CES 2025
FLEXBOX Zoe Mickley Gillenwater @zomigi Blend Conference September 2013 PUTTING INTO PRACTICE and I wrote these books on CSS: I’m a web designer/front-end dev Stunning CSS3: A Project-based Guide to the Latest in CSS www.stunningcss3.com Flexible Web Design: Creating Liquid and Elastic Layouts with CSS www.flexiblewebbook.com My portfolio site from 2000 My portfolio site from 2000 2003: Introduced
This is just a reminder that you can apply transitions to an element’s z-index (aka, where it lays in the stack), but only by stepping through the layers. The browser has to keep z-index in whole numbers. This makes total sense, but it’s something I forgot about on a recent project. I was working on an interface with overlapping elements, and I wanted whichever one was hovered to come to the front
In my CSS3 presentation that I’ve given several times over the past year, the part that seems to impress the audience the most is my demonstrations of media queries. I’m with them. I think media queries are perhaps the most useful and exciting piece of all the great new stuff that’s new to CSS3. While creating effective, attractive, flexible layouts that adapt to the user’s screen size has always