: nobleman
aatelisnainen {n} :: noblewoman
aatelisneiti {n} :: noble-miss
aatelisneito {n} :: noblewoman
aatelisnenä {n} :: A type of nose associated with nobility i.e. a relatively tall nose with a more or less visible hump
aatelisnimi {n} :: noble name (surname of a noble family)
aatelisrouva {n} :: noblewoman
aatelissääty {n} :: nobility (nobility as an estate of the realm)
aatelissuku {n} :: noble family (family that belongs to nobility)
aatelisto {n} :: nobility
aatelisuus {n} :: nobility, nobleness (quality of being of noble birth)
aatelisvaakuna {n} :: A coat of arms of a noble family
aateliton {n} :: commoner (someone who is not of noble rank)
aateliton {adj} :: unnoble (not of noble rank)
aatella {v} [dialectal] :: alternative form of ajatella
aatelma {n} :: alternative form of ajatelma
aateloida {vt} :: To ennoble, raise to the nobility/peerage
aateloiminen {n} :: ennobling, ennoblement
aatelointi {n} :: ennobling, ennoblement (making one noble)
aateluus {n} :: nobility, nobleness (quality)
aateluus velvoittaa {phrase} :: noblesse oblige
aatemaailma {n} :: ideology (doctrine, body of ideas)
aatepiiri {n} :: sphere of ideas
aaterakennelma {n} :: ideology, system of thought (body of beliefs or principles belonging to an individual or group, especially one that has been organized to a theory)
aaterikkaus {n} :: richness of ideas, richness of thought
aatesisar {n} :: ideological sister (female ideological companion)
aatesuunta {n} :: current of thought, ideological current
aatetoveri {n} :: co-ideologist, ideological companion
aateveli {n} :: ideological brother (male ideological companion)
aatevirtaus {n} :: current of thought, ideological current
-aatio {suffix} :: -ation
Aato {prop} [rare] :: given name
aatonaatto {n} :: eve's eve (day before an eve)
aatos {n} [literary] :: thought
Aatos {prop} :: given name
aatra {n} [historical] :: ard, scratch plough (simple plough)
aatra {n} [dialectal] :: plough
aatteellinen {adj} :: Ideological; adhering to an ideology
aatteellisemmin {adv} :: comparative of aatteellisesti
aatteellisempi {adj} :: comparative of aatteellinen
aatteellisesti {adv} :: ideologically
aatteellisimmin {adv} :: superlative of aatteellisesti
aatteellisin {adj} :: superlative of aatteellinen
aatteellisuus {n} :: The state of being ideological
aatteeton {n} :: unideological
-aatteinen {adj} [dated] :: -thinking
-aatteinen {adj} [dated] :: -minded
aatto {n} :: eve
Aatto {prop} :: given name
aattoaika {n} :: opening hours on an eve
aattoaika {n} :: An unspecified period before an eve, when preparations are made for the celebration
aattoilta {n} :: eve's eve; the evening of an eve, particularly the evening before juhannus (Midsummer), joulu (Christmas) or uusivuosi (New Year)
aattopäivä {n} :: eve day, eve
aattoyö {n} :: eve night, eve's night (night of an eve, particularly the night before juhannus (Midsummer), joulu (Christmas) or uusivuosi (New Year))
Aatu {prop} :: given name
aava {adj} :: open, wide (featuring a very large open area, especially sea)
aava {n} :: open sea
Aava {prop} :: given name
aavameri {n} :: A rare spelling of aava meri, ("high seas, open sea"), used principally attributively in genitive singular, as in aavanmeren laivasto
aave {n} :: phantom (something apparently seen, heard, or sensed, but having no physical reality)
aave {n} :: ghost (spirit of a dead person)
aavejuna {n} :: ghost train (supernatural manifestation of a train)
aavekaupunki {n} :: ghost town
aavekipu {n} :: phantom pain
aavekuva {n} :: ghost image (undesired image appearing at the image plane of an optical system)
aavelaiva {n} :: ghost ship
aavemainen {adj} :: ghostly
aavemaisemmin {adv} :: comparative of aavemaisesti
aavemaisempi {adj} :: comparative of aavemainen
aavemaisesti {adv} :: eerily
aavemaisimmin {adv} :: superlative of aavemaisesti
aavemaisin {adj} :: superlative of aavemainen
aavemaisuus {n} :: ghostliness
aavempi {adj} :: comparative of aava
aaveraaja {n} [pathology] :: phantom limb
aavesärky {n} [medicine] :: phantom pain
aavikko {n} :: desert
aavikkoalue {n} :: desert area
aavikkogundi {n} :: Val's gundi, Ctenodactylus vali (rodent found in parts of northern Sahara)
aavikkohaukka {n} :: saker, saker falcon (Falco cherrug)
aavikkoiguaani {n} :: desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis
aavikkoilmasto {n} :: desert climate
aavikkoilves {n} :: caracal (Caracal caracal)
aavikkoinen {adj} :: desert, barren (consisting of, or like a desert)
aavikkojäniskenguru {n} :: Lake Mackay hare-wallaby (Lagorchestes asomatus)
aavikkojerbo {n} :: synonym of aavikkorotta
aavikkojuoksija {n} :: cream-colored courser, Cursorius cursor
aavikkokaniini {n} :: desert cottontail, Sylvilagus audubonii
aavikkokauppiasrotta {n} :: desert woodrat, Neotoma lepida
aavikkokehrääjä {n} :: Egyptian nightjar, Caprimulgus aegyptius
aavikkokenguru {n} :: desert rat-kangaroo (Caloprymnus campestris)
aavikkokerttu {n} :: streaked scrub warbler, Scotocerca inquieta
aavikkokettu {n} :: fennec (Vulpes zerda)
aavikkokissa {n} :: African wildcat, Felis silvestris lybica
aavikkokiuru {n} :: desert lark, Ammomanes deserti
aavikkokiuru {n} [in plural] :: Ammomanes (genus of birds in lark family)
aavikkokulkusirkka {n} :: desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria
aavikkokultakontiainen {n} :: Grant's golden mole, Eremitalpa granti
aavikkokultamyyrä {n} :: Grant's golden mole, Eremitalpa granti
aavikkokultarinta {n} :: Sykes's warbler, Iduna rama
aavikkolokki {n} :: grey gull (Leucophaeus modestus)
aavikkomara {n} :: Chacoan mara, Dolichotis salinicola
aavikkopäästäinen {n} :: Crawford's gray shrew, Notiosorex crawfordi
aavikkopikkumarsu {n} :: southern mountain cavy, Microcavia australis
aavikkopöllö {n} :: Hume's owl, Strix butleri
aavikkopussimäyrä {n} :: desert bandicoot, Perameles eremiana
aavikkopyy {n} :: sand partridge, Ammoperdix heyi
aavikkopyy {n} [in plural] :: Ammoperdix (genus of birds consisting of two species)
aavikkorotta {n} :: lesser Egyptian jerboa, Jaculus jaculus
aavikkorotta {n} :: desert jerboa (rodent of the genus Jaculus)
aavikkosiili {n} :: long-eared hedgehog, Hemiechinus auritus
aavikkotaipaani {n} :: inland taipan, small-scaled snake or fierce snake, Oxyuranus microlepidotus
aavikkotasku {n} :: desert wheatear, Oenanthe deserti
aavikkotaskurotta {n} :: desert pocket gopher, Geomys arenarius
aavikkotrappi {n} :: Arabian bustard, Ardeotis arabs
aavikkotulkku {n} :: trumpeter finch, Bucanetes githagineus
aavikkotulkku {n} [in plural] :: Bucanetes (genus of passerine birds consisting of two species)
aavikkotylli {n} :: greater sand plover, Charadrius leschenaultii
aavikkounikeko {n} :: desert dormouse, Selevinia betpakdalaensis
aavikkovarpunen {n} :: desert sparrow (Passer simplex)
aavikoittaa {v} :: to desertify (to cause to become desert)
aavikoitua {vi} :: to desertify (become desert)
aavikoituminen {n} :: desertification
aavin {adj} :: superlative of aava
aavistaa {vt} :: to anticipate; to have a feeling that..., have a premonition of
aavistamaton {adj} :: unexpected, unforeseen
aavistamatta {adv} :: unsuspectedly
aavistamatta {adv} :: unsuspectingly
aavistaminen {n} :: anticipation (the act of anticipating something)
aavisteleminen {n} :: having a hunch of something
aavistella {vi} :: To have a hunch, to have a funny feeling
aavistuksenomainen {adj} :: premonition-like
aavistus {n} :: premonition, intuition, hunch
aavistus {n} [idiomatic] :: ei (harmainta) aavistustakaan: no idea, not the faintest idea, not the foggiest
aavistuslähtö {n} [sports] :: false start
abaattinen {adj} [medicine] :: abasic (lacking the ability to walk)
abakaviiri {n} [pharmaceutical drug] :: abacavir
abaksiaalinen {adj} :: abaxial (facing to a direction away from the central axis of an organism)
abakteriaalinen {adj} :: abacterial (not caused by bacteria, characterized by lack of bacteria)
abakterielli {adj} [rare] :: Alternative term for abakteriaalinen
abakus {n} [architecture, maths] :: abacus
abaloni {n} :: An abalone, a pawa (New Zealand English)
abasia {n} [medicine] :: abasia (inability to walk)
abatasepti {n} [pharmacology] :: abatacept
abatsi {n} :: abachi, obeche, wawa, ayous, samba (Triplochiton scleroxylon)
abbedissa {n} [Christianity] :: An abbess
abbotinsukeltaja-antilooppi {n} :: Abbott's duiker (Cephalophus spadix)
abbreviaatio {n} :: abbreviation
ABC-ase {n} :: ABC weapon (atomic, biological or chemical weapon of mass destruction)
abdikaatio {n} :: abdication
abdikoida {vi} :: To abdicate
abdominaali {adj} :: abdominal, ventral (of or pertaining to the abdomen)
abdominaalimigreeni {n} [pathology] :: abdominal migraine (variant of migraine)
abdominaalinen {adj} :: abdominal
abdominoplastia {n} [plastic surgery] :: abdominoplasty
abduktiivinen {adj} :: abductive
abduktio {n} [physiology] :: abduction (movement which separates a body part from the center line of the body or a limb)
abduktio {n} [logic] :: abduction (form of argument)
abduktio {n} :: abduction (wrongful, and usually forcible, carrying off of a human being, especially by aliens)
abduktoida {v} :: To abduct
abduktori {n} [anatomy] :: abductor (muscle which serves to draw a part out)
abeetalipoproteinemia {n} [pathology] :: abetalipoproteinemia (rare autosomal recessive disorder, lack of beta-lipoproteins in blood)
abelinen {adj} [math] :: abelian
Abelin ryhmä {n} [math] :: Abelian group, commutative group
aberraatio {n} :: aberration
aberrantti {adj} :: aberrant
abessiivi {n} [grammar] :: abessive
abessiivisija {n} [grammar] :: abessive case
Abessinia {prop} :: Abyssinia (historical name of Ethiopia)
abessinialainen {adj} [historical] :: Abyssinian
abessinialainen {n} [historical] :: Abyssinian (person)
abessinialainen {n} :: Abyssinian (breed of cat)
abessiniangenetti {n} :: Abyssinian genet, Genetta abyssinica (carnivore of the family Viverridae - civets and relatives, found in moorland, grasslands and sub-desert areas in Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea and Djibouti)
abessinianleijona {n} :: Masai lion (Panthera leo massaica, syn. Panthera leo roosevelti)
abhaasi {n} :: An Abkhaz
abhaasi {n} :: The Abkhaz language
abhaasinkielinen {adj} :: Abkhaz (expressed in Abkhaz language)
abhaasinkielinen {adj} :: Abkhaz-speaking
abhaasintaa {v} :: to translate into Abkhaz
Abhasia {prop} :: Abhasia (region/and/country)
abhasialainen {adj} :: Abkhazian
abhasialainen {n} :: Abkhaz (person from Abkhazia)
abi {n} [colloquial] :: A candidate for the matriculation examination
abikoliitin {n} :: A type of electrical connector for small diameters of electric wire which are attached to the end of the line by pressing
abikopihti {n} [usually in plural] :: crimper (tool for joining electric connectors to the ends of conductor wires by pressing)
abiogeneesi {n} [evolution] :: abiogenesis
abioottinen {adj} :: abiotic
abiotrofia {n} [pathology] :: abiotrophy
abiristeily {n} :: A cruise organized for the last year students of one or more high schools (lukio). This type of cruises are often organized by the students of the Finnish high schools located conveniently to the cruise harbors
abitiinihappo {n} [organic chemistry] :: abietic acid
abiturientti {n} :: A student on the last class of a high school, a candidate for the matriculation examination
abivuosi {n} :: A student's last year in high school (lukio)
ablaatio {n} :: ablation
ablatiivi {n} [grammar] :: ablative
ablatiivinen {adj} :: ablatival
ablatiivisija {n} [grammar] :: ablative case
ablaut {n} [linguistics] :: ablaut
abnormaali {adj} :: Abnormal
abnormi {adj} :: abnormal
abnormiteetti {n} :: abnormality
abnormius {n} :: abnormality
abo {n} :: abo
abolitionismi {n} :: abolitionism
abolitionisti {n} :: abolitionist
aboraalinen {adj} [zoology] :: aboral (located away from the mouth)
aboriginaali {n} :: Aboriginal (original inhabitant of Australia)
aboriginaaliheimo {n} :: Aboriginal tribe
aborigine {n} :: Aborigine (aboriginal Australian)
abortiivinen {adj} :: abortive
abortinvastainen {adj} :: antiabortion
abortoida {vt} :: to abort (a fetus; to cause a premature termination of a fetus)
abortoiminen {n} :: abort, aborting
abortointi {n} :: abort
abortti {n} [medicine] :: abortion, induced abortion (procedure that terminates pregnancy by removing the fetus)
aborttiklinikka {n} :: abortion clinic (medical facility that specializes in abortions)
aborttilainsäädäntö {n} :: abortion legislation
aborttipilleri {n} :: abortion pill (drug that induces abortion)
aborttitabletti {n} :: Alternative term for aborttipilleri
abraasio {n} :: abrasion
abrahamilainen {adj} :: Abrahamic
abrakadabra {n} :: abracadabra (complicated technical or other jargon)
abrakadabra {interj} :: abracadabra (used by performing magician to indicate the moment of performing a magical trick or illusion)
abrakia {n} [pathology] :: abrachia (congenital absence of arms)
absenssi {n} :: absence
absessi {n} [pathology] :: An abscess
absidi {n} [architecture] :: apse (semicircular projection from a building, especially the rounded east end of a church that contains the altar)
absidi {n} [rare] :: vestibule of a double skin tent
absiksimabi {n} [pharmacology] :: abciximab
absintti {n} :: absinthe, absinth (strong alcoholoc beverage)
absinttiöljy {n} :: synonym of koiruohoöljy
abskessi {n} [medicine] :: abscess
abskissa {n} [mathematics] :: abscissa
abskissihappo {n} [organic chemistry] :: abscisic acid
absolutiivi {n} [grammar] :: The absolutive case
absolutismi {n} :: the ideal of abstaining from the consumption of alcohol
absolutismi {n} :: absolutism
absolutisti {n} :: absolutist (one who favours an absolute government)
absolutisti {n} :: teetotaler (one who drinks no alcohol at all)
absolutistinen {adj} :: absolutist
absoluutio {n} :: absolution
absoluutti {n} :: absolute
absoluuttinen {adj} :: absolute
absoluuttinen lämpötila {n} :: absolute temperature
absoluuttinen nollapiste {n} [physics] :: absolute zero
absoluuttisemmin {adv} :: comparative of absoluuttisesti
absoluuttisesti {adv} :: absolutely
absoluuttisimmin {adv} :: superlative of absoluuttisesti
absoluuttisuus {n} :: absoluteness (state of being absolute)
absorbanssi {n} :: absorbance
absorbentti {n} :: absorbent
absorboida {vt} [physics] :: To absorb
absorboiminen {n} :: absorbing, absorption
absorbointi {n} :: absorption
absorboitua {vi} [physics, + illative] :: To be absorbed into
absorboituminen {n} :: the process of being absorbed
absorptio {n} [chemistry, physics] :: absorption
absorptiokerroin {n} :: absorption coefficient
absorptiokyky {n} :: absorptivity, absorption capacity
absorptiometria {n} :: absorptiometry
absorptiospektri {n} [physics] :: absorption spectrum
absorptioviiva {n} :: absorption line
abstinenssi {n} :: abstinence
abstinenssioire {n} :: Alternative term for vieroitusoire
abstrahoida {vt} :: To abstract, make an epitome/a general concept of
abstrahoiminen {n} :: abstracting, abstraction (the action of making abstract)
abstrahointi {n} :: abstraction
abstrahoitua {vi} :: To be abstracted, be generalized
abstrahoituma {n} [linguistics] :: A name that has been derived from an inflected form of another word
abstrahoituminen {n} :: the process of becoming abstract
abstrakteimmin {adv} :: superlative of abstraktisti
abstraktein {adj} :: superlative of abstrakti
abstrakti {adj} :: abstract (free from representational qualities)
abstrakti {adj} :: abstract (apart from practice or reality; not concrete; ideal; vague; theoretical; impersonal)
abstrakti {adj} :: abstract (difficult to understand; abstruse)
abstrakti {adj} [programming] :: abstract
abstrakti algebra {n} [mathematics] :: abstract algebra
abstraktijulkaisu {n} :: abstract publication (publication publishing abstracts)
abstraktimmin {adv} :: comparative of abstraktisti
abstraktimpi {adj} :: comparative of abstrakti
abstraktinen {adj} :: abstract
abstraktio {n} :: abstraction
abstraktionismi {n} :: abstractionism
abstraktisesti {adv} :: alternative form of abstraktisti
abstraktistaa {v} :: A variant of abstrahoida
abstraktistaminen {n} :: synonym of abstrahoiminen
abstraktisti {adv} :: abstractly
abstraktistua {vi} :: To become abstract
abstraktistuminen {n} :: the process of becoming abstract
abstraktisuus {n} :: abstractness (quality of being abstract)
abstraktius {n} :: synonym of abstraktisuus (quality of being abstract)
abstraktoida {v} [nonstandard] :: alternative form of abstrahoida
absurdeimmin {adv} :: superlative of absurdisti
absurdein {adj} :: superlative of absurdi
absurdi {adj} :: absurd
absurdimmin {adv} :: comparative of absurdisti
absurdimpi {adj} :: comparative of absurdi
absurdismi {n} :: absurdism
absurdisti {n} :: absurdist
absurdisti {adv} :: absurdly
absurditeetti {n} :: absurdity
absurdius {n} :: absurdity
abulia {n} [psychiatry] :: abulia
abuulinen {adj} [psychiatry] :: abulic
abyssaalinen {adj} :: abyssal
abyssinen {adj} :: alternative form of abyssaalinen
acajoupähkinä {n} [rare] :: cashew nut, acajou
aceh {n} :: Acehnese, Aceh (Malayo-Polynesian language spoken in Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia)
Ackermannin funktio {n} [comptheory] :: Ackermann function
adaktylia {n} [pathology] :: adactylism (congenital absence of fingers or toes)
adalimumabi {n} :: adalimumab (antirheumatic drug)
adamantaani {n} :: adamantane
adamantiini {n} [anatomy] :: enamel (hard covering on the exposed part of a tooth)
adamiitti {n} [mineral] :: adamite
adapaleeni {n} [pharmacology] :: adapalene (medicine used topically to treat skin conditions)
adaptaatio {n} :: adaptation (process of becoming adapted)
adaptationismi {n} [biology] :: adaptationism
adapteri {n} :: adapter
adaptiivinen {adj} :: adaptive
adaptoida {vt} :: To adapt
adaptoiminen {n} :: adapting
adaptointi {n} :: An adaptation; the process of adapting
adaptoitua {vi} :: To be(come) adapted
adaptoituminen {n} :: adaptation
addikti {n} :: addict
addiktiivinen {adj} :: addictive
addiktio {n} :: an addiction
addiktoida {v} :: to addict (to cause to become addicted)
addiktoitua {v} :: to addict (to become addicted)
addiktoiva {adj} :: addictive
Addis {prop} [colloquial] :: Addis Ababa (Ethiopia's capital city)
Addis Abeba {prop} :: Addis Abeba (capital)
Addisonin tauti {n} [pathology] :: Addison's disease
addisonismi {n} [pathology] :: Addison's disease
additiivinen {adj} :: additive
additio {n} [chemistry] :: addition
additioreaktio {n} [organic chemistry] :: addition reaction
addressi {n} :: alternative form of adressi
addukti {n} [chemistry] :: adduct
adduktiivinen {adj} :: adductive
adduktio {n} [physiology] :: adduction (movement which brings a body part towards the center line of the body or a limb)
adduktiovääntökoe {n} [pathophysiology] :: adduction test (test for determining the condition of a joint by examining its movements)
adduktori {n} [anatomy] :: adductor (muscle which draws a limb or part of the body toward the middle line of the body, or closes extended parts of the body)
adefoviiridipivoksiili {n} :: adefovir dipivoxil (inhibitor used to treat hepatitis B)
adekvaatisti {adv} [rare] :: adequately
adekvaatti {adj} [medicine] :: adequate
adekvaattinen {adj} :: alternative form of adekvaatti
adekvaattius {n} :: adequacy
adele {n} :: Adele (language spoken in Ghana and Togo)
adeniini {n} :: adenine
adeniitti {n} [pathology, jargon] :: adenitis (glandular inflammation)
adenoblasti {n} [cytology] :: adenoblast (embryonic cell that can develop to form glandular parenchyma)
adenofibrooma {n} [pathology] :: adenofibroma (benign glandular and fibrous neoplasm)
adenohypofyysi {n} [anatomy] :: adenohypophysis
adenoidektomia {n} [surgery] :: adenoidectomy, adenotomy
adenoidiitti {n} [pathology, jargon] :: adenoiditis (inflammation of the adenoid)
adenoidinen {n} [anatomy] :: glandiform
adenokarsinooma {n} [oncology] :: adenocarcinoma
adenolipooma {n} [pathology, jargon] :: adenolipoma (benign lipoma of a gland containing both glandular and fat tissue)
adenolymfooma {n} [pathology] :: adenolymphoma (benign tumour of the salivary glands)
adenomatoidi {adj} [pathology] :: adenomatoid (of or pertaining to adenoma)
adenomatoidikasvain {n} [pathology] :: adenomatoid tumor (benign mesothelial tumour of the genital tract)
adenomatoidinen {adj} :: alternative form of adenomatoidi
adenomatoosi {n} [pathology] :: adenomatosis (type of cancer)
adenomatoottinen {adj} [pathology] :: adenomatotic (of or pertaining to adenomatosis)
adenomyomatoosi {n} [pathology] :: adenomyomatosis (condition)
adenomyooma {n} :: adenomyoma (complex tumor including components derived from glands and muscle)
adenomyoosi {n} [pathology] :: adenomyosis
adenooma {n} [pathology] :: adenoma
adenoosi {n} [pathology] :: adenosis (benign swelling, scarring or enlargement of the lymph glands)
adenopatia {n} [pathology] :: synonym of rauhastauti
adenosarkooma {n} :: adenosarcoma (uncommon form of cancer)
adenosiini {n} [biochemistry] :: adenosine (a nucleoside)
adenosiinideaminaasi {n} :: adenosine deaminase
adenosiinidifosfaatti {n} [biochemistry] :: adenosine diphosphate (a nucleotide)
adenosiinimonofosfaatti {n} [biochemistry] :: adenosine monophosphate
adenosiininukleotidi {n} [biochemistry] :: adenosine nucleotide
adenosiinitrifosfaatti {n} [biochemistry] :: adenosine triphosphate
adenosiinitrifosfataasi {n} [biochemistry] :: adenosinetriphosphatase
adenosyytti {n} [cytology] :: adenocyte (secretory cell of a gland)
adenotomia {n} [surgery] :: adenoidectomy
adenotonsillektomia {n} [surgery] :: adenotonsillectomy
adenotonsilliitti {n} [pathology] :: adenotonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids)
adenovirus {n} :: adenovirus
adenylaattideaminaasi {n} :: AMP deaminase (enzyme)
adenylaattisyklaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: adenylate cyclase, adenylyl cyclase (enzyme with key regulatory roles in essentially all cells)
adenyylihappo {n} [organic chemistry] :: adenylic acid
adenyylisyklaasi {n} :: alternative form of adenylaattisyklaasi
aderinsukeltaja-antilooppi {n} :: Ader´s duiker, Cephalophus adersi (species of antelope)
adessiivi {n} [grammar] :: adessive case, adessive
adessiivisija {n} [grammar] :: adessive case
adheesio {n} :: adhesion (ability of a substance to stick to an unlike substance)
adheesio {n} [medicine] :: (abnormal union of surface by the formation of new tissue)
adheesiomolekyyli {n} :: adhesion molecule (protein on the surface of a cell that helps the cell stick to other cells and to its surroundings)
adherenssi {n} [pathology] :: adherence (attachment of bacteria to the surface of cells)
adherenssi {n} [medicine] :: adherence (extent to which a patient continues an agreed or proscribed treatment plan)
adherentti {adj} [medicine] :: adherent (having the quality of clinging or sticking fast to something)
adhesiini {n} [biochemistry] :: adhesin (substance that facilitates adhesion of bacteria on their target cells)
adhesiivinen {adj} :: adhesive (sticky; tenacious, apt or tending to adhere; clinging)
adhesiiviotiitti {n} [pathology] :: adhesive otitis, adhesive otitis media (condition in which abnormal adhesions develop in the middle ear as a result of an inflammation)
ad hoc {adj} [rare] :: ad hoc (for a particular purpose)
adiabaatti {n} [physics] :: adiabat
adiabaattinen {adj} [physics] :: adiabatic
adiadokokineesi {n} [anatomy, medicine] :: adiadochokinesia, adiadochokinesis (inability to perform rapid alternating movements)
adipiinihappo {n} [organic chemistry] :: adipic acid
adipiinihapponitriili {n} :: adiponitrile
adipolyysi {n} [anatomy, medicine] :: adipolysis (process of converting fat into free fatty acids, esp. by the action of enzymes)
adipolyyttinen {adj} [anatomy, medicine] :: adipolytic (converting fat into free fatty acids, esp. by the action of enzymes)
adiponitriili {n} :: adiponitrile
adipoosi {adj} [medicine] :: adipose, fatty (containing, composed of, or consisting of fat)
adipoosinen {adj} :: alternative form of adipoosi
adiposyytti {n} [cytology] :: adipocyte
adjektiivi {n} [grammar] :: adjective
adjektiiviattribuutti {n} [grammar] :: adjective attribute
adjektiivijohdos {n} [grammar] :: adjectival derivative (derivative, or derived word, which is an adjective)
adjektiivikantainen {adj} [grammar] :: deadjectival (deriving from an adjective)
adjektiivilauseke {n} [grammar] :: adjective phrase
adjektiivimäärite {n} [grammar] :: adjective attribute
adjektiivinen {adj} :: adjectival
adjektiiviryhmä {n} [grammar] :: Alternative term for adjektiivilauseke
adjektiivisesti {adv} :: adjectivally (in a manner of an adjective)
adjektiivisuus {n} :: adjectivity (state or condition of being an adjective)
adjungaatti {n} [linear algebra] :: adjugate, adjoint
adjunkti {n} :: adjunct
adjutantti {n} :: adjutant, aide-de-camp
adjuvantti {n} [medicine, pharmacology, immunology] :: adjuvant (substance that enhances the efficacy of a treatment or drug)
adjuvanttihoito {n} [medicine] :: adjuvant therapy (secondary treatment for cancer given after the primary treatment in order to remove residual microscopic disease)
adjuvanttinen {adj} [medicine] :: adjuvant (enhancing effectiveness of a medical treatment)
administraatio {n} :: administration
administraattori {n} [computing] :: administrator
administratiivinen {adj} :: administrative
admittanssi {n} [physics] :: admittance
adneksiitti {n} [pathology] :: adnexitis
adolesenssi {n} :: adolescence
adolesentti {adj} :: adolescent
adonis {n} :: Adonis (beautiful man)
adoptio {n} :: The adoption of a child
adoptioäiti {n} :: adoptive mother
adoptioisä {n} :: adoptive father
adoptiolapsi {n} :: adoptee (adopted child or a person who was adopted as a child)
adoptioperhe {n} :: adoptive family (family into which an adoptee is adopted)
adoptiosisarus {n} :: adoptive sibling
adoptiovanhempi {n} :: adoptive parent
adoptoida {vt} :: To adopt (a child)
adoptoiminen {n} :: adopting
adoptointi {n} :: adoption
adoraalinen {adj} :: adoral (located near the mouth)
adorantti {n} [fine arts] :: orant, orans (image of a person with hands up in prayer)
adpositio {n} [grammar] :: adposition
adpositionaalinen {adj} [grammar] :: adpositional (of or pertaining to adpositions)
adrenalektomia {n} [medicine] :: adrenalectomy (removal of one or both adrenal glands)
adrenaliini {n} :: adrenaline
adrenaliitti {n} [pathology] :: adrenalitis (inflammation of one or both adrenal glands)
adrenarke {n} :: adrenarche (maturation of the cortex of the human adrenal glands, typically occurring at age 6 to 10, causing some physical changes in both girls and boys)
adrenerginen {adj} [medicine] :: adrenergic (having the same effect as adrenaline or epinephrine)
adrenerginen {adj} [medicine] :: adrenergic (containing or releasing adrenaline)
adrenogenitaalinen {adj} [medicine] :: adrenogenital (of or pertaining to excessive production of androgen hormone)
adrenogenitaalinen oireyhtymä {n} [pathology] :: adrenogenital syndrome (group of symptoms caused by excessive secretion of androgenic hormones)
adrenogenitaalisyndrooma {n} [pathology] :: adrenogenital syndrome (group of symptoms caused by excessive secretion of androgenic hormones)
adrenokortikaalinen {adj} [anatomy, pathology] :: adrenocortical (of or pertaining to the adrenal cortex)
adrenokortikotrooppinen {adj} [medicine] :: adrenocorticotropic, adrenotropic (that stimulates the adrenal cortex)
adrenokortikotropiini {n} [anatomy, medicine] :: adrenocorticotropin (hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, regulates metabolism by regulating the cortex of the adrenal gland)
adrenokromi {n} :: adrenochrome
adrenoleukodystrofia {n} [medicine] :: adrenoleukodystrophy (degenerative genetic disease)
adrenolyyttinen {adj} [medicine] :: adrenolytic (that inhibits the effect of adrenaline)
adrenomedulliini {n} [medicine] :: adrenomedullin (peptide associated with a tumor of the adrenal medula)
adrenoreseptori {n} [medicine] :: adrenoreceptor, adrenergic receptor (site in the surface membranes of cells innervated by adrenergic neurons)
adrenotrooppinen {adj} [medicine] :: adrenotropic, adrenocorticotropic (that stimulates the adrenal cortex)
adressaatti {n} :: addressee
adressi {n} :: petition, address
Adrianmeri {prop} :: The Adriatic Sea
adsorbentti {n} :: adsorbent
adsorboida {vt} :: To adsorb
adsorboiminen {n} :: adsorbing
adsorbointi {n} :: adsorption
adsorboitua {vi} [physics] :: To be(come) adsorbed
adsorboituminen {n} :: the process of being adsorbed
adsorboiva {adj} :: adsorptive, adsorbent
adsorptio {n} :: adsorption
adsorptiokromatografia {n} :: adsorption chromatography (method of chromatography in which a solid adsorbing substance serves as the stationary phase)
adstringentti {n} :: astringent (substance which draws tissue together, thus restricting the flow of blood)
adstringoiva {adj} :: astringent (having the effect of drawing tissue together)
adsukipapu {n} :: azuki bean, adsuki bean, red bean
adukipapu {n} :: alternative form of azukipapu
adulaari {n} [mineral] :: adularia
A-duuri {n} [music] :: A major
advektio {n} :: advection
adventismi {n} :: Adventism
adventisti {n} :: An Adventist
adventti {n} :: Advent
adventtiaika {n} :: advent (period)
adventtikalenteri {n} :: Advent calendar
adventtikirkko {n} :: divine service of the Advent
adventtiseurakunta {n} :: Adventist congregation
adventtisunnuntai {n} :: Advent Sunday (the first Sunday of Advent, i.e. the fourth Sunday before Christmas)
adventtisunnuntai {n} :: Sunday of Advent (together with an ordinal number, any of the four Sundays of the Advent)
adverbi {n} [grammar] :: an adverb
adverbiaali {n} [grammar] :: adverbial
adverbiaalilauseke {n} [grammar] :: adverbial phrase
adverbiaalinen {adj} [grammar] :: adverbial
adverbiaalisemmin {adv} :: comparative of adverbiaalisesti
adverbiaalisesti {adv} :: adverbially
adverbiaalisimmin {adv} :: superlative of adverbiaalisesti
adverbiaalisuus {n} :: adverbiality (condition of having characteristics of an adverb)
adverbilauseke {n} [grammar] :: adverbial phrase
adverbinen {adj} :: adverbial
adverbisesti {adv} :: adverbially
adverbisuus {n} :: synonym of adverbiaalisuus
adversatiivinen {adj} [linguistics] :: adversative
adversatiivisemmin {adv} :: comparative of adversatiivisesti
adversatiivisesti {adv} :: adversatively
adversatiivisimmin {adv} :: superlative of adversatiivisesti
adversatiivisuus {n} :: adversativity
advokaatti {n} :: advocate
adyge {n} :: Adyghe (minority language in Russian Federation)
Adygeia {prop} :: Adygeia (republic)
aedeagus {n} [anatomy] :: aedeagus
aeolinen {adj} :: aeolian (referring to the action or the power of wind)
aero- {prefix} :: aero-
aerobatia {n} :: aerobatics
aerobic {n} :: aerobics
aerobicata {v} [rare] :: alternative form of aerobikata
aerobikata {vi} [colloquial] :: To do aerobics
aerobikkaaja {n} :: One who does aerobics
aerobikkaus {n} :: aerobics (form of exercise)
aerobikki {n} [colloquial] :: aerobics
aerobinen {adj} :: aerobic (as opposed to anaerobic)
aerobiologia {n} :: aerobiology
aerobiologinen {adj} :: aerobiological
aerobiologisemmin {adv} :: comparative of aerobiologisesti
aerobiologisesti {adv} :: aerobiologically
aerobiologisimmin {adv} :: superlative of aerobiologisesti
aerobiontti {n} [biology] :: aerobe (organism that needs oxygen to survive)
aerobioosi {n} :: aerobiosis
aerodontalgia {n} [dentistry] :: aerodontalgia
aerodynaaminen {adj} :: aerodynamic
aerodynaamisemmin {adv} :: comparative of aerodynaamisesti
aerodynaamisempi {adj} :: comparative of aerodynaaminen
aerodynaamisesti {adv} :: aerodynamically
aerodynaamisimmin {adv} :: superlative of aerodynaamisesti
aerodynaamisin {adj} :: superlative of aerodynaaminen
aerodynamiikka {n} :: aerodynamics
aeroelastinen {adj} [aerodynamics] :: aeroelastic
aeroelastisuus {n} :: aeroelasticity
aeroembolia {n} [pathology] :: air embolism, aeroembolism (condition caused by bubbles of gas in vascular system)
aerofobia {n} :: aerophobia
aerofobinen {adj} :: aerophobic
aerofoni {n} :: aerophone
aerofotografia {n} :: aerial photography
aerogeeli {n} :: aerogel
aerogeofysiikka {n} :: aerogeophysics (branch of geophysics based on airborne measurements of the Earth's surface)
aerologia {n} :: aerology
aeromekaniikka {n} :: aeromechanics (branch of mechanics dealing with gases)
aerometri {n} :: aerometer
aerometria {n} :: aerometry
aeronomi {n} :: aeronomist
aeronomia {n} :: aeronomy
aero-otiitti {n} [pathology] :: aerotitis (otitis caused by a change in atmospheric pressure)
aerosinuiitti {n} [pathology] :: aerosinusitis (sinusitis resulting from change in barometric pressure)
aerosoli {n} :: aerosol (fine solid particles or liquid droplets suspended in a gaseous medium)
aerosolifysiikka {n} [science] :: aerosol physics (study of physical properties of aerosols)
aerosolipakkaus {n} :: aerosol package
aerosolipullo {n} :: aerosol can
aerosolipurkki {n} :: aerosol can
aerosolitölkki {n} :: aerosol can
aerostatiikka {n} :: aerostatics (study of gases in equilibrium)
aerotropismi {n} :: aerotropism
äes {n} [agriculture] :: harrow
äestää {vt} [agriculture] :: to harrow
äestäminen {n} :: harrowing
äestellä {v} :: to harrow (to work the soil with a harrow; the use of frequentative indicates that the job was easy, or that it was done in an easy way, i.e. not properly)
äestys {n} :: harrowing (action)
äestyttää {v} :: to make harrow (to let someone else harrow)
äf {n} :: letter: f
afääri {n} [colloquial] :: A commercial affair
afaatikko {n} :: An aphasic person
afaattinen {adj} :: aphasic
afakia {n} [pathology] :: aphakia (absence of the lens of the eye)
afantaasikko {n} :: aphantasiac (person that suffers from aphantasia)
afantasia {n} :: aphantasia (condition of not being able to produce mental images)
afar {n} :: Afar (language)
afar {n} :: An Afar (person)
afari {n} :: Afar (person)
afarinetelänapina {n} :: Australopithecus afarensis (extinct hominid that lived between 3.9 and 2.9 million years ago)
afasia {n} [pathology] :: aphasia
afebriili {adj} [pathology, jargon] :: afebrile (having no fever)
afemia {n} [pathology] :: aphemia
afereesi {n} [medicine] :: apheresis
afereesi {n} [linguistics] :: apheresis
äffä {n} [colloquial] :: The letter F, f
affekti {n} [psychology] :: affect
affektihäiriö {n} :: affective disorder, mood disorder
affektiivinen {adj} :: affective
affektiivisesti {adv} :: affectively
affektiivisuus {n} :: affectivity
affektikohtaus {n} [medicine] :: synonym of affektikouristus
affektikouristus {n} [medicine] :: affective spasm (spasm triggered by powerful emotion, especially fury; usually affects kids younger than 6 years)
affektilabiilisuus {n} [medicine] :: affective lability (tendency to get affective spasms)
affektinen {adj} :: affective
affektio {n} [medicine] :: affection
affektisesti {adv} :: affectively
affektisuus {n} :: affectivity
affenpinseri {n} :: affenpinscher, Affenpinscher (breed of dog)
afferentti {adj} [anatomy] :: afferent (carrying towards)
affiini {adj} :: affine
affiinikuvaus {n} [linear algebra, geometry] :: affine transformation
affiinimuunnos {n} [mathematics] :: affine transformation
affiininen {adj} :: affine
affiksi {n} :: affix
affiliaatio {n} :: affiliation
affiniteetti {n} [chemistry, medicine, computing] :: affinity
affisio {n} [medicine] :: lesion
affisioida {v} [medicine, professional jargon] :: To affect (to infect or harm a part of the body)
affrikaatta {n} [phonetics] :: affricate
afgaani {n} :: Afghan (person of Pashtun ethnicity or of Pashtun descent)
afgaani {n} :: Afghan, Pashto (language)
afgaani {n} [incorrectly] :: Afghanistani, Afghan (citizen of Afghanistan)
afgaani {n} :: Afghan hound, Afghan (breed of dog)
afgaani {n} :: afghani, Afghani (currency of Afghanistan)
afgaaninvinttikoira {n} :: Afghan hound, Afghan
Afganistan {prop} :: Afganistan (country)
afganistanilainen {adj} :: Afghanistani, Afghan (of or pertaining to Afghanistan)
afganistanilainen {n} :: Afghanistani, Afghan (citizen of Afghanistan)
afganistaninpiiskujänis {n} :: Afghan pika, Ochotona rufescens (species of small lagomorph)
afganistaninpika {n} :: Afghan pika, Ochotona rufescens (species of small lagomorph)
aflatoksiini {n} :: aflatoxin (any of a family of mycotoxins produced by molds of the genus Aspergillus)
afonia {n} :: aphonia (inability to speak)
afoninen {adj} :: aphonic (of, relating to, or exhibiting aphonia; unable to speak)
afoottinen {adj} [biology] :: aphotic (describing that part of deep lakes and oceans where less than one per cent of sunlight penetrates and where photosynthesis is not possible)
aforismi {n} :: aphorism
aforismikokoelma {n} :: A collection of aphorisms
aforisti {n} :: aphorist (person who writes or recites aphorisms)
aforistikko {n} [dated] :: aforisti
aforistinen {adj} :: aphoristic
afrasia {n} [pathology] :: aphrasia (condition of being unable to speak)
africanis {n} :: Africanis (breed of dog)
afrikaaneri {n} :: An Afrikaner (member of an ethnic group of northwestern European ancestry and associated with southern Africa and the Afrikaans language)
afrikaani {n} :: alternative form of afrikaaneri
afrikaans {n} :: the Afrikaans language
afrikaansinkielinen {adj} :: Expressed in Afrikaans language
afrikaansinkielinen {adj} :: Speaking Afrikaans
afrikaansintaa {v} :: to translate into Afrikaans
afrikandi {n} :: An Afrikaner
afrikanhanhi {n} :: Egyptian goose, Alopochen aegyptiaca
afrikaniibishaikara {n} :: yellow-billed stork, Mycteria ibis
afrikanistiikka {n} :: African studies, Africanistics
afrikankääpiöhaukka {n} :: African pygmy falcon, pygmy falcon, Polihierax semitorquatus
afrikankääpiöorava {n} :: African pygmy squirrel, Myosciurus pumilio
afrikankäärmekaula {n} :: African darter, Anhinga rufa
afrikankalliopääsky {n} :: rock martin, Ptyonoprogne fuligula
afrikankapustahaikara {n} :: African spoonbill, Platalea alba
afrikankastanjasirkku {n} :: cinnamon-breasted bunting, Emberiza tahapisi
afrikankeisarikalastaja {n} :: giant kingfisher (Megaceryle maxima)
afrikankielilepakko {n} :: Woermann's bat, Woermann's fruit bat, Megaloglossus woermanni
afrikankukaali {n} :: Senegal coucal, Centropus senegalensis (bird in the cuckoo order)
afrikankultakissa {n} :: African golden cat, Profelis aurata
afrikankyttyrädelfiini {n} :: humpback dolphin, Sousa teuszii
afrikanlauluhaukka {n} :: dark chanting goshawk, Melierax metabates
afrikanlinsanki {n} :: African linsang, oyan, Poiana richardsonii (viverrine living in the jungles of central Africa)
afrikanmanaatti {n} :: African manatee, Trichechus senegalensis
afrikanmarabu {n} :: marabou, Leptoptilos crumeniferus
afrikanmerikarhu {n} :: South African fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus)
afrikanmetsäpäästäinen {n} :: Olivier's shrew, Crocidura olivieri
afrikanmetsärotta {n} :: Jackson's soft-furred mouse, Praomys jacksoni
afrikanniittyrotta {n} :: Natal multimammate mouse, Mastomys natalensis
afrikannorsu {n} :: African elephant, Loxodonta africana
afrikanpalmukiitäjä {n} :: African palm swift (Cypsiurus parvus)
afrikanpalmunäätä {n} :: African palm civet, Nandinia binotata
afrikanpelikaani {n} :: pink-backed pelican, Pelecanus rufescens
afrikanpiikkisika {n} :: Cape porcupine, Hystrix africaeaustralis
afrikanpingviini {n} :: jackass penguin, Spheniscus demersus
afrikanpurorotta {n} :: Issel's groove-toothed swamp rat, Pelomys isseli
afrikanrakonokka {n} :: African openbill, Anastomus lamelligerus
afrikansaksinokka {n} :: African skimmer, Rynchops flavirostris
Afrikan sarvi {prop} :: The Horn of Africa
afrikansatulahaikara {n} :: saddle-bill stork, Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis
afrikansivettikissa {n} :: African civet, Civettictis civetta
afrikansormihirssi {n} :: finger millet, Eleusine coracana (grass widely grown as cereal in arid areas of Africa and Asia)
afrikansuopöllö {n} :: marsh owl, Asio capensis
afrikansuorotta {n} :: African shaggy rat, Dasymys incomtus
afrikantöyhtöhyyppä {n} :: black-headed lapwing, Vanellus tectus
afrikantupsuhäntäpiikkisika {n} :: African brush-tailed porcupine, Atherurus africanus
afrikantylli {n} :: Kittlitz’s sand plover, Charadrius pecuarius
afrikanunikeko {n} :: woodland dormouse, Graphiurus murinus
afrikanvaris {n} :: pied crow, Corvus albus
afrikanvilliaasi {n} :: African wild ass, Equus asinus africanus
Afrikka {prop} :: Africa (continent)
afrikkalainen {adj} :: African
afrikkalainen {n} :: An African
afrikkalainen sikarutto {n} :: African swine fever (haemorrhagic fever with high mortality rates in pigs)
afrikkalaisamerikkalainen englanti {n} :: African American Vernacular English
afrikkalaisuus {n} :: state or quality of being African
afro- {prefix} :: Afro-, African (of or pertaining to Africa)
afro {n} :: afro (hairstyle)
afroaasialainen {adj} :: Afroasiatic
afroamerikkalainen {adj} :: African-American, Afro-American
afroamerikkalainen {n} :: African-American, Afro-American (person)
afrodiitti {n} :: aphrodite (mineral)
afrodiitti {n} [pathology, archaic] :: A person with atrophic genitals[1]
afrodisia {n} :: aphrodisia (state of sexual desire)
afrodisiakumi {n} [dated] :: aphrodisiac
afrokampaus {n} :: afro (hairstyle)
afrokommunismi {n} :: Afrocommunism (communism as applied in Africa)
afromusiikki {n} :: African music (music or music style originating in Africa)
afrosentrismi {n} :: Afrocentrism
afrosuomalainen {adj} :: Afro-Finnish, African-Finnish, (of or relating to Afro-Finns)
afrosuomalainen {n} :: Afro-Finn, African Finn (native or resident of Finland who is of sub-Saharan African heritage)
afta {n} [pathology] :: aphthous ulcer, oral ulcer, aphtha
aftainen {adj} [pathology] :: having aphthas or oral ulcers
aftoosi {n} [pathology] :: candidiasis, oral thrush, thrush, aphtha (fungal infection of the mucous membranes of the mouth caused by any species of yeast from the genus Candida)
aftoosinen {adj} [pathology] :: having the medical condition of candidiasis, oral thrush, thrush, aphtha (fungal infection of the mucous membranes of the mouth caused by any species of yeast from the genus Candida)
agaatti {n} :: agate
agaave {n} :: agave
agakonna {n} :: cane toad, marine toad, Bufo marinus (now Rhinella marina)
agalmatofilia {n} :: agalmatophilia
agalmatoliitti {n} [mineral] :: agalmatolite
agama {n} :: agama
agape-terapia {n} :: agape therapy (form of therapy based on Christian love for others, promoted by the Pentecostalist movement)
agar {n} :: synonym of agar-agar
agar-agar {n} :: agar (material)
agarliuos {n} :: agar (solution of agar, used as a bacterial culture medium, in electrophoresis and as a food additive)
agaroosi {n} [organic chemistry] :: agarose
agaropektiini {n} [organic chemistry] :: agaropectin
agba {n} :: agba, Gossweilerodendron balsamiferum
agenda {n} :: An agenda
ageneesi {n} [pathology] :: agenesis
agentiivi {n} [grammar] :: agentive
agentiivinen {adj} [grammar] :: agentive
agentiivisuus {n} [grammar] :: agentivity
agentti {n} :: agent (person or firm authorized to perform certain action on behalf of another)
agentti {n} [computing] :: agent
agentti {n} [grammar] :: agent
agenttifilmi {n} :: spy movie, spy film
agenttikirjallisuus {n} :: spy literature
agenttipartisiippi {n} [grammar] :: An agent participle; a verb form that allows the property of something being a target of an action to be formatted as an adjective-like attribute
agenttiromaani {n} :: spy novel
agenttitoiminta {n} :: espionage
agentuuri {n} :: agency (office or place of business of an agent)
agentuuri {n} :: agency (relation between a principal and his agent)
agentuuriliike {n} :: agency (office or place of business of an agent)
agglomeraatio {n} :: agglomeration
agglomeraatti {n} [geology] :: agglomerate
agglutinaatio {n} [linguistics] :: agglutination
agglutinaatio {n} [physiology] :: agglutination
agglutinatiivinen {adj} [linguistics] :: agglutinative
agglutinoida {v} [linguistics] :: To agglutinate
agglutinoiva {adj} [linguistics] :: agglutinative
aggregaatio {n} :: aggregation
aggregaatti {n} :: internal combustion engine generator
aggregoida {v} :: to aggregate
aggregointi {n} :: aggregation
aggressiivi {n} [linguistics, originally, humorous] :: aggressive mood, a verb construction in the Finnish language where the negative verb ei is omitted and often replaced with a swearword
aggressiivinen {adj} :: aggressive
aggressiivisemmin {adv} :: comparative of aggressiivisesti
aggressiivisempi {adj} :: comparative of aggressiivinen
aggressiivisesti {adv} :: aggressively
aggressiivisimmin {adv} :: superlative of aggressiivisesti
aggressiivisin {adj} :: superlative of aggressiivinen
aggressiivisuus {n} :: aggressiveness
aggressio {n} :: aggression
agility {n} [sports] :: agility, dog agility
agitaatio {n} :: agitation
agitaattori {n} :: agitator (one who agitates; one who stirs up or excites others)
agitatorinen {adj} :: agitative
agitoida {vt} :: To agitate (people to support or to be opposed to sth)
agitoija {n} :: agitator
agitoiminen {n} :: agitating
agitointi {n} :: agitation
aglykoni {n} [organic chemistry] :: aglycone
agnosia {n} [pathology] :: agnosia
agnostikko {n} :: An agnostic
agnostinen {adj} :: agnostic
agnostisesti {adv} :: agnostically (in an agnostic manner)
agnostisismi {n} :: agnosticism
agnostismi {n} :: agnosticism (view that the existence of a God or gods is unknown, unknowable, unproven, or unprovable)
agnostisuus {n} :: state or quality of being agnostic
agogiikka {n} :: agogics
agogo {n} [musical instrument] :: agogo (instrument)
agonaalinen {adj} :: agonal
agonia {n} :: agony, death struggle
agonisti {n} [biochemistry, anatomy] :: agonist
agora {n} :: agora (marketplace in Classical Greece)
agorafobia {n} [psychology] :: agoraphobia
agraari- {prefix} :: agrarian
agraari {n} [obsolete] :: agrarian (person who advocates the interests of farmers)
agraari {n} [obsolete] :: student of agriculture
agraarinen {adj} :: agrarian
agraaripolitiikka {n} :: agrarian policy
agraaripuolue {n} :: agrarian party
agraarisuus {n} :: state or quality of being agrarian
agraarivaltio {n} :: agrarian state
agraariyhteiskunta {n} :: agrarian society
agrafia {n} [pathology] :: agraphia
agro- {prefix} :: agro-
agrobiologia {n} :: agrobiology (branch of biology)
agrologi {n} :: agrologist
agrologia {n} :: agrology
agronomi {n} :: agronomist
agronomia {n} :: agronomy
aguti {n} :: agouti (long-legged rodent of the family Dasyproctidae)
ah {interj} :: oh, ah
äh {interj} :: argh (expression of annoyance, anger or frustration)
aha {interj} :: uh-huh (indicates that the speaker agrees or is simply still listening)
ahaa {interj} :: aha, oh, I see (exclamation of understanding, realization, invention, or recognition)
ahaa-elämys {n} :: aha moment
ahaggarinkivitamaani {n} :: Hoggar hyrax, Heterohyrax brucei antineae (subspecies of yellow-spotted rock hyrax endemic to Hoggar highglands in Algeria)
ahah {interj} :: Same as ahaa
ähäkutti {interj} :: nyah, nyah-nyah (expression of schadenfreude)
ähäpiti {interj} :: nyah, nyah-nyah (expression of schadenfreude)
ahava {n} :: dry and cold wind, especially in the spring
ahava {n} :: weather-beaten skin; often a consequence of the combined effect of the brightness of the sunshine enhanced by the reflection from the snow, and the coldness of the wind
ahavoida {v} :: alternative form of ahavoittaa
ahavoittaa {vt} :: to chap (of wind or sunlight, e.g. lips: to tan or blow dry and parched)
ahavoittaminen {n} :: chapping
ahavoitua {vi} [e.g. of lips, due to cold and dry wind] :: To (get) chap(ped)
ahavoitua {vi} [of a fish when off water, due to cold and dry wind] :: To dry up/out
ahavoituma {n} :: synonym of ahava (weather-beaten skin)
ahavoituminen {n} :: getting chapped
ahdas {adj} :: tight, narrow (such that it is difficult for something or someone to pass through it; fitting too close to the body)
ahdas {adj} :: narrow (of little extent)
ahdas {adj} [figuratively] :: narrow, restrictive (of limited scope, bigoted)
ahdas {adj} :: cramped (overcrowded or congested)
ahdas {adj} :: cramped (uncomfortably restricted in size)
ahdas {adj} :: cramped (uncomfortably restricted financially)
ahdashenkinen {adj} :: narrow-minded (having restricted or rigid views, being unreceptive to new ideas)
ahdashenkisesti {adv} :: narrow-mindedly
ahdashenkisyys {n} :: narrow-mindedness
ahdaskatseinen {adj} :: narrow-minded
ahdasmielinen {adj} :: narrow-minded
ahdasmielisesti {adv} :: narrow-mindedly
ahdasmielisyys {n} :: narrow-mindedness
ahdasnäköinen {adj} :: narrow-minded, narrow sighted (having mentally a narrow view)
ahdasnäköisesti {adv} :: narrow-mindedly
ahdasnäköisyys {n} :: narrow-mindedness
ahdasrajainen {adj} :: tightly limited (having narrow bounds for movement)
ahdasrajainen {adj} [figuratively] :: close-minded, doctrinaire, dogmatic, hidebound, illiberal, inflexible, intolerant, narrow-minded, partisan, pigheaded, rigid, stubborn, unpersuadable (unreceptive to new ideas)
ahdasrajaisesti {adv} :: Within tighly defined limits
ahdasrajaisesti {adv} [figuratively] :: dogmatically, illiberally, inflexibly, intolerantly, narrow-mindedly, partisanly, pigheadedly, rigidly, stubbornly (in a maneer which is unreceptive to new ideas)
ahdasrajaisuus {n} :: The property or state of being ahdasrajainen, in all senses
ahdata {vt} :: To load or unload (cargo)
ahde {n} :: hillside, bank, embankment
ahdekaunokki {n} :: brown knapweed, brownray knapweed, Centaurea jacea (herbaceous perennial plant native to dry meadows and open woodland throughout Europe)
ahdelauha {n} [plant] :: wavy hair grass, Deschampsia flexuosa
ahdettu {adj} :: turbocharged (having a turbocharger)
ahdin {n} :: supercharger (inlet air compressor for an internal combustion engine)
ahdin {n} [nautical] :: vang
ahdinko {n} :: plight, distress
ahdinkotila {n} :: plight, distress (state of being plighted or distressed)
ahdinmoottori {n} :: supercharged engine (engine equipped with a supercharger)
ahdinparta {n} [plant] :: A seaweed, Cladophora glomerata
ahdistaa {vt} :: To distress, bother
ahdistaa {vt} :: To harass, pester, badger
ahdistaa {vt} :: To irritate, vex, annoy
ahdistaa {vt} :: To chase, pursue
ahdistaa {vt} :: To (op)press, push, pressure
ahdistaa {vt} :: To bait, heckle, hector
ahdistaa {vi} :: To constrict, strangle, (of a shoe) pinch
ahdistaja {n} :: tormentor
ahdistaminen {n} :: distressing, bothering
ahdistaminen {n} :: harassing
ahdistaminen {n} :: irritating
ahdistava {adj} :: distressing
ahdisteleminen {n} :: harassing
ahdisteleminen {n} :: molesting
ahdistelija {n} :: stalker
ahdistelija {n} :: molester
ahdistella {v} :: To harass
ahdistella {v} :: To molest (sexually abuse)
ahdistelu {n} :: harassment
ahdistua {vi} :: To get anxious/nervous (about = elative), start feeling disturbed/uneasy, give in to one's fears, give one's anxieties full rein
ahdistuminen {n} :: becoming anxious or nervous
ahdistuneesti {adv} :: distressedly, anxiously, uneasily
ahdistuneisuus {n} :: anxiety
ahdistuneisuushäiriö {n} :: anxiety disorder
ahdistunut {adj} :: anguished, anxious, angstful (full of anxiety)
ahdistus {n} :: anxiety (unpleasant state of mental uneasiness, nervousness, apprehension and obsession or concern about some uncertain even)
ahdistus {n} [pathology] :: anxiety (state of restlessness and agitation)
ahdistus {n} :: angst (emotional turmoil, painful sadness)
ahdistushäiriö {n} [medicine] :: anxiety disorder
ahdistuslääke {n} :: anxiolytic (drug prescribed for the treatment of symptoms of anxiety)
ahdistusneuroosi {n} :: generalized anxiety disorder, GAD (anxiety disorder characterized by excessive, uncontrollable and often irrational worry which may interfere with daily functioning)
ahdistustila {n} :: anxiety, angst (state of being anxious)
ahdos {n} [agriculture, collectively] :: sheaves of grain arranged on beams (parsi) for drying
ähellys {n} :: groan
äheltää {vt} :: to groan
äheltäminen {n} :: groaning
aherrus {n} :: toil, grind, labour
ahertaa {vi} :: To work hard, apply oneself (to a task), hustle, labour/labor, toil
ahertaja {n} :: one who works hard, labours much, toils
ahertaminen {n} :: working hard, toiling
ähinä {n} :: grunt
ähistä {vi} :: to groan, to puffer
ähitellä {v} [rare] :: to utter äh-sounds or similar expressions of frustration
ahjo {n} :: forge, furnace
ahjohiili {n} :: forge coal
ähkää {v} :: alternative form of ähkiä
ähkäistä {vi} :: to grunt, groan (once and shortly)
ähkäisy {n} :: A single grunt, groan
ähke {n} :: grunting, groaning
ahkera {adj} :: industrious, hardworking
ahkeraliisa {n} :: busy Lizzy, balsam, impatiens (Impatiens walleriana, syn. Impatiens sultanii)
ahkerammin {adv} :: comparative of ahkerasti
ahkerasti {adv} :: diligently, studiously
ahkerimmin {adv} :: superlative of ahkerasti
ahkeroida {vi} :: To work hard, apply oneself (to a task), hustle, labour/labor, toil
ahkeroiminen {n} :: working hard, toiling
ahkerointi {n} :: toil (labour, work)
ahkeroitseminen {n} :: alternative form of ahkeroiminen
ahkeruus {n} :: industriousness, diligence, industry; work ethic (tendency to work persistently)
ahkeruus kovankin onnen voittaa {proverb} :: you can't keep a good man down
ähkiä {vi} :: to grunt, groan, moan (in a continuous manner, such as during physical effort)
ähkinä {n} :: grunting, groaning
ähkintä {n} :: grunting, groaning
ahkio {n} :: type of toboggan or sledge without runners, suitable for carrying goods or people in deep snow, usually drawn by a man or a reindeer
ähky {n} [veterinary medicine] :: horse colic
ähky {n} [colloquial] :: swell (the state of being swollen due to overeating)
ähky {n} [colloquial] :: colic (acute stomach pain, especially one connected with overeating)
ähkyä {v} :: alternative form of ähkiä
ähkykohtaus {n} [veterinary medicine] :: A fit of horse colic
ähkyminen {n} :: grunting, groaning
Ähkynen {prop} :: surname
ähkyntä {n} :: grunting, groaning
ählämi {n} [derogatory, slang] :: A person of Middle Eastern, especially Arabic, ethnicity
ahma {n} :: wolverine (Gulo gulo)
ahmaiseminen {n} :: wolfing down, gulping, gobbling
ahmaista {vt} :: to wolf down, eat quickly, gulp, gobble, hog, stuff oneself with (without regard for table manners)
ahmaisu {n} :: gulp
ahmatti {n} :: glutton (voracious eater)
ahmatti {n} :: gourmand
ahmattiankerias {n} :: gulper eel (fish of the order Saccopharyngiformes)
ahmattimainen {adj} :: gluttonous
ahmattimaisuus {n} :: gluttonousness, gluttony (quality of being gluttonous)
ahmia {vt} :: to wolf down, eat quickly, gulp, gobble, hog, stuff oneself with (without regard for table manners)
ahmia {vt} [figuratively] :: to consume some media in a binge; to read a book through; to binge-watch a series etc
ahmija {n} :: gobbler (one who eats food very quickly, without decorum)
ahmiminen {n} :: devouring, gobbling, wolfing (action of eating large amounts fast)
ahmiminen {n} :: binge, binge eating (eating disorder, often as symptom of bulimia)
ahmimishäiriö {n} [medicine] :: bulimia
ahminta {n} :: gorging
ahmintahäiriö {n} :: binge eating disorder
ahnaasti {adv} :: gluttonously
ahnaasti {adv} :: voraciously
ahnas {adj} :: gluttonous
ahnas {adj} :: voracious
ahnastella {v} :: synonym of ahnehtia
ahnastelu {n} :: gluttony
ahnastelu {n} :: greediness
ahnaus {n} :: gluttonousness
ahnaus {n} :: voraciousness
ahne {adj} :: greedy
ahneempi {adj} :: comparative of ahne
ahneesti {adv} :: greedily
ahnehdinta {n} :: hoarding
ahnehtia {vt} :: To hog, hoard
ahnehtia {vt} :: To be greedy for, be eager for; to crave, lust after, desire
ahnehtia {vt} :: To wolf down, eat quickly, gulp, gobble, hog, stuff oneself with (without regard for table manners)
ahnehtija {n} :: Agent noun of the verb ahnehtia
ahnehtiminen {n} :: hogging, hoarding
ahnehtiminen {n} :: being greedy or eager (for)
ahnein {adj} :: superlative of ahne
ahneus {n} :: greed, greediness
ahneus kunnian pettää {proverb} :: being too greedy may easily ruin one's reputation and dignity
aho {n} :: glade (grassy open or cleared space in a forest, especially one that is a result of slash-and-burn cultivation)
Aho {prop} :: surname
Aho {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Ahokas {prop} :: surname
Ahola {prop} :: surname
Ahola {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Aholainen {prop} :: surname
aholeinikki {n} :: many-flowered buttercup, Ranunculus polyanthemos (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
ahomansikka {n} :: wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca)
Ahonen {prop} :: surname
ahoniitty {n} :: A glade which is large and rich enough to serve as source of hay for cattle
ahonoidanlukko {n} [plant] :: A plant, Botrychium multifidum
ahopaju {n} :: A willow, Salix starkeana
ahosuolaheinä {n} :: sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella)
ahovahakas {n} [mushroom] :: butter waxcap, Hygrocybe ceracea
ahrain {n} :: alternative form of atrain
-ahtaa {suffix} :: Forms momentane or semelfactive verbs
ahtaa {v} :: to cram, stuff, fill, pack full
ahtaa {v} :: to supercharge (to increase the power of an internal combustion engine by compressing the inlet air)
ahtaa {v} :: to turbocharge (to apply a turbocharger to increase the air pressure in the intake manifold of an engine)
ahtaaja {n} :: longshoreman, stevedore (worker who loads and unloads ships in a harbor)
ahtaalla {adv} :: in dire straits, hard-pressed, in difficulties (in a difficult position)
ahtaalle {adv} :: into dire straits, hard-pressed, into difficulties (into a difficult position)
ahtaaminen {n} :: Action noun of the verb ahdata (to stevedore), stevedoring
ahtaampi {adj} :: comparative of ahdas
ahtaanpaikankammo {n} :: claustrophobia
ahtaasti {adv} :: crampedly, narrowly (without much room)
ahtaminen {n} :: cramming, stuffing
ahtaminen {n} :: supercharging, turbocharging
Ähtäri {prop} :: Ähtäri (town/and/municipality)
ähtäriläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Ähtäri
ähtäriläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Ähtäri
ahtauma {n} :: constriction
ahtaus {n} :: tightness (condition of not having sufficient space)
ahtaus {n} :: crowding, congestion, throng
ahtaus {n} :: stevedoring, stowage (action of stowing, especially of cargo)
ahtausliike {n} :: stevedoring firm
ahtaustyö {n} :: stevedoring work
ahtauttaa {vt} :: To make (more) cramped or narrow
ahtauttaa {vt} :: To have (cargo) loaded or unloaded, have/make someone (= allative) load/unload (cargo)
ahtauttaminen {n} :: making more cramped or narrow
ahtautua {vi} :: To pack, crowd (into = illative)
ahtautua {vi} :: To become/get narrow(er)
ahtautuma {n} :: alternative form of ahtauma
ahtautuminen {n} :: packing, crowding
ahtera {adj} [dialectal] :: barren, sterile
ahteri {n} [nautical] :: stern
ahteri {n} [colloquial] :: bottom, butt, hindquarter, behind
ahterikantti {n} [nautical, slang] :: aft side (the part of the deck or a structure that is in the aft of a vessel or is facing towards the aft)
ahti {n} [Christianity] :: An act in the passion play
Ahti {prop} [Finnish mythology] :: The god of depths, water, and fishing
Ahti {prop} :: given name
Ahtisaari {prop} :: surname
ahtisaarna {n} :: A sermon given during the Holy Week, the topic of which is taken of the Passions of Jesus
ahto {n} :: cramming
ahto {n} [music] :: stretto (presence of two close or overlapping statements of the subject of a fugue)
Ahto {prop} [Finnish mythology] :: A variation of Ahti, name of the god of the depths, water, and fishing in Finnish mythology
Ahto {prop} :: given name, a rare variation of Ahti
ahtoilma {n} :: The compressed intake air of a turbocharged engine
ahtojää {n} :: pack ice
ahtopaine {n} :: manifold pressure, intake pressure, boost pressure (in a turbocharged engine, the air pressure in the intake manifold, increased above atmospheric pressure by the turbo)
ahtoutua {vi} [of ice] :: To become packed
ahtoutuminen {n} :: the process of becoming packed (of ice)
ahven {n} :: European perch, Perca fluviatilis
ahven {n} :: perch (any fish in the genus Perca)
ahven {n} [in plural] :: Percidae (taxonomic family in the order Perciformes)
ahven {n} [colloquial, in compounds] :: bass
ahven {n} [in compounds] :: perciform; short for ahvenkala (perciform fish), see e.g. seeprakirjoahven
Ahvenanmaa {prop} :: Aland, Åland (archipelago and province of Finland)
ahvenanmaalainen {n} :: A person from Åland
ahvenanmaalainen {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Åland
ahvenanmaanlammas {n} :: Aland sheep (breed of sheep native to Aland Islands)
Ahvenanmeri {n} :: Sea of Åland
ahvenheinä {n} :: water weed, aquatic weed (unspecified weedy aquatic plant, used e.g. of ahvenvita, järvisätkin)
ahvenkala {n} :: perciform (a fish of the order Perciformes)
ahvenkalat {n} :: the order Perciformes
ahvenmuhennos {n} :: perch stew
ahvenruoho {n} :: pond water-crowfoot (Ranunculus peltatus)
ahvenvita {n} :: clasping-leaf pondweed, perfoliate pondweed, Potamogeton perfoliatus (globally widely distributed perennial aquatic plant)
Ahvo {prop} :: given name
ai {interj} :: ouch!
ai {interj} :: oh!
ai {interj} [colloquial, interrogative particle] :: Oh? As in...?
ai-ai {n} :: aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis)
aiai {n} :: alternative spelling of ai-ai
Aias {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Ajax (either of two heroes of Trojan War)
aidake {n} :: fencelet (small fence or hedge, such as used e.g in gardens)
aidanne {n} :: Freely growing hedgerow
aidanpano {n} :: fence building, fence construction
aidanrako {n} :: slit in a fence
aidanseiväs {n} :: fencepost, especially a long and slender one, such as used in the traditional riukuaita
aidanteko {n} :: fence making or building
aidanvieri {n} :: The side of a fence
aidas {n} :: An individual piece of wood from which a traditional pole fence is made
aidaskääpä {n} [mushroom] :: A polypore, Gloeophyllum sepiarium
aidata {v} :: to fence in, fence (to enclose with a fence, to build a fence around)
aidata {v} :: to hedge (to enclose with a hedge)
aidattu {adj} :: enclosed
äidillinen {adj} :: motherly, maternal (warm, caring, nurturing, protective, loving)
äidillisesti {adv} :: in a motherly manner
äidillisyys {n} :: motherliness
äidinäiti {n} :: maternal grandmother
äidinisä {n} :: maternal grandfather
äidinkasvot {n} [poetic, idiomatic] :: pleasant, friendly or beloved appearance, used especially in the expression isänmaan äidinkasvot ("friendly landscape of the fatherland")
äidinkielenkoe {n} :: A test or exam in one's mother tongue, a mother tongue exam
äidinkielenopettaja {n} :: A teacher of a student's mother tongue
äidinkieli {n} :: mother tongue, native language
äidinkielinen {adj} :: Expressed in one's mother tongue
äidinmaidonkorvike {n} :: infant formula
äidinmaidonvastike {n} :: infant formula, baby formula
äidinmaito {n} :: mother's milk
äidinmaitokeskus {n} :: breastmilk center (nonprofit organization which collects, stores and distributes breastmilk)
äidinmaitovastike {n} :: alternative form of äidinmaidonvastike (infant formula)
äidinonni {n} :: motherly happiness
äidinperintö {n} :: Something inherited from one's mother
äidinpuoleinen {adj} :: maternal (related through the mother, or her side of the family)
äidinrakkaus {n} :: motherly love
äidinvaisto {n} :: maternal instinct
äiditellä {v} :: To call someone mother
äiditön {adj} :: motherless
äidittömyys {n} :: motherlessness
aidoimmin {adv} :: superlative of aidosti
aidoin {adj} :: superlative of aito
aidoittaa {vt} :: To fence
aidoittaminen {n} :: fencing (enclosing by a fence)
aidommin {adv} :: comparative of aidosti
aidompi {adj} :: comparative of aito
aidosti {adv} :: honestly, really
aidosti {adv} [math] :: properly, strictly
AIDS {n} :: AIDS
AIDS-potilas {n} :: AIDS patient
AIDS-tukikeskus {n} :: AIDS support centre
aie {n} :: An intention, intent
aiemmin {adv} :: earlier, hitherto (before now or a stated point of time in the past, up to this or that time)
aiempi {adj} :: earlier
aiennus {n} :: The act of bringing forward (in time)
aientaa {vt} :: to bring forward (to make occur earlier)
aientaminen {n} :: bringing forward (making earlier in time)
aiepöytäkirja {n} :: memorandum of understanding
aiesopimus {n} :: letter of intent
aigeialainen {adj} :: Aegean (of or relating to the Bronze Age culture that thrived in the Aegean Sea area)
Aigeianmeri {prop} :: The Aegean Sea
aihe {n} :: topic, subject, theme
aihe {n} :: reason, cause
aihe {n} :: motif (recurring or dominant element in a work of art)
aihe {n} [medicine] :: indication
aiheellinen {adj} :: justifiable, justified (having a justification)
aiheellinen {adj} :: well-grounded, well-founded (based on reasoning, evidence and good judgement)
aiheellisemmin {adv} :: comparative of aiheellisesti
aiheellisesti {adv} :: justifiably, properly, reasonably
aiheellisimmin {adv} :: superlative of aiheellisesti
aiheellistaa {v} :: to justify (make or prove an action necessary)
aiheellistaminen {n} :: justifying
aiheellistua {vi} :: to become justifiable, become justified
aiheellistuminen {n} :: the process of becoming justifiable or justified
aiheellisuus {n} :: justifiedness
aiheenmukainen {adj} :: thematic, topical (relating to, or having a theme or a topic)
aiheenvalinta {n} [writing, studies] :: selection of topic
aiheeton {adj} :: unnecessary
aiheettomammin {adv} :: comparative of aiheettomasti
aiheettomasti {adv} :: unnecessarily
aiheettomimmin {adv} :: superlative of aiheettomasti
aiheettomuus {n} :: unjustifiability
aihehakemisto {n} :: topical index
-aiheinen {adj} :: -themed
aiheisto {n} :: synonym of aihepiiri
aihekokonaisuus {n} :: an issue or a larger topic
aihelma {n} :: The motive of an artwork
aihepiiri {n} :: subject matter (that which is made the object of thought or study)
aihetodiste {n} [legal] :: A piece of circumstantial evidence, normally used in plural (aihetodisteet) circumstantial evidence
aihetunniste {n} :: hashtag
aiheuttaa {vt} :: to cause, bring about, bring to pass
aiheuttaa {vt} :: to result in, lead to
aiheuttaa {vt} :: to produce, make, create
aiheuttaa {vt} :: to give rise to, inspire, induce, call forth
aiheuttaa {vt} :: to arouse, awaken, stir up
aiheuttaa {vt} [computing] :: to throw (an exception)
aiheuttaja {n} :: cause
aiheuttaminen {n} :: causing, bringing about
aiheuttaminen {n} :: producing, making, creating
aiheutua {vi} [_, + elative] :: To be caused by, be brought about by, lead/follow/result from, be due to
aiheutua {vi} [_, + elative] :: To grow/arise/flow out of, originate in/from, derive from
aiheutua {vi} :: To accrue (from = elative, to = allative)
aiheutuminen {n} :: the process of being caused by something
aiheutus {n} :: causing
aihio {n} :: work in progress, unfinished work (any work that is not finished)
aihio {n} [metallurgy] :: billet (semi-finished length of metal)
aihio {n} [music] :: motif (short melodic passage that is repeated in several parts of a work)
aihio {n} [computing] :: template
aihki {n} :: A very old and slowly grown pine tree
Aija {prop} :: given name
äijä {n} :: An old man; geezer, gaffer
äijä {n} [slang] :: A real man, tough guy
äijä {n} :: player character in videogames
äijäenergia {n} :: power or energy associated with manliness
äijähaara {n} [slang] :: manspreading (position)
äijähuumori {n} :: A type of humor often favored by "real men" or tough guys that is characterised by crudeness, raciness, and even sexism
aijai {interj} :: ouch!
Äijälä {prop} :: surname
äijänkäppänä {n} :: gaffer (old man, especially a small one)
äijänkäppyrä {n} :: gaffer (old man, especially a small and crumpy one)
äiji {n} [dialectal] :: grandfather
Äijö {prop} [Finnish mythology] :: A name of Ukko
Äijö {prop} :: The Devil
aika {n} :: time (temporal distance)
aika {n} :: time, moment
aika {n} :: appointment (arranged meeting)
aika {adv} :: quite
aika-ajo {n} [motor racing, chiefly in the plural] :: qualification, qualifying, time trial
aika-ajo {n} [cycling] :: time trial
aika ajoin {adv} :: from time to time, periodically, at intervals
aika-alue {n} :: time domain
aikaan {adv} :: at the time of, at a time
aikaansaada {vt} [idiomatic] :: To accomplish, work out, achieve, get something done
aikaansaada {vt} [idiomatic] :: To cause, generate, set off, do
aikaansaamaton {adj} :: inefficient, unproductive
aikaansaamattomuus {n} :: unproductiveness
aikaansaaminen {n} :: achieving, managing to do something
aikaansaannos {n} :: accomplishment
aikaansaannos {n} :: achievement
aikaansaanti {n} :: accomplishment (act of accomplishing)
aikaansaapa {adj} :: alternative form of aikaansaava
aikaansaava {adj} :: efficient, productive, competent
aikaansaavampi {adj} :: comparative degree form of aikaansaava
aikaansaavempi {adj} :: comparative of aikaansaava
aikaansaavin {adj} :: superlative degree form of aikaansaava
aikaansaavuus {n} :: effectiveness, productivity
aikaansa edellä {phrase} :: ahead of one's time
aika-arvo {n} :: time value
aika-arvo {n} [music] :: note value
aika-asteikko {n} :: time scale
aika-avaruus {n} [physics] :: spacetime
aikaavievä {adj} :: time-consuming
aikaavievämmin {adv} :: comparative of aikaavievästi
aikaavievästi {adv} :: In a time-consuming manner
aikaavievimmin {adv} :: superlative of aikaavievästi
aikadilaatio {n} [physics] :: time dilation
aikadilataatio {n} [physics] :: time dilatation
aikaero {n} :: time difference
aikaero {n} [colloquial] :: short for aikaerorasitus (jet lag)
aikaerorasitus {n} :: jet lag
aikaerotteinen {adj} :: time-resolved
aikaeroväsymys {n} :: jet lag
aikaihminen {n} :: synonym of aikuinen
aikaikkuna {n} :: time frame, time window
aikaileminen {n} :: wavering, dawdling, hesitating
aikailla {vi} :: To waver, dawdle, vacillate, hesitate
aikailu {n} :: loitering
aikainen {adj} :: early
aikainen {adj} [not comparable, genitive +] :: taking place during
aikainen {adj} [not comparable, genitive or possessive suffix +] :: from the times of
aikainen {adj} [in transitive singular] :: done; in the expression saada aikaiseksi ("to get something done")
aikainen lintu madon nappaa {phrase} :: the early bird gets the worm (same meaning)
aikaisemmin {adv} :: earlier
aikaisemmin {adv} :: before
aikaisemmin {adj} :: ist plural form of aikaisempi
aikaisempi {adj} :: comparative of aikainen earlier
aikaisheteisyys {n} [botany] :: protandry
aikaisimmin {adv} :: earliest (written account of events and when they happened, ordered by time)
aikaisimmin {adj} :: ist plural form of aikaisin
aikaisin {adv} :: early
aikaisin {adv} :: ahead of time
aikaisin {adj} :: superlative of aikainen
aikaisintaan {adv} :: Not before, not earlier than, at the earliest
aikaistaa {vt} :: To move (temporally) ahead, move up, make earlier
aikaistaminen {n} :: moving ahead, making earlier
aikaistua {vi} :: to become earlier (be going to take place or happen earlier)
aikaistuminen {n} :: the act of becoming earlier or being brought forward
aikaistus {n} :: The act of bringing forward (in time)
aikaisuus {n} :: earliness
aikajakso {n} :: period of time, timespan
aikajana {n} :: timeline
aikajänne {n} :: timespan
aikajärjestelmä {n} :: time standard
aikajärjestys {n} :: chronological order
äikäjuuri {n} :: synonym of piparjuuri
äikäjuurikirppa {n} :: horseradish flea beetle, Phyllotreta armoraciae
aikakatkaista {vt} [communication] :: to time out (end due to a timeout)
aikakatkaisu {n} [communication] :: timeout
aikakauppa {n} :: synonym of termiinikauppa
aikakausi {n} :: age, era, epoch
aikakausjulkaisu {n} :: periodical (regularly issued thematic publication)
aikakauskirja {n} :: periodical (voluminous periodical publication)
aikakauslehdistö {n} :: magazines (the magazines, in the sense "periodical publication", collectively)
aikakauslehti {n} :: periodical, magazine (publication that appears at fixed intervals)
aikakauslehtiartikkeli {n} :: magazine article (artticle that is published in a magazine)
aikakauslehtipaperi {n} :: magazine paper, newsprint paper
aikakautinen {adj} :: periodic (referring to a period or periods)
aikakirja {n} :: chronicle (written account of events and when they happened, ordered by time)
Aikakirjat {n} :: Chronicles (book of the Bible)
aikakone {n} :: time machine
aikakoodi {n} :: time code
aika kultaa muistot {phrase} :: memories grow sweeter with time
aikakysymys {n} :: synonym of ajan kysymys
aikakysymys {n} :: time issue
aikakytkin {n} :: time switch (switch that turns power on and off at specified times)
aika lailla {adv} [idiomatic] :: quite a bit, considerably (of a considerable amount)
aikalainen {n} :: contemporary (person)
aikalaskelma {n} :: time computation, time estimate
aikalaukaisin {n} :: time trigger
aikaleima {n} :: timestamp
aikalisä {n} [sports] :: time-out
aikalukko {n} :: time lock
aikaluokka {n} [grammar] :: tense
aikamäärä {n} :: amount of time
aikamatka {n} :: time travel
aikamatkaaja {n} :: time-traveller
aikamatkailu {n} :: time travel
aikamatkustaja {n} :: time-traveller
aikamatkustus {n} :: time travel
aikamerkki {n} :: time signal
aikamies {n} :: adult man
aikamiespoika {n} :: An unmarried man who lives with his parents
aikamiina {n} [rare] :: synonym of aikapommi
aikamitta {n} [physics] :: measure of time
aikamitta {n} [music] :: tempo
aikamoinen {adj} :: quite a, quite some
aikamuoto {n} [grammar] :: tense
aikana {postp} :: during, within (a period of time)
aikanaan {adv} :: eventually, in due time, in due course
aikanaan {adv} :: synonym of aikoinaan
aika näyttää {phrase} :: time will tell
aikansa {n} :: third-person possissive form of aika
aikaohjaus {n} :: time control, timer control
aika on rahaa {proverb} :: time is money
aikaosuus {n} :: time-share
aikaosuusjärjestelmä {n} :: time-sharing
aikapalkka {n} :: time-based pay (salary or wage that is paid in relation to the time worked rather than the result of work)
aikapalkkainen {n} :: One who earns a time-based pay
aikapalkkainen {adj} :: Getting paid according to the time worked, most commonly on monthly or hourly basis
aikapalkkaus {n} :: time-based pay system
aikapallo {n} :: time ball
aikapalvelin {n} [computing] :: time server
aika parantaa haavat {proverb} :: time heals all wounds
aikapeli {n} [sports] :: A game in which at least one of the teams plays for time
aikapommi {n} :: time bomb
aikapula {n} :: lack of time, shortage of time
aikapula {n} [chess] :: zeitnot
aikarahtaus {n} [shipping] :: time charter (hiring of a vessel for a specific period of time)
aikaraja {n} :: time limit
aikarajoitus {n} :: time limit (duration beyond which something may not exceed)
aikasakko {n} [sports] :: time penalty
aikasarja {n} [statistics] :: time series
aikasarja-analyysi {n} [statistics] :: time series analysis
aikaskaala {n} :: time scale
aikasytytin {n} :: time detonator (detonator that activates after a pre-set period of time)
aikasytytteinen {adj} :: time-detonated
aikasytytyksinen {adj} :: synonym of aikasytytteinen
aikasytytys {n} :: time detonation
aikataso {n} [math] :: time domain
äikätatti {n} :: peppery bolete (Chalciporus piperatus or Suillus piperatus)
aikataulu {n} :: timetable
aikataulu {n} :: schedule
aikatauluttaa {vt} :: to schedule, slate
aikatauluttaminen {n} :: scheduling, slating
aikatiedotus {n} :: time announcement (recorded announcement of time)
aikatutkimus {n} [Taylorism] :: time study
aikatyö {n} [rare] :: synonym of ansiotyö
aikaurakka {n} :: A fixed-price contract to perform an assignment within an agreed period of time
aikauttaa {vt} [military] :: To time (the detonation of an explosive device, such as a mine or grenade)
aikautus {n} [military] :: timing
aikavakio {n} [physics, mathematics] :: A time constant
aikaväli {n} :: timespan, interval (period of time between two events)
aikavalotus {n} [photography] :: time exposure (exposure made by leaving a camera's shutter open for a period greater than a fraction of a second)
aikavaraus {n} :: synonym of ajanvaraus
aikaveloitus {n} [business] :: charging by time, time charging, time-based charging (practice of billing the customer by the time spent on the assignment)
aikavyöhyke {n} :: time zone
aikayksikkö {n} :: unit of time
aikeissa {adv} :: about, with the intention/intent of
aikido {n} [martial arts] :: aikido
äikkä {n} [school slang] :: mother tongue (school subject)
äikkis {interj} [dialectal, Ostrobothnia] :: nyah, nyah-nyah (expression of schadenfreude)
aikmofobia {n} :: aichmophobia
aikoa {vt} [auxiliary, + first infinitive] :: to plan to do, intend to do, aim to do; to be going to do, will do
aikoinaan {adv} :: at one time, once
aikojen hämärässä {phrase} :: in the mists of time
aikominen {n} :: intending (to do something)
aikomus {n} :: intent
aikuinen {adj} :: adult
aikuinen {n} :: adult (person)
aikuisdiabetes {n} [pathology] :: adult-onset diabetes; diabetes mellitus type 2
aikuisdidaktiikka {n} :: andragogy
aikuisempi {adj} :: comparative of aikuinen
aikuisikä {n} :: adulthood (time of life)
aikuiskaste {n} :: adult baptism
aikuiskasvatus {n} :: synonym of aikuiskoulutus
aikuiskouluttaja {n} :: adult educator
aikuiskoulutus {n} :: adult education
aikuiskoulutuskeskus {n} :: A learning institution principally serving vocational training needs of adult population; variety of terms are used of similar institutions in the English-speaking world, e.g. center for adult learning in the US
aikuislukio {n} :: high school for adults
aikuismainen {adj} :: adultlike
aikuisopetus {n} :: adult education
aikuisopiskelija {n} :: adult learner [US], mature learner [UK]
aikuisopiskelu {n} :: adult learning
aikuisten oikeesti {adv} [colloquial, emphatic] :: seriously for real
aikuistua {vi} :: To grow up, mature, reach maturity, become an adult, come of age
aikuistuminen {n} :: growing up, becoming an adult
aikuisuus {n} :: adulthood (time of life)
aikuisuus {n} :: adultness (state or quality)
aikuisviihde {n} :: adult entertainment
aikuisviihde-elokuva {n} :: adult movie
aikuisviihdenäyttelijä {n} :: adult film actor
aikuisviihdenäyttelijätär {n} :: adult film actress
Aila {prop} :: given name
ailahdella {vi} [physically] :: To shift, move about, rise and fall, come and go, rock from side to side
ailahdella {vi} [of a person] :: To waver, vacillate, have mood shifts, (of somebody’s mood, emotions and opinions) to change unpredictably, suddenly or rapidly (in a continuous manner)
ailahdus {n} [of emotions] :: A sudden change
ailahtaa {vi} [of mental mood, emotions] :: To find expression suddenly/rapidly, be expressed/manifested
ailahtaa {vi} [of mental mood, emotions] :: To change suddenly or rapidly
ailahtaminen {n} :: changing suddenly or rapidly (of emotions or mood)
ailahteleminen {n} :: wavering, vacillating (of emotions or mood); having mood shifts
ailahteleva {adj} :: fickle (quick to change one’s opinion or allegiance; insincere; not loyal or reliable)
ailahtelevainen {adj} [dated] :: synonym of ailahteleva
ailahtelu {n} :: shift of moods
ailakki {n} :: A campion, a flower of the genus Silene
Aili {prop} :: given name
ailurofobia {n} :: ailurophobia (irrational fear or hatred for cats)
äimä {n} :: A large needle shaped for working with tough materials, such as a leather needle or sailmaker's needle
äimä {n} [dialectal] :: needle
äimä {adj} :: astonished; used chiefly idiomatically in the expression olla äimänä (to be astonished), and as root of derived terms
äimäneula {n} :: Another name for äimä (large needle)
äimän käki {n} [idiomatic] :: An astonished or stunned person
aimara {n} :: An Aymara
aimara {n} :: Aymara (language of South America)
äimäruoho {n} :: water awlwort, Subularia aquatica (aquatic plant in the mustard family)
äimäsara {n} :: Carex dioica
äimistää {v} :: alternative form of äimistyttää
äimistellä {v} [colloquial] :: to marvel
äimistyä {vi} :: to become astonished
äimistyminen {n} :: becoming astonished
äimistyttää {v} :: to astonish, stun, amaze, astound, impress
aimo {adv} :: An intensifier, used to emphasize quality in a positive sense
Aimo {prop} :: given name
ain {adv} [poetic] :: synonym of aina
aina {adv} :: always
aina {n} [fishing] :: the string in the upper or lower edge of a fishing net or seine; line in a gillnet
Aina {prop} :: given name
ainainen {adj} :: constant, perpetual, eternal
ainaiseksi {adv} :: alternative form of ainiaaksi
ainaisjäsen {n} :: lifetime member (organization member who has earned the right for membership for the rest of their life, often by paying a high one-off fee)
ainaisvakuutus {n} :: lifetime insurance (insurance that is valid for the life of the insuree or the insured object)
ainakaan {adv} :: connegative form of ainakin (at least), used always with the negation verb ei; see ei ainakaan
ainakin {adv} :: at least
ainakin {adv} :: for one (as one person among other people)
aina kun {adv} :: every time, whenever
ainavihanta {adj} :: evergreen (plant)
aina voi oppia jotakin uutta {proverb} :: you're never too old to learn
aine {n} :: matter, material, substance
aine {n} :: subject, discipline (particular area of study, especially one thought in a school)
aine {n} :: essay (written composition of moderate length exploring a particular issue or subject, especially on written as part of one's schoolwork)
ainedidaktiikka {n} :: subject didactics (didactics applied to one topic or subject)
aineellinen {adj} :: corporeal, tangible, material
aineellistaa {vt} :: to materialize
aineellistaminen {n} :: materializing
aineellistua {vi} :: to materialise/materialize
aineellistuma {n} :: abstract (something that concentrates in itself the qualities of something else)
aineellistuminen {n} :: materialization (the process of being materialized)
aineellisuus {n} [accounting] :: materiality
aineen häviämättömyys {n} [physics] :: conservation of mass
aineenkirjoittaja {n} :: essay writer
aineenkoetus {n} :: material testing, materials testing
aineenmukainen {adj} [dated] :: synonym of aiheenmukainen
aineenmukainen {adj} :: of a list, index etc., sorted by material
aineenopettaja {n} :: subject teacher (teacher that specializes in teaching one or only a few subjects, in contrast to a luokanopettaja, a "class teacher", who teaches all or a majority of subjects to a class)
aineenvaihdunta {n} :: metabolism
aineenvaihduntahäiriö {n} :: metabolic disturbance
aineenvaihduntatauti {n} :: metabolic disease
aineeton {adj} :: intangible, immaterial, incorporeal
aineettomampi {adj} :: comparative of aineeton
aineettomuus {n} :: immateriality
ainehiukkanen {n} [physics] :: immaterial particle, particle
-aineinen {adj} :: As headword of compound terms only: consisting of the type of substance as defined by the modifier
aineistaa {vt} [rare] :: To materialise/materialize
aineisto {n} :: material (text written for a specific purpose; a sample or specimens for study; related data of various kinds)
aineistokoe {n} :: open-book exam
aineistonvalinta {n} :: choice of material
aineistotietokanta {n} :: material database, text database
aineistua {vi} [rare] :: to materialize/materialise, become material
aineistuma {n} :: alternative form of aineellistuma
aineistuminen {n} [rare] :: materialization
ainejakoinen {adj} :: Of teaching, being divided into a number of disciplines which don't connect with each other
ainejärjestö {n} :: In a university, an association of students who study the same major
ainekirjoitus {n} :: essay writing, composition
ainekoostumus {n} :: material composition
aineksenkeruu {n} :: material collection
-aineksinen {adj} :: As head word of compound terms only, consisting of ingredients such as defined by the modifier
aineluokka {n} [education] :: A classroom specifically equipped for teaching a given topic
aineluokka {n} :: A class of substances, such as the classes into which dangerous substances are classified in the ADR (Treaty)
aineluokkajärjestelmä {n} :: A way of organizing a school such that there is a dedicated classroom for teaching each topic
ainemäärä {n} [chemistry] :: amount of substance
aineopinnot {n} :: topical studies
aineoppi {n} :: materials science
aineosa {n} :: synonym of ainesosa
aineryhmä {n} :: group of substances
aines {n} :: material
aines {n} :: ingredient, constituent
ainesana {n} [grammar] :: material noun
aineseos {n} :: mixture of substances
aineskokoelma {n} :: collection of materials (collection of materials for facilitating research, writing of encyclopedia etc.)
ainesosa {n} :: ingredient
ainespuu {n} [forestry] :: rough lumber, timber (wood suitable as raw material for industries)
ainevalinta {n} :: course selection, selection of courses
ainevirsi {n} :: synonym of graduaalivirsi
ainevirta {n} :: material flow
aineyhdiste {n} :: synonym of yhdiste
aineyhdistelmä {n} :: synonym of ainekoostumus
aineyhdistelmä {n} :: combination of courses (the collection of academic courses that a student chooses to study)
A-infinitiivi {n} [grammar] :: the first infinitive in Finnish
Aini {prop} :: given name
ainiaaksi {adv} :: forever (for all time, for all eternity); chiefly used in contexts where something or someone is gone for ever
ainiaan {adv} [poetic] :: always (at all times; ever; perpetually; throughout all time; continually)
ainiaksi {adv} [rare] :: synonym of ainiaaksi
ainian {adv} :: alternative form of ainiaan
Ainikki {prop} :: given name
aino {n} :: Ainu
aino {adj} [archaic, ,, poetic] :: only, sole
Aino {prop} :: A heroine in the Kalevala
Aino {prop} :: given name
ainoa {adj} :: only, sole
ainoa {adj} :: only (having no siblings)
ainoa laatuaan {adj} :: only one of its kind, one of a kind
ainoalaatuinen {adj} :: synonym of ainutlaatuinen
ainoalaatuisuus {n} :: synonym of ainutlaatuisuus
ainoastaan {adv} :: only, just, alone
ainoinen {adj} [rare] :: only
ainoiskappale {n} :: unique piece (only one of its kind)
ainokainen {n} :: singleton (single object)
ainokainen {n} :: only child, only
ainu {n} :: Ainu (person)
ainu {n} :: Ainu (language)
ainu {n} [in plural] :: Ainu (ethnic group)
ainunkielinen {adj} :: Ainu-language, Ainu-speaking, Ainu (of Ainu language)
ainuntaa {v} :: to translate into Ainu language
ainut {adj} :: only
ainutkertainen {adj} :: one-shot, unique (occurring only once)
ainutkertaisempi {adj} :: comparative of ainutkertainen
ainutkertaisuus {n} :: uniqueness (state or quality of occurring only once)
ainutlaatuinen {adj} :: unique, one-of-a-kind, unprecedented (without equal)
ainutlaatuisempi {adj} :: comparative of ainutlaatuinen
ainutlaatuisuus {n} :: uniqueness (state or quality of being unique or one of a kind)
aioli {n} :: aioli
aiolinen {adj} [music] :: Aeolian
aion {n} :: alternative form of aioni
aioni {n} [geology] :: eon
aioni {n} :: aeon, eon (very long period of time)
äippä {n} [colloquial] :: mom, mother
Aira {prop} :: given name
Airaksinen {prop} :: surname
airedalenterrieri {n} :: Airedale Terrier
äiree {n} [dialectal] :: mom, mother
Airi {prop} :: given name. Variant: Aira
airo {n} :: oar
airokala {n} :: giant oarfish, king of herrings (Regalecus glesne), in Finnish the name species of the family Regalecidae
airokala {n} :: oarfish (any fish in the family Regalecidae)
aironhanka {n} :: synonym of hankain
aironlapa {n} :: oar blade
aironveto {n} :: stroke of oar
airopari {n} :: A pair of oars
airue {n} :: herald
airut {n} :: harbinger, omen, messenger
airutkuvio {n} :: An ordinary (standard geometric design in heraldics)
ais {n} [music] :: A-sharp
aisa {n} :: shaft (one of the poles between which an animal is harnessed to a vehicle)
aisa {n} :: pole (of a cart or wagon)
aisa {n} [colloquial] :: penis
aisaaminen {n} :: barking a tree partially
aisahevonen {n} :: poler (horse harnessed alongside the shaft or pole of a vehicle)
aisakeinu {n} :: synonym of kyläkeinu
aisakello {n} :: shaft bell (bell attached to the shaft of a horse-drawn vehicle)
aisankannatin {n} :: part of a harness that supports the shaft
aisankannattaja {n} :: cuckold
aisapari {n} :: bedfellow
aisata {v} :: To bark (strip the bark from a tree) partially, in order to speed up drying of the wood
aisaus {n} :: barking (stripping the bark from a tree)
äiskä {n} [colloquial] :: mom, mother
Aiskhylos {prop} :: Aeschylus (ancient Greek poet)
ais-molli {n} [music] :: A-sharp minor
Aisopos {prop} :: Aesop
-aista {suffix} :: Forms momentane verbs
aisti {n} :: sense (any of the manners by which living beings perceive the physical world)
aistia {vt} :: to sense (to use the biological senses)
aistiärsyke {n} :: sensory stimulus
aistielämys {n} :: sensory experience (usually a positive one)
aistienvarainen {adj} :: alternative form of aistinvarainen
aistihairahdus {n} :: synonym of havaintoharha
aistiharha {n} :: hallucination
aistihavainto {n} :: sensory perception
aistiherkkä {adj} :: sensitive (of the senses, highly responsive to stimuli)
aisti-ilmavalvonta {n} :: anti-air defense by senses or sensory perception, often both vision and hearing
aistikas {adj} :: tasteful, elegant
aistikkaampi {adj} :: comparative of aistikas
aistikkaasti {adv} :: elegantly
aistikkuus {n} :: elegance
aistikyky {n} :: sensory ability
aistillinen {adj} :: sensual
aistillisesti {adv} :: sensually
aistillisuus {n} :: sensuality
aistimaailma {n} :: physical world, existence (the part of the world that is observable by the senses; empirical reality; the substance of the physical universe)
aistiminen {n} :: sensing (act of sensation)
aistimuisti {n} :: sensory memory (brief storage of information (in memory) brought in through the senses; typically only lasts up to a few seconds)
aistimus {n} :: perception
aistin {n} :: sensor, sense organ (organ)
aistinelin {n} [anatomy] :: sense organ
-aistinen {adj} :: As headword of compound terms only, having senses of the type defined by the modifier
aistinsolu {n} [anatomy] :: receptor (type of cell)
aistinvarainen {adj} :: organoleptic
aistinvaraisesti {adv} :: organoleptically
aistiton {adj} :: lacking senses (having no senses, or functional sensory organs)
aistittomampi {adj} :: comparative of aistiton
aistittomin {adj} :: superlative of aistiton
aistittomuus {n} :: lack of senses
aistivaikutelma {n} :: sensory perception
aistivamma {n} :: sensory impairment
aistivammainen {adj} :: having a/with sensory impairment (having one or more of the senses impaired)
aistivammainen {n} :: person with a sensory impairment
aistivammaisuus {n} :: condition of having a sensory impairment
aistiviallinen {adj} [obsolete] :: synonym of aistivammainen
aistiviallisuus {n} [obsolete] :: synonym of aistivammaisuus
aisuri {n} [slang] :: cuck
aita {n} :: fence
aita {n} :: (low) wall
aitaamaton {adj} :: unfenced (not enclosed by fence)
aitaaminen {n} :: fencing in, fencing off; enclosing with a fence
aitailla {v} :: to fence (to enclose by fence)
aitajuoksija {n} :: hurdler (athlete)
aitajuoksu {n} :: hurdling (act of running and jumping over an obstacle at speed)
aitajuoksu {n} :: hurdles (track and field running event)
aitalanka {n} :: fence wire, fencing wire
aitalikusteri {n} :: wild privet, common privet, European privet (Ligustrum vulgare)
aitaorapihlaja {n} :: A species of hawthorn (Crataegus flabellata var. grayana, syn. Crataegus grayana)
aitapensas {n} :: hedge bush (type of bush planted to make hedges)
aitariuku {n} :: pole for building a riukuaita (roundpole fence)
aitaus {n} :: An area surrounded by fences; a yard, corral
aitautua {v} [rare] :: synonym of karsinoitua
äitee {n} [dialectal] :: mom, mother
äitelä {adj} :: cloying, syrupy, treacly, oversweet (excessively sweet)
äitelästi {adv} :: cloyingly, syrupily, oversweetly (in an excessively sweet manner)
äitelöittää {vt} :: to oversweeten
äitelyys {n} :: The condition of being overly sweet, syrupy
äiteys {n} :: alternative form of äitiys
äiti {n} :: mother (woman in relation to her children)
äiti {n} [childish] :: mother (animal mother)
äiti {n} :: mother (woman in high position)
äiti {n} :: mother (respectful title for a nun, usually one who has served for a long time or is the leader of nuns' community)
äiti {n} :: mother (origin)
äiti {n} :: mother (mightiest of its kind)
äiti {n} :: the letter "Ä" in the Finnish spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
äitienpäivä {n} :: Mother's Day
äitienpäiväkortti {n} :: Mother's Day card
äitienpäiväruusu {n} :: Mother's Day rose
äitihahmo {n} :: mother figure
äitijumala {n} :: mother goddess
äitijumalatar {n} :: mother goddess
äitikerho {n} :: mom club
äitikulta {n} :: dear mother
äitiliini {n} [affectionate, , used chiefly by children of their own mother] :: mommy
äitimäinen {adj} :: motherlike
äitimuori {n} :: old lady (one's mother)
äitimyytti {n} :: myth of good mother, good mother myth (commonly held notion of what it means to be a good mother, setting a model or an ideal which every mother is expected to follow in their motherhood)
äitini {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of äiti
äitinsä {n} :: third-person possissive form of äiti
aitio {n} :: A box in a theatre etc
aitiopaikka {n} :: box seat (seat among a group of seats in an enclosure, as at a theater or stadium)
aitiopaikka {n} [figuratively, by extension] :: box seat, ringside seat (favorable vantage point)
äitipuoli {n} :: stepmother
äitisi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of äiti
äitivainaja {n} :: late mother
äitiys {n} :: motherhood, maternity
äitiysavustus {n} :: maternity assistance (lumpsum social benefit which a mother can choose instead of "maternity package", see äitiyspakkaus)
äitiysavustuspakkaus {n} :: synonym of äitiyspakkaus
äitiyshuolto {n} :: maternity care (all care provided for mothers to support their motherhood, including obstetrics and social benefits)
äitiyshuoltotyö {n} :: maternity care (work and services performed by maternity care system as contrasted with the system itself)
äitiysjumppa {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of äitiysvoimistelu
äitiyskuolema {n} :: maternal death
äitiyskuolevuus {n} :: maternal death rate
äitiyskuolleisuus {n} :: maternal mortality
äitiysliivit {n} [clothing] :: maternity bra
äitiysloma {n} [colloquial] :: maternity leave
äitiysmekko {n} :: maternity dress
äitiysneuvola {n} :: maternity clinic, prenatal clinic, antenatal clinic
äitiyspäiväraha {n} :: synonym of äitiysraha
äitiyspakkaus {n} :: maternity package (kit consisting of baby clothes and baby care items, granted by the Finnish social security to all expectant or adoptive parents)
äitiyspoliklinikka {n} :: maternity polyclinic
äitiysraha {n} :: maternity allowance
äitiysvaate {n} [clothing] :: maternity garment
äitiysvaate {n} [especially in plural] :: maternity wear
äitiysvapaa {n} :: maternity leave (leave of absence from a job for a mother to care of a baby)
äitiysvoimistelu {n} :: maternity gymnastics (prenatal and postnatal gymnastics specifically designed to maintain the physical condition of the mother)
aito {adj} :: real, authentic, genuine
aito {adj} :: bona fide (authentic, genuine)
aito {adj} [mathematics] :: proper
aitoa {vi} [sports] :: To run hurdles
aitoamaryllis {n} :: synonym of amaryllis (Amaryllis belladonna)
aitoamerikkalainen {adj} :: all-American
aitodelfiini {n} :: synonym of delfiini (Delphinus delphis)
aitohopea {n} :: synonym of hopea (silver, sometimes used of silver-rich alloys to emphasize the difference to uushopea, nickel silver)
aitohopea {n} :: synonym of mithril (fictitious metal in J.R.R. Tolkien's stories)
aitohunajakukka {n} :: lacy phacelia, purple tansy, Phacelia tanacetifolia (annual herb used as cover crop, to attract bees or as ornamental plant)
aitoja {n} :: A hurdler
aitojalohaukka {n} :: falcon (any of the birds of prey in the genus Falco)
aitokana {n} :: Any bird of the family Phasianidae, including e.g. turkeys, grouse, pheasants, partridges and Old World quails
aitokissanminttu {n} [botany] :: catnip, Nepeta cataria
aitokoi {n} [zoology] :: tineid moth, fungus moth (moth of the family Tineidae)
aitokoi {n} [in plural] :: Tineidae (taxonomic family)
aitolehti {n} [botany] :: true leaf
aitolepakko {n} :: vesper bat (member of the Vespertilionidae family of bats)
Aitolia {prop} :: Aitolia (region)
aitolialainen {n} :: Aetolian (person)
aitolialainen {adj} :: Aetolian
aitomaksasammal {n} [plant] :: any liverwort of the order Jungermanniales
aitominen {n} :: running hurdles
aito murtoluku {n} [arithmetic] :: proper fraction
aito osajoukko {n} [set theory] :: proper subset
aitoperäinen {adj} :: authentic
aitopihta {n} :: noble fir, Abies procera
aitopyöriäinen {n} :: synonym of pyöriäinen (Phocoena phocoena)
aitosammal {n} [plant] :: Any member of the moss subclass Bryidae
aitososiaalisuus {n} [biology] :: eusociality
aitosuomalainen {n} [historical] :: A supporter of aitosuomalaisuus
aitosuomalainen {adj} [historical] :: Of or pertaining to aitosuomalaisuus
aitosuomalaisuus {n} [historical] :: A post-WWI nationalistic movement and ideology in Finland, which strived for further improvement of the status of Finnish language in national institutions, such as universities
aitosyöpä {n} :: crown gall (disease of plants characterised by a tumour-like growth or gall on the infected plant, often at the junction between the root and the shootplants)
aitosypressi {n} :: A graveyard cypress, Italian cypress, Mediterranean cypress, pencil pine, Spanish cypress or Tuscan cypress; Cupressus sempervirens
aitotäpläpleko {n} :: suckermouthed catfish, Hypostomus punctatus
aitotumainen {adj} :: eukaryotic (of or pertaining to Eukaryota)
aitotumainen {n} :: eukaryote (any of the species belonging to Eukaryota)
aitotumallinen {n} :: eukaryote
aitoukonhattu {n} :: wolfsbane, monk's hood, Aconitum napelllus
aitous {n} :: authenticity
aitovieri {n} :: alternative form of aidanvieri
aitovirna {n} :: bush vetch (Vicia sepium)
aitovyötiäinen {n} :: long-nosed armadillo (armadillo of the genus Dasypus)
aitta {n} :: granary or other unheated farm storehouse of relatively firm build, used as a storage of various goods which are relatively valuable and not too voluminous. Compare with lato and vaja
aitta {n} [figuratively] :: granary (fertile area especially suitable for farming); used normally with a modifier as in ruoka-aitta or vilja-aitta
Aittoniemi {prop} :: surname
Aittoniemi {prop} :: A placename
aituri {n} :: A hurdler
äityä {vi} :: To take/fall (to some negative action = active 3rd infinitive in illative, -maan/-mään)
äityä {vi} [+ negative adjective in translative] :: To become, get (sth negative)
äityä {vi} :: To get worked up/upset/excited, get a fit
äityminen {n} :: taking or falling to a negative action or habit
äityminen {n} :: becoming something negative, escalating
aivan {adv} :: exactly, precisely
aivan {adv} :: totally, very
aivan {adv} :: indeed
aivan heti {adv} :: just now, right away
aivan kuin {conj} :: synonym of ikään kuin
aivan kuin {conj} :: just like (in exactly the same way as)
aivan kuten {conj} :: synonym of aivan kuin
aivastaa {vi} :: to sneeze
aivastaminen {n} :: sneezing (act)
aivasteleminen {n} :: sneezing repeatedly
aivastella {vi} :: To sneeze (repeatedly)
aivastelu {n} :: sneezing (repeated)
aivastus {n} :: sneeze
aivastuttaa {vt} [impersonal] :: partitive + 3rd-person singular = to feel like having to sneeze
aivastuttaa {vt} :: To make sneeze
aivastuttaminen {n} :: feeling like one has to sneeze
aivastuttava {adj} :: Causing one to sneeze, errhine
aivastuttavampi {adj} :: comparative of aivastuttava
aivastuttavin {adj} :: superlative of aivastuttava
aivina {n} :: heckled flax
aivipisto {n} [sewing] :: overcast stitch
aivoaine {n} [anatomy] :: brain matter
aivofilmi {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of aivosähkökäyrä
aivohalvaus {n} [medicine] :: stroke (loss of brain function arising when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly interrupted)
aivohermo {n} [anatomy] :: cranial nerve
aivoinfarkti {n} [pathology] :: stroke
aivoinvalidi {n} [pathology] :: synonym of aivovammainen
aivoinvalidi {n} [derogative] :: idiot
aivoitus {n} :: A thought, idea
aivojenpesu {n} [rare] :: synonym of aivopesu
aivojumppa {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of aivovoimistelu
aivojuovio {n} [anatomy] :: corpus striatum (brain part)
aivokääpiö {n} :: cretin
aivokaari {n} [anatomy] :: fornix (brain part)
aivokalvo {n} [anatomy] :: meninx, cerebral meninx
aivokalvontulehdus {n} [pathology] :: meningitis (inflammation of the meninges, usually caused by a virus or bacteria)
aivokammio {n} [anatomy] :: ventricle (one of the four cavities of the brain)
aivokapasiteetti {n} :: brain capacity
aivokasvain {n} [pathology] :: a brain tumour
aivokäyrä {n} [medicine] :: electroencephalogram
aivokirurgi {n} :: brain surgeon
aivokoppa {n} [skeleton] :: A braincase
aivokoralli {n} :: brain coral
aivokudos {n} :: brain tissue
aivokuolema {n} :: brain death
aivokuollut {adj} :: brain-dead
aivokuollut {n} :: brain-dead
aivokuorenalainen {adj} [anatomy, pathology] :: subcortical (of or pertaining to the subcortex)
aivokuori {n} [anatomy] :: cerebral cortex
aivokuorialue {n} [anatomy] :: cerebral cortex area (any of the several areas of the cerebral cortex for which a specific function has been identified)
aivokuorukka {n} [anatomy] :: putamen
aivokurkiainen {n} [anatomy] :: corpus callosum
aivokuume {n} [colloquial, originally medical jargon] :: encephalitis
aivokuva {n} :: brain image (image of brain that shows its structure and activity)
aivokuvaus {n} :: brain imaging, neuroimaging (generation of images that show brain structure and activity)
aivoleikkaus {n} :: brain surgery
aivolisäke {n} [anatomy] :: pituitary gland
aivolisäkkeen etulohko {n} [anatomy] :: anterior pituitary gland, anterior pituitary, adenohypophysis
aivolohko {n} :: A lobe (division of the brain)
aivolymfooma {n} :: cerebral lymphoma
aivomato {n} [anatomy] :: cerebellar vermis
aivomuuri {n} [anatomy] :: claustrum
aivoneste {n} [physiology, colloquial] :: cerebrospinal fluid, brain fluid
aivonesteviemäri {n} [anatomy] :: cerebral aqueduct
aivoödeema {n} [pathology] :: cerebral edema
aivopähkinä {n} :: brain-teaser
aivopaine {n} [physiology] :: intracranial pressure
aivopaise {n} [pathology] :: cerebral abscess
aivoperäinen {adj} :: synonym of aivosyntyinen
aivopestä {vt} :: To brainwash
aivopesu {n} :: brainwash
aivopieru {n} [vulgar] :: brain fart (something ill-considered)
aivopöhö {n} [pathology] :: synonym of aivoödeema
aivopoimu {n} :: gyrus (ridge or fold on the cerebral cortex)
aivopuolisko {n} [anatomy] :: cerebral hemisphere, hemisphere
aivorakkula {n} [anatomy] :: brain vesicle, cerebral vesicle, encephalic vesicle (in the embryo of vertebrate organisms, any of the three transient, bulge-like features from which the brain and central nervous system develop)
aivoriihi {n} :: brainstorming session, brainstorm
aivoruhje {n} :: cerebral contusion, brain contusion
aivorunko {n} [anatomy] :: brain stem
aivosaari {n} [anatomy] :: insula, insular cortex (structure in the brain)
aivosähkö {n} [colloquial] :: brain electricity (any electrical phenomena that take place in the brain)
aivosähköhäiriö {n} [pathology] :: electrical disturbance in the brain
aivosähkökäyrä {n} [medicine] :: electroencephalogram
aivosähkötoiminta {n} [anatomy] :: electrical activity of the brain
aivosairaus {n} [pathology, neurology] :: encephalopathy (any of various conditions affecting the brain)
aivo-selkäydinneste {n} [physiology] :: cerebrospinal fluid
aivoselkäydinneste {n} [physiology] :: cerebrospinal fluid
aivosilta {n} [anatomy] :: pons of the brain
aivosirppi {n} [anatomy] :: falx celebri
aivosolu {n} :: brain cell
aivosolukko {n} :: cerebral tissue
aivosto {n} [anatomy] :: brains (collectively)
aivosyntyinen {adj} :: of cerebral origin, cerebral
aivosyöpä {n} [pathology] :: brain cancer
aivosyylä {n} [pathology] :: brain wart
aivot {n} [anatomy, always plural] :: brain
aivotärähdys {n} [medicine] :: concussion
aivotauti {n} [pathology] :: brain disease (any disease of brain)
aivoteltta {n} [anatomy] :: cerebellar tentorium, tentorium cerebelli
aivotoiminta {n} [physiology] :: brain activity
aivoton {adj} :: brainless
aivotrusti {n} [rare, colloquial] :: brain trust
aivottomampi {adj} :: comparative of aivoton
aivottomuus {n} [pathology] :: anencephaly
aivotulehdus {n} [pathology] :: encephalitis
aivotuonti {n} :: brain gain
aivoturso {n} [anatomy] :: hippocampus
aivoturvotus {n} [pathology] :: synonym of aivoödeema
aivotutkija {n} :: brain researcher
aivotutkimus {n} :: brain research
aivotyö {n} :: brainwork, mental work
aivotyrä {n} [medicine] :: encephalocele
aivouurre {n} [anatomy] :: sulcus (groove on the surface of the brain)
aivovaltimo {n} [anatomy] :: cerebral artery (any of the six arteries that distribute blood to the brain)
aivovaltimotauti {n} [pathology] :: cerebral arteritis
aivovamma {n} [medicine] :: traumatic brain injury
aivovammainen {adj} [pathology] :: brain-disabled
aivovammainen {n} :: brain-disabled person
aivovaurio {n} [medicine] :: brain damage
aivovauriolapsi {n} :: brain-damaged child
aivoverenkierto {n} :: cerebral circulation
aivoverenkiertohäiriö {n} [pathology] :: A stroke, cerebrovascular accident
aivoverenvuoto {n} [medicine] :: cerebral hemorrhage
aivoveritulppa {n} [pathology] :: cerebral thrombosis
aivoverkosto {n} [anatomy] :: reticular formation
aivovienti {n} :: brain drain (migration of educated or talented people from less economically advanced areas to more economically advanced areas)
aivovoimistelu {n} :: brain exercise
aivovuoto {n} :: brain drain
ajaa {vt} :: to drive, ride, travel in a vehicle, transport in a car
ajaa {v} :: used of several other forms of movement
ajaa {vt} :: to drive away, chase, pursue, expel, deport
ajaa {vt} :: to drive or herd (animals) in a particular direction
ajaa {vt} :: to advocate a certain idea
ajaa {vt} :: to force into a certain state
ajaa {vt} :: to operate a device
ajaa {vt} :: to shave, cut
ajaa {vt} [computing] :: to run, execute (a computer program)
ajaantua {vi} :: To drift
ajaantuminen {n} :: drifting (the act of drifting, such as drifting off course)
ajaa paskaa {v} :: See: fiajaa paskaa
ajaa paskaa {v} [vulgar, slang] :: to fart
ajaa takaa {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to chase
ajaa takaa {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to pursue
ajaa takaa {vt} [_, + partitive, figuratively] :: to mean, hint at
ajaja {n} :: a driver
ajaja {n} :: a rider
ajallaan {adv} :: in its time
ajallaan {adv} :: according to timetable
ajallansa {adv} :: synonym of ajallaan
ajallinen {adj} :: temporal (relating to time)
ajallisesti {adv} :: timewise (with respect to time)
ajallisuus {n} :: temporality (condition of being bounded in time)
ajallisuus {n} :: temporalness (state or quality of being temporal)
ajalta ennen jotakuta {adv} :: before someone's time (from before one was born or old enough to be aware of the world)
ajamaton {v} [of beard] :: unshaven
ajaminen {n} :: driving
ajan {postp} :: for, during, throughout (a period of time)
ajanhaaskaus {n} :: waste of time
ajanhaaskaus {n} :: timewasting, wasting time
ajan henki {n} [idiomatic] :: zeitgeist
ajanhetki {n} :: point in time, moment of time
ajanhukka {n} :: A waste of time
ajaninkuusi {n} :: Jezo spruce, Picea jezoensis
ajanjako {n} :: allocation of time
ajanjakso {n} :: period of time, era
ajankäytön suunnittelu {n} [time management] :: The process of allocating time for various tasks
ajankäyttö {n} :: time-use, use of time (utilization of time)
ajankohta {n} :: A point in time; date; also other time-related terms may apply
ajankohtainen {adj} :: of current interest, current, topical (existing or occurring at the moment and being of some importance)
ajankohtaisempi {adj} :: comparative of ajankohtainen
ajankohtaiset {n} [broadcasting] :: short for ajankohtaisohjelma (current affairs program)
ajankohtaisin {adj} :: superlative of ajankohtainen
ajankohtaislähetys {n} :: synonym of ajankohtaisohjelma
ajankohtaislähetys {n} [broadcasting] :: extra news broadcast
ajankohtaisohjelma {n} [broadcasting] :: current affairs program
ajankohtaistaa {vt} :: To make current, timely or urgent
ajankohtaistaminen {n} :: making current or timely
ajankohtaistua {vi} :: to become current
ajankohtaistuminen {n} :: the process of becoming current or relevant
ajankohtaisuus {n} :: currentness
ajankulu {n} :: pastime
ajankuluke {n} :: pastime
ajankuva {n} :: portrayal of the period
ajankuvaus {n} :: synonym of ajankuva
ajan kysymys {n} :: matter of time, question of time
ajanlasku {n} :: chronology (science)
ajanlasku {n} :: Common Era
ajanluku {n} [archaic] :: synonym of ajanlasku
ajanmääritys {n} :: determination of time
ajan merkki {n} [idiomatic] :: sign of the times (symbol of an era); often used in plural in Finnish
ajan mittaan {adv} :: as the time passes (by)
ajanmittaus {n} :: time measurement, measuring of time
ajanmukainen {adj} :: up-to-date
ajanmukainen {adj} :: current, relevant
ajanmukainen {adj} [of an order, etc.] :: chronological (in the same order as events in time)
ajanmukaisesti {adv} :: in an up-to-date manner
ajanmukaistaa {vt} :: To modernize
ajanmukaistaminen {n} :: contemporisation
ajanmukaistua {vi} :: to be modernized
ajanmukaistuminen {n} :: the process of being modernized
ajanmukaisuus {n} :: up-to-dateness
ajan myötä {phrase} :: over time
ajan oloon {phrase} :: synonym of ajan mittaan
ajanottaja {n} :: timer (someone who times)
ajanotto {n} :: timing (instance of recording the time of something)
ajanottolaite {n} :: chronograph (device which marks or records time or time intervals)
ajan pitkään {adv} [idiomatic] :: in the long run
ajanpitkään {adv} :: alternative form of ajan pitkään
ajanpuute {n} :: lack of time
ajansäästö {n} :: saving of time
ajan saatossa {phrase} :: over time
ajantappo {n} :: killing of time
ajantasainen {adj} :: up-to-date
ajantasainen {adj} [computing] :: realtime
ajantasaistaa {vt} :: to update
ajantasaistaminen {n} :: updating, bringing up-to-date
ajantasaistus {n} :: update
ajantasaisuus {n} :: up-to-dateness
ajantasajärjestelmä {n} [computing] :: realtime system
ajantasakäsittely {n} [computing] :: real-time processing
ajan tasalla {adv} [idiomatic] :: up to date, updated, posted
ajantilaus {n} :: time reservation
ajantuhlaus {n} :: waste of time
ajantuhlaus {n} :: timewasting, wasting of time
ajanvaraus {n} :: appointment
ajanviete {n} :: pastime
ajanvieteautomaatti {n} :: arcade game
ajanvietekirja {n} :: synonym of viihdekirja
ajanvietekirjallisuus {n} :: synonym of viihdekirjallisuus
ajanvietelehti {n} :: synonym of viihdelehti
ajanvietematematiikka {n} [math] :: recreational mathematics
ajanvieteohjelma {n} :: synonym of viihdeohjelma
ajanvietepeli {n} :: entertainment game
ajanvietteellinen {adj} :: recreational
ajanvietto {n} :: spending time
A ja O {phrase} :: alpha and omega; also capitalized and with definite article: the Alpha and the Omega (the first and last; the beginning and end)
ajassa {adv} :: on time (punctually or according to the schedule)
ajassa {adv} :: set to the correct time
ajassaan {adv} :: synonym of ajassa (on time)
ajastaa {v} :: To time (to choose the time for)
ajastaika {n} [archaic] :: year
ajastaminen {n} :: timing, scheduling
ajastin {n} :: timer
ajastus {n} :: timing (setting a timer)
ajatar {n} [Finnish mythology] :: An evil spirit in Finnish folklore
ajatella {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to think (about)
ajatella {v} :: to plan, intend
ajatella {interj} :: to think (that). An expression of confusion, surprise or thoughtfulness
ajatella suuria {v} [idiomatic] :: to think big
ajatelma {n} :: aphorism
ajateltavissa {adv} :: thinkable, conceivable, imaginable (capable of being conceived or imagined)
ajatollah {n} :: ayatollah
ajaton {adj} :: timeless
ajattaa {vt} :: To have something driven (by someone)
ajattaja {n} :: One who makes someone to drive
ajattaminen {n} :: having someone or something driven
ajattelematon {adj} :: unthinking, inconsiderate
ajattelematon {adj} :: ill-advised
ajattelemattomasti {adv} :: unthinkingly, inconsiderately
ajattelemattomuus {n} :: thoughtlessness
ajatteleminen {n} :: thinking (action noun)
ajattelevainen {adj} :: thoughtful (demonstrating kindness or consideration for others)
ajattelija {n} :: thinker
ajattelu {n} :: thinking, thought
ajatteluaika {n} :: synonym of ajatusaika
ajattelukyky {n} :: ability to think
ajattelukykyinen {adj} :: able to think
ajattelutapa {n} :: way of thinking, line of thought
ajatteluttaa {v} :: To make think
ajatteluttaa {v} :: To puzzle, perplex
ajatteluttaminen {n} :: making someone think
ajattelutyö {n} :: synonym of ajatustyö
ajattomampi {adj} :: comparative of ajaton
ajattomasti {adv} :: timelessly
ajattomin {adj} :: superlative of ajaton
ajattomuus {n} :: timelessness
ajatuksekas {adj} :: thoughtful (demonstrating thought)
ajatuksekkaampi {adj} :: comparative of ajatuksekas
ajatuksekkaasti {adv} :: thoughtfully
ajatuksellinen {adj} :: conceptual
ajatuksellisesti {adv} :: conceptually
ajatuksenjuoksu {n} :: thinking, train of thought
ajatuksenkulku {n} :: synonym of ajatuskulku
ajatuksenriento {n} :: synonym of ajatuksenjuoksu
ajatuksensiirto {n} :: telepathy
ajatuksenvapaus {n} :: freedom of thought
ajatukseton {adj} :: unthinking (without proper thought)
ajatukseton {adj} :: thoughtless (lacking thought or consideration)
ajatuksettomasti {adv} :: thoughtlessly (in a manner lacking thought or consideration)
ajatuksettomuus {n} :: unthinkingness
-ajatuksinen {adj} :: -thinking
ajatus {n} :: thought (form created in the mind)
ajatus {n} :: idea (image formed in the mind)
ajatus {n} :: idea (result of mental activity)
ajatus {n} :: idea (conception of something to be done, plan, intention)
ajatus {n} :: idea (vague or fanciful notion)
ajatusaika {n} :: time to think
ajatusharha {n} :: delusion
ajatushautomo {n} :: think tank
ajatuskanta {n} :: opinion, point of view
ajatuskartta {n} :: mind map
ajatuskatko {n} :: A short blackout of memory
ajatusketju {n} :: chain of thought
ajatuskoe {n} :: thought experiment
ajatuskulku {n} :: train of thought (flow of thoughts)
ajatuskupla {n} [cartoons] :: thought bubble
ajatuskyky {n} :: synonym of ajattelukyky
ajatusleikki {n} :: synonym of ajatuskoe; also forms of "to play with the thought"
ajatusmaailma {n} :: sphere of thought (person's thoughts, beliefs and ideas as a whole)
ajatusmaailma {n} :: thought-world
ajatusmylly {n} [rare] :: synonym of ajatuspaja
ajatus on tärkein {phrase} :: it's the thought that counts
ajatuspaja {n} :: think tank, brain trust
ajatusperäinen {adj} :: thought-based
ajatusperäinen {adj} :: abstract, conceptual
ajatusponnistelu {n} :: mental effort
ajatusrakennelma {n} :: thought construct (concept or model created by thought)
ajatusrikos {n} :: thoughtcrime
ajatussisällys {n} :: synonym of ajatussisältö
ajatussisältö {n} :: meaning (concept or intentionthat a word, phrase or longer text denotes)
ajatussuunta {n} :: school of thought
ajatustapa {n} :: way of thinking
ajatustenjuoksu {n} :: synonym of ajatuksenjuoksu
ajatustenlukija {n} :: thought-reader
ajatustenluku {n} :: thought reading
ajatustensiirto {n} :: telepathy
ajatusten tonava {n} [humorous, sarcastic] :: a person who has and expresses many ideas that are or turn out to be either nonsensical, pointless or even dangerous
ajatustenvaihto {n} :: exchange of ideas
ajatustoiminta {n} :: mind (non-material set of processes in which consciousness, perception, affectivity, judgement, thinking, and will are based)
ajatustyö {n} :: mental work
ajatusviiva {n} :: dash (typographic symbol)
ajatusvirhe {n} :: aberration, misconception (reasoning error)
ajatusvoima {n} :: power of thought
ajatusvoimistelu {n} :: synonym of aivovoimistelu
ajatusyhteys {n} :: synonym of asiayhteys
ajatusyhtymä {n} :: association (connection in the mind or imagination)
ajautua {vi} :: to drift (somewhere)
ajautua karille {v} [idiomatic] :: to hit the rocks, fall through
ajautua karille {v} :: See: fi ajautuakarille
ajautuma {n} :: drift (instance of being drifted)
ajautuminen {n} :: drifting (such as drifting off course)
ajelehtia {vi} :: to drift
ajelehtiminen {n} :: drifting (move slowly as pushed by something else, often currents of water)
ajelehtiva hylkytavara {n} :: flotsam, jetsam
ajeleminen {n} :: driving around
ajella {vti} :: to drive, motor (in a casual manner or for recreation)
ajella {vt} :: to shave
ajelu {n} :: ride (instance of riding a vehicle or in a vehicle, especially for pleasure)
ajeluttaa {vt} :: To have something driven by someone (repeatedly and/or indifferently)
ajeluttaminen {n} :: having someone driven around
ajettavuus {n} [automotive] :: drivability
ajettua {vi} :: To swell; used of swelling of body parts due to injury or disease
ajettuma {n} [pathology] :: swelling
ajettuminen {n} :: swelling
ajettunut {adj} [pathology] :: swollen
ajetuksissa {adv} :: swollen
ajetus {n} [pathology] :: swelling (state of being swollen)
ajin {n} :: ayin (sixteenth letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad)
ajo {n} :: driving
ajo {n} :: riding (motorcycle)
ajo {n} :: chase
ajoaika {n} :: drive time
ajoaika {n} :: run time
ajoaikainen {adj} :: alternative form of ajonaikainen
ajoaine {n} :: propellant
ajoankkuri {n} [nautical] :: sea anchor, drag sail, drift anchor, drogue anchor
ajoeste {n} :: driving barrier, safety barrier, crash guard
ajoharjoittelu {n} :: driving practice
ajoharjoittelurata {n} :: driving practice course
ajohiekka {n} :: drifting sand, drift sand
ajoissa {adv} :: in time (at or before the time assigned)
ajoittaa {vt} :: To time
ajoittaa {vt} :: To date (to determine the age of)
ajoittain {adv} :: Once in a while, from time to time, at times, occasionally, periodically
ajoittainen {adj} :: intermittent
ajoittaisuus {n} :: intermittency
ajoittaminen {n} :: timing, scheduling
ajoittaminen {n} :: dating, determining the age of something
ajoittua {vi} :: To be dated (located to certain time)
ajoittuminen {n} :: being dated (located to a certain time)
ajoitus {n} :: timing (regulation of the pace, especially that of the occurrence of a series of events.)
ajoitus {n} :: timing (time when something happens)
ajoitus {n} :: timing (synchronization of the spark plugs)
ajoitus {n} :: dating (measurement of age)
ajojää {n} :: drift ice
ajojahti {n} :: battue (form of hunting)
ajojahti {n} :: manhunt (organized search of a criminal)
ajojahti {n} [figuratively] :: witch-hunt
ajojuhta {n} :: A horse, reindeer or other draft animal used to drag a carriage, sled or other vehicle for travel
ajokaista {n} :: driving lane
ajokaluseppä {n} [historical] :: a smith that furnished wooden horse carts with metal
ajokalusto {n} :: vehicle fleet
ajokas {n} :: synonym of ajojuhta
ajokas {n} :: eelgrass (seagrass of the genus Zostera)
ajokaskasvi {n} [plant] :: plant of the family Zosteraceae
ajokaskasvi {n} [in plural] :: Zosteraceae (taxonomic family)
ajokeli {n} :: driving conditions
ajokelpoinen {adj} :: driveable (of road or other surface, capable of being driven on safely or successfully)
ajokelpoisuus {n} :: driveability (of road or other surface, capability of being driven on safely or successfully)
ajokeppi {n} :: a certain type of goad
ajokielto {n} :: driving ban
ajokilometri {n} [automotive] :: a kilometer driven
ajokki {n} :: An animal used in transport
ajokki {n} :: The vehicle the animal pulls
ajokki {n} :: A motor vehicle
ajokoe {n} :: driving test, driving exam
ajokoira {n} :: hound
ajokoirametsästys {n} :: hound hunting (mode of hunting in which hounds play a major role)
Ajokoirat {prop} :: The constellation Canes Venatici, the Hunting Dogs
ajokone {n} [forestry] :: forwarder
ajokortti {n} :: driver's license [US], driving licence [UK], driver's licence [Canada]
ajokunto {n} :: ability to drive
ajokunto {n} :: drivability (condition of being drivable)
ajokuntoinen {adj} :: driveable (of vehicle, capable of being driven)
ajokyky {n} :: ability to drive
ajolähtö {n} [pesäpallo] :: a type of force play in which all the bases are full and thus all baserunners must run when the batter runs
ajolähtö {n} [by extension] :: forced resignation from an office etc
ajolähtö {n} [by extension] :: any forced leaving
ajolinja {n} [automotive] :: racing line
ajoluiska {n} :: ramp (inclined surface)
ajolumi {n} :: blowing snow, drifting snow
ajolupa {n} :: driving permission
ajomaksu {n} :: fare (money paid for transport)
ajomatka {n} :: driving distance
ajomestari {n} :: transport manager, transportation manager (manager responsible for managing day-to-day operations of a transportation company)
ajomestari {n} :: bus manager (ditto to a bus firm)
ajometsästys {n} :: battue (form of hunting)
ajomies {n} :: [hunting] beater
Ajomies {prop} :: the constellation Auriga, the Charioteer
ajomiina {n} [military, naval] :: A drifting mine
ajonaikainen {adj} [computing] :: run-time
ajonestin {n} :: synonym of ajonestolaite
ajonestolaite {n} [automotive] :: immobiliser (security device)
ajoneuvo {n} :: A ground vehicle (excluding trains and such)
ajoneuvoasentaja {n} [automotive] :: synonym of autonasentaja
ajoneuvorekisteri {n} :: vehicle register
ajoneuvotekniikka {n} :: vehicle engineering
ajoneuvotekniikka {n} :: vehicle technology
ajoneuvovaaka {n} :: A weighbridge
ajoneuvovero {n} :: vehicle tax
ajoneuvoyhdistelmä {n} :: Any truck/tractor + trailer/semi-trailer combination; a tractor-trailer
ajonopeus {n} :: driving speed
ajo-ohje {n} :: driving direction
ajo-olosuhde {n} [automotive, usually in plural] :: driving condition
ajo-ominaisuus {n} [automotive, in plural] :: road handling performance
ajo-ominaisuus {n} :: (automotive) Any element perceived to form a part of road handling performance
ajo-opettaja {n} :: driving instructor
ajo-opetus {n} :: driving instruction (act of teaching a person to drive)
ajopäiväkirja {n} :: A driving log or logbook of details of using a motor car, especially one made for the taxman to record private and job-related driving
ajopalkka {n} :: A compensation for a driver and draft animal for transporting freight or passengers
ajopeli {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of ajoneuvo
ajopeli {n} [gaming] :: driving game
ajopiirturi {n} :: tachograph
ajoporo {n} :: draft reindeer, draught reindeer (reindeer trained to pull a sledge)
ajopurje {n} [nautical] :: flying jib
ajopuu {n} :: driftwood
ajopuuteoria {n} :: A rejected historical theory according to which Finland involuntarily fought alongside Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union
ajopyynti {n} :: synonym of ajometsästys
ajorata {n} [roads] :: carriageway
ajoratamerkintä {n} :: road marking
ajoreki {n} :: a certain type of large sleigh used for traveling
ajoretki {n} :: road trip (recreational or impromptu excursion by car)
ajos {n} :: abscess
ajospahka {n} [pathology] :: carbuncle
ajosuorite {n} :: mileage of a vehicle over a given period
ajosuunta {n} :: direction of traffic
ajotaito {n} [automotive] :: driving skills
ajotakki {n} :: biking jacket (thick jacket designed to be worn while riding a motorcycle)
ajotekniikka {n} [automotive] :: driving technique
ajotie {n} :: road, roadway, pavement
ajotie {n} :: (pihatie, i.e. only if the context indicates it's a private road leading to a building) driveway, (UK also: drive)
ajotietokone {n} :: trip computer
ajotilanne {n} [automotive] :: driving situation
ajotilanne {n} [sports] :: synonym of ajolähtö
ajotunti {n} :: driving lesson
ajoturvallisuus {n} [automotive] :: road safety, traffic safety
ajoura {n} :: rut (furrow, groove, or track worn in the ground, as from the passage of many wheels)
ajovalo {n} :: headlight
ajoväylä {n} :: roadway
ajoverkko {n} [fishing] :: drift net
ajoverkkokalastus {n} [fishing] :: driftnetting
ajoviima {n} :: wind (perceived movement of air caused by the movement of a vehicle)
ajovirhe {n} [automotive] :: driving error
aju {n} :: synonym of ajatus
aju {n} :: sweetfish, ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis)
ajukoppa {n} [dialectal] :: head, brain
ajuri {n} [computing] :: driver
ajuri {n} [dated] :: A person who drives
ajuruoho {n} :: thyme (plant of the genus Thymus)
Akaa {prop} :: Akaa (town)
akaalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Akaa
akaalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Akaa
äkääntyä {vi} :: to get cranky
äkääntyminen {n} :: getting cranky
akaasia {n} :: alternative spelling of akasia
akaasiahunaja {n} :: acacia honey (honey from bees that have ample access to acacias, believed to be an especially healthy sort of honey by many)
akaatti {n} :: agate
äkäillä {vi} :: to be cranky
äkäily {n} :: Being angry
äkäinen {adj} :: irritated, angry
äkäisesti {adv} :: irritably
äkäisyys {n} :: crankiness, angriness
akallinen {adj} [colloquial] :: Having a wife; married
äkämä {n} [botany] :: gall (blister or tumor-like growth found on the surface of plants)
äkämäbakteeri {n} :: Any bacterium which produces galls on the host organism
äkämäbakterioosi {n} :: synonym of aitosyöpä
äkämäkaalikärsäkäs {n} :: cabbage gall weevil, turnip gall weevil, Ceutorhynchus assimilis
äkämäpistiäinen {n} :: gall wasp, gallfly (insect of the family Cynipidae, whose larvae damage trees, creating galls)
äkämäpunkki {n} :: gall mite (mite of the Eriophyidae family, which live as plant parasites, commonly causing galls or other damage to the plant tissues)
äkämäsääski {n} :: gall midge (any insect of the Cecidomyiidae family, whose larvae cause galls on the stems and other fleshy plant parts)
akamprosaatti {n} [pharmacology] :: acamprosate
äkämyksissään {adv} :: in one's irritation or sullenness
äkämystyä {v} :: to get cranky
äkämystyminen {n} :: getting cranky
äkämystyttää {v} :: to make cranky
akan {n} :: Akan (West African language spoken mainly in Ghana and Ivory Coast)
akana {n} :: The husk of a grain
akana {n} :: In plural (akanat), chaff (inedible parts of a plant whose seeds are eaten as grain)
akani {n} :: alternative spelling of akan (West African language Akan)
akankaali {n} :: bugleweed, bugle, ground pine, carpet bugle (any plant of the genus Ajuga in the family Lamiaceae)
akankanto {n} :: wife carrying
akansieni {n} :: shaggy parasol (Macrolepiota rhacodes)
akantappaja {n} [colloquial] :: sidecar (one-wheeled attachment to a motorcycle)
akantappokone {n} [colloquial] :: sidecar (one-wheeled attachment to a motorcycle)
akantti {n} :: acanthus (plant)
akantti {n} :: acanthus (ornament)
akanvirta {n} :: eddy (current of water running back, or in an opposite direction to the main current)
äkäpussi {n} :: shrew (ill-tempered, nagging person; gender-neutral in Finnish)
akarboosi {n} [pharmacology] :: acarbose
akarologia {n} :: apiology (scientific study of ticks and mites)
akasia {n} :: acacia (plant of the genus Acacia)
akasiahunaja {n} :: alternative spelling of akaasiahunaja
äkätä {v} :: To figure out, to realize, especially suddenly
äkätä {v} :: To notice, especially suddenly
akateemikko {n} :: An academician (member of an academy, or society for promoting science, art, or literature)
akateemikko {n} :: An Academian (follower of Plato's filosofy, a Platonist)
akateemikko {n} [rare in current usage] :: An academic or academian (member or student of an academy, college, or university)
akateeminen {adj} :: academic
akateemisemmin {adv} :: comparative of akateemisesti
akateemisesti {adv} :: academically
akateemisimmin {adv} :: superlative of akateemisesti
akateemisuus {n} :: academic
akatemia {n} :: An academy (a society of learned men united for the advancement of the arts and sciences)
akatemia {n} :: An academy (a school or place of training in which some special art is taught; as, a military academy)
akatemia {n} :: An academy, as any high-quality place of learning
Akatemia {prop} :: Short for Suomen Akatemia
Akava {prop} :: A trade union confederation representing employees with university- or other high-level training in both public and private sector; its full English name is "The Confederation of Unions for Academic Professionals in Finland (Akava)"
akbash {n} [dogs] :: akbash dog (Turkish breed of dog)
Åke {prop} :: the letter "Å" in the Finnish spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
äkeä {adj} :: irascible, irked, irritated, sullen
äkeäluontoinen {adj} :: ill-natured, bad-tempered, irritable
äkeästi {adv} :: irascibly, irritatedly, sullenly
äkeillä {v} :: alternative form of äkäillä
äkein {adj} :: superlative of äkeä
äkeissään {adv} [in third person] :: in the state of being irascible, irked, irritated, sullen, angry
åkermaniitti {n} [mineral] :: åkermanite
akettaa {v} [military slang] :: to (practice) urban combat
äkeys {n} :: irascibleness
Akhilleus {prop} :: Achilles (greek mythical hero)
Aki {prop} :: given name
äkikseltä {adv} :: synonym of äkikseltään
äkikseltään {adv} :: right away
akileija {n} :: columbine
akilleenkantapää {n} [anatomy] :: Achilles tendon
akilleenkantapää {n} :: Achilles' heel
Akilles {prop} [dated] :: Achilles (Greek mythical hero)
akillesjänne {n} [anatomy] :: Achilles tendon
äkillinen {adj} :: sudden, abrupt (happening quickly and with little or no warning)
äkillisesti {adv} :: abruptly
äkillisyys {n} :: suddenness
äkimmin {adv} :: more quickly, more urgently, more suddenly
äkimmiten {adv} :: urgently, at once
äkisti {adv} :: all of a sudden, suddenly
akita {n} :: Akita (breed of dog originating in Japan)
akka {n} :: hag, crone (old woman)
akka {n} [derogatory] :: woman; wife; hag, witch
akka {n} [colloquial, chess, card games] :: queen, bitch
äkkääminen {n} :: figuring out, realizing, noticing (suddenly)
akkadi {n} :: Akkadian (extinct language)
akkaihminen {n} [possibly, derogatory] :: old woman, aged woman
akkainlehti {n} [derogatory] :: synonym of naistenlehti
akkalansaame {n} :: The Akkala Sami language
akkalauma {n} [pejorative] :: crowd of women
akkamainen {adj} :: sissy (effeminate)
akkamaisesti {adv} [pejorative] :: effeminately
akkamaisuus {n} :: sissiness
akkautua {vi} [colloquial, derogatory, of an organization, branch or similar] :: to become dominated by women
akkautua {vi} [colloquial, of women] :: to grow older
akkautuminen {n} [colloquial, of women] :: aging
akkavalta {n} :: petticoat government
äkki- {prefix} :: sudden
äkkiä {adv} :: quickly, suddenly
äkkiarvaamatta {adv} :: all of a sudden
äkkijarrutus {n} :: sudden braking, sudden deceleration
äkkijyrkästi {adv} :: precipitously, abruptly, very steeply
äkkijyrkkä {adj} :: precipitous, abrupt (very steep)
äkkikäännös {n} :: sudden turn, swerve, zig, double, gybe
äkkikuolema {n} :: sudden death (instantaneous, unexpected death not caused by violence)
äkkikuolema {n} [sports] :: sudden death (climax of a game, in which the next team to score instantly wins)
äkkiloppu {n} :: sudden end, sudden stop
äkkimutka {n} :: twist (sudden bend in a road or path)
äkkinäinen {adj} :: sudden, abrupt
äkkipäätä {adv} :: immediately, quickly; especially if unprepared
äkkipikainen {adj} :: short-tempered, quick-tempered, explosive
äkkipikaisesti {adv} :: short-temperedly, quick-temperedly
äkkipikaisuus {n} :: The property of being short-tempered
äkkirikas {adj} :: suddenly rich; cashed up
äkkirikastua {v} :: to strike it rich (to become rich suddenly and unexpectedly)
äkkiryhmä {n} :: flash mob
äkkirynnäkkö {n} :: sneak attack, sudden attack or charge
äkkiseltä {adv} :: synonym of äkkiseltään
äkkiseltään {adv} :: offhand, right away, suddenly
äkkitulva {n} :: flash flood (sudden, rapid flood)
akklimatisaatio {n} :: acclimatization
akklimatisoida {v} :: To acclimatize (to make used to new climate)
akklimatisoiminen {n} :: acclimatizing
akklimatisointi {n} :: acclimatization (making acclimatized)
akklimatisoitua {vi} :: To acclimatize
akklimatisoituminen {n} :: acclimatization, the process of becoming acclimatized
akkommodaatio {n} :: accommodation
akkommodaatiokyky {n} :: accommodation ability (of the eye, ability to accommodate to distance and amount of light)
akkreditiivi {n} [archaic, trade finance] :: An order from a buyer to a bank to issue a letter of credit
akkreditiivi {n} :: (archaic) accreditation letter, letter of accreditation
akkreditoida {v} :: To accredit (to send with letters credential, as an ambassador)
akkreditoiminen {n} :: accrediting
akkreditointi {n} :: accreditation
akkreditointikirje {n} :: accreditation letter
akku {n} :: battery (rechargeable device for storing electric energy)
akku {n} :: accumulator (UK term for wet-cell type of battery)
akku {n} [computing] :: accumulator (register)
akku {n} [figuratively, usually in plural] :: batteries (strength, energy)
akkuhappo {n} :: battery acid
akkujännite {n} :: battery voltage
akkukäyttöinen {adj} :: battery-operated, battery-powered (of an electric or electronic device, getting its operating power from a rechargeable battery)
akkukenno {n} :: battery cell
akkukone {n} :: any handheld machine powered by a battery, especially a power tool
akkukonesetti {n} :: power tool combo kit
akkulaturi {n} :: battery charger
akkulturaatio {n} :: acculturation
akkumulaatio {n} :: accumulation
akkumulaattori {n} :: accumulator
akkumulatiivinen {adj} :: accumulative
akkumuloida {vt} :: To accumulate
akkuna {n} [dialectal] :: alternative form of ikkuna
akkuporakone {n} :: cordless drill, battery drill
akkuruuvinväännin {n} :: battery screwdriver (battery-powered power screwdriver)
akkusähköauto {n} :: battery electric vehicle (type of electric vehicle)
akkusatiivi {n} [grammar] :: accusative, accusative case
akkusatiivisija {n} [grammar] :: accusative case
akkusatorinen {adj} [legal] :: Accusatorial (of or pertaining to the system of a public trial in which the facts are ascertained by the judge or jury from evidence presented by the prosecution and the defence)
akkutoiminen {adj} :: battery-operated
akkuvesi {n} :: battery water (distilled water for battery units)
akkuvirta {n} :: battery power, battery current
akme {n} [rare] :: acme
akmeismi {n} :: Acmeism (literary movement)
akmiitti {n} [mineral] :: aegirine
akne {n} [pathology] :: acne
akoittua {vi} [colloquial, of a man] :: to get married
akoittua {vi} [colloquial, rare, of a woman] :: to get old
akoittuminen {n} [colloquial, of a man] :: getting married
akolyytti {n} :: acolyte (Catholic Church: one ordained to carry the wine, water and lights at Mass)
akoniittihappo {n} [organic chemistry] :: aconitic acid
akonitiini {n} :: aconitine
akordi {n} [finance] :: accord, arrangement, composition, settlement
akordi {n} [music] :: chord
akridiini {n} :: acridine
akrivastiini {n} :: acrivastine (antihistamine drug)
akro- {prefix} :: acro-
akrobaatti {n} :: acrobat
akrobaattinen {adj} :: acrobatic
akrobatia {n} :: acrobatics
akrobatiavoimistelu {n} :: acrobatic gymnastics (competitive gymnastic discipline)
akrofobia {n} :: acrophobia (fear of heights)
akroleiini {n} :: acrolein
akroleiinihappo {n} :: acrylic acid
akromaattinen {adj} [optics] :: achromatic
akromaattisuus {n} [optics] :: achromaticity
akromatopsia {n} :: achromatopia
akromegalia {n} [disease] :: acromegaly
akronyymi {n} :: acronym
akropolis {n} :: acropolis
Akropolis {n} :: the Acropolis (of Athens)
akrosomi {n} :: acrosome
akrosyanoosi {n} [pathology] :: acrocyanosis
akrotanssi {n} :: acro dance (style of dance)
akrylaatti {n} [organic chemistry] :: acrylate
akrylonitriili {n} :: synonym of akryylinitriili
akryyli {n} :: plexiglass, polymethyl methacrylate
akryyli {n} [in compounds] :: acrylic
akryyliamidi {n} :: acrylamide
akryylihappo {n} :: acrylic acid
akryylihartsi {n} [organic chemistry] :: acrylic resin
akryylikuitu {n} :: acrylic fiber
akryylikynsi {n} :: acrylic nail
akryylimaalaus {n} :: acrylic painting
akryylimaali {n} :: acrylic paint
akryylimuovi {n} :: acrylic plastics
akryylinitriili {n} :: acrylonitrile
akryyliväri {n} :: acrylic paint
äks {n} :: letter: x
äksä {n} :: The letter "X" in the Finnish standard spelling alphabet (tavausaakkoset, which has the same function as but is very different from the ICAO spelling alphabet)
äkseerata {v} [military] :: to drill
äkseeraus {n} [military] :: drilling
akseleraatio {n} [physics] :: acceleration
akseleraattori {n} :: accelerator
akseleroida {vt} :: To accelerate
akseli {n} :: axle, shaft
akseli {n} [geometry] :: axis (imaginary line around which an object spins or is symmetrically arranged)
akseli {n} [mathematics] :: axis (fixed one-dimensional figure forming part of the basis of a space)
akseli {n} [psychiatry] :: axis (form of classification and description of mental disorders or disabilities)
akseli {n} [botany] :: axis (main stem or central part about which organs or plant parts such as branches are arranged)
Akseli {prop} :: given name
akselikaltevuus {n} [astronomy, rare] :: obliquity, axial tilt
akselikiila {n} :: key (object used to maintain the orientation between two others)
akselikuormitus {n} [automotive] :: axle strain
-akselinen {adj} :: axled, shafted
akselinlaskija {n} :: axle counter
akselintappi {n} :: alternative form of akselitappi
akselipaino {n} :: axle load
akselisto {n} :: axles collectively
akselisymmetrinen {adj} :: axisymmetric
akselitappi {n} [engineering] :: journal (part of a shaft or axle that rests on bearings)
akselitaso {n} :: axial plane
akseliteho {n} :: shaft power
akseliväli {n} [automotive] :: wheelbase
akselivallat {n} :: The Axis Powers
akselivarmistin {n} :: retaining ring
aksentoida {v} [music] :: to accentuate (to emphasize a note)
aksentti {n} :: accent (mark or character)
aksentti {n} :: accent (e.g. foreign accent)
aksenttimerkki {n} :: accent mark, accent (diacritical mark showing accent)
akseptantti {n} :: acceptor, drawee
akseptata {vt} [banking, dated] :: To accept a negotiable instrument, such as a check, bill of exchange etc
akseptaus {n} [commerce] :: acceptance
aksepti {n} [economics] :: acceptance
akseptoida {vt} [banking, archaic] :: To accept a negotiable instrument, such as a check, bill of exchange etc
akseptointi {n} [commerce] :: acceptance
akseptori {n} [physics, chemistry] :: acceptor
aksessorinen {adj} :: accessory
aksiaalinen {adj} :: axial
aksiaalisesti {adv} :: axially
aksiaalisuus {n} :: axiality
aksiaalitaso {n} [anatomy] :: transverse plane, horizontal plane, axial plane, transaxial plane (any plane that divides the body into upper and lower parts)
aksidenssi {n} :: accidental
aksiisi {n} [dated] :: excise tax
äksiisi {n} [military] :: drill
aksiisinalainen {adj} [archaic] :: subject to excise tax
aksiniitti {n} [mineral] :: axinite
aksiologia {n} :: axiology
aksiomaattinen {adj} :: axiomatic
aksiomaattisemmin {adv} :: comparative of aksiomaattisesti
aksiomaattisesti {adv} :: axiomatically
aksiomaattisimmin {adv} :: superlative of aksiomaattisesti
aksiomaattisuus {n} :: The property of being axiomatic
aksiomi {n} [logic, mathematics] :: axiom
aksioni {n} [particle] :: axion
aksiooma {n} [logic, mathematics] :: axiom
aksioomajärjestelmä {n} :: axiomatic system
aksis {n} [skeleton] :: axis vertebra
aksishirvi {n} :: chital, axis deer, spotted deer, Axis axis (species of deer native to Indian subcontinent)
aksisymmetrinen {adj} :: axisymmetric
aksolotli {n} :: axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum
aksoni {n} [cytology] :: axon
aksonikimppu {n} [cytology] :: axon bundle
aksonometria {n} :: axonometry
aksonometrinen {adj} :: axonometric
aksoplasma {n} [cytology] :: axoplasm
äksy {adj} :: cranky, cantankerous
äksyileminen {n} :: snapping (saying something abruptly or sharply)
äksyillä {vi} :: To snap (to say abruptly or sharply)
äksyily {n} :: snapping (to say abruptly or sharply)
äksysti {adv} :: crankily
äksyyntyä {v} :: to get cranky
äksyys {n} :: crankiness
aktantti {n} [linguistics] :: actant
akti {n} :: act
aktiini {n} [biochemistry] :: actin
aktiivat {n} [accounting] :: assets (on a balance sheet)
aktiivi {n} :: activist
aktiivi {n} [grammar] :: active voice
aktiivi {adj} :: alternative form of aktiivinen
aktiivihiili {n} :: activated carbon
aktiivihiilisuodatin {n} :: activated carbon filter
aktiivijousitus {n} [automotive, technology] :: active suspension
aktiiviliete {n} :: activated sludge
aktiiviloma {n} :: active vacation
aktiivimuoto {n} [grammar] :: active form
aktiivinen {adj} :: active
aktiivipalvelus {n} :: active duty
aktiivisemmin {adv} :: comparative of aktiivisesti
aktiivisemmin {adj} :: ist plural form of aktiivisempi
aktiivisesti {adv} :: actively
aktiivisimmin {adv} :: superlative of aktiivisesti
aktiivistaa {vt} :: To make more active
aktiivistua {vi} [rare] :: to become more active
aktiivistuminen {n} [rare] :: activation (becoming more active)
aktiivisuus {n} :: activeness, activity (state or quality of being active)
aktiivisuuskerroin {n} [chemistry] :: activity coefficient
aktiivisuuskerroin {n} [physiology] :: activity factor (factor by which a person's amount of energy expended while at rest (BMR) is multiplied due to their physical activity)
aktiiviupseeri {n} :: frontline service
aktiiviurheilija {n} :: active athlete
aktiivius {n} :: activity
aktiiviväestö {n} [economics] :: economically active population (the fraction of population that is either employed or actively seeking employment)
aktinidi {n} :: actinide
aktinium {n} :: actinium
aktinoidi {n} [chemistry] :: actinide
aktinoliitti {n} [mineral] :: actinolite
aktinomykoosi {n} [pathology, jargon] :: actinomycosis
aktio {n} :: action
aktivaatio {n} :: activation
aktivaatiofunktio {n} [artificial intelligence] :: activation function
aktivaatiotaso {n} [zoology] :: activation level
aktivaatiotietue {n} [computing] :: activation record
aktivaattori {n} :: activator
aktivismi {n} :: activism
aktivisti {n} :: activist
aktiviteetti {n} :: activity (pleasure or entertainment)
aktivoida {vt} :: to activate, to enable (to put something into action)
aktivoiminen {n} :: activation
aktivointi {n} :: activation
aktivointienergia {n} :: activation energy
aktivointitietue {n} :: synonym of aktivaatiotietue
aktivoitua {vi} :: To become (more) active
aktivoituminen {n} :: activation, the process of becoming activated
aktivoitumisenergia {n} [physics, chemistry] :: activation energy
aktomyosiini {n} [biochemistry] :: actomyosin
aktuaali {adj} :: (ajankohtainen) current (existing or occurring at the moment)
aktuaali {adj} :: (todellinen) real
aktuaalinen {adj} :: current (existing or occurring at the moment)
aktuaalinen {adj} :: actual, real, factual
aktuaalisesti {adv} :: currently
aktuaalisesti {adv} :: actually, factually, really
aktuaalistaa {vt} :: to actualize/actualise (to make actual)
aktuaalistaminen {n} :: actualizing
aktuaalistua {vi} :: to actualize (to become actual or real)
aktuaalistuma {n} :: actualization; especially in religious context
aktuaalistuminen {n} :: actualization (the process of becoming actual or real)
aktuaalisuus {n} :: actuality (quality of being actual or factual)
aktuaari {n} :: actuary
aktualisoida {vt} :: alternative form of aktuaalistaa
aktualisoiminen {n} :: actualizing
aktualisointi {n} :: actualization
aktualisoitua {vi} :: alternative form of aktuaalistua
aktualisoituma {n} :: synonym of aktuaalistuma
aktualisoituminen {n} :: actualization (the process of becoming actual or real)
aktuelli {adj} :: current (existing or occurring at the moment)
aktuelli {adj} :: real
Aku {prop} :: given name
Aku Ankka {prop} :: Donald Duck (Disney character)
akuhieronta {n} :: acumassage (type of massage therapy)
akuhoito {n} :: acutherapy
akunlaturi {n} :: alternative form of akkulaturi
akupainanta {n} :: acupressure (alternative medicine technique; instance of applying this technique)
akupiste {n} [alternative medicine] :: acupoint
akupunktio {n} :: acupuncture
akupunktiohoitaja {n} :: acupuncturist
akupunkturisti {n} :: acupuncturist
akupunktuuri {n} :: acupuncture
akupunktuurihoito {n} :: acupuncture therapy
akupunktuurineula {n} :: acupuncture needle
akupunktuuripiste {n} :: acupuncture point, acupoint
Akusti {prop} :: given name
akustiikka {n} :: acoustics
akustiikkalevy {n} [construction] :: acoustic board (sound-insulating board that may be installed on walls, ceilings etc.)
akustinen {adj} :: acoustic
akustinen basso {n} [musical instruments] :: double bass
akustinen kitara {n} :: acoustic guitar
akustisemmin {adv} :: comparative of akustisesti
akustisesti {adv} :: acoustically
akustisimmin {adv} :: superlative of akustisesti
akustisuus {n} :: The quality of being acoustic
akusto {n} :: battery consisting of smaller batteries
akuutisti {adv} [medicine] :: acutely
akuutti {adj} :: acute (urgent)
akuutti {adj} [medicine] :: acute
akuutti {adj} [orthography] :: acute
akuutti {n} [orthography] :: acute, acute accent
akuuttiaksentti {n} :: acute accent (diacritic mark ( ´ ))
akuuttihoito {n} [medicine] :: acute care
akuuttinen {adj} :: synonym of akuutti
akuuttisesti {adv} :: synonym of akuutisti
akuuttisuus {n} [medicine] :: acuteness
akuutti vatsa {n} [pathology] :: acute abdomen
akvaario {n} :: aquarium
akvaariokala {n} :: aquarium fish (any fish commonly kept in aquarium by hobbyists)
akvaariokasvi {n} :: aquarium plant (any plant grown in an aquarium)
akvaariokauppa {n} :: aquarium shop
akvaarioliike {n} :: aquarium shop
akvaattinen {adj} :: aquatic
akvamariini {n} [mineral] :: aquamarine
akvarelli {n} :: aquarelle, watercolour (painting)
akvarelliliitu {n} :: watercolor crayon
akvarellimaalaus {n} :: synonym of vesivärimaalaus
akvarelliväri {n} :: watercolour (water-soluble pigment)
akvatinta {n} :: aquatint
akvaviitti {n} :: aquavit, akvavit
akvedukti {n} :: aqueduct
äl {n} :: letter: l
ala- {prefix} :: under-, sub-, lower, nether; inferior
ala {n} :: area, field, domain (one's field of expertise or activity)
ala {n} [in working life, in science] :: field, discipline
ala {n} :: industry, sector, branch (business, studies, etc.)
ala {n} [mathematics] :: area
älä {interj} :: don't!, stop!
älä {interj} :: (the speaker astonished) really?
älä {interj} [colloquial, indicates agreement on the preceding statement] :: tell me about it! I know, right?
älä {interj} [colloquial, sarcastic] :: you don't say, (oh) really?
alaääni {n} :: undertone, low tone, low sound or voice
ala-arvoinen {adj} :: inferior (of quality)
ala-arvoinen {adj} :: base
ala-arvoisesti {adv} :: inferiorly, in a subpar manner
ala-arvoisuus {n} :: inferiority
ala-asema {n} [electrical engineering] :: A substation (site where electricity is transformed and/or regulated for local distribution)
ala-aste {n} [dated] :: elementary school, primary school (the lower level of the comprehensive school consisting of grades 1 through 6)
ala-asteelainen {n} :: alternative form of ala-astelainen
ala-astelainen {n} [dated] :: primary school student (student of the grades 1 to 6)
alabama {n} :: Alabama (language)
alabama {n} [in plural] :: Alabama (tribe)
Alabama {prop} :: Alabama (state)
alabandiitti {n} [mineral] :: alabandite
alabasteri {n} :: alabaster (variety of gypsum)
alabasterinen {adj} :: alabaster (made of alabaster)
à la carte -annos {n} :: à la carte meal
aladobi {n} :: meat jelly
aladobi {n} :: head cheese [US], brawn [UK] (meat jelly cooked from the head of a pig or calf)
aladominantti {n} [music] :: synonym of subdominantti
aladoopi {n} :: alternative form of aladobi
Ala-Egypti {n} [history] :: Lower Egypt
alagaija {n} [nautical, sailing] :: foreguy (rope that pulls the spinnaker pole down)
alahammas {n} :: bottom tooth
alahanka {n} :: synonym of suojanpuoli
älähdys {n} :: yelp
alaheimo {n} [taxonomy] :: A subfamily
älähtää {vi} :: To cry out, shriek, yelp
älähtää {vi} [figuratively, + elative] :: To make a noise about (e.g. a wrong/unjust action)
älähtäminen {n} :: crying out, shrieking, yelping
alahuone {n} :: lower house of a parliament
alahuuli {n} [anatomy] :: lower lip
alaikäinen {adj} :: underage
alaikäinen {n} :: minor (underage person)
alaikäinen {n} [legal] :: infant (underage person)
alaikäiseen sekaantuminen {n} [law, obsolete] :: statutory rape (act of sexual intercourse by an adult with a minor who is below the age of consent)
alaikäisen väkisinmakaaminen {n} [law, obsolete] :: statutory rape
alaikäisyys {n} [legal] :: infancy (state of being minor)
alaikäraja {n} :: minimum age limit
alailmakehä {n} :: lower atmosphere, troposphere
alaindeksi {n} :: subscript
alainen {n} :: subordinate
alainen {adj} :: subject to or under [often as a latter part of a compound word]
alaiseton {adj} [obsolete] :: naked, nude
alaiseton {adj} :: subordinateless, not having a subordinate (employee)
alaisuus {n} :: state of being subordinate; no direct English equivalent
alajako {n} :: subdivision
alajakso {n} [taxonomy] :: subphylum
alajakso {n} [primarily, law] :: subsection
alajaos {n} :: subdivision, subsection
alajaosto {n} :: subdivision
alajaotus {n} :: subdivision
alajärjestelmä {n} :: A subsystem
alajärveläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Alajärvi
alajärveläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Alajärvi
Alajärvi {prop} :: Alajärvi (town/and/municipality)
alajuoksu {n} :: downriver (section of a river that is towards its mouth from the observer)
alajuoksu {n} [construction] :: sill plate, sole plate, bottom plate (bottommost wall plate on a wall)
alajyrsin {n} [woodworking] :: wood shaper, (vertical) spindle moulder
alakajetto {n} [phonetics] :: subglottal cavities
alakanava {n} :: tailrace, tailrace channel, lower channel
alakansakoulu {n} [historical] :: lower kansakoulu (historical institution providing primary education)
alakansi {n} [nautical] :: An orlop or orlop deck (the lowest deck of a ship)
alakantissa {adv} [colloquial] :: on the lower end, underestimated
alakanttiin {adv} [colloquial] :: in a fashion that lowballs or underestimates
alakäsite {n} :: hyponym
alakautta {adv} :: by the below of
alakautta {adv} :: by or through the lower way (as opposed to some upper way)
alakautta {adv} :: underhand, underarm
alakenttä {n} :: subfield (smaller field within a field of a record)
alakerros {n} :: lower floor
alakerta {n} :: A lower store; downstairs
alakieli {n} [linguistics] :: flash (language created by a repressed minority to maintain cultural identity)
alakieli {n} [music] :: A low-pitched string in a stringed instrument
alakierre {n} [sports] :: backspin
alakierrelyönti {n} [sports] :: backspin hit or shot
alakierteinen {adj} :: with backspin
alakilpi {n} [zoology] :: plastron
alakkain {adv} :: one below another
alakkainen {adj} :: alternative form of allekkainen
alakohta {n} [legal] :: A subparagraph (in a statute, a subsection of kohta)
alakohtainen {adj} :: sectoral, sector-wise, sectorwise (of or pertaining to a sector)
alakolmiomatriisi {n} :: lower triangular matrix
alakomitea {n} :: subcommittee
alakonjunktio {n} [astronomy] :: inferior conjunction
alakonserni {n} [business] :: concern as a subsidiary
älä koskaan sano ei koskaan {proverb} :: never say never
alakoski {n} :: lower rapids
alakoukku {n} :: uppercut
alakoulu {n} :: grades 1 to 6 of the Finnish peruskoulu; similar to US elementary school
alakoululainen {n} :: a pupil in an alakoulu
alakulminaatio {n} [astronomy] :: lower culmination
alakulo {n} :: melancholy
alakuloinen {adj} :: blue, melancholic
alakuloinen {adj} :: in low spirits
alakuloisempi {adj} :: comparative of alakuloinen
alakuloisesti {adv} :: melancholically, in low spirits
alakuloisuus {n} :: melancholy
alakulttuuri {n} [sociology] :: subculture
alakunto {n} :: bad condition, state of not being fit
alakuntoinen {adj} :: in below average shape or condition
alakuntoisuus {n} :: being in below average shape or condition
alakuolokohta {n} [automotive] :: bottom dead center
alakuori {n} [physics] :: subshell
alakuu {n} :: waning moon
alakvartiili {n} :: lower quartile
alakynnessä {adv} :: disadvantaged, unlikely to succeed, the underdog
alakynteen {adv} :: into a disadvantaged position or state
alakyynelpiste {n} [anatomy] :: inferior lacrimal punctum (lacrimal punctum of the lower eyelid)
alalahko {n} [taxonomy] :: suborder
alalaita {n} :: lower edge, lower margin, lower side
alalaji {n} [taxonomy] :: subspecies
alalanka {n} [sewing] :: bottom thread (in a sewing machine, the thread that is fed from below the fabric)
alalause {n} :: subclause, minor premise
alalehti {n} [botany] :: cataphyll
alaleuanluu {n} [skeleton] :: lower jawbone, mandible
alaleuka {n} [skeleton] :: lower jaw, mandible
alaleukahermo {n} [neuroanatomy] :: mandibular nerve
alaleukaluu {n} [anatomy, skeleton] :: mandible
alaliikki {n} [sailing] :: foot (bottom edge of a sail)
alaliittymä {n} [telecommunications] :: extension connection (extension of a subscriber connection)
alalinja {n} [typography] :: descender line
alalinja {n} :: lower line
alalla {adv} [euphemistic] :: on the game (working as a prostitute)
alallaan {adv} :: where one is, still
alalleen {adv} :: into where one is or was
alaluokka {n} :: the lower class (in the society)
alaluokka {n} :: lower class, junior class (in school)
alaluokka {n} [taxonomy] :: subclass
alaluokka {n} [object-oriented programming] :: subclass
alaluokkalainen {n} :: a junior pupil
alaluomi {n} [anatomy] :: The lower eyelid
älä lyötyä lyö {proverb} :: do not kick a man when he's down
alamaa {n} :: lowland
alamaa {n} :: downhill
alamaailma {n} :: netherworld, underworld
alamaailma {n} :: criminal underworld
alamaihin {adv} :: into being down (feeling low)
alamaihin {adv} :: into being down or low (literally)
alamainen {n} :: subject (a citizen in a monarchy)
alamainen {adj} :: subservient
alamaisesti {adv} :: subserviently
alamaissa {adv} :: down (feeling low)
alamaissa {adv} :: down or low (literally)
alamäki {n} :: decline, declivity (downward slope)
alamäki {n} :: low part of a slope
alamäki {n} :: the part of a slope which is downhill from one's current position
alamäki {n} [figuratively] :: descent (drop to a lower status or condition)
Alamäki {prop} :: surname
alamäkiajo {n} [cycling] :: downhill biking, downhill cycling
alamasto {n} :: lower mast
alamitta {n} [fishing] :: The minimum allowed length of a fish that can be caught
alamittainen {adj} :: [of fish or crabs] Too small in size
alamme {n} :: first-person plural possissive form of ala
älämölö {n} [colloquial] :: uproar, vociferous protest, ado, fuss
älämölö {n} :: sensation (widespread reaction of interest or excitement)
alamuoto {n} :: subform
Alanen {prop} :: surname
alaniini {n} [amino acid] ::  alanine
alanko {n} :: lowland
alankomaalainen {n} :: A Dutch
alankomaalainen {adj} :: Dutch, Netherlands (of or pertaining to the Netherlands)
alankomaalaisuus {n} :: Dutchness (quality of being Dutchr)
Alankomaat {prop} [pluralonly] :: The Netherlands
Alankomaiden Antillit {prop} [historical] :: Netherlands Antilles (until 2010, autonomous area within the Netherlands, consisting of Dutch possessions in the Caribbean region)
Alankomaiden Guayana {prop} [historical] :: Dutch Guiana (colonial era name of current Suriname)
alanne {n} :: lowland
alanne {n} :: depression
alanumero {n} :: subnumber
älä nuolaise ennen kuin tipahtaa {proverb} :: don't count your chickens before they're hatched
alanuoli {n} :: down arrow, arrow pointing down
alanurkka {n} :: lower corner
alanurkkalaukaus {n} [ball games] :: shot (aimed) at the low or bottom corner of a goal
alanvaihto {n} :: change of career or one's field of expertise
alanvalinta {n} :: choosing a field or discipline such as for one's career
älä nylje karhua ennen kuin se on kaadettu {proverb} :: don't count your chickens before they're hatched (you should not count on something before it happens)
alanyyli {n} [organic chemistry] :: alanyl
alaoksa {n} :: lower branch
alaonttolaskimo {n} [anatomy] :: An inferior vena cava
alaosa {n} :: bottom (lowest part of anything)
alaosasto {n} :: subdepartment, subdivision
alaosaton {adj} :: bottomless (having no bottom)
alaosaton {adj} :: bottomless (naked from the waist down)
älä osta sikaa säkissä {proverb} :: do not buy a pig in a poke
alaote {n} :: grasp or grip from lower down
alaotsake {n} :: subheading
alaotsikko {n} :: subtitle
alapää {n} :: bottom (the lowest part)
alapää {n} :: genitalia, genitals
alapaarre {n} :: tie beam (of a roof)
alapaine {n} [physiology] :: diastolic blood pressure
alapaula {n} [fishing] :: leadline, footline, footrope
alaperä {n} :: vent of a bird
alapesu {n} :: washing one's genitals
alapeti {n} [colloquial] :: lower bed
alapidennys {n} [typography] :: descender
alapilvi {n} :: low-level cloud, low height cloud
alapinta {n} :: underside surface
alapinta {n} [architecture] :: soffit
alapohja {n} :: base floor, under floor
alaportti {n} :: tailgate, lower gate
alapuhelin {n} :: phone connected to an extension subscription
alapuoli {n} :: The underside or underneath of anything
alapuoli {n} [in locational cases] :: "at, from or to the underside"; underneath, under or below
alapuolinen {adj} :: lower, bottom, underneath; often best translated into English with a prepositional structure (being on the underside of something)
alapuolinen {adj} :: sub-
alapuolinen {adj} :: downstream; often used postpositionally in adessive, ablative and allative
alapuolisko {n} :: lower half
alapurenta {n} :: underbite
alaputki {n} :: down tube (of a bicycle)
alaputki {n} :: lower tube or pipe
alaraaja {n} [anatomy] :: lower limb
alaraajahalvaantunut {adj} :: paraplegic
alaraajahalvaantunut {n} :: paraplegic
alaraajahalvaus {n} :: paraplegia
alaraja {n} :: lower boundary, lower bound
alaraja {n} :: minimum
alaraja-arvo {n} [mathematical analysis] :: lower limit
alareuna {n} :: lower edge or border, bottom
Alarik {prop} :: Alaric (Visigoth king)
Alarik {prop} :: given name of Germanic origin
alarivi {n} :: lower row, bottom row
alarmismi {n} :: alarmism (production of needless alarms)
alarmisti {n} :: alarmist (one who causes others to become alarmed without cause)
alaruumis {n} [anatomy] :: lower body
alaryhmä {n} :: subgroup
alas {adv} :: down
alas {adv} :: downward
alas {interj} [followed by a nominative] :: down with [e.g. in demonstrations]
alasajo {n} :: shutdown, especially a step-wise process of stopping a system such as an industrial process or a business in a controlled manner
alasaksa {n} :: Low German, Low Saxon (language)
Alasaksa {prop} [archaic] :: Low Germany (north Germany)
alasaksi {n} :: Low Saxon
Ala-Saksi {prop} :: Lower Saxony
alasampuminen {n} :: shootdown
alasaranoitu {adj} :: bottom-hinged (having hinges on the bottom, as opposed to having them on top or on the side)
alasävel {n} :: undertone (auditory tone)
alaselkä {n} [anatomy] :: lower back (lower part of the back, consisting of lumbar and pelvic region)
alasiipi {n} :: bottom wing, lower wing
alasin {n} :: anvil
alasin {n} [skeleton] :: incus, anvil
alasinluu {n} [skeleton] :: incus
Alaska {prop} :: Alaska (state)
alaskalainen {adj} :: Alaskan
alaskalainen {n} :: Alaskan (person)
alaskanhusky {n} :: Alaskan Husky
alaskanjupik {n} :: Yup'ik, Central Alaskan Yup'ik (language)
alaskankarikukko {n} :: black turnstone, Arenaria melanocephala
alaskanmalamuutti {n} :: Alaskan Malamute (breed of dog)
alaskanpiiskujänis {n} :: collared pika (Ochotona collaris)
alaskirjata {v} [accounting] :: to write off, write down
alaslaskettava {adj} :: fold-down
alasorbi {n} :: Lower Sorbian (Slavic language)
alaspäin {adv} :: downwards (from a high position to a lower one)
alaspäinen {adj} :: going downwards, descending
alaspäinmeno {n} :: going downwards
alaspäinmeno {n} :: degradation
alassuin {adv} :: face-down, top side down
alasti {adv} :: naked
alastomampi {adj} :: comparative of alaston
alastomin {adj} :: superlative of alaston
alastomuus {n} :: nudity, nakedness
alastomuuskulttuuri {n} :: nudity culture
alaston {adj} :: nude, naked
alaston {n} :: A naked person
alastonkohtaus {n} [cinema] :: nude scene
alastonkuva {n} :: nude (picture)
alastonmalli {n} :: nude model
alastontutkielma {n} :: nude study (artwork made in order to practise)
alastonuinti {n} :: skinny dipping
alastruktuuri {n} :: substructure
alastulo {n} :: A landing
alastulo {n} :: A dismount (last part of gymnastics routine)
alastulorinne {n} [ski jumping] :: landing hill, landing area
alasuku {n} [taxonomy] :: subgenus
alasumma {n} [calculus] :: lower sum
alasuojus {n} :: jockstrap
alasuunta {n} :: direction going or pointing down
alasuurennos {n} [rare] :: magnification of an area
alasvetäjä {n} [nautical] :: downhaul (any rope used to haul down a sail or spar)
alasvetovastus {n} [electronics] :: pull-down resistor
Alatalo {prop} :: surname
Alatalo {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
alataso {n} :: lower level
alatasokone {n} :: low wing aircraft
alateitse {adv} [of giving birth] :: vaginally
alati {adv} :: always
alatie {n} :: lower road
alatiesynnytys {n} :: vaginal birth, vaginal delivery
alatiili {n} :: lower brick
alatissi {n} [colloquial] :: underboob
alatoimikunta {n} :: subcommission
alatoopi {n} :: meat jelly
alatoopi {n} :: head cheese [US], brawn [UK] (meat jelly cooked from the head of a pig or calf)
Alattio {prop} :: The Finnish name of the Norwegian municipality of Alta, Norway
alatunniste {n} :: A footer (line of information at the bottom of a page)
alatusten {adv} :: synonym of allekkain
alatuuleen {adv} :: leewards, downwind (towards the direction wind is blowing)
alatuulessa {adv} [static] :: leewards, downwind (positioned in a place that is in the direction the wind is blowing)
alatyyli {n} :: vulgar or obscene language
alatyylinen {adj} :: Said of a written or oral expression, vulgar (obscene)
älä unta nää {idiom} [colloquial] :: in your dreams! you wish! don't even dream about it! dream on!
älä unta näe {phrase} :: dream on! (used to express skepticism about the possibility of an interlocutor's statement)
alaurakka {n} :: smaller section of a contract, an arduous work or piece work
alava {adj} :: low-lying
älä valehtele {phrase} [unidiomatic] :: don't lie, don't tell a lie
älä valehtele {phrase} [idiomatic, colloquial, used as interjection] :: not even (used to express strong disappointment or disapproval)
älä välitä {phrase} :: don't care, don't worry
alavälittäjä {n} [weaving] :: lower lamm (of a loom)
alavälittäjä {n} [music] :: submediant
alavalssi {n} :: bottom roller (of a metal press)
alavartalo {n} :: lower body
alavatsa {n} :: underbelly, lower abdomen
alavesi {n} :: tailwater, low water
Alavieska {prop} :: Alavieska (municipality)
alavieskalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Alavieska
alavieskalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Alavieska
alaviistoon {adv} :: diagonally downwards
alaviistossa {adv} :: diagonally down
alaviite {n} :: footnote (comment at the bottom of a printed page)
alaviite {n} :: footnote (event of lesser importance)
alaviitta {n} :: synonym of alaviite
alaviitti {n} [religion] :: Alawite (member of a Shia sect)
alaviiva {n} [typesetting] :: underscore
alavireinen {adj} [music] :: flat, lower in pitch than it should be
alavireisyys {n} [music] :: flatness (being lower in pitch than should be)
alavirta {n} :: downstream
alavirta {n} :: Used postpositionally to signify "downstream of", or below
alavokaali {n} [phonetics] :: open vowel; low vowel [US] (vowel sound in which the tongue is positioned as far as possible from the roof of the mouth)
Alavus {prop} :: Alavus
alavutelainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Alavus
alavutelainen {n} :: a person from or living in Alavus
alayhdistys {n} :: subassociation
alayhteisö {n} :: subcommunity
alayhtiö {n} :: subcorporation, subcompany
alayksikkö {n} :: unit of area
alayksikkö {n} :: subunit
alba {n} :: An alb; a long white gown worn in various Christian ceremonies by the priest or the parishioners, especially in a confirmation by the people who are being confirmed
albaani {n} :: Albanian (person)
albania {n} :: The Albanian language
Albania {prop} :: Albania (country)
albanialainen {adj} :: Albanian
albanialainen {n} :: An Albanian
albanialaisuus {n} :: Albanianness (state or quality of being Albanian)
albaniankielinen {adj} :: Albanian, Albanian language, Albanian speaking (written or expressed in Albanian)
albaniantaa {v} :: to translate into Albanian
albanologia {n} :: Albanology
albatrossi {n} :: albatross
albedo {n} :: albedo
Albert {prop} :: given name
Alberta {prop} :: Alberta (province)
albertanvalkokuusi {n} :: white spruce, Picea glauca var. albertiana
Albertiina {prop} :: given name
albigenssit {n} [Christianity, historical] :: Albigenses (French sect of reformers opposed to the church of Rome in the 12th century)
albiino {n} :: albino
albiinomonninen {n} :: synonym of täplämonninen (aquarium fish)
albiinomonninen {n} :: synonym of kuparimonninen (aquarium fish)
albiitti {n} [mineral] :: albite
albinismi {n} :: albinism
albumi {n} :: An album
albumiini {n} [chemistry] :: albumin
albumini {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of albumi
aldehydi {n} :: aldehyde
aldolaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: aldolase
aldoosi {n} :: aldose
aldriini {n} :: aldrin
ale {n} [colloquial] :: sale (selling of goods at bargain prices)
ale {n} :: ale (type of beer)
Ale {prop} [rare] :: given name
aleatorinen {adj} :: aleatoric
alef {n} :: aleph (first letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad)
alehalli {n} :: discount store
alehinta {n} [colloquial] :: sale price, discount price (price that is lower than the normal price)
alehintainen {adj} [colloquial] :: sale priced, discount priced
alekkain {adv} :: alternative spelling of alakkain
Aleksandra {prop} :: given name
Aleksandria {prop} :: Aleksandria (capital city) (other Alexandrias are spelled with "x" also in Finnish)
aleksandriini {n} :: alexandrine (poetic meter)
aleksandriitti {n} [mineral] :: alexandrite (type of chrysoberyll)
Aleksanteri {prop} :: given name
aleksanterinkaija {n} [archaic] :: synonym of kauluskaija
aleksanterinleivos {n} :: a certain kind of dessert pastry filled with raspberry jam
Aleksanteri Suuri {prop} :: Alexander the Great
Aleksei {prop} :: A transliteration of the Russian male given name Алексе́й
Aleksi {prop} :: given name
Aleksis {prop} :: given name
aleksitymia {n} [psychology] :: alexithymia
aleksityymikko {n} :: A person suffering from alexithymia
aleksityyminen {adj} :: alexithymic
alemmaksi {adv} :: comparative of alas
alemmas {adv} :: (to/towards) further down
alemmuudentunne {n} [psychology] :: feeling of inferiority
alemmuudentuntoinen {adj} :: feeling inferior
alemmuus {n} :: inferiority
alemmuuskompleksi {n} [psychology] :: inferiority complex
alempaa {adv} :: from further below, from further down
alempana {adv} :: lower, further down, further below (located farther below)
alempi {adj} :: lower, under-, nether (physically)
alempi {adj} :: inferior [socially or physically]
alempiarvoinen {adj} :: of lower value, of lesser value
alempiarvoisuus {n} :: inferiority
alempikorkoinen {adj} [finance] :: lower-interest (bearing lower interest rate)
alempipalkkainen {adj} :: lower-paid
alendronihappo {n} [pharmacology] :: alendronic acid
alenema {n} :: drop, fall, decline (amount lost in height)
aleneminen {n} :: descending, going down, lowering (going downwards)
aleni {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of ale
alennus {n} :: discount
alennus {n} :: degradation
alennus {n} :: abasement
alennushalli {n} :: discount store
alennushinta {n} :: sale price, discount price
alennuskuponki {n} :: discount coupon
alennuslippu {n} :: discount ticket
alennusmerkki {n} [music] :: flat sign, flat symbol (♭)
alennusmyynti {n} :: sale (at lower prices)
alennustavaratalo {n} :: discount store
alennustila {n} :: degradation, abasement
alennusvaihde {n} [mechanics] :: reduction gear
alentaa {vt} :: To lower, downgrade, decrease, reduce, diminish
alentaa {vt} :: To slash, mark down, bring down (prices)
alentaa {vt} :: To degrade, demote, abase, humiliate (a person)
alentaminen {n} :: lowering, decreasing, reducing
alentava {adj} :: humiliating, condescending
alentava {adj} :: shameful
alentava {adj} :: improper
alentava {adj} :: Something below one's dignity
alentejonkoira {n} :: Rafeiro do Alentejo, Alentejo mastiff (breed of dog of Portuguese origin)
alentua {vi} :: to stoop, condescend, lower oneself
alentua {vi} :: to lower
alentua {vi} :: to descend, come/go down, move downwards
alentuma {n} :: synonym of alenema
alentuminen {n} :: condescension (act of condescending, courtesy toward inferiors)
alentuva {adj} :: condescending, patronizing
alentuvainen {adj} :: condescending, patronizing
alentuvaisemmin {adv} :: comparative of alentuvaisesti
alentuvaisesti {adv} :: condescendingly
alentuvaisimmin {adv} :: superlative of alentuvaisesti
alentuvaisuus {n} :: synonym of alentuvuus
alentuvammin {adv} :: comparative of alentuvasti
alentuvasti {adv} :: condescendingly
alentuvimmin {adv} :: superlative of alentuvasti
alentuvuus {n} :: condescension (patronizing attitude or behavior)
alerion {n} [heraldry] :: An alerion (eagle depicted without legs and beak)
aleta {vi} :: To descend, come/go down, move downwards
aletusten {adv} :: synonym of allekkain
Aleutit {prop} :: The Aleutian Islands
aleutti {n} :: An Aleut (native inhabitant of the Aleutian Islands)
aleuttientiira {n} :: Aleutian tern, Onychoprion aleuticus, formerly Sterna aleutica (species of tern that breeds in colonies on coasts and islands in Alaska and easternmost Siberia)
aleviitti {n} [religion] :: Alevite (member of a Shia sect)
Alex {prop} :: given name
Alexandroúpoli {prop} :: Alexandroúpoli (city)
alfa {n} :: alpha; the Greek letter Α, α
alfa {n} :: alpha (person, especially a male, who is dominant, successful and attractive)
alfahajoaminen {n} [physics] :: alpha decay
alfahiukkanen {n} [physics] :: alpha particle
alfahydroksihappo {n} :: alpha-hydroxy acid
alfa-kierre {n} [biochemistry] :: An alpha helix
alfalfa {n} :: alfalfa
alfalinoleenihappo {n} [fatty acid] :: alpha-linolenic acid
alfanaaras {n} :: alpha female
alfanumeerinen {adj} :: alphanumerical
alfasäde {n} [physics] :: alpha ray
alfasalpaaja {n} [pharmacology] :: alpha-blocker
alfasäteilijä {n} [physics] :: alpha emitter
alfasäteily {n} :: alpha radiation
alfatokoferoli {n} [organic compound] :: alpha-tocopherol
alfauros {n} :: alpha male
Alfred {prop} :: given name
Alfred {prop} :: Alfred Nussi
Alfred Nussi {prop} [vulgar, humorous] :: A fictitious person who may be blamed for petty thefts
algareesi {n} :: Algherese (Catalan dialect)
algebra {n} :: algebra
algebrallinen {adj} :: algebraic
algebrallinen geometria {n} [mathematics] :: algebraic geometry
algebrallinen kokonaisluku {n} [mathematics] :: algebraic integer
algebrallinen rakenne {n} [mathematics] :: algebraic structure
algebrallinen ryhmä {n} [mathematics] :: algebraic group
algebrallinen sulkeuma {n} [mathematics] :: algebraic closure
algebrallinen topologia {n} [mathematics] :: algebraic topology
Alger {prop} :: Alger (capital city)
Algeria {prop} :: Algeria (country)
algerialainen {n} :: An Algerian
algerialainen {adj} :: Algerian
algerialaisuus {n} :: Algerianness
algerianarabia {n} :: Algerian Arabic (variant of Arabic spoken in Algeria)
algeriangundi {n} :: synonym of aavikkogundi
algeriannakkeli {n} :: Algerian nuthatch, Sitta ledanti (species of nuthatch endemic to Algeria)
algiinihappo {n} :: alginic acid
alginaatti {n} [chemistry] :: alginate (salt or ester of alginic acid)
algologia {n} [botany] :: algology
algoritmi {n} :: algorithm
algoritmiikka {n} [math, computing] :: algorithmics
algoritminen {adj} :: algorithmic
alhaalla {adv} :: [static] down below, below
alhaalla {adv} :: [static] down there/here
alhaalla {adv} :: [static] downstairs
alhaalla {adv} :: [static] at the bottom
alhaalle {adv} :: expresses movement to a spatially lower position
alhaalle {adv} :: down below, below
alhaalle {adv} :: down there/here
alhaalle {adv} :: to the bottom (part of something)
alhaallepäin {adv} :: synonym of alaspäin
alhaalta {adv} :: from below
alhaaltapäin {adv} :: synonym of altapäin
alhainen {adj} :: low (of location)
alhainen {adj} :: low (of quantity)
alhainen {adj} :: low (undeveloped, primitive)
alhainen {adj} :: lowly, low, lower (low in social rank or importance)
alhainen {adj} :: low, ignoble, dishonourable, unworthy, base, contemptible, despicable, abject, degraded (not honorable)
alhainen {adj} [dialectal] :: humble (not pretentious or magnificent)
alhaisaateli {n} :: petty nobility, lower nobility
alhaisesti {adv} :: lowly
alhaisin {adj} :: superlative of alhainen
alhaisintaan {adv} :: at least, at its lowest
alhaiso {n} :: common people, rabble
alhaisovalta {n} :: ochlocracy (rule of the mobs)
alhaisovalta {n} [archaic, derogatory] :: democracy
alhaissäätyinen {adj} [historical] :: of low estate
alhaissukuinen {adj} :: of low birth
alhaisuus {n} :: lowness
alho {n} [dated] :: dell (small and usually wooded valley); vale, dale
Alho {prop} :: surname
ali- {prefix} :: under-, sub-
ali {postp} :: beneath, underneath (when one goes through the space that is underneath something)
Ali {prop} :: given name
aliarvioida {vt} :: To underestimate
aliarviointi {n} :: underestimation
aliarvostaa {v} :: To undervalue
aliarvostus {n} :: underappreciation
aliarvostus {n} :: understatement
aliarvostus {n} :: undervaluation, valuation haircut
alias {n} :: alias
aliavaruus {n} :: subspace
alibi {n} :: alibi
alideterminantti {n} [linear algebra] :: subdeterminant
alidiakoni {n} :: subdeacon
alidifferentiaali {n} [math] :: subdifferential
aliedustettu {adj} :: underrepresented
aliedustus {n} :: underrepresentation
alieni {n} :: alien, extraterrestrial
alifaattinen {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aliphatic
alifaattinen yhdiste {n} :: aliphatic compound
aligradientti {n} [math] :: subgradient
alihakemisto {n} [computing] :: subdirectory
alihallinto {n} :: subgovernment, submanagement, subadministration
alihankinta {n} :: subcontracting
alihankkija {n} :: subcontractor
alihinnoitella {v} :: to underprice (to set a price at less than the value of an item)
alihinta {n} :: underrate, undercut price (price less than the value)
ali-ihminen {n} :: subhuman
Aliina {prop} :: given name
Aliisa {prop} :: given name
alijäähtyä {vi} :: To supercool; to undergo supercooling
alijäähtyminen {n} :: supercooling
alijäähtynyt {adj} :: supercooled
alijäämä {n} :: deficit
alijäämäinen {adj} [economics] :: deficient
alijako {n} :: subdivision
alijärjestelmä {n} :: subsystem
alijättiläinen {n} [astronomy] :: subgiant
alijohtaja {n} :: submanager
alikääpiö {n} [astronomy] :: subdwarf star
alikaliiperiammus {n} :: sub-caliber round
alikanta {n} [topology] :: subbasis
alikasvos {n} :: undergrowth
alikäytävä {n} :: underpass
alikehittynyt {adj} :: Pertaining to something that has failed to develop and is thus underdeveloped or backward
alikellottaa {vt} [computing] :: To underclock
alikersantti {n} [military ranks] :: The lowest NCO rank in the Finnish defence forces
alikki {n} [military slang] :: synonym of alikersantti
alikohta {n} :: synonym of alakohta
alikriittinen {adj} [physics] :: subcritical
alikulku {n} :: underpass (road or passage that runs underneath an obstacle)
alikulkukorkeus {n} :: vertical clearance
alikulkutunneli {n} :: underpass tunnel
alikunta {n} [algebra] :: subfield
alikuori {n} [physics] :: subshell
alilämpö {n} :: hypothermia (medical condition)
alilämpöinen {adj} [medicine] :: hypothermic
alilämpöinen {adj} :: (medicine) algid
alilämpöisyys {n} [medicine] :: hypothermia
alilämpöisyys {n} [medicine] :: algidity
alilauseke {n} :: subexpression
alilauseke {n} [regular expressions] :: subpattern
aliluku {n} :: subchapter
aliluutnantti {n} [military ranks] :: The lowest officer rank in the Finnish navy. The official English translation is sub-lieutenant
alimerkintä {n} [finance] :: undersubscription
alimitoittaa {vt} :: to undersize, underdo
alimmainen {adj} :: undermost
alimmaksi {adv} :: superlative of alas
alimmas {adv} :: to lowest down
alimonoidi {n} [algebra] :: submonoid
alimpana {adv} [static] :: lowest down
alimyydä {v} :: to undersell (to put forward an idea, or to market a new product, with insufficient enthusiasm)
alin {adj} :: lowest, undermost
Alina {prop} :: given name
älinä {n} :: moan, whine
alinen {adj} [rare] :: under, underlying
alinomaa {adv} :: constantly
alinomainen {adj} :: continuous, incessant
alio {n} [legal] :: paragraph, subsection, clause (in a legal code, a subsection of pykälä)
aliohjautuminen {n} :: understeer
aliohjautuva {adj} :: understeering
aliohjautuvuus {n} :: understeering, the quality or property of something that understeers
aliohjelma {n} [programming] :: subroutine, procedure
alioikeus {n} :: A principal trial court or court of first instance (the lowest level in a court system, on which most criminal and civil lawsuits are first judged)
aliorganisaatio {n} :: suborganization
alipäällikkö {n} :: underchief, second-in-command
alipäällystö {n} :: body of petty or noncommissioned officers; midshipmen
alipääsihteeri {n} :: Under Secretary General
alipäästösuodatin {n} [electronics, signal processing] :: lowpass filter
alipaine {n} :: underpressure
alipaineinen {adj} :: Having too low gas pressure
alipaineputki {n} :: low-pressure pipe or tube, vacuum pipe or tube
alipainetauti {n} :: decompression sickness, bends
alipaino {n} :: underweight
alipainoinen {adj} :: underweight
alipainoisuus {n} :: being underweight
alipalkata {v} [colloquial, rare] :: to underpay
alipalkattu {adj} :: underpaid (getting paid too little for one's work)
alipalkatumpi {adj} :: comparative of alipalkattu
alipalkkainen {adj} :: underpaid
alipalkkaisuus {n} :: being underpaid
alipalkkaus {n} :: underpayment (of wages)
aliperämies {n} :: quartermaster
alipuu {n} [graph theory] :: subtree
alirahdinkuljettaja {n} :: performing carrier (person or entity actually doing the carriage but not the carrier)
aliravitsemus {n} :: undernutrition, undernourishment, malnutrition, emaciation (the state of being undernourished)
aliravittu {adj} :: undernourished
aliravitumpi {adj} :: comparative of aliravittu
alirengas {n} [algebra] :: subring
aliresursoitu {adj} :: under-resourced
aliryhmä {n} :: subgroup
Alisa {prop} :: given name
alisovittaa {v} [statistics] :: to underfit
alisovittaminen {n} [statistics] :: underfitting
älistä {vi} [colloquial] :: to whine, to moan, to cry
alistaa {vt} :: to dominate, subject, subjugate, subordinate
alistaminen {n} :: Domination, subjection, subjugation, subordination
alistaminen {n} :: Repression, oppression, tyranny, bullying
alisteinen {adj} [linguistics] :: subordinate
alisteinen {adj} [military] :: subordinate
alisteinen {adj} [logic] :: subaltern
alistua {vi} :: To submit, give in, yield, surrender (to a person), be submissive
alistua {vi} :: To accommodate oneself, (reluctantly) resign oneself (to give up one's views etc. by adjusting them to other views), defer, acquiesce
alistuminen {n} :: submission, yielding
alistus {n} :: subjugation, subordination
alistuskonjunktio {n} [grammar] :: subordinating conjunction
alistussuhde {n} [grammar] :: hypotaxis
alistussuhde {n} :: subordination
alistuva {adj} :: submissive
alistuvainen {adj} :: alternative form of alistuva
alistuvammin {adv} :: comparative of alistuvasti
alistuvasti {adv} :: submissively
alistuvimmin {adv} :: superlative of alistuvasti
alisuorittaja {n} :: underachiever
alisuoriutuja {n} :: underachiever
alisuoriutuminen {n} :: underachievement
alitajuinen {adj} :: Subconscious, below the level of consciousness
alitajuisemmin {adv} :: comparative of alitajuisesti
alitajuisesti {adv} :: subconsciously
alitajuisimmin {adv} :: superlative of alitajuisesti
alitajunta {n} :: subconscious, subconsciousness
alitäyttää {v} :: to underfill
alitehoinen {adj} :: underpowered
alitsariini {n} :: alizarin, madder (chemical compound or the dye composed of such)
alitsariinipunainen {n} :: madder (dye, clour)
alitse {postp} [+ genitive] :: by beneath, by underneath (when one goes through the space that is underneath something)
alittaa {vt} :: to pass underneath, go under
alittaa {vt} [sports] :: to beat (a time record)
alittaminen {n} :: going or passing under
alittua {vi} :: To be passed underneath, be gone under
alittua {vi} [sports, of a time record] :: To be beaten
alittuma {n} [rare] :: synonym of alittuminen
alittuminen {n} :: passing underneath
alituinen {adj} :: continuous, incessant
alituiseen {adv} :: continuously, constantly
alituisemmin {adv} :: comparative of alituisesti
alituisesti {adv} :: constantly
alituisimmin {adv} :: superlative of alituisesti
alituotanto {n} :: underproduction
alitus {n} :: The act of passing underneath
alitus {n} :: The beating of a time record
alityöllisyys {n} :: underemployment
alityöntö {n} [geology] :: subduction
aliupseeri {n} [military] :: A non-commissioned officer; an NCO. The NCO ranks in the Finnish Army are alikersantti, kersantti, ylikersantti, vääpeli and sotilasmestari
aliupseerikoulu {n} :: non-commissioned officer academy
aliupseerinarvo {n} :: NCO rank, non-commissioned officer rank
aliupseeristo {n} :: noncommissioned officers collectively
aliurakka {n} :: subcontract, subcontracted work
aliurakoida {vt} :: to subcontract
aliurakointi {n} :: subcontracting
aliurakoitsija {n} :: subcontractor
alivakuuttaa {vt} :: to underinsure
alivakuutus {n} :: underinsurance
alivalikko {n} [computing, graphical user interface] :: submenu
alivalottaa {vt} :: To underexpose
alivalottua {vi} :: To be underexposed
alivalottuminen {n} :: underexposure
alivalotus {n} [photography] :: underexposure
alivaltiosihteeri {n} :: undersecretary, under Secretary of State
alivaltiosihteeri {n} [in Finland] :: a position inferior to the valtiosihteeri
aliverkko {n} :: subnetwork
aliverkko {n} :: subnet
aliverkkotunnus {n} [Internet] :: subdomain
alivoima {n} [ice hockey, sports] :: being shorthanded
alivoimainen {adj} :: outnumbered
alivoimainen {adj} :: underpowered
alivoimaisuus {n} :: being outnumbered
alivoimaisuus {n} :: being underpowered
alivoimamaali {n} [sports] :: short-handed goal, shortie
alivoimapeli {n} [ice hockey, sports] :: penalty kill
alivoltittaa {vt} [computing] :: to undervolt
alivuokralainen {n} :: subtenant, lodger (one who rents from a tenant)
alivuokralainen {n} :: boarder (one who pays for meals and lodging in someone else's house)
alivuokrasuhde {n} :: sublease or subtenancy relation
alivuoto {n} :: underflow
aljopuu {n} :: synonym of uhripuu
alkaa {vt} [auxiliary, + 1st infinitive/+ illative of 3rd infinitive] :: to begin (to do something), start (doing something)
alkaa {vi} :: to initiate, set in, be initiated, originate, be originated, take its origin
alkaani {n} :: alkane (saturated hydrocarbon of formula CnH2n+2)
alkaanitioli {n} [organic chemistry] :: alkanethiol
alkaen {adv} :: since
alkaen {adv} :: as of
alkaen {adv} :: from on (often used with ages, e. g. vuotiaista alkaen)
alkaja {n} :: One who starts; beginner, starter
alkajaiset {n} :: opening, opening event
alkajaisiksi {adv} :: for starters
alkajaisjuhla {n} :: opening ceremony, opening celebration, opening event
alkali {n} [chemistry] :: synonym of emäs
alkalimetalli {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: alkali metal
alkalinen {adj} :: alkaline
alkaliparisto {n} :: alkaline battery
alkalisuola {n} :: alkali salt, alkaline salt
alkalisuus {n} :: alkalinity
alkaloidi {n} [organic chemistry] :: alkaloid
alkaloosi {n} [pathology] :: alkalosis
alkaminen {n} :: starting, beginning, onset
alkamisaika {n} :: time of starting, beginning
alkamisajankohta {n} :: starting date or time
alkamishetki {n} :: time of beginning, starting time
alkamispäivä {n} :: starting date, starting day
alkamispäivämäärä {n} :: starting date
alkeellinen {adj} :: primitive
alkeellinen {adj} :: basic
alkeellisemmin {adv} :: comparative of alkeellisesti
alkeellisempi {adj} :: comparative of alkeellinen
alkeellisesti {adv} :: primitively
alkeellisimmin {adv} :: superlative of alkeellisesti
alkeellisuus {n} :: primitiveness
alkeeni {n} :: An alkene (unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbon with one or more carbon-carbon double bonds)
alkeeni {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of alkeet
alkeet {n} :: (always plural) basics, fundamentals; the ropes
alkeis- {prefix} :: basic, elemental, fundamental, rudimentary
alkeis- {prefix} [physics] :: elementary (relating to a subatomic particle)
alkeisalgebra {n} :: elementary algebra
alkeisfunktio {n} [mathematics] :: elementary function
alkeishiukkanen {n} [physics] :: fundamental particle, elementary particle
alkeishiukkasfysiikka {n} [physics] :: elementary particle physics
alkeisjuuri {n} [botany] :: radicula
alkeiskirja {n} :: primer, introductory textbook
alkeiskoppi {n} [mineralogy] :: unit cell (in a crystal, the smallest repeating structure of atoms from which the structure of the complete crystal can be inferred)
alkeiskoulu {n} [archaic] :: elementary school
alkeiskurssi {n} :: elementary course, basic course
alkeislehti {n} [botany] :: cotyledon
alkeismatriisi {n} [linear algebra] :: elementary matrix
alkeisopetus {n} :: primary education, introductory education
alkeisopinnot {n} :: basic studies
alkeispolynomi {n} [math] :: A polynomial that has the property that the greatest common divisor of its coefficients is equal to 1
alkeisreaktio {n} :: elementary reaction
alkeisrihma {n} [botany] :: protonema
alkeissilmu {n} [botany] :: plumule
alkeistapaus {n} [probability theory] :: elementary event
alkeistiedot {n} :: basic or fundamental knowledge or information
alkeistumallinen {n} :: prokaryote
alkeisvaraus {n} [physics] :: elementary charge
alkeisvarsi {n} [botany] :: hypocotyl
alkeisvarsikko {n} [botany] :: prothallium
alkemia {n} :: alchemy
alkemisti {n} :: alchemist
alkemistinen {adj} :: alchemistic
alkio {n} :: embryo
alkio {n} :: element, member (of a set)
alkio {n} [anatomy] :: primordium
alkio {n} [foods] :: cereal germ
alkiokalvo {n} :: embryonic membrane
alkiolainen {n} :: Adherent of alkiolaisuus
alkiolevy {n} [embryology] :: embryonic disk
alkionkehitys {n} :: embryonic development
alkionsiirto {n} [biology] :: embryo transfer
alkiorakko {n} [biology] :: embryo sac, embryonic sac
alkkarit {n} [pluralonly, colloquial] :: underpants
alkkomahooli {n} [jocular] :: alcohol (ethanol)
alko {n} [colloquial] :: A liquor store, bottle shop
alkoholi {n} [organic chemistry] :: alcohol (organic compound containing a hydroxyl functional group)
alkoholi {n} :: alcohol (intoxicating beverage that contains ethanol)
alkoholi {n} [in compounds] :: alcoholic
alkoholiannos {n} :: standard drink, unit of alcohol (usually defined as approximately 12 grams of alcohol in Finland)
alkoholidehydrogenaasi {n} [chemistry] :: alcohol dehydrogenase
alkoholihumala {n} :: alcohol drunkenness
alkoholijuoma {n} :: alcoholic beverage
alkoholikassa {n} :: alcohol checkout
alkoholikäyminen {n} [biology] :: alcoholic fermentation
alkoholilainsäädäntö {n} :: alcohol legislation
alkoholillinen {adj} :: alcoholic (containing alcohol)
alkoholimyrkytys {n} :: alcohol poisoning
alkoholimyymälä {n} :: alcohol store
alkoholinkäyttö {n} :: drinking (of alcohol)
alkoholiongelma {n} :: drinking problem
alkoholiongelmainen {adj} :: with an alcohol problem
alkoholipitoinen {adj} :: alcoholic (containing alcohol)
alkoholipitoisuus {n} :: alcohol content
alkoholipolitiikka {n} :: alcohol politics
alkoholiprosentti {n} :: alcohol percent
alkoholiriippuvuus {n} :: alcohol addiction
alkoholirikos {n} :: alcohol crime (criminal act involving illegal production, trade, distribution or retail of alcohol)
alkoholismi {n} [pathology] :: alcoholism
alkoholisoitua {vi} :: To become addicted to alcohol; to become an alcoholic
alkoholisoitua {v} :: participle singular form of alkoholisoitu
alkoholisoituminen {n} :: becoming addicted to alcohol, becoming an alcoholic
alkoholisti {n} :: alcoholic (person addicted to alcohol)
alkoholistihuolto {n} [dated] :: alcoholist rehabilitation
alkoholiton {adj} :: nonalcoholic, non-alcoholic
alkohooli {n} [obsolete] :: alternative form of alkoholi
alkoksidi {n} :: alkoxide
alkolukko {n} :: alcolock (mechanism that prevents a car from starting)
alkomahooli {n} [jocular] :: alcohol (ethanol)
alkometri {n} :: breathalyzer
alkovi {n} :: alcove
alku {n} :: start, beginning, inception, incipience
alku {n} [in compounds] :: first, prime, primeval, primordial
alkuaan {adv} :: originally, initially, at first
alkuaika {n} :: starting time
alkuaine {n} [chemistry] :: chemical element, element
alkuaine {n} [chemistry] :: elementary substance
alkuarvo {n} :: initial value
alkuarvotehtävä {n} [differential calculus] :: initial-value problem
alkuaste {n} :: early stage, infancy, beginning
alkuasukas {n} :: native, aborigine, aboriginal
alkuasukasheimo {n} :: native tribe, aborigine tribe
alkucocktail {n} :: synonym of alkukoktaili
alkudrinkki {n} :: apéritif
alkuehto {n} :: initial condition, precondition
alkueläin {n} :: protozoan
alkueliö {n} [biology] :: protist
alkuerä {n} [sports] :: qualifier, qualifying round
alkuhärkä {n} :: An aurochs, Bos primigenius
alkuheitto {n} [linguistics, dated] :: apheresis (elision, suppression, or complete loss of a letter or sound (syllable) from the beginning of a word)
alkuideaali {n} [mathematics] :: prime ideal
alkuihminen {n} :: prehistoric man
alkuilta {n} :: early evening
-alkuinen {adj} :: beginning with, that begins with
-alkuinen {adj} :: of origin, -origin
alkuisin {adv} :: only used in olla alkuisin
alkujaan {adv} :: alternative form of alkuaan
alkujakso {n} :: initial period, beginning period
alkujuoma {n} :: apéritif
alkujuuri {n} [figuratively] :: root, source
alkukala {n} [biology] :: ostracoderm
alkukankeus {n} :: initial stiffness or difficulty
alkukantainen {adj} :: primitive
alkukantaisesti {adv} :: primitively
alkukantaisuus {n} :: primitiveness
alkukarsinta {n} :: initial qualifying
alkukäsittely {n} :: primary processing, preliminary processing
alkukausi {n} :: early season
alkukehto {n} [figuratively] :: cradle; the place of origin
alkukesä {n} :: early summer (an inexactly defined period covering the first few weeks of the summer)
alkukevät {n} :: early spring
alkukieli {n} :: original language
alkukieli {n} :: protolanguage
alkukielinen {adj} :: (written) in the original language
alkukilpailu {n} :: preliminary (competition)
alkukirjain {n} :: initial, initial letter
alkukirkko {n} [dated] :: Early Christianity (period of Christianity preceding the First Council of Nicaea in 325)
alkukohta {n} :: starting point
alkukoktaili {n} :: starter cocktail
alkukoti {n} :: urheimat
alkukoulutus {n} :: initial training
alkukristillinen {adj} :: early Christian
alkukristillisyys {n} :: early Christianity
alkukunta {n} [algebra] :: prime field
alkukuu {n} [colloquial] :: early in the month
alkukuukausi {n} :: first month, initial month
alkukuva {n} :: preimage
alkukymmen {n} :: first decade
alkulähde {n} :: fountainhead
alkulähde {n} [figurative] :: very source, origin, root
alkulataus {n} :: initial charging
alkulataus {n} [computing] :: bootloading, boot
alkulause {n} :: foreword, preface, opening sentence or statement
alkuliemi {n} :: primeval soup
alkulima {n} [biology] :: protoplasm
alkulintu {n} :: Archaeopteryx
alkulohko {n} [sports] :: qualification group, group; also other terms may be used, depending on sport (in a tournament with multiple participants, any of the divisions into which the original participants are divided in order to select the participants to the finals)
alkuluku {n} [number theory] :: prime number, prime
alkulukukaksoset {n} [number theory] :: twin prime
alkulukulause {n} [mathematics] :: prime number theorem
alkulukupari {n} [mathematics] :: twin prime
alkumatka {n} :: first leg of the journey
alkumeri {n} :: primeval sea
alkumerkki {n} :: beginning character, start-of-field character
alkuminuutti {n} [usually, in plural] :: first minute(s)
alkumunasolu {n} [biology] :: oogonium
alkumuodostelma {n} [dancing] :: set (initial or basic formation of dancers)
alkumuodostelma {n} :: initial setting, arrangement or setup
alkumuoto {n} :: primary form, original form, initial form
alkunilviäinen {n} [biology] :: monoplacophoran
alkuopetus {n} :: initial education, elementary education
alkuopinnot {n} :: early or preliminary studies (such as for a specific profession)
alkuosa {n} :: beginning, first part, initial part
alkupää {n} :: starting end, upstream end
alkupääoma {n} :: initial capital
alkupäivä {n} [usually, in plural] :: first day(s), early day(s)
alkupala {n} :: An appetizer, starter, hors d'oeuvre (small, light first course)
alkupalkka {n} :: starting salary
alkuperä {n} :: origin
alkuperäilmoitus {n} :: origin declaration
alkuperäinen {adj} :: original (preceding all others; first in a series of versions)
alkuperäisempi {adj} :: comparative of alkuperäinen
alkuperäisesti {adv} :: originally, genuinely, authentically
alkuperäisjulkaisu {n} :: original release
alkuperäiskansa {n} :: aboriginal/native/indigenous people; First Nation, First Nations [Canada]
alkuperäiskappale {n} :: original (object from which copies are made)
alkuperäiskieli {n} :: original language
alkuperäislääke {n} :: reference medicine, originator medicine
alkuperäislaji {n} :: endemic species
alkuperäispakkaus {n} :: original packaging
alkuperäisteos {n} [literature] :: original work
alkuperäistila {n} :: original state or status, status quo
alkuperäisyys {n} :: originality, authenticity
alkuperäluokitus {n} :: appellation (indication for wine that describes its geographic origin)
alkuperämaa {n} :: country of origin
alkuperämerkintä {n} :: designation of origin
alkuperäselvitys {n} :: declaration of origin
alkuperätodistus {n} :: certificate of origin
alkuperätuote {n} :: originating product
alkuperusta {n} :: basis, foundation
alkuperuste {n} :: principle (fundamental essence)
alkupiste {n} :: starting point, base
alkupotku {n} :: kick-off (opening sequence of any event)
alkupotku {n} [soccer] :: kick-off
alkupuoli {n} :: first half or a more vaguely defined first part of anything, like of a period of time, semester, holiday, trip etc
alkupuolisko {n} :: first half of anything, like of a period of time, semester, holiday, trip etc
alkupuolisko {n} [sports, colloquial] :: first half (period of a game before the half-time)
alkuräjähdys {n} :: Big Bang (initial explosion that gave rise to our universe)
alkuräjähdys {n} :: big bang (similar explosion in any universe)
alkuronium {n} :: alcuronium (drug)
alkuruoka {n} :: An appetizer, starter, hors d'oeuvre
alkusanat {n} :: preface
alkusarja {n} [sports] :: preliminary round, qualification round
alkuseurakunta {n} :: early congregation
alkusivu {n} :: first page, one of the first pages
alkusoinnullinen {adj} :: alliterative, with alliteration
alkusointu {n} :: alliteration
alkusoitto {n} [music] :: overture, prelude
alkusukulaisuus {n} :: sharing the same ancestor, consanguinity
alkusyksy {n} :: early autumn
alkusynty {n} [biology] :: abiogenesis
alkusysäys {n} :: impetus, impulse, incentive
alkusyy {n} :: initial reason or cause
alkusyy {n} [philosophy] :: prime mover
alkutahti {n} :: first or initial bar (of music)
alkutaipale {n} :: alternative form of alkutaival
alkutaival {n} [figuratively] :: beginning, birth, early days
alkutalvi {n} :: early winter
alkutekijä {n} [mathematics] :: prime factor
alkutekijähajotelma {n} [number theory] :: prime factorization
alkuteksti {n} :: original text, source text
alkuteos {n} :: original work
alkutiivistelmä {n} :: beginning abstract
alkutila {n} :: initial state
alkutilanne {n} :: initial situation
alkutunnari {n} [colloquial] :: opening theme (of a radio, TV show, etc.)
alkutuotanto {n} :: primary sector, primary production
alkutyöttömyys {n} :: initial unemployment
alkuunkaan {adv} :: at all
alkuunlähtö {n} :: getting started
alkuunpääsy {n} :: getting started, starting up
alkuunpanija {n} :: beginner (one who puts something in motion)
alkuunpano {n} :: initiation, startup, commencement, kickoff, kickstart
alkuväestö {n} :: indigenous population
alkuvaihe {n} :: early stage, early phase
alkuvaikeudet {n} :: initial difficulties or troubles
alkuvalmistelu {n} :: initialization, initial preparation
alkuvauhti {n} :: starting speed, starting boost
alkuviikko {n} :: the beginning of a week, usually understood to include Monday and Tuesday
alkuviikko {n} [with locative cases] :: early week
alkuviikko {n} [in the plural] :: any of the first weeks of a longer period of time
alkuviikolla {adv} :: early week, early in the week
alkuviikosta {adv} :: (starting) from early week, (starting) from early in the week
alkuviikosta {adv} :: early week, early in the week
alkuvoima {n} :: primordial force
alkuvoima {n} :: initial force
alkuvoimainen {adj} :: elemental (of, or relating to a force or nature)
alkuvoimaisuus {n} :: elementalness
alkuvuosi {n} :: The early part of a year
alkuvuosi {n} [in the plural] :: The first years of a period
alkuvuosikymmen {n} :: first decade
alkuyö {n} :: early (in the) night
alkydi {n} :: alkyd
alkydimaali {n} :: alkyd paint
alkyylihalidi {n} :: haloalkane, alkyl halide
alkyyni {n} :: alkyne
alla {adv} :: beneath, underneath, below
alla {postp} [static] :: under, underneath
alla {postp} [temporal] :: just before, only a short time before
ällä {n} [colloquial] :: The letter L, l
ällä {n} [colloquial] :: laudatur
Allah {prop} :: Allah
allakka {n} :: almanac
Allan {prop} :: given name
allaniitti {n} [mineral] :: allanite
allantoiini {n} :: allantoin
allapäin {adv} :: down, crestfallen (depressed)
allas {n} :: pool, swimming pool
allas {n} :: tank (open container for liquids)
allas {n} :: basin (wide bowl for washing)
allas {n} [geography] :: basin, drainage basin (area of land from which water drains into a commom outlet)
allas {n} :: reservoir (natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply)
allas {n} :: chamber, in "canal lock chamber" - kanavan sulkuallas
allaskaappi {n} :: basin cabinet, under-washbasin cabinet
allaskatto {n} :: pool roof
allastaa {v} :: To equip with a basin, normally as a precaution against damages that may be caused by leaking liquids
allastelakka {n} [nautical] :: A dry dock, drydock
allatiivi {n} [grammar] :: allative
allatiivisija {n} [grammar, rare] :: allative case
alle {adv} :: less than
alle {postp} :: [expressing movement] under
alleeli {n} [genetics] :: allele
allegoria {n} :: allegory
allegorinen {adj} :: allegorical
allegorisesti {adv} :: allegorically
allekirjoittaa {vt} :: To sign, subscribe, underwrite
allekirjoittaa {vt} [figuratively] :: To underwrite, accept
allekirjoittaa kuolemantuomionsa {v} [idiomatic] :: to sign one's death warrant
allekirjoittaja {n} :: signer, signatory
allekirjoittaminen {n} :: signing (to write one's signature in a document)
allekirjoittanut {n} [colloquial] :: yours truly, I
allekirjoitus {n} :: signature
allekirjoitus {n} :: autograph
allekirjoitus {n} [cryptography] :: signature, digital signature
allekkain {adv} :: one below another
allekkainen {adj} :: One below another
allekkainlasku {n} [arithmetic] :: a pen and paper algorithm for calculating basic arithmetic operations commonly used in education or when calculators are not available, including for instance long addition and long division
allelopatia {n} :: allelopathy
Allén {prop} :: surname
allergeeni {n} :: allergen
allergeeninen {adj} [medicine] :: allergenic
allergia {n} :: allergy
allergialääkäri {n} :: allergist (physician who specializes in treatment of allergies)
allergiareaktio {n} :: allergic reaction
allergiasairaala {n} :: allergy hospital
allergiasaneeraus {n} :: allergy cleaning, allergy sanitation
allergikko {n} :: allergic person
allerginen {adj} :: allergic (of or pertaining to allergy)
allerginen {adj} :: allergic (having an allergy; "to something" is expressed with allative case)
allerginen {adj} [figuratively] :: allergic (excessively sensitive)
allerginen nuha {n} [pathology] :: allergic rhinitis
allergisempi {adj} :: comparative of allerginen
allergisin {adj} :: superlative of allerginen
allergisoida {vt} :: to make allergic
allergisoitua {vi} :: to become allergic to something
allergisoituminen {n} :: becoming allergic to something
allergisoiva {adj} :: allergenic (having the effect of an allergen)
allergistaa {vt} :: to make allergic
allergistua {v} :: alternative form of allergisoitua
allergistuminen {n} :: synonym of allergisoituminen
allergisuus {n} :: allergicity
allergologi {n} :: allergist (physician who specializes in treatment of allergies)
allergologi {n} :: allergologist (scientist who studies allergies)
allergologia {n} [medicine] :: allergology
alletusten {adv} :: synonym of allekkain
alleviivata {vt} :: To underline, underscore
alleviivata {vt} [figuratively] :: To emphasize, underline, underscore
alleviivaus {n} :: underline, underlining
alli {n} :: long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis)
Alli {prop} :: given name
älli {n} [colloquial] :: wits, intelligence
allianssi {n} :: An alliance
alligaattori {n} :: alligator
ällikällä {adv} :: by surprise; only in the expression lyödä ällikällä (to dumbfound)
ällikkä {n} :: surprise, awe; only appears in the idiomatic expression lyödä ällikällä (to strike with awe) and its inflected forms
allikko {n} :: puddle (small pond of water, usually in the middle of an ombrotrophic raised bog)
allisiini {n} :: allicin
ällistellä {v} :: to wonder, marvel (to be affected with surprise, wonderment or admiration; to be struck with astonishment; to be amazed)
ällistely {n} :: ogling, staring
ällistyä {vi} :: To be taken aback, be taken by surprise, be dum(b)founded
ällistyksissään {adv} :: in one's astonishment or dumbfoundedness
ällistyminen {n} :: being taken aback, being taken by surprise
ällistynyt {adj} :: surprised, astounded, astonished, taken aback
ällistys {n} :: amazement
ällistyttää {vt} :: to amaze, astonish, astound, stun
ällistyttää {vt} :: to intimidate (impress, amaze, excite)
ällistyttävä {adj} :: astonishing, astounding, staggering
allit {n} :: flabby skin or flesh under upper arms
allitteraatio {n} :: alliteration
ällö {adj} [colloquial] :: nauseating, disgusting
allofoni {n} :: allophone
allofonia {n} :: allophony
allografi {n} :: allograph
allokaatio {n} :: allocation
allokoida {v} :: To allocate
allokoiminen {n} :: allocating
allokointi {n} :: allocation
allokroninen {adj} [biology, evolution] :: allochronic
alloktoninen {adj} [geology] :: allochthonous (found in a place remote from the site of formation)
allometria {n} [biology] :: allometry
allomorfi {n} [linguistics] :: allomorph
allopaattinen {adj} [homeopathy] :: allopathic
allopatia {n} [homeopathy] :: allopathy
allopatrinen {adj} [biology, speciation] :: allopatric
ällös {v} [archaic, poetic] :: The second-person singular optative present form of the negative verb (negation verb), partially synonymous with älä, but it is more polite and subtle
allotrooppi {n} [chemistry] :: allotrope
allotrooppinen {adj} [chemistry] :: allotropic
allotropia {n} [chemistry] :: allotropy
ällöttää {vt} :: To disgust
ällöttäminen {n} :: disgusting (act of causing disgust)
ällöttävä {adj} :: nauseating, disgusting (causing disgust)
ällötys {n} :: disgusting thing
alluuvi {n} :: synonym of alluviumi
alluviaali {n} [geology] :: alluvium
alluviumi {n} [geology] :: alluvium, alluvial deposit (material deposited by flowing water)
allyyli-isotiosyanaatti {n} [organic chemistry] :: allyl isothiocyanate, mustard oil
allyylipropyylidisulfidi {n} [chemistry] :: allyl propyl disulfide
Alma {prop} :: given name
almanakka {n} :: calendar
almanakka {n} :: almanac
almandiini {n} :: almandine (gemstone)
almandiitti {n} :: synonym of almandiini
almikki {n} :: solenodon
almoravidi {n} [historical] :: Almoravid
almu {n} :: alms
aloillaan {adv} [static] :: still, not moving or doing anything
aloilleen {adv} :: into a state of being still; into a state of not moving or doing anything
aloite {n} :: initiative
aloite {n} :: private member's bill; short of edustaja-aloite (proposed law introduced by a member of a legislature who is not acting on behalf of the executive government)
aloitekyky {n} :: initiative (the ability to act first or on one's own)
aloitekykyinen {adj} :: that who or which has initiative
aloitekykyinen {adj} :: venturous
aloitekykyinen {adj} :: enterprising
aloitekyvytön {adj} :: lacking in initiative or drive (of a person)
aloitekyvyttömyys {n} :: lack of initiative, dependency (state of dependence; a refusal to exercise initiative)
aloitella {vi} :: To start, begin (gradually, indifferently)
aloiteoikeus {n} :: right of initiative, power of initiative
aloittaa {v} :: to start, begin, commence
aloittaa {v} :: to go ahead
aloittaa puhtaalta pöydältä {v} [idiomatic] :: to wipe the slate clean
aloittain {adv} :: by field (field of expertise or activity)
aloittain {adv} :: by sector, by industry, by branch
aloittainen {adj} :: sectoral
aloittaja {n} :: One who starts; starter, beginner
aloittamaton {adj} :: Not started
aloittaminen {n} :: starting (the act of starting)
aloittava {n} [baseball, pesäpallo] :: top half (first half of an inning)
aloitteellinen {adj} :: Having initiative
aloitteellisuus {n} :: initiative (the ability to act first or on one's own)
aloitteentekijä {n} :: initiator
aloitteentekijä {n} :: instigator
aloitteenteko {n} :: initiation (of an initiative)
aloitteenteko {n} :: instigation
aloitteikas {adj} :: A person having initiative
aloitteikkaampi {adj} :: comparative of aloitteikas
aloitteikkain {adj} :: superlative of aloitteikas
-aloitteinen {adj} :: Having an initiative (ability to act on one's own)
aloitteleminen {n} :: getting started
aloittelija {n} :: A beginner
aloitus {n} :: A start
aloitus {n} [ice hockey] :: A faceoff
aloituskodoni {n} [biology] :: start codon, initiation codon (codon that instructs protein synthesis to begin)
aloituskorkeus {n} :: starting height
aloitusmaali {n} [sports, ball games] :: opening goal (the first goal of a team in a match or by any team in a match)
aloitusmerkki {n} :: starting signal
aloitusmerkki {n} :: starting character
aloituspaikka {n} :: starting place
aloituspiste {n} [ice hockey] :: faceoff spot
aloitussyöttö {n} :: A serve or service in a ball game
aloitustaso {n} :: entry level (job level simple enough for a person without any specific training or experience)
aloitusvaihe {n} :: initial step, initiation step, starting step
aloitusvalikko {n} [computing, Windows] :: Start Menu
aloitusviisikko {n} [basketball] :: starting lineup, starting five
alokas {n} [military] :: recruit, rookie (newly enlisted soldier)
alokasaika {n} :: rookie time
alokasaste {n} :: recruit or rookie level or grade
alokasmainen {adj} :: rookie-like
alokasmainen {adj} :: trivial; especially of an error
aloke {n} [phonology, acoustics] :: onset, initial
alottaa {v} [dialectal] :: aloittaa (to begin, start)
alpakka {n} :: alpaca
alpakka {n} :: nickel silver
alpakkainen {adj} :: Made of the wool of alpaca
alpakkalusikka {n} :: nickel silver spoon
alpi {n} :: A plant of the genus Lysimachia
Alpi {prop} :: given name
alpiininen {adj} :: alpine
alpinismi {n} :: alpinism
alpinisti {n} :: alpinist (mountaineer)
alpinisti {n} :: downhill skier
Alpit {prop} :: Alpit (mountain range)
Alpo {prop} :: given name
älppäri {n} [slang, colloquial] :: LP record
alppi {n} :: alp
alppihiihtäjä {n} :: alpine skier
alppihiihto {n} [sports] :: alpine skiing, downhill skiing
alppijärvi {n} :: Alpine lake
alppikärhö {n} :: alpine clematis (Clematis alpina)
alppikauris {n} :: alpine ibex, Capra ibex ibex
alppikiipeily {n} :: alpinism, Alpine climbing
alppikuusama {n} :: alpine honeysuckle (Lonicera alpigena L.)
alppilaakso {n} :: Alpine valley
alppilaji {n} [sports] :: alpine discipline
alppimaisema {n} :: Alpine landscape
alppimaja {n} :: chalet
alppimänty {n} :: mountain pine, Pinus mugo subsp. uncinata
alppimurmeli {n} :: alpine marmot, Marmota marmota
alppinaakka {n} :: alpine chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus)
alppiniitty {n} :: alpine meadow
alppinisti {n} :: [deprecated] alternative form of alpinisti
alppiorvokki {n} :: a cyclamen
alppiruusu {n} :: rhododendron (genus of flowering plants in the heather family Ericaceae)
alppisauva {n} :: trekking pole
alppisembra {n} :: Swiss pine, arolla pine; Pinus cembra
alppiseutu {n} :: Alpine region
alppitähti {n} [plant] :: Any plant in the genus Leontopodium
alppitähti {n} [plant] :: An edelweiss, Leontopodium alpinum
alppitähti {n} :: An alpine skiing star
alppitorvi {n} [musical instruments] :: alphorn
alppiyhdistetty {n} :: alpine skiing combined
alsikeapila {n} :: alsike clover, alsike (Trifolium hybridum)
ALS-tauti {n} [pathology] :: Lou Gehrig's disease
alta {postp} :: from under, from underneath, from beneath
Altai {prop} :: Altay (mountain range)
Altai {prop} :: Altai Republic
altailainen {adj} :: Altaic (of or pertaining to a hypothetical language group which includes Turkic, Mongolic and Tungusic languages)
altainorapihlaja {n} :: A species of hawthorn, Crataegus korolkovii
altapäin {adv} :: from below (from the direction below something)
alta pois {phrase} :: See: fi alta pois
alta pois {phrase} [idiomatic] :: out of the way (taken or being taken care of)
altavastaaja {n} :: An underdog (somebody thought to have slim chances to win)
alternoida {v} :: to alternate
alteroida {v} :: to alter
altimetri {n} :: altimeter
altimetria {n} :: altimetry
altis {adj} :: exposed, endangered, vulnerable
altis {adj} :: ready, inclined, disposed, prone to (having a tendency, preference, likelihood, or disposition)
altis {adj} :: sensitive (responsive to stimuli)
altis {adj} :: susceptible (likely to be affected by something)
altistaa {vt} :: To expose
altistaa {vt} :: To endanger
altistaa {vt} :: To predispose
altistaminen {n} :: exposing (subjecting to something)
altistaminen {n} :: endangering
altistaminen {n} :: predisposing
altiste {n} :: exposure agent
altistettu {adj} :: predisposed
altisti {n} [music] :: violist, viola player
altistua {vi} :: to be exposed [to]
altistuma {n} :: exposure, especially to a harmful substance
altistuminen {n} :: exposure (condition)
altistus {n} :: exposure
altistus {n} :: predisposition
altistusaika {n} :: exposure time (to radiation etc.; not photography)
altistuskoe {n} :: exposure test or experiment
altistuskoe {n} :: challenge experiment
altitudi {n} :: altitude
altmetriikka {n} :: altmetrics
altocumulus {n} :: synonym of hahtuvapilvi
altostratus {n} :: synonym of verhopilvi
altruismi {n} :: altruism
altruisti {n} :: altruist
altruistinen {adj} :: altruistic
altruistisempi {adj} :: comparative of altruistinen
altruistisesti {adv} :: altruistically
alttari {n} :: altar
Alttari {prop} :: the constellation Ara, the Altar
alttarikaide {n} :: altar rail
alttarikehä {n} :: altar ring, ring-shaped altar rail
alttarilaite {n} :: synonym of alttarikaappi
alttariliina {n} :: altar cloth
alttaripalvelus {n} :: liturgy, altar service
alttaripöytä {n} :: altar table
alttaritaulu {n} :: altarpiece
alttariteos {n} :: altarpiece
alttaritoimitus {n} :: altar ceremony
alttarivaate {n} :: altar cloth, antependium
alttein {adj} :: superlative of altis
Altti {prop} :: given name
alttiimpi {adj} :: comparative of altis
alttiisti {adv} :: in an exposed manner, sensitively, susceptibly
alttius {n} :: predisposition (state of being predisposed or susceptible to something, such as a disease)
altto {n} [music] :: alto
alttoääni {n} :: alto voice
alttoavain {n} [music] :: alto clef
alttohuilu {n} :: alto flute
alttoklarinetti {n} [musical instruments] :: alto clarinet
alttolaulajatar {n} :: (female) alto singer
alttosaksofoni {n} :: alto saxophone
alttoviulisti {n} :: violist, viola player
alttoviulu {n} :: viola
alttoviulukonsertto {n} [music] :: viola concerto
alue {n} :: area
alue {n} :: region
alue {n} [Russia] :: oblast (regional administrative unit in Russia)
alue {n} :: reserve; usually as head word in compound terms (tract of land reserved, or set apart, for a particular purpose)
alue {n} :: field
alue {n} [physics] :: band (wavelength band)
alue {n} [mathematics, topology] :: domain
alue {n} [music, as headword in compound terms] :: register (range of a voice or instrument)
aluebibliografia {n} :: regional bibliography
alue-edustaja {n} :: regional representative
alueellinen {adj} :: regional
alueellinen koskemattomuus {n} [international law] :: territorial integrity
alueellisesti {adv} :: regionally
alueellistaa {v} :: to regionalize
alueellistaminen {n} :: regionalization
alue-ero {n} :: regional difference
aluehallinto {n} :: regional government
aluehallintovirasto {n} :: regional state administrative agency (official translation); regional branch of the state government of Finland executing all legislative implementation, steering and supervision functions in the regions
aluehälytyskeskus {n} :: regional emergency call center
-alueinen {adj} :: -area, -zone
alueittain {adv} :: by area, by region
alueittainen {adj} :: regional
aluejako {n} :: territorial division, administrative division
aluejärjestö {n} :: regional organization
aluejohtaja {n} [business] :: regional director
aluekaavio {n} :: area chart
aluekehittämistoiminta {n} :: regional development activity
aluekeskus {n} :: regional center
aluelaajennus {n} :: territorial expansion, regional expansion
aluelehti {n} :: regional newspaper
aluelennonjohto {n} :: area control surveillance, area air traffic control
alueliitos {n} :: annexation
aluelingvistiikka {n} [linguistics] :: regional linguistics (study of regional differences in language)
alueloukkaus {n} [international law] :: breach of the territorial integrity
alueluovutus {n} :: territorial cession, territorial concession
aluemaantiede {n} :: regional geography
aluemenetys {n} :: loss of territory, territorial loss
aluemeri {n} :: territorial sea
aluemetamorfoosi {n} [geology] :: regional metamorphism
aluemetsänhoitaja {n} :: regional forester
alueministeri {n} :: regional minister
aluemurre {n} [linguistics] :: dialect, topolect (variant of language used in a geographic region)
alueneuvosto {n} :: regional council
aluenopeusrajoitus {n} :: regional speed limit
alueohjelma {n} :: regional program
alueorganisaatio {n} :: local organization
alueorkesteri {n} :: regional orchestra
alueosasto {n} :: regional chapter (regional division of a national association or similar)
aluepäällikkö {n} :: regional manager, district manager
aluepiiri {n} :: krai (regional administrative unit in Russia)
aluepoliittinen {adj} :: regional policy (of or pertaining to regional policy)
aluepolitiikka {n} :: regional policy (a policy that aims to developing less developed regions of a state, usually by transferring funds from richer areas to the poorer ones)
aluepysäköinti {n} :: regional parking
alueradio {n} :: regional radio
alueraja {n} :: territorial border
aluerajoitus {n} :: territorial restriction, territorial delineation
aluerakenne {n} :: territorial structure
aluerakentaminen {n} :: construction of an entire area
aluesairaala {n} :: regional hospital (in Finnish healthcare system, a hospital serving a region of typically about 100,000 people. For most demanding care, they rely on the better equipped central hospitals, or keskussairaala)
aluesuunnittelu {n} :: regional planning
aluetalous {n} :: regional economy
aluetaloustiede {n} :: regional economics
alueteatteri {n} :: regional theater
aluetiede {n} :: regional science
aluetoimisto {n} :: regional office
aluetoimittaja {n} :: regional reporter
aluetoimitus {n} :: regional editorial office (regional office of a newspaper or other media)
aluetutkimus {n} :: area studies (interdisciplinary research pertaining to a particular geographical or cultural region)
alueuutinen {n} [in plural] :: regional news
alueuutinen {n} :: regional news item
aluevaatimus {n} :: territorial claim
aluevaltaus {n} :: territorial conquest
aluevaltaus {n} [figuratively] :: breakthrough
aluevaltuusto {n} :: regional council
aluevalvoja {n} :: area supervisor
aluevalvonta {n} :: territorial surveillance
aluevankila {n} :: regional prison
aluevedet {n} :: territorial waters
alueverkko {n} :: area network, wide area network
aluevesi {n} :: territorial waters; normally used in plural (aluevedet)
aluevesiraja {n} :: sea frontier
alueviranomainen {n} :: regional authority, regional official
aluevirasto {n} :: regional department, regional bureau
alueyhteistyö {n} :: regional cooperation
aluke {n} [biology] :: primer
aluke {n} [sound engineering, phonetics] :: onset
aluke {n} [computing] :: header
aluksi {adv} :: first, in the beginning
alula {n} [ornithology] :: alula
alullaan {adv} :: in an early phase, in its beginnings
alullepanija {n} :: originator
alullepano {n} :: origination
alumiini {n} :: aluminium, aluminum
alumiinifolio {n} :: aluminum foil
alumiinifosfidi {n} :: aluminum phosphide
alumiinihydroksidi {n} :: aluminum hydroxide
alumiinikalvo {n} [metallurgy] :: aluminium membrane
alumiinikattila {n} [cookware] :: aluminium pot
alumiinikloridi {n} :: aluminum chloride
alumiinimalmi {n} [mining] :: aluminium ore
alumiininen {adj} :: (made) of aluminium, aluminium
alumiininen {adj} :: aluminic (resembling aluminium)
alumiininitraatti {n} [chemistry] :: aluminium nitrate
alumiininitridi {n} [chemistry] :: aluminium nitride
alumiinioksidi {n} :: aluminum oxide
alumiinipaperi {n} :: aluminium paper (thin paper coated with aluminium foil or -powder, used for wrapping food products, cigarettes etc.)
alumiinipinnoite {n} [metallurgy] :: aluminium coating
alumiiniseos {n} [metallurgy] :: aluminium alloy
alumiinisilikaatti {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: aluminium silicate
alumiinisulfaatti {n} :: aluminum sulfate
alumiinisulfidi {n} [chemistry] :: aluminum sulfide
alumiiniteippi {n} :: aluminium tape, aluminum tape
alumiinivanne {n} [automotive] :: aluminium wheel rim
alumiinivanne {n} :: Any hoop, band or rim (vanne) that is made of aluminium
alumiinivene {n} [nautical] :: aluminium boat (boat made of aluminium)
alumiinivuoka {n} :: baking pot or cake tin that is made of aluminium
aluminaatti {n} [chemistry] :: aluminate
aluminoida {vt} :: To aluminise/aluminize
aluminointi {n} :: aluminizing
alumni {n} :: alumnus
alumnitoiminta {n} :: alumni activities
alumpana {adv} :: synonym of aiemmin (earlier; lit. closer to the beginning)
aluna {n} [chemistry] :: alum
alunaliuos {n} [chemistry] :: alum solution
alunaliuske {n} [geology] :: alum shale
alun alkaen {adv} :: at the very beginning
alunen {n} :: underlay (anything underlaid)
alun perin {adv} :: originally, initially
alun pitäen {adv} :: originally (as it was in the beginning)
alus {n} :: vessel, craft, ship (vehicle designed for navigation in or on water or air or through outer space)
alus {n} :: underlay, base (anything underlaid)
alus {n} [grammar, dated] :: subject
alusastia {n} :: bedpan
alusasu {n} :: underclothing, set of underwear (complete set of what one wears as underwear, consisting of one or more pieces)
alusavimaannos {n} [geology] :: alisol
alushame {n} :: A slip (light female underwear worn under skirt or dress)
alushame {n} :: An underskirt, petticoat (skirt worn underneath another skirt)
alushousut {n} :: underpants
alusjätelaki {n} [law, dated] :: short for Laki aluksista aiheutuvan vesien pilaantumisen ehkäisemisestä ("Act on the Prevention of Pollution from Ships"), Act nr. 300/1979 in the Statute Book of Finland
aluskarva {n} :: undercoat, underfur, underhair (layer of short hairs underneath the longer ones of an animal's fur)
aluskarva {n} :: An individual hair of undercoat
aluskasvi {n} :: undergrowth
aluskasvi {n} :: catch crop
aluskasvillisuus {n} [biology] :: undergrowth, underbrush
aluskate {n} :: underlay, underlayment
aluskimono {n} :: An under-kimono
aluskuori {n} :: albedo (whitish inner portion of the rind of citrus fruits)
aluslaatta {n} :: synonym of aluslevy
aluslakana {n} :: bottom sheet (part of bedding)
aluslakana {n} :: muotoiltu ~ : fitted sheet
aluslanka {n} [sewing] :: bottom thread (in a sewing machine, the thread that is fed from below the fabric)
aluslaudoitus {n} :: roof decking, eaves soffit (constructing the underside of a roof or roof structure)
aluslautanen {n} :: saucer (small shallow dish to hold a cup and catch drips)
aluslehti {n} [botany] :: underleaf
aluslevy {n} :: washer (flat disk, placed beneath a nut or similar, to distribute pressure, alleviate friction or prevent leakage)
alusmaa {n} :: A dependency (territory)
aluspahvi {n} :: cardboard placed under something
aluspaita {n} :: undershirt
aluspaita {n} :: singlet (sleeveless type)
aluspiimä {n} :: A small amount of cultured milk used to start the desired type of fermentation that turns a batch of fresh milk into cultured milk
aluspuku {n} :: undersuit
alusrimoitus {n} :: The lathwork supporting a lath and plaster wall
alussa mainittu {adj} :: that was mentioned in the beginning
alusta {n} :: platform (something that serves as a base)
alustaa {v} :: to lecture, to give a presentation, particularly with the purpose of serving as basis for discussion
alustaa {v} [computing] :: to initialize (to format a storage medium, to prepare any hardware for use)
alustaa {v} [computing] :: to format
alustaa {v} [programming] :: to initialize (to set an initial value)
alustaa {v} :: to knead (dough)
alusta alkaen {adv} [idiomatic] :: from the very beginning, from the outset, from the inception, from the word go, from the get-go
alusta alkaen {adv} :: from scratch
alustaja {n} :: beginner (someone who sets something in motion)
alusta lähtien {adv} :: From the beginning
alustalainen {n} [historical] :: tenant (copyholder, crofter or other person, including their families, who rented land from a manor)
alustaminen {n} [computing] :: initialization, formatting (formatting a storage medium like a hard disk or memory)
alustaminen {n} [computing] :: initialization (act of setting an initial value)
alustaminen {n} :: presenting (act of giving a presentation)
alustariippumaton {adj} :: cross-platform
alustatalous {n} [economics] :: platform economy, platform capitalism
alustava {adj} :: tentative, preliminary, provisional, introductory
alustava {adj} :: rough, rudimentary, undeveloped
alustavasti {adv} :: tentatively
alustus {n} [computing] :: formatting (preparation of a mass storage medium)
alustus {n} :: introduction (a short presentation of a subject, followed by a more in-depth discussion)
alustus {n} [psychology] :: priming
alustyyppi {n} :: vessel type, ship type
alusvaate {n} :: undergarment, piece of underwear
alusvaate {n} :: [in plural] underwear, underclothes, underclothing
alusvaate {n} :: [in plural] lingerie (women's underwear, especially seductive ones)
alusvaatekerta {n} :: set of underwear
alusvaateosasto {n} :: lingerie department
alusvaatteisillaan {adv} :: in one's underwear (wearing only the underwear)
alusvaatteisilleen {adv} :: to one's underwear
alusvesi {n} [geography, limnology] :: hypolimnion
alusviikko {n} :: A week preceding a holiday; used with attribute that specifies the holiday
alusvoide {n} [cosmetics] :: foundation (skin-colored cream used to cover minor flaws of the skin and acting as base for other makeup)
alv. {n} :: initialism of arvonlisävero
alv {n} :: VAT (value added tax); abbreviation of arvonlisävero
ALV {n} [taxation] :: initialism of arvonlisävero; [British] VAT, [Canada and US] sales tax, [Australia and New Zealand] GST
Alvar {prop} :: given name occasionally borrowed from Swedish
alvari {n} [geology] :: alvar
alvari {adj} [dialectal] :: frequent (taking place often)
alvari {adj} [dialectal] :: industrious, hardworking
Alvari {prop} :: given name
alvariin {adv} :: synonym of alvariinsa
alvariinsa {adv} [dialectal] :: frequently
alve {n} [rare] :: synonym of heisimato
alve {n} [archaic] :: synonym of kalanpoikanen
alvejuuri {n} [plant] :: wood fern, buckler fern (fern of the genus Dryopteris)
alveolaarinen {adj} [phonetics] :: alveolar
alveoli {n} [anatomy] :: alveolus
alveoliitti {n} :: alveolitis
Alvi {prop} :: given name
Alviina {prop} :: given name
äly {n} :: intellect, intelligence
äly {n} [in compounds] :: smart
älyäminen {n} :: realizing, figuring out, becoming aware of
älyämpäri {n} :: gravity bong, bucket bong
-älyinen {adj} :: witted
älyinen {adj} [as headword in compound terms] :: witted (having a specified form of wit)
älyisyys {n} [as headword in compound terms] :: wittedness (condition having a specified form of wit)
älykääpiö {n} :: cretin
älykäs {adj} :: intelligent
älykäs suunnittelu {n} :: intelligent design (conjecture claiming that biological life on Earth, or more broadly, the universe as a whole, was created by an unspecified intelligent agent)
älykello {n} :: smartwatch
älykkäästi {adv} :: intelligently, smartly
älykkö {n} :: An intellect (intelligent person)
älykkyys {n} :: intelligence (mental capacity)
älykkyysikä {n} :: mental age (the age a person appears to be based solely on mental ability and function)
älykkyysosamäärä {n} :: intelligence quotient (IQ)
älykkyyspeli {n} :: puzzle game, puzzle video game (video game that emphasizes puzzle solving)
älykkyystaso {n} :: level of intelligence
älykkyystesti {n} :: intelligence test
älykortti {n} :: smart card
älylaite {n} :: smart device
älyllinen {adj} :: intelligent (characterized by thoughtful interaction )
älyllinen {adj} :: intelligent (having the same level of brain power as mankind)
älyllisempi {adj} :: comparative of älyllinen
älyllisesti {adv} :: intellectually
älyllistää {v} :: to rationalize (justify an immoral act, or illogical behaviour)
älyllistyä {vi} :: to become more intellectual
älyllistyminen {n} :: becoming more intellectual
älyllisyys {n} :: intelligence; the state of being intelligent, being able to have an intelligent conversation
älymittari {n} :: smart meter
älymystö {n} :: intelligentsia
älyniekka {n} :: An intelligent person, especially one who likes to show off his wit
älypeli {n} :: brain game (game in which thinking matters more than chance or physical power)
älyperäisesti {adv} :: intellectually
älypuhelin {n} :: smartphone (mobile phone with integrated personal digital assistant or other information appliances)
älysi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of äly
älytä {vt} [_, + genitive-accusative] :: To realise/realize, become aware of, figure out
älytalo {n} :: intelligent building
älytelevisio {n} :: smart TV
älytön {adj} :: witless
älytön {adj} :: absurd, insane, senseless
älytön {adj} [colloquial] :: terribly
älyttää {v} :: to outwit, outsmart
älyttää {v} [colloquial] :: to trick, fool in a clever way (cause to believe something untrue)
älyttäminen {n} :: outwitting, outsmarting
älyttäminen {n} :: tricking, fooling
älyttömästi {adv} :: idiotically
älyttömästi {adv} :: terribly, extremely
älyttömyys {n} :: stupidity
älytys {n} :: tricking, fooling
älyvapaa {adj} :: synonym of älytön
älyverkko {n} :: intelligent network
älyvoimistelu {n} :: synonym of aivovoimistelu
alzheimerintauti {n} [patology] :: Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimerin tauti {n} [pathology] :: Alzheimer's disease
äm {n} :: letter: m
amalgaami {n} [chemistry] :: amalgam (alloy containing mercury)
amalgaamimyrkytys {n} [pathology] :: amalgam poisoning
amalgaamipaikka {n} [dentistry] :: amalgam filling
Amalia {prop} :: given name
Amanda {prop} :: given name
amantadiini {n} :: amantadine
amanuenssi {n} [higher education] :: A teaching assistant
amanuenssi {n} [medicine] :: An intern, a medical intern
amanuenssi {n} :: A museum assistant
amarantti {n} [plant] :: Prince-of-Wales feather, prince's feather (Amaranthus hypochondriacus), cultivated for its seeds
amarantti {n} :: amaranth (seeds of Amaranthus hypochondriacus as foodstuff)
amarantti {n} :: amaranth (shade of red, the characteristic purplish-red colour of the flowers or leaves of amaranths)
amarantti {n} [chemistry] :: amaranth (E123, red to purple azo dye used as a biological stain, in cosmetics and as a food colouring)
amarantti {n} [mythology, poetic] :: amaranth (imaginary flower that does not wither)
amaryllis {n} :: amaryllis (Amaryllis belladonna)
amatoli {n} :: amatol
amatööri {n} :: synonym of harrastaja
amatööri {n} :: synonym of harrastelija
amatöörielokuva {n} :: amateur film
amatöörimäinen {adj} :: amateurish
amatöörimäisesti {adv} :: amateurly
amatöörinäyttelijä {n} :: amateur actor
amatöörinoikeus {n} [sports, usually in plural] :: amateur status
amatöörinyrkkeilijä {n} :: amateur boxer
amatöörinyrkkeily {n} :: amateur boxing
amatööriorkesteri {n} :: amateur orchestra
amatööriottelu {n} :: amateur match
amatööritähtitieteilijä {n} :: amateur astronomer
amatööriteatteri {n} :: amateur theater
amatööriura {n} :: amateur career
amatööriurheilija {n} :: amateur athlete
amatööriurheilu {n} :: amateur sports
amatööriys {n} :: amateurism (quality of being amateur)
amatööriys {n} [sports] :: amateur status (state of being recognized as amateur)
amatsoni {n} :: amazon
amatsoni {n} :: Amazon parrot (parrot of the genus Amazona)
Amazon {prop} :: Amazon (river)
amazonasinskunkki {n} :: striped hog-nosed skunk, Conepatus semistriatus (skunk species of Central and South America)
Amazonia {prop} :: Amazonia
amazoniankondori {n} :: greater yellow-headed vulture, Cathartes melambrotus
amazonianpuumuura {n} :: Amazonian antshrike, Thamnophilus amazonicus
amazonianvyötiäinen {n} :: greater long-nosed armadillo (Dasypus kappleri)
amazoninjokidelfiini {n} :: Amazon river dolphin, Inia geoffrensis
amazoninmanaatti {n} :: Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis)
amazoninpuupiikkisika {n} :: stump-tailed porcupine, Coendou rufescens, formerly Echinoprocta rufescens (species of porcupine found in Colombia and Ecuador)
amazoninvalkodelfiini {n} :: tucuxi, Sotalia fluviatilis (species of dolphin found in the river Amazon)
ambi- {prefix} :: ambi-
ambidekstria {n} [rare, medicine] :: ambidexterity (property of being equally skilful with both hands)
ambient-musiikki {n} :: ambient, ambient music (music that put an emphasis on tone and atmosphere over traditional musical structure or rhythm)
ambigrammi {n} :: ambigram
ambiguiteetti {n} :: ambiguity
ambiofonia {n} :: ambiophony
ambiofoninen {adj} :: ambiophonic
ambitio {n} :: ambition
ambitiokysymys {n} :: question of ambition
ambivalenssi {n} :: ambivalence
ambivalentti {adj} :: ambivalent
ambivalenttinen {adj} :: ambivalent
amblygoniitti {n} [mineral] :: amblygonite
amblyopia {n} [pathology, medical parlance] :: amblyopia
ambra {n} :: ambergris
ambra {n} [dated] :: The term keltainen ambra refers to amber [fossil resin]
ambrosia {n} :: ambrosia
ambulanssi {n} :: ambulance
ambulanssiauto {n} :: synonym of sairaankuljetusauto
ambulanssilentokone {n} :: ambulance airplane
ameba {n} [biology] :: amoeba
amebamainen {adj} :: amoeba-like
ameeba {n} :: alternative form of ameba
ameiva {n} :: giant ameiva, Ameiva ameiva (South American lizard in the family Teiidae)
ameloblasti {n} :: ameloblast
amenorrea {n} [pathology] :: amenorrhoea [British], amenorrhea [US] (absence of menstrual discharge)
amensalismi {n} [ecology] :: amensalism
amerikanakita {n} :: American Akita, Akita (American breed of dog based on Japanese Akita)
amerikanankerias {n} :: American eel (Anguilla rostrata)
amerikanbandoggi {n} :: bandog (large, ferocious dog bred by crossing American pit bull terriers with Neapolitan and English mastiffs)
amerikanbulldoggi {n} :: American Bulldog (breed of dog)
amerikancockerspanieli {n} :: American cocker spaniel (breed of dog)
amerikanenglanti {n} :: American English
amerikaneskimokoira {n} :: American Eskimo Dog (breed of dog)
amerikanginseng {n} :: synonym of amerikanginsengjuuri
amerikanginsengjuuri {n} :: American ginseng, Panax quinquefolius
amerikanhaapa {n} :: American aspen (Populus tremuloides)
amerikanhaapana {n} :: American wigeon, American widgeon (Anas americana)
amerikanhalava {n} :: shining willow, Pacific willow, whiplash willow, Salix lucida
amerikanhammasahven {n} :: scup, Stenotomus chrysops
amerikanharmaahaikara {n} :: great blue heron, Ardea herodias (North American species of heron)
amerikanharmaalokki {n} :: American herring gull (Larus smithsonianus)
amerikanhaukkanen {n} :: forest falcon (any of the small falcons of the genus Micrastur)
amerikanhiirihaukka {n} :: red-tailed hawk, Buteo jamaicensis (North American species of hawk)
amerikanhirvikoira {n} :: American staghound (breed of dog)
amerikanhömötiainen {n} :: black-capped chickadee, Poecile atricapillus (small North American passerine bird)
amerikanhuitti {n} :: sora, Porzana carolina (small North American waterbird)
amerikanhummeri {n} :: American lobster, true lobster, northern lobster, Maine lobster, Homarus americanus (species of clawed lobster from the western Atlantic Ocean, from Labrador to New Jersey)
amerikanhuuhkaja {n} :: great horned owl, Bubo virginianus
amerikaniibishaikara {n} :: wood stork, Mycteria americana (North American species of stork)
amerikanintiaanikoira {n} :: Native American Indian Dog (breed of dog)
amerikanismi {n} :: Americanism
amerikanisolokki {n} :: glaucous-winged gull, Larus glaucescens (North American species of gull)
amerikanjääkuikka {n} :: great northern diver (Gavia immer)
amerikanjalopähkinä {n} :: butternut, white walnut, Juglans cinerea
amerikanjassana {n} :: northern jacana, Jacana spinosa (Central American wader)
amerikanjuutalainen {n} :: American Jew (American of Jewish descent)
amerikankääpiökettuterrieri {n} :: synonym of amerikankääpiöterrieri
amerikankääpiöterrieri {n} :: Toy Fox Terrier (breed of dog)
amerikankäärmekaula {n} :: anhinga, Anhinga anhinga
amerikankäki {n} :: yellow-billed cuckoo, Coccyzus americanus
amerikankarpalo {n} :: American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon)
amerikankarvatonterrieri {n} :: American hairless terrier (breed of dog)
amerikankaulushaikara {n} :: American bittern, Botaurus lentiginosus (North American wading bird)
amerikankelasköynnös {n} :: bittersweet (Celastrus scandens)
amerikankettukoira {n} :: American foxhound (breed of dog)
amerikankielinen {adj} [humorous] :: English (expressed in English language)
amerikankirjorastas {n} :: varied thrush, Ixoreus naevius
amerikankorvayökkö {n} :: Townsend's big-eared bat, Corynorhinus townsendii (species of vesper bat)
amerikankoskikara {n} :: American dipper, Cinclus mexicanus
amerikankullero {n} :: American globeflower, Trollius laxus (flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae, native to North America)
amerikankurmitsa {n} :: American golden plover, Pluvialis dominica (North American wading bird)
amerikankuume {n} [historical] :: rush to America (mass emigration to America)
amerikanlehmus {n} :: American linden, basswood, Tilia americana
amerikanlehtokurppa {n} :: American woodcock, Scolopax minor
amerikanliito-orava {n} [in plural] :: New World flying squirrels, Glaucomys (North American genus of flying squirrels with two species)
amerikanliito-orava {n} [dated] :: northern flying squirrel, Glaucomys sabrinus
amerikanliito-orava {n} :: southern flying squirrel, Glaucomys volans
amerikanmäyrä {n} :: American badger, Taxidea taxus
amerikanmerilokki {n} :: western gull (Larus occidentalis)
amerikanmerimetso {n} :: double-crested cormorant, Phalacrocorax auritus
amerikanmetsämyyrä {n} :: southern red-backed vole, Gapper's red-backed vole, Myodes gapperi
amerikanmetsäviklo {n} :: solitary sandpiper, Tringa solitaria
amerikanmuikku {n} :: cisco (North-American fish related to vendace, Coregonus artedi)
amerikanmustapoppeli {n} :: eastern cottonwood, Populus deltoides
amerikannäätä {n} :: American marten, American pine marten, Martes americana
amerikannokikana {n} :: American coot, mud hen, Fulica americana
amerikannokkavarpunen {n} :: evening grosbeak, Coccothraustes vespertinus
amerikanorapihlaja {n} :: Copenhagen hawthorn, thicket hawthorn, Crataegus intricata
amerikanpääsky {n} :: American cliff swallow, Petrochelidon pyrrhonota
amerikanpihlaja {n} :: American mountain ash, Sorbus americana syn. Pyrus americana
amerikanpiiskujänis {n} :: American pika (Ochotona princeps)
amerikanpika {n} :: American pika (Ochotona princeps)
amerikanpikkuhaikara {n} :: least bittern, Ixobrychus exilis
amerikanpikkutiira {n} :: least tern, Sterna antillarum
amerikanpitbullterrieri {n} :: synonym of pitbull
amerikanplataani {n} :: sycamore, American sycamore, American planetree, occidental plane, buttonwood, Platanus occidentalis
amerikanpohjanlepakko {n} :: big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus (medium-sized New World bat)
amerikanpunamänty {n} :: red pine, Pinus resinosa
amerikanpunasotka {n} :: redhead, Aythya americana (species of duck)
amerikanpyökki {n} :: American beech, Fagus grandifolia
amerikanrauta {n} :: An old-style North American car
amerikanruotsalainen {n} :: American Swede (American of Swedish origin or descent)
amerikansaksinokka {n} :: black skimmer, Rynchops niger
amerikansalaatti {n} :: synonym of jäävuorisalaatti
Amerikan Samoa {prop} :: American Samoa (U.S. territory in the Pacific)
amerikansamoalainen {adj} :: American Samoan
amerikansamoalainen {n} :: American Samoan
amerikansassafras {n} :: sassafras, white sassafras, Sassafras albidum (North American tree)
amerikansaukko {n} :: New World river otter (otter of the genus Lontra (4 species))
amerikansaukko {n} :: North American river otter, northern river otter, Lontra canadensis
amerikansipi {n} :: spotted sandpiper, Actitis macularius
amerikansirohaukka {n} :: swallow-tailed kite, Elanoides forficatus
amerikansirri {n} :: least sandpiper, Calidris minutilla
amerikanstaffordshirenterrieri {n} :: American Staffordshire Terrier (breed of dog)
amerikansuomalainen {adj} :: Finnish American
amerikansuomalainen {n} :: A Finnish American person
amerikansuomi {n} :: American Finnish, Finglish (variant of Finnish spoken by Finnish immigrants in North America and their descendants)
amerikantaikapähkinä {n} :: A species of witch hazels, Hamamelis virginiana, American witch hazel
amerikantapiiri {n} :: South American tapir, Tapirus terrestris
amerikantelkkä {n} :: Barrow's goldeneye (Bucephala islandica)
amerikantilhi {n} :: cedar waxwing, Bombycilla cedrorum
amerikantorakka {n} :: American cockroach, waterbug (Periplaneta americana)
amerikantukkasotka {n} :: ring-necked duck, Aythya collaris
amerikantunnelimyyrä {n} :: woodland vole, pine vole, Microtus pinetorum (small vole found in eastern North America)
amerikantuulihaukka {n} :: American kestrel, Falco sparverius
amerikantylli {n} :: killdeer, Charadrius vociferus
amerikanvaivaispäästäinen {n} :: North American least shrew, Cryptotis parva
amerikanvaris {n} :: American crow, Corvus brachyrhynchos
amerikanvesimyyrä {n} :: water vole, North American water vole, Microtus richardsoni
amerikanvesipääsky {n} :: Wilson's phalarope, Phalaropus tricolor
amerikanvesispanieli {n} :: American water spaniel (breed of dog)
amerikanviiriäinen {n} :: New World quail, quail (any bird of the family Odontophoridae)
amerikanviklo {n} :: greater yellowlegs, Tringa melanoleuca
Amerikan yhdysvallat {prop} :: Amerikan yhdysvallat (country)
amerikatar {n} :: female American
amerikium {n} :: americium
amerikiumdioksidi {n} :: americium dioxide
amerikka {n} [derogatory] :: American (American English spoken with strong local accent)
Amerikka {prop} :: America (continent)
Amerikka {prop} [colloquial] :: America (USA)
amerikkalainen {n} :: American (a person from the USA)
amerikkalainen {adj} :: American (very often of or relating to the USA or its people)
amerikkalainen jalkapallo {n} :: American football
amerikkalainen pesäpallo {n} [sports, archaic] :: baseball
amerikkalaisittain {adv} :: In the American way
amerikkalaismies {n} :: American man
amerikkalaisnainen {n} :: American woman
amerikkalaistaa {vt} :: to Americanize (to make American)
amerikkalaistua {vi} :: To become Americanized
amerikkalaistuminen {n} :: Americanization
amerikkalaisuus {n} :: Americanness (state or property of being American)
amerikkalaisvastaisuus {n} :: anti-Americanism
amesiitti {n} [mineral] :: amesite
ametisti {n} :: amethyst
ametistihapero {n} :: species of brittlegill, Russula amethystina
amfetamiini {n} :: amphetamine
amfetamiini {n} :: A common-language term used of methamphetamine, especially when used as (illegal) drug
amfibi {n} :: amphibian (vehicle or aircraft which can operate on land and water)
amfibi {n} [zoology] :: synonym of sammakkoeläin
amfibinen {adj} :: amphibious
amfibio {n} [dated] :: synonym of amfibi
amfibio {n} [used as modifier in compound terms] :: amphibious
amfibioajoneuvo {n} :: amphibious vehicle
amfibioauto {n} :: amphibious car
amfibiolentokone {n} :: amphibious airplane
amfibiopanssarivaunu {n} :: amphibious tank
amfiboli {n} [mineral] :: amphibole
amfiboliitti {n} [rock] :: amphibolite
amfiteatteri {n} :: An amphitheater/amphitheatre (outdoor theatre from the classical period of ancient Rome)
amfolyytti {n} [chemistry] :: ampholyte
amfora {n} :: amphora
amhara {n} :: Amharic (official language of Ethiopia)
amidaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: amidase
amidi {n} [organic chemistry] :: amide
amiini {n} :: amine
aminoetikkahappo {n} [pharmacology] :: aminoacetic acid
aminohappo {n} [biochemistry] :: amino acid
aminohippurihappo {n} [pharmacology] :: aminohippuric acid
aminokapronihappo {n} [pharmacology] :: aminocaproic acid
aminolevuliinihappo {n} [pharmacology] :: aminolevulinic acid
aminosalisyylihappo {n} [pharmacology] :: aminosalicylic acid
aminovaleriaanahappo {n} [pharmacology] :: aminovaleric acid
amiraali {n} [military ranks] :: admiral
amiraali {n} [butterfly] :: red admiral, Vanessa atalanta
amiraalikunta {n} :: admiralty (admirals of a navy collectively)
amiraalinlaiva {n} :: synonym of lippulaiva
amiraaliperhonen {n} :: admiral (butterfly)
amiraalius {n} :: admiralship (state or property of being an admiral)
amiraliteetti {n} :: admiralty (department or officers having responsibility over naval affairs; building housing this department)
amis {n} [slang] :: A vocational school
amis {n} [slang] :: A person who attends one
amispop {n} [slang] :: a genre or genres of music associated with people studying in a vocational school; often pop, dance or electronic songs with lots of bass, stereotypically played loud from a car with subwoofers
amissi {n} [in plural] :: Amish (North American sect)
amissi {n} :: Amish person, Amish man, Amish woman
amisviikset {n} :: Thin, unkempt mustache such as sometimes grown by teenagers when trying to look older; teen mustache
amk {n} :: alternative case form of AMK
AMK {n} :: short for ammattikorkeakoulu
amk-insinööri {n} :: Bachelor of Engineering
amma {n} :: wet nurse
amma {n} :: nanny
ämmä {n} [archaic] :: wife, woman
ämmä {n} [derogatory] :: hag (old woman)
ämmä {n} [derogatory] :: bitch (contemptible woman)
ämmä {n} [derogatory, colloquial] :: wife
ämmä {n} [colloquial] :: The letter M, m
ämmä {n} [colloquial] :: magna cum laude approbatur
ämmäinlehti {n} [derogatory] :: women's magazine
ämmämäinen {adj} :: haggish, haglike; anile, cronelike
ämmämäisesti {adv} :: haggishly
ämmämäisyys {n} :: haggishness
Amman {prop} :: Amman (capital city)
ämmänhillikka {n} [regional] :: synonym of lillukka
ämmänlänget {n} :: shoulder yoke
ämmänmarja {n} [regional] :: synonym of lillukka
ämmänsolmu {n} :: granny knot (knot similar to the reef knot but crossed the opposite way)
ammateittain {adv} :: by the profession
ammateittainen {adj} :: profession-wise
ammatillinen {adj} :: occupational, vocational
ammatillinen oppilaitos {n} :: vocational school
ammatillisesti {adv} :: professionally
ammatillistaa {v} :: To professionalise
ammatillistua {vi} :: To be(come) professionalized
ammatillistuminen {n} :: the process of being professionalized
ammatillisuus {n} :: professionality
ammatinharjoittaja {n} :: self-employed person, businessman, tradesman, self-employed freelancer, practitioner (self-employed person who practices a profession without having a fixed place of business other than their home)
ammatinharjoittaminen {n} :: synonym of ammatinharjoitus
ammatinharjoitus {n} :: practice (ongoing pursuit of a craft or profession)
ammatinkuva {n} :: image of a profession (the way a profession is perceived by the public)
ammatinkuva {n} :: image of an occupation
ammatinopettaja {n} :: trade and industry teacher
ammatinvaihto {n} :: career change
ammatinvalinnanohjaaja {n} :: vocational guidance counselor (professional who counsels a young person in choosing a vocation)
ammatinvalinnanohjaus {n} :: vocational guidance (the act or process of counseling a young person in choosing a vocation)
ammatinvalinta {n} :: choice of vocation, vocational choice
ammatinvalintapsykologi {n} :: vocational guidance psychologist (psychologist who assists a young person in choosing a vocation)
ammatti {n} :: profession, vocation, occupation
ammatti {n} [as modifier in compound terms] :: professional, vocational, occupational
ammattiaine {n} [education] :: vocational subject (school subject that trains the student to a specific vocation, as opposed to generic subjects such as math, languages etc.)
ammattiajaja {n} :: professional driver
ammattiajokortti {n} :: professional driver's license
ammattiajolupa {n} :: professional driving permit
ammattiala {n} :: professional field
ammattialajärjestö {n} :: professional organization
ammattiapu {n} :: professional help
ammattiasema {n} [statistics, law] :: employment status (one's overall status in relation to working life, e.g. employee, self-employed, contractor, entrepreneur, unemployed or outside labor force)
ammattiasia {n} :: professional issue
ammattiautoilija {n} :: professional driver
ammattiauttaja {n} :: professional helper
ammattidiplomaatti {n} :: professional diplomat
ammattientarkastaja {n} [dated] :: synonym of työsuojelutarkastaja
ammattientarkastus {n} [dated] :: synonym of työsuojelutarkastus
ammattietiikka {n} :: professional ethics
ammattifilosofi {n} :: professional philosopher
ammattihaureus {n} [dated] :: synonym of prostituutio
ammattihenkilö {n} :: a professional
ammattihistorioitsija {n} :: professional historian
ammatti-identiteetti {n} :: professional identity
ammatti-ihminen {n} :: professional
ammattijalkine {n} :: professional footwear
ammattijärjestö {n} :: trade union
ammatti- ja taparikollisuus {n} :: professional and habitual crime
ammattijohtaja {n} :: professional manager
ammattijohto {n} :: professional management
ammattijulkaisu {n} :: professional publication
ammattikalastaja {n} :: professional fisher
ammattikalastus {n} :: professional fishing
ammattikasvattaja {n} :: professional educator
ammattikasvatus {n} :: occupational training
ammattikasvatusneuvos {n} :: an honorary title of the eighth rank granted by the President of Finland to people who have furthered progress in the field of professional involvement
ammattikateus {n} :: professional envy (envying a member of same profession for their achievements, position etc.)
ammattikäytäntö {n} :: professional standard
ammattikieli {n} :: jargon, argot
ammattikirja {n} :: professional book, specialist book
ammattikirjailija {n} :: professional writer
ammattikirjallisuus {n} :: professional literature
ammattikokemus {n} :: professional experience
ammattikorkeakoulu {n} :: professional university, vocational university, university of applied sciences; polytechnic [dated]
ammattikorkeakoulukirjasto {n} :: ammattikorkeakoulun kirjasto (library of a university of applied sciences)
ammattikorkeakoululaki {n} :: Professional Universities Act
ammattikorkeakoulututkinto {n} :: professional university degree, vocational university degree
ammattikoulu {n} [colloquial] :: A vocational school
ammattikoululainen {n} :: A student in a vocational school
ammattikoululinja {n} :: vocational school program (program offered by a vocational school that trains to a specific trade)
ammattikoulunopettaja {n} :: vocational school teacher
ammattikoulutus {n} :: professional education
ammattikuljettaja {n} :: synonym of ammattiautoilija
ammattikulttuuri {n} :: professional culture
ammattikunnia {n} :: professional integrity
ammattikunta {n} :: profession (practitioners of an occupation collectively, especially of one requiring great knowledge and skill)
ammattikunta {n} [historical] :: guild (tradespeople collectively, or their association)
ammattikuntalaitos {n} [historical] :: guild system
ammattikurssi {n} :: vocational training course
ammattikurssikeskus {n} :: vocational training center
ammattikuva {n} :: synonym of ammatinkuva
ammattikuvaaja {n} :: professional photographer
ammattilainen {n} :: professional, pro (person)
ammattilainen {adj} :: professional, pro
ammattilaisgolfaaja {n} :: professional golfer
ammattilaisilta {n} :: professional night (night event for professionals)
ammattilaisjalkapallo {n} :: professional soccer
ammattilaisjoukkue {n} [sports] :: professional team
ammattilaiskehä {n} :: professional boxing ring
ammattilaisliiga {n} [sports] :: professional league
ammattilaisnyrkkeily {n} :: professional boxing
ammattilaisottelu {n} [sports] :: professional match
ammattilaissopimus {n} [sports] :: professional contract
ammattilaistaa {v} :: To professionalize
ammattilaistua {vi} :: to become professionalized
ammattilaistuminen {n} :: the process of being professionalized
ammattilaisurheilija {n} :: professional athlete
ammattilaisurheilu {n} :: professional sports
ammattilaisurheilulaji {n} :: professional sport (sport, such as golf, tennis or ice hockey, in which best athletes receive sufficient salaries or fees to make a professional career out of it)
ammattilaisuus {n} :: professionality (quality of being professional)
ammattilaisvuosi {n} :: year as professional
ammattilaisyleisö {n} :: professional audience (audience that consists of professionals)
ammattilehti {n} :: professional magazine
ammattiliikenne {n} :: All road traffic for which a professional driving permit (ammattiajolupa) is required - includes all person transport with more than eight people on board, taxi and road cargo businesses
ammattiliitto {n} :: A national trade union typically representing employees within a branch of industry. Typically so called blue collar and white collar employees are organized in separate unions
ammattiloukkaantuja {n} [often, derogatory] ::  a person who always finds something to be offended about
ammattiluokitus {n} :: occupational classification
ammattimainen {adj} :: professional
ammattimaisempi {adj} :: comparative of ammattimainen
ammattimaisesti {adv} :: professionally
ammattimaisuus {n} :: professionalism
ammattimerkki {n} :: occupational badge, job badge (a badge showing one's profession, especially seen in some medical fields)
ammattimies {n} :: tradesman (skilled manual worker, such as electrician or plumber)
ammattimies {n} :: craftsman (professional in a trade which requires a specific skill, such as a mason, carpenter)
ammattimies {n} :: expert (person with extensive ability in a given subject)
ammattimies {n} [rarely, by extension] :: professional
ammattiministeri {n} [politics] :: A minister (cabinet member), who does not represent any political party
ammattiministeriö {n} [government, rare] :: The permanent organization of a ministry, i.e. a ministry without the politically appointed staff that changes every time a new cabinet is elected
ammattiministeriö {n} [erroneously] :: synonym of ammattiministeristö
ammattiministeristö {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of toimitusministeristö
ammattimuusikko {n} :: professional musician
ammattinäyttelijä {n} :: professional actor
ammattinimike {n} :: occupational title, vocational title
ammattinimike {n} :: professional title
ammattinyrkkeilijä {n} :: professional boxer
ammattinyrkkeily {n} :: professional boxing
ammattiopettaja {n} :: synonym of ammatinopettaja
ammattiopetus {n} :: vocational education
ammattiopinnot {n} :: vocational studies
ammattiopinto {n} :: vocational training
ammattiopisto {n} :: vocational school
ammattioppi {n} :: trade knowledge (body of knowledge and skills that one needs to acquire in order to be regarded a craftsman)
ammattioppilaitos {n} :: vocational school, trade school
ammattioppilas {n} :: apprentice (one who has made an apprenticeship contract with an employer)
ammattioppilaslautakunta {n} :: apprenticeship board
ammattiosasto {n} :: A local chapter of a trade union; union branch (UK), lodge (US)
ammattipätevyys {n} :: professional competence (skills and knowledge required for mastering a profession)
ammattipedagogi {n} :: professional pedagogue
ammattiperinne {n} :: professional tradition
ammattipoliitikko {n} :: professional politician
ammattirakenne {n} :: occupational structure (distribuotion of occupations among a population)
ammattirikollinen {n} :: professional criminal
ammattiryhmä {n} :: occupational group (people which have same occupation collectively)
ammattisalaisuus {n} :: professional secret
ammattisana {n} :: synonym of ammattitermi
ammattisanasto {n} :: trade terminology
ammattislangi {n} :: argot, jargon, vernacular (specialized vocabulary and terminology of a certain field or profession)
ammattisopimus {n} [rare] :: synonym of ammattilaissopimus
ammattisotilas {n} :: professional soldier
ammattisuoja {n} :: occupational immunity
ammattitaidoton {adj} :: unprofessional
ammattitaidoton {adj} :: unskilled
ammattitaidottomuus {n} :: lack of skill
ammattitaidottomuus {n} :: unprofessionalism
ammattitaiteilija {n} :: professional artist
ammattitaito {n} :: workmanship (skill of an artisan or craftsman)
ammattitaito {n} :: professional skills of a person as a whole
ammattitaitoinen {adj} :: qualified, professional
ammattitaitoinen {adj} :: skilled
ammattitaitokilpailu {n} :: skills competition
ammattitalous {n} [historical] :: economic studies in an old vocational exam
ammattitappaja {n} :: contract killer, hitman, hatchet man (a person whose profession is to kill people)
ammattitauti {n} :: occupational disease
ammattiteatteri {n} :: professional theater
ammattitermi {n} :: trade term
ammattitieto {n} :: professional knowledge
ammattitoiminta {n} :: professional activity
ammattitoveri {n} :: colleague
ammattitulo {n} [taxation] :: practitioner income (income from running a practice)
ammattitutkija {n} :: professional researcher
ammattitutkinto {n} :: vocational qualification
ammattityö {n} :: skilled work
ammattityöläinen {n} :: synonym of ammattityöntekijä
ammattityöntekijä {n} :: skilled worker
ammattityöntekijä {n} :: tradesman, craftsman
ammattityöväki {n} :: skilled workforce
ammattiunioni {n} [rare] :: synonym of ammattiliitto
ammattiura {n} :: professional career
ammattiurheilija {n} :: professional athlete
ammattiurheilu {n} :: synonym of ammattilaisurheilu
ammattiuskollisuus {n} :: loyalty to one's trade
ammattivalokuvaaja {n} :: professional photographer
ammattivapaus {n} :: synonym of elinkeinovapaus
ammattivaras {n} :: professional thief
ammattiyhdistys {n} :: A trade union (US labor union)
ammattiyhdistysaktiivi {n} :: trade union activist
ammattiyhdistysjärjestelmä {n} :: trade union system
ammattiyhdistysjohtaja {n} :: trade union leader
ammattiyhdistyslehti {n} :: trade union magazine
ammattiyhdistysliike {n} :: trade union movement (the trade unions collectively)
ammattiyhdistyspolitiikka {n} :: trade union politics
ammattiyhdistystoiminta {n} :: trade union activity
ammattiylpeys {n} :: professional pride
amme {n} :: bathtub, tub (large container for holding water in which a person may bathe)
ammehoito {n} :: bath treatment
ammekäyrä {n} [math] :: bathtub curve
ammekylpy {n} :: tub bath
ammematto {n} :: bathtub mat (non-slip mat placed in a tub to prevent accidents)
ammen {n} [dialectal] :: scoop, pail
ammennus {n} :: scooping
ammentaa {vt} :: to scoop, draw, ladle
ammentaa {vt} :: to gain benefit or influences
ammentaminen {n} :: scooping, drawing, ladling
ämmi {n} [dialectal] :: grandmother (obsolete, Peräpohjola and Kainuu dialects and meänkieli)
ammis {n} [colloquial] :: alternative form of amis
ammo {n} [dialectal, rare] :: something that widens on a mouth section, like a mouth or a cavity
ammoin {adv} :: Very long ago, in the time immemorial
ammoinen {adj} :: ancient, age-old
ammoliitti {n} :: ammolite (gemstone)
ammolla {adv} :: alternative form of ammollaan
ammollaan {adv} :: wide open, agape
ammolle {adv} :: alternative form of ammolleen
ammolleen {adv} :: wide open, agape; describes transition to the wide open state
ammoniakki {n} [chemistry] :: ammonia
ammoniakkihiippo {n} [mushrooms] :: nitrous bonnet (Mycena leptocephala)
ammoniakkiliuos {n} [chemistry] :: ammonia solution
ammoniitti {n} :: ammonite (cephalopod)
ammoniitti {n} [dated] :: ammonite (explosive)
ammonilainen {adj} :: Ammonite, of or relating to Ammon
ammonilainen {n} :: Ammonite (person from, or inhabitant of, Ammon)
ammoninsarvi {n} [anatomy, rare] :: synonym of hippokampus
ammonium {n} [chemistry] :: ammonium; used as mass noun, see also ammoniumioni (ammonium)
ammoniumalginaatti {n} [organic chemistry] :: ammonium alginate
ammoniumfluoridi {n} :: ammonium fluoride
ammoniumfosfatidi {n} [organic chemistry] :: ammonium phosphatide
ammoniumhydroksidi {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: ammonium hydroxide
ammoniumioni {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: ammonium (NH4+ cation)
ammoniumkarbonaatti {n} [chemistry] :: ammonium carbonate
ammoniumkloridi {n} [inorganic compound] :: ammonium chloride
ammoniumnitraatti {n} :: ammonium nitrate
ammoniumperkloraatti {n} :: ammonium perchlorate
ammoniumsulfaatti {n} [inorganic compound] :: ammonium sulfate
ammoniumsulfidi {n} :: ammonium sulfide
ammoniumtyppi {n} [chemistry] :: ammoniacal nitrogen
ammottaa {v} :: to be wide open, be agape
ammottava {adj} :: gaping (wide open)
ammu {n} [childish] :: moo-moo (cow)
ammua {vi} :: To moo
ammuminen {n} :: mooing
ammunta {n} :: shooting, gunnery (firing of guns)
ammunta {n} :: mooing
ammuntalaji {n} [sports] :: shooting event
ammuntapeli {n} :: shooting game, shooter (type of video game)
ammus {n} :: bullet, projectile
ammuskeleminen {n} :: shooting around
ammuskelija {n} :: shooter (especially a criminal)
ammuskella {vi} :: To shoot around
ammuskelu {n} :: shooting (with firearms)
ammustarvike {n} :: synonym of ampumatarvike
ammustäydennys {n} :: ammunition resupply, replenishment of ammunition
ammustenkulutus {n} :: consumption of ammunition
ammusvarasto {n} :: magazine (ammunition storehouse)
ammusvyö {n} :: ammo belt
ammuttaa {v} :: To order a shooting
ammuu {interj} :: moo!
amnesia {n} :: amnesia
amnestia {n} :: amnesty
amniosenteesi {n} [medicine] :: amniocentesis (procedure for obtaining amniotic fluid)
amnioskooppi {n} :: amnioscope
amnioskopia {n} :: amnioscopy
amobarbitaali {n} :: amobarbital
amok {n} :: amok (one who runs amok)
amokjuoksija {n} :: amok runner
amokjuoksu {n} :: amok run
a-molli {n} [music] :: A minor
A-molli {n} :: alternative form of a-molli
amoraalinen {adj} :: amoral
amorfinen {adj} :: amorphic, amorphous
amorfisuus {n} :: amorphousness (quality of being amorphic)
amoriini {n} :: amoretto, cherub
amorinkaari {n} [anatomy] :: Cupid's bow
amosiitti {n} [mineral] :: amosite
ampaista {v} :: To shoot, to soar (to move very quickly and suddenly)
ampakiini {n} :: ampakine
ämpäreittäin {adv} :: By the bucket
ämpäri {n} :: bucket, pail
ämpäri {n} [slang] :: ampere
ämpäri {n} [slang, computing] :: MP3 audio file
ämpärillinen {n} :: bucketful (amount held in a bucket)
ämpäröidä {v} :: to scoop using a bucket as a tool
AMP-deaminaasi {n} :: synonym of adenylaattideaminaasi
ampeeri {n} [physics, electronics] :: ampere
ampeerimittari {n} :: ammeter
ampeeritunti {n} :: ampere-hour
amperotsidi {n} :: amperozide (veterinary antipsychotic drug)
ampiainen {n} :: A wasp
ampiaisenpisto {n} :: bee sting
ampiaispesä {n} :: wasp nest, vespiary
ampiaisvyötärö {n} :: wasp waist (very slim waist)
ampiaisvyötäröinen {adj} :: wasp-waisted
ampiaisyrtti {n} :: dragonhead (plant of the genus Dracocephalum)
amplifikaatio {n} :: amplification
amplitudi {n} :: amplitude
amplitudimodulaatio {n} :: amplitude modulation
amppari {n} [colloquial] :: wasp
ämppäri {n} [slang] :: MP3 audio file
ämppäri {n} [slang] :: MP3 player
amppeli {n} :: hanging basket
amppelikasvi {n} :: hanging basket plant (plant that thrives in hanging basket)
ampu {n} :: blast, detonation, explosion
ampua {vt} :: To shoot (+ partitive = wounding; + genitive-accusative = killing)
ampua itseään jalkaan {v} [idiom] :: to shoot oneself in the foot
ampua tykillä kärpästä {v} [idiomatic] :: to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut
ampuhaukka {n} :: merlin, Falco columbarius (small hawk)
ampuilla {vi} :: synonym of ammuskella
ampuja {n} :: A shooter
ampulli {n} :: ampoule
ampuma-ala {n} :: shooting sector
ampuma-alue {n} :: shooting range, firing range
ampuma-ase {n} :: firearm
ampuma-asento {n} :: shooting position
ampuma-aserikos {n} [law] :: firearms offence (offence against the laws concerning handling and possession of firearms)
ampuma-aukko {n} :: embrasure, loophole, crenel (slit in a castle wall)
ampumaetäisyys {n} :: shooting distance
ampumahaava {n} :: gunshot wound, bullet wound
ampumahalli {n} :: shooting hall
ampumaharjoitus {n} :: shooting practice
ampumahauta {n} :: trench
ampumahautakuume {n} [pathology] :: trench fever
ampumahiihtäjä {n} :: biathlete
ampumahiihto {n} [sports] :: biathlon (winter sport)
ampumakilpailu {n} :: shooting competition
ampumakunto {n} :: The state of being fit for shooting
ampumalava {n} :: shooting platform
ampumaleiri {n} :: shooting camp
ampumalinja {n} :: line of fire
ampumamatka {n} :: shooting distance
ampumaoppi {n} :: gunnery (science of guns and gunfire)
ampumapeli {n} :: shooting game
ampumapesäke {n} :: pillbox, gun emplacement or nest
ampumarata {n} :: range, shooting range
ampumaseura {n} :: shooting club
ampumataito {n} :: shooting skill, marksmanship
ampumatarkkuus {n} :: shooting precision
ampumatarvike {n} [in plural] :: ammunition
ampumatarviketäydennys {n} :: ammunition resupply, replenishment of ammunition
ampumatasanne {n} :: shooting platform
ampumataulu {n} :: shooting target
ampumaurheilu {n} :: shooting sport
ampuminen {n} :: shooting (using a weapon)
ampumisvälikohtaus {n} :: shooting incident
amputaatio {n} :: amputation
amputoida {v} :: To amputate
amputointi {n} :: amputation
amrinoni {n} :: amrinone, inamrinone (heart medicine)
Amsterdam {prop} :: Amsterdam (city/and/municipality)
amsterdamsaarenmerikarhu {n} :: subantarctic fur seal, Arctocephalus tropicalis
Amudarja {prop} :: Amudarja (river)
Amu-Darja {prop} :: alternative form of Amudarja
amuletti {n} :: amulet
Amur {prop} :: Amur (Asian river)
amurinhaukka {n} :: Amur falcon, Falco amurensis
amurinkorkkipuu {n} :: Amur cork tree, Phellodendron amurense
amurinleopardi {n} :: Amur leopard
amurinrastas {n} :: pale thrush
amurinsopuli {n} :: Amur lemming, Lemmus amurensis
amurintiikeri {n} :: synonym of siperiantiikeri
amurinuunilintu {n} :: eastern crowned warbler, Phylloscopus coronatus (warbler found in South, Southeast and East Asia)
amurinvaahtera {n} :: A species of maple, Manchurian striped maple, Manchu snakebark maple, Acer tegmentosum
amurinviini {n} :: Amur grape, Vitis amurensis
amusia {n} :: amusia
amygdaliini {n} [organic compound] :: amygdalin
amylaasi {n} [enzyme] :: amylase
amyloidi {n} :: amyloid (waxy compound of protein)
amyloidinen {adj} [medicine, pathology] :: amyloid
amyloidirappeuma {n} :: synonym of amyloidoosi
amyloiditauti {n} :: synonym of amyloidoosi
amyloidoosi {n} [pathology] :: amyloidosis
amyotrofinen lateraaliskleroosi {n} [pathology] :: synonym of ALS-tauti
ämyri {n} [colloquial] :: loudspeaker
-an {suffix} [personal] :: Forms the impersonal indicative present forms of verbs that include back vowels (a, o or u or i or e with a, o or u - compare -än), appended to the infinitive
-an {suffix} :: [case suffix] A suffix variant for the illative singular, see -Vn
-an {suffix} [possessive] :: A variant for the third-person suffix -nsa, see the usage notes below
-än {suffix} [personal] :: Forms the impersonal indicative present forms of verbs that include back vowels (ä, ö or y or i or e alone or with ä, ö or y), appended to the infinitive. No changes in verbs that end in one ä
-än {suffix} [case suffix] :: A suffix variant for the illative singular, see -Vn
-än {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: A variant for the third-person suffix -nsä, see the usage notes below
än {n} :: letter: n
anaali- {prefix} :: anal
anaalihelmi {n} :: anal bead
anaalinen {adj} [anatomy] :: anal
anaalirauhanen {n} [anatomy] :: anal gland
anaaliseksi {n} :: anal sex
anaalisesti {adv} :: anally
anaalis-retentiivinen {adj} [psychology] :: anal-retentive
anaalitappi {n} :: A butt-plug
anaaliyhdyntä {n} :: anal intercourse
anabaattinen {adj} [meteorology] :: anabatic
anabaptismi {n} :: Anabaptism (doctrine)
anabaptisti {n} :: Anabaptist (Christian of the Radical Reformation of 16th-century Europe, or a present-day follower of similar beliefs)
anaboli {n} :: An anabolic
anabolia {n} :: anabolism (constructive metabolism of the body)
anabolinen {adj} :: anabolic
anabolismi {n} :: synonym of anabolia
anadrominen {adj} [biology] :: anadromous
anaerobinen {adj} :: anaerobic
anaerobisesti {adv} :: anaerobically
anafaasi {n} [biology] :: anaphase
anafora {n} :: anaphora
anaforinen {adj} :: anaphoric
anafylaksia {n} [medicine] :: anaphylaxis
anafylaktinen {adj} [medicine] :: anaphylactic
anagrammi {n} :: anagram
anakoluutti {n} :: anacoluthon
anakoluuttinen {adj} :: anacoluthic
anakonda {n} :: anaconda
anakronismi {n} :: anachronism (something that seems to belong to a different time)
anakronistinen {adj} :: anachronistic
anakronistisesti {adv} :: anachronistically
anakronistisuus {n} :: The property of being anachronistic
anakruusi {n} :: anacrusis (unstressed syllable at the start of a verse)
analemma {n} [astronomy] :: analemma
analfabeetti {n} :: An analphabet
analgeetti {n} [medicine] :: analgesic, painkiller
analgeettinen {adj} [medicine, jargon] :: analgesic
analgeettisesti {adv} :: analgesically
analgeettisuus {n} :: The property of being analgesic
analgesia {n} :: analgesia
analogia {n} :: analogy
analogia-digitaalimuunnin {n} [electronics] :: analog-to-digital converter
analogialaite {n} :: analog device
analogianäyttö {n} :: analog display
analogianäyttöinen {adj} :: analog display (featuring an analog display)
analogiatekniikka {n} :: analog technology
analoginäyttö {n} :: synonym of analogianäyttö
analoginen {adj} :: analog, analogue, analogic, analogical
analogisesti {adv} :: analogically
analogisuus {n} :: analogicalness (state of being analogical)
analsiimi {n} [mineral] :: analcime
analsiitti {n} [mineral] :: analcime
analysaattori {n} :: analyzer (instrument)
analysoida {vt} :: To analyse/analyze
analysoija {n} :: analyzer (person who analyzes)
analysoiminen {n} :: analyzing
analysointi {n} :: The process of analyzing
analytiikka {n} :: analytics
analyysi {n} :: analysis
analyysi {n} [mathematics] :: mathematical analysis
analyysikone {n} [rare] :: analyzer (instrument)
analyysilaite {n} [rare] :: analyzer (instrument)
analyysimenetelmä {n} :: analysis method
analyysiohjelma {n} :: analysis program
analyysitaito {n} :: analytic skill
analyysitulos {n} :: result of an analysis
analyytikko {n} :: analyst
analyyttinen {adj} :: analytical, analytic
analyyttinen geometria {n} [geometry] :: analytic geometry
analyyttinen kemia {n} [chemistry] :: analytical chemistry
analyyttisesti {adv} :: analytically
analyyttisuus {n} :: alternative spelling of analyyttisyys
analyyttisyys {n} :: The property of being analytical
anamneesi {n} [medicine] :: anamnesis
anamnestinen {adj} :: anamnestic
anamorfi {n} [mycology] :: anamorph
ananas {n} :: pineapple (plant and fruit)
ananashamppu {n} :: pineapple fiber (fiber obtained from the leaves of pineapple plant)
ananashamppu {n} :: piña (cloth woven from this fiber)
ananaskala {n} :: pinecone fish (fish of the family Monocentridae)
ananaskala {n} :: Monocentris japonica (type species of the family)
ananaskasvi {n} :: pineapple, Ananas comosus (plant)
ananaskirsikka {n} [fruit, plant] :: cape gooseberry, goldenberry, Physalis peruviana
ananasmehu {n} :: pineapple juice
ananasmurska {n} :: crushed pineapple
ananasöljy {n} :: ethyl butyrate
ananaspurkki {n} :: pineapple can (preserved pineapple in a can)
ananasrengas {n} :: pineapple ring
anapesti {n} [poetry] :: anapest
anapsidi {n} [biology] :: anapsid
änäri {n} [slang] :: National Hockey League (NHL), especially an NHL video game
anarkia {n} :: anarchy
anarkinen {adj} :: alternative form of anarkistinen
anarkismi {n} :: anarchism
anarkisti {n} :: anarchist
anarkistinen {adj} :: anarchistic
anarkistisesti {adv} :: anarchistically
anarkistisuus {n} :: The quality of being anarchic
anarkomarko {n} [colloquial, possibly, derogatory] :: anarchist or radical libertarian
anarkosyndikalismi {n} :: anarcho-syndicalism
anastaa {vt} :: to take possession (of something) without the owner's permission, seize, grab, steal, purloin, annex, usurp
anastaja {n} :: One who steals
anastaminen {n} :: seizing, stealing, purloining, usurping
anastella {v} :: synonym of varastella
anastigmaattinen {adj} :: anastigmatic
anastus {n} :: larceny, appropriation, theft
anataasi {n} [mineral] :: anatase
anateema {n} :: anathema (ban or curse pronounced with religious solemnity by ecclesiastical authority, often accompanied by excommunication)
anatolianpaimenkoira {n} :: Anatolian shepherd (breed of dog originating in Turkey)
anatomi {n} :: anatomist
anatomia {n} :: anatomy
anatomiasali {n} :: dissecting room, especially one used for teaching
anatominen {adj} :: anatomic
anatomisesti {adv} :: anatomically
Ancylusjärvi {prop} [geohistory] :: Ancylus Lake (historic phase of the Baltic Sea, when it was separated from the Atlantic Ocean)
ancyluskausi {n} [geohistory] :: Ancylus period (period of existence of the Ancylus Lake, a stage in the formation of the current Baltic Sea, from ca. 8900 to 7200 B.C.)
ancyluskotilo {n} :: A European species of limpet, Ancylus fluviatilis, native to fresh waters from Ireland to Slovakia
Andalusia {prop} :: Andalusia
andalusianpodenco {n} :: Andalusian hound (breed of dog originating in Andalusia, Spain)
andalusianrottaterrieri {n} :: Andalusian ratter (breed of dog originating in Andalusia, Spain)
andalusiitti {n} [mineral] :: andalusite
Andamaanienmeri {prop} :: Andaman Sea
Andamaanit {prop} :: Andaman Islands
Andamaanit ja Nikobaarit {prop} :: Andaman and Nicobar Islands
andante {n} [music] :: andante
andesiini {n} [mineral] :: andesine
andesiitti {n} :: andesite
andienflamingo {n} :: Andean flamingo, Phoenicopterus andinus (species of flamingo, native to the Andes of Chile)
andienhiiri {n} :: Andean mouse, Andinomys edex (South American species of mouse)
andienisomuura {n} :: undulated antshrike
andienkärppä {n} :: Colombian weasel, Don Felipe's weasel, Mustela felipei (very rare species of weasel native to the mountains of Colombia)
andienkissa {n} :: Andean cat, Leopardus jacobita (South American species of cat)
andienkondori {n} :: Andean condor, Vultur gryphus (South American vulture)
andienlokki {n} :: Andean gull (Chroicocephalus serranus)
andienrotta {n} [dated] :: synonym of perunrotta
andiensuorotta {n} :: Andean swamp rat, Neotomys ebriosus
andienvesirattu {n} :: fish-eating rat (rat of the genus Anotomys)
andienvyötiäinen {n} :: hairy long-nosed armadillo (Dasypus pilosus)
Andit {prop} :: Andit (mountain range)
Andorra {prop} :: Andorra (country)
andorralainen {adj} :: Andorran
andorralainen {n} :: Andorran
andradiitti {n} [mineral] :: andradite
andragogiikka {n} [rare] :: andragogy (methods or techniques used to teach adults; adult education)
Andreas {prop} :: Andrew (the Apostle)
Andreas {prop} [rare] :: given name
andrewinvalas {n} [archaic] :: synonym of viistohammasnokkavalas (Andrews' beaked whale, Mesoplodon bowdoini)
andro- {prefix} :: andro-
androfobia {n} :: androphobia
androgeeni {n} :: androgen
androgeeninen {adj} :: androgenic
androgynia {n} :: androgyny
androgyyni {n} :: androgyne
androgyyninen {adj} :: androgynous
androidi {n} :: android
andrologi {n} :: andrologist
andrologia {n} :: andrology
androloginen {adj} :: andrological
andrologisesti {adv} :: andrologically
Andromeda {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Andromeda
Andromeda {prop} [constellation] :: The constellation Andromeda
Andromeda {prop} [astronomy] :: The Andromeda
andropaussi {n} :: andropause
ane {n} :: indulgence (pardon or release from the expectation of punishment in purgatory, after the sinner has been granted absolution)
aneeminen {adj} :: anemic
aneemisesti {adv} :: anemically
aneemisuus {n} :: state of being anemic
anekauppa {n} :: indulgence trade (practice of granting indulgences against payment)
anekauppias {n} :: indulgence trader (one who sells indulgences)
anekdootti {n} :: anecdote
anekirja {n} :: letter of indulgence (writ that grants indulgence to someone)
aneleminen {n} :: begging (for something submissively)
anella {vt} :: To beg (submissively, e.g. mercy)
Anelma {prop} :: given name
anemia {n} :: anemia
anemometri {n} :: anemometer (instrument for measuring wind)
anergia {n} :: anergy
aneroidibarometri {n} :: aneroid barometer
aneroidi-ilmapuntari {n} :: aneroid barometer
anesteetti {n} :: anesthetic (substance)
anesteettinen {adj} [medicine] :: anesthetic [US], anaesthetic [UK]
anestesia {n} [medicine] :: anesthesia
anestesia-aine {n} [medicine] :: anaesthetic/anesthetic
anestesiaerikoislääkäri {n} :: anesthesiologist (physician who specializes in anesthesiology)
anestesiakone {n} :: anesthesia monitor (device that monitors the vital functions of a patient during anesthesia)
anestesialääkäri {n} :: anesthesiologist
anestesiamuoto {n} :: category of anesthesia
anestesiaylilääkäri {n} :: senior anesthesiologist
anestesiologi {n} :: anesthetist, anesthesiologist
anestesiologia {n} [medicine] :: anesthesiology
anestesiologinen {adj} :: Pertaining to anesthesiology
anestesiologisesti {adv} :: anesthesiologically
aneurysma {n} [pathology] :: aneurysm
anfangi {n} [typography, calligraphy] :: initial (distinguished initial letter of a chapter or section of a document)
anfangi {n} [architecture] :: A void in a stone wall, serving as impost for an arch
äng-äänne {n} [phonetics] :: velar nasal (nasal consonant ŋ)
angelikajuuri {n} :: synonym of väinönputki
ängelmä {n} :: Any plant of the genus Thalictrum
angelolatria {n} [theology] :: angelolatry (worship of angels)
angelologia {n} :: angelology
angervo {n} :: a plant of the genus Filipendula
angervohopeatäplä {n} :: lesser marbled fritillary, Brenthis ino (species of butterfly)
ängetä {vi} :: to push/shove/elbow one's way
ängetä {vi} :: to cut/break into a conversation
angiina {n} [medicine] :: tonsillitis, angina tonsillaris
angiinamyrkytys {n} [pathology] :: Lemierre's syndrome
angiogeneesi {n} :: angiogenesis
angiogeniini {n} [biochemistry] :: angiogenin
angiografia {n} :: angiography
angiogrammi {n} [medicine] :: angiogram, angiograph (X-ray image of the blood vessels)
angiokeratooma {n} [pathology] :: angiokeratoma (benign cutaneous lesion of capillaries)
angiotensiini {n} [biochemistry] :: angiotensin (any of several polypeptides that narrow blood vessels)
anglesiitti {n} [mineral] :: anglesite
anglikaani {n} :: Anglican (member of Anglican church)
anglikaaninen {adj} :: Anglican
anglikaanisuus {n} :: Anglicanism
anglismi {n} :: Anglicism (word or feature borrowed from English to another language)
anglismi {n} :: Briticism, Anglicism (word or figure of speech used in Britain exclusively or primarily)
anglisti {n} :: Anglicist
anglistiikka {n} :: Anglistics
angloamerikkalainen {adj} :: Anglo-American
anglofiili {n} :: anglophile
anglonormanni {n} :: Anglo-Norman (person)
anglonormanni {n} :: Anglo-Norman (language)
anglonormannilainen {adj} :: Anglo-Norman (of or pertaining to Anglo-Normans or their language)
anglosaksi {n} :: An Anglo-Saxon person
anglosaksilainen {adj} :: Anglo-Saxon
anglosaksinen {adj} :: Anglo-Saxon
Angola {prop} :: Angola (country)
angolalainen {adj} :: Angolan
angolalainen {n} :: Angolan
angolangenetti {n} :: Angolan genet, miombo genet, Genetta angolensis (species of genet)
angolangueretsa {n} :: Angolan colobus, Colobus angolensis (species of colobus monkey)
angolanmangusti {n} :: Angolan kusimanse, Ansorge's kusimanse, Crossarchus ansorgei (species of kusimanse)
angolanolkalepakko {n} :: Angolan epauletted fruit bat, Epomophorus angolensis (species of bat endemic to the savannas of Angola and Namibia)
angolansiippa {n} :: Angolan hairy bat (Cistugo seabrae)
angoninkorvarotta {n} :: Angoni vlei rat, Otomys angoniensis
angora {n} :: angora (hair of angora rabbit)
angorakani {n} :: angora rabbit (variety of domestic rabbit bred for its long, soft wool)
angorakaniini {n} :: synonym of angorakani
angorakissa {n} :: Any of several long-haired breeds of domestic cat, e.g. Persian cat or Turkish Angora
angorakissa {n} :: synonym of turkkilainen angora
angoralanka {n} :: angora yarn (yarn spun of angora wool)
angorapusero {n} :: angora sweater (sweater woven of angora yarn)
angoravilla {n} :: angora wool
angoravuohi {n} :: angora goat (variety of goat bred for its long, soft wool, originates in Turkey)
angstata {v} [colloquial] :: to be anxious or angstful
angsti {n} :: angst
angstinen {adj} [colloquial] :: angstful
ångström {n} :: angstrom
anguillalainen {adj} :: Anguillan
anguillalainen {n} :: Anguillan
anhedonia {n} [medicine, psychiatry] :: anhedonia
anhydridi {n} [chemistry] :: anhydride
anhydriitti {n} [mineral] :: anhydrite
ani {adv} :: very, extremely
ani {n} :: ani (bird of genus Crotophaga in the cuckoo family)
anidulafungiini {n} :: anidulafungin (drug)
aniharva {pron} :: alternative spelling of ani harva (extremely few)
ani harvoin {adv} :: extremely seldom
aniharvoin {adv} :: alternative spelling of ani harvoin
aniitti {n} :: A powdery ammonium nitrate explosive
anikäki {n} :: An ani
aniliini {n} :: aniline
aniliininpunainen {n} :: magenta (colour)
aniliininpunainen {adj} :: magenta (of this colour)
aniliininvärinen {adj} :: synonym of aniliininpunainen (magenta)
aniliiniväri {n} :: aniline dye (dye based on aniline)
animaalinen {adj} :: synonym of eläimellinen
animaalisuus {n} :: synonym of eläimellisyys
animaatio {n} :: animation (technique; result or object produced with such technique)
animaatioelokuva {n} :: animated film
animaatiopiirtäjä {n} :: animator, cartoonist (one who creates an animation or cartoon)
animaatiosarja {n} :: animated series (animated television program which consists of several episodes that are broadcast in regular intervals)
animaatioteollisuus {n} :: animation industry
animaattori {n} :: animator
anime {n} :: anime
anime-elokuva {n} :: anime film
animesarja {n} :: anime series
animismi {n} :: animism
animisti {n} :: animist
animistinen {adj} :: animistic
animoida {vt} :: To animate
animointi {n} :: animating, animation (technique of making inanimate objects or drawings appear to move in motion pictures or computer graphics)
animointiohjelma {n} :: animation program, animation software
anioni {n} [chemistry] :: anion
anioninvaihtaja {n} :: anion exchanger
anis {n} :: anise, aniseed (seeds used as spice)
anisetti {n} :: synonym of anislikööri
anisherkkusieni {n} :: wood mushroom (Agaricus silvicola)
anisiisoppi {n} :: synonym of yrtti-iiso
aniskaramelli {n} :: anise candy (anise-flavoured candy)
anislikööri {n} :: anisette (anise flavoured liqueur)
anismalikka {n} [mushrooms] :: Clitocybe fragrans
anisnuppiseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius odorifer
anisogamia {n} [biology] :: anisogamy
anisoli {n} [chemistry] :: anisole
anispastilli {n} :: anise lozenge (anise-flavoured lozenge)
anisruoho {n} :: anise (the plant Pimpinella anisum)
anisviina {n} :: anise liquor [US]; anise spirit [UK] (any anise-flavoured strong aperitif, especially one that does not fall into specific categories such as ouzo, pastis or raki)
Anita {prop} :: given name
Anitta {prop} :: given name
Anja {prop} :: given name
anjovis {n} :: pickled sprat
anjovis {n} :: sprat (any various small marine fish)
ankanmaksa {n} [foods] :: duck liver
ankanpoika {n} :: duckling (young of a duck)
ankanpoikanen {n} :: duckling
ankara {adj} :: harsh, hard, strict (person)
ankara {adj} :: harsh, sharp, fierce (weather, winter)
ankara {adj} :: barren, austere, desolate (landscape)
ankara halla {n} :: hard freeze
ankarahko {adj} :: relatively strict, harsh, austere etc., see ankara for all senses
ankarampi {adj} :: comparative of ankara
ankaranlainen {adj} :: synonym of ankarahko
ankarasanainen {adj} :: strictly worded
ankarasti {adv} :: harshly, hardly, strictly
ankaruus {n} :: strictness, harshness, austerity (characteristic)
änkätä {vi} [colloquial] :: To stammer
ankea {adj} :: dreary, drab, dull (colorless, cheerless)
ankea {adj} :: dismal, dreary (gloomy and bleak)
änkeä {vt} [colloquial] :: to cram
ankeampi {adj} :: comparative of ankea
ankeasti {adv} :: dismally, drearily
ankerias {n} :: eel (any fish in the order Anguilliformes)
ankerias {n} :: European eel, eel (species Anguilla anguilla)
ankeriaskala {n} :: Any fish in the order Anguilliformes (true eel)
ankeriaskala {n} :: In plural (ankeriaskalat), Anguilliformes
ankeriasmainen {adj} :: eel-like
ankeriasmonni {n} :: airbreathing catfish (any fish of the Clariidae family)
ankeriitti {n} [mineral] :: ankerite
ankeroinen {n} :: A nematode of the family Aphelencoididae
ankeus {n} :: dismalness, dreariness
ankeutua {v} :: to become dreary, dull or dismal
ankka {n} :: domestic duck, Anas platyrhynchos domestica
ankka {n} :: short for uutisankka ("canard")
ankkaemo {n} [foods] :: mother duck
ankkahöystö {n} [foods] :: duck ragout
ankkakukko {n} :: drake (male duck)
ankkala {n} :: duck house (shelter for ducks)
ankkalammikko {n} :: duck pond, duckpond
Ankkalammikko {prop} [humorous] :: The Swedish Finland (Finland's Swedish speaking minority as an ethnic and cultural entity)
Ankkalinna {prop} :: Duckburg (fictional city where Donald Duck lives)
ankkalinnalainen {n} :: A native or inhabitant of Duckburg (fictional town in the Disney universe); a Duckburgian
ankkalinnalainen {adj} :: Duckburgian, relating to Duckburg or its people
ankkuri {n} :: anchor (tool to hook a vessel into the seabed)
ankkuri {n} [figurative] :: anchor (something that serves to provide a fixing point)
ankkuri {n} [television] :: anchor, anchorman, anchorwoman
ankkuri {n} :: anchor, anchorman, anchorwoman (final runner in relay race)
ankkuri {n} [electronics] :: armature (in an electromagnetic apparatus)
ankkuri {n} [historical] :: an obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for volume of liquid substances, equal to around 39 litres
ankkurihissi {n} :: T-bar (type of ski lift)
ankkurikela {n} [nautical] :: mooring reel (reel onto which the anchor line can be rolled when not in use)
ankkuriketju {n} :: synonym of ankkurikettinki
ankkurikettinki {n} [nautical] :: anchor chain (chain to which ship's anchor is attached)
ankkuriköysi {n} [nautical] :: anchor line, rode (heavy rope for lifting the anchor)
ankkurilyhty {n} :: anchor lantern, anchor lamp
ankkurimiina {n} [military] :: moored mine (type of naval mine that is anchored to the seabed)
ankkurinhaara {n} [nautical] :: arm (the horizontal "hand" of an anchor, the end of which is supposed to take a grab of the seabed)
ankkurinkoura {n} [nautical] :: fluke (triangular blade at the end of an anchor, designed to get a good grip of the seabed)
ankkuriosuus {n} [sports] :: anchor slot (last section in a relay race)
ankkuripaikka {n} :: An anchorage; a place for anchoring
ankkuripari {n} [television] :: anchor pair (two anchors working as a team)
ankkuripeli {n} [nautical] :: anchor windlass, anchor capstan (machine that restrains and manipulates the anchor chain on a boat, allowing the anchor to be raised and lowered by means of chain cable)
ankkuritalja {n} :: cat (strong tackle used to hoist an anchor to the cathead of a ship)
ankkuritouvi {n} [nautical] :: anchor line
ankkurivalo {n} [nautical] :: anchor light
ankkurivarustus {n} :: An anchor, as used to refer to the anchoring gear of a ship as a whole
ankkuroida {vt} :: to anchor (hook a ship to the bottom of the sea or to fasten other object in a fixed spot)
ankkurointi {n} :: anchoring
ankkurointimaksu {n} :: An anchorage; a fee charged for anchoring
ankkurointipaikka {n} [nautical] :: synonym of ankkuripaikka
ankkuroitua {vi} :: To moor
ankkuroituminen {n} :: mooring
ankrata {n} [nautical, archaic] :: synonym of ankkuroida
anksiolyytti {n} [pharmacology] :: anxiolytic
anksiolyyttinen {adj} [pharmacology] :: anxiolytic (that reduces anxiety)
änkyrä {n} [colloquial] :: heavy drunkenness
änkyrä {n} [colloquial, politics] :: stalwart
änkyrimato {n} [zoology] :: enchytraeid (worm of the family Enchytraeidae)
änkyttää {vi} :: to stutter, stammer
änkyttäjä {n} :: stutterer, stammerer
änkyttäminen {n} :: stuttering, stammering
änkytys {n} :: stammer, stutter, stuttering
Anna {prop} :: given name
Anna {prop} [obsolete] :: Anna (biblical prophetess)
ännä {n} [colloquial] :: The letter N, n
annaali {n} :: annal
Anna-Kaisa {prop} :: given name
Annala {prop} :: surname
Annala {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Anna-Leena {prop} :: given name
Anna-Liisa {prop} :: given name
Anna-Maija {prop} :: given name
Annamari {prop} :: given name
Anna-Mari {prop} :: given name
Anna-Maria {prop} :: given name
annamilainen {adj} :: Annamese
annansilmä {n} :: Christmas begonia, Begonia × cheimantha (cultivar of begonia popular as houseplant; cross-breed of Begonia dregei and Begonia socotrana)
anna olla {phrase} [idiomatic] :: let it be (to leave something to follow its natural course)
ännäs {n} [colloquial] :: alternative form of n:s
annatto {n} :: annatto (plant and dye)
anne {n} [archaic] :: gift
anne {n} [archaic] :: synonym of ane
anne {n} [rare] :: datum [usually in plural: "data"]
Anne {prop} :: given name
anneksi {n} :: annex
anneksio {n} :: annexation (violent or belligerent annexation of another country's territory into a country)
annektoida {vt} :: to annex (violently or belligerently annex another country's territory into one's own country)
annektointi {n} [rare, literary] :: annexation
Annele {prop} :: given name, a less common form of Anneli
Anneli {prop} :: given name
annella {vt} [rare] :: to give (indifferently, repeatedly)
Anne-Mari {prop} :: given name
Anne-Maria {prop} :: given name
Anni {prop} :: given name
annihilaatio {n} :: annihilation
Anniina {prop} :: given name
Annika {prop} :: given name
Annikka {prop} :: given name
Annikki {prop} :: A forest goddess in Finnish mythology
Annikki {prop} :: given name
Annina {prop} :: given name
anniskeleminen {n} :: tippling (retailing alcohol for immediate consumption)
anniskella {v} :: To tipple, to retail alcohol for immediate consumption at the premises of the seller
anniskelu {n} :: dispensing, serving (sale of alcoholic drinks for consumption at the seller's premises)
anniskelu {n} [archaic] :: short for anniskelupaikka (saloon, pub or other establishment licensed to sell alcoholic drinks)
anniskeluaika {n} :: time during which alcohol may be served by an establishment
anniskelualue {n} :: a delimited area of an establishment in which alcoholic drinks may be consumed
anniskelukahvila {n} :: licensed café (café that is licensed to sell all types of liquor to its clients)
anniskelukielto {n} :: cancellation of liquor license (act of denying right to sell alcoholic beverages from individual establishment, typically due to breach of conditions of the license)
anniskelukielto {n} :: ban on dispensing alcohol (act of forbidding sale of alcohol more generally, such as in an area, during certain times etc.)
anniskeluliike {n} :: any establishment licensed to serve alcohol
anniskelulupa {n} :: liquor licence (permit to sell alcoholic beverages)
anniskeluoikeus {n} :: alcohol license (permission to sell alcoholic beverages)
anniskelupaikka {n} [law] :: licensed establishment (bar, pub, restaurant etc. licensed to serve alcohol to the public for immediate consumption at the premises)
anniskeluravintola {n} :: licensed restaurant (restaurant that is licensed to sell all types of liquor to its clients)
anniskeluyhtiö {n} [law, archaic] :: Until 1919, a company that was licensed to sell alcoholic beverages to the public
-annoksinen {adj} :: (existing, dispensed, administered etc.) in certain type of portions or doses
annoksittain {adv} :: by the portion
annoona {n} :: cherimoya (Annona cherimola)
annoona {n} :: annona (fruit)
annos {n} :: portion
annos {n} :: serving
annos {n} :: dose
annosmäärä {n} :: dose (amount in a dose, especially that of ionizing radiation measured by a dosimeter)
annosmittari {n} :: dosimeter
annosnopeus {n} :: dose rate, radiation dose rate
annospala {n} [food industry] :: portion-size piece (piece of food, cut into standard size equal to a portion)
annostaa {v} :: to dose (prescribe a dose)
annostella {v} :: To dose
annostella {v} :: To apportion (to divide into portions and distribute)
annostelu {n} :: dosage, dosing
annostelu {n} :: dispensing
annostelulokerikko {n} :: pill dispenser
annostelupumppu {n} :: dispensing pump, pump dispenser
annostelureitti {n} [pharmacology] :: route of administration (path by which a drug or other substance is taken into the body)
annostus {n} :: dosage
annostusohje {n} :: dosage guide
annosvuoka {n} :: ramekin (small dish for baking in oven)
annotaatio {n} :: annotation
annotointi {n} :: annotation
annuiteetti {n} :: annuity
annuiteettilaina {n} [finance] :: annuity loan (loan that is paid back in agreed number of periodic installments which include both interest and repayment of the principal. If the interest rate is fixed for the duration of the loan, the periodic installment remains constant. In case of variable interest rate, the amount of the installment changes every time the interest rate changes)
Annukka {prop} :: given name
Ano {prop} [rare] :: given name
anoa {vt} :: To ask, request, plead, beg, implore, entreat, petition, solicit
anoa {vt} :: ~ virkaa = to apply for a post/job
anoa {n} :: anoa
anodi {n} :: anode
anodiparisto {n} [electronics] :: B battery (battery used to provide the plate voltage for a vacuum tube)
anodisoida {vt} :: To anodize
anodisointi {n} :: anodization
anoja {n} :: petitioner
anoja {n} :: applicant
anoksia {n} [ecology] :: anoxia
anomaalinen {adj} :: anomalous, anomalistic
anomaalisesti {adv} :: anomalously
anomaalisuus {n} :: anomalousness
anomalia {n} :: anomaly
anomia {n} [sociology] :: anomie
anomia {n} [neurology] :: anomia
anominen {n} :: pleading, begging, requesting
anomus {n} :: an application, a plea, a requisition
anomuskaavake {n} :: application form
anomuskirjelmä {n} :: application letter
anomuslomake {n} :: application form
anonta {n} :: synonym of anominen (act of applying)
anonymiteetti {n} :: anonymity
anonyymi {adj} :: anonymous
anonyymihautaus {n} :: anonymous burial
anonyyminen {adj} :: alternative form of anonyymi
anonyymisti {adv} :: anonymously
anonyymius {n} :: alternative form of anonyymiys
anonyymiys {n} :: anonymity
anopikset {n} [pluralonly] :: Mothers-in-law; mothers, whose children are married with each other
anopinkieli {n} :: snake plant, mother-in-law's tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata, originally West African herbaceous plant commonly used as houseplant)
anoppi {n} :: mother-in-law
anoppila {n} :: mother-in-law's home
anoppimuori {n} [humorously] :: mother-in-law
anorakki {n} :: anorak, parka
anoreksia {n} [colloquial] :: anorexia nervosa
anoreksia {n} [pathology] :: anorexia (loss of appetite, especially as a symptom of disease)
anorektikko {n} :: an anorectic, anorexic
anorektinen {adj} :: anorectic
anorexia nervosa {n} [pathology] :: anorexia nervosa (serious eating disorder)
anorogeeninen {adj} [geology] :: anorogenic
anortiitti {n} [mineral] :: anorthite
anortosiitti {n} :: anorthosite (type of rock)
ansa {n} :: trap
ansa {n} :: booby trap
ansainta {n} :: earning (of money)
ansaintatarkoitus {n} :: purpose to earn
ansaintateoria {n} :: deferred compensation theory (theory treating work pension as worker's deferred salary)
ansaintatulo {n} [economics] :: The income of a household excluding any transfer payments, i.e. the sum of earned income and capital income
ansaita {vt} :: To earn, make, win, gain (money)
ansaita {vt} :: To deserve, merit, be entitled to, be worthy of (+ infinitive or a noun)
ansaitsematon {adj} :: undeserved
ansaitsematon {adj} :: unearned
ansaitseminen {n} :: earning, making
ansaitseminen {n} :: deserving, meriting
ansaitusti {adv} :: deservedly
ansajuoni {n} :: synonym of ansaraitti
ansakuoppa {n} :: trapping pit
ansalanka {n} :: snare (trap made from a loop of wire, string, or leather)
ansalanka {n} :: trapping wire (wire used to make a snare)
ansapolku {n} :: synonym of ansaraitti
ansaraitti {n} :: trapping trail (route along which a hunter has set up his traps)
ansarauta {n} [hunting] :: leghold trap
ansari {n} :: greenhouse
ansarijauhiainen {n} :: greenhouse whitefly, glasshouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (species of whitefly often found in greenhouses)
ansarikasvi {n} :: greenhouse plant
ansarikukka {n} [figuratively] :: hothouse flower (person who is very fragile and vulnerable as a result of having been sheltered)
ansaripetopunkki {n} :: A predatory mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis
ansariripsiäinen {n} :: black glasshouse thrips, black greenhouse thrips, Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis
ansas {n} [architecture] :: truss (structure made up of one or more triangular units made from straight beams of wood or metal, which is used to support a structure as in a roof or bridge)
ansassilta {n} :: truss bridge (more specifically a king post truss bridge)
ansastaa {vt} :: to entrap, trap, ensnare, snare, trammel (to hunt animals by setting traps)
ansastus {n} [hunting] :: trapping
ansatie {n} :: synonym of ansaraitti
ansatsi {n} [music] :: embouchure
Anselmi {prop} :: given name
ansio {n} :: merit
ansio {n} :: income
ansio {n} :: virtue
ansio {n} [in plural] :: earnings (wages, money earned, income)
ansio {n} :: desert, especially in the expression "just deserts" (that which is deserved or merited; a just punishment or reward)
ansioäiti {n} :: working mother
ansioeläke {n} :: earned pension (pension accrued on the basis of one's earned income (ansiotulo))
ansiofunktio {n} [statistics] :: merit function
ansioitua {vi} :: To merit
ansioituminen {n} :: meriting
ansioitunut {adj} :: merited, distinguished, qualified, deserving, accomplished
ansiokas {adj} :: meritorious
ansiokehitys {n} :: wage development
ansiokehitystakuu {n} :: wage development guarantee
ansiokkaasti {adv} :: meritoriously
ansiokkuus {n} :: meritoriousness
ansiolähde {n} :: source of earnings
ansiolentäjä {n} [aviation] :: professional pilot
ansioluettelo {n} :: curriculum vitae
ansiomahdollisuus {n} :: earning opportunity
ansiomerkki {n} :: decoration (mark of honor to be worn upon the person)
ansiomitali {n} :: medal, medal of honor (round or roundish mark of honor to be worn upon the person; may be awarded for military or civil achievements)
ansionmenetys {n} [insurance, social security] :: loss of income
ansionmuodostus {n} [economics] :: income formation
ansiopuoli {n} :: earnings side (earnings as one aspect of an activity)
ansioristi {n} :: cross, cross of honor (cross-shaped mark of honor to be worn upon the person; may be awarded for military or civil achievements)
ansiosidonnainen {adj} [social security] :: earnings-related
ansiosidonnaisuus {n} [social security] :: The quality of being earnings-related
ansiosta {postp} :: owing to, thanks to, due to (mostly of positive things)
ansiotakuu {n} :: earnings guarantee
ansiotarkoitus {n} :: purpose of profit
ansiotaso {n} :: level of earnings
ansioton {adj} :: undeserving
ansioton {adj} :: meritless
ansiottomasti {adv} :: undeservingly
ansiottomasti {adv} :: meritlessly
ansiottomuus {n} :: meritlessness
ansiotulo {n} [taxation] :: earned income (income from employment typically including wages, salaries, tips, bonuses, union strike benefits, disability benefits and earnings from self-employment; the exact content varies by jurisdiction)
ansiotulovero {n} :: earned income tax (tax imposed on the basis of a person's earned income - wages, salaries, tips etc. - as opposed to unearned income such as capital gains, dividends, rents etc.)
ansioturva {n} [social security] :: compensation for loss of income
ansiotyö {n} :: gainful employment
ansoittaa {v} :: To trap (to set traps)
ansoittaminen {n} :: trapping (setting traps)
ansoitus {n} :: trapping
Anssi {prop} :: given name
antaa {vt} :: to give; to allow; to present, donate
antaa {vt} [_, + genitive + infinitive] :: To let, allow, permit
antaa {vt} :: To issue (to announce a legal statute)
antaa {vt} :: To distribute, hand/pass out
antaa {vt} :: To grant, confer
antaa {vt} :: To have any luck with fishing, gambling, etc., subject is unnamed it
antaa {v} [colloquial] :: To consent to have sex (with = allative)
antaa anteeksi {v} :: to forgive (someone = allative); to condone
antaa anteeksi {v} [theology] :: to absolve (to remit a sin; to give absolution for a sin)
antaa armoa {v} :: to have mercy, show mercy
antaa arvoa {v} :: to appreciate, value
antaa heittää {v} [slang] :: synonym of antaa vetää
antaa ilmi {v} :: to blow the whistle, inform, report
antaa kaikkensa {v} [idiomatic] :: to bring it, give one's all, empty the tank
antaa kapula eteenpäin {v} [idiomatic] :: to pass the torch (transfer responsibility)
antaa kenkää {v} [colloquial] :: to give the boot (to terminate an employee's employment)
antaa mennä {v} :: to let go (to release from one's grasp)
antaa mennä {v} :: to let go (to emotionally disengage or to distract oneself from a situation)
antaa myöten {vi} [idiomatic] :: to give in, to yield, to buckle, to relent
antaa olla {v} :: to let be (to not meddle with; to leave something or someone be alone)
antaa olla {v} :: not to bother
antaa opetus {v} :: to teach someone a lesson (to punish someone)
antaa periksi {vi} [idiomatic] :: to give up, give in, cave, surrender
antaa periksi {v} :: to budge (to change one's opinion)
antaa piupaut {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to not give a toss; to not care or mind
antaa potkut {v} :: To fire (to terminate the employment of)
antaa selkään {v} :: to bash up, beat up, give somebody a spanking, tan someone's hide
antaa selkään {v} [archaic] :: to whip (for punishment)
antaa tulla {interj} [colloquial] :: go ahead, shoot
antaa tulla {interj} [colloquial] :: bring it on, come on (expression of defiance)
antaa turpaan {v} [idiomatic, + allative] :: to beat up, batter, bung (to hit someone in the face)
antaa vetää {v} [rude, used chiefly in imperative] :: to piss off, scram
antaa ylen {vi} [formal, idiomatic] :: to regurgitate
antaa ymmärtää {v} :: to imply, hint, insinuate, suggest tacitly (to express suggestively rather than as a direct statement)
antagonismi {n} :: antagonism
antagonisti {n} :: antagonist
antagonistinen {adj} :: antagonistic
antaja {n} :: giver
antaminen {n} :: giving; allowing; presenting, donating; issueing
antaminen {n} :: letting, allowing, permitting
antaminen {n} :: distributing, handing/passing out
antaminen {n} [colloquial] :: consenting to have sex
antamus {n} [rare] :: giving; used chiefly as headword in the term anteeksiantamus (forgiving), sometimes misspelled as anteeksi antamus
antarktinen {adj} :: Antarctic
Antarktis {prop} :: Antarctica
antasidi {n} :: antacid
antasidinen {adj} :: antacid
antatsoliini {n} :: antazoline (antihistamine drug)
antaumuksellinen {adj} :: dedicated, devoted
antaumuksellisesti {adv} :: dedicatedly, devotedly
antaumuksellisuus {n} :: devotedness
antaumus {n} :: dedication, devotion
antautua {vi} :: to surrender, capitulate (to give oneself up into the power of another)
antautuminen {n} :: surrender (act of surrendering, submission into the possession of another)
antautuminen {n} :: capitulation (act of capitulating or surrendering to an enemy upon stipulated terms; the act of ceasing to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand)
antautumisehto {n} :: condition of capitulation
antautumissopimus {n} :: capitulation agreement
anteeksi {adv} :: pyytää anteeksi = to apologize, ask for forgiveness
anteeksi {adv} :: antaa anteeksi = to forgive, condone
anteeksi {interj} :: sorry, excuse me/us!
anteeksi {interj} :: beg your pardon, pardon
anteeksiannettava {adj} :: forgivable
anteeksiantamaton {adj} :: inexcusable, unforgivable
anteeksiantamaton {adj} :: unforgiving
anteeksiantamattomasti {adv} :: inexcusably, unforgivably
anteeksiantamattomuus {n} :: inexcusability, unforgivableness (quality of being unforgivable)
anteeksiantamattomuus {n} :: unforgivingness (quality of not forgiving)
anteeksiantaminen {n} :: forgiveness (act of forgiving)
anteeksiantamus {n} [religion] :: forgiveness
anteeksiantava {adj} :: forgiving
anteeksiantavaisuus {n} :: forgiveness (readiness to forgive)
anteeksiantavasti {adv} :: forgivingly
anteeksianto {n} :: forgiveness, pardon, remission, expiation, atonement, propitiation
anteeksipyydellen {adv} :: begging for forgiveness
anteeksipyyntö {n} :: apology
anteeksipyytävä {adj} :: apologetic
anteeksipyytelemätön {adj} :: unapologetic
anteeksipyytelevä {adj} :: apologetic
antefiksi {n} [architecture] :: antefix (vertical blocks which terminate the covering tiles of the roof of a Roman, Etruscan, or Greek temple)
anteliaampi {adj} :: comparative of antelias
anteliaasti {adv} :: generously
anteliaisuus {n} :: generosity, munificence
antelias {adj} :: generous
antelu {n} [rare] :: giving (repeated)
antenataalinen {adj} :: antenatal
antenni {n} :: antenna, aerial (device)
antennijärjestelmä {n} :: antenna system
antennikaapeli {n} :: antenna cable
antennimasto {n} :: antenna mast
antennipää {n} :: antenna head (someone or something that's got an antenna or antennae in his/her/its head)
antenniteho {n} :: antenna power
antennitelevisio {n} :: terrestrial television, broadcast television
antennivahvistin {n} :: antenna amplifier
antependium {n} [rare] :: synonym of alttarivaate
anteridio {n} [botany] :: synonym of siittiöpesäke
anteriorinen {adj} :: anterior (all senses)
Antero {prop} :: given name
anterogradinen {adj} [medicine] :: anterograde
Anteroinen {prop} :: surname
anterotsoidi {n} [botany] :: antherozoid
anti- {prefix} :: anti-
anti {n} [finance] :: offering, issue (of shares, bonds etc)
anti {n} :: the achieved outcome or result (of a meeting etc.)
antiaine {n} :: antimatter
antiatomi {n} [physics] :: antiatom
antibakteerinen {adj} :: antibacterial
antibiootti {n} :: antibiotic
antibioottihoito {n} [medicine] :: antibiotics treatment
antibioottikuuri {n} [medicine] :: cure of antibiotics
antibioottinen {adj} :: antibiotic
antibodi {n} :: synonym of vasta-aine
antidepressantti {n} [pharmacology] :: antidepressant
antidepressiivi {n} :: antidepressant
antiderivaatta {n} :: antiderivative
antidiureettinen {adj} [physiology, medicine] :: antidiuretic
antidootti {n} :: antidote
antifasismi {n} :: anti-fascism
antifasisti {n} :: antifascist
antifeminismi {n} :: antifeminism
antiferromagnetismi {n} [physics] :: antiferromagnetism
antifoni {n} [music] :: antiphon
antigeeni {n} :: antigen
antigeeninen {adj} :: antigenic
antigoriitti {n} [mineral] :: antigorite
antiguabarbudalainen {adj} :: Antiguan and Barbudan
antiguabarbudalainen {n} :: Antiguan and Barbudan
Antigua ja Barbuda {prop} :: Antigua ja Barbuda (country)
antigualainen {adj} :: Antiguan (of or pertaining to Antigua)
antigualainen {n} :: Antiguan (person)
antihistamiini {n} [pharmacology] :: antihistamine
antihiukkanen {n} :: antiparticle
antiikinkeräily {n} :: collection of antiques (activity of collecting antique objects)
antiikin Kreikka {prop} :: Ancient Greece
antiikin Rooma {prop} :: Ancient Rome
antiikki {n} [uncountable] :: The Antiquity, classical antiquity (the age between Homer and the Middle Ages)
antiikki {n} [uncountable] :: A group noun for antiques or antiquities (old pieces of furniture or other items)
antiikki {adj} [rare] :: antique
antiikkiesine {n} :: antique piece, antique object
antiikkihuonekalu {n} :: antique piece of furniture
antiikkikaluste {n} :: antique piece of furniture
antiikkikauppa {n} :: antique shop
antiikkikauppias {n} :: antique dealer
antiikkikynttilä {n} :: A long, narrow, tapered candle
antiikkiliike {n} :: antique shop
antiikkinahka {n} :: antique leather (type of leather, slightly unevenly tanned in order to make it look antique)
antiikkinen {adj} :: antique (old, used especially of furniture and household items; out of date)
antiikva {n} :: Roman typeface
anti-inflammatori {n} [pharmacology] :: anti-inflammatory (agent that prevents or counteracts inflammation)
anti-inflammatorinen {adj} :: anti-inflammatory
antijournalismi {n} [derogatory, colloquial, rare] :: biased journalism or yellow journalism; that which is showing all of journalism in a bad light
Antikainen {prop} :: surname
antikapitalismi {n} :: anticapitalism
antikapitalisti {n} :: anticapitalist
antikatodi {n} :: anticathode
antiketju {n} [mathematics] :: antichain
Antikka {prop} :: surname
antiklerikalismi {n} :: anticlericalism
antikliimaksi {n} :: anticlimax
antikliini {n} [geology] :: anticline
antiklimaattinen {adj} :: anticlimactic
antikoagulantti {n} [medicine] :: anticoagulant
antikodoni {n} [biology] :: anticodon (mirror image of a codon)
antikommunismi {n} :: anticommunism
antikommunisti {n} :: anticommunist
antikommunistinen {adj} :: anticommunist
antikommutatiivinen {adj} :: anticommutative
antikommutointi {n} :: anticommutation
antikristus {n} :: antichrist
Antikristus {prop} :: Antichrist
antikvaari {n} :: synonym of antikvariaatti
antikvaarikauppias {n} :: antiquarian bookseller
antikvaarinen {adj} :: antiquarian
antikvariaatti {n} :: antiquarian bookshop, second-hand bookshop, used bookstore
antikvarkki {n} [physics] :: antiquark
Antila {prop} :: surname
antilas {n} [chiefly historical] :: the bride before she gets married and starts her new life at the groom's home
antillienkummitusnaamalepakko {n} :: Antillean ghost-faced bat, Mormoops blainvillei
Antillit {prop} :: Antilles
antilooppi {n} [zoology] :: antelope
antilooppihyppymyyrä {n} :: synonym of antilooppirotta
antilooppijänis {n} :: antelope jackrabbit (Lepus alleni)
antilooppiorava {n} :: Harris's antelope squirrel, Ammospermophilus harrisii
antilooppirotta {n} :: lesser gerbil, small Egyptian gerbil, Gerbillus gerbillus (small North African gerbil sometimes kept as pet)
antimateria {n} :: antimatter
antimet {n} :: gift, treat; used only in plural and with a genitive attribute in expressions such as:
antimetaboliitti {n} :: antimetabolite
antimikrobinen {adj} :: antimicrobial
antimilitarismi {n} :: antimilitarism
antimilitaristi {n} :: antimilitarist
antimilitaristinen {adj} :: antimilitarist
antimitoottinen {adj} :: antimitotic
antimoni {n} :: antimony
antimonihohde {n} [mineral] :: stibnite
antimonipentafluoridi {n} [chemistry] :: antimony pentafluoride
antimyoni {n} [particle] :: antimuon
antineoplastinen {adj} [oncology] :: antineoplastic
antineutriino {n} [particle] :: antineutrino
antineutroni {n} [physics] :: antineutron
antinomia {n} [philosophy] :: antinomy
antinominen {adj} [religion] :: antinomian
antinomisti {n} [religion] :: antinomian
antioksidantti {n} :: antioxidant
anti olla {phrase} :: let it be
anti olla {phrase} :: never mind
antipartikkeli {n} :: synonym of antihiukkanen
antipasto {n} :: antipasto
antipatia {n} :: antipathy
antipatiseerata {v} [rare, snobbish] :: antipathize
antiperspirantti {n} :: antiperspirant
antipodi {n} :: antipode
antiprisma {n} [geometry] :: antiprism
antiprotoni {n} [physics] :: antiproton
antipsykootti {n} :: antipsychotic (drug to cure psychosis)
antipsykoottinen {adj} :: antipsychotic
antipyriini {n} [chemistry] :: phenazone
antirasismi {n} :: antiracism
antiresonanssi {n} :: antiresonance
antiromaani {n} [literature] :: antinovel
antisankari {n} :: antihero
antisemiitti {n} :: synonym of antisemitisti
antisemiittinen {adj} :: anti-Semitic, antisemitic
antisemiittisesti {adv} :: antisemitically, anti-Semitically
antisemitismi {n} :: anti-Semitism
antisemitisti {n} :: anti-Semite
antisemitistinen {adj} :: anti-Semitic
antisepti {n} :: antiseptic
antiseptinen {adj} :: antiseptic
antisosiaalinen {adj} :: antisocial
antistaattinen {adj} :: antistatic
antistaattinen pussi {n} :: Faraday bag (bag made of a material that blocks electromagnetic signals in order to protect the content from them)
antistaattisempi {adj} :: comparative of antistaattinen
antistaattisin {adj} :: superlative of antistaattinen
antisykloni {n} [meteorology] :: anticyclone
antisymmetrinen {adj} :: antisymmetric
antitau {n} [particle] :: antitauon, antitau
antiteesi {n} :: antithesis
antitoksiini {n} :: antitoxin
antitromboottinen {adj} [medicine] :: antiplatelet
antiutopia {n} :: anti-utopia
antivirusohjelma {n} [computing] :: synonym of virustorjuntaohjelma
anto {n} :: delivery, output
antofylliitti {n} [mineral] :: anthophyllite
antoisa {adj} :: rewarding, satisfying
antoisa {adj} [figuratively] :: fruitful
antoisasti {adv} [figuratively] :: fruitfully
antoisuus {n} [figuratively] :: fruitfulness
antolainaus {n} [banking] :: lending (the business of granting loans to the customers)
antolainauskorko {n} [banking] :: lending rate (interest rate at which a bank lends money to its clients)
antologia {n} :: anthology
Anton {prop} :: given name
antonymia {n} [semantics] :: antonymy
antonyymi {n} :: antonym
antopäivä {n} :: date of issuance, issuing date, issuance date (date at which a document, decree, security etc. is issued)
antosyaani {n} [chemistry] :: anthocyanin
antrakinoni {n} [organic compound] :: anthraquinone
antraniilihappo {n} [organic compound] :: anthranilic acid
antraseeni {n} [organic compound] :: anthracene
antrasiitti {n} :: anthracite
antropo- {prefix} :: anthropo-
antropofagia {n} [scientific] :: anthropophagy (act of eating human flesh)
antropogenia {n} [anthropology] :: anthropogeny
antropolatria {n} [theology] :: anthropolatry (worship of humans)
antropologi {n} :: anthropologist
antropologia {n} :: anthropology
antropologinen {adj} :: anthropological
antropologisesti {adv} :: anthropologically
antropometria {n} :: anthropometry
antropomorfinen {adj} :: anthropomorphic
antropomorfismi {n} :: anthropomorphism
antropomorfistinen {adj} [rare] :: alternative form of antropomorfinen
antroponyymi {n} [linguistics, rare] :: anthroponym
antroposeeni {n} :: Anthropocene (current geological period)
antroposentrinen {adj} :: anthropocentric
antroposofi {n} :: anthroposophist
antroposofia {n} :: anthroposophy
Antti {prop} :: given name
Anttila {prop} :: surname
Anttila {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Antto {prop} :: [rather rare today] given name
Antton {prop} :: given name
Anttonen {prop} :: surname
Anttoni {prop} :: given name
antura {n} :: a sole of a foot or shoe
antura {n} :: a shoe or a runner of a brake or sleigh
antura {n} :: footing of a building; foundation
anturamaa {n} :: hardpan (hard layer of soil below the topsoil in podzol type of soil)
anturamaannos {n} [geology] :: plinthosol
anturanahka {n} :: sole leather (type of leather used for shoe soles)
anturi {n} :: sensor
anturoida {v} :: to sole (to put a sole on [a shoe or boot])
anturointi {n} :: soling (act of putting a sole on (a shoe or boot))
Antwerpen {prop} :: Antwerpen (capital city)
Antwerpen {prop} :: Antwerpen (province)
Anu {prop} :: given name
anubispaviaani {n} :: olive baboon, Papio anubis
anus {n} :: anus
anusaukko {n} :: synonym of peräaukko
anusvara {n} :: anusvara (Devanagari diacritic)
ÄO {n} :: initialism of älykkyysosamäärä (IQ)
A-oikeudet {n} :: A-license (in Finland, a license that allows an establishment to retail alcoholic drinks with up to 80% of alcoholic content by volume)
aoristi {n} [grammar] :: aorist
aortankaari {n} [anatomy] :: aortic arch
aortiitti {n} [disease] :: aortitis
aortta {n} [anatomy] :: aorta
aorttaläppä {n} [anatomy] :: aortic valve
aorttastenoosi {n} :: aortic stenosis
aorttatulehdus {n} [disease] :: aortitis
Aostanlaakso {prop} :: Aostanlaakso (region)
ÄO-testi {n} :: IQ test
ap. {adv} :: abbreviation of aamupäivällä; am, a.m.
ap {adv} :: alternative form of ap.
ap {n} [colloquial] :: abbreviation of aamupäivä
ap {n} :: alternative form of AP
AP {n} [Internet slang] :: initialism of alkuperäinen postaaja
apaattinen {adj} :: apathetic
apaattisempi {adj} :: comparative of apaattinen
apaattisesti {adv} :: apathetically
apaattisuus {n} :: apathy (state of being apathetic)
apaja {n} [fishing] :: A fishing water; often used in plural (apajat)
apajapaikka {n} :: fishing ground (place where one habitually fishes)
äpärä {n} [dated, chiefly Lapland and Ostrobothnia] :: the soul of an unbaptized dead child; myling
äpärä {n} [vulgar] :: bastard, son of a bitch
äpärä {n} [derogatory] :: illegitimate child, bastard
äpärä {n} [printing, colloquial] :: either a widow or an orphan (a single line of a paragraph on a separate page from the rest of the paragraph)
aparaatti {n} :: apparatus
äpäre {n} :: rowen (second crop of hay)
apari {n} [derogatory, colloquial] :: a person in special education
äpärikkö {n} [agriculture] :: The grass grown after haymaking
apartheid {n} :: apartheid
apartheidpolitiikka {n} :: apartheid policy
apassi {n} :: Apache (person)
apassi {n} :: Apache (language)
apassi {n} :: Apache (Parisian gangster)
apassi {n} [in plural] :: Apache (any of several Athabascan-speaking peoples of the American southwest)
apassi {n} :: Triplochiton scleroxylon (African tropical tree)
apassi {n} :: apachi (timber of that tree, valued by guitar makers and picture framers; in Finland also as material for sauna benches due to its low heat capacity and conductivity, and lack of resin)
apašši {n} :: dated form of apassi
apastroni {n} [astronomy] :: apastron
apateismi {n} :: apatheism
apatia {n} :: apathy
apatiitti {n} [mineral] :: apatite
ape {n} :: horse feed
ape {n} [colloquial] :: food
apea {adj} :: melancholic, dejected, depressed, dispirited, blue, sad, moody (on a low spirit)
apeamielinen {adj} :: melancholy-minded
apeamielisyys {n} :: melancholy (sadness or depression, especially of a thoughtful or introspective nature)
apeampi {adj} :: comparative of apea
apeasti {adv} :: melancholically, depressedly, dispiritedly, sadly, moodily
APEC {prop} :: APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)
apeissaan {adv} :: down, sad, dispirited, depressed
apeksi {n} [astronomy] :: An apex
apellaatio {n} :: alternative spelling of appellaatio
apellatiivi {n} :: alternative spelling of appellatiivi
apelli {n} [fencing] :: appel ‎(act of striking the ground with the leading foot to frighten, distract, or mislead one's opponent)
apelli {n} [legal] :: synonym of appellaatio
apelli {n} [military, rare] :: synonym of käskynjako
apelli {n} [advertising] :: appeal
Apenniinien niemimaa {prop} :: Apennine Peninsula, Italian Peninsula
Apenniinit {prop} :: the Apennines (mountain range)
aperitiivi {n} :: apéritif
apertuuri {n} [optics] :: aperture
apeus {n} :: moodiness, gloominess, melancholy
apeutua {vi} :: To become depressed
apeutuminen {n} :: becoming depressed
apheli {n} :: aphelion
apikaalinen {adj} [phonetics] :: apical
apikaalisilmu {n} [botany] :: apical bud
apikoplasti {n} [biology] :: apicoplast
apila {n} :: clover (plant in the genus Trifolium)
apilaheinä {n} :: clover (clover as fodder for animals)
apilaniitty {n} :: clover meadow
apilankukka {n} :: clover flower (flower of clover)
apilanlehti {n} :: cloverleaf, trefoil (leaf of a clover plant)
apilanurmi {n} :: clover lawn (lawn in which clover is the main plant)
apilapelto {n} :: cloverfield
A-pilari {n} [automotive] :: A-pillar
apina {n} :: monkey
apina {n} :: ape
Apina {prop} :: Monkey (the ninth animal in the 12-year cycle in Chinese zodiac)
apinaa koijataan {phrase} [colloquial, often, humorous] :: Used to indicate that someone is being taken advantage of by an obvious scam or swindle
apinaihminen {n} :: apeman
apinalaatikko {n} [slang] :: masthead, imprint (list of a newspaper or other periodical's main staff, contributing writers, publisher, circulation, advertising rates etc.)
apinamainen {adj} :: simian, apish
apinamaisempi {adj} :: comparative of apinamainen
apinamaisin {adj} :: superlative of apinamainen
apinankukka {n} :: monkeyflower, monkey-flower (plant of the genus Mimulus)
apinanleipäpuu {n} :: baobab, Adansonia digitata
apinapinseri {n} :: affenpinscher, Affenpinscher (breed of dog)
apinarokko {n} [disease] :: monkeypox
apinoida {v} :: To mimic
apinoiminen {n} :: mimicking
apinointi {n} :: aping (practice of aping, apish action)
apiterapia {n} [medicine] :: apitherapy
aplastinen {n} :: aplastic
apletti {n} [computing, colloquial] :: synonym of sovelma
apliitti {n} [rock] :: aplite
aplikoida {v} :: alternative form of applikoida
aplodeerata {vi} [colloquial] :: To applaud
aplodeeraus {n} :: applauding
aplodi {n} [usually plural] :: applause
apnea {n} :: apnea
apneustinen {adj} :: apneustic
apoapsis {n} [astronomy] :: apoapsis
apoentsyymi {n} [enzyme] :: apoenzyme
apofylliitti {n} [mineral] :: apophyllite
apofyysi {n} :: apophysis
apogeum {n} [astronomy] :: apogee (point in the orbit of any object which is at the largest distance from the center of the central body)
apokalypsi {n} :: apocalypse
apokalyptiikka {n} [religion] :: apocalypticism
apokalyptinen {adj} :: apocalyptic
apokromaattinen {adj} [optics] :: apochromatic
apokryfi {n} :: apocrypha
apokryfikirja {n} [religion] :: Any of the Apocrypha
apokryfinen {adj} :: apocryphal (of or pertaining to Apocrypha)
apokryfinen {adj} :: apocryphal (of doubtful authenticity)
apokryfisesti {adv} :: apocryphally
apokryfisuus {n} :: alternative form of apokryfisyys
apokryfisyys {n} :: apocryphalness
apolipoproteiini {n} [biochemistry] :: apolipoprotein
Apollon {n} [Greek mythology] :: Apollo
apolloninen {adj} :: Apollonian
apolloperhonen {n} :: snow Apollo (butterfly of the subfamily Parnassiinae)
apologeetta {n} :: apologist
apologeettinen {adj} :: apologetic
apologetiikka {n} :: apologetics
apologia {n} :: apologia
apomagmaattinen {adj} [geology] :: apomagmatic
apomiktinen {adj} [biology] :: apomictic
apoptoosi {n} :: apoptosis
aporia {n} :: aporia
aposematismi {n} :: aposematism
aposentri {n} [astronomy] :: apocenter
äpöstää {v} [colloquial] :: to dine while intoxicated; manners and eating utensils tend to be forgotten while this is occurring
aposteriorinen {adj} [logic] :: a posteriori (involving deduction of theories from facts)
aposteriorisesti {adv} [logic] :: a posteriori
apostoli {n} :: apostle
Apostolien teot {prop} :: Acts of the Apostles (book of the Bible)
apostolinen {adj} :: apostolic
apostolinen uskontunnustus {n} [Christianity] :: Apostles' Creed
apostolinkyyti {n} [rare] :: walking
apostrofi {n} [rhetoric] :: apostrophe (sudden exclamatory piece of dialogue addressed to someone or something)
apostrofi {n} [rare] :: apostrophe (punctuation mark)
apoteema {n} [geometry] :: apothem (the distance from the center of a regular polygon perpendicular to one of its sides)
apoteoosi {n} :: apotheosis (fact or action of becoming or making to a god)
apotti {n} :: abbot
apotti {n} :: guardian (superior in a Franciscan monastery)
apottiluostari {n} :: abbey
apottius {n} :: abbotship
appaa {vt} [dated] :: to eat ravenously, to devour
appaminen {n} [dated] :: devouring, eating ravenously
äp-päp {interj} [colloquial] :: Expresses disapproval with what one is doing, telling them to either wait first or to stop doing it and not do it again
apparaatti {n} :: apparatus (such as reference apparatus)
appela {n} :: father-in-law's home
appellaatio {n} [legal] :: appeal
appellatiivi {n} [grammar] :: common noun
appelsiini {n} :: orange (fruit)
appelsiinihillo {n} :: orange jam
appelsiinimarmeladi {n} :: orange marmalade
appelsiinimehu {n} :: orange juice (juice from oranges, either fresh or produced from concentrate)
appelsiininkuori {n} :: orange peel
appelsiinipleko {n} [fish] :: A species of catfish, Peckoltia sabaji
appelsiinipuu {n} :: orange tree
appendisiitti {n} [pathology, medical terminology] :: appendicitis (inflammation of the vermiform appendix)
appenzellerjuusto {n} :: appenzeller
appenzellinpaimenkoira {n} :: Appenzeller sennenhund (breed of dog of Swiss origin)
apperseptio {n} [philosophy, psychology] :: apperception
appi {n} :: father-in-law
appiukko {n} [colloquial] :: father-in-law (especially if relatively old or elderly)
appivanhemmat {n} :: parents-in-law
applikaatio {n} [textiles, art] :: applique (decorative design made by cutting pieces of material and applying them to the surface of another for decoration)
applikaatio {n} [computing] :: application
applikaatiotyö {n} :: applique (type of decoration)
applikoida {v} [medicine] :: to apply (to lay or place; to put (one thing to another) put something in its right place, like medicaments to a diseased part of the body)
applikoida {v} [art, textiles] :: to applique (to decorate by cutting pieces of material and applying them to the surface of another material)
applikointi {n} :: applique (type of decoration)
applikointi {n} :: appliqueing (making this sort of decoration)
applisoida {v} :: alternative form of applikoida
apportti {n} :: contribution in kind (non-monetary contribution to the share capital of a company, e..g. patent, real estate)
apposen {adv} :: completely; used only to strengthen the word auki (open) or its synonyms
apposen auki {adv} :: wide open
apposet {n} :: Boiled fresh peapods served with melted butter
appositiivinen {adj} [grammar] :: appositive
appositio {n} [grammar] :: apposition
appositio {n} [rhetoric] :: appositio
appositioattribuutti {n} [grammar] :: appositive (word or phrase that is in apposition)
appro {n} :: Short form of approbatur, used mainly in spoken language
appro {n} [student slang] :: pub crawl
approbatur {n} :: An academic grade used in Finnish abitur and university theses, the lowest passing grade
approbatur {n} :: The shortest university syllabus in Finland
approbatur-arvosana {n} :: approbatur grade (grade received from ones approbatur-level studiesc, the shortest university syllabus in Finland)
approbaturtentti {n} :: approbatur exam (exam required for passing the approbatur level in a given topic, the shortest university syllabus in Finland)
approilija {n} :: A person who participates in a student pub crawl known as an appro
approksimaatio {n} :: approximation
approksimantti {n} [phonetics] :: approximant
approksimatiivi {n} [grammar] :: approximative case
approksimatiivinen {adj} :: approximative
approksimoida {vt} :: To approximate
approksimointi {n} :: approximation (process of approximating)
apraksia {n} [pathology] :: apraxia (motoric disorder)
aprikoida {vi} :: To think, ponder
aprikoiminen {n} :: thinking, pondering
aprikointi {n} :: pondering
aprikoitseminen {n} :: alternative form of aprikoiminen
aprikoosi {n} :: apricot
aprikoosihapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula risigallina
aprikoosihillo {n} :: apricot jam
aprikoosipuu {n} :: apricot tree, Prunus armeniaca
aprikoosiseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius armeniacus
aprillaaminen {n} :: April-fooling
aprillata {v} :: To April-fool
aprillaus {n} :: April-fooling
aprilli {n} :: April fool
aprillinarri {n} :: April fool (person subjected to an April Fools' day joke)
aprillipäivä {n} :: April Fools' Day (April 1st)
aprillipila {n} :: April fool
apriorinen {adj} :: a priori
apriorisesti {adv} :: a priori (in a way based on theoretical deduction)
apriorisuus {n} :: apriority
apro {n} [colloquial] :: Same as appro, approbatur
apropoo {interj} :: alternative form of a propos
a propos {prep} [rare] :: apropos (regarding or concerning)
apsidi {n} :: An apsis, apside (either of the points in the elliptical orbit of a planet or comet where it is closest or furthest from the sun)
apsis {n} [rare] :: An apse (architectural element)
apso {n} :: Lhasa apso (breed of dog)
aptameeri {n} [chemistry] :: aptamer
apteekkari {n} [pharmacy] :: pharmacist
apteekki {n} :: pharmacy, drugstore
apteekkiapulainen {n} :: pharmacy assistant
apteekkilaitos {n} :: pharmacy system (pharmacies collectively as a regulated business)
apteekkiliike {n} :: pharmacy shop (pharmacy as business)
apteekkilupa {n} :: pharmacy license (in Finland one needs a license to run a pharmacy; the number and geographical distribution of licenses is controlled by the government)
apteekkineuvos {n} :: An honorary title of the third rank which may be granted to a person who is highly merited in pharmacy
apteekkioikeus {n} [colloquial, often in plural] :: synonym of apteekkilupa
apteekkitavara {n} :: pharmacy item (good that is intended for sale at pharmacies)
apu- {prefix} :: additional, auxiliary, assistant, secondary, ancillary, complementary
apu {n} :: help
apu {n} :: assistance
apu {n} :: helping hand
apu {n} :: service
apu {n} :: remedy
apu {n} :: aid
apu {n} :: support
apu {n} :: relief
apu {n} :: rescue
apu {n} [as a modifier in compound words] :: auxiliary, additional, accessory
apua {interj} :: help!
apua {interj} :: oh no! oh God!
apuehdokas {n} :: paper candidate
apuharvennus {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of harvennushakkuu
apuhenkilökunta {n} :: assisting personnel
apuhoitaja {n} :: assistant nurse
apuinen {adj} [dated, as head word in compound adjectives] :: acting to provide help, support or assistance of the kind that is specified by the modifier
apujäsen {n} [grammar] :: Any part of speech other than subject or predicate
apujäsen {n} [dated] :: synonym of asiantuntijajäsen
apujäsenyys {n} [dated] :: synonym of asiantuntijajäsenyys
apujoukko {n} [often in plural] :: reinforcements (additional troops sent to support a military or other action)
apukassa {n} [dated] :: relief fund (fund which assists the needy, often within a specified target group)
apukätilö {n} :: assistant midwife
apukeino {n} :: synonym of apuneuvo
apukeittiö {n} :: synonym of kodinhoitohuone
apukieli {n} :: auxiliary language (language used for intercommunication by speakers of other languages)
apukokki {n} :: sous-chef, undercook (subordinate cook)
apukone {n} :: auxiliary engine
apukoulu {n} [obsolete] :: synonym of erityiskoulu
apukoululainen {n} [dated] :: A student of apukoulu (special school)
apulähde {n} :: source (book, article, interviewee etc. referenced in a written work)
apulainen {n} :: assistant, helper
apulainen {n} :: As a former part of compound (as the stem apulais-) signifies associate, deputy, vice-, under-
apulais- {prefix} :: combining form of apulainen; associate, deputy, vice-, under-
apulaisintendentti {n} :: deputy intendant
apulaisjohtaja {n} :: deputy director
apulaiskaupunginjohtaja {n} :: deputy mayor, vice mayor
apulaiskomentaja {n} :: deputy commander
apulaislääkäri {n} :: assistant physician
apulaisministeri {n} :: deputy minister
apulaisohjaaja {n} :: assistant director
apulaisoikeusasiamies {n} :: deputy ombudsman
apulaisoikeuskansleri {n} :: deputy attorney general
apulaisosastonhoitaja {n} :: deputy charge nurse
apulaisosastopäällikkö {n} :: assistant department manager
apulaispääjohtaja {n} :: deputy director-general
apulaispäällikkö {n} :: deputy manager
apulaispääministeri {n} :: deputy prime minister
apulaispääsihteeri {n} :: deputy secretary general
apulaispäätoimittaja {n} :: deputy editor-in-chief
apulaispappi {n} :: vicar (lower-ranking priest)
apulaisprofessori {n} :: associate professor
apulaissheriffi {n} :: deputy sheriff
apulaissyyttäjä {n} :: deputy prosecutor
apulaistarkastaja {n} :: deputy inspector, assistant inspector
apulaistoiminnanjohtaja {n} :: deputy secretary general
apulaistutkija {n} :: assistant researcher
apulaisulkoministeri {n} :: deputy minister of foreign affairs
apulaisvalmentaja {n} :: assistant coach
apulaisylilääkäri {n} :: deputy head physician
apulaite {n} :: auxiliary device
apulannoite {n} :: synonym of väkilannoite
apulanta {n} [colloquial] :: artificial fertilizer
apulause {n} :: lemma
äpüli {n} [Finglish] :: apple
apumekaanikko {n} :: assistant mechanic
apumies {n} :: hand (unskilled manual worker in subordinate position, often to a skilled worker)
apumies {n} :: helper (one who provides assistance for another person)
apumoottori {n} :: auxiliary engine, auxiliary motor (motor or engine that provides reserve or additional power to the main source of propulsion, such as for sailship or bicycle)
apumoottorillinen {adj} :: auxiliary (equipped with auxiliary motor)
apumuuttuja {n} [programming, math] :: helper variable, slack variable
apuneuvo {n} :: aid, ancillary, tool (something which helps)
apuneuvoteknikko {n} :: aids technician
apuohjelma {n} [software] :: utility program
apupäätös {n} :: aid decision (decision of giving aid to someone)
apupaketti {n} :: aid package
apupappi {n} :: vicar (lower-ranking priest)
apupiste {n} [geometry] :: auxiliary point
apupoika {n} :: helper boy
apupöytä {n} [furniture] :: auxiliary table
apupyörä {n} :: one of a pair of training wheels
apupyörät {n} :: training wheels
apuraha {n} :: grant (quantity of money given by an institution to a qualifying individual or group of individuals to support their academic or artistic work etc.)
apuraha-anomus {n} :: grant application
apurahajärjestelmä {n} :: grant system
apurahasto {n} :: synonym of avustusrahasto
apuraketti {n} :: booster rocket, auxiliary rocket
apuri {n} :: helper, aide
apuri {n} :: sidekick
apusana {n} [grammar, dated] :: synonym of partikkeli
apuselostus {n} [rare] :: synonym of selitys
apusisar {n} [dated] :: synonym of apuhoitaja
apusuoritin {n} [computing] :: coprocessor
aputalous {n} [Soviet Union] :: "auxiliary farm" (semi-independent collectivized agricultural unit that was not big enough to be a kolkhoz but was subordinated to a kolkhoz)
aputaso {n} [geometry] :: auxiliary plane
aputaso {n} :: auxiliary tray
aputoiminimi {n} :: auxiliary trade name
aputuomari {n} [sports] :: assistant referee
aputyö {n} :: auxiliary or utility work
aputyöntekijä {n} :: assistant worker, assisting worker
aputyövoima {n} :: assisting workforce
apuva {interj} [humorous] :: A variant of apua! (help!)
apuvaimo {n} [archaic] :: A temporary female helper on a farm
apuväline {n} :: ancillary, tool, aid, material aid (implement or device that serves an ancillary function)
apuvalmentaja {n} :: assistant coach
apuverbi {n} [grammar] :: An auxiliary verb
apuviiva {n} :: guideline (light line, used in lettering, to help align the text)
apuviiva {n} [music] :: ledger line
apuvoima {n} :: auxiliary power
apuvoima {n} :: help (additional manpower for performing a task)
apuvoima {n} :: reinforcements (additional troops or materiel sent to support a military action; usually in plural)
A-pylväs {n} :: A-pole (type of utility pole consisting of two legs)
är {n} :: letter: r
ara {n} :: macaw (various parrots of the genus Ara and some closely related genera)
araalia {n} :: alternative form of aralia
arabeski {n} :: arabesque
arabi {n} :: Arab
arabia {n} :: Arabic (language)
arabia {n} [often, capitalized] :: A piece of porcelain produced by, or under the brand of Arabia
Arabia {prop} :: Arabia (peninsula)
Arabia {prop} :: A former porcelain factory in Helsinki, once largest in Europe, now one of the brands of the Fiskars
Arabia {prop} [countable, often, uncapitalized] :: A piece of porcelain produced by, or under the brand of Arabia
arabialainen {adj} :: Arabian, Arabic
arabialainen {n} :: Arabian (person of Arabian origin)
arabialainen {n} :: Arabian (breed of horse)
arabianaavikkokiuru {n} :: Dunn’s lark, Eremalauda dunni
arabianbulbuli {n} :: white-spectacled bulbul, Pycnonotus xanthopygos
arabianhevonen {n} :: Arab, Arabian horse
arabianjasmiini {n} :: Arabian jasmine, Jasminum sambac (shrubby vine with fragrant flowers used for perfume, flavoring and to make jasmine tea)
arabiankahvi {n} :: arabica (Coffea arabica)
arabiankeihäsantilooppi {n} :: Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx)
arabiankerttu {n} :: Red Sea warbler, Sylvia leucomelaena
arabiankielinen {adj} :: Arabic, Arabic language (written or expressed in Arabic)
arabiankonnapääagama {n} :: Arabian toadhead agama, Phrynocephalus arabicus
Arabianmeri {prop} :: The Arabian Sea
Arabian niemimaa {prop} :: The Arabian Peninsula
arabiansusi {n} :: Arabian wolf (Canis lupus arabs)
arabiantaa {v} :: to translate into Arabic
arabiantari {n} :: Arabian tahr, Arabitragus jayakari (species of tahr native to Arabia)
arabiantiira {n} :: white-cheeked tern, Sterna repressa
arabiantikka {n} :: Arabian woodpecker, Dendrocoptes dorae
arabiantimali {n} :: Arabian babbler, Turdoides squamiceps
Arabiemiirikunnat {prop} :: Emirates (short for Yhdistyneet arabiemiirikunnat - United Arab Emirates)
arabiemiirikuntalainen {adj} :: Emirati (of, from, or pertaining to the United Arab Emirates)
Arabiemiirikuntien liitto {prop} :: United Arab Emirates
arabiemiraattilainen {adj} :: Emirati (of, from, or pertaining to the United Arab Emirates)
arabihaukka {n} :: barbary falcon, Falco pelegrinoides
arabikevät {n} :: Arab Spring (pro-democracy movement in Arab countries)
arabikumi {n} :: gum arabic (edible substance taken from one of two species of sub-Saharan acacia trees)
arabimaa {n} :: An Arab country
arabimaailma {n} :: Arab World (Arab-speaking part of the World)
arabinoosi {n} [chemistry] :: arabinose
arabisti {n} :: An Arabist
arabistiikka {n} :: The study of the Arab culture
arabitasavalta {n} :: Arab Republic (republic chiefly populated by Arab-speaking people; used in official country names, currently (5/2020) in the names of Egypt and Syria, formerly also Yemen, Libya and the United Arab Republic)
arabivaltio {n} :: Arab state
arabivastaisuus {n} :: Anti-Arabism
aragonia {n} :: Aragonese (language)
Aragonia {prop} :: Aragonia (autonomous community)
aragoniankielinen {adj} :: Aragonese, Aragonese language (written or expressed in Aragonese)
aragoniankielinen {adj} :: Aragonese speaking (using Aragonese as a means of daily communication)
aragoniitti {n} [mineral] :: aragonite
ärähdellä {vi} :: To snap (to say abruptly or sharply)
ärähdys {n} :: snarl, growl (act of snarling)
ärähtää {v} :: to snarl
ärähtäminen {n} :: snarling
arakidonihappo {n} [chemistry] :: arachidonic acid
araknofobia {n} :: arachnophobia
araknoidea {n} [anatomy] :: arachnoid mater
araknologia {n} :: arachnology (scientific study of the Arachnida)
aralia {n} :: aralia
Araljärvi {prop} :: Araljärvi (a saline <<lake>> straddling the <<c/Kazakhstan>>-<<c/Uzbekistan>> border)
aramea {n} :: The Aramaic language
aramealainen {n} :: Aramaic (person)
aramealainen {adj} :: Aramaic
aramealaisuus {n} :: The guality of being Aramean
arameankielinen {adj} :: Aramaic, Aramaic language (written or expressed in Aramaic)
aramidi {n} :: aramid
aranen {n} :: parrotlet (miniature parrots of the genera Forpus, Nannopsittaca and Touit)
arapaima {n} :: arapaima
arastaa {vt} [_, + partitive] :: To be shy/timid towards
arastella {v} :: To shy
arastella {v} :: To avoid
arastelu {n} :: hesitation
arasti {adv} :: timidly, shyly
aratti {n} :: parakeet (any of a number of parrot species in several genera)
araukaria {n} :: Araucaria
arava {n} :: A loan subsidized by Arava [see etymology]; also aravalaina
arava-asunto {n} :: A flat or home financed within the framework of Arava system for financing social housing
aravahuoneisto {n} :: A flat financed within the framework of Arava system for financing social housing
aravajärjestelmä {n} :: A system for financing social housing run by Arava, a special purpose government agency
aravalaina {n} :: A loan granted within the framework of Arava system for financing social housing
aravalainoittaa {v} :: To grant a loan within the framework of Arava system for financing social housing
aravalainoitteinen {adj} :: financed by Arava
aravalainoitus {n} :: financing provided or subsidized by Arava
aravana {n} :: silver arowana, Osteoglossum bicirrhosum (freshwater bony fish commonly kept in aquaria)
aravatalo {n} :: A residential building financed within the framework of Arava system for financing social housing
Aravirta {prop} :: surname
arbitraasi {n} [finance] :: arbitrage
arbitraatio {n} :: arbitration (form of justice where the concerned parties designate a person whose ruling they will accept)
arboretum {n} :: arboretum
arboristi {n} :: arborist (practitioner of arboriculture)
arbovirus {n} :: arbovirus
arbuusi {n} :: synonym of vesimeloni
äreä {adj} :: grumpy
areaalilingvistiikka {n} :: areal linguistics (study of areal features of language)
areaalinen {adj} :: areal
areafunktio {n} [mathematics] :: area function, inverse hyperbolic function
äreästi {adv} :: grumpily
areena {n} :: arena
ärein {adj} :: superlative of äreä
areiolainen {adj} [Christianity] :: Arian (of or pertaining to Arius; or Arianism)
areiolaisuus {n} [Christianity] :: Arianism
areiopagi {n} :: Areopagus (the supreme judicial and legislative council of ancient Athens)
areiopagi {n} [figuratively, rare] :: Any court or body that has the ultimate power to solve an issue
äreissään {adv} :: in one's grumpiness
arekoliini {n} [organic chemistry] :: arecoline
arempi {adj} :: comparative of arka
areniitti {n} [rock] :: arenite
arenti {n} :: tenancy, leasehold
areola {n} :: synonym of nännipiha
areometri {n} :: areometer
aresti {n} :: arrest, custody (confinement or detention of a person)
arestirangaistus {n} :: detention (as a means of punishment ordered by a military court)
arfvedsoniitti {n} [mineral] :: arfvedsonite
argaali {n} :: argali or mountain sheep, Ovis ammon
Argentiina {prop} :: Argentiina (country)
argentiinalainen {adj} :: Argentinian
argentiinalainen {n} :: An Argentinian person
argentiinanvyötiäinen {n} :: southern long-nosed armadillo (Dasypus hybridus)
argentiitti {n} [mineral] :: argentite
argilliitti {n} [rock] :: argillite
arginaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: arginase
arginiini {n} [amino acid] ::  arginine
Argo-laiva {prop} [astronomy] :: Argo Navis (former constellation on the southern sky)
argon {n} :: argon
argonautti {n} [Greek mythology] :: Argonaut
argon-fluorihydridi {n} [chemistry] :: argon fluorohydride
argoo {n} :: argot (secret language of thieves and vagabonds)
argumentaatio {n} :: argumentation
argumentoida {v} :: To reason (to examine or discuss by arguments; to debate or discuss)
argumentoiminen {n} :: reasoning (examining or discussing by arguments)
argumentointi {n} :: argumentation
argumentti {n} :: argument (fact or statement used to support a proposition; a reason)
argumentti {n} [mathematics] :: the argument of a complex number
argumentti {n} [mathematics] :: argument of a function
argumentti {n} [programming] :: argument
ärhäkäs {adj} :: feisty
ärhäkästi {adv} :: feistily, mischievously
ärhäkkä {adj} :: feisty; mischievous; bantam
ärhäkkyys {n} :: mischievousness; meanness, roughness, gruffness
ärhennellä {vi} :: To bluster (esp. of dogs)
ärhentely {n} :: blustering (esp. of dogs)
Arhippa {prop} [rare] :: given name
arho {n} :: sandwort (plant in the genus Arenaria)
Arho {prop} [rare] :: given name
-ari {suffix} :: Variant of -ri; forms agent nouns
Ari {prop} :: given name
arianismi {n} [Christianity] :: Arianism
aridi {adj} :: arid
arina {n} :: grate, grating (particlarly on the floor of a fireplace)
ärinä {n} :: snarl, growl
arinakääpä {n} [mushrooms] :: willow bracket, fire sponge, Phellinus igniarius (species of polypore, dried conk of which was formerly used as kindling material)
arinatiili {n} :: a certain type of firebrick
ariosofia {n} :: Ariosophy
Ari-Pekka {prop} :: given name
äristä {vi} :: To snarl
aristaa {vt} [monopersonal] :: 3rd-pers. singular + partitive = to be sore
aristaa {vt} [+ partitive] :: To be (very) careful with (something because it's sore), handle (very) carefully (something because it's sore)
aristaa {vt} [+ partitive] :: To be shy/timid/bashful with (usually as a lasting feature of personality)
aristaminen {n} :: being sore
aristaminen {n} :: being very careful with
aristaminen {n} :: being shy or timid
aristava {adj} :: tender (sensitive or painful)
aristella {vt} [+ partitive] :: to be very careful with, handle very carefully (in a continuous manner)
aristella {v} :: aristella silmiänsä: to be careful with one's eyes (e.g. to protect them from sunlight etc.)
aristella {vi} :: to be shy, be bashful, be timid
aristokraatti {n} :: aristocrat
aristokraattinen {adj} :: aristocratic
aristokraattisesti {adv} :: aristocratically
aristokraattisuus {n} :: aristocracy
aristokratia {n} :: aristocracy
aristoteelinen {adj} [philosophy] :: Aristotelian
Aristoteles {prop} :: Aristotle
aristotelinen {adj} :: alternative form of aristoteelinen
aristotelismi {n} [philosophy] :: Aristotelianism
aristua {vi} :: to become tender, sore
aristuminen {n} :: becoming tender or sore
aristus {n} :: pain, sore
aritmeettinen {adj} :: arithmetic
aritmeettinen keskiarvo {n} [mathematics] :: arithmetic mean
aritmeettisesti {adv} :: arithmetically
aritmeettis-looginen yksikkö {n} [computing] :: arithmetic logic unit
aritmetiikka {n} :: arithmetic
Arizona {prop} :: Arizona (state)
Arja {prop} :: given name popular in the 1940s and the 1950s
ärjähdys {n} :: roar
ärjähtää {vi} :: to snarl, to snap
ärjähtäminen {n} :: snarling, snapping
ärjäistä {vi} :: To roar
arjalainen {n} :: An Aryan
arjalainen {adj} :: Aryan
ärjy {n} :: thunder, roar
ärjyä {vi} :: To bellow, holler, roar (at the top of one's lungs)
ärjyminen {n} :: bellowing, hollering, roaring
ärjyntä {n} :: roar, bellow
arka {adj} :: tender, sore
arka {adj} :: sensitive
arka {adj} :: timid, shy, bashful
arkaainen {adj} :: archaic
arkadi {n} :: arcade
arkadinen {adj} :: Arcadian
arkailla {vi} :: To draw/hang back, shy, withdraw, retire; to be shy/timid/bashful
arkaismi {n} :: archaism
arkaistinen {adj} :: archaic
arkaistisesti {adv} :: archaically
arkaistisuus {n} :: archaism
arkajalka {n} :: tenderfoot
arkakatseinen {adj} :: with a timid look
arkala {n} [figuratively] :: A figurative place where noncourageous, fearful and timid people live, used only in idioms
arkaluonteinen {adj} :: sensitive, touchy, delicate (of an issue, capable of offending, upsetting or hurting)
arkaluonteisuus {n} :: sensitiveness, touchiness, delicateness
arkaluontoinen {adj} :: alternative form of arkaluonteinen
arkana {n} :: arcana (secret knowledge)
arkana {n} [tarot] :: arcana, Arcana
arkanahkainen {adj} [literally and figuratively] :: with sensitive skin
Arkangeli {prop} :: Arkangeli (city)
Arkansas {prop} :: Arkansas (state)
arkatunteinen {adj} :: touchy, oversensitive, thin-skinned (easily offended)
arkatunteisuus {n} :: touchiness, oversensitiveness (property of being easily offended)
arkebuusi {n} :: harquebus, arquebus
arkeeinen {adj} [geology] :: Archaean (of, or relating to the geologic eon from about 3,800 to 2,500 million years ago)
arkeittain {adv} :: by sheet or sheets (of paper)
arkeoastronomia {n} [astronomy, archaeology] :: archaeoastronomy
arkeobotaniikka {n} :: archaeobotany
arkeofyytti {n} [biology] :: archaeophyte
arkeologi {n} :: archeologist
arkeologia {n} :: archaeology [UK], archeology [US]
arkeologinen {adj} :: archeological
arkeologisesti {adv} :: archaeologically
arkeoni {n} :: archaeon
Arkhimedeen kappale {n} [geometry] :: An Archimedean solid
Arkhimedes {prop} :: Archimedes
arki {n} :: ordinary, mundane or non-special days in life; everyday life
arki {n} [in adverbs] :: weekday, working day
arkiajattelu {n} :: common sense, everyday thinking
arkiaskare {n} :: daily chore, everyday chore
arkiateria {n} :: everyday meal, ordinary meal
arkielämä {n} :: everyday life
arkihuoli {n} :: everyday worry, worry related to everyday life
arki-ilta {n} :: weeknight (evening or night of a weekday, or any day of the week except the weekend)
arkikäyttö {n} :: everyday use, normal use
arkikieli {n} :: informal language, vernacular, everyday language
arkikielinen {adj} :: in informal language
arkiliikunta {n} :: everyday exercise, ordinary exercise
arkinen {adj} :: everyday, ordinary, workaday, workday
arkinsyöttölaite {n} :: automatic document feeder
arkiolot {n} :: daily conditions, domestic conditions
arkipäivä {n} :: weekday
arkipäiväinen {adj} :: everyday
arkipäiväinen {adj} :: prosaic
arkipäiväistää {vt} :: To make something ordinary, mundane
arkipäiväistyä {vi} :: To become ordinary, become mundane
arkipäiväistyminen {n} :: becoming ordinary or mundane
arkipäiväisyys {n} :: commonplace, ordinariness
arkipäivisin {adv} :: on weekdays, every weekday (every day of the week except on the weekend)
arkipuku {n} :: lounge suit
arkipyhä {n} :: midweek holiday
arkirealismi {n} :: mundane realism
arkirealistinen {adj} :: mundanely realistic, with mundane realism
arkiruoka {n} :: everyday meal, ordinary meal
arkirutiini {n} :: everyday routine, daily routine
arkisesti {adv} :: in an everyday or ordinary way
arkisin {adv} :: on weekdays (from Mondays to Fridays)
arkisin {adj} :: superlative of arkinen
arkistaa {vt} :: to make ordinary
arkistaa {vt} :: to trivialize
arkisto {n} :: archive (place for storing earlier material)
arkistoaines {n} :: archive material
arkistoida {vt} :: to archive
arkistointi {n} :: archiving
arkistointi {n} :: filing
arkistokaappi {n} [furniture] :: filing cabinet
arkistokappale {n} :: file copy, archive copy
arkistokelpoinen {adj} :: suitable for archival
arkistoluettelo {n} :: archive list, archive inventory
arkistomateriaali {n} :: archival material
arkistonhoitaja {n} :: archivist
arkistopaperi {n} :: archival paper
arkistotoimi {n} :: archivistics
arkistotutkimus {n} :: archival studies
arkistotutkimus {n} :: research using archives
arkistovalokuvaus {n} :: archive photography
arkistua {vi} :: To become mundane
arkistuminen {n} :: becoming mundane
arkisuus {n} :: mundaneness
arkitodellisuus {n} :: reality of everyday life
arkitunnelma {n} :: everyday feeling, everyday mood (feeling or mood associated with everyday or mundane life)
arkityyli {n} :: everyday style, ordinary style
arkityyli {n} :: informal style (of language)
arkiuupumus {n} :: fatigue in everyday life
arkivaate {n} :: piece of informal, everyday clothing; [in plural] loungewear
arkiviikko {n} :: the part of the week that isn't the weekend
arkki- {prefix} :: arch-
arkki {n} :: A sheet (of paper etc.)
arkki {n} :: An ark (Noah's Ark, Ark of the Covenant)
arkki {n} :: Any of the species belonging to the domain Archaea
arkkiasemointi {n} [printing] :: imposition (to sheets)
arkkiatri {n} :: archiatre/archiater; a person holding the honorary title of the fifth rank granted by the President of Finland to a physician and the highest honorary title for them; only one person may hold the title at a time
arkkibakteeri {n} :: archaebacterium
arkkidiakoni {n} :: archdeacon
arkkieliö {n} :: archaeon
arkkienkeli {n} :: archangel
arkkifoneemi {n} [linguistics] :: archiphoneme
arkkiherttua {n} :: archduke
arkkiherttuatar {n} :: archduchess
arkkihiippakunta {n} [Christianity] :: archdiocese, archbishopric
arkkikonna {n} :: archvillain
arkkimandriitta {n} :: archimandrite
arkkipainokone {n} :: sheet-fed printing machine
arkkipiispa {n} :: archbishop
arkkisimpukka {n} [mollusks] :: An ark clam; any clam in the family Arcidae
arkkitehdintutkinto {n} :: architect degree, architect diploma
arkkitehti {n} :: architect
arkkitehtitoimisto {n} :: architectural firm
arkkitehtoninen {adj} :: architectural (of or pertaining to architecture)
arkkitehtonisesti {adv} :: architectonically
arkkitehtuuri {n} :: architecture
arkkitehtuurikilpailu {n} :: architectural competition
arkkitehtuurivalokuvaus {n} :: architectural photography
arkkitranseemi {n} [translation studies] :: an architranseme
arkkityyppi {n} :: archetype
arkkityyppinen {adj} :: archetypal
arkkiveisu {n} :: broadside (printed lyrics of a folk song or ballad)
arkkiveisu {n} :: song printed on a broadside
arkkivihko {n} [bookbinding] :: gathering
arkkivihollinen {n} :: archenemy, nemesis
arkku {n} :: chest (box)
arkku {n} :: trunk (container)
arkku {n} :: coffin
arkkuhauta {n} :: a grave in which a coffin is buried (mostly in contrast with other types of graves)
arkkuhautaus {n} :: coffin burial, casket burial
arkkupakastin {n} :: chest freezer (stand-alone freezer unit shaped like a chest)
arkkutuoli {n} :: a type of chair that has a box or chest with the seat acting as the lid
arkkuvaate {n} :: pall (heavy canvas laid over a coffin)
arkontti {n} :: archon
arkoosi {n} [rock] :: arkose
arkoosihiekkakivi {n} :: arkose
arktinen {adj} :: Arctic
arkullinen {n} :: chestful
arkunkansi {n} :: chest lid
arkunkansi {n} :: coffin lid
arkunkantaja {n} :: A pallbearer
arkusfunktio {n} [geometry] :: arcus function, inverse trigonometric function
arkuskosekantti {n} [trigonometry] :: arccosecant
arkuskosini {n} [trigonometry] :: arccosine
arkuskotangentti {n} [trigonometry] :: arccotangent
arkussekantti {n} [trigonometry] :: arcsecant
arkussini {n} [trigonometry] :: arcsine
arkustangentti {n} [trigonometry] :: arctangent
arkuus {n} :: tenderness, soreness
arkuus {n} :: timorousness, shyness
armada {n} [military] :: armada (fleet of warships)
armagnac {n} [rare] :: synonym of armanjakki (type of brandy)
armahainen {adj} [dated, poetic] :: alternative form of armas
armahdus {n} :: pardon, amnesty
armahdusanomus {n} :: request for clemency
armahtaa {vt} [+ genitive-accusative] :: To pardon, reprieve, grant amnesty to
armahtaa {vt} [+ partitive] :: To have mercy/pity on
armahtaa {vt} [religion] :: To redeem
armahtaminen {n} :: pardoning, granting amnesty to
armahtaminen {n} :: having mercy or pity on
armahtaminen {n} [religion] :: redeeming
armahtava {adj} :: merciful
armahtavainen {adj} :: merciful
armainen {adj} :: dear (loved; lovable)
armanjakki {n} :: Armagnac, armagnac (type of brandy)
armas {adj} [literary, poetic] :: dear, beloved, cherished
armas {adj} [literary, poetic] :: blessed, pleasing, pretty
armas {n} [literary, poetic] :: darling, sweetheart, dear
Armas {prop} :: given name
armastella {v} [archaic] :: to make love
armeerausmassa {n} :: paper reinforcing pulp
armeija {n} :: army
armeija {n} :: military
armeijakunta {n} [military] :: corps
armeijaryhmä {n} :: army group
armeijaslangi {n} :: military slang
armeliaasti {adv} :: mercifully
armeliaisuus {n} :: mercy, mercifulness; pity, compassion (tendency toward forgiveness, pity, or compassion)
armeliaisuus {n} [obsolete] :: charity
armelias {adj} :: merciful
armenia {n} :: Armenian [language]
Armenia {prop} :: Armenia (country)
armenialainen {adj} :: Armenian (of or pertaining to Armenia)
armenialainen {n} :: Armenian (person)
armenialaisuus {n} :: Armenianness (state or quality of being Armenian)
Armenian apostolinen kirkko {prop} :: The Armenian Apostolic Church
armeniankielinen {adj} :: Armenian, Armenian-language (expressed in Armenian language)
armeniankielinen {adj} :: Armenian-speaking
armenianlokki {n} :: Armenian gull (Larus armenicus)
armi {n} :: distaff arm (part of a spinning wheel)
Armi {prop} :: given name
armias {adj} [dated, poetic] :: merciful
armillaari {n} [astronomy] :: armillary sphere
arminiolaisuus {n} [Christianity] :: Arminianism
armo {n} :: grace
armo {n} :: mercy
armoinen {adj} :: merciful
armoistuin {n} :: alternative form of armonistuin
armoitettu {adj} :: gifted
armokuolema {n} :: euthanasia
armolahja {n} :: gift of grace, charity, benefaction
armoleipä {n} [poetic] :: sustenance of grace or mercy
armollinen {adj} :: merciful
Armollinen Armahtaja {n} [chiefly Islam] :: God, the merciful mercy-giver; the Most Merciful
armollisesti {adv} :: mercifully
armollisuus {n} :: mercifulness
armomurha {n} :: euthanasia, mercy killing
armonaika {n} :: grace, respite
armonanomus {n} :: appeal or plea for mercy
armonisku {n} :: coup de grâce
armonistuin {n} [Christianity] :: mercy seat
armonlaukaus {n} :: coup de grâce
armonne {n} :: second-person plural possissive form of armo
armopala {n} :: dole, handout, charity
armoton {adj} :: ruthless, unrelenting, pitiless
armottomasti {adv} :: mercilessly, ruthlessly
armottomuus {n} :: ruthlessness
Arnheminmaa {prop} :: Arnhem Land (area in North Australia)
arnikki {n} :: arnica (plant of the genus Arnica)
arnikki {n} :: The species Arnica angustifolia (Arctic arnica, narrowleaf arnica)
aro {n} :: steppe
aro {n} :: a watery, marshy place; lowland covered by grass, see references
aroeläin {n} :: steppe animal
aroharmaalokki {n} :: Caspian gull (Larus cachinnans)
arohilleri {n} :: steppe polecat, Mustela eversmanii
arojuoksija {n} :: plains wanderer (small quail-like bird in the monotypic family Pedionomidae, endemic to south-eastern Australia, Pedionomus torquatus)
arokakadu {n} :: Major Mitchell's cockatoo, Lophochroa leadbeateri (syn. Cacatua leadbeateri) (cockatoo with distinctive salmon pink plumage and a bright red and yellow crest)
arokasvi {n} :: steppe plant
arokettu {n} :: corsac fox, steppe fox, Vulpes corsac
arokissa {n} :: manul, Pallas' cat, Otocolobus manul
arokotka {n} :: steppe eagle (Aquila nipalensis)
Arola {prop} :: surname
Arola {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
arolukki {n} :: camel spider (arachnoid of the order Solifugae)
aromaattinen {adj} :: aromatic
aromaattinen hiilivety {n} [chemistry] :: aromatic hydrocarbon
aromaattinen yhdiste {n} [chemistry] :: aromatic compound
aromaattisuus {n} [organic chemistry] :: aromaticity
aromaattisuus {n} :: aromaticity (property of having a distinctive, pleasant smell)
aromania {n} :: Aromanian (Eastern Romance language)
aromataasi {n} [enzyme] :: aromatase
aromaterapia {n} :: aromatherapy
aromi {n} :: aroma, flavor
aromikas {adj} :: fragrant, spicy, aromatic
aromikkuus {n} :: fragrance, spiciness, aromaticness
aromilasi {n} :: snifter (type of drinking glass)
arominvahvenne {n} :: flavor enhancer
aromisuola {n} :: seasoned salt (blend of herbs and/or spices with high concentration of table salt)
aromiterapia {n} :: alternative form of aromaterapia
aromurmeli {n} :: Bobak marmot, Marmota bobak
aromuurahaiskäpy {n} [zoology, dated] :: ground pangolin, Smutsia temminckii
aronia {n} :: chokeberry (plants of the genus Aronia)
aroseepra {n} :: plains zebra, Equus quagga
arotundra {n} :: steppe-tundra
arovuokko {n} :: A snowdrop windflower. Sometimes also called wood anemone in English
arovyöhyke {n} :: steppe zone
arpa {n} :: lot (for example dice)
arpa {n} [colloquial] :: lottery ticket
arpajaiset {n} :: lottery, draw, raffle
arpajaiset {n} [legal] :: An activity in which the participants pay a fee and by that obtain a partially or fully random possibility to win a prize of monetary value
arpajaislupa {n} :: permit to organize a raffle
arpajaisvoitto {n} :: winning a raffle
arpajaisvoitto {n} :: raffle prize, winnings
arpakapula {n} :: bidding stick
arpakuutio {n} :: A die (polyhedron used in games of chance)
arpalippu {n} :: lottery ticket
arpaluu {n} :: wishbone, furcula
arpanoppa {n} :: die (polyhedron)
arpaonni {n} :: luck in a raffle or lottery, lot
arpapeli {n} :: game of chance, gamble, tossup
arpaseteli {n} :: raffle ticket, lottery ticket (particularly one in the form of a wide piece of paper, like a banknote)
arpeuma {n} :: scar
arpeuttaa {vt} :: to scar, cicatrise
arpeutua {vi} :: to scab, to grow a scab (of a wound, to get covered by a scab)
arpeutua {vi} :: to scar (to become marked by a scar)
arpeutua {vi} :: to cicatrise (to form a scar or cicatrix)
arpeutuma {n} :: scar
arpeutuminen {n} :: scarring
arpi {n} :: scar
arpikudos {n} :: scar tissue
arpinen {adj} :: scarred
arpisempi {adj} :: comparative of arpinen
arpisuus {n} :: scabbiness
arpitaani {n} :: Franco-Provençal, Arpitan (Romance language)
arpoa {v} :: to draw lots, to raffle, to cast lots
arpoa {vi} [colloquial] :: to hesitate, vacillate, shilly-shally
arpominen {n} :: drawing lots, raffling
ärrä {n} [colloquial] :: The letter R, r
ärrä {n} [colloquial] :: The sound representing that letter
arrakki {n} :: arrack (East Asian liquor)
arrakkipunssi {n} :: A liqueur based on arrack, neutral spirits and flavorings. Originates in Sweden and mostly not known outside Nordic countries. There's no established English name for it, but "arrack liqueur" might be a good bet
ärräpää {n} [colloquial] :: swearword, especially one with an r sound, like perkele
ärrävika {n} [colloquial] :: The inability to pronounce the alveolar trill (rolling "r" sound) correctly
arroganssi {n} :: arrogance
arrogantisti {adv} :: arrogantly
arrogantti {adj} :: arrogant
arrowjuuri {n} :: arrowroot
arrowjuurijauho {n} :: arrowroot flour
arseeni {n} :: arsenic
arseenihappo {n} [inorganic compound] :: arsenic acid
arseenikiisu {n} [mineral] :: arsenopyrite
arseenitrioksidi {n} [chemistry] :: arsenic trioxide
arsenaali {n} :: arsenal
arsenaatti {n} [chemistry] :: arsenate
arseniitti {n} :: arsenite
arsenikki {n} :: arsenic trioxide; also arsenic (oxide of arsenic; formula As2O3)
arsenikkimyrkytys {n} :: arsenic poisoning
arsenopyriitti {n} [mineral] :: arsenopyrite
Arsi {prop} [rare] :: given name
arsiini {n} [inorganic compound] :: arsine (AsH3)
arsina {n} :: arshin, or Russian cubit (71.12 cm)
ärsyke {n} :: stimulus
ärsyke {n} :: irritant
ärsyttää {v} :: to irritate [mentally and physically]; to bother, exasperate, rub someone the wrong way [mentally]
ärsyttää {v} :: to tease, harass, hector
ärsyttää {v} [psychology] :: to stimulate
ärsyttäminen {n} :: irritating, bothering
ärsyttäminen {n} :: teasing, harassing
ärsyttäminen {n} :: stimulating
ärsyttävä {adj} :: irritating, annoying
ärsyttävästi {adv} :: irritatingly, annoyingly
ärsyttyä {vi} :: To become irritated (of skin etc.)
ärsyttyminen {n} :: becoming irritated (physically, such as of skin)
ärsytys {n} :: irritation
ärsytys {n} :: teasing
ärsytys {n} :: stimulation
ärsyyntyä {vi} :: To become irritated
ärsyyntymä {n} [rare, nonstandard] :: synonym of ärtymä
ärsyyntyminen {n} :: becoming irritated or annoyed
ärsyyntynyt {adj} :: annoyed, riled
arteesinen {adj} :: artesian
arteesinen kaivo {n} :: artesian well
artefakti {n} :: An artifact, as a man-made object
Artemis {prop} :: Artemis
artenomi {n} :: A person who has completed a bachelor's degree in applied arts in a polytechnic (ammattikorkeakoulu
artenomi {n} :: The degree such a person completed
arteria {n} [medicine] :: Artery
arteriitti {n} [pathology] :: arteritis (inflammation of arterial walls)
arterioskleroosi {n} [pathology] :: arteriosclerosis
artesaani {n} :: artisan
artikkeli {n} :: article (story, report, or opinion piece)
artikkeli {n} [usually, only, in compounds] :: article (object)
artikkeli {n} [grammar] :: article (part of speech)
artikkelisarja {n} :: series of articles
artikkelitoimittaja {n} :: editor of an article
artikkeliväitöskirja {n} :: article thesis, article dissertation
artikla {n} :: article (section of a legal document)
artikulaatio {n} :: articulation
artikulatorinen {adj} [phonetics] :: articulatory
artikuloida {v} :: To articulate, to speak clearly
artikulointi {n} :: articulation
artisokan pohja {n} :: artichoke bottom
artisokansydän {n} :: artichoke heart (edible base of a globe artichoke)
artisokka {n} :: artichoke, globe artichoke, Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus (cultivar developed from wild artichoke)
artisokka {n} :: artichoke, cardoon, Cynara cardunculus (wild artichoke)
artisokka {n} :: Jerusalem artichoke, Helianthus tuberosus
artisokka {n} [in plural] :: Cynara (taxonomic genus)
artisti {n} :: artist
artistinen {adj} :: artistic
artistisuus {n} :: The quality of being artistic in the sense of "relating to or characteristic of art or artists"
Arto {prop} :: given name
artolatria {n} [Christianity, derogative] :: bread-worship, artolatry
artoteekki {n} :: art rental shop
artralgia {n} [medicine] :: arthralgia
artriitti {n} [pathology] :: arthritis
artrodeesi {n} [medicine, professional terminology] :: synonym of jäykistysleikkaus
artrometri {n} :: An arthrometer
artroosi {n} [pathology] :: osteoarthritis
Arttu {prop} :: given name
Arttur {prop} :: given name
Artturi {prop} :: given name
ärtyä {v} [medicine] :: to get inflamed
ärtyä {v} :: to become irritated, ired
ärtyinen {adj} :: alternative form of ärtyisä
ärtyisä {adj} :: irritable, cranky, grumpy, snappy, grouchy
ärtyisästi {adv} :: tetchily, fretfully, irritably
ärtyisyys {n} :: grumpiness
ärtymä {n} :: A minor inflammation
ärtyminen {n} [medicine] :: getting inflamed
ärtyminen {n} :: becoming irritated or ired
ärtymys {n} :: irritation, vexation
ärtyneisyys {n} :: irritation (state or property of being irritated)
ärtynyt {adj} :: irritated
ärtyvä {adj} :: irritable (capable of being irritated)
ärtyvän suolen oireyhtymä {n} [pathology] :: irritable bowel syndrome, IBS (functional disorder of the large intestine)
ärtyvyys {n} :: irritability: the property of someone being irritable
ärtyvyys {n} [physiology] :: irritability
arubalainen {adj} :: Aruban
arubalainen {n} :: Aruban
arunnauraja {n} :: spangled kookaburra (Dacelo tyro)
arvaamaton {adj} :: unpredictable
arvaamattomampi {adj} :: comparative of arvaamaton
arvaamattomasti {adv} :: unpredictably
arvaamattomuus {n} :: unpredictability
arvaaminen {n} :: guessing
arvaa mitä {phrase} :: guess what
arvailla {vt} :: To guess (repeatedly, continuously and/or indifferently)
arvailu {n} :: act of guessing
arvailu {n} :: guesswork
arvanheitto {n} :: casting lots
arvanitika {n} :: Arvanitika (form of Albanian spoken in Greece)
arvata {vt} :: to guess
arvatenkaan {adv} [with negative] :: I guess, presumably
arvatenkin {adv} :: I guess, presumably
arvattavasti {adv} :: predictably, presumably
arvaus {n} :: a guess
arvauskeskus {n} [slang, derogatory] :: health centre
arvauskilpailu {n} :: guessing game (form of raffle or lottery)
arvausleikki {n} :: guessing game (like those played by children)
arvauttaa {v} :: synonym of arvuuttaa
arveleminen {n} :: supposing, thinking, believing
arveleminen {n} :: speculating
arveleva {adj} :: hesitant
arvelevainen {adj} :: cautious
arvelevasti {adv} :: hesitantly
arvella {vt} :: to suppose, think, believe
arvella {vt} :: to speculate
arvelu {n} :: conjecture
arveluttaa {vt} :: (+ partitive) To look dubious/questionable/suspicious/shady to
arveluttaa {vt} :: (+ partitive) To look unreliable/untrustworthy/undependable
arveluttaminen {n} :: looking dubious, questionable or shady to
arveluttaminen {n} :: looking unreliable or untrustworthy
arveluttava {adj} :: dubious, suspicious, doubtful, questionable
arveluttavasti {adv} :: dubiously, suspiciously, doubtfully
arveluttavuus {n} :: dubiousness, doubtfulness
arvettua {vi} :: To scab
arvettuminen {n} :: scabbing
Arvi {prop} :: given name
ärviä {n} :: watermilfoil (a freshwater plant of the genus Myriophyllum)
ärviä {n} :: (in plural) the genus Myriophyllum
arvio {n} :: estimate, assessment
arviohinta {n} :: estimated value, estimated cost, estimated price
arvioida {vt} :: To estimate, evaluate, determine, judge, rate, assess, appraise
arvioida {vt} :: To grade, mark (accomplishments at school)
arvioija {n} :: critic
arvioiminen {n} :: estimating, evaluating, assessing
arvioiminen {n} :: grading, marking
arvioimisperuste {n} :: criterion for assessment or review
arviointi {n} :: evaluation
arviointi {n} :: review, criticism
arviointi {n} :: valuation
arviointiaineisto {n} :: assessment material
arviointikeskustelu {n} :: assessment meeting, appraisal meeting
arviointikriteeri {n} :: evaluation criteria
arviointimenetelmä {n} :: assessment method
arvioitsija {n} :: alternative form of arvioija
arvioittaa {v} :: to let evaluate or estimate, have estimated or evaluated
arvioittaminen {n} :: having something estimated or evaluated
arvioituttaa {v} :: alternative form of arvioittaa
arviolasku {n} :: estimated bill
arviolta {adv} :: approximately
arvioluku {n} :: estimated figure
arviomääräraha {n} :: an appropriation the value of which is estimated in advance
arvioperuste {n} :: assessment or review criterion
arviosumma {n} :: estimated sum
arvioverotus {n} :: taxation by assessment, assessment taxation
arvo {n} :: value, worth
arvo {n} :: rank, standing, title
arvo {n} :: prestige
Arvo {prop} :: given name
arvoalue {n} :: domain, value domain
arvoarvostelma {n} :: value judgment
arvoasema {n} :: rank, dignity
arvoaste {n} :: rank
arvoasteikko {n} :: scale (of values)
arvoasunto {n} :: luxury property, prestige property (residence)
arvoesine {n} :: valuable, item of value
arvohenkilö {n} :: dignitary
arvoindeksi {n} :: value index
arvoinen {adj} [genitive or possessive suffix +] :: worth
arvoisa {adj} :: honored, esteemed, dear
arvoisuus {n} :: worthiness
arvoituksellinen {adj} :: enigmatic, cryptic, mysterious, puzzling
arvoituksellisesti {adv} :: enigmatically, cryptically, mysteriously, puzzlingly
arvoituksellisuus {n} :: mysteriousness
arvoitus {n} :: riddle, puzzle, enigma (a verbal puzzle or mystery)
arvoitus {n} :: puzzle, enigma (anything that is difficult to understand or make sense of)
arvoitus {n} :: conundrum, brain-teaser (difficult question, puzzle or riddle)
arvoitus {n} :: mystery (someone or something with an obscure or puzzling nature)
arvojärjestelmä {n} :: value system
arvojärjestys {n} :: precedence, hierarchy
arvojohtaminen {n} :: value-based leadership
arvojoukko {n} [mathematics] :: range (set of values a function can obtain)
arvokala {n} :: valuable fish, prized fish
arvokas {adj} :: precious, valuable, invaluable
arvokas {adj} :: expensive, pricey
arvokas {adj} :: dignified
arvokas {adj} :: dear
arvokasvu {n} :: rise in value
arvoketju {n} :: value chain
arvokilpailu {n} [sports, usually, in plural] :: a top-level sports event or competition such as the Olympic Games, World Championship games or national championships in some sports
arvokilpi {n} :: data plate, rating plate
arvokisa {n} [sports, colloquial, usually, in plural] :: a top-level sports event or competition such as the Olympic Games, World Championship games or national championships in some sports
arvokkaampi {adj} :: comparative of arvokas
arvokkaasti {adv} :: preciously, dearly
arvokkaasti {adv} :: with dignity
arvokkuus {n} :: worth
arvokkuus {n} :: dignity
arvokonservatismi {n} [politics] :: social conservatism
arvokortti {n} :: stored value card
arvokortti {n} [card games] :: honor, honour
arvolähetys {n} :: delivery of valuables
arvoleima {n} :: stamp-postmark
arvollinen {adj} :: worthy
arvoluokitus {n} :: classification of values
arvomaailma {n} :: values, value system (the set of values that directs the actions of an individual or a group of individuals)
arvomerkintä {n} [philately] :: denomination (inscribed value of a postage stamp)
arvomerkintäinen {adj} [philately] :: denominated (of postage stamp, displaying an inscribed value)
arvomerkki {n} :: insignia
arvometalli {n} :: precious metal
arvomme {n} :: first-person plural possissive form of arvo
arvonaleneminen {n} :: reduction of value, depreciation
arvonalennus {n} [accounting] :: impairment, write-down, revaluation
arvonalentuminen {n} [accounting] :: impairment, write-down, revaluation
arvonanto {n} :: deference, respect, appreciation
arvonihilismi {n} :: moral nihilism
arvonimi {n} :: honorific (word that conveys esteem or respect when used in addressing or referring to a person)
arvonimi {n} :: title of a person (prefix or suffix added to a person's name to signify veneration, position or qualification)
arvonimistö {n} :: titulature
arvonkorotus {n} :: increase in value, revaluation upwards
arvonlasku {n} :: decrease in value, depreciation
arvonlisä {n} :: value added
arvonlisävero {n} :: A value added tax. In some countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, possibly others) this kind of tax is called goods and services tax
arvonlisäverollinen {adj} :: including VAT
arvonlisäveroton {adj} :: excluding value-added tax, exclusive of value-added tax
arvonlisäys {n} :: value added
arvonmitta {n} :: measure of value
arvonnousu {n} :: appreciation, rise in value
arvonnousuvero {n} :: capital gains tax
arvonsäilytys {n} :: value retaining
arvonta {n} :: lottery
arvonvähennys {n} :: depreciation, decrease in value
arvo-osake {n} :: value stock
arvo-osuus {n} :: book entry
arvo-osuusjärjestelmä {n} :: book-entry system
arvo-osuusrekisteri {n} [finance] :: book-entry register
arvo-osuustili {n} :: book-entry account
arvopaikka {n} :: valuable spot, valuable seat
arvopäivä {n} :: value date
arvopaperi {n} :: security, bond
arvopaperikauppa {n} :: securities trading
arvopaperimarkkinat {n} :: securities market
arvopaperipörssi {n} :: stock exchange
arvopaperisalkku {n} :: securities portfolio
arvopaperistaa {v} :: To securitize
arvopaperistaminen {n} [finance] :: securitization
arvopaperistua {vi} [finance] :: to become securitized
arvopaperistuminen {n} :: becoming securitized
arvopohja {n} :: set of values, basic values
arvoposti {n} :: registered mail
arvopuu {n} :: valuable tree
arvosana {n} :: A grade, score, rating
arvosana-asteikko {n} :: grading scale
arvosidonnainen {adj} :: value-based (based on or related to values or morals)
arvosidonnaisuus {n} :: the quality of being value-based (the quality of being based on or related to values or morals)
arvosija {n} :: valued position
arvossapito {n} :: respect, honor
arvostaa {v} :: To value, appreciate, think much of (to regard highly; to hold in high esteem)
arvostaa {v} :: To value, to prize (to hold dear)
arvostaa {v} :: To appreciate (to view as valuable)
arvostaa {v} :: To venerate (to treat with great respect and deference)
arvostaa {v} :: To revere, to venerate (to regard someone or something with great awe or devotion)
arvostaminen {n} :: valuing, appreciating
arvosteleminen {n} :: reviewing, criticizing, critiquing
arvosteleminen {n} :: evaluating, rating, appraising
arvosteleminen {n} :: attacking, criticizing, disparaging
arvosteleva {adj} :: critical
arvostelevasti {adv} :: critically (in a criticizing manner)
arvostelija {n} :: critic, reviewer
arvostelija {n} :: examiner (person who marks an examination)
arvostella {vt} :: To review, criticise/criticize, critique
arvostella {vt} :: To evaluate, rate, appraise, assess, judge
arvostella {vt} :: To attack, criticize/criticise, disparage, (find) fault (with)
arvostelma {n} :: judgement
arvostelu {n} :: criticism
arvostelu {n} :: The process of giving grades in a learning institution etc
arvostelu {n} :: As a modifier in compound words, critical (relating to literary criticism)
arvosteluasteikko {n} :: grading or review scale
arvostelukyky {n} :: judgment, discretion
arvostelukykyinen {adj} :: judicious, discerning
arvostelukykyisempi {adj} :: comparative of arvostelukykyinen
arvostelukykyisin {adj} :: superlative of arvostelukykyinen
arvostelukyvytön {adj} :: indiscriminate, injudicious, undiscerning, that has poor judgment
arvostelukyvyttömästi {adv} :: indiscriminately, injudiciously, without judgment
arvostelukyvyttömyys {n} :: indiscriminateness, injudiciousness, undiscerningness, having poor judgment
arvostelulautakunta {n} :: review board, jury
arvostelumenestys {n} :: critical success
arvostelunormi {n} :: review or grading norm
arvosteluperuste {n} :: review or grading criterion
arvostelupiste {n} :: rating point (point as given in a rating or review system)
arvostelutuomari {n} :: reviewing judge
arvostettu {adj} :: respected
arvostettu {adj} :: distinguished
arvostettu {adj} :: recognized, recognised
arvostettu {adj} :: valued
arvostettu {adj} :: eminent
arvostetumpi {adj} :: comparative of arvostettu
arvostus {n} :: appreciation (increase in value)
arvotavara {n} [in the plural] :: valuables (personal possessions of relatively great monetary value)
arvotavara {n} :: valuable (item of relatively great monetary value)
arvoteoria {n} [philosophy] :: value theory
arvoteos {n} :: valuable work, valuable piece of art
arvotilaisuus {n} :: formal occasion
arvoton {adj} :: worthless
arvottaa {v} :: to assign value to, appraise
arvottomampi {adj} :: comparative of arvoton
arvottomasti {adv} :: worthlessly
arvottomuus {n} :: worthlessness
arvotulli {n} :: ad valorem duty
arvovalinta {n} :: value judgment
arvovalta {n} :: authority, prestige
arvovaltainen {adj} :: prestigious
arvovaltaisesti {adv} :: prestigiously
arvovaltaisuus {n} :: prestigiousness
arvovaltakysymys {n} :: matter of prestige
arvovaraus {n} :: connotation
arvoväritteinen {adj} :: prejudiced, biased
arvoväritteisesti {adv} :: biasedly, in a prejudiced manner
arvoväritteisyys {n} :: bias, biasedness
arvoväritys {n} :: connotation
arvuuttaa {v} :: to quiz (to make somebody guess, to ask questions to which another person has to guess the right answer, as in a guessing game)
arytmia {n} :: arrhythmia
-as {suffix} :: Forms some adjectives
as {n} [music] :: A-flat
äs {n} :: ess (letter: s)
äs {interj} :: argh (expression of annoyance, anger or frustration)
äsähtää {v} :: to snap (to speak abruptly or sharply)
asap {adv} [office slang] :: As soon as possible, ASAP
asbesti {n} [mineral] :: asbestos
asbestikangas {n} :: asbestos cloth
asbestikeraaminen {adj} :: asbestos-ceramic (of or pertainening to asbestikeramiikka - pottery made with asbestos and clay, found in Finland, Karelia and northern Scandinavia c. 1900 BC – 200 AD)
asbestikeramiikka {n} :: asbestos ceramics (pottery made with asbestos and clay, found in Finland, Karelia and northern Scandinavia c. 1900 BC – 200 AD)
asbestikuitu {n} :: asbestos fiber
asbestilevy {n} :: asbestos sheet
asbestipitoinen {adj} :: containing asbestos
asbestoosi {n} [pathology] :: asbestosis
ascaniusmarakatti {n} [dated] :: synonym of punahäntämarakatti
As-duuri {n} [music] :: A-flat major
ase {n} :: weapon [also figuratively]
ase {n} :: gun
ase {n} :: tool, utensil [colloquial]
aseapu {n} :: military aid (in the form of weapons)
asebutololi {n} [pharmaceutical drug] :: acebutolol
asediasulfoninatrium {n} [pharmacology] :: acediasulfone sodium
aseellinen {adj} :: armed (carried out using weapons)
aseeni {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of ase
aseenkantaja {n} [historical] :: squire, armourbearer (one who carries armour for another)
aseenkantaja {n} :: henchman (loyal supporter)
aseenkanto {n} :: bearing of arms
aseenkantolupa {n} :: firearms license
aseenkanto-oikeus {n} :: right to keep and bear arms
aseenkäsittely {n} :: weapon handling
aseenkäyttö {n} :: use of weapon
aseenne {n} :: second-person plural possissive form of ase
aseesi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of ase
aseeton {adj} :: unarmed
aseettomuus {n} :: The property of being unarmed
aseharjoitus {n} :: synonym of ampumaharjoitus
asehauta {n} :: a grave with buried weapons
asehuone {n} :: church porch; especially in medieval churches of Northern Europe
aseidenriisunta {n} :: disarmament
aseidenriisuntaneuvottelu {n} :: disarmament talks
aseidentuonti {n} :: import of arms
aseidenvienti {n} :: export of arms
-aseinen {adj} :: -armed (with a weapon)
aseistaa {vt} :: to arm, supply with arms
aseistakieltäytyjä {n} :: conscientious objector
aseistakieltäytyminen {n} :: conscientious objection
aseistamaton {adj} :: unarmed
aseistaminen {n} :: arming, supplying with arms
aseistariisuminen {n} :: disarmament
aseistariisunta {n} :: disarmament
aseistautua {vi} :: To arm oneself, supply oneself with arms
aseistautumaton {adj} :: unarmed
aseistautuminen {n} :: arming, acquisition of weapons
aseistautunut {adj} :: armed (meaning that the person has armed him-/herself - compare aseistettu)
aseistettu {adj} :: armed (meaning that someone else has armed the person than the person him-/herself — compare aseistautunut)
aseistus {n} :: armament, weaponry, munition
asejärjestelmä {n} :: weapon system
asekätkentä {n} [historical] :: Weapons Cache Case (a secret and officially unsanctioned military operation following the Continuation War in mid-1940s, where a large amount of Finnish Army weapons and equipment was hidden in caches scattered around the country as a countermeasure for a possible Soviet occupation)
asekauppa {n} :: weapons trade
asekauppa {n} :: gun store
aseklofenaakki {n} [pharmacology] :: aceclofenac
asekoe {n} :: weapon test
asekokoelma {n} :: gun collection
aseksuaali {n} :: asexual person
aseksuaalinen {adj} :: asexual
aseksuaalisuus {n} :: asexuality
asekumppani {n} :: comrade in arms
asekuntoinen {adj} :: able-bodied (fit for military service)
asekuntoisuus {n} :: able-bodiedness (quality of being fit for military service)
aselaji {n} [military] :: military branch, service branch (subdivision of the armed forces, such as navy, air force, artillery, infantry etc.)
aselepo {n} :: truce, armistice
aselepoehdot {n} :: terms of armistice
aselepolinja {n} :: armistice line
aseleponeuvottelu {n} :: armistice talks
aseleposopimus {n} :: armistice agreement
aselupa {n} :: firearms license
asema {n} :: state, position, situation
asema {n} :: status (person’s position or standing relative to that of others)
asema {n} :: station
asema {n} [military] :: post
asema {n} [computing] :: drive
asema-alue {n} :: railway station area (land and structures that belong to a railway station)
asema-arvo {n} :: position value
asema-aukio {n} :: station square (square in front of a railway station)
asemaenergia {n} :: synonym of potentiaalienergia
asemaetu {n} [chess] :: positional advantage
asemakaava {n} :: A city plan or town plan, which shows in detail each lot, positioning of buildings on the lot, traffic areas etc
asemakaava-arkkitehti {n} :: city planning architect
asemakaavaoppi {n} :: urban planning (science)
asemakaavasuunnittelu {n} :: synonym of asemakaavoitus
asemakaavoittaa {v} :: to do urban planning (to design urban areas)
asemakaavoitus {n} :: urban planning (conscious design of towns and cities)
asemalaituri {n} [rail transport] :: platform
asemamaa {n} :: host country, the country in which a diplomat serves
asemapäällikkö {n} :: stationmaster (person in charge of a railroad station)
asemapaikka {n} :: place of employment (such as of diplomats working abroad)
asemapaikka {n} :: a place in which something is stationed
asemapiha {n} :: synonym of ratapiha
asemapiirros {n} :: synonym of asemapiirustus
asemapiirustus {n} [engineering] :: layout (map or drawing of construction site)
asemarakennus {n} :: station building (main building of a passenger railway station)
asemaravintola {n} :: station restaurant (restaurant at a railway station)
asemasilta {n} :: A pedestrian bridge at a railway station, which allows people to safely cross the rails and to access the piers
asemasota {n} :: trench warfare
asemasta {adv} :: synonym of asemesta
asemataso {n} [aviation] :: apron, ramp
asematunnus {n} [broadcasting] :: call sign (of a station)
asematunnus {n} [computing] :: drive letter
asematyyppi {n} [chess] :: position type
asemaväli {n} :: distance between (two) stations
asemavaraus {n} :: station reservation (a location reserved for a possible future station, such as for rail transport)
asemenot {n} :: military expenditure
asemesta {adv} :: instead of, in lieu of, in place of
asemies {n} :: gunman
asemo {n} [grammar, rare] :: A pronoun
asemoida {vt} [marketing] :: to position
asemoida {vt} [design] :: to layout, to design a layout
asemointi {n} :: positioning
asemointi {n} :: imposition
asemosana {n} [grammar, dated] :: pronoun
asenne {n} :: attitude (disposition or state of mind)
asennekasvatus {n} :: attitude education (education, campaign etc. aimed at changing attitudes of individuals or general public)
asennekasvatus {n} :: social engineering (efforts to influence attitudes and social behaviors on a large scale)
asennemittaus {n} :: attitude measurement
asennemuutos {n} :: attitude change
asennoitua {vi} :: To take a stand
asennoituma {n} [rare, nonstandard] :: synonym of asenne
asennoituminen {n} :: stance, attitude, approach
asennus {n} :: installation, installment, setup
asennuslevyke {n} [computing] :: installation disk
asennusohjelma {n} [computing] :: installation program
asennusromppu {n} [computing] :: installation CD-ROM
asennustiedosto {n} [computing] :: installation file
asenokumaroli {n} [pharmacology] :: acenocumarol
asentaa {vt} :: to install
asentaa {vt} :: to set up
asentaja {n} :: mechanic, mounter, assembler, installer, fitter (one who installs, mounts or assembles something)
asentamaton {adj} :: uninstalled
asentaminen {n} :: installing, setting up
asenteellinen {adj} :: prejudiced, biased
asenteellisesti {adv} :: prejudicially, biasedly
asenteellisuus {n} :: bias
asenteenmuutos {n} :: synonym of asennemuutos
-asenteinen {adj} [as modifier in compounds] :: having certain type of attitudes
asento {n} :: A position, posture, pose, stance
asento {n} [military] :: attention (state of alertness in the standing position)
asento {interj} [military] :: Attention! (used as a command to bring soldiers to the attention position)
asentoaisti {n} :: proprioception
asentovirhe {n} :: postural error
asentua {vi} [computing] :: to be installed
asepaja {n} :: weaponsmith's workshop
asepalvelus {n} :: Military service
asepromatsiini {n} [pharmacology] :: acepromazine
aseptiikka {n} :: Protection against infections
aseptinen {adj} :: aseptic
aseptisesti {adv} :: aseptically
aseptisuus {n} :: The property of being aseptic
asepuku {n} :: synonym of sotilaspuku
aserajoitus {n} :: arms restriction
aseriisunta {n} :: disarmament
aseseppä {n} :: weaponsmith
aseseppä {n} :: gunsmith
asessori {n} :: assessor
asessori {n} :: an honorary title of the thirteenth rank granted by the President of Finland
asetaatti {n} [organic chemistry] :: acetate (salt or ester of acetic acid)
asetaatti {n} [colloquially] :: cellulose acetate
asetaattifilmi {n} :: acetate film
asetaattikuitu {n} :: acetate fiber (fiber made of cellulose acetate)
asetakki {n} :: military jacket
asetakki {n} :: military coat
asetaldehydi {n} [organic compound] :: acetaldehyde
asetamidi {n} [chemistry] :: acetamide
asetanta {n} :: setting of goal, course etc
asetarsoli {n} [pharmacology] :: acetarsol
asetatsoliamidi {n} [pharmacology] :: acetazolamide
asete {n} :: bill of exchange, draft
asete {n} [music] :: embouchure
asetehdas {n} :: weapons factory
asetekniikka {n} :: weapon technology
asetekninen {adj} :: of or relating to weapon technology
aseteknologia {n} :: weapon technology
asetella {vt} :: To set (to arrange type)
asetelma {n} :: A still life, as a motif of a painting
asetelma {n} :: An initial setting
asetelma {n} [often, in the plural] :: The situation or position (of several parties concerned, in connection of each other)
asetelmamaalaus {n} :: still life (painting)
aseteollisuus {n} :: weapon industry
asetetikkahappo {n} [organic chemistry] :: acetoacetic acid
asetie {n} :: military channels (means of conveying information in the military chain of command)
asetildenafiili {n} [pharmacology] :: acetildenafil
asetin {n} :: applicator
asetinlaite {n} [rail transport] :: interlocking (arrangement of signal apparatus that prevents conflicting movements through a set of tracks)
asetoetikkahappo {n} [organic chemistry] :: acetoacetic acid
asetofenatsiini {n} [pharmacology] :: acetophenazine
asetofenoli-isatiini {n} [pharmacology] :: acetphenolisatin
asetofenoni {n} [chemistry] :: acetophenone
asetoheksamidi {n} [pharmaceutical drug] :: acetohexamide
asetohydroksamiinihappo {n} [pharmacology] :: acetohydroxamin acid
asetometri {n} :: acetimeter
asetoni {n} :: acetone
asetonidikarboksyylihappo {n} [chemistry] :: acetonedicarboxylic acid
asetoniperoksidi {n} [chemistry] :: acetone peroxide
asetonitauti {n} [veterinary medicine] :: acetonemia
asetonitriili {n} :: acetonitrile
asetoveri {n} :: comrade in arms
asetoveruus {n} :: comradeship-in-arms
asettaa {vt} :: to put, place, set, (move into) position, locate
asettaa {vt} :: to set up, found, institute (usually as an administrative order)
asettaa {vt} :: to arrange, compose, organise/organize, coordinate
asettaa {vt} :: to pacify, appease, calm, quiet (down), soothe, placate
asettaa kyseenalaiseksi {v} :: call into question (to cause to be questioned, to introduce doubt regarding)
asettaja {n} :: setter (one who sets)
asettaja {n} [finance] :: issuer, drawer (of a promissory note; of a cheque or bill of exchange)
asettamaan {v} :: infinitive of asettaa
asettaminen {n} :: putting, setting, imposition
asettamispäivä {n} [finance] :: issuing date (date of making a promissory note)
asettautua {vi} :: To place oneself
asettautuminen {n} :: settling
asettelija {n} :: setter (one who sets)
asettelu {n} :: layout
asettelumalli {n} :: layout template
asetti {n} :: saucer
asettua {vi} :: to take up a position, take a stand/stance
asettua {vi} :: to settle down (to live somewhere)
asettua {vi} [of a person] :: to calm/quiet/simmer/settle down, compose/collect oneself, cool off
asettua {vi} [of weather] :: to abate, subside, dwindle (down), weaken
asettua {vi} [of bleeding] :: to stop (bleeding), coagulate, clot, dry up
asettua asemaan {v} [+ genitive or possessive suffix] :: to put oneself in someone's place, to put oneself in someone's shoes
asettua taloksi {v} :: to settle down in, nest, settle (to settle into a home)
asettua taloksi {v} :: to make oneself at home (to make oneself comfortable as if one were in one's own home)
asettuma {n} [rare, nonstandard] :: synonym of asettuminen
asettuminen {n} :: setting (the process of being set)
asettuminen {n} :: settling down
asetuonti {n} :: arms imports
asetus {n} [legal] :: decree; executive order (regulation that is subordinate to legislative statutes, specifies them or lays down how they are actually implemented)
asetus {n} [European Union law] :: regulation (self-effecting legislative act, which requires no further intervention by the Member States to become law)
asetus {n} :: setting, (pl.) configuration (especially of a computer program)
asetusaika {n} :: setup time
asetusjousi {n} :: a bow-shaped string trap
asetuskokoelma {n} [law, dated] :: synonym of säädöskokoelma
asetuskustannus {n} [usually, in plural] :: installation cost
asetussanat {n} [Christianity] :: words of institution
asetylaatio {n} [organic chemistry] :: acetylation
asetyleeni {n} [organic compound] :: acetylene
asetyleenihitsaus {n} :: oxyacetylene welding
asetyleeniliekki {n} :: oxyacetylene flame
asetyyli {n} [organic compound] :: acetyl
asetyyliasetoni {n} [organic chemistry] :: acetylacetone
asetyylidigitoksiini {n} [pharmacology] :: acetyldigitoxin
asetyylidigoksiini {n} [pharmacology] :: acetyldigoxin
asetyyli-isovaleryyli-tylosiinitartraatti {n} [pharmacology] :: acetylisovaleryltylosine tartrate
asetyylikloridi {n} [organic chemistry] :: acetyl chloride
asetyylikoliini {n} [neurotransmitter] :: acetylcholine
asetyylikoliiniesteraasi {n} [chemistry] :: acetylcholinesterase
asetyylikoliinikloridi {n} [pharmacology] :: acetylcholine chloride
asetyylikoliinireseptori {n} [neuroscience] :: acetylcholine receptor
asetyylikysteiini {n} [pharmacology] :: acetylcysteine
asetyyliryhmä {n} [organic chemistry] :: acetyl group
asetyylisalisyylihappo {n} :: acetylsalicylic acid
asetyyliserotoniini {n} [organic chemistry] :: acetylserotonin
asetyylitransferaasi {n} [enzyme] :: acetyltransferase
asevalvonta {n} :: arms control
asevarasto {n} :: arms storage
asevarikko {n} :: arms depot
asevaruste {n} :: firearm accessory, armament equipment
asevarustelu {n} :: rearmament
asevarustelukierre {n} :: rearmament spiral
asevarustus {n} :: synonym of aseistus
aseveli {n} :: brother-in-arms
asevelihenki {n} :: spirit of brotherhood-in-arms
asevelihinta {n} :: A discount price, reduced price, special price granted to friends, business acquaintances, etc.; mainly Australia and New Zealand: mates' rate
asevelityö {n} :: social work for the benefit of war veterans
aseveljeys {n} :: brotherhood-in-arms
asevelvollinen {n} :: draftee, conscript (one who is drafted into a military service)
asevelvollisuus {n} :: conscription, draft [US], national service
asevelvollisuusaika {n} :: military service time
asevienti {n} :: arms exports
asevoima {n} [chiefly in plural] :: armed forces
asevoimat {n} :: armed forces
asevyö {n} :: gun belt, pistol belt
asfaltoida {vt} :: to pave with asphalt
asfaltoiminen {n} :: paving with asphalt
asfaltointi {n} :: The process of paving
asfaltti {n} :: asphalt concrete
asfalttiasema {n} :: asphalt plant, asphalt mixing plant
asfalttihuopa {n} :: asphalt felt (heavy textile fabric coated with asphalt, used for roofing)
asfaltti-ihottuma {n} [colloquial] :: road rash (injury caused by abrasion with road surfaces)
asfalttijärvi {n} :: tar pit, tarpit
asfalttinen {adj} :: asphaltic
asfalttipäällyste {n} :: asphalt paving
asfalttipäällyste {n} :: asphalt coating
asfalttipäällysteinen {adj} :: asphalt, asphalt-paved, asphalt-coated (paved or coated with asphalt)
asfalttitaltta {n} :: asphalt chisel
asfalttitie {n} :: asphalt road
asfalttiviidakko {n} :: asphalt jungle
asfyksia {n} [pathology] :: asphyxia
Ašgabat {prop} :: Ašgabat (capital)
äsh {interj} :: argh (expression of annoyance, anger or frustration)
ashtangajooga {n} :: alternative spelling of astangajooga
asia {n} :: issue, matter, affair, concern, business, subject, case, thing
asia {n} :: court case
asia {n} [usually, in plural] :: errand
asia-aine {n} [school] :: fact essay
asiaankuulumaton {adj} :: Irrelevant, beside the point, extraneous (to the subject); inappropriate
asiaankuulumaton {adj} :: Inappropriate, inapposite
asiaankuuluva {adj} :: Relevant, pertinent, (having a) bearing (on), concerning, connected (with), tied in (with), applicable, suitable, to the point/purpose
asia erikseen {n} [idiomatic] :: another matter, a different matter
asiahakemisto {n} :: subject index
asiainhoitaja {n} :: chargé d'affaires (diplomat, ranking below an ambassador)
asiaintila {n} :: state of affairs
asiakas {n} :: customer, client
asiakas {n} [computing] :: client
asiakashallinta {n} :: synonym of asiakkuudenhallinta
asiakasjohtaminen {n} :: customer management (systes and processes needed to manage customer relationship)
asiakaskäynti {n} :: customer call (visit to see a customer)
asiakaskeskeinen {adj} :: customer oriented
asiakaskeskeisyys {n} :: customer orientation
asiakaskontakti {n} :: customer contact
asiakaskunta {n} :: clientele, patronage, customer base (customers collectively)
asiakaslähtöinen {adj} :: customer-oriented
asiakaslähtöisyys {n} :: customer orientation
asiakaslehti {n} :: customer magazine
asiakasnumero {n} :: customer number
asiakasohjelma {n} [computing] :: client (program)
asiakaspalvelija {n} :: customer service representative
asiakaspalvelu {n} :: customer service
asiakaspiiri {n} :: synonym of asiakaskunta
asiakasrekisteri {n} :: customer register
asiakassuhde {n} :: customer relationship
asiakastuki {n} :: customer support
asiakastyö {n} :: client work (work done for or with a customer)
asiakastyytyväisyys {n} :: customer satisfaction
asiakasuskollisuus {n} :: customer loyalty
asiakirja {n} :: A document
asiakirjahallinto {n} :: document management
asiakirjakannet {n} :: document covers
asiakirjakokoelma {n} :: collection of documents
asiakirjasalkku {n} :: briefcase
asiakirjatieto {n} :: documentary information
asiakirjavihko {n} :: case file
asiakkuudenhallinta {n} :: customer relationship management, CRM
asiakkuus {n} :: customership
asiakkuusjohtaminen {n} :: synonym of asiakkuudenhallinta
asialinja {n} [politics] :: pragmatic line
asialista {n} :: agenda
asiallinen {adj} :: matter-of-fact, proper, appropriate, businesslike
asiallisesti {adv} :: properly, appropriately
asiallisuus {n} :: relevance
asiamies {n} :: An agent (one who acts for, or in the place of, another, by authority from him)
asianajaja {n} [legal] :: barrister (lawyer with the right to speak and argue as an advocate in court)
asianajaja {n} :: advocate (person who argues the case of another, such as a lawyer in a court)
asianajajan salassapitovelvollisuus {n} [legal] :: attorney-client privilege, legal professional privilege, solicitor-client privilege (legal doctrine that protects certain confidential communications between a lawyer and his or her clients)
asianajo {n} :: advocacy
asianajopalkkio {n} [usually, in plural] :: lawyers' fee, attorneys' fee, counsels' fee
asianajotoimi {n} :: practicing of law, advocacy
asianajotoimisto {n} :: law firm, in which at least one of the lawyers is an asianajaja (type of certified lawyer, see the corresponding entry)
asianajovaltakirja {n} :: power of attorney, solicitorship
asianhaara {n} [legal] :: circumstance (circumlocution; detail)
asianhallinta {n} :: case management
asianharrastaja {n} :: enthusiast (of some topic or subject)
asianharrastus {n} :: hobby, enthusiasm
asiani {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of asia
asianlaita {n} :: state of affairs
asianmukainen {adj} :: appropriate, suitable (fitting to the situation or problem)
asianmukaisesti {adv} :: appropriately, adequately, suitably
asianmukaisuus {n} :: appropriateness, suitability
asianomainen {adj} :: relevant, concerned, proper; may in some instances also be translated using the definite article the
asianomistaja {n} [legal] :: Injured party (complainant in a crime case)
asianomistajarikos {n} [law] :: offence prosecuted on complaint, Antragsdelikt
asianosainen {n} [law] :: A party (natural or legal person constituting a particular side in a legal action)
asiantila {n} :: state of affairs, case
asiantuntematon {adj} :: uninformed, unqualified, unprofessional, ignorant
asiantuntemattomuus {n} :: uninformedness, unqualifiedness, unprofessionalness, ignorance
asiantuntemus {n} :: expertise (great knowledge in a particular field or hobby)
asiantunteva {adj} :: adept, expert
asiantuntevasti {adv} :: expertly, adeptly
asiantuntija {n} :: expert, adept
asiantuntija-apu {n} :: expert assistance
asiantuntija-arviointi {n} :: expert's assessment, examination or valuation
asiantuntijajärjestelmä {n} :: expert system
asiantuntijajäsen {n} :: expert member (non-voting member in a committee, board etc., invited to participte in the meetings for their expertise)
asiantuntijajäsenyys {n} :: expert membership (quality of being an expert member, see asiantuntijajäsen)
asiantuntijalausunto {n} :: expert opinion, expert judgement
asiantuntijanapu {n} :: alternative form of asiantuntija-apu
asiantuntijanlausunto {n} :: expert's report, expert's opinion, expert judgment
asiantuntijatodistaja {n} [legal] :: expert witness
asiantuntijavaihto {n} :: exchange of experts
asian vierestä {adv} [idiomatic] :: off the mark, out of context, beside the point, moot (not correct or appropriate)
asiaohjelma {n} :: documentary, information program, fact program
asiapainotteinen {adj} :: synonym of asiapitoinen
asiapainotteisuus {n} :: synonym of asiapitoisuus
asiapaperi {n} :: document (original or official paper)
asiapitoinen {adj} :: informative, factual (of presentation, article etc.: containing factual information)
asiapitoisuus {n} :: informativeness, factualness
asiaproosa {n} :: factual prose, nonfictional prose
asiarekisteri {n} :: case register
asiasana {n} [information science] :: index term, descriptor, subject term, subject heading (term that captures the essence of the topic of a document, used as keyword to retrieve documents in an information system, for instance a catalog or a search engine)
asiasanasto {n} :: glossary (list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms)
asiasisällys {n} :: synonym of asiasisältö
asiasisältö {n} :: subject matter (matter or thought presented for consideration in some statement or discussion)
asiasuomi {n} :: formal Finnish, proper Finnish
asiateksti {n} :: pragmatic text, non-fiction text
asiatieto {n} :: factual information
asiaton {adj} :: inappropriate
asiaton {adj} [of people] :: unauthorised
asiattomasti {adv} :: inappropriately
asiattomuus {n} :: inappropriateness
asiatyyli {n} :: formal style (of writing)
asiatyylinen {adj} :: written in formal style
asiavirhe {n} :: error of fact, material error
asiayhteys {n} :: context
asidifikaatio {n} :: synonym of happamoituminen
asidofiili {n} :: acidophile (organism that lives and thrives under acidic conditions)
asidofiili {n} :: acidophil, eosinophil (type of white blood cell)
asidofiilinen {adj} [biology] :: acidophilic
asidofilus {n} :: acidophilus (Lactobacillus acidophilus)
asidofiluspiimä {n} [dairy products] :: asidofilus cultured milk
asidoosi {n} [pathology] :: acidosis
Asikainen {prop} :: surname
Asikkala {prop} :: Asikkala (municipality)
asikkalainen {adj} :: alternative form of asikkalalainen
asikkalainen {n} :: alternative form of asikkalalainen
asikkalalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Asikkala
asikkalalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Asikkala
asikloviiri {n} [pharmaceutical drug] :: aciclovir
asioida {vi} :: To transact/do business
asioida {vi} :: To act as agent/on commission
asioida {vi} :: To take care of pressing matters, run errands, be busy
asioiminen {n} :: dealing, doing business
asioimiskirjoitus {n} :: documenting (as an exercise in business education)
asioimisliike {n} [law] :: agency (establishment engaged in doing business for another)
asioimistoimisto {n} :: agency, office
asiointi {n} :: running errands
asiointikieli {n} :: language of communication
asja {n} [dialectal] :: thing, matter, subject
Askainen {prop} :: A former municipality in Southwestern Finland, now part of Masku
Askanios {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Ascanius (son of the Trojan hero Aeneas)
askar {n} :: alternative form of askare
askare {n} :: a chore (daily routine task), normally used in plural (askaret or askareet)
askaroida {v} :: to busy oneself (to keep busy with)
askarointi {n} :: busying
askarrella {vi} :: to do chores
askarrella {vt} :: to craft, to make handicrafts (to produce something by hand as hobby)
askarruttaa {v} :: to puzzle, perplex
askarruttaa {v} :: to preoccupy, occupy
askarteleminen {n} :: doing chores
askarteleminen {n} :: crafting, making handicrafts
askartelija {n} :: hobbyist
askartelu {n} :: handicraft (activity of making things with one's hands and simple tools)
askarteluhoito {n} :: synonym of askarteluterapia
askarteluhuone {n} :: crafts room
askartelukerho {n} :: craft club
askartelukirja {n} :: (children's) activity book, craft book
askartelunohjaaja {n} :: craft instructor
askartelupaperi {n} :: construction paper
askarteluterapeutti {n} :: craft therapist
askarteluterapia {n} :: craft therapy
askartelutila {n} :: craft room, craft workshop
askarteluttaa {v} :: to do crafts with someone, giving ideas and instructing if needed
askeesi {n} :: asceticism
askeetti {n} :: An ascetic
askeettinen {adj} :: ascetic
askeettisesti {adv} :: ascetically
askeettisuus {n} :: asceticism, austerity
äskeinen {adj} :: recent
äskeinen {adj} :: previous
askel {n} :: step, pace (advance or movement made from one foot to the other)
askel {n} :: step, pace (distance covered in a step)
askel {n} :: step (small space or distance)
askel {n} :: step (proceeding; measure; action; act)
askel {n} :: step (music: interval between two contiguous degrees of the scale)
askel {n} :: step (kinematics: change of position effected by a motion of translation)
askele {n} [uncommon] :: alternative form of askel
askelfunktio {n} [mathematics] :: step function
askelittain {adv} :: stepwise, step by step
askelittainen {adj} :: stepwise (proceeding one step at a time)
askellaji {n} :: gait (horse's way of moving)
askellin {n} :: stepper (fitness training machine)
askellus {n} :: gait
askelluslaite {n} :: stepper (fitness training machine)
askelma {n} :: step (of stairs)
askelma {n} :: rung (of ladder)
askelmerkki {n} [athletics] :: check mark, mark, marker (in long jump, javelin and similar events, little mark alongside the runway which helps the athlete to determine the ideal spot for starting their performance)
askelmitta {n} :: footstep, pace (length of footstep as measure)
askelmittain {adv} :: synonym of askelittain
askelmittari {n} :: A pedometer
askelmoottori {n} :: A stepping motor
askelmuutos {n} :: A step change
askelpalautin {n} :: backspace (typewriter key)
askelpalautin {n} [computing] :: backspace (computer key)
askelpari {n} :: pace (distance covered by taking two steps)
askelrikkomus {n} [basketball] :: traveling (violation committed by progressing while holding the ball instead of dribbling it)
askelrytmi {n} :: step rhythm, pace rhythm
askelsarja {n} [figure skating] :: step sequence
askeltaa {v} :: To step
askeltaminen {n} :: stepping
askelvaimennin {n} [electronics] :: stepped attenuator
askelväli {n} :: step interval, step spacing
askelvaste {n} [signal processing, engineering] :: step response
askelvirhe {n} [basketball, dated] :: synonym of askelrikkomus
äsken {adv} :: just now, a while/moment ago
aškenasi {n} :: Ashkenazi, Ashkenazi Jew (person)
aškenasijuutalainen {n} :: Ashkenazi, Ashkenazi Jew (person)
äskenmainittu {adj} :: just mentioned
asketismi {n} :: asceticism
äskettäin {adv} :: recently, the other day
äskettäinen {adj} :: recent
aski {n} :: A small box, case or carton
askiitti {n} [medicine] :: ascites
askites {n} [pathology] :: ascites
Asklepios {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Asclepius (Greek god of doctors)
Asko {prop} :: given name
Askola {prop} :: Askola (municipality)
askolalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Askola
askolalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Askola
askorbaatti {n} [chemistry] :: ascorbate
askorbiini {n} [rare, chiefly in package labels] :: clipping of askorbiinihappo
askorbiinihappo {n} [organic chemistry] :: ascorbic acid
Aslak {prop} :: given name mainly used in Lapland
Asmara {prop} :: Asmara (capital city)
Asmo {prop} :: given name
as-molli {n} [music] :: A-flat minor
Ašoka {prop} :: Ashoka (ancient emperor who governed most of the Indian subcontinent)
Ašoka {prop} :: Ashoka (charioteer of Bhima in Mahabharata)
asosiaalinen {adj} :: asocial
asosiaalisesti {adv} :: asocially
asosiaalisuus {n} :: The property of being asocial
aspa {n} [colloquial] :: customer service (department)
asparagiini {n} [amino acid] :: asparagine
asparagiinihappo {n} [amino acid] ::  aspartic acid
aspartaami {n} [organic compound] :: aspartame
aspartaatti {n} [organic chemistry] :: aspartate
aspartaattiaminotransferaasi {n} [enzyme] :: aspartate transaminase
aspartyyliglukosaminuria {n} [pathology] :: aspartylglucosaminuria (rare enzymatic disorder)
aspekti {n} :: aspect
aspergeri {n} :: Aspergian, Aspergerian, Aspergic (someone with Asperger's syndrome)
aspergerilainen {adj} :: Aspergian, Aspergerian, Aspergic (of, related to, or having qualities similar to those of Asperger's syndrome)
Aspergerin oireyhtymä {n} [neurology] :: Asperger's syndrome
aspergilloosi {n} [medicine] :: aspergillosis
aspi {n} :: staple, hasp (a U-shaped metal fastener)
aspiraatio {n} [phonetics, medicine] :: aspiration
aspirantti {n} [archaic] :: synonym of kokelas
aspirantuuri {n} [archaic] :: synonym of harjoittelupaikka (trainee position, especially for someone studying in a university or for a recent graduate)
aspiriini {n} :: aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid
aspiriini {n} :: aspirin (pill containing acetylsalicylic acid)
aspiroida {v} :: to aspirate (to remove a fluid by means of suction, especially from a cavity in a clinical operation)
aspiroida {v} :: to aspirate (to inhale so as to draw something other than air into one's lungs)
aspiroida {v} [linguistics] :: to aspirate (to produce an audible puff of breath. especially following a consonant)
aspiskäärme {n} :: synonym of egyptinkobra
aspiskyy {n} :: asp, asp viper, European asp, Vipera aspis (South European venomous snake)
ässä {n} :: ess (the letter "s")
ässä {n} :: ace (highest-value card in an ordinary pack of playing cards)
ässä {n} :: ace (peak performer, as in "fighter ace" etc.)
Assam {prop} :: Assam (state)
assami {n} :: Assamese (language)
assamilainen {n} :: Assamese (person)
assamilainen {adj} :: Assamese (of or pertaining to Assam)
assaminmakaki {n} :: Assam macaque, Macaca assamensis
ässänväärä {n} [regional] :: A more or less elaborated S-shaped decorative pattern used e.g. in traditional knitting works of the province of Pohjanmaa
ässävika {n} [colloquial] :: lisp (mispronunciation of the sound 's')
assemblaasi {n} [art] :: assemblage (visual art form)
assemblaasi {n} :: assemblage (work of art made with this technique)
assembler-kieli {n} [computing] :: synonym of assembly-kieli
assembly-kieli {n} [computing] :: assembly language, assembly, assembler (type of programming language)
Asser {prop} :: Asher [biblical character]
Asser {prop} :: given name
Asseri {prop} :: given name
assertiivinen {adj} [psychology] :: assertive
assertiivisuus {n} [psychology] :: assertiveness
assi {n} :: as (Roman coin)
assi {n} :: as (unit of measure for weight, around 48-58 milligrams)
assi {n} [colloquial] :: aspie
assimilaatio {n} :: assimilation
assimiloida {vt} :: To assimilate
assimiloiminen {n} :: assimilating
assimilointi {n} :: assimilation
assimiloitua {vi} :: To be(come) assimilated
assimiloituminen {n} :: assimilation (the process of being assimilated)
assistentti {n} :: assistant
assistentuuri {n} :: assistantship (position)
assonanssi {n} :: assonance
assortatiivinen {adj} [biology] :: assortative
assosiaatio {n} :: association (connection in the mind or imagination)
assosiaatiolaki {n} [mathematics] :: associative law
assosiaatiosääntö {n} :: association rule
assosiatiivinen {adj} [mathematics] :: associative
assosiatiivisuus {n} :: associativity
assosiatiivisuus {n} [math] :: associative property
assosioida {vt} :: To associate with
assosiointi {n} :: associating, association
assosioitua {vi} :: To be associated with
assosioituma {n} :: synonym of assosiaatio
assosioituminen {n} :: association (the process of being associated)
Assyria {prop} :: Assyria (Semitic Accadian kingdom)
assyrialainen {adj} :: Assyrian
assyrialainen {n} :: an Assyrian
assyriologi {n} :: Assyriologist
assyriologia {n} :: Assyriology
assyriologinen {adj} :: Assyriological
Asta {prop} :: given name
astaatti {n} :: astatine
astabiili {adj} [electronics] :: unstable
astahtaa {v} :: To step
astaksantiini {n} [organic compound] :: astaxanthin
astalo {n} [legal] :: an item that is not designed as a weapon, but is used temporarily as a weapon for some reason, ex. a hammer used to murder someone
astanga {n} :: synonym of astangajooga
astangajooga {n} :: ashtanga (any of several styles of yoga)
A:sta Ö:hön {phrase} :: from A to Z
astatiini {n} :: astatine
aste {n} :: grade
aste {n} :: degree
aste {n} [everyday usage] :: degree, degree Celsius (short for celsiusaste)
aste {n} :: order
aste {n} [linear algebra] :: rank
asteekki {n} :: alternative form of atsteekki
asteenikko {n} :: An asthenic person
asteeninen {adj} :: asthenic
aste-ero {n} :: difference in degree
asteikko {n} :: scale (ordered numerical sequence used for measurement)
-asteikkoinen {adj} :: provided with a given type of scale
asteikkolevy {n} :: dial plate (background plate behind a dial, showing the measured values which the position of the dial indicates)
asteikollinen {adj} :: with scale (equipped with a scale)
-asteinen {adj} :: degree (used only in compounds)
asteittain {adv} :: by degrees (in small steps)
asteittain {adv} :: gradually
asteittainen {adj} :: gradual
asteittaisesti {adv} :: gradually
asteittaisuus {n} :: gradualness
astejako {n} :: synonym of astejaotus
astejaotus {n} :: degree scale
astekulma {n} :: angle ruler
astelevy {n} :: A protractor
astella {v} :: to pace around, pace about
astelu {n} :: stepping, pacing
asteluku {n} [mathematics] :: degree of a polynomial
asteluku {n} [geometry] :: angle in degrees
asteluku {n} [graph theory] :: degree of a vertex
astemitta {n} :: protractor
astenia {n} [medicine] :: asthenia
astenosfääri {n} :: asthenosphere
astenospermia {n} [pathology] :: asthenospermia
asteri {n} :: aster (a plant of the genus Aster)
asterikasvi {n} [plant] :: aster (plant of the taxonomic family Asteraceae, formerly known as Compositae)
asterikasvi {n} [plant, in plural] :: Asteraceae (taxonomic family of plants, commonly known in English also as aster, daisy or sunflower family)
asteriski {n} :: asterisk (symbol *)
asterismi {n} [astronomy] :: asterism (group of stars that forms a visible pattern but is not an official constellation)
asterismi {n} [mineralogy] :: asterism (star-shaped figure exhibited by some crystals)
asterismi {n} [typography] :: asterism (rarely used symbol consisting of three asterisks placed in a triangle (⁂))
asteroidi {n} [astronomy] :: asteroid
asteroidi {n} [geometry] :: astroid
asteroidivyöhyke {n} [astronomy] :: asteroid belt
astevaihtelu {n} [phonetics] :: consonant gradation (type of apophony or mutation of consonants found in Finnic languages)
astevaihtelullinen {adj} :: that undergoes consonant gradation
astevaihteluton {adj} :: that does not undergo consonant gradation
asteverkko {n} :: geographic grid
asti {postp} :: (distance) up to, all the way to
asti {postp} :: (temporally) until
asti {postp} :: (distance) all the way from
asti {postp} :: (temporally) since
astia {n} :: container, vessel, receptacle (item in which objects or materials can be stored or transported)
astia {n} :: dish (vessel such as a plate for holding or serving food)
astia {n} :: bin (container used for storage)
astiahuilu {n} [music] :: vessel flute
astiahylly {n} :: dish shelf (shelf for storing dishware)
astiakaappi {n} :: cupboard (cabinet or closet for storing cookwear or dishwear)
astiakori {n} :: basket (basket onto which dishes are placed in a dishwasher)
astiallinen {adj} :: Having a dish
astiallinen {n} :: The amount contained by a dish (plate, cup, etc.)
astiamitta {n} :: A standardized vessel or container used to measure the quantity of wet or dry goods
astiankuivauskaappi {n} :: dish draining closet (cupboard design that allows the washed dishes to dry by themselves without needing to wipe them dry)
astiankuivausteline {n} :: dish drainer rack
astian maku {n} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: something foul
astianpesijä {n} :: dishwasher (person)
astianpesu {n} :: dishwashing
astianpesuaine {n} :: dishwashing detergent
astianpesuharja {n} :: dishwashing brush
astianpesukone {n} :: dishwasher (machine for washing dishes)
astianpesupöytä {n} :: draining board, drainboard
astianpesuvesi {n} :: dishwater
astiapyyhe {n} :: kitchen towel, dish towel (towel for wiping dishes)
astiasto {n} :: service (set of dishes or utensils)
astiasto {n} :: tableware
astiataimi {n} :: container seedling (seedling supplied in a container, as opposed to bareroot seedlings)
astiatina {n} :: pewter
astin {n} :: A step (of stairs)
astin {n} :: A rung or stave (of a ladder)
astinlauta {n} :: running board (narrow board serving as a step beneath the doors of some cars)
astinlauta {n} :: stepping stone (something used as a way to progress to something or somewhere)
astioittain {adv} :: by the container (using container as unit)
astma {n} [pathology] :: The chronic respiratory disease Asthma
astmaatikko {n} :: An asthmatic person
astmaattinen {adj} :: asthmatic
astmainen {adj} :: asthmatic
astmakohtaus {n} :: asthma attack
astmalääke {n} [medicine] :: asthma drug
astraalinen {adj} :: astral
astraaliruumis {n} [parapsychology] :: astral body, subtle body
Astrahan {prop} :: Astrakhan (Russian city)
astrakaani {n} :: astrakhan (fleece)
astrakaani {n} :: astrakhan (cloth)
astrakaaniturkki {n} :: astrakhan fur coat (fur coat made of astrakhan)
astro- {prefix} :: astro-
astrobiologia {n} :: astrobiology
astrofobia {n} :: astrophobia
astrofysiikka {n} :: astrophysics
astrofyysikko {n} :: astrophysicist
astrogeologia {n} [astronomy, geology] :: astrogeology
astrokemia {n} :: astrochemistry
astrolabi {n} :: astrolabe (astronomical and navigational instrument)
astrologi {n} :: astrologist
astrologia {n} :: astrology
astrologinen {adj} :: astrological
astrologisesti {adv} :: astrologically
astrometria {n} [astronomy] :: astrometry
astronautiikka {n} :: astronautics
astronautti {n} :: An astronaut
astronomi {n} :: astronomer
astronomia {n} :: astronomy
astronominen {adj} :: astronomical
astronominen hämärä {n} [astronomy] :: astronomical twilight
astronominen yksikkö {n} [astronomy] :: astronomical unit
astronomisesti {adv} :: astronomically
astrosytooma {n} [medicine] :: astrocytoma
astrosyytti {n} [biology] :: astrocyte
astua {vi} :: to step on, tread on, pace, stride
astua {v} [+ illative/allative] :: to enter
astua {vt} [agriculture] :: to mount, serve, breed, cover, sire
astua jalallaan {v} [idiomatic, + illative] :: to set foot (in)
astua jonkun varpaille {v} [idiomatic] :: to step on someone's toes
astua virkaan {v} :: to take office, come into office
astuja {n} :: One who or which steps
astumajalka {n} [zoology] :: walking foot (bird's foot form best adapted for walking: it has three separate toes forward and one backward, the backward toe being atrophic and slightly higher than the forward toes)
astuminen {n} :: stepping (the action of stepping)
astunta {n} :: gait
asturia {n} :: Asturian (Ibero-Romance language)
astuskella {v} :: to pace around slowly and leisurely
astuttaa {vt} [agriculture] :: To have (an animal) mounted/served/bred (by another animal), to make (an animal = allative) serve/mount/breed (another animal)
astuttaminen {n} :: having an animal mounted, served or bred
astutus {n} [agriculture, breeding] :: service
asu {n} :: attire, dress, suit, raiment
asu {n} :: form, figure, shape, build, structure
asu {n} :: appearance, looks
asu {n} :: package, packaging (in advertising)
asu {n} :: wording, phrasing, discursive form
asua {vi} :: To live, reside
asuin- {prefix} :: residential
asuinalue {n} :: residential area
asuinalue {n} :: neighbourhood
-asuinen {suffix} :: dressed
asuinhuone {n} [construction, law] :: room (room intended for living incl. bedroom, living room, dining room, library, kitchen etc. but not e.g. storage, garage, attic, bathroom, hall)
asuinhuoneisto {n} [construction, law] :: apartment, flat
asuinkaveri {n} :: roommate (a person with whom one shares a room, such as at university)
asuinkeittiö {n} :: a kitchen also used as a living space
asuinkelpoinen {adj} :: habitable
asuinkerrostalo {n} :: apartment building, apartment block, block of flats (residential building containing multiple apartments or flats)
asuinkumppani {n} :: synonym of asuintoveri
asuinkunta {n} :: municipality of residence (municipality in which one is domiciled)
asuinmaa {n} :: country of residence
asuinolot {n} [plural only] :: housing conditions
asuinpaikka {n} :: residence, place of residence, habitation, homestead (place where one lives)
asuinpaikkakunta {n} :: locality of residence
asuinpaikkalöytö {n} :: discovery of a home or residence, usually an ancient one
asuinpainanne {n} :: a ground depression or lower ground caused by long-term human inhabitation
asuinpinta-ala {n} [construction, law] :: living area (in an apartment or house, total area of those rooms that are intended for living in, see asuinhuone)
asuinrakennus {n} :: residential building
asuinsija {n} [usually in plural] :: synonym of asuinpaikka
asuintalo {n} :: building of residence
asuintoveri {n} :: flatmate, housemate, roommate (someone with whom one shares a residence of any sort)
asuinvaltio {n} :: state or country of residence
asuinyhteisö {n} :: living community
asuinympäristö {n} :: living environment
asuja {n} :: dweller, inhabitant, denizen
asujaimisto {n} :: population
asujain {n} [rare] :: denizen (inhabitant of a place; one who dwells in)
asukas {n} :: resident, inhabitant
asukasdemokratia {n} :: tenant democracy (representative system that enables participation of tenants in the management of the landlord organizations)
asukasluettelo {n} :: list of tenants, list of residents
asukasluku {n} :: A population, as the count of the number of residents in a given area
asukasmäärä {n} :: population (number of residents within a political or geographical boundary)
asukasneuvosto {n} :: residents' council, citizens' council
asukaspuisto {n} :: residential park
asukaspysäköinti {n} :: resident parking (arrangement that grants preferential parking to the residents of an area in that area)
asukaspysäköintitunnus {n} :: resident parking permit, resident's parking permit
asukastiheys {n} :: population density
asukastoimikunta {n} :: residents' committee
asukasyhdistys {n} :: residents' association
asukki {n} :: dweller, denizen, inhabitant, often an unwanted or temporary one
asukokonaisuus {n} :: outfit, suit, ensemble
asuma-alue {n} :: residential area
asumajäte {n} :: synonym of asumisjäte
asumalähiö {n} :: residential suburb
asumaton {adj} :: uninhabited
asuminen {n} :: living, residing
asumisedellytys {n} :: residence requirement
asumisjäte {n} :: household waste, domestic waste (waste generated by households)
asumiskelpoinen {adj} :: inhabitable, habitable
asumiskelvoton {adj} :: uninhabitable
asumiskustannukset {n} :: housing costs
asumislisä {n} :: residence allowance
asumisoikeus {n} :: right of residence
asumisoikeusasunto {n} :: housing cooperative
asumisoikeusmaksu {n} :: housing fee (in a housing cooperative)
asumisoikeusyhdistys {n} :: housing corporation, housing cooperative organization
asumispolitiikka {n} :: housing policy
asumistaso {n} :: housing standards, living standards
asumistiheys {n} :: A measure of crowding of residenctial space, expressed as the number of dwellers per living space (e.g. sq.ft or sq.m) or per room
asumistuki {n} :: housing allowance, housing assistance, housing supplement, shelter allowance (form of social security, paid to qualifying low income tenants to support them in their reasonable housing costs, normally consisting of rent)
asumistukijärjestelmä {n} :: housing benefit system
asumisväljyys {n} :: density standard, living space
asumus {n} :: dwelling
asumus {n} [Bible] :: tabernacle (in 1933 translation of the Bible, the portable tent used by the Jewish before the construction of the temple of Jeusalem)
asumusero {n} [dated] :: clipping of vuode- ja asumusero
asumusero {n} :: separation, marital separation (agreement terminating a relationship between husband and wife, but short of a divorce)
asunnonhaltija {n} :: landlord, householder (legal owner of a residence)
asunnontarvitsija {n} :: person who is looking for or needs a residence
asunnontarvitsijaryhmä {n} :: group of people looking for a residence
asunnonvälittäjä {n} :: housing agent, real estate agent
asunnonvälitys {n} :: real estate work, housing services collectively
asunnoton {adj} :: homeless
asunnoton {n} :: a homeless person
asunnottomien asuntola {n} :: homeless shelter (building set up to provide for the needs of homeless people)
asunnottomuus {n} :: homelessness
asunto {n} :: home, apartment, flat, housing unit, dwelling unit, unit, residence
asuntoalue {n} :: residential area
asuntoalus {n} :: houseboat (vessel, such as a barge, used as a dwelling)
asuntoauto {n} :: synonym of matkailuauto
asuntoetu {n} :: employee housing benefit
asuntohotelli {n} :: aparthotel
asuntokanta {n} :: housing stock
asuntokauppa {n} :: housing deal, housing transaction (instance of buying or selling an apartment)
asuntokauppalaki {n} [legal] :: Housing Transactions Act (official translation of the Finnish asuntokauppalaki; decree nr. 1994/843)
asuntokunta {n} :: household-dwelling unit
asuntola {n} :: dormitory, dorm (building with communal spaces for housing students, homeless, rehabilitation etc.)
asuntola {n} :: hall of residence (building for university students to live in)
asuntola {n} :: boarding house (boarding school building where students live during term)
asuntolaina {n} :: mortgage, home loan (loan taken to finance purchasing of residential property, in which the property acts as collateral to the loan)
asuntolaiva {n} :: A large houseboat, especially one that houses more than one household
asuntoluotto {n} :: mortgage (mortgage for buying a residence)
asuntomarkkina {n} [often in plural] :: housing market
asuntomessut {n} :: housing fair (A trade fair with main focus on residential construction and home decoration)
asuntomurtaja {n} :: housebreaker (criminal who breaks into and enters another's house with the intent of committing a crime)
asuntomurto {n} [crime] :: house break-in
asuntonäyttely {n} :: housing exhibition
asunto-oikeus {n} :: domicile law
asunto-olot {n} :: synonym of asuinolot
asunto-osake {n} :: share in a condominium, strata title
asunto-osakeyhtiö {n} [legal] :: condominium (legal entity for ownership and management of a residential building in which each unit is owned by an individual but the grounds, structure etc. are owned jointly)
asunto-osakeyhtiölaki {n} [legal] :: Limited Liability Housing Companies Act (official translation of the Finnish asunto-osakeyhtiölaki; decree nr. 2009/1599)
asunto-osoite {n} :: residential address
asunto-osuuskunta {n} :: housing cooperative
asuntoperävaunu {n} :: synonym of asuntovaunu
asuntopoliittinen {adj} :: pertaining to housing policy
asuntopolitiikka {n} :: housing policy
asuntopula {n} :: housing shortage
asuntorakentaminen {n} :: residential construction (industry, activity, branch)
asuntosäästäjä {n} :: home saver (one who saves money for buying a home)
asuntosäästäminen {n} :: The act or process of saving for buying a home
asuntotiheys {n} :: residential density, housing density (number of dwelllings per unit of land area)
asuntotoimi {n} :: housing department (branch of municipal department that manages public housing)
asuntotontti {n} :: residential lot
asuntotuotanto {n} :: residential construction (the total amount of residential construction in a given area within a given period of time)
asuntovaunu {n} :: camper, travel trailer [US], caravan [UK] (trailer for temporary living)
asuntovelka {n} :: home mortgage (mortgage taken for acquiring a home)
asuntovene {n} :: houseboat
asuroolipeli {n} [rare] :: synonym of larppi
asustaa {vi} :: to dwell, reside
asustaminen {n} :: dwelling, residing
asuste {n} :: accessory (article that completes one's basic outfit, such as a scarf or gloves)
asusteliike {n} :: accessory shop
asustella {v} :: to live (to inhabit or reside - impermanently and/or in a reclusive manner)
asuttaa {vt} :: to inhabit, people, populate, settle, colonise/colonize
asuttaa {vt} :: to (re)locate (make someone live/reside somewhere)
asuttaja {n} :: settler, colonizer
asuttaminen {n} :: settlement, colonization
asuttava {adj} :: habitable
asuttu {adj} :: inhabited (having inhabitants; lived in)
asutus {n} :: settlement
asutusalue {n} :: settlement area
asutushistoria {n} :: settlement history
asutushistoriallinen {adj} :: settlement historical
asutuskeskus {n} :: center of population
asutuskeskustaistelu {n} :: urban combat
asutusmaantiede {n} :: settlement geography (branch of geography that investigates the earth's surface's part settled by humans)
asutusmuoto {n} :: type of settlement
asutusnimi {n} :: name of a settlement
asutuspolitiikka {n} :: settlement policy
asutusrakenne {n} :: settlement structure (quantitative and qualitative pattern of distribution of housing, places of work, and infrastructure within a certain area)
asutustila {n} [historical] :: resettlement plot (after WWII, piece of land handed over to a resettler coming from the territory that Finland ceded to the Soviet Union)
asutustilallinen {n} [historical] :: resettler (in post-WWII period, owner-occupant of an asutustila, or resettlement plot)
asutustoiminta {n} [historical] :: resettlement program (program for resettling elsewhere in Finland the population of the territories which were ceded to the Soviet Union after WWII)
asuuri {adj} :: azure (having that colour)
asuuri {n} :: azure (colour)
asuurinsininen {adj} :: azure
asvaltoida {v} :: alternative form of asfaltoida
asvaltointi {n} :: alternative form of asfaltointi
asvaltti {n} :: alternative spelling of asfaltti
asvaltti-ihottuma {n} :: alternative form of asfaltti-ihottuma
asvalttinen {adj} :: alternative form of asfalttinen
asvalttitaltta {n} :: asphalt chisel
asyklinen {adj} :: acyclic
asymmetria {n} :: asymmetry
asymmetrinen {adj} :: asymmetric
asymmetrisesti {adv} :: asymmetrically
asymmetrisyys {n} :: asymmetricalness
asymptootti {n} [mathematics] :: asymptote
asymptoottinen {adj} :: asymptotic
asyndeettinen {adj} [grammar] :: asyndetic (not connected by a conjunction)
asyndeettisesti {adv} [grammar] :: asyndetically
asyndeettisyys {n} :: The quality of being asyndetic
asynkroninen {adj} :: asynchronous
asyyli {n} [organic chemistry] :: acyl
asyylioikeus {n} :: synonym of turvapaikkaoikeus
asyylitransferaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: acyltransferase
-ata {suffix} :: Derives verbs
ätäkkä {adj} [slang] :: sharp, hot (having an intense, acrid or spicy flavour)
ätäkkä {adj} :: (slang) biting (causing a stinging sensation)
ätäkki {n} [Finglish] :: An attack
ataksia {n} [pathology] :: ataxia
atamaani {n} [historical] :: ataman
ataraksia {n} [medicine, philosophy] :: ataraxia, ataraxy (peace of mind, tranquillity, calmness)
atarakti {n} [medicine] :: An ataractic (drug that is used to tranquilize; a tranquilizer)
ataraktinen {adj} [medicine] :: ataractic (having a tranquilizing effect)
atari {n} [chiefly as modifier in compound terms] :: professional and habitual crime
atariyksikkö {n} [dated] :: A former unit in the Finnish keskusrikospoliisi (National Bureau of Investigation), now called rikostiedusteluyksikkö (Criminal Intelligence Unit)
atavismi {n} :: atavism
atavistinen {adj} :: atavistic
atavistisesti {adv} :: atavistically
atavistisuus {n} :: The property of being atavistic
Ateena {prop} :: Ateena (capital city)
ateenalainen {adj} :: Athenian
ateenalainen {n} :: An Athenian person
ateismi {n} :: atheism
ateisti {n} :: atheist
ateistinen {adj} :: atheistic
ateistisesti {adv} :: atheistically
ateistisuus {n} :: atheisticness
ateljee {n} :: atelier
ateljeetyö {n} :: An item produced in an atelier
ateria {n} :: meal (food that is prepared and eaten)
ateriakuljetus {n} :: meals on wheels (service in which food is delivered to those unable to cook for themselves)
ateriapalvelu {n} :: catering service
ateriarytmi {n} :: eating rhythm, meal rhythm
ateriatuki {n} :: meal benefit (monetary benefit)
aterin {n} [in plural] :: silverware [US], cutlery [UK] (forks, knives and spoons collectively)
aterin {n} [rare] :: A piece of silverware
aterinpidike {n} :: cutlery holder
aterinsarja {n} :: set of silverware, silverware set
aterioida {vi} :: To have a meal
ateriointi {n} :: dining
aterioitseminen {n} :: alternative form of aterioiminen
aterooma {n} [medicine] :: An atheroma
ateroskleroosi {n} [pathology] :: atherosclerosis
atk {n} [dated] :: information technology, IT
ATK {n} :: alternative form of atk
atk-ala {n} [dated] :: IT branch
atk-järjestelmä {n} [computing, dated] :: synonym of tietojärjestelmä
atk-keskus {n} [computing, dated] :: synonym of laskentakeskus
atk-kirjoittaja {n} [computing, dated] :: synonym of tallentaja
atk-laite {n} :: A piece of data processing equipment; a computer or peripheral
atk-laitteisto {n} [computing, dated] :: data processing equipment
atk-ohjelma {n} [computing, dated] :: computer program
atk-ohjelmisto {n} [computing, dated] :: synonym of ohjelmisto
atk-ohjelmoija {n} [computing, dated] :: programmer
atk-ohjelmointi {n} [computing, dated] :: programming
atk-oikeus {n} [computing, law, dated] :: synonym of tietotekniikkaoikeus
atk-pääte {n} [dated] :: computer terminal
atk-pohjainen {adj} [computing, dated] :: synonym of tietokonepohjainen
atk-rikollisuus {n} [dated] :: synonym of tietotekniikkarikollisuus
atk-rikos {n} [dated] :: synonym of tietotekniikkarikos
atk-suunnittelija {n} [computing, dated] :: automatic data processing planner (profession)
atk-tallenne {n} [computing, dated] :: electronic record
atk-tallennus {n} [computing, dated] :: data recording
atk-tarvike {n} [computing] :: computer accessory (mouse, memory stick, memory card and other comparable gear connected with a computer)
atk-tuki {n} [dated] :: IT support
atk-tukihenkilö {n} [dated] :: IT support person
atlaksengaselli {n} :: synonym of cuvieringaselli
atlaksenvihertikka {n} :: Levaillant's woodpecker, Picus vaillantii (North African species of green woodpecker)
atlantinhelmiäiskala {n} :: lovely hatchetfish, Atlantic silver hatchetfish, Argyropelecus aculeatus (small fish living in mesopelagic zone of all oceans)
atlantinlevykala {n} :: Atlantic spadefish, Chaetodipterus faber
atlantinmerilahna {n} :: Atlantic pomfret, Brama brama
atlantinpartakala {n} :: stout beardfish, Polymixia nobilis
atlantinsilli {n} :: Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus
Atlantin valtameri {prop} :: the Atlantic Ocean
atlantinviistäjä {n} [dated] :: synonym of vyöviistäjä
Atlantti {prop} :: The Atlantic
atlanttinen {adj} :: Atlantic (pertaining to the Atlantic Ocean)
atlas {n} :: atlas (collection of maps)
atlas {n} [anatomy] :: atlas (vertebra)
atlaskarhu {n} :: Atlas bear, Ursus arctos crowtheri
atlaskerttu {n} :: Tristram's warbler, Sylvia deserticola (North African species of warbler)
atlasleijona {n} :: Nubian lion, Barbary lion, Atlas lion, Panthera leo leo, (extinct subspecies of lion)
atlasnikama {n} [anatomy] :: synonym of kannattajanikama
Atlasvuoret {prop} :: Atlas Mountains
atleetikko {n} :: athlete
atleetti {n} :: athlete
atleettinen {adj} :: athletic
atleettisuus {n} :: The property of being athletic
atletiikka {n} [sports, dated] :: Those sports collectively which require great physical strength, such as weightlifting, wrestling, boxing, martial arts, bodybuilding
at-merkki {n} :: at sign, at symbol
ät-merkki {n} :: at symbol
atmosfääri {n} :: atmosphere
atmosfäärinen {adj} :: atmospheric
atmosfäärisesti {adv} :: atmospherically
atolli {n} :: atoll
atomaarinen {adj} :: atomic, monatomic (composed of atoms)
atomi- {prefix} :: atom, atomic
atomi {n} :: atom
atomi {n} [as a modifier in a compound] :: atomic
atomiaika {n} :: The Atomic Age
atomiase {n} :: atomic weapon
atomienergia {n} [obsolete] :: atomic energy
atomifysiikka {n} :: atomic physics
atomifyysikko {n} [dated] :: synonym of ydinfyysikko
atomikärki {n} [dated] :: synonym of ydinkärki
atomikausi {n} :: The Atomic Age
atomikäyttöinen {adj} [dated] :: synonym of ydinkäyttöinen
atomikello {n} :: atomic clock
atomikoko {n} [physics, chemistry] :: atomic size
atomimalli {n} [physics] :: atomic model
atomimassa {n} [physics] :: atomic mass
atomimassayksikkö {n} [chemistry] :: atomic mass unit
atominen {adj} [chemistry] :: atomic (occurring as atoms instead of molecules)
atominen {adj} :: atomic (of data, unable to be split or made smaller)
atominen {adj} [as headword in compounds] :: -atomic (having a certain number of atoms in each molecule)
atomioppi {n} [philosophy] :: atomism
atomiorbitaali {n} :: atomic orbital
atomipaino {n} :: atomic weight
atomipommi {n} [dated] :: atomic bomb, A-bomb
atomireaktori {n} :: atomic reactor
atomismi {n} [philosophy] :: atomism
atomistinen {adj} [philosophy] :: atomistic
atomistisuus {n} :: The property of being atomistic
atomiteoria {n} [physics] :: atomic theory
atomivastuu {n} [law, dated] :: synonym of ydinvastuu
atomivoima {n} :: nuclear power
atomivoimala {n} :: nuclear plant
atomivoimalaitos {n} [dated] :: nuclear power plant
atomivoimamikroskooppi {n} [physics] :: atomic force microscope
atomiydin {n} :: atomic nucleus
atonaalinen {adj} :: atonal
atonaalisuus {n} :: atonality
atoopikko {n} :: An atopic person
atooppinen {adj} :: atopic
atooppinen ekseema {n} [pathology] :: atopic dermatitis (hereditary skin disease)
atopia {n} [pathology] :: atopy
atorvastatiini {n} [medicine] :: atorvastatin
ATP {prop} [sports] :: Association of Tennis Professionals
atra {n} [dialectal] :: alternative form of aatra
atrain {n} :: trident, or other resembling fishing tool with any number of prongs, e.g. a gig, leister
atria {n} [dated] :: alternative form of ateria
atrium {n} :: atrium (central room in Roman homes)
atrium {n} :: atrium (square hall lit from above)
atriumtalo {n} [architecture] :: atrium house
Atro {prop} [rare] :: given name
atrofia {n} :: atrophy
atrofinen {adj} [medicine] :: atrophic
atropia {n} [pathology] :: atrophy
atropiini {n} [poison, pharmaceutical drug] :: atropine
Atropos {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Atropos (one of he Fates in Greek mythology)
atsalea {n} :: azalea
atšeh {n} :: Acehnese, Aceh (language)
atselaiinihappo {n} [organic compound] :: azelaic acid
atseotrooppi {n} [physics] :: azeotrope
atseotrooppinen {adj} :: azeotropic
atsidotymidiini {n} [chemistry] :: zidovudine, azidothymidine
atsih {interj} :: synonym of atsii
ätsih {interj} :: achoo (sound of a sneeze)
atsii {interj} :: achoo
ätsii {interj} :: synonym of atsii
atsiih {interj} :: synonym of atsii
atsimuutti {n} :: azimuth
Atso {prop} :: given name
atsoospermia {n} [pathology] :: azoospermia (absence of live sperm in the semen)
atsorubiini {n} [organic chemistry] :: azorubine
atsoväri {n} :: azo dye
atsoväriaine {n} :: azo dye
atsoyhdiste {n} [chemistry] :: azo compound
atsteekki {n} :: Aztec (person)
atsteekki {n} :: Aztec (language)
atsuriitti {n} [mineral] :: azurite
attasea {n} :: attaché
attasealaukku {n} :: synonym of attaseasalkku
attaseasalkku {n} :: attaché case
Atte {prop} :: given name
attentaatti {n} :: assault, especially a politically motivated assassination or an attempt to it
Attika {prop} :: Attika (periphery)
attila {n} :: attila, atilla (a type of Hungarian jacket or coat)
atto- {prefix} :: atto-
attosekunti {n} :: attosecond
attrahoida {v} [rare] :: to attract
attraktiivinen {adj} :: attractive
attraktiivisesti {adv} :: attractively
attraktiivisuus {n} :: attractiveness
attraktio {n} :: attraction
attraktori {n} :: attractor
attribuoida {v} :: to attribute
attribuointi {n} [psychology] :: attribution (act of attributing)
attribuutio {n} [psychology] :: attribution
attribuutioteoria {n} [psychology] :: attribution theory
attribuutti {n} [grammar] :: attribute, qualifier
attribuutti {n} [computing] :: attribute
atulat {n} :: forceps, tweezers
au {interj} :: ow, ouch
au-äiti {n} [dated] :: extramarital mother (single mother)
aubergiini {n} :: aubergine, eggplant (Solanum melongena)
auder {n} [dialectal, archaic] :: alternative form of auer
audienssi {n} :: audience (a formal meeting)
audio {n} :: audio
audiofiili {n} :: audiophile
audiogrammi {n} :: audiogram
audiologia {n} :: audiology
audiometri {n} :: audiometer
audiometria {n} :: audiometry
audionomi {n} :: audiologist
audiotekniikka {n} :: audio technology
audiovisuaalinen {adj} :: audiovisual
audismi {n} :: audism
auditiivinen {adj} :: aural
auditoida {v} :: To audit
auditoija {n} :: auditor
auditointi {n} :: audit
auditorio {n} :: auditorium (large room for public meetings or performances)
auditorio {n} :: lecture theatre, auditorium (similar room for giving lectures, especially one with pitched floor)
auer {n} :: haze (caused by dust particles)
auervaara {n} :: casanova, Don Juan (promiscuous, philandering man)
aueta {vi} :: to open (to be opened)
aueta {vi} [figuratively] :: to become understood or realized
augiitti {n} [mineral] :: augite
augmentaatio {n} :: augmentation
augmentatiivi {n} [grammar] :: augmentative
augmentti {n} [grammar] :: augment
August {prop} :: given name
augustinolainen {n} :: Augustinian (follower of St Augustine)
augustinolainen {adj} :: Augustinian (of or related to St Augustine of Hippo)
augustinolainen {adj} :: Augustinian (of or related to a religious order bearing his name)
augustinolaisluostari {n} :: Augustinian monastery
augustinolaismunkki {n} :: Augustinian (friar or monk of any Augustinian order)
auguuri {n} :: augur
auhti {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of haahka
auhto {n} :: a humid or damp forest or grove, usually one by a river
aukaiseminen {n} :: opening (the action of opening something, especially when done quickly)
aukaisija {n} :: opener
aukaisin {n} :: opener
aukaista {vt} :: To open
aukaisu {n} :: opening (act)
aukea {adj} :: open (of land, clear of obstacles for vision, such as trees)
aukea {n} :: clearing (area of land devoid of obstacles to vision, such as trees)
aukeama {n} :: spread (length of two printed pages which are visible at the same time)
aukeaminen {n} :: opening (the process of becoming open)
aukeamisaika {n} :: opening time (time when a business, office, school etc. opens to the public)
aukeampi {adj} :: comparative of aukea
aukean paikan kammo {n} :: agoraphobia
aukeneminen {n} :: opening (becoming open)
auki {adv} :: open (not closed or locked)
auki {adv} :: untied, unbuttoned
auki {adv} :: up in the air, open (not yet resolved, finished, answered, decided or certain)
auki {adv} :: on, turned on
auki {adv} [colloquial] :: broke, busted
aukile {n} [anatomy] :: fontanelle
aukinainen {adj} :: open (that which is not closed)
aukinainen {adj} :: free (unobstructed)
aukio {n} :: plaza, square
aukio {n} :: clearing, glade, meadow
aukiokammo {n} :: agoraphobia
aukiolo {n} :: of an office, business or similar, the state of being open for public
aukiolo {n} :: short for aukioloaika (opening hours, business hours, opening time)
aukioloaika {n} :: opening hours
aukki {n} [military slang] :: NCO school
aukko {n} :: hole
aukko {n} :: gap
aukko {n} :: opening (something that is open)
aukko {n} [photography] :: aperture
aukkohakkuu {n} :: patch clearcutting (forestry practice: removal of all the stems in a limited, predetermined area)
aukkoinen {adj} :: holey
aukkokohta {n} :: hole
aukkosuhde {n} [photography] :: f-number
aukoa {vt} :: To open (repeatedly)
aukoa päätään {v} [colloquial] :: to criticize, nag, jest, oppose (to be negative in one's speech)
aukominen {n} :: opening (the action of opening something repeatedly)
aukoton {adj} :: Solid; having no holes, both in physical and abstract sense
aukottaa {v} :: to hole (to cut, dig, or bore a hole or holes in)
aukottaminen {n} :: holing (cutting, digging or boring a hole in holes in)
aukotus {n} :: holing (act of making hole or holes)
auksidi {n} :: frigate tuna (species of fish in tuna family, Auxis thazard)
auktori {n} [botany] :: author
auktorisoida {vt} [dated, formal] :: To authorize
auktorisointi {n} :: authorization
auktorisoitu {adj} :: authorized
auktoritaarinen {adj} [rare] :: alternative form of autoritaarinen
auktoritatiivinen {adj} :: authoritative
auktoritatiivisesti {adv} :: authoritatively
auktoritatiivisuus {n} :: authoritativeness
auktoriteetti {n} :: authority
auktoriteettinen {adj} :: synonym of auktoritaarinen (authoritative; sense "having a commanding style")
auktoriteettisesti {adv} :: synonym of auktoritatiivisesti (authoritatively; sense "in a commanding style")
auktoriteettisuus {n} :: synonym of auktoritatiivisuus (authoritativeness; sense "commanding behavior")
auktoriteettiusko {n} :: trust on authorities
auktoroida {v} :: alternative form of auktorisoida
auktorointi {n} :: alternative form of auktorisointi
Aukusti {prop} :: given name
aula {n} :: lobby (spacious reception area, especially in a public building)
au-lapsi {n} :: extramarital child (child born outside marriage)
aulatila {n} :: lobby, lounge (a space used as such)
Auli {prop} :: given name, a short form of Aulikki
auliisti {adv} :: helpfully, willingly
Aulikki {prop} :: given name
aulio {n} [plant] :: abutilon
aulis {adj} :: willing, helpful
Aulis {prop} :: given name
aulius {n} :: willingness, helpfulness
auma {n} :: stook
aumakatto {n} [architecture] :: hip roof
aumata {v} :: to stook
aumattu taitekatto {n} :: mansard roof
aumaus {n} :: stooking
Aune {prop} :: given name
Aunetta {prop} :: given name
Auni {prop} :: given name
aunio {n} :: synonym of aihio
Auno {prop} [rare] :: given name
aunuksenkarjala {n} :: Olonets Karelian, Livvi-Karelian (dialect of Karelian language)
Aunuksen Karjala {prop} :: Olonets Karelia (region of Karelia)
aunus {n} :: Livvi-Karelian language, Olonets Karelian (Finnic language, or a dialect of Karelian, spoken chiefly in Russia in the area between lake Ladoga and Lake Onega)
Aunus {prop} :: Olonets (town in NW Russia, the oldest documented settlement in Karelia)
auonta {n} :: synonym of aukominen
au pair -tyttö {n} :: au pair girl
aura {n} :: plough, plow
aura {n} :: wedge (group of birds flying in a V-shaped formation)
aura {n} :: aura
Aura {prop} :: A municipality near Turku in Southwest Finland
Aura {prop} :: synonym of Aurajoki
Aura {prop} [astronomy] :: synonym of Otava
Aura {prop} :: given name
auraaja {n} :: plower, plougher
auraaminen {n} :: ploughing/plowing
auraaminen {n} :: snowploughing/snowplowing
aura-auto {n} :: snow plow (vehicle)
Aurajoki {prop} :: Aurajoki (river)
aurajuusto {n} :: A type of relatively hard blue cheese produced in Finland
aurakäännös {n} [skiing] :: snowplough turn, snowplow turn, wedge turn, pizza slice (simple downhill skiing turn, performed by bringing front tips of the skis together, pushing the tails wide apart and regulating the braking of each ski)
aurakulma {n} [skiing] :: In snowplough turn/snowplow turn, the angle into which the skis are brought with respect to each other
auralainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Aura (Finnish municipality)
auralainen {n} :: a person from or living in Aura (Finnish municipality)
aurankukka {n} :: corncockle (flowering plant of the genus Agrostemma)
aurankukka {n} :: common corn cockle (Agrostemma githago)
aurankurki {n} :: A handle of an animal-drawn plough
auranvannas {n} :: plowshare (cutting edge of a plow)
aurata {v} :: to plough
aurata {v} :: to snow plow (to clear roads, etc. using a snow plow)
aurata {v} [skiing] :: to stem, snow plow
auraus {n} :: ploughing/plowing
aurauskalusto {n} :: snowplowing equipment
aurauskalusto {n} :: snowplowing fleet
aurauskulma {n} :: toe (the alignment of wheels)
aurausmerkki {n} :: snowplowing marker, plow stake (roadside stick that serves as guide for a snowplow operator)
aurikalsiitti {n} [geology] :: aurichalcite
auringonhattu {n} [commercial] :: echinacea, coneflower, purple coneflower (any of the nine herbs of genus Echinacea)
auringonhattu {n} :: (commercial) eastern purple coneflower, purple coneflower, Echinacea purpurea
auringonhattu-uute {n} :: echinacea extract
auringonjumala {n} :: sun god, solar deity
auringonkehä {n} :: halo (circular band of coloured light, visible around the sun, caused by reflection and refraction of light by ice crystals in the atmosphere)
auringonkehrä {n} :: sun disc (symbol of the sun)
auringonkilo {n} :: sunshine
auringonkukka {n} :: sunflower
auringonkukkaöljy {n} :: sunflower oil
auringonkylpy {n} :: synonym of aurinkokylpy
auringonlämpö {n} :: solar heat
auringonlasku {n} :: A sunset or sundown [US]
auringonnousu {n} :: sunrise
auringonotto {n} :: sunbathing
auringonpaahde {n} :: blaze of the sun (intensive sunshine)
auringonpaahtama {adj} :: tanned, suntanned, especially with deep color
auringonpaahtama {adj} :: sunburnt
auringonpaiste {n} :: sunshine
auringonpaisteinen {adj} :: sunshiney, sunny (characterized by sunshine)
auringonpaistetunti {n} :: sunshine hour
auringonpalvoja {n} :: sun worshipper (one who worships the sun)
auringonpalvoja {n} :: sunbather
auringonpalvonta {n} :: heliolatry (religion and sunbathing)
auringonpalvonta {n} :: heliotheism (religion)
auringonpilkku {n} [astronomy] :: sunspot
auringonpilkkujakso {n} [astronomy] :: solar cycle, sunspot cycle
auringonpimennys {n} [astronomy] :: solar eclipse
auringonpisto {n} :: alternative form of auringonpistos
auringonpistos {n} :: sunstroke
auringonpuoli {n} :: the side on which the sun is shining
auringonpurkaus {n} [astronomy] :: solar flare
auringonsäde {n} :: sunbeam, sun ray
auringonsappi {n} :: sun dog, sundog, mock sun, phantom sun, parhelion
auringonsäteily {n} :: solar radiation
auringonsuoja {n} :: sun screen, sun visor
auringonsuoja-aine {n} :: synonym of aurinkosuoja
auringonsuojakerroin {n} :: sun protection factor
auringonsuojavoide {n} :: sun lotion
auringonvalo {n} :: sunlight
auringonvarjo {n} :: sunshade, parasol
auringoton {adj} :: sunless
aurinko {n} :: The Sun
aurinko {n} :: A sun
aurinko {n} :: As a modifier in compound terms (in nominative or genitive singular) signifies solar, sun- or helio-
Aurinko {prop} [astronomy] :: the Sun
aurinkoahven {n} :: pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus)
aurinkoaika {n} [astronomy] :: solar time
aurinkoaika {n} :: apparent solar time, apparent time
aurinkoauto {n} :: solar car
aurinkoautografi {n} :: sunshine recorder
aurinkoeläin {n} [zoology] :: heliozoan (protozoan of the order Heliozoa)
aurinkoenergia {n} :: solar energy
aurinkohapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula solaris
aurinkohattu {n} :: sunhat, sun hat (hat that protects from the sun)
aurinkoinen {adj} :: sunny
aurinkoisemmin {adv} :: comparative of aurinkoisesti
aurinkoisesti {adv} :: sunnily
aurinkoisimmin {adv} :: superlative of aurinkoisesti
aurinkoisuus {n} :: sunniness
aurinkojako {n} [historical] :: division of farming land according to the open-field system with strips aligned with the movement of the sun
aurinkokaha {n} [obsolete] :: solar collector
aurinkokala {n} [rare, Anglicism] :: sunfish (any fish of the family Molidae)
aurinkokalenteri {n} :: solar calendar
aurinkokansi {n} :: sundeck
aurinkokatos {n} :: sun shelter (structure, often tent-like and portable, which provides protection for the sun)
aurinkokello {n} :: A sundial
aurinkokenno {n} :: solar cell
aurinkokennosto {n} :: solar cell plant (solar cells connected together to a small-scale power plant)
aurinkokerääjä {n} :: solar collector
aurinkokeräin {n} :: solar collector
aurinkokeskinen {adj} [astronomy] :: heliocentric
aurinkokeskisyys {n} :: heliocentrism
aurinkokompassi {n} :: solar compass
aurinkokuivata {v} :: to sun-dry
aurinkokuivattu {adj} :: sun-dried (dried in the sun as part of a process of e.g. conserving foodstuffs)
aurinkokuningas {n} :: mandarin (self-centered leader)
aurinkokunta {n} [astronomy] :: solar system
Aurinkokunta {prop} [astronomy] :: The Solar System
aurinkokurki {n} :: sunbittern (species of bird, Eurypyga helias, the sole member of the family Eurypygidae, found in the tropical regions of the Americas)
aurinkokylpy {n} :: A sunbath
aurinkolämmitteinen {adj} :: solar heated (heated by the sun)
aurinkolämmitys {n} :: solar heating
aurinkolämpö {n} :: solar thermal, solar thermal power
aurinkolasit {n} :: sunglasses
aurinkoloma {n} :: vacation in the sun
aurinkomatka {n} :: vacation in the sun
aurinkomonninen {n} :: Burgess' cory, Corydoras burgessi (small tropical fish, kept as aquarium fish)
aurinkoöljy {n} :: tanning oil (oil-based product used as sunscreen)
aurinkopaneeli {n} :: solar panel
aurinkopaneeli {n} :: solar thermal collector
aurinkopari {n} :: solar cell
aurinkoparisto {n} :: solar battery
aurinkoperhonen {n} :: any butterfly of the subfamily Heliconiinae
aurinkoperhonen {n} [in plural] :: the subfamily Heliconiinae
aurinkopuuteri {n} [cosmetics] :: sun powder (powder used to give the skin a tanned hue)
Aurinkorannikko {prop} :: Costa del Sol
aurinkoranta {n} [often in plural] :: sun beach, sun beach resort (beach or resort with regular sunshine, especially one used as vacation spot)
aurinkorasva {n} [colloquial] :: sunscreen
aurinkoristi {n} :: sun cross
aurinkosade {n} :: sun shower (rain shower that occurs when the sun is shining)
aurinkosähkö {n} :: solar electricity
aurinkosuoja {n} :: sunblock (strong), sunscreen (weak)
aurinkotalo {n} :: solar house (house in which solar energy is applied for heating and/or local power generation)
aurinkotuoli {n} :: sunchair, sunlounger, sunbed
aurinkotuuli {n} [astronomy] :: solar wind
aurinkouuni {n} :: solar oven
aurinkovakio {n} [astronomy] :: solar constant
aurinkovarjo {n} :: sunshade
aurinkovene {n} :: solar powered boat
aurinkoventtiili {n} :: sun valve
aurinkovoide {n} :: suntan lotion, suncream
aurinkovoima {n} :: solar power
aurinkovoimala {n} :: solar power plant
aurinkovoimalaitos {n} :: synonym of aurinkovoimala
aurinkovuorokausi {n} [astronomy] :: A solar day
aurinkovuosi {n} [astronomy] :: solar year
auripigmentti {n} :: orpiment
Auroora {prop} :: given name
Aurora {prop} [Roman god] :: Aurora
Aurora {prop} :: given name
auroraperhonen {n} :: orange tip (butterfly of the genus Anthocaris cardamines)
auskari {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of äyskäri
auskultaatio {n} :: auscultation
auskultantti {n} :: student teacher
auskultoida {vi} :: to train (as a teacher)
auskultoida {vt} [medicine] :: to auscultate
auskultointi {n} :: auscultation
auslan {n} :: Auslan (Australian Sign Language)
aussi {n} :: An Aussie
aussifutis {n} [slang] :: Aussie rules (Australian rules football)
austeniitti {n} [metallurgy] :: austenite
austeniittinen {adj} :: austenitic
Australaasia {prop} :: Australasia
Australia {prop} :: Australia (continent)
australialainen {n} :: An Australian
australialainen {adj} :: Australian
australialainen jalkapallo {n} [sports] :: Australian rules football
australialaismies {n} :: Australian man
australialaisnainen {n} :: Australian woman
australialaistaa {vt} :: To Australianize/Australianise
australialaisuus {n} :: Australianness (property of being Australian)
australianbandogge {n} :: Australian bandog (type of dog popular in Australia, bred from Neapolitan mastiff and pitbull, not recognized as breed of its own by kennel clubs)
australiandoggilepakko {n} :: white-striped free-tailed bat, Tadarida australis
australianenglanti {n} :: Australian English
australiankarjakoira {n} :: Australian Cattle Dog (breed of dog)
australiankelpie {n} :: Australian kelpie, kelpie (breed of dog)
australiankurki {n} :: brolga, Grus rubicunda (Australian species of crane)
Australian liittovaltio {prop} :: Commonwealth of Australia (formal name of Australia)
australianmerileijona {n} :: synonym of tasmanianmerileijona
australiannuolihaukka {n} :: Australian hobby, Falco longipennis (Australian species of hawk)
australianpähkinä {n} :: macadamia nut, bauple nut, Queensland nut, nut oak (Macadamia integrifolia)
australianpaimenkoira {n} :: Australian shepherd (breed of dog)
australianpyhäiibis {n} :: Australian white ibis, Threskiornis molucca
australiansarvihai {n} :: Port Jackson shark (Heterodontus portusjacksoni) (nocturnal, oviparous bullhead shark of the family Heterodontidae, found in the coastal regions of Australia)
australiansotka {n} :: hardhead (Aythya australis)
australiansuomalainen {n} :: Finnish Australian
australiansuomalainen {adj} :: Finnish Australian
australiansuorotta {n} :: Australian swamp rat, Rattus lutreolus
australianterrieri {n} :: Australian terrier (breed of dog)
australiantuulihaukka {n} :: Australian kestrel, nankeen kestrel, Falco cenchroides (Australian species of kestrel)
australianvalevampyyri {n} :: ghost bat, Macroderma gigas
australianvesirotta {n} :: rakali, golden-bellied water rat, Hydromys chrysogaster
austroaasialainen {adj} :: Austroasiatic (of or pertaining to Austroasiatic languages)
austronesialainen {adj} :: Austronesian (of or pertaining to Austronesian languages)
auta miestä mäessä, älä mäen alla {proverb} :: help someone when they are in trouble or need, not when they are not
autarkia {n} :: autarchy (condition of economic self-sufficiency)
autekologia {n} :: autecology
autella {vt} :: to help, repeatedly or in a small way
autentikoida {v} :: to authenticate
autentikointi {n} :: authentication, authenticating
autenttinen {adj} :: authentic
autenttisesti {adv} :: authentically
autenttisuus {n} :: authenticity
autere {n} :: alternative form of auer
autereinen {adj} :: hazy
autio {adj} :: desolate, uninhabited
autioin {adj} :: superlative of autio
autioittaa {vt} :: to desolate, devastate, depopulate (to deprive of inhabitants)
autioitua {vi} :: to become deserted, uninhabited or desolate
autioituminen {n} :: the process of becoming deserted
autioitus {n} :: desolation (act of depriving of population)
autiokaupunki {n} :: ghost town (deserted town)
autiokylä {n} :: deserted village, ghost village
autiomaa {n} :: wasteland, desert
autiomaja {n} :: synonym of autiotupa
autiompi {adj} :: comparative of autio
autiosaari {n} :: desert island (uninhabited island)
autiotalo {n} :: ghost house, abandoned house, deserted house
autiotila {n} :: deserted farm, ghost farm
autiotupa {n} :: wilderness hut, shelter (unlocked hut or cabin in the wilderness, free for anyone to spend the night)
autismi {n} :: autism
autismikirjo {n} :: autism spectrum
autisti {n} :: autist (autistic person)
autistinen {adj} :: autistic
autius {n} :: desolation, desolateness
auto- {prefix} :: auto-, self- (regarding oneself)
auto- {prefix} :: auto- (automatic)
auto {n} :: car, automobile
autoajelu {n} :: car ride (instance of riding a car, especially for pleasure and not necessarily having a specific destination)
autoala {n} :: automobile industry
autoasema {n} :: synonym of taksiasema
autoasentaja {n} :: car mechanic (profession, job title)
autobiografia {n} :: synonym of omaelämäkerta
autobiografinen {adj} :: autobiographical
autodafee {n} :: auto da fe
autodidakti {n} :: autodidact
autoetu {n} :: car benefit (taxable value of the private use of a company car)
autogangsteri {n} :: road hog (bad or inconsiderate driver of a motor vehicle)
autogiro {n} [aircraft] :: autogiro
autografi {n} :: autograph
autohajottamo {n} :: synonym of autopurkamo
autohalli {n} :: garage, parking garage (a large space for parking cars)
autohälytin {n} :: car alarm
autoharja {n} :: car brush, automobile brush
autohuoltamo {n} :: car service shop
autohurjastelija {n} :: speeder
autohurjastelu {n} :: speeding
autoilija {n} :: motorist, someone who drives a car
autoilla {vi} :: To drive a car
autoilu {n} :: motoring (act of driving car)
autoimmuniteetti {n} [pathology] :: autoimmunity
autoimmuuni {adj} :: autoimmune
autoimmuunisairaus {n} [pathology] :: autoimmune disease
autoimmuunitauti {n} [pathology] :: autoimmune disease
autoistaa {v} :: to motorize (supply something or someone with motor vehicles)
autoistua {vi} :: to become motorized (to rely increasingly on automobiles in transportation)
autoistuminen {n} :: becoming motorized, motorization
autojenkuljetusvaunu {n} :: synonym of autonkuljetusvaunu
autojono {n} :: tailback, carline, line of cars (line of automobiles)
autojuna {n} :: motorail, car train
autokaista {n} :: drive-through (arrangement for providing drive-through service)
autokaista {n} :: car lane (lane meant specifically for cars, as opposed to e.g. bicycle lane)
autokansi {n} :: car deck (deck for transporting cars on a ferry etc.)
autokanta {n} :: car stock (all vehicles of an entity, such as a company or region)
autokatos {n} :: carport
autokatsastus {n} :: vehicle inspection
autokauppa {n} :: car dealership
autokauppias {n} :: car dealer
autokefaalinen {adj} :: autocephalous
autokefalia {n} [Eastern Orthodoxy] :: autocephaly (indepence of a national or regional Eastern Orthodox church from the authority of other Eastern Orthodox churches; these include all ten patriarchates, and half a dozen self-declared ones)
autoklaavi {n} :: autoclave (sterilized heating vessel)
autoklinikka {n} :: mobile clinic, clinic on wheels (clinic built on a van or truck)
autokolari {n} :: car accident
autokorjaamo {n} :: car repair shop
autokorrelaatio {n} [statistics] :: autocorrelation
autokoulu {n} :: driving school
autokraatti {n} [government] :: autocrat
autokraattinen {adj} :: autocratic
autokraattisuus {n} :: The quality of being autocratic
autokratia {n} :: An autocracy [system of government in which power is held by one individual]
autoktoninen {adj} [geology] :: autochthonous (found in the site of formation)
autokuljetus {n} :: car ride
autokuljetus {n} :: car transportation
autokulkue {n} :: motorcade
autokuorma {n} :: carload
autokuormallinen {n} :: carload
autokuski {n} [colloquial] :: driver, motorist
autokyyti {n} :: car ride, ride, especially one offered to a passenger
autokyyti {n} :: car (means of transport)
autolähtö {n} [harness racing] :: mobile start (start from behind a slow-moving, hinged gate mounted on a motor vehicle)
autolautta {n} :: ferry, ferryboat (one carrying or designed to carry cars)
autoletka {n} :: A line of cars
autoliike {n} :: car dealership
autoliikenne {n} :: car traffic
autolyysi {n} [biology] :: autolysis
automaalaamo {n} :: car painting shop
automaalari {n} :: car painter
automaatio {n} :: automation
automaatioasentaja {n} :: automation installer (profession, job title)
automaatiojärjestelmä {n} :: automation system
automaatti {n} :: automaton
automaattiase {n} :: automatic weapon
automaattikamera {n} :: automatic camera (mechanical camera without manual control of aperture and shutter time)
automaattikirjoitus {n} :: automatic writing, psychography (alleged paranormal phenomenon in which a person's writing is controlled by a spirit)
automaattikivääri {n} :: automatic rifle
automaattikytkin {n} :: automatic clutch
automaattilypsy {n} :: automatic milking, robotic milking
automaattinen {adj} :: automatic
automaattinen täyttö {n} [computing] :: autocomplete
automaattiohjaus {n} :: autopilot
automaattiovi {n} :: automatic door
automaattiportti {n} :: automatic gate
automaattipuhelin {n} [dated] :: rotary dial phone
automaattisesti {adv} :: automatically
automaattisoitin {n} :: automatic musical instrument (musical instrument that produces music automatically or through only mechanical input of a player)
automaattistaa {vt} :: to automatize
automaattistua {vi} :: To become automatized
automaattistuminen {n} :: becoming automatized, automatization
automaattisulake {n} [technology] :: automatic fuse (small circuit braker used to protect electrical installations from overcurrent in a way similar to traditional fuses)
automaattisuus {n} :: The property of being automatic
automaattitarkennus {n} :: autofocus
automaattitäydennys {n} [computing] :: synonym of automaattinen täyttö
automaattiteoria {n} [computing theory] :: automata theory
automaattivaihteisto {n} :: automatic transmission
automaattivalotus {n} [photography] :: automatic exposure
automaattivarasto {n} :: automated storage
automarket {n} :: synonym of automarketti
automarketti {n} :: A supermarket with ample parking in order to attract motoring customers
automatiikka {n} :: automatism
automatisoida {vt} :: To automatize, automate
automatisoiminen {n} :: automatizing
automatisointi {n} :: automation
automatisoitua {vi} :: To become automatized
automatisoituminen {n} :: automatization, automation (the process of being automated or automatized)
automatka {n} :: car drive
automatka {n} :: car trip
automatkailu {n} :: car tourism
automekaanikko {n} :: An auto mechanic
automerkki {n} :: make of car
automobiili {n} [obsolete] :: automobile, car
automorfismi {n} :: automorphism
automyyjä {n} :: car seller
autonajaja {n} [dated] :: synonym of autonkuljettaja
autonajo {n} :: car driving
autonalusta {n} :: car chassis
autonasentaja {n} :: An auto mechanic
autonavain {n} :: car key
autonhuolto {n} :: Act of servicing a car
autoni {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of auto
autonkatsastaja {n} :: vehicle inspector
autonkatsastamo {n} :: vehicle inspection station (garage or other establishment entitled to carry out inspection of automobiles)
autonkatsastus {n} :: synonym of autokatsastus
autonkori {n} :: automobile body
autonkuljettaja {n} :: motorist
autonkuljetusauto {n} :: car carrier, car transporter (truck built for transporting automobiles)
autonkuljetusvaunu {n} :: autorack, car carrier (railroad car designed for carrying automobiles)
autonmyyjä {n} :: synonym of automyyjä
autonomia {n} :: autonomy
autonominen {adj} :: autonomous
autonominen {adj} :: autonomic
autonominen hermosto {n} [neuroanatomy] :: autonomic nervous system
autonomistaja {n} :: car owner
autonosa {n} :: car part, auto part
autonpyörä {n} :: car wheel, auto wheel (wheel designed to be used in cars)
autonrämä {n} :: Literally "wreck of a car"; a jalopy
autonrengas {n} :: car tire
auto-onnettomuus {n} :: car accident
autopaikka {n} :: parking spot, parking space (space for parking an individual car)
autopankki {n} :: drive-in bank, drive-thru bank
autopeltiseppä {n} :: auto body mechanic [US]
autopesula {n} :: car wash (place or room where cars are washed)
autopikajuna {n} :: motorail, motorail train (train that allows passengers to take their cars along)
autopilotti {n} [colloquial] :: autopilot
autoplastia {n} :: autoplasty
autopommi {n} :: A car bomb (bomb installed in an automobile to kill the occupants)
autopommi {n} :: A car bomb (automobile loaded with explosives to be used as a bomb against external targets)
autoprotolyysi {n} [chemistry] :: autoprotolysis
autopuhelin {n} :: car phone, carphone
autopukki {n} :: car trestle
autopurkamo {n} :: wreck yard, wrecking yard, wrecker's yard, salvage yard, junkyard, breaker's yard, scrapheap, scrapyard (location of a dismantling business where wrecked or decommissioned vehicles are brought for recycling)
autoradio {n} :: car radio, car audio
autoradiopuhelin {n} :: car radiotelephone
autoradiopuhelinverkko {n} :: car radiotelephone network
autorahtikirja {n} :: waybill or bill for lading for auto transport
autorata {n} :: racing track, racing circuit
autoregressiivinen {adj} :: autoregressive
autoretki {n} :: car trip, especially a recreational one
autorisoida {v} :: alternative form of auktorisoida
autoritaarinen {adj} :: authoritarian
autoritäärinen {adj} :: authoritarian
autoritaarisesti {adv} :: In authoritarian manner
autoritäärisesti {adv} :: alternative spelling of autoritaarisesti
autoritaarisuus {n} :: The property of being authoritarian
autoritäärisyys {n} :: alternative form of autoritaarisuus
autoritarismi {n} :: authoritarianism (form of government)
autoritatiivinen {adj} :: alternative form of auktoritatiivinen
autosaattue {n} :: convoy (of cars)
autosampoo {n} :: alternative form of autoshampoo
autoshampoo {n} :: car shampoo
autosi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of auto
autosomaalinen {adj} :: autosomal
autosomi {n} :: autosome
autosotamies {n} [military ranks] :: a private in the Finnish transport corps; driver
autosuunnistus {n} [motor sport] :: car orienteering
autotalli {n} :: garage (place to store a car, etc.)
autotehdas {n} :: car factory, automobile factory
autotekniikka {n} :: automobile technology
autoteline {n} :: car stand, car holder (especially for a phone)
autoteollisuus {n} :: car industry, automobile industry
autotermiitti {n} [humorous] :: A person who steals parts from abandoned cars
autotie {n} :: motorable road (road accessible for ordinary road vehicles)
autotomia {n} [zoology] :: autotomy
autotrofi {n} [biology] :: autotroph
autoturma {n} :: car accident, especially a fatal one
autotypia {n} [photography] :: autotypy
autourheilija {n} :: car sportsman, auto sportsman (one who does auto racing as hobby or profession)
autourheilu {n} :: autosport, auto racing
autovaha {n} :: car wax
autovaja {n} :: car shed
autovakuutus {n} :: auto insurance, motor insurance
autovaras {n} :: car thief
autovarikko {n} :: vehicle depot (facility for storing and servicing a fleet of road vehicles)
autovarkaus {n} :: car theft
autovero {n} :: car tax, vehicle tax
autovuokraamo {n} :: car rental (business that hires cars to its customers)
auts {interj} :: ouch!
auttaa {v} :: to help, assist, give assistance, lend a hand
auttaja {n} :: A helper; one who helps
auttamaton {adj} :: incorrigible
auttamaton {adj} :: unhelpful (not providing help or assistance; not helpful)
auttamatta {adv} :: synonym of auttamattomasti
auttamattomasti {adv} :: irreparably, irretrievably, irrecoverably, beyond help, hopelessly, unquestionably
auttamattomuus {n} :: unhelpfulness (state of not helping or being unhelpful)
auttaminen {n} :: helping, assistance
auttava {adj} :: helpful
auttava {adj} :: helping, one who helps
auttava {adj} :: tolerable
auttavainen {adj} :: helpful, a person wanting to help
auttavaisuus {n} :: helpfulness
auttavasti {adv} :: passably
auttelija {n} :: helper, especially one that provides small help repeatedly, see autella
auttelu {n} :: help, especially small help offered repeatedly, see autella
autti {n} [geography] :: ravine, gorge
autuaaksijulistaminen {n} [Roman Catholicism] :: beatification
autuaaksijulistus {n} [Roman Catholicism] :: beatification
autuaaksitekevä {adj} :: beatifying
autuaaksitekevä {adj} [idiomatic, ironic] :: that brings happiness or satisfaction to all concerned; used especially of a solution or proposal that is presented as the only feasible one
autuaallinen {adj} :: blessed
autuaallisesti {adv} :: blessedly (in a blessed or holy manner)
autuaallisuus {n} :: blessedness
autuaan tietämätön {adj} :: blissfully unaware
autuaasti {adv} :: blessedly (in a blessed or holy manner)
autuaasti {adv} :: completely; especially in combination with the verb unohtaa (to forget)
autuas {adj} :: blessed, glorified
autuullisuus {n} :: synonym of autuaallisuus
autuus {n} :: bliss
autuuttaa {v} :: to beatify (to make blissful)
autuuttaa {v} [Roman Catholicism] :: to beatify (to carry out the third of four steps in canonization, making someone a blessed)
Auvinen {prop} :: surname
auvo {n} :: bliss
Auvo {prop} :: given name
auvoinen {adj} :: happy, euphoric
auvoinen {adj} :: peaceful
auvoisa {adj} [literary] :: happy, euphoric
auvokas {adj} :: synonym of auvoinen
av {n} :: abbreviation of alustava varaus
avaaja {n} :: opener
avaajapankki {n} :: issuing bank
avaali {n} [finance] :: aval
avaamaton {adj} :: unopened
avaaminen {n} :: opening (the action of opening)
avaamisaika {n} :: opening time (time when a business, office, school etc. opens to the public)
avaari {n} :: Avar (A North Caucasian language)
availla {v} :: to open (repeatedly or gradually), keep opening
availu {n} :: (repeated) opening
avaimenperä {n} :: key fob
avaimenreikä {n} :: keyhole
avain {n} :: key
avain {n} :: code (set of rules for converting information)
avain {n} [music] :: clef, used especially in compound terms
avain {n} [cryptography] :: key
avainärsyke {n} [biology] :: key stimulus
avainasema {n} :: key position (crucial or decisive position)
avainavaruus {n} [cryptography] :: keyspace
avainbiotooppi {n} :: key biotope
avainehdokas {n} [databases] :: candidate key
av-aineisto {n} :: AV-material, audiovisual material
avainhenkilö {n} :: key person
avainkaappi {n} :: key cabinet
avainkaulalapsi {n} :: latchkey kid, latchkey child
avainkehys {n} :: keyframe
avainketju {n} :: key chain (chain onto which a key may be attached)
avainkilpi {n} :: keyplate (plate on a door that contains the keyhole)
avainkimppu {n} :: bunch of keys
avainkirjoahven {n} :: keyhole cichlid
avainkoodi {n} [computing] :: keycode (code that serves to unlock)
avainkortti {n} :: keycard
avainkotelo {n} :: key case
avainkoukku {n} :: key hook
avainkysymys {n} :: key (to a problem)
avainlaji {n} [ecology] :: key species
avainlapsi {n} :: synonym of avainkaulalapsi
avainluku {n} [literally] :: key figure
avainluku {n} :: a number used to identify another number (turvaluku) on a card (avainlukulista)
avainlukulista {n} :: a physical card used to identify a person when authenticating for online banking services, containing a list of number pairs (avainluku and turvaluku)
avainnippu {n} :: bunch of keys
avainpari {n} [cryptography] :: keypair
avainpelaaja {n} :: key player
avainrengas {n} :: keyring
avainromaani {n} :: key novel
avainsana {n} :: keyword
avaintekijä {n} :: key factor
avaintenvaihto {n} [cryptography] :: key exchange
avaintodistaja {n} :: key witness
avainviulu {n} [musical instruments] :: keyed fiddle, nyckelharpa
avajaiset {n} :: opening, opening ceremony (formal commencement)
avajaisistunto {n} :: opening session
avajaisjuhla {n} :: opening ceremony
avajaisjuhlallisuudet {n} :: opening festivities
avajaisjumalanpalvelus {n} :: opening worship (worship ceremony held at the beginning of a conference, parliamentary season etc.)
avajaisnäyttely {n} :: opening exhibition, inaugural exhibition
avajaispäivä {n} :: opening day (day when an opening ceremony of anything is held)
avajaispuhe {n} :: opening speech
avajaisseremonia {n} :: opening ceremony
avajaistarjous {n} :: inaugural offer (special offer to celebrate the opening of a commercial establishment)
avajaistilaisuus {n} :: opening event
avanne {n} :: ostomy
avanne {n} [pathology, medicine] :: fistula (abnormal opening from one organ or vessel to another, usually natural, but sometimes fistula is also used of a surgically produced connection)
avannepussi {n} :: ostomy bag
avantgardismi {n} :: avant-gardism
avantgardisti {n} :: avant-gardist
avantgardistinen {adj} :: avant-garde
avanto {n} :: A hole in the ice of a frozen body of water, either man-made or natural
avantosukellus {n} :: ice diving
avantouimari {n} :: ice swimmer
avantouinti {n} :: ice swimming
avara {adj} :: spacious, roomy
avarakatseinen {adj} :: broad-minded, tolerant
avarakatseisesti {adv} :: broad-mindedly
avarakatseisuus {n} :: broad-mindedness
avaramielinen {adj} :: open-minded
avaramielisesti {adv} :: open-mindedly
avaramielisyys {n} :: open-mindedness
avarampi {adj} :: comparative of avara
avarasti {adv} :: spaciously
avarin {adj} :: superlative of avara
avarrin {n} :: expander
avarrus {n} :: enlarging, widening, expansion (making something more spacious)
avarruskone {n} :: reamer
avartaa {vt} :: to expand, enlarge, widen
avartaminen {n} :: expanding, enlarging, widening
avartua {vi} :: to expand, enlarge, widen
avartuma {n} [anatomy] :: ampulla (dilated end of a duct)
avartuminen {n} :: widening out, expanding
ävärtyä {v} [dialectal] :: alternative form of ävertyä
avaruudellinen {adj} :: spatial
avaruudellisesti {adv} :: spatially
avaruudentutkimus {n} :: synonym of avaruustutkimus
avaruus {n} :: space
avaruus {n} :: spaciousness
avaruus {n} :: expanse
avaruusaika {n} :: space age
avaruusalus {n} :: spaceship, spacecraft
avaruusase {n} :: space weapon
avaruusasema {n} :: space station
avaruusesine {n} [law] :: space object (any man-made object launched into the outer space)
avaruusgeometria {n} :: solid geometry (geometry of three-dimensional Euclidean space)
avaruushila {n} :: space lattice
avaruushuopa {n} :: space blanket
avaruusisomeria {n} :: spatial isomerism
avaruusjärjestö {n} :: space agency
avaruuskapseli {n} :: space capsule
avaruuskävely {n} :: space walk (activity performed by an astronaut outside of a space vehicle in space)
avaruuskäyrä {n} [math] :: space curve
avaruuskeskus {n} :: space center
avaruuskilpa {n} [historical] :: Space Race
avaruuskoe {n} :: space test
avaruuskone {n} :: space machine
avaruuskoordinaatit {n} :: spatial coordinates
avaruuskulkuneuvo {n} :: space vehicle, spacecraft
avaruuskulma {n} [geometry] :: solid angle
avaruuskuvio {n} [geometry] :: space figure
avaruuskvantittuminen {n} :: space quantization
avaruuslääketiede {n} :: space medicine
avaruuslaboratorio {n} :: skylab
avaruuslaiva {n} :: spaceship
avaruuslentäjä {n} :: A member of the crew of a spaceship; an astronaut or cosmonaut
avaruuslento {n} :: space flight
avaruuslentokone {n} :: spaceplane
avaruusliikenne {n} :: space traffic
avaruusluotain {n} :: space probe
avaruusmatka {n} :: space trip
avaruusmatkailu {n} :: space tourism
avaruusmies {n} :: spaceman
avaruusohjelma {n} :: space program
avaruusoikeus {n} :: space law
avaruusolento {n} :: extraterrestrial alien
avaruusolio {n} :: synonym of avaruusolento
avaruuspöly {n} :: cosmic dust
avaruuspuku {n} :: space suit
avaruuspuolustus {n} :: space defense [US], space defence [UK]
avaruusrakenne {n} :: space frame (truss-like, lightweight rigid structure constructed from interlocking struts in a geometric pattern)
avaruusrakenne {n} :: Any similar three-dimensional structure
avaruusraketti {n} :: space rocket
avaruusromu {n} :: space debris
avaruussää {n} :: space weather
avaruussäteily {n} :: cosmic radiation, space radiation
avaruussukkula {n} :: space shuttle
avaruustekniikka {n} :: space technology
avaruusteknologia {n} :: space technology
avaruusteleskooppi {n} :: space telescope
avaruusteollisuus {n} :: space industry
avaruustiede {n} :: space science
avaruustoiminta {n} :: space-related activity, space exploration
avaruusturismi {n} :: space tourism
avaruusturisti {n} :: space tourist
avaruustutkimus {n} :: space research
avaruusvoimat {n} :: space force, space forces
avaskulaarinen {adj} [medicine] :: avascular
avata {vt} :: to open
avata {vt} :: to unwrap
avata {vt} :: to turn on
avata {vt} :: to switch on
avata {vt} :: to unlock
avata {vt} :: to unfasten
avata {vt} :: to untie
avata {vt} :: to undo
avata {vt} :: to unbutton
avata {vt} :: to unhook
avata {vt} :: to unstrap
avata {vt} :: to unbuckle
avata {vt} :: to uncork
avata {vt} :: to inaugurate
avata {vt} :: to establish
avata {vt} :: to disenchant
avata {vt} :: to disentangle
avata {vt} [_, + partitive, figurative] :: to open up about, explain, describe in more detail, clarify
avata tuli {v} :: to open fire
avattava silta {n} :: movable bridge (bridge that can be opened, usually to allow watercrafts to pass)
avauma {n} :: alternative form of avautuma
avaus {n} :: The act of opening
avaus {n} :: An opening (in a game)
avauserä {n} :: opening period, opening half, opening round (first segment in a sports contest such as ice hockey or boxing which is divided in two or more segments)
avausjakso {n} [soccer] :: opening half
avausjakso {n} :: opening episode (first episode of a TV series, overall or for a season)
avausjuoksu {n} [baseball, pesäpallo] :: opening run (first run scored by a team or a player, either in a match or career etc.)
avauslenkki {n} :: ring pull (ring on top of a tin or can, used to open it)
avausmaali {n} :: opening goal (first goal in a match)
avausottelu {n} [sports] :: opening match, opening game (the first game or match for a team or individual in a series, season, tournament etc.)
avauspäivä {n} :: opening day (day when something, especially a conference, exhibition, tournament or similar event begins)
avauspotku {n} [soccer] :: kick-off
avauspuhe {n} :: opening speech
avauspuheenvuoro {n} :: opening statement, opening argument, opening speech
avausrengas {n} :: ring pull (ring on top of a tin or can, used to open it)
avaussiirto {n} :: opening move
avausvedin {n} :: ring pull (ring on top of a tin or can, used to open it)
avauttaa {vt} :: to have (something) opened
avautua {vi} :: To (come) open, open out/up
avautua {vi} [of a bandage] :: To come undone/untied/unfastened
avautua {vi} [of a bud] :: To open, unfold
avautua {vi} [of a shop] :: To open to the public, become available for use, permit access, afford entrance, receive customers, start business
avautua {vi} [of a landscape] :: To spread out
avautua {vi} [of a person] :: To open up, open one's heart, put out one's innermost feelings, be forthcoming/frank/direct/candid/straightforward, speak one's mind, bring others into one's confidence
avautuma {n} :: opening
avautuminen {n} :: opening (the process of being opened)
avautumisvaihe {n} :: cervical dilation (opening of the cervix, the entrance to the uterus, during childbirth)
avec {n} :: vis-à-vis, date, company
avennin {n} :: broach, broaching tool
aventaa {v} [machining] :: to broach
aventuriini {n} [mineral] :: aventurine (type of quartz)
aventuriinikvartsi {n} [mineral] :: aventurine
äveriäisyys {n} :: richness, wealth (state or property of being rich)
äveriäs {adj} :: very wealthy or rich
äveriöityä {v} [rare] :: to become wealthy
äveriöityminen {n} [rare] :: becoming wealthy
äveröityä {v} :: alternative form of äveriöityä
averroismi {n} [philosophy] :: Averroism
aversio {n} [medicine] :: aversion
aversioterapia {n} :: aversion therapy
ävertyä {v} :: alternative form of äveriöityä
avesta {n} :: Avestan (language)
avi {n} :: regional state administrative agency; see aluehallintovirasto
AVI {n} :: aluehallintovirasto (regional state administrative agency)
aviaario {n} :: A birdhouse or a large birdcage
avidiini {n} :: avidin
aviisi {n} [dated or colloquial] :: newspaper
avio {n} [only in some cases, otherwise uncommon] :: marriage
avio {n} [in compounds] :: marital or married
avioehto {n} :: prenuptial agreement
avioehtosopimus {n} :: prenuptial agreement
avioelämä {n} :: married life
avioero {n} :: divorce
avioerokanne {n} :: divorce suit
avioerolapsi {n} :: child of divorce
avioeroperhe {n} :: divorced family
avioerotuomio {n} :: divorce decree
avioeste {n} :: impediment to the marriage
avioida {v} [extremely, rare, nonstandard] :: to marry (to take as husband or wife)
avioida {v} [extremely, rare, nonstandard] :: to marry (to give away as husband or wife)
avioikä {n} :: marriage age, marriageable age (age at which a person can legally get married)
-avioinen {adj} :: -gamous
-avioisuus {n} :: -gamy
avioitua {vi} :: To get married, marry ((to) someone = genitive + kanssa)
avioituminen {n} :: getting married
avioitumisikä {n} :: marrying age (age at which a person gets married)
avioituvuus {n} :: marriage rate (number of people getting married in a given age bracket divided by the number of people in that bracket, often estimated for men and women separately)
aviolainsäädäntö {n} :: marriage law
aviolapsi {n} :: legitimate child (child born or conceived during marriage)
avioliitonomainen {adj} :: marriagelike
avioliitto {n} :: marriage (union between people, most often a man and a woman, that creates a family tie and carries legal and/or social rights and responsibilities)
avioliitto {n} [by extension] :: marriage (close union)
avioliitto {n} [by extension] :: marriage (joining of two (or more) parts)
avioliittokuulutus {n} :: banns (public announcement of a forthcoming marriage)
avioliittolaki {n} :: Marriage Act (piece of legislation that regulates the marriage)
avioliittolupaus {n} :: promise of marriage (mutual promise of two people to marry each other)
avioliittomarkkinat {n} [figuratively] :: marriage market (hypothetical market in which prospective partners to marriage try to attract the most suitable other half)
avioliittomarkkinat {n} :: marriage market (in some cultures, a physical market in which the parents of marrying-age children try to find a partner for their offspring)
avioliittoneuvoja {n} :: marriage counsellor
avioliittoneuvola {n} :: marriage counsellor's office
avioliittoneuvonta {n} :: marriage counseling
avioliitto-oikeus {n} :: marriage law
avioliittopalatsi {n} :: wedding palace (building for wedding ceremonies)
avioliittotodistus {n} :: marriage certificate
avioliittovälittäjä {n} :: marriage agency, introduction agency
avioliittovälittäjä {n} :: matchmaker
aviollinen {adj} :: marital
aviolupaus {n} :: synonym of avioliittolupaus
aviomies {n} :: husband (man in a marriage or marital relationship)
avioneuvoja {n} :: marriage counselor
avioneuvola {n} :: synonym of avioliittoneuvola
avioneuvonta {n} :: marriage counseling
avioniikka {n} :: avionics
avionrikkoja {n} :: adulterer [male], adulteress [female]
avio-oikeus {n} :: marital right (any right that a marriage brings to the spouses regarding the other spouse or their property)
avio-onni {n} :: marital happiness
aviopari {n} :: married couple
aviopetos {n} :: The act of enticing someone to marry or to give a promise to marry on fraudulent grounds, e.g. by concealing one's true identity or hiding an impediment to marriage
aviopuoliso {n} :: spouse
aviorikos {n} [archaic] :: adultery
aviosääty {n} :: married state (state of being married)
aviosääty {n} [rare] :: marital status
aviosiippa {n} [colloquial] :: spouse
aviosuhde {n} :: marital relationship
avioton {adj} :: extramarital (taking place outside marriage)
avioton {adj} :: extramarital, adulterous
avioton {adj} :: illegitimate (born to unmarried parents)
avioton {adj} [rare, nonstandard] :: unmarried
aviottomuus {n} :: illegitimateness (quality of being born outside marriage)
aviovaimo {n} :: wife (married woman)
aviovaimo {n} :: feme covert
avisoida {v} :: to advise, to inform (especially of items or money being sent or received)
avistavekseli {n} [finance] :: sight bill, sight draft, demand bill (draft to be paid on presentation)
A-vitamiini {n} :: vitamin A
avittaa {v} [colloquial] :: alternative form of auttaa
avittaminen {n} [colloquial] :: helping
avitus {n} :: help, boost
av-kääntäjä {n} :: A subtitler (someone who translates subtitles for a living)
av-laitteisto {n} :: audiovisual equipment
avo- {prefix} :: open-
avo- {prefix} :: bare- (without clothing in a part of body)
avo- {prefix} [medicine] :: open, dehiscent
avo {n} :: abbreviation of avokysymys
avoäänestys {n} :: Any voting method, such as show of hands or voice voting, in which the voters' opinions are disclosed
avoauto {n} :: A convertible [US] or cabriolet [UK] car body type
avoero {n} :: breakup (separation of an unmarried couple)
Avogadron luku {n} :: Avogadro's number
Avogadron vakio {n} :: Avogadro's number
avohaava {n} :: open wound
avohakkuu {n} :: clearcutting, clearfelling, clearcut logging (forestry practice)
avohame {n} :: wrap skirt, wrap
avohoito {n} :: non-institutional care
avohoito {n} :: ambulatory care, outpatient care
avohousut {n} :: a traditional type of (chiefly women's) underpants that did not cover the crotch
avohuolto {n} :: social field work (social work done outside the walls of institutions)
avoimemmin {adv} :: comparative of avoimesti
avoimempi {adj} :: comparative of avoin
avoimesti {adv} :: openly
avoimet ovet {n} [idiomatic] :: open house, open day (casual event where an institution is open for inspection by anyone interested)
avoimimmin {adv} :: superlative of avoimesti
avoimin {adj} :: superlative of avoin
avoimuus {n} :: sincerity
avoimuus {n} :: openness, transparency
avoin {adj} :: open
avoin {adj} :: open-minded
avoin {adj} :: vacant
avoin {adj} :: unlimited
avoin {adj} :: free
avoin joukko {n} [mathematics] :: open set
avoin joukko {n} [astronomy] :: open cluster
avoin kirja {n} [idiomatic] :: open book (naively open person)
avoin markkina {n} [often in plural] :: open market
avoinna {adv} :: open
avoin tähtijoukko {n} [astronomy] :: open cluster
avointen ovien päivä {n} :: open house event (lasting one day, or one day of such event)
avoin yhtiö {n} :: general partnership (form of partnership where partners are jointly liable for the partnership's debt)
avojalkainen {adj} :: barefoot
avojaloin {adv} :: barefoot (without shoes on)
avojohto {n} :: overhead power line
avojono {n} [military] :: staggered column, combat column
avokado {n} :: avocado
avokadopuu {n} :: avocado, avocado tree, Persea americana
avokallio {n} :: bare cliff (cliff that is not covered by earth)
avokanootti {n} :: synonym of intiaanikanootti
avokas {n} :: moccasin, court shoe, pump
avokäsin {adv} :: barehanded (with no covering on the hands)
avokätinen {adj} :: munificent, lavish (very liberal in giving or bestowing)
avokätisesti {adv} :: munificently, lavishly
avokätisyys {n} :: munificence, lavishness
avokatseinen {adj} :: sincere, heartfelt (meaning what one says or does)
avokatseinen {adj} :: open-eyed (alert and vigilant)
avokatseisesti {adv} :: sincerely
avokatseisesti {adv} :: vigilantly
avokatseisuus {n} :: sincerity
avokatseisuus {n} :: vigilance
avokaulainen {adj} [of clothing] :: having an open neckline
avokelanauha {n} :: open-reel tape
avokelanauhuri {n} :: reel-to-reel tape recorder
avokonttori {n} :: open plan office
avokuisti {n} [architecture] :: open veranda
avokysymys {n} :: open-ended question (permitting a freeform response, as opposed to multi-choice or yes-no questions)
avolaavu {n} :: open lean-to
avolaitos {n} :: open prison
avolava {n} :: flat bed (in a truck or railway car, a flat, uncovered cargo transport platform without sides)
avolava {n} :: open bed (in a truck or railway car, a flat, uncovered cargo transport platform with or without sides)
avolava-auto {n} :: pickup truck (light truck with an open cargo bed)
avolavainen {adj} :: flatbed (of a truck or railroad car, having a flat bed)
avoleski {n} :: surviving partner, surviving cohabitant ("widow" or "widower" from a cohabiting couple)
avoliekki {n} :: open flame
avoliitto {n} :: A cohabitation, a voluntary arrangement in which two persons (of different or same sex) live together in a marriage-like relationship without being legally married
avolouhinta {n} :: open-pit mining
avolouhos {n} :: open-pit mine
avolouhos {n} :: open quarry
avomaa {n} :: open land
avomaa {n} [horticulture] :: field (as opposed to hotbeds and greenhouses)
avomaankurkku {n} :: pickler, pickling cucumber, Cucumis sativus (cultivar of cucumber suitable for pickling)
avomaasto {n} :: open terrain (terrain which is mostly flat and free of obstructions such as trees and buildings)
avomaaviljely {n} [agriculture] :: open field cultivation (cultivation of vegetables, flowers and other delicate crops on open field, as opposed to greenhouse cultivation)
avomerenliikenne {n} :: open sea traffic (marine traffic on the open sea)
avomeri {n} [nautical] :: high seas
avomerikalastus {n} :: deep-sea fishing
avomeripurjehdus {n} :: open sea sailing
avomeripyynti {n} :: synonym of avomerikalastus
avomielinen {adj} :: open, open-hearted, frank, candid
avomielisesti {adv} :: open-heartedly
avomielisyys {n} :: open-heartedness
avomies {n} :: Male partner in a cohabitation; a common-law husband
avomuoto {n} [military] :: open formation (type of combat formation)
avomurtuma {n} [medicine] :: Open fracture, effraction (bone fracture due to which the bone breaks the surface of the skin)
avonainen {adj} :: open
avonaisesti {adv} :: openly
avonaisuus {n} :: openness
avo-oja {n} :: open ditch
avo-osasto {n} :: open ward (ward in mental institution or prison which allows some freedom to the patients or prisoners)
avopäin {adv} :: bareheaded
avopäinen {adj} :: bareheaded
avopalvelu {n} :: service provided in avohoito (ambulatory care) or avohuolto (social field work)
avopari {n} :: unmarried couple
avoparikaija {n} :: eclectus parrot, Eclectus roratus (polygynandrous species of parrot)
avopeli {n} [chess] :: open game
avopesijä {n} :: A bird whose nest is in the open
avopokeri {n} [poker] :: stud poker
av-oppimateriaali {n} :: audiovisual teaching material
avopuoliso {n} :: cohabitant (partner in cohabitation)
avorahastus {n} [public transport] :: automated fare collection
avorauhanen {n} [anatomy] :: exocrine gland
avorioriisi {n} :: parboiled rice
avorivi {n} [military] :: combat line (combat formation in which the troops advance in a line with 5 to 10 meter intervals)
avosairaanhoito {n} :: non-institutional healthcare
avosauma {n} :: open joint, expansion joint
avoselkäinen {adj} :: open back (of a dress etc., leaving part or all of the back bare)
avosetti {n} :: avocet (a bird of the family Recurvirostridae)
avosetti {n} :: pied avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta)
avosilmin {adv} :: with eyes open
avosuin {adv} :: with one's mouth open
avosuinen {adj} :: open-mouthed
avosuo {n} :: treeless bog
avosydämin {adv} :: open-heartedly
avosydäminen {adj} :: open-hearted (frank and candidly straightforward)
avosydämisesti {adv} :: open-heartedly (in a frank and candidly straightforward manner)
avosydämisyys {n} :: open-heartedness (frankness; candor and sincerity)
avosydänleikkaus {n} [medicine] :: open-heart surgery
avosylin {adv} :: with open arms
avotakka {n} :: An (open) fireplace, as opposed to a fireplace that is equipped with a door
avotalous {n} [economics] :: open economy
avotavu {n} [linguistics] :: A syllable that ends in a vowel, open syllable
avoterveydenhuolto {n} :: field healthcare
avotila {n} :: open space
avotila {n} [nautical] :: synonym of istumalaatikko
avotoimisto {n} :: open plan office
avotuli {n} :: open fire (uncovered fire)
avotuuli {n} [nautical] :: fair wind
avotyö {n} :: In connection with a rehabilitation process, work that a rehabilitee does on an ordinary workplace as part of therapy
avovaimo {n} :: female partner in a cohabitation; wife in common-law marriage
avovankila {n} :: open prison
avovaunu {n} [railroad] :: open wagon
avovaunu {n} [railroad] :: flatcar
avovene {n} [nautical] :: open boat, launch
avovesi {n} :: open water (water area free from ice)
avovesi {n} :: open water (water area free from vegetation)
avovesi {n} :: open water, open sea (expanse of water distant from shore and devoid of nearby islands or other obstructions)
avovesikausi {n} :: open water season (ice-free period)
avoviemäri {n} :: open sewer
avu {n} :: virtue, commodity (something useful or valuable)
avuliaasti {adv} :: helpfully
avuliaisuus {n} :: helpfulness
avulias {adj} :: helpful (person)
avullinen {adj} [archaic] :: synonym of auttava (helping)
avulsiivi {n} [phonetics] :: click
avunantaja {n} :: helper (one who helps)
avunantaja {n} [law] :: accessory, accomplice (contributor to an offense)
avunanto {n} :: help, assistance, support
avunanto {n} :: abetment, aiding and abetting (act of assisting or encouraging by aid or countenance in wrongdoing)
avunanto {n} :: good offices (beneficial services and acts of a third party, particularly mediation between two parties in a dispute)
avunantosopimus {n} :: assistance treaty
avunhuuto {n} :: shout for help
avunpyyntö {n} :: call for help, request for help
avunpyytäjä {n} :: one who requests help or assistance
avunsaaja {n} :: beneficiary (one who receives help or assistance)
avuntarjous {n} :: offer for help
avuntarve {n} :: need for help
avuntarvitsija {n} :: one in need of help
avuntarvitsija {n} [in plural, collectively] :: the needy
avustaa {vt} :: To assist (someone = partitive)
avustaa {vt} :: To abet (to contribute to an offence/offense)
avustaja {n} :: assistant, aide, auxiliary; sidekick (person who assists or helps someone else)
avustaja {n} [military] :: aide, aide-de-camp, adjutant (officer who acts as assistant to a more senior one)
avustaja {n} :: attendant (one who attends)
avustaja {n} :: second (attendant of a duel or boxing match standing in for a contestant)
avustaja {n} :: paralegal, legal assistant (lawyer's assistant)
avustaja {n} [in plural] :: crew (non-actor members of a theatrical or film production)
avustajakoira {n} :: service dog
avustajakunta {n} :: staff (group of assistants, especially to a government minister, ambassador etc.)
avustajisto {n} :: A team of aides (collective noun)
avustaminen {n} :: assistance
avustava erotuomari {n} [soccer] :: assistant referee, linesman
avuste {n} :: An article offered to a newspaper by a noneditorial commentator; an op-ed or a letter to the editor
-avusteinen {adj} :: -assisted
avustettu {adj} :: assisted
avustus {n} :: grant (something, usually funding, granted; a gift; a boon)
avustus {n} :: contribution (amount of money given toward something)
avustus {n} :: relief, aid (aid or assistance offered in time of need)
avustushakemus {n} :: application for grant, contribution, relief, aid etc
avustusjärjestö {n} :: aid organization, humanitarian organization, relief agency
avustuskassa {n} :: synonym of avustusrahasto
avustusoperaatio {n} :: relief operation
avustuspetos {n} :: grant fraud
avustuspostimerkki {n} :: semi-postal stamp (postage stamp issued to raise money for a particular purpose and sold at a premium over the postal value)
avustusrahasto {n} :: relief fund (fund which assists the needy, often within a specified target group)
avustusretkikunta {n} :: relief expedition (expedition sent to help someone is distress)
avustustili {n} :: aid account (account into which donations are collected, in order to spend them later for charity)
avustustoimi {n} :: relief action
avustustoiminta {n} :: relief activity
avuton {adj} :: helpless
avuttomasti {adv} :: helplessly
avuttomuus {n} :: inability, incapacity, ineptitude
avuttomuuslisä {n} [insurance] :: helplessness supplement (additional compensation paid to a person who needs assistance of another person)
av-väline {n} :: AV equipment
Ay {n} :: An unofficial abbreviation of avoin yhtiö
Äyhönen {prop} :: surname
ay-liike {n} :: Short for ammattiyhdistysliike
äyrämöinen {n} :: A member of one of the two groups of Ingrian Finns
äyrämöismurre {n} :: Any of the dialects of Finnish which the Äyrämöinens speak
äyrämöismurteet {n} :: one of the two dialect groups of Finnish dialects in Ingria, distinguished from the other by long a being aa
äyräs {n} :: bank (of river etc.)
Äyräväinen {prop} :: surname
äyri {n} :: öre (one hundreth of the Swedish crown or krona)
äyri {n} :: øre (one hundreth of the Danish or Norwegian crown or krone)
äyri {n} :: eyrir (one hundreth of the Icelandic crown or króna)
äyri {n} :: red cent (small amount of money)
äyri {n} [taxation] :: Short for veroäyri
äyriäinen {n} [zoology] :: crustacean (any member of the subphylum Crustacea)
äyriäinen {n} [gastronomy] :: shellfish (these animals as food)
äyriäiseläin {n} [zoology, dated] :: crustacean (any member of the subphylum Crustacea)
äyriäiskastike {n} :: shellfish sauce (sauce made of shellfish and/or their shells)
äyriäiskeitto {n} :: shellfish soup
äyriäissalaatti {n} :: shellfish salad [exact translation], seafood salad [more commonly used in English]
äyrimäärä {n} [taxation, archaic] :: In municipal taxation, the number of veroäyri's which a taxpayer must pay
äyrimäärä {n} :: (literally) An amount of öre, øre or eyrir
äyrinmaa {n} [historical] :: an obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for area equal to around 11 777 square kyynärä or around 4152 square meters
äyrittää {v} [historical] :: To determine a salary or other payment on the basis of a rating system or scale
ayrshire {n} :: synonym of ayrshirelehmä
ayrshirelehmä {n} :: Ayrshire (one of a breed of cattle from Ayrshire)
ayrshirerotu {n} :: Ayrshire cattle (breed of dairy cattle originating from Ayrshire in south west Scotland)
äyskähdellä {v} [frequentative] :: to snap repeatedly but infrequently
äyskähtää {v} :: to snap (to say abruptly or sharply)
äyskäistä {v} :: to snap (to say abruptly or sharply)
äyskäri {n} :: bail (vessel to scoop water from a boat)
äyskäröidä {vt} [nautical] :: to bail, bale (UK alt.) (to remove water from a boat by scooping)
äyskäröinti {n} :: bailing
äyskätä {v} :: alternative form of äyskiä
äyskiä {vi} [frequentative] :: to be snappy
äyskintä {n} :: snapping, berating (act of being snappy)
äyskyä {v} :: alternative form of äyskiä
azerbaidžan {n} :: The Azeri language
Azerbaidžan {prop} :: Azerbaidžan (country)
azerbaidžani {n} [rare] :: Azerbaijani, Azeri (language)
azerbaidžanilainen {adj} :: Azerbaijani
azerbaidžanilainen {n} :: Azeri (Azeri person)
azeri {n} :: Azerbaijani (language of Azerbaijan)
azeri {n} :: An Azeri person
azerinkielinen {adj} :: Azeri, Azeri language (written or expressed in Azeri)
azerinkielinen {adj} :: Azeri speaking (using Azeri as a means of daily communication)
azerintaa {v} :: to translate into Azeri
Azorit {prop} :: The Azores (island group)
azukipapu {n} :: azuki bean (annual vine, Vigna angularis, and its bean)