Report Today
Report Today
Report Today
ID: RAMIT/1782/08
[email protected]
Executive Summary
This internship is a part of the curriculum requirement for one semester, exactly about 4 months,
from October 17, 2019, up to February 03-, 2020 G.C. It generally describes the whole tasks I
have been handling, the experience and benefits I have been gaining, the challenges I have been
facing, and measures I have been taking to overcome them through the internship period at AMU
ICT center
I had discussed the Network Installation system, Video Conferencing configuration, and
Maintenances which I observed and practiced during my internship program.
Generally, it is the overall views of my roles in the company and state recommendations
concerning the program so as to enable the University to correct the problem and to create a
conformable situation for the next generation.
For a better understanding of the report, the report has been divided into five Chapters. Chapter
one is an introduction to the overall view of the hosting company (AMU ICT center). Chapter
two is dealing with the works, responsibilities, and assignments. I have been undertaking the
internship programs. Chapter three discussed the Technical aspects of the internship program.
Finally, in Chapter four, about how to design an enterprise network within logical packet tracer
simulation and chapter five, general comments and conclusion and Recommendation of the
previous Chapters are revealed.
Executive Summary .....................................................................................................................i
LIST OF FINGERS.................................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................... v
CHAPTER ONE ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Historical Background of the Company ............................................................................. 1
1.2.1 Brief history of the company ....................................................................................... 1
1.2.2 The main products or services of the AMU ICTC ........................................................ 2
1.2.3 Staff Profile of AMU-ICTC ........................................................................................ 3
1.2.4 Organizational Chart of the Company ......................................................................... 4
CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................ 5
2. 1 work, responsibilities and assignments .............................................................................. 5
2.2 Main Campus New finance building Network Cabling System Installation ........................ 5
2.1.0 Network cabling systems installation........................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Precondition of NCS Installation ................................................................................. 5
3. Networking Hardware ........................................................................................................ 8
4. Intranet .............................................................................................................................. 10
5. Internet .............................................................................................................................. 10
6. Main Campus Network maintenance.................................................................................. 10
CHAPTER THREE................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 technical aspect of the internship ..................................................................................... 11
3.1.2 Objectives ................................................................................................................ 11
3.2 Statement of the problem ................................................................................................. 11
3.3 Methods and Procedures .................................................................................................. 11
3.3.1 Methods .................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.2 Procedures ................................................................................................................ 12
3.4 Technical tasks/products .............................................................................................. 15
3.5 Knowledge and Acquaintances Acquired ..................................................................... 16
CHAPTER FOUR ................................................................................................................. 18
4.1 Project Scope and Network requirements ......................................................................... 18
4.2 Network Design strategy ............................................................................................ 18
4.2.1 Developing security design strategy .......................................................................... 18
4.3 Hardware quantity analysis (Main and branch locations) .................................................. 20
4.4 TCP/IP Subnet Design ..................................................................................................... 20
4.5 TCP/IP Design and Table for Main and Branch Locations (LAN, WAN) ......................... 21
4.6 Topology diagram with IP addressing. ............................................................................. 22
4.7 Expected budget .............................................................................................................. 24
CHAPTER FIVE ...................................................................................................................... 25
4.1 Summary ..................................................................................................................... 25
4.2 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 25
4.4 Recommendation ......................................................................................................... 26
References ................................................................................................................................ 27
Appendixes ............................................................................................................................... 28
Appendix A approval sheet.................................................................................................... 28
Appendix B: sample internship work photos .......................................................................... 29
1.1 Introduction
An internship program is known by giving students the opportunity to apply their
knowledge in real-world environments. At the same time, we students will also develop
skills that will help us to perform better at the real world jobs, so based on its aim I have
conducted my intern program. Therefore this report describes my experiences as a fifth-
year Arba Minch University Intern student at the company called the Arba Minch
university Information and Communication Technology Center (AMU – ICTC), which is
located in the southern Ethiopia Gamo Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and
Peoples Region about 500 kilometers south of Addis Ababa and is the largest town in
Gamo Zone called Arba minch.
The internship is part of the curriculum requirement for one semester means that for 4
months, from October 13, 2006, to February 30, 2006. It generally describes the whole
tasks I did in the intern program, the experience and practice work benefits I got, the
challenges faced and measures are taken to solve it.
Currently, information and communication technology is important to develop national
with national as well as a country with country and continent with continent come to the
same information shared with at the same time in the world.
most of the security controls were concentrated on Firewall using Access control lists
(ACL) and also presently proxy. The university was connected to the internet through
satellite access; this was a relatively slow and insecure connection. Now it is replaced by
a fiber link internet connection. And on 8 March 2009 the internet connection bandwidth
has been increased to 6 Mbps but as the number of campuses grown to five the bandwidth
requirement highly increase and in June 2011 onwards 100mbps which AMU currently
connected to ETC. That means AMU downlink capacity is 100 Mbps and uplink is 12
Currently, AMU has five campuses connected by a fiber link which is a redundant ring
topology, recently all the campuses are interconnected with 10Gb fiber optics cable
backbone in a ring fashion. For the provision of unified Communication service (various
internet/intranet services), a well hierarchically designed network connecting all the
buildings has been established. Over 5000 network nodes are already joined the LAN.
At present all the campus are having cabled LAN and unguided connections almost
everywhere on the campus’s premises including offices, libraries, staff residence, student
Dormitory, PG hostels, Cafeterias, Lecture theaters, etc. ICT has a number of services for
the AMU community both academic and administrative staff in the areas of operational
service and system, network and network security and customer support.
Workstation (WS) service Web service
Maintenance and Helpdesk Services
The other services of AMU-ICTC such as;
AMU Ubuntu mirror IP based PBX
Antivirus Network Enabled Applications
Network Enabled Applications Official website
Digital library Student management information service
E-learning and digital library (SMIS)
E-learning facility Thin client facilities
Email Video conferencing
Ere source Wireless computing
1 ICT-director 1
2 ICT-consultancy 2
3 System admin. service professional 3
4 Assistant system Engineering 2
5 Database admin/developer 2
6 Network and network security Engineer 2
7 Network and network security professional 2
8 Senior Network technician 4
9 Assistant network develop professional 2
10 E-learning administer trainer 2
11 Customer supply manager 1
12 Help desk staff main campus 4
13 Senior maintenance technician 2
14 Maintenance technician of PCs 6
15 Maintenance technician of printers and copies 4
16 Classroom technician 4
A network consists of two or more computers that are linked in order to share resources,
exchange files, or allow electronic communications. The computers on a network may be
linked through cables, telephone lines, radio waves, satellites, or infrared light beams.
Two very common types of networks include:
A Local Area Network (LAN) is a high-speed data network that covers a relatively mall
geographic area. It typically connects workstations, personal computers, printers, servers,
and other devices. LANs offer computer users many advantages, including shared access
to devices and applications, file exchange between connected users, and communication
between users via electronic mail and other applications
Wide Area Network
Wide Area Networks (WANs) connect networks in larger geographic areas, such as the
United States, or the world. Dedicated transoceanic cabling or satellite uplinks may be
used to connect this type of global network.
A protocol is a set of rules that governs the communications between computers on a
network. In order for two computers to talk to each other, they must be speaking the same
language. Many different types of network protocols and standards are required to ensure
that your computer can communicate with another computer located on the next desk or
half-way around the world. The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Reference Model
defines some of the networking protocols. However, can be simplified into the following
forms with their identify some of the common protocols.
Table 2 protocols
Table 1 illustrates how some of the major protocols would correlate to the OSI model in
order to communicate via the Internet. In this model, there are four layers, including:
Ethernet (Physical/Data Link Layers)
IP/IPX (Network Layer)
TCP/SPX (Transport Layer)
HTTP, FTP, Telnet, SMTP, and DNS(combined Session/Presentation/Application Layers)
The physical layer of the network focuses on hardware elements, such as cables, switch and
network interface cards. By far the most common protocol used at the physical layer is Ethernet.
The Internet has revolutionized many aspects of our daily lives. It has affected the way we
do business as well as the way we spend our leisure time. The Internet is a
communication system that has brought a wealth of information to our fingertips and
organized it for our use.
DNS - Domain Name System - translates network address (such as IP addresses) into
terms understood by humans (such as Domain Names)
FTP - File Transfer Protocol - a protocol that is used to transfer and manipulate files on
the Internet.
HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol - An Internet-based protocol for sending and
receiving Webpages.
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - A protocol for e-mail messages on the Intern
3. Networking Hardware
Networking hardware includes all computers, peripherals, interface cards and other
equipment needed to perform data-processing and communications within the network.
Generally, this figure shows provides information on the following components:
Network Interface Cards
a. Firewalls
A firewall is a system or group of systems that enforces an access control policy between
two networks. The actual means by which this is accomplished varies widely, but in
principle, the firewall can be thought of as a pair of mechanisms: one which exists to
block traffic, and the other which exists to permit traffic. Some firewalls place a greater
emphasis on blocking traffic, while others emphasize permitting traffic. The firewall uses
rules to filter traffic into and out of the private network, to protect the private network
users and data from malevolent hackers.
b. Workstations
Computers that humans use are broadly categorized as workstations. A typical
Workstation is a computer that is configured with a network interface card, networking
software, and the appropriate cables.
c. Switches
A Switch is a network device that typically operates at the Data Link layer (Layer 2) of
the OSI model. A switch performs the its job by examining the Data Link Layer (Layer
2) data packet and forwarding the packet to other devices based on Layer 2 addresses
(MAC Addresses). Switches function of using Data Link Layer (Layer 2) addressing
system, also known as MAC addresses.
4. Intranet
With the advancements made in browser-based software for the Internet, many private
organizations are implementing intranets. An intranet is a private network utilizing
Internet-type tools, but available only within that organization. For large organizations,
an intranet provides an easy access mode to corporate information for employees.
5. Internet
The Internet is a system of linked networks that are worldwide in scope and facilitate data
communication services such as remote login, file transfer, electronic mail, the World
Wide Web and newsgroups. With the meteoric rise in demand for connectivity, the
Internet has become a communications highway for millions of users. The Internet was
initially restricted to military and academic institutions, but now it is a full-fledged
conduit for any and all forms of information and commerce. Internet websites now
provide personal, educational, political and economic resources to every corner of the
6. Main Campus Network maintenance
Network maintenance is to keep the network available within service and at acceptable
performance network connection levels. Network Maintenance is also resolving and
repair network problems, Identify the problem, find ways to isolate the cause and to
correct the problem and finally, prevent it from any hurt or damage. There are two types
of network cable maintenance: preventative maintenance and post-fault maintenance.
3.1.2 Objectives
To boost the working capability of the employers of the A Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) Agency by;
3.3.1 Methods
As we all know, there are two sources of data; primary and secondary data sources. Therefore, I
was using these methods of data collection.
1 Interview: essential information is gotten from the pragmatic work. This helped me to
accumulate data legitimately from the representatives by posing such huge numbers of inquiries
at the workplace about the organization working framework, the executive's framework, and what
they are doing at a given time. If any unclear concept from the employees, I can contact my
supervisor at the normal schedule.
3.3.2 Procedures
Step 1
Strip the cable 1/2 in. down from the end using cable strippers.
Carefully trim off ripcord.
Step 2
Step 3
Untwist each pair of wires down to the sheathing. If you’re working with CAT-6 wire,
cut the center core down to the cable end.
Layout the side of the wire by side in this order: white-orange; orange; white-green;
blue; white-blue; green; white-brown; brown.
Step 4
Trim all the wires to the same length, 1/2-3/4 in. from the sheath.
Step 5
Insert the wires in the order specified in Step Two above into the RJ-45 plug. The cable
sheath should extend into the plug by about 1/2 in. and will be held in place by the crimp.
Step 5’
Step 6
Crimp the terminal with the appropriate crimping tool.
Step 7
Make sure the wires are in the right order, extend to the front of the plug and make good contact
with the metal contacts in the RJ-45 plug.
Repeat project steps one through four to attach a connector on the other end of the cable.
Figure 5 Technical produce
I have gained knowledge about how organizational structure looks like and how to behave in a
I had improved my technical and personal skills that I had learned theoretically, after becoming
familiar with new techniques and methods.
I sometimes exercised individual responsibility and develop strong teamwork skills with the
1 Practice
Understood how data was collected from Develop knowledge on how we fix the
different sources. problem on the material.
Develop how to synchronize within the By reading operational & maintenance
system. manuals that are available in Arbaminch
Develop knowledge of how to start and ICT center.
stop a unit. By referring to handout which is given
Develop knowledge on how we manage to and different books related to our
workers. courses.
3 Reading of manuals By checking from internet sources.
A management system is a basic tool for success. The management system is meant to coordinate
the employers with their managers, which makes the smooth functioning of any company, to
deliver their order effectively. A good management flow system initiates participation in
everyday duties. I had learned that “being a manager is not to hurt your employees in any way,
but is to keep their interests. “Therefore, to be a good manager is to be fair and judges any
problem in four directions always.
As successful entrepreneurship, I have to work closely with people. This is critical to be able to
build a great relationship with the team, customers, suppliers, some holders and more. From this
field practice I had grasped the following type of interpersonal skills:
Improving my interpersonal communications with others who are strangers both my friends and
co-workers of the hosting company, Arbaminch -ICT agency. I have met different groups at the
company beginning from the guards up to higher officials & managers so that I can face various
personalities. Finally, I have learned how to adapt to the different cultures and be able to value
differences regardless of age, position or whatever category.
Politeness in order to live with peaceful Co-existence and to implement fruitful work.
In most countries around the world, there are many enterprises that represent the main
gates for entrance and exit. Because of the importance of these places, each country takes
many necessary measures to provide them with the best technology. Enterprises are the
most sensitive places around the world because they represent these gates. Technology
plays many different roles to protect and represent a high quality of services for these
places. Computer networking is the most crucial part of modern airports because this new
technology takes the most important responsibilities, rather than people doing the tasks as
in previous decades.
system since these departments could be involved in the data transfer through network
elements. It is difficult to control any computer network from outside attacks unless this
network is isolated from the outside world. In this design, the transaction, request, and
ATM with drowning are the most untrusted and least secure department on account of the
diversity of users. Moreover, as these departments are connected by the same network,
persons from each one of these departments can become on inside threat [4].
1) Firewalls
Firewalls are the first step toward a high-security level and a primary
mechanism for the design presented here. These devices are a well-known security
system for any computer network. They are used for controlling the packets and data that
create a zone inside and outside the network. The firewall allows for a higher degree of
trust for the system behind it, as externs hosts generally excluded. In standard
configuration, firewalls will trust the inside activity, and the configuration of the device
will give a low level of security because of the trusted people inside the organization.
Otherwise, the outside activity like internet connections or the connections that
establish out the local network will be untested. Therefore, the network administrates
team responsible for managing the network inside an organization will give a high level
of security for the outside connections inside, some of these levels reach 100% of
security. For that reason, these firewalls filtered packets from hosts the outside and deny
any untrusted connection depending on created rules. Exchanging the information inside
and outside the network. The local network has been configured to limit the access from
outside, this task has been assigned to the by the proxy server which has already been
installed for the Airport network. The ruleset of the project’s firewalls follows a design
structure that reflects security for each position [5].
2. The second firewall was placed in the Flight Management Database Server
as shown in figure 1.
3. This firewall was attached to one of the flight management switch ports.
As a result of this design, the security level for all network and specifically in the Flight
Management Department was increased dramatically because of the security policy
which installed for each firewall the first result of the design was filtering the transmitted
data through the internet. Each device inside the airport’s network can be accessed
through any website from the Internet because the outside security level was set up with
zero security level. Otherwise, the inside network set up with a high-security level to
prevent the outside activities from entering the local network. As a final result, this will
protect the inside network from any hackers and untrusted connections as shown in
figure management strategy [6].
Figure 6 IP calculator
4.5 TCP/IP Design and Table for Main and Branch Locations (LAN, WAN)
The TCP and IP design seems like to the following screenshot of cisco packet tracer
4.6 Topology diagram with IP addressing.
The network is connected to the internet with a Firewall and the servers are in a DMZ
(Demilitarized Zone). In this way, the outside world can access the servers but cannot
access the internal network and Wireless Access Points are also used for accommodating
employees’ smartphones/laptops.
Devices to be used
951 routers for Internet Connectivity.
The same mistake was made for access points, however, since APs are not available in
NETSIM, no problem
Table 3 budget
Summary and conclusions
4.1 Summary
This report is about to explain what we did and learned during our internship period with
AMMA ICTC, Network maintenance in AMMA Network cable installation. As the main
purpose of the internship is to learn by working in a practical environment and to apply
the knowledge acquired during the studies in a real-world scenario in order to solve the
problems using the knowledge and skill learned during the academic process. We have
discussed the AMMA network, which WE observed and perceived during my internship
program. This report is divided into four sections. Section one will discuss the
background of AMMA. In section two the work tasks during the internship programs.
Section three the technical aspects of the internship program. Conclusion of the previous
sections which about AMMA-ICT, network maintenance in AMMA network cable
installation. The most important in an internship program is that the student should spend
their time in a true manner and with the spirit to learn practical orientation of theoretical
study framework. This report is about our internship that we have undergone at AMMA
ICT from Jun 3, 2009, to August 30-, 2009. During my internship, we are able to learn
the practical aspect of the network and get good working experience.
4.2 Conclusion
After going through the whole period of internship as an intern we have observed so
many professional activities and learned as well. This internship was very fruitful to us
because we had to cover many different fields. We also learned new concepts and new
ways of working. During this internship period, we acquired practical experience to
complement the theoretical content of our study for AMMA, Network cable installation,
network cable maintenance and wireless local area network (WLAN) and installation. To
conclude, we think that this internship was very beneficial to us as we learned a lot, and it
made us discover work's in a real-world
4.4 Recommendation
The company workers are committed to their work and they are sociable, so I recommend them to
continue on it. A session is for four-month, the weather condition of AMU is hot, as a result, it is
difficult to construct wired network configuration and also difficult to arrive on time. Especially it
was difficult in the afternoon So I recommend to Arba mich university engineering faculty and
technology department of electrical and computing, the field practice should be applied in another
different course. The duration of time in filed practice was enough as much as possible we
recommend that filed practice should be extended from four-month to five and above a month in
order to get better knowledge. The network bandwidth of the AMU ICT center is very weak. As a
result, I recommend the AMU ICT center to use a better bandwidth. As I have seen the server
room of the ICT center the server was placed at the ground, so it is easy to attract by natural
disaster and the human factor. So we recommend that it should be placed above one flower of the
building and far from a human being.
[3 K. A. S. Madhu Sharma, "Analyzing the Data Center Efficiency by using PUE to make Data
] Centers More Energy Efficient by Reducing the Electrical Consumption and Exploring New
Strategies," Procedia Computer Science, vol. 48, no. c, pp. 14-148, 2015.
[4 [Online]. Available:
[6 ]. home.html.
Approval Letter
Appendix B: sample internship work photos