Oral Presentation Project Part 1: Making A Difference

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NAME OF THE PROJECT: Low-income students do have a future.

SOCIAL PROBLEM: Many young people living in poor neighborhoods find it difficult to
concentrate in class and become passionate about school, it is necessary that they get both
financial and emotional support to be able to face this stage

When preparing the presentation, make sure you follow this structure and include
vocabulary and grammar concepts from the level.
Personal Info ● Jorge Luis Perez De Avila Ingeniería Industrial - VI
Member’s ● Maria Jose Ortega Rodriguez Derecho - VII
names/major/semester ● Alejandra Gonzalez Castaño Ingeniería Industrial - VI

Hook “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to

A sentence that catches change the world” - Nelson Mandela.
the attention of the
audience. Quote/motto
/question/fact/ statistic…

Signposting First, we will talk about the problem that arises in the
What’s the order of your community, followed by this we will address the problem itself
INTRODU presentation? to talk about our solution and help.

Objective Type: Volunteering with a non-profit organization to help with

What is the type project a problem in my community.
and its purpose? Purpose: The purpose of volunteering with a non-profit
organization to provide emotional and financial support to low-
income children who attend school.

Thesis Helping this population economically and emotionally will

Summarize the proposed provide them with better tools to face the school stage.
solution in one sentence.

BODY Proposal a) Many young people living in poor neighborhoods

What is your project in Barranquilla find it difficult to concentrate in
about? class and become passionate about school it is
a-Explain what the necessary that they get both financial and emotional
problem is about, the support to be able to face this stage.
context and target
community b) It is common for this population to present this problem
b-Explain the causes that due to:
generated this problem in 1. Many of them do not have the necessary resources
the community to buy the materials to carry out their tasks or to
c- Explain the comply with the rules of the Coexistence Manual.
effects/consequences 2. Most of the girls must take care of their other
that this problem brothers or take care of the home, because their
generated in the parents go out very early to earn money in anything.
community 3. Many of the boys must bring their living home, so
d-Explain in detail a they must work during school hours.
sequence of actions
your project will take c) Which produces the following effects:
(Example in the book 1. They lose interest in wanting to go to school
page 20) because they know that they will not enter the uniform
and that they will not be able to do the tasks that they
were given.
2. They do not have time to attend to their own
responsibilities and they also do not have time to
attend classes, diminishing their interest and their
opportunities for education, in addition to affecting
them emotionally because they feel that they cannot
be great professionals.
3. They do not have enough time to go, or to do their
homework, so they decide to put it aside and at the
same time suffer emotionally because they come to
think that they will not be able to fulfill their dreams.

It is important to note that for every young person who

decides not to study, we have less chance of making a
better Barranquilla and Colombia

d) 1. Talk to the BK2 director about this new project for

2. Select the schools for the project.
3. Go to schools to collect information from students
and learn about their stories from the hand of BK2.
4. Talk to Bienestar Uninorte to join.
5. Collect and sell the garments.
6. Buy the materials and use agreements with
7. Go to the school to distribute the material and talk to
the teachers in the school to get them to join.
8. Assign students to the members of the student
group and comply with the agreement with Bienestar.

Materials / Resources To carry out the project we need to choose the schools that
What do you need to we will help with our volunteering in the same way to make
carry out the project? alliances to receive donations from school supplies, clothing
or money.

Place The project is carried out in different schools in low-income

Where are you carrying neighborhoods in Barranquilla.
out the project?

Solutions and Impact 1. As a first step, encourage students to donate belongings

Who and how will the in good condition and then, with the collected, buy aid
project impact the materials for some students.
community? 2. Give the possibility of new schedules to allow some
Propose concrete students to adjust with the rest of their commitments and
solutions for this problem thus not abandon your studies.
in the community 3. With the help of BIENESTAR, help students who need it
with a job, either within the institution or outside of it, in
order to help increase their income without neglecting their

Summarize the proposal Through volunteering we want to provide better tools to tackle
Paraphrase the thesis. the school stage.

CONCLUS Expectations With this project we hope to learn more about the daily needs
ION What do you expect to that most students who go to public schools have, also as
learn / experience with they face in their day-to-day life millions of difficulties and how
the project? they solve them.

Thanks Thanks

A Maria José
B Alejandra
C Jorge P.

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