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Adama Science and Technology University: Department of Electrical Engineering Stream of Computer Engineering

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stream of computer Engineering



NAMES: Abraham Demeke

ID NO: R/0083/06
Executive summery

This paper is conducted to internship program works to know the objective of internship
program, back ground of the organization, objectives, general description of the section, results
and discussions, and conclusion and recommendation about the Science and Technology
Information Center, System Engineering and Development department also we tried to express
methodology we used in collecting information and problem analysis solution to problem,
difficulties in internship program and we had discussed on the mission and vision of the Science
and Technology Information Center.


First, we would like to thank adama university(astu) for arranging this four-month internship
period. Next, we would like to sincerely thank Science and Technology Information Center
(STIC) for giving us this great opportunity to undergo internship training in their organization.

We would also like to send our gratitude to Mr. Bereket who allows us to perform this internship
in the company and Mr. Aschalew and Mr. Gerhe for constantly watching our progress and for
helping us by giving us such a kind and helpful advices throughout the whole time may our
gratitude find them.

My appreciation and gratitude is extended to all staffs on STIC for their guidance, generosity
to share their tremendous knowledge, for giving continuous and unlimited motivation from the
starting of the internship until the end of the program.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude for our advisor Mr. ashenafi for his help, support
and advices, and also for checking out on us any time and for giving us his valuable feedbacks
without any hesitations.

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 STIC: - Science and Technology Information Center
 MOST: - Ministry of Science and Technology
 ESA: - Ethiopian standards agency
 ECAE: - Ethiopian Conformity Assessment Enterprise
 NMIE: - National Metrology Institute (NMI) of Ethiopia
 ENAO: - Ethiopian National Accreditation Office
 ERPA: - Ethiopian Radiation Protection Authority
 EIPO: - Ethiopian Intellectual Property Office
 ASTU: - Adama Science and Technology University
 AASTU: - Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
 ICT: - Information Communication Technology
 OCR: - Recognition of character from image
 MVC: - Model View Controller
 JSF: - Java Server Faces

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Executive summery ........................................................................................................................................ i
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................................ ii
Acronyms ..................................................................................................................................................... iii
Chapter 1- Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1General overview of internship ........................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Objective of internship................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.2. scope of work expected .............................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Background of the organization.......................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Description about the organization ............................................................................................. 2
1.2.2 Mission ......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.3 Vision............................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2.4 Products and services of the organization ................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2-Management, training and employee information ..................................................................... 4
2.1 Major duties ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Becoming oriented with the job ......................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Qualities Developed ............................................................................................................................ 5
Chapter 3-Specific job information ............................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Technical Duties .................................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Other Responsibilities ......................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Technical Knowledge .......................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Relevant projects ................................................................................................................................ 7
Chapter 4- Reflection and conclusion ......................................................................................................... 14
4.1 Evaluation and critique ..................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Career goal during internship ........................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Value of the internship ..................................................................................................................... 14
4.4 Challenges we faced during internship ............................................................................................. 15
4.5 Strengths and area for improvement ............................................................................................... 15
4.5.1 Strengths .................................................................................................................................... 15
4.5.2 Areas for improvement .............................................................................................................. 15
4.6 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Chapter-5 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................... 17
5.1 Recommendation about the organization ........................................................................................ 17

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5.2 Recommendation about internship .................................................................................................. 17
Reference .................................................................................................................................................... 20

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Chapter 1- Introduction

Internship is an opportunity for a student to gain practice in a real world of work under
the guidance of an experienced supervisor. It is an integral part of the curriculum and learning
activity. Every student of school of Electrical Engineering and computing at ASTU is required to
complete a program of study that includes a compulsory internship to earn their academic degree
in their field of specialization.

1.1General overview of internship

1.1.1 Objective of internship

The objective of the internship is to produce qualified, motivated and practice oriented
students. Internship should provide the students with valuable insights into the professional
and industry oriented side of their field of study. It should enable students to put into
practice the skills, techniques and knowledge acquired in university through lecture that
are important for success in their future life.

The objective of the internship program is to enable the students to change their
theoretical knowledge to practical and share idea for the host organization and gain new

This has great advantage for both organization and the students. This has great advantage for
both of us mean the STIC and us.

It helps us with our field of profession: -

 Internship helps me to develop our self-confidence.
 Training, learning and testing opportunity.
 To identify the potential customers when we will do in my entrepreneurship life for the
 To make us aware the kinds of problem, challenges that a certain job and what opportunity
it has and the kind of the organization.

1.1.2. scope of work expected

An internship program adds a great value to your future, it shows a willingness to learn and
work to a professional environment.

1.2 Background of the organization

1.2.1 Description about the organization

STIC is found in Addis Ababa, Arada Sub city, Ethiopia. STIC is one of the nine sub-
organizations under Ministry of Science and technology (MOST). Other’s eight sub-organizations
are ESA, ECAE, NMIE, ENAO, ERPA, EIPO, ASTU and AASTU. The office (STIC) has the
main controller of other companies including MOST. The office fully controls their website.
Website is the main thing in technology institute, also all servers are found in this company so all
the process is stored in our company.

It’s mainly responsible for the science and technology minister of the country. This
organization has many office parts (such us National innovation survey, National Digital Library,
patent information, Mega projects and Tech-science Television program) that perform their own
duties securely. All these duties in each office are performed with the aid of computers. And one
of the offices called System Development and Maintenance Team which is found under
Information Infrastructure development directorate in which the office is found have the duty to
develop new systems and maintain the corrupted systems for the organization and for all sub-
System may fail due to different reasons. These failures can be on Poor
development practices, incorrect assumptions with regard to system requirements, Poor user
interface, Faulty hardware, inadequate user training/ user error, Poor fit between systems and
organization, etc. Failed system must be repair on time because all activities in the organizations
are done with the help of system.

Science and technology information center is established by the Council of Ministers

Regulation No. 257/2004 with the mission to identify, gather, organize, analyze and add value
through research, as well as disseminate a science and technology information to accelerate the
countries technology transfer. In addition, so as to let the country be beneficiary from science and
technology and to bring about structural change; the Center is given the mission to ensure the

competitiveness of the key science and technology information users i.e., manufacturing and
service providing enterprises, higher education, researcher institutes and other entities.

1.2.2 Mission

 Capacitating the Nation with new and emerging technology through provision of
sustainable and transformative information.

1.2.3 Vision

 Building a center of excellence in Science and Technology aiming at creating knowledge

based society and improve quality of life by the end of year 2015.

1.2.4 Products and services of the organization

 Science and technology information center is one of the nine sub- organizations under
MOST. Other’s eight sub-organizations are ESA, ECAE, NMIE, ENAO, ERPA, EIPO,

 STIC has the main controller of other companies including MOST. The office fully
controls their website. Website is the main thing in technology institute, also all servers are
found in this company so all the process is stored in our company .

 This organization has many office parts (such us National innovation survey, National
Digital Library, patent information, Mega projects and Tech-science Television program)
that perform their own duties securely and gives different services for example: -
Information infrastructure development directorate: it has two teams networking team
and system development team, networking team is responsible for Maintain network in the
organization and system development team is responsible for developing system and
maintain system for the STIC and other organizations.

 In this organization there are many useful projects such as electric car, super computer,
OCR system ,Big data analysis etc.

Chapter 2-Management, training and employee information

2.1 Major duties

 At the beginning we were trained new platform that called life ray by our supervisor. our
supervisors showed us how to install life ray and how to configure it.

 We see how to develop portal themes and template using life ray and a programming
language called vector in eclipse.

 we were given different assignments by our supervisors to develop a web application using
life ray and develop a portlet using java MVC and JSF for the organization and we have
completed our task as far as we can go in the given period of time and presented our task
to our supervisor and got different remarks from them.

 In the time of our internship we were able to gain knowledge from the system development
team, some of them are concerned with how to build web based application using PHP and
life ray.

 We see to develop application using new platform which is phone gap. An application
which developed by phone gap can be run on different mobile operating systems such as
Android, IPhone, Java, BlackBerry…once we develop the application it automatically
generates for those type of operating systems so it helps almost all users to install the
application on their phone.

 Developing our skills, knowledge and confidence was a priority and our supervisors took
us with them on their daily work tasks and showed us how they complete each and every
task no matter how simple a task might be it is essential to have the knowledge and skill to
do it so we can build our confidences for a larger and more complicated tasks.

2.2 Becoming oriented with the job

 System development team of the organization helped us and gave us advices on how
important it is to complete the task in the given time period and how to formally present
our projects in front of the system development team.

 They also gave us an orientation on how they conduct their day to day works and how to
maintain their friendly attitudes among employees in order to help them have a good
working environment and have a formal relationship with their co-workers.
 They also gave us a lecture on how important it is to respect time and to attend every
working hour, keep all equipment's safe, working, clean and in place at all times, show
respect to everyone in order to maintain a comfortable work environment.

 Our supervisor helped us to accomplish our task by giving us different opinions, ideas,
lecture videos and other reading assignments that can help us in completing our task and
also for future tasks.

 We were able to develop a portlet such as Incoming technology, but this projects we
done on the organization computer and we cannot able to get the projects we done because
of the regulation these projects are private for that organization.

 We were also able to use our Internet programming knowledge to develop websites and
used other programming language knowledges to develop application.

2.3 Qualities Developed

 We were able to develop some qualities provided with help by our System development
team on how their daily office tasks were and they have also given us their knowledge and
skills which they have developed through their careers.

 They took us on their jobs around the offices and other organizations like MOST and
showed us how they conducted their work and we were able to help and gain knowledge
from the real life tasks they encounter on their job.

Chapter 3-Specific job information

3.1 Technical Duties

 We worked along the system development team as they went to different offices and
branches to do their tasks.

 We help other system development team in their work like we develop a website along
with them.

 Mostly it was important for us to perform each tasks that were given to us with in the
given period of time and according to our instructions.

3.2 Other Responsibilities

 We were expected to work from 2:00 AM to 11:30 AM local time from Monday through
Friday and worked along our supervisors.

 We were responsible for the computers that were given to us and also for materials
located inside our offices and working on our assignments.

3.3 Technical Knowledge

 We were able to use our Internet programming and other programming language
knowledge's to do our assignments and tasks

 We also combined the new knowledge we gained about phone gap and life ray and our
previous programming knowledge to design interactive webpages that can be helpful for
customers and other programming languages to design applications for the employees.

 We also see how to build incoming tecnology by using java and JSF(primeface). we use
JSF for the portlet interface.

 Installing the life ray to other organization and configure it and we give tanning to other
organization employees like MOST about life ray from the knowledge we gained from our

3.4 Relevant projects

 Finally we make the incoming technology portlet this project is worked for Ethiopian
revenue organization convert the excel file (database) to dynamically web based
database and visualize dataset.

The incoming technologies database is a web application that will provide tables
and charts of the imported goods from the year 2004 until present day. Charts are often used to
ease understanding of large quantities of data and the relationships between parts of the data. In
this project a website is developed to create an interactive page that has different kinds of charts
like pie charts, bar charts and line charts to express the data from Ethiopian customs and revenue
authority database. Typically, the data in a chart is represented graphically, since humans are
generally able to grasp the meaning of something quicker from pictures than texts. Text is
generally used only to annotate the data.

This project is created to provide an interactive website for the people in need of information
about imported goods in Ethiopia and the users who visit the website can view the figurative
data. The project was created with lifray framework which uses java and centralized storage of
the database. Using the constructs of MS-SQL Server and all the user interfaces had been
designed using java, d3js JavaScript frame work.

1. Search HS code
2. View HS code
3. Search CPC code
4. View CPC code
5. View charts
6. Leave comment

Use case descriptions

Case 1

Goal: search HS code

Primary Actor: User

Scope: HS code description

Level: User

Preconditions: User has click HS code search link

Success end: User searches for HS code and find it in data

Failure end condition: User fails find the HS code entered

Case 2

Goal: view HS code

Primary Actor: User

Scope: HS code view

Level: User

Preconditions: User has click on HS code link

Success end: user receives HS code and their description

Failure end condition: User fails to receive HS codes

Case 3

Goal: search CPC code

Primary Actor: User

Scope: CPC code search

Level: User

Preconditions: User has click CPC code search link

Success end: User searches for CPC code and find it in data

Failure end condition: User fails find the CPC code entered

Case 4

Goal: view CPC code

Primary Actor: User

Scope: CPC code description and view in a data

Level: User

Preconditions: User has click CPC code link

Success end: User finds description about CPC code and view in data

Failure end condition: User fails to find the CPC code entered

Case 5

Goal: views charts

Primary Actor: User

Scope: graphical representation of data’s

Level: User

Preconditions: User has click real time charts link

Success end: User receives the graphical representation of the data’s

Failure end condition: User fails to view the charts

Case 6

Goal: leave comment

Primary Actor: User

Scope: leave comment about the webpage

Level: User

Preconditions: User has click on the leave a comment button

Success end: User sends the comment

Failure end condition: User fails to send the comment

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Fig.3.3 Highlight of Home page of incoming technologies database portal using liferay

Fig.3.4 Highlight of HS code page of incoming technologies database portal using liferay

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Fig 3.5 Highlight of CPC page of incoming technologies database portal using liferay

Fig 3.6 Highlight of search page of incoming technologies database portal using liferay

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Fig 3.7 Highlight of charts page of incoming technologies database portal using liferay.

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Chapter 4- Reflection and conclusion

4.1 Evaluation and critique

Our internship was able to change our way of thinking. first all of us were afraid that we
could do real work. At the time we start the internship program our knowledge about the real work
is improved.

Thanks to STIC employees were so helpful and willing to help us in every moment so
that, our way of thinking was changed and we establish more self-confidence.

4.2 Career goal during internship

our career goal before this internship experience was the not much but this internship
helps me to change our career goal and helps to be more confidence about our career goal. All of
us were understand the goals of taking this internship.

As a result, most of the students were able to change or improve their ideas on future
career goal. Some others including, we were able to have a career according to our interest and we
never give up our hope.

4.3 Value of the internship

Most of the students that we know are very happy to have an experience like this. It makes
us very confidential and has full awareness on the working environments.

We believe that this internship program is changed our way of thinking by make us more
confidence about our abilities.

We would like to thanks ASTU for permitting this apparent and STIC which demonstrate
and initiate us for this job. Everyone who was around us and support also should have to be

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4.4 Challenges we faced during internship

Of Corse some challenges are faced during my practice time from those we were faced like: -

 Transport problems in the morning while getting in so as to be on time,

 Lack of self-confidence at the first time.
 We afraid to communicate and work along with the employees at the beginning of the
internship program.
 Lack of knowledge especially in new platform project’s such as liferay and hs code ,cpc

4.5 Strengths and area for improvement

4.5.1 Strengths

we were able to respect the rule and regulations of the organization such as: -

 Be punctual

 Work for many hours

 Respect work

 Developing good working habit

 Respect our career

 Respect other employees

 Be more active

4.5.2 Areas for improvement

We figure out there are some problems to be corrected according to us and the campus and

When we start the problems made out by students some of them are got involved at
working time, got no interest to work. This problem should have to be improved, students should
have able to know the purpose of the internship.
On the other hand, ministry of education or any officials who are responsible for this
should able to have a new and trustful curriculum on internship cases. Because most students
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were very tired of finding organizations to start their internship program. Even if they got an
organization the organization is not helpful to show them. Organizations are not readiness to help
students to show real life works.

There are so many companies too who are accepting students and make them fit. This
companies needs appreciation from the government and from us too. we would like to thanks and
give appreciation for all who support us and make us to prepare for the next.

4.6 Conclusion

The aim of internship program is about awarding students about practical work to
support what he/she had learned theoretical before graduation. So, we conclude that the practical
attachment continued by improving some of its weakness such as in full field training materials,
continuous evaluation should be made, evaluating the students their general knowledge about the
subject matter.
Generally, in our internship we understand clearly in practical duties and
responsibilities at the different wing of the ICT office. And generally the activity takes places in
the office the levels of ICT development in Ethiopia.
we concluded that this internship program has three general purposes.

1) To improve our knowledge of communication skills and techniques with the

organization workers.

2) To develop our own ability to analyze interpersonal communication in the future.

3) To increase our own ability to communicate in ways those achieves result and maintains
good interpersonal relationships.

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Chapter-5 Recommendations

5.1 Recommendation about the organization

 The co-ordination between high level to low level should be stronger than before.

 Needed to add many number employers.

5.2 Recommendation about internship

Internship curriculum must be continued by improving some of its weakness.

 The policy should have reform on the internship and consider it as the biggest issue
because it’s a great source of knowledge.

 Internship students must understand and weighed the value of the apparent ship.

 The government especially the ministry of education should facilitate places for
students to work to decrease the stress among students.

 Universities should follow the same policy in every curriculum and internship cases.

 The supervisor from the campus must have to see the student at their practical work
place at least 2 times.

 Amount of money paid for students to do practical attachment is not sufficient.

Therefore, it must be improved for the future.

 Some evaluation guideline should be given for the advisor.

With these ideas we think every intern agreed we want to thanks the department and the
campus for letting us and get trust upon us. If every official agreed and make we can see the next
internship students will have a better place and opportunity.

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At last we would to give our thanks to STIC and we make suggestion to our campus
consider STIC for future student internship program placement.

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 Old practical attachments

 our supervisor

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