G11 W4 I Am An STIer

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Name: Dinglasan, Princess Angelyn D. Strand: STEM

Section: STEM 11 A

Week 4 Worksheet: I Am an STIer

A. The STI 4Cs

Instructions: Read the descriptions of the STI 4Cs below:

B. Application
1. Please indicate instances where you have shown that you have the STI 4Cs and the instances
where you should have shown it?

Instances when you have displayed Instances when you need to work on
a specific 4C the specific 4C
Character Everyday, because we have to be Everyday, because as adult or to say
responsible as students or maybe as young men and women, we have to
young men and women everyday. be responsible for what we do in
life,and this includes giving respect to
those we interact with.

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Instances when you have displayed Instances when you need to work on
a specific 4C the specific 4C
Critical Thinker Everyday, because as adult, having a Everyday , for me, we don’t need to
broad mind and having a lot of ideas give a day or date to the existence of
is part of us. This is where critical critical thinking, as adult we already
thinking comes in, where we can associate it for everyday life, as I said
learn to think or analyze things as an earlier many of us have a broad mind
adult. and many ideas that come to mind
and we can use critical thinking in
analyzing and giving ideas that we also

Communicator Everyday , because having Everyday, because we can’t avoid

communication will help us communication, especially nowadays,
understand each other. even we were born, we have been
doing it. Having communication is a
big help for us to understand or know
the question in our mind.
Communication is also the way to give
information to people.

Change-Adept Everyday, as a new student, I can I think it depends on the situation,

really apply the change adept to my especially since we know that there
routine because I am adjusting even are errors that can happen to us. We
now to what is happening, especially need to have a back up plans so that if
since we came from the pandemic we need it, we won’t run out of ideas
where we have been at home for or we can adjust immediately to
almost two years and now we are things that happen. In the change
interacting with people. adept, I see that critical thinking is
included because that’s when
immediately think of something that
can be a solution to that error that
happens or happened to us or to
those around us.

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2. What 4C do you need to work on the most? Why?

I think it’s the communicator, because as of now, it’s really hard for me to communicate,
especially since I’ve developed social anxiety where it’s hard to socialize or interact with
people also in having conversation with someone I feel uncomfy but I need to work on it to
control my social anxiety.

3. Why is it important to develop the STI 4Cs?

It is important to develop the STI 4C’S because it is the basic characteristic that we should
apply and develop for our daily basis.

4. List down ways on how you can be a person of character, be a critical thinker, be able to
communicate to understand and be understood, and be change-adept.
I can be a person of character by taking responsibility for his/her action,treats people with
respect and lives integrity. For being a critical thinker I can analyze all the information
through sound questioning and be unfraid to push for creative ideas. For be able to
communicate to understand and be understood, we need to communicate or interact with
other people and lastly, a person who able to the change adept must have a back up plans
for the errors that will come or will happened. :)

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