Jamero - Task 1

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PEOPLE AS MEDIA - Individuals serve as channels of information.

Traditionally, this is limited to folk

media, writing, or creating a media artefact. With the advent of social media, individuals have been
empowered to not just create media artefacts but to give feedback, edit and add on to the media

Characteristics of social media:

• Individualized, builds profiles (includes personal details, pictures, likes)

• Connects with friends and people (includes referrals by other friends or by the site itself)

• Uploads content in real time

• Enables conversations (both private and public)

• Provides tracking (history and threads)

Formats and examples of social media

• Relationship or Social networks - Facebook

• Micro-blogging - Twitter, Instagram

• Special interest networks -Linkedin, Pinterest

• Media Sharing - YouTube, Flickr

• Collaborative news -Reddit, Waze,

• Discussion Forums - Google Groups

• Group buying/merchant sites - OLX, Groupon, Dealgrocer

• Virtual worlds - Farmville, World of Warcraft, Secondlife, Minecraft

• Advantages and limitations of using social media in the following areas:

Areas A dvantages Limitations

Relationships People who are physically apart can continue to communicate Demands on relationship-building increases with social media.
at a lower cost, send pictures, use live-streaming, thereby People expect friends and family to respond immediately.
strengthening the ties between them. Some private conversations can be made vulnerable to

Diversion/ Social media can provide great entertainment and allow users This form of entertainment can often be addictive. Others find
Entertainment to have a respite from their busy schedules. it more difficult to manage their time wisely and to focus on
the task at hand.

Learning Social media provides a platform for real time collaborative Teachers need to develop skills for a more inclusive and
learning. Resources can be made readily available. Learners personalized way of facilitated learning.
can take control of their own learning. Not all information is valid, accurate, or beneficial.

Recognition Instant recognition by the way of simply liking a post can be Social media has created a specific need for validation and
very gratifying and encouraging. attention.

Career progression It has become easier to market oneself through social media. There is no separation of private and professional. What is
Connections and referrals are established more quickly. posted about the private self may affect the professional.

The 5 areas above are the key important reasons why social media is popular, and hint at the value of social media.


Activity 1. Wave studies

Use the resource “The Wave Story” Universal McCann. Retrieved from http:// wave.umww.com/index.html
for this activity. The wave studies are part of the research conducted annually by Universal McCann
to study trends in social media and analyze usage, motivations and content. The research draws
insights primarily for market analysis but also provides insights on how societies around the world
are affected by what is currently available on the Internet.

1. Study the growth of social media and how it has changed people.

2. Compare Philippine data to global data, if available. If this is not compare data from Asia with other

Guide Questions:

a. What are the drivers of change?

Social networking and technological growth are the forces driving change. The development of
mobile devices, data storage, and the internet have all had a significant impact on people's lives.
Social media and the internet have grown and evolved as a result of these technological
advancements. Additionally, social networking allows users to contact with loved ones or other
people even when they are separated by great distances. In addition, this driver can give users a
place to interact with others and exchange updates, satisfying our basic desire for social
connection. These drivers had a profound effect on people's lives, enabling them to accomplish
anything with ease.

b. What changes in our culture and way of life were directly affected by these drivers?

Communication and education were the primary drivers of changes in our culture and way of
life. Communication has resulted in a more interconnected society and altered the way Filipinos
interact with one another. Furthermore, people may quickly connect and interact with one
another via numerous platforms such as social media, instant messaging apps, and video chats.
These forces have an impact on education as well, since they have created new opportunities for
distant learning and lifetime learning. Students and teachers can now access instructional
materials, take virtual classes, and collaborate with one another. This has made the learnings
more adaptable and accessible.

c. Are these changes beneficial? Why or why not?

These changes are advantageous to the population. It significantly altered our lives and made
things easier for all of us. Using these drivers, we can gain free access at any time and from
anywhere. It has also presented issues such as information overload, internet privacy concerns,
and the digital divide between urban and rural communities. Overall, the internet has had a
significant impact on Philippine culture and society, influencing how people live, communicate,
learn, and interact with the outside world.

d. How does the Philippines compare with its neighbors?

In comparison to its neighbors, the Philippines is modern, with a strong emphasis on

technological innovation, social platforms, and influencer culture. They also lead the world in
social media use and daily internet usage. The average Filipino spends 10 hours and 56 minutes
every day on the internet.

e. What have you learned about human nature?

The study of human nature focuses on the features, thoughts, and actions that most people share.
It encompasses the underlying inclinations and modes of thought, feeling, and behavior. The
study of human nature focuses on the features, thoughts, and actions that most people share. It
encompasses the underlying inclinations and modes of thought, feeling, and behavior.



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