Name: Patricia Nicole Cruz Section: 2BSA-4: Photograph by Bill Hinton/Getty

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Name: Patricia Nicole Cruz Section: 2BSA-4

Can You See What I See? Look at the pictures and answer the following questions.


Photograph by Bill Hinton/Getty

Picture 1 Picture 2

Picture 3 Picture 4
Picture Write one word that Write one impact/effect in Discuss the importance
describes each education and relevance of
picture. science and technology
to everyday life.

1 Gadgets Students being more Because of the gadgets,

dependent in gadgets and not people can do everything
being resourceful like the old they need in just one tap
times. without going outside.
Especially this time, using
online shopping and
market is more
convenient or even
paying bills.
2 Unimaginative The students will not use their Internet and gadgets help
own mind in formulating words us to learn new things,
and ideas. even the things that we
think we can’t do. We can
learn it by just searching
it. Especially to us,
students. We don’t have
to go to special libraries
because we can get the
answer by just searching
it in google.
3 Busy Being social media People are being more
dependent. aware in social
happenings easily. It may
also be political and
economic news.
4 Distraction Can distract students from It may be a distraction in a
doing what we really have to lot of areas, gadgets can
do like school related works. also help to get
entertained when we are

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