Wikidata:Database reports/List of properties/all/cs
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ID | label | description | aliases | Data type | Count |
P6 talk covi |
představitel | hlava exekutivy | guvernér, kancléř, premiér, primátor, předseda vlády, starosta | wikibase-item | 19,677 |
P10 talk covi |
video soubor | Pro obrázek použijte vlastnost „obrázek“ (P18) | commonsMedia | 2,237 | |
P14 talk covi |
značka silnice | grafické označení silnice (číslo, jméno, atd.) | commonsMedia | 12,336 | |
P15 talk covi |
mapa silnice | obrázek mapy nějaké silnice či jiné trati na Commons | mapa trati | commonsMedia | 18,797 |
P16 talk covi |
silniční systém | systém, jehož součástí je daná silnice | wikibase-item | 38,448 | |
P17 talk covi |
stát | samostatný státní útvar | země | wikibase-item | 10,558,290 |
P18 talk covi |
obrázek | odkaz na soubor na Commons | diagram, fotka, fotografie, ilustrace, kresba, portrét | commonsMedia | 2,735,611 |
P19 talk covi |
místo narození | co nejpodrobněji určené místo, kde se osoba narodila | wikibase-item | 2,151,028 | |
P20 talk covi |
místo úmrtí | co nejpodrobněji určené místo, kde osoba zemřela | wikibase-item | 825,286 | |
P21 talk covi |
pohlaví | pohlavní identita subjektu; u lidí použijte muž (Q6581097), žena (Q6581072), trans-muž (Q2449503), trans-žena (Q1052281); u zvířat použijte samec (Q44148), samice (Q43445); u skupin stejného pohlaví použijte „podtřída (čeho)“ (P279) | biologické pohlaví, gender, genderová identita, pohlavní identita, rodová identita | wikibase-item | 4,202,357 |
P22 talk covi |
otec | otec dané osoby | dcerou (muže), dítětem (muže), potomkem (muže), synem (muže) | wikibase-item | 145,978 |
P25 talk covi |
matka | matka dané osoby | dcerou (ženy), dítětem (ženy), potomkem (ženy), synem (ženy) | wikibase-item | 45,235 |
P26 talk covi |
choť | osoba má jinou osobu jako svoji choť (manžel, manželka, partner); pro nesezdané páry použijte "životní partner" (P451) | manžel, manželka | wikibase-item | 106,406 |
P27 talk covi |
státní občanství | státní občanství osoby | občanství, obyvatel země | wikibase-item | 2,907,614 |
P30 talk covi |
kontinent | kontinent, do kterého subjekt náleží | wikibase-item | 46,596 | |
P31 talk covi |
instance (čeho) | tato položka je jedna konkrétní věc (exemplář, příklad) patřící do této třídy, kategorie nebo skupiny předmětů | je, ∈ | wikibase-item | 51,234,263 |
P35 talk covi |
hlava státu | nejvyšší autorita státu nebo země | prezident | wikibase-item | 861 |
P36 talk covi |
hlavní město | administrativní sídlo dané územní jednotky | hlavní sídlo, správní centrum, administrativní centrum, správní sídlo, sídlo administrativy | wikibase-item | 78,894 |
P37 talk covi |
úřední jazyk | language designated as official by this item | wikibase-item | 5,579 | |
P38 talk covi |
měna | měna používaná položkou | wikibase-item | 1,426 | |
P39 talk covi |
ve funkci | v jaké pozici osoba je nebo byla činná | wikibase-item | 438,109 | |
P40 talk covi |
dítě | dítě dané osoby | dcera, matkou (koho), otcem (koho), potomek, rodičem (koho), syn | wikibase-item | 117,711 |
P41 talk covi |
obrázek vlajky | obrázek vlajky | vlajka | commonsMedia | 34,960 |
P47 talk covi |
hraničí s | země či administrativní celky stejné úrovně, které hraničí s entitou | společná hranice s | wikibase-item | 113,858 |
P50 talk covi |
autor | autor textu | wikibase-item | 3,561,250 | |
P51 talk covi |
audio soubor | relevant sound | zvuk | commonsMedia | 3,569 |
P53 talk covi |
rodina | family, including dynasty and nobility houses. Not family name (use P734 for family name). | dynastie, rod, šlechtický rod | wikibase-item | 31,678 |
P54 talk covi |
člen sportovního družstva | sportovní klub nebo tým, který sportovec reprezentuje nebo jehož je členem | sportovní klub, sportovní družstvo, tým, člen týmu | wikibase-item | 362,842 |
P57 talk covi |
režisér | režisér tohoto filmu, divadelní hry, počítačové hry atp. | režie, režíroval | wikibase-item | 238,201 |
P58 talk covi |
scenárista | autor nebo autoři scénaře tohoto díla | autor scénáře, scénárista, scénář | wikibase-item | 113,559 |
P59 talk covi |
souhvězdí | the area of the celestial sphere of which the subject is a part (from a scientific standpoint, not an astrological one) | wikibase-item | 39,814 | |
P61 talk covi |
objevitel nebo vynálezce | člověk, který položku objevil, poprvé popsal nebo vynalezl | objevitel, objeveno (kým), vynalezeno (kým), vynálezce | wikibase-item | 66,527 |
P65 talk covi |
místo astronomického objevu | observatoř či satelit, který objevil obejkt | wikibase-item | 51,684 | |
P66 talk covi |
domov předků | místo, z kterého pochází předkové osoby | wikibase-item | 704 | |
P69 talk covi |
škola | kterou navštěvoval(a) | alma mater | wikibase-item | 807,502 |
P78 talk covi |
doména nejvyššího řádu | Internet domain name system top-level code | doména první úrovně, doména prvního řádu, TLD | wikibase-item | 302 |
P81 talk covi |
trať | railway or public transport line(s) subject is directly connected to; use as a qualifier to P197 | wikibase-item | 55,916 | |
P84 talk covi |
architekt | osoba nebo firma, která navrhla tuto budovu | wikibase-item | 39,390 | |
P85 talk covi |
hymna | subject's official anthem | wikibase-item | 638 | |
P86 talk covi |
skladatel | kdo složil hudbu; viz též "textař" P676 | autor hudby | wikibase-item | 131,524 |
P87 talk covi |
libretista | autor libreta (slov, textu) opery, operety apod. | wikibase-item | 3,842 | |
P88 talk covi |
objednavatel | osoba nebo organizace, která někoho pověřila prací nebo stavbou | wikibase-item | 16,203 | |
P91 talk covi |
sexuální orientace | the sexual orientation of the person — use IF AND ONLY IF they have stated it themselves, unambiguously, or it has been widely agreed upon by historians after their death | wikibase-item | 1,584 | |
P92 talk covi |
uzákoněno | kde byla zapsána pravidla, podle kterých je tento subjekt regulován | ustanoveno | wikibase-item | 1,617 |
P94 talk covi |
obrázek znaku | obrázek znaku položky | znak, erb | commonsMedia | 103,356 |
P97 talk covi |
šlechtický titul | titles held by the person | wikibase-item | 36,194 | |
P98 talk covi |
editor | editor souborného díla | editorka, sestavitel | wikibase-item | 11,687 |
P101 talk covi |
zaměření | oblast hlavního zaměření této položky (např. fyzika, historie); pro zaměstnání (např. fyzik, historik) použijte P106; lze používat i u osob | specializace | wikibase-item | 96,704 |
P102 talk covi |
stranická příslušnost | politická strana, jíž je nebo byla osoba členem | politická strana, politický subjekt | wikibase-item | 303,448 |
P103 talk covi |
mateřský jazyk | rodný jazyk | jazyk, mateřština | wikibase-item | 79,792 |
P105 talk covi |
taxonomické zařazení | level in a taxonomic hierarchy | wikibase-item | 2,557,993 | |
P106 talk covi |
povolání | zaměstnání osoby (srovnejte se „zaměření“ – Property:P101) | povolání, profese, zaměstnání, činnost | wikibase-item | 3,810,523 |
P108 talk covi |
zaměstnavatel | organizace, pro kterou člověk pracuje nebo pracoval | wikibase-item | 433,359 | |
P109 talk covi |
podpis | soubor s podpisem | obrázek podpisu, autogram | commonsMedia | 13,639 |
P110 talk covi |
ilustrátor | kdo knihu ilustroval | ilustrátorka | wikibase-item | 4,887 |
P111 talk covi |
fyzikální veličina | value of a physical property expressed as number multiplied by a unit | wikibase-item | 1,398 | |
P112 talk covi |
zakladatel | osoba nebo organizace, která objekt založila | spoluzakladatel, zakladatelka | wikibase-item | 30,153 |
P113 talk covi |
domovské letiště | airport that serves as a hub for an airline | wikibase-item | 2,528 | |
P114 talk covi |
letecká aliance | alliance the airline belongs to | aliance leteckých společností | wikibase-item | 286 |
P115 talk covi |
stadion | domovský stadion týmu | stadión | wikibase-item | 14,572 |
P117 talk covi |
chemická struktura | odkaz na obrázek | commonsMedia | 11,129 | |
P118 talk covi |
liga | ve které klub nebo sportovec hraje nebo hrál | wikibase-item | 36,240 | |
P119 talk covi |
místo pohřbení | umístění (hřbitov, město, …) hrobu, hrobky, rozptýlení popela atp. u osoby či zvířete | místo hrobu, místo pochování, pochovaný (kde), pochována (kde), pohřben (kde), pohřbena (kde) | wikibase-item | 140,467 |
P121 talk covi |
provozuje | provozované vybavení, dopravní prostředek či služba | wikibase-item | 3,498 | |
P122 talk covi |
forma vlády | způsob uspořádání státní moci | forma státu, státní režim, státní zřízení | wikibase-item | 1,258 |
P123 talk covi |
vydavatel | organizace nebo osoba odpovědná za vydání knihy nebo videohry | nakladatel, nakladatelství, vydavatelství | wikibase-item | 332,135 |
P126 talk covi |
správce | kdo je správcem | koncesionář | wikibase-item | 40,745 |
P127 talk covi |
vlastník | owner of the subject | majitel | wikibase-item | 168,398 |
P128 talk covi |
reguluje | process regulated by a protein or RNA in molecular biology | wikibase-item | 12,604 | |
P129 talk covi |
fyzicky interaguje s | physical entity that the subject interacts with | wikibase-item | 2,409 | |
P131 talk covi |
nachází se v administrativní jednotce | jednotka, na jejímž území se objekt nachází | je v, leží v, nadřazená jednotka, správní jednotka, územní jednotka | wikibase-item | 7,498,481 |
P134 talk covi |
nářečí | a former property, to be replaced by P4913, that describes a lot of things that are "dialects" related | dialekt | wikibase-item | 198 |
P135 talk covi |
umělecký směr | umělecký směr spojený s touto osobou či uměleckým dílem | wikibase-item | 43,498 | |
P136 talk covi |
žánr | žánr díla nebo žánr spojený s danou osobou | wikibase-item | 707,796 | |
P137 talk covi |
operátor | osoba či organizace, která provozuje dané zařízení, vybavení či službu | provozovatel | wikibase-item | 125,616 |
P138 talk covi |
pojmenováno po | věc či osoba, po které je položka pojmenována | wikibase-item | 172,619 | |
P140 talk covi |
vyznání | vyznání osoby (musí být známo z prohlášení osoby nebo z historických zdrojů), organizace, náboženské stavby nebo čehokoli s tímto spojené | náboženství | wikibase-item | 169,542 |
P141 talk covi |
stupeň ohrožení podle IUCN | ohroženost podle IUCN | wikibase-item | 92,244 | |
P143 talk covi |
převzato z | odkud byl údaj převzat | wikibase-item | 15,567,883 | |
P144 talk covi |
podle | díla, která byla základem | motiv, námět | wikibase-item | 22,625 |
P149 talk covi |
architektonický styl | architektonický styl stavby | sloh | wikibase-item | 73,533 |
P150 talk covi |
nižší správní celky | členění administrativního celku | podcelky | wikibase-item | 77,718 |
P154 talk covi |
logo | grafický symbol spojovaný s identitou organizace | firemní znak | commonsMedia | 61,384 |
P155 talk covi |
předchozí | bezprostředně předcházející položka v řadě, jíž je předmět součástí; pokud předchozí položku nahradila, použijte P1365 | předcházející | wikibase-item | 621,594 |
P156 talk covi |
následující | bezprostředně následující položka v řadě, jíž je předmět součástí; pokud byla položka nahrazena, použijte P1366 | wikibase-item | 612,579 | |
P157 talk covi |
zabit (kým) | kdo tuto osobu zabil/zavraždil | vrah, zabita (kým), zavraděna (kým), zavražděn (kým) | wikibase-item | 1,451 |
P158 talk covi |
obrázek pečeti | odkaz na soubor na Commons | commonsMedia | 6,096 | |
P159 talk covi |
sídlo | místo, kde sídlí vedení firmy/organizace | sídlo ředitelství, sídlo vedení | wikibase-item | 224,417 |
P161 talk covi |
hraje | jeden z herců | wikibase-item | 181,111 | |
P162 talk covi |
producent | person(s) who produced the film, musical work, theatrical production, etc. (for film, this does not include executive producers, associate producers, etc.) [for production company, use P272, video games - use P178] | wikibase-item | 108,704 | |
P163 talk covi |
vlajka | článek popisující vlajku subjektu | popis vlajky | wikibase-item | 3,813 |
P166 talk covi |
ocenění | ocenění udělená osobě, dílu nebo organizaci | cena, vyznamenání | wikibase-item | 401,181 |
P167 talk covi |
nahrazeno | co nahradilo tuto stavbu po jejím zániku | wikibase-item | 574 | |
P169 talk covi |
generální ředitel | highest-ranking corporate officer appointed as the CEO within an organization | ředitel | wikibase-item | 2,065 |
P170 talk covi |
tvůrce | kdo je autorem tohoto díla (pouze pokud neexistuje specifičtější vlastnost) | vytvořeno (kým) | wikibase-item | 471,949 |
P171 talk covi |
nadřazený taxon | nejbližší taxon nadřazený tomuto taxonu | wikibase-item | 2,557,925 | |
P172 talk covi |
národnost | národnost – toto tvrzení musí být velmi dobře doloženo (prohlášení subjektu, široký konsensus ve zdrojích…) | etnikum | wikibase-item | 63,410 |
P175 talk covi |
interpret | hudebník či hudební skupina hrající dané dílo | hudební skupina, hudebník, muzikant, účinkující | wikibase-item | 310,049 |
P176 talk covi |
výrobce | výrobce produktu | wikibase-item | 58,038 | |
P177 talk covi |
překážka | překážka, přes kterou most nebo tunel vede | přemosťuje, vede přes | wikibase-item | 11,805 |
P178 talk covi |
vývojář | organizace nebo osoba, který se podílela na vývoji položky | vyvinuto (kým), vývojáři | wikibase-item | 29,612 |
P179 talk covi |
série | název souboru, jehož součást položka tvoří | cyklus, seriál, soubor | wikibase-item | 108,993 |
P180 talk covi |
zobrazuje | osoba, místo, událost nebo předmět zobrazený (nebo popsaný) v díle | motiv, námět, popisuje, téma | wikibase-item | 100,823 |
P181 talk covi |
mapa rozšíření | range map of a taxon | commonsMedia | 9,965 | |
P183 talk covi |
endemický (kde) | sole location or habitat type where the taxon lives | wikibase-item | 17,792 | |
P184 talk covi |
konzultant | vedoucí disertační práce | vedoucí práce, učitel | wikibase-item | 18,265 |
P185 talk covi |
doktorand | doctoral student(s) of a professor | wikibase-item | 10,554 | |
P186 talk covi |
použitý materiál | material the subject is made of or derived from | wikibase-item | 407,341 | |
P189 talk covi |
místo objevu/vynálezu | kde se nacházel objekt při objevu | wikibase-item | 2,363 | |
P190 talk covi |
partnerské město | twin towns, sister cities, twinned municipalities and other localities that have a partnership or cooperative agreement, either legally or informally acknowledged by their governments | wikibase-item | 15,653 | |
P193 talk covi |
zhotovitel | hlavní subjekt, který postavil budovu | stavební společnost | wikibase-item | 977 |
P194 talk covi |
zákonodárný orgán | legislative body governing this entity; political institution with elected representatives, such as a parliament/legislature or council | wikibase-item | 2,799 | |
P195 talk covi |
sbírka | ve které se objekt nachází | wikibase-item | 481,868 | |
P196 talk covi |
skupina planetek | is in grouping of minor planets according to similar orbital characteristics | wikibase-item | 91,053 | |
P197 talk covi |
další zastávka | příští zastávka/stanice na stejné trase | nejbližší zastávka, předchozí zastávka, příští zastávka, sousední zastávka | wikibase-item | 53,289 |
P199 talk covi |
obchodní divize | divisions of this organization | wikibase-item | 468 | |
P200 talk covi |
přítokem je | hlavní zdroje (řeky, kanály, atd.) přítoku vody do jezera, nádrže atp. | přítok vody, vtéká sem | wikibase-item | 4,643 |
P201 talk covi |
vytéká odtud | řeky a další způsoby odtoku vody z vodní plochy | odtok jezera | wikibase-item | 6,082 |
P205 talk covi |
země povodí | country that have drainage to/from or border the body of water | wikibase-item | 16,844 | |
P206 talk covi |
u vodní plochy | moře, jezero nebo řeka | na břehu, na jezeře, na řece, u jezera, u moře, u řeky, řeka | wikibase-item | 31,760 |
P207 talk covi |
batymetrický obrázek | image showing bathymetric chart, bathymetric map | commonsMedia | 182 | |
P208 talk covi |
vrcholný orgán výkonné moci | branch of government for the daily administration of the state | wikibase-item | 1,403 | |
P209 talk covi |
vrcholný orgán soudní moci | supreme judicial body within a country, administrative division, or other organization | wikibase-item | 134 | |
P210 talk covi |
předseda komunistické strany | chief representative of a party in an institution or an administrative unit (use qualifier to identify the party) | wikibase-item | 73 | |
P212 talk covi |
ISBN-13 | identifikační číslo publikace | external-id | 43,380 | |
P213 talk covi |
ISNI | identifikátor International Standard Name Identifier | Mezinárodní standardní identifikátor jména | external-id | 1,049,912 |
P214 talk covi |
VIAF | identifikátor v databázi Virtual International Authority File | Virtual International Authority File | external-id | 1,359,166 |
P215 talk covi |
klasifikace hvězdy | spectral class of an astronomical object | string | 7,867 | |
P217 talk covi |
inventární číslo | identifier for a physical object or a set of physical objects in a collection | string | 444,756 | |
P218 talk covi |
ISO 639-1 | two-letter identifier for a language or family of languages defined in ISO 639-1 standard | external-id | 204 | |
P219 talk covi |
ISO 639-2 | identifier for a language or macrolanguage or language family language, defined in ISO 639-2 standard, 3-letter technical or bibliographical code | external-id | 507 | |
P220 talk covi |
ISO 639-3 | identifier for a language defined in ISO 639-3 | external-id | 8,068 | |
P221 talk covi |
ISO 639-6 | identifier for a language per ISO 639-6 | external-id | 152 | |
P223 talk covi |
Hubbleova klasifikace galaxií | klasifikační klíč galaxií podle jejich tvaru | Hubbleova sekvence | string | 6,988 |
P225 talk covi |
taxonomické jméno | vědecké označení biologického taxonu | string | 2,558,031 | |
P227 talk covi |
identifikátor GND | autoritní identifikátor Německé národní knihovny (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) | external-id | 738,089 | |
P229 talk covi |
IATA kód letecké společnosti | two-character identifier for an airline | string | 2,566 | |
P230 talk covi |
ICAO kód letecké společnosti | three letter identifier for an airline (two letters only until 1982) (for airports, see P239) | string | 3,195 | |
P231 talk covi |
číslo CAS | identifikátor chemické sloučeniny | kód CAS, Registrační číslo CAS | external-id | 73,253 |
P232 talk covi |
číslo EC | evropský identifikátor chemických sloučenin | číslo EC | external-id | 31,142 |
P233 talk covi |
SMILES | zjednodušený zápis chemického vzorce molekuly pomocí znaků ASCII | Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification, zjednodušená molekulární specifikace pro vstupní řádky | string | 152,311 |
P234 talk covi |
InChl | International Chemical Identifier | external-id | 150,319 | |
P235 talk covi |
InChlKey | A hashed version of the full standard InChI - designed to create an identifier that encodes structural information and can also be practically used in web searching. | external-id | 152,668 | |
P236 talk covi |
ISSN | mezinárodní standardní číslo seriálové publikace | external-id | 64,483 | |
P237 talk covi |
erb | článek popisující znak | blason, znak | wikibase-item | 5,119 |
P238 talk covi |
IATA kód letiště | three-letter identifier for designating airports or cities (for airlines, see P229) | string | 9,080 | |
P239 talk covi |
ICAO kód letiště | four-character alphanumeric identifier for designating airports (for airlines, see P230) | string | 15,507 | |
P240 talk covi |
FAA kód letiště | three-letter or four-letter alphanumeric code identifying United States airports | string | 5,027 | |
P241 talk covi |
vojenská složka | složka ozbrojených sil, ke které tato vojenská jednotka, osoba nebo vyznamenání patří (např. U.S. Army) | složka ozbrojených sil, vojenský oddíl | wikibase-item | 66,522 |
P242 talk covi |
mapa polohy | geographic map image which highlights the location of the subject within some larger entity | locmapa | commonsMedia | 183,240 |
P243 talk covi |
OCLC | identifier from the Online Computer Library Center | external-id | 86,953 | |
P244 talk covi |
identifikátor LCAuth | identifikátor v databázi Library of Congress | LCAuth, LCNAF, LCSH, Library of Congress Name Authority File | external-id | 645,582 |
P245 talk covi |
ULAN | identifier from the Getty Union List of Artist Names | kód ULAN, číslo ULAN, číslo v ULAN | external-id | 77,773 |
P246 talk covi |
chemická značka | identifier for a chemical element | značka prvku | string | 161 |
P247 talk covi |
kód NSSDC | international satellite designation, administered by the UN Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and the US National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) | COSPAR | external-id | 5,810 |
P248 talk covi |
uvedeno v | pro označení zdroje tvrzení | zdroj | wikibase-item | 28,890,742 |
P249 talk covi |
ticker | burzovní symbol | string | 5,240 | |
P263 talk covi |
oficiální sídlo | the residence at which heads of government and other senior figures officially reside | wikibase-item | 1,274 | |
P264 talk covi |
hudební vydavatelství | brand and trademark associated with the marketing of subject music recordings and music videos | hudební label, label, nahrávací značka | wikibase-item | 212,585 |
P267 talk covi |
kód ATC | therapeutic chemical identification code per ATC | external-id | 2,040 | |
P268 talk covi |
BNF ID | identifikátor Francouzské národní knihovny (Bibliothèque nationale de France) | external-id | 441,559 | |
P269 talk covi |
SUDOC | identifier for authority control in the French collaborative library catalog (see also P1025). Format: 8 digits followed by a digit or "X" | external-id | 413,418 | |
P270 talk covi |
CALIS | identifier for authority control per CALIS (China Academic Library & Information System) | external-id | 175 | |
P271 talk covi |
CiNii | identifier for a book author in CiNii (Scholarly and Academic Information Navigator) | external-id | 21,896 | |
P272 talk covi |
produkční společnost | společnost, která produkovala daný snímek, film či jiné umělecké dílo | producent, produkce | wikibase-item | 70,419 |
P274 talk covi |
chemický vzorec | popis chemické sloučeniny pomocí symbolů prvků | string | 152,344 | |
P275 talk covi |
licence | licence pod kterou je zveřejněno autorské dílo | wikibase-item | 39,378 | |
P276 talk covi |
místo | umístění položky, předmětu či události; u administrativních entit použijte P131; pro význačné terénní prvky použijte P706 | lokace, poloha, umístění | wikibase-item | 1,020,664 |
P277 talk covi |
programovací jazyk | programovací jazyk, ve kterém je software vyvíjen | wikibase-item | 6,032 | |
P278 talk covi |
GOST 7.75–97 | identifier for a language according to GOST 7.75–97 | external-id | 363 | |
P279 talk covi |
nadtřída | třída, jejíž podtřídou/podskupinou tato třída je (všechny prvky této množiny jsou také prvky oné množiny) | je podtřídou (čeho), nadskupina | wikibase-item | 1,697,872 |
P281 talk covi |
poštovní směrovací číslo | identifikátor přidělený poštovními úřady dané oblasti či budově, používaný v poštovních adresách | PSČ | string | 913,878 |
P282 talk covi |
písmo | písmo užívané pro jazyk | abeceda | wikibase-item | 262,931 |
P286 talk covi |
trenér | on-field manager or head coach of a sports club (not to be confused with a general manager P505, which is not a coaching position) or person | wikibase-item | 7,517 | |
P287 talk covi |
designér | person(s) that designed the item | designer, návrhář | wikibase-item | 8,126 |
P289 talk covi |
třída lodi | označení ke které třídě loď patřila | lodní třída | wikibase-item | 10,584 |
P291 talk covi |
místo vydání | geografické místo prvního vydání | wikibase-item | 99,088 | |
P296 talk covi |
kód železniční stanice | generic identifier for a railway station, when possible, use specific property on certain coding system (e.g. P1378 for China Railway TMIS codes) | string | 25,249 | |
P297 talk covi |
kód země (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) | dvoupísmenný kód země (ISO 3166-1) | external-id | 280 | |
P298 talk covi |
kód země (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) | třípísmenný kód země (ISO 3166-1) | external-id | 278 | |
P299 talk covi |
kód země (ISO 3166-1 numeric) | trojciferný kód země (ISO 3166-1) | external-id | 281 | |
P300 talk covi |
ISO 3166-2 | identifier for a country subdivision per ISO 3166-2 (include country code) | external-id | 5,319 | |
P301 talk covi |
téma kategorie | téma dané kategorie na projektech Wikimedia, její hlavní článek | hlavní článek | wikibase-item | 577,238 |
P303 talk covi |
číslo EE | breed identification number per the EE list of the breeds of fancy pigeons (ELFP) | external-id | 307 | |
P304 talk covi |
strany | číslo stran(y) v referencích | strana, stránka, stránky | string | 20,249,700 |
P305 talk covi |
kód IETF | kód pro jazyk definovaný organizací IETF | kód jazyka podle IETF, IETF kód jazyka | external-id | 3,018 |
P306 talk covi |
operační systém | operační systém (OS), na kterém funguje daný software, případně který je nainstalován na daném hardware | OS | wikibase-item | 6,612 |
P344 talk covi |
kameraman | osoba zodpovědná za kamerovou a osvětlovací techniku při natáčení předmětného díla | kamera | wikibase-item | 69,808 |
P345 talk covi |
identifikátor v IMDb | včetně prefixu (tt-, nm-, ch-, co-) | identifikační číslo IMDb, IMDb ID, IMDb identifikátor | external-id | 599,786 |
P347 talk covi |
Joconde | identifier in the Joconde database of the French Ministry of Culture | external-id | 11,141 | |
P348 talk covi |
verze | verze softwaru | stabilní verze | string | 10,409 |
P349 talk covi |
NDL | data z Národní parlamentní knihovny v Japonsku | external-id | 110,965 | |
P350 talk covi |
identifikátor RKDimages | identifier per RKDimages of the Netherlands Institute for Art History | RKDimages | external-id | 21,686 |
P351 talk covi |
kód Entrez Gene | identifier for a gene per the NCBI Entrez database | external-id | 1,273,841 | |
P352 talk covi |
kód UniProt | identifier for a protein per the UniProt database. | external-id | 1,042,279 | |
P353 talk covi |
značka genu | identifier for a human gene | external-id | 41,693 | |
P354 talk covi |
kód HGNC | identifier for a gene from the HGNC database | external-id | 41,453 | |
P355 talk covi |
dceřiná společnost | subsidiary of a company or organization, opposite of parent organization (P749) | wikibase-item | 14,763 | |
P356 talk covi |
DOI | serial code used to uniquely identify digital objects like academic papers | Digital Object Identifier | external-id | 16,473,499 |
P358 talk covi |
diskografie | link to discography in artist or band page | wikibase-item | 5,015 | |
P359 talk covi |
Rijksmonument identifikátor | identifier for a monument assigned by the Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed | identifikátor Rijksmonument, Rijksmonument | external-id | 66,739 |
P360 talk covi |
seznam (čeho) | common element between all listed items | téma seznamu | wikibase-item | 186,948 |
P361 talk covi |
část (čeho) | subjekt je součástí tohoto objektu; opak vlastnosti "skládá se z" | díl (čeho), sekce (čeho), subsystém (čeho), část čeho | wikibase-item | 1,051,964 |
P364 talk covi |
jazyk originálu | jazyk, v němž bylo dílo vytvořeno (pro knihy a psané texty použijte místo toho P407) | wikibase-item | 281,120 | |
P366 talk covi |
použití | hlavní použití předmětu | využití | wikibase-item | 38,998 |
P367 talk covi |
astronomický symbol | image of the symbol that identify a planet or an asteroid of the solar system | commonsMedia | 34 | |
P368 talk covi |
Sandbox-CommonsMediaFile | Sandbox property for value of type "Commons Media File" | commonsMedia | 3 | |
P369 talk covi |
Sandbox-Item | sandbox property for value of type "Item" | wikibase-item | 34 | |
P370 talk covi |
pískoviště – řetězec | Sandbox property for value of type "String" | string | 21 | |
P371 talk covi |
moderátor | osoba, která má hlavní roli v televizních či rozhlasových pořadech | wikibase-item | 7,573 | |
P373 talk covi |
kategorie na Commons | název kategorie ve Wikimedia Commons (bez prefixu Category:) | Commons kategorie, Commonscat, kategorie ve Wikimedia Commons | string | 2,630,599 |
P374 talk covi |
kód obce INSEE | identifier for a municipality per the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies in France | INSEE | external-id | 39,458 |
P375 talk covi |
nosná raketa | type of rocket or other vehicle for launching subject payload into outer space | wikibase-item | 5,910 | |
P376 talk covi |
na astronomickém objektu | astronomical body on which features or places are situated | wikibase-item | 8,906 | |
P377 talk covi |
SCN | Satellite Catalog Number, 5-digit-number including leading zeros (e.g. '00266') | external-id | 5,798 | |
P380 talk covi |
kód Mériméovy databáze | kód Mériméovy databáze, která zahrnuje francouzské kulturní památky | Base Mérimée | external-id | 48,140 |
P381 talk covi |
kód KGS | kód označující švýcarské památky | external-id | 13,125 | |
P382 talk covi |
kód obce CBS | nizozemský kód obce | external-id | 463 | |
P393 talk covi |
vydání | pořadové číslo vydání | edice, ročník (sport) | string | 52,264 |
P395 talk covi |
poznávací značka | státní nebo mezinárodní poznávací značka | mezinárodní poznávací značka, MPZ, registrační značka, SPZ, státní poznávací značka | string | 77,790 |
P396 talk covi |
kód ICCU | identifier issued by National Library Service (SBN) of Italy | external-id | 30,900 | |
P397 talk covi |
mateřské těleso | ke kterému astronomickému objektu patří | wikibase-item | 5,925 | |
P398 talk covi |
přirozený satelit | malé těleso obíhající kolem planety | měsíce, přirozené satelity | wikibase-item | 897 |
P399 talk covi |
companion of | two or more astronomic bodies of the same type relating to each other | wikibase-item | 46 | |
P400 talk covi |
platforma | platforma, pro kterou je software určen | počítačová platforma | wikibase-item | 31,127 |
P402 talk covi |
ID relace OpenStreetMap | identifikátor relace odpovídající tomuto místu/objektu v projektu OpenStreetMap | OSM relace, osmrelace | external-id | 83,907 |
P403 talk covi |
ústí do | ústí do vodního toku | vlévá se do | wikibase-item | 76,795 |
P404 talk covi |
herní mód | dostupné herní módy ve videohrách | wikibase-item | 21,091 | |
P405 talk covi |
autor popisu taxonu | jméno toho, kdo poprvé uveřejnil binomické jméno daného taxonu | objevitel taxonu | wikibase-item | 433,532 |
P406 talk covi |
soundtrack | album obsahující hudbu k filmu či počítačové hře | wikibase-item | 517 | |
P407 talk covi |
jazyk díla/jména | jazyk tohoto díla, jména nebo pojmu (pro osoby P103 a P1412) | jazyk díla, jazyk jména | wikibase-item | 3,064,400 |
P408 talk covi |
engine | software engine employed by the subject item | herní engine | wikibase-item | 2,906 |
P409 talk covi |
NLA | identifier issued by the National Library of Australia (see also P1315 for the newer People Australia identifier). VIAF component. Format: 1-12 digits, removing leading zero-padding. | external-id | 37,440 | |
P410 talk covi |
vojenská hodnost | dosažená vojenská hodnost (měla by obsahovat vymezení „od“) | hodnost | wikibase-item | 84,391 |
P411 talk covi |
stav kanonizace | stage in the process of attaining sainthood per the subject's religious organization | wikibase-item | 8,514 | |
P412 talk covi |
druh hlasu | person's voice type. expected values: soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto, countertenor, tenor, baritone, bass (and derivatives) | hlasový obor | wikibase-item | 25,455 |
P413 talk covi |
pozice hráče | pozice či specializace hráče v rámci družstva v týmovém sportu, např. střední útočník | wikibase-item | 305,462 | |
P414 talk covi |
burza | burza, na níž je akcie kotována | wikibase-item | 7,943 | |
P415 talk covi |
rozhlasový formát | describes the overall content broadcast on a radio station | wikibase-item | 406 | |
P416 talk covi |
značka veličiny | symbol for a mathematical or physical quantity | označení veličiny, symbol veličiny | string | 155 |
P417 talk covi |
patron | světec, jemuž se přisuzuje přímluva nebo ochrana předmětu položky | wikibase-item | 9,499 | |
P418 talk covi |
pečeť | článek popisující pečeť subjektu | popis pečeti | wikibase-item | 57 |
P421 talk covi |
časové pásmo | time zone for this item | wikibase-item | 1,466,527 | |
P423 talk covi |
jakou rukou | pro hokejisty; pravá, nebo levá | wikibase-item | 13,159 | |
P424 talk covi |
kód jazyka pro Wikimedia | identifier for a language or variant as used by Wikimedia projects | string | 1,802 | |
P425 talk covi |
obor tohoto povolání | activity corresponding to this occupation (use only for occupations - for people use Property:P101, for profession use P425, for companies use P452) | wikibase-item | 3,405 | |
P426 talk covi |
imatrikulace letadla | identifier assigned to an individual aircraft by civil aircraft registry | imatrikulační kód | string | 739 |
P427 talk covi |
nomenklatorický typ | the type genus of this family (or subfamily, etc), or the type species of this genus (or subgenus, etc) | wikibase-item | 19,993 | |
P428 talk covi |
zkratka jména botanika podle IPNI | oficiální zkratka jména subjektu používaná u autoritních údajů u botanických taxonů | external-id | 46,532 | |
P429 talk covi |
kód dantai | kód japonské administrativní jednotky | dantai | external-id | 1,970 |
P432 talk covi |
volací značka | identifier used in radio transmissions to refer to the subject airline | volací znak | external-id | 2,536 |
P433 talk covi |
číslo | číslo novin, časopisu či vědeckého časopisu | vydání | string | 17,911,349 |
P434 talk covi |
kód MusicBrainz pro umělce | kód umělce v hudební encyklopedii MusicBrainz | MBID umělce, MusicBrainz pro umělce | external-id | 181,048 |
P435 talk covi |
kód MusicBrainz pro dílo | kód hudebního díla v hudební encyklopedii MusicBrainz | MBID díla, MusicBrainz pro dílo | external-id | 22,948 |
P436 talk covi |
kód MusicBrainz pro skupinu vydání alba | kód skupiny vydání hudebního alba v hudební encyklopedii MusicBrainz | MBID skupiny vydání, MusicBrainz pro skupinu | external-id | 105,060 |
P437 talk covi |
distribuce | způsob dodávání nebo odbytu | wikibase-item | 19,784 | |
P439 talk covi |
německý kód obce | číselný kód pro označení obcí a samostatných měst v Německu | external-id | 11,285 | |
P440 talk covi |
kód německého okresu | číselný kód pro označení okresů a samosprávných měst v Německu | external-id | 425 | |
P442 talk covi |
kód čínské administrativní jednotky | kód administrativní jednotky Čínské lidové republiky podle Národního statistického úřadu ČLR | external-id | 742,853 | |
P443 talk covi |
nahrávka výslovnosti | název souboru na Commons s výslovností; použijte identifikátor pro jazyk a druh hlasu | výslovnost, audio | commonsMedia | 10,815 |
P444 talk covi |
hodnocení | review score received by a creative work or other entity | string | 1,106 | |
P447 talk covi |
hodnocení od | issuer of a review score | wikibase-item | 1,230 | |
P449 talk covi |
premiérové vysílání | televizní kanál, kde bylo dílo poprvé vysíláno | wikibase-item | 54,201 | |
P450 talk covi |
astronautova mise | dokončená či probíhající mise, které se osoba zúčastnila | wikibase-item | 572 | |
P451 talk covi |
životní partner | osoba, se kterou je tato v nemanželském vztahu | druh, družka, partner, partnerka | wikibase-item | 6,623 |
P452 talk covi |
odvětví | odvětví, ve kterém společnost nebo organizace podniká | obor, oblast podnikání, sektor | wikibase-item | 31,401 |
P453 talk covi |
v roli | koho hraje | wikibase-item | 7,434 | |
P454 talk covi |
kód Structurae | kód budovy v databázi staveb Structurae (písmeno „s“ a 7 číslic) | external-id | 9,703 | |
P455 talk covi |
kód Emporis | kód v databázi Emporis | external-id | 2,655 | |
P457 talk covi |
zakládací dokument | text, kterým byla daná instituce založena | wikibase-item | 459 | |
P458 talk covi |
kód IMO pro lodě | sedmimístný číselný kód identifikující lodě a jiná plavidla | external-id | 10,924 | |
P459 talk covi |
metoda určení | způsob, jakým byla hodnota stanovena, případně standard, na základě kterého se určuje | způsob určení | wikibase-item | 693,934 |
P460 talk covi |
údajně totéž co | this item is said to be the same as that item, but the statement is disputed | identický objekt | wikibase-item | 62,529 |
P461 talk covi |
protiklad | položka, která je protikladem této položky | antonymum, opak | wikibase-item | 10,435 |
P462 talk covi |
barva | barva předmětu | wikibase-item | 141,366 | |
P463 talk covi |
člen (čeho) | entita byla či je členem dané organizace, ne však etnické či sociální skupiny | členem, členství v | wikibase-item | 177,349 |
P464 talk covi |
kód NOR | kód pro francouzské oficální dokumenty | external-id | 456 | |
P465 talk covi |
barva šestnáctkově | určení barvy šestimístným šestnáctkovým kódem | hexadecimální kód barvy | string | 2,506 |
P466 talk covi |
uživatel budovy | osoba či organizace, jež je uživatelem (vlastníkem či nájemníkem) dané budovy | wikibase-item | 17,480 | |
P467 talk covi |
vydáno (kým) | určuje kdo schválil/vydal právní předpis | schváleno (kým), přijato (kým) | wikibase-item | 3,374 |
P468 talk covi |
dan/kjú | výkonostní třída (úroveň) v deskových hrách (např. go, shogi) nebo bojových uměních (judo, kendoo) | síla ve hře go, síla ve hře shogi, výkonostní třída go, výkonostní třída shogi | wikibase-item | 157 |
P469 talk covi |
vodní plochy na řece | jezera a vodní nádrže, kterými řeka protéká, ze kterých vytéká, nebo do kterých se vlévá | wikibase-item | 1,686 | |
P470 talk covi |
Eight Banner register | Manchu household register for people of the Qing Dynasty | wikibase-item | 901 | |
P473 talk covi |
místní telefonní předvolba | identifier dedicated to subject city by the area communication network | string | 169,340 | |
P474 talk covi |
mezinárodní telefonní předvolba | identifier for a country - dialed on phone after the international dialing prefix (precede value by +) | string | 355 | |
P476 talk covi |
kód CELEX | identifier for European legal texts in EUR-Lex database | external-id | 149 | |
P477 talk covi |
kód Historic Places | kód kanadského seznamu Historic Places | external-id | 5,011 | |
P478 talk covi |
svazek | volume of a book or music release in a collection/series or a published collection of journal issues in a serial publication | string | 19,949,009 | |
P479 talk covi |
vstupní zařízení | vstupní metoda nebo zařízení používané pro interakci se softwarovým produktem | wikibase-item | 6,362 | |
P480 talk covi |
kód Filmaffinity | FilmAffinity identification number of a creative work | external-id | 66,868 | |
P481 talk covi |
kód Palissy | kód v Palissyho databázi francouzských kulturních památek | external-id | 150,617 | |
P483 talk covi |
nahráno v | nahrávací studio, ve kterém byla hudební skladba nahrána | wikibase-item | 1,408 | |
P484 talk covi |
kód IMA | kód Mezinárodní mineralogické asociace pro nerosty | external-id | 4,222 | |
P485 talk covi |
archivováno v | the institution holding the subject's archives | wikibase-item | 16,935 | |
P486 talk covi |
MeSH ID | unikátní identifikátor v databázi MeSH | identifikátor MeSH, MeSH identifikátor | external-id | 26,819 |
P487 talk covi |
znak v Unicode | znak předmětu v Unicode | string | 3,859 | |
P488 talk covi |
předseda | řídící osoba dané organizace či skupiny | předsedkyně | wikibase-item | 7,349 |
P489 talk covi |
popis znaku měny | položka popisující znak měny | wikibase-item | 19 | |
P490 talk covi |
dočasné jméno | designation of an astronomical body after its discovery and before its official name | string | 50,596 | |
P491 talk covi |
schéma oběžné dráhy | image with the diagram of the orbit of an astronomic body | oběžná dráha | commonsMedia | 19 |
P492 talk covi |
kód OMIM | identifikátor v databázi OMIM | OMIM ID | external-id | 9,604 |
P493 talk covi |
kód MKN-9 | identifikátor v 9. revizi Mezinárodní klasifikace nemocí a přidružených zdravotních problémů | ICD-9, MKN-9 | external-id | 3,639 |
P494 talk covi |
kód MKN-10 | identifikátor v 10. revizi Mezinárodní klasifikace nemocí a přidružených zdravotních problémů | kód ICD-10, kód MKN 10 | external-id | 3,767 |
P495 talk covi |
země původu | země původu díla nebo výrobku | wikibase-item | 863,698 | |
P496 talk covi |
kód ORCID | kód ORCID pro osobu | ORCID | external-id | 452,437 |
P497 talk covi |
kód CBDB | identifer for a person in the China Biographical Database | external-id | 303,223 | |
P498 talk covi |
ISO 4217 | ISO 4217 kód měny | external-id | 251 | |
P500 talk covi |
exkláva (čeho) | territory is legally or politically attached to a main territory with which it is not physically contiguous because of surrounding alien territory. It may also be an enclave. | wikibase-item | 100 | |
P501 talk covi |
enkláva v | territory is entirely surrounded by the other (enclaved) | wikibase-item | 208 | |
P502 talk covi |
identifikátor HURDAT | identifier per HURDAT (North Atlantic hurricane database) | HURDAT | string | 743 |
P503 talk covi |
ISO standard | číslo ISO standardu, kterým je objekt standardizován | ISO | external-id | 580 |
P504 talk covi |
domovský přístav | home port of the vessel (if different from "ship registry"): For civilian ships, the primary port from which the ship operates. Port of registry →P532 should be listed in "Ship registry". For warships, this will be the ship's assigned naval base | wikibase-item | 4,848 | |
P505 talk covi |
generální manažer | generální manažer sportovního týmu | wikibase-item | 1,264 | |
P506 talk covi |
ISO 15924 alpha-4 kód | ISO kód písma | external-id | 158 | |
P507 talk covi |
kód švédského kraje | identifier for a county in Sweden "länskod" (two-digit) | external-id | 28 | |
P508 talk covi |
BNCF Thesaurus | italský národní tesaurus | external-id | 12,504 | |
P509 talk covi |
příčina smrti | základní či přímá příčina smrti; preferována základní příčina (např. autonehoda, cévní mozková příhoda). Pro základní členění (např. přirozená smrt, sebevražda atd.) použijte „způsob smrti“ (P1196) | příčina úmrtí | wikibase-item | 87,033 |
P511 talk covi |
zdvořilostní titul před jménem | slovo nebo výraz užívaný před jménem, při oslovení osoby nebo při vyjadřování se o ní | honorární titul, titul, čestný titul | wikibase-item | 2,213 |
P512 talk covi |
akademický titul | akademický titul získaný touto osobou | titul | wikibase-item | 86,445 |
P514 talk covi |
interleaves with | stratigraphic relation in which two units overlap each other marginally | wikibase-item | 22 | |
P515 talk covi |
skupenství | state or phase of the matter at which the measure was made (gas, liquid, solid... See talk page) | wikibase-item | 275 | |
P516 talk covi |
energie od | výbava nebo cokoliv, co dodává energii | wikibase-item | 7,202 | |
P517 talk covi |
interakce | subset of the four fundamental forces (strong (Q11415), electromagnetic (Q849919), weak (Q11418), and gravitation (Q11412) with which a particle interacts | základní interakce | wikibase-item | 119 |
P518 talk covi |
platí pro část | pro kterou část předmětu platí dané tvrzení | wikibase-item | 300,140 | |
P520 talk covi |
výzbroj | equippable weapon item for the subject | wikibase-item | 1,856 | |
P521 talk covi |
cíl pravidelné linky | letiště nebo nádraží, které je s daným subjektem spojeno pravidelnou linkou | wikibase-item | 60 | |
P522 talk covi |
druh oběžné dráhy | oběžná dráha, kterou těleso obíhá kolem příslušného tělesa | oběžná dráha, orbita, typ oběžné dráhy | wikibase-item | 506 |
P523 talk covi |
začátek časového rozmezí | začátek procesu nebo vznik biologické formy na geologické časové škále | wikibase-item | 97 | |
P524 talk covi |
konec časového rozmezí | konec procesu nebo zánik biologické formy na geologické časové škále | wikibase-item | 94 | |
P525 talk covi |
kód švédské obce | čtyřmístný kód obce ve Švédsku | external-id | 399 | |
P527 talk covi |
skládá se z | části většího celku (pro administrativní jednotky je vyhrazena P150) | sestává z | wikibase-item | 459,006 |
P528 talk covi |
katalogové číslo | catalog name of an object, use with qualifier P972 | string | 105,504 | |
P529 talk covi |
runway | kód vzletové nebo přistávací dráhy na letišti | ranvej | string | 8,709 |
P530 talk covi |
diplomatický vztah | diplomatic relations of the country | diplomacie, diplomatické vztahy | wikibase-item | 267 |
P531 talk covi |
diplomatické zastoupení | trvalé mezinárodní právní zastoupení státu v zahraničí | ambasáda | wikibase-item | 128 |
P532 talk covi |
registrována v přístavu | ship's port of registry. This is generally painted on the ship's stern (for the "home port", see Property:P504) | wikibase-item | 1,932 | |
P533 talk covi |
cíl | cíl (teroristického) útoku, protestu, atentátu, operace apod. | wikibase-item | 630 | |
P534 talk covi |
barva vrypu | barva vrypu minerálu | vryp | wikibase-item | 647 |
P535 talk covi |
Find a Grave ID | identifier of an individual's burial place in the Find a Grave database | external-id | 74,625 | |
P536 talk covi |
identifikátor ATP | identifikátor Asociace profesionálních tenistů | ATP ID | external-id | 3,303 |
P537 talk |
twinning | type of twins a crystal forms | wikibase-item | 14 | |
P538 talk |
lom | druh lomu minerálu | wikibase-item | 13 | |
P539 talk covi |
Museofile | identifikátor muzea v databázi Museofile provozované francouzským ministerstvem kultury | external-id | 1,328 | |
P541 talk covi |
volba do úřadu | název úřadu, do kterého jsou konány volby | volby do úřadu | wikibase-item | 7,464 |
P542 talk covi |
oficiálně otevřeno (kým) | person that officially opened the event or place | oficiálně otevřel, oficiálně otevřela, otevřeno (kým) | wikibase-item | 304 |
P543 talk covi |
slib složil | kdo složil slib na události, jako jsou olympijské hry | wikibase-item | 52 | |
P545 talk covi |
pochodeň zapálil | osoba, která zapálila pochodeň při události (např. olympijských hrách) | wikibase-item | 40 | |
P546 talk covi |
docking port | intended docking port for a spacecraft | wikibase-item | 56 | |
P547 talk covi |
připomíná | čeho je dané místo, památník, svátek apod. připomínkou | wikibase-item | 4,857 | |
P548 talk covi |
typ verze | vymezení pro P348 (verze software) | typ vydání, vydání, druh verze | wikibase-item | 2,347 |
P549 talk covi |
Mathematics Genealogy Project ID | identifier for mathematicians and computer scientists at the Mathematics Genealogy Project | external-id | 13,305 | |
P550 talk covi |
rytířský řád | the chivalric order which a person belongs to | wikibase-item | 45 | |
P551 talk covi |
bydliště | kde osoba bydlí/bydlela | wikibase-item | 67,905 | |
P552 talk covi |
používaná ruka | handedness of the person | wikibase-item | 1,215 | |
P553 talk covi |
účet na sociální síti | sociální síť, na které má osoba či organizace účet (používejte společně s P554) | wikibase-item | 867 | |
P554 talk covi |
uživatelské jméno | uživatelské jméno na webové stránce, kterou osoba či organizace používá (používejte jako vymezení u P553) | uživatelské jméno, jméno na sociální síti, adresa na sociálních sítích | string | 1,041 |
P555 talk covi |
deblová bilance | počet vítězství/porážek v deblových zápasech za celou kariéru tenisty | string | 3,671 | |
P556 talk covi |
krystalografická soustava | type of crystal for minerals and/or for crystal compounds | wikibase-item | 4,757 | |
P557 talk covi |
kód DiseasesDB | kód v databázi nemocí Diseases Database | DiseasesDB | external-id | 2,780 |
P559 talk covi |
koncový bod | objekt (silniční křižovatka, nádraží, atd.) na konci cesty nebo liniové stavby | wikibase-item | 21,351 | |
P560 talk covi |
směr | qualifier to indicate the direction of the parent statement's value relative to the subject item | wikibase-item | 7,532 | |
P561 talk covi |
kódové jméno NATO | oficiální kódové označení pro potřeby NATO | string | 440 | |
P562 talk covi |
emisní banka | central bank or other issuing authority for the currency | wikibase-item | 322 | |
P563 talk covi |
MKN-O | Mezinárodní klasifikace nemocí pro onkologii | external-id | 366 | |
P564 talk covi |
singlová bilance | počet vítězství/porážek v singlových zápasech za celou kariéru tenisty | string | 3,690 | |
P565 talk covi |
crystal habit | the proportions of a crystal or mineral | wikibase-item | 9 | |
P566 talk covi |
basionym | pod tímto jménem byl tento taxon poprvé v literatuře platně (validně) popsán | wikibase-item | 96,752 | |
P567 talk covi |
underlies | stratigraphic unit that this unit lies under (i.e. the overlying unit) | wikibase-item | 201 | |
P568 talk covi |
podloží | stratigraphic unit that this unit lies over (i.e. the underlying unit) | wikibase-item | 196 | |
P569 talk covi |
datum narození | datum, kdy se daná osoba narodila | time | 3,489,823 | |
P570 talk covi |
datum úmrtí | datum, kdy daná osoba zemřela | time | 1,724,014 | |
P571 talk covi |
datum vytvoření/založení | čas, kdy byl objekt založen/vytvořen | datum vytvoření, datum vzniku, datum výstavby, datum založení, postaveno, vytvořeno, vzniklo, založeno | time | 1,351,996 |
P574 talk covi |
datum vědeckého popsání | year when this scientific name was formally established | time | 414,375 | |
P575 talk covi |
datum objevu | date or point in time when the item was discovered or invented | time | 63,137 | |
P576 talk covi |
datum zániku | datum, kdy byla organizace rozpuštěna nebo budova zbořena | datum zbourání, zbouráno, zrušeno, datum rozpuštění, zaniklo | time | 87,453 |
P577 talk covi |
datum vydání | datum vydání díla | datum uveřejnění | time | 25,354,774 |
P578 talk covi |
Sandbox-TimeValue | Sandbox property for value of type "TimeValue" | time | 4 | |
P579 talk covi |
IMA status | status přidělený minerálu od IMA | wikibase-item | 5,666 | |
P580 talk covi |
od | počátek nějakého stavu | počátek, počátek, začátek | time | 1,294,145 |
P582 talk covi |
do | konec nějakého stavu | konec, konec | time | 616,113 |
P585 talk covi |
datum | datum události, datum, ke kterému je určitý výrok vztažen | k datu | time | 1,288,979 |
P586 talk covi |
IPNI author ID | numerical identifier for a person in the International Plant Names Index | external-id | 46,536 | |
P587 talk covi |
MMSI | Maritime Mobile Service Identity of a ship station. Format 8 or 9 digits | external-id | 7,838 | |
P588 talk covi |
chladící médium | substance used by the subject to dissipate excess thermal energy | wikibase-item | 320 | |
P589 talk covi |
bodová grupa | crystal subdivision | wikibase-item | 250 | |
P590 talk covi |
kód GNIS | identifier for geographic objects in the US issued by the USGS. For Antarctica, use Property:P804 | external-id | 613,241 | |
P591 talk covi |
EC enzyme number | classification scheme for enzymes | string | 11,058 | |
P592 talk covi |
ChEMBL ID | identifikátor z databáze ChEMBL | ChEMBL identifikátor | external-id | 49,669 |
P593 talk covi |
HomoloGene ID | identifier in the HomoloGene database | string | 100,214 | |
P594 talk covi |
Ensembl Gene ID | identifier for a gene as per the Ensembl (European Bioinformatics Institute and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute) database | external-id | 125,459 | |
P595 talk covi |
Guide to Pharmacology Ligand ID | ligand identifier of the Guide to Pharmacology database | external-id | 6,793 | |
P597 talk covi |
identifikátor WTA | identifikátor tenistky dle WTA | WTA tenistka | external-id | 2,529 |
P598 talk covi |
velitel (čeho) | vojenská jednotka, které tato osoba velela | wikibase-item | 4,931 | |
P599 talk covi |
kód ITF | identifier for a tennis player at the International Tennis Federation (ITF) website | external-id | 6,845 | |
P600 talk covi |
kód Wine AppDB | identifier for an application in the AppDB of WineHQ | external-id | 395 | |
P604 talk covi |
MedlinePlus ID | identifikátor v elektronické databázi spravované United States National Library of Medicine | external-id | 1,491 | |
P605 talk covi |
NUTS | identifier for a region per NUTS | external-id | 1,368 | |
P606 talk covi |
první let | date or point in time on which aircraft or rocket first flew | time | 5,875 | |
P607 talk covi |
bitvy | bitvy nebo války, kterých se osoba zúčastnila | wikibase-item | 135,943 | |
P608 talk covi |
výstavy | kde byl exponát vystaven | wikibase-item | 7,492 | |
P609 talk covi |
koncový bod (obec) | obec, město nebo metropole na konci cesty nebo liniové stavby | wikibase-item | 17,263 | |
P610 talk covi |
nejvyšší bod | bod s největší výškou v nějaké oblasti nebo na nějaké trase | nejvyšší hora, nejvyšší vrchol | wikibase-item | 4,097 |
P611 talk covi |
církevní řád | order of monks or nuns to which an individual or religious house belongs | wikibase-item | 21,563 | |
P612 talk covi |
mother house | principal house or community for a religious institute | wikibase-item | 262 | |
P613 talk covi |
OS grid reference | grid location reference from the Ordnance Survey National Grid reference system used in Great Britain | string | 23,651 | |
P617 talk covi |
yard number | identifier of a ship assigned by its builder (shipyard) | string | 9,519 | |
P618 talk |
zdroj energie | describes the source of energy an animated object (machine or animal) uses | palivo, baterie | wikibase-item | 531 |
P619 talk covi |
start vesmírné lodě | date and time of spacecraft launch in UTC | time | 6,154 | |
P620 talk covi |
přistání | date and time of spacecraft landing in UTC | time | 386 | |
P621 talk covi |
time of spacecraft orbit decay | date and time of spacecraft orbit decay in UTC | time | 256 | |
P622 talk covi |
spacecraft docking/undocking date | date and time of spacecraft docking or undocking event, in UTC | time | 26 | |
P624 talk covi |
naváděcí systém | guidance system of a missile | wikibase-item | 184 | |
P625 talk covi |
zeměpisné souřadnice | zeměpisné souřadnice předmětu | geo, geografické souřadnice, geokoordináty, souřadnice | globe-coordinate | 7,159,150 |
P626 talk covi |
pískoviště – zeměpisné souřadnice | Sandbox property for value of type "GeoCoordinateValue" | globe-coordinate | 4 | |
P627 talk covi |
identifikátor IUCN | identifier for a taxon in the International Union for Conservation of Nature database; source for conservation status (P141) | string | 92,225 | |
P628 talk covi |
E kód | číselné označení pro potravinářské přídatné látky používané v EU | E číslo | external-id | 586 |
P629 talk covi |
vydání nebo překlad (čeho) | původní dílo, kterého je tato položka vydáním nebo překladem | překlad (čeho), vydání (čeho) | wikibase-item | 21,326 |
P630 talk covi |
identifikátor pařížské ulice | kód ulice v Paříži | external-id | 6,295 | |
P631 talk covi |
statik | person, group or organisation responsible for the structural engineering of a building or structure | wikibase-item | 1,209 | |
P632 talk covi |
cultural properties of Belarus reference number | identifier for a cultural property of Belarus | external-id | 958 | |
P633 talk covi |
Quebec cultural heritage directory ID | identifier in the directory of the cultural heritage of Quebec | external-id | 1,840 | |
P634 talk covi |
kapitán týmu | captain of this sports team | wikibase-item | 222 | |
P635 talk covi |
kód ISTAT | identifier for municipalities in Italy | external-id | 8,589 | |
P636 talk covi |
cesta podání | path by which a drug, fluid, poison, or other substance is taken into the body | způsob podání | wikibase-item | 1,980 |
P637 talk covi |
RefSeq Protein ID | identifikační číslo referenční sekvence bílkoviny | external-id | 536,708 | |
P638 talk covi |
kód PDB | identifier for 3D structural data as per the PDB (Protein Data Bank) database | external-id | 26,641 | |
P639 talk covi |
kód RNA | RNA Identifier | external-id | 253,249 | |
P640 talk covi |
kód Léonore | identifier of a person in the Léonore database | external-id | 12,763 | |
P641 talk covi |
sport | sport, který k objektu náleží | sportovní odvětví | wikibase-item | 1,078,238 |
P642 talk covi |
čeho | kvalifikátor určující, že tvrzení je platné v rozsahu určité položky | koho, v, z | wikibase-item | 250,798 |
P644 talk covi |
genomic start | genomic starting coordinate of the biological sequence (e.g. a gene) | string | 673,536 | |
P645 talk covi |
genomic end | genomic ending coordinate of the biological sequence (e.g. a gene) | string | 673,536 | |
P646 talk covi |
identifikátor Freebase | identifikátor popisující ekvivalentní stránku v projektu Freebase | external-id | 1,265,614 | |
P647 talk covi |
draftován | which team the player was drafted by | wikibase-item | 11,379 | |
P648 talk covi |
identifikátor Open Library | identifier for a work ("W"), edition ("M") or author ("A") for book data of the Internet Archive | external-id | 194,501 | |
P649 talk covi |
číslo v americkém seznamu památek | identifier in the National Register of Historic Places assigned by the National Park Service of the USA | external-id | 55,944 | |
P650 talk covi |
RKDartists ID | identifier in the RKDartists database (Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie) | external-id | 78,233 | |
P651 talk covi |
BPN | identifikátor v databázi nizozemského Biografisch Portaal | external-id | 22,162 | |
P652 talk covi |
kód UNII | identifier issued by the FDA / Unique Ingredient Identifier | external-id | 59,652 | |
P653 talk covi |
PubMed Health | identifier for a physiological condition, in the PubMed Health website | external-id | 11 | |
P654 talk covi |
poloha vůči lokaci | qualifier for geographical locations to express relative direction | wikibase-item | 3,299 | |
P655 talk covi |
překladatel | osoba nebo organizace, která dílo přeložila | přeložil, přeložila | wikibase-item | 8,111 |
P656 talk covi |
RefSeq | qualifier to specify Reference Sequence identifier for the Protein and RNA (either p637 or p639) | string | 10 | |
P657 talk covi |
kód RTECS | identifikátor z Registru toxických účinků chemických látek | číslo RTECS, číslo v registru toxických účinků chemických látek | external-id | 1,718 |
P658 talk covi |
seznam skladeb | písně, které tato položka obsahuje | wikibase-item | 2,066 | |
P659 talk covi |
assembly genomu | specify the genome assembly on which the feature is placed | wikibase-item | 139,801 | |
P660 talk covi |
klasifikace EC | the Enzyme Commission (EC)-based accepted name of any enzyme classifications of the protein or RNA molecule | wikibase-item | 5 | |
P661 talk covi |
ChemSpider ID | identifier in a free chemical database, owned by the Royal Society of Chemistry | external-id | 123,061 | |
P662 talk covi |
kód PubChem (CID) | identifier from database of chemical molecules and their activities in biological assays (Compound ID number) | CID, kód CID | external-id | 146,586 |
P663 talk covi |
DSM-IV | classification found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders | external-id | 14 | |
P664 talk covi |
pořadatel | osoba nebo instituce organizující určitou událost | organizátor | wikibase-item | 17,809 |
P665 talk covi |
kód KEGG | identifier from databases dealing with genomes, enzymatic pathways, and biological chemicals | external-id | 15,726 | |
P667 talk covi |
ICPC 2 ID | classification method for primary care encounters | string | 706 | |
P668 talk covi |
GeneReviews ID | collection of peer-reviewed articles that describe specific gene-releated diseases | external-id | 156 | |
P669 talk covi |
ulice | ulice nebo náměstí, kde se budova nebo objekt nachází; pro číslo domu použijte P670 jako vymezení výroku nebo použijte P6375, pokud pro danou ulici neexistuje položka na Wikidatech | náměstí | wikibase-item | 78,782 |
P670 talk covi |
číslo orientační | number in the street address. To be used as a qualifier of Property:P669 "located on street" | čo., orientační číslo, č. o. | string | 37,734 |
P671 talk covi |
kód Mouse Genome Informatics | identifier for a gene in the Mouse Genome Informatics database | external-id | 66,010 | |
P672 talk covi |
kód MeSH | ≠ MeSH ID | external-id | 5,799 | |
P673 talk covi |
eMedicine | online clinical medical knowledge base | external-id | 1,955 | |
P674 talk covi |
postavy | characters which appear in this item (like plays, operas, operettas, books, comics, films, TV series, video games) | wikibase-item | 6,783 | |
P675 talk covi |
identifikátor Google Books | identifier for a book that Google has scanned | external-id | 1,860 | |
P676 talk covi |
textař | autor textu písně (autor melodie P86) | wikibase-item | 13,676 | |
P677 talk covi |
kód ÚSOP | ID objektu v databázi | drusop, kód chráněného území, kód stromu, úsop | external-id | 9,217 |
P678 talk covi |
incertae sedis | qualifier for P171 (parent taxon) to mark which intermediate ranks are incertae sedis | wikibase-item | 3,099 | |
P679 talk covi |
ZVG number | identifier of GESTIS database | external-id | 5,909 | |
P680 talk covi |
molekulární funkce | represents gene ontology function annotations | wikibase-item | 348,645 | |
P681 talk covi |
buněčná složka | component of the cell in which this item is present | wikibase-item | 277,430 | |
P682 talk covi |
biologický proces | is involved in the biological process | wikibase-item | 341,831 | |
P683 talk covi |
ChEBI ID | identifikátor v databázi ChEBI | ChEBI ID, ChEBI identifikátor, identifikační číslo ChEBI, identifikátor ChEBI, kód ChEBI | external-id | 84,747 |
P684 talk covi |
ortholog | orthologous gene in another species (use with 'species' qualifier) | wikibase-item | 104,605 | |
P685 talk covi |
identifikátor NCBI | identifikátor v taxonomické databázi Národního centra pro biotechnologické informace | external-id | 457,528 | |
P686 talk covi |
Gene Ontology ID | identifier in the Gene Ontology | external-id | 46,003 | |
P687 talk covi |
BHL Page ID | identifier in the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) | external-id | 69,478 | |
P688 talk covi |
kóduje | produkt genu (protein či RNA) | wikibase-item | 639,696 | |
P689 talk covi |
zasahuje | typ organismu, který nemoc zasahuje | wikibase-item | 1,286 | |
P690 talk covi |
space group | symmetry classification for 2 and 3 dimensional patterns or crystals | wikibase-item | 1,180 | |
P691 talk covi |
NKČR AUT | ID v databázi národních autorit Národní knihovny České republiky | NK ČR, Národní knihovna ČR | external-id | 231,753 |
P692 talk covi |
Gene Atlas Image | image showing the GeneAtlas expression pattern | commonsMedia | 8,742 | |
P693 talk covi |
štěpnost | way that crystals or minerals cleave | wikibase-item | 62 | |
P694 talk covi |
dříve publikované synonymum | dřívější název taxonu | wikibase-item | 387 | |
P695 talk covi |
UN kód | four-digit numbers that identify hazardous substances, and articles (such as explosives, flammable liquids, toxic substances, etc.) in the framework of international transport | external-id | 494 | |
P696 talk covi |
Neurolex ID | identifikátor v databázi Neurolex | identifikátor Neurolex, Neurolex identifikátor | external-id | 442 |
P697 talk covi |
ex taxon author | person(s) whom the author(s) of a name credited for the idea, followed in an author citation by "ex" (via P405) | wikibase-item | 11,248 | |
P698 talk covi |
PubMed ID | identifikátor v databázi PubMed | PMID | external-id | 17,772,952 |
P699 talk covi |
kód Disease Ontology | identifier in the Disease Ontology database | external-id | 11,590 | |
P700 talk covi |
kód Kemler | code describing the hazards of a chemical in transport | Kemlerův kód | external-id | 8 |
P701 talk covi |
Dodis ID | identifier in the dodis database (Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland 1945-1969), see Q661051 | external-id | 48 | |
P702 talk covi |
kódováno (čím) | gen, který kóduje daný genový produkt | wikibase-item | 645,885 | |
P703 talk covi |
obsažen/a v taxonu | taxon, ve kterém může být položka nalezena | wikibase-item | 1,689,400 | |
P704 talk covi |
Ensembl Transcript ID | transcript ID issued by Ensembl database | external-id | 123,668 | |
P705 talk covi |
Ensembl Protein ID | identifier for a protein issued by Ensembl database | external-id | 101,885 | |
P706 talk covi |
oblast | zeměpisná oblast, kde se objekt nachází | hora, jezero, leží na, moře, na hoře, na jezeře, na ostrově, ostrov, v moři | wikibase-item | 35,723 |
P707 talk covi |
satellite bus | general model on which multiple-production satellite spacecraft is based | wikibase-item | 24 | |
P708 talk covi |
diecéze | administrativní jednotka církve, ke které subjekt náleží | eparchie | wikibase-item | 56,519 |
P709 talk covi |
Historic Scotland ID | identifier for a building in the Historic Scotland database | external-id | 69,179 | |
P710 talk covi |
účastník | osoba, která se události účastnila nebo účastní | wikibase-item | 32,788 | |
P711 talk covi |
Strunz 8th edition (series ID, updated) | mineral classification 8th edition, series identifier, silicate classification modified by Athena | string | 4,126 | |
P712 talk covi |
Nickel-Strunz 9th edition (updated 2009) | mineral classification Nickel-Strunz version 9 (updated 2009, deprecated), a PDF format file. Superseeded by Nickel-Strunz '10th ed' | string | 4,458 | |
P713 talk covi |
Nickel-Strunz '10th ed', review of (9th ed/ 2009 update) | mineral classification Nickel-Strunz version 10 (MinDat) | string | 4,521 | |
P714 talk covi |
Dana 8th edition | mineral classification Dana 8th edition | external-id | 1,526 | |
P715 talk covi |
Drugbank ID | identifikátor v databázi Drugbank | external-id | 9,784 | |
P716 talk covi |
JPL Small-Body Database ID | identifier in the JPL Small-Body Database | external-id | 92,243 | |
P717 talk covi |
Minor Planet Center observatory code | observational data for minor planets (asteroids) and comets | external-id | 499 | |
P718 talk covi |
kód Canmore | identifier in the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland's Canmore database | external-id | 228 | |
P720 talk covi |
asteroid spectral type | spectral classifications of asteroids based on spectral shape, color, and albedo | wikibase-item | 358 | |
P721 talk covi |
OKATO identifikátor | identifier for every administrative unit in Russia | identifikátor OKATO, OKATO | external-id | 162,070 |
P722 talk covi |
UIC station code | identifier for a railway station in Europe, CIS countries, China, Mongolia, North Africa and the Middle East | external-id | 15,527 | |
P723 talk covi |
DBNL author ID | identifier for an author on the DBNL-website for Dutch language authors | external-id | 15,446 | |
P724 talk covi |
Internet Archive ID | id pro položku na webu |, IAid | external-id | 68,051 |
P725 talk covi |
dabér | osoba, která namluvila postavu daného díla | wikibase-item | 4,259 | |
P726 talk covi |
kandidát | person or party that is an option for an office in an election | wikibase-item | 2,485 | |
P727 talk covi |
identifikátor | identifier in for books, paintings, films, museum objects and archival records that have been digitised throughout Europe | external-id | 76,741 | |
P729 talk covi |
začátek provozu | datum, kdy byla daná část vybavení uvedena do provozu | datum spuštění, spuštění, uvedeno do provozu, uvedení do provozu | time | 27,767 |
P730 talk covi |
vyřazeno z provozu | datum, kdy byla dána část vybavení vyřazena z provozu | konec provozu | time | 7,129 |
P731 talk covi |
Litholex ID | identifier in the Lithostratigraphic database of Germany maintained by the BGR | external-id | 22 | |
P732 talk covi |
BGS Lexicon ID | identifier for a stratigraphic unit given by the British Geological Survey | external-id | 45 | |
P733 talk covi |
DINOloket | identifier from database of geologic units in the Netherlands (Data Informatie Nederlandse Ondergrond) | external-id | 14 | |
P734 talk covi |
příjmení | příjmení osoby | wikibase-item | 1,284,045 | |
P735 talk covi |
rodné jméno | nedědičné osobní jméno rozlišující osoby ze stejné rodiny (křestní jméno) | křestní jméno | wikibase-item | 2,935,935 |
P736 talk covi |
autor obálky | name of person or team creating cover artwork for album, single, book, etc. | wikibase-item | 3,884 | |
P737 talk covi |
ovlivněn (kým) | tato osoba, idea atp. byla ovlivněna příslušnou jinou osobou, ideou atp. | ovlivněna (kým), vliv, vlivy | wikibase-item | 4,356 |
P739 talk covi |
munice | munice, kterou zbraň používá | střelivo | wikibase-item | 1,873 |
P740 talk covi |
místo vzniku | místo, kde skupina nebo organizace vznikla | wikibase-item | 29,229 | |
P741 talk covi |
držení rakety | ruka používaná při raketových sportech | herní ruka | wikibase-item | 2,170 |
P742 talk covi |
pseudonym | pseudonym, pod kterým je osoba či skupina známá | umělecké jméno | string | 16,071 |
P744 talk covi |
rodina planetek | population of asteroids that share similar proper orbital elements | rodina asteroidů | wikibase-item | 170 |
P745 talk covi |
Low German Bibliography and Biography ID | identifier | external-id | 30 | |
P746 talk covi |
datum zmizení | date or point of time a missing person was seen or otherwise known to be alive for the last time | time | 571 | |
P747 talk covi |
má vydání | odkaz na vydání této položky | jednotlivé vydání, vydání, vydáno jako | wikibase-item | 14,449 |
P748 talk covi |
jmenován (kým) | osoba, která tuto jmenovala; může být použita ve vymezení | jmenovaná (kým) | wikibase-item | 2,475 |
P749 talk covi |
mateřská organizace | opak dceřiné | wikibase-item | 76,608 | |
P750 talk covi |
distributor | distributor díla | wikibase-item | 62,625 | |
P751 talk covi |
nová funkce | feature introduced by this version of a product item | wikibase-item | 285 | |
P756 talk covi |
odstraněná funkce | which feature was removed by this version of a product item | odstraněna funkce | wikibase-item | 41 |
P757 talk covi |
identifikátor UNESCO | identifier for a site as assigned by UNESCO. Use on one item per site, link parts with property "has part" (P527) | external-id | 2,555 | |
P758 talk covi |
Kulturminne ID | Norwegian heritage property identification number of Riksantikvaren (the Directorate for Cultural Heritage) | external-id | 3,100 | |
P759 talk covi |
Alberta Register of Historic Places ID | identifier of historic resources in the Alberta Register of Historic Places | external-id | 840 | |
P760 talk covi |
DPLA ID | identifier for books, paintings, films, museum objects and archival records that have been digitised throughout United States | external-id | 20 | |
P761 talk covi |
Lake ID (Sweden) | Identification code for lakes in Sweden, for lakes important enough also used, with SE- prefix, as EU_CD | external-id | 57,339 | |
P762 talk covi |
Rejstříkové číslo Ústředního seznamu kulturních památek | identifikátor památek dle Ústředního seznamu kulturních památek Národního památkového ústavu | ID kulturní památky, identifikátor NPÚ, Monumnet, ÚSKP, číslo rejstříku ÚSKP | external-id | 41,042 |
P763 talk covi |
PEI Register of Historic Places ID | identifier of a historic place in Prince Edward Island, Canada | external-id | 876 | |
P764 talk covi |
OKTMO ID | identifikátor v ruské databázi | external-id | 174,898 | |
P765 talk covi |
povrch | povrch, na kterém se turnaj odehrál/odehrává | typ povrchu | wikibase-item | 1,568 |
P767 talk covi |
spolupracovník | osoba či organizace, která přispěla k vytvoření díla | wikibase-item | 7,333 | |
P768 talk covi |
volební obvod | za který obvod byla osoba zvolena | volební okrsek | wikibase-item | 80,729 |
P769 talk covi |
významná léková interakce | klinicky významná interakce mezi dvěma farmakologicky aktivními látkami (léčivé látky) | farmakologická interakce, léková interakce | wikibase-item | 105 |
P770 talk |
příčina destrukce | item which caused the destruction of the subject item | wikibase-item | 1,169 | |
P771 talk covi |
kód obce ve Švýcarsku | identifikační číslo Spolkového statistického úřadu ve Švýcarsku | external-id | 2,598 | |
P772 talk covi |
INE kód | kód obce ve Španělsku od INE | kód španělské obce | external-id | 9,269 |
P773 talk covi |
ISO 3166-3 | kódy pro názvy zemí, které byly odstraněny z ISO 3166-1 od prvního zveřejnění v roce 1974 | Kód dříve používaných názvů zemí, ČSN ISO 3166-3 | external-id | 35 |
P774 talk covi |
FIPS 55-3 (locations in the US) | identifier for places in the United States per former Federal Information Processing Standard FIPS 55-3 | external-id | 42,889 | |
P775 talk covi |
kód švédské oblasti | kód oblasti ve Švédsku | external-id | 2,638 | |
P776 talk covi |
kód menší švédské oblasti | kód oblasti ve Švédsku | external-id | 4,424 | |
P777 talk covi |
Swedish civil parish code/ATA code | identifier for a civil parish in Sweden | external-id | 2,505 | |
P778 talk covi |
Church of Sweden parish code | identifier for a parish of the Church of Sweden | external-id | 3,284 | |
P779 talk covi |
Church of Sweden Pastoratskod | identifier for a pastoral district of the Church of Sweden | external-id | 1,360 | |
P780 talk covi |
příznaky | možné projevy nemoci | klinický obraz, symptomy | wikibase-item | 1,046 |
P781 talk covi |
SIKART ID | identifier in SIKART, a biographical dictionary and a database on visual art in Switzerland and Liechtenstein | external-id | 4,121 | |
P782 talk covi |
LAU | kód statistické územní jednotky v EU (bývalé NUTS-4 a NUTS-5) | LAU1, LAU2, NUTS4, NUTS5 | external-id | 18,610 |
P783 talk covi |
hymenofor | type of spore-bearing surface or that mushroom | wikibase-item | 961 | |
P784 talk covi |
tvar klobouku | wikibase-item | 805 | ||
P785 talk covi |
připojení výtrusného rouška | how the hymenium of the mushroom attaches to the stem | wikibase-item | 868 | |
P786 talk covi |
struktury na třeni | jestli má houba plachetku či pochvu | wikibase-item | 642 | |
P787 talk covi |
barva výtrusného prachu | color of a mushroom spore print (see documentation for allowed values) | wikibase-item | 703 | |
P788 talk covi |
ekologický typ houby | wikibase-item | 924 | ||
P789 talk covi |
jedlost | zdali je něco jedlé či nikoli | wikibase-item | 595 | |
P790 talk covi |
schváleno (kým) | item is approved by other item(s) [qualifier: statement is approved by other item(s)] | wikibase-item | 4,901 | |
P791 talk covi |
ISIL ID | identifikátor knihoven | string | 7,069 | |
P792 talk covi |
kapitola | title or number of the chapter where a claim is made | název kapitoly, číslo kapitoly | string | 1,565 |
P793 talk covi |
významná událost | významné nebo důležité události týkající se daného subjektu | důležitá událost, incident, klíčová událost, událost | wikibase-item | 67,624 |
P795 talk covi |
located on linear feature | linear feature along which distance is specified from a specified datum point | wikibase-item | 678 | |
P797 talk |
autorita | entity having executive power on given entity | wikibase-item | 1,863 | |
P798 talk covi |
vojenské označení | officially assigned designation for a vehicle in military service | string | 894 | |
P799 talk covi |
Air Ministry specification ID | identifier for an aircraft specification issued by the United Kingdom Air Ministry | string | 15 | |
P800 talk covi |
dílo | významné vědecké, umělecké či jiné dílo | wikibase-item | 27,062 | |
P802 talk covi |
student | významní studenti osoby | studenti, učitelem (koho), učitelkou (koho) | wikibase-item | 14,486 |
P803 talk covi |
profesura | professorship position held by this academic person | wikibase-item | 2,942 | |
P804 talk covi |
GNIS Antarctica ID | identifier for geographic objects in Antarctica, used in the US Geological Survey's Geographic Names Information System. For U.S. IDs, use Property:P590 | external-id | 14,142 | |
P805 talk covi |
pojednává o tom | položka, která se tomuto výroku detailně věnuje | wikibase-item | 113,510 | |
P806 talk covi |
italský katastrální kód | identifier for Italian comunes in the cadastre | external-id | 8,932 | |
P807 talk covi |
odděleno od | samostatný subjekt, který byl původně jeho součástí | původně součástí | wikibase-item | 363 |
P808 talk covi |
Bien de Interés Cultural (BIC) code | identifier for an item in the Spanish heritage register (included RI/ARI) | external-id | 13,727 | |
P809 talk covi |
identifikátor WDPA | identifier in World Database on Protected Areas | external-id | 26,229 | |
P811 talk covi |
academic minor | minor someone studied at college/university | wikibase-item | 124 | |
P812 talk covi |
hlavní obor studia | hlavní obor v průběhu studia na vysoké škole | akademický major | wikibase-item | 10,086 |
P813 talk covi |
datum přístupu | kvalifikátor ke zdrojům: kdy byla informace ze zdroje získána | time | 25,473,832 | |
P814 talk covi |
kategorie chráněných oblastí IUCN | protected areas category by the World Commission on Protected Areas. Used with dedicated items for each category. | wikibase-item | 29,276 | |
P815 talk covi |
ITIS TSN | jedinečný identifikační kód taxonu v databázi Integrovaného taxonomického informačního systému | external-id | 531,803 | |
P816 talk covi |
rozpadá se na | na jaký izotop se radioaktivní prvek rozpadá | wikibase-item | 3,756 | |
P817 talk covi |
způsob rozpadu | type of decay that a radioactive isotope undergoes (should be used as a qualifier for "decays to") | typ rozpadu | wikibase-item | 3,745 |
P818 talk covi |
arXiv ID | identifier of a document in arXiv pre-print archive | external-id | 52,206 | |
P819 talk covi |
ADS bibcode | bibcode in the Astrophysics Data System | external-id | 39 | |
P820 talk covi |
arXiv classification | arXiv classification of pre-print articles | string | 498 | |
P821 talk covi |
CGNDB Unique ID | identifier the geographical feature of the Geographical Names Board of Canada | external-id | 1,662 | |
P822 talk covi |
maskot | mascot of an organization, e.g. a sports team or university | wikibase-item | 368 | |
P823 talk covi |
speaker | person who is speaker for this event like ceremony, keynote or presentation | wikibase-item | 1,286 | |
P824 talk covi |
Meteoritical Bulletin Database ID | identifier for a meteorite in the database of the Meteoritical Society | external-id | 50 | |
P825 talk covi |
věnováno (komu) | person or organization to whom the subject was dedicated | dedikováno, zasvěceno | wikibase-item | 10,721 |
P826 talk covi |
tónina | key of a musical composition | wikibase-item | 2,974 | |
P827 talk covi |
Identifikátor BBC | identifikátor pro program BBC | external-id | 1,665 | |
P828 talk covi |
příčina | underlying cause, thing that ultimately resulted in this effect | původce, způsobeno | wikibase-item | 6,292 |
P829 talk covi |
identifikátor OEIS | identifer on the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences | external-id | 215 | |
P830 talk covi |
identifikátor EOL | identifikátor v Encyclopedia of Life | external-id | 1,375,812 | |
P831 talk covi |
mateřský klub | parent club of this team | wikibase-item | 245 | |
P832 talk covi |
dny pracovního klidu | státní svátky | státní svátek, státní svátky | wikibase-item | 118 |
P833 talk covi |
přestupní stanice | stanice, na kterou mohou cestující přestoupit z této stanice | wikibase-item | 1,105 | |
P834 talk covi |
train depot | depot which serves this railway line, not public stations | wikibase-item | 125 | |
P835 talk covi |
zkratka autora popisu živočišného druhu | zkratka jména zoologa, který popsal vědecké jméno daného živočicha | string | 3,954 | |
P836 talk covi |
GSS code (2011) | nine-character UK Government Statistical Service code, introduced in 2011 to replace older ONS codes | external-id | 14,338 | |
P837 talk covi |
den v roce | den, kdy se událost pravidelně opakuje nebo slaví | slaveno, svátek | wikibase-item | 1,465 |
P838 talk covi |
identifikátor BioLib | identifikátor v biologické knihovně BioLib | BioLib ID | external-id | 60,377 |
P839 talk covi |
číslo IMSLP | identifier for a page on the International Music Score Library Project | kód IMSLP, kód v International Music Score Library Project, číslo v International Music Score Library Project | external-id | 15,086 |
P840 talk covi |
místo děje | místo, kde se odehrává děj | wikibase-item | 50,298 | |
P841 talk covi |
svátek | svátek svaté(ho) | wikibase-item | 3,873 | |
P842 talk covi |
Fossilworks ID | identifikátor pro fosilní zvířata, rostliny a mikroorganismy | external-id | 91,204 | |
P843 talk covi |
SIRUTA code | identifier for an area of Romania per National Institute of Statistics | external-id | 16,979 | |
P844 talk covi |
UBIGEO code | identifier for a geographical location in Peru used by the National Statistics Institute | external-id | 52 | |
P845 talk covi |
Saskatchewan Register of Heritage Property ID | identifier in the Saskatchewan Register of Heritage Property | external-id | 35 | |
P846 talk covi |
identifikátor GBIF | identifikátor v Global Biodiversity Information Facility | Global Biodiversity Information Facility ID | external-id | 2,074,389 |
P847 talk covi |
United States Navy aircraft designation | identifier for an aircraft of the United States Navy | string | 37 | |
P849 talk covi |
Japanese military aircraft designation | identifier for an aircraft per the Japanese military | external-id | 3 | |
P850 talk covi |
WoRMS-ID | identifikátor taxonu WoRMS | AphiaID | external-id | 361,682 |
P852 talk covi |
ESRB rating | North American video game content rating - appropriate values are on property's talk page | wikibase-item | 3,730 | |
P853 talk covi |
CERO rating | Japanese video game rating system - see talk page for appropriate values | wikibase-item | 1,452 | |
P854 talk covi |
URL reference | pro použití jako reference – jinak viz P856 | reference url, zdroj, zdroj jako URL adresa | url | 15,626,675 |
P855 talk covi |
Sandbox-URL | Sandbox property for value of type "URL" | url | 5 | |
P856 talk covi |
oficiální web | URL adresa, na které jsou webové stránky položky | web, oficiální URL, oficiální domovská stránka, oficiální stránky, webová stránka, webové stránky, www stránka, www stránky | url | 970,160 |
P858 talk covi |
ESPNscrum player ID | identifier for an international rugby union player, from or | external-id | 5,569 | |
P859 talk covi |
sponzor | organization or individual that sponsors this item | wikibase-item | 60,915 | |
P860 talk covi | ID | identifier in, a directory of sources of Landesarchiv Liechtenstein | external-id | 383 | |
P861 talk covi | ID | identifier for each rugby union player who plays - or played - the English Premiership | external-id | 511 | |
P862 talk covi |
Operational Requirement of the UK Air Ministry | specification for future military aircraft by the UK Air Ministry | external-id | 6 | |
P863 talk covi |
InPhO ID | identifier in the Indiana Philosophy Ontology project | external-id | 1,577 | |
P864 talk covi |
ACM Digital Library author ID | Association for Computing Machinery Digital Library (ACM DL) author identifier | external-id | 1,359 | |
P865 talk covi |
BMLO | identifier of Bayerisches Musiker-Lexikon Online (Q47191) | external-id | 6,043 | |
P866 talk covi |
Perlentaucher | identifier in Perlentaucher (Q2071388) | external-id | 10,340 | |
P867 talk covi |
kód povolání ROME | ROME Code for a given occupation in France (V3, 1 letter, 4 digits) | external-id | 358 | |
P868 talk covi |
tradiční pokrm | pokrm tradičně spojený s událostí | wikibase-item | 22 | |
P870 talk covi |
nástrojové obsazení | hudební nástroje použité ve skladbě | instrumentace | wikibase-item | 3,599 |
P872 talk covi |
vytiskl | organizace, která dílo vytiskla (je-li odlišná od vydavatele) | tiskárna, tisk, tiskař | wikibase-item | 631 |
P873 talk covi |
fázový bod | phase point to describe critical point and triple point (see talk page for an example) | wikibase-item | 20 | |
P874 talk covi |
UN class | UN hazard classification code | string | 7 | |
P875 talk covi |
UN code classification | UN code classification | string | 4 | |
P876 talk |
UN packaging group | packaging code according to UN transportation rules | string | 8 | |
P877 talk covi |
NFPA Special | NFPA code in white (bottom) quarter | string | 655 | |
P878 talk covi |
avionika | významná zařízení instalovaná v letadle | vybavení letounu, výbava letounu | wikibase-item | 73 |
P879 talk covi |
pennant number | the number or designation associated with individual warships, often painted on the hull | string | 1,584 | |
P880 talk covi |
CPU | central processing unit found within the subject item | centrální procesorová jednotka | wikibase-item | 749 |
P881 talk covi |
typ proměnné hvězdy | type of variable star | wikibase-item | 215 | |
P882 talk covi |
FIPS 6-4 (US counties) | identifier for US counties per former Federal Information Processing Standard FIPS 6-4. Use two-digit state code followed by three digit county code | external-id | 3,302 | |
P884 talk covi |
ruský státní identifikátor vodstva | identifier of a body of water in Russia | external-id | 31,489 | |
P885 talk covi |
původ řečiště | hlavní zdroj řeky nebo potoků | pramen, vodní zdroj | wikibase-item | 4,405 |
P886 talk covi |
kód LIR | identifier in the Lexicon istoric retic (LIR), Romansh variant of Historical Dictionary of Switzerland | external-id | 263 | |
P887 talk covi |
založeno na heuristice | indicates that the property value is determined based on some heuristic (Q201413); to be used as source | wikibase-item | 697,498 | |
P888 talk covi |
JSTOR | identifier for an article in JSTOR | external-id | 95,726 | |
P889 talk covi |
Mathematical Reviews ID | identifier in Mathematical Reviews, a journal and online database | external-id | 20 | |
P892 talk covi |
RFC | označení relevantního dokumentu RFC (bez prefixu „RFC“) | Request for Comments, RfC, RFC ID | external-id | 8,343 |
P893 talk covi |
Social Science Research Network ID | identifier for an article/paper at the SSRN | external-id | 18 | |
P894 talk covi |
zbMATH work ID | identifier in the zbMath database | external-id | 30 | |
P897 talk covi |
United States Army and Air Force aircraft designation | identifier for a US Army and Air Force aircraft until 1962 | string | 12 | |
P898 talk covi |
IPA | transkripce výslovnosti v mezinárodní fonetické abecedě (IPA) | mezinárodní fonetická abeceda | string | 4,317 |
P901 talk covi |
kód FIPS 10-4 | kód pro země a regiony podle bývalého amerického federálního standardu FIPS 10-4 | external-id | 4,226 | |
P902 talk covi |
identifikátor HDS | identifikační číslo v Historickém lexikonu Švýcarska (Q642074) | external-id | 18,284 | |
P905 talk covi |
identifikační číslo PORT | identifikátor sítě PORT pro filmové nebo televizní dílo | identifikační číslo PORT, | external-id | 40,757 |
P906 talk covi |
SELIBR id | identifier per National Library of Sweden Libris library catalog | external-id | 64,294 | |
P908 talk covi |
PEGI rating | European video game content rating system - see talk page for appropriate values | wikibase-item | 3,067 | |
P909 talk covi |
Nova Scotia Register of Historic Places ID | identifier in the Nova Scotia Register of Historic Places | external-id | 31 | |
P910 talk covi |
hlavní kategorie tématu | kategorie, jejíž (hlavním) tématem je tento článek | hlavním článkem, kategorie tématu | wikibase-item | 557,235 |
P911 talk covi |
South African municipality code | identifier for a municipality in South Africa | external-id | 281 | |
P912 talk covi |
je vybaveno (čím) | the subject item has this type of facility, e.g. toilet, car park | vybavení | wikibase-item | 2,647 |
P913 talk covi |
zápis | mathematical notation or another symbol | notace | wikibase-item | 101 |
P914 talk covi |
USK rating | German video game content rating - see talk page for appropriate values | wikibase-item | 1,735 | |
P915 talk covi |
místo natáčení | lokace | wikibase-item | 18,778 | |
P916 talk covi |
GSRR rating | Taiwanese video game content rating system | wikibase-item | 17 | |
P917 talk covi |
GRAU index | index of Russian (and Soviet) weapons and rockets | external-id | 123 | |
P918 talk covi |
NOC Occupation Code | NOC/CNP Code for a given occupation in Canada and Québec | external-id | 13 | |
P919 talk covi |
SOC Code (2010) | Standard Occupational Classification code for US jobs (2010 version) | external-id | 107 | |
P920 talk covi |
LEM ID | subject headings for public libraries maintained by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport | string | 19 | |
P921 talk covi |
hlavní téma díla | ústřední předmět nějakého díla | hlavní námět díla, námět, předmět, téma | wikibase-item | 4,421,541 |
P922 talk covi |
magnetic ordering | magnetic ordering of a substance | wikibase-item | 4 | |
P923 talk covi |
medical examinations | examinations that might be used to diagnose the medical condition | wikibase-item | 83 | |
P924 talk covi |
léčba | treatment that might be used to heal the medical condition | terapie | wikibase-item | 99 |
P925 talk covi |
presynaptic connection | neuron connects on its presynaptic end to | wikibase-item | 8 | |
P926 talk covi |
postsynaptic connection | neuron connects on its postsynaptic end to | wikibase-item | 9 | |
P927 talk |
anatomical location | where in the body does this anatomical feature lie | wikibase-item | 2,042 | |
P928 talk covi |
activating neurotransmitter | which neurotransmitter activates the neuron | wikibase-item | 16 | |
P929 talk covi |
barevný prostor | matematický model reprezentující barvy jako n-tici čísel | barevný model | wikibase-item | 9 |
P930 talk covi |
způsob elektrifikace | electrification system scheme and/or voltage | napájecí soustava, napájecí napětí | wikibase-item | 3,666 |
P931 talk covi |
místo obsluhované letištěm | město nebo region obsluhované tímto letištěm | obsluhuje | wikibase-item | 10,566 |
P932 talk covi |
PubMed Central ID | identifier for a scientific work issued by PubMed Central (without "PMC" prefix) | external-id | 4,613,691 | |
P933 talk covi | ID | identifier of Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador | external-id | 620 | |
P935 talk covi |
galerie na Commons | name of the Wikimedia Commons gallery page(s) related to this item (is suitable to allow multiple link to more gallery pages) | string | 99,820 | |
P937 talk covi |
místo působení | location where persons were active | wikibase-item | 198,801 | |
P938 talk covi |
identifikátor druhu FishBase | identifier for a species in FishBase | external-id | 33,922 | |
P939 talk covi |
KSH code | identifier for every municipality (town and commune) in Hungary issued by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office | external-id | 3,182 | |
P941 talk covi |
inspirováno | dílo, osoba či událost, které inspirovaly toto kreativní dílo | inspirace, zdroj inspirace | wikibase-item | 2,067 |
P942 talk covi |
hudební znělka | the theme music/song used by the item | wikibase-item | 246 | |
P943 talk covi |
programátor | autor softwarového tvůrčího díla | kodér | wikibase-item | 159 |
P944 talk covi |
kód nomenklatury | the Code that governs the scientific name of this taxon | wikibase-item | 587 | |
P945 talk covi |
ve službách (čeho) | the country (or other power) that the person, or organization, served | wikibase-item | 42,837 | |
P946 talk covi |
identifikátor ISIN | International Securities Identification Number | string | 4,508 | |
P947 talk covi |
identifikátor RSL | identifikátor v databázi Ruské státní knihovny | external-id | 1,149 | |
P948 talk covi |
banner pro Wikicesty | lead image about the topic, mainly used by Wikivoyages and Women in Red | commonsMedia | 19,453 | |
P949 talk covi |
identifikátor NLI (Izrael) | identifier for authority control used at the National Library of Israel | NLI (Izrael), NLI identifikátor (Izrael) | external-id | 58,585 |
P950 talk covi |
identifikátor BNE | identifikátor autoritního záznamu ve španělské národní knihovně (Biblioteca Nacional de España) | external-id | 140,326 | |
P951 talk covi |
NSZL ID | identifier from the authority file of the National Széchényi Library | external-id | 5,247 | |
P952 talk covi |
ISCO occupation code | International Standard Classification of Occupations code | string | 304 | |
P953 talk covi |
plný text k dispozici | URL webové stránky obsahující plný text k této položce | url | 82,566 | |
P954 talk covi |
IBNR ID | identifier for a railway station (Internationale Bahnhofsnummer) | external-id | 7,428 | |
P957 talk covi |
ISBN-10 | mezinárodní standard pro označování knih (10číselná varianta) | external-id | 26,948 | |
P958 talk covi |
oddíl, verš nebo odstavec | paragraph, or other kind of special indication to find information on a page or on a document (legal texts et al.) | oddíl, odstavec, sekce, verš | string | 43,537 |
P959 talk covi |
MSW ID | identifier from Mammal Species of the World: a database that claims to provide an authoritative and comprehensive list of names of mammals (but the ICZN does not agree) | external-id | 13,582 | |
P960 talk covi |
identifikátor Tropicos | identifikátor pro vědecký název taxonu v databázi Tropicos | external-id | 445,873 | |
P961 talk covi |
IPNI ID rostliny | číselný identifikátor rostliny v databázi International Plant Names Index | IPNI ID | external-id | 462,452 |
P962 talk covi |
MycoBank taxon name ID | identifier per MycoBank - a database that provides an authoritative and comprehensive list of names of fungi | external-id | 100,857 | |
P963 talk covi |
URL streamu | URL streamu daného média | stream média | url | 516 |
P964 talk covi |
Austrian municipality key | identifier for municipalities in Austria | external-id | 2,420 | |
P965 talk covi |
číslo hrobu | identifikace konkrétního místa na hřbitově | string | 10,032 | |
P966 talk covi |
kód MusicBrainz pro hudební vydavatelství | kód vydavatelství v hudební encyklopedii MusicBrainz | MBID hudebního vydavatelství, MusicBrainz pro vydavatelství | external-id | 6,011 |
P967 talk |
čestný host | guest(s) of honor invited to an event, e.g. a convention | wikibase-item | 31 | |
P968 talk covi |
e-mailová adresa (včetně schématu mailto:) | url | 81,837 | ||
P969 talk covi |
umístěno na adrese (zastaralá vlastnost) | zastaralá vlastnost, použijte P6375 | string | 846,943 | |
P970 talk covi |
neurologická funkce | the function of a neurological structure | wikibase-item | 6 | |
P971 talk covi |
kategorie kombinuje témata | this category combines (intersects) these two or more topics | kombinuje témata, témata kategorie | wikibase-item | 661,589 |
P972 talk covi |
katalog | catalog for the item, or, as a qualifier of P528 – catalog for which the 'catalog code' is valid | wikibase-item | 110,161 | |
P973 talk covi |
popsáno v URL | položka je popsána v následující URL | url | 337,952 | |
P974 talk covi |
přítok | stream or river that flows into this main stem (or parent) river | wikibase-item | 21,130 | |
P980 talk covi |
code for weekend and holiday homes (Sweden) | identifier for a for weekend or holiday home in Sweden, assigned by Statistics Sweden | external-id | 37 | |
P981 talk covi |
BAG residence ID | BAG code for Dutch residencies ("woonplaats", mostly municipalities) | external-id | 2,484 | |
P982 talk covi |
kód MusicBrainz pro oblast | kód oblasti v hudební encyklopedii MusicBrainz | MBID oblasti, MusicBrainz pro oblast | external-id | 24,394 |
P984 talk covi |
kód země podle Mezinárodního olympijského výboru | three-letter abbreviation country code by the International Olympic Committee | external-id | 244 | |
P988 talk covi |
Philippine Standard Geographic Code | systematic classification and coding of geographic areas of the Philippines. | external-id | 4,201 | |
P989 talk covi |
namluvený text | audio file for the spoken work or Wikipedia article, including audio descriptions | commonsMedia | 833 | |
P990 talk covi |
nahrávka hlasu | audio file representing the speaking voice of a person; or of an animated cartoon or other fictitious character | commonsMedia | 834 | |
P991 talk covi |
vítězný kandidát | osoba zvolená ve volbách | wikibase-item | 9,595 | |
P993 talk covi |
NFPA Health | string | 1,365 | ||
P994 talk covi |
kód hořlavosti NPFA | kód NPFA určující míru hořlavosti | string | 1,365 | |
P995 talk covi |
kód reaktivity NFPA | kód NFPA určující míru chemické či fyzikální reaktivity | string | 1,365 | |
P996 talk covi |
sken na Commons | soubor s naskenovaným obsahem | plný text, scan | commonsMedia | 19,917 |
P998 talk covi |
dmoz | Open Directory Project | external-id | 11,342 | |
P999 talk covi |
kód ARICNS | identifier for stars in ARICNS | external-id | 92 | |
P1000 talk covi |
rekord | notable record achieved by a person or entity, include qualifiers for dates held | wikibase-item | 130 | |
P1001 talk covi |
patří k jurisdikci | položka (instituce, zákon, …) patří do uvedené místní jurisdikce (stát, město, …) nebo má nad uvedenou jurisdikcí moc | jurisdikce, patří pod jurisdikci | wikibase-item | 127,612 |
P1002 talk covi |
uspořádání motoru | configuration of an engine's cylinders | wikibase-item | 578 | |
P1003 talk covi |
NLR (Romania) ID | identifier for authority control used at the National Library of Romania | external-id | 1,270 | |
P1004 talk covi |
kód MusicBrainz pro místo | kód místa v hudební encyklopedii MusicBrainz | MBID místa, MusicBrainz pro místo | external-id | 6,743 |
P1005 talk covi |
PTBNP | identifikátor autoritního záznamu v Portugalské národní knihovně (Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal) | external-id | 19,983 | |
P1006 talk covi |
NTA PPN | identifikátor Nizozemské královské knihovny | external-id | 382,376 | |
P1007 talk covi |
Lattes Platform number | number for the Lattes Platform entry on the person or group. Relationship between entry and subject must be supported by a source | external-id | 110 | |
P1010 talk covi |
Iran statistics ID | identifier for places in Iran | external-id | 17,320 | |
P1011 talk covi |
vyjma | usually used as a qualifier | bez, kromě, s výjimkou | wikibase-item | 737 |
P1012 talk covi |
včetně | usually used as a qualifier | wikibase-item | 750 | |
P1013 talk covi |
použité kritérium | property by which a distinction or classification is made | kritérium | wikibase-item | 317,840 |
P1014 talk covi |
identifikátor AAT | indentifikátor v Art & Architecture Thesaurus | AAT ID | external-id | 17,755 |
P1015 talk covi |
kód BIBSYS | identifier in the Norwegian information system BIBSYS | external-id | 108,524 | |
P1016 talk covi |
asteroid taxonomy | type of asteroid classification | wikibase-item | 6 | |
P1017 talk covi |
BAV | identifikátor autoritního záznamu ve Vatikánské knihovně (Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana) | external-id | 49,543 | |
P1018 talk covi |
regulátor jazyka | instituce dohlížející na vývoj jazyka | wikibase-item | 129 | |
P1019 talk covi |
URL feedu | xml feed novinek | URL Atom feedu, URL RSS, URL XML feedu, XML feed | url | 851 |
P1021 talk covi |
KldB-2010 occupation code | German classification of occupations 2010 | external-id | 68 | |
P1022 talk covi |
CNO-11 occupation code | Spanish classification of occupations CNO-11 maintained by the Spanish INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadística) | external-id | 2 | |
P1023 talk covi |
SBC-2010 occupation code | Dutch classification of occupations SBC maintained by the Dutch CBS (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek), 2010 version | external-id | 34 | |
P1024 talk covi |
SBFI occupation code | Swiss classification of occupations SBFI/SEFRI maintained by the Swiss SBFI/SEFRI | external-id | 5 | |
P1025 talk covi |
SUDOC editions | identifier in the French union catalog (see also P269) | external-id | 580 | |
P1026 talk covi |
disertační práce | thesis that someone wrote to obtain a PhD degree | wikibase-item | 6,416 | |
P1027 talk covi |
uděluje | osoba či organizace, která cenu udělila či uděluje | udělil | wikibase-item | 8,709 |
P1028 talk covi |
darováno | person or organization who donated the object | wikibase-item | 4,206 | |
P1029 talk covi |
člen posádky | osoba, která sloužila na tomto plavidle/vozidle | osádka, posádka | wikibase-item | 713 |
P1030 talk covi |
light characteristic of lighthouse | description of a navigational light sequence or colour displayed on a nautical chart. Explicitly state white light (W) | string | 4,913 | |
P1031 talk covi |
právní citace tohoto textu | forma citace právního předpisu nebo soudního rozhodnutí | spisová značka, citace, číslo zákona | string | 9,959 |
P1032 talk covi |
Digital Rights Management system | technologie pro kontrolu použití sloužící jako ochrana před kopírováním | DRM | wikibase-item | 34 |
P1033 talk covi |
GHS signal word | please use with items "warning" (Q15350847) and "danger" (Q15221217) | wikibase-item | 76 | |
P1034 talk covi |
hlavní zdroj potravy | species, genus or family that an organism depends on for nutrition | wikibase-item | 42 | |
P1035 talk covi |
zdvořilostní titul za jménem | slovo nebo výraz užívaný za jménem, při oslovení osoby nebo při vyjadřování se o ní | čestný titul, honorární titul, titul | wikibase-item | 338 |
P1036 talk covi |
Deweyův desetinný systém | systém třídění knih a dalších archiválií podle tématu v knihovnách a archivech | string | 14,475 | |
P1037 talk covi |
ředitel | osoba řídící nějaký spolek | ředitelka, řiditel | wikibase-item | 4,246 |
P1038 talk covi |
příbuzný | nepřímý člen rodiny vymezený vlastností P1039 | wikibase-item | 12,650 | |
P1039 talk covi |
typ příbuzenství | kvalifikátor příbuzenství (P1038), slouží k identifikaci neobvyklého příbuzenství (následník, ...) | wikibase-item | 12,715 | |
P1040 talk covi |
střihač | osoba, která skládá natočené části filmu podle daného plánu | střih | wikibase-item | 37,080 |
P1041 talk covi |
podporované patice | patice, pro které se daná součástka vyrábí | podporované sockety, patice, socket | wikibase-item | 27 |
P1042 talk covi |
ZDB ID | identifier for serials German National Serials Database | external-id | 1,758 | |
P1043 talk covi |
IDEO Job ID | identifier for an occupation on IDEO | external-id | 291 | |
P1044 talk covi |
SWB editions | union catalog of the South-West German Library Network (SWB) | external-id | 279 | |
P1045 talk covi |
Sycomore ID | identifer in the Sycomore database of French MPs, National Assembly (France) | external-id | 17,233 | |
P1046 talk covi |
metoda objevení | metoda, kterou byla exoplaneta objevena | metoda objevu, způsob objevení, způsob objevu | wikibase-item | 382 |
P1047 talk covi |
Catholic Hierarchy person ID | identifer for the person on | external-id | 23,145 | |
P1048 talk covi |
NCL ID | identifier for authority control issued by the National Central Library in Taiwan | external-id | 588 | |
P1049 talk covi |
božstvo v | religion or group/civilization that worships a given deity | wikibase-item | 1,113 | |
P1050 talk covi |
zdravotní postižení | any state relevant to the health of an organism, including diseases and positive conditions | wikibase-item | 6,932 | |
P1051 talk covi |
PSH ID | identifikátor z Polytematického strukturovaného hesláře | external-id | 5,894 | |
P1052 talk covi |
Portuguese Job Code CPP-2010 | external-id | 2 | ||
P1053 talk covi |
ResearcherID | identifier for a researcher in a system for scientific authors, primarily used in Web of Science | external-id | 52,122 | |
P1054 talk covi |
NDL bib ID | identifier in the National Diet Library | external-id | 54 | |
P1055 talk covi |
kód NLM | identifier in the catalog of the National Library of Medicine | external-id | 31,599 | |
P1056 talk covi |
produkuje | materiál, který produkuje důl, továrna nebo jiný produkční proces | vyrábí | wikibase-item | 8,700 |
P1057 talk covi |
chromozom | chromosome on which an entity is localized | chromosom, chromozóm | wikibase-item | 630,301 |
P1058 talk covi |
ERA Journal ID | identifier for academic journals | external-id | 22,618 | |
P1059 talk covi |
CVR | unique identifier for a business in Denmark's Central Business Register (CVR), the official database of Danish businesses. | external-id | 2,016 | |
P1060 talk covi |
způsob přenosu nemoci | process by which a pathogen is transmitted | přenos nemoci, způsob přenosu | wikibase-item | 62 |
P1064 talk covi |
rozchod koleje | vzdálenost mezi dvěma kolejnicemi jedné kolejové tratě | rozchod | wikibase-item | 16,127 |
P1065 talk covi |
archivační URL | adresa (URL) archivované webové stránky | archivní URL, URL archivu | url | 30,589 |
P1066 talk covi |
učitel | osoba, která vyučovala tuto osobu | student (koho), učitelé, žákem (koho) | wikibase-item | 21,408 |
P1067 talk covi |
kód thajské centrální administrativní jednotky | kód administrativní oblasti v Thajsku | external-id | 8,279 | |
P1068 talk covi |
instrukční sada | instruction set on which the processor architecture is based | wikibase-item | 109 | |
P1069 talk covi |
Statistics Denmarks classification of occupation (DISCO-08) | Statistics Denmarks classification of occupation, derived from ISCO | external-id | 5 | |
P1070 talk covi |
identifikátor PlantList | identifikátor vědeckého pojmenování taxonu v databázi The Plant List | PlantList | external-id | 391,845 |
P1071 talk covi |
místo vytvoření | místo, kde byl předmět vytvořen; lokace konečného sestavení | místo vzniku | wikibase-item | 13,870 |
P1072 talk covi |
čitelný formát | formát souboru, který program dokáže přečíst | wikibase-item | 729 | |
P1073 talk covi |
zapisovatelný formát | formát souboru, do kterého program dokáže zapisovat (ukládat) | wikibase-item | 383 | |
P1074 talk covi |
fiktivní obdoba (čeho) | used to link an entity or class of entities appearing in a creative work with the analogous entity or class of entities in the real world | wikibase-item | 781 | |
P1075 talk covi |
rektor | rector of a university | wikibase-item | 470 | |
P1076 talk covi |
ICTV virus ID | identifier in the "International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses"-database | external-id | 327 | |
P1077 talk covi |
identifikátor KOATUU | kód administrativní jednotky na Ukrajině | KOATUU, kód ukrajinské oblasti | string | 41,422 |
P1078 talk covi |
valvetrain configuration | configuration of the valvetrain utilized by this engine | wikibase-item | 15 | |
P1079 talk covi |
organizátor startu | organization contracted to launch the rocket | wikibase-item | 64 | |
P1080 talk covi |
z fikčního světa | subject's fictional entity is in the object narrative. See also P1441 (present in work) and P1445 (fictional universe described in) | z fiktivního světa | wikibase-item | 17,351 |
P1081 talk covi |
index lidského rozvoje | hodnota HDI pro danou zemi | HDI | quantity | 5,721 |
P1082 talk covi |
počet obyvatel | počet lidí obývajících místo | obyvatel, populace | quantity | 459,319 |
P1083 talk covi |
kapacita | počet osob, pro které je k dispozici místo | počet míst k sezení | quantity | 15,642 |
P1084 talk covi |
EUL editions | identifier for a book (edition) in the Egyptian union catalog | external-id | 6 | |
P1085 talk covi |
LibraryThing work ID | LibraryThing (LT) control number | external-id | 1,469 | |
P1086 talk covi |
atomové číslo | počet protonů v jádře atomu | protonové číslo | quantity | 4,940 |
P1087 talk covi |
Elo | hodnocení hráčských dovedností, zejména v šachu | ELO, Elo rating, ELO rating | quantity | 11,526 |
P1088 talk covi |
tvrdost podle Mohse | qualitative ordinal scale characterizing scratch resistance of various minerals | quantity | 127 | |
P1090 talk covi |
rudý posuv | velikost rudého posuvu u daného astronomického objektu | rudý posun, červený posuv, redshift | quantity | 3,610 |
P1092 talk covi |
celkem vyrobeno | quantity of item produced | vyrobeno celkem | quantity | 8,750 |
P1093 talk covi |
gross tonnage | unitless index related to a ship's overall internal volume | quantity | 7,623 | |
P1096 talk covi |
excentricita dráhy | amount of the deviation of an orbit from a perfect circle | quantity | 44,709 | |
P1097 talk covi |
g-factor | characteristic property of any elementary particle (Landé factor) | quantity | 3 | |
P1098 talk covi |
počet mluvčích | počet lidí, kteří hovoří tímto jazykem | quantity | 1,436 | |
P1099 talk covi |
počet stožárů | počet stožárů, které jsou na lodi | počet stěžňů | quantity | 35 |
P1100 talk covi |
počet válců | počet válců v pístovém motoru nebo v kompresoru | válce | quantity | 3,977 |
P1101 talk covi |
nadzemní podlaží | above ground floor count of a building (ground floor and attic included) | nadzemních podlaží, počet nadzemních podlaží | quantity | 8,773 |
P1102 talk covi |
zploštění | míra odchylky rotačního elipsoidu od kulového tvaru | quantity | 14 | |
P1103 talk covi |
počet nástupišť | počet nástupišť na nádraží | quantity | 25,541 | |
P1104 talk covi |
počet stran | počet stran psaného díla | quantity | 82,222 | |
P1106 talk covi |
Sandbox-Quantity | property to be used for testing the quantity datatype | quantity | 368 | |
P1107 talk covi |
poměr | to be used as a qualifier, value must be between 0 and 1 | podíl | quantity | 4,959 |
P1108 talk covi |
elektronegativita | tendency of an atom or functional group to attract electrons | quantity | 49 | |
P1109 talk covi |
index lomu | index lomu látky s vlnovou délkou a teplotou jako kvalifikátory | quantity | 139 | |
P1110 talk covi |
počet návštěvníků | počet účastníků určité události | návštěvnost, počet účastníků | quantity | 6,693 |
P1111 talk covi |
počet hlasů | qualifier stating the number of votes for a candidate in an election | quantity | 17,029 | |
P1113 talk covi |
počet dílů | počet dílů ve filmové/televizní sérii | délka seriálu, délka série, délka řady, počet epizod | quantity | 44,166 |
P1114 talk covi |
počet instancí | množství tohoto předmětu | quantity | 54,220 | |
P1115 talk covi |
ATVK ID | identifier for each of the Latvian administrative units, i.e. municipality, parish, city under state jurisdiction and city under municipality jurisdiction. Based on the Latvian Classification on Objects of Administrative Division (Q15621843). | external-id | 684 | |
P1116 talk covi |
identifikátor Kallikratis | kód oblasti v Řecku | Kallikratis, kód řecké administrativní oblasti | external-id | 18,398 |
P1117 talk covi |
disociační konstanta | acid dissociation constant | pK | quantity | 206 |
P1120 talk covi |
počet mrtvých | number of ALL people who died as a direct result of an event or cause | počet obětí | quantity | 4,436 |
P1121 talk covi |
oxidační číslo | mocenství, oxidační stav, oxidační stupeň | quantity | 55 | |
P1122 talk covi |
spinové kvantové číslo | kvantové číslo, které parametrizuje vnitřní moment hybnosti dané částice | quantity | 3,143 | |
P1123 talk covi |
parity | property of elementary particle | quantity | 3,099 | |
P1125 talk covi |
Gini koeficient | measure of statistical dispersion intended to represent the income distribution of a nation's residents | quantity | 23 | |
P1126 talk covi |
isospin quantum number | characteristic property of any elementary particle | quantity | 30 | |
P1127 talk covi |
isospin z-component | characteristic property of any elementary particle | quantity | 22 | |
P1128 talk covi |
počet zaměstnanců | total number of employees of a company at a given point in time | quantity | 8,546 | |
P1129 talk covi |
national team caps | total number of games officially played by a sportsman for national team | quantity | 4,739 | |
P1132 talk covi |
počet účastníků | počet jednotlivých účastníků (osob) | quantity | 10,249 | |
P1133 talk covi |
DGO4 identifier | identifier per Direction générale opérationelle (Wallonia) | external-id | 587 | |
P1135 talk covi |
názvoslovný status | the status of a scientific name, according to the relevant rules of nomenclature (taxonomy) | názvoslovný stav | wikibase-item | 299 |
P1136 talk covi |
vyřešil | osoba, která vyřešila vědecký problém | objasnil, objasnila, rozřešil, rozřešila, vyřešila | wikibase-item | 84 |
P1137 talk covi |
fossil found in this unit | fossils that are found in this stratigraphic unit | wikibase-item | 18 | |
P1138 talk covi |
Kunstindeks Danmark Artist ID | unique artist identifier used by Kunstindeks Danmark | external-id | 6,508 | |
P1139 talk covi |
podzemní podlaží | total number of below ground floors of the building | podzemních podlaží, počet podzemních podlaží | quantity | 714 |
P1140 talk covi |
EHAK id | Estonian Administrative and Settlement Classification | external-id | 5,038 | |
P1141 talk covi |
počet jader procesoru | number of independent actual processing units | quantity | 44 | |
P1142 talk covi |
politická ideologie | politická ideologie organizace | ideologie | wikibase-item | 9,223 |
P1143 talk covi |
BN (Argentine) editions | catalogue number for books (editions) in the National Library of the Argentine Republic | external-id | 565 | |
P1144 talk covi |
ID v databázi Library of Congress (LCCN) | Record number for entries in the LoC bibliographic catalog (for authority records use P244) | external-id | 18,680 | |
P1145 talk covi |
Lagrangian point | libration point of an object (default: object-sun-earth) | wikibase-item | 5,777 | |
P1146 talk covi |
identifikátor IAAF | identifier for athletes in International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) database and website | external-id | 20,487 | |
P1148 talk covi |
neutronové číslo | number of neutrons of an isotope | quantity | 4,774 | |
P1149 talk covi |
Library of Congress Classification | subject classification identifier used in the Library of Congress Classification system | LoC | string | 2,180 |
P1150 talk covi |
Regensburgská klasifikace | identifier used for this class in the Regensburg Classification system | string | 1,407 | |
P1151 talk covi |
portál tématu | portál na Wikipedii, jenž o tomto tématu pojednává | wikibase-item | 1,591 | |
P1153 talk covi |
Scopus Author ID | identifier for an author assigned in Scopus bibliographic database | external-id | 219,371 | |
P1154 talk covi |
Scopus EID | jedinečný identifikátor odborného článku v bibliografické databázi Scopus | external-id | 17,489 | |
P1155 talk covi |
Scopus Affiliation ID | identifier for an organisation in author affiliations per Scopus | external-id | 10 | |
P1156 talk covi |
Scopus Source ID | Scopus uses a unique identifier for each source/publication venue (journal, conference, etc) | external-id | 12,670 | |
P1157 talk covi |
US Congress Bio ID | identifier for a person on the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress | external-id | 12,818 | |
P1158 talk covi |
místo přistání | místo, kam letoun přistál | místo dosednutí | wikibase-item | 345 |
P1159 talk covi |
CODEN | CODEN bibliographic code | external-id | 3,125 | |
P1160 talk covi |
ISO 4 abbreviation | ISO 4 bibliographic code/abbreviation | external-id | 3,824 | |
P1161 talk covi |
Z39.5 abbreviation | Z39.5 bibliographic code/abbreviation established in 1969 by National Information Standards Organization and used widely in the US and elsewhere | string | 14 | |
P1162 talk covi |
Bluebook abbreviation | Bluebook citation style includes abbreviations | string | 18 | |
P1163 talk covi |
typ internetového média | IANA-registered identifier for a file type | typ MIME | string | 1,017 |
P1164 talk covi |
cardinality of the group | number of elements in a finite group | quantity | 52 | |
P1165 talk covi |
mateřská planeta | planeta, ze které entita pochází | domovská planeta, planeta původu | wikibase-item | 273 |
P1167 talk covi |
USB vendor ID | hexadecimal identifier of a manufacturer of a USB device | external-id | 235 | |
P1168 talk covi |
kód dánské obce | identifikátor obce v Dánsku | external-id | 104 | |
P1170 talk covi |
transmitted signal type | type of signal transmitted by a device | wikibase-item | 7 | |
P1171 talk covi |
aproximační algoritmus | method used to approximate a number | wikibase-item | 6 | |
P1172 talk covi |
Geokod | identifier for historical administrative division of Sweden (1862-1951) | external-id | 68 | |
P1174 talk covi |
návštěvníci za rok | number of people visiting a location each year | quantity | 2,012 | |
P1181 talk covi |
číselná hodnota | číselná hodnota čísla, matematické či fyzikální konstanty | hodnota | quantity | 10,678 |
P1182 talk covi |
LIBRIS editions | identifier for the items in the libris-catalogue about specific books | external-id | 868 | |
P1183 talk covi |
hydrologické pořadí | a number to hydrographically order rivers and streams, use more specific properties where possible | string | 549 | |
P1184 talk covi |
handle | Handle System identifier, which is a superset of the DOI | external-id | 17,037 | |
P1185 talk covi |
kód | identifer for a person on | external-id | 3,589 | |
P1186 talk covi |
ID poslance Evropského parlamentu | identifier for a past or present MEP in a directory of all members of the European Parliament | external-id | 3,684 | |
P1187 talk covi |
Dharma Drum Buddhist College person ID | identifier for a person in DDBC | external-id | 2,471 | |
P1188 talk covi |
Dharma Drum Buddhist College place ID | identifier for a place in DDBC | external-id | 20 | |
P1189 talk covi |
Chinese Library Classification | identifier used for this class in the CLC | external-id | 22 | |
P1190 talk covi |
Mezinárodní desetinné třídění | typ knihovní klasifikace | MDT | string | 248 |
P1191 talk covi |
premiéra | datum, kdy bylo dílo poprvé předvedeno či vysíláno | datum premiéry | time | 29,290 |
P1192 talk covi |
connecting service | service stopping at a station | wikibase-item | 7,793 | |
P1193 talk covi |
prevalence | portion of a population with a given disease | quantity | 16 | |
P1194 talk covi |
received signal type | type of signal received by a device | wikibase-item | 6 | |
P1195 talk covi |
přípona souboru | přípona jména souboru, která určuje formát souboru (např. txt pro textový soubor) | string | 5,667 | |
P1196 talk covi |
způsob smrti | typ smrti | wikibase-item | 70,582 | |
P1198 talk covi |
míra nezaměstnanosti | portion of a workforce population that is not employed | nezaměstnanost | quantity | 197 |
P1199 talk covi |
mode of inheritance | manner in which a particular genetic trait or disorder is passed from one generation to the next | wikibase-item | 57 | |
P1200 talk covi |
kategorie povodí | kategorie spojená s povodím řeky | wikibase-item | 2,470 | |
P1201 talk covi |
space tug | spacecraft vehicle designed to move the payload from a reference orbit to the target orbit, or direct it to an interplanetary trajectory | wikibase-item | 393 | |
P1202 talk covi |
carries scientific instrument | scientific instruments carried by a vessel, satellite, or device that are not required for propelling or navigating | wikibase-item | 26 | |
P1203 talk covi |
Finnish municipality number | identifier for a municipality in Finland | external-id | 14,212 | |
P1204 talk covi |
hlavní téma portálu | primary topic of this Wikimedia portal | wikibase-item | 1,686 | |
P1207 talk covi |
autoritní záznam NUKAT | identifikátor autoritního záznamu v polském NUKAT | external-id | 138,868 | |
P1208 talk covi |
ISMN | International Standard Music Number | external-id | 28 | |
P1209 talk covi |
CN | identifier for a newspaper or magazine issued by State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China | external-id | 35 | |
P1210 talk covi |
supercharger | supercharger or turbocharger used by an engine | wikibase-item | 9 | |
P1211 talk covi |
fuel system | fuel system that an engine uses | wikibase-item | 26 | |
P1212 talk covi |
Atlas ID | identifikátor v databázi muzea v Louvru | external-id | 4,898 | |
P1213 talk covi |
NLC authorities | identifier for a person per National Library of China | external-id | 335 | |
P1214 talk covi |
Riksdagen person-id | identifier at | external-id | 1,659 | |
P1215 talk covi |
zdánlivá hvězdná velikost | zdánlivá velikost astronomických objektů | hvězdná velikost | quantity | 7,703 |
P1216 talk covi |
číslo v anglickém seznamu národních památek | number on the National Heritage List for England | external-id | 394,407 | |
P1217 talk covi |
Internet Broadway Database venue ID | identifier for a theatre or other venue in the IBDB | external-id | 130 | |
P1218 talk covi |
Internet Broadway Database production ID | identifier for a specific run of a show | external-id | 26 | |
P1219 talk covi |
Internet Broadway Database show ID | identifier for a play or other work (which may have had 1 or more productions) | external-id | 2,720 | |
P1220 talk covi |
Internet Broadway Database person ID | identifier for personnel on Broadway | external-id | 16,904 | |
P1221 talk covi |
typ kompresoru | typ kompresoru pro letecké motory | wikibase-item | 5 | |
P1225 talk covi |
US National Archives Identifier | identifier for the United States National Archives and Records Administration's online catalog | external-id | 31,226 | |
P1227 talk covi |
astronomical filter | passband used to isolate particular sections of the electromagnetic spectrum | wikibase-item | 82 | |
P1229 talk covi |
Openpolis ID | identifier in Openpolis, a database of Italian politicians | external-id | 1,383 | |
P1230 talk covi |
JSTOR journal code | identifier for a journal in JSTOR | external-id | 2,836 | |
P1232 talk covi |
Linguist list code | identifier for a language per Linguist list | external-id | 311 | |
P1233 talk covi |
identifikátor autora ISFDB | identifier for a person in the Internet Speculative Fiction Database | external-id | 17,324 | |
P1234 talk covi |
ISFDB publication ID | identifier for an edition of a publication in the Internet Speculative Fiction Database | external-id | 28 | |
P1235 talk covi |
ISFDB series ID | identifier for a series, periodical or franchise in the Internet Speculative Fiction Database | external-id | 1,085 | |
P1236 talk covi |
Parsonův kód | identifier for melodic contours of music | external-id | 158 | |
P1237 talk covi |
identifikátor filmu v Box Office Mojo | uvádí se ID za rovnítkem před .htm | Box Office Mojo | external-id | 9,296 |
P1238 talk covi |
Swedish Football Association player ID | identifier for a Swedish association football (soccer) player's page at, the official website of the Swedish Football Association (in Swedish: Svenska Fotbollförbundet; SvFF) | external-id | 1,917 | |
P1239 talk covi |
ISFDB publisher ID | identifier for a publisher in the Internet Speculative Fiction Database | external-id | 98 | |
P1240 talk covi |
Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level | string | 13,963 | ||
P1241 talk covi |
Swiss Football Association Club Number | identifier | external-id | 60 | |
P1242 talk covi |
Theatricalia play ID | identifier for a theatrical work, in the Theatricalia database | external-id | 1,259 | |
P1243 talk covi |
International Standard Recording Code | identifier | ISRC | external-id | 1,491 |
P1245 talk covi |
definovaný význam na OmegaWiki | "Defined Meaning" on the site OmegaWiki | external-id | 617 | |
P1246 talk covi |
číslo patentu | identifikátor patentovaného vynálezu | external-id | 226 | |
P1247 talk covi |
kompresní poměr | compression ratio of an engine | quantity | 22 | |
P1248 talk covi |
identifikátor KulturNav | identifikátor lidí, míst, událostí atd. používaný některými nordickými muzei | KulturNav-ID | external-id | 13,159 |
P1249 talk covi |
první písemná zmínka | první písemný záznam o existenci subjektu | time | 24,928 | |
P1250 talk covi |
Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) SNO/CNO | serial & conference identifier | external-id | 14,018 | |
P1251 talk covi |
kód ABS ASCL | Australian Standard Classification of Languages ID for languages | external-id | 20 | |
P1252 talk covi |
AUSTLANG code | identifier for a language in the Australian Indigenous Languages Database | external-id | 339 | |
P1253 talk covi |
BCU Ecrivainsvd | identifier in the database of writers from the canton of Vaud | external-id | 456 | |
P1254 talk covi |
Slovenska biografija ID | identifier in the "Slovenska biografija" reference project | external-id | 6,686 | |
P1255 talk covi |
HelveticArchives ID | ID v archivu databáze Švýcarské národní knihovny | external-id | 615 | |
P1256 talk covi |
Iconclass notation | Iconclass code that corresponds with an artistic theme or concept. For artworks, use P1257 (depicts Iconclass notation) | external-id | 3,323 | |
P1257 talk covi |
depicts Iconclass notation | Iconclass code depicted in an artwork. For linking Iconclass codes with their corresponding artistic themes or concepts, use P1256 (Iconclass notation). | string | 8,116 | |
P1258 talk covi |
identifikátor na Rotten Tomatoes | ID na Rotten Tomatoes, musí začínat na "m/" u filmů, "tv/" u TV seriálů a "celebrity/" u osobností | Rotten Tomatoes ID | external-id | 78,310 |
P1259 talk covi |
souřadnice místa pohledu | souřadnice místa, ze kterého je zobrazen daný předmět (tím může být například snímek, obraz…) | globe-coordinate | 117 | |
P1260 talk covi |
švédská databáze památek | identifier | external-id | 156,411 | |
P1261 talk covi |
Rundata | database about runestones, mainly in Sweden, but stones in all of Europe, Greenland and U.S. can be found here | external-id | 1,715 | |
P1262 talk covi |
RAÄ number | Identificator for an element in the Database of the cultural heritage in Sweden | external-id | 145,562 | |
P1263 talk covi |
NNDB | identifier in the Notable Names Database, a biographical database: only for people entries | external-id | 36,215 | |
P1264 talk covi |
platnost v období | time period when a statement is valid | wikibase-item | 346,245 | |
P1265 talk covi |
identifikátor filmu v AlloCiné | identifikační číslo v databázi AlloCiné | AlloCiné ID | external-id | 50,662 |
P1266 talk covi |
ID umělce na AlloCiné | identifier for a person on the AlloCiné film database | external-id | 67,247 | |
P1267 talk covi |
identifikátor seriálu AlloCiné | identifikátor pro seriál v databázi AlloCiné | Allociné ID seriálu, ID seriálu Allociné | external-id | 4,987 |
P1268 talk covi |
reprezentuje | organizace nebo osoby, která je zastoupena | wikibase-item | 25,869 | |
P1269 talk covi |
aspekt (čeho) | topic of which this item is an aspect, item that offers a broader perspective on the same topic | wikibase-item | 38,982 | |
P1270 talk covi |
Norwegian Register journal ID | identifier for academic journals | external-id | 195 | |
P1271 talk covi |
Norway Database for Statistics on Higher education publisher ID | identifier | external-id | 2 | |
P1272 talk covi |
Norway Import Service and Registration Authority periodical code | external-id | 111 | ||
P1273 talk covi |
CANTIC | identifier for authority control managed by the National Library of Catalonia (BNC). Format: "a", 7 digits, "x" or digit | external-id | 42,433 | |
P1274 talk covi |
ISFDB title ID | identifier for a title in the Internet Speculative Fiction Database | external-id | 15,164 | |
P1275 talk covi |
Norway Import Service and Registration Authority publisher code | identifier | external-id | 6 | |
P1276 talk covi |
Dictionnaire du Jura ID | identifier in the encyclopedia Dictionnaire du Jura | external-id | 302 | |
P1277 talk covi |
JUFO ID | identifier in the Julkaisufoorumi (Finnish Publication Forum) | external-id | 18,826 | |
P1278 talk covi |
LEI | identifier for a legally distinct entity per ISO 17442 | external-id | 11,075 | |
P1279 talk covi |
míra inflace | percent change in the consumber price index (CPI) | inflace | quantity | 197 |
P1280 talk covi |
CONOR ID | identifier in the CONOR.SI database | external-id | 66,306 | |
P1281 talk covi |
WOEID | identifier for a location on Yahoo! GeoPlanet and Flickr | external-id | 29,950 | |
P1282 talk covi |
značka či klíč na OpenStreetMap | schéma značení na OpenStreetMap (Key:klíč nebo Tag:klíč=hodnota) | string | 1,783 | |
P1283 talk covi |
filmografie | item with a list of films a person has contributed to. Don't use to add film items. Instead, add actors as cast on items for films the participated in. | wikibase-item | 442 | |
P1284 talk covi |
Munzinger IBA | identifier on the Munzinger Archiv | external-id | 18,483 | |
P1285 talk covi |
Munzinger Sport number | identifer on the Munzinger Archiv | external-id | 1,713 | |
P1286 talk covi |
Munzinger Pop ID | identifier on the Munzinger Archiv | external-id | 1,626 | |
P1287 talk covi |
KDG Komponisten der Gegenwart | identifier on the Munzinger Archiv | external-id | 747 | |
P1288 talk covi |
KLG Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartsliteratur | identifier on the Munzinger Archiv | external-id | 809 | |
P1289 talk covi |
KLfG Critical Dictionary of foreign contemporary literature | external-id | 654 | ||
P1290 talk covi |
kmotr | person who is the godparent of a given person | kmotra | wikibase-item | 156 |
P1291 talk covi |
Association Authors of Switzerland ID | identifier in a Swiss database of modern writers | external-id | 686 | |
P1292 talk covi |
kód DNB | identifikátor Německé národní knihovny | external-id | 802 | |
P1293 talk covi |
Royal Aero Club Aviator's Certificate ID | identifier | external-id | 61 | |
P1294 talk covi |
WWF ecoregion code | identifier for ecoregions | external-id | 643 | |
P1295 talk covi |
emisivita | ability of a substance to radiate thermal energy from its surface | quantity | 4 | |
P1296 talk covi |
ID ve Velké katalánské encyklopedii | identifikátor položky v Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana | GEC ID | external-id | 42,553 |
P1297 talk covi |
IRS Employer Identification Number | number given to businesses by the United States Internal Revenue Service | external-id | 10,049 | |
P1299 talk covi |
zobrazeno (čím) | objekt, který zobrazuje tento subjekt | motivem (čeho), zobrazeno v, objevuje se v | wikibase-item | 1,006 |
P1300 talk covi |
bibcode | bibcode for a journal | external-id | 6 | |
P1301 talk covi |
počet výtahů | number of elevators in a building | quantity | 1,766 | |
P1302 talk covi |
primary destinations | major cities that a road serves | wikibase-item | 596 | |
P1303 talk covi |
hudební nástroj | nástroj, na který hudebník hraje | nástroj | wikibase-item | 75,680 |
P1304 talk covi |
centrální banka | country's central bank | národní banka | wikibase-item | 79 |
P1305 talk covi |
CTBUH Skyscraper Center building ID | identifier for a building as used on the CTBUH's | external-id | 4,568 | |
P1307 talk covi |
Swiss parliament ID | identifier for a member of the Swiss Parliament since 1848 | external-id | 1,628 | |
P1308 talk covi |
držitel úřadu | osoba, která působí v dané funkci, je držitelem daného úřadu | wikibase-item | 3,092 | |
P1309 talk covi |
identifikátor EGAXA | identifier in Bibliotheca Alexandrina | external-id | 3,728 | |
P1310 talk covi |
tvrzení zpochybněno (kým) | entity that disputes a given statement | zpochybněno, zpochybněno (kým) | wikibase-item | 394 |
P1311 talk covi | ID | identifier from database of covered bridges in the United States and Canada | external-id | 62 | |
P1312 talk covi |
has facet polytope | facet of a polytope, in the next-lower dimension | wikibase-item | 600 | |
P1313 talk covi |
pozice předsedy vlády | název pozice, kterou zastává hlava vlády této položky | wikibase-item | 16,930 | |
P1314 talk covi |
počet oblouků | počet oblouků mostu | quantity | 1,154 | |
P1315 talk covi |
People Australia ID | identifier for people per National Library of Australia (see also P409 for the older Libraries Australia identifier). Format: 6 to 8 digits. | external-id | 71,973 | |
P1316 talk covi |
SMDB ID | identifier in the Swedish Media Database | external-id | 252 | |
P1317 talk covi |
období působení | datum, kdy osoba s nejistým datem narození a/nebo úmrtí byla aktivní | floruit, působil(a) | time | 9,461 |
P1318 talk covi |
dokázáno (kým) | person who proved something | wikibase-item | 56 | |
P1319 talk covi |
nejdříve | earliest date at which an event could have happened. Use as qualifier for other date properties | po, po tomto datu | time | 32,944 |
P1320 talk covi |
OpenCorporates ID | identifier for a corporation, in the OpenCorporates database | external-id | 10,022 | |
P1321 talk covi |
place of origin (Switzerland) | lieu d'origine of a Swiss national. Not be confused with place of birth or place of residence | wikibase-item | 1,566 | |
P1322 talk covi |
dual to | dual of a polytope, graph or curve | wikibase-item | 314 | |
P1323 talk covi |
Terminologia Anatomica 98 | Terminologia Anatomica (1998 edition) human anatomical terminology identifier | TA98 | external-id | 3,287 |
P1324 talk covi |
repozitář se zdrojovým kódem | veřejné úložiště zdrojového kódu | url | 4,757 | |
P1325 talk |
externí data dostupná na | URL, na které jsou dostupná data týkající se této položky | url | 9,211 | |
P1326 talk covi |
nejpozději | latest possible time that something could have occurred. Use as qualifier for other date properties | time | 31,868 | |
P1327 talk covi |
profesionální nebo sportovní partner | osoba, se kterou někdo profesionálně či sportovně spolupracuje | spoluhráč, spoluhráčka, spolupracovnice, spolupracovník, sportovní partner | wikibase-item | 4,286 |
P1329 talk covi |
telefonní číslo | telefonní číslo ve standardním formátu | telefon | string | 12,741 |
P1330 talk covi |
kód MusicBrainz pro hudební nástroj | kód hudebního nástroje v hudební encyklopedii MusicBrainz | MBID nástroje, MusicBrainz pro nástroj | external-id | 826 |
P1331 talk covi |
PACE member ID | identifier for a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe | external-id | 2,075 | |
P1332 talk covi |
nejsevernější bod | northernmost point of a location. For an administrative entity this includes offshore islands | souřadnice nejsevernějšího bodu | globe-coordinate | 8,632 |
P1333 talk covi |
nejjižnější bod | southernmost point of a place. For administrative entities this includes offshore islands | souřadnice nejjižnějšího bodu | globe-coordinate | 8,516 |
P1334 talk covi |
nejvýchodnější bod | easternmost point of a location | souřadnice nejvýchodnějšího bodu | globe-coordinate | 8,514 |
P1335 talk covi |
nejzápadnější bod | westernmost point of a location | souřadnice nejzápadnějšího bodu | globe-coordinate | 8,505 |
P1336 talk covi |
nárokováno (kým) | administrative divisions that claim control of a given area | wikibase-item | 739 | |
P1338 talk covi |
EPSG ID | identifikátor geodetického souřadnicového systému v registru EPSG | external-id | 38 | |
P1339 talk covi |
počet zraněných | počet lidí, kteří byli při události zraněni | počet raněných | quantity | 2,361 |
P1340 talk covi |
barva očí | color of the irises of a person's eyes | wikibase-item | 4,838 | |
P1341 talk covi |
Italian Chamber of Deputies dati ID | identifier for incumbent and former deputies from the Italian Chamber of Deputies | external-id | 6,369 | |
P1342 talk covi |
počet křesel | number of seats/members in an assembly (legislative house or similar) | quantity | 6,410 | |
P1343 talk covi |
popsáno ve zdroji | slovník či encyklopedie atd., ve kterých je tento koncept popsán | wikibase-item | 265,042 | |
P1344 talk covi |
účastník (čeho) | akce, které se osoba zúčastnila (opak k P710 a P1923) | účastnil se čeho, účastnila se čeho, účast | wikibase-item | 189,327 |
P1345 talk covi |
počet obětí vraha | počet osob, které daný (sériový) vrah zabil | quantity | 94 | |
P1346 talk covi |
vítěz | vítěz soutěže (nepoužívat pro bitvy a války) | vítězka | wikibase-item | 39,340 |
P1347 talk covi |
klasifikace vojenských ztrát | allowed values: killed in action (Q210392), missing in action (Q2344557), died of wounds (Q16861372), prisoner of war (Q179637), killed in flight accident (Q16861407), others used in military casualty classification | wikibase-item | 7,066 | |
P1348 talk covi |
AlgaeBase URL | URL pro webovou stránku AlgaeBase | url | 844 | |
P1349 talk covi |
ploidie | ploidy of a genome | wikibase-item | 11 | |
P1350 talk covi |
počet odehraných zápasů | buď jako vymezení vlastnosti 'člen sportovního družstva', nebo celkový počet | počet zápasů | quantity | 135,869 |
P1351 talk covi |
počet vstřelených gólů/bodů | góly/body vstřelené v zápase/události uvedené ve vymezení; pro body v lize použijte P1358 | body, branky, góly, vstřelených bodů, vštřelených gólů | quantity | 146,563 |
P1352 talk covi |
pořadí sportovce | the subject's numbered position within a tournament or group of performers | quantity | 37,144 | |
P1353 talk covi |
original spelling | original spelling of a scientific name | string | 522 | |
P1354 talk covi |
shown with features | secondary features depicted in a work. Use as qualifier for "depicts" (P180) | wikibase-item | 1,668 | |
P1355 talk covi |
výhry | počet vyhraných sportovních zápasů, her apod. | vyhrané zápasy, vítězství | quantity | 428 |
P1356 talk covi |
prohry | počet prohraných sportovních zápasů, her apod. | porážky, prohrané zápasy | quantity | 357 |
P1357 talk covi |
remízy | počet remizovaných sportovních zápasů, her apod. | nerozhodné zápasy | quantity | 339 |
P1358 talk covi |
dosažené body | počet bodů v ligové tabulce či desetiboji (pro góly/body v zápase použijte P1351) | body, ligové body | quantity | 1,516 |
P1359 talk covi |
number of points/goals conceded | points conceded or goals against (use in league table items) | quantity | 368 | |
P1360 talk covi |
Monte Carlo Particle Number | number given to each elementary particle | string | 61 | |
P1362 talk covi |
Theaterlexikon der Schweiz online ID | identifier in the online edition of the Theater Dictionary of Switzerland | external-id | 1,580 | |
P1363 talk covi |
gól/body získal | osoba, která ve hře dosáhla branky či bodů | body získal, gól vstřelil, vstřelil, získal | wikibase-item | 181 |
P1364 talk covi |
ITTF table tennis player ID | 6-digit identifier for a table tennis player as per International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) | external-id | 582 | |
P1365 talk covi |
předchůdce | osoba nebo položka, kterou tato položka nahradila; pro stavby použijte P1398; pokud nešlo o nahrazení, použijte P155 | nahradil (koho/co) | wikibase-item | 58,621 |
P1366 talk covi |
nástupce | osoba nebo položka, která tuto položku nahradila; pokud nešlo o nahrazení, použijte P156 | nahradil, nahrazeno (kým/čím), náhrada | wikibase-item | 64,000 |
P1367 talk covi |
Art UK artist ID | authority control identifier for artists (creators of publicly owned oil paintings in the UK) | external-id | 22,592 | |
P1368 talk covi |
identifikátor LNB | identifikátor v databázi Lotyšské národní knihovny | external-id | 24,627 | |
P1369 talk covi |
číslo v íránské databázi památek | identifier in the Iranian National Heritage database | external-id | 26,838 | |
P1370 talk covi |
IHSI ID | identifier for an administrative territorial entity in Haiti | external-id | 592 | |
P1371 talk covi |
ASI Monument ID | identifier assigned to monuments catalogued by the Archaeological Survey of India | external-id | 1,069 | |
P1372 talk covi |
binding of software library | software library in another programming language provided by the subject software binding | wikibase-item | 18 | |
P1373 talk covi |
daily patronage | number of daily passengers, patrons or visitors in specified time period | quantity | 2,523 | |
P1375 talk covi |
NSK ID | identifier for an item in the National and University Library in Zagreb (including leading zeroes) | external-id | 4,989 | |
P1376 talk covi |
hlavní sídlo čeho | země, státu, kantonu nebo jiné administrativní jednotky | hlavní město čeho | wikibase-item | 65,914 |
P1377 talk covi |
MTR station code | identifier for a station in Hong Kong issued by MTR | external-id | 178 | |
P1378 talk covi |
China railway TMIS station code | identifier for a railway station used in China railway system | external-id | 3,418 | |
P1380 talk covi | ID | identifier from database based on the National Bridge Inventory. Lists every U.S. bridge over 20 feet (6 meters) long | external-id | 1,517 | |
P1381 talk covi | ID | identifier from a database of historic bridges | external-id | 1,730 | |
P1382 talk covi |
kryje se s | objekt, který je částečně, ale nikoli plně (P361), částí subjektu | koinciduje s, překrývá se s | wikibase-item | 6,034 |
P1383 talk covi |
zahrnuje sídlo | sídla, která jsou součástí této administrativní jednotky | wikibase-item | 5,663 | |
P1385 talk covi |
Enciclopédia Açoriana ID | identifier for an item in Enciclopédia Açoriana | external-id | 36 | |
P1386 talk covi |
Japanese High School Code | identifier for a high school in Japan | external-id | 5,066 | |
P1387 talk covi |
political alignment | political position within the political spectrum | wikibase-item | 1,698 | |
P1388 talk covi |
German regional key | identifier for municipalities and other areas in Germany | external-id | 1,311 | |
P1389 talk covi |
product certification | certification for a product, qualify with P1001 ("applies to jurisdiction") if needed | wikibase-item | 3,160 | |
P1390 talk covi |
match time of event | time into a game when an event occurs (use with a unit) | minuta zápasu, čas | quantity | 170 |
P1391 talk covi |
ID v Indexu Fungorum | identifikátor vědeckého názvu taxonu v mykologickém Indexu Fungorum (položka Q1860469) | Index Fungorum | external-id | 96,416 |
P1392 talk covi |
ComicBookDB ID | identifier in a comic book database | external-id | 157 | |
P1393 talk covi |
proxy | person authorized to act for another | wikibase-item | 36 | |
P1394 talk covi |
Glottolog code | identifier for a languoid in the Glottolog database | external-id | 10,087 | |
P1395 talk covi |
National Cancer Institute ID | identifikátor z | identifikátor National Cancer Institute, National Cancer Institute identifikátor, NCI ID | external-id | 19 |
P1396 talk covi |
Linguasphere code | identifier for a language from Linguasphere Observatory | string | 137 | |
P1397 talk covi |
State Catalogue of Geographical Names (Russia) ID | identifier in State Catalogue of Geographical Names (Russia) | external-id | 149 | |
P1398 talk covi |
původní stavba | the item this building or structure replaced, at the same geographic location | wikibase-item | 400 | |
P1399 talk covi |
odsouzen za | zločin, za který byla osoba odsouzena | wikibase-item | 7,349 | |
P1400 talk covi |
FCC Facility ID | U.S. ID number for broadcast stations | external-id | 12,966 | |
P1401 talk covi |
stránka pro nahlašování chyb | bug report page where bugs, issues, and feature requests are filed for a particular software | bug tracker | url | 515 |
P1402 talk covi |
Foundational Model of Anatomy ID | identifikátor z ontologie Foundational Model of Anatomy | FMA, Foundational Model of Anatomy identifikátor, identifikátor Foundational Model of Anatomy | string | 3,921 |
P1403 talk covi |
original combination | for animals: the combination (binomen or trinomen) where the species-group name used in this taxon name was first published | wikibase-item | 8,611 | |
P1404 talk covi |
World Glacier Inventory ID | identifier in the World Glacier Inventory database | external-id | 461 | |
P1406 talk covi |
směr psaní | direction that a writing system goes in | wikibase-item | 32 | |
P1407 talk covi |
kód MusicBrainz pro sérii | kód série v hudební encyklopedii MusicBrainz | MBID série, MBID řady, MusicBrainz pro sérii, MusicBrainz pro řadu | external-id | 631 |
P1408 talk covi |
licensed to broadcast to | place that a radio/TV station is licensed/required to broadcast to | wikibase-item | 5,437 | |
P1409 talk covi |
Cycling Archives cyclist ID | identifier in the Cycling Archives | external-id | 16,611 | |
P1410 talk covi |
number of representatives in an organization/legislature | number of seats a political party, faction, or group has in a given legislature | quantity | 2,346 | |
P1411 talk covi |
nominace na | award nomination received by a person, organisation or creative work (inspired from "award received" (Property:P166)) | wikibase-item | 19,241 | |
P1412 talk covi |
ovládané jazyky | jazyky, kterými osoba mluví | jazyky | wikibase-item | 643,597 |
P1414 talk covi |
knihovna uživatelského rozhraní | framework or toolkit a program uses to display the graphical user interface | GUI, knihovna uživatelského prostředí | wikibase-item | 1,083 |
P1415 talk covi |
Oxford Biography Index Number | identifier used by the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography | external-id | 61,136 | |
P1416 talk covi |
záštita | organizace, ke které je osoba nebo jiná orgaizace přidružena | wikibase-item | 16,582 | |
P1417 talk covi |
ID Encyclopædia Britannica Online | identifikátor v online verzi Encyclopædia Britannica | external-id | 135,775 | |
P1418 talk covi |
orbits completed | number of orbits a spacecraft has done around a body | quantity | 304 | |
P1419 talk covi |
tvar | geometrický tvar objektu | wikibase-item | 638 | |
P1420 talk covi |
synonymum taxonu | (incorrect) name(s) listed as synonym(s) of a taxon name | synonymní taxon | wikibase-item | 4,970 |
P1421 talk covi |
GRIN URL | URL for a taxon in the GRIN website | url | 106,705 | |
P1422 talk covi | ID | Personal Identification Number in Research Platform for Art and Cultural History of the 17th Century ( | external-id | 5,014 | |
P1423 talk covi |
téma šablony | primary topic of the subject template or infobox | wikibase-item | 10,547 | |
P1424 talk covi |
šablona tématu | primary infobox or navigational template of this subject | wikibase-item | 10,250 | |
P1425 talk covi |
ekoregion (WWF) | ekoregion entity | wikibase-item | 10 | |
P1427 talk covi |
počátek cesty | počáteční bod cesty, letu apod. | počátek letu | wikibase-item | 14,962 |
P1428 talk covi |
Lost Art-ID | identifier in the Lost Art Internet Database | external-id | 14 | |
P1429 talk covi |
domácí zvíře | domácí zvíře, které osoba vlastní | domácí mazlíček | wikibase-item | 121 |
P1430 talk covi |
OpenPlaques ID | identifikátor osoby v databázi OpenPlaques | external-id | 5,180 | |
P1431 talk covi |
výkonný producent | executive producer of a movie or TV show | wikibase-item | 5,110 | |
P1432 talk covi |
B-side (DEPRECATED) | song/track which is the B-side of this single | wikibase-item | 296 | |
P1433 talk covi |
publikováno v | rozsáhlejší dílo, v jehož rámci byla práce publikována | dílo, sbírka, časopis | wikibase-item | 20,922,654 |
P1434 talk covi |
popisuje fikční svět | the subject is a work describing a fictional universe, i.e. whose plot occurs in this universe. | wikibase-item | 3,709 | |
P1435 talk covi |
památkový status | objekt chráněný jako kulturní dědictví | památková ochrana | wikibase-item | 1,642,361 |
P1436 talk covi |
velikost sbírky nebo výstavy | number of items in a collection or exhibition | quantity | 12,416 | |
P1437 talk covi |
plea | whether a person pleaded guilty, not guilty, etc. | wikibase-item | 12 | |
P1438 talk covi |
Jevrejskaja enciklopedija (kód) | identifier on the Electronic Jewish Encyclopedia (Elektronnaja Evrejskaja Entsiklopedia) | string | 1,346 | |
P1439 talk covi |
Norsk filmografi ID | identifier from Norsk filmografi, published by the National Library of Norway | external-id | 759 | |
P1440 talk covi |
Fide ID | identifikátor v databázi šachových hráčů FIDE | external-id | 11,645 | |
P1441 talk covi |
vyskytuje se v díle | dílo, v němž se tato fiktivní entita vyskytuje | v díle, z díla, objevuje se v | wikibase-item | 43,176 |
P1442 talk covi |
obrázek hrobu | picture of a person or animal's grave, gravestone or tomb | fotka hrobu, fotografie hrobu | commonsMedia | 29,761 |
P1443 talk covi |
způsob skórování | vymezení pro P1363 (gól/body získal) | wikibase-item | 12 | |
P1444 talk covi |
cíl cesty | místo, kam směřuje nějaká cesta (let, jízda dopravního prostředku, výzkumná výprava, migrace atd.) | destinace | wikibase-item | 9,114 |
P1445 talk covi |
fikční svět popsán ve | to link a fictional universe with a work that describes it: <universe> "described in the work:" <work> | wikibase-item | 176 | |
P1446 talk covi |
počet pohřešovaných | number of people missing after an event - qualify with "point in time (P585)" | pohřešovaní | quantity | 43 |
P1447 talk covi |
ID olympionika na | identifikační číslo sportovce v databázi olympioniků na | external-id | 118,466 | |
P1448 talk covi |
oficiální název | oficiální jméno předmětu v jeho úředním jazyce | celé jméno, název, oficiální jméno, plný název, úplný název | monolingualtext | 942,069 |
P1449 talk |
přezdívka | informal name (for a pseudonym use P742) | aka, alias | monolingualtext | 9,741 |
P1450 talk covi |
Sandbox Monolingual text | sandbox for testing the monolingual text datatype | monolingualtext | 2 | |
P1451 talk covi |
motto | text motta | heslo, text motta | monolingualtext | 4,221 |
P1453 talk covi | ID | identifier on the site | external-id | 12 | |
P1454 talk covi |
právní forma | typ subjektu definovaný zákonem | forma podnikání, právní forma podnikání, typ společnosti | wikibase-item | 74,254 |
P1455 talk covi |
seznam díla | link to the article with the works of a person | wikibase-item | 320 | |
P1456 talk covi |
seznam památek | přehled památek v místě nebo území | wikibase-item | 9,828 | |
P1457 talk covi |
absolutní hvězdná velikost | absolutní jasnost astronomického objektu | absolutní magnituda | quantity | 36,694 |
P1458 talk covi |
barevný index | color index of an astronomical object | quantity | 11 | |
P1459 talk covi |
Cadw Building ID | identifier for listed buildings in Wales | external-id | 29,842 | |
P1460 talk covi |
NIEA building ID | identifier for listed buildings in Northern Ireland | external-id | 860 | |
P1461 talk covi |
Patientplus ID | identifikátor nemoci z Patient UK | identifikátor Patientplus, Patientplus identifikátor | string | 761 |
P1462 talk covi |
správce standardu | těleso či organizace, která je zodpovědná za údržbu a publikaci standardu | standardizující organizace | wikibase-item | 2,266 |
P1463 talk covi |
PRDL Author ID | identifier from Post-Reformation Digital Library | external-id | 2,793 | |
P1464 talk covi |
kategorie lidí zde narozených | kategorie, do které se zařazují osoby, které se narodily na tomto místě | kategorie pro lidi zde narozené | wikibase-item | 30,373 |
P1465 talk covi |
kategorie lidí zde zemřelých | kategorie, do které se zařazují osoby, které zesnuly na tomto místě | kategorie pro lidi zde zemřelé | wikibase-item | 12,985 |
P1466 talk covi |
WALS lect code | identifier for a language | external-id | 2,562 | |
P1467 talk covi |
WALS genus code | identifier for a language genus | external-id | 8 | |
P1468 talk covi |
WALS family code | identifier for a language family | external-id | 6 | |
P1469 talk covi |
identifikátor hráče FIFA | identifier for a association football player per FIFA | external-id | 21,285 | |
P1470 talk covi |
maximum glide ratio | maximum glide ratio of an aircraft | quantity | 25 | |
P1471 talk covi |
reporting mark | reporting mark for railroads in North America | string | 113 | |
P1472 talk covi |
stránka tvůrce na Commons | jméno stránky tvůrce na Wikimedia Commons (bez prefixu „Creator“) | string | 38,475 | |
P1473 talk covi |
Nupill Literatura Digital - Author | identifier for an author from Nupill Literatura Digital | external-id | 338 | |
P1474 talk covi |
Nupill Literatura Digital - Document | identifier for a document in Nupill Literatura Digital | external-id | 13 | |
P1476 talk covi |
titul | originální název díla | název, originální název, původní název | monolingualtext | 21,981,354 |
P1477 talk covi |
rodné jméno (text v jazyce) | plné jméno osoby při narození, pokud se liší od dnešního běžně použitého jména | dívčí jméno, jméno za svobodna, rodné jméno (text v jazyce), rozená, rozený | monolingualtext | 67,417 |
P1478 talk covi |
bezprostřední příčina | nearest, proximate thing that directly resulted in the subject as outcome or effect. Used in conjunction with 'has cause' (i.e. underlying cause) and 'has contributing factor'. See 'Help:Modeling causes'. | bezprostředně způsobeno | wikibase-item | 464 |
P1479 talk covi |
přispívající činitel | thing that significantly influenced, but did not directly cause, this outcome or effect. Used in conjunction with 'has cause' and 'has immediate cause'. See 'Help:Modeling causes'. | má přispívající činitel, má přispívající činitele, přispívající činitelé | wikibase-item | 174 |
P1480 talk covi |
nejasné informace | kvalifikace přesnosti výroku: circa (Q5727902), v blízkosti (Q21818619), pravděpodobně (Q18122778), sporná (Q18912752) | asi, circa, kolem, okolo, pravděpodobně, téměř | wikibase-item | 60,005 |
P1481 talk covi | ID | identifier on - archaeological atlas of antiquity | external-id | 363 | |
P1482 talk covi |
štítek na Stack Exchange | štítek na webech Stack Exchange | url | 3,006 | |
P1483 talk covi | ID | identifier for an item in a Russian cultural heritage register | external-id | 5,793 | |
P1529 talk covi |
Gertrude identifier | identifier for a cultural property per the Glad database of French cultural heritage | external-id | 628 | |
P1531 talk covi |
parent of this hybrid, breed, or cultivar | wikibase-item | 323 | ||
P1532 talk covi |
země reprezentace ve sportu | země, kterou sportovec reprezentuje | národnost pro sport, reprezentuje | wikibase-item | 117,152 |
P1533 talk covi |
identické příjmení | příjmení stejné jako toto křestní jméno | shodné příjmení, stejné příjmení | wikibase-item | 10,607 |
P1534 talk covi |
příčina konce | qualifier to use together with the end date qualifier (P582) to specify the cause | důvod konce, důvod ukončení, příčina ukončení | wikibase-item | 34,840 |
P1535 talk covi |
uživatel | kdo uživá popsaný objekt | wikibase-item | 2,935 | |
P1536 talk covi |
bezprostřední příčina (čeho) | immediate cause of this effect | wikibase-item | 94 | |
P1537 talk covi |
přispívající činitel (čeho) | thing that is significantly influenced by this cause, but does not directly result from it. See 'Help:Modeling causes' for examples and discussion. | wikibase-item | 66 | |
P1538 talk covi |
počet domácností | total number of households in this place, includes dwellings of all types | quantity | 111,244 | |
P1539 talk covi |
počet obyvatel – ženy | počet obyvatel ženského pohlaví | počet žen | quantity | 123,696 |
P1540 talk covi |
počet obyvatel – muži | počet obyvatel mužského pohlaví | počet mužů | quantity | 123,116 |
P1541 talk covi |
CQ Ranking male cyclist ID | identifier for a male cyclist at | external-id | 4,837 | |
P1542 talk covi |
příčina (čeho) | effect of this cause | wikibase-item | 2,233 | |
P1543 talk covi |
monogram | image of a person's monogram | commonsMedia | 219 | |
P1544 talk covi |
Federal Register Document Number | Authority file ID in the United States Federal Register | external-id | 179 | |
P1545 talk covi |
pořadové číslo | pozice v řadě | třídení, pořadí, umístění, pozice | string | 20,739,197 |
P1546 talk covi |
popis motta | položka o mottu (P1451) | motto | wikibase-item | 372 |
P1547 talk covi |
závisí na | subject software depends on object software | závislost | wikibase-item | 2,986 |
P1548 talk covi |
maximum Strahler number | highest Strahler number of a stream, creek, or river | quantity | 66 | |
P1549 talk covi |
demonymum | název obyvatel určitého města, státu nebo území, nejlépe v jednotném čísle | monolingualtext | 3,024 | |
P1550 talk covi |
Orphanet ID | identifier in the database (without ORPHA prefix) | external-id | 10,201 | |
P1551 talk covi |
Exceptional heritage of Wallonia ID | unique identifier of the "Patrimoine immobilier exceptionnel de la Région wallonne" | external-id | 74 | |
P1552 talk covi |
charakterizováno (čím) | the entity has an inherent or distinguishing non-material characteristic | vlastnosti | wikibase-item | 15,320 |
P1553 talk covi |
Yandex.Music ID | identifier for artist on the site | external-id | 931 | |
P1554 talk covi |
UBERON ID | identifikátor z ontologie UBERON | identifikátor UBERON, UBERON identifikátor | external-id | 2,508 |
P1555 talk covi |
Executive Order number | identifier for an executive order of the US | external-id | 3,792 | |
P1556 talk covi |
zbMATH author ID | identifier of a person in the Zentralblatt MATH database | external-id | 7,419 | |
P1557 talk |
manifestace (čeho) | ztělesnění daného konceptu | projev (čeho) | wikibase-item | 690 |
P1558 talk covi |
označení tempa | indication about the speed or pace of a given musical piece | wikibase-item | 82 | |
P1559 talk covi |
jméno v rodném jazyce | jméno osoby v jejím rodném jazyce | monolingualtext | 330,167 | |
P1560 talk covi |
rodné jméno druhého pohlaví | equivalent name (with respect to the meaning of the name) in the same language: female version of a male first name, male version of a female first name. Add primarily the closest matching one | křestní jméno opačného pohlaví, opačné křestní jméno | wikibase-item | 2,452 |
P1561 talk covi |
počet přeživších | number of people surviving an event | quantity | 775 | |
P1562 talk covi |
identifikátor AllMovie | identifikátor filmu v databázi AllMovie | external-id | 98,037 | |
P1563 talk covi |
identifikátor MacTutor | identifier of the person's biography in the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive | external-id | 2,791 | |
P1564 talk covi |
At the Circulating Library ID | identifier in the At the Circulating Library Victorian literature database | external-id | 1,421 | |
P1565 talk covi |
Enciclopedia de la Literatura en México ID | identifier | external-id | 997 | |
P1566 talk covi |
identifikátor GeoNames | identifikátor v geografické databázi GeoNames | external-id | 3,663,146 | |
P1567 talk covi |
NIS/INS code | Belgian municipality codes maintained by Statistics Belgium | external-id | 645 | |
P1568 talk covi |
definiční obor | set of "input" or argument values for which the function is defined | wikibase-item | 75 | |
P1571 talk covi |
kodoména | nadmnožina oboru hodnot | wikibase-item | 60 | |
P1573 talk covi |
BBC Genome ID | identifier for a single episode/ programme in the BBC Genome database of Radio Times programme listings | external-id | 33 | |
P1574 talk covi |
exemplář (čeho) | property for manuscripts, autographs, incunabula, distinct printed copies | wikibase-item | 202 | |
P1575 talk covi |
RISS catalog | union catalog of South Korea and Japan, maintained by RISS | external-id | 7 | |
P1576 talk covi |
životní styl | typical way of life of an individual, group, or culture | wikibase-item | 811 | |
P1577 talk covi |
Gregory-Aland-Number | identifier for Greek manuscripts of the New Testament | external-id | 1,784 | |
P1578 talk covi |
číslo v Gmelinově databázi | identifikátor anorganické sloučeniny, podle Gmelinovy databáze | external-id | 3,108 | |
P1579 talk covi |
číslo v Beilsteinově databázi | identifier for chemical substance in Reaxys | kód v Beilsteinově databázi, registrační číslo v Beilsteinově databázi | external-id | 19,007 |
P1580 talk covi |
University of Barcelona authority ID | register of authorities of the University of Barcelona | external-id | 16,596 | |
P1581 talk covi |
oficiální blog | URL to the blog of this person or organization | blog | url | 2,107 |
P1582 talk covi |
přírodním produktem taxonu | links a natural product with its source (animal, plant, fungal, algal, etc.) | wikibase-item | 637 | |
P1583 talk covi |
MalaCards ID | identifier in the Malacards database of diseases | external-id | 7 | |
P1584 talk covi |
Pleiades ID | identifier for a place in Pleiades hosted at | external-id | 2,735 | |
P1585 talk covi |
Brazilian municipality code | identifier for municipalities in Brazil | external-id | 5,582 | |
P1586 talk covi |
Catalan object of cultural interest ID | external-id | 1,969 | ||
P1587 talk covi |
ID v registru slovinského kulturního dědictví | identifier for a cultural monument in the Slovene Cultural Heritage Register | external-id | 9,517 | |
P1588 talk covi |
village code of Indonesia | village identifier by Statistics Indonesia | string | 46,659 | |
P1589 talk covi |
nejnižší místo | místo s nejnižší nadmořskou výškou v dané zemi, regionu, obci či oblasti | wikibase-item | 397 | |
P1590 talk covi |
počet obětí | počet lidí usmrených či zraněných v důsledku této události, používejte v případě, že nelze upřesnit počet zraněných a počet usmrcených. | quantity | 86 | |
P1591 talk |
obžalovaný | person or organization accused, at a trial | wikibase-item | 3,370 | |
P1592 talk |
státní zástupce | person representing the prosecuting authority, at a trial | wikibase-item | 32 | |
P1593 talk |
obhájce | person representing the defendant, at a trial | wikibase-item | 69 | |
P1594 talk covi |
soudce | Judge, magistrate or equivalent, presiding at a trial | wikibase-item | 143 | |
P1595 talk |
obvinění | offence with which someone is charged, at a trial | wikibase-item | 322 | |
P1596 talk covi |
trest | trest udělený soudem | rozsudek | wikibase-item | 1,193 |
P1598 talk covi |
světitel | biskup, který daného biskupa vysvětil; také spolusvětitelé | konsekrátor, spolusvětitel, vysvěcen (kým) | wikibase-item | 8,638 |
P1599 talk covi |
Cambridge Alumni Database ID | identifier in the Cambridge Alumni Database/Alumni Cantabrigienses (ACAD) | external-id | 8,370 | |
P1600 talk covi |
Inventari del Patrimoni Arquitectònic de Catalunya code | identifier for an architectural property in Catalonia. max. 5-digit numeric | external-id | 17,527 | |
P1601 talk covi |
číslo esperantisty | číslo v Zamenhofově adresáři prvních mluvčích esperanta | adresář esperantistů, esperantista číslo | external-id | 138 |
P1602 talk covi |
Art UK venue ID | authority control identifier for venues housing art, in the UK | external-id | 1,873 | |
P1603 talk covi |
počet nakažených | cumulative number of confirmed, probable and suspected occurrences | quantity | 28 | |
P1604 talk covi |
stupeň biologického zabezpečení | úroveň bilogického zabezpečení nutná k izolování nebezpečné biologické látky | wikibase-item | 8 | |
P1605 talk covi |
has natural reservoir | host species for the pathogen in which it is endemic | wikibase-item | 13 | |
P1606 talk covi |
natural reservoir of | pathogen of which this species is a long-term host | wikibase-item | 10 | |
P1607 talk covi |
Dialnet author ID | identifier for an author in Dialnet | external-id | 6,737 | |
P1608 talk covi |
Dialnet book ID | Book identifier for Dialnet | external-id | 296 | |
P1609 talk covi |
Dialnet journal | external-id | 2,359 | ||
P1610 talk covi |
Dialnet article | external-id | 792 | ||
P1611 talk covi |
hodnostní kód NATO | kód NATO pro hodnosti vojáků | NATO code for grade | wikibase-item | 212 |
P1612 talk covi |
stránka instituce na Commons | name of the institutions's page on Wikimedia Commons (without the prefix "Institution") | string | 5,241 | |
P1613 talk covi |
kanál IRC | official IRC channel of an institution or project | IRC | url | 365 |
P1614 talk covi |
History of Parliament ID | identifier on the History of Parliament website | external-id | 17,948 | |
P1615 talk covi |
CLARA-ID | identifier from database about women visual artists | external-id | 5,239 | |
P1616 talk covi |
SIREN number | identifer for an organization in the SIRENE register maintained by INSEE | external-id | 38,618 | |
P1617 talk covi |
BBC Things ID | identifier in the BBC Things database | external-id | 893 | |
P1618 talk covi |
číslo dresu | číselné označení účastníka sportovního klání na jeho úboru | string | 24,856 | |
P1619 talk covi |
datum otevření | date or point in time an event, museum, theater etc. officially opened | otevřeno | time | 84,312 |
P1620 talk covi |
žalobce | party who initiates a lawsuit | wikibase-item | 68 | |
P1621 talk covi |
podrobná mapa | map containing details about the entire location | detailní mapa | commonsMedia | 1,985 |
P1622 talk covi |
strana provozu | side of the road that vehicles drive on in a given jurisdiction | wikibase-item | 236 | |
P1624 talk covi |
MarineTraffic Port ID | identifier for a port assigned by the MarineTraffic database | external-id | 848 | |
P1625 talk covi |
has melody | this work has the melody of the following work | wikibase-item | 88 | |
P1626 talk covi |
Thai cultural heritage ID | identifier for cultural heritage properties in Thailand | external-id | 718 | |
P1627 talk covi | code | identifier for a language in | external-id | 379 | |
P1628 talk covi |
shodná vlastnost | URI vlastnosti shodné s touto v jiné ontologii | ekvivalentní vlastnost | url | 247 |
P1629 talk covi |
odpovídající položka | položka, která přesně odpovídá konceptu reprezentovanému vlastností (k použití v tvrzení o vlastnosti) | položka, reprezentuje položku | wikibase-item | 4,662 |
P1630 talk covi |
URL pro zformátování | web page URL; URI template from which "$1" can be automatically replaced with the effective property value on items. If the site goes offline, set it to deprecated rank. | formátovací URL | string | 3,653 |
P1631 talk covi |
China Vitae ID | identifier for a person in the China Vitae database | external-id | 2,026 | |
P1632 talk covi |
Hermann-Mauguin notation | Hermann-Mauguin notation of the mineral's symmetry element (short form) | external-id | 28 | |
P1635 talk covi |
řeholní jméno | jméno udělené či používané u náboženské osoby | monolingualtext | 302 | |
P1636 talk covi |
datum křtu | datum, kdy byla osoba pokřtěna | time | 1,896 | |
P1637 talk covi |
podvozek | type of aircraft landing gear the item is equipped with | wikibase-item | 130 | |
P1638 talk covi |
pracovní název | temporary name of a product or project used during its development | monolingualtext | 317 | |
P1639 talk covi |
pendant of | other work in a pair of opposing artworks, such as wedding portraits, commissioned together, but not always | wikibase-item | 1,173 | |
P1640 talk covi |
kurátor | content specialist responsible for this collection or exhibition | wikibase-item | 425,193 | |
P1641 talk covi |
port | defaultní komunikační endpoint v TCP, UDP nebo jiných protokolech | síťový port | quantity | 224 |
P1642 talk covi |
způsob příchodu | způsob, jakým sportovec přišel do daného týmu; vymezení vlastnosti P54 (člen sportovního družstva) | příchod, přestup do týmu | wikibase-item | 39,583 |
P1643 talk covi |
způsob odchodu | způsob, jakým sportovec opustil daný tým; vymezení vlastnosti P54 (člen sportovního družstva) | odchod, přestup z týmu | wikibase-item | 106 |
P1644 talk covi |
MessesInfo ID | identifier | external-id | 29,484 | |
P1645 talk covi |
NIST/CODATA ID | identifikátor fyzikální konstanty | CODATA ID | external-id | 38 |
P1647 talk covi |
podvlastnost (čeho) | všechny položky propojené touto vlastností jsou též propojené uvedenou nadřazenou vlastností | rdfs:subPropertyOf | wikibase-property | 488 |
P1648 talk covi |
Dictionary of Welsh Biography ID | identifier per the Dictionary of Welsh Biography | external-id | 4,560 | |
P1649 talk covi |
KMDb person ID | identifier for a person on the Korean Movie Database (KMDb) | external-id | 4,332 | |
P1650 talk covi |
BBF ID | identifier in the archive database of the German "Research Library for the History of Education" (personal data of the teachers of Prussia) | external-id | 649 | |
P1651 talk covi |
identifikátor videa na YouTube | identifier of a video on YouTube; for channels use P2397; for playlists use P4300 | ID videa na YouTube, YouTube video | external-id | 18,684 |
P1652 talk covi |
rozhodčí | referee or umpire of a match | wikibase-item | 6,066 | |
P1653 talk covi |
TERYT municipality code | identifier for a municipality per the Główny Urząd Statystyczny in Poland | external-id | 2,976 | |
P1654 talk covi |
wing configuration | configuration of wing(s) used by an aircraft | wikibase-item | 601 | |
P1656 talk covi |
odhaleno (kým) | person who unveils a statue, sculpture, memorial or plaque, etc. | wikibase-item | 150 | |
P1657 talk covi |
MPAA film rating | US film classification administered by the Motion Picture Association of America | wikibase-item | 1,455 | |
P1659 talk covi |
viz též | used to indicate another property that might provide additional information about the Wikidata-property | podobná vlastnost | wikibase-property | 13,107 |
P1660 talk covi |
has index case | initial patient in the population of an epidemiological investigation | wikibase-item | 5 | |
P1661 talk covi |
Alexa rank | the website's Alexa ranking with P585 as a qualifier for each value; the current value should be marked 'preferred' | Alexa hodnocení | quantity | 3,098 |
P1662 talk covi |
DOI prefix | identifier specific to a DOI registrant | external-id | 1,743 | |
P1663 talk covi |
ProCyclingStats cyclist ID | identifier on the website ProCyclingStats ( | external-id | 6,983 | |
P1664 talk covi |
Cycling Database ID | identifier on the website Cycling Database ( | external-id | 22 | |
P1665 talk covi |
Chess Games ID | identifikátor na webu Chess Games ( | external-id | 11,105 | |
P1666 talk covi |
Chess Club ID | identifier on the website Chess Club ( | external-id | 49 | |
P1667 talk covi |
TGN ID | identifier in the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names | external-id | 22,067 | |
P1668 talk covi |
ATCvet | ATCvet code | external-id | 13 | |
P1669 talk covi |
CONA ID | identifier from Cultural Objects Name Authority | external-id | 243 | |
P1670 talk covi |
identifikátor LAC | identifier for authority control per the Library and Archives Canada. Format: 4 digits + 1 letter + 4 digits | external-id | 5,030 | |
P1671 talk covi |
číslo tratě | identifikační číslo železniční tratě | číslo trasy | string | 1,215 |
P1672 talk covi |
taxon je zdrojem (čeho) | links a taxon to natural products it produces. Note that it does not say "this taxon is the source of" or "this taxon is a source of" as this may vary. Some products may be yielded by more than one taxon. | wikibase-item | 605 | |
P1673 talk covi |
obecný vzorec | molecular formula of a class of compounds | string | 20 | |
P1674 talk covi |
potvrzený počet | qualifier; number of instances or occurrences classified as confirmed for reporting purposes | quantity | 52 | |
P1675 talk covi |
number probable | number of instances or occurrences classified as probable (vs. confirmed) for reporting purposes | quantity | 4 | |
P1676 talk covi |
number suspected | number of instances or occurrences classified as suspected for reporting purposes | quantity | 3 | |
P1677 talk covi |
index case of | primary case, patient zero: initial patient in the population of an epidemiological investigation | wikibase-item | 4 | |
P1678 talk covi |
has vertex figure | the figure exposed when a corner of a polytope is sliced off | wikibase-item | 195 | |
P1679 talk covi |
Art UK artwork ID | identifier for artworks (publicly owned oil paintings in the UK) | external-id | 30,470 | |
P1680 talk covi |
podtitul | for works, when the title is followed by a subtitle | původní podtitul | monolingualtext | 9,390 |
P1683 talk covi |
citát | quote supporting the statement claim (to be used in the "reference" field only) | monolingualtext | 40,544 | |
P1684 talk covi |
nápis | nápis, značka nebo podpis uvedený na předmětu | monolingualtext | 7,156 | |
P1685 talk covi |
Pokédex / Pokémon browser number | identification number of a Pokémon in a Pokédex or Pokémon Browser | string | 811 | |
P1686 talk covi |
ocenění za | qualifier of award received (P166) to specify the work that an award was given to the creator for | oceněn za, oceněna za | wikibase-item | 12,595 |
P1687 talk covi |
odpovídající vlastnost | vlastnost ve Wikidatech, které odpovídá tato položka | vlastnost | wikibase-property | 4,519 |
P1689 talk covi |
central government debt as a percent of GDP | quantity | 4 | ||
P1690 talk covi |
ICD-10-PCS | medical classification used for procedural coding | external-id | 15 | |
P1691 talk covi |
operations and procedures key (OPS) | official classification of operational procedures | external-id | 12 | |
P1692 talk covi |
ICD-9-CM | identifier in the ICD adaption assigning diagnostic and procedure codes | string | 4,033 | |
P1693 talk covi |
Terminologia Embryologica | standardized list of words used in the description of human embryologic and fetal structures | external-id | 159 | |
P1694 talk covi |
Terminologia Histologica | controlled vocabulary for use in cytology and histology | external-id | 344 | |
P1695 talk covi |
NLP identifikátor | identifier for authority control per the National Library of Poland. Format: "A", 7 digits, "X" or another digit. | external-id | 29,277 | |
P1696 talk covi |
inverzní vlastnost | propojuje vlastnost s opačnou vlastností | inverze (čeho) | wikibase-property | 147 |
P1697 talk covi |
počet platných hlasů | vote count for the elections (excluding invalid votes) | platné hlasy | quantity | 2,058 |
P1699 talk covi |
SkyscraperPage building ID | identifier for a building in the SkyscraperPage database | external-id | 940 | |
P1700 talk covi |
SIPA ID | identifier in the SIPA (Sistema de Informação para o Património Arquitectónico) database of heritage sites in Portugal | external-id | 2,161 | |
P1702 talk covi |
IGESPAR ID | identifier in the IGESPAR (Instituto de Gestão do Património Arquitectónico e Arqueológico) database of heritage sites in Portugal | external-id | 1,796 | |
P1703 talk covi |
is pollinated by | how pollen from the male anthers is transferred to the female stigma of a flower | wikibase-item | 14 | |
P1704 talk covi |
is pollinator of | plant that this animal visits for pollen (and that it pollinates) | wikibase-item | 8 | |
P1705 talk covi |
v původním jazyce | jméno položky v jejím úředním jazyce (Q23492) nebo v jejím původním jazyce (P364) | monolingualtext | 343,000 | |
P1706 talk covi |
společně s | qualifier to specify the item that this property is shared with | wikibase-item | 5,096 | |
P1707 talk covi |
DAAO ID | identifier per Design & Art Australia Online | external-id | 1,081 | |
P1708 talk covi |
LfDS object ID | identifer for national heritage sites issued by the Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Sachsen | external-id | 87,429 | |
P1709 talk covi |
ekvivalentní třída | ekvivalentní třída v jiných ontologiích | url | 836 | |
P1710 talk covi |
Sächsische Biografie | identifier in a biographical dictionary of people from Saxony | external-id | 1,678 | |
P1711 talk covi |
Identifikátor osoby-instituce Britského muzea | Identifikátor Britského muzea | BM id | external-id | 31,626 |
P1712 talk covi |
identifikátor na Metacritic | identifikátor | external-id | 19,930 | |
P1713 talk covi |
biografie na stránkách Bundestagu v Německu | odkaz na biografickou stránku německého parlamentu | url | 1,805 | |
P1714 talk covi |
Journalisted ID | identifier on Journalisted, an independent, not-for-profit website (by Media Standards Trust) listing the published writing of journalists | external-id | 272 | |
P1715 talk covi |
RKD/ESD (Slovenia) ID | reference number of intangible cultural heritage of Slovenia (EID) | external-id | 12 | |
P1716 talk covi |
obchodní značka | brand of a product | wikibase-item | 7,409 | |
P1717 talk covi |
SANDRE ID | identifer of the French national Water Information System | external-id | 3,944 | |
P1721 talk covi |
pinyin transliterace | hanyu pinyin transliteration of a pinyin text (usually to be used as a qualifier) | pchin-jin transliterace | string | 1,316 |
P1725 talk covi |
beatů za minutu | tempo hudebního díla | bpm, tempo | quantity | 1,200 |
P1726 talk covi |
Florentine musea Inventario 1890 ID | national florentine musea inventory from 1890 identifier | external-id | 179 | |
P1727 talk covi |
Flora of North America taxon ID | identifier for a taxon in the Flora of North America database | external-id | 17,601 | |
P1728 talk covi |
ID umělce na AllMusic | identifier for an artist in AllMusic database | external-id | 38,996 | |
P1729 talk covi |
ID alba na AllMusic | identifier for an album in AllMusic database | external-id | 23,723 | |
P1730 talk covi |
ID písně na AllMusic | identifier for a song in AllMusic database | external-id | 1,359 | |
P1731 talk covi |
hlasový obor | popisuje klasifikaci operních pěvců | wikibase-item | 305 | |
P1732 talk covi |
Naturbase ID | identifier in the Naturbase database published by the Norwegian Environment Agency | external-id | 1,404 | |
P1733 talk covi |
Steam Application ID | identifier for an application available from the Steam distribution platform | external-id | 4,067 | |
P1734 talk covi |
oath of office date | when person swore the oath of office | time | 121 | |
P1735 talk covi | ID | identifier in database of actors and commedians | external-id | 5 | |
P1736 talk covi |
Information Center for Israeli Art artist ID | Identifier for artists in the Information Center for Israeli Art | external-id | 1,872 | |
P1738 talk covi |
Merck Index monograph | URL stem of page in The Merck Index Online | external-id | 3 | |
P1739 talk covi |
CiNii book ID | identifier for books, in the Japanese CiNii bibliography by NII aka National institute of informatics. | external-id | 191 | |
P1740 talk covi |
kategorie filmů zde točených | the object is a category for films shot at or in the subject | wikibase-item | 1,252 | |
P1741 talk covi |
GTAA ID | identifier for GTAA, a thesaurus used in audiovisual archives (NISV, EYE) | external-id | 34,139 | |
P1743 talk covi |
Bradley and Fletcher checklist number | reference for a species in the Bradley and Fletcher checklist of British lepidoptera | external-id | 2,593 | |
P1744 talk covi |
Agassiz checklist number | Reference for a species in the 2013 checklist of over 2,700 species British lepidoptera | external-id | 2,508 | |
P1745 talk covi |
VASCAN ID | identifier for a taxon in the Database of Vascular Plants of Canada | external-id | 11,339 | |
P1746 talk covi |
ZooBank ID for name or act | identifier for a name or nomenclatural act at ZooBank | external-id | 27,533 | |
P1747 talk covi |
Flora of China ID | identifier for a taxon in Flora of the People's Republic of China | external-id | 43,704 | |
P1748 talk covi |
NCI Thesaurus ID | identifikátor v United States National Cancer Institute Thesaurus | identifikátor NCI Thesaurus, NCI Thesaurus identifikátor | string | 8,747 |
P1749 talk covi |
Parlement & Politiek ID | entry of described object on Parlement & Politiek, website describing Dutch politics | external-id | 6,052 | |
P1750 talk covi |
jmeniny | day of the year associated with a first/given name. A qualifier should be used to identify the calendar that is being used. Distinguish from "feast day" (P:P841) | svátek | wikibase-item | 2,091 |
P1751 talk covi |
Art UK collection ID | identifier for art collections, in the UK | external-id | 20 | |
P1752 talk |
měřítko | poměr velikosti obrazu (mapy, modelu, sochy, ..) vůči předloze | quantity | 206 | |
P1753 talk covi |
seznam související s kategorií | Wikimedia list equivalent to a Wikimedia category | seznam souvisící s kategorií | wikibase-item | 23,051 |
P1754 talk covi |
kategorie související se seznamem | Wikimedia category equivalent to a Wikimedia list | kategorie souvisící se seznamem | wikibase-item | 22,421 |
P1755 talk covi |
ID nehody na Aviation Safety Network | identifikátor popisu nehody v databázi projektu Aviation Safety Network | ASN ID | external-id | 1,341 |
P1760 talk covi |
Aviation Safety Network Wikibase Occurrence | identifier for an item in the Aviation Safety Network's database | external-id | 34 | |
P1761 talk covi |
Watson & Dallwitz family ID | familyID in Watson & Dallwitz: The families of flowering plants | external-id | 567 | |
P1762 talk covi |
Hornbostel-Sachs classification | Hornbostel-Sachs classification of a musical instrument | string | 1,334 | |
P1763 talk covi |
National Pipe Organ Register ID | identifier in the (United Kingdom) National Pipe Organ Register | external-id | 4 | |
P1764 talk covi |
FOIH relict ID | identifier for a "relict" in the database of the Flemish organization for Immovable Heritage | external-id | 2,222 | |
P1766 talk covi |
cedule | obrázek cedule či dopravní značky s názvem místa | značka | commonsMedia | 2,961 |
P1769 talk covi |
denkXweb identifier | identifier in the online database for cultural heritage monuments in the German state of Hesse | external-id | 10,716 | |
P1770 talk covi |
Romania LMI code | identifier in 'Lista monumentelor istorice din România' (Romanian heritage sites) | external-id | 30,157 | |
P1771 talk covi |
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System ID | identifier for colleges and universities in the United States | external-id | 3,482 | |
P1772 talk covi |
USDA PLANTS ID | identifier in the United States Department of Agriculture PLANTS Database | external-id | 43,095 | |
P1773 talk covi |
připisováno (komu) | nejistý, ale pravděpodobný autor uměleckého díla | wikibase-item | 1,285 | |
P1774 talk covi |
workshop of | artist whose work group are the likely creator of an artwork | wikibase-item | 873 | |
P1775 talk covi |
follower of | for unknown artists who work in the manner of the named artist | wikibase-item | 226 | |
P1776 talk covi |
circle of | for unknown artists who lived in the same time as the named author in a similar style, possibly a follower or someone who had contact with the named artist | wikibase-item | 124 | |
P1777 talk covi |
manner of | for unknown artists who worked in a similar style as the named author, but not necessary from the same period | wikibase-item | 616 | |
P1778 talk covi |
padělek napodobující (koho) | u uměleckého díla pokoušejícího se vypadat jako dílo uvedeného autora | wikibase-item | 17 | |
P1779 talk covi |
možný tvůrce | for a creative work with considerable uncertainty about the author | wikibase-item | 154 | |
P1780 talk covi |
school of | for a creative work with author with a style influenced by the known author or circle, active in the same period, but a student or follower | wikibase-item | 96 | |
P1782 talk covi |
zdvořilostní jméno | jméno k veřejnému použití, dané osobě na počátku dospělosti; ve východní Asii | společenské jméno | string | 615 |
P1785 talk covi |
chrámové jméno | name bestowed to a monarch after death (East Asia) | string | 52 | |
P1786 talk covi |
posmrtné jméno | name given to a person after death (East Asia) | string | 322 | |
P1787 talk covi |
art-name | type of pseudonym traditionally adopted by writers and artists in East Asia | string | 360 | |
P1788 talk covi |
DVN ID | identifier in the Dutch Digitaal Vrouwenlexicon van Nederland (Online Dictionary of Dutch Women), a biography portal of prominent women in Dutch history. | external-id | 2,106 | |
P1789 talk covi |
provozní ředitel | provozní ředitel organizace | chief operating officer, COO | wikibase-item | 36 |
P1791 talk covi |
kategorie lidí zde pohřbených | Wikimedia category for people with a burial site within this area | wikibase-item | 3,940 | |
P1792 talk covi |
kategorie lidí spojených s tímto místem | Wikimedia category for people associated with this place | wikibase-item | 22,118 | |
P1793 talk covi |
formát jako regulární výraz | regulární výraz popisující identifikátor nebo vlastnost Wikidat | regex, regulární výraz | string | 3,530 |
P1794 talk covi |
bureau du patrimoine de Seine-Saint-Denis ID | identifier in the website | external-id | 33 | |
P1795 talk covi |
Smithsonian American Art Museum person/institution ID | identifier for a person or institution, in the Smithsonian American Art Museum: person/institution thesaurus | external-id | 5,272 | |
P1796 talk covi |
International Standard Industrial Classification code Rev.4 | code of industry by ISIC (International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities) | string | 59 | |
P1798 talk covi |
ISO 639-5 code | identifier for a language family per ISO 639-5 | external-id | 121 | |
P1799 talk covi |
Maltese Islands National Inventory of Cultural Property ID | identifier in the National Inventory of Cultural Property of the Maltese Islands | external-id | 2,363 | |
P1800 talk covi |
název databáze Wikimedia | identifier for a Wikimedia project database | external-id | 941 | |
P1801 talk covi |
obrázek pamětní desky | image of plaque or inscription commemorating or mentioning the subject. For graves, use grave picture (P1442) | pamětní deska | commonsMedia | 9,290 |
P1802 talk covi |
EMLO person ID | identifier in the Early Modern Letters Online project run by the Bodleian Library | external-id | 7,282 | |
P1803 talk covi |
číslo osoby na Masarykově univerzitě | identifikátor osoby (učo) ve vztahu s Masarykovou univerzitou (zaměstnanec, absolvent, student…) | identifikátor osoby na Masarykově univerzitě, MUNI číslo osoby, univerzitní číslo osoby na Masarykově univerzitě, učo na Masarykově univerzitě, učo na MU | external-id | 46 |
P1804 talk covi |
identifikátor filmu v DNF | ID filmu v databázi Dánské národní filmografie | DNF film ID | external-id | 21,953 |
P1806 talk covi |
ABoK number | identifier for a knot in the Ashley Book of Knots | external-id | 27 | |
P1807 talk covi |
Great Aragonese Encyclopedia ID | identifier in the Spanish language, Aragon-themed, Great Aragonese Encyclopedia (GEA) | external-id | 3,193 | |
P1808 talk covi | ID | identifier on the website of the French senate | external-id | 4,463 | |
P1809 talk covi |
choreograf | autor choreografie | wikibase-item | 3,000 | |
P1810 talk covi |
uveden jako | jméno, pod kterým je subjekt uveden v databázi nebo zmíněn jako (spolu)autor | string | 610,636 | |
P1811 talk covi |
seznam dílů | odkaz na článek se seznamem dílů tohoto seriálu | seznam episod, seznam epizod | wikibase-item | 3,994 |
P1813 talk covi |
zkráceně | zkrácené označení místa, osoby, organizace apod. | akronym, krátký název, zkratka | monolingualtext | 24,692 |
P1814 talk covi |
jméno v kaně | zápis japonského jména písmem kana | hiragana, kana, katakana | string | 169,058 |
P1815 talk covi |
RSL scanned book's identifier | identifier of the Russian State Library | string | 302 | |
P1816 talk covi |
National Portrait Gallery (London) person ID | identifier for sitters and artists represented in the National Portrait Gallery, London | external-id | 38,346 | |
P1817 talk covi |
adresát | person or organization to whom a letter or note is addressed | wikibase-item | 262 | |
P1818 talk covi |
KH | databáze osob dvořanů rakouských Habsburků v 16. a 17. století | external-id | 1,971 | |
P1819 talk covi |
identifikátor osoby na | identifikátor pro osoby na | external-id | 18,215 | |
P1820 talk covi |
Open Food Facts food additive id | represents a food additive on Open Food Facts | string | 358 | |
P1821 talk covi |
Open Food Facts food category ID | represents a food category on Open Food Facts | external-id | 870 | |
P1822 talk covi |
DSH object ID | identifier for cultural monuments in Hamburg, Germany | external-id | 6 | |
P1823 talk covi |
BAnQ work ID | identifier for a work in the collection of Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec | external-id | 51 | |
P1824 talk covi |
číslo silnice | číslo identifikující souvislou část pozemní komunikace | číslo komunikace | string | 24,210 |
P1825 talk covi | major league player ID | identifier for a Major League Baseball player assigned by | external-id | 17,113 | |
P1826 talk covi | minor & foreign league player ID | identifier for a Minor League Baseball player assigned by | external-id | 16,383 | |
P1827 talk covi |
ISWC | identifier for musical works, adopted as international standard ISO 15707 | external-id | 2,042 | |
P1828 talk covi |
IPI name number | identifier for the name of a composer, author and other relevant parties | external-id | 1,275 | |
P1829 talk covi |
Roud Folk Song Index number | number assigned to a folk song in the Roud Folk Song Index | external-id | 593 | |
P1830 talk covi |
vlastní | entities owned by the subject | wikibase-item | 11,310 | |
P1831 talk covi |
electorate | set of persons qualified to vote during elections | quantity | 2,556 | |
P1832 talk covi |
GrassBase ID | identifier in GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora | external-id | 11,824 | |
P1833 talk covi |
počet registrovaných uživatelů | number of registered users on a website | quantity | 56 | |
P1836 talk covi |
pořadové číslo draftu | celkové pořadí, ve kterém byl hráč vybrán v daném sportovním draftu | draftovaný jako, pořadí v draftu | string | 162 |
P1837 talk covi |
Gaoloumi ID | identifier for a building in the Gaoloumi database | external-id | 37 | |
P1838 talk covi |
PSS-archi ID | identifier for a building in the PSS-archi database | external-id | 1,530 | |
P1839 talk covi |
US Federal Election Commission ID | identifier assigned by the US Federal Election Commission for federal candidates, parties, and other committees | external-id | 1,282 | |
P1840 talk covi |
vyšetřováno (kým) | osoba nebo organizace zapojená do vyšetřování daného incidentu | wikibase-item | 228 | |
P1841 talk covi |
Swedish district code | identifier for Swedish districts from 2016 | external-id | 2,525 | |
P1842 talk covi |
Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online ID | identifier for Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online | external-id | 2,076 | |
P1843 talk covi |
obecný název taxonu | běžný název biologického taxonu v národním jazyce | monolingualtext | 134,504 | |
P1844 talk covi |
HathiTrust ID | identifier from the HathiTrust Digital Library | external-id | 9,645 | |
P1845 talk covi |
anti-virus alias | alias issued by anti-virus companies to classify malware | string | 3 | |
P1846 talk covi |
distribution map | distribution of item on a mapped area (for range map of taxa, use (P181).) | commonsMedia | 568 | |
P1847 talk covi |
Nasjonalbiblioteket photographer ID | identifier used by the Nasjonalbiblioteket (Norwegian National Library) for photographers | external-id | 320 | |
P1848 talk covi |
protected areas INPN Code | identifier from the Inventaire national du patrimoine naturel for protected areas | external-id | 437 | |
P1849 talk covi |
SSR WrittenForm ID | identifier for the written form a place name, as used by Sentralt Stedsnavnregister in Norway | external-id | 8 | |
P1850 talk covi |
SSR place name number | identifier for a place, used by "Sentralt stedsnavnregister" in Norway for keeping track of names for that place | external-id | 9,271 | |
P1851 talk covi |
vstupní množina | nadmnožina definičního oboru funkce nebo relace | zdrojová množina | wikibase-item | 32 |
P1852 talk covi |
Perry Index | The item's value on the Perry Index primarily for fables attributed to Aesop | external-id | 60 | |
P1853 talk covi |
krevní skupina | blood type of the human or animal | wikibase-item | 28,365 | |
P1854 talk covi |
Kiev street code | identifier for a street of Kiev | external-id | 1,473 | |
P1855 talk covi |
příklad vlastnosti na Wikidatech | příklad položky na Wikidatech, která tuto vlastnost používá | wikibase-item | 5,576 | |
P1866 talk covi |
Catholic Hierarchy diocese ID | identifer for a diocese on | external-id | 6,296 | |
P1867 talk covi |
oprávnění voliči | number of eligible voters for a particular election | quantity | 2,735 | |
P1868 talk |
odevzdaných hlasů | celkový počet odevzdaných hlasů včetně neplatných | quantity | 2,037 | |
P1869 talk covi |
Hall of Valor ID | identifier for a medal recipient, in the US Hall of Valor | external-id | 442 | |
P1870 talk covi |
Name Assigning Authority Number | identifier in the Archival Resource Key registry | external-id | 344 | |
P1871 talk covi |
identifikátor CERL | identifier in the Consortium of European Research Libraries thesaurus | CERL ID | external-id | 168,303 |
P1872 talk covi |
minimální počet hráčů | minimum numbers of players of a game | quantity | 201 | |
P1873 talk covi |
maximální počet hráčů | maximum numbers of players of a game | quantity | 205 | |
P1874 talk covi |
Netflix | identifier for a creative work on Netflix | external-id | 23,963 | |
P1875 talk covi |
zastupován | express a relationship between a subject and their agent | agent, manažer, zastupována, zástupce | wikibase-item | 2,708 |
P1876 talk covi |
vessel | vessel involved in this mission, voyage or event | wikibase-item | 437 | |
P1877 talk covi |
inspirováno dílem (koho) | umělec, jehož dílo silně inspirovalo tuto položku (nebo z něj přímo kopíruje) | inspirující umělec, kopie díla (koho), podle díla umělce | wikibase-item | 11,227 |
P1878 talk covi |
Vox-ATypI classification | classification for typefaces | wikibase-item | 84 | |
P1879 talk covi |
income classification (Philippines) | classification grade of a Philippine local government unit based on income | wikibase-item | 1,640 | |
P1880 talk |
měřeno pomocí | scale by which a phenomenon is measured | wikibase-item | 87 | |
P1881 talk covi |
seznam postav | Wikimedia page with the list of characters for this work | wikibase-item | 371 | |
P1882 talk covi |
Web Gallery of Art ID | identifier for an artist in the Web Gallery of Art | external-id | 3,915 | |
P1883 talk covi | ID | Person ID on database | external-id | 1,036 | |
P1884 talk covi |
barva vlasů | person's hair color. Use P585 as qualifier if there's more than one value. | wikibase-item | 5,242 | |
P1885 talk covi |
katedrála | principal church of a religious district | wikibase-item | 1,525 | |
P1886 talk covi |
Smithsonian volcano ID | identifier of volcano in the Smithsonian Global Volcanism Program. Format: 6 digits. | external-id | 1,570 | |
P1887 talk covi |
vice-county | geographical delineation utilized for biological records in the British Isles | wikibase-item | 49 | |
P1888 talk covi |
Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources entry | entry in the Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources | external-id | 1,058 | |
P1889 talk covi |
rozdílné od | položka, která je rozdílná od jiné položky, ale jsou často zaměňovány | není totéž, není stejné, liší se od, neplést s, odlišné od, různé od | wikibase-item | 304,057 |
P1890 talk covi |
BNC ID | Biblioteca Nacional de Chile authority file ID | external-id | 1,349 | |
P1891 talk covi |
signatář | osoba, stát nebo organizace vystupující v pozici signatáře dokumentu | podepsaný na smlouvě | wikibase-item | 1,971 |
P1893 talk covi |
OpenPlaques plaque ID | identifier for a commemorative plaque, on a building or other structure in OpenPlaques | external-id | 83 | |
P1894 talk covi |
Danish urban area code | official identifier for an urban area in Denmark | external-id | 2,131 | |
P1895 talk covi |
Fauna Europaea ID | identifikátor v databázi Fauna Europaea | external-id | 118,861 | |
P1896 talk covi |
zdrojová stránka | adresa URL webové stránky sloužící jako zdroj dat pro tuto vlastnost | url | 3,089 | |
P1897 talk covi |
nejvyšší tón | highest note that an instrument can play or singer can sing | wikibase-item | 6 | |
P1898 talk covi |
nejhlubší tón | lowest note that an instrument can play or singer can sing | nejnižší tón | wikibase-item | 9 |
P1899 talk covi |
LibriVox author ID | author ID for an author represented at LibriVox | external-id | 4,931 | |
P1900 talk covi |
identifikátor EAGLE | identifier of an epigraphic concept in the Europeana Network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy (EAGLE) vocabulary | external-id | 434 | |
P1901 talk covi |
BALaT person/organisation id | identifier for person or organisation in the People & Institutions database of Belgian Art Links & Tools (BALaT), maintained by KIK-IRPA, Belgium's Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage. | external-id | 53 | |
P1902 talk covi |
ID umělce na Spotify | identifier for an artist on Spotify | external-id | 8,551 | |
P1903 talk covi |
index vulkanické explozivity | stupnice pro klasifikaci explozivních vulkanických erupcí | index sopečné výbušnosti, VEI | wikibase-item | 25 |
P1906 talk covi |
úřad hlavy státu | political office that is fulfilled by the head of state of this item | wikibase-item | 394 | |
P1907 talk covi |
Australian Dictionary of Biography ID | article about the person in the Australian Dictionary of Biography | external-id | 13,025 | |
P1908 talk covi |
CWGC person ID | identifier for a person, in the online database of Commonwealth War Graves Commission | external-id | 2,154 | |
P1909 talk covi |
vedlejší účinek | effect of a medication or procedure, that occurs next to the desired effect | wikibase-item | 8 | |
P1910 talk covi |
decreased expression in | This property should link a gene and a disease and indicate that a decreased expression of the gene is found in the disease | wikibase-item | 6 | |
P1911 talk covi |
increased expression in | this property should link a gene and a disease and indicate that an increased expression of the gene is found in the disease | wikibase-item | 76 | |
P1912 talk covi |
deletion association with | This property should link a gene and a disease due to a deletion | wikibase-item | 2 | |
P1913 talk covi |
gene duplication association with | This property should link a gene and a disease due to a duplication | wikibase-item | 3 | |
P1914 talk covi |
gene insertion association with | This property should link a gene and a disease due to an insertion | wikibase-item | 2 | |
P1915 talk covi |
gene inversion association with | This property should link a gene and a disease due to an inversion | wikibase-item | 2 | |
P1916 talk covi |
gene substitution association with | This property should link a gene and a disease due to a substitution | wikibase-item | 2 | |
P1917 talk covi |
posttranslational modification association with | This property should link a gene and a disease due to an altered posttranslational modification | wikibase-item | 2 | |
P1918 talk covi |
altered regulation leads to | this property should link a gene and a disease due to altered regulation | wikibase-item | 3 | |
P1919 talk covi |
Ministry of Education of Chile school ID | ID number (Rol Base de Datos, RBD, in Spanish, meaning database role) of all schools (high, middle, primary) in Chile, as registered by the Ministry of Education of Chile | external-id | 19 | |
P1920 talk covi |
CWGC burial ground ID | identifier for a cemetery, churchyard, or memorial, in the online database of Commonwealth War Graves Commission | external-id | 2,149 | |
P1921 talk covi |
formatter URI for RDF resource | formatter URL for RDF resource: URI template from which "$1" can be automatically replaced with the effective property value on items (it is the URI of the resources, not the URI of the RDF file describing it) | string | 136 | |
P1922 talk covi |
incipit | první verš básně, písně apod. | první verš, první věta, první řádek | monolingualtext | 4,830 |
P1923 talk covi |
zúčastněné týmy | Like 'Participant' (P710) but for teams. For an event like a cycle race or a football match you can use this property to list the teams and P710 to list the individuals (with 'member of sports team' (P54)' as a qualifier for the individuals) | wikibase-item | 9,056 | |
P1924 talk covi |
vaccine for | disease that a vaccine is for | wikibase-item | 61 | |
P1925 talk covi |
VIOLIN ID | identifier in the VIOLIN database for vaccines and related subjects | external-id | 6 | |
P1928 talk covi |
Vaccine Ontology ID | identifier in the Vaccine Ontology database | external-id | 7 | |
P1929 talk covi |
ClinVar Variation ID | identifier in the ClinVar database for human genomic variation | external-id | 4 | |
P1930 talk covi |
DSM-5 | identifier for a mental disorder in the 5th edition of "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" | external-id | 16 | |
P1931 talk covi |
NIOSH Pocket Guide ID | Identifier for a chemical in the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards | string | 718 | |
P1932 talk covi |
stated as | use as qualifier to indicate how the value was given in the source | string | 2,086,810 | |
P1933 talk covi |
MobyGames ID | identifier for MobyGames | external-id | 13,646 | |
P1934 talk covi | film ID | ID of animated film in database | external-id | 1,803 | |
P1935 talk covi |
Database of Classical Scholars ID | identifier for persons in the Database of Classical Scholars | external-id | 803 | |
P1936 talk covi |
Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire ID | Identifier of a Roman site, in the Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire | external-id | 6,392 | |
P1937 talk covi |
UN/LOCODE | geographic location code mantained by UNECE | external-id | 5,763 | |
P1938 talk covi |
identifikátor autora v projektu Gutenberg | author identifier at Project Gutenberg | autor v projektu Gutenberg, Gutenberg autor | external-id | 12,809 |
P1939 talk covi |
Dyntaxa ID | ID ve švédské taxonomické databázi | external-id | 80,830 | |
P1940 talk covi | ID | identifier for a taxon in the database | external-id | 403 | |
P1942 talk covi |
McCuneův-Reischauerův systém transkripce korejštiny | romanization system for Korean | string | 10,443 | |
P1943 talk covi |
mapa umístění | mapa umístění místa | commonsMedia | 21,473 | |
P1944 talk covi |
relief location map | relief location map of place | commonsMedia | 366 | |
P1945 talk covi |
street key | identification number for a specific street within the street cadastre of a municipality | string | 3,884 | |
P1946 talk covi |
identifikátor NLI (Irsko) | National Library of Ireland (N6I) authority identifier | N6I, NLI (Irsko) | external-id | 16,386 |
P1947 talk covi |
Mapillary ID | ID for a photo on Mapillary, a service for crowdsourcing map photos | external-id | 52 | |
P1948 talk covi |
BerlPap identifier | link to the Berliner Papyrusdatenbank | external-id | 8 | |
P1949 talk covi |
CulturaItalia ID | identification number for the CulturaItalia LOD section | external-id | 553 | |
P1950 talk covi |
druhé příjmení ve španělském jméně | second (generally maternal) family name in Spanish names (do not use for other double barrelled names) | wikibase-item | 13,085 | |
P1951 talk |
investor | individual or organization which invests money in the item for the purpose of obtaining financial return on their investment | wikibase-item | 67 | |
P1952 talk covi |
identifikátor Metallum | identifier for a band in the Encyclopaedia Metallum database | external-id | 5,268 | |
P1953 talk covi |
ID umělce na Discogs | identifier for a band or person in the Discogs database | external-id | 98,558 | |
P1954 talk covi |
Discogs master ID | identifier for a musical work in the Discogs database | external-id | 44,716 | |
P1955 talk covi |
Discogs label ID | identifier for a record label, studio or series in the Discogs database | external-id | 1,688 | |
P1956 talk covi |
takeoff and landing capability | type of takeoff and landing the aircraft is designed to operate | wikibase-item | 8 | |
P1957 talk covi |
strana indexu ve Wikizdrojích | page in Wikisource containing digital and paper pagination of the source | url | 1,834 | |
P1958 talk covi |
Trismegistos Geo ID | identifier of an ancient place on | external-id | 784 | |
P1959 talk covi |
Dutch Senate person ID | identifier for a person on the website of the Dutch Senate | external-id | 1,212 | |
P1960 talk covi |
identifikátor Google Scholar | identifier of a person, in the Google Scholar academic search service | external-id | 9,222 | |
P1961 talk covi |
CTHS society ID | identifier of Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques | external-id | 597 | |
P1963 talk covi |
vlastnosti tohoto typu | pokud se tento subjekt používá jako předmět „instance (čeho)“, zpravidla se používají následující vlastnosti | wikibase-property | 743 | |
P1966 talk covi |
Biblioteca Nacional de Chile catalogue number | catalogue number for books (editions), periodical, magazine, map, photography and other media in the Biblioteca Nacional de Chile | external-id | 19 | |
P1967 talk covi |
BoxRec boxer ID | Identifier for a boxer, in the BoxRec database | external-id | 7,808 | |
P1968 talk covi |
Foursquare venue ID | ID of a place in Foursquare | external-id | 979 | |
P1969 talk covi |
MovieMeter director ID | identifier for a person on the MovieMeter film database | external-id | 17,003 | |
P1970 talk covi |
identifikátor filmu v MovieMeter | ID filmu na webu MovieMeter | MovieMeter film ID | external-id | 73,388 |
P1971 talk covi |
počet dětí | počet dětí dané osoby | quantity | 13,580 | |
P1972 talk covi |
ID na Open Hub | identifikátor svobodného software v databázi Open Hub | external-id | 2,554 | |
P1973 talk covi |
RSL editions | catalogue number of the Russian State Library of Moscow (see also P1815 and P947) | external-id | 167 | |
P1976 talk covi |
INEGI locality ID | identifier for a locality of Mexico | external-id | 206,161 | |
P1977 talk covi |
Les Archives du Spectacle Person ID | Identifier for an actor/actress/playwright in the lesarchivesduspectacle database of actors/actresses | external-id | 12,856 | |
P1978 talk covi |
USDA NDB number | identifier for a food item in the United States Department of Agriculture National Nutrient Database | external-id | 482 | |
P1979 talk covi |
Righteous Among The Nations ID | identifier in the database of The Righteous Among The Nations | external-id | 435 | |
P1980 talk covi |
PolSys ID | identifier for a person in the PolSys database of Norwegian politicians | external-id | 4,917 | |
P1981 talk covi |
FSK film rating | permitted audience of a film, according to the German film-rating system (add Prüfnummer with qualifier "P2676") | wikibase-item | 16,212 | |
P1982 talk covi |
identifikátor osoby na Anime News Network | identifier for a person or group of people on | ID osoby na Anime News Network, ID osoby na ANN, identifikátor osoby na ANN | external-id | 3,539 |
P1983 talk covi |
Anime News Network company ID | identifier of a company on | external-id | 260 | |
P1984 talk covi |
identifikátor mangy na Anime News Network | identifier of a manga on | ID mangy na ANN | external-id | 2,471 |
P1985 talk covi |
Identifikátor Anime News Network pro anime | identifikátor pro anime na | ANN anime ID | external-id | 3,794 |
P1986 talk covi |
Dizionario biografico degli italiani Identifier | identifier of the Biographical Dictionary of Italian People | external-id | 22,463 | |
P1987 talk covi |
MCN code | code for item in the Mercosur Common Nomenclature | string | 677 | |
P1988 talk covi |
Delarge ID | identifier for an artist in the Delarge dictionary | external-id | 10,738 | |
P1989 talk covi |
Encyclopaedia Metallum artist ID | Identifier for a person in the Encyclopaedia Metallum database | external-id | 3,159 | |
P1990 talk covi |
species kept | taxa, preferably species, present at a zoo, botanical garden, collection, or other institution. NOT specific animals, not for any geographic location | wikibase-item | 230 | |
P1991 talk covi |
LPSN URL | URL for the website List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN) | url | 321 | |
P1992 talk covi |
identifikátor Plazi | identifier for a taxon treatment at | external-id | 31,639 | |
P1993 talk covi |
zápis v TeXu | řetězec popisující koncept v TeXu či LaTeXu | LaTeX, TeX, zápis v LaTeXu | string | 112 |
P1994 talk covi |
AllMusic composition ID | identifier for a composition in AllMusic | external-id | 1,582 | |
P1995 talk covi |
lékařský obor | main specialty that diagnoses, prevent human illness, injury and other physical and mental impairments | wikibase-item | 7,494 | |
P1996 talk covi | biography pages | link to an MP or Peer's biography on | external-id | 1,898 | |
P1997 talk covi |
Facebook Places ID | identifikátor místa na Facebooku | external-id | 4,110 | |
P1998 talk covi |
UCI code | code uniquely identifying a cycling team | string | 4,334 | |
P1999 talk covi |
UNESCO language status | degree of endangerment of a language conferred by the UNESCO Atlas of World Languages in Danger | wikibase-item | 1,819 | |
P2000 talk covi |
CPDL ID | identifikátor prací nebo lidí v Choral Public Domain Library | ChoralWiki | string | 500 |
P2001 talk covi |
Revidovaná romanizace korejštiny | romanisation following the Revised Romanisation of the Korean language | string | 11,358 | |
P2002 talk covi |
jméno na Twitteru | this item's username on Twitter; do not include the “@” symbol | external-id | 142,215 | |
P2003 talk covi |
jméno na Instagramu | item's username on Instagram | external-id | 33,433 | |
P2004 talk covi |
NALT ID | identifier in the subject categories of the Agricultural Thesaurus of United States National Agricultural Library | external-id | 204 | |
P2005 talk covi |
Catalogus Professorum Halensis | biographical entry in the Catalogus Professorum Halensis | external-id | 1,060 | |
P2006 talk covi |
ZooBank author ID | identifier for an author at ZooBank | external-id | 2,035 | |
P2007 talk covi |
ZooBank publication ID | identifier for a publication at ZooBank | external-id | 15,681 | |
P2008 talk covi |
IPNI publication ID | identifier for a publication in the International Plant Names Index | external-id | 1,522 | |
P2009 talk covi |
Exif model | string as it appears in the EXIF generated by a camera | string | 303 | |
P2010 talk covi |
EXIF make | string of the manufacturer as it appears in the EXIF generated by a specific digital camera model | string | 303 | |
P2011 talk covi |
Cooper-Hewitt Person ID | identifier for a person or organization in the Cooper-Hewitt (Smithsonian Museum) catalogue | external-id | 1,154 | |
P2012 talk covi |
kuchyně | type of food served by a restaurant or restaurant chain | wikibase-item | 758 | |
P2013 talk covi |
ID na Facebooku | official identifier for a person, product or organization in Facebook - everything after | Facebook, facebooková stránka, facebookový profil, fb | external-id | 80,147 |
P2014 talk covi |
Museum of Modern Art work ID | identifier for a work held at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) | external-id | 4,258 | |
P2015 talk covi |
Hansard ID | Databáze britského parlamentu (od roku 1803- ) | external-id | 14,388 | |
P2016 talk covi |
Catalogus Professorum Academiae Groninganae id | identifier for a professor, in the Catalogus Professorum Academiae Groninganae | external-id | 1,065 | |
P2017 talk covi |
isomeric SMILES | dedicated SMILES for isomer | string | 85,187 | |
P2018 talk covi |
Teuchos ID | identification String in the Teuchos Database | external-id | 3,456 | |
P2019 talk covi |
ID umělce na AllMovie | identifier for a person on the AllMovie film database | external-id | 67,584 | |
P2020 talk covi | player ID | identifier for an association football (soccer) player at,,,,,,, or | external-id | 34,649 | |
P2021 talk covi |
Erdősovo číslo | vzdálenost od matematika Paula Erdőse v grafu spoluautorství | quantity | 2,233 | |
P2024 talk covi |
German cattle breed ID | identifier of a cattle breed in German national law | external-id | 64 | |
P2025 talk covi |
Find A Grave cemetery ID | identifier assigned to a cemetery at Find A Grave | external-id | 3,423 | |
P2026 talk covi |
Avibase ID | identifier for a species, subspecies, or genus in Avibase - the world bird database | external-id | 8,446 | |
P2027 talk covi |
Colour Index International constitution ID | identifier issued by Colour Index International, for manufactured colour products | external-id | 138 | |
P2028 talk covi |
United States Armed Forces service number | number assigned by the US military to soldiers and sailors as the primary means of service member identification from 1918 until 1974 | external-id | 20 | |
P2029 talk covi |
Dictionary of Ulster Biography ID | identifer for a person in the Dictionary of Ulster Biography | external-id | 1,395 | |
P2030 talk covi |
ID osoby NASA | identifikátor používaný NASA pro astronauty a kosmonauty | identifikátor NASA | external-id | 397 |
P2031 talk |
pracovní období (začátek) | začátek doby, během které se jedinci nebo skupině dařilo ve své profesionální činnosti | time | 17,820 | |
P2032 talk |
pracovní období (konec) | konec doby, během které se jedinci nebo skupině dařilo ve své profesionální činnosti | time | 5,786 | |
P2033 talk covi |
kategorie snímků pořízených tímto zařízením | Commons category for photos taken with that camera model or model line | wikibase-item | 864 | |
P2034 talk covi |
Project Gutenberg ebook ID | ebook identifier at Project Gutenberg | external-id | 1,441 | |
P2035 talk covi |
URL osobního profilu LinkedIn | URL osobního profilu na; nepoužívejte pro firmy | LinkedIn osobní profil, LinkedIn URL | url | 5,847 |
P2036 talk covi |
African Plant Database ID | identifier for a plant taxon, in the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de Genève's African Plant Database of scientific names | external-id | 55,690 | |
P2037 talk covi |
jméno na GitHub | username of this project, person or organization on GitHub | external-id | 1,114 | |
P2038 talk covi |
ResearchGate profile ID | identifier for a person, used by ResearchGate profiles | external-id | 7,071 | |
P2040 talk covi |
CITES Species+ ID | identifier for a taxon in the Species+ database (CITES) | external-id | 19,910 | |
P2041 talk covi |
National Gallery of Victoria artist ID | identifier assigned to an artist by the National Gallery of Victoria in Australia | external-id | 3,361 | |
P2042 talk covi |
Artsy artist ID | identifier at the Artsy website | external-id | 12,370 | |
P2043 talk covi |
délka | rozměr objektu | quantity | 168,975 | |
P2044 talk covi |
nadmořská výška | výška objektu nad hladinou moře | quantity | 1,638,957 | |
P2045 talk covi |
inklinace orbitalu | inklinace stabilního orbitalu | quantity | 30,731 | |
P2046 talk covi |
plocha | plošný rozměr daného objektu | výměra, rozloha | quantity | 385,125 |
P2047 talk covi |
doba trvání | časová délka události nebo procesu | doba, délka trvání | quantity | 91,689 |
P2048 talk covi |
výška | vertical length of an entity | quantity | 434,705 | |
P2049 talk covi |
šířka | horizontální rozměr předmětu | quantity | 312,731 | |
P2050 talk covi |
rozpětí křídel | distance from one wingtip to the other, of an airplane or a bird | quantity | 202 | |
P2051 talk covi |
M sin i | exoplanet mass multiplied by the inclination angle | quantity | 14 | |
P2052 talk covi |
rychlost | magnitude of the velocity of the item | quantity | 3,021 | |
P2053 talk covi |
rozloha povodí | size of a stream's watershed (drainage basin) | plocha povodí | quantity | 26,185 |
P2054 talk covi |
hustota | density of a substance with phase of matter and temperature as qualifiers | quantity | 1,071 | |
P2055 talk covi |
konduktivita | electrical conductivity of a substance with phase of matter and temperature as qualifiers | quantity | 16 | |
P2056 talk covi |
tepelná kapacita | heat capacity of a substance with phase of matter and temperature as qualifiers | quantity | 8 | |
P2057 talk covi |
HMDB ID | ID in Human Metabolome Database | external-id | 5,818 | |
P2058 talk covi |
depositor | depositor/depositaries for the treaty | wikibase-item | 112 | |
P2060 talk covi |
zářivý výkon | total amount of energy emitted by an astronomical object per unit time | quantity | 76 | |
P2061 talk covi |
formát obrazu | poměr šířky a výšky obrazu u filmů, TV pořadů, fotografií | aspect ratio, poměr stran | wikibase-item | 30,452 |
P2062 talk covi |
HSDB ID | ID in Hazardous Substances Data Bank | external-id | 28 | |
P2063 talk covi |
LIPID MAPS ID | identifier used in the LIPID MAPS database for lipids | external-id | 6,190 | |
P2064 talk covi |
KNApSAcK ID | identifier in the KNApSAcK Core System | external-id | 4,270 | |
P2065 talk covi |
NIAID ChemDB ID | ID in NIAID ChemDB | NIAID ChemDB identifikátor | external-id | 102 |
P2066 talk covi |
měrné skupenské teplo tání | fusion enthalpy of a substance at the melting temperature | quantity | 17 | |
P2067 talk covi |
hmotnost | mass (in colloquial usage also known as weight) of the item | váha | quantity | 267,843 |
P2068 talk covi |
tepelná vodivost | property of a material that describes how efficiently heat is conducted | quantity | 29 | |
P2069 talk covi |
magnetický moment | torque a particle will experience in an external magnetic field | quantity | 17 | |
P2070 talk covi |
člen Královské společnosti | Fellow ID of the Royal Society | external-id | 1,746 | |
P2071 talk covi |
Mémoire des hommes ID | French government database indexing all french soldier war casualties | external-id | 100 | |
P2072 talk covi |
CDB Chemical ID | ID in UCI chemical database | external-id | 18 | |
P2073 talk covi |
akční rádius | maximální vzdálenost, na kterou může dopravní prostředek cestovat bez doplnění paliva | dojezd, dolet | quantity | 254 |
P2074 talk covi | ID | ID in the Swedish database about medical topics | external-id | 64 | |
P2075 talk covi |
rychlost zvuku | rychlost, jakou se zvuk za daných podmínek šíří materiálem | quantity | 60 | |
P2076 talk covi |
teplota | qualifier to indicate at what temperature something took place | quantity | 1,366 | |
P2077 talk covi |
tlak | qualifier to indicate at what pressure something took place | quantity | 564 | |
P2078 talk covi |
odkaz na uživatelskou příručku | link to the user manual of the object (product, program) | odkaz na návod, uživatelská příručka | url | 415 |
P2079 talk covi |
výrobní metoda | metoda, postup nebo technika používaná k růstu, vaření, tkaní, budování, sestavování, vyrábění položky | wikibase-item | 24,075 | |
P2080 talk covi |
AcademiaNet ID | identifier in the AcademiaNet database for excellent female scientists | external-id | 2,379 | |
P2081 talk covi |
BLDAM object ID | Object ID to identify cultural heritage monuments in Brandenburg, Germany | external-id | 333 | |
P2082 talk covi |
kód M.49 | kód tohoto místa v číselníku M.49 spravovaném Spojenými národy | M.49 | external-id | 50 |
P2083 talk covi |
Leadscope ID | identifier for a chemical compound in | external-id | 16 | |
P2084 talk covi |
ZINC ID | identifier for a chemical compound in the ZINC database | external-id | 50 | |
P2085 talk covi |
Nikkaji ID | identifier for a chemical compound in the Japan Chemical Substance Dictionary (Nikkaji) | external-id | 477 | |
P2086 talk covi |
CDD Public ID | identifier for a chemical compound in the Collaborative Drug Discovery database | external-id | 3 | |
P2087 talk covi |
Crunchbase person ID | Identifier for a person, in the Crunchbase database of companies and start-ups, operated by TechCrunch | external-id | 325 | |
P2088 talk covi |
Crunchbase organisation ID | Identifier for an organisation, in the Crunchbase database of companies and start-ups, operated by Oath Tech | external-id | 368 | |
P2089 talk covi |
Library of Congress JukeBox ID | identifier in the Library of Congress JukeBox database of singers | external-id | 1,619 | |
P2090 talk covi |
Power of 10 athlete ID | identifier for an athlete in the Power of 10 database | external-id | 180 | |
P2091 talk covi |
FISA rower ID | identifier for a rower in the database of the International Rowing Federation (FISA) | external-id | 11,039 | |
P2092 talk covi |
Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur ID | property for Bildindex | external-id | 697 | |
P2093 talk covi |
autor (text) | řetězec, do kterého lze zapsat jméno autora v případě, že položka Wikidat pro autora neexistuje nebo není známa | jméno autora | string | 20,424,870 |
P2094 talk covi |
soutěžní kategorie | oficiální dělení sportovců, družstev, soutěží atp., definované příslušnou řídicí organizací | soutěžní třída, třída, kategorie | wikibase-item | 124,034 |
P2095 talk covi |
co-driver | rally team member who performs as a co-driver or co-pilot | wikibase-item | 34 | |
P2096 talk covi |
popisek | popis obrázku, videa nebo audiosouboru | titulek obrázku, popis obrázku, popisek obrázku | monolingualtext | 58,018 |
P2097 talk covi |
délka funkčního období | length of time in years (unit: Q577) a person (usually a politician) is to serve in a particular office. Do not add bounds. | quantity | 311 | |
P2098 talk covi |
substitute/deputy/replacement of office/officeholder | function that serves as deputy/replacement of this function/office (scope/conditions vary depending on office) | wikibase-item | 236 | |
P2099 talk covi |
BC Geographical Names ID | Unique ID of the BC Geographical Names | external-id | 2,226 | |
P2100 talk covi |
Banque de noms de lieux du Québec ID | unique identifier for geographical names in Quebec | external-id | 14,650 | |
P2101 talk covi |
teplota tání | melting point is the temperature at which a solid changes its state from solid to liquid at atmospheric pressure | bod tání | quantity | 1,033 |
P2102 talk covi |
teplota varu | temperature at which a substance changes its phase from liquid to gas (indicate the corresponding pressure as qualifier) | bod varu | quantity | 700 |
P2103 talk covi |
size of team at start | počet tažných psů v závodu nebo v týmu | quantity | 461 | |
P2105 talk covi |
size of team at finish | number of players/sled dogs/etc. in a team at the end of the race or match | quantity | 98 | |
P2106 talk covi |
RXNO Ontology | RSC ontology for organic reactions | external-id | 130 | |
P2107 talk covi |
decomposition point | decomposition point of a substance | quantity | 148 | |
P2108 talk covi |
Kunstindeks Danmark artwork ID | identifier for artwork in the Danish art database | external-id | 7,093 | |
P2109 talk covi |
výkon | výkon motoru nebo elektrárny (užívejte s jednotkami) | instalovaný výkon | quantity | 1,632 |
P2112 talk covi |
plocha křídel | area of an aircraft's wing surfaces | quantity | 77 | |
P2113 talk covi |
teplota sublimace | temperature at which a substance changes directly from solid to gaseous (indicate corresponding pressure qualifier) | quantity | 28 | |
P2114 talk covi |
poločas rozpadu | time required for the amount of something to fall to half its initial value | poločas přeměny | quantity | 3,522 |
P2115 talk covi |
NDF-RT ID | identifier for the National Drug File Reference Terminology | external-id | 3,931 | |
P2116 talk covi |
měrné skupenské teplo varu | vaporization enthalpy of a substance with temperature as qualifier | quantity | 15 | |
P2117 talk covi |
combustion enthalpy | enthalpy difference of a substance for combustion | quantity | 16 | |
P2118 talk covi |
kinematic viscosity | viscosity of a substance with phase of matter and temperature as qualifiers | quantity | 14 | |
P2119 talk covi |
vapor pressure | pressure exerted by a vapor in thermodynamic equilibrium with its condensed phases | quantity | 613 | |
P2120 talk covi |
poloměr | distance between the center and the surface of a circle or sphere | quantity | 402 | |
P2121 talk covi |
odměny | výdělky za soutěže/závody; částka v konkrétní měně | prémie, výdělek, zisk | quantity | 4,109 |
P2123 talk covi |
YerelNet village ID | identifier for a village, in, which contains detailed informations about all villages in Turkey | external-id | 26,267 | |
P2124 talk covi |
počet členů | number of people who are part of an organization at a particular time | quantity | 2,973 | |
P2125 talk covi |
Hepburnův přepis | romanized Japanese following the Revised Hepburn romanization system | string | 14,996 | |
P2126 talk covi |
Georgian national system of romanization | string | 5 | ||
P2127 talk covi |
International Nuclear Event Scale | wikibase-item | 19 | ||
P2128 talk covi |
teplota vzplanutí | lowest temperature at which it can vaporize to form an ignitable mixture in air. Add qualifier for measurement method (P459): open cup or closed cup. Not equal to fire point. | quantity | 389 | |
P2129 talk covi |
IDLH | Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health value | quantity | 397 | |
P2130 talk covi |
náklady | amount of money spent on building or producing an object | quantity | 3,320 | |
P2131 talk covi |
hrubý domácí produkt | market value of all officially recognized final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time | HDP | quantity | 303 |
P2132 talk covi |
HDP na obyvatele | country's total GDP divided by the population | quantity | 255 | |
P2133 talk covi |
zadlužení | amount of debt for a company, organization or public entity | dluh | quantity | 5 |
P2134 talk covi |
celkové rezervy | total reserves comprise holdings of monetary gold, special drawing rights, reserves of IMF members held by the IMF, and holdings of foreign exchange under the control of monetary authorities | quantity | 148 | |
P2135 talk covi |
vývoz | amount of goods and services sold to other countries | export | quantity | 4 |
P2136 talk covi |
dovoz | amount of goods and services bought from other countries | import | quantity | 3 |
P2137 talk covi |
vlastní kapitál | amount of equity value for an entity | quantity | 433 | |
P2138 talk covi |
cizí zdroje | total liabilities for a corporation or entity | quantity | 17 | |
P2139 talk covi |
tržby | income gained by an organization during a given time frame. not to be confused with fiscal revenue | obrat | quantity | 10,220 |
P2140 talk covi |
foreign direct investment net outflow | net outflow of equity capital, reinvestment of earnings, other long-term capital, and short-term capital | quantity | 2 | |
P2141 talk covi |
foreign direct investment net inflow | net inflow of equity capital, reinvestment of earnings, other long-term capital, and short-term capital | quantity | 2 | |
P2142 talk covi |
box office | box office takings accumulated by a film | quantity | 1,377 | |
P2143 talk covi |
genome size | size of the genome in base pairs | quantity | 6 | |
P2144 talk covi |
frekvence | frequency in Hz at which the subject works, for example the frequency a radio station can be received | quantity | 3,102 | |
P2145 talk covi |
explosive energy equivalent | amount of energy discharged during an explosion | quantity | 5 | |
P2146 talk covi |
doba oběhu | the time taken for a given astronomic object to make one complete orbit about another object | quantity | 30,377 | |
P2147 talk covi |
doba rotace | the time that astronomic objects takes to complete one revolution around its axis of rotation | perioda rotace | quantity | 79 |
P2148 talk covi |
distance from river mouth | qualifier for P974 statements on streams | quantity | 79 | |
P2149 talk covi |
clock speed | CPU clock frequency | quantity | 74 | |
P2150 talk covi |
FSB speed | CPU front-side bus speed | quantity | 3 | |
P2151 talk covi |
ohnisková vzdálenost | ohnisková vzdálenost čoček či zrcadel (u dalekohledů, optických soustav, …) | quantity | 81 | |
P2152 talk covi |
antičástice | particle with the same rest mass and opposite charges | wikibase-item | 73 | |
P2153 talk covi |
PubChem Substance ID (SID) | substance (e.g. mixtures, undefined stereochemistry, ...) identifier in the PubChem database. | external-id | 381 | |
P2154 talk covi |
binding energy | energy required to disassemble a whole system into separate parts | quantity | 3,439 | |
P2155 talk covi |
solid solution series with | the mineral forms a continous (true) or discontinous "solid solution series" with another mineral | wikibase-item | 166 | |
P2156 talk covi |
pseudo crystal habit | possible macrosopic appearance of a crystal different to its molecular symmetry (crystal cell, specimens with twinning or synthetic material) | wikibase-item | 31 | |
P2157 talk covi |
lithography | structure size (as advertised or listed) of a microchip | wikibase-item | 70 | |
P2158 talk covi |
Cell Line Ontology ID | identifier for the Cell Line Ontology which describes anatomic origin and nature of eukaryotic cell lines | external-id | 2 | |
P2159 talk covi |
solves | problem that this algorithm or method solves | wikibase-item | 40 | |
P2160 talk covi |
mass excess | difference between its actual mass and its mass number in atomic mass units | quantity | 3,438 | |
P2161 talk covi |
Guthrie code | Guthrie code of a Bantu language | external-id | 207 | |
P2162 talk covi |
Deutsche Ultramarathon-Vereinigung ID | identifier for individual runners in the Deutsche Ultramarathon-Vereinigung (German Ultramarathon Association) database | external-id | 375 | |
P2163 talk covi |
FAST ID | authority control identifier in WorldCat's “FAST Linked Data” authority file. Format: up to 8 digits, without zero-padding. | external-id | 283,579 | |
P2164 talk covi |
SIGIC author ID | SIGIC - Slovenian Music Information Center (property for author/person) | external-id | 521 | |
P2165 talk covi |
SIGIC group ID | SIGIC - Slovenian Music Information Center (property for music group) | external-id | 45 | |
P2166 talk covi |
SIGIC institution ID | SIGIC - Slovenian Music Information Center (property for institution) | external-id | 14 | |
P2167 talk covi |
UNSPSC Code | identifier for taxonomy of products and services for use in eCommerce | external-id | 989 | |
P2168 talk covi |
ID osoby na SFDb | identifikátor osoby na Švédské filmové databázi (SFDb) | Svensk Filmdatabas person ID, Swedish Film Database person ID | external-id | 51,402 |
P2169 talk covi |
PublicWhip ID | identifer in the PublicWhip database of British MPs | external-id | 542 | |
P2170 talk covi |
Hansard (2006–March 2016) ID | identifier for a British MP in Hansard (2006–March 2016) | external-id | 267 | |
P2171 talk covi |
TheyWorkForYou ID | identifier in the 'TheyWorkForYou' database of British MPs | external-id | 613 | |
P2172 talk covi |
Parliamentary record identifier | Parliamentary record identifier for British MPs | external-id | 34 | |
P2173 talk covi |
BBC News Democracy Live ID | Identifer in the BBC News Democracy Live database of British MPs | external-id | 324 | |
P2174 talk covi |
Museum of Modern Art artist ID | identifier assigned to an artist by the Museum of Modern Art | external-id | 9,802 | |
P2175 talk covi |
léčený zdravotní stav | nemoc, která bývá léčena těmito medikamenty, procedurou či terapií (bez ohledu na efektivitu) | léčená nemoc, léčí | wikibase-item | 2,536 |
P2176 talk covi |
medikamenty užívané k léčbě | léky, které se používají k léčbě tohoto zdravotního stavu (bez ohledu na jejich efektivitu) | léčba, léčeno, předepisované léky | wikibase-item | 1,200 |
P2177 talk covi |
rozpustnost | property of a chemical to dissolve in another chemical forming a solution. Provide solvent (P2178) and temperature (P2076) as qualifiers | quantity | 383 | |
P2178 talk covi |
solvent | qualifier to show which substance is the solvent in a solution-process (use with p2177) | wikibase-item | 388 | |
P2179 talk covi |
ACM Classification Code (2012) | ACM Computing Classification Code of 2012 (8 digits) | string | 268 | |
P2180 talk covi |
Kansallisbiografia ID | code of the entry on the Kansallisbiografia database | external-id | 5,558 | |
P2181 talk covi |
Finnish MP ID | code of the entry on the Finnish parliament database | external-id | 2,537 | |
P2182 talk covi |
Finnish Ministers database ID | code of the entry on the Finnish ministers database | external-id | 570 | |
P2183 talk covi |
ISO 9:1995 | transkripce textu z cyrilice do latinky (používáno jako vymezení) | ISO 9 | string | 626 |
P2184 talk covi |
historie tématu | historický vývoj tématu položky | dějiny tématu | wikibase-item | 1,202 |
P2185 talk covi |
DLI ID | identifier for a work, in the Digital Library of India | external-id | 6 | |
P2186 talk covi |
Wiki Loves Monuments ID | unique ID for the monuments included in Wiki Loves Monument's national lists | external-id | 108,729 | |
P2187 talk covi |
BiblioNet publication ID | identifier in the BiblioNet database of book editions | external-id | 35 | |
P2188 talk covi |
BiblioNet author ID | Identifier in the BiblioNet database of authors, created by the National Book Centre of Greece, many Greek individual publishers and their professional associations | external-id | 2,119 | |
P2189 talk covi |
BiblioNet publisher ID | identifier in the BiblioNet database of publishers | external-id | 30 | |
P2190 talk covi |
C-SPAN person ID | identifier for a person's appearances on C-SPAN | external-id | 4,666 | |
P2191 talk covi |
NILF author id | Numeric author identifier within the Vegetti Catalog of Fantastic Literature | external-id | 2,769 | |
P2192 talk covi | ID | identifier of a language on the website | external-id | 2,702 | |
P2193 talk covi |
Soccerbase player ID | player ID on the website | external-id | 14,250 | |
P2194 talk covi |
PSS-Archi architect id | identifier for an architect in the PSS-archi database | external-id | 1,380 | |
P2195 talk covi |
Soccerbase manager ID | manager ID on the website | external-id | 822 | |
P2196 talk covi |
počet studentů | number of students of any type in an educational organization | quantity | 2,788 | |
P2197 talk covi |
production rate | amount of produced in a given time | quantity | 42 | |
P2198 talk covi |
average gradient | gradient expressed as a percentage (between 0 and 1) | quantity | 15 | |
P2199 talk covi |
teplota vznícení | lowest temperature at which it will spontaneously ignite in a normal atmosphere without an external source of ignition | quantity | 55 | |
P2200 talk covi |
elektrický náboj | electric charge of a subatomic particle | quantity | 49 | |
P2201 talk covi |
electric dipole moment | quantity | 50 | ||
P2202 talk covi |
lower flammable limit | the lower bound of the concentration range over which a flammable mixture of gas or vapour in air can be ignited at a given temperature and pressure (0-1) | quantity | 219 | |
P2203 talk covi |
upper flammable limit | upper bound of the concentration range over which a flammable mixture of gas or vapour in air can be ignited at a given temperature and pressure (0-1) | quantity | 183 | |
P2204 talk covi |
minimum explosive concentration | minimum concentration at which a chemical can explode | quantity | 12 | |
P2205 talk covi |
Spotify album ID | identifier for an album on Spotify | external-id | 1,357 | |
P2206 talk covi |
ID vydání na Discogs | identifier for a musical work (release) in the Discogs database, if there is no master ID (P1954) | Discogs album | external-id | 6,825 |
P2207 talk covi |
Spotify track ID | Identifier for a track on Spotify | external-id | 1,117 | |
P2208 talk covi |
average shot length | cinemetrical measure | quantity | 7 | |
P2209 talk covi |
projekt na SourceForge | identifier for an official SourceForge repository ("project") for a software product | external-id | 701 | |
P2210 talk covi |
ve vztahu k | qualifier: what a statement quantity is relative to | wikibase-item | 2,836 | |
P2211 talk covi |
position angle | measurement relating to observed visual binary stars (use with P2210) | quantity | 38 | |
P2212 talk covi |
angular distance | size of the angle between the two directions originating from the observer and pointing towards these two objects (use with P2210) | quantity | 5 | |
P2213 talk covi |
longitude of ascending node | property of one of the orbital elements used to specify the orbit of an object in space | quantity | 29,983 | |
P2214 talk covi |
paralaxa | parallax of nearest stars | quantity | 71 | |
P2215 talk covi |
proper motion | proper motion of a star | quantity | 5 | |
P2216 talk covi |
radiální rychlost | component of the object's velocity that points in the direction of the radius connecting the object and the point | quantity | 82 | |
P2217 talk covi |
cruise speed | design cruise speed | quantity | 48 | |
P2218 talk covi |
net worth | estimated totality of wealth possessed by a person | quantity | 244 | |
P2219 talk covi |
tempo růstu reálného hrubého domácího produktu | percentage change in nominal GDP from one year to the next minus the inflation rate | quantity | 194 | |
P2220 talk covi |
household wealth | net worth of consumers | quantity | 2 | |
P2221 talk covi |
flux | the observed flux in a particular wavelength band of an astronomical object | quantity | 4 | |
P2222 talk covi |
gyromagnetic ratio | characteristic property of any elementary particle | quantity | 3 | |
P2223 talk covi |
decay width | characteristic property of any elementary particle | quantity | 4 | |
P2225 talk covi |
odtok | volume rate of water flow which is transported through a given cross-sectional area | quantity | 3,312 | |
P2226 talk covi |
tržní kapitalizace | total value of issued shares by a publicly traded company | quantity | 115 | |
P2227 talk covi |
metalicita | quantity | 50 | ||
P2228 talk covi |
maximum thrust | maximum thrust specified for a jet engine | quantity | 9 | |
P2229 talk covi |
thermal design power | potency in Watts | quantity | 21 | |
P2230 talk covi |
krouticí moment | torque of a machine, a motor/engine/powerplant, or a vehicle | quantity | 7 | |
P2231 talk covi |
detonační rychlost | quantity | 8 | ||
P2232 talk covi |
cash | the value of cash and securities held by a state government | quantity | 3 | |
P2233 talk covi |
velká poloosa dráhy | the semi-major axis of a stable orbit | velká poloosa | quantity | 30,073 |
P2234 talk covi |
objem | quantity of three-dimensional space | quantity | 9,161 | |
P2235 talk covi |
external superproperty | all resources related by this property are also related to that property from an external vocabulary | url | 30 | |
P2236 talk covi |
external subproperty | all resources related by the property from external vocabularies are also related to this property | url | 29 | |
P2238 talk covi |
oficiální symbol | oficiální symbol administrativní jednotky | emblém, oficiální emblém, státní symbol | wikibase-item | 123 |
P2239 talk covi |
first aid measures | actions to take to help a person in the case of accidents, injuries and accidental exposures to harmful chemicals | wikibase-item | 699 | |
P2240 talk covi |
median lethal dose | the dose required to kill half the members of a tested population after a specified test duration (LC₅₀ → P2712) | quantity | 68 | |
P2241 talk covi |
důvod zavržení tvrzení | qualifier to allow the reason to be indicated why a particular statement should be considered deprecated | wikibase-item | 10,927 | |
P2242 talk covi |
Florentine musea catalogue ID | identifier for artworks from the catalogue of the national Florentine musea | external-id | 50 | |
P2243 talk covi |
apoapsida | vzdálenost, ve které je vesmírné těleso nejvzdálenější tělesu, kolem kterého obíhá | afel, afélium, apoapsis, apofokus | quantity | 30,361 |
P2244 talk covi |
periapsida | vzdálenost, ve které je vesmírné těleso nejblíže tělesu, kolem kterého obíhá | periapsis, perifokus, perigeum, perihel, perihélium | quantity | 30,349 |
P2248 talk covi |
argument šířky pericentra | angle from the body's ascending node to its periapsis | quantity | 29,971 | |
P2249 talk covi |
Refseq Genome ID | ID in the RefSeq Genome database | external-id | 79,211 | |
P2250 talk covi |
střední délka života | life expectancy for this group or species | quantity | 234 | |
P2252 talk covi |
National Gallery of Art artist ID | identifier assigned to an artist by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC | external-id | 7,666 | |
P2253 talk covi |
DfE URN | Department for Education Unique Reference Number; school identifier used by the UK government | external-id | 4,034 | |
P2254 talk covi |
maximální operační výška | ceiling or maximum density altitude at which an aircraft can operate | maximální výška | quantity | 271 |
P2255 talk covi |
Debrett's People of Today ID | identifier for a person, in Debrett's "People of Today" | external-id | 9 | |
P2257 talk covi |
interval mezi událostmi | standardní interval mezi plánovanými či pravidelně opakovanými událostmi; použijte s jednotkou času | quantity | 6,365 | |
P2258 talk covi |
mobilní kód země | identifier for countries in ITU-T Recommendation E.212 for use in describing mobile networks | string | 431 | |
P2259 talk covi |
mobile network code | code for mobile networks defined by ITU-T Recommendation E.212 | string | 245 | |
P2260 talk covi |
ionization energy | minimum amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom, ion or molecule in the gaseous state | quantity | 291 | |
P2261 talk covi |
šířka lodi | šířka lodi v její nejširší části na vodorysce | quantity | 6,712 | |
P2262 talk covi |
ponor | depth below the water line to the bottom of a vessel's hull | quantity | 6,392 | |
P2263 talk covi |
ISOCAT id | numeric ID from the Data Category Registry | string | 467 | |
P2264 talk covi |
identifikátor mix'n'match katalogu | identifikátor katalogu korespondujícího s vlastností v nástroji mix'n'match | external-id | 1,116 | |
P2266 talk covi |
Fashion Model Directory model ID | external link to a model's profile at the Fashion Model Directory website | external-id | 978 | |
P2267 talk covi |
PolitiFact Personality ID | person or group whose statements have been fact checked by | external-id | 2,339 | |
P2268 talk covi |
Musée d'Orsay artist ID | numeric ID for an artist in the database of the Orsay Museum | external-id | 21,811 | |
P2270 talk covi |
Emporis building complex ID | identifier for a building complex, as opposed to a single building, in the Emporis architecture database | external-id | 200 | |
P2271 talk covi |
příklad vlastnosti pro vlastnosti na Wikidatech | pokud je příkladem vlastnost, nikoli položka | wikibase-property | 37 | |
P2272 talk covi |
Hederich encyclopedia article ID | entry in Hederich’s encyclopedia of mythology, 3rd edition (1770), via | external-id | 3,179 | |
P2273 talk covi |
Heidelberg Academy for Sciences and Humanities member ID | entry in the list of members of the Heidelberg Academy for Sciences and Humanities | external-id | 881 | |
P2275 talk covi |
World Health Organisation International Nonproprietary Name | identifier for a drug | monolingualtext | 2,227 | |
P2276 talk covi |
UEFA player ID | identifier for UEFA players | external-id | 9,695 | |
P2277 talk covi |
Magdeburger Biographisches Lexikon | biographical article about people from the Magdeburg area | external-id | 769 | |
P2278 talk covi |
Member of the Hellenic Parliament ID | an identifier for members, or former members, of the national parliament of Greece | external-id | 835 | |
P2279 talk covi |
ambitus | musical interval/range of a melody | wikibase-item | 39 | |
P2280 talk covi |
Austrian Parliament ID | identifier for an individual, in the Austrian Parliament's "Who's Who" database | external-id | 2,947 | |
P2281 talk covi |
Kód alba na iTunes | identifier for a musical work in the iTunes website | ID alba na iTunes | external-id | 755 |
P2282 talk covi |
Groeningemuseum work PID | persistent identifier for an artwork from the collection of the Groeningemuseum in Bruges, Belgium | external-id | 2,843 | |
P2283 talk covi |
používá | položka používaná subjektem | užívá, využívá | wikibase-item | 4,528 |
P2284 talk covi |
cena | published price listed or paid for a product (use with unit of currency) | quantity | 1,373 | |
P2285 talk covi |
periapsis date | time for perihelim/perigeum in each orbit for an astronomical object | time | 9 | |
P2286 talk covi |
tepenné zásobení | tepenné zásobení anatomické struktury | arteriální zásobení | wikibase-item | 212 |
P2287 talk covi |
CRIStin ID | ID in the database for Norwegian scientists | external-id | 1,900 | |
P2288 talk covi |
mízní drenáž | mízní drenáž anatomické struktury | lymfatická drenáž | wikibase-item | 45 |
P2289 talk covi |
žilní drenáž | žilní drenáž anatomické struktury | venózní drenáž | wikibase-item | 95 |
P2290 talk covi |
Danish parish code | identifier for an parish in Denmark | external-id | 2,241 | |
P2291 talk covi |
charted in | chart where the element reached a position | wikibase-item | 331 | |
P2292 talk covi |
consumption rate | rate at which a product is consumed | quantity | 4 | |
P2293 talk covi |
genetická asociace | general link between a disease and the causal genetic entity, if the detailed mechanism is unknown/unavailable | wikibase-item | 1,839 | |
P2294 talk covi |
balance of trade | exports minus imports. not to be confused with current account balance and balance of payments | quantity | 1 | |
P2295 talk covi |
čistý zisk | private entity profit | quantity | 1,047 | |
P2296 talk covi |
peněžní zásoba | amount of currency the central bank has injected in the economy (MO, M1, M2, M3) | quantity | 2 | |
P2297 talk covi |
employment by economic sector | employment divided by sector | quantity | 2 | |
P2298 talk covi |
NSDAP membership number (1925–1945) | external-id | 2,082 | ||
P2299 talk covi |
HDP na obyvatele v paritě kupní síly | GDP divided by the population total and adjusted for CPI | HDP na obyvatele (PPP), HDP/obyv. (PPP) | quantity | 167 |
P2300 talk covi |
minimal lethal dose | lowest concentration of a toxic substance in an environmental medium that kills individual organisms or test species under a defined set of conditions | quantity | 38 | |
P2302 talk covi |
omezení vlastnosti | omezení pro tuto vlastnost | wikibase-item | 5,740 | |
P2303 talk covi |
výjimka z omezení | item that is an exception to the constraint, qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with P2302 | wikibase-item | 718 | |
P2304 talk covi |
group by | qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with P2302 (Wikidata property constraint) | wikibase-property | 160 | |
P2305 talk covi |
položka pro omezení vlastnosti | kvalifikátor, kterým se zadává omezení vlastnosti v kombinaci s P2302 | dovolená jednotka, položka, vymezení omezení vlastnosti | wikibase-item | 2,227 |
P2306 talk covi |
vlastnost | vymezení pro definice omezení vlastnosti pomocí P2302 | dovolené vymezení | wikibase-property | 2,795 |
P2307 talk covi |
jmenný prostor | qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with P2302 (Wikidata property constraint) | string | 61 | |
P2308 talk covi |
třída | qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with P2302 | wikibase-item | 3,461 | |
P2309 talk covi |
vztah | pro definování omezení vlastnosti v P2302 | relace | wikibase-item | 3,428 |
P2310 talk covi |
minimum date (property constraint) | qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with P2302 | time | 28 | |
P2311 talk covi |
maximum date (property constraint) | qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with P2302. Use "unknown value" for current date. | time | 30 | |
P2312 talk covi |
maximální množství (vymezení vlastnosti) | qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with P2302. "no value" can be used to specify no upper bound | quantity | 295 | |
P2313 talk covi |
minimální množství (vymezení vlastnosti) | qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with P2302 | quantity | 330 | |
P2315 talk covi |
komentář (ZASTARALÉ) | to be deleted: replace with "syntax clarification" (P2916) or add the usage note in the items description. | monolingualtext | 135 | |
P2316 talk covi |
stav omezení | qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with P2302 | wikibase-item | 3,444 | |
P2317 talk covi |
call sign | short form identifier for a radio operator or broadcaster and (as flag signal) previous for watercrafts | string | 9,232 | |
P2318 talk covi |
debut participant | participant for whom this is their debut appearance in a series of events | wikibase-item | 36 | |
P2319 talk covi |
volitel | people or other entities which are qualified to participate in the subject election | wikibase-item | 21 | |
P2320 talk covi |
aftershocks | number of smaller earthquakes which follow a significant earthquake | quantity | 22 | |
P2321 talk covi |
general classification of race participants | classification of race participants | wikibase-item | 3,776 | |
P2322 talk covi |
article ID | identifier for an article in an online publication | string | 235 | |
P2323 talk covi |
Swedish Olympic Committee athlete ID | entry in the bibliographic database of the Swedish Olympic Committee (Swedish: Sveriges Olympiska Kommitté, SOK) | external-id | 1,246 | |
P2324 talk covi |
počet pohřbených | number of remains buried or interred | quantity | 380 | |
P2325 talk covi |
střední anomálie | element of orbital definition | quantity | 29,973 | |
P2326 talk covi |
identifikátor GNS Unique Feature | identifier for geographic entities according to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's GEOnet Names Server | external-id | 1,465,051 | |
P2327 talk covi |
ProCyclingStats race ID | external-id | 3,195 | ||
P2328 talk covi |
ProCyclingStats team ID | external-id | 1,120 | ||
P2329 talk covi |
antagonista | sval působící vůči danému svalu opačným směrem | wikibase-item | 86 | |
P2330 talk covi |
identifikátor závodu Cycling Archives | identifier in the Cycling Archives | external-id | 669 | |
P2331 talk covi |
identifikátor týmu Cycling Archives | identifier in the Cycling Archives | external-id | 509 | |
P2332 talk covi |
identifikátor Dictionary of Art Historians | identifier for a person in the Dictionary of Art Historians | external-id | 2,400 | |
P2333 talk covi |
Norwegian organisation number | organisation's purely numerical identifier in the Norwegian "Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities" | external-id | 1,590 | |
P2334 talk covi |
identifikátor filmu SFDb | ID ve Švédské filmové databázi | Swedish Film Database film ID | external-id | 34,804 |
P2335 talk covi |
SFDb company ID | company identifier in the Swedish Film Database (SFDb) | external-id | 46 | |
P2336 talk covi |
identifikátor soundtracku SFDb | soundtrack identifier in the Swedish Film Database (SFDb) | external-id | 8 | |
P2337 talk covi |
SFDb group ID | group identifier in the Swedish Film Database (SFDb) | external-id | 8 | |
P2338 talk covi |
Musopen ID | identifikátor v databázi skladatelů | ID, Musopen identifikátor skladatele, ID | external-id | 379 |
P2339 talk covi |
identifikátor BoardGameGeek | identifier for a board game in the BoardGameGeek database | external-id | 1,597 | |
P2340 talk covi |
CESAR person ID | identifier for a person in the CESAR database of French theatre of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries | external-id | 1,329 | |
P2341 talk covi |
původem | území nebo etnická skupina, k níž náleží (nebo původně náležel) jazyk, lidový tanec, kuchyně nebo jiné kulturní projevy. | wikibase-item | 854 | |
P2342 talk covi |
AGORHA person/institution ID | identifier for a person or institution in the Agorha database (INHA) | external-id | 10,853 | |
P2343 talk covi |
playing range image | image showing the playing range of the instrument | commonsMedia | 44 | |
P2344 talk covi |
AGORHA work ID | Identifier for historical art resources | external-id | 1,369 | |
P2345 talk covi |
AGORHA event identifier | external-id | 15 | ||
P2346 talk covi |
identifikátor filmu v Elonetu | ID v databázi Elonet | Elonet film ID | external-id | 33,350 |
P2347 talk covi |
YSO ID | identifier for a concept in the General Finnish Upper Ontology YSO | external-id | 4,844 | |
P2348 talk covi |
období | time period (historic period or era, sports season, theatre season, legislative period etc.) in which the subject occurred | éra | wikibase-item | 118,857 |
P2349 talk covi |
Stuttgart Database of Scientific Illustrators ID | identifier for a person, in the University of Stuttgart's Database of Scientific Illustrators, 1450-1950 | external-id | 7,393 | |
P2350 talk covi | ID | identifier for a speed skater in the database with personal best distance records | external-id | 1,743 | |
P2351 talk covi |
počet hrobů | number of burial places In a cemetery or necropolis | quantity | 446 | |
P2352 talk covi |
applies to taxon | qualifier for toxicological concentrations and doses, indicates species in which the drug was tested | wikibase-item | 59 | |
P2353 talk |
statistical unit | member of a dataset | wikibase-item | 11 | |
P2354 talk covi |
související seznam | seznam na projektech Wikimedia týkající se tohoto tématu | seznam | wikibase-item | 5,984 |
P2355 talk covi |
UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger ID | identifier for endangered languages listed by UNESCO | external-id | 2,467 | |
P2357 talk covi |
Classification of Instructional Programs code | code representing academic disciplines in the U.S. Department of Education's Classification of Instructional Programs | string | 90 | |
P2358 talk covi |
Praenomen | Praenomen označuje první jméno římského nomen neboli jména | wikibase-item | 4,196 | |
P2359 talk covi |
Roman nomen gentilicium | standard part of the name of a Roman, link to items about the Roman gens only | wikibase-item | 3,246 | |
P2360 talk covi |
zamýšlená cílová skupina | this work, product, object or event is intended for, or has been designed to that person or group of people, animals, plants, etc | wikibase-item | 322 | |
P2361 talk covi |
online service | online service or online service provider tied to an item | wikibase-item | 158 | |
P2362 talk covi |
time to altitude | time required by the subject to reach the specified altitude, from sea level | quantity | 6 | |
P2363 talk covi |
NMHH film rating | rating of a film in the Hungarian film rating system | wikibase-item | 3,776 | |
P2364 talk covi |
produkční kód | výrobní označení dílu televizního seriálu | kód | string | 8,052 |
P2365 talk covi |
Roman cognomen | standard part of the name of a Roman, link to items about specific Roman cognomen only. | wikibase-item | 136 | |
P2366 talk covi |
Roman agnomen | optional part of the name of a Roman, link to items about specific Roman agnomen only. | wikibase-item | 10 | |
P2367 talk covi |
Australian Stratigraphic Units Database ID | identifier for a stratigraphic unit listed in the Australian Stratigraphic Units Database | external-id | 45 | |
P2368 talk covi |
Sandbox-Property | Sandbox property for value of type "Property" | wikibase-property | 4 | |
P2369 talk covi |
Soccerway player ID | player id on the Soccerway website | external-id | 67,188 | |
P2370 talk covi |
převod na jednotku SI | přepočet měrné jednotky na základní jednotku SI/odvozenou jednotku SI | převod do SI | quantity | 810 |
P2371 talk covi |
FAO risk status | UN Food and Agriculture Organization designation of status for a domesticated breed | wikibase-item | 95 | |
P2372 talk covi |
ODIS ID | identifier in the Belgian ODIS database | external-id | 3,660 | |
P2373 talk covi |
identifikátor umělce Genius | identifier for an artist on Genius | external-id | 1,076 | |
P2374 talk covi |
natural abundance | relative proportion of an isotope as found in nature (Earth's crust, or other location with qualifiers) | quantity | 290 | |
P2375 talk covi |
has superpartner | partner particle, in supersymmetry; inverse of "superpartner of" | wikibase-item | 23 | |
P2376 talk covi |
superpartner of | partner particle, in supersymmetry; inverse of "has superpartner" | wikibase-item | 24 | |
P2377 talk covi |
MediaWiki hooks used | MediaWiki hooks used by this extension | wikibase-item | 985 | |
P2378 talk covi |
přiděluje | organizace, která přiděluje nebo vydává identifikátor | wikibase-item | 4,114 | |
P2379 talk |
zastaralé od verze | software version it was deprecated in | wikibase-item | 117 | |
P2380 talk covi |
French Sculpture Census artist ID | identifier in the French Sculpture Census | external-id | 757 | |
P2381 talk covi |
Identifikátor Academy Tree | identifikátor na | external-id | 11,021 | |
P2382 talk covi |
Chemins de mémoire ID | external-id | 668 | ||
P2383 talk covi |
CTHS person ID | identifier for a person in the directory of French learned societies | external-id | 9,167 | |
P2384 talk covi |
statement describes | formalization of the statement contains a bound variable in this class | wikibase-item | 150 | |
P2385 talk covi |
French diocesan architects ID | identifier for a person in the French diocesan architects index | external-id | 349 | |
P2386 talk covi |
průměr | průměr kruhového nebo sférického objektu | quantity | 11,327 | |
P2387 talk covi |
ID herce na Elonet | identifikátor osoby ve filmové databázi Elonet | external-id | 36,199 | |
P2388 talk covi |
úřad vedoucího této organizace | funkce, kterou zastává vedoucí představitel této organizace | představitel | wikibase-item | 5,720 |
P2389 talk covi |
organizace řízená z této funkce | organizace, kterou tento úřad/pozice/funkce vede/řídí | vedení nad, řízení nad | wikibase-item | 5,957 |
P2390 talk covi |
Ballotpedia ID | title of corresponding article on the Ballotpedia encyclopedia of American politics | external-id | 1,362 | |
P2391 talk covi |
OKPO ID | identifier for a company, in the Russian National Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) database | external-id | 73 | |
P2392 talk covi |
teaching method | teaching method adopted by an educational institution | wikibase-item | 8 | |
P2393 talk covi |
NCBI Locus tag | unique gene identifier that can be used for any species of organism | external-id | 509,581 | |
P2394 talk covi |
MGI Gene Symbol | official gene symbol for a mouse gene | external-id | 68,084 | |
P2396 talk covi |
obor hodnot | množina hodnot, kterých funkce nabývá | wikibase-item | 20 | |
P2397 talk covi |
ID kanálu YouTube | ID kanálu YouTube osoby nebo organizace (nikoli jméno kanálu) | YouTube kanál | external-id | 13,300 |
P2398 talk covi |
MLS player ID | identifier for soccer player profile on, website of Major League Soccer | external-id | 1,913 | |
P2399 talk covi |
British Council artist ID | identifier for an artist, in the catalogue of the British Council | external-id | 969 | |
P2400 talk covi |
JMDb film ID | film IDs on Japanese Movie Database | external-id | 743 | |
P2401 talk covi |
Six Degrees of Francis Bacon ID | identifier in the Six Degrees of Francis Bacon database | external-id | 13,422 | |
P2402 talk covi |
total expenditure | amount of spending by this public or private entity, not to be confused with fiscal expenditure | quantity | 17 | |
P2403 talk covi |
aktiva | value of assets held by a private or public entity | quantity | 831 | |
P2404 talk covi |
time-weighted average exposure limit | recommended or required concentration limit for chemical exposure in a workplace in a given work day | quantity | 574 | |
P2405 talk covi |
ceiling exposure limit | recommended or required maximum concentration for chemical exposure in a given work day | quantity | 181 | |
P2406 talk covi |
maximum peak exposure limit | recommended or required maximum concentration for chemical exposure during a five-minute excursion within a certain period of hours | quantity | 6 | |
P2407 talk covi |
short-term exposure limit | recommended or required concentration limit for chemical exposure during a brief time window | quantity | 136 | |
P2408 talk covi |
odehrává se v období | historical, contemporary or future period the work is set in | wikibase-item | 3,045 | |
P2409 talk covi |
CiNii article ID | identifier for an article in CiNii | external-id | 201 | |
P2410 talk covi |
WikiPathways ID | describes in which biological pathways a biological entity occurs | string | 744 | |
P2411 talk covi |
Artsy gene | generalization of artwork type, technique, material, genre, movement, etc. from | string | 15 | |
P2412 talk covi |
Fashion Model Directory designer ID | external link to a designer's profile at the Fashion Model Directory (FMD) website | external-id | 346 | |
P2413 talk covi |
Fashion Model Directory magazine ID | external link to a magazine profile at the Fashion Model Directory website | external-id | 158 | |
P2414 talk covi |
substrát (čeho) | substrát používaný enzymem k přeměně na substrát | wikibase-item | 8 | |
P2415 talk covi |
osobní rekord | an individual's best performance in a given discipline | quantity | 652 | |
P2416 talk covi |
sportovní disciplína | disciplína, ve které sportovec závodil | závodil v disciplíně, závodila v disciplíně | wikibase-item | 20,684 |
P2417 talk covi |
výsledky etapy | výsledky a klasifikace etapového závodu | etapová klasifikace | wikibase-item | 2,002 |
P2418 talk covi |
Structurae person ID | identifier for a person in the Structurae database | external-id | 2,413 | |
P2421 talk covi |
Prosopographia Attica | identifier for a person in Prosopographia Attica (Q2113277) by Johannes Kirchner (Q1697841) | external-id | 254 | |
P2423 talk covi |
FIE fencer ID | Identifier in the database of all fencers holding an international licence at the Fédération Internationale d'Escrime (FIE) | external-id | 1,079 | |
P2424 talk covi |
Berlin cultural heritage ID | identifer for an object in the cultural heritage database of Berlin | external-id | 2,087 | |
P2425 talk covi |
obrázek stužky | an image depicting the ribbon associated with a medal, order, etc. | commonsMedia | 3,422 | |
P2426 talk covi |
Xeno-canto species ID | identifier of a bird species in the Xeno-canto database | external-id | 911 | |
P2427 talk covi |
GRID ID | institutional identifier from the global research identifier database | external-id | 92,382 | |
P2428 talk covi |
RePEc Short-ID | identifier for a researcher in the RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) and IDEAS database | external-id | 6,858 | |
P2429 talk covi |
předpokládaná kompletnost | describes whether a property is intended to represent a complete set of real-world items having that property | kompletnost | wikibase-item | 1,034 |
P2430 talk covi |
takeoff roll | distance required for an aircraft to take off (usually measured to the point where the aircraft reaches 50 feet) | quantity | 8 | |
P2431 talk covi |
Thyssen-Bornemisza artist ID | identifier assigned to an artist by the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum | external-id | 581 | |
P2432 talk covi |
J. Paul Getty Museum artist id | identifier assigned to an artist by the J. Paul Getty Museum | external-id | 871 | |
P2433 talk covi |
gramatický rod vědeckého jména rodu | určuje "pohlaví" rodu ve vztahu k dalšímu gramatickému užití názvu | wikibase-item | 123 | |
P2434 talk covi |
Panarctic Flora ID | identifier for a taxon in the Panarctic Flora | external-id | 72 | |
P2435 talk covi |
identifikátor osoby v PORT | PORT-network film database: identifier for a person | external-id | 59,063 | |
P2436 talk covi |
elektrické napětí | difference in electric potential between two points (indicated in volt) | quantity | 1,303 | |
P2437 talk covi |
počet řad | počet řad, který měl televizní seriál | počet sezón | quantity | 30,042 |
P2438 talk covi |
vypravěč | narrator, character or person that tells the story | wikibase-item | 952 | |
P2440 talk covi |
transliterace | conversion of text to alternate script (use as a qualifier for monolingual text statements; please use specific property if possible) | string | 13,280 | |
P2441 talk covi |
doslovný překlad | direct or word-for-word translation of a name or phrase (qualifier for name, title, inscription, and quotation properties) | monolingualtext | 568 | |
P2442 talk covi |
převod na standardní jednotku | převod nějaké hodnoty do jiných jednotek | převod na jinou jednotku | quantity | 348 |
P2443 talk covi |
stage reached | ultimate point in an event or competition reached by a participant | wikibase-item | 204 | |
P2444 talk covi |
homoglyph | letter, number, or character which appears similar to another | wikibase-item | 2 | |
P2445 talk covi |
metasubclass of | relation between two metaclasses: instances of this metaclass are likely to be subclasses of classes that are instances of the target metaclass | wikibase-item | 16 | |
P2446 talk covi |
ID fotbalisty v databázi Transfermarkt | identifikátor hráče na webu | Transfermarkt ID hráče | external-id | 82,630 |
P2447 talk covi |
ID trenéra v databázi Transfermarkt | identifikátor fotbalového trenéra na webu | Transfermarkt ID trenéra | external-id | 3,310 |
P2448 talk covi |
Turkish Football Federation player ID | identifier for a player in the Turkish Football Federation's database | external-id | 4,419 | |
P2449 talk covi |
Turkish Football Federation coach ID | identifier for a coach or manager in the Turkish Football Federation's database | external-id | 373 | |
P2450 talk covi |
Encyclopædia Britannica contributor ID | identifier for a contributor to the 'Encyclopædia Britannica' | external-id | 166 | |
P2451 talk covi |
MAME ROM | name of Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator ROM for a software release | external-id | 302 | |
P2452 talk covi |
GeoNames feature code | identifier for feature classes in GeoNames | external-id | 470 | |
P2453 talk covi |
nominovaný | qualifier used with «nominated for» to specify which person or organization was nominated | wikibase-item | 4,129 | |
P2454 talk covi |
KNAW past member ID | identifier for a person in the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences past member database | external-id | 1,434 | |
P2455 talk covi |
Species Profile and Threats Database ID | identifier from Species Profile and Threats Database managed by Australian Government Department of the Environment | external-id | 1,741 | |
P2456 talk covi |
DBLP ID | identifier for person entries in the DBLP computer science bibliography (use portion of DBLP person key after homepages/) | external-id | 17,642 | |
P2457 talk covi |
Australian National Shipwreck ID | identifier for shipwrecks used by the Australian National Shipwreck Database | external-id | 17 | |
P2458 talk covi | player ID | ID for an association football (soccer) player in the Turkish database | external-id | 2,552 | |
P2459 talk covi |
ID biatlonisty u IBU | identifikátor záznamu biatlonisty/tky v databázi Mezinárodní biatlonové unie | ID biatlonistky u IBU | external-id | 2,348 |
P2460 talk covi |
Persons of Ancient Athens | identifier for a person in Persons of Ancient Athens (Q21994990) by John S. Traill (Q13422797) | external-id | 100 | |
P2461 talk covi |
ComLaw ID | identifier for Commonwealth of Australia legislation, bills, regulations, etc, in the ComLaw database | external-id | 12,462 | |
P2462 talk covi |
member of the deme | wikibase-item | 192 | ||
P2463 talk covi | organisation ID | identifier for an organization in the database of science, education, and government organisations in Russia | external-id | 80 | |
P2464 talk covi |
BugGuide ID | identifier in | external-id | 45,206 | |
P2465 talk covi |
Identifikátor filmu v Allcinema | film IDs on Allcinema Movie Database | Allcinema | external-id | 23,001 |
P2467 talk covi |
Global Geoparks Network ID | external-id | 7 | ||
P2468 talk covi |
Theatricalia theatre ID | identifier for a theatre, in the database | external-id | 574 | |
P2469 talk covi |
Theatricalia person ID | identifier for a person, in the Theatricalia database | external-id | 1,103 | |
P2470 talk covi |
Talouselämän vaikuttajat ID | identifer for a person, in the Talouselämän vaikuttajat database | external-id | 32 | |
P2471 talk covi | person ID | identifier of a person in the website | external-id | 791 | |
P2472 talk covi |
ACMA Radiocommunications Licence ID | identifier of an organisation or person who holds a radiocommunications licence within Australia | external-id | 32 | |
P2473 talk covi |
IGPCV ID | cultural heritage identifier in the Inventario General del Patrimonio Cultural Valenciano | external-id | 1,749 | |
P2474 talk covi |
CDLI ID | unique identifier of an object in the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative | external-id | 13 | |
P2475 talk covi |
NAVA ID | identifier of a work, in the National Audiovisual Archive of Hungary | external-id | 47 | |
P2476 talk covi |
HNI person/institution ID | identifier for a person or organization in the database of Het Nieuwe Instituut | external-id | 114 | |
P2477 talk covi |
BDRC Resource ID | Unique identifier from the Buddhist Digital Resource Center | external-id | 49 | |
P2478 talk covi |
Railways Archive event ID | Event ID in the Railways Archive database | external-id | 92 | |
P2479 talk covi |
SPDX ID | SPDX license identifier | external-id | 171 | |
P2480 talk covi |
IHO Hydrographic Dictionary (S-32) Number | Identification number for items in the Hydrographic Dictionary S-32, issued by International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) | external-id | 3 | |
P2481 talk covi |
ID hráče v databázi Elite Prospects | ice hockey player ID assigned by Elite Prospects | external-id | 18,873 | |
P2482 talk covi |
SABR person ID | identifier of a person in the Society for American Baseball Research database | external-id | 1,532 | |
P2483 talk covi |
NCES District ID | identifier for a school district or education agency in the United States | external-id | 6,268 | |
P2484 talk covi |
NCES School ID | Identifier for a school in the United States | external-id | 11,104 | |
P2485 talk covi |
Fashion Model Directory photographer ID | external link to a photographer's profile at the Fashion Model Directory website | external-id | 21 | |
P2486 talk covi |
Fashion Model Directory brand ID | external link to a brand's profile at the Fashion Model Directory website | external-id | 33 | |
P2487 talk covi |
page at website of Belarus Geocenter | State centre of cartographic and geodetic materials and data of the Republic of Belarus | external-id | 949 | |
P2488 talk covi |
page at Belarus Globe website | url | 1,415 | ||
P2489 talk covi |
page at | internet page corresponding to Orthodox architectural sites in Belarus | external-id | 288 | |
P2490 talk covi |
page at OSTIS Belarus Wiki | string | 11 | ||
P2491 talk covi | ID | identifier in the database of landmarks and tourist attractions of Belarus, Lithuania and the Podlasie region of Poland | external-id | 850 | |
P2492 talk covi |
MTMT author ID | author's identifier in the Hungarian Scientific Bibliography | external-id | 83 | |
P2493 talk covi |
OM institution ID | identifier of primary and secondary schools at the Hungarian Ministry of Education | external-id | 254 | |
P2494 talk covi |
Latvian cultural heritage register ID | ID of the cultural heritage on | external-id | 7,337 | |
P2496 talk covi |
Latvian toponymic names database ID | Latvian Geospatial Information Agency geographical names database identifier | external-id | 6,579 | |
P2497 talk covi |
Latvian National Address Register ID | National Address Register classifier code (State Land Service of the Republic of Latvia) | external-id | 1,942 | |
P2498 talk covi |
Catalan Biographical Dictionary of Women ID | identifier in the biographical dictionary of Catalan women | external-id | 657 | |
P2499 talk covi |
nadřazená liga | the league above this sports league | vyšší liga | wikibase-item | 523 |
P2500 talk covi |
podřazená liga | the league below this sports league | nižší liga | wikibase-item | 425 |
P2501 talk covi |
výsledek | výsledek sportovní soutěže | wikibase-item | 25 | |
P2502 talk |
classification of race | race for which this classification applies | wikibase-item | 142 | |
P2503 talk covi |
Historical Gazetteer (GOV) ID | Historical Gazetteer | external-id | 10,505 | |
P2504 talk covi |
Norwegian municipality number | unique identifier for municipalities of Norway | external-id | 474 | |
P2505 talk covi |
vede tudy | silnice, železnice či kanál, které vedou přes tento most, tímto tunelem či horským průsmykem | provádí, přenáší, převádí | wikibase-item | 4,873 |
P2506 talk covi |
INSEE canton code | number sequence for the identification of canton in France | external-id | 4,959 | |
P2507 talk |
corrigendum / erratum | a published correction to a previous publication | wikibase-item | 7,095 | |
P2508 talk covi |
identifikátor filmu v Kinenote | ID ve filmové databázi KINENOTE | Kinenote film ID | external-id | 18,020 |
P2509 talk covi |
Movie Walker ID | identifier of a film, a person or a cinema in the Movie Walker Database. Format: "mv" followed by digits | external-id | 14,155 | |
P2510 talk covi |
National Discography of Italian Song artist/group ID | artist or music group identity code on the National Discography of Italian Song website | external-id | 887 | |
P2511 talk covi |
MSK Gent work PID | identifier for an artwork from the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent | external-id | 6,932 | |
P2512 talk covi |
spin-off | series' spin-offs | wikibase-item | 163 | |
P2513 talk covi |
Jamendo album ID | identifier for an album per the Jamendo website | external-id | 6 | |
P2514 talk covi |
Jamendo artist ID | identifier for an artist per the Jamendo website | external-id | 99 | |
P2515 talk covi |
kostýmní návrhář | osoba navrhující kostýmy pro film, TV apod. | kostymér, kostýmy | wikibase-item | 9,371 |
P2516 talk covi |
Australian Ramsar site ID | identifier of a Ramsar wetland listed in the Australian Wetlands Database managed by the Australian Government Department of the Environment | external-id | 14 | |
P2517 talk covi |
kategorie držitelů tohoto ocenění | link to Wikimedia category for recipients of this award | wikibase-item | 2,931 | |
P2518 talk covi |
identifikátor filmu | identifikátor pro film na stránkách | external-id | 9,734 | |
P2519 talk covi |
identifikátor osoby | Identifier for a person on the website | external-id | 20,487 | |
P2520 talk covi |
UNESCO Biosphere Reserve url | url | 737 | ||
P2521 talk covi |
ženská varianta štítku | ženská podoba názvu nějaké entity | monolingualtext | 8,979 | |
P2522 talk covi |
vítězství | competition or event won by the subject | vyhrál, vyhrála | wikibase-item | 2,030 |
P2524 talk covi |
SEED number | identifier for a school in Scotland, in the Scottish Government's SEED database | external-id | 2 | |
P2525 talk covi |
Ramsar Sites Information Service ID | The id ont the Ramsar Sites Information Service of a Ramsar site | external-id | 652 | |
P2526 talk covi |
National Historic Sites of Canada ID | the unique identificator of a National Historic Sites of Canada on the Directory of Federal Heritage Designations | external-id | 993 | |
P2527 talk covi |
síla zemětřesení na momentové škále | magnitude of an earthquake according to the moment magnitude scale | quantity | 80 | |
P2528 talk covi |
earthquake magnitude on the Richter magnitude scale | magnitude of an earthquake according to the Richter magnitude scale | quantity | 854 | |
P2529 talk covi |
identifikátor filmu ČSFD | identifikátor filmu v Česko-Slovenské filmové databázi (ČSFD) | ČSFD, ČSFD filmu, čsfd filmu, ČSFD identifikátor filmu | external-id | 139,400 |
P2530 talk covi |
Box Office Mojo franchise ID | identifier of a franchise in the Box Office Mojo database | external-id | 185 | |
P2531 talk covi |
Box Office Mojo studio ID | identifier for a film in the Box Office Mojo database | external-id | 126 | |
P2532 talk covi |
lowest atmospheric pressure | minimum pressure measured or estimated for a storm (a measure of strength for tropical cyclones) | quantity | 1,216 | |
P2533 talk covi |
Identifikátor WomenWriters | identifikátor v databázi WomenWriters | external-id | 3,294 | |
P2534 talk covi |
definiční vzorec | vzorec představující teorém nebo zákon | rovnice, vzorec, vztah | math | 3,763 |
P2535 talk covi |
Sandbox-Mathematical expression | Sandbox property for value of type "Mathematical expression" | math | 5 | |
P2536 talk covi |
Sandbox-External identifier | Sandbox property for value of type "External identifier" | external-id | 3 | |
P2537 talk covi |
Free Software Directory entry | Link to the FSD page on a given software or license | external-id | 1,177 | |
P2538 talk covi |
Nationalmuseum Sweden artist ID | artist identifier for Nationalmuseum in Sweden | external-id | 5,735 | |
P2539 talk covi |
Nationalmuseum Sweden artwork ID | artwork identifier for Nationalmuseum in Sweden | external-id | 7,850 | |
P2540 talk covi |
Aarne–Thompson–Uther index | index používaný ke klasifikaci pohádek | ATU index | string | 401 |
P2541 talk covi |
oblast působnosti | area this organisation operates in, serves or has responsibility for | wikibase-item | 4,157 | |
P2542 talk covi |
acceptable daily intake | estimate of the amount of a food additive, expressed on a body weight basis, that can be ingested daily over a lifetime without appreciable health risk | quantity | 3 | |
P2545 talk covi |
bowling style | type of bowling employed by a cricketer | wikibase-item | 1,372 | |
P2546 talk covi |
sidekick of | close companion of a fictional character | wikibase-item | 136 | |
P2547 talk covi |
obvod | hraniční křivka a délka hraniční křivy | cirkumference, perimetr | quantity | 42,557 |
P2548 talk covi |
orientace genu | orientation of gene on double stranded DNA molecule | wikibase-item | 671,316 | |
P2549 talk covi |
Italian Senate of the Republic ID | identifier for incumbent and former senators from the Italian Senate of the Republic | external-id | 2,290 | |
P2550 talk covi |
recording or performance of | item is a recording or release of this composition | wikibase-item | 1,358 | |
P2551 talk |
used metre | rhythmic structure of the poetic text | wikibase-item | 45 | |
P2552 talk covi |
quantitative metrical pattern | description of a quantitative verse's metric | string | 36 | |
P2553 talk covi |
in work | qualifier of award received and nominated for (P1411) to specify in which creative work the awarded or nominated creative work appeared causing the nomination/award win | wikibase-item | 8 | |
P2554 talk covi |
výprava | funkce při tvorbě audiovizuálního díla | production designer | wikibase-item | 10,408 |
P2555 talk covi |
poplatek | fee or toll payable to use, transit or enter the subject (only for one-time fees, do NOT use it for an ongoing fee, tuition fee or trading fee) | quantity | 103 | |
P2556 talk covi |
vrtání | vnitřní průměr válce, ve kterém se pohybuje píst ve spalovacích motorech, kompresorech a jiných strojích | vývrt | quantity | 300 |
P2557 talk |
zdvih | délka pohybu, který vykonává píst v motorech a jiných strojích | quantity | 183 | |
P2558 talk covi | ID | unique identifier of Uruguayan authors and artistic, scientific or literary works | external-id | 12,270 | |
P2559 talk covi |
poznámka k použití na Wikidatech | text describing how to use a property or item. Eventually, this statement is to replace usage instructions currently found in description. Until the corresponding feature is implemented, do not remove it from description. | monolingualtext | 1,801 | |
P2560 talk covi |
GPU | graphics processing unit within a system | wikibase-item | 36 | |
P2561 talk |
jméno | jméno, pod kterým je subjekt znám; pokud je k dispozici specifičtější vlastnost, použijte tu | název | monolingualtext | 8,340 |
P2562 talk covi |
manželské jméno | jméno či příjmení přijaté osobou při svatbě | jméno po svatbě | monolingualtext | 1,139 |
P2563 talk covi |
superhuman feature or ability | superhuman, supernatural, or paranormal abilities that the fictional subject exhibits | wikibase-item | 881 | |
P2564 talk covi |
Köppen climate classification | indicates the characteristic climate of a place | wikibase-item | 1,684 | |
P2565 talk covi |
global-warming potential | heat trapped by a certain gas in CO2 equivalents | quantity | 6 | |
P2566 talk covi |
ECHA InfoCard ID | identifikátor chemické sloučeniny používaný Evropskou agenturou pro chemické látky | external-id | 31,008 | |
P2567 talk covi |
amended by | document is amended by specified other document | wikibase-item | 2,779 | |
P2568 talk covi |
repealed by | document is repealed/inactived by specified other document | wikibase-item | 5,136 | |
P2571 talk covi |
uncertainty corresponds to | number of standard deviations (sigma) expressing the confidence level of a value | wikibase-item | 4,195 | |
P2572 talk covi |
hashtag na Twitteru | značka na sociální síti Twitter (bez symbolu "#") | string | 1,292 | |
P2573 talk covi |
number of out-of-school children | number of out-of-school children reported for a place | quantity | 186 | |
P2574 talk covi | player ID | identifier for a football player, at | external-id | 39,791 | |
P2575 talk covi |
měří | fyzikální veličina měřená tímto přístrojem | měřená veličina | wikibase-item | 89 |
P2576 talk covi |
UCSC Genome Browser assembly ID | identifier of a UCSC's release of a genome | external-id | 6 | |
P2577 talk covi |
admissible rule in | this logic inference rule is admissible in that logical system | wikibase-item | 3 | |
P2578 talk covi |
studuje (co) | předmět studia příslušné vědy či nauky | wikibase-item | 755 | |
P2579 talk covi |
studováno (čím) | subject is studied by this science or domain | wikibase-item | 1,044 | |
P2580 talk covi |
Baltisches Biographisches Lexikon Digital ID (former scheme) | person's ID at Baltisches Biographisches Lexikon Digital encyclopedia | external-id | 4,573 | |
P2581 talk covi |
BabelNet ID | ID v encyklopedickém slovníku BabelNet | ID BabelNet | external-id | 59,765 |
P2582 talk covi |
J. Paul Getty Museum object ID | external-id | 637 | ||
P2583 talk covi |
vzdálenost od Země | estimated distance to astronomical objects | vzdálenost ze Země | quantity | 510 |
P2584 talk covi |
Australian Wetlands Code | identifier of a wetland listed in the Australian Wetlands Database Directory of Important Wetlands managed by the Australian Government Department of the Environment | external-id | 16 | |
P2585 talk covi |
INSEE region code | number sequence for the identification of regions in France | external-id | 45 | |
P2586 talk covi |
INSEE department code | number sequence for the identification of departments in France | external-id | 121 | |
P2587 talk covi |
has phoneme | the language's phonology includes this sound | wikibase-item | 5 | |
P2588 talk covi |
administrative code of Indonesia | unique administrative code for a place, issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs of Republic of Indonesia in 2015 | external-id | 90,439 | |
P2589 talk covi |
Statistics Indonesia ethnicity code | ethnicity code in Indonesia by Statistics Indonesia | external-id | 1,320 | |
P2590 talk covi |
BPS language code | language code in Indonesia issued by Statistics Indonesia | external-id | 1,135 | |
P2591 talk |
grammatical option indicates | what a particular option for a grammatical category indicates | wikibase-item | 3 | |
P2592 talk covi |
Québec cultural heritage directory people identifier | people listed on the Répertoire du patrimoine culturel du Québec | external-id | 146 | |
P2593 talk covi |
Latvian Olympic Committee athlete ID | identifier of a person in the database of the Latvian Olympic Committee (Latvian: Latvijas Olimpiskā Komiteja, LOK) | external-id | 587 | |
P2595 talk covi |
maximum gradient | maximum gradient on a route, expressed as a percentage | quantity | 1,362 | |
P2596 talk covi |
kultura | kultura v archeologickém smyslu | wikibase-item | 3,051 | |
P2597 talk covi |
Gramovo barvení | Gram stain type of a bacterial strain | wikibase-item | 14,929 | |
P2598 talk covi |
sériové číslo | an identifier for a specific object among the same product. Not a product code or model number | string | 3,076 | |
P2599 talk covi |
block size | size of block for this block cipher or hash function | quantity | 32 | |
P2600 talk covi | profile ID | profile on the genealogy website | external-id | 4,962 | |
P2601 talk covi | player ID | identifier for an ice hockey player in the database of | external-id | 8,963 | |
P2602 talk covi | player ID | identifier for an ice hockey player in the Internet Hockey Database | external-id | 18,124 | |
P2603 talk covi |
identifikátor filmu | ID filmu v ruské databázi | Kinopoisk film ID | external-id | 179,877 |
P2604 talk covi |
identifikátor osoby v Kinopoisk | ID osoby v ruské filmové databázi Kinopoisk | external-id | 98,321 | |
P2605 talk covi |
identifikátor osoby v ČSFD | identifikátor osoby v Česko-Slovenské filmové databázi (ČSFD) | ČSFD osoby, čsfd osoby | external-id | 56,498 |
P2606 talk covi |
PlayStation ID | unique identifier of PlayStation software and hardware assigned by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. | external-id | 17 | |
P2607 talk covi |
BookBrainz creator ID | identifier for a creator per the BookBrainz open book encyclopedia | external-id | 97 | |
P2610 talk covi |
tloušťka | rozsah od jednoho povrchu k druhému | quantity | 7,068 | |
P2611 talk covi |
TED speaker ID | identifier of a person, in the TED database of talks | external-id | 2,053 | |
P2612 talk covi |
TED topic ID | identifier of a topic, in the TED database of talks | external-id | 365 | |
P2613 talk covi |
TED talk ID | identifier of a talk, in the TED database | external-id | 2,076 | |
P2614 talk covi |
World Heritage criteria | selection criteria for UNESCO's cultural and natural 'World Heritage' designation since 2005 | wikibase-item | 2,273 | |
P2618 talk covi |
inHerit Place Number | identifier for a heritage place, issued by the State Heritage Office of Western Australia | external-id | 739 | |
P2619 talk covi |
Hungarian company ID | identifier for a company in the company register of Hungary | external-id | 209 | |
P2620 talk covi |
ISO 15924 číslo | numeric code for a writing system in ISO 15924 | external-id | 153 | |
P2621 talk covi |
Site of Special Scientific Interest (England) ID | identifier for Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in England | external-id | 503 | |
P2622 talk covi |
Companies House ID | numeric identifier for company registered with Companies House in the United Kingdom | external-id | 252 | |
P2623 talk covi |
MEK ID | identifier of a book or translation in the Hungarian Electronic Library | external-id | 25 | |
P2624 talk covi |
MetroLyrics ID | identifier for a song or artist at the MetroLyrics website | external-id | 21,351 | |
P2625 talk covi |
PASE ID | numerical identifier for a person in the Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England | external-id | 978 | |
P2626 talk covi |
DNF person ID | identifier for a person in the Danish National Filmography | external-id | 25,333 | |
P2627 talk covi |
ISO 9362 SWIFT/BIC code | ISO 9362 SWIFT/BIC code | external-id | 1,307 | |
P2628 talk covi |
German tax authority ID | numerical identifier for a local German tax office; forms part of the Steuernummer, assigned to individual taxpayers by that authority | external-id | 621 | |
P2629 talk covi |
BBFC rating | British media content rating (add BBFC reference with qualifier "P2676") | wikibase-item | 449 | |
P2630 talk covi |
škoda | monetary value of damage caused by this event | quantity | 58 | |
P2631 talk covi |
identifikátor filmu v Turner Classic Movies | ID filmu na webu Turner Classic Movies | external-id | 29,758 | |
P2632 talk covi |
vězněn v | místo, na kterém tato osoba byla nebo je zadržována | uvězněn v, ve vězení, vězení, žalář | wikibase-item | 7,453 |
P2633 talk covi |
geografie tématu | položka zabývající se geografií subjektu | zeměpis tématu | wikibase-item | 694 |
P2634 talk covi |
sitter | person who posed during the creation of a work, whether or not that person is eventually depicted as oneself | wikibase-item | 85 | |
P2635 talk covi |
počet částí uměleckého díla | počet částí, ze kterých umělecké dílo sestává | počet dějství, počet jednání, počet kapitol, počet obrazů, počet scén, počet svazků, počet veršů, počet vět | quantity | 4,213 |
P2636 talk covi |
Minkultury film ID | identifier for a movie in the Russian Ministry of culture's public register of films | external-id | 775 | |
P2637 talk covi |
RARS rating | Russian Age Rating System rating of work | wikibase-item | 281 | |
P2638 talk covi |
identifikátor v | identifikátor osob, filmů a seriálů na webu, včetně people/, shows/ | ID | external-id | 41,588 |
P2639 talk covi |
identifikátor filmu | ID filmu na německém webu | film ID | external-id | 56,235 |
P2640 talk covi | swimmer ID | identifier for a swimmer, in the database | external-id | 1,799 | |
P2641 talk covi |
identifikátor Davis Cupu | identifier for a tennis player, in the Davis Cup database | kód Davis Cupu | external-id | 2,084 |
P2642 talk covi |
Identifikátor Fed Cupu | identifier for a women's tennis player, in the Fed Cup database. Format: 9 digits | external-id | 1,494 | |
P2643 talk covi |
Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education | classification of colleges and universities in the United States | wikibase-item | 3,182 | |
P2645 talk covi |
střední doba života | inverse of exponential decay rate; half-life is ln(2) times this value | quantity | 11 | |
P2646 talk covi |
mirTarBase ID | identifier for the mirTarBase database, a database for microRNAs and their targets | external-id | 2,586 | |
P2647 talk covi |
zdroj materiálu | place the material used was mined, quarried, found, or produced | wikibase-item | 108 | |
P2648 talk covi |
CQ Ranking men's race ID | identifier for a men's cycling race at | external-id | 284 | |
P2649 talk covi |
CQ Ranking men's team URL | URL for a men's cycling team at | url | 235 | |
P2650 talk covi |
zájem o | položka, pro tuto osobu nebo organisaci, se speciálním nebo osobní významem | oblast výzkumu, oblast zájmu, zájem | wikibase-item | 1,843 |
P2651 talk covi |
CRICOS Provider Code | unique identifier for Australian education providers assigned by the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) | external-id | 93 | |
P2652 talk covi |
partnership with | commercial partnership between this organization and another organization or institution | wikibase-item | 192 | |
P2655 talk covi |
Estyn ID | identifier for a school in Wales, in the Welsh Assembly's Estyn database | external-id | 7 | |
P2657 talk covi |
EU Transparency Register ID | identity code for an organisation, in the transparency register of the European Union | external-id | 1,675 | |
P2658 talk covi |
Scoville grade | scale measuring pungency of chili peppers (values from 0 to 16,000,000,000) | quantity | 22 | |
P2659 talk covi |
izolace | nejmenší vzdálenost vrcholu hory k místu s vyšší nadmořskou výškou | topografická izolace | quantity | 2,878 |
P2660 talk covi |
prominence | převýšení mezi vrcholem hory a klíčovým sedlem s mateřskou horou | quantity | 8,976 | |
P2661 talk covi |
target interest rate | benchmark interest rate of the central bank | quantity | 12 | |
P2662 talk covi |
consumption rate per capita | rate of consumption of a product divided by the population | quantity | 4 | |
P2663 talk covi |
common equity tier 1 capital ratio (CETI) | relation between the core capital or shareholder's equity of a Bank and its risk-weighted assets | quantity | 482 | |
P2664 talk covi |
počet prodaných kusů | sales figures of an object | quantity | 111 | |
P2665 talk covi |
alcohol by volume | percentage of alcohol in a fluid | quantity | 179 | |
P2666 talk covi |
Datahub page | Datahub page of a dataset | external-id | 104 | |
P2667 talk covi |
odpovídající šablona | the one-value-template that has the same meaning as this property | šablona odpovídající vlastnosti | wikibase-item | 552 |
P2668 talk covi |
proměnlivost hodnot | likelihood that statements with this property will change | wikibase-item | 147 | |
P2669 talk |
discontinued date | date that the availability of a product was discontinued; see also dissolved, abolished or demolished (P576) | time | 1,280 | |
P2670 talk covi |
zahrnuje | the subject instance has parts of the object class (the subject is usually not a class) | obsahuje, skládá se z částí | wikibase-item | 10,574 |
P2671 talk covi |
Google Knowledge Graph ID | identifier for Google Knowledge Graph API (starting with "/g/") | external-id | 16,026 | |
P2672 talk covi |
SOATO ID | identifier for the Belarusian Code System for Administrative-territory Division Objects and Settlements | external-id | 25 | |
P2673 talk covi |
následující přechod proti proudu | další přechod řeky, kanálu apod. proti proudu jeho toku | wikibase-item | 196 | |
P2674 talk covi |
následující přechod po proudu | další přechod řeky, kanálu apod. po proudu vody | wikibase-item | 201 | |
P2675 talk covi |
reakce na | intelektuální práce, na niž je následná práce přímou odpovědí | odpověď na | wikibase-item | 48 |
P2676 talk covi |
rating certificate ID | reference certificate identifier of content rating decisions | string | 12,402 | |
P2677 talk covi |
relative position within image | position of a motif within a larger image, defined by x-offset (from left), y-offset (down from top), width w, and height h of the crop region (as a percentage of the whole image) values | string | 423 | |
P2678 talk covi | film ID | id number for films in | external-id | 2,983 | |
P2679 talk covi |
autor předmluvy | person who wrote the preface, foreword, or introduction of the book but who isn't an author of the rest of the book | wikibase-item | 405 | |
P2680 talk covi |
autor doslovu | person who wrote the postface, afterword, or conclusion of the book but who isn't an author of the rest of the book | wikibase-item | 16 | |
P2681 talk covi |
is recto of | the two-dimensional artwork that is on the back (verso) side of this artwork | wikibase-item | 22 | |
P2682 talk covi |
is verso of | the two-dimensional artwork that is on the front (recto) side of this artwork | wikibase-item | 22 | |
P2683 talk covi |
Bekker Number | reference to works in the Corpus Aristotelicum | external-id | 13 | |
P2684 talk covi |
Kijkwijzer rating | Dutch media content rating system | wikibase-item | 2,978 | |
P2685 talk covi | NBA player ID | identifier for a NBA player on the Basketball Reference website | external-id | 4,746 | |
P2686 talk covi |
OpenSecrets people ID | identifier used by Opensecrets for people involved in US elections | external-id | 625 | |
P2687 talk covi |
NDL JPNO | Japanese National Bibliography Number of the National Diet Library | external-id | 53 | |
P2688 talk covi |
Box Office Mojo person ID | identifier of a person in the Box Office Mojo database | external-id | 152 | |
P2689 talk covi |
BARTOC ID | identifier in the BARTOC Terminology Registry | external-id | 261 | |
P2694 talk covi |
ISU figure skater ID | identifier for a figure skater in the International Skating Union database | external-id | 4,248 | |
P2695 talk |
type locality (geology) | the locality where a particular rock type, stratigraphic unit or mineral species is defined from (can coincide but not the same as p189) | wikibase-item | 3,721 | |
P2696 talk covi |
FIG gymnast licence number | gymnast's identifier at the database of the International Federation of Gymnastics | external-id | 1,684 | |
P2697 talk covi | player ID | identifier for a cricket player at | external-id | 21,166 | |
P2698 talk covi |
CricketArchive player ID | identifier for a person in the database | external-id | 13,682 | |
P2699 talk covi |
URL | internetová adresa zdroje | url | 35,942 | |
P2700 talk covi |
protokol | communication protocol to use to access a dataset or service | wikibase-item | 2,470 | |
P2701 talk covi |
formát souboru | file format, compression type, or ontology used in a file | wikibase-item | 20,639 | |
P2702 talk covi |
dataset distribution | particular manner of distribution of a data set (database or file) that is publicly available | wikibase-item | 10 | |
P2703 talk covi |
BFI National Archive work ID | identifier for (creative) works and objects (moving image, documents, stills, posters, designs, books, articles) in the BFI's Collections Information Database (CID) | external-id | 6,253 | |
P2704 talk covi |
EIDR identifier | Identifier for a film or television work, edit or manifestation, in the Entertainment IDentifier Registry. | external-id | 53,247 | |
P2705 talk covi |
Karate Records ID | identifier for karatekas in the Karate Records database | external-id | 330 | |
P2708 talk covi |
CQ Ranking women's race ID | identifier for a women's cycling race at | external-id | 353 | |
P2709 talk covi |
CQ Ranking female cyclist ID | identifier for a female cyclist at | external-id | 1,409 | |
P2710 talk covi |
minimal lethal concentration | lowest concentration of a toxic substance in an environmental medium that kills individual organisms or test species under a defined set of conditions | quantity | 3 | |
P2712 talk covi |
median lethal concentration | statistically derived median concentration of a substance in an environmental medium expected to kill 50% of organisms in a given population under a defined set of conditions | quantity | 7 | |
P2713 talk covi |
obrázek řezu | obrázek z Commons, který zobrazuje řez objektem | řez | commonsMedia | 140 |
P2715 talk covi |
zvolen ve volbách | upřesnění pro tvrzení, že osoba zastává či zastávala volenou funkci, odkazující na volby, ve kterých tuto funkci obdržela | wikibase-item | 42,268 | |
P2716 talk covi |
koláž | obrázek tvořený více obrázky | commonsMedia | 245 | |
P2717 talk covi |
no-observed-adverse-effect level | greatest concentration or amount of a substance, found by experiment or observation, which causes no detectable adverse alteration of morphology, functional capacity, growth, development, or life span of the target organism under defined conditions of exp | quantity | 3 | |
P2718 talk covi |
lowest-observed-adverse-effect level | lowest concentration or amount of a substance (dose), found by experiment or observation, which causes an adverse effect on morphology, functional capacity, growth, development, or life span of a target organism distinguishable from normal (control) organ | quantity | 2 | |
P2719 talk covi |
Hungarian-style transcription | transcription of a monolingual text value in a non-latin script according to the guidelines of the Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Q7315098), Helyesírás (Q1035212), and Hungarian Wikipedia (Q53464) | string | 118 | |
P2720 talk covi |
embed URL template | formatter URL for embeddable content: URI template from which "$1" can be automatically replaced with the effective property value on items | string | 148 | |
P2721 talk covi |
Encyclopaedia Metallum release ID | identifier for a release in the Encyclopaedia Metallum database | external-id | 3,556 | |
P2722 talk covi |
Deezer artist ID | identifier for an artist on Deezer | external-id | 2,505 | |
P2723 talk covi |
Deezer album ID | identifier for an album on Deezer | external-id | 426 | |
P2724 talk covi |
Deezer track ID | identifier for a track on Deezer | external-id | 104 | |
P2725 talk covi |
identifikátor na | identifier for an application (or film) available from the distribution platform | external-id | 177 | |
P2726 talk covi |
UIPM athlete ID | identifier for a athlete, in the Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne database | external-id | 322 | |
P2727 talk covi |
United World Wrestling ID | identifier for an athlete in the United World Wrestling database | external-id | 1,651 | |
P2728 talk covi |
CageMatch worker ID | identifier for a professional wrestling performer at | external-id | 1,146 | |
P2729 talk covi | player ID | Badminton World Federation identifier for a player profile at (via | external-id | 5,148 | |
P2730 talk covi |
ISSF athlete ID | identifier for an athlete in the International Shooting Sport Federation database | external-id | 961 | |
P2732 talk covi |
Persée author ID | identifier for an author, in Persée, an open access digital library of French-language scholarly journals, established by the Ministry of National Education of France | external-id | 22,076 | |
P2733 talk covi |
Persée journal ID | identifier for a journal in Persée, an open access digital library of French-language scholarly journals, established by the Ministry of National Education of France | external-id | 231 | |
P2734 talk covi |
Unz Review author ID | author identifier at The Unz Review (, a content-archiving website | external-id | 3,418 | |
P2735 talk covi |
Unz Review journal ID | journal identifier at The Unz Review (, a content-archiving website | external-id | 38 | |
P2736 talk covi |
Biographical Directory of Federal Judges ID | identifier for a judge in the Biographical Directory of Federal Judges | external-id | 373 | |
P2737 talk covi |
sjednocení (čeho) | každá instance této třídy je instancí nejméně jedné ze tříd v uvedeném seznamu tříd | wikibase-item | 161 | |
P2738 talk covi |
disjunktní sjednocení (čeho) | každá instance této třídy je instancí právě jedné ze tříd v uvedeném seznamu tříd | wikibase-item | 384 | |
P2739 talk |
typeface/font used | style of type used in a work | wikibase-item | 77 | |
P2740 talk covi |
ResearchGate institute ID | identifier of an institute in ResearchGate | external-id | 159 | |
P2741 talk covi |
Tate artist identifier | identifier of an artist in the Tate collection | external-id | 3,660 | |
P2742 talk covi |
Australian Geological Provinces ID | identifier of a geologic province in the Australian Geological Provinces Database published by Geoscience Australia | external-id | 36 | |
P2743 talk covi |
this zoological name is coordinate with | links coordinate zoological names | wikibase-item | 1,848 | |
P2744 talk covi |
PASE name | standardised name (including disambiguation number) given to a person in the Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England | string | 979 | |
P2745 talk covi |
Dictionary of New Zealand Biography | identifier in the Dictionary of New Zealand Biography | external-id | 2,996 | |
P2746 talk covi |
production statistics | amount of a certain good produced in/by the item | wikibase-item | 12 | |
P2747 talk covi |
Filmiroda rating | rating of a film in the former (2004–2011) Hungarian film rating system | wikibase-item | 5,846 | |
P2748 talk covi |
PRONOM file format identifier | identifier (PUID) for a file format in the technical registry PRONOM | external-id | 1,487 | |
P2749 talk covi |
PRONOM software identifier | identifier (PUID) for software in the technical registry PRONOM | external-id | 85 | |
P2750 talk covi |
číslo v Photographers' Identities Catalog | identifikátor osoby v katalogu fotografů PIC | PIC ID | external-id | 17,887 |
P2751 talk covi |
Roller Coaster Database ID | identifier in Roller Coaster Database | external-id | 1,249 | |
P2752 talk covi |
New Zealand Organisms Register ID | identifier for a taxon names in the New Zealand Organisms Register | external-id | 90,427 | |
P2753 talk covi |
Dictionary of Canadian Biography ID | entry of the item in the Dictionary of Canadian Biography | external-id | 4,791 | |
P2754 talk covi |
production date | date of production of a creative work, like film or or opera, if different from the publication date. For other works use P571. | time | 483 | |
P2755 talk covi |
exploitation visa number | number of the exploitation visa of a movie in France | external-id | 6,322 | |
P2756 talk covi |
EIRIN film rating | category in the Japanese film rating system (add EIRIN number with qualifier P2676) | wikibase-item | 596 | |
P2758 talk covi |
CNC film rating (France) | category assigned to a film by the Board of Film Classification (CNC) which what audiences may view it in France | wikibase-item | 1,444 | |
P2759 talk covi |
AUSNUT food ID | identifier of a food in the Australian Food, Supplement and Nutrient Database (AUSNUT) managed by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) | external-id | 25 | |
P2760 talk covi |
NUTTAB food ID | Identifier of a food within the Nutrient Tables for use in Australia (NUTTAB) which is managed by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) | external-id | 7 | |
P2761 talk covi |
Research Papers in Economics Series handle | identifier of academic journals in Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) | external-id | 20 | |
P2762 talk covi |
CTBUH Skyscraper Center building complex ID | identifier for a building complex as used on the CTBUH's | external-id | 134 | |
P2763 talk covi |
Danish protected area ID | identifier for Danish protected area | external-id | 17 | |
P2764 talk covi |
Wrestlingdata person ID | identifier for a professional wrestling performer on the Wrestlingdata database | external-id | 459 | |
P2765 talk covi | ID | identifier at, database of skyscrapers and contemporary architecture in Japan | external-id | 67 | |
P2766 talk covi |
ISO 4063 process number | identifier for a process, in the ISO-approved classification scheme for welding & soldering processes | external-id | 5 | |
P2767 talk covi | ID | Identifier for any remarkable judoka in the database | external-id | 5,183 | |
P2768 talk covi |
BNE journal ID | identifier for a journal in BNE's journals archive, an open access digital library of Spanish-language periodical publications, established by Biblioteca Nacional de España | external-id | 261 | |
P2769 talk covi |
rozpočet | přidělená peněžitá částka na projekt | quantity | 587 | |
P2770 talk covi |
zdroj příjmu | source of income of an organization or person | wikibase-item | 330 | |
P2771 talk covi |
D-U-N-S | unique company identifier from Dun & Bradstreet | external-id | 72 | |
P2772 talk covi |
ID alpského lyžaře podle FIS | identifikátor sjezdového lyžaře v databázi FIS | FIS sjezdový lyžař | external-id | 2,510 |
P2773 talk covi |
FIS cross-country skier ID | identifier for a cross-country skier, in the International Ski Federation database | external-id | 2,609 | |
P2774 talk covi |
ID akrobatického lyžaře podle FIS | identifier for a freestyle skier, in the International Ski Federation database | external-id | 924 | |
P2775 talk covi |
FIS ski jumper ID | identifier for a ski jumper, in the International Ski Federation database | external-id | 2,144 | |
P2776 talk covi |
FIS Nordic combined skier ID | identifier for a Nordic combined skier, in the International Ski Federation database | external-id | 631 | |
P2777 talk covi |
ID snowboardisty podle FIS | identifikátor snowboardisty v databázi FIS | FIS ID snowboardisty | external-id | 896 |
P2778 talk covi |
IAT triathlete ID | identifier for a triathlete in the IAT (Institute for Applied Training Science / Institut für Angewandte Trainingswissenschaft) database | external-id | 631 | |
P2779 talk covi |
IAT weightlifter ID | identifier for a weightlifter in the IAT (Institute for Applied Training Science / Institut für Angewandte Trainingswissenschaft) database | external-id | 523 | |
P2780 talk covi |
IAT diver ID | identifier for a diver in the IAT (Institute for Applied Training Science / Institut für Angewandte Trainingswissenschaft) database | external-id | 390 | |
P2781 talk covi |
čas závodu | oficiálně zaznamenaný čas sportovního závodu | quantity | 3,819 | |
P2782 talk covi | client ID | identifier of a client in | external-id | 76 | |
P2783 talk covi |
Danish listed buildings case ID | case number of a listed building in Denmark | external-id | 870 | |
P2784 talk covi |
Mercalli intensity scale | measurement of the intensity of an earthquake | wikibase-item | 41 | |
P2786 talk covi |
vztažný bod letiště | oficiální zeměpisné souřadnice vztažného bodu letiště nebo přistávací plochy | vztažný bod aerodromu | globe-coordinate | 37 |
P2787 talk covi |
největší rozpětí | délka pole s nejvyšším rozpětím | quantity | 704 | |
P2788 talk covi |
kód části obce podle RÚIAN | identifikátor části obce v Česku podle Registru územní identifikace, adres a nemovitostí | kód části obce, RÚIAN kód části obce | external-id | 15,284 |
P2789 talk covi |
spojeno s | item with which the item is physically connected | spojena s, spojen s, spojený s, spojená s, spojené s | wikibase-item | 17,141 |
P2790 talk covi |
net tonnage | dimensionless index calculated from the total moulded volume of the ship's cargo spaces by using a mathematical formula | quantity | 35 | |
P2791 talk covi |
power consumed | electrical power consumed by an appliance | quantity | 225 | |
P2792 talk covi |
ASF KID Cave Tag Number | unique identifier for caves within the Karst Index Database of the Australian Speleological Federation | external-id | 106 | |
P2793 talk covi |
clearance | distance between surface under bridge and bottom of a bridge deck | quantity | 153 | |
P2794 talk covi |
Index Hepaticarum ID | identifier in the Index Hepaticarum, a nomenclatural database | external-id | 101 | |
P2795 talk |
directions | describe how to find the subject - directions, objects along way, comments | monolingualtext | 65,471 | |
P2796 talk covi |
3DMet ID | identifier of chemical compounds in 3DMet database | external-id | 7 | |
P2797 talk covi |
sound power level | the rate at which sound energy is emitted, reflected, transmitted or received, per unit time | quantity | 169 | |
P2798 talk covi |
Loop ID | identifier for a person, in the Loop database of researcher impact | external-id | 10,961 | |
P2799 talk covi |
BVMC person ID | identifier of an author on the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes | external-id | 10,682 | |
P2800 talk covi |
Beach Volleyball Database ID | identifier for an athlete, in the Beach Volleyball Database | external-id | 1,080 | |
P2801 talk covi |
FIVB beach volleyball player ID | identifier for a beach volleyball player, in the FIVB database | external-id | 923 | |
P2802 talk covi |
fleet or registration number | the fleet number or registration of the vehicle | string | 2,908 | |
P2803 talk covi |
přesnost časového údaje na Wikidatech | číselná hodnota používaná na Wikidatech pro uvedení přesnosti časového údaje; hodnoty od 0 (miliarda let) do 14 (sekunda) | quantity | 17 | |
P2804 talk covi |
World Sailing member ID | member identifier for a sailor in the World Sailing database | external-id | 439 | |
P2805 talk covi |
Goratings ID | identifikátor v databázi | external-id | 1,109 | |
P2806 talk covi |
vibrace | level of vibration measured | quantity | 141 | |
P2807 talk covi |
molární objem | qualifier with e.g. P873 | quantity | 20 | |
P2808 talk covi |
vlnová délka | spatial period of a wave | quantity | 86 | |
P2809 talk covi |
Australasian Pollen and Spore Atlas Code | identifier for a pollen or spore in the Australasian Pollen and Spore Atlas, managed by the Australian National University | external-id | 16 | |
P2810 talk covi |
LPGA Tour golf player ID | identifier for a golf player, in the LPGA database | external-id | 353 | |
P2811 talk covi |
PGA Tour golf player ID | identifier for a golf player, in the PGA Tour database | external-id | 1,319 | |
P2812 talk covi |
identifikátor MathWorld | Identifier for entries in MathWorld, online mathematics reference work. | external-id | 3,506 | |
P2813 talk covi |
mouthpiece | media that speaks for an organization or a movement, and that is usually edited by its members | wikibase-item | 145 | |
P2814 talk covi |
P-number | P-number identifier from the Danish company register for linking physical sites to an organization | external-id | 314 | |
P2815 talk covi |
ESR station code | unique railway station/operation point code used in USSR and later in former USSR countries | external-id | 4,757 | |
P2816 talk covi |
HowLongToBeat ID | identifier of a video game at the website HowLongToBeat | external-id | 320 | |
P2817 talk covi |
appears in the heritage monument list | heritage monument is a part of the list of heritage monuments | wikibase-item | 64,400 | |
P2818 talk covi |
Sherdog ID | identifier for a mixed martial arts athlete, in the Sherdog database | external-id | 3,059 | |
P2819 talk covi |
Yandex.Music album ID | identifier for the album in the database Yandex.Music | external-id | 213 | |
P2820 talk covi |
mohutnost této množiny | míra velikosti dané množiny, počtu jejích prvků | kardinalita | wikibase-item | 43 |
P2821 talk |
by-product | product of a chemical or industrial process, of secondary economic value | wikibase-item | 16 | |
P2822 talk covi |
by-product of | chemical or industrial process which produces the item as a by-product | wikibase-item | 14 | |
P2823 talk covi |
Royal Belgian Football Association player ID | identifier for a player, on the official Belgian football federation website | external-id | 660 | |
P2824 talk covi |
Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature ID | identifier of a feature on an astronomical body in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature | external-id | 8,452 | |
P2825 talk covi |
přes | intermediate point on a journey - stopover location, waystation or routing point | skrz | wikibase-item | 102 |
P2826 talk covi |
Megogo ID | identifier for the film in the database Megogo | external-id | 2,564 | |
P2827 talk covi |
barva květu | colour of flowers of a plant species, hybrid or cultivar | wikibase-item | 158 | |
P2828 talk covi |
corporate officer | person who holds a specific position | wikibase-item | 24 | |
P2829 talk covi |
Internet Wrestling Database ID | identifier for a professional wrestling performer at the Internet Wrestling Database | external-id | 470 | |
P2830 talk covi |
Online World of Wrestling ID | identifier for a professional wrestling performer or tag team at Online World of Wrestling | external-id | 1,073 | |
P2831 talk covi |
totem | in many indigenous cultures an individual or group has a particular totem (e.g. a type of animal) | wikibase-item | 9 | |
P2832 talk covi |
Joint Electronics Type Designation Automated System designation | unclassified designator for United States military electronic equipment | external-id | 116 | |
P2833 talk covi |
ARKive ID | identifier for a taxon, in the ARKive database | external-id | 16,198 | |
P2834 talk covi |
individual tax rate | percentage tax rate on individuals by income | quantity | 6 | |
P2835 talk covi |
lowest income threshold | lowest income for which the tax rate applies, qualifier for P2834 (individual tax rate) | quantity | 5 | |
P2836 talk covi |
highest income threshold | highest income for which the tax rate applies, qualifier for P2834 (individual tax rate) | quantity | 4 | |
P2838 talk covi |
professional name (Japan) | name passed down by generation assumed by a master of a traditional Japanese art or sport such as kabuki or sumo | wikibase-item | 80 | |
P2839 talk covi |
způsob chůze | způsob chůze živočichů | krok | wikibase-item | 16 |
P2840 talk covi |
NSC number | numeric identifier for substances submitted to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) for testing and evaluation | external-id | 38 | |
P2841 talk covi |
age of onset | age group in which disease manifestations appear | wikibase-item | 6 | |
P2842 talk covi |
místo svatby | místo konání svatby. Použití jako vymezení pro vlastnost „choť“ (P26) | svatební místo, oddaní na, oddaní v, oddáni na, oddáni v, sezdaní na, sezdaní v, sezdáni na, sezdáni v | wikibase-item | 1,717 |
P2843 talk covi |
Benezit ID | identifier in Benezit Dictionary of Artists | external-id | 47,813 | |
P2844 talk covi |
incidence | probability of occurrence of a given condition in a population within a specified period of time | quantity | 9 | |
P2845 talk covi |
RAN ID | identifier in National archaeological register of Romania | external-id | 148 | |
P2846 talk covi |
wheelchair accessibility | describes wheelchair accessibility of location or event | wikibase-item | 719 | |
P2847 talk covi |
Google+ | Google Plus, account identifier of this person or organization: either starting with a "+" or consisting of 21 digits | external-id | 5,936 | |
P2848 talk covi |
Wi-Fi | internet availability through Wi-Fi | wifi | wikibase-item | 303 |
P2849 talk |
produced by | links a biologic/biochemical entity with the entity it has been produced by | wikibase-item | 137 | |
P2850 talk covi |
Kód umělce na iTunes | identifier for a musical artist or author in the iTunes Store | ID umělce na iTunes | external-id | 5,029 |
P2851 talk covi |
payment types accepted | types of payment accepted by a venue | wikibase-item | 614 | |
P2852 talk covi |
tísňová linka | telephone number to contact the emergency services | wikibase-item | 246 | |
P2853 talk covi |
typ zásuvky | standard plug type for mains electricity in a country | wikibase-item | 230 | |
P2854 talk covi |
disease burden | impact of a health problem as measured by financial cost, mortality, morbidity, or other indicators. It is often quantified in terms of quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) or disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) | quantity | 17 | |
P2855 talk covi |
daň z přidané hodnoty | percentage value-added tax in this country or region. Do not use for sales tax. For specialised rates, use qualifiers | quantity | 14 | |
P2856 talk covi |
EU Surface Water Body Code | unique EU identifier for a surface water body | external-id | 6,884 | |
P2857 talk covi | superstar ID | identifier for a professional wrestling performer or tag team at | external-id | 557 | |
P2858 talk covi |
Killer List of Videogames ID | identifier in Killer List of Videogames | external-id | 1,359 | |
P2859 talk covi |
X-SAMPA Code | Extended Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet (X-SAMPA) code for phoneme | string | 184 | |
P2860 talk covi |
cituje | odkaz na dílo, které je citováno v tomto díle | reference, zdroj | wikibase-item | 7,344,670 |
P2861 talk covi |
Leidse Hoogleraren ID | identifier in the Leidse Hoogleraren, a catalogue of University Professors of Leiden University since 1575 | external-id | 899 | |
P2862 talk covi |
Catalogus Professorum Academiae Rheno-Traiectinae ID | Identifier for a Professor at Utrecht University | external-id | 751 | |
P2863 talk covi |
Nederlandse Molendatabase ID | Identifier of mills in the Nederlandse Molendatabase, with records of all functioning mills, windmills and watermills, in the Netherlands. | external-id | 1,199 | |
P2864 talk covi |
OpenCritic ID | identifier in OpenCritic | external-id | 65 | |
P2865 talk covi |
band number | identifier of First Nation in Canada | external-id | 62 | |
P2866 talk covi |
Hollandsche Molen ID | identifikátor mlýnů | external-id | 1,306 | |
P2867 talk covi |
Molenecho's ID | identifier of mills in Molenecho's, a database on windmills and watermills in Belgium | external-id | 370 | |
P2868 talk covi |
role | role subjektu v konkrétním kontextu; pro herecké role použijte P453; pro role objektu výroku použijte P3831 | v roli, subjekt v roli, slouží jako | wikibase-item | 154,886 |
P2869 talk covi |
rekord nebo historie rekordů | links to item on the record or record progression | wikibase-item | 86 | |
P2870 talk covi |
miRBase pre-miRNA ID | identifier for pre-miRNAs in miRBase, the reference database for microRNAs | external-id | 1,904 | |
P2871 talk covi |
miRBase mature miRNA ID | identifier for mature miRNAs in miRBase, the reference database for microRNAs | external-id | 4,472 | |
P2872 talk covi |
tourist office | official tourist office of this destination | wikibase-item | 227 | |
P2873 talk covi |
čas ve vesmíru | time in space by an astronaut or cosmonaut | quantity | 557 | |
P2874 talk covi |
PubChem BioAssay ID (AID) | central identifier in PubChem, used as accession number for biological and biochemical assays | external-id | 5 | |
P2875 talk covi |
kategorie použití vlastnosti | kategorie slouží k výpisu stránek, které používají příslušnou vlasnost | monitorovací kategorie | wikibase-item | 3,073 |
P2876 talk covi |
typ jednotky pro tuto vlastnost | jednotky u všech použití této vlastnosti jsou instancí uvedené položky | wikibase-item | 61 | |
P2877 talk covi |
SureChEMBL ID | the chemical compound identifier for the EBI SureChEMBL 'chemical compounds in patents' database | external-id | 16 | |
P2878 talk covi |
Minitel code | access code of a service on the Minitel Videotex | external-id | 40 | |
P2879 talk covi |
Library of the National Congress of Argentina ID | identifier of a work, in the National Library of Argentine Congress | external-id | 11 | |
P2880 talk covi |
NIOSHTIC-2 ID | identifier in the NIOSHTIC-2 database run by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (part of US CDC) | external-id | 57,489 | |
P2881 talk covi |
promoted | competitor or team promoted at the end of competition | wikibase-item | 213 | |
P2882 talk covi |
relegated | competitor or team relegated at the end of competition | wikibase-item | 410 | |
P2883 talk covi |
HKMDb film ID | film identifiers on Hong Kong Movie Database | external-id | 2,850 | |
P2884 talk covi |
síťové napětí | napětí elektrického rozvodu pro domácnosti v zemi | quantity | 1,567 | |
P2886 talk covi |
Shakeosphere person ID | identifier in the Shakeosphere database of the University of Iowa | external-id | 1,928 | |
P2887 talk covi |
reserve number (Canada) | identifier of a Canadian Indian reserve | external-id | 43 | |
P2888 talk covi |
přesná shoda | (URLs only) used to link two concepts, indicating a high degree of confidence that the concepts can be used interchangeably | stejné, stejné jako | url | 340,826 |
P2889 talk covi |
FamilySearch person ID | ID of a person in | external-id | 995 | |
P2892 talk covi |
UMLS CUI | NLM Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) controlled biomedical vocabulary unique identifier | external-id | 20,579 | |
P2893 talk covi |
Skype | username on the Skype instant messaging service | string | 46 | |
P2894 talk covi |
den v týdnu | day of the week on which this item occurs, applies to or is valid | wikibase-item | 7,199 | |
P2895 talk covi |
maximum sustained winds | maximum sustained wind evaluated by agency | quantity | 1,295 | |
P2896 talk covi |
periodicita periodika | standard publication interval for daily or periodical publications | quantity | 895 | |
P2897 talk covi |
Eldoblaje Movie ID | Identifier of dubbing in the website, a database of Spanish dubbings | external-id | 28 | |
P2898 talk covi |
Swedish county letter | external-id | 29 | ||
P2899 talk covi |
dolní věková hranice | minimum age for, for example, movie certification | minimální věk, nejnižší přípustný věk, od | quantity | 324 |
P2900 talk covi |
fax | telephone number of fax line | string | 6,332 | |
P2903 talk covi |
Molendatabase verdwenen molens ID | identifier of former/disappeared mills in the Netherlands at the Molendatabase verdwenen molens | external-id | 316 | |
P2904 talk covi |
Beer Advocate brewery ID | identifier for a brewery, in the Beer Advocate database | external-id | 59 | |
P2905 talk covi |
RateBeer brewery ID | identifier for a brewery, in the RateBeer database | external-id | 239 | |
P2907 talk covi |
posun oproti UTC | posun daného časového pásma od UTC | quantity | 142 | |
P2908 talk covi |
SecondHandSongs song ID | Identifier for a song, in the SecondHandSongs database about covers and samplings | external-id | 86 | |
P2909 talk covi |
SecondHandSongs artist ID | identifier for an artist, in the SecondHandSongs database | external-id | 113 | |
P2910 talk covi |
ikona | pictogram suitable to represent the item. For logos of an organization, use "logo image" (P154) | symbol, piktogram | commonsMedia | 740 |
P2911 talk covi |
časový odstup | rozdíl času oproti vítězi | časový rozdíl, rozdíl času | quantity | 3,495 |
P2912 talk covi |
distinctive jersey | distinctive jersey held by a class or stage leader in a cycling competition | wikibase-item | 2,029 | |
P2913 talk covi |
date depicted | date represented in a work | time | 80 | |
P2914 talk covi |
MSBI person ID | identifier of a person, in the Mapping the Practice and Profession of Sculpture in Britain and Ireland database | external-id | 1,254 | |
P2915 talk covi |
ECARTICO person ID | identifier for a person, in the ECARTICO biographical database of the Dutch and Flemish Golden Ages | external-id | 1,981 | |
P2916 talk covi |
vysvětlení syntaxe | qualifier to provide extra details on the syntax of a statement value, in particular for P1793 (regular expression), qualifier to provide details on the function or purpose of a property constraint | monolingualtext | 550 | |
P2917 talk covi |
COAM structure ID | identifier of a building or structure of the city of Madrid in the Official Architects' Association of Madrid (COAM) database | external-id | 932 | |
P2918 talk covi |
PO Box | Post Office box number, as part of an address | string | 47 | |
P2919 talk covi |
štítek ve znakovém jazyce | mediální soubor ukazující štítek této položky ve znakovém jazyce; uveďte použitý znakový jazyk ve vymezení „jazyk díla/jména“ (P407) | znakovaný štítek | commonsMedia | 86 |
P2922 talk covi |
kalendářní měsíc | month of the year during which this item occurs, applies to or is valid in | měsíc | wikibase-item | 3,384 |
P2923 talk covi |
focal height | height of the lamp of a lighthouse from water level | quantity | 4,039 | |
P2924 talk covi |
Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID | identifier for an entry on the official website of the Great Russian Encyclopedia | external-id | 41,791 | |
P2925 talk covi |
domain of saint or deity | domain(s) which this saint or deity controls or protects | wikibase-item | 258 | |
P2926 talk covi |
InterPro ID | InterPro unique identifier | external-id | 56,178 | |
P2927 talk covi |
podíl vodní plochy | which percentage of the territory of this item inside coast line and international bounderies is water | quantity | 191 | |
P2928 talk covi |
velikost paměti | memory storage capacity of some data storage device | quantity | 98 | |
P2929 talk covi |
lighthouse range | the distance at which the light can be seen. If the light has colors, there will be several ranges, one for each color. Use qualifier "color" (P462) | quantity | 3,793 | |
P2930 talk covi |
INSPIRE-HEP author ID | identifier for authors in INSPIRE-HEP, a major database for high energy physics | external-id | 475 | |
P2931 talk covi |
Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers identifier | identifier for triangle centers used in the Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers, founded by Clark Kimberling | external-id | 35 | |
P2935 talk covi |
připojitelnost | connectors which the device has/supports | wikibase-item | 96 | |
P2936 talk covi |
užívaný jazyk | language widely used (spoken or written) in this place or at this event | použité jazyky, použitý jazyk, užívané jazyky | wikibase-item | 5,147 |
P2937 talk covi |
parlamentní období | term of a parliament or any deliberative assembly | wikibase-item | 56,250 | |
P2938 talk covi |
Pleiades category identifier | category (former place type) identifier in the Pleiades gazetteer | external-id | 42 | |
P2939 talk covi |
CageMatch tag team ID | identifier for a professional wrestling tag team at | external-id | 132 | |
P2940 talk covi |
Catalogus Professorum Rostochiensium ID | identifier in the Catalogus Professorum Rostochensium database on professors of the Rostock University from 1419 to present | external-id | 1,098 | |
P2941 talk covi |
Munk's Roll ID | identifier of a person, in the biographical website of the Royal College of Physicians, London | external-id | 1,990 | |
P2942 talk covi |
Dailymotion channel ID | identifier of the Dailymotion channel of a person, or organization | external-id | 126 | |
P2943 talk covi | ID | identifikátor osoby na, encyklopedii Hrdinů Sovětského svazu a Hrdinů socialistické práce | external-id | 14,351 | |
P2944 talk covi |
Plarr ID | identifier of a person, in the biographical website of the Royal College of Surgeons, London | external-id | 1,057 | |
P2945 talk covi |
British Book Trade Index ID | identifier for an individual or business entity listed in the University of Oxford's Bodleian Libraries' British Book Trade Index database | external-id | 1,059 | |
P2946 talk covi |
BacDive ID | identifier for a microorganism, in the BacDive database | external-id | 10,398 | |
P2948 talk covi |
Estonian cultural monument ID | identifier in the Estonian national registry of cultural monuments | external-id | 1,712 | |
P2949 talk covi |
identifikátor WikiTree | identifikátor pro osobu na geneaologické stránce WikiTree | WikiTree ID | external-id | 57,826 |
P2950 talk covi |
Nomisma ID | identifier in, a linked open data thesaurus of numismatic concepts | external-id | 1,597 | |
P2951 talk covi |
ID rakouské databáze památek | identifier given by the published BDA (Bundesdenkmalamt) list of monuments | external-id | 37,069 | |
P2952 talk covi |
boat of heritage interest ID | identifier of a ship | external-id | 78 | |
P2953 talk covi |
Estonian Research Portal person ID | identifier for a person, in the Estonian Research Portal | external-id | 1,325 | |
P2954 talk covi |
Transferred Account Data Interchange Group Code | external-id | 22 | ||
P2955 talk covi |
point of penalty | point of penalty in a tournament | quantity | 2 | |
P2956 talk covi |
NAIF ID | integer code assigned by NASA's Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility to solar system objects, reference frames, and instruments that it tracks | external-id | 422 | |
P2957 talk covi |
throughput | volume of units that do or can pass through or be transported by the object | quantity | 92 | |
P2959 talk covi |
trvalá kopie | trvalá kopie čeho | wikibase-item | 18,293 | |
P2960 talk covi |
datum archivace | datum, kdy byl dokument archivován | time | 18,140 | |
P2961 talk covi |
BVPH ID | identifier in Biblioteca Virtual de Prensa Histórica | external-id | 220 | |
P2962 talk covi |
titul šachového hráče | title awarded by a chess federation to chess players for achievement | wikibase-item | 12,132 | |
P2963 talk covi |
ID autora na Goodreads | identifikátor autora na stránkách | external-id | 2,821 | |
P2964 talk covi |
right to vote | people who have right to vote at this election, referendum, etc. | wikibase-item | 65 | |
P2965 talk covi |
EU River Basin District code | unique code for an EU River Basin District | external-id | 24 | |
P2966 talk covi |
National Library of Wales ID | identifier of persons, corporate entities and families in the National Library of Wales Archives and Manuscripts database | external-id | 17,865 | |
P2967 talk covi |
Queensland Heritage Register ID | identifier of a property listed on the Queensland Heritage Register | external-id | 1,759 | |
P2968 talk covi |
QUDT unit ID | identifier for unit of measure definition according to QUDT ontology | external-id | 246 | |
P2969 talk covi |
Goodreads book ID | identifier of a book, in the website | external-id | 969 | |
P2970 talk covi |
Kinopolis film ID | identifier for films in the German Kinopolis database | external-id | 271 | |
P2971 talk covi |
GCatholic church ID | ID of a church on | external-id | 391 | |
P2972 talk covi |
SNAP ID | identifier for an ancient person, in the SNAP project | external-id | 5 | |
P2973 talk covi |
Spenserians person ID | identifier of a person on the site of the Spenserians project | external-id | 1,012 | |
P2974 talk covi |
habitat | the natural environment in which an organism lives, or the physical environment that surrounds a species population | wikibase-item | 79 | |
P2975 talk covi |
hostitel | an organism harboring another organism or organisms on or in itself | wikibase-item | 270 | |
P2976 talk covi |
patronymum nebo matronymum | patronym or matronym based on this given name | wikibase-item | 32 | |
P2977 talk covi |
LBT person ID | identifier of a person, on Lord Byron and his Times website | external-id | 7,487 | |
P2978 talk covi |
uspořádání pojezdu | wheel/axle arrangement for locomotives, railcars and other rolling stock | wikibase-item | 6,643 | |
P2979 talk covi |
maritime identification digits | identifer used by radio communication facilities to identify their home country or base area in messages as part of their Maritime Mobile Service Identities | string | 243 | |
P2980 talk covi |
ARLHS Lighthouse ID | identifier on the ARLHS World List of Lights | external-id | 3,747 | |
P2981 talk covi |
UIC alphabetical country code | alphabetical country code issued by the International Union of Railways | external-id | 68 | |
P2982 talk covi |
UIC numerical country code | numerical country code issued by International Union of Railways | external-id | 69 | |
P2983 talk covi |
UNDP country code | country code by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) | external-id | 6 | |
P2984 talk covi |
Snapchat username | this item's username on Snapchat | external-id | 582 | |
P2985 talk covi |
DSBE ID | identifier in the Diccionario Biográfico del Socialismo Español | external-id | 314 | |
P2986 talk covi |
aircraft registration prefix | national prefix used in civil aircraft registration numbers | external-id | 7 | |
P2987 talk covi |
Taekwondo Data ID | identifier for sportsperson in the Taekwondo Data database | external-id | 1,686 | |
P2988 talk covi |
GOST 7.67 cyrillic | country codes in Cyrillic from the GOST standards committee | external-id | 7 | |
P2989 talk covi |
používá gramatický pád | pád používaný v daném jazyce | má pád | wikibase-item | 96 |
P2990 talk covi |
FIL athlete ID | identifier for sportsperson in the International Luge Federation (FIL) database | external-id | 403 | |
P2991 talk covi |
IBSF athlete ID | identifier for sportsperson in the International Bobsleigh & Skeleton Federation (IBSF) database | external-id | 706 | |
P2992 talk covi |
software quality assurance | quality assurance process in place for a particular software | wikibase-item | 381 | |
P2993 talk covi |
partition coefficient water/octanol | logarithm of the partition coefficient (n-octanol/water) | quantity | 19 | |
P2997 talk covi |
zletilost | threshold of adulthood as recognized or declared in law. Use qualifiers "subject of" to link to item for articles with more detail. Use "start time" or "point in time" for historic data. | quantity | 136 | |
P2998 talk covi |
age of candidacy | minimum age at which a person can legally qualify to hold certain elected government offices | quantity | 18 | |
P2999 talk covi |
legální věk způsobilosti k pohlavnímu styku | youngest age at which a person can legally consent to sexual activity | quantity | 20 | |
P3000 talk covi |
věková hranice pro uzavření manželství | minimum age at which a person is generally allowed by law to marry. Use qualifier "applies to part" (P518), to specify if it applies only to males (Q6581097), females (Q6581072) or both genders (Q27177113) | quantity | 184 | |
P3001 talk covi |
důchodový věk | the age at which most people normally retire from work | quantity | 46 | |
P3002 talk covi |
Untappd brewery ID | numerical identifier for a brewery, in the Untappd database | external-id | 79 | |
P3003 talk covi |
identifikátor zaniklých objektů | identifikátor zaniklých objektů ze | ID | external-id | 2,844 |
P3004 talk covi |
Galiciana work ID | identifier of a work in Galiciana | external-id | 183 | |
P3005 talk covi |
platí v místě | místo, ve kterém je výrok platný | wikibase-item | 958 | |
P3006 talk covi |
Marine Regions Geographic ID | identifier for marine geographic objects, in the database | external-id | 149 | |
P3007 talk covi |
Cadw Monument ID | identifier for a scheduled monument in Wales | external-id | 699 | |
P3008 talk covi |
Australian Heritage Database Place ID | identifier "Place ID" on the Australian Heritage Database | external-id | 624 | |
P3009 talk covi |
Conservatoire du littoral ID | identifier on the Conservatoire du littoral website | external-id | 89 | |
P3010 talk covi |
World Archery athlete ID | identifier for sportsperson in the World Archery database | external-id | 299 | |
P3012 talk covi |
Statistics Canada Geographic code | system by Statistics Canada for categorizing and enumerating the census geographic units of Canada | external-id | 2,843 | |
P3013 talk covi |
povrchové napětí | physical property of liquid | quantity | 21 | |
P3014 talk covi |
použité zákony | právní předpisy, které tvořily podklad pro rozhodnutí či vznik jiného předpisu | aplikované zákony, zákonná úprava | wikibase-item | 2,082 |
P3015 talk covi |
záložní tým nebo skupina | team or crew that is kept ready to act as reserve | záložní skupina, záložní tým | wikibase-item | 80 |
P3016 talk covi |
French national research structure identifier | identifier in the French national research structure repertory | external-id | 3,525 | |
P3017 talk covi |
Rolling Stone artist ID | identifier for an artist (person or group) in Rolling Stone magazine's website | external-id | 1,729 | |
P3018 talk covi |
nachází se v chráněném území | chráněné území, v němž se objekt nachází | CHKO, chráněné území | wikibase-item | 12,905 |
P3019 talk covi |
railway signalling system | type of signalling used on this railway line | wikibase-item | 28 | |
P3020 talk covi |
residence time of water | residence time of water in a lake or sea | quantity | 272 | |
P3021 talk covi |
Iranica ID | identifier of an article, on | external-id | 303 | |
P3022 talk covi |
vlajkonoš | osoba nesoucí vlajku na úvodní nebo závěrečné ceremonii | wikibase-item | 3,572 | |
P3023 talk covi |
Legacies of British Slave-ownership person ID | identifier of a person, in University College London's 'Legacies of British Slave-ownership' project | external-id | 715 | |
P3024 talk covi |
ITU letter code | radiocommunication division of the International Telecommunication Union uses letter codes to identify its member countries | external-id | 195 | |
P3025 talk covi |
otvírací doba | dny v týdnu, kdy je otevřeno | otevřeno v | wikibase-item | 138 |
P3026 talk covi |
closed on | exceptions to open days (P3025), usually special dates. Qualifier with P3025 | wikibase-item | 37 | |
P3027 talk covi |
open period from | qualifier to P3025 (open days) for season when open days apply | wikibase-item | 56 | |
P3028 talk covi |
open period to | qualifier to P3025 (open days) for season when open days apply | wikibase-item | 56 | |
P3029 talk covi |
UK National Archives ID | identifier for a person, family or organisation, in the UK's National Archives database | external-id | 31,478 | |
P3030 talk covi |
partitura | media file containing the musical score (sheet music) for this item | commonsMedia | 34 | |
P3031 talk covi |
EPPO Code | identifier for a taxon in the EPPO Global Database | external-id | 65,688 | |
P3032 talk covi |
sousední budova | building adjacent to the item | wikibase-item | 392 | |
P3033 talk covi |
package management system | package management system used to publish the software | wikibase-item | 120 | |
P3034 talk covi |
Indonesian ethnicity code | code for ethnic groups in Indonesia, defined in Ensiklopedi Suku Bangsa di Indonesia | external-id | 23 | |
P3035 talk covi |
ISBN publisher prefix | part of an ISBN(-13) specific to a publisher | external-id | 1,598 | |
P3036 talk covi |
srážkové maximum | maximum height of snow or rain during an event or space of time | maximální úhrn srážek, největší úhrn srážek, srážky, úhrn srážek, množství srážek, výška srážek | quantity | 8 |
P3037 talk covi |
spatial reference system | frame of reference used to produce a map | wikibase-item | 6 | |
P3038 talk covi |
IWM memorial ID | identifier for a war memorial, in the UK Imperial War Museum's War Memorials Register | external-id | 814 | |
P3039 talk covi |
rozvor | distance between centers of front wheel and rear wheel | quantity | 78 | |
P3040 talk covi |
SoundCloud ID | identifikátor osoby, hudební skupiny, rádiové stanice nebo jiného útvaru na SoundCloudu | external-id | 5,722 | |
P3041 talk covi |
svítivost | measure of the emitted light intensity | quantity | 145 | |
P3042 talk covi |
CageMatch wrestling stable id | identifier for a professional wrestling stable at | external-id | 19 | |
P3043 talk covi |
Scoresway soccer person ID | identifier for a association football (soccer) player, manager or referee at the Scoresway website | external-id | 48,782 | |
P3044 talk covi |
College Football HoF ID | identifier for a person, in the College Football Hall of Fame | external-id | 663 | |
P3045 talk covi |
HanCinema person ID | identifier for a person in the HanCinema database | external-id | 1,753 | |
P3046 talk covi |
ForaDeJogo player ID | identifier for an association football (soccer) player | external-id | 3,567 | |
P3047 talk covi |
TheFinalBall player ID | identifier for an association football (soccer) player | external-id | 6,807 | |
P3048 talk covi | driver ID | identifier of a driver, in the database | external-id | 1,155 | |
P3049 talk covi |
Scottish Football Association player ID | identifier of a player in the records of the Scottish Football Association | external-id | 647 | |
P3050 talk covi |
ID hráče v ČMFS | identifikátor fotbalisty na webu | ČMFS ID hráče, ID hráče | external-id | 804 |
P3051 talk covi |
Kindred Britain ID | identifier of an article, on | external-id | 7,982 | |
P3052 talk covi |
Bloomberg person ID | identifier for a business person, at Bloomberg | external-id | 205 | |
P3053 talk covi |
K League player ID | identifier for an association football (soccer) player, in the official K League database | external-id | 2,069 | |
P3054 talk covi |
Ontario MPP ID | official identifier for a Member of Provincial Parliament of Ontario | external-id | 1,501 | |
P3055 talk covi |
NAQ elected person ID | official identifier of a person elected to the National Assembly of Quebec (NAQ) or one of its predecessors | external-id | 2,346 | |
P3056 talk covi |
Turner Classic Movies person ID | identifier for a person (cast or crew member) in the Turner Classic Movies database | external-id | 1,956 | |
P3057 talk covi |
Charity Commission no. | official number of a charity registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales | external-id | 696 | |
P3058 talk covi |
Architectuurgids architect ID | identifier for an architect in the Dutch database | external-id | 735 | |
P3059 talk covi |
Architectuurgids building ID | unique identifier for a building in the Dutch database | external-id | 363 | |
P3060 talk covi |
ButMoth ID | identifier for a butterfly or moth genus in the UK Natural History Museum's 'Butterflies and Moths of the World' database | external-id | 20,518 | |
P3061 talk covi |
Basisregistratie Instellingen number | register number, issued by the Dutch ministry of Education, given to schools | external-id | 6,436 | |
P3063 talk covi |
březost | doba potřebná pro těhotenství pro tento živočišný taxon | doba březost, období březosti | quantity | 451 |
P3064 talk covi |
LepIndex ID | identifier for a Lepidoptera taxon, in the UK Natural History Museum's 'Global Lepidoptera Names Index' | external-id | 247,998 | |
P3065 talk covi |
RERO ID | identifier in the Library network of Western Switzerland's RERO database | external-id | 3,731 | |
P3066 talk covi |
GLAM Identifier | unique identifier for heritage institutions as they have been used in the context of the OpenGLAM Benchmark Survey | external-id | 1,652 | |
P3067 talk covi |
kód země podle GS1 | první trojčíslí kódu GS1, které zpravidla identifikuje zemi, kde je registrován výrobce | GS1 kód země | string | 45 |
P3068 talk covi |
WIPO ST.3 | World Intellectual Property Organization standard for the two-letter codes of countries and certain organizations | external-id | 233 | |
P3069 talk covi |
UN document symbol | unique number assigned to United Nations documents | external-id | 2,538 | |
P3070 talk covi |
dynamická viskozita | quantity | 34 | ||
P3071 talk covi |
standardní molární entropie | entropy content of one mole of substance under standard conditions (25°C, 1 bar) | quantity | 65 | |
P3072 talk covi |
Storting person ID | identifier for a Norwegian parliamentarian in the official Storting database | external-id | 2,586 | |
P3073 talk covi |
CosIng number | Number for a chemical substance in the European CosIng database | external-id | 205 | |
P3074 talk covi |
Grace's Guide ID | identifier of an article, on | external-id | 2,136 | |
P3075 talk covi |
státní náboženství | official religion in this administrative entity | wikibase-item | 162 | |
P3076 talk covi |
Open Beauty Facts category ID | category on the Open Beauty Facts website | external-id | 7 | |
P3077 talk covi |
Cineplex film ID | identifier for films in the Cineplex database | external-id | 9,308 | |
P3078 talk covi |
standardní slučovací entalpie | change of enthalpy during the formation of 1 mole of the compound from its constituent elements, with all substances in their standard states at 1 bar and 25°C | quantity | 171 | |
P3080 talk covi |
game artist | game artist(s) that produced art assets for a role-playing games, collectible card games, video game, etc. | wikibase-item | 38 | |
P3081 talk covi |
poškozeno | physical items damaged by this event | wikibase-item | 27 | |
P3082 talk covi |
zničeno | physical items destroyed by this event | wikibase-item | 68 | |
P3083 talk covi |
SIMBAD ID | identifier for an astronomical object, in the University of Strasbourg's SIMBAD database | SIMBAD | external-id | 40,328 |
P3085 talk covi |
qualifies for event | this event qualifies for that event | wikibase-item | 647 | |
P3086 talk covi |
nejvyšší dovolená rychlost | maximum speed allowed on a transport route or in a certain area | quantity | 1,973 | |
P3087 talk covi |
fiscal/tax revenue | fiscal revenue of a public entity | quantity | 1,641 | |
P3088 talk covi |
Catalogue of Life in Taiwan ID | identifier (name code) for a taxon in the Catalogue of Life in Taiwan | external-id | 42,180 | |
P3089 talk covi |
Flags of the World ID | identifier for a flag in the Flags of the World database | external-id | 443 | |
P3090 talk covi |
číslo letu | identifier for a specific flight | string | 117 | |
P3091 talk covi |
jezdecké zvíře | stvoření, na kterém subjekt jezdil, např. kůň | wikibase-item | 245 | |
P3092 talk covi |
člen filmového štábu | member of the crew creating an audiovisual work, used for miscellaneous roles qualified with the job title when no specific property exists. Don't use if such a property is available: notably for cast member (P161), director (P57), etc. | wikibase-item | 307 | |
P3093 talk covi |
recovered by | person, organisation or vehicle that recovered the item. Use the most specific value known. | wikibase-item | 34 | |
P3094 talk covi |
develops from | this class of items develops from another class of items | wikibase-item | 29 | |
P3095 talk covi |
praktikováno (kým) | osoba, která se zabývá tímto náboženstvím nebo prací | studuje (kdo) | wikibase-item | 1,272 |
P3096 talk covi |
KML soubor | soubor, který obsahuje relevatní souřadnice | KML, KML Keyhole Markup Language file | wikibase-item | 11,070 |
P3097 talk covi |
ISBN identifier group | ISBN prefix for countries or languages | external-id | 23 | |
P3098 talk covi | Identifier | identifier in the database | external-id | 943 | |
P3099 talk covi |
Internet Bird Collection species ID | identifier for a species of bird, in the Internet Bird Collection database | external-id | 797 | |
P3100 talk covi |
Flora of Australia ID | identifier for a plant taxon, in the Flora of Australia Online | external-id | 387 | |
P3101 talk covi |
FloraBase ID | identifier for a plant taxon, in the Government of Western Australia's FloraBase database | external-id | 14,771 | |
P3102 talk covi |
Plantarium ID | identifier for a plant taxon, in the Plantarium database | external-id | 792 | |
P3103 talk covi |
používá slovesný čas | slovesný čas, který se v daném jazyce používá | gramatický čas, slovesný čas, čas | wikibase-item | 27 |
P3104 talk covi |
Gares & Connexions ID | ID for a railway station on the official website for French railway stations | external-id | 927 | |
P3105 talk covi |
Tela Botanica ID | identifier for a plant taxon in Tela Botanica's 'base des trachéophytes de France métropolitaine' - BDTFX - (Metropolitan France Tracheophyte Database) | external-id | 3,929 | |
P3106 talk covi |
Guardian topic ID | identifier for a topic at the Guardian newspaper website | external-id | 1,605 | |
P3107 talk covi |
LdiF ID | identifier of a film (movie) in the Lexikon des Internationalen Films (Lexicon of International Films) | external-id | 33,201 | |
P3108 talk covi |
Yelp ID | identifier of a place, in | external-id | 512 | |
P3109 talk covi |
Peakbagger mountain ID | identifier for a mountain, on the website | external-id | 4,333 | |
P3110 talk covi |
ISzDb film ID | identifier of a film in the ISzDb (a Hungarian dub database) | external-id | 747 | |
P3111 talk covi |
FEI person ID | identifier of athlete in the FEI database | external-id | 497 | |
P3112 talk covi |
DistroWatch ID | identifier for an operating system at | external-id | 90 | |
P3113 talk |
nemá část | use to claim what the item does not have, limited to things which would often be expected to be present | chybí, neobsahuje část | wikibase-item | 133 |
P3114 talk covi |
ISzDb person ID | identifier of a person in the ISzDb (a Hungarian dub database) | external-id | 444 | |
P3115 talk covi |
ISzDb company ID | identifier of a company in the ISzDb (a Hungarian dub database) | external-id | 26 | |
P3116 talk covi |
ISzDb dub ID | identifier of a dub version for a film in the ISzDb (a Hungarian dub database) | external-id | 7 | |
P3117 talk covi |
Identifikátor DSSTOX | DSSTox substance identifier used in the Environmental Protection Agency CompTox Dashboard | external-id | 36,558 | |
P3118 talk covi |
OpenDomesday settlement ID | Identifier for a British settlement, in the OpenDomesday digitisation of the Domesday Book | external-id | 8,172 | |
P3119 talk covi |
Code for China Reservoir Name | an identifer for Chinese reservoirs | external-id | 542 | |
P3120 talk covi |
TOID | TOpographic IDentifier assigned by the Ordnance Survey to identify a feature in Great Britain | external-id | 23,588 | |
P3121 talk covi |
Epguides ID | identifier for a television programme or series, at | external-id | 649 | |
P3122 talk covi |
OpenDomesday person ID | Identifier for a person, in the OpenDomesday digitisation of the Domesday Book | external-id | 7 | |
P3123 talk covi |
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ID | identifier of a topic in the online Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy | external-id | 813 | |
P3124 talk covi |
Polish scientist ID | identifier for a scientist, in the Polish Government's Information Processing Centre database | external-id | 5,241 | |
P3125 talk covi |
EDRPOU code | Ukrainian state registry legal entity identifier | external-id | 228 | |
P3126 talk covi |
ALCUIN ID | identifier of a philosopher in the ALCUIN Infothek der Scholastik | external-id | 29 | |
P3127 talk covi |
Latindex ID | identifier of a journal in Latindex | external-id | 389 | |
P3128 talk covi |
CiNetMag film ID | identifier for a movie at the Iranian movie database CiNetMag | external-id | 16 | |
P3129 talk covi |
identifikátor filmu | identifier for a movie at the Greek movie database | external-id | 17,800 | |
P3130 talk covi |
NSW Flora ID | identifier for a plant taxon, in the NSW Flora Online | external-id | 6,101 | |
P3131 talk covi |
Redalyc journal ID | identifier of a journal in Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal (Redalyc) | external-id | 85 | |
P3132 talk |
explicit | poslední slova literárního díla | poslední řádek, poslední věta | monolingualtext | 912 |
P3133 talk covi |
NSZL name authority ID | ID of a person or organisation in the "Integral Information System of the National Library" (NEKTÁR) in Hungary | external-id | 37 | |
P3134 talk covi |
TripAdvisor ID | identifier of a place (region, hotel, restaurant, attraction), in TripAdvisor | external-id | 1,525 | |
P3135 talk covi |
elCinema film ID | identifier for a movie at the Egypt movie database elCinema | external-id | 11,013 | |
P3136 talk covi |
elCinema person ID | identifier for a person at the Egypt movie database elCinema | external-id | 5,368 | |
P3137 talk covi |
parent peak | parent is the peak whose territory this peak resides in, based on the contour of the lowest col | wikibase-item | 2,277 | |
P3138 talk covi |
OFDb ID | identifikátor v německé filmové databázi | external-id | 121,557 | |
P3139 talk covi |
SourehCinema film ID | identifier for a movie at the Iranian movie database SourehCinema | external-id | 2,603 | |
P3140 talk covi |
SourehCinema person ID | identifier for a person at the Iranian movie database SourehCinema | external-id | 894 | |
P3141 talk covi |
EDb film ID | identifier for a movie at the Israeli movie database EDb | external-id | 9,908 | |
P3142 talk covi |
EDb person ID | identifier for a person at the Israeli movie database EDb | external-id | 2,675 | |
P3143 talk covi |
identifikátor filmu elFilm | identifier for a movie at the Arabic movie database elFilm | external-id | 127,152 | |
P3144 talk covi |
identifikátor osoby elFilm | identifier for a person at the Egypt movie database elFilm | external-id | 9,860 | |
P3145 talk covi |
identifikátor databáze Sratim | identifikační číslo izraelské filmové databáze Sratim | external-id | 6,909 | |
P3146 talk covi |
CiNetMag person ID | identifier for a person at the Iranian movie database CiNetMag | external-id | 7 | |
P3147 talk covi |
United States Reports ID | ID for US Supreme Court Opinions on OpenJurist website | external-id | 16 | |
P3148 talk covi |
repeals | this document or act repeals that other document or act | wikibase-item | 29 | |
P3149 talk covi |
molecule conformation | qualifier to be used with property "electric dipole moment" (P2201) | wikibase-item | 3 | |
P3150 talk covi |
narozeniny | item for day and month on which the subject was born. Used when full "date of birth" (P569) isn't known. | den narození | wikibase-item | 973 |
P3151 talk covi |
iNaturalist taxon ID | identifier in iNaturalist | external-id | 573,415 | |
P3152 talk covi |
Findsmiley ID | identifier for Danish companies serving food | external-id | 99 | |
P3153 talk covi |
Crossref funder ID | identifier for an organisation that funds research, in the Crossref registry | external-id | 13,499 | |
P3154 talk covi |
Runeberg author ID | Identifier for an author in the Runeberg digital library | external-id | 15,298 | |
P3155 talk covi |
Runeberg book ID | Identifier for book item in the Runeberg digital library collection | external-id | 101 | |
P3156 talk covi |
Australian Classification | rating of an audiovisual work or video game in the Australian Classification system | wikibase-item | 94 | |
P3157 talk covi |
délka závodu | délka trati nějakého závodu či jiné události | délka trati | quantity | 11,029 |
P3158 talk covi |
způsob zakrytování | typ budovy, ve které je objekt umístěn | zastřešení | wikibase-item | 30 |
P3159 talk covi |
UGentMemorialis ID | identifier for a professor at the Ghent University | external-id | 1,819 | |
P3160 talk covi |
Minnesota legislator ID | official identifier for a Minnesota legislator | external-id | 546 | |
P3161 talk covi |
používá slovesný způsob | slovesný způsob, který se používá v daném jazyce | slovesný způsob, způsob | wikibase-item | 39 |
P3162 talk covi |
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an inductee (individual or group), in the US Rock & Roll Hall of Fame | external-id | 346 | |
P3163 talk covi |
Scottish Charity number | official number of a charity registered with the Scottish Charity Regulator | external-id | 58 | |
P3165 talk covi |
ID koně v Horsetelex | identifikátor koně v databázi Horsetelex | Horsetelex ID | external-id | 1,790 |
P3166 talk covi |
Webpedigrees ID | identifier for a horse on Webpedigrees database | external-id | 19 | |
P3167 talk covi |
ID koně podle Allbreedpedigree | identifikátor koně v databázi Allbreedpedigree | external-id | 33 | |
P3168 talk covi |
ID koně podle Sporthorse | identifikátor koně v databázi | Sporthorse ID | external-id | 4,792 |
P3169 talk covi |
ID koně podle Harasire | identifikátor koně ve francouzské oficiální databázi Harasire | external-id | 338 | |
P3170 talk covi |
Cultural Heritage Armenia ID | An identifier for cultural object in Armenia | external-id | 18,921 | |
P3171 talk covi |
ID sportovce podle MOV | identifikátor osoby v databázi sportovců na, oficiálním webu Mezinárodního olympijského výboru | IOC ID sportovce, MOV ID sportovce, ID | external-id | 18,842 |
P3172 talk covi |
World Bridge Federation ID | identifier for a bridge player, issued by the World Bridge Federation | external-id | 258 | |
P3173 talk covi |
offers view on | things, places another place offers views on | wikibase-item | 202 | |
P3174 talk covi |
art director | person credited as the art director/artistic director of this work | wikibase-item | 343 | |
P3175 talk covi |
Statoids ID | identifier for a place in the Statoids wiki | external-id | 251 | |
P3176 talk covi |
zmiňuje vlastnosti | vlastnosti Wikidat použité, diskutované nebo jinak analyzované v díle | použité vlastnosti | wikibase-property | 91 |
P3177 talk covi |
Patrimonio Web JCyL ID | identifier of a building or site in Patrimonio Web of Junta de Castilla y León | external-id | 858 | |
P3178 talk covi |
Zaragoza monument ID | ID of a monument catalogued in | external-id | 70 | |
P3179 talk covi |
territory overlaps | part or all of the area associated with (this) entity overlaps part or all of the area associated with that entity | wikibase-item | 763 | |
P3180 talk covi |
Identifikátor Visual Novel Database | identifikátor položky na | VNDB ID | external-id | 701 |
P3181 talk covi |
OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID | identifier for an article or publication, in the OpenCitations Corpus | external-id | 246,091 | |
P3182 talk covi |
FANTOIR code | unique code to identify French thoroughfares and places | external-id | 7,406 | |
P3183 talk covi |
WSJ topic ID | identifier for a topic, at the Wall Street Journal website | external-id | 109 | |
P3184 talk covi |
číslo České národní bibliografie | identifikátor knihy v České národní knihovně | číslo knihy České národní bibliografie, čČNB | external-id | 347 |
P3185 talk covi |
uživatelské jméno na VK | identifier for a person or organization in VKontakte | external-id | 2,712 | |
P3186 talk covi |
TAXREF ID | identifier for a biological taxon in TAXREF, the national taxonomic reference for fauna, flora and Fungi of metropolitan France and overseas developed by the National Museum of Natural History | external-id | 153,401 | |
P3187 talk covi |
Marburger Professorenkatalog ID | identifier for a professor, in the Marburger Professorenkatalog of professors at the Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany | external-id | 574 | |
P3189 talk covi |
innervated by | nerves which innervate this anatomical structure | wikibase-item | 144 | |
P3190 talk covi |
innervates | anatomical structures innervated by this nerve | wikibase-item | 76 | |
P3191 talk covi |
IMIS person ID | identifier for a person in IMIS, database of Flanders Marine Institute | external-id | 379 | |
P3192 talk covi |
Identifikátor hudby | identifier for an artist, group or work, on | external-id | 9,722 | |
P3193 talk covi |
GS1 Manufacturer code | codes for a company or organisation, used in GS1 barcodes (note UPC prefixes are GS1 prefixes that start with "0", without the leading "0") | external-id | 4 | |
P3194 talk covi |
INA video ID | identifier of a video on the INA website | external-id | 47 | |
P3195 talk covi |
league points system | point system of an e.g. sports league | wikibase-item | 351 | |
P3196 talk covi |
USGS earthquake ID | identifier for an earthquake or other seismic event, in the United States Geological Survey database | external-id | 794 | |
P3197 talk covi |
Federal Heritage Buildings ID (Canada) | identifier of a building designated by the Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office of Canada | external-id | 648 | |
P3198 talk covi |
JewishGen Locality ID | identifier of a town in The JewishGen Communities Database | external-id | 308 | |
P3199 talk covi |
charity number (Isle of Man) | Charity number of a charity or charitable organisation registered on the Isle of Man | external-id | 3 | |
P3200 talk covi |
Northern Ireland charity number | official number of a charity registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland | external-id | 4 | |
P3201 talk covi |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities ID | identifier in the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities | external-id | 5 | |
P3202 talk covi |
UAI code | official identifier of a French educational establishment | external-id | 615 | |
P3203 talk covi |
Ciné-Ressources film ID | page of a movie on the website "Ciné-Ressources" | external-id | 13,461 | |
P3204 talk covi |
Ciné-Ressources person ID | page of a person on the website "Ciné-Ressources" | external-id | 334 | |
P3205 talk covi |
patient of | was treated or studied as a patient by this person | wikibase-item | 29 | |
P3206 talk covi | org ID | identifier of an organization on the French national open-data platform | external-id | 351 | |
P3207 talk covi |
Vine user ID | ID of the Vine account of a person or organisation | external-id | 58 | |
P3208 talk covi |
New General Catalogue ID | identifier for an astronomical object, on the New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars, or its supplements | external-id | 7,258 | |
P3209 talk covi |
Heritage Railway Station of Canada ID | identifier of the Heritage Railway Station designated by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada | external-id | 167 | |
P3211 talk covi |
Heritage Lighthouse of Canada ID | identifier of the Heritage Lighthouse designated by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada | external-id | 98 | |
P3212 talk covi |
ISAN | unique identifier for audiovisual works and related versions, similar to ISBN for books | external-id | 28,518 | |
P3213 talk covi |
Indian census area code (2001) | code used for an area for calculations in the 2001 census of India | external-id | 40,428 | |
P3215 talk covi |
SIRET number | number of a French establishment or company | external-id | 335 | |
P3216 talk covi |
ClassInd rating | rating of an audiovisual work, video game or RPG in the Brazilian Advisory Rating System (ClassInd) | wikibase-item | 1,024 | |
P3217 talk covi |
Dictionary of Swedish National Biography | entry in the Dictionary of Swedish National Biography | external-id | 7,903 | |
P3218 talk covi |
Auñamendi ID | identifier of an item in Auñamendi Encyclopaedia | external-id | 5,001 | |
P3219 talk covi |
Encyclopædia Universalis ID | identifer for an article in the online version of Encyclopædia Universalis | external-id | 32,645 | |
P3220 talk covi |
KvK company ID | identifier of a company in the KvK Business Register | external-id | 155 | |
P3221 talk covi |
NYT topic ID | identifier for a topic, at the New York Times' website | external-id | 2,486 | |
P3222 talk covi | ID | ID of article on the Swedish Nationalencyklopedin ( site | external-id | 31,620 | |
P3223 talk covi |
Online List of Lights ID | identifier in the Online List of Lights database | external-id | 2,370 | |
P3224 talk covi |
NAICS code | classification in the North American Industry Classification System | external-id | 15 | |
P3225 talk covi |
Corporate Number (Japan) | identifier assigned to companies and other organizations registered in Japan by the National Tax Agency of Japan | external-id | 32,849 | |
P3226 talk covi |
HAS member ID | ID of the data-sheet of members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Q265058) | external-id | 158 | |
P3227 talk covi |
Cultural Heritage Kosovo ID | identifier for a cultural object in Kosovo | external-id | 1,418 | |
P3228 talk covi |
Schläfli symbol | notation that defines regular polytopes and tessellations | string | 152 | |
P3229 talk covi |
South Dakota legislator ID | official identifier for a South Dakota legislator | external-id | 72 | |
P3230 talk covi |
SCAR Composite Gazetteer place ID | identifier in the international composite gazetteer for Antarctica run by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research | external-id | 18,799 | |
P3231 talk covi |
Mediaarts-DB ID | identifier on the site | external-id | 103 | |
P3232 talk covi |
PhilPapers author ID | identifier for authors of papers on PhilPapers | external-id | 218 | |
P3233 talk covi |
PhilPeople profile | an identifier for user profiles on PhilPeople | external-id | 35 | |
P3234 talk covi |
Library of Congress Cultural Heritage Organizations | a system of classification for Cultural Heritage Organizations developed by the Library of Congress. | external-id | 13 | |
P3235 talk covi |
PhilPapers topic | An identifier for topics on PhilPapers | external-id | 219 | |
P3236 talk covi |
PhilPapers publication ID | an identifier for publications (journals) on PhilPapers | external-id | 244 | |
P3237 talk covi |
KU Leuven person ID | identifier for a person in the Who's Who database of the Catholic University of Leuven | external-id | 153 | |
P3238 talk covi |
meziměstská předvolba | číslice, které je nutno navolit před telefonním číslem pro indikaci meziměstského hovoru | string | 133 | |
P3240 talk covi |
NBN System Key | identifier of a taxon in the National Biodiversity Network (UK) | external-id | 86,760 | |
P3241 talk covi |
Catholic Encyclopedia ID | page of an article on | external-id | 8,230 | |
P3242 talk covi |
SIC code | U.S. Standard Industrial Classification number | external-id | 14 | |
P3243 talk covi |
OKVED 1.1 code of the economic activity | economic activity code according to Russian classification ОК 029-2007 | external-id | 35 | |
P3245 talk covi |
OKPD code of the good or service | product code in the Russian classification "OKPD" ОК 034-2007 (КПЕС 2002) | external-id | 184 | |
P3246 talk covi |
OKVED 2 code of the economic activity | economic activity code according to Russian classification ОК 029-2014 | external-id | 7 | |
P3248 talk covi |
OKP ID of the good or service | numeric ID of this group or kind of goods according to OK 005-93 "Russian classification of products" | external-id | 115 | |
P3250 talk covi |
OKPD2 code of the good or service | product code in the Russian classification "OKPD2" ОК 034-2014 (КПЕС 2008) | external-id | 164 | |
P3251 talk covi |
minimum viable temperature | lowest operating temperature where the culturing of micro-organisms and/or enzyme activity occurs | quantity | 6 | |
P3252 talk covi |
maximum viable temperature | highest operating temperature where the culturing of micro-organisms and/or enzyme activity occurs | quantity | 6 | |
P3253 talk covi |
optimum viable temperature | the operating temperature where the culturing of micro-organisms and/or enzyme activity thrives best | quantity | 10 | |
P3254 talk covi |
diskuse o návrhu vlastnosti | URL stránky (nebo její části), na které proběhla diskuse o zavedení dané vlastnosti | url | 5,816 | |
P3256 talk covi |
Cave E-Cadastre ID | ID in the Cave E-Cadastre of Slovenia | external-id | 72 | |
P3257 talk covi |
Queensland place ID | identifier of place, in the official Queensland Government gazetteer | external-id | 3,485 | |
P3258 talk covi |
LiveJournal ID | username of a person or organisation, on LiveJournal | external-id | 1,484 | |
P3259 talk covi |
intangible cultural heritage status | status of an item that is designated as intangible heritage | wikibase-item | 311 | |
P3260 talk covi |
points awarded | points awarded to the winning person or team for a win, draw, tie or loss. If no points are awarded for some category of finish (e.g. loss) use value 0 not no value. | quantity | 20 | |
P3261 talk covi |
anatomical branch of | main stem of this blood vessel, lymphatic vessel or nerve | wikibase-item | 209 | |
P3262 talk covi |
has anatomical branch | branches of this blood vessel, lymphatic vessel or nerve | wikibase-item | 65 | |
P3263 talk covi |
podstava | configuration of a polytop vertices around the symmetry axis | wikibase-item | 114 | |
P3264 talk covi |
základ | počet číslic poziční číselné soustavy | báze | wikibase-item | 56 |
P3265 talk covi |
Identifikátor MySpace | identifikátor uživatele na stránkách MySpace | MySpace ID | external-id | 17,398 |
P3266 talk covi |
LocFDD ID | Library of Congress Format Description Document ID | external-id | 468 | |
P3267 talk covi |
Flickr user ID | identifier for a person or organisation, with an account at Flickr | external-id | 792 | |
P3268 talk covi |
PORT organization URL | URL of an organization (venue, band, etc.) in the PORT-network database | url | 5 | |
P3269 talk covi | ID | Identifier for a photographer, in the Dutch database | external-id | 1,861 | |
P3270 talk covi |
compulsory education (minimum age) | minimum age for children when compulsory education starts. Qualifiers: "subject of" to link to more detail. If applicable, use qualifier P31 with value "varies by state/province" (Q27145860). Use "start time" or "point in time" for historic data. | quantity | 45 | |
P3271 talk covi |
compulsory education (maximum age) | maximum age for children when compulsory education ends. Qualifiers: "subject of" to link to more detail. If applicable, use qualifier P31 with value "varies by state/province" (Q27145860). Use "start time" or "point in time" for historic data. | quantity | 44 | |
P3272 talk covi |
Zeri image ID | number in the Zeriimages database | external-id | 19 | |
P3273 talk covi |
Actorenregister ID | unique identifier in the Dutch Actorenregister database | external-id | 295 | |
P3274 talk covi |
content deliverer | third party service (e.g. Google Books, Internet Archive, etc.) that made the content available where it was accessed | wikibase-item | 20,911 | |
P3275 talk covi |
storyboard artist | person credited as the storyboard artist of this work | wikibase-item | 111 | |
P3276 talk covi |
Angel List ID | profile of a person or organisation on Angel List | external-id | 46 | |
P3277 talk covi |
KANTL member ID | identifier for a member of the Royal Academy of Dutch language and literature | external-id | 326 | |
P3279 talk covi |
statistical leader | leader of a sports tournament in one of statistical qualities (points, assists, rebounds etc.). Don't use for overall winner. Use a qualifier to link to the item about the quality. | wikibase-item | 2,009 | |
P3280 talk covi |
BanQ author ID | identifier for an author in the Bibilothèque et Archives du Québec (BanQ) | external-id | 2,754 | |
P3281 talk covi |
French National Assembly Lobbyist ID | identifier of an individual lobbyist or lobbying organisation, at the French National Assembly | external-id | 208 | |
P3283 talk covi |
Bandcamp ID | identifier for an artist (person or group) or record label, in the Bandcamp database | external-id | 1,279 | |
P3284 talk covi |
Identifikátor Yahoo! Japan Talent Database | identifikační číslo osoby v Yahoo! Japan Talent Database | Yahoo! Japan Talent Database ID | external-id | 11,426 |
P3285 talk covi |
Mathematics Subject Classification ID | identifier of the same topic in the Mathematics Subject Classification (2010) | external-id | 163 | |
P3286 talk covi |
Squash Info player ID | identifier on the website | external-id | 904 | |
P3288 talk covi |
World Spider Catalog ID | identifier of a taxon in the World Spider Catalog | external-id | 50,509 | |
P3289 talk covi |
Cellosaurus ID | Cellosaurus cell line identifier | external-id | 107,578 | |
P3290 talk covi |
biography at the Landtag of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | link to the biography pages at the Landtag of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | external-id | 77 | |
P3291 talk covi |
DocCheck Flexikon En ID | Identifier for an article in the English section of DocCheck Flexikon wiki | external-id | 6 | |
P3292 talk covi |
DocCheck Flexikon De ID | Identifier for an article in the German section of the DocCheck wiki | external-id | 50 | |
P3293 talk covi |
BALaT image ID | identifier for images in the Photo Library database of BALaT (Belgian Art Links & Tools), maintained by KIK-IRPA, Belgium's Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage. | external-id | 898 | |
P3294 talk covi |
encoding | encoding according to which a code is to be interpreted (use only as a qualifier) | wikibase-item | 207 | |
P3295 talk covi |
kód | code used to represent a specific concept in a given encoding | string | 67 | |
P3296 talk covi |
kód DRÚSOP | identifikátor Digitálního registru Ústředního seznamu ochrany přírody (DRÚSOP) | external-id | 5,370 | |
P3297 talk covi |
Flemish Parliament person ID | identifier for a person on the website of the Flemish Parliament | external-id | 922 | |
P3298 talk covi |
Belgian Senate person ID | identifier for a person on the website of the Belgian Senate | external-id | 331 | |
P3299 talk covi |
student register of the University of Helsinki ID (1640–1852) | ID in the online student register of the University of Helsinki 1640–1852. Format: numbers below ca. 20000, see P3325 for higher numbers | external-id | 74 | |
P3300 talk covi |
dirigent | the person who directs a musical group, orchestra or chorus | wikibase-item | 1,775 | |
P3301 talk |
vysíláno společností | odkazuje na televizní nebo rozhlasovou společnost, která vysílá uvedený program či pořad | rozhlas, rozhlasová stanice, televize, televizní program, televizní stanice | wikibase-item | 630 |
P3302 talk covi |
Open Media Database film ID | Identifier for a movie at the Open Movie Database | external-id | 38,212 | |
P3303 talk covi |
third-party formatter URL | URI template from which "$1" can be automatically replaced with the effective property value on items; for sites other than the primary issuing body of the identifier concerned | string | 122 | |
P3304 talk covi |
NGS pumping station ID | identifier for a pumping station described on the website of the Nederlandse Gemalen Stichting | external-id | 40 | |
P3305 talk covi |
Identifikátor osoby KINENOTE | identifikační číslo osoby ve filmové databázi KINENOTE | KINENOTE ID osoby | external-id | 5,475 |
P3306 talk covi |
ICAA rating | rating in the Spanish motion picture content rating system | wikibase-item | 2,115 | |
P3307 talk covi |
Galiciana Author ID | identifier of an author in Galiciana | external-id | 184 | |
P3308 talk covi | ID | ID for 'Things' (review subjects) on | external-id | 127 | |
P3309 talk covi |
SummitPost mountain ID | identifer of a mountain on SummitPost | external-id | 1,109 | |
P3310 talk covi |
muscle action | action a muscle engages in | wikibase-item | 145 | |
P3311 talk covi |
plan view image | image representing the plan of a building or place | commonsMedia | 347 | |
P3314 talk covi |
365chess ID | identifikátor šachisty na | ID, ID | external-id | 11,038 |
P3315 talk covi |
chesstempo ID | identifikátor šachisty na | ID, ID | external-id | 390 |
P3316 talk covi |
ICCF ID | identifikátor šachisty na | ID, ID | external-id | 791 |
P3318 talk covi |
Patrimonio Inmueble de Andalucía ID | identifier for a cultural heritage item in the Patrimonio Inmueble de Andalucía database (BDI) | external-id | 497 | |
P3320 talk covi |
člen správní rady | member(s) of the board for the organization | wikibase-item | 384 | |
P3321 talk covi |
mužská varianta štítku | mužská podoba názvu nějaké entity | monolingualtext | 1,494 | |
P3322 talk covi |
Vlinderstichting-ID | identifier for lepidoptera species in the vlinderstichting database | external-id | 963 | |
P3323 talk covi |
opponent during disputation | participant in the defense of a doctoral thesis | wikibase-item | 34 | |
P3324 talk covi | ID | external-id | 1,653 | ||
P3325 talk covi |
student register of the University of Helsinki ID (1853–1899) | ID in the online student register of the University of Helsinki 1853–1899. Format: numbers above ca. 20000, see P3299 for lower numbers | external-id | 271 | |
P3326 talk covi |
World Waterfall Database ID | Waterfall ID in the World Waterfall Database | external-id | 570 | |
P3327 talk covi |
Réserves naturelles de France ID | external-id | 351 | ||
P3328 talk covi | measure ID | concept in the Ontology of units of Measure and related concepts (OM) 1.8 of | external-id | 589 | |
P3329 talk covi |
CIViC variant ID | Identifier used in the CIViC database to identify specific variant | external-id | 1,730 | |
P3330 talk covi | ID | ID of a fashion model on the website | external-id | 506 | |
P3331 talk covi |
HGVS nomenclature | Sequence Variant Nomenclature from the Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS) | external-id | 844 | |
P3332 talk covi |
ACM Digital Library citation ID | unique identifier for a bibliographic record in the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Digital Library | external-id | 347 | |
P3333 talk covi |
ACM Digital Library event ID | unique identifier of an event or conference series of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | external-id | 8 | |
P3335 talk covi |
hazard on site | hazards that one may encounter in this place, on this thoroughfare | wikibase-item | 12 | |
P3337 talk covi |
generation time | average time from one generation to another within the same population | quantity | 3 | |
P3338 talk covi |
Encyclopedia of Surfing ID | ID for a person, a surfing spot, a subject in the Encyclopedia of Surfing | external-id | 342 | |
P3339 talk covi |
World Surf League ID | identifier for a surfer on the World Surf League website | external-id | 231 | |
P3340 talk covi |
Kvikmyndir film ID | identifier of a film (movie) in the Icelandic film database | external-id | 3,021 | |
P3341 talk covi |
Kvikmyndir person ID | identifier of a person in the Icelandic film database | external-id | 15 | |
P3342 talk covi |
významná osoba | osoba, která je důležitá ve vztahu k danému tématu | wikibase-item | 1,376 | |
P3343 talk covi | ID | identifier of this legislation on the website | external-id | 6 | |
P3344 talk covi |
Vote Smart ID | identifies candidates in US elections for national and state government within Project Vote Smart's database | external-id | 3,691 | |
P3345 talk covi |
RxNorm CUI | Identifier for the normalized clinical drug dictionary of the Unified Medical Language System | external-id | 8,954 | |
P3346 talk covi |
HKMDb person ID | identifier for a person, in the Hong Kong Movie Database | external-id | 1,946 | |
P3347 talk covi |
PermID | identifier for an entity or concept, in Thomson Reuters Open PermID | external-id | 5,111 | |
P3348 talk covi |
National Library of Greece ID | authority ID from the National Library of Greece Authority Records | external-id | 14,862 | |
P3349 talk covi |
navržen k převážení | what the vehicle or class of vehicles is or was designed to carry | wikibase-item | 118 | |
P3350 talk covi |
WHO international non-proprietary names ID | a numeric ID for the WHO international non-proprietary drug names collection | external-id | 86 | |
P3351 talk covi |
Adult Film Database actor ID | ID for an actor in the Adult Film Database | external-id | 2,317 | |
P3352 talk covi |
musipedia tune ID | identification of tune in musipedia database | external-id | 111 | |
P3353 talk covi |
National Recreation Trails Database ID | indentifier for a trail in the United States' National Recreation Trails Database | external-id | 306 | |
P3354 talk covi |
positive therapeutic predictor | the presence of the genetic variant helps to predict response to a treatment | wikibase-item | 466 | |
P3355 talk covi |
negative therapeutic predictor | the presence of the genetic variant helps to predict no response or resistance to a treatment | wikibase-item | 365 | |
P3356 talk covi |
positive diagnostic predictor | the presence of the genetic variant helps to diagnose the presence of disease, used as inclusion criteria | wikibase-item | 80 | |
P3357 talk covi |
negative diagnostic predictor | the presence of the genetic variant helps to diagnose the absence of disease, used as exclusion criteria | wikibase-item | 12 | |
P3358 talk covi |
positive prognostic predictor | the presence of the genetic variant helps to prognose good outcome for the disease | wikibase-item | 59 | |
P3359 talk covi |
negative prognostic predictor | the presence of the genetic variant helps to prognose poor outcome for the disease | wikibase-item | 169 | |
P3360 talk covi |
Nobel Prize People Nomination ID | identifier for a person who nominated someone, or who was nominated, for a Nobel Prize | external-id | 3,590 | |
P3361 talk covi |
PictoRight ID code | code to identify members of the Dutch collective rights management organisation PictoRight and sister organisations worldwide | external-id | 3,301 | |
P3362 talk covi |
provozní zisk | private entity operating income | quantity | 717 | |
P3363 talk covi |
Tennis Hall of Fame player ID | International Tennis Hall of Fame | external-id | 258 | |
P3364 talk covi |
stereoisomer of | target item is a stereoisomer of this one | wikibase-item | 267 | |
P3365 talk covi |
Encyklopedie Treccani ID | identifier for the Treccani website | external-id | 9,095 | |
P3366 talk covi |
GECD person ID | identifier of a person in the German Early Cinema Database | external-id | 170 | |
P3367 talk covi |
GECD film ID | identifier of a film (movie) in the German Early Cinema Database | external-id | 844 | |
P3368 talk covi |
Prabook ID | identifier of a person in the Prabook database | external-id | 320 | |
P3370 talk covi |
Géopatronyme ID | identifier of a family name in the Géopatronyme database | external-id | 146 | |
P3371 talk covi |
Observatoire du Patrimoine Religieux ID | ID for religious buildings on the OPR website | external-id | 28,852 | |
P3372 talk covi |
Auckland Art Gallery artist ID | identifier assigned to an artist by the Auckland Art Gallery in New Zealand | external-id | 2,770 | |
P3373 talk covi |
sourozenec | the subject has the object as their sibling (brother, sister, etc.). Use "relative" (P1038) for siblings-in-law (brother-in-law, sister-in-law, etc.) and step-siblings (step-brothers, step-sisters, etc.) | bratr, bratři, sestra, sestry, sourozenci | wikibase-item | 98,056 |
P3374 talk |
endianita | order of the bytes that compose a digital word in computer memory | wikibase-item | 66 | |
P3375 talk covi |
GECD Firmen-ID | identifier of a film company in the German Early Cinema Database | external-id | 4 | |
P3376 talk covi |
Enterprise number (Belgium) | Identifier from Crossroads Bank for Belgian Enterprises | external-id | 353 | |
P3377 talk covi |
Bloomberg company ID | identifier for a company, in the Bloomberg database | external-id | 220 | |
P3378 talk covi |
Merck Index reaction ID | identifier for a chemical reaction, in the Merck Index | external-id | 11 | |
P3379 talk covi |
Model Manual ID | identifier for a fashion model in the 'New York' magazine database | external-id | 568 | |
P3380 talk covi |
FAO 2007 genetic resource ID | (constructed) ID of a domestic animal species or breed in the FAO Animal Genetic ressources report 2007 breed | external-id | 228 | |
P3381 talk covi |
File Format Wiki page ID | identifier on the "Just Solve the File Format Problem"/File Format(s) wiki | external-id | 2,707 | |
P3382 talk covi |
GeneDB ID | gene identifier in GeneDB | external-id | 211,621 | |
P3383 talk covi |
filmový plakát | poster used to promote and advertise this film (if file is available on Commons). Use P154 for logos, P18 for movie stills and related images. Items about film posters can be linked with the qualifier "subject of" (P805). | commonsMedia | 561 | |
P3385 talk covi |
Japan Sumo Association ID | identifier of a person in the Japan Sumo Association database | external-id | 384 | |
P3386 talk covi |
French Sculpture Census work ID | identifier of a sculpture in the French Sculpture Census | external-id | 5 | |
P3387 talk covi |
minimum frequency of audible sound | minimum frequency of audible sound for this species | quantity | 15 | |
P3388 talk covi |
LittleSis people ID | entry in the LittleSis who-knows-who of government and business database | external-id | 5 | |
P3389 talk covi |
Royal Swedish Academy of Letters member ID | identifier in the list of members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities | external-id | 1,386 | |
P3390 talk covi |
Consolidated code of the electronic catalog of libraries of Belarus | Belarus library catalog code | external-id | 9 | |
P3391 talk covi |
Verkhovna Rada MP ID | identifier for a member of Verkhovna Rada (Parliament of Ukraine) on the official website | external-id | 477 | |
P3392 talk covi |
Surman ID | identifier of a record, in the Surman Index of British nonconformist ministers | external-id | 1,147 | |
P3393 talk covi |
LittleSis organisation ID | organisation in the LittleSis who-knows-who of government and business database | external-id | 5 | |
P3394 talk covi |
Finnish Lake ID | ID for a lake in the Järviwiki database of Finnish lakes over 1 ha in extent. | external-id | 10,989 | |
P3395 talk covi |
srdeční rytmus | speed of the heartbeat measured by the number of contractions of the heart per minute (bpm) | quantity | 15 | |
P3396 talk covi |
French Catholic Church structure ID | identifier of a structure in the guide of the French Catholic Church, edited by the Bishops' Conference of France | external-id | 121 | |
P3397 talk covi |
Guide of the French Church person ID | identifier of a person in the guide of the French Catholic Church, edited by the Bishops' Conference of France | external-id | 131 | |
P3398 talk covi |
Butterflies and Moths of North America ID | identifier for taxa in the "Butterflies and Moths of North America" database | external-id | 7,379 | |
P3399 talk covi |
JTWC tropical cyclone ID | identifier for a tropical cyclone, issued by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center | external-id | 7 | |
P3400 talk covi |
CORDIS Project ID | unique identifier for research projects funded by the European Commission, in the CORDIS database. | external-id | 117 | |
P3401 talk covi | ID | identifier for an American wilderness area in the database | external-id | 770 | |
P3402 talk covi |
CNC film rating (Romania) | rating of a movie in the Romanian content rating system | wikibase-item | 1,658 | |
P3403 talk covi |
shodné území jako | objekt má stejné hranice s jiným objektem, identické území | koexistuje, stejné území jako | wikibase-item | 685 |
P3404 talk covi |
The Vogue List ID | identifier for an actor of the fashion scene in the database maintained by Vogue Paris | external-id | 392 | |
P3405 talk covi |
Nederlands Soortenregister ID | identifier for a taxon in the Nederlands Soortenregister, a database of taxa in the Netherlands by Naturalis Biodiversity Center | external-id | 56,037 | |
P3406 talk covi |
Saccharomyces Genome Database ID | identifier for a genetic element in the Saccharomyces Genome Database | external-id | 12,353 | |
P3407 talk covi |
Klosterdatenbank ID | entry in the Germania Sacra Klosterdatenbank | external-id | 2,602 | |
P3408 talk covi |
FINA athlete ID | identifier for swimmers from the International Swimming Federation | external-id | 820 | |
P3409 talk covi |
Catalogus Professorum Lipsiensis ID | biographical entry in the University of Leipzig catalog of professors | external-id | 1,403 | |
P3410 talk covi |
Clergy of the Church of England database ID | identifier for people in the Church of England database, covering English clergy from 1540–1835 | external-id | 1,400 | |
P3411 talk covi |
Saxon Academy of Sciences member ID | identifier in the members' database of the Saxon Academy of Sciences | external-id | 906 | |
P3412 talk covi |
Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators ID (Protected areas) | identifier of a protected area of Canada used by the Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators | external-id | 1,120 | |
P3413 talk covi |
Leopoldina member ID | identifier in the members' database of the Leopoldina – German Academy of Sciences | external-id | 3,196 | |
P3414 talk covi |
Yle Areena ID | program or series ID of Yle Areena service | external-id | 377 | |
P3415 talk covi |
start period | initial period in which the statement is valid (including the period-value) | wikibase-item | 132 | |
P3416 talk covi |
end period | last period in which the statement is still valid (including the period-value) | wikibase-item | 76 | |
P3417 talk covi |
identifikátor tématu Quora | identifikátor tématu v anglické jazykové verzi portálu Quora | external-id | 175,996 | |
P3418 talk covi |
Google Play Store App ID | package name of an app registered on Google Play | external-id | 580 | |
P3419 talk covi |
kód základní sídelní jednotky podle RÚIAN | šestimístný identifikátor základních sídelních jednotek v Česku a na Slovensku | kód ZSJ, kód zsj | external-id | 407 |
P3420 talk covi |
Calflora ID | identifier for a taxon in Calflora | external-id | 10,462 | |
P3421 talk covi |
Belvedere artist ID | identifier assigned to an artist by the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere in Vienna | external-id | 1,681 | |
P3422 talk covi |
INSEE countries and foreign territories code | French identifier for countries and foreign territories | external-id | 264 | |
P3423 talk covi |
Identifikátor INSEE pro francouzský arrondissement | Identifikátor francouzského arrondissementu | external-id | 355 | |
P3424 talk covi |
číslo v polském registru památek | reference in a Polish cultural heritage register | external-id | 65,259 | |
P3425 talk covi |
Natura 2000 site ID | identifier for protected areas within the Natura 2000 network of the European Union | external-id | 8,614 | |
P3426 talk covi |
ArbetSam ID | identifier in Working Life Museums Co-operation Council's database of working-life museums in Sweden (Arbetslivsmuseer) | external-id | 1,421 | |
P3427 talk covi | athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on | external-id | 6,434 | |
P3428 talk covi |
INCAA film rating | rating of a movie in the Argentinian content rating system | wikibase-item | 373 | |
P3429 talk covi |
Electronic Enlightenment ID | identifier in the Electronic Enlightenment database | external-id | 3,350 | |
P3430 talk covi |
ID ve SNAC Ark | identifikátor v databázi SNAC | external-id | 129,171 | |
P3431 talk covi |
Publons Publication ID | Publons is a website where academics share pre-publication and post-publication peer reviews. Any article with a DOI can have a Publons Publication ID, which can then link to a page showing the peer review history of the publication. | external-id | 38 | |
P3432 talk covi |
parent cell line | closest parent cell line of the cell line in question | wikibase-item | 17,260 | |
P3433 talk covi |
biological variant of | a variant of a physical biological entity (e.g., gene sequence, protein sequence, epigenetic mark) | wikibase-item | 1,815 | |
P3434 talk covi |
ERIH PLUS ID | identifier of a journal in ERIH PLUS | external-id | 183 | |
P3435 talk covi |
Identifikátor umělce na VGMdb | identifikátor pro hudebníka nebo hudební skupinu na Video Game Music database | VGMdb ID umělce | external-id | 1,744 |
P3436 talk covi |
AELG ID | identifier for a writer in the Galician Writers Association website | external-id | 525 | |
P3437 talk covi |
people or cargo transported | the type of passengers or cargo a vehicle actually carries/carried | wikibase-item | 66 | |
P3438 talk covi |
obvykle užívané vozidlo | vehicle the subject normally uses | obvykle používané vozidlo, používané vozidlo, užívané vozidlo | wikibase-item | 650 |
P3439 talk covi |
úhlové rozlišení | rozlišení optického přístroje | quantity | 38 | |
P3440 talk covi |
time signature | specification of beats in a musical bar or measure | wikibase-item | 27 | |
P3441 talk covi |
kód země podle FIFA | trojpísmenný kód země používaný organizací FIFA | string | 1,434 | |
P3442 talk covi |
balíček Debian stable | name of the official Debian stable package | external-id | 1,374 | |
P3443 talk covi |
Victorian Heritage Database ID | identifier for a heritage location, in Australia's Victorian Heritage Database | external-id | 672 | |
P3444 talk covi |
eBird taxon ID | identifier for a species or subspecies, in the eBird database | external-id | 12,816 | |
P3445 talk covi |
Cinema of Israel ID | Identifier number in "Cinema of Israel" website | external-id | 880 | |
P3446 talk covi |
FIDAL ID | identifier for athletes in the Italian Athletics Federation (FIDAL) database and website | external-id | 600 | |
P3447 talk covi |
mirrors data from | the website automatically crawls or mirrors another website as its data source | wikibase-item | 6 | |
P3448 talk covi |
nevlastní rodič | subject has the object as their stepparent | macecha, nevlastní matka, nevlastní otec, otčím | wikibase-item | 292 |
P3449 talk covi |
NSW Heritage database ID | identifier for a place with recognised heritage value, in Australia's NSW heritage database | external-id | 1,734 | |
P3450 talk covi |
sezóna (jaké sportovní ligy) | property that shows the competition of which the item is a season. Use P5138 for "season of club or team". | wikibase-item | 61,920 | |
P3451 talk covi |
noční pohled | obrázek objektu v noci | commonsMedia | 1,252 | |
P3452 talk covi |
na základě (položky) | tvrzení je odvozeno z položky, která je uvedena | wikibase-item | 321,930 | |
P3453 talk covi |
IPI base code | the international code for a legal entity or artist for copyright administration around Interested Parties Information | external-id | 973 | |
P3454 talk covi |
balíček Arch | name of the official Arch Linux package | Arch balíček | external-id | 1,132 |
P3455 talk covi |
CircleID | unique ID to an internet engineer's articles | external-id | 32 | |
P3456 talk covi |
ATP tennis tournament ID | external-id | 38 | ||
P3457 talk covi |
case fatality rate | proportion of patients who die of a particular medical condition out of all who have this condition within a given time frame | quantity | 2 | |
P3458 talk covi |
CNC authorization number | authorization number to operate a movie theater in France | external-id | 37 | |
P3459 talk covi |
Euring number | identifier for a species or subspecies, in the Euring database | external-id | 2,961 | |
P3460 talk covi |
colonel-in-chief | ceremonial position in a military regiment | wikibase-item | 15 | |
P3461 talk covi |
designated as terrorist by | Many countries have an official list of organizations that they designate as terrorist. Example: This property describes that the organization described by the item has been designated as terrorist by countries A, B, C, and the ONU, f | wikibase-item | 79 | |
P3462 talk covi |
FAMA work ID | identifier for written work in medieval Latin | external-id | 15 | |
P3463 talk covi |
Fedora balíček | name of the official Fedora package | balíček Fedora | external-id | 939 |
P3464 talk covi |
medicine marketing authorization | medicinal product's marketing authorization status | wikibase-item | 6 | |
P3465 talk covi |
maximum frequency of audible sound | maximum frequency of audible sound for this species | quantity | 15 | |
P3466 talk covi |
Israeli CBS municipal ID | The Israeli municipal code (Hebrew סמל) is an outline encoding used by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics to finely fine-tune their statistics. It's a unique identifier given to each municipality in Israel. | external-id | 1,332 | |
P3467 talk covi |
Inventario Sculture - Polo Museale Fiorentino | identifier of an artwork in the inventory of sculptures of Florentine museums | external-id | 5 | |
P3468 talk covi |
National Inventors Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an inductee in the United States National Inventors Hall of Fame | external-id | 509 | |
P3469 talk covi |
WTA tennis tournament ID | external-id | 67 | ||
P3470 talk covi |
Woodland Trust wood ID | identifier for a wood recorded by the Woodland Trust | external-id | 8 | |
P3471 talk covi |
WikiSkripta ID | identifikátor článků na | WS ID | external-id | 1,729 |
P3472 talk covi |
VICNAMES Place ID | identifier for a place in Victoria, Australia, in the VICNAMES database | external-id | 8,641 | |
P3473 talk covi |
balíček Ubuntu | name of the official Ubuntu package | Ubuntu balíček | external-id | 1,119 |
P3475 talk covi |
SANU member ID | Identifier for a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts | external-id | 998 | |
P3476 talk covi |
PSA World Tour ID | PSA World Tour squash player identifier | external-id | 355 | |
P3477 talk covi |
Identifikátor Nihon Tarento Meikan | identifikátor osoby v Nihon Tarento Meikan | Identifikátor VIP Times, Nihon Tarento Meikan ID, VIP Times ID | external-id | 9,246 |
P3478 talk covi |
ID umělce na Songkick | identifikátor pro umělce na Songkick | Songkick ID | external-id | 58,184 |
P3479 talk covi |
Omni topic ID | identifier for a topic, used by Omni and Aftonbladet | external-id | 147 | |
P3480 talk covi |
base Mémoire reference | reference in the base Mémoire for a French iconographic heritage element | external-id | 2 | |
P3481 talk covi |
Parks & Gardens UK Record ID | identifier for an open space, in the Parks & Gardens UK database. | external-id | 886 | |
P3482 talk covi |
Europeana Fashion creator ID | identifier for a creator on Europeana Fashion | external-id | 446 | |
P3483 talk covi |
VGMdb album ID | identifier for a single or album in the Video Game Music database | external-id | 57 | |
P3485 talk covi |
bite force quotient | regression of the quotient of an animal's bite force in newtons divided by its body mass in kilogrammes | quantity | 36 | |
P3486 talk covi |
normal respiratory rate | normal number of respiratory cycles (inspiration and exhalation) per minute, measured in an individual | quantity | 2 | |
P3487 talk covi |
maximální inkubační doba u lidí | maximal time between an infection and the onset of disease symptoms in infected humans | inkubační doba u lidí (maximum) | quantity | 48 |
P3488 talk covi |
minimální inkubační doba u lidí | minimal time between an infection and the onset of disease symptoms in infected humans | inkubační doba u lidí (minimum) | quantity | 47 |
P3489 talk covi |
pregnancy category | official categorisation of safety of medicine in pregnancy | wikibase-item | 1,112 | |
P3490 talk covi |
začátek svalu | anatomický útvar, od kterého sval začíná | odstup svalu | wikibase-item | 30 |
P3491 talk covi |
úpon svalu | anatomický útvar, do kterého se sval upíná | úpon | wikibase-item | 32 |
P3492 talk covi |
basic reproduction number | number of infections caused by one infection within an uninfected population | quantity | 3 | |
P3493 talk covi |
legal status (medicine) | legal status for pharmaceutical drugs, e.g. general sales list for paracetamol in the UK | wikibase-item | 12 | |
P3494 talk covi |
points classification | wikibase-item | 658 | ||
P3495 talk covi | ID | identifier for person, film (movie), or TV series, in the database | external-id | 7,815 | |
P3496 talk covi |
teams classification by points | teams classification by points | wikibase-item | 48 | |
P3497 talk covi |
teams classification by time | teams classification by time | wikibase-item | 473 | |
P3498 talk covi |
ZNIEFF ID | identifier for a 'Zone naturelle d'intérêt écologique' on the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle's official website | external-id | 21 | |
P3499 talk covi |
Gentoo balíček | name of the official Gentoo package of this application | external-id | 2,021 | |
P3500 talk covi |
Ringgold ID | identifier for organisations in the publishing industry supply chain | external-id | 27,264 | |
P3501 talk covi |
Catholic rite | Catholic rite associated with this item | wikibase-item | 502 | |
P3502 talk covi |
jméno na Ameblo | this item's username on Ameblo | external-id | 12,086 | |
P3503 talk covi |
LombardiaBeniCulturali building ID | identifier of a historical building in the cultural heritage database of the Lombardy Region of Italy | external-id | 1,231 | |
P3504 talk covi |
Florentine Inventario Palatina art ID | identifier of an artwork in the inventory of the Palatine Gallery, Palazzo Pitti of Florentine museums | external-id | 9 | |
P3505 talk covi |
BoardGameGeek designer ID | ID for a game designer at BoardGameGeek | external-id | 42 | |
P3506 talk covi |
Luding designer ID | identifier for a game designer at the Luding database | external-id | 28 | |
P3507 talk covi | mountain ID | identifier of a North American mountain, at | external-id | 953 | |
P3509 talk covi |
Dagens Nyheter topic ID | identifier for a topic, used by the Swedish daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter | external-id | 1,323 | |
P3511 talk covi |
VGMDb organization ID | identifier for a record label, game developer, or other organization in the Video Game Music database | external-id | 50 | |
P3512 talk covi |
means of locomotion | method that the subject uses to move from one place to another | wikibase-item | 81 | |
P3513 talk covi |
peakware mountain ID | identifier for a mountain at | external-id | 2,063 | |
P3514 talk covi |
U.S. National Geodetic Survey ID | Identifier for a place by the U.S. National Geodetic Survey | external-id | 87 | |
P3515 talk covi |
NPCA ID | identifier for a protected area on the US National Parks Conservation Association's website | external-id | 437 | |
P3516 talk covi |
National Park Foundation ID | identifier for a protected area on the US National Park Foundation's website | external-id | 436 | |
P3517 talk covi |
Geographical Names Board of New South Wales ID | Identifier on the Geographical Names Board of New South Wales website. Do not use the reference number | external-id | 69 | |
P3518 talk covi |
Smithsonian trinomial | unique identifier assigned to an archaeological site in one of many states in the United States | external-id | 38 | |
P3519 talk covi |
Pfam ID | identifier in the Pfam database of protein families | external-id | 590 | |
P3520 talk covi | athlete ID | identifier for an Olympic athlete at | external-id | 6,911 | |
P3521 talk covi |
EuroTour golf player ID | identifier for a golf player, in the EuroTour database | external-id | 962 | |
P3522 talk covi | player ID | identifier for an ice hockey player at | external-id | 3,820 | |
P3523 talk covi |
Rfam ID | identifier in the database of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) families and other structured RNA elements | external-id | 935 | |
P3524 talk covi |
Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool ID | identifier for a protein domain in the SMART database | external-id | 8 | |
P3525 talk covi | player ID | ID for a basketball player at | external-id | 1,825 | |
P3526 talk covi | ID | ID for a cricket player at | external-id | 100 | |
P3527 talk covi | ID | ID for a basketball player at | external-id | 4,773 | |
P3528 talk covi |
Luding game ID | identifier for a game at the Luding database | external-id | 131 | |
P3529 talk covi |
medián příjmu | medián výdělku v daném místě | průměrný příjem, mediánová mzda | quantity | 36 |
P3530 talk covi |
par | par v golfu | quantity | 270 | |
P3531 talk covi |
AZBilliards ID | identifier of a person at AZBilliards | external-id | 289 | |
P3532 talk covi | ID | ID for an American football player in | external-id | 3,520 | |
P3533 talk covi | ID | identifier for a basketball player at | external-id | 946 | |
P3534 talk covi |
Australian Government Organisations Register ID | identifier of an Australian government organisation within the Australian Government Organisations Register | external-id | 156 | |
P3535 talk covi |
JapanTour golf player ID | identifier for a golf player, in the JapanTour database | external-id | 427 | |
P3536 talk covi | ID | identifier for a basketball player at | external-id | 1,223 | |
P3537 talk covi | player ID | identifier for a association football player at | external-id | 31,107 | |
P3538 talk covi | ID | identifier at, a German language website which predominantly collects comprehensive statistics on the top five tiers of German football | external-id | 8,268 | |
P3539 talk covi | ID | identifier for American football players at | external-id | 16,153 | |
P3541 talk covi | player ID | identifier for a baseball player in | external-id | 6,413 | |
P3542 talk covi |
FIBA player ID | identifier for a basketball player at | external-id | 5,767 | |
P3544 talk covi |
Te Papa person ID | identifier assigned to a person by the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa | external-id | 4,273 | |
P3545 talk covi |
Theoi Project ID | identifier for an entity in Greek mythology, at the Theoi Project | external-id | 471 | |
P3546 talk covi | ID | identifier for an Australian rules footballer at the website | external-id | 13,329 | |
P3547 talk covi |
AFL Tables player ID | ID for a VFL/AFL player at | external-id | 12,692 | |
P3548 talk covi |
Australian Business Number | unique identifier for a business entity registered in Australia | external-id | 286 | |
P3549 talk covi |
Australian Company Number | unique identifier for a company registered in Australia | external-id | 91 | |
P3550 talk covi |
Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods ID | identifier of a medicine or medical device listed in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods | external-id | 3 | |
P3551 talk covi |
Australian Registered Body Number | unique identifier for an organisation body (often a foreign business enterprise) registered in Australia | external-id | 13 | |
P3552 talk covi |
Australian Registered Scheme Number | unique identifier for a managed investment scheme registered in Australia | external-id | 84 | |
P3553 talk covi |
Zhihu topic ID | number of a topic of Zhihu, a Chinese question-and-answer website | external-id | 321 | |
P3554 talk covi |
World Series of Poker ID | ID of a poker player in World Series of Poker | external-id | 550 | |
P3555 talk covi |
World Guide to Covered Bridges ID | identifier for a covered bridge, in the World Guide to Covered Bridges | external-id | 7 | |
P3556 talk covi |
World Curling Tour ID | ID on the World Curling Tour database | external-id | 1,243 | |
P3557 talk covi |
World Curling Federation ID | ID for a person in the World Curling Federation database | external-id | 1,483 | |
P3558 talk covi |
USCF ID | identifier for a chess player issued by the US Chess Federation | external-id | 41 | |
P3559 talk covi |
maximum size or capacity | maximum allowed/supported/usable (data) size | quantity | 39 | |
P3560 talk covi |
College Football Data Warehouse ID | ID at College Football Data Warehouse | external-id | 3,533 | |
P3561 talk covi | player ID | identifier for American football players at | external-id | 7,498 | |
P3562 talk covi |
Admiralty number | identifier of lighthouses by United Kingdom Hydrographic Office | external-id | 4,548 | |
P3563 talk covi |
NGA Lighthouse ID | identifier of a lighthouse in the USA's National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency database | external-id | 3,812 | |
P3564 talk covi |
Global Poker Index ID | ID for a poker player in Global Poker Index | external-id | 448 | |
P3565 talk covi |
J.League player ID | ID for a football player at the J.League data site | external-id | 5,083 | |
P3566 talk covi |
Just Sports Stats ID | ID for American or Canadian football player in | external-id | 2,750 | |
P3567 talk covi | NHL player ID | identifier of an NHL ice hockey player at the Hockey Hall of Fame website ( | external-id | 3,156 | |
P3568 talk covi |
OWGR golf player ID | identifier for a golf player, in the Official World Golf Ranking database | external-id | 1,207 | |
P3569 talk covi |
Cultureel Woordenboek identifier | identifier for a concept in the Dutch Cultureel Woordenboek ('Cultural Dictionary') | external-id | 4,952 | |
P3570 talk covi |
European Case Law id | identifier for case law in Europe | external-id | 35 | |
P3571 talk covi | MLB player ID | ID for a Major League Baseball player at | external-id | 5,117 | |
P3572 talk covi |
ESPNcricinfo playing ground ID | ID of cricket ground at ESPNcricinfo | external-id | 6 | |
P3573 talk covi |
European Handball Federation player ID | id for players at, the website of the European Handball Federation (EHF) | external-id | 2,667 | |
P3574 talk covi |
FanGraphs player ID | ID for a baseball player in | external-id | 7,360 | |
P3575 talk |
data size | size of software, dataset, or an individual file | quantity | 43 | |
P3576 talk covi |
TLG author ID | author identifier in the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae canon | external-id | 97 | |
P3577 talk covi |
Croatian Football Federation player ID | ID of player at Croatian Football Federation website | external-id | 387 | |
P3578 talk covi |
autologous cell line | cell line originating from the same individual | wikibase-item | 9,059 | |
P3579 talk covi |
Sina Weibo user ID | external-id | 5,545 | ||
P3580 talk covi |
SIPCA code | identifier of an item in Sistema de Información del Patrimonio Cultural Aragonés (SIPCA) | external-id | 1,120 | |
P3581 talk covi |
Pro Football Hall of Fame ID | identifier of a person in the Pro Football Hall of Fame | external-id | 245 | |
P3582 talk covi |
SunshineTour golf player ID | identifier for a golf player, in the SunshineTour database | external-id | 125 | |
P3583 talk covi |
Surfline ID | identifier of a topic at | external-id | 13 | |
P3584 talk covi |
ITRA runner ID | identifier for a runner on the International Trail-Running Association's website | external-id | 204 | |
P3585 talk covi |
UltraSignup runner ID | identifier for a runner on UltraSignup's website | external-id | 196 | |
P3586 talk covi |
CricketArchive playing ground ID | identifier of a cricket ground at CricketArchive | external-id | 7 | |
P3587 talk covi |
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures ID | identifier of an information security vulnerability | external-id | 24 | |
P3588 talk covi |
WNBA player ID | identifier for a player on the Women's National Basketball Association's website | external-id | 920 | |
P3589 talk covi |
GCD series ID | identifier of a comic book series in the Grand Comics Database (GCD) | external-id | 650 | |
P3590 talk covi |
Relations Ontology ID | ID in the Relations Ontology | external-id | 21 | |
P3591 talk covi |
WCSPF ID | identifier of a plant taxon, in the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families | external-id | 126,600 | |
P3592 talk covi |
Saros cycle of eclipse | wikibase-item | 284 | ||
P3593 talk covi |
AFI Catalog of Feature Films ID | identifier of a film (movie) in the American Film Institute Catalog of Feature Film | external-id | 23,845 | |
P3594 talk covi |
Araneae ID | id stránky na | external-id | 4,377 | |
P3595 talk covi |
BLF article ID | identifier in the Biografiskt Lexikon för Finland released by Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland | external-id | 1,627 | |
P3596 talk covi |
ID dánského katalogu památek | identifier for protected ancient monument site in Denmark, assigned by Heritage Agency of Denmark | external-id | 31,308 | |
P3597 talk covi |
F-Droid package | Android package in the F-Droid official repository | external-id | 85 | |
P3598 talk covi | player ID | identifier for ice hockey players at | external-id | 3,374 | |
P3599 talk covi |
archival creator authority record at the Archives nationales | identifier of the Archives Nationales (French National Archives) | external-id | 789 | |
P3600 talk covi |
protected heritage site in Brussels ID | identifier of a protected heritage site in Brussels, Belgium | external-id | 1,149 | |
P3601 talk covi |
MarineTraffic Lighthouse ID | identifier of a lighthouse or light beacon in the MarineTraffic database | external-id | 2,169 | |
P3602 talk covi |
kandidoval ve volbách | volby, ve kterých kandidoval | wikibase-item | 21,016 | |
P3603 talk covi |
Minneapolis Institute of Art constituent ID | identifier assigned to a person or organization by the Minneapolis Institute of Art | external-id | 3,706 | |
P3604 talk covi |
ITU triathlete ID | identifier for a triathlete on the International Triathlon Union's website | external-id | 956 | |
P3605 talk covi |
90minut player ID | ID in the 90minut website for a football/soccer player | external-id | 2,982 | |
P3606 talk covi |
BOLD Systems taxon ID | identifier for a taxon in | external-id | 268 | |
P3607 talk covi | hotel ID | identifier for a hotel on the website | external-id | 286 | |
P3608 talk covi |
EU VAT number | EU VAT number | external-id | 2,545 | |
P3609 talk covi | area ID | identifier for a recreation area on the website | external-id | 2,586 | |
P3610 talk covi |
fare zone | fare zone that the station is in | wikibase-item | 2,887 | |
P3611 talk covi |
Borden Code | unique identifier of a archeological site in Canada | external-id | 39 | |
P3612 talk covi |
Le Monde diplomatique subject ID | identifier for a topic in the French newspaper Le Monde diplomatique | external-id | 669 | |
P3613 talk covi |
Naturvårdsregistret ID | identifier for an area protected under the Environmental Code of Sweden | external-id | 4,933 | |
P3614 talk covi |
DigDag ID | identifier of a place, in the Digital Atlas of Denmark's historical-administrative geography | external-id | 3,001 | |
P3615 talk covi |
Vision of Britain unit ID | identifier of an administrative unit in the University of Portsmouth's Vision of Britain database | external-id | 11,799 | |
P3616 talk covi |
Vision of Britain place ID | identifier of a place in the University of Portsmouth's Vision of Britain database | external-id | 17,116 | |
P3618 talk covi |
base salary | gross salary of a position or a person (not including bonuses or other forms of remuneration) | quantity | 38 | |
P3619 talk covi | skier ID | ID for a ski racer at | external-id | 1,745 | |
P3620 talk covi | player ID | identifier of a player by Badminton World Federation, at | external-id | 258 | |
P3621 talk covi |
Darts Database player ID | identifier of a player at Darts Database | external-id | 717 | |
P3622 talk covi |
Russian Bandy Federation player ID | identifier of a bandy player at, the official website of the Russian Bandy Federation | external-id | 222 | |
P3623 talk covi |
BadmintonLink player ID | identifier of a badminton player at | external-id | 19 | |
P3624 talk covi |
CWE ID | identifier of a software weakness type identified in the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) list | external-id | 5 | |
P3625 talk covi |
Kirshenbaum code | Kirshenbaum symbol for a IPA phoneme | string | 154 | |
P3626 talk covi |
Australian Antarctic Gazetteer ID | identifier of a place, in the Australian Antarctic Gazetteer | external-id | 1,144 | |
P3627 talk covi |
Historical Gazetteer of England's Place Names ID | identifier for a place in the Historical Gazetteer of England's Place Names website | external-id | 13 | |
P3628 talk covi |
British History Online VCH ID | identifier of a place, in the British History Online digitisation of the Victoria County History | external-id | 1,977 | |
P3629 talk covi |
stated age at event | the age of the subject according to the cited source at the time of an event. Used as a qualifier of the event statement | quantity | 14,164 | |
P3630 talk covi |
Babelio author ID | identifier for an author on the literature website Babelio | external-id | 14,177 | |
P3631 talk covi |
Babelio work ID | identifier for a book on the literature website Babelio | external-id | 260 | |
P3632 talk covi |
British Museum thesaurus ID | identifier in the British Museum thesaurus | external-id | 16 | |
P3633 talk covi |
British Museum place ID | identifier for a place, in the British Museum thesaurus | external-id | 6 | |
P3634 talk covi |
The Met object ID | object id for artworks at Metropolitan Museum of Art | external-id | 10,498 | |
P3635 talk covi |
Peakbagger area ID | identifier for a mountain range or an area, on the website | external-id | 138 | |
P3636 talk covi |
PDB ligand ID | identifier for small molecules and ligands in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) | external-id | 1,463 | |
P3637 talk covi |
European Medicines Agency product number | identifier issued by the European Medicines Agency for treatments approved in the European Union | external-id | 1,606 | |
P3638 talk covi |
Oorlogsmonument ID | identifier for a war memorial in the database maintained by the Dutch Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei | external-id | 482 | |
P3639 talk covi |
KEPN ID | identifier for a place on the KEPN site | external-id | 10,257 | |
P3640 talk covi |
National Drug Code | A pharmaceutical code issued by the Food and Drug Administration for every drug product (formulation) on the U.S. market. Includes a labeler code, product code and package code, unique for every drug product. | external-id | 1,284 | |
P3641 talk covi |
Uniform Type Identifier | identifier used on software provided by Apple Inc. to uniquely identify a given class or type of item | external-id | 126 | |
P3642 talk covi |
ARCHON code | unique number used to identify archival collection locations within the UK and key global repositories holding collections relating to British history | external-id | 2,609 | |
P3643 talk covi |
significant environmental impact | types of environmental issues determined to have a significant impact on the object | wikibase-item | 6,756 | |
P3644 talk covi |
FFR player ID | identifier for a rugby union player on the French Rugby Federation website | external-id | 300 | |
P3645 talk covi |
All Blacks player ID | identifier for a men's rugby union player on the New Zealand Rugby Union website | external-id | 966 | |
P3646 talk covi |
Basketball Hall of Fame ID | identifier on the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame website | external-id | 394 | |
P3647 talk covi |
NBA player ID | identifier for a basketball player on the National Basketball Association's website | external-id | 471 | |
P3648 talk covi |
NatureServe conservation status | conservation status assigned by NatureServe | wikibase-item | 0 | |
P3650 talk covi |
JMK film rating | rating of a film in the Austrian film rating system | wikibase-item | 2,161 | |
P3651 talk covi |
American Hockey League player ID | ID of a player at | external-id | 23 | |
P3652 talk covi |
Kontinental Hockey League player ID | ID of a player at | external-id | 1,158 | |
P3653 talk covi |
ARRS runner ID | ID of player by ARRS (Association of Road Racing Statisticians) | external-id | 287 | |
P3654 talk covi | player ID | ID of a player at | external-id | 68 | |
P3655 talk covi |
BDFutbol player ID | ID of a football player at BDFutbol | external-id | 6,149 | |
P3656 talk covi | Scrabble player ID | ID of a Scrabble player at | external-id | 35 | |
P3657 talk covi |
Croatian Football Statistics ID | ID of an association football (soccer) player at, the Croatian Football Statistics (Statistike hrvatskog nogometa) website | external-id | 91 | |
P3658 talk covi | player ID | ID of a football player at | external-id | 243 | |
P3659 talk covi |
Estonian Football Association player ID | ID of a player by the Estonian Football Association | external-id | 154 | |
P3660 talk covi | player ID | ID for a football player at | external-id | 1,441 | |
P3661 talk covi |
ForaDeJogo manager ID | identifier for an association football (soccer) manager | external-id | 158 | |
P3662 talk covi |
Football Federation of Ukraine player ID | ID of a player by Football Federation of Ukraine | external-id | 3,573 | |
P3663 talk covi |
Fotbal iDNES ID | ID for a football player at Fotbal DNES | external-id | 1,339 | |
P3664 talk covi |
Futsal Planet player ID | ID for a football player at Futsal Planet | external-id | 14 | |
P3665 talk covi |
L'Équipe football player ID | ID of a football player by L'Équipe | external-id | 1,589 | |
P3666 talk covi |
EPCR player ID | identifier for a rugby player on the European Professional Club Rugby website | external-id | 2,257 | |
P3667 talk covi |
IWF athlete ID | ID of an athlete by International Weightlifting Federation | external-id | 178 | |
P3668 talk covi |
Sambafoot player ID | ID of a football player at Sambafoot | external-id | 858 | |
P3669 talk covi |
Swimming Australia swimmer ID | ID of a swimmer at Swimming Australia | external-id | 64 | |
P3670 talk covi |
Tennis Archives player ID | ID of a tennis player at the Tennis Archives | external-id | 333 | |
P3671 talk covi |
USA Gymnastics athlete ID | ID for an athlete at USA Gymnastics | external-id | 185 | |
P3672 talk covi |
ID závodníka v International Orienteering Federation | Identifier for an athlete by the International Orienteering Federation | IOF ID | external-id | 68 |
P3673 talk covi | film ID | identifier of a film (movie) in the French database | external-id | 1,641 | |
P3674 talk covi |
Mutopia composer ID | identifier for a composer at Mutopia Project | external-id | 126 | |
P3675 talk covi |
Hans Christian Andersen Centre work ID | Identifier for a work by Hans Christian Andersen in the Digterens danske Værker catalogue | external-id | 52 | |
P3676 talk covi |
National Bridge Inventory Number | identifer of a bridge, in the USA's National Bridge Inventory | external-id | 1,852 | |
P3677 talk covi |
Wereld van Oranje player ID | ID of a football player at Wereld van Oranje | external-id | 128 | |
P3678 talk covi |
SA Rugby player ID | identifier for a rugby player on the South African Rugby Union website | external-id | 450 | |
P3679 talk covi |
stock market index | method of measuring the value of a section of the stock market | wikibase-item | 55 | |
P3680 talk covi |
statement supported by | entity that supports a given statement | wikibase-item | 566 | |
P3681 talk covi | player ID | identifier for an association football (soccer) player at | external-id | 715 | |
P3682 talk covi |
Australian Olympic Committee athlete ID | identifier for a sportsperson on the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) website | external-id | 437 | |
P3683 talk covi |
LFP player ID | identifier for a football player on the Ligue de Football Professionnel website | external-id | 1,997 | |
P3684 talk covi |
DriverDB driver ID | identifier for a driver in the Driver Database | external-id | 1,145 | |
P3685 talk covi | NBA player ID | identifier for a National Basketball Association player at | external-id | 541 | |
P3686 talk covi | NFL player ID | identifier for a National Football League player at | external-id | 516 | |
P3687 talk covi | NHL player ID | identifier for a National Hockey League player at | external-id | 47 | |
P3689 talk covi |
ICF canoer ID | identifier for a canoer on the International Canoe Federation website | external-id | 424 | |
P3690 talk covi |
IFSC kód lezce | identifikátor sportovního lezce na IFSC | external-id | 338 | |
P3691 talk covi |
ISHOF swimmer ID | identifier for a swimmer on the International Swimming Hall of Fame website | external-id | 426 | |
P3692 talk covi |
NCAA sports team ID | identifier for an American college sports team on the National Collegiate Athletic Association's website | external-id | 16 | |
P3693 talk covi |
short-track speed skater ISU ID | identifier for a short track speed skater on the website, based on ISU ID | external-id | 478 | |
P3694 talk covi |
ID rychlobruslaře na | identifikační číslo sportovce v databázi rychlobruslařů na | external-id | 1,607 | |
P3695 talk covi |
SpeedSkatingStats speed skater ID | identifier for a speed skater on the website | external-id | 1,635 | |
P3696 talk covi | college basketball player ID | identifier for a NCAA Division I college men's basketball player on the college basketball (SRCBB) website | external-id | 6,962 | |
P3697 talk covi | college football player ID | identifier for a college football player on the Sports Reference college football (SRCFB) website | external-id | 1,154 | |
P3698 talk covi |
Tennis Australia player ID | identifier for a player on the Tennis Australia website | external-id | 112 | |
P3699 talk covi |
ID rozhodčího v databázi Transfermarkt | identifikátor rozhodčího na webu | Transfermarkt ID rozhodčího | external-id | 179 |
P3700 talk covi |
NHF player ID | identifier for a player on the Norwegian Handball Federation (NHF) website | external-id | 223 | |
P3701 talk covi |
inkarnace (koho) | incarnation of another being | wikibase-item | 55 | |
P3702 talk covi |
Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts ID | manuscript identifier in the British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts | external-id | 37 | |
P3703 talk covi |
JMDb person or company ID | ID of an actor or a company at Japanese Movie Database | external-id | 1,722 | |
P3704 talk covi |
KMDb film ID | ID of a film at Korean Movie Database | external-id | 1,478 | |
P3705 talk covi |
RITVA Program ID | Radio and Television Archive Program ID of The National Audiovisual Institute of Finland | external-id | 34 | |
P3706 talk covi |
RITVA Person ID | Radio and Television Archive Person ID of The National Audiovisual Institut of Finland | external-id | 82 | |
P3707 talk covi |
Gridabase glacier ID | identifier for a glacier on the Glacier Risks Data Base website | external-id | 72 | |
P3708 talk covi |
PhDTree person ID | ID of a person at PhDTree | external-id | 42 | |
P3709 talk covi |
kategorie pro hodnotu odlišnou od Wikidat | položka kategorie stránek, které používají hodnotu parametru šablony, která se liší od hodnoty ve Wikidatech | wikibase-item | 263 | |
P3710 talk covi |
Jewish Encyclopedia Daat ID | identifier for an entry at Jewish Encyclopedia Daat | external-id | 774 | |
P3711 talk covi | Statues ID | identifier for a public sculpture in the Statues – Hither & Thither online database | external-id | 537 | |
P3712 talk covi |
účel projektu nebo akce | zamýšlený výsledek nebo cíl | cíl, záměr | wikibase-item | 155 |
P3713 talk covi |
kategorie pro hodnoty, které nejsou na Wikidatech | položka kategorie stránek, které používají hodnotu parametru šablony, která nepochází z Wikidat | wikibase-item | 266 | |
P3714 talk covi | facility ID | identifier for a facility in an American recreation area on the website | external-id | 104 | |
P3715 talk covi |
NISH Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an inductee in its Hall of Fame on the Niedersächsisches Institut für Sportgeschichte website | external-id | 16 | |
P3716 talk covi |
social classification | social class as recognized in traditional or state law | wikibase-item | 3,351 | |
P3717 talk covi |
MEROPS enzyme ID | ID for a proteolytic enzyme in MEROPS database | external-id | 3 | |
P3718 talk covi |
NCMEC person ID | identifier of a missing or unidentified person at the United States' National Center for Missing & Exploited Children | external-id | 54 | |
P3719 talk covi |
regulátor | the relationship between an activity with an organization that acts as regulator | regulováno (kým) | wikibase-item | 76 |
P3720 talk covi |
GPnotebook ID | ID of a topic, in the British medical database GPnotebook | external-id | 444 | |
P3721 talk covi |
public key fingerprint | short sequence of bytes to identify a longer cryptographic public key | string | 150 | |
P3722 talk covi |
Commons maps category | name of the Wikimedia Commons category specifically for maps or plans of this item (without the prefix "Category:") | string | 163 | |
P3723 talk covi |
USCG Lighthouse ID | іdentifier for lighthouses in the USA by the US Coast Guard | external-id | 522 | |
P3724 talk covi |
USHMM Holocaust Encyclopedia ID | identifier in the Holocaust Encyclopedia of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum | external-id | 39 | |
P3725 talk covi |
CEV player ID | identifier for a player on the European Volleyball Confederation's website | external-id | 2,229 | |
P3726 talk covi | player ID | identifier for a football/soccer player on the website | external-id | 6,253 | |
P3727 talk covi |
Serbia municipality ID | identifier of municipalities of Serbia | external-id | 3 | |
P3728 talk covi |
New Zealand Heritage List number | list number in the New Zealand Heritage List, issued by the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga | external-id | 196 | |
P3729 talk covi |
následující nižší třída | lower rank or level in a ranked hierarchy like sport league, military ranks. If there are several possible, list each one and qualify with "criterion used" (P1013), avoid using ranks and date qualifiers. For sports leagues/taxa, use specific properties in | wikibase-item | 1,515 | |
P3730 talk covi |
následující vyšší třída | higher rank or level in a ranked hierarchy like sport league, military ranks. If there are several possible, list each one and qualify with "criterion used" (P1013), avoid using ranks and date qualifiers. For sports leagues/taxa, use specific properties i | wikibase-item | 1,759 | |
P3731 talk covi |
Serbia cadastral municipality ID | Identifier of cadastral municipalities of Serbia | external-id | 3 | |
P3732 talk covi |
PhilPapers record | identifier for papers on PhilPapers | external-id | 43 | |
P3733 talk covi |
MOOMA artist ID | ID of an artist at the Israeli music website MOOMA | external-id | 1,300 | |
P3734 talk covi |
kategorie pro hodnotu shodnou s Wikidaty | položka kategorie stránek, které používají hodnotu parametru šablony, která je stejná jako hodnota ve Wikidatech | wikibase-item | 396 | |
P3735 talk covi |
Yad Vashem Encyclopedia of the Ghettos ID | identifier of a ghetto, or a place containing a ghetto, in the Yad Vashem Encyclopedia of the Ghettos | external-id | 1,107 | |
P3736 talk covi |
Eurovision Song Contest song ID | identifier for a song in the Eurovision Song Contest | external-id | 6 | |
P3737 talk covi |
maximální vlnová délka | maximální vlnová délka záření, které může přístroj zaznamenat | quantity | 49 | |
P3738 talk covi |
minimální vlnová délka | minimální vlnová délka záření, které může přístroj zaznamenat | quantity | 49 | |
P3739 talk covi |
květenství | placement of flowers on the stem of a flower plant | wikibase-item | 7 | |
P3740 talk covi |
počet děl | qualifier on identifiers, eg for creators or locations, giving the number of works in the external database associated with the subject of the identifier | quantity | 36,094 | |
P3741 talk covi |
seed dispersal | mode used by the item to disperse its seeds | wikibase-item | 5 | |
P3742 talk covi |
FIH player ID | identifier for a field hockey player on the International Hockey Federation website | external-id | 103 | |
P3743 talk covi |
identifikátor objektu ITU/ISO/IEC | jednoznačný globální identifikátor standardizovaný ITU a ISO/IEC pro označení jakéhokoli objektu, konceptu nebo věci | identifikátor objektu, OID | external-id | 773 |
P3744 talk covi |
počet odběratelů | number of subscribers for subscription based companies, e.g. telecommunication companies, newspapers, pay-TV channels, etc. | quantity | 83,313 | |
P3745 talk covi |
World Rugby Sevens Series player ID | identifier for a male rugby sevens player on the World Rugby Sevens Series website | external-id | 598 | |
P3746 talk covi |
Wildflowers of Israel ID | identifier of a taxon in the Wildflowers of Israel database | external-id | 2,571 | |
P3747 talk covi |
SSRN author ID | identifier for an author at the Social Science Research Network | external-id | 2,083 | |
P3748 talk covi |
Israel Football Association national team player ID | identifier for a national team player on the Israel Football Association website | external-id | 440 | |
P3749 talk covi |
Google Maps Customer ID | in Google Maps, Customer identifier for a place | external-id | 7,692 | |
P3750 talk covi |
KMDb documentary ID | ID of a documentary at Korean Movie Database | external-id | 10 | |
P3751 talk covi |
Shoftim BeIsrael judge ID | database about the judges of Israel | external-id | 36 | |
P3752 talk covi |
worst-case time complexity | time complexity of an algorithm at most | math | 33 | |
P3753 talk covi |
best-case time complexity | time complexity of an algorithm at least | math | 25 | |
P3754 talk covi |
average time complexity | time complexity of an algorithm on average | math | 25 | |
P3755 talk covi |
worst-case space complexity | space complexity of an algorithm at most | math | 38 | |
P3756 talk covi |
best-case space complexity | space complexity of an algorithm at least | math | 4 | |
P3757 talk covi |
average space complexity | space complexity of an algorithm on average | math | 17 | |
P3758 talk covi |
DOCOMOMO Ibérico ID | identifier of a building, structure or group of buildings in Registros del Movimiento Moderno database, DOCOMOMO Ibérico | external-id | 144 | |
P3759 talk covi |
SAHRA heritage site ID | identifier of heritage sites in South Africa, assigned by the South African Heritage Resources Agency. | external-id | 130 | |
P3760 talk covi |
Iditarod musher ID | identifier for a musher on the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race website | external-id | 910 | |
P3761 talk covi |
rozsah IPv4 adres | rozsah internetových adres přidělený organizaci | IPv4 rozsah, routovací prefix | string | 1,104 |
P3762 talk covi |
openMLOL author ID | identifier of an author in the openMLOL digital library of cultural resources | external-id | 34,476 | |
P3763 talk covi |
MIMO instrument ID | identifier for a musical instrument, on the instrument keyword thesaurus from Musical Instruments Museums Online | external-id | 700 | |
P3764 talk covi |
pole position | osoba, která startuje závod z první řady | wikibase-item | 2,633 | |
P3765 talk covi | ID | identifier for an athlete on the website | external-id | 3,906 | |
P3766 talk covi |
European Athletics ID | identifier for an athlete on the European Athletic Association website | external-id | 2,320 | |
P3767 talk covi |
FFA ID | identifier for an athlete on the French Athletics Federation website | external-id | 1,142 | |
P3768 talk covi |
Medieval Libraries of Great Britain ID | identifier for books known to have been in British libraries during the Middle Ages | external-id | 4 | |
P3769 talk covi |
It's Rugby player ID | identifier for a rugby player on the It's Rugby website | external-id | 3,595 | |
P3770 talk covi |
PeakFinder ID | identifier for a mountain peak on the PeakFinder website | external-id | 979 | |
P3771 talk covi |
activator of | protein for which this chemical acts as an activator | wikibase-item | 9 | |
P3772 talk covi |
agonist of | protein for which this chemical acts as an agonist | wikibase-item | 12 | |
P3773 talk covi |
antagonist of | protein for which this chemical compound acts as an antagonist | wikibase-item | 13 | |
P3774 talk covi |
blocker of | protein (e.g. channel/pore protein) for which this chemical compound acts as a blocker | wikibase-item | 11 | |
P3775 talk covi |
disrupting agent for | protein/protein complex for which this chemical compound acts as a disrupting agent | wikibase-item | 9 | |
P3776 talk covi |
inhibitor of | protein for which this chemical compound acts as an inhibitor | wikibase-item | 27 | |
P3777 talk covi |
antisense inhibitor of | protein/gene for which this chemical (e.g. a miRNA/siRNA) acts as an antisense inhibitor | wikibase-item | 41 | |
P3778 talk covi |
positive allosteric modulator of | protein for which this chemical acts as a positive allosteric modulator | wikibase-item | 9 | |
P3779 talk covi |
negative allosteric modulator of | protein for which this chemical compound acts as a negative allosteric modulator | wikibase-item | 9 | |
P3780 talk covi |
účinná látka v | is part of and forms biologically active component. Inverse of "has active ingredient" | wikibase-item | 1,329 | |
P3781 talk covi |
obsahuje účinnou látku | has part biologically active component. Inverse of "active ingredient in" | wikibase-item | 2,531 | |
P3782 talk covi |
Artnet artist ID | identifier of an artist in the Artnet database of auction results | external-id | 56,514 | |
P3783 talk covi |
Christie's object ID | identifier for an object offered for sale by Christies | external-id | 250 | |
P3784 talk covi |
CiteSeerX article ID | identifier string for a scientific article available from CiteSeer | external-id | 7 | |
P3785 talk covi |
danskefilm film ID | identifier for a film in | external-id | 1,358 | |
P3786 talk covi |
danskefilm person ID | identifier for a person in | external-id | 5,791 | |
P3787 talk covi |
danskefilm silent film ID | identifier for a silent film in | external-id | 1,500 | |
P3788 talk covi |
BNA authority ID | authority control identifier used at the National Library of Argentina | external-id | 4,392 | |
P3789 talk covi |
Telegram username | this item's username or group on Telegram | external-id | 181 | |
P3790 talk covi | ID | identifier for a person or group at | external-id | 179 | |
P3791 talk covi |
Art Renewal Center ID | ID of somebody by Art Renewal Center | external-id | 16 | |
P3792 talk covi |
kadence | the frequency at which a specific weapon can fire or launch its projectiles | quantity | 11 | |
P3793 talk covi |
rozsah IPv6 adres | rozsah internetových adres přidělený organizaci | IPv6 rozsah, routovací prefix | string | 2,133 |
P3794 talk covi |
Dictionary of Sydney ID | identifier in the Dictionary of Sydney - locations, people, events... related to the city | external-id | 2,110 | |
P3795 talk covi |
Flora of Israel Online plant ID | identifier for a plant taxon or cultivar in the Flora of Israel Online database | external-id | 240 | |
P3796 talk covi |
Bureau of Meteorology station ID | identifier of an Australian meteorological station issued by the Bureau of Meteorology | external-id | 4 | |
P3797 talk covi |
autonomous system number | unique identifier for a collection of connected Internet Protocol (IP) routing prefixes under the control of one or more network operators | external-id | 96 | |
P3798 talk covi |
Star Wars Databank ID | identifier of a fictional character and organization at Star Wars Databank | external-id | 119 | |
P3799 talk covi |
Safsal player ID | basketball player Id in Safsal website | external-id | 216 | |
P3800 talk covi |
Safsal coach ID | basketball coach Id in Safsal website | external-id | 21 | |
P3801 talk covi |
INEGI municipality ID | identifier for a municipality in Mexico published by INEGI | external-id | 2,000 | |
P3802 talk covi | project ID | identifier for an official Launchpad repository ("project") for a software application | external-id | 12 | |
P3803 talk covi |
original film format | film format used to create a work (aliases: film gauge, film size) | wikibase-item | 61 | |
P3804 talk covi |
TV Guide show ID | ID of a television program at TV Guide | external-id | 17,174 | |
P3805 talk covi |
Tax-exempt heritage asset ID | identifier of an artwork, in the UK government's HMRC database of tax-exempt heritage assets | external-id | 4 | |
P3806 talk covi |
Mapa place ID | identifier for a place, in the Mapa database of places in Israel | external-id | 14 | |
P3807 talk covi |
S2A3 Biographical Database ID | ID of a person by Southern Africa Association for the Advancement of Science, at S2A3 Biographical Database of Southern African Science | external-id | 638 | |
P3808 talk covi |
The Numbers movie ID | ID of a film at The Numbers | external-id | 9,200 | |
P3809 talk covi |
YerelNET district ID | identifier for a district of Turkey, in the YerelNET database | external-id | 3 | |
P3810 talk covi | ID | identifier for an Italian protected area on the website | external-id | 704 | |
P3811 talk covi |
Evidence & Conclusion Ontology ID | identifier in the Evidence & Conclusion Ontology for capturing evidence in biological research | external-id | 12 | |
P3812 talk covi | person ID | identifier for a person on the website | external-id | 14 | |
P3813 talk covi | pass ID | identifier of a North American mountain pass, at | external-id | 100 | |
P3814 talk covi |
BoF person ID | identifier for a person on the Business of Fashion website | external-id | 386 | |
P3815 talk covi |
volcano observatory | institution that monitors this volcanic landform or phenomenon | wikibase-item | 562 | |
P3816 talk covi |
scénář | script version for subject film is described at | wikibase-item | 22 | |
P3817 talk covi |
FI WarSampo person ID | іdentifier in the WarSampo Finnish WW2 portal | external-id | 9 | |
P3818 talk covi |
KMRB film rating | rating of a film in the South Korean film/video rating system | wikibase-item | 294 | |
P3819 talk covi |
FI WarSampo army unit ID | identifier in the WarSampo Finnish WW2 portal | external-id | 1 | |
P3820 talk covi |
Flanders Arts Institute venue ID | identifier of a venue in the Flanders Arts Institute database for performing arts | external-id | 1,873 | |
P3821 talk covi |
Bangla Movie Database ID | ID of actors or movies at Bangla Movie Database | external-id | 266 | |
P3822 talk |
rules for classification | the rules for classification of a sports league | wikibase-item | 245 | |
P3823 talk covi |
Ethnologue language status | language status identifier by using EGIDS scale | wikibase-item | 97 | |
P3824 talk covi |
VTJ-PRT building ID | Persistent building identifier of the Population Information System in Finland | external-id | 1,570 | |
P3825 talk covi |
United States Statutes at Large citation | citation of an Act of the United States Congress to the United States Statutes at Large | external-id | 1,113 | |
P3826 talk covi |
Welsh Rugby Union men's player ID | identifier for a rugby union player selected with the Wales national team on the Welsh Rugby Union website | external-id | 13 | |
P3827 talk covi |
identifikátor tématu JSTOR | identifikátor tématu v digitální knihovně JSTOR | external-id | 24,393 | |
P3828 talk covi |
nosí (oblečení) | oblečení nebo doplněk nošený na těle | obléká | wikibase-item | 247 |
P3829 talk covi |
Publons author ID | identifier of an author or reviewer, in Publons | external-id | 262 | |
P3830 talk covi |
CueTracker player ID | ID about a specific snooker player at the database | external-id | 446 | |
P3831 talk covi |
objekt v roli | (qualifier) role or generic identity of the object or value of a statement in the context of that statement; for subject-item roles, use P2868. | jako, objekt má roli, v roli | wikibase-item | 52,211 |
P3832 talk covi |
Europeana Fashion Vocabulary ID | identifier for clothing and fashion terms | external-id | 1,003 | |
P3833 talk covi |
diaspora | diaspora that a cultural group belongs to | wikibase-item | 139 | |
P3834 talk covi |
RTC film rating | rating of a film in the Mexican film classification system | wikibase-item | 1,278 | |
P3835 talk covi |
Mendeley person ID | identifier for an author of scholarly works, at | external-id | 10,099 | |
P3836 talk covi |
Pinterest username | username of the Pinterest account of a person or an organization | external-id | 751 | |
P3837 talk covi |
United States Public Law | citation to United States Public Law | external-id | 1,054 | |
P3838 talk covi |
Tab4u song ID | ID in the israeli song database "Tab4u" | external-id | 10 | |
P3839 talk covi |
Tab4u artist ID | ID in the israeli artist database "Tab4u" | external-id | 305 | |
P3840 talk covi |
slope rating | the slope rating of a golf course is a measure of its difficulty for bogey golfers | quantity | 172 | |
P3841 talk covi |
Human Phenotype Ontology ID | The Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) is a widely used vocabulary of phenotypic abnormalities encountered in human disease | external-id | 1,627 | |
P3842 talk covi |
located in present-day administrative territorial entity | the item was located in the territory of this present-day administrative unit; however the two did not at any point coexist in time | wikibase-item | 712 | |
P3843 talk covi |
DLV athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the German Athletics Association website | external-id | 127 | |
P3844 talk covi |
Deutsche Synchronkartei film ID | Identifier for films in the synchronisation database Deutsche Synchronkartei | external-id | 27,541 | |
P3845 talk covi |
TV Guide person ID | ID of a person at | external-id | 337 | |
P3846 talk covi |
DBC author ID | identifier for authors set by the Danish Bibliographic Centre | external-id | 1,024 | |
P3847 talk covi |
Open Library subject ID | identifier for a topic in the Open Library database | external-id | 150 | |
P3848 talk covi |
Irish Rugby Football Union men's player ID | identifier for a rugby union player selected with Ireland national team on the Irish Rugby Football Union website | external-id | 346 | |
P3849 talk covi |
LombardiaBeniCulturali institution ID | identifier of a historical institution in the cultural heritage database of the Lombardy Region of Italy | external-id | 19 | |
P3850 talk covi |
LombardiaBeniCulturali toponym ID | identifier of a historical toponym in the cultural heritage database of the Lombardy Region of Italy | external-id | 257 | |
P3851 talk covi | movie ID | identifier for a movie at database (from Argentina) | external-id | 2,940 | |
P3852 talk covi |
FlyBase Gene ID | Identifier for a gene in the FlyBase database of Drosophila genes and genomes | external-id | 25,054 | |
P3853 talk covi |
Rat Genome Database ID | Identifier for a genetic element in the Rat Genome Database | external-id | 44,759 | |
P3854 talk covi |
Soundtrack Collector ID | ID that characterizes a soundtrack at Soundtrack Collector ( | external-id | 83 | |
P3855 talk covi |
LombardiaBeniCulturali artwork ID | identifier of an artwork in the cultural heritage database of the Lombardy Region of Italy | external-id | 54 | |
P3856 talk covi |
Quebec municipalities geographical code | geographical code of the municipalities, indigenous comunauties and unorganized areas in Quebec | external-id | 1,299 | |
P3857 talk covi | person ID | identifier for a person at database (from Argentina) | external-id | 3,156 | |
P3858 talk covi |
diagram trati | šablona na projektech Wikimedia znázorňující trať | diagram tratě, mapa trati | wikibase-item | 2,725 |
P3859 talk covi |
Environment Ontology ID | ID from OBO Environment Ontology (without prefix) | external-id | 15 | |
P3860 talk covi |
Wormbase Gene ID | Identifier for a genetic element in Wormbase | external-id | 20,370 | |
P3861 talk covi |
iTunes app ID | identifier for a mobile application in iTunes App Store | external-id | 506 | |
P3862 talk covi |
MyDramaList name ID | identifier for a person in the MyDramaList database | external-id | 209 | |
P3863 talk covi |
Italian Navy Lighthouses and Beacons ID | identifier of a lighthouse or beacon in "Fari e Segnalamenti" list of the Italian Navy | external-id | 182 | |
P3864 talk covi |
suicide rate | amount of suicides per 100,000 people in the place or group | quantity | 7 | |
P3865 talk covi |
type of reference | used to specify the type of a reference | wikibase-item | 298 | |
P3866 talk covi |
LAWA waterbody ID | identifier for bodies of water in Germany according to the Bund/Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser (LAWA) | external-id | 3,994 | |
P3867 talk covi |
Israel Chess Federation player ID | identifier for a chess player from the Israel Chess Federation | external-id | 120 | |
P3868 talk covi |
MyDramaList title ID | identifier for a Film and TV Series in the MyDramaList database | external-id | 2,618 | |
P3869 talk covi |
IAFD female performer ID | identifier for a female-born performer in the Internet Adult Film Database | external-id | 2,186 | |
P3870 talk covi |
ZFIN Gene ID | Identifier for a genetic element in the Zebrafish Model Organism Database | external-id | 27,313 | |
P3871 talk covi |
orientace přítoku | specify if the stream confluence is a left bank or right bank tributary | wikibase-item | 1,323 | |
P3872 talk covi |
patronage | number of passengers, patrons or visitors in specified time period | quantity | 1,862 | |
P3874 talk covi |
Justia Patents inventor ID | ID of an inventor in Justia Patents | external-id | 64 | |
P3875 talk covi |
Justia Patents company ID | ID of a company in Justia Patents | external-id | 38 | |
P3876 talk covi |
kategorie absolventů školy | category containing people who studied at this institution | wikibase-item | 14,716 | |
P3877 talk covi |
HappyCow restaurant ID | identifier for a vegan or vegetarian restaurant, on the HappyCow reviews website | external-id | 13 | |
P3878 talk covi |
Soundex | phonetic algorithm for indexing names by sound, as pronounced in English. Format: initial of word followed by 3 digits (0-6) | string | 215,508 | |
P3879 talk covi |
kolínská fonetika | phonetic algorithm which assigns to words a sequence of digits, the phonetic code | string | 192,873 | |
P3880 talk covi |
Caverphone | phonetic algorithm | string | 207,716 | |
P3881 talk covi |
National Track & Field Hall of Fame athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the National Track & Field Hall of Fame webpages | external-id | 261 | |
P3882 talk covi |
Tilastopaja female athlete ID | identifier for a female athlete on the Tilastopaja website | external-id | 2,836 | |
P3883 talk covi |
Red Bull athlete ID | identifier for a sponsored athlete on the Red Bull website | external-id | 401 | |
P3884 talk covi |
Tilastopaja male athlete ID | identifier for a male athlete on the Tilastopaja website | external-id | 3,599 | |
P3885 talk covi |
History of Modern Biomedicine ID | identifier of a person or topic in the History of Modern Biomedicine database | external-id | 1,264 | |
P3886 talk covi |
number of perpetrators | number of perpetrators in an event, as reported by reliable sources | quantity | 126 | |
P3887 talk covi |
KVAB member ID | Identifier of member of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts | external-id | 253 | |
P3888 talk covi |
Boijmans artist ID | identifier for an artist in the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen | external-id | 2,805 | |
P3889 talk covi |
Swiss Federal Archives ID | Identifier for an entity (portfolio, dossier, document) of the Swiss Federal Archives | external-id | 204 | |
P3890 talk covi |
MetaboLights Compound ID | identifiers for compound entries in the MetaboLights databases. | external-id | 12 | |
P3891 talk covi |
dostupný pozorovací čas | amount of observing time available at a telescope (or other instrument) | quantity | 8 | |
P3892 talk covi |
PictoRight ID-Droit de suite | identifier for a visual artist for their droit de suite (money collection with artwork transfers) of the Dutch collective rights management organisation PictoRight and sister organisations worldwide | external-id | 13 | |
P3893 talk covi |
konec ochrany majetkových autorských práv | datum, kdy pro danou položku v příslušné jurisdikci vyprší doba ochrany majetkových autorských práv | datum vypršení práv, volné dílo od | time | 2,089 |
P3894 talk covi |
OSTI article ID | identifier of a scientific article at Office of Scientific and Technical Information | external-id | 5 | |
P3895 talk covi |
INAO product ID | identifier of a geographical indication in Institut national de l'origine et de la qualité | external-id | 3,226 | |
P3896 talk covi |
geometrický tvar | geografická data z Wikimedia Commons | tvar | geo-shape | 1,716 |
P3897 talk covi |
Ladies European Tour golf player ID | identifier for a golf player, in the Ladies European Tour database | external-id | 116 | |
P3898 talk covi | hotel ID | identifier for a hotel on the website | external-id | 236 | |
P3899 talk covi |
Medium username | username of the Medium account of a person or an organization | external-id | 176 | |
P3900 talk covi |
CONICET person ID | identifier for a researcher, scholar or support personnel at National Scientific and Technical Research Council (Argentina) | external-id | 16 | |
P3901 talk covi |
ADAGP artist ID | identifier for an artist as a member of the French collective rights management organisation ADAGP and sister organisations worldwide | external-id | 23 | |
P3902 talk covi |
had as last meal | components of the last meal had by a person before death | wikibase-item | 8 | |
P3903 talk covi |
column | typographical column in the page of a document | string | 34,784 | |
P3904 talk covi |
VIVC grape variety ID | identifier in Vitis International Variety Catalogue | external-id | 788 | |
P3905 talk covi |
GINCO ID | identifier for a concept in the Thesaurus of the French Ministry of Culture | external-id | 29 | |
P3906 talk covi |
Ishim ID | identifier in the israeli cinema, television and radio database | external-id | 2,808 | |
P3907 talk covi |
LoJ peak ID | identifier for a mountain on the Lists of John website | external-id | 446 | |
P3908 talk covi |
Reprezentacija ID | identifier for a Serbian association football player at | external-id | 190 | |
P3909 talk covi |
poslední slova | poslední slova, která osoba vyřkla před svou smrtí | monolingualtext | 70 | |
P3910 talk covi |
Bollywood Hungama person ID | identifier of an actor at Bollywood Hungama | external-id | 193 | |
P3911 talk covi |
STW Thesaurus for Economics ID | identifier for a descriptor of the STW Thesaurus for Economics, linking to literature on economics and business administration | external-id | 1,939 | |
P3912 talk covi |
formát novin | velikost novinového výtisku (broadsheet, tabloid, atd.) | wikibase-item | 3,830 | |
P3913 talk covi |
MobyGames developer ID | ID of a developer at MobyGames | external-id | 366 | |
P3914 talk covi |
GuideStar Israel organization ID | ID in the Israeli non-profit organizations database GuideStar | external-id | 360 | |
P3915 talk covi |
Athletics Australia athlete ID | identifier for an Australian athlete on the Athletics Australia website | external-id | 179 | |
P3916 talk covi |
UNESCO Thesaurus ID | identifier for a concept in the UNESCO Thesaurus | external-id | 2,138 | |
P3917 talk covi |
IPA number order | the IPA order number of an IPA phoneme | quantity | 174 | |
P3918 talk covi |
Répertoire national des associations identifier | identifier of a French non-profit in the Répertoire national des associations | external-id | 91 | |
P3919 talk covi |
spolupráce na | osoba přispěla do nějakého díla či publikace | přispíval, přispěl, spolupracoval na, spoluautor | wikibase-item | 1,677 |
P3920 talk covi |
Canadian Coastguard Lighthouse ID | identifier of a Canadian lighthouse or beacon in the Canadian Coast Guard List of Lights, Buoys and Fog Signals | external-id | 185 | |
P3921 talk covi |
Wikidata SPARQL query equivalent | SPARQL code that returns a set of items that correspond with this category or list | string | 312 | |
P3922 talk covi |
light sector | visibility sector of a navigational light, if applicable specified by color, given in compass directions/azimuth from the viewing location | string | 410 | |
P3923 talk covi |
IAAF Diamond League athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the IAAF Diamond League website | external-id | 2,834 | |
P3924 talk covi |
Track and Field Statistics female athlete ID | identifier for a female athlete on the Track and Field Statistics website | external-id | 4,010 | |
P3925 talk covi |
Track and Field Statistics male athlete ID | identifier for a male athlete on the Track and Field Statistics website | external-id | 7,058 | |
P3926 talk covi |
USATF athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the USA Track & Field website | external-id | 200 | |
P3927 talk covi | racer ID | identifier for a driver or co-driver on the website | external-id | 675 | |
P3928 talk covi |
MotoGP racer ID | identifier for a motorcycle racer on the MotoGP website | external-id | 669 | |
P3929 talk covi |
V&A art work ID | identifier for items in the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum | external-id | 199 | |
P3930 talk covi | driver or co-driver ID | identifier for a driver or co-driver on the website | external-id | 229 | |
P3931 talk covi |
vlastník autorských práv | person or organisation who holds the copyright of a work according to the Berne Convention | wikibase-item | 355 | |
P3932 talk covi |
Digital Valencian Library author ID | identifier of a person in the database of the Valencian Library, the regional library in the Land of Valencia, Spain | external-id | 37 | |
P3933 talk covi |
Cinema ID | identifier for a film or person in the German film website | external-id | 20,340 | |
P3934 talk covi |
face value | value printed on a coin, stamp or banknote by the issuing authority | quantity | 100 | |
P3935 talk covi |
Chamber of Deputies of Italy storia ID | identifier of a member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Kingdom of Sardinia, Chamber of Deputies of the Kingdom of Italy, or of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy, on the Chamber of Deputies of Italy website | external-id | 5,169 | |
P3936 talk covi |
NFF person profile ID | id for person profile on pages | external-id | 1,567 | |
P3937 talk covi |
Reactome ID | Identifier used in Reactome to uniquely identify a biological pathway | external-id | 35,504 | |
P3938 talk covi |
pojmenováno kým | osoba či organizace které rozhodli o jménu tohoto objektu | wikibase-item | 293 | |
P3939 talk covi |
ESTC citation number | identifier in the English Short Title Catalogue | external-id | 241 | |
P3940 talk covi |
OlimpBase Chess Olympiad player ID | identifier for a player at who took part in the Chess Olympiad | external-id | 1,342 | |
P3941 talk covi |
Israel Antiquities Authority ID | ID in the Israeli Antiquities Authority archive | external-id | 215 | |
P3942 talk covi | rider ID | identifier for a rider on the website | external-id | 54 | |
P3943 talk covi |
Tumblr ID | account name on Tumblr | external-id | 1,614 | |
P3944 talk covi |
Old Bailey Proceedings ID | identifier for a trial, on the Old Bailey Proceedings website | external-id | 4 | |
P3945 talk covi |
RANM member ID | identifier of a member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Medicine | external-id | 431 | |
P3946 talk covi |
Dictionary Grierson ID | ID for argentinian scientists and researchers from the Diccionario de científicos argentinos Dra. Grierson | external-id | 583 | |
P3948 talk covi |
MLL player ID | identifier for a player on the Major League Lacrosse website | external-id | 53 | |
P3949 talk covi | ID | identifier for a race, a team or an athlete on the website | external-id | 154 | |
P3950 talk covi |
narrower external class | more specific subclass included in other ontology but not in Wikidata | url | 19 | |
P3951 talk covi |
BioRxiv ID | identifier of a document in bioRxiv, a preprint repository for the biological sciences launched in November 2013 | external-id | 10 | |
P3952 talk covi |
Stereo Ve Mono artist ID | ID in the israeli artist database "Stereo Ve Mono" | external-id | 206 | |
P3953 talk covi |
ALPG Tour golf player ID | identifier for a female golf player on the Australian Ladies Professional Golf website | external-id | 23 | |
P3954 talk covi |
Italian Senate ID | identifier of a member of the Senate of the Kingdom of Sardinia or of the Senate of the Kingdom of Italy on the Italian Senate website | external-id | 562 | |
P3955 talk covi |
NLL player ID | identifier for a player on the National Lacrosse League website | external-id | 52 | |
P3956 talk covi |
National Academy of Medicine (France) Member ID | external-id | 1,799 | ||
P3957 talk covi |
RealGM basketball player ID | identifier for a basketball player on the RealGM website | external-id | 6,371 | |
P3958 talk covi |
ENARD athlete ID | ID for argentinian athletes from the Ente Nacional de Alto Rendimiento Deportivo (High Sport Performance National Entity) | external-id | 200 | |
P3959 talk covi |
NNL work ID | ID for a record in the National Library of Israel (NLI) Online Catalog (NNL) | external-id | 1,974 | |
P3960 talk covi |
Base biographique AUTOR ID | notice of a personality linked to the funds of the Mediatheque of Architecture and Heritage (France) | external-id | 283 | |
P3961 talk covi |
Unifrance film ID | identifier of a film on | external-id | 8,377 | |
P3962 talk covi |
Global Trade Item Number | GTIN is used to identify products via their barcodes | external-id | 166 | |
P3963 talk covi |
Clochers de France ID | identifier of a religious building on the website | external-id | 60,812 | |
P3964 talk covi |
BDCYL authority ID | identifier of an author, topic or place in Biblioteca Digital de Castilla y León | external-id | 507 | |
P3965 talk covi |
Bridgeman artist ID | Artist identification in Bridgeman images | external-id | 9,608 | |
P3966 talk covi |
programovací paradigma | programming paradigm in which a programming language is classified | wikibase-item | 486 | |
P3967 talk |
final event | final event of a competition | wikibase-item | 164 | |
P3968 talk covi |
CETS number | Council of Europe treaty number | external-id | 50 | |
P3969 talk covi |
signed form | manually coded form of this language | wikibase-item | 5 | |
P3970 talk covi |
channel number | channel number of given TV channel; use with the mandatory qualifier P137 | string | 48 | |
P3971 talk covi |
PASE Domesday person ID | identifier for a land holder in 1066 or 1087 on the PASE Domesday website | external-id | 5 | |
P3972 talk covi |
PASE Domesday place | Identifier for a settlement in 1066 or 1087 on the PASE Domesday website | external-id | 4 | |
P3973 talk covi |
PIM authority ID | ID for an authority record (mostly persons) in the PIM (Petőfi Literary Museum, Hungary) | external-id | 9,895 | |
P3974 talk covi |
nature preserve in North Rhine-Westphalia ID | ID of a nature preserve in North Rhine-Westphalia as defined by the State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection North Rhine-Westphalia | external-id | 2,376 | |
P3975 talk covi |
generální tajemník | leader of a political or international organization, sometimes below the chairperson (P488) | generální sekretář | wikibase-item | 518 |
P3976 talk covi |
BVMC work ID | identifier of a work on the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes | external-id | 515 | |
P3977 talk covi |
Songkick venue ID | identifier for a venue, on Songkick | external-id | 904 | |
P3978 talk covi |
IECIC 2015 ID | Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients in China (2015) | external-id | 2 | |
P3979 talk covi |
Unifrance company ID | identifier of a company on | external-id | 84 | |
P3980 talk covi |
Unifrance person ID | identifier of a person on | external-id | 968 | |
P3981 talk covi |
Misjonsarkiv person ID | identifier in the missionary archives of VID Specialized University | external-id | 775 | |
P3982 talk covi |
TA98 Latin term | Latin name for anatomical subject as described in Terminologia Anatomica 98 | external-id | 3,289 | |
P3983 talk covi |
sports league level | the level of the sport league in the sport league system | quantity | 156 | |
P3984 talk covi |
subreddit | name of the Reddit forum associated to this subject | external-id | 3,116 | |
P3985 talk covi |
podporuje programovací jazyk | programming language which is supported by this programming tool | wikibase-item | 23 | |
P3986 talk covi |
Sequence Ontology ID | identifier of a term in the sequence ontology | external-id | 68 | |
P3987 talk covi |
SHARE Catalogue author ID | identifier for authors in SHARE Catalogue, a linked data federated catalogue of several Southern Italy universities | external-id | 70,131 | |
P3988 talk covi |
National Library Board Singapore ID | Identifier of a person, organisation or place from the name authorities of National Library Board. | external-id | 39 | |
P3989 talk covi |
members have occupation | all members of this group share the occupation | wikibase-item | 302 | |
P3990 talk covi |
BG EKATTE place ID | Bulgarian place ID (settlement, community=Kmetstvo, municipality=Obshtina, province=Oblast by BG National Statistical Institute (NSI) | external-id | 5,607 | |
P3991 talk covi |
Austrian Textbook ID | This identifier is used for textbooks in Austria that are allowed to be used in public schools. | external-id | 4 | |
P3992 talk covi |
SSB urban settlement number | Numeric ID for urban settlements in Norway assigned by Statistics Norways (SSB) | external-id | 55 | |
P3993 talk covi |
Vitaskrá ID | identifier of an Icelandic lighthouse or beacon in Vitaskrá, a list of lights by the Icelandic Coast Guard | external-id | 28 | |
P3994 talk covi |
racon signal | signal that a radar beacon responds in morse code, when triggered by radar | string | 206 | |
P3995 talk covi | ID | identifier for person, film (movie) or TV series, in the database | external-id | 1,614 | |
P3996 talk covi |
Bait La Zemer Ha-Ivri song ID | ID in the israeli database for Israeli music, owned by the National Library of Israel | external-id | 302 | |
P3997 talk covi |
Bait La Zemer Ha-Ivri artist ID | ID in the israeli database for Israeli music, owned by the National Library of Israel | external-id | 1,983 | |
P3998 talk covi |
Censo-Guía archive ID | identifier of an archive in Censo-Guía de Archivos de España e Iberoamérica | external-id | 76 | |
P3999 talk covi |
date of official closure | date of official closure of a building or event | time | 14,795 | |
P4000 talk covi |
má plody typu | morfologie plodů tohoto taxonu | má ovoce typu | wikibase-item | 2,998 |
P4001 talk covi |
Latvian Protected Nature Territory URL | URL of official information pages about Latvian Protected Nature Territories from Nature Conservation Agency | url | 6 | |
P4002 talk covi |
WFD Ecological status | Ecological status of a Water Body in accordance with the Water Framework directive. | wikibase-item | 6,754 | |
P4003 talk covi |
oficiální Facebooková stránka | official Facebook page of this entity (only for use with URLs containing "/pages/") | external-id | 1,529 | |
P4004 talk covi |
shield image | official shield image; see also P41, P158 and P94 | commonsMedia | 39 | |
P4005 talk covi |
Bavarikon ID | identifier of a geographical object in the database of places of Bavarikon | external-id | 5,207 | |
P4006 talk covi |
overrules | case that supersedes another case | wikibase-item | 9 | |
P4007 talk covi |
DBS ID | identifier in the German/Austrian Library Statistics (DBS/ÖBS) | external-id | 33 | |
P4008 talk covi |
Early Aviators people ID | identifier for a person by Early Birds of Aviation, at | external-id | 335 | |
P4009 talk covi |
RKY national built heritage environment ID | identifier in the national built heritage environments listing RKY | external-id | 1,285 | |
P4010 talk covi |
HDP v paritě kupní síly | Gross domestic product (GDP) at purchasing power parity (current international $) | HDP (PPP), HDP PPP | quantity | 188 |
P4011 talk covi |
Semantic Scholar paper ID | identifier for an article in the Semantic Scholar database | external-id | 105 | |
P4012 talk covi |
Semantic Scholar author ID | identifier for an author in the Semantic Scholar database | external-id | 233 | |
P4013 talk covi |
Giphy username | this item's username on Giphy | external-id | 1,566 | |
P4014 talk covi |
Australian Statistical Geography 2011 ID | identifier of a geographic region defined in the Australian Statistical Geography Standard 2011 | external-id | 9,990 | |
P4015 talk covi |
Vimeo username | this item's username on Vimeo | external-id | 481 | |
P4016 talk covi |
SlideShare username | this item's username on SlideShare | external-id | 86 | |
P4017 talk covi |
Ustream username | this item's username on Ustream | external-id | 7 | |
P4018 talk covi |
The Arabidopsis Information Resource Accession | Identifier for an object (e.g. clone, gene, genetic marker, sequence, etc.) in TAIR | external-id | 3 | |
P4019 talk covi |
USL player ID | identifier for soccer player profile on, website of the United Soccer League | external-id | 252 | |
P4020 talk covi |
ISQ dimension | property of an observable physical quantity being a product of the SI base dimensions (length, mass, time, etc.) | math | 56 | |
P4021 talk covi |
danskefilm animated film ID | identifier for a animated film in | external-id | 182 | |
P4022 talk covi |
danskefilm TV series ID | identifier for a TV serie in | external-id | 199 | |
P4023 talk covi |
DFB datacenter player ID | identifier for players, manager and referees in the datacenter of the German Football Association (Deutscher Fußball-Bund, DFB) | external-id | 1,314 | |
P4024 talk covi |
ADW taxon ID | identifier for a taxon, in the Animal Diversity Web database | external-id | 46,890 | |
P4025 talk covi |
Pinakothek artist ID | identifier in the Pinakothek collection | external-id | 3,400 | |
P4026 talk covi |
Cullum number | identifier for a graduate of the US Military Academy (West Point) | external-id | 2,979 | |
P4027 talk covi |
National Discography of Italian Song work ID | identifier for a musical work in National Discography of Italian Song website | external-id | 172 | |
P4028 talk covi |
Google Scholar paper ID | identifier for a paper, in Google Scholar | external-id | 329 | |
P4029 talk covi |
Latvian Protected Nature Territory ID | identifier for geographical territories under special state-level protection in Latvia | external-id | 617 | |
P4030 talk covi |
PLU Code | identification numbers affixed to fruits and vegetables for sale, used in checkout and inventory | external-id | 152 | |
P4031 talk covi |
Hungarian NGO ID | registration number for Hungarian NGO | external-id | 173 | |
P4032 talk covi |
reviewed by | person who reviewed/refereed the work, e.g., scientific peer-reviewer | wikibase-item | 49 | |
P4033 talk covi |
Mastodon address | address on the Mastodon decentralized social network. The form is: 'user@server.domain' there is no leading '@' as sometimes written to distinguish Mastodon addresses from email addresses. | external-id | 155 | |
P4034 talk covi |
Shironet artist ID | ID of an artist in the israeli database for lyrics, Shironet | external-id | 795 | |
P4035 talk covi |
Shironet song ID | ID of a song in the israeli database for lyrics, Shironet | external-id | 249 | |
P4036 talk covi |
field of view | extent of the observable world that can be seen or sensed by the item | quantity | 18 | |
P4037 talk covi |
South Australian Heritage Register Database ID | identifier for a place with recognised heritage value, in South Australia's heritage database | external-id | 116 | |
P4038 talk covi |
Danish List of Lights and Fog signals ID | identifier in the Danish List of a Lighthouse, beacon or fog signal in the Kingdom of Denmark | external-id | 19 | |
P4040 talk covi | artist ID | identifier for an artist at | external-id | 58 | |
P4041 talk covi | album ID | identifier for an album at | external-id | 5 | |
P4042 talk covi |
ESBL athlete ID | identifier for a sportsperson in the Estonian sportsbiographical lexicon | external-id | 1,945 | |
P4043 talk covi |
emulates | emulates the identified platform, CPU, or system | wikibase-item | 54 | |
P4044 talk |
therapeutic area | disease area in which a medical intervention is applied | wikibase-item | 848 | |
P4045 talk covi |
Sandbox-Tabular data | A sandbox type per available data type | tabular-data | 2 | |
P4046 talk covi |
SIMC place ID | identifer for places in Poland in the SIMC system run by the Polish Central Statistical Office | external-id | 60,953 | |
P4047 talk covi |
Sandbox-Geographic shape | A sandbox type per available data type | geo-shape | 3 | |
P4048 talk covi |
J.League manager ID | ID for a football manager at the J.League data site | external-id | 339 | |
P4050 talk covi |
French Olympic Committee athlete ID | identifier for a French athlete on the French Olympic Committee's EspritBleu website | external-id | 1,262 | |
P4051 talk covi |
Ukrainian regulations base ID | identifier in the Verkhovna Rada database of laws and regulations of Ukraine | external-id | 28 | |
P4052 talk covi | institutional ID | academic institution page on | external-id | 53 | |
P4053 talk covi |
German Olympic Sports Confederation athlete ID | identifier for a German athlete on the German Olympic team's website | external-id | 1,114 | |
P4054 talk covi |
Canadian Olympic Committee athlete ID | identifier for a Canadian athlete at, the official website of the Canadian Olympic Committee | external-id | 874 | |
P4055 talk covi |
Norwegian List of Lights ID | identifier of lighthouses and beacons in the Norwegian List of Lights issued by the Norwegian Coastal Administration | external-id | 30 | |
P4056 talk covi |
New Zealand Olympic Committee athlete ID | identifier for a Kiwi athlete on the New Zealand Olympic Committee website | external-id | 396 | |
P4057 talk covi |
Irish Sites and Monuments Record ID | identifier in Sites and Monuments Record database of Ireland | external-id | 755 | |
P4058 talk covi |
FINESS medical facility ID | identifier of a medical facility in France in the FINESS directory | external-id | 12 | |
P4059 talk covi |
Irish National Monument ID | identifier of a structure, in National Monument database of Ireland, maintained by Heritage Ireland | external-id | 413 | |
P4060 talk covi |
Brazilian Olympic Committee athlete ID | identifier for a Brazilian athlete at the Brazilian Olympic Committee (Portuguese: Comitê Olímpico do Brasil) website | external-id | 760 | |
P4061 talk covi |
Lithuanian National Olympic Committee athlete ID | identifier for athlete on website of the Lithuanian National Olympic Committee (in Lithuanian: Lietuvos tautinis olimpinis komitetas, LTOK) | external-id | 168 | |
P4062 talk covi |
ID sportovce podle ČOV | identifikátor olympionika v databázi Českého olympijského výboru | ČOV číslo atleta | external-id | 2,488 |
P4063 talk covi |
United States Olympic Committee athlete ID | identifier for an American athlete at the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) website | external-id | 853 | |
P4065 talk covi |
Argentine Olympic Committee athlete ID | identifier for an Argentine athlete on the website of the Argentine Olympic Committee | external-id | 242 | |
P4066 talk covi |
Hungarian Olympic Committee athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the website of the Hungarian Olympic Committee | external-id | 114 | |
P4067 talk covi |
Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the website of the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee | external-id | 315 | |
P4068 talk covi |
Chinese Olympic Committee athlete ID | identifier for a Chinese athlete at the Chinese Olympic Committee's CIS Chinese Athletes Database website | external-id | 10 | |
P4069 talk covi |
Italian National Olympic Committee athlete ID | identifier for an Italian athlete on the website of the Italian National Olympic Committee | external-id | 1,074 | |
P4070 talk covi |
identifier shared with | qualifier, to be used on external identifier IDs, indicating another Wikidata item is also matched to this ID | wikibase-item | 2,337 | |
P4071 talk covi |
Zemereshet artist ID | identifier for an artist in the Israeli database for lyrics, Zemereshet | external-id | 220 | |
P4072 talk covi |
Zemereshet song ID | ID of a song in the israeli database for lyrics, Zemereshet | external-id | 151 | |
P4073 talk covi |
Wikia wiki ID | identifier of a topic's wiki, in Wikia | external-id | 373 | |
P4074 talk covi |
FFN swimmer ID | unique federal identifier (IUF) of a French swimmer in, database of the French Swimming Federation (FFN) | external-id | 317 | |
P4075 talk covi |
Katalogové číslo Památkového katalogu | ID given to protected but also some unprotected monuments and other objects in the Czech Republic on the official Monument Catalogue of the National Heritage Institute | external-id | 40,790 | |
P4076 talk covi | racer identifier | identifier for a motorcycle racer on the website | external-id | 505 | |
P4077 talk covi |
Pizmonet ID | ID of an artist or a song in the israeli database for hit parades, Pizmonet | external-id | 41 | |
P4078 talk covi |
SKIP code | kanji classification according to the System of Kanji Indexing by Patterns | string | 3 | |
P4079 talk covi |
Theatres Trust Database ID | identifier of the Theatres Trust Database | external-id | 1,209 | |
P4080 talk covi |
počet domů | number of houses in given territorial entity | quantity | 13,376 | |
P4081 talk covi |
BHL creator ID | identifier for an author ("creator") in the Biodiversity Heritage Library database | external-id | 21,406 | |
P4082 talk covi |
image captured with | model of camera used to capture this visual work | wikibase-item | 5 | |
P4083 talk covi |
NPS unit ID | 4-letter identifier for a U.S. National Park System unit on the website of the National Park Service | external-id | 448 | |
P4084 talk covi |
Identifikátor osoby MyAnimeList | identifikační číslo osoby v databázi MyAnimeList | MAL ID osoby | external-id | 785 |
P4085 talk covi |
Identifikátor postavy MyAnimeList | identifikační číslo fiktivní postavy v databázi MyAnimeList | MAL ID postavy | external-id | 225 |
P4086 talk covi |
Identifikátor anime MyAnimeList | identifikační číslo pro anime v databázi MyAnimeList | MAL anime ID, MAL ID anime | external-id | 435 |
P4087 talk covi |
Identifikátor mangy MyAnimeList | identifikační číslo mangy v databázi MyAnimeList | MAL ID mangy, MAL manga ID | external-id | 151 |
P4088 talk covi |
Irish National Inventory of Architectural Heritage ID | identifier of a structure, in National Inventory of Architectural Heritage database of Ireland | external-id | 5,495 | |
P4089 talk covi |
Global Terrorism Database ID | identifier in the Global Terrorism Database by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) | external-id | 183 | |
P4090 talk covi |
Biodiversity Repository ID | identifier of a repository, in the Biodiversity Repository database | external-id | 9 | |
P4091 talk covi |
Irish Grid Reference | grid location reference from the Irish Grid reference system used in Ireland | external-id | 1,479 | |
P4092 talk covi |
checksum | small-sized datum derived from a block of digital data for the purpose of detecting errors. Use qualifier "determination method" (P459) to indicate how it's calculated, e.g. MD5. | string | 6 | |
P4093 talk covi |
Australian Statistical Geography 2016 ID | Identifier of a geographic region defined in the Australian Statistical Geography Standard 2016 | external-id | 16,465 | |
P4094 talk covi |
Australian Standard Geographic Classification 2006 ID | Identifier of a geographic region defined in the Australian Standard Geographic Classification 2006 | external-id | 19 | |
P4095 talk covi |
Principal Galaxies Catalogue ID | identifier for an astronomical object in the Principal Galaxies Catalogue | external-id | 17,269 | |
P4096 talk covi |
RePEc institute ID | identifier for economics research institutions in the Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) database | external-id | 30 | |
P4097 talk covi |
MuseScore ID | identifier in the MuseScore database | external-id | 12 | |
P4098 talk covi |
BVMC place id | identifier of a place on the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, | external-id | 24 | |
P4099 talk covi |
metrically compatible typeface | typeface metrically compatible with this typeface: glyph position, width and height match | wikibase-item | 13 | |
P4100 talk covi |
frakce | organizovaná skupina členů parlamentu | parlamentní frakce, parlamentní skupina, poslanecký klub, senátorský klub | wikibase-item | 28,672 |
P4101 talk |
dissertation submitted to | institution to whom a thesis or dissertation is submitted | wikibase-item | 27,474 | |
P4102 talk covi |
Atlas of Hillforts ID | identifier in the Atlas of Hillforts database | external-id | 4,145 | |
P4103 talk covi |
assets under management | total market value of financial assets which a financial institution manages on behalf of its clients and itself | quantity | 13 | |
P4104 talk covi |
Carnegie Hall agent ID | identifier for a person or ensemble in the Carnegie Hall Linked Open Data (LOD) | external-id | 11,064 | |
P4105 talk covi |
EGF rating | rating given by EGF (European Go Federation) to European go players | quantity | 3 | |
P4106 talk covi |
Finnish archaeological heritage ID | identifier for the Archaeological heritage register for items in mainland Finland | external-id | 596 | |
P4107 talk covi |
Framalibre ID | unique identifier in the Framalibre free software directory | external-id | 371 | |
P4108 talk covi |
Gedbas genealogy person ID | identifier for a person in the genealogical database of the Verein für Computergenealogie e.V. on | external-id | 3 | |
P4109 talk covi |
URN-NBN | URI in the urn:nbn: namespace as specified by RFC 3188 | external-id | 423 | |
P4110 talk covi |
Identifikátor Crunchyroll | identifikátor pro anime nebo drama na | Crunchyroll ID | external-id | 544 |
P4111 talk covi |
danskefilm TV Christmas calendar | identifier for a TV Christmas calendar in | external-id | 77 | |
P4112 talk covi |
danskfilmogtv person ID | identifier for a person in | external-id | 4,619 | |
P4113 talk covi |
FRED time-series ID | identifier for an economic data set provided by St. Louis Fed's Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) | external-id | 3 | |
P4114 talk covi |
ADK member ID | Akademie der Künste in Berlin member ID | external-id | 2,111 | |
P4115 talk covi |
INSPIRE ID | universal identifier from Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE), used across EU databases | external-id | 60,925 | |
P4116 talk covi |
JewAge person ID | identifier for a person on JewAge, a genealogical database for Jewish people | external-id | 19 | |
P4117 talk covi |
National Record of the Historic Environment ID | identifier for a building or structure in Historic England's PastScape database | external-id | 63 | |
P4118 talk covi |
NLS-FI Geographic Name ID | National Land Survey of Finland Geographic Name ID | external-id | 1 | |
P4119 talk covi |
NLS Geographic Names Place ID | National Land Survey of Finland Geographic Names Register Named Place ID | external-id | 42 | |
P4120 talk covi |
Ontario Heritage Act Register ID | identifier of a property listed on the Ontario Heritage Act Register | external-id | 1,151 | |
P4121 talk covi |
openAIP ID | identifier of an aerodrome, in the openAIP (open aeronautical information platform) database | external-id | 2 | |
P4122 talk covi |
PalDat plant ID | identifier for a plant species in the Palynological Database (PalDat) for pollen of the University of Vienna | external-id | 2,767 | |
P4123 talk covi |
French National Assembly ID | identifier for a member of the French National Assembly on the official website (do not confuse with Sycomore ID) | external-id | 1,817 | |
P4124 talk covi |
Who's Who in France biography ID | unique identifier in the Who's Who in France online biography dictionary | external-id | 22,177 | |
P4125 talk covi |
Titan ID | identifier for a taxon (Cerambycidae) in the Titan database | external-id | 11,196 | |
P4126 talk covi |
ESEC person ID | identifier of a member of the French Economic, Social and Environmental Council | external-id | 92 | |
P4127 talk covi | ID | ID of an embassy or a consulate general in the database for diplomatic missions, | external-id | 34 | |
P4128 talk covi |
NPSN Indonesian school ID | identifier for a school in Indonesia | external-id | 1,943 | |
P4129 talk covi |
Cinema Treasures ID | identifier for a cinema the Cinema Treasures database | external-id | 47,984 | |
P4130 talk covi |
USHMM person ID | identifier for a person in the UHSMM, a database of Holocaust survivors and victims | external-id | 6 | |
P4131 talk covi |
annual energy output | annual energy output of a power plant | quantity | 58 | |
P4132 talk covi |
linguistic typology | classification of languages according to their linguistic trait (as opposed to historical families like romance languages) | wikibase-item | 1,356 | |
P4133 talk covi |
Patrimonioculturale-ER ID | identifier for a cultural heritage site in Emilia-Romagna region in Italy, in the Patrimonioculturale-ER open data portal | external-id | 14 | |
P4135 talk covi |
maximum age | highest age a person is eligible to do something, for example be member in youth organisation or sport teams, or for some positions like judges | quantity | 63 | |
P4136 talk covi |
WIGOS station ID | identifier of a meteorological station, in the WIGOS database | external-id | 1,086 | |
P4137 talk covi |
úsťová rychlost | speed of a projectile at the moment it leaves the muzzle of a gun | quantity | 13 | |
P4138 talk covi |
Treasury of Lives ID | identifier for a person in the biographical encyclopedia of biographies related to Tibet, Inner Asia, and the Himalayan region | external-id | 61 | |
P4139 talk covi |
National Assembly of Nigeria ID | identifier for a person on the National Assembly of Nigeria website, both for Representatives and Senators | external-id | 424 | |
P4140 talk covi |
energy storage capacity | storage capacity of a battery or energy storage system | quantity | 36 | |
P4141 talk covi |
Gatehouse Gazetteer place ID | identifier for the castle sites in the Gatehouse Gazetteer website | external-id | 1,165 | |
P4142 talk covi |
RIWAQ Registry of Historic Buildings in Palestine ID | identifier for a historic building in Palestine on the RIWAQ database | external-id | 1 | |
P4143 talk covi |
Finnish List of Lights ID | identifier of a lighthouse or beacon in the Finnish List of Lights, issued by the Finnish Transport Agency | external-id | 5 | |
P4144 talk covi |
Atheneum artwork ID | artwork id in the Atheneum artworks website | external-id | 1,981 | |
P4145 talk covi |
Atheneum person ID | artist id in the Atheneum artworks website | external-id | 10,377 | |
P4146 talk covi |
Atheneum museum ID | museum or other repository/source id in the Atheneum artworks website | external-id | 1,205 | |
P4147 talk covi |
conjugate acid | species formed by accepting a proton (H⁺) | wikibase-item | 137 | |
P4149 talk covi |
conjugate base | species formed by losing a proton (H⁺) | wikibase-item | 136 | |
P4150 talk covi |
weather history | link to a Commons tabular data file with the weather history of a certain place | tabular-data | 5 | |
P4151 talk covi |
game mechanics | constructs of rules or methods designed for interaction with the game state | wikibase-item | 14 | |
P4152 talk covi |
file format identification pattern | pattern or string which is used to identify a file as having a particular known format | string | 164 | |
P4153 talk covi |
offset | qualifier of "magic number" for the number of bytes before the magic number to be searched in a file | quantity | 159 | |
P4154 talk covi |
National Forest Foundation ID | identifier for an American national forest on the National Forest Foundation website | external-id | 126 | |
P4155 talk covi |
rozlišovač | Parametr pro omezení jediné hodnoty. Je dovoleno více hodnot, pokud mají různé hodnoty této vlastnosti. | wikibase-property | 123 | |
P4156 talk covi |
IČO | unikátní osmimístné identifikační číslo organizace v Česku | identifikační číslo osoby, IČ | external-id | 22,514 |
P4157 talk covi |
MEG ID | ID number for the online catalogue of Musée d'ethnographie de Genève | external-id | 30 | |
P4158 talk covi | id | identifier for an Argentinian literary author | external-id | 985 | |
P4159 talk covi |
WeRelate person ID | identifier for a person in the Creative Commons licensed genealogical database WeRelate | external-id | 24,281 | |
P4160 talk covi |
Michelin Restaurants ID | identifier for a restaurant in the Michelin Restaurants website | external-id | 22 | |
P4161 talk covi |
Michelin Voyages ID | identifier for a place in the website Michelin Voyages | external-id | 118 | |
P4162 talk covi |
AUR package | indicates the official name of the package on the Arch's User Repository | external-id | 84 | |
P4163 talk covi |
magnification | amount of optical magnification provided | quantity | 8 | |
P4164 talk covi |
National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum ID | identifier for a player on the United States' National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum website | external-id | 326 | |
P4165 talk covi |
CODECS ID | identifier in CODECS database for Celtic studies | external-id | 2 | |
P4166 talk covi |
Georgian National Register of Monuments ID | identifier for a monument in the National Register of Monuments of Georgia | external-id | 7,400 | |
P4167 talk covi |
Dagens Næringsliv topic ID | identifier for a topic, used by the Norwegian daily newspaper Dagens Næringsliv | external-id | 98 | |
P4168 talk covi |
IEDB Epitope ID | identifier for an Epitope in the Immune Epitope Database | external-id | 2,492 | |
P4169 talk covi |
YCBA agent ID | identifier for a person in the Yale Center for British Art database | external-id | 3,386 | |
P4170 talk covi |
eParks unit ID | identifier for a United States National Park System unit on | external-id | 171 | |
P4171 talk covi |
World Heritage Tentative List ID | identifier for a site on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative Lists | external-id | 457 | |
P4172 talk covi |
America's Byways road ID | identifier for a United States road on the America's Byways website | external-id | 153 | |
P4173 talk covi |
Instagram location ID | identifier for a location on Instagram | external-id | 832 | |
P4174 talk covi |
uživatelské jméno na projektech Wikimedia | uživatelské jméno používané osobou na Wikipedii a dalších projektech | Wikimedia uživatelské jméno, Wikipedista, Wikipedistka | external-id | 660 |
P4175 talk covi |
Patreon ID | identifier for a person on Patreon | external-id | 122 | |
P4176 talk covi |
effective firing range | distance within which a weapon can be used effectively | quantity | 32 | |
P4177 talk covi |
Finnish National Gallery artist ID | identifier for people in the Finnish National Gallery | external-id | 3,054 | |
P4178 talk covi |
Beazley Archive Pottery Database ID | identifier for an artefact in the Beazley Archive Pottery Database | external-id | 76 | |
P4179 talk covi |
tabular population | same as population (P1082); used when there is data for many different points in time | tabular-data | 17 | |
P4180 talk covi |
GujLit Person ID | identifier for a person, in the GujLit database of literature of the Gujarati language of India | external-id | 84 | |
P4181 talk covi |
GujLit Book ID | identifier for a book, in the GujLit database of literature of Gujarati language of India | external-id | 12 | |
P4182 talk covi |
National Natural Landmarks site ID | identifier an American National Natural Landmark on the United States' National Park Service website | external-id | 603 | |
P4183 talk covi |
angle from vertical | angle the principal axis of an item makes with the vertical; use degree (Q28390) as unit | quantity | 11 | |
P4184 talk |
slope | angle the surface of an item makes with the horizontal | quantity | 57 | |
P4185 talk covi |
iconographic symbol | identifying element typically depicted as accompanying or worn by this religious figure, hero, fictional or historical character | wikibase-item | 59 | |
P4186 talk covi |
Australian Women's Register ID | identifier for a person or organisation in the Australian Women's Register | external-id | 2,476 | |
P4187 talk covi |
Wylieho transliterace tibetštiny | transliteration method for Tibetan | string | 82 | |
P4188 talk covi |
Tibetan pinyin | official Chinese transliteration method for Tibetan | string | 11 | |
P4189 talk covi |
THL Simplified Phonetic Transcription | transliteration method for Tibetan developed by the Tibetan and Himalayan Library | string | 39 | |
P4190 talk covi | protected area ID | identifier for an American National Wild and Scenic River on the United States' website | external-id | 45 | |
P4191 talk covi |
Alljudo athlete ID | identifier for a judoka on the website | external-id | 315 | |
P4192 talk covi |
LNH player ID | identifier for a player on the Ligue Nationale de Handball (LNH) website | external-id | 221 | |
P4193 talk covi |
Familypedia person ID | identifier for a person on Familypedia, the genealogical database by Wikia | external-id | 247 | |
P4194 talk covi |
CNPS ID | identifier in the California Native Plant Society database | external-id | 3,896 | |
P4195 talk covi |
kategorie zaměstnanců organizace | Wikimedia category for people who work or worked at this organization | wikibase-item | 2,414 | |
P4196 talk covi |
cytogenetic location | cytogenetic location of the gene or region | string | 178,801 | |
P4197 talk covi |
IBM graphic character set global ID | identifier of a character set assigned by IBM | external-id | 25 | |
P4198 talk covi |
identifikátor umělce Google Play Music | ID of an artist on the Google Play Music website | external-id | 1,444 | |
P4199 talk covi |
Google Play Music album ID | ID of an album on the Google Play Music website | external-id | 250 | |
P4200 talk covi |
Christie's creator ID | identifier for an artist in the Christie's online database | external-id | 17,444 | |
P4201 talk covi |
PagesJaunes ID | identifier for a professional in France in the PagesJaunes website | external-id | 20 | |
P4202 talk covi |
WFD Chemical status | chemical status of a Water Body in accordance with the Water Framework directive of the European Environment Agency | wikibase-item | 6,754 | |
P4203 talk covi |
ROARMAP ID | identifier in the Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies | external-id | 565 | |
P4204 talk covi |
The Times of India topic ID | identifier for a topic for news and information aggregation on The Times of India website | external-id | 284 | |
P4206 talk covi |
FOIH person ID | identifier for a person or an organization in the database of the Flemish organization for Immovable Heritage | external-id | 806 | |
P4207 talk covi |
Italian National Earthquake Center ID | identifier for an earthquake in the Italian National Earthquake Centre database | external-id | 4 | |
P4208 talk covi |
Billboard artist ID | identifier for an artist, in Billboard | external-id | 16,121 | |
P4209 talk covi |
danskfilmogtv title ID | identifier for a film or TV episode or series in | external-id | 2,861 | |
P4210 talk covi |
Bashkir encyclopedia (Bashkir version) ID | Encyclopedia | external-id | 758 | |
P4211 talk covi |
Bashkir encyclopedia (Russian version) ID | Bashkir Encyclopedia | external-id | 753 | |
P4212 talk covi |
PACTOLS thesaurus ID | identifier in the PACTOLS archaeology thesaurus by FRANTIQ | external-id | 11,634 | |
P4213 talk covi |
Unicode hex codepoint | codepoint in Unicode | string | 3,197 | |
P4214 talk covi |
highest observed lifespan | age of the oldest specimen of a taxon for which the age can be verified | quantity | 3 | |
P4215 talk covi |
nLab ID | name of a page in nLab | external-id | 164 | |
P4216 talk covi |
LNB Pro A player ID | identifier for a player in the Ligue Nationale de Basket-ball (LNB) Pro A webpages | external-id | 1,571 | |
P4217 talk covi |
UK Electoral Commission ID | identifier issued by the Electoral Commission in the UK to identify a political party | external-id | 381 | |
P4218 talk covi |
shelf life | length of time that a commodity may be stored without becoming unfit for use or consumption | quantity | 9 | |
P4219 talk covi |
Tyrolean Art Cadastre inventory ID | identifier of a cadastre published by the regional government of Tyrol, Austria | external-id | 4,758 | |
P4220 talk covi |
order of battle | arrangement of units and hierarchical organization of the armed forces involved in the specified military action | wikibase-item | 83 | |
P4221 talk covi |
National Criminal Justice ID | identifier for a publication, report, article or audiovisual product, in the United States' National Criminal Justice Reference Service database | external-id | 3 | |
P4222 talk covi |
United Nations Treaty Series Volume Number | volume number within the United Nations Treaty Series | external-id | 2,933 | |
P4223 talk covi |
Enciclopedia Italiana ID | identifier for the Enciclopedia Italiana on Treccani website | external-id | 1,974 | |
P4224 talk covi |
kategorie obsahuje | category contains elements that are instances of this item | obsah kategorie | wikibase-item | 604,419 |
P4225 talk covi |
IPA Braille | representation of a IPA phoneme in the Braille system | string | 162 | |
P4226 talk covi |
Cyworld ID | identifier of the subject at Cyworld | external-id | 1,402 | |
P4227 talk covi |
Indonesian Small Islands Directory ID | identifier for DPKI directory of small islands by the Indonesian government | DPKI, DPKI ID | external-id | 567 |
P4228 talk covi |
Encyclopedia of Australian Science ID | identifier for a person or organisation in the Encyclopedia of Australian Science, an online compilation of biographical data about Australian scientists and their organisations | external-id | 2,448 | |
P4229 talk covi |
ICD-10-CM | classification of medical condition under ICD-10-CM (a country specific expansion of ICD-10) | external-id | 8,687 | |
P4230 talk covi |
Sefaria ID | identifier for Sefaria, an online library of Jewish texts with freely licensed content | external-id | 312 | |
P4231 talk covi |
United Nations Treaty Series Registration Number | registration number of a treaty within the United Nations Treaty Series | external-id | 228 | |
P4232 talk covi |
Figshare author ID | identifier for an author on Figshare | external-id | 33 | |
P4233 talk covi |
PatientLikeMe condition ID | identifier for a condition on PatientsLikeMe, a website where patients can share health information | external-id | 7 | |
P4235 talk covi |
PatientLikeMe treatment ID | identifier for a treatment on PatientsLikeMe, a website where patients can share health information | external-id | 119 | |
P4236 talk covi |
PatientLikeMe symptom ID | identifier for a symptom on PatientsLikeMe, a website where patients can share health information | external-id | 7 | |
P4238 talk covi |
webcam page URL | URL of a page broadcasting pictures by a webcam situated in this location or mounted on this element | url | 79 | |
P4239 talk |
vocalized name | item name with full vowel marks | monolingualtext | 45 | |
P4240 talk covi |
syntaxe regulárního výrazu | vymezení, které určuje, která syntaxe, resp. varianta regulárních výrazů se používá v daném výrazu | wikibase-item | 9 | |
P4241 talk covi |
refine date | qualifier to narrow down the precision of a date not fully specified by the Wikidata time datatype precision field | wikibase-item | 1,078 | |
P4242 talk covi |
maximal rate of climb | maximum rate of positive altitude change with respect to time for an aircraft | quantity | 2 | |
P4243 talk covi |
candidate number | number of the candidate in an election | string | 30 | |
P4244 talk covi |
Bavarian monument authority ID | identifier for cultural heritage monuments (ensembles, buildings and grounds) in Bavaria, issued by the Bavarian State Office for the Preservation of Monuments | external-id | 105,822 | |
P4245 talk covi |
cultural heritage monument in Serbia ID | identifier for cultural heritage sites in the Republic of Serbia, from the WLM database | external-id | 14 | |
P4246 talk covi |
LfD-HB object ID | identifier for cultural heritage monuments issued by the Bremen State Office for the Preservation of Monuments | external-id | 2,021 | |
P4247 talk covi |
Tagesschau election ID | identifier of a parliamentary election in the elections archive on | external-id | 269 | |
P4248 talk covi |
The Black Book ID | ID for a person wanted by the Nazi administration, in the case of an invasion of the United Kingdom, as listed in the "Black Book" ("Sonderfahndungsliste GB") | external-id | 150 | |
P4249 talk covi |
Vincoli in Rete ID | identifier of a building or site in the database of the MIBACT (Ministero per i Beni, le Attività Culturali e il Turismo) concerning regulatory constraints on cultural heritage in Italy | external-id | 17 | |
P4250 talk covi |
definovaná denní dávka | average maintenance dose per day for a medicine used for its main indication in adults | quantity | 910 | |
P4251 talk covi |
TSE number | number assigned by the Brazilian Superior Electoral Court to registered political parties | external-id | 36 | |
P4252 talk covi |
All-Russian Mathematical Portal ID | identifier for a mathematician in the All-Russian Mathematical Portal | external-id | 3,074 | |
P4253 talk covi |
number of constituencies | number of constituencies related to a legislative body | quantity | 745 | |
P4254 talk covi |
Banglapedia (Bengali version) ID | identifier for a Bengali article on Banglapedia, the national online encyclopedia of Bangladesh | external-id | 1,699 | |
P4255 talk covi |
Banglapedia (English version) ID | identifier for an English article on Banglapedia, the national online encyclopedia of Bangladesh | external-id | 1,195 | |
P4256 talk covi |
Spanish "Boletín Oficial del Estado" ID | external and unique identifier which represents a publication in the Spanish Official Gazette | external-id | 742 | |
P4257 talk covi |
National Museums of Japan e-museum ID | identifier of a work, in the National Museums of Japan's e-museum website | external-id | 19 | |
P4258 talk |
Gallica ID | Gallica ID of a scan | external-id | 390 | |
P4259 talk covi |
Lega Pallavolo Serie A Femminile player ID | identifier for a volleyball player on the Lega Pallavolo Serie A Femminile website | external-id | 712 | |
P4260 talk covi |
NPB player ID | identifier for a player on the Nippon Professional Baseball website | external-id | 6,295 | |
P4261 talk covi |
FFVoile sailor ID | licence number of a sailor for the French Sailing Federation, corresponding identifier on its website | external-id | 53 | |
P4262 talk covi |
Footofé player ID | identifier for a female association football player on the Footofé website | external-id | 368 | |
P4263 talk covi |
THW Kiel player ID | identifier for a handball player on the THW Kiel website | external-id | 182 | |
P4264 talk covi |
ID společnosti na LinkedIn | identifikátor společnosti, školy nebo organizace na LinkedIn | ID na LinkedIn, LinkedIn ID organizace | external-id | 1,358 |
P4265 talk covi |
Reddit username | user name on the social news website Reddit | external-id | 130 | |
P4266 talk covi |
Bavarian geotope ID | identifier for geotopes in Bavaria (Germany), issued by the Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt | external-id | 3,194 | |
P4267 talk covi |
Landtag of Liechtenstein ID | identifier of a member of the Landtag of Liechtenstein | external-id | 82 | |
P4268 talk covi |
half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) | measure of the effectiveness of a substance in inhibiting a specific biological or biochemical function | quantity | 1 | |
P4269 talk covi |
half maximal effective concentration | concentration of a drug, antibody or toxicant which induces a response halfway between the baseline and maximum after a specified exposure time | EC50 | quantity | 3 |
P4270 talk covi |
Daum TV series ID | identifier for a TV Series in the Daum database | external-id | 59 | |
P4271 talk covi |
rating | qualifier to indicate a score given by the referenced source indicating the quality or completeness of the statement | wikibase-item | 786 | |
P4272 talk covi |
DPLA subject ID | identifier for a subject area in the Digital Public Library of America | external-id | 13 | |
P4273 talk covi |
New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission ID | landmarks designated by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission | external-id | 21 | |
P4274 talk covi |
Tunisian geographic code | Identifier for administrative regions of Tunisia | external-id | 46 | |
P4275 talk covi |
Japanese Database of National important cultural properties | identifier of a site in the Japanese Database of National important cultural properties | external-id | 4 | |
P4276 talk covi |
Cinémathèque québécoise work identifier | Cinémathèque québécoise identifier for a work | external-id | 30,534 | |
P4277 talk covi |
Daum movie ID | identifier for a film in the Daum database | external-id | 8,468 | |
P4278 talk covi |
FCI rider ID | identifier for a rider on the Italian Cycling Federation website | external-id | 26 | |
P4279 talk covi |
číslo hydrologického pořadí | identifier for water bodies in the Czech Republic | external-id | 1,282 | |
P4280 talk covi |
International Standard Text Code | ISO standard unique identifier for text-based works | external-id | 2 | |
P4281 talk covi |
LNV player ID | identifier for a player on the French Ligue nationale de volley websiste | external-id | 312 | |
P4282 talk covi |
LUMIERE film ID | ID of a film in the LUMIERE database of the European Audiovisual Observatory | external-id | 8,185 | |
P4283 talk covi |
LUMIERE director ID | ID of a film director in the LUMIERE database of the European Audiovisual Observatory | external-id | 53 | |
P4284 talk covi |
Nominis given name ID | given name ID in Nominis database | external-id | 2,541 | |
P4285 talk covi | person ID | identifier of a PhD holder or thesis jury member, on the French thesis database | external-id | 2,982 | |
P4286 talk covi |
Nominis saint ID | saint ID in Nominis database | external-id | 1,498 | |
P4287 talk covi |
Riigikogu ID | identifier for a member of the Estonian Parliament | external-id | 136 | |
P4288 talk covi |
UK National Fruit Collection ID | identifier of a fruit (plant) variety or cultivar, in the United Kingdom National Fruit Collection | external-id | 1,967 | |
P4289 talk covi |
LFH player ID | identifier for a player on the website of the French Ligue Féminine de Handball (LFH) | external-id | 140 | |
P4290 talk covi |
oficiální aplikace | official app for this organization or other entity (a downloadable application for Android, iPhone etc.) | wikibase-item | 42 | |
P4291 talk covi |
panorama | panorama pohled na objekt | commonsMedia | 451 | |
P4292 talk covi |
possessed by spirit | item which is spiritually possessing this item | wikibase-item | 16 | |
P4293 talk covi |
PM20 folder ID | identifier for a folder in the German Pressemappe 20. Jahrhundert (20th century press archive) | external-id | 11,205 | |
P4294 talk covi |
PROSPERO ID | identifier for a study, in the PROSPERO database | external-id | 2 | |
P4295 talk covi |
čtenost | average number of readers of a newspaper or other periodical, per issue | quantity | 6 | |
P4296 talk covi |
stellar rotational velocity | measured parameter for stars | quantity | 1,185 | |
P4297 talk covi |
MIL-STD-2525 Symbol Identification Code | 20 or 30 digit code which denotes a military symbol as specified in MIL-STD-2525 | external-id | 203 | |
P4298 talk covi |
VBL player ID | identifier for a beach volleyball player on the website of the German Volleyball Federation | external-id | 287 | |
P4299 talk covi |
ITF wheelchair player ID | identifier for a wheelchair tennis player on the International Tennis Federation website | external-id | 77 | |
P4300 talk covi |
YouTube playlist ID | identifier for a playlist (official) on YouTube containing videos for this item | external-id | 886 | |
P4301 talk covi |
PfaF id | identifier for a plant taxon, in the Plants For A Future database of uses of plants and their parts | external-id | 2,300 | |
P4302 talk covi |
KNAU ID | identifier for a Dutch athletics competitor on the Royal Dutch Athletics Federation website | external-id | 68 | |
P4303 talk covi |
Lega Pallavolo Serie A player ID | identifier for a volleyball player on the Lega Pallavolo Serie A website | external-id | 1,653 | |
P4304 talk covi |
FOIH materials ID | identifier for a type of material in the thesaurus of the Flemish organization for Immovable Heritage | external-id | 12 | |
P4305 talk covi |
FOIH styles and cultures ID | identifier for a style or culture in the thesaurus of the Flemish organization for Immovable Heritage | external-id | 67 | |
P4306 talk covi |
FOIH periods ID | identifier for a period in the thesaurus of the Flemish organization for Immovable Heritage | external-id | 79 | |
P4307 talk covi |
FOIH heritage types ID | identifier for a heritage type in the thesaurus of the Flemish organization for Immovable Heritage | external-id | 198 | |
P4308 talk covi |
FOIH value types ID | identifier for a value type in the thesaurus of the Flemish organization for Immovable Heritage | external-id | 11 | |
P4309 talk covi |
FOIH event types ID | identifier for an event type in the thesaurus of the Flemish organization for Immovable Heritage | external-id | 11 | |
P4310 talk covi |
FOIH decree types ID | identifier for a decree type in the thesaurus of the Flemish organization for Immovable Heritage | external-id | 11 | |
P4311 talk covi |
FOIH taxon ID | identifier for a taxon in the thesaurus of the Flemish organization for Immovable Heritage | external-id | 528 | |
P4312 talk covi |
camera setup | filmmaking method that the cameras were placed by. Use single-camera (Q2918907) or multiple-camera (Q738160) | wikibase-item | 1,760 | |
P4313 talk covi |
musée de Bretagne identifiant collections ID | identifier for an object in the collection of the Brittany Museum, France | external-id | 11 | |
P4314 talk covi | speed skater ID | identifier for a speed skater on the | external-id | 718 | |
P4315 talk covi |
SwimSwam ID | identifier for a swimmer in the SwimSwam website database | external-id | 402 | |
P4316 talk covi |
kinship equivalent in SPARQL at Wikidata | part of a SPARQL query that lists this type of ?relative of a ?person. Use with relationship properties (except P1038). See instructions for applicable format. | string | 136 | |
P4317 talk covi |
GARD rare disease ID | identifier for a rare disease in the United States National Institutes of Health's Genetic and Rare Diseases (GARD) Information Center database | external-id | 3,889 | |
P4318 talk covi |
Scottish Sports HoF athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the Scottish Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 16 | |
P4319 talk covi |
Elite Prospects staff ID | identifier for an ice hockey team staff member, on | external-id | 716 | |
P4320 talk covi |
mountains classification | person ranked for this cycling stage or race | wikibase-item | 396 | |
P4321 talk covi |
best combative classification | person ranked as "best combative" for this cycling stage or race | wikibase-item | 9 | |
P4322 talk covi |
best sprinter classification | person ranked as "best sprinter" for this cycling stage or race | wikibase-item | 77 | |
P4323 talk covi |
young rider classification | person ranked as young participant for this cycling stage or race | wikibase-item | 295 | |
P4324 talk covi |
combination classification | person ranked in "best at combination" for this cycling stage or race | wikibase-item | 31 | |
P4325 talk covi |
APA phoneme code | symbol of a phoneme in the Americanist Phonetic Notation | string | 2 | |
P4326 talk covi |
BFI Filmography person ID | identifier for a person in the British Film Institute (BFI) 'Filmography' database | external-id | 58 | |
P4327 talk covi |
BHL bibliography ID | identifier for a journal or book ("bibliography") in the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) | external-id | 63,504 | |
P4328 talk covi |
Brueckenweb ID | identifier of a bridge, in the Brückenweb database | external-id | 69 | |
P4329 talk covi |
wiki šablona | hlavní šablona pro tuto položku | wikibase-item | 864 | |
P4330 talk |
obsahuje | physical item or substance located within this item as a container | wikibase-item | 161 | |
P4331 talk covi |
Department of Education and Skills roll number | identifier in official government database of Irish schools | external-id | 220 | |
P4332 talk covi |
Deutsche Synchronkartei actor-ID | Identifier for actors in the synchronisation (dubbing) database Deutsche Synchronkartei. Format: digits | external-id | 4,289 | |
P4333 talk covi |
GenBank Assembly accession | Genome assembly accession identifier for the identification of strains with a corresponding assembly | external-id | 1,000 | |
P4334 talk covi |
Heritage Conservation District of Ontario ID | heritage conservation district of Ontario reference number | external-id | 130 | |
P4335 talk covi |
IDESCAT territorial code in Catalonia | official identifier for a Catalonian territorial unit, from Institut Estadístic de Catalunya (IDESCAT) | external-id | 994 | |
P4336 talk covi |
Lloyd's Register Ship ID | Ship ID in Lloyd's Register of Ships | external-id | 5 | |
P4337 talk covi |
digitised page from Lloyd's Register of Ships from 1930 to 1945 | ID of a scanned page in Plimsoll ShipData online copy of Lloyd's Register of Ships 1930-1945 | external-id | 5 | |
P4338 talk covi |
LOINC ID | identifier for medical observations, measurements, and documents in the Regenstrief Institute's Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC), a database of internationalized medical terminology | external-id | 91 | |
P4339 talk covi |
Radio Radicale organization ID | identifier for an organization in the database of Radio Radicale | external-id | 34 | |
P4340 talk covi |
PubsHistory pub ID | identifier for a public house in the United Kingdom, as used by the 'I Am Pub History' website | external-id | 16 | |
P4341 talk covi |
synodická perioda | time between two passes of an object in front of a distant star seen from another orbiting object | quantity | 10 | |
P4342 talk covi |
Store norske leksikon ID | identifier of an article in the online encyclopedia | external-id | 4,339 | |
P4343 talk covi |
WBPLN author ID | identifier for authors listed in the West Bengal Public Library Network | external-id | 525 | |
P4344 talk covi |
QEdu ID | identifier for a Brazilian educational institution, in the QEdu database | external-id | 35 | |
P4345 talk covi |
excavation director | person leading the archaeological or anthropological excavation at this site | wikibase-item | 117 | |
P4346 talk covi |
T4T35 megalith ID | identifier for a European megalith, on the T4T35 website | external-id | 116 | |
P4347 talk covi |
Florida Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the Florida Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 219 | |
P4348 talk covi |
Lotsawa House Tibetan author ID | identifier for Tibetan authors, in the Lotsawa House library of translations of Tibetan Buddhist religious texts | external-id | 54 | |
P4349 talk covi |
Lotsawa House Indian author ID | identifier for Indian authors, in the Lotsawa House library of translations of Tibetan Buddhist religious texts | external-id | 10 | |
P4350 talk covi |
salinity | amount of dissolved salt in a body of water | quantity | 10 | |
P4351 talk covi |
Cravo Albin artist ID | identifier for an artist or group, in the Cravo Albin Dictionary of Brazilian Popular Music | external-id | 66 | |
P4352 talk covi |
BillionGraves cemetery ID | identifier for a burial ground, on the BillionGraves website | external-id | 40 | |
P4353 talk covi |
nominován (kým) | kdo nominoval osobu do úřadu; může se používat jako vymezení | nominoval | wikibase-item | 271 |
P4354 talk covi |
search formatter URL | web page search URL; URI template from which "$1" can be automatically replaced with the string to be searched for | string | 400 | |
P4355 talk covi |
PROSITE documentation ID | identifier for a protein family, domain or functional site, in the PROSITE database | external-id | 3 | |
P4356 talk covi |
Megalithic Portal ID | identifier for an ancient site on The Megalithic Portal | external-id | 17 | |
P4357 talk covi |
Musikverket person ID | identifier for a person in the Swedish Musikverket database of the performing arts | external-id | 1,617 | |
P4358 talk covi |
Dutch lost building register ID | identifier for former buildings in the Netherlands, connecting them to images in public collections | external-id | 94 | |
P4359 talk covi | ID | identifier for a person giving their burial place, in | external-id | 5,787 | |
P4360 talk covi |
Monumentos de São Paulo ID | identifier for a monument in São Paulo city, Brazil, on the Monumentos de São Paulo website | external-id | 482 | |
P4361 talk covi |
ExecutedToday ID | identifier for a person or group of individuals, in the ExecutedToday database | external-id | 514 | |
P4362 talk covi |
ASHOF athlete ID | ASHOF athlete ID | external-id | 130 | |
P4363 talk covi |
DSMHOF athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the Delaware Sports Museum and Hall of Fame website | external-id | 29 | |
P4364 talk covi |
Georgia Sports Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an athlete on the Georgia Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 253 | |
P4365 talk covi |
Hawai‘i Sports Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an athlete on the Hawai‘i Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 93 | |
P4366 talk covi |
Kansas Sports Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an athlete on the Kansas Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 206 | |
P4367 talk covi |
Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an athlete on the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 164 | |
P4368 talk covi |
Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an athlete on the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 124 | |
P4369 talk covi |
Cairn author ID | identifier for an author in Cairn, an online library of French-language scholarly journals | external-id | 2,419 | |
P4370 talk covi |
KBO hitter ID | identifier for a baseball hitter in | external-id | 405 | |
P4371 talk covi |
KBO pitcher ID | identifier for a baseball pitcher in | external-id | 518 | |
P4372 talk covi |
Infopatrimônio ID | identifer for a Brazilian historical Heritage asset, in the Infopatrimônio database | external-id | 813 | |
P4373 talk covi |
National Trust Collections ID | identifier for an artwork or heritage object, in the catalogue of the United Kingdom's National Trust | external-id | 12,523 | |
P4374 talk covi |
New Mexico Sports Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an athlete on the New Mexico Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 62 | |
P4375 talk covi |
North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an athlete on the North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 186 | |
P4376 talk covi |
Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an athlete or a team on the Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 156 | |
P4377 talk covi |
Women's Sports Foundation ID | identifier for an athlete on the Women's Sports Foundation website | external-id | 187 | |
P4379 talk covi |
youth wing | group of younger people associated with this organization | wikibase-item | 88 | |
P4380 talk covi | artwork ID | artwork identifier in the web-based edition of Joachim von Sandrart’s "Teutscher Academie der Edlen Bau, Bild- und Mahlerey-Künste" (1675–80) | external-id | 54 | |
P4381 talk covi |
Soccerdonna player ID | identifier for a female association football player on the Soccerdonna website | external-id | 3,205 | |
P4382 talk covi |
Id hráčky v LFB | identifikace hráčky na webu Ligue féminine de basket | external-id | 207 | |
P4383 talk covi |
Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 147 | |
P4384 talk covi |
ID v databázi DAMIT | identifier for an asteroid in the Database of Asteroid Models from Inversion Techniques (DAMIT) | external-id | 920 | |
P4385 talk covi |
Missouri Sports Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an athlete on the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 29 | |
P4386 talk covi |
Virginia Sports Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an athlete on the Virginia Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 33 | |
P4387 talk covi |
update method | method used by an app/OS to receive updates or self-update | wikibase-item | 57 | |
P4388 talk covi |
Mappy place ID | identifier for place in Mappy | external-id | 26 | |
P4389 talk covi |
Science Museum people ID | identifier of a person or organisation on the website of the Science Museum Group | external-id | 122 | |
P4390 talk covi |
mapping relation type | qualifier to more precisely define the relation of the item to the external identifier using SKOS | wikibase-item | 23,751 | |
P4391 talk covi | athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on | external-id | 6,223 | |
P4392 talk covi |
BC Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the BC Sports Hall of Fame | external-id | 156 | |
P4393 talk covi |
Anvisa drug ID | identifier provided by Anvisa, a regulatory body of the Brazilian government responsible for the regulation and approval of pharmaceutical drugs, sanitary standards and regulation of the food industry | external-id | 2 | |
P4394 talk covi |
NeuroNames ID (plain mode) | numeric identifier of a brain structure in the BrainInfo (NeuroNames) database in plain mode | external-id | 459 | |
P4395 talk covi |
BrainInfo ID (hierarchical) | numeric identifier of a brain structure in the BrainInfo (NeuroNames) database in hierarchical mode | external-id | 275 | |
P4396 talk covi |
Alberta Sports Hall of Fame and Museum athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame and Museum website | external-id | 12 | |
P4397 talk covi |
International Paralympic Committee athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the International Paralympic Committee website | external-id | 366 | |
P4398 talk covi |
Canada's Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the Canada's Sports Hall of Fame webiste | external-id | 406 | |
P4399 talk covi |
Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural ID | external-id | 3,190 | ||
P4400 talk covi |
Memória Globo | identifier for pages on the history of Brazilian TV network Rede Globo, researched by a team of journalists, historians and anthropologists | external-id | 50 | |
P4401 talk covi |
ID Museus Brazil | identifier for information on Brazilian museums from (Museusbr) | external-id | 88 | |
P4402 talk covi |
Women's Collegiate Tennis Hall of Fame ID | identifier for a player on the Women's Collegiate Tennis Hall of Fame website | external-id | 53 | |
P4403 talk covi |
kalibr | vnitřní průměr hlavně palné zbraně | quantity | 66 | |
P4404 talk covi |
MusicBrainz recording ID | identifier for a recording in the MusicBrainz open music encyclopedia | external-id | 976 | |
P4405 talk covi |
NLBPA ID | identifier for a player on the Negro League Baseball Players Association website | external-id | 91 | |
P4406 talk covi |
Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an athlete on the Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame | external-id | 54 | |
P4407 talk covi |
Opera Vivra singer ID | identifier for a singer, on the Opera Vivra website | external-id | 121 | |
P4408 talk covi | athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the website | external-id | 1,816 | |
P4409 talk covi |
Baseball Almanac ID | identifier for a player on the Baseball Almanac website | external-id | 1,286 | |
P4410 talk covi |
Women's Basketball Hall of Fame ID | identifier for a female basketball player on the Women's Basketball Hall of Fame website | external-id | 170 | |
P4411 talk covi |
Quora username | username of an individual or organisation, on the Quora website | external-id | 160 | |
P4412 talk covi |
Ontario Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the Ontario Sports Hall of Fame | external-id | 136 | |
P4413 talk covi |
Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame | external-id | 128 | |
P4414 talk covi |
New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame | external-id | 26 | |
P4415 talk covi |
Sport Australia Hall of Fame inductee ID | identifier for an inductee on the Sport Australia Hall of Fame website | external-id | 428 | |
P4416 talk covi |
Panthéon des sports du Québec ID | identifier for an athlete or a builder on the Panthéon des sports du Québec | external-id | 247 | |
P4417 talk covi | player ID | Player code on the site | external-id | 404 | |
P4418 talk covi |
New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an inductee on the New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 180 | |
P4419 talk covi |
Videolectures ID | identifier for person, meeting or presentation/talk (video) on the Videolectures website | external-id | 73 | |
P4421 talk covi | ID | identifier of an athlete on the site | external-id | 915 | |
P4422 talk covi |
U.S. Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame and Museum website | external-id | 181 | |
P4423 talk covi |
Portuguese lighthouse ID | national number of a lighthouse in Portugal | external-id | 35 | |
P4424 talk covi |
mandates | action or status required or requested by a motion | wikibase-item | 118 | |
P4425 talk covi |
mtDNA haplogroup | mitochondrial DNA haplogroup of a person or organism | wikibase-item | 7 | |
P4426 talk covi |
Y-DNA Haplogroup | Y-DNA haplogroup of a person or organism | wikibase-item | 16 | |
P4427 talk covi |
GACS ID | identifier of a concept in the Global Agricultural Concept Scheme | external-id | 551 | |
P4428 talk covi |
implementace (čeho) | tato položka je implementací daného standardu, specifikace, programovacího jazyka atp. | wikibase-item | 173 | |
P4429 talk covi |
Pro14 player ID | identifier for a rugby union player on the PRO14 website | external-id | 453 | |
P4430 talk covi |
New York City Parks monument ID | identifier for monuments and public art in the spaces administered by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation | external-id | 13 | |
P4431 talk covi |
Google Doodle | Google Doodle celebrating this entity or event | external-id | 1,189 | |
P4432 talk covi |
AKL Online Artist ID | artist identifier in the Artists of the World Online database | external-id | 423 | |
P4433 talk covi |
Indian Foundation for Butterflies ID | identifier from Indian organization of butterfly biologists working on the conservation of butterflies of India. They maintain an internet-based and peer-reviewed resource devoted to Indian butterflies. | external-id | 958 | |
P4434 talk covi | ID | note on, a biographical dictionary edited by the Société générale de presse | external-id | 4,180 | |
P4435 talk covi |
snap package | Snapcraft-based Linux software install | external-id | 86 | |
P4436 talk covi |
The Coptic Library ID | identifier of author or subject in The Coptic Library | external-id | 22 | |
P4437 talk covi |
FPB rating | rating of a film or video game in the South African media content rating system | wikibase-item | 98 | |
P4438 talk covi |
BFI Films, TV and people ID | identifier for a person or movie at BFI Film & TV Database. Format: 13 digits and lowercase letters | external-id | 12,793 | |
P4439 talk covi |
MNCARS artist ID | identifier of a person in the MNCARS (Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía) database | external-id | 1,149 | |
P4440 talk covi |
Biblioteca Nacional de México ID | authority control identifier used at the Biblioteca Nacional de México | external-id | 198 | |
P4441 talk |
hydraulic head | hydraulic head of a dam or hydroelectric power station | quantity | 25 | |
P4442 talk covi |
průměrný věk | mean age in a given place; qualify with P585 | quantity | 115 | |
P4443 talk covi |
card network | credit or debit card network | wikibase-item | 24 | |
P4444 talk |
reward | reward, bonus, or prize received as part of a membership or loyalty program | wikibase-item | 8 | |
P4445 talk covi |
grace period | period immediately after the deadline for an obligation during which a fee is waived | quantity | 5 | |
P4446 talk covi |
reward program | reward program associated with the item | wikibase-item | 168 | |
P4447 talk covi |
minimum spend bonus | reward for spending a sum of money | quantity | 3 | |
P4448 talk covi |
cash back | Cash or Points received for spending money as part of a loyalty program | quantity | 12 | |
P4449 talk covi |
Shirat Nashim person ID | identifier of a person in the israeli female singers database, Shirat Nashim | external-id | 26 | |
P4450 talk covi |
HAL author ID | identifier of a researcher on HAL, an open archive allowing to deposit scholarly documents freely searchable | external-id | 566 | |
P4451 talk covi |
Scoresway handball person ID | identifier for a handball player or manager on the Scoresway website | external-id | 165 | |
P4452 talk covi |
Thibaudeau classification | a classification for typefaces created by Francis Thibaudeau | wikibase-item | 19 | |
P4453 talk covi |
Argentine Senate member ID | identifier for a member of the Senate of Argentina (incumbent) | external-id | 73 | |
P4454 talk covi |
Argentine Chamber of Deputies ID | identifier for a member of the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina (only incumbent) | external-id | 367 | |
P4455 talk covi |
Coinage of the Roman Republic Online ID | identifier of a coin in the Coinage of the Roman Republic Online platform, a digital version of Michael Crawford's 1974 publication Roman Republican Coinage (RRC) | external-id | 7 | |
P4456 talk covi |
Internet Off-Broadway Database ID | identifier for an actor, in Lortel's Internet Off-Broadway Database | external-id | 1,269 | |
P4457 talk covi |
DAHR artist ID | identifier for an artist in the Discography of American Historical Recordings (DAHR) | external-id | 62 | |
P4458 talk covi |
Dutch Cemetery in Chinsurah person ID | identifier for an interred person in the database of the Dutch Cemetery in Chinsurah, West Bengal | external-id | 161 | |
P4459 talk covi |
Dictionary of Spanish Biography ID | identifier for a person in the online version of the Diccionario Biográfico Español (Dictionary for Spanish Biography) | external-id | 11,799 | |
P4460 talk covi |
Kaitai Struct format gallery ID | identifier in the global Kaitai Struct formats repository | external-id | 34 | |
P4461 talk covi |
World Golf Hall of Fame player ID | identifier for a player on the World Golf Hall of Fame website | external-id | 161 | |
P4462 talk covi |
Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame inductee ID | identifier for an inductee on the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame website | external-id | 103 | |
P4463 talk covi |
Canadian Ski Hall of Fame inductee ID | identifier for an inductee on the Canadian Ski Hall of Fame website | external-id | 82 | |
P4464 talk covi |
Rugby League Project player ID | identifier for a player on the Rugby League Project website | external-id | 5,027 | |
P4465 talk covi |
Ecole des chartes thesis abstract ID | identifier for the abstract of the diploma thesis of an archivist paleographer (graduate student) at the Ecole Nationale des Chartes | external-id | 431 | |
P4466 talk covi |
Unified Astronomy Thesaurus ID | identifier for a term in the Unified Astronomy Thesaurus (UAT) | external-id | 958 | |
P4467 talk covi |
Twitch game ID | identifier for a video game or series on the website | external-id | 342 | |
P4468 talk covi |
Mountain Bike Hall of Fame inductee ID | identifier for an inductee on the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame website | external-id | 46 | |
P4469 talk covi |
IGHOF athlete ID | identifier for an inductee on the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame website | external-id | 103 | |
P4470 talk covi |
British Bobsleigh & Skeleton Association ID | identifier for sportsperson in the British Bobsleigh & Skeleton Association (BBSA) database | external-id | 34 | |
P4471 talk covi |
Rush Parliamentary Archive ID | Database of British members of parliament, 1832-2005 | external-id | 9,597 | |
P4472 talk covi |
ID koně podle českého Jockey Clubu | ID dostihového koně v databázi Jockey Clubu | Jockey Club ID koně | external-id | 39 |
P4473 talk covi |
Melon artist ID | identifier for an artist on Melon | external-id | 204 | |
P4474 talk covi |
IBHOF boxer ID | identifier for a boxer on the International Boxing Hall of Fame website | external-id | 405 | |
P4475 talk covi |
European Fencing Confederation athlete ID | identifier on the European Fencing Confederation website | external-id | 312 | |
P4476 talk covi |
Australian Baseball League player ID | identifier for a player on the Australian Baseball League website | external-id | 198 | |
P4477 talk covi |
Humble Store ID | identifier for an application sold on the Humble Store | external-id | 865 | |
P4478 talk covi |
Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Accused witch ID | Accused witch identifier in the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft database | external-id | 3,221 | |
P4479 talk covi |
INDUCKS character ID | identifier for a character of the Disney Universe | external-id | 1,045 | |
P4480 talk covi |
INDUCKS publication ID | identifier for printed publications of the Disney Universe | external-id | 78 | |
P4481 talk covi |
INDUCKS creator ID | identifier for creators and authors related to the Disney Universe | external-id | 818 | |
P4482 talk covi |
INDUCKS publisher ID | identifier for publishers of printed publications related to the Disney Universe | external-id | 21 | |
P4483 talk covi |
INDUCKS story ID | identifier for a comic book story related to the Disney Universe | external-id | 1,440 | |
P4484 talk covi |
INDUCKS issue ID | identifier for an issue of a printed publication of the Disney Universe | external-id | 256 | |
P4485 talk covi |
INDUCKS miniseries ID | identifier for a miniseries of a printed publication of the Disney Universe | external-id | 50 | |
P4486 talk covi |
Google Play developer ID | identifier for an Android app developer on the Google Play Store | external-id | 56 | |
P4487 talk covi |
Camera Decision ID | identifier for a camera, on the Camera Decision website | external-id | 2 | |
P4488 talk covi |
COAM architect ID | identifier of a person that has built or projected relevant buildings or structures of the city of Madrid included in the Official Architects' Association of Madrid (COAM) database | external-id | 558 | |
P4489 talk covi |
Hellenic Olympic Committee athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the Hellenic Olympic Committee website | external-id | 107 | |
P4490 talk covi |
British Olympic Association athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the British Olympic Association's Team GB website | external-id | 1,132 | |
P4491 talk covi |
Identifikátor Isidore | identifier of a research on Isidore, a platform that collects links to scholarly documents and official texts | external-id | 6,257 | |
P4493 talk covi |
Barbarian F.C. ID | identifier for a rugby union player on the Barbarians F.C. website (the Barbarians) | external-id | 709 | |
P4494 talk covi |
Barbarian R.C. ID | identifier for a rugby union player on the Barbarians R.C. website (the French Barbarians) | external-id | 123 | |
P4495 talk covi |
Xenopus Anatomical Ontology ID | identifier for an anatomical structure in the Xenopus Anatomical Ontology, a controlled vocubulary for describing Xenopus anatomy and embryological development | external-id | 278 | |
P4496 talk covi |
NACE code | code in the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) | string | 39 | |
P4497 talk covi |
Microsoft Store artist ID | identifier of an artist on the Microsoft Store website | external-id | 9 | |
P4498 talk covi |
World Snooker athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association website | external-id | 210 | |
P4500 talk covi |
family relationship degree | kinship degree, degree of consanguinity, generation of people with this kinship type when clearly identifiable. | quantity | 25 | |
P4501 talk covi |
albedo | ratio of reflected radiation to incident radiation | quantity | 21,868 | |
P4502 talk covi | player ID | identifier for a player on the website | external-id | 294 | |
P4503 talk covi |
Wimbledon player ID | identifier for a tennis player on the Wimbledon website, in the archive section | external-id | 259 | |
P4504 talk covi |
IWRP athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the International Weightlifting Results Project website | external-id | 201 | |
P4505 talk covi |
IAFD male performer ID | identifier for a male-born performer in the Internet Adult Film Database | external-id | 570 | |
P4506 talk covi |
Formal Public Identifier | string that identifies uniquely an item using a Formal Public Identifier according to the ISO/IEC 9070:1991 standard | string | 9 | |
P4507 talk covi |
California Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the California Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 84 | |
P4508 talk covi |
CycleBase cyclist ID | identifier for a cyclist on the CycleBase website | external-id | 3,617 | |
P4509 talk covi |
National Monuments of Namibia Site Reference | reference number used for National Monuments of Namibia by the National Heritage Council of Namibia | external-id | 126 | |
P4510 talk covi |
describes a project that uses | essential component or tool that was used in the project described in this publication | wikibase-item | 14,995 | |
P4511 talk covi |
hloubka | svislá vzdálenost mezi hladinou a dnem | quantity | 12,603 | |
P4512 talk covi |
Scottish Cemetery Kolkata person ID | This website contains the database of Scottish Cemetery in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. The database resource was built by Presidency University in collaboration the University of St. Andrews. | external-id | 2 | |
P4513 talk covi |
Africultures movie ID | identifier for a movie at | external-id | 627 | |
P4514 talk covi |
Africultures person ID | ID of a person at French website Africultures | external-id | 90 | |
P4515 talk covi |
Prisma ID | identifier for a film (movie) or person, in | external-id | 4,384 | |
P4516 talk covi |
Mémoire du cyclisme cyclist ID | identifier for a person on the Mémoire du cyclisme website | external-id | 3,601 | |
P4517 talk covi |
ctext work ID | identifier for a work, in the ctext database. ctext is a database of pre-modern texts in Chinese languages (works and editions have separate identifiers) | external-id | 292 | |
P4518 talk covi |
Melon album ID | identifier for a music album on Melon | external-id | 62 | |
P4519 talk covi |
nosnost | amount of mass that can be transported by the vehicle | quantity | 379 | |
P4520 talk covi |
SUNCAT ID | identifier for periodicals from the UK serial union catalogue | external-id | 150 | |
P4521 talk covi |
Radio Radicale person ID | identifier for a person in the database of Radio Radicale | external-id | 26 | |
P4522 talk covi |
Alaska Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the Alaska Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 39 | |
P4523 talk covi |
Vermont Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the Vermont Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 37 | |
P4524 talk covi |
Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Person ID | identifier for persons associated with the witch trials in the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft database. For accused witches please use the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Accused Witch ID | external-id | 2,357 | |
P4525 talk covi |
MuIS object ID | identifier for an object in the Estonian museum database MuIS | external-id | 15,389 | |
P4526 talk covi |
ABA bird ID | identifier for a bird taxon, issued by the American Birding Association | external-id | 973 | |
P4527 talk covi |
UK Parliament thesaurus ID | Thesaurus of subject headings maintained by the libraries of the House of Commons and House of Lords in the UK. Covers around 110,000 topics (concepts, people, places, organisations, legislation, etc), with a structured taxonomy. | external-id | 5,537 | |
P4528 talk covi |
NVE Drainage Basin (REGINE) ID | identifier for water system areas in Norway by the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate | external-id | 189 | |
P4529 talk covi |
Douban film ID | identifier for a film (movie) at the website Douban | external-id | 24,429 | |
P4530 talk covi |
Bangladesh administrative division code | code used for an area for census calculations in Bangladesh | external-id | 167 | |
P4531 talk covi |
ChinesePosters artist ID | identifier for a Chinese propaganda poster artist in the database of | external-id | 113 | |
P4532 talk covi |
Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Trial ID | іdentifier for trials in the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft database. | external-id | 3,214 | |
P4533 talk covi |
kód ulice podle RÚIAN | identifikátor ulic v Česku podle Registru územní identifikace, adres a nemovitostí | RÚIAN kód ulice | external-id | 83,378 |
P4534 talk covi |
identifikátor EUTA pro osobu | identifikátor osobu v EUTA (Projekt Evropská divadelní architektura) | external-id | 1,456 | |
P4535 talk covi |
identifikátor EUTA pro divadlo | identifikátor pro divadlo v EUTA (Projekt Evropská divadelní architektura) | external-id | 2,932 | |
P4536 talk covi |
EThOS thesis ID | identifier of a doctoral thesis, in the British Library's EThOS database | external-id | 26,736 | |
P4537 talk covi |
Spider Ontology ID | identifier for the Spider Ontology which provides a controlled vocabulary for spider comparative biology including anatomical parts (e.g. leg, claw), behavior (e.g. courtship, combing) and products (i.g. silk, web, borrow) | external-id | 15 | |
P4538 talk covi |
Snooker Database player ID | identifier for a player on the Snooker Database website | external-id | 295 | |
P4539 talk covi |
Collective Biographies of Women ID | identifier for a person, in the Collective Biographies of Women database | external-id | 2,164 | |
P4540 talk covi |
IBTrACS cyclone ID | identifier for a tropical cyclone, issued by the World Data Center for Meteorology | external-id | 1,282 | |
P4541 talk covi |
Croatian Olympic Committee athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the Croatian Olympic Committee (Hrvatski olimpijski odbor / HOO) | external-id | 32 | |
P4542 talk covi |
World of O athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the World of O website | external-id | 327 | |
P4543 talk |
has listed ingredient | substance that's listed as ingredient on the packaging of the product; use P1545 to qualify the order of the listed ingredients | wikibase-item | 19 | |
P4544 talk covi |
Tennis Temple player ID | identifier for a player on the Tennis Temple website | external-id | 3,275 | |
P4545 talk covi |
sexually homologous with | body part that originates from the same tissue or cell during fetal development in the opposing sex | wikibase-item | 38 | |
P4546 talk covi |
Gymn Forum athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the Gymn Forum website | external-id | 435 | |
P4547 talk covi |
Serbian Olympic Committee athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the Olympic Committee of Serbia website | external-id | 329 | |
P4548 talk covi |
Commonwealth Games Federation athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the Commonwealth Games Federation website | external-id | 8,263 | |
P4549 talk covi |
ARLIMA ID | identifier for medieval literature | external-id | 1,347 | |
P4550 talk covi |
CNRS research group ID | identifier for an academic research group issued by the CNRS | external-id | 2,006 | |
P4551 talk covi |
Everyone Remembered ID | identifier for a Commonwealth military person, who died in World War One, on the Everyone Remembered database | external-id | 38 | |
P4552 talk covi |
pohoří | range or subrange to which the geographical item belongs | wikibase-item | 43,097 | |
P4553 talk covi |
RA Collections ID | identifier for an entry in the collections database of the Royal Academy of Arts, London | external-id | 7,216 | |
P4554 talk covi |
ICRC PoW ID | identifier for a prisoner of war, in the archives of the International committee of the Red Cross | external-id | 5 | |
P4555 talk covi |
Canada Games athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the Canada Games website | external-id | 10 | |
P4556 talk covi |
FAI ID | identifier for an athlete on the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale website | external-id | 14 | |
P4557 talk covi |
Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an athlete on the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame website | external-id | 111 | |
P4558 talk covi |
SNCZI-IPE dam ID | identifier of a dam in Spain, in the SNCZI-Inventario de Presas y Embalses database | external-id | 110 | |
P4559 talk covi |
IJF judoka ID | identifier for a judoka on the International Judo Federation website | external-id | 489 | |
P4560 talk covi |
National Collegiate Basketball Hall of Fame ID | identifier for a person on the National Collegiate Basketball Hall of Fame website | external-id | 253 | |
P4561 talk covi | WNBA player ID | identifier for a Women's National Basketball Association player on the website | external-id | 924 | |
P4562 talk covi |
Japanese Baseball Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an inductee on the Japanese Baseball Hall of Fame website | external-id | 174 | |
P4563 talk covi |
Art Museum of Estonia artist ID | artist identifier for the Art Museum of Estonia | external-id | 587 | |
P4564 talk covi |
Art Museum of Estonia artwork ID | Artwork identifier for the Art Museum of Estonia | external-id | 16 | |
P4565 talk |
electoral district number | number of the constituency/electoral district established by law. Only to be used if the number is established by law, regulation, or other legally-binding decision; not to be used for database identifier numbers which lack legal force, even if contained | string | 104 | |
P4566 talk |
awarded for period | period during which the achievement must have been made to be eligible for an award | time | 5 | |
P4567 talk covi |
BTO five-letter code | identifier for a bird species, issued by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) | external-id | 538 | |
P4568 talk covi |
SNCZI-IPE reservoir ID | identifier of a reservoir in Spain, in the SNCZI-Inventario de Presas y Embalses database | external-id | 258 | |
P4569 talk covi |
BPH journal ID | identifier for a botanical journal in the Hunt Institute's 'Botanico Periodicum Huntianum' | external-id | 19 | |
P4571 talk covi |
West Australian Football League player ID | identifier for a player on the West Australian Football League website | external-id | 976 | |
P4572 talk covi |
SS KL Auschwitz Garrison ID | identifier for a person, in the Auschwitz camp personnel database | external-id | 5 | |
P4573 talk covi |
Merchant Category Code | four-digit number used to classify businesses by the type of goods or services it provides. | string | 253 | |
P4574 talk covi |
Norwegian historical register of persons ID | Identificator for a person in the Norwegian historical register of persons | external-id | 1,301 | |
P4575 talk covi |
HTML entita | string that represents this character in an HTML page | string | 269 | |
P4576 talk covi |
Tidal artist ID | identifier of an artist on the Tidal website | external-id | 301 | |
P4577 talk covi |
Tidal album ID | identifier of an album on the Tidal website | external-id | 155 | |
P4578 talk covi |
Tidal track ID | identifier of a track on the Tidal website | external-id | 41 | |
P4579 talk covi |
Tidal video ID | identifier of a music video on the Tidal website | external-id | 11 | |
P4580 talk covi |
Berlinische Galerie artist ID | artist identifier for the Berlinische Galerie | external-id | 7 | |
P4581 talk covi |
Städel Museum artist ID | artist and organization identifier for the Städel Museum | external-id | 1,403 | |
P4582 talk covi |
Kulturelles Erbe Köln object ID | object identifier in Kulturelles Erbe Köln | external-id | 42 | |
P4583 talk covi |
U.S. Gymnastics Hall of Fame athlete ID | identifier for an inductee on the U.S. Gymnastics Hall of Fame website | external-id | 98 | |
P4584 talk covi |
první výskyt | první výskyt ve kterém se objevila fiktivní postava | wikibase-item | 237 | |
P4585 talk covi |
Accademia della Crusca ID | identifier for a member of Accademia della Crusca | external-id | 647 | |
P4586 talk covi |
type foundry | type foundry releasing or distributing a font or typeface | wikibase-item | 272 | |
P4587 talk covi |
Argentinian Historic Heritage ID | identifier for historic heritage object included in the national index of Argentina | external-id | 48 | |
P4588 talk covi |
International World Games Association athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the International World Games Association website | external-id | 359 | |
P4589 talk covi |
Dreadnought Project page | page on the Dreadnought Project website | external-id | 124 | |
P4590 talk covi |
Atomic Heritage Foundation ID | profile of a person on the website of the Atomic Heritage Foundation | external-id | 425 | |
P4591 talk covi |
National Inventory of Canadian Military Memorials ID | identifier of a military monument or memorial in the Canadian National Inventory | external-id | 32 | |
P4592 talk covi |
Mountain Project ID | identifier for a climbing area or route on the 'Mountain Project' website | external-id | 40 | |
P4593 talk covi |
Spanish Paralympic Committee athlete ID | identifier of an athlete on the website of the Spanish Paralympic Committeee (Comité Paralímpico Español) | external-id | 178 | |
P4594 talk covi |
arXiv author ID | identifier for an author on arXiv | external-id | 21 | |
P4595 talk covi |
post town | town part of the postal address, for example in the UK or Sweden | string | 21 | |
P4596 talk covi |
NIOSH Publication Number | identifier for an official publication of the US National Institute of Safety and Health (NIOSH) | external-id | 13 | |
P4597 talk covi |
FAPESP institution ID | identifier for institutions funded by the Brazilian research education and innovation foundation, FAPESP | external-id | 3 | |
P4598 talk covi |
FAPESP researcher ID | identifier for researchers funded by the Brazilian research education and innovation foundation, FAPESP | external-id | 29 | |
P4599 talk covi |
monomer z | polymer, který je tvořen těmito jednotkami monomeru | wikibase-item | 36 | |
P4600 talk covi |
polymer z | monomer, z kterého se polymer skládá | wikibase-item | 37 | |
P4601 talk covi |
Lives of WWI ID | identifier for a British or Commonwealth person who served during the first World War, in the Imperial War Museums' 'Lives of the First World War' database | external-id | 424 | |
P4602 talk covi |
datum pohřbu nebo kremace | date on which the person was buried or cremated soon after death | time | 1,178 | |
P4603 talk covi |
Microsoft Store album ID | identifier of a music album on the Microsoft Store website | external-id | 9 | |
P4604 talk covi |
World Rugby Hall of Fame ID | identifier for a player on the World Rugby Hall of Fame website | external-id | 151 | |
P4605 talk covi |
South Dakota Sports Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an athlete on the South Dakota Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 48 | |
P4606 talk covi |
National Film Board of Canada film ID | film identifier used by the National Film Board of Canada website | external-id | 590 | |
P4607 talk covi |
Swedish Musical Heritage composer ID | identifier for a composer in the Swedish Musical Heritage database | external-id | 797 | |
P4608 talk covi |
scenographer | person who designed the stage or film set of this item | wikibase-item | 5,924 | |
P4609 talk covi |
Queensland Australian Football Hall of Fame inductee ID | identifier for a Queensland Australian Football Hall of Fame inductee on the Queensland Australian Football League website | external-id | 44 | |
P4610 talk covi |
ARTIC artwork ID | identifier for an artwork on the Art Institute of Chicago website | external-id | 2,909 | |
P4611 talk covi |
LACMA ID | identifier for an artist or an artwork on the Los Angeles County Museum of Art website | external-id | 2,284 | |
P4612 talk covi |
LKL player ID | identifier for a basketball player on the official website of the Lietuvos krepšinio lyga, the main league in Lithuania | external-id | 159 | |
P4613 talk covi |
Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine ID | identifier for an entry on the official website of the Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine | external-id | 4,360 | |
P4614 talk covi |
povodí | area where precipitation collects and drains off into a common outlet, such as into a river, bay, or other body of water | wikibase-item | 44,552 | |
P4615 talk covi |
WAFL FootyFacts ID | identifier for an Australian rules football player on the WAFL FootyFacts website | external-id | 485 | |
P4616 talk covi |
UniProt journal ID | identifier for a scientific journal, in the UniProt database | external-id | 2,584 | |
P4617 talk covi |
DVV player ID | identifier for a beach volleyball player on the website of the German Volleyball Federation | external-id | 55 | |
P4618 talk covi |
AUSNUT 2011–13 Food Group ID | identifier of a food group in AUSNUT 2011–13 (AUStralian Food and NUTrient Database) | external-id | 38 | |
P4619 talk covi |
National Library of Brazil ID | identifier for a person in the database of the National Library of Brazil | external-id | 1,966 | |
P4620 talk covi |
Merkelstiftung person ID | identifier for the geneological record of a person in the database of the Merkelstiftung | external-id | 346 | |
P4621 talk covi |
Württembergische Kirchengeschichte person ID | identifier for a person in the database of the Evangelic church in Württemberg | external-id | 445 | |
P4622 talk covi |
udělované ocenění | ocenění udělované na konci soutěže či procesu, nejčastěji vítězi či finalistům; bývá ve formě medaile, poháru, diplomu atp. | cena, odměna | wikibase-item | 26 |
P4623 talk covi |
South Australian Football Hall of Fame inductee ID | identifier for a South Australian Football Hall of Fame inductee on the South Australian Football League website | external-id | 156 | |
P4624 talk covi |
squadron embarked | the aircraft squadrons that served/serving on an aircraft carrier | wikibase-item | 6 | |
P4625 talk covi |
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston object ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston website | external-id | 3,935 | |
P4626 talk covi |
identity of object in context | qualifier to specify the identity that applies to a statement when the object of the statement has another identity covered by another item | wikibase-item | 52 | |
P4627 talk covi |
EK number | identifier for an artwork in the Entartete Kunst database of the Freie Universität Berlin | external-id | 50 | |
P4628 talk covi |
ICTV virus genome composition | classification of viruses of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses by the molecular composition of the virus genome (DNA, RNA, double or single stranded and translational polarity) | wikibase-item | 4,403 | |
P4629 talk covi |
Online Books Page author ID | identifier for an author, at the Online Books Page website | external-id | 13,258 | |
P4630 talk covi |
DORIS ID | identifier of an underwater animal or plant species from French metropolitan and overseas waters on the participatory site DORIS | external-id | 3,237 | |
P4631 talk covi |
Iowa Sports Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an Iowa Sports Hall of Fame inductee | external-id | 166 | |
P4632 talk covi |
Bechdel Test Movie List ID | identifier for a film on | external-id | 7,313 | |
P4633 talk covi |
name of the character role | name by which a character role is recorded in a database or mentioned in the context of a work, use as qualifier for cast | string | 1,120 | |
P4634 talk covi |
premiere type | indicates the premiere type (world premiere, language premiere, country premiere) of a performing arts production | wikibase-item | 420 | |
P4635 talk covi |
Indian Financial System Code | identifier for a bank branch participating in either of the two main Payment and settlement systems in India | external-id | 9 | |
P4636 talk covi |
Sherpa Juliet ID | identifier on the Juliet directory of research funding policies | external-id | 138 | |
P4637 talk covi |
FoodEx2 code | identifier within the FoodEx2 (version 2 of the EFSA Food classification and description system for exposure assessment) food taxonomy | external-id | 137 | |
P4638 talk covi |
The Peerage person ID | identifier for a person on The Peerage genealogical website | external-id | 20,879 | |
P4639 talk covi |
Estonian Football Association team ID | identifier for a team on the Estonian Football Association website | external-id | 18 | |
P4640 talk covi |
photosphere image | image with the field of view 360x180 degrees | commonsMedia | 66 | |
P4641 talk covi |
Welsh Chapels ID | identifier for a chapel building in Wales, in the Welsh Religious Buildings Trust chapels database | external-id | 588 | |
P4642 talk covi |
Colorado Sports Hall of Fame ID | identifier for an athlete on the Colorado Sports Hall of Fame website | external-id | 32 | |
P4643 talk covi |
Philadelphia Museum of Art ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Philadelphia Museum of Art website | external-id | 3,209 | |
P4644 talk covi |
ESCO skill ID | identifier for a Skill, in the European multilingual database ESCO v1 | external-id | 126 | |
P4645 talk covi |
RCR number | national identifier of a library in France assigned by Abes | external-id | 23 | |
P4646 talk |
representation of | performing arts production the item is a representation of | wikibase-item | 120 | |
P4647 talk covi |
místo prvního uvedení | location where a work was first debuted, performed or broadcasted | wikibase-item | 14,354 | |
P4649 talk covi |
identity of subject in context | qualifier for subjects which may have different identities which are covered by different items, the identity to which the qualified statement applies | wikibase-item | 88 | |
P4650 talk covi |
BSD Portal athlete ID | identifier for bobsledder, luger and skeleton racer in the Bob- und Schlittenverband für Deutschland (BSD) database | external-id | 91 | |
P4651 talk covi |
Welsh assembly ID | Identifier issued by the National Assembly for Wales | external-id | 142 | |
P4652 talk covi |
ESCO Occupation ID | identifier for an occupation, in the European multilingual database ESCO v1 | external-id | 211 | |
P4653 talk covi |
partition table type | qualifier for "partition identifier" that determines what type of partition table is used with the identifier | wikibase-item | 6 | |
P4654 talk covi |
partition type identifier | string that contains the identifier of a partition type specified in a partition table | string | 7 | |
P4655 talk covi |
Flathub ID | ID of an application on Flathub, the Flatpak repository. | external-id | 201 | |
P4656 talk covi |
URL importované revize stránky Wikimedia | URL of source to indicate the page or revision of an import source from another Wikimedia project (except actual references, such as Wikisource source texts). Use instead of "reference URL" (P854) | url | 1,569,025 | |
P4657 talk covi |
The Numbers person ID | identifier of an actor at The Numbers | external-id | 735 | |
P4658 talk covi |
Coflein ID | identifier for an historic site, monument or building in the National Monuments Record of Wales (NMRW) database | external-id | 734 | |
P4659 talk covi |
Musée d'Orsay artwork ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Musée d'Orsay website | external-id | 4,274 | |
P4660 talk covi |
CPDOC ID | identifier for a bibliographic record in the Center for Research and Documentation of Contemporary History of Brazil (CPDOC) | external-id | 248 | |
P4661 talk covi |
vytvořená nádrž | vodní nádrž, kterou proti proudu vytváří tato přehrada | nádrž | wikibase-item | 2,253 |
P4662 talk covi |
SAN ID | identifier of all subjects in the Italian national archive system (SAN - Sistema archivistico nazionale) | external-id | 146 | |
P4663 talk covi |
DACS ID | code to identify 50,000 artists as members of the British collective rights management organisation DACS and sister organisations worldwide | external-id | 3,779 | |
P4664 talk covi |
Wiki Aves bird ID | identifier for a bird species on Wiki Aves is a Brazilian catalogue website | external-id | 2,177 | |
P4665 talk covi |
Cinemagia film ID | identifier for a movie on the website | external-id | 21,774 | |
P4666 talk covi |
Cinemagia actor ID | identifier for an actor on the website | external-id | 1,611 | |
P4667 talk covi |
Buenos Aires legislator ID | identifier for a member of the Buenos Aires City Legislature | external-id | 12 | |
P4668 talk covi |
USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame athlete ID | identifier for an inductee on the USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame website | external-id | 122 | |
P4669 talk covi |
tabular software version | historical list of software versions and their release dates | tabular-data | 2 | |
P4670 talk covi |
Sjukvårdsrådgivningen Category ID | identifier for a disease or medical condition, in the Swedish government's 'Sjukvårdsrådgivningen' database | external-id | 3 | |
P4671 talk covi |
Hall of Light Amiga database ID | identifier in the database of Amiga video games Hall of Light | external-id | 1,685 | |
P4672 talk covi |
EMLO location ID | identifier for a location in the Early Modern Letters Online database maintained by the University of Oxford | external-id | 3,337 | |
P4673 talk covi |
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston object ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston website | external-id | 2,013 | |
P4674 talk covi |
Indianapolis Museum of Art artwork ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Indianapolis Museum of Art collection website | external-id | 2,069 | |
P4675 talk covi |
appears in the form of | this fictional or mythical entity takes the form of that entity | wikibase-item | 127 | |
P4676 talk covi |
MAVISE TV channel ID | identifier for a TV channel in the MAVISE database of the European Audiovisual Observatory | external-id | 56 | |
P4677 talk covi |
MAVISE on-demand audiovisual service ID | identifier for an on-demand audiovisual service in the MAVISE database of the European Audiovisual Observatory | external-id | 5 | |
P4678 talk covi |
MAVISE competent authority ID | identifier for a licensing authority/register in the MAVISE database of the European Audiovisual Observatory | external-id | 70 | |
P4679 talk covi |
MAVISE company ID | identifier for a company in the MAVISE database of the European Audiovisual Observatory | external-id | 9 | |
P4680 talk covi |
constraint scope | defines the scope where a constraint is checked – on the main value of a statement, on qualifiers, or on references | wikibase-item | 8 | |
P4681 talk covi |
Eldoblaje dubbing actor ID | identifier for a dubbing actor in a Spanish dubbed film | external-id | 55 | |
P4682 talk covi |
Eldoblaje original actor ID | identifier for an original actor in a Spanish dubbed film | external-id | 106 | |
P4683 talk covi |
National Gallery of Art artwork ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the United States' National Gallery of Art website | external-id | 4,155 | |
P4684 talk covi |
National Gallery of Victoria artwork ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the National Gallery of Victoria website | external-id | 6,024 | |
P4685 talk covi |
Identifikátor Nintendo Game Store | identifier for software sold on the Nintendo of America Game Store | Nintendo Game Store ID | external-id | 2,273 |
P4686 talk covi |
Carnegie Museum of Art ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Carnegie Museum of Art website | external-id | 9 | |
P4687 talk covi |
Dictionnaire des peintres belges ID | identifier for a Belgian painter on the Dictionnaire des peintres belges website | external-id | 3,546 | |
P4688 talk covi |
geomorfologická jednotka | geomorfologicky ucelená oblast, do které geografický objekt patří | nachází se v geomorfologické jednotce, nadřazená geomorfologická jednotka | wikibase-item | 67 |
P4689 talk covi |
Environmental Register code (Estonia) | identifier for an entry in the Estonian Environmental Register | external-id | 3,567 | |
P4690 talk covi |
Oireachtas member ID | identifier issued by the Oireachtas for parliament members (both Dáil and Séanad) in Ireland | external-id | 1,771 | |
P4691 talk covi |
OpenSecrets organization ID | identifier used by Opensecrets for organizations involved in US elections | external-id | 83 | |
P4692 talk covi |
American Art Collaborative object ID | identifier for an artwork or any relevant object on the American Art Collaborative website | external-id | 2,415 | |
P4693 talk covi |
Argentine deputy votations ID | identifier for votations and absentism statistics of a member of the Argentine Chamber of Deputies | external-id | 14 | |
P4694 talk covi |
Arquivo Arq ID | identifier for an architect or building, in the Arquivo Arq database | external-id | 19 | |
P4695 talk covi |
GEMS Code | WHO Global Environment Monitoring System/ Food Contamination Monitoring and Assessment Programme (GEMS/Food) code for a food-type | external-id | 14 | |
P4696 talk covi |
CIQUAL2017 ID | identifier for a food category in the French CIQUAL 2017 nutritional database | external-id | 137 | |
P4697 talk covi |
Historic Place Names of Wales ID | identifier for a location in Wales on the List of Historic Place Names of Wales | external-id | 26 | |
P4698 talk covi |
Conseil de Presse Luxembourg journalist ID | identifier for a journalist at the Conseil de Presse Luxembourg, the body that governs the professional title of journalist in Luxembourg | external-id | 27 | |
P4699 talk covi |
Canal-U channel ID | ID of a channel on Canal-U, the online video library of French Higher Education | external-id | 129 | |
P4700 talk covi |
Cairn journal ID | identifier for a journal in Cairn | external-id | 309 | |
P4701 talk covi |
Google Arts & Culture asset ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Google Arts & Culture website | external-id | 9,906 | |
P4702 talk covi |
Google Arts & Culture partner ID | identifier for a museum or other partner on the Google Arts & Culture website | external-id | 360 | |
P4703 talk covi |
HATVP person ID | identifier for a French politician on the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life website | external-id | 114 | |
P4704 talk covi |
Smithsonian American Art Museum ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Smithsonian American Art Museum website | external-id | 8,044 | |
P4705 talk covi |
World of Spectrum ID | identifier in the videogame database World of Spectrum | external-id | 1,181 | |
P4706 talk covi |
Ent'revues ID | identifier for a magazine on Ent'revues, directory service of French cultural magazines | external-id | 286 | |
P4707 talk covi |
Rugby Canada ID | identifier for a rugby union player selected with the Canada national team on the Rugby Canada website | external-id | 10 | |
P4708 talk covi |
VOGRIPA ID | identifier for a volcano on the Volcano Global Risk Identification and Analysis Project website | external-id | 1,590 | |
P4709 talk covi |
Barnes Foundation ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Barnes Foundation website | external-id | 978 | |
P4710 talk covi |
Guardiana ID | identifier in the SEGA videogame database Guardiana | external-id | 670 | |
P4711 talk covi |
CHGIS ID | identifier for a historical administrative region of China in the China Historical Geographic Information System (CHGIS) | external-id | 130 | |
P4712 talk covi |
Minneapolis Institute of Art artwork ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Minneapolis Institute of Art website | external-id | 883 | |
P4713 talk covi |
Walters Art Museum ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Walters Art Museum website | external-id | 527 | |
P4714 talk covi |
title page number | qualifier to indicate the number of the page of a document in which the title page is located. Don't use for the actual cover page. | quantity | 8 | |
P4715 talk covi |
Guide to North American Birds ID | identifier for a bird taxon in the Guide to North American Birds on the National Audubon Society website | external-id | 837 | |
P4716 talk covi |
Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres member ID | identifier for a member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres on its website | external-id | 230 | |
P4717 talk covi |
Académie française member ID | identifier for a member of the Académie française on its website | external-id | 739 | |
P4718 talk covi | NBA coach ID | identifier for a NBA coach on the Basketball Reference website | external-id | 495 | |
P4720 talk covi | WNBA coach ID | identifier for a WNBA coach on the Basketball Reference website | external-id | 88 | |
P4721 talk covi |
MuBE Virtual ID | identifier for a sculpture in Brazil, in the MuBE database | external-id | 116 | |
P4722 talk covi |
Érudit journal ID | identifier for a journal in Érudit | external-id | 176 | |
P4723 talk covi |
GSMArena phone ID | identifier for a telephone model on GSMArena | external-id | 141 | |
P4724 talk covi |
Maitron ID | identifier for a person on the online version of Le Maitron, a biographical dictionary of French labour movement | external-id | 430 | |
P4725 talk covi |
C-SPAN organization ID | identifier for an organization, on C-SPAN | external-id | 520 | |
P4726 talk covi |
Sign@l journal ID | identifier for a journal in the Sign@l database | external-id | 150 | |
P4727 talk covi |
Deutsche Synchronkartei dubbing voice actor ID | identifier for a dubbing voice actor, in the synchronisation (dubbing) database Deutsche Synchronkartei | external-id | 1,458 | |
P4728 talk covi |
uBio ID | identifier for a taxon, in the uBio 'Namebank' database | external-id | 38,058 | |
P4729 talk covi |
INRAN Italian Food ID | identifier in the Italian national nutriment database | external-id | 65 | |
P4730 talk covi |
Mir@bel journal ID | identifier for a journal in the Mir@bel database | external-id | 1,138 | |
P4731 talk covi |
The Baseball Cube player ID | identifier of a baseball player at | external-id | 8,233 | |
P4732 talk covi |
IUPAC GoldBook ID | identifier of definition in Compendium of Chemical Terminology (IUPAC GoldBook) | external-id | 861 | |
P4733 talk covi |
produced sound | sound generated by the item, for instance the cry of an animal | wikibase-item | 42 | |
P4734 talk covi |
IBM code page ID | identifier of a code page of characters assigned by IBM | external-id | 2 | |
P4735 talk covi |
IBM coded character set ID | identifier of a coded character set assigned by IBM | CCSID | external-id | 76 |
P4736 talk covi |
IBM graphic character global ID | identifier of a character/grapheme in the IBM graphic character identification system | external-id | 28 | |
P4737 talk covi |
Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation artwork ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation website | external-id | 588 | |
P4738 talk covi |
Yale Center for British Art artwork ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Yale Center for British Art website | external-id | 2,126 | |
P4739 talk covi |
Musée des Augustins artwork ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Musée des Augustins website | external-id | 708 | |
P4740 talk covi |
Brooklyn Museum artwork ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Brooklyn Museum website | external-id | 658 | |
P4741 talk covi |
OpenEdition journal ID | identifier for a journal in OpenEdition Journals | external-id | 225 | |
P4742 talk covi |
Uniform Resource Identifier Scheme | IANA-assigned uniform resource identifier scheme which identifies items within this class or set | external-id | 147 | |
P4743 talk covi |
plemeno | plemeno, do kterého je zvířecí subjekt klasifikován | zvířecí plemeno | wikibase-item | 346 |
P4744 talk covi | NBA G League player ID | identifier for an NBA G League (formerly NBDL) player on the Basketball Reference website | external-id | 1,303 | |
P4745 talk covi |
sborník z | toto dílo je souborem článků z příslušné události, konference atp. | dokumentovaná událost | wikibase-item | 67 |
P4746 talk covi |
Elhuyar ZTH ID | Elhuyar Science and Technology Dictionary has a wide range of terms in four languages (en, es, fr, eu) that can easily be linked to and from Wikidata. | external-id | 6,578 | |
P4747 talk covi |
Line Music artist ID | identifier for an artist on Line Music | external-id | 75 | |
P4748 talk covi |
Line Music album ID | identifier for an album on Line Music | external-id | 15 | |
P4749 talk covi |
Dictionnaire des auteurs luxembourgeois ID | identifier in the Dictionnaire des auteurs luxembourgeois en ligne, that presents the life and work of authors who, since 1815, have participated in the literary life of Luxembourg | external-id | 468 | |
P4750 talk covi |
National Historic Ships certificate number | certificate number for a vessel, as found on the National Historic Ships website | external-id | 35 | |
P4751 talk covi | college basketball coach ID | identifier for a NCAA Division I college men's basketball coach on the college basketball (SRCBB) website | external-id | 456 | |
P4752 talk covi |
Manus Online ID | identifier for a manuscript held by an Italian library | external-id | 2 | |
P4753 talk covi |
Ecocrop ID | identifier of a plant used as an agricultural crop in the Ecocrop database | external-id | 2,383 | |
P4754 talk covi |
Harvard botanical journal ID | identifier of a publication, in Harvard University Herbaria & Libraries' 'Index of Botanical Publications' | external-id | 5 | |
P4755 talk covi |
UK railway station code | official, three-letter identifier for a railway station in the United Kingdom | external-id | 2,580 | |
P4756 talk covi |
V Live channel ID | identifier for the V Live channel of a person, musical group or organisation | external-id | 19 | |
P4757 talk covi |
Songwriters Hall of Fame ID | ID for a person at Songwriters Hall of Fame | external-id | 322 | |
P4758 talk covi |
MONA ID | identifier for a lepidoptera species, in the Hodges List (i.e. the 'Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico', with subsequent revisions) | external-id | 9 | |
P4759 talk covi |
Luminous-Lint ID | identifier for a photographer in the Luminous-Lint database | external-id | 2,979 | |
P4760 talk covi |
LTI Korea Library ID | identifier for a Korean writer, book, and event in Literature Translation Institute of Korea Library ( | external-id | 198 | |
P4761 talk covi |
Images d'Art artwork ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Images d'Art website | external-id | 206 | |
P4762 talk covi |
Common Database on Designated Areas ID | identifier in Common Database on Designated Areas | external-id | 13,628 | |
P4763 talk covi | ID | identifier on, the Rust package manager (used by cargo) | external-id | 8 | |
P4764 talk covi |
Arcade artwork ID | identifier for an artwork or other object in the Arcade database | external-id | 7 | |
P4765 talk covi |
Commons compatible image available at URL | image with Commons compatible copyright status is available at the following URL. It could be uploaded to Commons to illustrate the item | url | 13,772 | |
P4766 talk covi |
Australian honours ID | ID for an instance of an Australian honour being awarded to an Australian citizen | external-id | 285 | |
P4768 talk covi |
cinematografo name or company ID | identifier for a person or company in | external-id | 1,439 | |
P4769 talk covi |
GameRankings game ID | identifier for a game on GameRankings and GameFAQs | external-id | 1,114 | |
P4770 talk covi |
is a hydrated form of | given compound is an anhydrous form of this compound | wikibase-item | 95 | |
P4771 talk covi |
compArt institution ID | identifier for an institution in the compArt database Digital Art | external-id | 83 | |
P4772 talk covi |
compArt person ID | identifier for a person in the compArt database Digital Art | external-id | 247 | |
P4773 talk covi |
MobyGames company ID | identifier for a company at MobyGames | external-id | 1,053 | |
P4774 talk covi |
biological phase | biological period or stage when this biological process or phenomenon occurs | wikibase-item | 23 | |
P4775 talk covi |
lot number | takes a number; used as a qualifier in combination with new property for "Wikidata:Property proposal/Auction sale"; Auction sales are a significant event for artworks, generally occurring as part of a larger sale of goods by an art auction house | string | 4 | |
P4776 talk covi |
MAC Address Block Large ID | unique identifier of an organisation registered with the IEEE | string | 321 | |
P4777 talk covi |
has boundary | element that's on the two dimensional border that surrounds the subject; the limit of an entity | wikibase-item | 36 | |
P4778 talk covi |
USA Rugby player ID | identifier for a rugby union player selected with the national team on the USA Rugby website | external-id | 20 | |
P4779 talk covi |
MYmovies actor ID | identifier for an actor in | external-id | 549 | |
P4780 talk covi |
MYmovies movie ID | identifier for a film in | external-id | 4,550 | |
P4781 talk covi |
MYmovies director ID | identifier for a director in | external-id | 128 | |
P4782 talk covi |
Movieplayer character ID | identifier for a character in | external-id | 175 | |
P4783 talk covi |
Movieplayer film ID | identifier for film in | external-id | 1,121 | |
P4784 talk covi |
Movieplayer TV-series ID | identifier for TV-series in | external-id | 169 | |
P4785 talk covi |
MYmovies name ID | identifier for producer, cinematographer, screenwriter and company in | external-id | 34 | |
P4786 talk covi |
cinematografo film ID | identifier for a film in | external-id | 3,441 | |
P4787 talk covi |
CiNii author ID (articles) | identifier for a journal article author in CiNii (Scholarly and Academic Information Navigator) | external-id | 84 | |
P4788 talk covi |
uses data storage type | data storage device supported by a machine (e.g. camera or mobile phone) | wikibase-item | 13 | |
P4789 talk covi |
Who's Who UK ID | identifier in "Who's Who" or "Who Was Who", UK edition | external-id | 40 | |
P4790 talk covi | Europe player ID | external-id | 1,618 | ||
P4791 talk covi |
velitel | velitel této vojenské/policejní apod. jednotky, operace apod. | velitel jednotky, velí (kdo), velící důstojník | wikibase-item | 479 |
P4792 talk covi |
vodní nádrž | construction impounding this watercourse or creating this reservoir | wikibase-item | 2,271 | |
P4793 talk covi | prefix | code used in front of an identifier, as supported by and | external-id | 182 | |
P4794 talk covi |
začátek sezóny | doba, kdy začíná sezóna pro tento sport | wikibase-item | 1,989 | |
P4795 talk covi | referee ID | identifier for a referee on the Basketball Reference website | external-id | 20 | |
P4796 talk covi | NBL player ID | identifier for a NBL player on the Basketball Reference website | external-id | 506 | |
P4797 talk covi |
member of the Assembly of Madrid ID | identifier for a person in the Assembly of Madrid webpage | external-id | 268 | |
P4798 talk covi |
BTO Birds of Britain ID | identifier for a bird species or sub-species in the BTO Birds of Britain/ BirdFacts database | 'Birds of Britain' ID, BirdFacts ID, BTO 'Birds of Britain' ID | external-id | 262 |
P4799 talk covi |
Rugby Australia ID | identifier for a rugby union player selected with the Australia national team on the Rugby Australia website | external-id | 15 | |
P4800 talk covi |
EUAP ID | identifier for an Italian protected natural area in the official list of protected natural areas (EUAP - elenco ufficiale delle aree naturali protette) | external-id | 619 | |
P4801 talk covi |
LoC and MARC vocabularies ID | identifier for an item in one of the controlled vocabularies maintained by the Library of Congress | external-id | 128 | |
P4802 talk covi |
BVPB authority ID | identifier of an author, topic or place in Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico | external-id | 154 | |
P4803 talk covi |
Amtrak station code | Station identifier code for the Amtrak system | external-id | 543 | |
P4804 talk covi |
Compagnon de la Libération ID | identifier of a Companion of the Liberation on the website of that French order | external-id | 618 | |
P4805 talk covi |
make-up artist | person responsible for the make-up of cast members in a theatrical production, TV or film | wikibase-item | 85 | |
P4806 talk covi |
Gaming-History identifier | identifier for the Gaming-History videogame database | external-id | 1,642 | |
P4807 talk covi |
Fauna Europaea New ID | identifier for a taxon at the Fauna Europaea portal launched end of 2016 | external-id | 174,360 | |
P4808 talk covi |
Royal Academy new identifier | new (2018) identifier for a person (or sometimes a thing) in the collections and archives of the Royal Academy, London | external-id | 5,685 | |
P4809 talk covi |
sets environment variable | an environment variable which a software program sets | wikibase-item | 5 | |
P4810 talk covi |
čte proměnnou prostředí | an environment variable which a software program reads and may be effected by | wikibase-item | 121 | |
P4811 talk covi |
BWSA ID | Biographical lexicon of socialism and labor unions in the Netherlands | external-id | 23 | |
P4812 talk covi |
Statistical Service of Cyprus Geocode | Statistical Codes of Municipalities, Communities and Quarters of Cyprus per the Statistical Service of Cyprus | external-id | 783 | |
P4813 talk covi |
PARES ID | identifier for a person, place, or topic on the Spanish Archives Portal | external-id | 109 | |
P4814 talk covi |
Inventories of American Painting and Sculpture control number | control number for a work, in 'Inventories of American Painting and Sculpture' | external-id | 10 | |
P4815 talk covi |
Technical Element Score | for figure skating scores breakdown | quantity | 502 | |
P4816 talk covi |
Lemon 64 identifier | identifier in the Lemon 64 database of Commodore 64 videogames | external-id | 1,265 | |
P4818 talk covi |
Panoptikum identifier | identifier in the Panoptikum podcast database | external-id | 105 | |
P4819 talk covi |
Swedish portrait archive | Archive of more than 500 000 scanned pictures from books of Swedish people | external-id | 1,779 | |
P4820 talk covi |
TORA ID | identifier for a building, structure or settlement, in the Topographical Register for Historic Buildings in Sweden (TORA) | external-id | 174 | |
P4821 talk covi |
Cour des comptes magistrate ID | identifier of a magistrate in the French Court of Audit online biographical dictionary | external-id | 133 | |
P4822 talk covi |
La Poste personality ID | identifier for a person in the online biographical dictionary of the French 'Comité pour d'Histoire de la Poste' | external-id | 19 | |
P4823 talk covi |
American National Biography ID | identifier of a person in the scholarly biographical encyclopedia | external-id | 18,246 | |
P4824 talk covi | ID | identifier in the register of organization databases | external-id | 52 | |
P4825 talk covi |
deductions (in figure skating) | for figure skating scores breakdown | quantity | 502 | |
P4826 talk covi |
Program Component Score | for figure skating scores breakdown | quantity | 502 | |
P4827 talk covi |
Swimrankings meet ID | Property for swimmeets from | external-id | 6 | |
P4828 talk covi |
JORFSearch person ID | identifier of an official on JORF appointments' database | external-id | 561 | |
P4829 talk covi |
Swiss Enterprise Identification Number | government identifier ("UID") for a business entity in Switzerland | external-id | 113 | |
P4830 talk covi |
ID Landslagsdatabasen | Property for Swedish international footballers ID from Landslagsdatabasen at | external-id | 4 | |
P4831 talk covi |
Bandysidan player ID | property for bandy players ID from | external-id | 455 | |
P4832 talk covi |
World Sailing regatta ID | Property for sailing regattas ID from | external-id | 20 | |
P4833 talk covi |
Sailboatdata ID | identifier for a sailboat design on | external-id | 3 | |
P4834 talk covi |
Deutsche Synchronkartei series ID | identifier for a TV series in the synchronisation (dubbing) database Deutsche Synchronkartei | external-id | 4,428 | |
P4835 talk covi |
Identifikátor | identifikátor televizních seriálů | external-id | 15,762 | |
P4836 talk covi |
Irish Rugby Football Union women's player ID | Identifier for a female rugby union player selected with Ireland women's national team on the Irish Rugby Football Union website | external-id | 19 | |
P4837 talk covi |
has command line option | an option which is accepted by the software from the command line | string | 90 | |
P4838 talk covi |
CATO ID | ID in Kazakhstan's Classifier of administrative-territorial objects | external-id | 7,051 | |
P4839 talk covi |
Wolfram Language entity code | input form for an entity in Wolfram Language | string | 14,358 | |
P4840 talk covi |
ID nakladatele v Adresáři nakladatelů v ČR | identifikátor českého nakladatele v databázi spravované Národní knihovnou | Adresář nakladatelů v ČR, NAK | external-id | 66 |
P4841 talk covi |
total fertility rate | average number of children that would be born to a woman over her lifetime | quantity | 211 | |
P4842 talk covi |
ASHRAE refrigerant number | identifier of a refrigerant assigned in ANSI/ASHRAE standard 34 | external-id | 60 | |
P4843 talk covi |
development of anatomical structure | biological development of this anatomical structure | wikibase-item | 32 | |
P4844 talk covi |
research intervention | the focus of an experiment, also called the experimental variable, research activity, or study intervention | wikibase-item | 74 | |
P4845 talk covi |
Bulbapedia article | article name on Bulbapedia, a Pokémon encyclopedia | external-id | 2,037 | |
P4846 talk covi |
Lemon Amiga identifier | identifier in the Lemon Amiga database of Amiga videogames | external-id | 337 | |
P4847 talk covi |
CPC-Power identifier | identifier in the CPC-Power database of Amstrad CPC videogames | external-id | 604 | |
P4848 talk covi |
ID v databázi | identifikátor knihovny v databázi projektu | identifikátor | external-id | 1,999 |
P4849 talk covi |
International Numbering System number | unique identifier of a food additive in the International Numbering System | external-id | 8 | |
P4850 talk covi |
permitted food additive | food additive which is permitted to be present within a food item | wikibase-item | 3 | |
P4851 talk covi |
maximum food additive use level | maximum allowed level of food additive permitted in a quantity of food | quantity | 3 | |
P4852 talk covi |
JECFA database ID | identifier of a flavour, food additive, contaminant, toxicant or veterinary drug in the JECFA database | external-id | 4 | |
P4853 talk covi |
JMPR database ID | identifier of a pesticide in the JMPR database | external-id | 4 | |
P4854 talk covi |
Uppslagsverket Finland ID | identifier of an article in the online encyclopedia Uppslagsverket Finland | external-id | 5,319 | |
P4855 talk covi |
Phasmida Species File ID | identifier for a Phasmida taxon, in the Phasmida SpeciesFile website | external-id | 3,511 | |
P4856 talk covi |
číslo popisné | číslo budovy | popisné číslo, č. p., čp. | string | 10,944 |
P4857 talk covi |
AtariAge identifier | identifier in the AtariAge database of Atari videogames | external-id | 106 | |
P4858 talk covi |
Atari Legend identifier | identifier in the Atari Legend database of Atari videogames | external-id | 274 | |
P4859 talk covi |
Atarimania identifier | identifier in the Atarimania database of Atari videogames | external-id | 58 | |
P4860 talk covi |
BMI work ID | registration identifier for a composition at BMI | external-id | 115 | |
P4861 talk covi |
Charity Navigator ID | identifier for a charitable organisation in the United States, in the Charity Navigator database | external-id | 8,987 | |
P4862 talk covi |
Amazon author page | Author identifier on | external-id | 594 | |
P4863 talk covi |
recognition sequence | DNA sequence recognized by a restriction enzyme, DNA binding domain, etc, written from 5' to 3' | string | 1,379 | |
P4864 talk covi |
cutting site of restriction enzyme | DNA cutting site of restriction enzyme, written from 5' to 3' | string | 1,374 | |
P4866 talk covi |
REBASE Enzyme Number | ID in REBASE (Restriction Enzyme Database) | external-id | 1,372 | |
P4867 talk covi |
RFE symbol | symbol of the phonetic alphabet of the Revista de Filología Española corresponding to an AFI phoneme | string | 12 | |
P4868 talk covi |
Hispania Nostra Red List ID | identifier for an endangered heritage item (sometimes a natural element) as listed in Hispania Nostra's Red List of Endangered Heritage | external-id | 759 | |
P4869 talk covi |
Operabase ID | identifier for an opera artist in Operabase | external-id | 60 | |
P4870 talk covi |
GEPRIS project ID | Identifier of a project in GEPRIS database of funded research projects | external-id | 14 | |
P4871 talk covi |
GEPRIS organization ID | Identifier of an organization in GEPRIS database of funded research projects | external-id | 8 | |
P4872 talk covi |
GEPRIS person ID | Identifier of a person in GEPRIS database of funded research projects | external-id | 151 | |
P4873 talk covi |
isoschizomer | isoschizomers of the restriction restriction enzyme, which have the same recognition sequence and the cutting site. | wikibase-item | 587 | |
P4875 talk covi |
neoschizomer | neoschizomers of the restriction restriction enzyme, which have the same recognition sequence but a different cutting site. | wikibase-item | 103 | |
P4876 talk covi |
number of records | number of values of an identifier or records in a catalog | quantity | 466 | |
P4878 talk covi |
symbolizes | symbolism of an artistic element, qualifier for "depicts" statements | wikibase-item | 41 | |
P4879 talk covi |
World Rugby Women's Sevens Series player ID | identifier for a female rugby sevens player on the World Rugby Women's Sevens Series website | external-id | 58 | |
P4880 talk covi |
FFR Sevens player ID | identifier for a rugby sevens player on the French Rugby Federation website | external-id | 9 | |
P4881 talk covi |
Maison d'écrivain ID | ID for a place adhering to the Federation of Writer's Houses and Literary Heritage | external-id | 96 | |
P4882 talk covi |
segmental innervation | specific level(s) of spinal cord responsible for the function of this muscle or organ | wikibase-item | 5 | |
P4884 talk covi |
soud | konkrétní soud, u kterého byl případ projednáván | wikibase-item | 236 | |
P4885 talk covi |
AFL Tables coach ID | ID for a VFL/AFL coach at | external-id | 362 | |
P4887 talk covi |
identifikátor tvůrce na Webu umenia | identifier assigned to an artist for the online database Webumenia (joint project of Slovak art galleries) | external-id | 4,870 | |
P4888 talk covi |
AFL Tables umpire ID | ID for a VFL/AFL umpire at | external-id | 74 | |
P4889 talk covi |
MuIS person or group ID | identifier for a person or group in the Estonian museum database MuIS | external-id | 946 | |
P4890 talk covi |
EPHE ID | identifier of a researcher on the online prosopographical dictionary of the EPHE | external-id | 352 | |
P4891 talk covi |
Patrons de France ID | identifier of a business executive on Patrons de France | external-id | 300 | |
P4892 talk covi |
Siprojuris ID | ID of a jurist on Siprojuris | external-id | 187 | |
P4893 talk covi |
ESPN X Games athlete ID | identifier for a X Games athlete at | external-id | 280 | |
P4894 talk covi |
ACE work ID | registration identifier for a composition at ASCAP | external-id | 153 | |
P4895 talk covi |
time index | indicate when something happens relative to its beginning | quantity | 3,604 | |
P4896 talk covi |
3D model | representation of any three-dimensional surface of an object | trojrozměrný model | commonsMedia | 488 |
P4897 talk covi |
AICTE institute ID | identifier for an Indian technical institution issued by the All India Council for Technical Education | external-id | 31 | |
P4898 talk covi |
Chronicling America newspaper ID | identifier of a newspaper issued by the Library of Congress | external-id | 11 | |
P4899 talk covi |
Brooklyn Museum Exhibition ID | id of an exhibition in the Brooklyn Museum's "opencollection" subwebsite | external-id | 7 | |
P4900 talk covi |
broader concept | qualifier to indicate a broader concept that the present item is part of, as mapped by an external source. The statement being qualified should be an exact match. | wikibase-item | 1,446 | |
P4901 talk covi |
Zenodo ID | ID of a work in Zenodo repository | external-id | 22 | |
P4902 talk covi |
CONABIO ID | identifier for a taxon, issued by the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (aka CONABIO), a Federal Agency of the Mexican Government | external-id | 44,343 | |
P4903 talk covi |
New Georgia Encyclopedia ID | identifier of a topic in the online New Georgia Encyclopedia | external-id | 1,458 | |
P4904 talk covi |
Tropicos publication ID | identifer for a journal or other publication in Tropicos | external-id | 1,588 | |
P4905 talk covi |
KMSKA work PID | Persistent identifier for an artwork from the collection of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp in Antwerp, Belgium | external-id | 7,864 | |
P4906 talk covi |
Bargeton ID | identifier of a French prefect on the Dictionnaire biographique des préfets, said "Bargeton" (1870-1980) | external-id | 1,990 | |
P4907 talk covi |
Guide Nicaise ID | external-id | 25 | ||
P4908 talk covi |
řada | season of a television show | sezóna, série | wikibase-item | 39,449 |
P4909 talk covi |
number of players in region | number of registered players in a sport or people practicing a sport in a region | quantity | 116 | |
P4910 talk covi |
AlloCiné company ID | identifier for a company on the AlloCiné film database | external-id | 22 | |
P4911 talk covi |
Annuaire des fondations ID | ID of a foundation on the directory of foundations of the French Foundation Centre | external-id | 303 | |
P4912 talk covi |
century breaks | in snooker, the number of career century breaks at officіal professional tournaments | quantity | 416 | |
P4913 talk covi |
dialect of | language of which an item with this property is a dialect. Use in addition to "subclass of" (P279) if a languoid is also considered a dialect. | wikibase-item | 713 | |
P4914 talk covi |
produces cohesive end | overhang DNA sequence generated by restriction enzyme, written from 5' to 3' | string | 1,194 | |
P4915 talk covi |
isocaudomer | isocaudomer of the restriction restriction enzyme, which have the different recognition sequence but produces the same termini | wikibase-item | 82 | |
P4916 talk covi |
Ready64 identifier | identifier in the Ready64 database of Commodore 64 videogames | external-id | 1,107 | |
P4917 talk covi |
Gamebase64 identifier | identifier in the Gamebase64 database of Commodore 64 videogames | external-id | 392 | |
P4919 talk covi |
Plus/4 World identifier | identifier in the Plus/4 World database of Commodore videogames | external-id | 66 | |
P4920 talk covi |
Rugby Football Union men's player ID | identifier for a men's rugby union player selected with the England national team on the Rugby Football Union website | external-id | 10 | |
P4921 talk covi | tournament ID | ID about a specific snooker tournament at the database | external-id | 87 | |
P4922 talk covi |
Rugby Football Union women's sevens player ID | identifier for a women's rugby sevens player selected with the England national team on the Rugby Football Union website | external-id | 8 | |
P4923 talk covi |
Rugby Football Union men's sevens player ID | identifier for a men's rugby sevens player selected with the England national team on the Rugby Football Union website | external-id | 10 | |
P4924 talk covi |
CueTracker tournament ID | ID about a specific snooker tournament at the database | external-id | 182 | |
P4925 talk covi |
Rugby Football Union women's player ID | identifier for a women's rugby union player selected with the England national team on the Rugby Football Union website | external-id | 8 | |
P4926 talk covi |
PRotein Ontology ID | Identifier for an entry in the PRotein Ontology (PRO) | external-id | 3 | |
P4927 talk covi | person ID | identifier for an artist or other person at | external-id | 41,351 | |
P4928 talk covi |
Ricorso author ID | identifier for an author page on the site | external-id | 1,401 | |
P4929 talk covi |
AINM ID | іdentifier for a biographical page on the AINM site | external-id | 501 | |
P4930 talk covi |
Julien ID | identifier of a person on the biographical dictionary of the Lycée Clemenceau alumni, said "Julien" | external-id | 59 | |
P4931 talk covi | person ID | identifier for a person from | external-id | 4,295 | |
P4932 talk covi | work ID | identifier for a song or composition from | external-id | 23 | |
P4933 talk covi |
The Big Cartoon DataBase ID | ID of a film in Big Cartoon DataBase | external-id | 9,958 | |
P4934 talk covi |
calculated from | value of the subject item cannot be measured directly and can be calculated from the following measurands or attributes | wikibase-item | 28 | |
P4935 talk covi |
ID Křížky a vetřelci | identifikátor drobných památek na území Plzně | external-id | 172 | |
P4936 talk covi |
SFMOMA artist ID | identifier assigned to an artist by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art | external-id | 11 | |
P4937 talk covi |
Japan Rugby Football Union men's player ID | identifier for a men's rugby union player selected with the Japan national team on the Japan Rugby Football Union website | external-id | 7 | |
P4938 talk covi |
Japan Rugby Football Union women's player ID | identifier for a women's rugby union player selected with the Japan national team on the Japan Rugby Football Union website | external-id | 7 | |
P4939 talk covi | director ID | ID for the director of a French company on | external-id | 13 | |
P4940 talk covi |
Japan Rugby Football Union women's sevens player ID | identifier for a women's rugby sevens player selected with the Japan national team on the Japan Rugby Football Union website | external-id | 7 | |
P4941 talk covi |
Japan Rugby Football Union men's sevens player ID | identifier for a men's rugby sevens player selected with the Japan national team on the Japan Rugby Football Union website | external-id | 7 | |
P4942 talk covi | director ID | ID for the director of a French company on | external-id | 18 | |
P4943 talk covi |
Dominicains ID | identifier of a Dominican monk on the online Dictionnaire biographique des frères prêcheurs' | external-id | 38 | |
P4944 talk covi |
Premiers préfets ID | identifier of a prefect on the online version of Les Préfets du 11 ventôse an VIII au 4 septembre 1870' | external-id | 19 | |
P4945 talk covi |
download link | URL which can be used to download a work | url | 39 | |
P4946 talk covi |
Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms ID | ID in the Library of Congress controlled vocabulary for demographic groups | external-id | 51 | |
P4947 talk covi |
TMDb movie ID | identifier for a movie at The Movie Database | external-id | 19,346 | |
P4948 talk covi |
DDB ID | identifier for items in Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek | external-id | 16 | |
P4949 talk covi |
Irish Rugby Football Union men's sevens player ID | identifier for a men's rugby sevens player selected with the Ireland national team on the Irish Rugby Football Union website | external-id | 10 | |
P4950 talk covi |
Irish Rugby Football Union women's sevens player ID | identifier for a women's rugby sevens player selected with the Ireland national team on the Irish Rugby Football Union website | external-id | 6 | |
P4951 talk covi |
INCI name | uniform, nonproprietary, systematic name internationally recognized to identify a cosmetic ingredient | string | 5 | |
P4952 talk covi |
safety classification and labelling | classification and labelling data for risk identification about chemicals | wikibase-item | 1,406 | |
P4953 talk covi |
Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms ID | ID in the Library of Congress controlled vocabulary for genres and forms | external-id | 1,083 | |
P4954 talk covi |
may prevent | disease which may be prevented by this substance | wikibase-item | 3 | |
P4955 talk covi |
MR Author ID | Mathematical Reviews ID in MathSciNet | external-id | 73 | |
P4956 talk covi |
BDH edition ID | identifier of an edition on the Biblioteca Digital Hispánica, including the prefix "bdh" | external-id | 40 | |
P4957 talk covi |
AIDA freediver ID | identifier for a freediver on the Association internationale pour le développement de l'apnée website | external-id | 78 | |
P4958 talk covi |
classification of the best at metas volantes | secondary classification for bicycle race statistics used in hispanic language countries | wikibase-item | 1 | |
P4959 talk covi | equipment ID | identifier for an equipment in Paris on the website | external-id | 35 | |
P4960 talk covi |
Generation MSX identifier | identifier in the Generation MSX database of MSX videogames | external-id | 43 | |
P4961 talk covi | identifier | identifier in the database of Master System video games | external-id | 226 | |
P4962 talk covi |
Abandonia identifier | identifier in the Abandonia database of DOS video games | external-id | 360 | |
P4963 talk covi |
Biographical Dictionary of Swedish Women | The dictionary contains biographies of swedish women who, across several centuries and in many different ways, have contributed to society’s development, both within Sweden and beyond. | external-id | 1,016 | |
P4964 talk covi |
SPLASH | hashed identifier for mass spectra | external-id | 6,516 | |
P4965 talk covi |
Behind The Voice Actors video game ID | identifier for video games on the website Behind The Voice Actors | external-id | 633 | |
P4966 talk covi |
Hungarian National Assembly identifier | identifier for a past or present member or office-holder of the Hungarian Parliament | external-id | 1,317 | |
P4967 talk covi |
prerequisite | prior event or achievement that a person or team needs to complete before joining or obtaining the item topic, e.g. a qualifying round of a sports event, a lower-level course in an educational program, or a lower level of a professional qualification | wikibase-item | 15 | |
P4968 talk covi |
relevant qualification | practitioners of this industry get this degree, licence or certification after specialist education, apprenticeship, or professional review. This includes qualifications that one needs to obtain in order to join the industry or qualifications that one obt | wikibase-item | 11 | |
P4969 talk covi |
odvozené dílo | work created from major part of this artwork; work created from major part of this software | wikibase-item | 3,148 | |
P4970 talk covi |
alternate names | qualifier for alternate names given for a subject in a database entry | string | 775 | |
P4971 talk covi |
UK Provider Reference Number | identifier for an educational organization issued by the UK Register of Learning Providers | external-id | 174 | |
P4972 talk covi |
Norwegian war sailor register person ID | identifikation number in the Norwegian war sailor register | external-id | 51 | |
P4973 talk covi |
Wikitribune category | name of a topic (category) on Wikitribune | external-id | 17 | |
P4974 talk covi |
Scottish Rugby Union men's player ID | identifier for a men's rugby union player selected with the Scotland national team on the Scottish Rugby Union website | external-id | 8 | |
P4975 talk covi |
Scottish Rugby Union men's sevens player ID | identifier for a men's rugby sevens player selected with the Scotland national team on the Scottish Rugby Union website | external-id | 10 | |
P4976 talk covi |
Scottish Rugby Union women's player ID | identifier for a women's rugby union player selected with the Scotland national team on the Scottish Rugby Union website | external-id | 7 | |
P4977 talk covi |
IDA place ID | identifier for a dark-sky place on the International Dark-Sky Association website | external-id | 61 | |
P4978 talk covi |
PRS Legislative Research MP ID | identifier for Member of Parliaments of India tracked in PRS Legislative Research website | external-id | 668 | |
P4979 talk covi |
Thésaurus de la désignation des objets mobiliers ID | ID in the Thésaurus de la désignation des objets mobiliers | external-id | 70 | |
P4980 talk covi |
Thésaurus de la désignation des œuvres architecturales et des espaces aménagés ID | identifier for terms in this French architectural thesaurus | external-id | 29 | |
P4981 talk covi |
Kinoliste ID | ID of a cinema described on the website | external-id | 894 | |
P4982 talk covi |
Women’s Elite Rugby ID | identifier for a female rugby union player on the Women’s Elite Rugby ID | external-id | 5 | |
P4983 talk covi |
TMDb TV series ID | identifier for a TV show at The Movie Database | external-id | 6,748 | |
P4985 talk covi |
TMDb person ID | identifier for a person at The Movie Database | external-id | 4,906 | |
P4986 talk covi | place ID | identifier for a place on the Guide du routard website | external-id | 22 | |
P4987 talk covi |
Scottish Rugby Union women's sevens player ID | identifier for a women's rugby sevens player selected with the Scotland national team on the Scottish Rugby Union website | external-id | 10 | |
P4988 talk covi |
test method | method in science, engineering or medicine, which determines the subject quantity, qualitative property or any other measurable attribute | wikibase-item | 9 | |
P4989 talk covi |
RKDlibrary ID | record for a publication held by the RKD-Netherlands Institute for Art History in the Hague | external-id | 60 | |
P4991 talk covi |
Biographical Dictionary of Georgia ID | identifier for a person, in the Biographical Dictionary of Georgia | external-id | 1,407 | |
P4992 talk covi |
DBA ID | identifier of a person in the online 'Nouveau dictionnaire de biographie alsacienne' | external-id | 840 | |
P4993 talk covi |
Hungarian public body ID | unique identified for public bodies part in Hungary | external-id | 251 | |
P4994 talk covi |
ruchess ID | identifier for a Russian chess player, at | external-id | 281 | |
P4996 talk covi |
World Para Snowboard athlete ID | identifier of a snowboard athlete, in the World Para database | external-id | 25 | |
P4997 talk covi |
National Governors Association biography URL | biographical entry in the website of the National Governors Association | url | 6 | |
P4998 talk covi |
key press | keyboard shortcut sequence. See property talk page for applicable syntax | string | 225 | |
P4999 talk covi |
number of clubs | number of clubs active in a given sport for a region | quantity | 133 | |
P5000 talk covi |
analog or derivative of | compound having similar structural, physical, chemical, biochemical, or pharmacological properties | wikibase-item | 4 | |
P5001 talk covi |
METAR code | METeorological Aerodrome Report | external-id | 7 | |
P5002 talk covi |
Orthodox Encyclopedia ID | identifier for an entry on the official website of the Orthodox Encyclopedia | external-id | 626 | |
P5003 talk covi |
Amphibians of India ID | identifier for a species of amphibian, in the 'Amphibians of India' database | external-id | 410 | |
P5004 talk covi |
in opposition to | qualifier to indicate the purpose of a social action | wikibase-item | 26 | |
P5005 talk covi |
National Thesis Number (France) | identifier usually assigned by the dissertation's library for a published thesis in France | external-id | 34 | |
P5006 talk covi |
DNV GL Vessel register ID | identifier for a ship, in the DNV GL Vessel register | external-id | 1,973 | |
P5007 talk covi |
Behind The Voice Actors person ID | identifier of a person on the website Behind The Voice Actors | external-id | 369 | |
P5008 talk covi |
on focus list of Wikimedia project | property to indicate that an item is part of a group of items of particular interest for maintenance, management, or development. Please note: This property does not add notability to items and items should not be created with this property if not otherwi | wikibase-item | 112,219 | |
P5009 talk covi |
complies with | the product or work complies with a certain norm or passes a test | wikibase-item | 26 | |
P5010 talk covi |
Territographie ID | identifier for a rural chapel in the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur region on the Territography platform developed by the CNRS | external-id | 193 | |
P5011 talk covi |
identifikátor objektu na serveru | identifier of a building in the Czech database | | external-id | 1,474 |
P5012 talk covi |
special rank | non-military rank given to a civil office holder in Russia | wikibase-item | 24 | |
P5013 talk covi |
Welsh Rugby Union women's player ID | identifier for a women's rugby union player selected with the Wales national team on the Welsh Rugby Union website | external-id | 6 | |
P5014 talk covi |
Welsh Rugby Union men's sevens player ID | identifier for a men's rugby sevens player selected with the Wales national team on the Welsh Rugby Union website | external-id | 6 | |
P5015 talk covi |
Digital Typhoon typhoon ID | identifier for general information of a typhoon in Digital Typhoon | external-id | 575 | |
P5016 talk covi |
Digital Typhoon cyclone ID | identifier for general information of a cyclone in South-West Pacific in Digital Typhoon | external-id | 7 | |
P5017 talk covi |
last update | date a reference was modified, revised, or updated | time | 637 | |
P5018 talk covi |
Chile Rugby player ID | identifier for a rugby union player selected with the Chile national team on the Chile Rugby website | external-id | 5 | |
P5019 talk covi |
Brockhaus Enzyklopädie online ID | identifier for an article in the online version of Brockhaus Enzyklopädie | external-id | 949 | |
P5020 talk covi |
Code of Household Registration and Conscription Information System (Taiwan) | This code is official for the administrative divisions in Taiwan, and manages by the Department of Household Registration, Ministry of Interior. | external-id | 43 | |
P5021 talk covi |
test taken | subject took the test or exam | wikibase-item | 9,057 | |
P5022 talk covi |
test score | score that the item achieved in a test; use as qualifier for "test taken" | quantity | 32 | |
P5023 talk covi |
activity policy in this place | policy for activities in this place, for example no photos, photos allowed, no flash, lighting fires, flying drones, etc. | wikibase-item | 19 | |
P5024 talk covi |
choral conductor | musical conductor of a choir | wikibase-item | 7 | |
P5025 talk covi |
gens | a group of families from Ancient Rome who shared the same nomen | wikibase-item | 3,236 | |
P5026 talk covi |
lighting designer | person responsible for lighting on a stage | wikibase-item | 4,297 | |
P5027 talk covi |
number of representations | number of shows (including the premiere) of a concert tour or a performing arts production | quantity | 1,144 | |
P5028 talk covi |
sound designer | person responsible for the sound on a stage, in a film or in a radio drama | wikibase-item | 1,636 | |
P5029 talk covi |
Researchmap ID | іdentifier for a researcher on | external-id | 643 | |
P5030 talk covi |
talk show guest | person invited in a talk show | wikibase-item | 428 | |
P5031 talk covi |
Animated Knots ID | identifier for a type of knot, in the Animated Knots website | external-id | 13 | |
P5032 talk covi |
Identifikátor | Identifikátor pro filmy na | external-id | 53,766 | |
P5033 talk covi | person ID | identifier for a person at | external-id | 555 | |
P5034 talk covi |
National Library of Korea Identifier | identifier for a person in the database of the National Library of Korea | external-id | 1,873 | |
P5035 talk covi |
Lambiek Comiclopedia artist ID | identifier for an article on the online biographical reference work about global cartoonists | external-id | 6,951 | |
P5036 talk covi |
AmphibiaWeb Species ID | identifier for a species, in the AmphibiaWeb database | external-id | 7,590 | |
P5037 talk covi |
Plants of the World online ID | identifier of a (vascular) plant name in the Plants of the World online database | external-id | 278,285 | |
P5038 talk covi |
Fogis ID | identifier for a football (soccer) player in Swedish Football Association's database | external-id | 582 | |
P5039 talk covi |
Authorea author ID | identifier for an author on the Authorea writing service | external-id | 5 | |
P5040 talk covi |
GHS hazard pictogram | qualifier for P4952 for GHS hazard pictograms | wikibase-item | 75 | |
P5041 talk covi |
GHS hazard statement | qualifier for P4952 for GHS H-statements (also EUH-statements, AUH-statements) | wikibase-item | 76 | |
P5042 talk covi |
GHS precautionary statement | qualifier for P4952 for GHS P-statements | wikibase-item | 75 | |
P5043 talk covi |
number of abstentions | number of abstentions in a voting round of a election | quantity | 25 | |
P5044 talk covi |
number of spoilt votes | number of spoilt votes in a voting round for a specfic position in a election | quantity | 129 | |
P5045 talk covi |
number of blank votes | number of blank votes in a voting round for a specific position in a election | quantity | 31 | |
P5046 talk covi |
ICS kód | mezinárodní hierarchický klasifikační kód pro třídění norem | string | 64 | |
P5047 talk covi |
Rosetta Code ID | identifier for a page on | external-id | 132 | |
P5048 talk covi |
Church of Sweden ID | identifier in the database of dioceses, pastorates and church buildings of Sweden | external-id | 1,174 | |
P5049 talk covi |
Harvard designation | identifier for a pre-1963 spacecraft | external-id | 29 | |
P5050 talk covi |
UMAC ID | identifier for a museum or collection in the Worldwide Database of University Museums and Collections | external-id | 185 | |
P5051 talk covi |
ve směru | konečná stanice linky ve směru příslušné sousední stanice (P197); používáno jen jako vymezení | cíl, konečná stanice, směrem na | wikibase-item | 23,460 |
P5052 talk covi |
supervisory board member | member(s) of the supervisory board for the organization | wikibase-item | 29 | |
P5053 talk covi |
nejrychlejší kolo | person who does the fastest lap during a motorsport race | wikibase-item | 1,383 | |
P5054 talk covi |
vláda | kvalifikátor pro P39, ve které vládě byl ministr | kabinet | wikibase-item | 1,605 |
P5055 talk covi |
IRMNG ID | identifier of a scientific name, in the Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera (IRMNG) database | external-id | 1,221,359 | |
P5056 talk covi |
patronymum nebo matronymum této osoby | part of a person's name that comes from the given name of a parent, in naming traditions that require it | wikibase-item | 37 | |
P5057 talk covi |
Handball-Bundesliga player ID | identifier for a player on the Handball-Bundesliga (HBL) website | external-id | 8 | |
P5058 talk covi | ID | identifier of a person in Polish theatre database | external-id | 2,265 | |
P5059 talk covi |
modifikovaná verze (čeho) | indicates the work or one of its versions which served as a basis for the adaptation or arrangement resulting in the given version of the work | wikibase-item | 274 | |
P5061 talk covi |
značka jednotky | Abbreviation of a unit for each language. If not provided, then it should default to English. | monolingualtext | 854 | |
P5062 talk covi |
DOAB publisher ID | identifier in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) | external-id | 121 | |
P5063 talk covi |
ILI ID | Interlingual Index identifier | external-id | 30 | |
P5064 talk covi |
World of Physics identifier | identifier for an entity or concept, in Eric Weisstein's 'World of Physics' | external-id | 46 | |
P5065 talk covi |
rychlost větru | wind speed recorded at time of an athletic performance | quantity | 137 | |
P5066 talk covi |
operating temperature | temperature at which a device operates. Use qualifier "criterion used" (P1013) and values such as "maximum" (Q10578722), "minimum" (Q10585806), etc. | quantity | 13 | |
P5067 talk covi |
non-operating temperature | temperature that a device can bear when it's turned off | quantity | 2 | |
P5068 talk covi |
Flanders Arts Institute person ID | identifier of a person in the Flanders Arts Institute database for performing arts | external-id | 27,653 | |
P5069 talk covi |
service life | product's total life in use from the point of sale to the point of discard | quantity | 21 | |
P5070 talk covi |
French standard size for oil paintings | standard for sizes of canvases for use by artists | wikibase-item | 3 | |
P5071 talk covi |
boiler pressure | pressure at which a steam boiler operates. Use P1013 as qualifier to indicate if it is maximum pressure. | quantity | 6 | |
P5072 talk covi |
presented in | event at which a talk, film, paper, or poster was presented | wikibase-item | 15 | |
P5073 talk covi |
JAAF athlete ID | identifier for athletes in Japan Association of Athletics Federations (JAAF) database and website | external-id | 92 | |
P5075 talk covi |
Polish Athletics Federation ID | identifier for an athlete on the Polish Athletics Federation website | external-id | 6 | |
P5076 talk covi |
Römpp online ID | identifier for an article in the online version of Römpp | external-id | 1,550 | |
P5077 talk covi |
Russian Athletics ID | identifier for athletes in the English version of the Russian Athletics database and website | external-id | 16 | |
P5078 talk covi |
Athletics Canada ID | identifier for an athlete on the Athletics Canada website | external-id | 14 | |
P5079 talk covi |
NVE Lake Database ID | National identifying number given by NVE for every lake in norway with a minimum size of 2500 square meter | external-id | 261 | |
P5080 talk covi |
Norsk biografisk leksikon ID | identifier of an article in the online biographic encyclopedia | external-id | 2,877 | |
P5081 talk covi |
Norsk kunstnerleksikon ID | identifier of an article in the online visual artist encyclopedia | external-id | 1,861 | |
P5082 talk covi |
Store medisinske leksikon ID | identifier of an article in the online encyclopedia | external-id | 156 | |
P5083 talk covi |
Adult Film Database film ID | identifier for a film in the Adult Film Database | external-id | 52 | |
P5084 talk covi |
Yahoo Answers category | category at Yahoo Answers | external-id | 41 | |
P5085 talk covi |
Pschyrembel Online ID | identifier for an article in Pschyrembel Online | external-id | 27 | |
P5086 talk covi |
FIPS 5-2 alpha code (US states) | two-letter identifier for US states and other associated areas per former FIPS 5-2 standard | external-id | 66 | |
P5087 talk covi |
FIPS 5-2 numeric code (US states) | two-digit identifier for US states and other associated areas per former FIPS 5-2 standard | external-id | 75 | |
P5088 talk covi |
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy ID | identifier for an article in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy | external-id | 317 | |
P5090 talk covi |
ARRS race ID | identifier for races held by ARRS (Association of Road Racing Statisticians) | external-id | 5 | |
P5091 talk covi |
HanCinema drama ID | identifier for a TV Series in the HanCinema database | external-id | 29 | |
P5092 talk covi |
ISC event ID | entry in the International Seismological Centre Online Event Bibliography | external-id | 645 | |
P5093 talk covi |
road number (Estonia) | identifier for a road in the Estonian Road Register | external-id | 2,472 | |
P5094 talk covi |
HPIP ID | identifier of an entity of Portuguese influence, including geographic/toponymic, onomastic, original author, chronological references, etc. | external-id | 681 | |
P5095 talk covi |
fault | geological faults involved in the event | wikibase-item | 11 | |
P5096 talk covi |
člen posádky čeho | osoba, která je členem plavidla či vozidla | wikibase-item | 251 | |
P5097 talk covi |
Logainm ID | identifier for a placename page on the Placenames Database of Ireland (Logainm) site | external-id | 7,834 | |
P5098 talk covi |
IAFD film ID | identifier for a film in the Internet Adult Film Database | external-id | 92 | |
P5099 talk covi |
Il mondo dei doppiatori ID | identifier for a creative work or person at Il mondo dei doppiatori | external-id | 8,322 | |
P5101 talk covi |
Swedish Literature Bank AuthorID | identifier for an author in the Swedish Literature Bank | external-id | 1,705 | |
P5102 talk covi |
povaha sdělení | (qualifier only) the underlying circumstances of this statement | wikibase-item | 14,004 | |
P5103 talk covi |
FIS speed skier ID | identifier for a speed skier, in the International Ski Federation database | external-id | 45 | |
P5104 talk covi |
New Zealand Gazetteer place ID | identifier for a place in the New Zealand Gazetteer | external-id | 43 | |
P5105 talk covi |
Deutsche Bahn station category | category a German railway station operated by DB Station&Service is assigned to | wikibase-item | 1,686 | |
P5106 talk covi |
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures ID | identifier for an entry in the Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures | external-id | 92 | |
P5107 talk covi |
Behind The Voice Actors character ID | identifier of a character from the website | external-id | 277 | |
P5108 talk covi |
HanCinema film ID | identifier for a films in the HanCinema database | external-id | 1,163 | |
P5109 talk covi |
má gramatický rod | rody podstatných jmen používaných v jazyce | wikibase-item | 46 | |
P5110 talk covi |
gramatická osoba | grammatical feature relating to the identity of participants in an event. Use qualifier "statement is subject of" (P805) to link to language specific item if present. Use qualifier "quote" (P1683) to include sample pronouns if available. | osoba | wikibase-item | 17 |
P5114 talk covi |
Italian School ID | This property describes the school identifier used by Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research for identifying italian schools | external-id | 65,442 | |
P5115 talk covi |
Directory of Open Access Journals ID | ISSN identifier of a journal in the Directory of Open Access Journals. When statements with this property need correcting, property "ISSN" (P236) are likely to be wrong as well. | external-id | 7,801 | |
P5116 talk covi |
LGDB game ID | identifier for a game in the Linux Game Database | external-id | 14 | |
P5117 talk covi |
LGDB emulator ID | identifier for an emulator in the Linux Game Database | external-id | 13 | |
P5118 talk covi |
LGDB tool ID | identifier for a software tool in the Linux Game Database | external-id | 6 | |
P5119 talk covi |
LGDB engine ID | identifier for a game engine in the Linux Game Database | external-id | 23 | |
P5120 talk covi |
TFRRS athlete ID | identifier for an athlete on the TFRRS track and field and cross country results website | external-id | 24 | |
P5121 talk covi |
All About Jazz musician ID | identifier for a musician or musical group at All About Jazz website | external-id | 1,188 | |
P5122 talk covi |
Ontario public library ID | identifier in the Ontario public library statistics | external-id | 304 | |
P5123 talk covi |
Swedish Literature Bank book ID | identifier for an book in the Swedish Literature Bank | external-id | 5 | |
P5124 talk covi |
WikiCFP event ID | identifier for an event in WikiCFP, an online database for scientific meetings | external-id | 17 | |
P5125 talk covi |
Wikimedia outline | item about an outline of the topic at Wikimedia sites | wikibase-item | 644 | |
P5126 talk covi |
assistant director | assistant stage director of a performing arts production | wikibase-item | 34 | |
P5127 talk covi |
WikiCFP conference series ID | identifier for a conference series, in WikiCFP | external-id | 12 | |
P5128 talk covi |
ICAA film catalogue ID | ID of a film in the film catalogue of Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales | external-id | 857 | |
P5129 talk covi |
Stepwell Atlas ID | ID for Stepwell Atlas, a collaborative map and information resource for stepwells, stepped ponds and other notable stepped water architecture | external-id | 19 | |
P5130 talk covi |
ostrov | území obklopené vodou | nachází se na ostrově, izolace | wikibase-item | 11 |
P5131 talk covi |
possible medical findings | possible medical findings of a medical condition | wikibase-item | 42 | |
P5132 talk covi |
suggests the existence of | medical conditions associated with the subject medical finding | wikibase-item | 47 | |
P5133 talk covi |
has evaluation | evaluation or interpretation corresponding to the subject attribute or examination | wikibase-item | 22 | |
P5134 talk covi |
evaluation of | the subject finding is an evaluation or interpretation of the object attribute or test | wikibase-item | 23 | |
P5135 talk covi |
greater than | instances of the item have a greater value than corresponding instances of the object, for the given measure | wikibase-item | 28 | |
P5136 talk covi |
less than | instances of the item have a lesser value than corresponding instances of the object, for the given measure | wikibase-item | 20 | |
P5137 talk covi |
významu odpovídá | položka nejlépe vystihující význam lexému | wikibase-item | 4,803 | |
P5138 talk covi |
season of club or team | club or team that played the season | wikibase-item | 59,742 | |
P5139 talk covi |
Möllendorff transliteration | transliteration system of the Manchu alphabet | string | 131 | |
P5140 talk covi |
coordinates of geographic center | coordinates of the center of an area. Use qualifier "determination method" (P459) to indicate how | globe-coordinate | 59 | |
P5141 talk covi |
coastline | length of the coastline (sea shore) of the region. Use qualifier "determination method" (P459) to define how it's determined/which granularity is used. | quantity | 14 | |
P5142 talk covi |
Chinese Political Elites Database ID | identifer for a Chinese politician in the Chinese Political Elites Database | external-id | 13 | |
P5143 talk covi |
amateur radio callsign | callsign assigned to licensed Amateur Radio operator | external-id | 60 | |
P5144 talk covi |
Bugs! album ID | identifier for an album on Bugs! music site | external-id | 9 | |
P5145 talk covi |
Bugs! artist ID | identifier for an artist on Bugs! music site | external-id | 26 | |
P5146 talk covi |
Cinema Project (Israel) ID | ID for movies backed by the Cinema Project / Yehoshua Rabinovich Foundation (Israel) | external-id | 158 | |
P5147 talk covi |
Dictionary of Swedish Translators ID | The dictionary is biographies of Swedish translators and related things | external-id | 407 | |
P5148 talk covi |
e-MEC entry | entry for a Brazilian institution of higher learning in the Ministry of Education | external-id | 64 | |
P5149 talk covi |
Ester ID | identifier for an item in the E-Katalog | external-id | 8 | |
P5150 talk covi |
IGAC rating | rating of a film or theatrical production in the Portuguese classification system | wikibase-item | 387 | |
P5151 talk covi |
Israel Film Fund ID | ID for movies backed by the Israel Film Fund | external-id | 317 | |
P5152 talk covi |
KAVI rating | rating in the Finnish film and television rating system | wikibase-item | 123 | |
P5153 talk covi |
KKBOX album ID | identifier for an album on KKBOX music site | external-id | 10 | |
P5154 talk covi |
KKBOX artist ID | identifier for an artist on KKBOX music site | external-id | 29 | |
P5156 talk covi |
Norwegian war sailor register ship-ID | identifikation number for ship in the Norwegian war sailor register | external-id | 40 | |
P5157 talk covi |
OnsOranje match ID | identifier for a match in the database of OnsOranje | external-id | 18 | |
P5158 talk covi |
OnsOranje player ID | identifier for a player in the database of OnsOranje | external-id | 19 | |
P5159 talk covi |
The New Fund for Cinema and Television (Israel) ID | ID for movies backed by the New Fund for Cinema and Television (Israel) | external-id | 79 | |
P5160 talk covi |
Thesaurus For Graphic Materials ID | identifier for indexing visual (graphic) materials by subject and genre/format, maintained by the United States Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division | external-id | 608 | |
P5161 talk covi |
Trustpilot company ID | identifier on the Trustpilot customer reviews website | external-id | 31 | |
P5162 talk covi |
OnsOranje tournament ID | identifier for a tournament in the database of OnsOranje | external-id | 18 | |
P5163 talk covi |
Odnoklassniki ID | identifier for a person or organization in Odnoklassniki | external-id | 80 | |
P5164 talk covi |
Flanders Arts Institute organisation ID | identifier of an organisation in the Flanders Arts Institute database for performing arts | external-id | 4,365 | |
P5165 talk covi |
Norsk pop- og rockleksikon ID | identifier of an article in the online biographic encyclopedia Norsk pop- og rocklexicon | external-id | 19 | |
P5166 talk covi |
established from medical condition | cell line or xenograft established from an individual person or animal with a specific medical condition | wikibase-item | 46,716 | |
P5167 talk covi |
vehicles per capita (1000) | number of vehicles per 1000 people. Use qualifier determination method (P459) to describe how it's done. | quantity | 18 | |
P5168 talk covi |
týká se názvu | název či jméno, kterého se tvrzení týká | týká se jména, vztahuje se na | monolingualtext | 50 |
P5169 talk covi |
Norwegian historical lexicon ID | identifier of an article in the online historic encyclopedia Norsk historisk leksikon | external-id | 6 | |
P5170 talk covi |
Norwegian fjord catalog ID | identificator for fjords and sea areas in Norway | external-id | 8 | |
P5171 talk covi |
Rockipedia album ID | identifier of an artists or bands album release in the online service Rockipedia | external-id | 13 | |
P5172 talk covi |
Rockipedia artist ID | identifier of an artist biography or a band article in the online service Rockipedia | external-id | 33 | |
P5173 talk covi |
Rockipedia area ID | identifier of an area, an artisis homested, in the online service Rockipedia | external-id | 9 | |
P5174 talk covi |
Rockipedia label ID | identifier of a music label in the online service Rockipedia | external-id | 10 | |
P5175 talk covi |
Univ-droit jurist ID | identifier of a legal scholar on Univ-droit | external-id | 105 | |
P5176 talk covi |
KIT Linked Open Numbers ID | identifier for a natural number in the KIT, general proxy for natural numbers. Format: \d+ | external-id | 10,081 | |
P5177 talk covi |
Victorian Heritage Register ID | identifier in Victorian Heritage Register, Australia | external-id | 782 | |
P5178 talk covi |
glossary entry at Wikipedia | description of a concept in a glossary at Wikipedia. Use sitelinks for Wikipedia articles. Format: use full URL including anchor (#) | url | 46 | |
P5179 talk covi |
FloraCatalana ID | identifier for a plant taxon in the FloraCatalana database | external-id | 3,208 | |
P5180 talk covi |
CIVICUS Monitor country entry | page for the country at the CIVICUS Monitor | external-id | 196 | |
P5181 talk covi |
Relationship Science organization ID | identifier for an organization in the Relationship Science database | external-id | 36 | |
P5182 talk covi |
JMA Seismic Intensity Database ID | identifier for an earthquake event in Japan Meteorological Agency Seismic Intensity Database | external-id | 129 | |
P5183 talk covi | club ID | identifier for an ice hockey team in the database of | external-id | 13 | |
P5184 talk covi |
Daum Encyclopedia ID | identifier for content in the Daum Encyclopedia | external-id | 4 | |
P5185 talk covi |
gramatický rod | grammatical gender of the word | rod | wikibase-item | 10,068 |
P5186 talk covi |
conjugation class | conjugation class this lexeme belongs to. On items for languages, use "has conjugation class" (P5206) | wikibase-item | 485 | |
P5187 talk covi |
kmen slova | word stem of the subject lexeme | monolingualtext | 1,016 | |
P5188 talk covi |
Sandbox-Lexeme | sandbox property, use this to experiment linking to Lexeme entities | wikibase-lexeme | 8 | |
P5189 talk covi |
Sandbox-Form | sandbox property, use this to experiment linking to a Form of a Lexeme entity | wikibase-form | 5 | |
P5191 talk covi |
odvozeno od | most direct lexeme(s) this one has developed from | etymologie, původ | wikibase-lexeme | 1,876 |
P5192 talk covi |
Wikidata property example for lexemes | example where this Wikidata property is used; target lexeme is one that would use this property, with qualifier the property being described given the associated value | wikibase-lexeme | 34 | |
P5193 talk covi |
Wikidata property example for forms | example where this Wikidata property is used; target form is one that would use this property, with qualifier the property being described given the associated value | wikibase-form | 5 | |
P5194 talk covi |
officialized by | the item which officialized this lexeme | wikibase-item | 3 | |
P5195 talk |
Wikidata Dataset Imports page | URL for the import page for a dataset on Wikidata:Dataset Imports | url | 5 | |
P5196 talk covi |
output method | output method or device used to interact with a software product | wikibase-item | 66 | |
P5197 talk covi |
Melon song ID | identifier for a song on Melon | external-id | 16 | |
P5198 talk covi |
ASC Leiden Thesaurus ID | identifier for a topic, in the African Studies Centre (ASC) Leiden's Thesaurus | external-id | 2,911 | |
P5199 talk covi |
British Library system number | Nine digit identifier for an edition of a book held by the British Library | external-id | 138 | |
P5200 talk covi |
eBird hotspot ID | identifier for a nature reserve or other site ("hotspot") in the eBird database | external-id | 97 | |
P5201 talk covi |
IMDA rating | rating in the Singaporean film and video game rating system | wikibase-item | 76 | |
P5202 talk covi |
adapted by | person responsible for the arrangement or adaptation resulting in this version of the original work | wikibase-item | 801 | |
P5203 talk covi |
topographic map | item describing a topographic map covering this geographic object | wikibase-item | 4 | |
P5204 talk covi |
date of commercialization | date when a product was first commercialized | time | 23 | |
P5205 talk covi |
počet tahů | number of strokes in a Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Vietnamese character | quantity | 2,238 | |
P5206 talk covi |
has conjugation class | conjugation pattern for group of verbs in the language. Use on items for languages. For lexemes, use "conjugation class" (P5186). | wikibase-item | 14 | |
P5207 talk covi |
BAG public space ID | BAG openbare ruimtecode for Dutch public spaces | external-id | 17,995 | |
P5208 talk covi |
BAG building ID | BAG building ID for Dutch buildings ("panden") | external-id | 31 | |
P5209 talk covi |
ISO 3950 code | identifier for a tooth per ISO 3950 | external-id | 54 | |
P5210 talk covi |
National Gallery of Armenia work ID | identifier for an artwork, in the National Gallery of Armenia database | external-id | 246 | |
P5211 talk covi |
GONIAT author ID | identifier for a taxonomic author, in the GONIAT database | external-id | 888 | |
P5212 talk covi |
Armenian National Academy of Sciences ID | identifier for a member of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences | external-id | 63 | |
P5213 talk covi |
Armenian Parliamentary ID | identifier for a Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, in its official website | external-id | 489 | |
P5214 talk covi |
GONIAT paper ID | identifier for a taxonomic paper about Paleozoic ammonoids, in the GONIAT database | external-id | 6 | |
P5215 talk covi |
GONIAT place ID | identifier for a place, in the GONIAT database | external-id | 7 | |
P5216 talk covi |
GONIAT taxon ID | identifier for a taxon, in the GONIAT database | external-id | 2,793 | |
P5217 talk covi |
Spyur ID | identifier for a company or organisation in Armenia, in the Spyur directory | external-id | 12 | |
P5218 talk covi |
Armenian Cinema ID | identifier for a work or person, in the Armenian Cinema database of the Armenian Association of Film Critics and Cinema Journalists | external-id | 231 | |
P5219 talk covi |
BMRB ID | identifier of a compound in, an NMR spectra database | external-id | 83 | |
P5220 talk covi |
ICSC ID | identifier of a compound in the International Chemical Safety Card database | external-id | 120 | |
P5221 talk covi |
Tree of Life Web Project ID | identifier in the Tree of Life Web Project | external-id | 14 | |
P5222 talk covi |
NWSL player ID | identifier for a soccer player at | external-id | 11 | |
P5223 talk covi |
Information Center for Israeli Art artwork ID | identifier assigned to an artwork by the Information Center for Israeli Art | external-id | 878 | |
P5224 talk covi |
OlimpBase Women's Chess Olympiad player ID | identifier for a player at who took part in the Women's Chess Olympiad | external-id | 374 | |
P5225 talk covi |
Argentine biography deputy ID | biography of an Argentine deputy from the Chamber of Deputies' website | external-id | 17 | |
P5226 talk covi |
B.R.A.H.M.S. artist ID | identifier for a musician in the B.R.A.H.M.S. database, by the IRCAM | external-id | 1,313 | |
P5227 talk covi |
Carnegie Hall event ID | identifier for an event in the Carnegie Hall Linked Open Data (LOD) database | external-id | 6 | |
P5229 talk covi |
Carnegie Hall work ID | identifier for a work in the Carnegie Hall Linked Open Data (LOD) database | external-id | 643 | |
P5230 talk covi |
chromosome count | karyological information on the number of chromosomes typical for a species | quantity | 20 | |
P5231 talk covi |
Chromosome numbers of the Flora of Germany database ID | numerical identifier in the "Chromosome numbers of the Flora of Germany" database | external-id | 2 | |
P5232 talk covi |
D&B Hoovers company profile | identifier for a company in the D&B Hoovers database | external-id | 39 | |
P5233 talk covi |
Filmow ID | identifier at the Filmow database of films and TV shows | external-id | 25 | |
P5234 talk covi |
SpectraBase compound ID | identifier of a compound in, a database with spectra | external-id | 8 | |
P5235 talk covi |
Cité de la Musique-Philharmonie de Paris work ID | identifier for a musical work in the Cité de la Musique-Philharmonie de Paris database | external-id | 9 | |
P5236 talk covi |
prime factor | one of the prime numbers that can be multiplied to give this number | wikibase-item | 10,244 | |
P5237 talk covi |
pronunciation variety | qualifier for IPA transcription (P898), pronunciation audio (P443) or spoken text audio (P989) to indicate the associated spoken language variant | wikibase-item | 16 | |
P5238 talk covi |
složenina z | lexemes combined in this lexeme | složeno z, kompozitum | wikibase-lexeme | 1,066 |
P5239 talk covi |
Artists in Canada record number | authority control maintained by National Gallery of Canada Library listing biographical data for artists who were born in Canada or worked in Canada | external-id | 2,358 | |
P5240 talk covi |
RollDaBeats artist ID | identifier for a musical artist on the RollDaBeats website | external-id | 63 | |
P5241 talk covi |
Songfacts song ID | identifier for a song on the Songfacts website | external-id | 372 | |
P5242 talk covi |
ARWU university ID | identifier for an university on the Academic Ranking of World Universities website | external-id | 808 | |
P5243 talk covi |
Canal-U person ID | identifier of a person on Canal-U | external-id | 722 | |
P5244 talk covi |
reading pattern of Han character | wikibase-item | 33 | ||
P5245 talk covi |
myschool ID | identifier of a school in Australia, in the site, a government source of compiled data | external-id | 1,609 | |
P5246 talk covi |
Pornhub ID | identifier for a porn performer in the database of the Pornhub website | external-id | 2,476 | |
P5247 talk covi |
Giant Bomb ID | identifier at the Giant Bomb database of video games, fictional characters and voice actors | external-id | 4,763 | |
P5248 talk covi |
medical evacuation to | site to which those injured are evacuated immediately after a catastrophic event or a battle | wikibase-item | 6 | |
P5249 talk covi |
sports competition competed at | edition of sports competitions at which the club or team that played a season competed at. Use this to link items for team seasons to items for specific seasons of competitions.Sample: 2012–13 FC Barcelona season → 2012–13 UEFA Champions League | wikibase-item | 204 | |
P5250 talk covi |
IAB code | code for an Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) Quality Assurance Guidelines (QAG) segment | external-id | 529 | |
P5251 talk covi |
Corago opera ID | identifier for an opera on the Corago website | external-id | 400 | |
P5252 talk covi |
winter view | image of the subject at winter, preferrable with snow | commonsMedia | 256 | |
P5253 talk covi | movie ID | identifier for a movie at | external-id | 309 | |
P5254 talk covi | person ID | identifier for a person at | external-id | 76 | |
P5255 talk covi | TV series ID | identifier for a TV serie at | external-id | 6 | |
P5256 talk covi |
OpenCorporates corporate grouping | companies grouped together at OpenCorporates | external-id | 10 | |
P5257 talk covi |
BirdLife taxon ID | identifier for an avian taxon, in the BirdLife factsheet database | external-id | 11,512 | |
P5258 talk covi |
kód geomorfologické jednotky v Česku | identifikátor geomorfologických jednotek v Česku | external-id | 336 | |
P5259 talk covi |
Swedish Gravestone ID | register of +348 000 Swedish gravestones for +759,000 Swedish people | external-id | 133 | |
P5260 talk covi |
iTunes App Store developer ID | identifier for an iOS app developer on the iTunes App Store | external-id | 131 | |
P5261 talk covi |
Les Enfoirés participant ID | identifier for a participating celebrity in the Enfoiréthèque, the database of Les Enfoirés website | external-id | 230 | |
P5262 talk covi |
Les Enfoirés song ID | identifier for a song in the Enfoiréthèque, the database of Les Enfoirés website | external-id | 7 | |
P5263 talk covi |
NDOP ID taxonu | ID taxonu v Nálezové databázi AOPK ČR | external-id | 47,843 | |
P5264 talk covi |
Relationship Science person ID | identifier for a person in the Relationship Science database | external-id | 11 | |
P5265 talk covi |
Dordrechts Museum artwork ID | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Dordrechts Museum website | external-id | 1,286 | |
P5266 talk covi |
Finnish national bibliography corporate name ID | Finnish national bibliography corporate names database covers the recommended forms of corporate and creator names that the National Library of Finland has produced in the process of tagging the national bibliography. | external-id | 3,126 | |
P5267 talk covi |
YouPorn ID | identifier for a porn performer in the database of the YouPorn website | external-id | 1,533 | |
P5268 talk covi |
MNAV work ID | identifier assigned to an artwork by the National Museum of Visual Arts of Uruguay | external-id | 8 | |
P5269 talk covi |
identifikátor díla na Webu umenia | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Web umenia website | ID díla na Webu umenia | external-id | 16,695 |
P5270 talk covi |
MonDO ID | identifier for a disease in the Monarch Disease Ontology | external-id | 17,659 | |
P5271 talk covi |
Saint Louis Art Museum person ID | identifier for a person on the Saint Louis Art Museum website | external-id | 2,643 | |
P5272 talk covi |
CDMC musician ID | identifier for a musician in the Centre de documentation de la musique contemporaine database | external-id | 6 | |
P5273 talk covi |
Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art person ID | identifier for a person on the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art website | external-id | 2,774 | |
P5274 talk covi |
SJP Online ID | identifier for an entry in the online version of Polish Dictionary (pl Słownik Języka Polskiego) | external-id | 1,353 | |
P5275 talk covi |
OED Online ID | identifier for an entry in the online version of Oxford English Dictionary | external-id | 210 | |
P5276 talk |
slovanská abeceda | slovanská fonetická abeceda | string | 1,168 | |
P5277 talk covi |
grade of kanji | degree of difficulty of kanji | wikibase-item | 2,173 | |
P5278 talk covi |
přechýlená podoba příjmení | surname version for other gender | wikibase-item | 70 | |
P5279 talk |
dělení | pozice, kde může být slovo děleno | string | 177 | |
P5280 talk covi |
radikál | radikál čínsých písmen | wikibase-item | 2,235 | |
P5281 talk covi |
residual stroke count | (qualifier) number of residual stroke in addition to radical of Chinese character | quantity | 2,233 | |
P5282 talk covi |
panoramatický pohled 360° | url na panoramatický 360° pohled | url | 33 | |
P5283 talk covi |
Strava ID of a professional sport person | external-id | 11 | ||
P5284 talk covi |
Douban Movie Celebrity ID | identifier for a celebrity at the Douban movie website | external-id | 2,255 | |
P5285 talk covi |
Firmenbuchnummer | Austrian company register ID | external-id | 102 | |
P5286 talk covi |
Portable Game Notation | move of a chess game provided as a string in Portable Game Notation | string | 159 | |
P5287 talk covi |
Songfacts artist ID | identifier for an artist on the Songfacts website | external-id | 268 | |
P5288 talk covi |
StadiumDB identifier | sportsarenas/stadium database | external-id | 1,700 | |
P5289 talk covi |
World Stadium Database identifier | sportsarenas/stadium database | external-id | 36 | |
P5290 talk covi | ID | identifier at the database of video games | external-id | 2,521 | |
P5291 talk covi |
Taratata artist ID | identifier for an artist on the Taratata website | external-id | 762 | |
P5292 talk covi |
NRJ artist ID | identifier for an artist on the French NRJ website | external-id | 6 | |
P5293 talk covi |
Akout ID | identifier for an artist on the Akout website | external-id | 13 | |
P5294 talk covi |
Church of Norway building ID | identifier for a church building listed by Church of Norway ("Kirkebyggdatabasen") | external-id | 1,821 | |
P5295 talk covi |
Lafonoteca artist ID | identifier for an artist on the Lafonoteca website | external-id | 18 | |
P5296 talk covi |
Party Number (Taiwan) | identifier assigned to parties registered in Taiwan by the Ministry of the Interior | external-id | 338 | |
P5297 talk covi |
Companies House officer ID | identifier for an officer (natural person or legal person) of companies registered with Companies House in the United Kingdom | external-id | 57 | |
P5298 talk covi |
Webb-site person ID | identifier for a person on "Webb-site Who's Who" | external-id | 262 | |
P5299 talk covi |
AntWeb ID | identifier for a taxon in the AntWeb database | external-id | 16 | |
P5300 talk covi |
Webb-site organization ID | identifier for an organization on "Webb-site Who's Who" | external-id | 87 | |
P5301 talk covi |
France Culture person ID | identifier for a person on the France Culture website | external-id | 38 | |
P5302 talk covi |
B.R.A.H.M.S. work ID | identifier for a musical work in the B.R.A.H.M.S. database, by the IRCAM | external-id | 16 | |
P5303 talk covi |
DLCM ID | identifier for a past or present member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong in the Database on Legislative Council Members | external-id | 650 | |
P5304 talk covi |
type locality (biology) | geographical place of capture, collection or observation of the name-bearing type | wikibase-item | 5 | |
P5305 talk covi |
SPARQL endpoint | URL of the SPARQL endpoint of the database/website | url | 67 | |
P5306 talk covi |
LONSEA people ID | identifier for a person on the LONSEA site | external-id | 870 | |
P5307 talk covi |
display technology | technology used by the display of this device | wikibase-item | 7 | |
P5308 talk covi |
Dictionary of Scottish Architects ID | identifier for a person on the online Dictionary of Scottish Architects | external-id | 729 | |
P5309 talk covi |
Drouot artist ID | identifier for an artist on the Drouot website | external-id | 28 | |
P5310 talk covi |
Protected Buildings Register in Finland ID | Item ID in the Protected Buildings Register maintained by the Finnish Heritage Agency | external-id | 1,145 | |
P5311 talk covi | film ID | identifier for a movie at | external-id | 788 | |
P5312 talk covi | person ID | identifier for a person at | external-id | 216 | |
P5313 talk covi |
Protected Buildings Register in Finland Building ID | Building ID in the Protected Buildings Register maintained by the Finnish Heritage Agency | external-id | 2,698 | |
P5314 talk covi |
property scope | constraint system qualifier to define the scope of a property | wikibase-item | 1,457 | |
P5315 talk covi |
BioStor work ID | identifier for a work in the BioStor digital library | external-id | 59,939 | |
P5316 talk covi |
Swedish ID | the creator of ceramics and porcelain is described on and what stamps was used | external-id | 54 | |
P5317 talk covi |
jockey | person riding the horse in the race | wikibase-item | 16 | |
P5318 talk covi |
César Award film ID | identifier for a film on the César Awards website | external-id | 19 | |
P5319 talk covi |
César Award person ID | identifier for a person on the César Awards website | external-id | 14 | |
P5320 talk covi |
IUF member ID | external-id | 565 | ||
P5321 talk covi |
Museo del Prado artist ID | identifier of an artist in the Museo del Prado web page | external-id | 2,136 | |
P5323 talk covi |
attested in | document where the lemma or form of a Lexeme entity, word or name is attested | wikibase-item | 2,654 | |
P5324 talk covi |
Swedish National Archive ID | identifier for an archive for a person/organisation/event... stored at the National Archive of Sweden | external-id | 3,319 | |
P5325 talk covi |
Swedish Academy member ID | identifier of a person, in the register of members of the Swedish Academy | external-id | 194 | |
P5327 talk covi |
Identifikátor | identifikátor databáze televizních seriálů | external-id | 10,631 | |
P5328 talk covi |
revival or touring version of | indicates the original performing arts production which served as a basis for the given production (which uses the same performance plan) | wikibase-item | 44 | |
P5329 talk covi |
ARMB member ID | Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium member ID | external-id | 537 | |
P5330 talk covi |
United Kingdom Department for Transport railway station category | A category for stations in the UK (more specifically Great Britain) applied by National Rail to every mainline station. See w:en:United Kingdom railway station categories | wikibase-item | 61 | |
P5331 talk covi |
OCLC work ID | identifier for a work-level item in the OCLC linked data system | external-id | 20,209 | |
P5332 talk covi |
OpenDOAR ID | identifier in the Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR) | external-id | 71 | |
P5333 talk covi |
Bérose ID | identifier for a person, a journal or an institution on the website of the Bérose online encyclopedia | external-id | 100 | |
P5334 talk covi |
Rom Galil settlement ID | ID of a settlement in the Galilee settlement database, Rom Galil | external-id | 50 | |
P5335 talk covi |
Or Movement settlement ID | the ID of a settlement in the Or Movement database for the Negev and the Galilee | external-id | 172 | |
P5336 talk covi |
Or Movement regional council ID | the ID of a regional council in the Or Movement database for the Negev and the Galilee | external-id | 11 | |
P5337 talk covi |
Google News topics ID | identifier for a subject in the news on Google News | external-id | 419 | |
P5338 talk covi | film ID | identifier for a movie at | external-id | 4,392 | |
P5339 talk covi |
Lega Serie A soccer player ID | identifier of a soccer player in the Lega Serie A website | external-id | 778 | |
P5340 talk covi |
AFI person ID | identifier for a person at American Film Institute | external-id | 1,717 | |
P5341 talk covi |
Poetry Foundation ID | identifier for a poet on the Poetry Foundation website | external-id | 2,628 | |
P5343 talk covi | poet ID | identifier for a poet on the Academy of American Poets website | external-id | 1,539 | |
P5344 talk covi |
Printemps des poètes poet ID | identifier for a poet on the Printemps des poètes website | external-id | 20 | |
P5345 talk covi |
PC Engine Software Bible ID | identifier in the PC Engine Software Bible database of PC Engine videogames | external-id | 60 | |
P5346 talk covi |
Playmates Playmate ID | identifier for a Playmate on the Playmates website | external-id | 201 | |
P5348 talk covi |
angular diameter | angular measurement describing how large a sphere or circle appears from a given point of view | quantity | 5 | |
P5349 talk |
laps completed | number of laps completed by a race participant | quantity | 9 | |
P5350 talk covi |
Alexander polynomial | invariant of a knot. Use 't' as variable and list monomials in decreasing order. | math | 15 | |
P5351 talk covi |
Conway polynomial | invariant of a knot. Use z as variable and list monomials in decreasing order. | math | 15 | |
P5352 talk covi |
Jones polynomial | invariant of a knot. Use q as variable and list monomials in decreasing order. | math | 15 | |
P5353 talk covi |
school district | school district to which a settlement or other item belongs | wikibase-item | 6,088 | |
P5354 talk covi |
Amphibian Species of the World ID | identifier for a taxon in the Amphibian Species of the World database | external-id | 93 | |
P5355 talk covi | politician ID | identifier for a German politician, in the database | external-id | 2,726 | |
P5356 talk covi | artist ID | identifier for an artist on the website | external-id | 856 | |
P5357 talk covi |
The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ID | identifier for an entry on the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction website | external-id | 7,115 | |
P5358 talk covi |
Operone opera ID | identifier for an opera on the Operone website | external-id | 526 | |
P5359 talk covi |
Operone composer ID | identifier for a composer on the Operone website | external-id | 1,132 | |
P5360 talk covi |
MobyGames group ID | identifier of a group in the MobyGames database | external-id | 596 | |
P5361 talk covi |
BNB person ID | identifier of a person in the British National Bibliography ( | external-id | 32,377 | |
P5362 talk covi |
ASMP member ID | identifier of a member of the 'Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques' on its website | external-id | 58 | |
P5363 talk covi |
Académie des beaux-arts member ID | identifier of a member of the Académie des beaux-arts on its website | external-id | 56 | |
P5364 talk covi |
British Council writer ID | identifier for a writer on the British Council website | external-id | 213 | |
P5365 talk covi |
Internet Book Database of Fiction writer ID | identifier for a writer on the Internet Book Database of Fiction website | external-id | 24 | |
P5366 talk covi |
Operissimo artist ID | identifier for an artist on the Operissimo website | external-id | 1,189 | |
P5367 talk covi |
YouTube Gaming game ID | identifier for a video game on YouTube Gaming | external-id | 410 | |
P5368 talk covi |
National Gallery of Canada artist ID | identifier of an artist at the National Gallery of Canada's web site | external-id | 3,988 | |
P5369 talk covi |
Encyclopædia Universalis author ID | identifier of an author on the online version of Encyclopædia Universalis | external-id | 205 | |
P5370 talk covi |
Entomologists of the World ID | identifier for an entry in the Biographies of the Entomologists of the World online database | external-id | 9,832 | |
P5371 talk covi |
GAMECIP media format ID | identifier of a media format in the thesaurus of the Game Metadata and Citation Project | external-id | 22 | |
P5372 talk covi |
Dictionnaire critique des historiens de l'art ID | identifier on an art historian on the online Dictionnaire critique des historiens de l'art actifs en France de la Révolution à la Première Guerre mondiale | external-id | 324 | |
P5373 talk covi |
École normale alumnus ID | identifier of an alumnus on the Dictionnaire prosopographique des élèves nommés à l'École normale de l'an III | external-id | 16 | |
P5374 talk covi |
Académie des sciences d'outre-mer member ID | identifier for a member on the Académie des sciences d'outre-mer website | external-id | 592 | |
P5375 talk covi |
BIU Santé person ID | identifier for a person on the Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de santé website | external-id | 6,061 | |
P5376 talk covi |
Medicina author ID | identifier for an author in the Medicina database | external-id | 10 | |
P5377 talk covi |
Étonnants voyageurs participant ID | identifier for a participant on the Étonnants voyageurs website | external-id | 361 | |
P5378 talk covi |
Akadem person ID | identifier of a person on Akadem | external-id | 10 | |
P5379 talk covi |
GAMECIP platform ID | identifier of a computer game platform in the thesaurus of the Game Metadata and Citation Project | external-id | 63 | |
P5380 talk covi |
National Academy of Sciences member ID | identifier for a member on the American National Academy of Sciences website | external-id | 47 | |
P5381 talk covi |
EGROKN ID | identifier for a monument in the Unified state register of objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation | external-id | 3,250 | |
P5382 talk covi |
Behind The Voice Actors franchise ID | identifier of a franchise on the website | external-id | 30 | |
P5383 talk covi |
archINFORM project ID | identifier for a project on the archINFORM website | external-id | 30,435 | |
P5384 talk covi |
Behind The Voice Actors film ID | identifier of a film on the website | external-id | 26 | |
P5385 talk covi |
IGN ID | External identifier for video games at IGN | external-id | 631 | |
P5386 talk covi |
JMA Seismic Intensity Scale | Maximum intensity scale of this earthquake given by JMA Seismic Intensity Scale | wikibase-item | 18 | |
P5387 talk covi |
Behind The Voice Actors tv show ID | identifier of a television show on the website | external-id | 20 | |
P5388 talk covi |
Bulgarian Antarctic Gazetteer ID | identifier of a location in Antarctica in the Bulgarian Antarctic Gazetteer | external-id | 1,394 | |
P5389 talk covi |
permanent resident of | country or region that person have the legal status of permanent resident | wikibase-item | 1,130 | |
P5390 talk covi |
Classiques des sciences sociales author ID | identifier for an author on the Classiques des sciences sociales website | external-id | 246 | |
P5391 talk covi |
Norwegian Polar Institute place name ID | identifier of a location in the Norwegian Polar Institute's "Place names in Norwegian polar areas" database | external-id | 1,526 | |
P5392 talk covi |
Poetry Archive poet ID | identifier for a poet on the Poetry Archive website | external-id | 508 | |
P5393 talk covi |
cipM poet ID | identifier for a poet on the Centre international de poésie Marseille website | external-id | 455 | |
P5394 talk covi |
Poets & Writers author ID | identifier for an author on the Poets & Writers website | external-id | 224 | |
P5395 talk covi |
Canadian Encyclopedia article ID | identifier for articles in the Canadian Encyclopedia (subjects are always with respect to Canada; e.g. "Norwegians"→"Norwegian Canadians") | external-id | 5,857 | |
P5396 talk covi |
Online Books Page publication ID | identifier for a publication, at the Online Books Page website with copyright info | external-id | 210 | |
P5397 talk covi |
Tierstimmenarchiv ID | identifier for a species in the Animal Sound Archive Berlin | external-id | 1,249 | |
P5398 talk covi |
identifikátor termínu v TDKIV | identifikátor v databázi TDKIV Národní knihovny České republiky | external-id | 2,013 | |
P5400 talk covi |
GeoNLP ID | identifier for a place in Japan | external-id | 13,593 | |
P5401 talk covi |
pomocné sloveso | auxiliary verb to be used with this verb | wikibase-lexeme | 50 | |
P5402 talk covi |
homograph lexeme | lexeme in the same or a different language with the same spelling as this one | wikibase-lexeme | 512 | |
P5403 talk covi |
CNAP artist ID | identifier for an artist on the Centre national des arts plastiques website | external-id | 8 | |
P5404 talk covi |
RYM artist ID | identifier for an artist on the RYM (Rate Your Music) website | external-id | 423 | |
P5406 talk covi |
Rendez-vous de l'histoire ID | identifier of a participant of the 'Rendez-vous de l'histoire' on the website of this festival | external-id | 80 | |
P5407 talk covi |
MHK object ID | identifier for an object (painting, sculpture, instrument) in the collection of the Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel | external-id | 1,287 | |
P5408 talk covi |
Fantastic Fiction author ID | identifier for an author on the Fantastic Fiction website | external-id | 290 | |
P5409 talk covi |
Île en île author ID | identifier for an author on the 'Île en île' website | external-id | 309 | |
P5410 talk covi |
Flanders Music Centre person ID | identifier for a person on the Flanders Music Centre website | external-id | 7 | |
P5411 talk covi |
CeBeDem composer ID | identifier for a composer on the CeBeDem website | external-id | 6 | |
P5412 talk |
romanizace běloruštiny z 2007 | Romanization of Belarusian (2007) | string | 25,109 | |
P5413 talk covi |
Ricochet author ID | identifier for an author on the Ricochet website | external-id | 13 | |
P5414 talk covi |
The Paris Review interviewee ID | identifier for an interviewee on the Paris Review website | external-id | 399 | |
P5415 talk covi |
Whonamedit? doctor ID | identifier for a doctor on the Whonamedit? website | external-id | 1,710 | |
P5417 talk covi |
Common Procurement Vocabulary | taxonomy established for the EU for goods and services; it has the advantage of being massively multilingual, and public domain (EU legislation) | external-id | 290 | |
P5418 talk covi |
Pasteur Institute person ID | identifier for a person on the Pasteur Institute website | external-id | 255 | |
P5419 talk covi |
NYRB contributor ID | identifier for a contributor on the New York Review of Books website | external-id | 1,091 | |
P5420 talk covi |
GS1 Global Product Classification brick code | The brick code is used to classify products in the GS1 Global Product Classification | external-id | 6 | |
P5421 talk covi |
The Trading Card Database person ID | identifier for a person or fictional character in The Trading Card Database | external-id | 427 | |
P5422 talk covi |
has decorative pattern | pattern, design, or motif intrinsic to, incorporated into, or applied to the surface of the subject | wikibase-item | 24 | |
P5423 talk covi |
patro | floor number in a street address. To be used as a qualifier of Property:P669 "located on street" or as a property of a place | string | 59 | |
P5424 talk covi |
Lega Serie A team ID | identifier of a soccer team in the Lega Serie A website | external-id | 56 | |
P5425 talk covi |
Han character in this lexeme | Han character(s) this lexeme consists of | wikibase-item | 380 | |
P5426 talk covi |
Japanese pitch accent type | type of an pitch accent of a Japanese lexeme | wikibase-item | 22 | |
P5427 talk covi |
position of accent nucleus | (qualifier) position of the accented mora in Japanese | quantity | 21 | |
P5428 talk covi |
position of devoiced vowel | (qualifier) position of kana with devoiced vowel | quantity | 4 | |
P5429 talk covi |
IPTC Newscode | newscode for an item, issued by the used by the International Press Telecommunication Council (IPTC) | external-id | 766 | |
P5430 talk covi |
Poetry International Web poet ID | identifier for a poet on the Poetry International Web website | external-id | 945 | |
P5431 talk covi | artist ID | identifier for a solo artist or group at | external-id | 70 | |
P5432 talk covi | venue ID | identifier for a music venue at | external-id | 38 | |
P5434 talk covi |
Gfycat user ID | user name for an entity on | external-id | 6 | |
P5435 talk covi |
pixiv user ID | the artist id on pixiv | external-id | 434 | |
P5436 talk covi |
number of viewers/listeners | number of viewers of a television or broadcasting program; web traffic on websites | quantity | 5 | |
P5437 talk covi |
EuroVoc ID | identifier for an area of government activity, in the European Union's EuroVoc thesaurus | external-id | 11 | |
P5438 talk covi |
signum | familiar nickname of the ancient Romans of Greek origin developed during the 3rd century | wikibase-item | 5 | |
P5439 talk covi |
research measurement | a measurement of an experimentally observed variable | wikibase-item | 2 | |
P5440 talk covi | president ID | identifier of a president of the French Republic on' | external-id | 29 | |
P5441 talk covi |
Herder Encyclopedia author ID | external-id | 632 | ||
P5442 talk covi |
Biographical Articles of the Library of Congress of Chile | Biographical Articles of the Library of Congress of Chile ID | external-id | 390 | |
P5443 talk covi |
Collège de France professor ID | identifier of a professor at the 'Collège de France' on its website | external-id | 218 | |
P5444 talk covi |
modelový rok | year a specific model of a product (such as a car) was released, likely different from the actual year of production | wikibase-item | 54 | |
P5445 talk covi |
Language Council of Norways termwiki ID | Identifier for a term in the Norwegian language, as given by an entry in the Language Council of Norways termwiki. This is a terminology database for academic disciplines. The terms are usually given as Bokmål, Nynorsk, and English variants. | external-id | 5 | |
P5446 talk covi |
reference value | value or range of values for a medical test (subject item), used to evaluate whether the results of the test are normal or not | wikibase-item | 43 | |
P5447 talk covi |
lower limit | lower limit of a range or an interval; (qualifier) used with a dummy value which specifies the type of the range or interval | quantity | 71 | |
P5448 talk covi |
upper limit | upper limit of a range or an interval; (qualifier) used with a dummy value which specifies the type of the range or interval | quantity | 75 | |
P5449 talk covi |
Inventory of French sanctuaries ID | identifier for items in the inventory of Christian shrines and pilgrimage sites in France | external-id | 13 | |
P5450 talk covi |
BIA PSY person ID | identifier for a person on the Biographisches Archiv der Psychiatrie website | external-id | 145 | |
P5451 talk covi |
House of Representatives of Morocco ID | identifier for a person on the House of Representatives of Morocco website | external-id | 53 | |
P5452 talk covi |
MyHeritage Surname ID | string identifying a surname (family name) at the MyHeritage genealogy website | external-id | 15 | |
P5453 talk covi |
Logicielsmoto identifier | identifier in the Logicielsmoto database of Thomson software | external-id | 54 | |
P5454 talk covi |
USNPL ID | identifier in the USNPL database for newspapers in the United States of America | external-id | 5,382 | |
P5455 talk covi |
SGJP Online ID | identifier for an entry in the online version of Polish Grammatical Dictionary (pl Słownik gramatyczny języka polskiego) | external-id | 1,728 | |
P5456 talk covi |
TasteAtlas ID | identifier for an item at TasteAtlas | external-id | 489 | |
P5457 talk covi |
Conseil constitutionnel ID | identifier of a member of the 'Conseil constitutionnel' on its website | external-id | 53 | |
P5458 talk covi |
Guide to Pharmacology Target ID | target identifier of the Guide to Pharmacology database | external-id | 8 | |
P5459 talk covi |
RHE doctor ID | identifier of a doctor on the database of doctoral thesis submitted in French faculties of Arts from 1808 to 1940 | external-id | 2,472 | |
P5460 talk covi |
grants | degree, honour, award or prize conferred or awarded by this entity | wikibase-item | 53 | |
P5461 talk covi |
model year code | letter or digit in position 10 of a vehicle identification number (VIN) indicating the model year (MY) for years 1980 to 2009, repeating for 2010 to 2039, etc. Format: not I,O,Q,U,Z,0. Year 2018 is J. | string | 64 | |
P5462 talk covi |
RHE professor ID | identifier of a doctor on the database of professor of French Faculties of art and science from 1808 to 1880 | external-id | 54 | |
P5463 talk covi |
AE member ID | Members of the Academy of Europe | external-id | 720 | |
P5464 talk covi |
A Church Near You church ID | identifier for a church at the A Church Near You website | external-id | 36 | |
P5465 talk covi |
Australian Poetry Library poet ID | identifier for a poet on the Australian Poetry Library website | external-id | 179 | |
P5466 talk covi |
French Academy in Rome resident ID | identifier for a resident on the French Academy in Rome website | external-id | 11 | |
P5467 talk covi |
GlyphWiki ID | identifier of GlyphWiki, in which glyphs of Han characters are managed | external-id | 81 | |
P5468 talk covi |
Historia de la Medicina person ID | identifier for a person on the Historia de la Medicina website | external-id | 255 | |
P5469 talk covi |
Mormon Literature and Creative Arts Database artist ID | external-id | 325 | ||
P5470 talk covi |
Scottish Poetry Library poet ID | identifier for a poet on the Scottish Poetry Library website | external-id | 306 | |
P5471 talk covi |
Harmonized System Code | code in the Harmonized System for a category of object traded internationally | string | 24 | |
P5473 talk covi |
The Reptile Database ID | identifier for all living reptile species in The Reptile Database | external-id | 10,281 | |
P5474 talk covi |
section number | number assigned to a section of sportspeople in a sporting competition; e.g. "2" for a "semi-final 2"; use together with property "stage reached" (P2443) | quantity | 3 | |
P5475 talk covi |
CJKV variant character | equivalent forms of Han characters used in different regions or writing systems | wikibase-item | 63 | |
P5476 talk covi | player ID | identifier for a player at | external-id | 2,692 | |
P5477 talk covi |
Les Voix de la poésie poet ID | identifier for a poet on the Les Voix de la poésie website | external-id | 224 | |
P5478 talk covi |
RPO poet ID | identifier for a poet in the Representative Poetry Online database | external-id | 754 | |
P5479 talk covi |
ultimate tensile strength | material property measuring the tensil strengh at break | quantity | 19 | |
P5480 talk covi |
tensile modulus of elasticity | material proprety linking the elastic deformation to the yield strengh. | quantity | 27 | |
P5481 talk covi |
position of nasal sonant | (qualifier) position of kana with nasal sonant, which occasionally appears at the syllable of "が", "ぎ", "ぐ", "げ", or "ご" in some Japanese words | quantity | 7 | |
P5482 talk |
LilyPond notation | musical notation in LilyPond syntax | string | 254 | |
P5483 talk covi |
hardness | measure of how resistant solid matter is to various kinds of permanent shape change when a force is applied | quantity | 14 | |
P5485 talk covi |
SBN books ID | identifier for books issued by National Library Service (SBN) of Italy | external-id | 216 | |
P5488 talk covi |
artist-info curator ID | identifier in the artist-info curator database of exhibition records | external-id | 98 | |
P5489 talk covi |
artist-info artist ID | identifier in the artist-info artist database of exhibition records | external-id | 5,165 | |
P5490 talk covi |
artist-info location ID | identifier in the artist-info location database of exhibition records | external-id | 85 | |
P5491 talk covi |
BD Gest' author ID | identifier for an author on the BD Gest' website | external-id | 2,086 | |
P5492 talk covi |
EDIT16 catalogue author ID | identifier of the EDIT16 catalogue about authors cited in 16th-century books or editions | external-id | 630 | |
P5493 talk covi |
EDIT16 catalogue printer ID | identifier of the EDIT16 catalogue about 16th-century printers | external-id | 8 | |
P5494 talk covi |
GameSpot ID | identifier at the GameSpot database of video games | external-id | 873 | |
P5495 talk covi |
Mormon Literature and Creative Arts Database Works ID | external-id | 68 | ||
P5496 talk covi |
Médicos históricos doctor ID | identifier for a doctor in the Médicos históricos database of the Complutense University of Madrid | external-id | 632 | |
P5497 talk covi |
Doroszewski Online ID | identifier for an entry in the online version of the Polish Dictionary by Witold Doroszewski (Pl Słownik języka polskiego) | external-id | 1,287 | |
P5498 talk covi |
Base de datos de premiados person ID | identifier for a person in the Base de datos de premiados del Libro, Lectura y Letras database | external-id | 580 | |
P5499 talk covi |
Boijmans work ID | identifier for an artwork in the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen | external-id | 8,764 | |
P5500 talk covi |
IPHAN ID | The IPHAN identifier for a historic place or good | external-id | 116 | |
P5501 talk covi |
Brenda Tissue Ontology ID | external-id | 6 | ||
P5502 talk covi |
LRB contributor ID | identifier for a contributor on the London Review of Books website | external-id | 82 | |
P5503 talk covi |
Poetry Society of America poet ID | identifier for a poet on the Poetry Society of America website | external-id | 190 | |
P5504 talk covi |
RISM ID | identifier for a work or a person in the Répertoire international des sources musicales database | external-id | 67 | |
P5505 talk covi |
WorldCat Registry ID | identifier for a library, library consortium or similar institution in the Worldcat Registry | external-id | 211 | |
P5506 talk covi |
Poetry In Voice poet ID | identifier for a poet on the Poetry In Voice website | external-id | 240 | |
P5507 talk covi |
artist-info exhibition ID | іdentifier in the artist-info database for exhibition records | external-id | 25 | |
P5508 talk covi |
archINFORM person or group ID | identifier for a person or group on the archINFORM website | external-id | 18,186 | |
P5509 talk covi |
MAPS poet ID | identifier for a poet on the Modern American Poetry website | external-id | 164 | |
P5510 talk covi |
DEFA film database ID | identifier in the film database of the DEFA foundation | external-id | 1,973 | |
P5513 talk covi |
identifier for an item of Enciclopèdia de l'Esport Català | identifier on Enciclopèdia de l'Esport Català, related to Catalan sportspeople and sports clubs. | external-id | 145 | |
P5514 talk covi |
akreditace | wikibase-item | 8 | ||
P5515 talk covi |
identifikátor | identifier for damaged and destroyed churches in the Czech Republic | external-id | 287 | |
P5516 talk covi |
Virtual Laboratory person ID | identifier for a person in the Virtual Laboratory database of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science | external-id | 259 | |
P5517 talk covi |
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Inventory identifier | external-id | 7 | ||
P5518 talk covi |
four-corner method | The four-corner code(s) for the character | string | 90 | |
P5519 talk covi |
Cangjie input | The cangjie input code for the character | string | 97 | |
P5520 talk covi |
průrazuvzdornost | material property measuring the ability of a material to absorb energy and plastically deform without fracturing | quantity | 8 | |
P5522 talk covi |
Unicode block | Unicode block that a character is in | wikibase-item | 242 | |
P5523 talk covi |
fanqie | the pronunciation of a monosyllabic Chinese character represented by two other Chinese characters | wikibase-item | 43 | |
P5524 talk covi |
horizontální hloubka | prostorový rozměr 3D těles podél třetí osy, který se nejčastěji označuje jako hloubka | hloubka | quantity | 925 |
P5525 talk covi |
CONDEPHAAT ID | Conselho de Defesa do Patrimônio Histórico identifier for monuments in São Paulo, Brazil | external-id | 7 | |
P5526 talk covi |
valence | number of arguments controlled by a verbal predicate | quantity | 29 | |
P5527 talk covi |
Academia Brasileira de Letras ID | identifier for a member on the Academia Brasileira de Letras website | external-id | 293 | |
P5528 talk covi |
Belgian Heritage in Brazil ID | identifier for notorious individuals, companies and artworks associated to the Belgian heritage in Brazil | external-id | 115 | |
P5529 talk covi |
yield strength | material proprety measuring the stress above which materials begin to permanently deform | quantity | 9 | |
P5530 talk covi |
Altmetric ID | identifier assigned to a scientific or academic article by, to track the citation metrics | external-id | 12,394 | |
P5531 talk covi |
Central Index Key | number given to an individual or company by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission | external-id | 8 | |
P5532 talk covi |
L'île author ID | identifier for an author on the Infocentre littéraire des écrivains website | external-id | 534 | |
P5533 talk covi |
Kopaliński Online ID | identifier for an entry in the online version of 'Dictionary of Foreign Words and Foreign-language Phrases' by Władysław Kopaliński | external-id | 162 | |
P5534 talk covi |
Open Media Database person ID | identifier for a person in the Open Media Database | external-id | 16,549 | |
P5535 talk covi |
Prison History ID | identifier for a prison or lock-up in the 'Prison History' database of 19th century prisons in the UK | external-id | 12 | |
P5536 talk covi |
Swedish place name register SOFI | this is a register of names found over time for old places in a parish that is managed by the Swedish Institute for Language and Folklore - SOFI | external-id | 2,411 | |
P5537 talk covi |
Hangul of a Chinese character | The modern Korean pronunciation(s) for this character in Hangul | wikibase-item | 48 | |
P5538 talk covi |
Auteurs en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes ID | identifier for an author on the Auteurs en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes website | external-id | 64 | |
P5539 talk covi |
Eulalie ID | identifier for an author on the Eulalie website | external-id | 9 | |
P5540 talk covi |
RedTube ID | identifier for a porn performer in the database of the RedTube website | external-id | 1,511 | |
P5541 talk covi |
Paris Faculty of Science professor ID | identifier of a professor on the online version of Les Professeurs de la Faculté des sciences de Paris | external-id | 120 | |
P5542 talk covi |
Literature Ireland ID | identifier for an author on the Literature Ireland website | external-id | 262 | |
P5543 talk covi |
Livre et lecture en Bretagne ID | identifier for an author on the Livre et lecture en Bretagne website | external-id | 12 | |
P5544 talk covi |
Paris Faculty of Letters professor ID (1909-1939) | identifier of a professor on the online version of Les Professeurs de la Faculté des lettres de Paris | external-id | 112 | |
P5545 talk covi |
Paris Faculty of Letters professor ID (1809-1908) | identifier of a professor on the online version of La Faculté des lettres de Paris (1809-1908) | external-id | 117 | |
P5546 talk covi |
College de France professor ID (1909-1939) | identifier of a professor on the online version of Les Professeurs du Collège de France | external-id | 99 | |
P5547 talk covi |
CICLIC author ID | identifier for an author on the 'Centre pour le livre, l'image et la culture numérique' website | external-id | 7 | |
P5548 talk covi |
derived from form | qualifier to indicate the form for "derived from" (P5191) or "compound of" (P5238) | wikibase-form | 101 | |
P5549 talk covi |
INEPAC ID | ID for cultural heritage in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | external-id | 19 | |
P5550 talk covi |
La Vie des idées ID | identifier of an author on La Vie des idées | external-id | 121 | |
P5551 talk covi |
Courrier international topic ID | identifier for a topic on the Courrier international website | external-id | 19 | |
P5552 talk covi |
CNRS ID | identifier of a researcher on the Centre national de la recherche scientifique website | external-id | 208 | |
P5553 talk covi |
IDIH ID | identifier on a researcher on the International Dictionary of Intellectual Historians | external-id | 93 | |
P5554 talk covi |
Courrier international source ID | identifier for a source on the Courrier international website | external-id | 13 | |
P5555 talk covi |
schematic | illustration of the structure or operation of an object, system, or process | commonsMedia | 95 | |
P5556 talk covi |
KLEKs ID | identifier for a building or landscape element in the KLEKs database | external-id | 942 | |
P5557 talk covi |
Interbibly author ID | identifier for an author on the Interbibly website | external-id | 9 | |
P5558 talk covi |
Le Monde ID | identifier for a topic on the Le Monde website | external-id | 23 | |
P5559 talk covi |
MUSE journal ID | identifier of an academic journal in the Project MUSE | external-id | 579 | |
P5560 talk covi |
passive voice | specify the type of passive voice of (German) verbs | wikibase-item | 9 | |
P5561 talk covi |
Institut culturel de Bretagne ID | identifier for a writer on the Institut culturel de Bretagne website | external-id | 12 | |
P5562 talk covi |
Tebeosfera ID | identifier for an author on the Tebeosfera website | external-id | 74 | |
P5563 talk covi |
CSDE Lynching Database ID | identifier for a lynching victim in the CSDE Lynching Database | external-id | 6 | |
P5564 talk covi |
registration district | reference property indicating location for references to a civil or ecclesiastical registry | wikibase-item | 5 | |
P5565 talk |
CRAN project | name of a project in CRAN | external-id | 4 | |
P5566 talk covi |
RubyGems gem | name of a project in RubyGems | external-id | 5 | |
P5567 talk covi |
National Research Institute for Cultural Properties dead artist ID | biography identifier from the Tokyo Research Institute for Cultural Properties in Japan | external-id | 1,150 | |
P5568 talk |
Python Package Index project | name of a project in Python Package Index | external-id | 23 | |
P5569 talk covi |
Tebeosfera character ID | identifier for a character on the Tebeosfera website | external-id | 9 | |
P5570 talk covi |
NooSFere author ID | identifier for a person in the NooSFere database | external-id | 5,004 | |
P5571 talk covi |
NooSFere book ID | identifier for a book in the NooSFere database | external-id | 2,588 | |
P5572 talk covi |
expressed in | gene or protein is expressed during a specific condition/cell cycle/process/form | wikibase-item | 483 | |
P5573 talk covi |
archINFORM location ID | identifier for a location on the archINFORM website | external-id | 39,864 | |
P5574 talk covi |
CAGE code | identifier for a supplier to government agencies | external-id | 3 | |
P5575 talk covi |
coefficient of friction | dimensionless scalar value which describes the ratio of the force of friction between two bodies and the force pressing them together | quantity | 3 | |
P5576 talk covi |
EDb company ID | identifier for a company at the Israeli movie database EDb | external-id | 9 | |
P5578 talk covi |
Indian census area code (2011) | code used for an area for calculations in the 2011 census of India | external-id | 69,830 | |
P5579 talk covi | Airline identifier | external-id | 164 | ||
P5580 talk covi |
Norwegian National Road DataBase ID | Database ID in the Norwegian National Road DataBase | external-id | 18 | |
P5581 talk covi |
NATO Stock Number | 13-digit numeric code identifying an object used by NATO member country armed forces | external-id | 106 | |
P5582 talk covi |
počet zatčených | the number of arrests made by public officials during an event | quantity | 88 | |
P5584 talk covi |
QS World University ID | identifer for an educational institution, in the QS World University database | external-id | 1,033 | |
P5585 talk covi |
SMS Power identifier | identifier of a video game in the SMS Power database of Sega 8-bit console games | external-id | 100 | |
P5586 talk covi |
Times Higher Education World University ID | Times Higher Education World University Ranking Website's university identifier | external-id | 1,115 | |
P5587 talk covi |
Libris-URI | identifier for an item in the catalogue of the Swedish National Library | external-id | 60,773 | |
P5588 talk covi |
invasive to | region which a taxon is not endemic to where the taxon has a tendency to spread to a degree believed to cause damage to the environment, human economy or human health | wikibase-item | 21 | |
P5589 talk covi |
microstructure | very small scale structure of a material, defined as the structure of a prepared surface of material as revealed by a microscope above 25× magnification | wikibase-item | 5 | |
P5590 talk covi | identifier | an identifier in the database of Oric computer programs | external-id | 33 | |
P5591 talk |
normalized Unicode character | Unicode character that represents the given item in NFC (Normalization Form Canonical Composition) | wikibase-item | 16 | |
P5592 talk covi |
počet prací přístupných online | A qualifier on external identifiers, for the number of works in a collection or items in a database which are freely accessible online (if different from P3740) | quantity | 10,073 | |
P5593 talk covi |
Poisson's ratio | the negative of the ratio of (signed) transverse strain to (signed) axial strain | quantity | 9 | |
P5594 talk covi |
moisture absorption | quantity of moisture a material would absorb in given conditions | quantity | 7 | |
P5595 talk covi |
počet nástupních hran | number of continuous platform edges facing a track or vehicle guideway in a station (often, but not always, the same as P1103 and the number of platform numbers). See property talk page for illustrated samples | quantity | 551 | |
P5596 talk covi |
relative humidity | ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor to the equilibrium vapor pressure of water at a given temperature | quantity | 9 | |
P5597 talk covi |
Artcyclopedia artist ID | identifier for an artist on the Artcyclopedia website | external-id | 7,002 | |
P5598 talk covi |
Places of Worship Inventory ID | identifier of a place of worship in Ontario | external-id | 28 | |
P5599 talk covi |
Inventory of Quebec's Places of Worship ID | external-id | 232 | ||
P5600 talk covi |
U-Multirank university ID | identifier for a university, on the U-Multirank website | external-id | 1,543 | |
P5601 talk covi |
TCI destination ID | identifier in the geographical database of the Touring Club Italiano, or Touring Club of Italy | external-id | 20 | |
P5602 talk covi |
Chercheurs d'Asie ID | identifier of a researcher on the online version of Chercheurs d'Asie | external-id | 127 | |
P5603 talk covi |
Trove newspaper ID | identifier for a newspaper, in the National Library of Australia's Trove database | external-id | 637 | |
P5604 talk covi |
archINFORM keyword ID | identifier for a keyword on the archINFORM website | external-id | 1,022 | |
P5605 talk covi |
DOLF ID | identifier of an orientalist on the online version of the online version of the Dictionnaire des orientalistes de langue française | external-id | 110 | |
P5606 talk covi |
station category | category of a railway station, assigned by its operator; "issued by" is a mandatory qualifier. Use subproperties where available | wikibase-item | 7,333 | |
P5607 talk |
církevní územní jednotka | the item is located on the territory of the following ecclesiastical entity. Use P708 (diocesis) for diocesis | farnost, umístěno v církevní územní jednotce | wikibase-item | 8,499 |
P5608 talk |
fatigue limit | amplitude (or range) of cyclic stress that can be applied to the material without causing fatigue failure | quantity | 2 | |
P5609 talk covi |
Split This Rock poet ID | identifier for a poet on the Split This Rock website, in its The Quarry database | external-id | 7 | |
P5610 talk covi |
OpenMath ID | OpenMath content dictionary symbol | external-id | 53 | |
P5611 talk covi |
chieseitaliane ID | identifier for an Italian church, in the Italian Episcopal Conference (chieseitaliane) database | external-id | 29 | |
P5612 talk covi | coach ID | identifier for a coach at | external-id | 177 | |
P5613 talk covi |
Bibliothèque de la Pléiade ID | identifier for an author on the Bibliothèque de la Pléiade website | external-id | 657 | |
P5614 talk covi |
Aosdána ID | identifier for a member on the Aosdána website | external-id | 292 | |
P5615 talk covi |
CNT ID | identifier for a person on the Centre national du théâtre website | external-id | 75 | |
P5616 talk covi |
Comédie-Française ID | identifier for a stage actor on the Comédie-Française website | external-id | 434 | |
P5617 talk covi |
Evene ID | identifier for a person on the Evene website | external-id | 8 | |
P5618 talk covi |
LOA ID | identifier for a writer on the Library of America website | external-id | 150 | |
P5619 talk covi |
FFF author ID | identifier for an author on the Franco Fossati Foundation website | external-id | 91 | |
P5620 talk covi |
FFF character ID | identifier for a character on the Franco Fossati Foundation website | external-id | 9 | |
P5621 talk covi |
Marvel character ID | identifier for a character on the website | external-id | 173 | |
P5622 talk covi |
National Cartoonists Society member ID | member identifier on the National Cartoonists Society on website | external-id | 266 | |
P5623 talk covi |
type of water supply | the type of water supply for fountains, mountain huts, and other entities where water can be obtained | wikibase-item | 1,459 | |
P5624 talk covi |
pitting resistance equivalent number | predictive measurement of a stainless steels resistance to localized pitting corrosion | quantity | 11 | |
P5625 talk covi |
Vietnamese reading | reading of Han character in Quốc Ngữ | string | 15 | |
P5626 talk covi |
Global Invasive Species Database ID | identifier for a taxon in the IUCN's Global Invasive Species Database | external-id | 376 | |
P5627 talk covi |
WSO Online ID | identifier for an entry in the online version of Polish orthographic dictionary (pl Wielki słownik ortograficzny) | external-id | 1,659 | |
P5628 talk covi | female player ID | identifier for a female association football player on the website | external-id | 695 | |
P5629 talk covi |
Brasseur ID | identifier of a mathematics teacher on the online Dictionnaire des professeurs de mathématiques spéciales | external-id | 432 | |
P5630 talk covi |
prisoner count | number of inmates or prisioners held in this prison | quantity | 9 | |
P5631 talk covi |
Canal Académie ID | identifier of an academician on Canal Académie's website | external-id | 258 | |
P5632 talk covi |
Persons of Indian Studies ID | identifier for an Indologist on the 'Persons of Indian Studies' website | external-id | 1,596 | |
P5633 talk covi |
Amphi-Theatrum ID | identifier for an amphitheatre on the website | external-id | 252 | |
P5634 talk covi |
Theatrum ID | identifier for an ancient theatre or odeon on the website | external-id | 222 | |
P5635 talk covi |
ANZL writer ID | identifier for a writer on the Academy of New Zealand Literature website | external-id | 133 | |
P5636 talk covi |
Black Ferns player ID | ID of a female rugby union player of the Black Ferns, the New Zealand women's national rugby union team | external-id | 24 | |
P5637 talk covi |
CNL author ID | identifier for an author on the Centre national du livre website | external-id | 15 | |
P5638 talk covi |
IEEE standard | identifier of an IEEE standard | external-id | 135 | |
P5639 talk covi |
LARB contributor ID | identifier for a contributor on the Los Angeles Review of Books website | external-id | 8 | |
P5640 talk covi |
New Zealand Book Council writer ID | identifier for a writer on the New Zealand Book Council website | external-id | 436 | |
P5641 talk covi |
PRELIB person ID | identifier for a person on the Projet de recherche en littérature de langue bretonne website | external-id | 1,515 | |
P5642 talk covi |
rizikový faktor | factor associated with a high prevalence of a particular gene, disease or characteristic. These factors can be country of origin, country of citizenship, race, gender, occupation, anamnesis, etc. | wikibase-item | 98 | |
P5643 talk covi |
RSL author ID | identifier for an author on the Royal Society of Literature website | external-id | 481 | |
P5644 talk covi |
World Rugby Women's World Cup player ID | identifier for a female rugby union player at the 15-a-side World Cup | external-id | 82 | |
P5645 talk covi |
Académie française prize winner ID | identifier for a prize winner on the Académie française website | external-id | 200 | |
P5646 talk covi |
AniDB anime ID | identifier for an anime in AniDB database | external-id | 222 | |
P5647 talk covi |
Baidu ScholarID | identifier for a scholar at the Baidu Scholar website | external-id | 41 | |
P5648 talk covi |
AniDB character ID | identifier for a character in AniDB database | external-id | 76 | |
P5649 talk covi |
AniDB creator ID | identifier for a creator in AniDB database (human or organization) | external-id | 187 | |
P5650 talk covi |
Exoplanet Data Explorer exoplanet ID | identifier for an exoplanet on the Exoplanet Data Explorer website | external-id | 18 | |
P5651 talk covi |
Expedia hotel ID | identifier for an hotel on the Expedia website | external-id | 92 | |
P5652 talk covi |
Carthalia ID | ID of a page at "Carthalia - Theatres on Postcards" | external-id | 2,956 | |
P5653 talk covi |
Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia exoplanet ID | identifier for an exoplanet on the Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia website | external-id | 2,450 | |
P5654 talk covi |
France Musique person ID | identifier for a person on the France Musique website | external-id | 19 | |
P5655 talk covi |
iTunes music video ID | identifier for a music video in iTunes | external-id | 12 | |
P5656 talk covi |
MuIS collection ID | identifier for a collection in the Estonian museum database MuIS | external-id | 17 | |
P5657 talk covi |
National Humanities Medal winner ID | identifier for a National Humanities Medal winner on the National Endowment for the Humanities website | external-id | 184 | |
P5658 talk covi |
railway traffic side | indicates for a country or a railway line whether rail traffic usually runs on the left or right hand side | wikibase-item | 178 | |
P5659 talk covi |
VGMdb product ID | identifier for a product (game, franchise, video) in the Video Game Music database | external-id | 565 | |
P5660 talk covi |
Diffusion ENS ID | identifier for a lecturer on Diffusion ENS | external-id | 345 | |
P5661 talk covi |
Académie de Montpellier member ID | identifier for a member of the 'Académie de Montpellier' on its website | external-id | 57 | |
P5662 talk covi |
Académie de Mâcon member ID | identifier for a member of the 'Académie de Mâcon' on its website | external-id | 15 | |
P5663 talk covi |
Académie de Versailles member ID | identifier for a member of the 'Académie de Versailles' on its website | external-id | 148 | |
P5664 talk covi |
Savoirs ENS ID | identifier for a lecturer on Savoirs ENS | external-id | 352 | |
P5665 talk covi |
Cartooning for Peace cartoonist ID | identifier for a cartoonist on the Cartooning for Peace website | external-id | 8 | |
P5666 talk covi |
Quais du polar writer ID | identifier for a writer on the Quais du polar website | external-id | 359 | |
P5667 talk covi |
NASA Exoplanet Archive exoplanet ID | identifier for an exoplanet on the NASA Exoplanet Archive website | external-id | 18 | |
P5668 talk |
bulk modulus | measure of how resistant to compressibility that substance is | quantity | 2 | |
P5669 talk covi |
compressive strength | capacity of a material or structure to withstand loads tending to reduce size | quantity | 4 | |
P5670 talk covi |
glass transition temperature | transition in amorphous materials from a hard and relatively brittle "glassy" state into a viscous or rubbery state as the temperature is increased | quantity | 2 | |
P5672 talk covi |
linear thermal expansion coefficient | measures the fractional change in size per degree change in temperature at a constant pressure | quantity | 2 | |
P5673 talk covi |
shear modulus | ratio of shear stress to the shear strain | quantity | 6 | |
P5674 talk covi |
thermal diffusivity | measures the rate of transfer of heat of a material from the hot side to the cold side | quantity | 6 | |
P5675 talk covi |
relative permittivity | measure of capacitance that is encountered when forming an electric field in a particular medium expressed as a ratio relative to the permittivity of vacuum | quantity | 3 | |
P5676 talk covi |
relativní permeabilita | podíl permeability daného materiálu a permeability vakua | quantity | 5 | |
P5677 talk covi |
flexural strength | the stress in a material just before it yields in a flexure test | quantity | 9 | |
P5678 talk covi |
dissipation factor | measure of loss-rate of energy of a mode of oscillation (mechanical, electrical, or electromechanical) in a dissipative system | quantity | 1 | |
P5679 talk covi |
electrical resistivity | quantifies how strongly a given material opposes the flow of electric current | quantity | 5 | |
P5680 talk covi |
Hoopla ID | an audiobook, film, music album, comic, ebook, or television series on Hoopla | external-id | 2,440 | |
P5681 talk covi |
flexural modulus | ratio of stress to strain in flexural deformation | quantity | 7 | |
P5682 talk covi |
heat deflection temperature | temperature at which a polymer or plastic sample deforms under a specified load | quantity | 2 | |
P5683 talk covi |
iNaturalist observation ID | observation identifier in iNaturalist | external-id | 55 | |
P5685 talk covi |
tear resistance | measure of how well a material can withstand the effects of tearing | quantity | 1 | |
P5686 talk covi |
ITU-R Recommendation | identifier of an ITU-R Recommendation | external-id | 12 | |
P5687 talk covi |
New Zealand Business Number | unique identifier for a business entity registered in New Zealand | external-id | 2 | |
P5688 talk covi |
doporučení ITU-T | identifikátor standardu vydaného ITU-T | ITU-T standard | external-id | 385 |
P5690 talk covi |
Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame ID | identifier for a sportssubject (athlete, sportsbuilder or a team) on the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame | external-id | 59 | |
P5691 talk covi |
BND ID | The digital collection identifier for notorious documents, artworks and images within the collection of the Biblioteca Nacional Digital, the digital service of the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal | external-id | 39 | |
P5692 talk covi |
dummy value | known test or sample values for identifier or scheme. Do not use for ranges reserved for internal use | string | 7 | |
P5693 talk covi |
Fandango film ID | identifier for a film on | external-id | 44 | |
P5694 talk covi |
Moroccan cultural heritage ID | Identifier used for cultural patrimoine in Morocco | external-id | 1,561 | |
P5695 talk covi |
Bibliopoche author ID | identifier for an author in the Bibliopoche database | external-id | 20 | |
P5696 talk covi |
Indian Railways station code | code to identify a railway station operated by Indian Railways | external-id | 2,752 | |
P5698 talk covi |
Invasive Species Compendium Datasheet ID | identifier for a taxon datasheet in the Invasive Species Compendium, produced by the Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International | external-id | 9,292 | |
P5699 talk covi |
Transport Canada LID | unique identifier assigned by Transport Canada for airports, heliports, train stations or other transport/travel-related points of interest | external-id | 1,167 | |
P5700 talk covi |
La Lorraine des écrivains writer ID | identifier for a writer on the Lorraine des écrivains website | external-id | 12 | |
P5703 talk covi |
airline accounting code | number, referenced by IATA and unique among all the airlines, used to identify the airline in various accounting activities such as ticketing | string | 582 | |
P5704 talk covi |
Tasmanian Heritage Register ID | Tasmanian heritage place identification number | external-id | 26 | |
P5705 talk covi |
LARB author ID | identifier for an author on the Los Angeles Review of Books website | external-id | 730 | |
P5706 talk |
shear strength | strength of a material or component against the type of yield or structural failure when the material or component fails in shear | quantity | 2 | |
P5707 talk covi |
work sampled | audio or video which this work uses an excerpt of | wikibase-item | 5 | |
P5708 talk covi |
force | quantitative value of the interaction between two objects | quantity | 6 | |
P5709 talk |
abrasion resistance | resistance to the process of scuffing, scratching, wearing down, marring, or rubbing away | quantity | 0 | |
P5710 talk covi |
Recours au poème ID | identifier for a poet on 'Recours au poème' | external-id | 9 | |
P5711 talk covi |
Revues Littéraires ID | identifier for a literary magazine on 'Revues Littéraires' | external-id | 9 | |
P5712 talk covi |
IMEC ID | identifier on the 'Institut mémoires de l'édition contemporaine's website | external-id | 70 | |
P5713 talk covi |
requires grammatical feature | grammatical features required or generally used with lexeme or form of lexeme | wikibase-item | 13 | |
P5714 talk covi | author ID | content by an author on the website | external-id | 69 | |
P5715 talk covi | profile URL | URL for a person's profile on the website | url | 331 | |
P5716 talk covi |
2006 Commonwealth Games athlete ID | identifier for an athlete who participated at the 2006 Commonwealth Games | external-id | 9 | |
P5717 talk covi |
TPA person ID | identifier for a person on the 'Théâtres parisiens associés' website | external-id | 15 | |
P5718 talk covi |
PAM ID | identifier for a person or organization on the 'Portail des Arts de la Marionnette' website | external-id | 9 | |
P5719 talk covi |
National Medal of Arts winner ID | identifier for a National Medal of Arts winner on the United States' National Endowment for the Arts website | external-id | 322 | |
P5720 talk covi |
WSJP ID | identifier for an entry in the online dictionary of Polish language | external-id | 1,006 | |
P5721 talk covi |
Turkish Basketball Super League ID | identifier for a Basketbol Süper Ligi player | external-id | 1,061 | |
P5722 talk covi |
Greek Basket League ID | identifier for a basketball player on the Greek Basket League website | external-id | 37 | |
P5723 talk covi |
Polish Basketball League ID | identifier for a basketball player on the Polish Basketball League website | external-id | 253 | |
P5724 talk covi |
Basketball Bundesliga ID | identifier for a basketball player on the Basketball Bundesliga website | external-id | 1,090 | |
P5725 talk covi |
Baloncesto Superior Nacional ID | identifier for a basketball player on the Baloncesto Superior Nacional website | external-id | 476 | |
P5726 talk covi |
Pietre della Memoria ID | identifier on the 'Pietre della Memoria' website | external-id | 17 | |
P5727 talk covi |
Partis d'Arcadie ID | identifier for a political party on 'Les Partis d'Arcadie' | external-id | 6 | |
P5731 talk covi |
Angelicum author ID | identifier for an author in the online catalogue of the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas | external-id | 17,134 | |
P5732 talk covi | subject identifier | Identifier for creative works sorted on (Bangumi/Chobits) | external-id | 19 | |
P5733 talk covi |
bilibili ID | identifier for an anime or drama topic on bilibili | external-id | 371 | |
P5734 talk covi |
Historic Hotels of America ID | identifier for an hotel on the Historic Hotels of America website | external-id | 311 | |
P5735 talk covi |
Historic Hotels Worldwide ID | identifier for an hotel on the Historic Hotels Worldwide website | external-id | 294 | |
P5736 talk covi |
Minor Planet Center body ID | identifier for an astronomical body in the Minor Planet Center database | external-id | 103,662 | |
P5737 talk covi |
Moegirlpedia Chinese Article Entry | Link to entry of Chinese articles on Moegirlpedia | external-id | 11 | |
P5738 talk covi |
Open Exoplanet Catalogue exoplanet ID | identifier for an exoplanet on the Open Exoplanet Catalogue website | external-id | 24 | |
P5739 talk covi |
PUSC author ID | identifier for an author in the online catalogue of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross | external-id | 518 | |
P5740 talk covi |
So Foot ID | identifier for a person, a club or a competition on the So Foot website | external-id | 20 | |
P5742 talk covi |
Voetbalstats player ID | identifier for a player on the Voetbalstats website | external-id | 20 | |
P5743 talk covi |
SR Number | Number for each law in the Systematic Compilation of Federal Legislation of Switzerland | external-id | 4 | |
P5744 talk covi |
KERIS school ID | identifier for a school in the information system by KERIS | external-id | 10,335 | |
P5745 talk covi |
Pacific Coast Architecture Database person ID | identifier for people involved in architecture on the West Coast of the United States | external-id | 627 | |
P5746 talk covi |
Directorate General of Civil Aeronautics (Mexico) code | airport code for Mexico | external-id | 84 | |
P5747 talk covi |
CWA writer ID | identifier for a writer on the Crime Writers' Association website | external-id | 54 | |
P5748 talk covi |
Basisklassifikation | corresponding class in the Basisklassifikation library classification | external-id | 233 | |
P5749 talk covi |
ASIN | identifier for a product on websites | external-id | 324 | |
P5750 talk covi | player ID | identifier for a player on the FBref website | external-id | 7 | |
P5752 talk covi |
Syndikat writer ID | identifier for a writer on the Syndikat website | external-id | 19 | |
P5753 talk covi |
ideographic description sequences | method to describe composition of Han characters using ideographic description characters and character components | wikibase-item | 55 | |
P5755 talk covi |
EU project RCN | Record Control Number for project under EU Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development) | external-id | 16 | |
P5756 talk covi |
ABMC person ID | identifier for a person on the American Battle Monuments Commission website | external-id | 9 | |
P5757 talk covi |
DAV hut ID | identifier for a hut on the German Alpine Club website | external-id | 451 | |
P5758 talk covi |
PZS hut ID | identifier for a hut on the Alpine Association of Slovenia website | external-id | 17 | |
P5759 talk covi |
ÖAV hut ID | identifier for a hut on the Austrian Alpine Club website | external-id | 360 | |
P5760 talk covi |
Petit Futé site ID | identifier for a tourist site on the Petit Futé website | external-id | 111 | |
P5761 talk covi |
SAC ID | identifier for a hut, a summit, etc. on the Swiss Alpine Club website | external-id | 21 | |
P5762 talk covi |
NDB identifier for airport beacons | NDB identifier for airport beacons | external-id | 6 | |
P5763 talk covi |
Directorio de Museos y Colecciones de España ID | identifier for a museum on the Directorio de Museos y Colecciones de España website | external-id | 219 | |
P5764 talk covi |
IMA museum ID | identifier for a museum on the Irish Museums Association website | external-id | 40 | |
P5765 talk covi |
The Park Database ID | identifier for an amusement park on the Park Database website | external-id | 140 | |
P5768 talk covi |
Osservatorio culturale del Cantone Ticino ID | Osservatorio culturale del Cantone Ticino ID for a cultural institution | external-id | 384 | |
P5769 talk covi |
šéfredaktor | a publication's editorial leader who has final responsibility for its operations and policies | wikibase-item | 402 | |
P5770 talk covi | person ID | ID of person in database | external-id | 505 | |
P5771 talk covi |
athlete ID at the Russian Biathlon DB | identifier for an athlete at the Russian Biathlon DB | external-id | 18 | |
P5772 talk covi |
coach ID at the Russian Biathlon DB | identifier for a coach at the Russian Biathlon DB | external-id | 8 | |
P5773 talk covi |
Television Academy Foundation interviewee ID | interviewee identifier on the Television Academy Foundation's The Interviews website | external-id | 753 | |
P5774 talk covi |
Historic Hotels of Europe ID | identifier for an hotel on the Historic Hotels of Europe website | external-id | 11 | |
P5775 talk covi |
obrázek interiéru | odkaz na soubor na Commons | fotografie interiéru, fotka interiéru, interiér | commonsMedia | 1,521 |
P5776 talk covi |
Arnet Miner author ID | author identifier from the Arnet Miner research database | external-id | 6 | |
P5777 talk covi |
CoinMarketCap cryptocurrency ID | identifier for a cryptocurrency on CoinMarketCap | external-id | 61 | |
P5778 talk covi |
Cooperative Patent Classification code | patent classification code used between the European Patent Office and United States Patent and Trademark Office | string | 7 | |
P5779 talk covi |
CPAN project | name of a project in CPAN | external-id | 5 | |
P5780 talk covi |
cpcrulez ID | identifier in the cpcrulez database of Amstrad CPC videogames | external-id | 81 | |
P5782 talk covi |
DBUnico MIBACT ID | database identifier from the Italian Ministry MIBACT (DBUnico 2.0) | external-id | 6,456 | |
P5783 talk covi |
Cranach Digital Archive artwork ID | database for 1700 paintings by Cranach and his circle | external-id | 20 | |
P5784 talk covi |
DSV person ID | identifier for a person on the German Ski Association website | external-id | 8 | |
P5785 talk covi |
EU Research participant ID | ID of organization in EU's Framework Programs for Research | external-id | 9 | |
P5786 talk covi | film ID | identifier for films on | external-id | 34,310 | |
P5787 talk covi |
Ski Jumping Hill Archive ID | identifier for a ski jumping hill on the Ski Jumping Hill Archive website | external-id | 277 | |
P5788 talk covi |
The Gymternet gymnast ID | identifier for a gymnast on the Gymternet website | external-id | 31 | |
P5789 talk covi |
WorldofVolley player ID | identifier for a volleyball player on the WorldofVolley website | external-id | 17 | |
P5790 talk covi | jumper ID | identifier for a ski jumper on the website | external-id | 8 | |
P5791 talk covi |
Cineuropa film ID | identifier for a movie at Cineuropa | external-id | 65 | |
P5792 talk covi |
NooSFere series ID | identifier for a series in NooSFere Database | external-id | 500 | |
P5793 talk covi |
Dobry słownik ID | identifier for an entry in the online dictionary of Polish language (pl Dobry słownik) | external-id | 1,014 | |
P5794 talk covi |
IGDB game ID | identifier for a game on the Internet Game Database | external-id | 476 | |
P5795 talk covi |
IGDB platform ID | identifier for a platform on the Internet Game Database | external-id | 134 | |
P5796 talk covi |
IGDB person ID | identifier for a person on the Internet Game Database | external-id | 101 | |
P5797 talk covi |
Twitch channel ID | ID of a Twitch channel | external-id | 70 | |
P5798 talk covi |
Thomson Reuters Business Classification | string | 8 | ||
P5799 talk covi |
AustLII ID | identifier in the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) online database | external-id | 258 | |
P5800 talk covi |
narrative role | narrative role or character type this character conforms to (should be used as a qualifier with P674 or restricted to a certain work using P642) | wikibase-item | 2,789 | |
P5801 talk covi | topic ID | identifier for a research topic on the website | external-id | 38 | |
P5802 talk covi |
stage crew member | member of the technical crew who supervises and operates the various technical aspects of the production during a stage performance | wikibase-item | 2 | |
P5803 talk covi |
VOR/DME identifier for airport beacons | VOR/DME identifier for airport beacons | external-id | 6 | |
P5804 talk covi |
has program committee member | wikibase-item | 20 | ||
P5805 talk covi |
OSI Model layer location | location of an Internet protocol in one of the OSI Model layers | wikibase-item | 54 | |
P5806 talk covi |
SNOMED CT identifier | identifier in the SNOMED CT catalogue codes for diseases, symptoms and procedures | external-id | 7 | |
P5807 talk covi |
Alternativa Teatral person ID | external-id | 17 | ||
P5808 talk covi |
Alternativa Teatral work ID | external-id | 6 | ||
P5809 talk covi |
Alternativa Teatral place ID | external-id | 9 | ||
P5810 talk |
cryptocurrency symbol | the symbol or identifier of a cryptocurrency based on the Naming Consistency of CCXT | string | 10 | |
P5811 talk covi |
elongation at break | material property; the ratio between changed length and initial length after breakage of the test specimen. It expresses the capability of a material to resist changes of shape without crack formation. | quantity | 11 | |
P5813 talk covi |
MusicBrainz release ID | identifier for a release in the MusicBrainz open music encyclopedia (edition) | external-id | 179 | |
P5814 talk covi |
IANA service name | name of a web service defined in Q47470786 | external-id | 40 | |
P5815 talk covi |
Olympic Channel athlete ID | identifier for an athlete at the Olympic Channel website ( | external-id | 992 | |
P5816 talk covi |
zachovalost | stav zachování | wikibase-item | 1,537 | |
P5817 talk covi |
stav užívání | to indicate state of use of a building, monument, etc. It is not related with its heritage protection (P1435), but to its present state of use. Ex.: reformed, in use, temporarily closed, etc. | užívanost | wikibase-item | 52 |
P5818 talk covi |
BGCI garden ID | identifier for a botanical garden in the Botanic Gardens Conservation International online database | external-id | 233 | |
P5819 talk covi |
International Mathematical Olympiad participant ID | identifier of an International Mathematical Olympiad participant on the official website of IMO | external-id | 37 | |
P5820 talk covi |
Film Indonesia ID | Indonesian Movie database ID | external-id | 120 | |
P5821 talk covi |
ArhivX LOD | linked object data | external-id | 292 | |
P5822 talk covi |
admission rate | ratio of the number of applicants admitted to the total number of applicants | quantity | 13 | |
P5823 talk covi |
Belvedere object ID | identifier for an artwork in the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere in Vienna | external-id | 4,126 | |
P5824 talk covi |
is retracted by | (article) is retracted by (retraction notice) | wikibase-item | 59 | |
P5825 talk |
ISO 15919 transliteration | representation according to the named ISO standard for transliterating Brahmic scripts | string | 58 | |
P5826 talk covi |
majority opinion by | judicial opinion agreed to by more than half of the members of a court | wikibase-item | 5 | |
P5827 talk covi |
National Trust for Historic Preservation ID | identifier for a place on the National Trust for Historic Preservation website | external-id | 221 | |
P5828 talk |
seed | seeding information of a participant of a sports event | wikibase-item | 3 | |
P5829 talk covi |
Television Academy Foundation show ID | identifier for a television show discussed on the Television Academy Foundation's The Interviews website | external-id | 1,098 | |
P5830 talk covi |
demonstrates form | (qualifier) the form of a lexeme which is demonstrated by a usage example | wikibase-form | 1,201 | |
P5831 talk covi |
příklad užití | příklad jak může být lexém použit | monolingualtext | 1,307 | |
P5832 talk |
political coalition | agreement for cooperation between different political parties | wikibase-item | 435 | |
P5833 talk covi |
Playbill production ID | identifier for a theatrical production in the database | external-id | 133 | |
P5834 talk covi |
LHW hotel ID | identifier for an hotel on the Leading Hotels of the World website | external-id | 77 | |
P5835 talk covi |
World Travel Awards ID | identifier for a nominee on the World Travel Awards website | external-id | 39 | |
P5836 talk covi |
Relais & Châteaux ID | identifier for an hotel or restaurant on the Relais & Châteaux website | external-id | 12 | |
P5838 talk covi |
Nintendo GameID | Six-alphanumeric-character Nintendo GameID for a specific game | external-id | 1,443 | |
P5839 talk covi |
Académie de Marseille member ID | identifier for a member of the 'Académie de Marseille' on its website | external-id | 61 | |
P5840 talk covi |
NPR podcast ID | identifier for a podcast on National Public Radio (NPR) | external-id | 24 | |
P5841 talk covi |
kategorie ohrožení taxonu v Červeném seznamu ohrožených druhů České republiky | endangerment status of species in the national Red List of the Czech Republic | wikibase-item | 8,936 | |
P5842 talk covi |
iTunes podcast ID | identifier for a podcast in iTunes | external-id | 54 | |
P5843 talk covi |
Gynopedia place ID | identifier for a place (city, region or country) on the Gynopedia wiki about sexual and reproductive health care | external-id | 5 | |
P5844 talk covi |
Vocabolario Treccani ID | ID for lexemes | external-id | 58 | |
P5845 talk covi |
AnimeClick anime ID | external-id | 63 | ||
P5846 talk covi |
AnimeClick novel ID | external-id | 11 | ||
P5847 talk covi |
AnimeClick character ID | external-id | 43 | ||
P5848 talk covi |
AnimeClick person ID | external-id | 89 | ||
P5849 talk covi |
AnimeClick manga ID | external-id | 48 | ||
P5851 talk covi |
Ex-USSR internal airport code | airport code similar to IATA codes but only for Russian and CEI airports | external-id | 215 | |
P5852 talk covi |
item inherits value from | this value is inherited from the parent (super)class; parent class has exactly the same statement as this statement (To be used in a source field) | wikibase-item | 55 | |
P5858 talk covi |
Index Herbariorum code | code in Index Herbariorum for plant collections | string | 111 | |
P5859 talk covi |
Adelphi author ID | identifier for author on | external-id | 90 | |
P5860 talk covi |
AnimeClick drama ID | external-id | 13 | ||
P5862 talk covi |
Lepidoptera of Belgium ID | identifier in the Catalogue of Lepidoptera of Belgium | external-id | 2,647 | |
P5863 talk covi |
CharacTour character ID | external-id | 8 | ||
P5864 talk covi |
Enciclovida ID | identification in Enciclovida, an Encyclopedia of plants, fungi and animals of Mexico | external-id | 4 | |
P5865 talk covi |
IGN film ID | External identifier for films at IGN | external-id | 30 | |
P5866 talk covi |
LakeNet ID | number of a lake in Global Lake Database | external-id | 15 | |
P5867 talk covi |
Mathematical Reviews journal ID | number of a journal in Mathematical Reviews website | external-id | 7 | |
P5868 talk covi |
MobyGames platform ID | identifier for a platform in MobyGames | external-id | 187 | |
P5869 talk covi |
model item | defines which item is a best practice example of modelling a subject, which is described by the value of this property, usage instructions at Wikidata:Model item | wikibase-item | 74 | |
P5870 talk covi |
Northern Ireland Assembly ID | Identifier for a member of the Northern Ireland Assembly | external-id | 286 | |
P5871 talk covi |
Norwegian war refugees register ID | Norwegian register for refugees at Kjesæter 1940 to 1945 ID | external-id | 132 | |
P5872 talk covi |
perfume note | the note of a perfume | wikibase-item | 15 | |
P5873 talk covi |
place of devotion | place where a religious devotion was practiced and for which this devotional image (or text) was produced | wikibase-item | 911 | |
P5874 talk covi |
re3data repository ID | identifier for a data repository in the re3data registry | external-id | 13 | |
P5875 talk covi |
ResearchGate publication ID | ID of a publication in ResearchGate | external-id | 4,574,212 | |
P5876 talk covi |
SJPXVII ID | identifier for an entry in the electronic dictionary of the Polish language of the 17th and 18th centuries | external-id | 6 | |
P5877 talk covi |
SPXVI ID | identifier for an entry in the Polish dictionary of the 16th century (pl: Słownik polszczyzny XVI wieku) | external-id | 7 | |
P5878 talk |
Taxonomic Literature 2 number | catalogue number in Taxonomic Literature 2 | string | 104 | |
P5879 talk covi |
Qualité Tourisme ID | identifier for a place on the Qualité Tourisme website | external-id | 7 | |
P5880 talk covi |
video designer | person responsible for the creation and integration of film and motion graphics on a stage | wikibase-item | 938 | |
P5881 talk covi |
projection designer | person responsible for producing all moving and still images that are displayed during a live performance | wikibase-item | 2 | |
P5882 talk covi |
Muziekweb performer ID | identifier for a performer, composer or artist at Muziekweb | external-id | 11,290 | |
P5883 talk covi |
Tourisme & Handicap ID | identifier for a place on the Tourisme & Handicap website | external-id | 6 | |
P5884 talk covi |
Dapodikdasmen ID | identifier for a school in Indonesia | external-id | 6 | |
P5885 talk covi |
Microsoft Store app ID | identifier for a application in Microsoft Store | external-id | 403 | |
P5886 talk covi |
mode of derivation | (qualifier) the way that a term is derived in P5191 | wikibase-item | 70 | |
P5887 talk covi |
Arkivportalen agent ID | identifier for an actor (person or institution) in Arkivportalen, a website for Norwegian archives | external-id | 76 | |
P5888 talk covi |
Arkivportalen archive ID | identifier for an archive in Arkivportalen, a website for Norwegian archives | external-id | 19 | |
P5890 talk covi |
Preferred Hotels & Resorts hotel ID | identifier for an hotel on the Preferred Hotels & Resorts website | external-id | 26 | |
P5891 talk covi |
Bpk-ID | Bpk-identificator, identifier for art photos by picture agency, Image Bank of cultural institutions | external-id | 10 | |
P5892 talk covi |
UOL Eleições ID | іdentifier for elections in Brazil containing voting data for each position per State | external-id | 8 | |
P5893 talk covi |
work hardening strain | the strengthening of a material by the specified ratio of plastic deformation | quantity | 2 | |
P5894 talk covi |
školné | the tuition fee at an educational instition (default duration:1 year, use duration qualifier to specify) | quantity | 21 | |
P5895 talk covi |
foreign transaction fee | foreign transaction fee applies to payments in foreign currencies | quantity | 19 | |
P5896 talk covi |
trading fee | a trading fee or brokerage commision is fee charged when buying stock or commodities at exchanges or at a bank, use qualifier applies to part for maker and taker fee | quantity | 11 | |
P5897 talk covi |
account charge / subscription fee | a monthly/yearly fee for using a service or account; use qualifier duration to specify the billing cycle | quantity | 21 | |
P5898 talk covi |
borrowing rate | the p.a. borrowing/lending rate | quantity | 11 | |
P5899 talk covi |
interest rate | The yearly interest rate | quantity | 5 | |
P5900 talk covi |
JMA Magnitude | Magnitude of an earthquake according to Japan Meteorological Agency | quantity | 16 | |
P5901 talk covi |
official number of town quarter | official number for the administrative division or section, region or part of a town | string | 113 | |
P5902 talk covi |
Uralonet ID | external-id | 13 | ||
P5903 talk covi |
Álgu ID | external-id | 70 | ||
P5904 talk covi |
ASCE Historical Civil Engineering Landmark ID | identifier for a landmark on the American Society of Civil Engineers website | external-id | 187 | |
P5905 talk covi |
Comic Vine ID | identifier at the Comic Vine database of comic books, fictional characters, people, films and television series/episodes | external-id | 3,432 | |
P5906 talk covi |
DxOMark ID | Dxomark article identifier for smartphones and cameras | external-id | 60 | |
P5908 talk covi |
Geheugen van de VU person ID | identifier for a person in the database of Geheugen van de VU (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) | external-id | 53 | |
P5909 talk covi |
HKCAN ID | Hong Kong Chinese Authority Name ID | external-id | 9 | |
P5910 talk covi |
ENI number | European Vessel Identification Number for ships capable of navigating on inland European waters | string | 25 | |
P5911 talk covi |
inflection class | inflection class this lexeme belongs to, pattern of forms of the lexeme | wikibase-item | 28 | |
P5912 talk covi |
Oqaasileriffik online dictionary ID | ID in the online dictionary of Oqaasileriffik | external-id | 33 | |
P5913 talk |
has inflection class | inflectional pattern for groups of lexemes in the language | wikibase-item | 4 | |
P5914 talk covi |
IANA Root Zone Database ID | identifier in IANA's Root Zone Database of delegation details for top-level Internet domains | external-id | 1,576 | |
P5915 talk covi |
Shazam track ID | identifier for an audio or audiovisual creative work on Shazam | external-id | 16 | |
P5916 talk covi |
Spotify show ID | identifier for a show or podcast on Spotify | external-id | 33 | |
P5917 talk covi |
Shazam artist ID | identifier for an artist on Shazam | external-id | 468 | |
P5918 talk covi |
Sprockhoff Number | number assigned to megalithic installations in northern Germany by Ernst Sprockhoff | external-id | 307 | |
P5920 talk |
root | part of word that does not have a prefix or a suffix | wikibase-lexeme | 14 | |
P5921 talk covi |
Index of Historic Collectors and Dealers of Cubism ID | identifier for a person or an organization in the Index of Historic Collectors and Dealers of Cubism database | external-id | 152 | |
P5922 talk covi |
ANZSRC FoR ID | Australia and New Zealand Standard Research Classification 2008 identifier for a field of research. 1419 nodes at 3 levels: 22 Divisions, 157 Groups, 1340 Fields | external-id | 21 | |
P5923 talk covi |
creates lexeme type | morpheme creates this type of lexeme | wikibase-item | 88 | |
P5924 talk covi |
Lyrically artist ID | external-id | 55 | ||
P5925 talk covi | series ID | identifier for TV series on | external-id | 3,149 | |
P5926 talk covi |
Spectral Database for Organic Compounds ID | external-id | 5 | ||
P5927 talk covi |
Ultimate Guitar artist ID | identifier for an artist on Ultimate Guitar | external-id | 11 | |
P5928 talk covi |
Ġabra lexeme ID | identifier for a lexeme in the Ġabra lexicon | external-id | 84 | |
P5929 talk covi |
limiting oxygen index | the minimum concentration of oxygen, expressed as a percentage, that will support combustion of a polymer | quantity | 5 | |
P5930 talk covi |
Open Food Facts ingredient ID | identifier of a food ingredient on Open Food Facts | external-id | 402 | |
P5931 talk covi | railway line ID | ID of Polish railway line in database "" | external-id | 19 | |
P5932 talk covi |
IGN series ID | unique string for sorting IGN items | external-id | 7 | |
P5933 talk covi |
tweet ID | identifier of a status on Twitter | external-id | 51 | |
P5934 talk covi |
Short Title Catalogue Flanders (STCV) | identifier for a hand press book in the 'Short Title Catalogus Vlaanderen' (STCV) database of Flanders before 1801 | external-id | 3 | |
P5935 talk covi |
Flanders Arts Institute production ID | identifier of an production in the Flanders Arts Institute database for performing arts | external-id | 12,229 | |
P5936 talk covi | ID | identifier in the database of computing platforms | external-id | 1,052 | |
P5937 talk covi |
Oudnederlands Woordenboek GTB ID | ID of entry in Oudnederlands Woordenboek on Geïntegreerde Taalbank | external-id | 3 | |
P5938 talk covi |
Vroegmiddelnederlands Woordenboek GTB ID | ID of entry in Vroegmiddelnederlands Woordenboek on Geïntegreerde Taalbank | external-id | 3 | |
P5939 talk covi |
Middelnederlandsch Woordenboek GTB ID | ID of entry in Middelnederlandsch Woordenboek on Geïntegreerde Taalbank | external-id | 4 | |
P5940 talk covi |
plot expanded in | a narrative of this creative work is expanded in another work while not necessarily being part of the same series. For series use P179 instead | wikibase-item | 70 | |
P5941 talk covi |
Film Indonesia person ID | ID number on the Film Indonesia for the person and film studio | external-id | 6 | |
P5942 talk covi |
Protected objects Ostbelgien ID | identifier of a protected heritage site of the German-speaking Community of Belgium | external-id | 200 | |
P5944 talk covi |
North America PlayStation Store ID | identifier for a game available on the PlayStation Store | external-id | 114 | |
P5945 talk covi |
VicFlora ID | identifier for a plant taxon, in the Australian 'Flora of Victoria' database | external-id | 8,105 | |
P5946 talk covi |
SUCA code | іdentifier of a specific urban thoroughfare (Q83620) in the Madrid Region (Community of Madrid (Q5756)) provided by the SUCA (Q52637792) catalog group of postal directions of Institute for Community of Madrid Statistics (Q52775017) | external-id | 108 | |
P5947 talk covi |
Vicat softening point | the temperature at which the specimen is penetrated to a depth of 1 mm by a flat-ended needle with a 1 mm2 circular or square cross-section | quantity | 3 | |
P5948 talk covi |
CMI person ID | identifier for a person on the Clay Mathematics Institute website | external-id | 89 | |
P5949 talk covi |
Unicode range | unicode range this writings system or font is covered by. use CSS syntax described in | string | 16 | |
P5950 talk covi |
São Paulo: os estrangeiros e a construção da cidade ID | The database "São Paulo: os estrangeiros e a construção da cidade" is a research project supported by Q5508997 for creative work on Q174 in public GLAM institutions in the city. | external-id | 1,295 | |
P5951 talk covi |
ComiXology creator ID | identifier of potential subjects for articles about comics creators from all over the world | external-id | 1,294 | |
P5952 talk covi |
Annuaire de la magistrature ID | identifier for a French magistrature on the 'Annuaire rétrospectif de la magistrature' | external-id | 3,346 | |
P5953 talk covi |
NT Flora ID | identifier for a plant taxon, in the Northern Territory (Australia) 'NT Flora' database | external-id | 81 | |
P5954 talk covi |
Museu Nacional ID | online catalog ID for Museu Nacional | external-id | 122 | |
P5955 talk covi |
Sekolah Kita ID | identifier for a school in Indonesia (early childhood education, primary education, and secondary education) | external-id | 8 | |
P5956 talk covi |
War Memorials Online ID | identifier for a war memorial on the War Memorials Online website | external-id | 156 | |
P5957 talk covi |
ID of Inventory of the Archaeological and Paleontological Heritage of Catalonia | unique identifier for Archaeological and Paleontological Heritage in Catalonia | external-id | 678 | |
P5958 talk covi |
Women's Japan Basketball League ID | Women's Japan Basketball League | external-id | 301 | |
P5959 talk covi |
V.League ID | V.League | external-id | 596 | |
P5960 talk covi |
Japan Professional Basketball League ID | Japan Professional Basketball League | external-id | 312 | |
P5961 talk covi |
depicted part | use as qualifier for "depicts" (P180) | wikibase-item | 12 | |
P5962 talk covi |
sail emblem | image of figure placed on the sail of sailing boats to mark the boat type | commonsMedia | 156 | |
P5963 talk covi |
Elsevier journal ID | ID for a journal published by Elsevier | external-id | 1,556 | |
P5964 talk covi |
Norwegian Nationaltheatret actor ID | identifikator for an actor at the Norwegian national theatre | external-id | 85 | |
P5965 talk covi |
LUBW Protected Area No | unique number of a protected area in the German state of Baden-Württemberg | external-id | 14,390 | |
P5966 talk covi |
SAGE journal ID | ID for a journal published by SAGE | external-id | 1,052 | |
P5967 talk |
reference vocabulary | the controlled vocabulary used to supply the form in which the value of a statement was given in the source being referenced | wikibase-item | 1 | |
P5968 talk covi |
CPPAP ID | ID issued by the French "Commission paritaire des publications et des agences de presse" about a periodical | external-id | 35 | |
P5969 talk covi |
RBF player ID | identifier for a baketball player at the Russian Basketball Federation website | external-id | 21 | |
P5970 talk covi |
Medierådet rating | rating of a film in the Danish movie content rating system | wikibase-item | 13 | |
P5971 talk covi |
Europe PlayStation Store ID | identifier for a game available on the PlayStation Store (EU region) | external-id | 62 | |
P5972 talk covi |
překlad | slovo v jiném jazyce, které svým významem přesně odpovídá lexému | wikibase-sense | 683 | |
P5973 talk covi |
synonymum | slovo se stejným významem | slovo souznačné | wikibase-sense | 308 |
P5974 talk covi |
antonym | sense of a lexeme with the opposite meaning to this sense, in the same language | wikibase-sense | 109 | |
P5975 talk covi |
troponym of | this verb describes more narrowly the action of the more general verb used as value | wikibase-sense | 3 | |
P5976 talk covi |
false friend | word in another language whose spelling is almost identical but whose meaning is different | wikibase-sense | 3 | |
P5977 talk covi |
Wikidata property example for senses | example where this Wikidata property is used; target sense is one that would use this property, with qualifier the property being described given the associated value | wikibase-sense | 7 | |
P5978 talk covi |
classifier | classifier word used with this sense | wikibase-lexeme | 2 | |
P5979 talk |
Sandbox-Sense | sandbox property for value of type "sense" | wikibase-sense | 5 | |
P5980 talk covi |
derived from sense | qualifier to indicate the sense for "derived from" (P5191) or "compound of" (P5238) | wikibase-sense | 53 | |
P5981 talk covi |
Encyclopedia Virginia ID | identifier of a topic in the online Encyclopedia Virginia | external-id | 583 | |
P5982 talk covi |
roční počet svateb | number of marriages per year in a location | quantity | 805 | |
P5983 talk covi |
Springer journal ID | Springer journal number | external-id | 935 | |
P5984 talk covi |
APNI ID | identifier for a plant, in the Australian Plant Name index | external-id | 49,468 | |
P5985 talk covi |
Literaturaren Zubitegia ID | Armiarma basque literature on-line database identifier | external-id | 966 | |
P5986 talk covi |
Getty Iconography Authority ID | identifier from the Getty Iconography Authority | external-id | 41 | |
P5987 talk covi | film ID | identifier for a film (movie) in the archive of Indian film | external-id | 4,949 | |
P5988 talk covi |
Deezer show ID | identifier for a show or podcast on Deezer | external-id | 12 | |
P5989 talk covi | person ID | identifier for a person, in the archive of Indian film | external-id | 8 | |
P5990 talk covi |
Movies Anywhere ID | identifier for a film on the Movies Anywhere service | external-id | 102 | |
P5991 talk covi |
carbon footprint | Total emissions caused by an individual, event, organisation, or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent. Has to be calculated via a scientificly proven methodology. | quantity | 13 | |
P5992 talk covi |
attenuation coefficient | Characterizes how easily a volume of a material can be penetrated by a beam of light, sound, particles, or other energy or matter. Beam type is to be secified using P1013. | quantity | 1 | |
P5993 talk covi |
compressive modulus of elasticity | the ratio of mechanical stress to strain in an elastic material when that material is being compressed | quantity | 5 | |
P5994 talk covi |
recycling code | used to identify the material from which an item is made, to facilitate easier recycling or other reprocessing | string | 23 | |
P5995 talk covi |
kit supplier | official supplier of sports goods to a given club or a national sports team | wikibase-item | 108 | |
P5996 talk covi |
category for films in this language | link to category entity contains films in this language | wikibase-item | 84 | |
P5997 talk |
stated in reference as | string | 145 | ||
P5998 talk covi |
distributary | stream that branches off and flows away from the river | wikibase-item | 13 | |
P5999 talk covi |
Japan PlayStation Store ID | identifier for a game available on the PlayStation Store (JP region) | external-id | 23 | |
P6000 talk covi |
vodní stopa | celkový objem čerstvé vody spotřebované příslušnými službami či výrobou příslušného zboží | quantity | 17 | |
P6001 talk covi |
applies to people | qualifier to a specific group of people, members of a group or organization | wikibase-item | 12 | |
P6002 talk covi |
WikiArt ID | entry of a people or artwork at WikiArt | external-id | 898 | |
P6003 talk covi |
Center for Biological Diversity ID | identifier for a taxon on the Center for Biological Diversity website | external-id | 55 | |
P6004 talk covi |
Brasiliana Iconográfica ID | identifier for an artwork, in the "Brasiliana Infográfica" database | external-id | 2,575 | |
P6005 talk covi |
Muck Rack journalist ID | identifier for a journalist at the website Muck Rack | external-id | 31 | |
P6006 talk covi |
Museum Universe Data File ID | identifier for a museum, in the United States' 'Museum Universe Data File' (MUDF) | external-id | 143 | |
P6007 talk covi |
Salons ID | identifier for an artwork, in the Paris Salons database | external-id | 1,384 | |
P6008 talk covi |
Agoda hotel ID | identifier for an hotel on the Agoda website | external-id | 66 | |
P6009 talk covi |
Techopedia ID | identifier for an entry in the technology dictionary | external-id | 182 | |
P6010 talk covi |
Encyclopedia of Alabama ID | identifier for a subject on the Encyclopedia of Alabama website | external-id | 171 | |
P6011 talk covi |
Internet Pinball Database ID | identifier for pinball machines at the Internet Pinball Database | external-id | 109 | |
P6012 talk covi |
California Office of Historic Preservation ID | identifier for a point of interest on the website of the Office of Historic Preservation of California | external-id | 432 | |
P6013 talk covi |
Encyclopedia of Appalachia ID | identifier for a subject on the Encyclopedia of Appalachia website | external-id | 6 | |
P6014 talk covi |
flexural strain at break | the strain of material specimen after break in a flexural test | quantity | 7 | |
P6015 talk covi |
Handbook of Texas ID | identifier for a subject in the Handbook of Texas Online | external-id | 65 | |
P6016 talk covi |
Tennessee Encyclopedia ID | identifier for a subject on the Tennessee Encyclopedia website | external-id | 127 | |
P6017 talk covi |
CanalPlan AC place ID | identifier for a feature on or near a British canal, in the CanalPlan AC database | external-id | 5 | |
P6018 talk covi |
SeaLifeBase ID | identifier for a taxon on the SeaLifeBase website | external-id | 97,730 | |
P6019 talk covi |
Species at Risk public registry ID | identifier for a taxon on the Canadian 'Species at Risk' public registry website | external-id | 830 | |
P6020 talk covi |
d'Art d'Art ! ID | identifier for an artwork on the d'Art d'Art ! website, where videos can't be watched outside of France | external-id | 68 | |
P6021 talk covi |
Hymenoptera Online taxon ID | identifier for a taxon on the Hymenoptera Online website | external-id | 65 | |
P6022 talk covi |
expression, gesture or body pose | qualifier on "depicts" (P180) for human position of an individual in an artwork | wikibase-item | 18 | |
P6023 talk covi |
ResearchGate contributor ID | identifier for a non-registered author on ResearchGate | external-id | 180 | |
P6024 talk covi |
Clé des langues ID | identifier for an author on 'La Clé des langues' | external-id | 35 | |
P6025 talk covi | ID | identifier for a bird taxon on the website | external-id | 1,857 | |
P6028 talk covi |
Hypericum MySpecies ID | identifier for a taxon in the database at Hypericum MySpecies | external-id | 15 | |
P6030 talk covi |
ECOS ID | identifier for a taxon on the United States' 'Environmental Conservation Online System' website | external-id | 2,046 | |
P6032 talk covi |
IGF entrant ID | identifier of an entrant in the Independent Games Festival | external-id | 14 | |
P6033 talk covi |
CMS ID | identifier for a taxon on the 'Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals' website | external-id | 646 | |
P6034 talk covi |
Plant Finder ID | identifier for a taxon in Plant Finder, on the Missouri Botanical Garden website | external-id | 2,709 | |
P6035 talk covi |
C.V. Starr Virtual Herbarium ID | identifier for a taxon on the Steere Herbarium website | external-id | 8 | |
P6036 talk covi |
Wild Herps ID | identifier for a taxon on the Wild Herps website | external-id | 1,075 | |
P6037 talk covi |
ProsopoMaths ID | identifier for a mathematician on Prosopomaths | external-id | 23 | |
P6038 talk covi |
AFAS author ID | identifier for an author on the prosopographical website of the 'Association française pour l'avancement des sciences' | external-id | 6 | |
P6039 talk covi |
AFD ID | identifier for a taxon on the Australian Faunal Directory website | external-id | 242 | |
P6040 talk covi |
BirdLife Australia ID | identifier for a species on the BirdLife Australia website | external-id | 403 | |
P6041 talk covi |
John J. Audubon's Birds of America ID | identifier for a taxon in John J. Audubon's 'Birds of America' on the National Audubon Society website | external-id | 190 | |
P6042 talk covi |
Echinoid Directory ID | identifier for a taxon on the Echinoid Directory website | external-id | 1,081 | |
P6043 talk covi |
Espèces Envahissantes Outre-mer ID | identifier for a species on the Espèces Envahissantes Outre-mer website | external-id | 7 | |
P6044 talk covi |
FEIS ID | identifier for a taxon on the Fire Effects Information System website | external-id | 1,037 | |
P6045 talk covi |
Global Raptor Information Network ID | identifier for a taxon on the Global Raptor Information Network website | external-id | 337 | |
P6046 talk covi |
MNHN taxon ID | identifier for a taxon on the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle website | external-id | 109 | |
P6047 talk covi |
Neotropical Birds ID | identifier for a taxon on the Neotropical Birds website | external-id | 4,199 | |
P6048 talk covi |
New Zealand Birds Online ID | identifier for a species on the New Zealand Birds Online website | external-id | 196 | |
P6049 talk covi |
NOAA Fisheries Species Directory ID | identifier for a species on the NOAA Fisheries website | external-id | 251 | |
P6050 talk covi |
OSF Online ID | identifier for a taxon on the Orthoptera Species File Online website | external-id | 29,954 | |
P6051 talk covi |
Sea Slug Forum ID | identifier for a taxon on the Sea Slug Forum website | external-id | 1,409 | |
P6052 talk covi |
Cockroach Species File ID | identifier for a taxon on the Cockroach Species File website | external-id | 4,878 | |
P6053 talk covi |
Coreoidea Species File ID | identifier for a taxon on the Coreoidea Species File website | external-id | 666 | |
P6054 talk covi |
GT IBMA ID | identifier for a species on the Groupe de travail Invasions biologiques en milieux aquatiques website | external-id | 8 | |
P6055 talk covi |
Mantodea Species File ID | identifier for a taxon on the Mantodea Species File website | external-id | 2,952 | |
P6056 talk covi |
Red List of South African Plants ID | identifier for a species on the Red List of South African Plants website | external-id | 17,640 | |
P6057 talk covi |
Systematic Catalog of Culicidae ID | identifier for a taxon at the Systematic Catalog of Culicidae | external-id | 86 | |
P6058 talk covi |
Larousse ID | identifier for a subject on the 'Encyclopédie Larousse' | external-id | 388 | |
P6059 talk covi |
Biographie vosgienne ID | identifier for a person on 'Biographie vosgienne | external-id | 6 | |
P6060 talk covi |
MoEML ID | ID for a place, person, organisation, or work at the Map of Early Modern London project of the University of Victoria, Canada | external-id | 6 | |
P6061 talk covi |
Plant Parasites of Europe ID | identifier for a taxon at the Plant Parasites of Europe database | external-id | 8,454 | |
P6062 talk covi |
Scoresway baseball person ID | identifier for a baseball person at the Scoresway | external-id | 22 | |
P6063 talk covi |
Scoresway basketball person ID | identifier for a basketball person at the Scoresway | external-id | 19 | |
P6064 talk covi |
Scoresway ice hockey person ID | identifier for a ice hockey person at the Scoresway | external-id | 15 | |
P6065 talk covi |
Scoresway rugby person ID | identifier for a rugby person at the Scoresway | external-id | 29 | |
P6066 talk covi |
Scoresway volleyball person ID | identifier for a volleyball person at the Scoresway | external-id | 16 | |
P6067 talk covi |
ARD Mediathek ID | identifier for a show on ARD Mediathek | external-id | 4 | |
P6068 talk covi |
DCMOTO identifier | identifier in the DCMOTO database of Thomson MO/TO software | external-id | 8 | |
P6069 talk covi |
INEP IGC continuous score | quantity | 1 | ||
P6070 talk covi |
BirdLife International IBA ID | identifier for an area officially-designated an 'Important Bird & Biodiversity Area' (IBA) by BirdLife International | external-id | 14 | |
P6071 talk covi |
Polish Olympic Committee athlete ID | external-id | 16 | ||
P6072 talk covi |
demonstrates sense | (qualifier) the sense of a lexeme which is demonstrated by a usage example | wikibase-sense | 890 | |
P6073 talk covi |
permeation | the penetration of a permeate (such as a liquid, gas, or vapor) through a solid | quantity | 2 | |
P6075 talk |
embodied energy | sum of all the energy required to produce any goods or services, considered as if that energy was incorporated or 'embodied' in the product itself | quantity | 5 | |
P6076 talk covi |
biobased content weight percentage | weight percentage of content comming from the biomass | quantity | 5 | |
P6077 talk covi |
British Museum bioID | identifier for a person, organisation, or mythological figure on the British Museum main public website | external-id | 9 | |
P6078 talk covi |
GameFAQs platform ID | identifier of a gaming platform in GameFAQs database | external-id | 121 | |
P6079 talk covi |
Discogs track ID | identifier for a music track in Discogs | external-id | 77 | |
P6080 talk covi |
Discogs composition ID | identifier for a musical composition in Discogs | external-id | 94 | |
P6081 talk covi |
RIA Novosti reference | background information on historical and current events, biographies of famous people | external-id | 731 | |
P6082 talk covi |
NYC Building Identification Number (BIN) | unique ID used by the City of New York to identify a building | external-id | 194 | |
P6083 talk covi |
Cineuropa person ID | identifier for a person at Cineuropa | external-id | 18 | |
P6084 talk covi |
location of sense usage | for senses which are considered regional, the main locations where the sense is used | wikibase-item | 10 | |
P6085 talk covi |
The Guardian article ID | shortened URL for an article in the Guardian | external-id | 5 | |
P6086 talk covi |
dramaturg | person responsible for dramaturgical aspects in a performing arts production | wikibase-item | 2,824 | |
P6087 talk covi |
head coach of sports team | sports club for which this person is on-field manager or head coach | wikibase-item | 50 | |
P6088 talk |
beer bitterness | bitterness of beer in International Bittering Units scale | quantity | 6 | |
P6089 talk covi |
beer color | color of beer in Standard Reference Method | quantity | 5 | |
P6090 talk covi |
Caselaw Access Project case ID | identifier for single case in Caselaw Access Project | external-id | 6 | |
P6091 talk covi |
MGG Online ID | stable identifier for an entry on the MGG Online website | external-id | 8 | |
P6092 talk covi |
Map of Life ID | identifier for a taxon on the Map of Life website | external-id | 13 | |
P6093 talk covi |
AfroMoths ID | identifier for a species on the AfroMoths website | external-id | 14 | |
P6094 talk covi |
FloraWeb ID | identifier for a species on the FloraWeb website | external-id | 4,051 | |
P6095 talk covi |
INEP IGC discrete grade | wikibase-item | 5 | ||
P6096 talk covi |
FLOW ID | identifier for a species on the Fulgoromorpha Lists On the Web website | external-id | 8,851 | |
P6097 talk covi | person ID | identifier for a powerlifter at the | external-id | 10 | |
P6098 talk covi |
Info Flora ID | identifier for a taxon on the Info Flora website | external-id | 8 | |
P6099 talk |
clinical trial phase | phase designation for a clinical trial | wikibase-item | 74 | |
P6100 talk covi |
YÖK Academic Profile ID | identifer for an academic, in the Turkish 'YÖK' database | external-id | 140 | |
P6101 talk covi |
Mushroom Observer ID | identifier of a name at Mushroom Observer | external-id | 43 | |
P6102 talk covi |
Schleswig-Holstein object ID | Object ID in the cultural heritage register of Schleswig-Holstein | external-id | 6,028 | |
P6103 talk covi |
Michigan Flora ID | identifier for a species on the Michigan Flora website | external-id | 2,891 | |
P6104 talk covi |
maintained by WikiProject | WikiProject that maintains this property, item, or linked pages. If the WikiProject is hosted outside of Wikidata, define the scope using the qualifier "of (P642)" | wikibase-item | 310 | |
P6105 talk covi | ID | identifier on the websites | external-id | 1,538 | |
P6106 talk covi |
uses capitalization for | lexical classes and subclasses of words as well as other uses in the language where the first letter is written as a capital letter | wikibase-item | 9 | |
P6107 talk |
Winterthur Glossar URL | URL of the object in the Winterthur Glossar | url | 35 | |
P6108 talk covi |
IIIF manifest | JSON-LD formatted document URL reference described by the IIIF Presentation API | url | 26,393 | |
P6109 talk covi |
DBU playerprofile | Danish national team profile | external-id | 755 | |
P6110 talk covi |
AllMusic release ID | identifier for a release (an edition of an album) in the AllMusic database | external-id | 15 | |
P6111 talk covi |
MusicNotes product ID | identifier for a product in the MusicNotes store | external-id | 10 | |
P6112 talk covi |
category for members of a team | Wikimedia category for players playing for a sports team | wikibase-item | 2,294 | |
P6113 talk covi |
Playbill venue ID | identifier for a performance venue at | external-id | 72 | |
P6114 talk covi |
Portal to the Flora of Italy ID | identifier for a species on the Portal to the Flora of Italy website | external-id | 6 | |
P6115 talk covi |
Digital Flora of Central Africa ID | identifier for a species on the Digital Flora of Central Africa website | external-id | 12 | |
P6116 talk covi |
chord progression | series of chords used in this musical work | wikibase-item | 3 | |
P6117 talk covi | Monument ID | external-id | 88 | ||
P6118 talk covi |
season ends | to indicate what month of the year a sports season ends | wikibase-item | 7 | |
P6119 talk covi |
Letterboxd actor ID | identifier for an actor on the website Letterboxd | external-id | 18 | |
P6120 talk covi |
Argentinean NCAA Airport code | airport code issued by the Argentinean National Civil Aviation Administration. Not to be confused with FAA (USA) code | external-id | 701 | |
P6122 talk covi |
MusicNotes song ID | identifier for a composition in MusicNotes | external-id | 6 | |
P6123 talk covi |
B3Kat dataset ID | entry ID in B3Kat, the joint union catalogue of the Bavarian Library Network (Bibliotheksverbund Bayern - BVB) and the Cooperative Library Network Berlin-Brandenburg (KOBV) | external-id | 14 | |
P6124 talk covi |
Sotheby's person ID | identifier for an artist on the Sotheby's website | external-id | 12 | |
P6125 talk covi |
number of volunteers | number of people who volunteer for an organization at a particular time | quantity | 62 | |
P6126 talk covi |
Santiebeati ID | identifier of a person from the website | external-id | 57 | |
P6127 talk covi |
Letterboxd film ID | identifier for a film on the website Letterboxd | external-id | 1,447 | |
P6128 talk covi |
Threatened Species Link ID | identifier for a Tasmanian species on the Threatened Species Link website | external-id | 200 | |
P6130 talk covi |
Littera ID | Littera identifier related to medieval Galician-Portuguese music (cantigas) | external-id | 22 | |
P6131 talk covi |
Soccerway team ID | team ID on the Soccerway website | external-id | 30 | |
P6132 talk covi |
Playbill person ID | identifier for people and organizations at | external-id | 45 | |
P6133 talk covi |
Siamzone film ID | external-id | 921 | ||
P6134 talk covi |
Thaifilm ID | external-id | 52 | ||
P6135 talk covi |
VD 18 ID | publication ID in the bibliography of 18th century printed material in the German speaking areas | external-id | 20 | |
P6136 talk covi |
Newseum newspaper front page ID | identifier for a newspaper in the Newseum's front page gallery | external-id | 253 | |
P6137 talk covi |
APA ID | identifier for a species on the Alabama Plant Atlas website | external-id | 3,912 | |
P6138 talk covi |
SWH Release ID | identifier of a software source code release in the Software Heritage Archive | external-id | 25 | |
P6139 talk covi |
Virtual Guide to the Flora of Mongolia ID | identifier for a species on the Virtual Guide to the Flora of Mongolia website | external-id | 308 | |
P6140 talk covi |
DanNet 2.2 word ID | identifier for part of the URI for a word in the DanNet resource | external-id | 366 | |
P6141 talk covi |
À nos grands hommes ID | identifier for a statue on 'À nos grands hommes' | external-id | 61 | |
P6142 talk covi | ID | identifier for a species on the website | external-id | 358 | |
P6143 talk covi |
BioOne journal ID | identifier for an academic journal on the BioOne website | external-id | 210 | |
P6144 talk covi | ID | identifier for a toponym/geographical object on | external-id | 26 | |
P6145 talk covi |
Academy Awards Database film ID | identifier for a film in the official Academy Awards database | external-id | 4,841 | |
P6146 talk covi |
The Hendon Mob ID | identifier for a poker player in The Hendon Mob database | external-id | 631 | |
P6147 talk covi |
World Poker Tour player ID | identifier for a poker player on the World Poker Tour website | external-id | 57 | |
P6148 talk covi |
GLAMOS glacier ID | identifier for a Swiss glacier on the GLAMOS website | external-id | 78 | |
P6149 talk covi |
running mate | second person on a presidential or other electoral ticket | wikibase-item | 15 | |
P6150 talk covi |
Academy Awards Database nominee ID | identifier for nominees in the official Academy Awards database | external-id | 549 | |
P6151 talk covi |
ANICA ID | Identifier of a movie from the website | external-id | 256 | |
P6152 talk covi |
National Portrait Gallery (United States) object ID | object identifier for artworks at the National Portrait Gallery (US) | external-id | 2,425 | |
P6153 talk |
research site | place where this item was researched | wikibase-item | 45 | |
P6154 talk covi | person ID | identifier for a player of staff member at the | external-id | 14 | |
P6155 talk covi |
Sotheby's Museum Network ID | identifier for a museum on the Sotheby's Museum Network website | external-id | 1,057 | |
P6156 talk covi |
MNAV artist ID | identifier assigned to an artist by the National Museum of Visual Arts of Uruguay | external-id | 960 | |
P6157 talk covi |
Google News publication ID | identifier for a news source in the news on Google News | external-id | 31 | |
P6158 talk covi |
ALCA author ID | identifier for an author on the ALCA Nouvelle-Aquitaine website | external-id | 39 | |
P6159 talk covi |
Atlas of Florida Plants ID | identifier for a species on the Atlas of Florida Plants website | external-id | 4,486 | |
P6160 talk covi |
BoardGameGeek game publisher ID | identifier for a publisher on the BoardGameGeek website | external-id | 44 | |
P6161 talk covi |
Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States ID | identifier for a species on the Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States website | external-id | 1,544 | |
P6162 talk covi |
Luding game publisher ID | identifier for a publisher on the Luding website | external-id | 37 | |
P6163 talk covi |
NAS ID | identifier for a species in the Nonindigenous Aquatic Species database, on the U.S. Geological Survey website | external-id | 1,167 | |
P6164 talk covi |
Depósito Legal ID | identifier for a publication in Spain | external-id | 7 | |
P6165 talk covi |
Corpus typographique français ID | identifier for a typeface on the Corpus typographique français website | external-id | 22 | |
P6166 talk covi |
quotes work | other creative work which this work quotes from textually, verbally or lyrically | wikibase-item | 20 | |
P6167 talk covi |
British Executions ID | identifier for a person executed in Britain between 1100 and 1964 | external-id | 70 | |
P6168 talk covi |
Bantu Lexical Reconstructions ID | ID of entry in Bantu Lexical Reconstructions | external-id | 4 | |
P6169 talk covi |
Welsh Book Trade Info ID | identifier for person, business or organisation involved in the production and distribution of books in Wales | external-id | 5 | |
P6170 talk covi |
System16 identifier | identifier in the System16 database of arcade game systems | external-id | 23 | |
P6171 talk covi |
Académie d'Arles member ID | identifier for a member of the 'Académie d'Arles' on its website | external-id | 6 | |
P6172 talk covi |
Sega Saturn game ID | serial number of a game release on the Sega Saturn | external-id | 4 | |
P6173 talk covi |
Bitraga author ID | identifier for an author in the Digital Library of Galician Literary Translation database (Bitraga) of the University of Vigo | external-id | 433 | |
P6174 talk covi |
TWAS Fellow ID | fellows of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) | external-id | 162 | |
P6175 talk covi |
Bitraga work ID | identifier for a work in the Digital Library of Galician Literary Translation database (Bitraga) of the University of Vigo | external-id | 142 | |
P6176 talk covi |
Cal-IPC ID | identifier for a species on the California Invasive Plant Council website | external-id | 314 | |
P6177 talk covi |
EUNIS ID | identifier for a species on the European Nature Information System website | external-id | 26,511 | |
P6178 talk covi |
Dimensions Author ID | unique identifier for an author in Dimensions | external-id | 94 | |
P6179 talk covi |
Dimensions Publication ID | unique identifier for a work in the Dimensions database | external-id | 12,420 | |
P6180 talk covi |
Dimensions Source ID | unique identifier for a journal in the Dimensions database | external-id | 2,172 | |
P6181 talk covi |
Disney A to Z ID | ID of article in online version of Disney A to Z | external-id | 2,733 | |
P6182 talk covi |
GameFAQs company ID | identifier of a company in the GameFAQs database | external-id | 140 | |
P6183 talk covi |
AJOL journal ID | identifier for an academic journal on the African Journals Online website | external-id | 260 | |
P6184 talk covi |
reference has role | role, or specific nature, of the given reference | wikibase-item | 20,951 | |
P6185 talk covi |
tautomer of | target item is a tautomer of this one | wikibase-item | 12 | |
P6186 talk covi |
kategorie eponymních kategorií | Wikimedia category that contains subcategories dedicated to specific instances of the said item | wikibase-item | 255 | |
P6187 talk covi |
Lego set ID | unique identifier of a Lego set | external-id | 5 | |
P6188 talk covi |
BDFA player ID | player ID on the Argentine Football Database website | external-id | 35 | |
P6189 talk covi |
Sabinet journal ID | identifier for an academic journal on the Sabinet website | external-id | 138 | |
P6190 talk covi |
NSW State Archives and Records Authority Agency ID | identifier for current and historic government agencies in New South Wales, Australia, allocated by the State Records Authority | external-id | 17 | |
P6191 talk covi |
jazykový styl | to denote of the way a sense of a word is used, e.g., slang, vulgarism, babytalk, colloquialism, etc. | wikibase-item | 8 | |
P6192 talk covi |
Bygdeband location ID | Bygdeband is a site containing local history material added by +600 local history communities in Sweden | external-id | 2,465 | |
P6193 talk covi |
ratified by | used to specify that a treaty has been ratified by a given state or subject of international law | wikibase-item | 8 | |
P6194 talk covi |
ID v Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815-1950 | identifikátor osoby v online prezentaci biografické encyklopedie Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815-1950 | external-id | 17,083 | |
P6195 talk covi |
funding scheme | is supported under the funding scheme | wikibase-item | 19 | |
P6196 talk covi |
Badtaste ID | identifier of a movie from the website | external-id | 6 | |
P6197 talk covi |
Badgames ID | identifier of a video game from the website | external-id | 70 | |
P6198 talk covi |
Mexican female soccer players ID | official profile of female mexican soccer players | external-id | 12 | |
P6199 talk covi |
member of the Portuguese parliament ID | id in the Portuguese Parliament Database | external-id | 515 | |
P6200 talk covi |
BBC News topic ID | identifier for a topic, on the BBC News website | external-id | 16 | |
P6201 talk covi |
OBV editions ID | identifier for entries in the catalogue of the Austrian library network (Q306072) | external-id | 361 | |
P6202 talk covi |
Geolex ID | ID for every stratigraphic unit in the United States of America (USA) given by the United States Geological Survey | external-id | 135 | |
P6204 talk covi |
CNPJ | identification number issued to Brazilian companies by the Secretariat of the Federal Revenue of Brazil | external-id | 9 | |
P6205 talk covi |
Defined Term ID | identifier for a definition in dictionary | external-id | 1 | |
P6206 talk covi |
Guida al Fumetto Italiano ID | identifier for a person on the Guida al fumetto italiano website | external-id | 10 | |
P6208 talk covi |
uděleno za | krátká citace vysvětlující oficiální zdůvodnění udělení ocenění | důvod ocenění, důvod udělení, udělení ceny za | monolingualtext | 1,537 |
P6209 talk covi |
SEINet ID | identifier for a species on the SEINet website | external-id | 31 | |
P6210 talk covi |
LIGA profile | background information on organizations, political parties, biographies of famous people | external-id | 11 | |
P6211 talk covi |
BIBSYS work ID | identifier for works in BIBSYS | external-id | 9 | |
P6212 talk covi |
heat treating | Industrial and metalworking processes used to alter the physical, and sometimes chemical, properties of a material. | wikibase-item | 1 | |
P6213 talk covi |
UK Parliament identifier | identifier used by the UK Parliament linked-data system | external-id | 2,562 | |
P6214 talk covi |
Jewish Museum Berlin person ID | Jewish Museum Berlin person ID | external-id | 22 | |
P6215 talk covi | person ID | identifier for a athlete at the | external-id | 8 | |
P6216 talk covi |
stav autorských práv | stav autorskoprávní ochrany daného díla (uměleckého díla, počítačového programu atp.) | autorská práva, copyright | wikibase-item | 41,240 |
P6217 talk covi |
Genius album ID | identifier for an album, single, other music release or other publication on Genius | external-id | 64 | |
P6218 talk covi |
Genius song ID | identifier for a song, musical composition or written work on Genius | external-id | 227 | |
P6219 talk covi |
TASS reference | background information on historical and current events, locations, biographies of famous people | external-id | 7 | |
P6220 talk covi |
OpenTrials ID | identifier for OpenTrials database over clinical trials | external-id | 7 | |
P6221 talk covi |
NooSFere story ID | identifier for a story in NooSFere Database | external-id | 856 | |
P6222 talk covi |
DIR3 ID | official identifier of a public Spanish organization | external-id | 3,522 | |
P6223 talk covi |
L'Encyclopédie philosophique ID | identifier on 'L'Encyclopédie philosophique' | external-id | 22 | |
P6224 talk |
level of description | amount of detail used in describing an archival collection | wikibase-item | 11,997 | |
P6225 talk covi |
TrENSmissions person ID | identifier for a person on 'TrENSmissions' | external-id | 6 | |
P6226 talk covi |
ARLLFB member ID | identifier for a member of the 'Académie royale de langue et de littérature françaises de Belgique' on its website | external-id | 197 | |
P6227 talk covi |
Flora of Wisconsin ID | identifier for a taxon on the Flora of Wisconsin website | external-id | 2,797 | |
P6228 talk covi |
RegiowikiAT ID | identifier of a page in the Austria regional wiki RegiowikiAT | external-id | 233 | |
P6229 talk covi |
Discord Store game SKU | identifier for a game available on the Discord Store | external-id | 9 | |
P6230 talk covi |
Bavarian protected area ID | identifier for nature and landscape protected areas in Bavaria (Germany), issued by the Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt | external-id | 1,313 | |
P6231 talk covi |
BDEL ID | identifier for a person on the 'Base de données des élites suisses' | external-id | 4,681 | |
P6232 talk covi |
Danske Taler speaker ID | Identifier for speaker on the Danske Taler website | external-id | 22 | |
P6233 talk covi |
Place Names Register ID (Estonia) | identifier for a geographical object in the Estonian Place Names Register | external-id | 1,033 | |
P6234 talk covi |
Biographie nationale de Belgique ID | identifier for a person on the Biographie nationale de Belgique' | external-id | 1,320 | |
P6235 talk covi |
ARB person ID | identifier for a person (including members) on the website of the 'Académie royale de Belgique' | external-id | 5 | |
P6237 talk covi |
real estate developer | person or organization responsible for building this item | wikibase-item | 7 | |
P6238 talk covi |
Monument aux morts ID | identifier for a memorial in the University of Lille database | external-id | 11 | |
P6239 talk covi |
IEC commemorative monument of Catalonia ID | identifier of a commemorative monument or relevant structure in Catalonia in the Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC) [Institute for Catalan Studies] database | external-id | 12 | |
P6240 talk covi |
MMLO | Biographical Dictionary of Mintmasters, Wardens, Coin Engravers and Medallists | external-id | 155 | |
P6241 talk covi |
sestavitel | entity (person, organization, etc.) that caused a record or collection to be produced or gathered | sběratel, tvůrce sbírky | wikibase-item | 15 |
P6242 talk covi |
Meteorological Service of Canada climate site ID | The climate ID is a 7 digit number assigned by the Meteorological Service of Canada to a site where official weather observations are taken, and serves as a permanent, unique identifier. | external-id | 8,759 | |
P6243 talk covi |
digital representation of | this is a faithful digitized representation of the indicated two-dimensional artwork. For use on Commons MediaInfo entities | wikibase-item | 1 | |
P6244 talk covi |
Volksbund ID | German War Graves Commission cemetery identification | external-id | 333 | |
P6245 talk covi |
PomBase systematic ID | Identifier for a coding gene in the Schizosaccharomyces pombe model organism database PomBase | external-id | 6 | |
P6246 talk covi |
Paris Musées work ID | identifier for a work on the website of the museums of the city of Paris | external-id | 133 | |
P6247 talk covi |
Lego design ID | unique identifier of a Lego brick design | external-id | 3 | |
P6248 talk covi |
Lego element ID | unique identifier of a Lego brick design with a specific colour | external-id | 3 | |
P6249 talk covi |
specific age inside fictional universe | age of a fictional character (use qualifiers like P1441 (present in work) to restrict the age to a certain work) | quantity | 6 | |
P6250 talk covi |
iTunes music movie ID | identifier for a concert film or other music-related film in iTunes | external-id | 6 | |
P6251 talk covi |
hláška | commonly used phrase by which someone or something may be recognized | okřídlené úsloví | monolingualtext | 94 |
P6252 talk covi |
BSRussia player ID | identifier for a person at the Beach Soccer Russia site | external-id | 8 | |
P6253 talk covi | person ID | identifier for a person at the St. Petersburg Beach Soccer Federation site | external-id | 7 | |
P6254 talk |
lexém předmětu | lexeme described or discussed | lexém subjektu, popisuje slovo | wikibase-lexeme | 14 |
P6255 talk covi |
SinemaTürk person ID | identifier for an artist, in the SinemaTürk database | external-id | 163 | |
P6256 talk covi |
SinemaTürk film ID | identifier for a movie, in the SinemaTürk database | external-id | 109 | |
P6257 talk covi |
right ascension | astronomical equivalent of longitude | quantity | 8 | |
P6258 talk covi |
declination | declination of an astronomical object | quantity | 7 | |
P6259 talk |
epoch | epoch of an astronomical object coordinate | wikibase-item | 7 | |
P6260 talk |
galactic longitude | galactic longitude of an astronomical object | quantity | 6 | |
P6261 talk |
galactic latitude | galactic latitude of an astronomical object | quantity | 6 | |
P6262 talk covi |
Fandom Wikia article ID | identifier of an article on Fandom (Wikia). Format: subdomain:Page_title | external-id | 4,928 | |
P6263 talk covi |
MinDat mineral ID | identifier for a mineral in the MinDat database | external-id | 574 | |
P6264 talk covi |
Harvard Index of Botanists ID | external-id | 11,033 | ||
P6265 talk covi |
MinDat Locality ID | ID of the minerals locality in MinDat database | external-id | 46 | |
P6266 talk covi |
Garzanti Linguistica ID | ID for lexemes | external-id | 6 | |
P6267 talk covi |
Multiplayer ID | identifier of a video game from the website | external-id | 16 | |
P6268 talk covi |
Danmarks svampeatlas ID | identifier of fungus species in Danmarks svampeatlas | external-id | 31 | |
P6269 talk |
API endpoint | base URL of a web service | url | 7 | |
P6270 talk covi |
Boobpedia article | article on Boobpedia | external-id | 3,589 | |
P6271 talk covi |
demonym of | item that this sense is a demonym of | wikibase-item | 7 | |
P6272 talk covi |
specific rotation | angle through which plane-polarized light is rotated by an optically active substance or a solution of that substance | quantity | 6 | |
P6274 talk covi |
concentration | qualifier: amount of substance in a mixture (solution) during measurement | quantity | 8 | |
P6275 talk covi |
copyright representative | person or organisation who represents the copyright for this person | wikibase-item | 3,395 | |
P6276 talk covi |
Amazon Music artist ID | Artist ID in the Amazon Music database | external-id | 424 | |
P6277 talk covi |
Objectif Gard topic ID | identifier for a topic on Objectif Gard's website | external-id | 294 | |
P6278 talk covi |
Epic Games Store ID | identifier for a video game available on the Epic Games Store | external-id | 27 | |
P6279 talk covi |
ZVR-Number | ID of registered associations in Austria | external-id | 27 | |
P6280 talk covi |
Berlin protected area ID | identifier of protected areas in Berlin, Germany | string | 720 | |
P6281 talk covi |
IPPDH ID | identifier for archives and funds in the Institute of Public Policies in Human Rights (IPPDH) of Mercosur | external-id | 31 | |
P6282 talk covi |
French Academy of Sciences member ID | identifier for a member of the French Academy of Sciences on its website | external-id | 423 | |
P6283 talk covi |
MNopedia ID | identifier for a subject in the online encyclopedia MNopedia, which covers Minnesota | external-id | 224 | |
P6284 talk covi |
NCpedia ID | identifier for a subject in the online encyclopedia NCpedia, that covers North Carolina | external-id | 1,325 | |
P6285 talk covi |
Weeds in Ontario ID | identifier for a taxon on the Weeds in Ontario website | external-id | 14 | |
P6286 talk covi |
ICCD ID - S form | identifier for the Central Institute for Catalogues and Documentation (form type S) | external-id | 6 | |
P6287 talk covi |
ICCD ID - CF form | identifier for the Central Institute for Catalogues and Documentation (form type CF) | external-id | 8 | |
P6288 talk covi |
ICCD ID - CG form | identifier for the Central Institute for Catalogues and Documentation (form type CG) | external-id | 6 | |
P6289 talk covi |
ODNR Division of Wildlife ID | identifier for a taxon in the Species Guide Index of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources website | external-id | 7 | |
P6290 talk covi |
Penthouse ID | identifier for a model on the Penthouse website | external-id | 337 | |
P6291 talk covi |
advertises | cause, organization or product targeted by the advertising campaign, character, jingle or slogan | wikibase-item | 164 | |
P6292 talk covi |
Complete BBC Games Archive identifier | identifier in the Complete BBC Games Archive ( | external-id | 8 | |
P6293 talk covi |
YSA ID | identifier for a concept in the General Finnish Thesaurus YSA | external-id | 417 | |
P6294 talk covi |
ARTIC exhibition ID | identifier for an exhibition on the Art Institute of Chicago website | external-id | 15 | |
P6295 talk covi |
ARTIC artist ID | identifier for an artist on the Art Institute of Chicago website | external-id | 3,941 | |
P6296 talk covi | character identifier | identifier for a character or group of characters on (Bangumi/Chobits) | external-id | 18 | |
P6297 talk covi | coach ID | identifier for a coach at | external-id | 15 | |
P6298 talk covi | person identifier | identifier for a person or group of people on (Bangumi/Chobits) | external-id | 19 | |
P6299 talk covi |
PC-9801DB ID | identifier in the PC-9801DB database of PC-98 video games | external-id | 6 | |
P6300 talk covi |
Hymnary author ID | identifier for hymn authors in the database | external-id | 3,773 | |
P6301 talk covi |
The Armory Show at 100 ID | identifier for an artwork on the Armory Show at 100 website | external-id | 48 | |
P6302 talk covi |
Dictionnaire de spiritualité ID | identifier for a topic on the Dictionnaire de spiritualité' | external-id | 1,281 | |
P6303 talk covi |
Swedish Anbytarforum | Anbytarforum is a discussion group to ask advanced genealogy questions regarding Swedish parishes and people in the parish, help reading | external-id | 57 | |
P6304 talk covi | profile ID | external-id | 18 | ||
P6305 talk covi |
Wikimedia OTRS ticket number | Wikimedia OTRS ticket number to connect files or Wikidata items with email correspondence related to the copyrights | external-id | 3 | |
P6306 talk covi |
AllMusic performance ID | identifier for a recording of a performance in AllMusic | external-id | 4 | |
P6307 talk covi |
Wikibase Registry ID | Q-ID in the Wikibase Registry | external-id | 8 | |
P6308 talk covi |
Scoresway tennis person ID | identifier for a tennis player at the Scoresway | external-id | 862 | |
P6309 talk covi |
historical Répertoire national des associations identifier | identifier of an association in the historical database of the Répertoire national des associations | external-id | 8 | |
P6310 talk covi |
Muséosphère work ID | identifier for a work on the Muséosphère website | external-id | 19 | |
P6311 talk covi | player ID | identifier for an association football (soccer) player | external-id | 30 | |
P6312 talk covi | staff ID | staff code on the site | external-id | 13 | |
P6313 talk covi | referee ID | referee code on the site | external-id | 5 | |
P6314 talk covi | referee ID | identifier for an association football (soccer) referee | external-id | 8 | |
P6315 talk covi |
TheFinalBall referee ID | identifier for an association football (soccer) referee | external-id | 6 | |
P6316 talk covi |
TheFinalBall coach ID | identifier for an association football (soccer) coach | external-id | 15 | |
P6317 talk covi |
RusTeam player ID | identifier for football player on site | external-id | 67 | |
P6318 talk covi |
CFU player ID | identifier for football player of Crimean football union | external-id | 15 | |
P6319 talk covi |
AIC player ID | identifier for football player of AIC | external-id | 17 | |
P6320 talk covi |
AMFR player ID | AMFR identifier for an association football (soccer) player | external-id | 5 | |
P6321 talk covi | player ID | identifier for an association football (soccer) player | external-id | 49 | |
P6322 talk covi |
vehicle identification number | identifier of an individual vehicle. Format: 17 alphanumeric characters excluding letters I, O, Q | external-id | 5 | |
P6323 talk covi |
Centre Pompidou ID | identifier for an entry on the 'Centre national d'art et de culture Georges-Pompidou' website | external-id | 432 | |
P6324 talk covi |
INE ID (Portugal) | identifier for Portuguese municipalities, districts and parishes, by the Portuguese National Statistical Institute (INE) | external-id | 705 | |
P6325 talk covi |
Critique d'art ID | identifier for an entry on the Critique d'art website | external-id | 63 | |
P6326 talk covi |
DVR Number | identifier for data processing Austrian organisations | external-id | 7 | |
P6327 talk covi |
Goodreads character ID | identifier for a fictional character on Goodreads | external-id | 1,510 | |
P6328 talk covi |
Politika topic | identifier for a topic on website | external-id | 34 | |
P6329 talk covi |
SHARE-VDE author ID | identifier for entities (people and organizations) in SHARE Virtual Discovery Environment, a linked data federated platform of several North American universities | external-id | 65 | |
P6330 talk covi |
England Football Online manager profile | identifier for manager on England Football Online site | external-id | 5 | |
P6331 talk covi |
England Football Online player profile | identifier for football player on England Football Online site | external-id | 6 | |
P6332 talk covi |
Panorama de l'art ID | identifier for an entry on the Panorama de l'art website | external-id | 153 | |
P6333 talk |
title of broader work | title of website, journal or other work in which an article (or other publication) is published in. Use "published in" (P1433) instead if possible. | monolingualtext | 37 | |
P6334 talk covi |
Agence photo RMN package ID | identifier for a museum, exhibition, collection, or theme, on the 'Agence photo de la Réunion des Musées nationaux et du Grand Palais' website | external-id | 67 | |
P6335 talk covi |
MDWS place ID | code used by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Government of India to identify village, panchayats, community development blocks, districts and states of India. | external-id | 768 | |
P6336 talk covi |
JKT48 member ID | unique ID of JKT48 members listed at their website | external-id | 59 | |
P6337 talk covi |
PCGamingWiki ID | for PC video games tracked on PCGamingWiki | external-id | 3,941 | |
P6338 talk covi |
colorist | artist in charge of adding colors to drawings, comics, movie film, etc. | wikibase-item | 1,126 | |
P6339 talk |
interval měření | doba mezi dvěma měřeními nebo údaji | interval dat | wikibase-item | 8,757 |
P6340 talk covi |
Uppsala General Catalogue ID | identifier of a galaxy in the Uppsala General Catalogue | external-id | 6,965 | |
P6341 talk covi |
IFPNI species ID | identifier for a species at the International Fossil Plant Names Index | external-id | 956 | |
P6342 talk covi |
Dictionnaire des Wallons ID | identifier for a person on the online Dictionnaire des Wallons' | external-id | 1,108 | |
P6343 talk covi |
urban population | number of people living within the territorial entity who live in its urban parts | quantity | 1,741 | |
P6344 talk covi |
rural population | number of people living within the territorial entity who live in its rural parts | quantity | 1,740 | |
P6346 talk covi |
corporate purpose | main corporate purpose of an organization as defined in its articles of association | monolingualtext | 15 | |
P6347 talk covi |
The White-files species ID | identifier for a species in The White-files | external-id | 1,557 | |
P6348 talk covi |
Hymnary text ID | identifier for hymn text in the database | external-id | 14 | |
P6349 talk covi |
Lace bugs database ID | identifier for a species in the Lace bugs database | external-id | 344 | |
P6350 talk covi |
Doctrine ID | identifier for a lawyer on Doctrine | external-id | 64 | |
P6351 talk covi |
Genius artist numeric ID | numeric ID for an artist on Genius | external-id | 1,066 | |
P6352 talk covi |
OLAC video game genre vocabulary | identifier of video game genre vocabulary of the OLAC (Online Audiovisual Catalogers) | external-id | 71 | |
P6353 talk covi |
OSGS-Number | ID for organisations registered with the OSGS | external-id | 16 | |
P6354 talk covi |
closest approach | qualifier for minimum distance from an astronomical object that this spacecraft flies | quantity | 15 | |
P6355 talk covi |
MNAM artwork ID | identifier for an artwork on the website of the collections of the Musée national d'Art moderne, in Paris | external-id | 438 | |
P6356 talk covi |
IHOI work ID | identifier for a work on the website of the Iconothèque historique de l'océan Indien | external-id | 25 | |
P6357 talk covi |
Conférence du stage secretary ID | identifier for a secretary of the 'Conférence du stage de Paris' on its website | external-id | 8 | |
P6358 talk covi |
Musée Picasso artwork ID | identifier for an artwork on the website of the Musée Picasso, in Paris | external-id | 49 | |
P6359 talk covi |
Crew united title ID | identifier for films or series on Crew united | external-id | 870 | |
P6360 talk covi |
Genius album numeric ID | numeric ID for an album, single, other music release or other publication on Genius | external-id | 9 | |
P6361 talk covi |
Genius song numeric ID | numeric ID for a song, musical composition or written work on Genius | external-id | 11 | |
P6362 talk covi |
Litchfield Ledger ID | identifier in Litchfield Ledger database | external-id | 408 | |
P6363 talk |
WordLift ID | WordLift ID, a Linked Open Data permanent ID of publicly available entities curated by online publishers and distributed in various formats. | url | 13 | |
P6364 talk covi |
oficiální barva | official color(s) chosen to represent or identify an item | wikibase-item | 946 | |
P6365 talk covi |
kategorie členů organizace | category item for members of the organization | wikibase-item | 2,620 | |
P6366 talk covi |
Microsoft Academic ID | identifier for an object in the Microsoft Academic Graph | external-id | 24,798 | |
P6367 talk covi |
Bahamut Gamer's Community ACG Database | a Taiwanese database for Games, Animation, Comic, Light Novels | external-id | 5 | |
P6368 talk covi |
Bunkacho Media Art Database (Development Version): Animation Database | an animation database created by the Japanese government department Bunkacho | external-id | 7 | |
P6369 talk covi |
Bunkacho Media Art Database (Development Version): Comic Database | a comic database created by the Japanese government department Bunkacho | external-id | 7 | |
P6370 talk covi |
REDIZO | identifikátor školy (resortní identifikátor právnické osoby, REDIZO, RED_IZO, RED-IZO), přiřazován ministerstvem školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR | external-id | 2,517 | |
P6371 talk covi |
Archives of Maryland Biographical Series ID | Identifier for the Archives of Maryland Biographical Series | external-id | 68 | |
P6372 talk covi |
Interpol WOA artwork ID | identifier for a stolen artwork in the dedicated Interpol database | external-id | 21 | |
P6373 talk covi |
Online Catalog of Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal ID | The National Library of Portugal (Q245966) unique identifier for the full set of bibliographic records from the National Library of Portugal online catalogue | external-id | 6 | |
P6374 talk covi |
MAMVP artwork ID | identifier for an artwork on the website of the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris | external-id | 32 | |
P6375 talk covi |
plná poštovní adresa | plná adresa vč. ulice a čísla domu, kde se předmět nachází; pokud existuje položka pro ulici, použijte také P669 | adresa | monolingualtext | 389,291 |
P6376 talk covi |
Psyl'list species ID | identifier for a species in the Psyl'list database | external-id | 1,796 | |
P6377 talk covi |
VectorBase taxonomy ID | identifier for a taxon in the NIAID Bioinformatics Resource Center VectorBase | external-id | 35 | |
P6378 talk covi |
charter URL | link to an organization's charter documents | url | 24 | |
P6379 talk covi |
zastoupen/a ve sbírce | collections that have works of this artist | wikibase-item | 69 | |
P6381 talk covi |
iTunes TV season ID | identifier for a show or a season/series of a show in the iTunes Store | external-id | 10 | |
P6382 talk covi |
Hungarian public thesaurus ID | authorized term in the OSZK Thesaurus / Public thesaurus | external-id | 5 | |
P6383 talk covi |
TV Spielfilm film ID | identifier for films on | external-id | 2,112 | |
P6384 talk covi |
Viperson ID | identifier for person on site Viperson | external-id | 4 | |
P6385 talk covi |
Krugosvet article | link to article of Russian-language online encyclopedia | external-id | 168 | |
P6386 talk covi | person ID | identifier for a person at | external-id | 27 | |
P6387 talk covi |
RBU person ID | identifier for a person at the Russian Biathlon Union site | external-id | 6 | |
P6388 talk covi | person ID | identifier for person on site | external-id | 8 | |
P6389 talk covi | ID | Record on for any specific ski resort | external-id | 145 | |
P6390 talk covi |
Education Institution Identification Number | identifier for an educational institution issued by the Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics | external-id | 123 | |
P6391 talk covi |
U-DISE code | identifier for a primary or secondary school in India issued under the Unified District Information System for Education | external-id | 29 | |
P6392 talk covi |
AISHE code | identifier for a college, university, or standalone institution in India issued by the All India Survey on Higher Education | external-id | 86 | |
P6394 talk covi |
ELNET ID | Identifier assigned by the ELNET consortium of Estonian libraries. Format: "a", 7 digits, "x" or another digit. | external-id | 96 | |
P6395 talk covi |
iTunes book ID | identifier for an e-book in the iTunes Store | external-id | 11 | |
P6398 talk covi |
iTunes movie ID | identifier for a film in the iTunes Store | external-id | 11 | |
P6399 talk covi |
Romanian Soccer player ID | identifier for a player at the Romanian Soccer site | external-id | 31 | |
P6400 talk covi |
Skimap area ID | Record page on for ski resort, with current and historical official published maps of lifts and ski-runs. | external-id | 413 | |
P6401 talk covi | athlete ID | identifier for an athlete at the | external-id | 5 | |
P6402 talk covi |
Gault et Millau ID | identifier for a restaurant in the Gault et Millau Restaurants website | external-id | 53 | |
P6403 talk covi |
TheatreOnline ID | identifier for a theater actor/actress in website | external-id | 5 | |
P6404 talk covi |
Dizionario di Storia Treccani ID | identifier for Dizionario di Storia (Dictionary of History) by Treccani | external-id | 9 | |
P6405 talk covi |
Smarthistory ID | identifier for an artwork, an art movement or period on the Smarthistory website | external-id | 13 | |
P6406 talk covi |
identifikátor | identifikátor v databázi vodních mlýnů České republiky | external-id | 327 | |
P6407 talk covi |
World Cube Association ID | see | external-id | 14 | |
P6408 talk covi |
COOL species ID | identifier for a species in the COOL (Cercopoidea Organised On Line) database | external-id | 2,305 | |
P6409 talk covi |
CORE ID | ID of an article in CORE (Connecting Repositories) | external-id | 5 | |
P6410 talk covi | coach ID | identifier for a coach at the | external-id | 5 | |
P6411 talk covi | player ID | identifier for a player at the | external-id | 5 | |
P6412 talk covi |
Gran Enciclopèdia de la Música ID | identifier for an item in the Gran Enciclopèdia de la Música (Q60714356)' | external-id | 15 | |
P6413 talk covi |
JORFSearch organization ID | external-id | 2,904 | ||
P6414 talk covi |
DIZIE ID | identifier for a topic on the online version of the Dizionario dell'integrazione europea' | external-id | 504 | |
P6415 talk covi | person ID | identifier for person on site | external-id | 18 | |
P6416 talk covi | article ID | identifier for an article on site | external-id | 5 | |
P6417 talk covi |
Homosaurus ID | Authorized term in the International Thesaurus of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Index Terms (Homosaurus) | external-id | 16 | |
P6418 talk covi |
funk channel ID | ID of the funk channel. Used only for formats with a channel on the website. | external-id | 74 | |
P6419 talk covi |
GEOFON earthquake ID | ID of an earthquake in GEOFON earthquake ID | external-id | 12 | |
P6420 talk covi |
Georgian National Filmography ID | identifier for a film, in the Georgian National Filmography database | external-id | 2 | |
P6421 talk covi | person ID | identifier for person on site | external-id | 7 | |
P6422 talk covi |
ManualsLib brand ID | identifier for a brand or manufacturer, in the Manuals Lib library of instruction manuals | external-id | 4 | |
P6423 talk covi |
MusicBrainz event ID | identifier for an event in the MusicBrainz open music encyclopedia | external-id | 7 | |
P6424 talk |
affiliation string | qualifier to describe the affiliation of an author in an author name string (P2093) | string | 8 | |
P6425 talk covi |
LGD local body code | code used by the Local Government Directory, a website run by the Government of India, which maintains directory of rural and urban local governments in India and their political territorial entities. | external-id | 3,402 | |
P6426 talk covi |
RightsStatement status according to source website | standardized rights statement that owning institution or similar authority has applied to this work | wikibase-item | 5 | |
P6427 talk |
trading name | alternative name under which an entity legally trades | monolingualtext | 7 | |
P6428 talk covi |
HAER ID | identifier assigned by the Historic American Engineering Record | external-id | 4 | |
P6429 talk covi |
Hymnary hymnal ID | identifier for hymnal in the database | external-id | 8 | |
P6430 talk covi |
Hymnary instance ID | identifier for an individual edition of a published hymn in the database | external-id | 7 | |
P6431 talk covi |
Hymnary tune ID | identifier for hymn tune in the database | external-id | 7 | |
P6432 talk covi |
Alexander–Briggs notation | common notation of abstract knots | math | 2 | |
P6433 talk covi |
Global Species ID | identifier for a taxon in Global Species database | external-id | 3,124 | |
P6434 talk covi |
Amsterdam code | code for municipalities in the netherlands | external-id | 117 | |
P6436 talk covi |
Code of Natura 2000/FFH habitat | Codes used in the Habitats Directive (Q759874) as identifier for habitats | external-id | 12 | |
P6437 talk |
day of regular release | day(s) when parts of this creative work are released, aired, published, etc | wikibase-item | 4 | |
P6438 talk covi |
Euler characteristic | topological invariant of a space | quantity | 6 | |
P6439 talk covi |
has lyrics | work whose text is used as the lyrics of this work | wikibase-item | 7 | |
P6440 talk covi |
maintenance method | method or steps that maintain, clean up or repair this item and lenghtens its lifespan | wikibase-item | 6 | |
P6441 talk covi |
Douban Author ID | identifier for an author at the Douban book website | external-id | 6 | |
P6442 talk covi |
Douban Book ID | identifier for a book at the website Douban | external-id | 5 | |
P6443 talk covi |
Douban Drama ID | identifier for a theatrical production at the website Douban | external-id | 4 | |
P6444 talk covi |
Douban Game ID | identifier for a video game at the website Douban | external-id | 4 | |
P6445 talk covi |
Douban Music ID | identifier for a music album at the website Douban | external-id | 4 | |
P6446 talk covi |
Douban Musician ID | identifier for a musician at the Douban music website | external-id | 5 | |
P6447 talk covi |
Douban Read Author ID | identifier for a celebrity at the Douban Read website | external-id | 5 | |
P6448 talk covi |
Douban Read eBook ID | identifier for a book at the website Douban Read | external-id | 5 | |
P6449 talk covi |
Douban Site Name | domain name of Douban Site written in Latin alphabet | external-id | 8 | |
P6450 talk covi |
Douban Username | domain name of Douban users' personal pages | external-id | 8 | |
P6451 talk covi |
Zhihu username | domain name of Zhihu users' personal pages | external-id | 8 | |
P6452 talk covi |
CBFC rating | rating in the Indian film rating system | wikibase-item | 8 | |
P6453 talk covi |
Bilibili bangumi ID | identifier of animation episodes on Bilibili | external-id | 4 | |
P6454 talk covi |
Bilibili tag ID | number of a tag of Bilibili (Q3077586), a Chinese video website similar to YouTube or Niconico | external-id | 4 | |
P6455 talk covi |
Bilibili username | this item's user ID on Bilibili | external-id | 10 | |
P6456 talk covi |
Bilibili video ID | identifier of a video on Bilibili | external-id | 3 | |
P6457 talk covi |
Eventa Servo ID | unique ID for the event on the website Eventa Servo | external-id | 166 | |
P6458 talk covi |
Mtime movie ID | identifier for a movie/film at the website Mtime | external-id | 6 | |
P6459 talk covi |
QQ number | this item's user ID on QQ | external-id | 7 | |
P6460 talk covi |
Swedish Organization Number | sequence of two numberpairs that is unique to a swedish company or organization given out by the responsible government department | external-id | 442 | |
P6461 talk covi |
Rock's Backpages artist ID | identifier for a music artist, featured in the Rock's Backpages archive | external-id | 1,072 | |
P6462 talk covi |
Rock's Backpages author ID | identifier for a music journalist, whose works are featured in the Rock's Backpages archive | external-id | 122 | |
P6463 talk covi |
Rock's Backpages publication ID | identifier for a newspaper or magazine, articles from which are featured in the Rock's Backpages archive | external-id | 53 | |
P6464 talk covi |
Mtime people ID | identifier for a movie/film maker at the website Mtime | external-id | 6 | |
P6465 talk |
Democracy Club ID | Identifier in the Democracy Club database of political candidates | external-id | 334 | |
P6466 talk |
Hulu movie ID | movie identifier in Hulu | external-id | 66 | |
P6467 talk |
Hulu series ID | TV series identifier in Hulu | external-id | 93 | |
P6468 talk |
ISA ID | identifier for Brazilian indigenous populations from Instituto Socioambiental | external-id | 5 | |
P6469 talk |
Fuzhou Architecture Heritage ID | identifier for a building in Fuzhou Architecture Heritage | external-id | 5 |