Chapter I
Chapter I
Chapter I
and change. Another view, held by many mathematicians, is that mathematics is the body of knowledge justified by deductive reasoning, starting from axioms and definitions. Practical mathematics, in nearly every society, is used for such purposes as accounting, measuring land, or predicting astronomical events. Mathematical discovery or research often involves discovering and cataloging patterns, without regard for application. The remarkable fact that the "purest" mathematics often turns out to have practical applications is what Eugene Wigner has called "the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics." Today, the natural sciences, engineering, economics, and medicine depend heavily on new mathematical discoveries.
The evolution of mathematics might be seen to be an ever-increasing series of abstractions, or alternatively an expansion of subject matter. The first abstraction was probably that of numbers.
A number is a mathematical object used to count and measure. A notational symbol that represents a number is called a numeral but in common use, the word number can mean the abstract object, the symbol, or the word for the number .In mathematics, the definition of number has been extended over the years to include such numbers as zero, negative numbers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and complex numbers. The researchers topic tackled only about Amicable Pair. This study is an investigatory, however, it could show how and what is the way to know a number
(amicable umber) if it has an amicable pair. The researcher studied this topic because for her, it is interesting and a new knowledge for a high school student.
The ancient Greeks are often credited with making many new discoveries in the area of mathematics. Euclid, Aristotle, and Pythagoras are three such famous Greek mathematicians. One of their discoveries was the idea of an amicable pair. An Amicable pair is a pair of two whole numbers, each of which is the sum of the proper whole number divisors of the other. The Greeks were aware of the smallest amicable pair as early as the 4th-century B.C.: Iamblichus, in the fourth century BCE, wrote, The first two friendly numbers are these: sigma pi delta and sigma kappa (Sandifer, 2005, p. 1). In the Greek number system, sigmas value was 200, pis value was 80, and deltas value was 4. Thus, sigma pi delta equaled 284. Furthermore, kappas value was 20, which means that sigma kappa had a value of 220. Thus, the first amicable pair, or friendly numbers as they were called, to be found was 220 and 284. This turns out to be the smallest amicable pair. To show that the pair (220, 284) is an amicable pair, we must show that the proper divisors of each number add up to the other number. By definition, a proper divisor of a number n is any positive divisor of n, excluding n itself. For example, the proper divisors of 6 are 1, 2, and 3, but not 6 itself. So, the first step in showing that the pair (220, 284) is amicable is to calculate the individual divisors of 220 and 284. We have that 220 is divisible by 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 20, 22, 44, 55, 110 and 220. 284 is divisible by 1, 2, 4, 71, 142, and 284. Hence, the proper divisors of 220 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 20, 22, 44, 55, and 110 and the proper divisors of 284 are 1, 2, 4, 71, and 142. Note that 1 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 10 + 11 + 20 + 22 + 44 + 55 + 110 = 284, and 1 + 2 + 4 + 71 + 142 = 220. Therefore, (220, 284) is an amicable pair.
The first amicable pair is thought to have been discovered sometime during or before the 4th-century B.C. Another 1000 years passed before a second amicable pair was discovered. Interestingly there are many different stories about who found the second amicable pair. William Dunham states that in the 9th-century, Arab mathematician Thabit ibn Qurra (836-901 A.D.) probably discovered the next amicable pair: (17296, 18416) (Dunham, 2007, p. 2). According to M. Garcia, this second pair was found in the 14th-century by both Ibn al-Banna in Marakesh (12561321 A.D.) and Kamaladdin Farisi (1267-1318 A.D.) in Bagdad (Garcia, 2003, p. 2). Other reports state that the great French mathematician Pierre de Fermat (1601 1665 A.D.) discovered the pair (17296, 18416) in 1636. The third amicable pair to be discovered is (9363584, 9437056) and is also said to have been discovered by multiple people. Dunham states that the third pair was discovered in 1638 by Rene Descartes (1596-1650 A.D.), French mathematician and rival of Fermat. Costello states that this third pair was discovered by Muhammad Baqir Yazdi in Iran sometime during the 16th-century (Costello, 2002, p. 289). These were the only three amicable pairs known to man until Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) published a paper entitled De Numeris Amicabilibus in 1750. Euler denoted the function that adds the divisors of a natural number n by the symbol . According to Dunham this is, ..a choice that seems blasphemous assigning a nonstandard meaning to that most standard of symbols, the integral sign. Modern number theorists prefer to use . (Dunham, 2007, p. 5). The symbol is the Greek letter sigma, and this function is usually called the Euler sigma function: given a natural number n, (n) is the sum of all the whole number divisors of n. For example,
Statement of the Problem The main purpose of this study is to investigate more about Amicable Pair. This study would try to answer the following question: 1. What are the proper divisors of the amicable pairs found between numbers 1 to 3000? 2. What are the amicable pairs that can be found between numbers 1 to 3000? 3. Identify the type of the amicable pair found between 1-3000. Significance of Study In this new generation, the researcher observed that many students have fading interest in studying, especially on subject like math. The students might consider that the said subject were boring or very hard to understand. The students might explore things of their interest. This study will be great help to students and other researcher to know or discover new about numbers. Certain numbers were considered to have special properties. One of these special properties is the amicable number. The fact that amicable numbers are an application of many factorizations into primes. As much as any other discipline of number theory, the area of amicable numbers is ripe for breakthrough discovery. This study provides deeper and thicker understanding about amicable number and pair.
Scope and Limitation This study will be limited only in investigating and exploring more about Amicable Pairs. The study will be limited in the sense that the digit of the number is in 6 digits. Definition of Terms The following are some definitions which are related to the study. 1. Amicable Pair- pairs in which each number is the sum of the proper divisors of the other. (Wells, D. (1987). The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers) 2. Number - a mathematical object used to count and measure. ( Retrieved Date: October 2011) 3. Pair- is a pair of mathematical objects. In the ordered pair (a, b), the object a is called the first entry, and the object b the second entry of the pair. (Barkley R. (1953). Logic for Mathematicians. ) 4. Arithmetic Operation- can be done only on numeric (including numeric subfields, numeric arrays, numeric array elements, numeric table elements, numeric named constants, numeric figurative constants, and numeric literals).
( angref.doc/c0925086546.html. Retrieved Date: October 2012) 5. Proper Divisor - a divisor of an integer n, also called a factor of n, is an integer which divides n without leaving a remainder. (Oystein O. (1944), Number Theory and its History)