anesthesiologist (plural anesthesiologists)
- (American spelling, Canadian spelling) A physician who specializes in anesthesiology and administers anesthesia.
- anaesthetist (mostly, British)
- anesthetist (mostly, US) may refer to a nurse anesthetist, as distinct from a (physician) anesthesiologist
physician specializing in anesthesiology
- Bulgarian: анестезиоло́г m (anesteziológ)
- Catalan: anestesiòleg m
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 麻醉師/麻醉师 (zh) (mázuìshī)
- Czech: anesteziolog m
- Esperanto: anestezologo
- Finnish: nukutuslääkäri (fi), anestesialääkäri (fi), anestesiologi (fi)
- French: anesthésiste (fr) m or f, anesthésiologue (fr)
- German: Anästhesiologe m, Anästhesiologin f, Facharzt für Anästhesiologie m, Fachärztin für Anästhesiologie f, Narkosefacharzt m, Narkosefachärztin f, Narkosenfacharzt m, Narkosenfachärztin f, Narkotiseur (de) m, Narkotiseurin (de) f, Narkotiseuse f
- Hungarian: altatóorvos (hu), aneszteziológus (hu)
- Icelandic: svæfingarlæknir m
- Irish: ainéistéisí m
- Polish: anestetysta m (rare), anestezjolog (pl) m or f
- Portuguese: anestesista (pt) m or f
- Romanian: anestezist (ro) m, anestezistă (ro) f, anesteziolog (ro) m (rare)
- Russian: анестезио́лог (ru) m (anesteziólog)
- Serbo-Croatian: anesteziolog (sh) m
- Slovak: anesteziológ
- Spanish: anestesiólogo (es) m, anestesióloga f
- Swedish: anestesiolog (sv) c, narkosläkare (sv) c
- Thai: please add this translation if you can
- Turkish: anestezist (tr)