Group 03

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Group No.


Umair Akhtar NUM-BBA-2022-03

Hafeez-ur-Rahman NUM-BBA-2022-10

Areeba Fatima NUM-BBA-2022-33

Muhammad Uzair Tariq NUM-BBA-2022-23

Maham Aleem NUM-BBA-2022-27

Cantor Detour
Through Infinity

Cantor Infinity Aristotle

Zeno Aristotle Carl-Friedrich Cantor

Zeno of Elea
(490–430 BCE)

 Zeno of Elea was a Greek philosopher

and mathematician.
 Paradox of infinity
 Under study to this day
Zeno Aristotle Carl-Friedrich Cantor

 Aristotle was an Ancient
Greek philosopher and
polymath. His writings
cover a broad range of
subjects including physics,
s, logic, ethics.
 Idea of Aristotle is totally
dissimilar as compare to
 Infinity doesn’t exist.
Zeno Aristotle Carl-Friedrich Cantor

 He lived from 1777 to 1855
 He was a German mathematician, astronomer, and physicist.
 He is credited with the development of the theory of least squares
which is used to estimate the parameters of a statistical model
 Carl Friedrich Gauss did not have a specific concept of infinity
 He made important contributions to number theory, algebra, statistics, and astronomy
Zeno Aristotle Carl-Friedrich Cantor



Infinity’s Academic
Work Journey
Zeno Aristotle Carl-Friedrich Cantor

 Born: March 3, 1845, Saint Petersburg,
 Parents: Maria Anna Böhm, Georg Waldemar
 Spouse: Vally Guttmann, Germany (m. 1874–
 Siblings: Sophie Nobiling, Louis
Cantor, Constantin Cantor, Ludwig Cantor
 Nationality: German, Russian
Zeno Aristotle Carl-Friedrich Cantor

Academic journey & Career

 At the age of 11 he sent to private school in Berlin
 After completing his studies, he sent to University of Zurich
 Due to his excelled in mathematics and physics
he got degree of PHD from University of Berlin
 Then he started to teach maths in different universities of
 Cantor gained opportunity to study under great
mathematicians Karl, Ernst and Leopold
 Halle and kronecker
 He started work on infinity when he was teaching trigonometry series
 He discovered infinity set like natural numbers & Real numbers
 First Leibniz discussed about the concept of  After Leibniz cantor faced such a dilemma
number of elements in an infinite set. He said to described the concept of infinity.
that even both natural and even numbers are the
However Leibniz choose one side to solve
elements of infinite set but there is a specific
this problem but Cantor choose another
matching between them. He also said that in
infinite set not only natural and even numbers way. He introduced the method of one-one
are included also odd numbers are even matching.
included. And after this he said that due to
natural numbers this matching is incoherent.
 In example of a one-to-one matching is the
pairing of natural numbers with the set of letters
in the English alphabet. A possible one-to-one
 A one-to-one matching is a pairing of elements matching could be:
from two sets where each element in one set  1 – A, 2 - B ,3 – C, 4 - D ,... 26 - Z
has a unique corresponding element in the  In this example, each natural number from 1 to
other set and no element is paired with multiple 26 is paired with exactly one letter from the
English alphabet and vice versa. No natural
elements. It establishes a correspondence number is paired with more than one letter, and
between the elements of two sets. no letter is paired with more than one natural
number, making this a one-to-one matching.
 Irrational numbers
 Rational numbers
 Numbers that can be represented by decimals,
 The numbers represented by fractions are called rational. If a whether or not they eventually repeat, are
rational number is represented as a decimal, the pattern of
digits eventually begins to repeat. Here are some examples:
called real numbers. Those whose decimal
representations never repeat are called
 1\3 = 0.3333333333333333333333. . . ‘
irrational. Here are some examples of numbers
that have been proved to be irrational:
 1\4 = 0.2500000000000000000000. . . ‘
 (2)1\2 = 1 .4 1 42 1 3 56237309 5050. . . ‘
 5\3 = 1 .6666666666666666666666. . . ‘
 (2)1\3 = 1 .25992 1 049894873 1 60. . . ‘
 24\11 = 2. 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8. . . ‘
 9\7 = 1 .2857 1 42857 1 42857 1 42857. . . .  22\7 = 3. 1 4 1 592653 589793240. . .
 Cantor submitted a four-page paper showing that infinite sets can have more than one
size after encouragement from his former teacher, Weierstrass.

 The paper emphasized a new proof of the existence of transcendental real numbers.

 Cantor's personal life he was married and had six children with a loving family,

 And in last he bought a house for his family in Halle.

Cantor Quest for infinites
 Georg Cantor was a German mathematician who is best known for his work
on set theory and the concept of infinity.
 He Introduce the idea of cardinal number to measure the size of infinites
 He also work on trigonometric series.
Cardinal Number
 Cardinal number are used to specify how many things there are in same set
or cardinal number is the number that are used for counting something
 Cantor called the cardinal numbers of infinite set transfinite.
Ordinal Number
 Ordinal number are used to specify how these things are arranged in
particular order or ordinal number is the number which indicate the exact
position of something or someone at place (e.g one, two three, four….).
 All ordinal numbers in math are natural and counting number.
Cantor Continuum Hypothesis
 There is no cardinal number between N0 and C is known as cantor's
Continuum Hypothesis.
 In Cantor's notation, the continuum hypothesis can be stated by the
simple equation 2ℵ0 = ℵ1,
 Stated by cantor in 1878 is become one the most famous and
unprovable hypothesis and cantor become crazy.

Kurt Gödel Incompleteness

 Kurt Gödel also created his renowned "Incompleteness Theorems" by
the age of 25. Kurt Gödel famous for “incompleteness Theorem”.
 The theorem states that in any reasonable mathematical system there
will always be true statements that cannot be proved.
 The Cantor diagonal method, also called the Cantor diagonal argument or
Cantor's diagonal slash.
 It’s a clever technique used by Georg Cantor to show that the integers and
reals cannot be put into a one-to-one correspondence.
 Further more the uncountably infinite set of real numbers is "larger" than the
countably infinite set.
 Georg Cantor was a Russian-born
 He was founder of set theory and
introduced the concept of infinite
numbers with his discovery of
cardinal numbers.
 He also advanced the study of
trigonometric series.

 Cardinal numbers are numbers that are

used for counting real objects or counting
 They are also known as “counting
numbers” or “cardinals.”
 We commonly use cardinal numbers or
cardinals to answer the question starting
with “How many?”
 German mathematician George Cantor is renowned for his set theory and mathematical
analysis contributions.
 Cantor made significant contributions to mathematics, but he also struggled with sadness
and loneliness for a large portion of his life.
 George Cantor initially experienced depressive symptoms; it appears that the response of
the international society to his work on set theory weighed hard on him at the time.
 George Cantor’s work on set theory in
mathematics is probably referenced
by the phrase ‘decisive fight of the
 George cantor, most we knew in his
famous theorem ‘Continuum
 This theorem marked a major turning
point in the history of mathematics by
turning set theory in to research area.
• George Cantor passed away on January 6, 1918, in the
midst of World War 1. Due to malnutrition and poverty,
his health suffered greatly. He was in a sanatorium for the
last year of his life, and it was there that he suffered his
final heart attack.
Any Quires..?

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