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I'd like to take the web back a little bit, into the wonderful days where knowing how to get your little mouse arrow to dance and sway was the most of your worries. Each of the cursor effects below are built for your modern browser (fast, efficient, mobile friendly), and are super easy to add to your site! To get started adding a cursor effect to your site, check out the documentation on GitHub.
Animations for the strong of heart, and weak of mind.
Phew, GitHub is over ten years old now... and is unquestionably synonomous with open source. After 10 years, those GitHub ribbons are more than overdue for a cleaner, more modern alternative. This is my take. By using SVG, these corners can be clean and sharp. Any color, and size. As well as have a little character... on hover for desktop, and on page load for mobile devices. You can build your ow
Elevator.js fixes those awkward "scroll to top" moments the old fashioned way.
Dom-Animator.JS Nothing to see here... you need to view the source of this page (in the console) Cmd + Opt + I on Mac. Or Ctrl + Shift + I on Windows
Overscroll.js, is a small javascript library, giving you the ability to peek and show small easter eggs when the screen is scrolled beyond the height of the window. (It's a touch based ios/osx thing)
Since the dawn of the internet the world has been asking: "Why are hover interactions so boring?" Only recently has a new paradigm arisen to solve this emotionally crippling problem. Designers call them Giflinks. It is a little known fact, but 9 out of 10 UX specialists agree that giflinks provide a richer, more enhanced user experience, which can be tailored specifically for the enjoyment of your
Intense Image Viewer A javascript library for viewing images in a fully full screen. Click the images to see it in action!
Texter is a little javascript experiment that lets you explore your creativity by drawing with words. This app is an extension of a demo from this book Made by: Tim Holman - @twholman This has been made using Javascript and the HTML5 canvas element. You can find the source on Github. If you feel like supporting me, you can always buy me a coffee. Tweet
Flow: The fourth port of my flash to html5 series. Click and hold the mouse down inside the square ;) This is the first port I've done where flash has really out performed javascript... there are allot of calculations going on here, so when I get some time I'll give it the webgl treatment. For now I've limited the total particles. Link: Old Flash version Me: @Twholman For the daring, this versio
I am a veteran front-end engineer who thrives on getting shit done. I work at Goldman Sachs as Senior VP of UI & UX. Previously Director of Product Engineering at Bustle Digital Group & more. I build & experiment constantly — Toms Toys · Power Moves · React Confetti · Optical Toys · Retro Cursor Effects · Github Corners · Generative Artistry · Elevator JS · The Zen Zone · ZenPen · Mosquito dot JS
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