Content Content Standard Performance Standard Learning Competencies Learning Objectives Activities Materials Assessment References
Content Content Standard Performance Standard Learning Competencies Learning Objectives Activities Materials Assessment References
Content Content Standard Performance Standard Learning Competencies Learning Objectives Activities Materials Assessment References
1. Media and The learner The learner The student 1. Identify E- VIDEO Use MIL11/12IMIL-
IIIa- 1
Information demonstrates organizes a synthesizes the ways to Presentation/ CLIPS, RUBRICS
URL of Video
Literate understandin creative and overall implication improve the Video clip COMPUTE
Individual g of media interactive of media and quality of life Presentation R
a. Improved and symposium for information to an and better
quality of life information the individual economic · Group
b. Greater literacy (MIL) community (personal, opportunities Activity
political and MIL focusing on professional, through MIL .
participation related being a media educational and 2.
c. Better concepts. and others) and the Enumerate
economic information society as a whole examples of
opportunities literate (economic, social, political ·
individual. political, participation Presentation
educational and through social of Outputs
others). media.
3. ·
Appreciate the Reflection
effect of media Writing
and Activity
information to
an individual.