In this document discus here the 3rd section different order of n is n x n matrix containing
integers, that each row and column adds up to the same values in such a way. Define Eigen
values and rows and column dot products of third order magic squares with use some of the
Now discus the fourth chapter, “The smallest number expressed the sum of two cubes at
the different ways”. The number is called Taxicab(2)=1729=93+103=13+123, Taxicab(n) being
the smallest number expressible in n ways as a sum of two cubes and it can generalize the
problem by difference of cubes, Cabtaxi(n) is the smallest number expressible in n ways as a
sum or difference of two cubes.
The fifth chapter is discus reveals that studying Euler’s Diophantine equation
a2+b2=c2+d2 it turns out that work anticipate deep structures and phenomena which have become
fundamental objects in arithmetic geometry and number theory. In discover a k3 surface with
Picard number 18, can be use to obtain infinitely many cubic twists over Q with rank ≥2.
1.1 Introduction
Number theorists study “prime number” as well as the properties of objects made out of
integers. (E.g) Rational numbers or defined as generalizations of the integers (e.g) Algebraic
For the arithmetic number theory is an older term., it had been superseded by “number
theory” on 20th century. [The word “arithmetic “is used by the general public to mean
“elementary calculation”, it has also acquired other meanings in mathematical logic, as in Peano
arithmetic, and computer science, as in floating point arithmetic]. The second half of the 20th
century regained for number theory use of the term arithmetic. Arguably in part due to French
influence. In particular, arithmetical was preferred as an adjective to number-theoretic.
Traditionally, number theory is the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties
of integers and many of its open problems are easily understood even by non-mathematicians.
Normally, the field has come to be concerned with a wider class of problems that arise obviously
from the study of integers. Number theory may be subdivided into several fields according to the
methods used and the questions investigated.
Transcendental number theory is a branch of number theory that investigates
transcendental numbers, in both qualitative and quantitative ways.
The fundamental theorem of algebra tell us that if have a non-zero polynomial with
integer coefficients then that polynomial will have a root in the complex numbers. Any
polynomial p with integer coefficients there will be a complex number a p (a) =0.
Generally, the theory deals with algebraic independence of numbers. A set of number
{a1,a2,…} is called algebraically independent over a field k if there is no non-zero polynomial
P in n variables with coefficients in k such that p(a1,a2,…
A related but broader notion than “algebraic” is whether there is a closed-form expression
for a number, including exponentials and logarithms as well as algebraic operations. There are
various definitions of “closed-form”, and questions about closed-form can often be reduced to
questions and transcendence.
Algebraic number theory is a branch of number theory that uses the techniques of abstract
algebra to study the integer, rational numbers, and their generalizations. Number-theoretic
questions are expressed in terms of properties of algebraic objects such as algebraic number field
and their ring of integer, finite fields, and function fields.
Analytic number theory can be split up into two major parts, divided more by the type of
problems they attempt to solve than fundamental differences in technique.
(i) Multiplicative number theory deals with the distribution of the prime
numbers, such as estimating the number of primes in an interval, and includes the
prime number theorem and Dirichlet’s theorem on primes in arithmetic
(ii) Additive number theory is concerned with additive structure of the
integers, such as Goldbach’s conjecture that every even number greater than 2 is
the sum of two primes.
In number theory, the specialty additive number theory studies subsets of integer and
their behavior under addition. The field of “Additive number theory” includes the study of
abelian groups and commutative semi groups with an operation of addition. Additive number
theory has the geometry of numbers.
Christian Boyer[10] the smallest number expressible as a sum of two cubes in two
different ways, in Taxicab & Cabtaxi. A history of the two problems in Fermat, gives new upper
Ken ono and sarah Trebat- Leder[11] writing reveals that he had been studing Euler’s
Diophantine equation a3+b3=c3+d3. He discovered a k3 surface with picard number 18, can used
infinitely many cubic twists over Q with rank k≥2.
Deo Brat Ojhe, Kaul.B.L[5] order n is n x n matrix containing integer that each row &
column add same value. 4 x 4 matrix with the help of a special knowledge of a algebra and
another branch of mathematics. The reader can easily extract that there is requirement of
knowledge of algebra, number and its properties and many different branches of mathematics for
magic squares.
Sreeranjini K.S, V.Madhukar Mallaya[7] Dot product of 3rd order magic squares of row
& column, and Eigen values some of properties. Hindu tradition assigns them to god Siva and
they treated it as ‘Bhadra Ganita’. Cornelius Agrippa of China is believed to be the first to take
up construction of magic square. They were associated with the heavenly bodies-Sun, Moon,
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, Methodologicl construction of magic squares based
on certain mathematical principles was taken up in France in the 7th century A.D.
Meenu Sahni and D.B.Ojha [22] 8 x 8 matrix containing integer and addition result same
of each row and column with help of new platform to generate key and encrypt the data using
Oliver Couto [20] is numerical solutions are available but are not equale to twice a 5th
power as required Euler’s conjecture to contend with help us paramatize them.
Saleem sh.A1-Ashhab[8] says it is possible to add constraints like the value of the
determinant. The counting of sami pandiagonal magic squares is also another step on the way to
calculate the number of magic square 6 x 6. We present the property preserving transformations.
The enumeration is based on parallel computing.
Jonathan Sondow John W.Nicholoson & Tony D.Noe[2] the nth Ramanujan prime is the
smallest positive integer Rn such that if x ≥ Rn, then the interval (1/2x, x] contains at least ‘n’
prime. We “sharpen Laishram’s theorem” that Rn ˂ p3n by proving that the maximum of Rn/p3n is
R5/p15 = 41/47. We give statistics on the length of the longest run of Ramanujan primes among
all primes p˂10n, for n≤9. An appendix explains Noe’s fast algorithm for computing R1, R2…..
Matthew Curtis and Gurudeo Anand Tularam[14] The prime number is exceptionally
essential the plane of concentration in mathematics of students. By younger stars well thought-
out is not an area of the most important number. A quantity of interesting aspects in the study of
prime number theory studies can be well thought-out important and impending mathematicians.
In number theory, the prime number theory describes the asymptotic distribution of the
prime numbers. The prime number theorem gives a rough description of how the primes are
The Prime Number Theorem (PNT) states that if randomly select a number
nearby some large number N, the chance of it being primes is about 1/In(N), here In(N) denotes
the natural logarithm of N.
For example, near N=10,000, about one in nine numbers is prime, whereas near
N=1,000,000,000, only one in every 21 numbers is prime.
A natural number is a number that occurs commonly and obviously in nature. As such, it
is a whole, non-negative number. The set of natural numbers are denoted by N. Study the
relationships between different sorts of number. We have separated the natural number in to a
variety of different types. Here familiar and not-so-familiar example:
Odd : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…..
Even : 2, 4, 6, 8………
Square : 1, 4, 9, 16…….
Cube ` : 1, 8, 27, 64………
Prime : 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13…..
Composite : 4, 6, 8, 9, 10…….
1(mod4) : 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21……
3(mod4) : 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27….
Triangular : 1, 3, 6, 10, 15…..
Perfect : 6, 28, 496…….
Fibonacci : 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21……
A number is said to be congruent to 1(mod4) if it leaves a remainder of 1 when divided
by 4, and similarly, 3(mod4) numbers.
The Fibonacci numbers are created by starting with 1 and 1. Then to get the next number
is the list, just add the previous two.
A perfect number is the addition of all its divisors, other than itself, adds Bach up to the
original number.
The divisors of 28 are 1, 2, 4, 7 & 14.
Number Shapes:
The square numbers are the numbers 1, 4, 9, 16…. That can be arranged in the shape of a
The triangular numbers are the numbers 1, 3, 6, 10….. That can be arranged in the shape
of a triangle.
Triangular Numbers
Square Number
22 = 4 32 = 9 42 = 16
* * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * *
Integers are the building blocks of the theory of number we proceed to define the concept
of divisibility and the division algorithm.
Given two integers, say and, the quotient b/a may or may not be an integer (e.g., 16/4=4
but 12/5= 2.4). Number theory concerns the former case, and discovers criteria upon which
one can decide about divisibility of two integers.
More formally, for a≠0
That divides if there is another integer such that b=ka and write a|b .
For example,
Let us establish the following lemma.
If a|b and a|c , then a|(b+c) .
From the definition of divisibility and the hypotheses that there are integers and
such that b=ta, c=sa
b+c =a(s+t)
Since, s+t is an integer, prove that a | (b + c)
i. Transitivity
Let a, b, c ϵ z, if a|b & b|c then a|c.
The Greatest Common Divisor
Let a, b ϵ z with ‘a’ and ‘b’ not both 0.The greatest common divisor of ‘a’ & ’b’, denoted
by gcd(a, b), or simply (a, b), is defined as the largest among the common divisor of ‘a’ & ‘b’.
Let d ϵ N. Then d| (a, b), holds if and only if d|a & d|b.
Let a, b ϵ z, with ‘a’ & ‘b’ both non zero. The least common multiply of a & b, denoted
by [a, b], is defined as the smallest positive integer that is divisible by both a & b;
Modular Arithmetic
If ‘a’ & ‘b’ are integers and m is a positive integer, then ‘a’ is congruent to b
modulo m if m divides a-b. Use the notation a ≡ b (mod m) if this is the case, and a non
congruent b (mod m).
Let a, b ϵ z and m ϵ N. That ‘a’ is congruent to ‘b’ mod m, and write a ≡ b mod m, if m|a-
b. The integer m is called the modulus of the congruence.
Let n ϵ N with n ˃ 1. Then n is called a prime if its only positive is 1 & n; it is called
composite otherwise. Equivalently, n is composite if it can be written in the form n = ab with
a, b ϵ z and 1 ˂ a ˂ n and n is prime otherwise.
If pn+2 = pn+1, then pn and pn+1 are twin prime; the [2] smallest are 3 and 5. If Rn+2=Rn+1,
then Rn and Rn+1 are twin Ramanujan primes, the smallest are 149 and 151.
Given prime p and q ˃ p, a necessary condition for them to be twin Ramanujan prime is
evidently that,
𝜋(p) – π(1/2p) + 1 = π(q) – π(1/2q).
The prime numbers occupy very prominent role in number theory. A prime number p is
an integer greater than that is divisible only by 1 and itself. A number that is not primes is called
The n-th Ramanujan prime Rn is the smallest integer such that for any x ≥ Rn, at least n
primes are in (x/2, x].
C – Ramanujan Primes:
For c ϵ (0, 1), the nth c –Ramanujan prime Rc,n is the smallest integer such that for any
x≥ Rc,n, at least n primes are in (cx, x].
Different System of Ramanujan Number:
The natural number is 1729, the following 1728 and preceding 1730.
“Masahiko Fujiwara” showed that 1729 is one of the four positive which, when its digits
are added together, produces a sum which, when multiplied by its reversal, yields the original
1+7+2+9 = 19
19 * 91 = 1729
It suffices only to check sums congruent to 0 (or) 1 (mod 9) up to 19.
Ramanujan worked comprehensively with numbers. The perfect cube was 1728.
The number is slightly greater than 1000, where 1000=103 from which realize that,
1728 = (122)12
= (144)12
= (100+10+10+10+10+4)12
= 1200+4(120) +4(12)
= 1200+480+48
1729 = 123+13
(123)+13 = (10+2)3+13
= 1000+728+1
= 103+93
So, 1729=123+13 =103+93
Significance of the Ramanujan Number:
The smallest natural number 1729 that can be written in two different ways as the sum of
two cubes of natural number,
1729 = 103+93=123+13
The quotation is sometimes expressed using the term “positive cubes”. Since, allowing
negative perfect cubes given the smallest solution as 91
Numbers that are the smallest number that can be expressed as the sum of two cubes in n
distinct ways have been dubbed “taxicab numbers”.
The same expression defines 1729 as the first in the sequence of “Fermat near misses”
defined as numbers of the form 1+z3 which are also expressible as the sum of two other cubes.
Of course, equating smallest with most negative as opposed to “closest to zero” given rise to
solution like -91, -189, -1729 and further negative number.
This ambiguity is eliminated by the term “positive cubes”. It is also incidentally product
3 prime number,
7*13*19 = 1729
885623890831 = 75113+77303
= 87593+59783
= 3943*14737*15241
We know that,
(a + b) 3 = a3+3ab (a + b) +b3
41043 = 69122916864
13832 = 23+243 = 183+203
Find cube of 138323 taking whole cube of both side as;
(23+243)3 = (183+203)3
2646396666368 = 2646396666368
Ramanujan notebooks were compiled approximately in the years 1903-1914, prior to his
departure for England. After Ramanujan’s death in 1920, many mathematicians, including
G.H.Hardy, strongly urged that Ramanujan’s notebooks be edited and published.
In fact, original plans called for the publishing [15] of the notebooks along with
Ramanujan’s Collected papers in 1927, but financial considerations prevented this. In 1929,
G.N.Watson and B.M.Wilson began the editing of the notebooks, but the task was never
completed. Finally, in 1957 an unedited Photostat edition of Ramanujan’s notebooks was
This volume is the first of three volumes devoted to the editing of Ramanujan’s
notebooks. Many of the results found herein are very well known, but many are new. Some
results are rather easy to prove, but others are established only with great difficulty.
The second of four volumes devoted to the editing of Ramanujan’s notebooks. Part I,
Published in 1985, contains an account of chapters 1-9 in the second notebook as well as a
description of Ramanujan’s quarterly reports. Ramanujan’s second notebook chapter 10-15
Chapters 10-15 are among the most interesting notebooks. We hope readers will strive to
discover Ramanujan’s thoughts and further develop his beautiful ideas.
Ramanujan’s second notebook part-II published in 1989 of chapters 10-15. Part IV and V
will contain accounts of the 100pages of unorganized material at the end of the second notebook,
the 33 pages of unorganized results comprising the third notebook, and those results in the first
notebook not recorded by Ramanujan in the second or third notebooks.
Dr.Lucy Slater had recommended to him that there were materials deposited there from
the estate of the G.N.Watson that might be of interest to him. In one box of materials from
Watson’s estate, Andrews found several items written by Ramanujan.
The most fascinating items being a document wrote on 138 sides in Ramanujan’s
characteristics handwriting. The sheets contained over 600 formulas without proofs. Although
technically not a notebook, and although technically not “lost”, as we shall in the sequel, it was
natural in view of the fame of Ramanujan’s notebooks to call this manuscript, Ramanujan’s lost
Almost certainly, this manuscript, or at least most of it, was written during the last year of
Ramanujan’s life, after his return to Indian from England.
The manuscript contains no introduction or covering letter. In fact, there are hardly any
words in the manuscript. There are a few marks evidently made by cataloguer, and there are also
a few remarks in the handwriting of Hardy.
1.5 Applications of Ramanujan Number
The prime numbers are exceptional and are well thought-out [14] to have a line of
unpredictability on the subject of them so it is conventional that the great consideration they take
delivery of creates opportunities for genuine life applications. There are at this moment
assortments of applications of prime theorems that comprise factual life significations of prime
numbers. It uses prime numbers and the approximately impracticable occupation of factorizing
outstandingly outsized numbers to encrypt. At the same time as is to hodgepodge significant in
sequence for whichever supplementary then the proposed beneficiary. Prime numbers are used to
continue imperative in sequence out of harm's way which reveals immediately how imperative
an application it is.
A meandering application of prime numbers was revealed and used by musical group all
the way through narration. A Superlative substance produce of the prime numbers to gives their
music a sense of self-determination beginning the regulations foremost long-established
An additional authentic life application can be seen from personality itself. There are
convinced insects whose exceptionally lives turn around the use of prime numbers. Prime
numbers do not work together with every one supplementary extraordinarily repeatedly. These
two prime numbers only work together with all additional, explicitly, 13*17=221. A
uncomplicated arithmetic respond to illustration of this is 6 and 4 which are combination
numbers. 6 and 4 work together much in advance than their prearranged 6*4=24 as they both
interrelate at 12.
Prime numbers are no longer chained to with the sole purpose mathematical science.
There has been use of prime numbers surrounded by hypothetical physics to make an effort and
manufacture a speculation that ties simultaneously prime numbers with quantum pandemonium
assumption. It would give the impression that in cooperation mathematicians and physicists are
operational simultaneously to make available a supplementary appreciative of how our creation
is governed and are responsibility it all the way through then be of assistance of prime numbers.
A motivating monetary encouragement for supplementary application of prime numbers
is the recompense for the investigated for the prevalent prime numbers. At the same time as this
is not a undeviating application onto the authentic world for prime numbers it unquestionably
opens the door for a outsized provoked interview into the learning of prime numbers.
The partition of a number has a rice history. The problem is given a positive integer ‘n’, a
partition is a way to write it downward as a calculation of positive integer.
Let us make a choice a small number, 7. Then it is comprehensible that there are 15 ways
of doing it.
(7, 6+1, 5+2, 4+3, 3+1+3, 2+1+1+3, 4+1+2, 5+1+1, 3+3+1, 2+2+2+1,
1+1+1+1+1+1+1, 4+1+1+1, 1+1+1+1+3, 2+1+1+1+2, 2+1+1+1+1+1).
For n a positive integer, let p(n) represent the number of unordered partitions of n, that is,
unordered sequences of positive integers which addition to n; then the significance of p(n) is
given asymptotically by
p(n) ~ 4n√3 𝑒 𝜏√𝑛/6
Given Diagram,
The notation p (n) to represent the number of partition of an integer ‘n’ thus,
A similar search as on for asymptotic formulae for the partition number p (n) and because
of the combinatorial explosion an accurate formula was considered difficult.
2.1 Introduction
Power form of the prime factor cannot have an ideal Ramanujan Number. The product of
the m numbers of prime numbers & representatively by IRNm and Ramanujan Numbers are
always produced by p3. Here p is a prime and composite numbers.
The factors involved in Ideal Ramanujan Number analysis by the unit digit. Some
numbers are fails to produce any R-multi relation. Functional form of all Ideal Ramanujan
Number can also be established in three categories.
N=XYZ is a positive composite odd number, It is have at least three prime factors is Rf =
{12(xy)-3z2} gives the result of square integer in ‘n’ numbers of cases considering for all sets of
N=xyz = a3+b3
N= (a+b)(a2+b2-ab)
Here, y= a+b => b=y-a
xz = a2+b2-ab
xz = a2+(y-a)2-a(y-a)
= a2+y2+a2-2ya-ay+a2
= 3a2-3ya+y2
0 = 3a2-3ya+y2-xz
−𝑏±√𝑏2 −4𝑎𝑐
a,b = 2𝑎
3𝑦±√12xz−3𝑦 2 )
Clearly, by returning order 12xz-3y2 is odd square integer. Similarly, 12xy-3z2, 12yz-3x2
will be an odd square integer.
2.3 An Ideal R-multi relations of three wings in the given frequent cases
From the following table, by the unit digits are analysis for the accepted and rejected for
the group of Rf.
12(u7)(u3) - 3(u5)2 = u2 – u5 = u3 All Rejected
12(u5)(u7) – 3(u9) = u0 – u3 = u7 Rejected
12(u7)(u9) – 3(u5) = u6 – u5 = u1 Accepted Fails to produce multi-
5, 7, 9
12(u9)(u5) – 3(u7) = u0 – u7 = u3 Rejected
12(u7)(u9) – 3(u1) = u6 – u3 = u3 Rejected
12(u9)(u1) – 3(u7) = u8 – u7 = u1 Accepted Can produce a multi-
7, 9, 1
2 relation.
12(u7)(u1) – 3(u9) = u4 – u3 = u1 Accepted
12(u7)(u9) – 3(u3) = u6 – u7 = u9 Accepted
12(u9)(u3) – 3(u7) = u4 – u7 = u7 Rejected Can produce a multi-
7, 9, 3
2 relation.
12(u7)(u3) – 3(u9) = u2 – u3 = u9 Accepted
12(u1)(u5) – 3(u7) = u0 – u7 = u3 Rejected
12(u5)(u7) – 3(u1) = u0 – u3 = u7 Rejected Fails to produce multi-
1, 5, 7
2 relation
12(u1)(u7) – 3(u5) = u4 – u5 = u9 Accepted
12(u1)(u9) - 3(u5)2 = u8 – u5 = u3
Fails to produce multi-
1, 9, 5 12(u9)(u5) - 3(u1)2 = u0 – u3 = u7 All are rejected
12(u5)(u1) - 3(u9)2 = u0 – u3 = u7
12(u1)(u3) – 3(u9) = u6 – u3 = u3 Rejected
12(u3)(u9) – 3(u1) = u4 – u3 = u1 Accepted Can produce a multi-
1, 3, 9
2 relation.
12(u1)(u9) – 3(u3) = u8 – u7 = u1 Accepted
12(u1)(u3) – 3(u7) = u6 – u7 = u9 Accepted
1, 3, 7 2 Can produce a multi-
12(u3)(u7) – 3(u1) = u2 – u3 = u9 Accepted
12(u1)(u7) – 3(u3) = u4 – u7 = u7 Rejected
12(u3)(u5) – 3(u9) = u0 – u3 = u7 Rejected
12(u5)(u9) – 3(u3) = u0 – u7 = u3 Rejected Fails to produce multi-
3, 5, 9
2 relation
12(u3)(u9) – 3(u5) = u4 – u5 = u9 Accepted
12u1(x)u1(y) – 3{u5(z)}2=u7
Fails to produce multi-
1, 1, 5 12u1(x)u5(z) – 3{u1(y)}2=u7 All rejected
12u1(y)u5(z) – 3{u1(x)} =u72
12u1(x)u1(y) – 3{u7(z)}2=u5
12u1(y)u7(z) – 3{u1(x)}2=u1
12u1(x)u1(y) – 3{u9(z)}2=u9
12u1(y)u9(z) – 3{u1(x)}2=u5
12u3(x)u3(y) – 3{u1(z)}2=u5
12u1(y)u3(x) – 3{u3(x)}2=u9
12u3(x)u3(y) – 3{u5(z)}2=u3
Fails to produce multi-
3, 3, 5 12u3(x)u5(z) – 3{u3(y)}2=u3 All rejected
12u7(x)u3(z) – 3{u5(x)}2=u3
12u1(x)u1(y) – 3{u7(z)}2=u1
12u7(y)u3(z) – 3{u3(x)}2=u5
12u3(x)u3(y) – 3{u9(z)} = u5 Accepted
12u3(x)u9(z) – 3{u3(y)} = u7 Rejected Fails to produce multi-
3, 3, 9
2 relation
12u3(y)u9(z) – 3{u3(x)} = u7 Rejected
12u5(x)u5(y) – 3{u1(z)} = u7 Rejected
12u5(x)u1(z) – 3{u5(y)} = u5 Accepted
5, 5, 1 Can produce a multi-relation.
12u5(y)u1(z) – 3{u5(x)} = u5 Accepted
12u5(x)u5(y) – 3{u3(z)} = u3 Rejected
5, 5, 3 12u5(x)u3(z) – 3{u5(y)} = u5 Accepted
Can produce a multi-relation.
12u5(y)u3(z) – 3{u5(x)} = u5 Accepted
12u5(x)u5(y) – 3{u7(z)} = u3 Rejected
5, 5, 7 2
12u5(x)u7(z) – 3{u5(y)} = u5 Accepted Can produce a multi-relation.
12u5(y)u7(z) – 3{u5(x)} = u5 Accepted
12u5(x)u5(y) – 3{u9(z)} = u7 Rejected
12u5(x)u9(z) – 3{u5(y)} = u5 Accepted
5, 5, 9 Can produce a multi-relation.
12u5(y)u9(z) – 3{u5(x)} = u5 Accepted
12u7(x)u7(y) – 3{u1(z)} = u5 Accepted
12u7(x)u1(z) – 3{u5(y)} = u7 Rejected Fails to produce multi-
7, 7, 1
2 relation
12u7(y)u1(z) – 3{u7(x)} = u7 Rejected
12u7(x)u7(y) – 3{u3(z)}2=u1
12u3(y)u7(z) – 3{u7(x)}2=u5
12u7(x)u7(y) – 3{u5(z)}2=u3
Fails to produce multi-
7, 7, 5 12u7(x)u5(z) – 3{u7(y)}2=u3 All rejected
12u5(y)u7(z) – 3{u7(z)}2=u3
12u7(x)u7(y) – 3{u9(z)}2=u5
12u9(y)u7(z) – 3{u7(x)}2=u7
12u9(x)u9(y) – 3{u1(z)}2=u9
12u1(y)u9(z) – 3{u9(x)}2=u5
12u9(x)u3(z) – 3{u9(y)}2=u1
12u3(y)u9(z) – 3{u9(x)}2=u1
12u9(x)u9(y) – 3{u5(z)}2=u7
Fails to produce multi-
9, 9, 5 12u9(x)u5(z) – 3{u9(y)}2=u7 All rejected
12u5(y)u9(z) – 3{u9(x)}2=u7
k > 3.
12u1(x)u1(y) – 3{u1(z)}2=u9
12u1(z)u1(z) – 3{u1(x)}2=u9
12u3(x)u3(y) – 3{u3(z)}2=u1
3,3,3 All accepted Can produce a multi-relation.
12u3(x)u3(z) – 3{u3(y)} =u1
12u3(y)u3(z) – 3{u3(x)}2=u1
12u5(x)u5(y) – 3{u5(z)}2=u5
12u5(y)u5(z) – 3{u5(x)}2=u5
12u7(x)u7(y) – 3{u7(z)}2=u1
12u7(y)u7(z) – 3{u7(x)}2=u1
12u9(x)u9(y) – 3{u9(z)}2=u9
12u9(y)u9(z) – 3{u9(x)}2=u9
f(1,1) = 1(12(1)2-6(1)(1)+12)
f(2,1) = 1(12(2)2-6(1)(2)+12)
f(2,3) = 3(12(2)2-6(3)(2)+32)
f(3,1) = 1(12(3)2-6(1)(3)+12)
f(3,3) = 3(12(3)2-6(3)(3)+32)
f(3,5) = 5(12(3)2-6(5)(3)+52)
f(4,1) = 1(12(4)2-6(1)(4)+12)
f(4,3) = 3(12(4)2-6(3)(4)+32)
f(4,5) = 5(12(4)2-6(5)(4)+52)
f(4,7) = 7(12(4)2-6(7)(4)+72)
f(5,1) = 1(12(5)2-6(1)(5)+12)
f(5,3) = 3(12(5)2-6(5)(3)+32)
f(5,5) = 5(12(5)2-6(5)(5)+52)
f(5,7) = 7(12(5)2-6(7)(5)+72)
f(6,1) = 1(12(6)2-6(1)(6)+12)
f(6,3) = 3(12(6)2-6(6)(3)+32)
f(6,5) = 5(12(6)2-6(5)(6)+52)
f(6,7) = 7(12(6)2-6(7)(6)+72)
f(6,11) = 11(12(6)2-6(11)(6)+112)
f(7,1) = 1(12(7)2-6(1)(7)+12)
f(7,3) = 3(12(7)2-6(7)(3)+32)
f(7,5) = 5(12(7)2-6(5)(7)+52)
f(7,7) = 7(12(7)2-6(7)(7)+72)
f(7,11) = 11(12(7)2-6(11)(7)+112)
f(7,13) = 13(12(7)2-6(13)(7)+132)
f(8,1) = 1(12(8)2-6(1)(8)+12)
f(8,7) = 7(12(8)2-6(7)(8)+72)
f(17,1) =1(12(17)2-6(1)(17)+12)
f(20,7) =7(12(20)2-6(7)(20)+72)
And so on.
10 1141 3087 4625 5803 7271 7657 7875 7973 7999
11 1387 3789 5735 7273 9317 9919 10305 10523 10621
12 1687 4563 6965 8911 11627 12493 13095 13481 13699
13 1951 5409 8315 10717 14201 15379 16245 16847 17233
14 2269 6327 9785 12691 17039 18577 19755 20621 21223
15 2611 7317 11375 14833 20141 22087 23625 24803 25669
16 2977 8379 13085 17143 23507 25909 27855 29393 30571
17 3367* 9513 14915 19621 27137 30043 32445 34391 35929
18 3781 10719 16865 22267 31031 34489 37395 39797 41743
19 4219 11997 18935 25081 35189 39247 42705 45611 48013
20 4681 13347 21125 28063* 39611 44317 48375 51833 54739
= k(12x2+6kx+k2)
Here k is an odd prime number including one or product of multi prime numbers.
g(1, 1) =1[12(1)2+6(1)(1)+12]
g(1, 3) =3[12(1)2+6(3)(1)+32]
g(1, 5) =5[12(1)2+6(5)(1)+52]
g(1, 7) =7[12(1)2+6(7)(1)+72]
g(2, 1) =1[12(2)2+6(1)(2)+12]
g(2, 3) =3[12(2)2+6(3)(2)+32]
g(2, 5) =5[12(2)2+6(5)(2)+52]
g(2, 7) =7[12(2)2+6(7)(2)+72]
g(3, 1) =1[12(3)2+6(1)(3)+12]
g(3, 3) =3[12(3)2+6(3)(3)+32]
g(3, 5) =5[12(3)2+6(5)(3)+52]
g(3, 7) =7[12(3)2+6(7)(3)+72]
g(4,1) =1[12(4)2+6(1)(4)+12]
g(9,1) =1[12(9)2+6(1)(9)+12]
g(20,1) =1[12(20)2+6(1)(20)+12]
Furthermore so on.
Additional calculated values are in the given table,
x= g(x, 1) g(x, 3) g(x, 5) g(x, 7) g(x, 11) g(x, 13) g(x, 15) g(x, 17) g(x, 19)
1 19 117 335 721 2189 3367* 4905 6851 9253
2 61 279 665 1267 3311 4849 6795 9197 12103
3 127 513 1115 1981 4697 6643 9045 11951 15409
4 217* 819 1685 2863 6347 8749 11655 15113 19171
5 331 1197 2375 3913 8261 11167 14625 18683 23389
6 469 1647 3185 5131 10439 13897 17955 22661 28063
7 631 2169 4115 6517 12881 16939 21645 27047 33193
8 817 2763 5165 8071 15587 20293 25695 31841 38779
9 1027* 3429 6335 9793 18557 23959 30105 37043 44821
10 1261 4167 7625 11683 21791 27937 34875 42653 51319
11 1519 4977 9035 13741 25289 32227 40005 48671 58273
12 1801 5859 10565 15967 29051 36829 45495 55097 65683
13 2107 6813 12215 18361 33077 41743 51345 61931 73549
14 2437 7839 13985 20923 37367 46969 57555 69173 81871
15 2791 8937 15875 23653 41921 52507 64125 76823 90649
16 3169 10107 17885 26551 46739 58357 71055 84881 99883
17 3571 11349 20015 29617 51821 64519 78345 93347 109573
18 3997 12663 22265 32851 57167 70993 85995 102221 119719
19 4447 14049 24635 36253 62777 77779 94005 111503 130321
20 4921* 15507 27125 39823 68651 84877 102375 121193 141379
3. h(x,k) = {(k-2x)+(2x)}{{k-2x)2+(2x)2-2x(k-2x)}
= k(12x2-6kx+k2)
Now k is an odd prime number or product of multi prime numbers > 2x
h(1,3) =3[12(1)2-6(3)(1)+(3)2]
h(1,29) =29[12(1)2-6(29)(1)+(29)2]
h(2,7) =7[12(2)2-6(7)(2)+(7)2]
h(2,29) =29[12(2)2-6(29)(2)+(29)2]
h(3,7) =7[12(3)2-6(3)(7)+(7)2]
h(3,29) =29[12(3)2-6(29)(3)+(29)2]
h(4,29) =29[12(4)2-6(29)(4)+(29)2]
h(5,29) =29[12(5)2-6(29)(5)+(29)2]
h(6,13)= 13[12(6)2-6(13)(6)+(13)2]
h(6,29) =29[12(6)2-6(29)(6)+(29)2]
h(7,29) =29[12(7)2-6(29)(7)+(29)2]
h(8,29) =29[12(8)2-6(29)(8)+(29)2]
h(9,29) =29[12(9)2-6(29)(9)+(29)2]
h(10,29) =29[12(10)2-6(29)(10)+(29)2]
h(11,29) =29[12(11)2-6(29)(11)+(29)2]
h(12,29) =29[12(12)2-6(29)(12)+(29)2]
h(13,29) =29[12(13)2-6(29)(13)+(29)2]
h(14,29) =29[12(14)2-6(29)(14)+(29)2]
x= h(x, 3) h(x, 5) h(x, 7) h(x, 11) h(x, 13) h(x, 17) h(x, 19) h(x, 23) h(x, 29)
1 9 35 133 737 1339 3383 4921 9269 19691
2 65 91* 407 793 2261 3439 6923 15689
3 217* 341 559 1547 2413 5129 12383
4 539 637 1241 1843 3887 9773
5 1001 1027* 1343 1729* 3197 7859
6 1729* 1853 2071 3059 6641
7 2771 2869 3473 6119
8 4097 4123 4439 6293
9 5833 5957 7163
10 8027 8729
11 10649 10991
12 13949
13 17603
14 21953
3 3 3 3
h(6, 13) = 1729 = 7.13.19 = 12 + 1 = 10 + 9
Generalization of Magic Squares and
Dot Products of 3rd Order Magic Squares
3.1 Introduction
A magic square is a square range of natural numbers so that the total of the numbers in
every row, column, or diagonal is the similar.
The semi magic square is a square matrix, here [8] the total of all entries in both column
or row yields the same number. This number is called the magic constant. The semi magic
squares both main diagonals addition up to the magic constant. The natural magic square of
order n is a matrix of range n × n such that its entries consist of all integers from one to n².
A pandiagonal magic square is a magic square such that the addition of all entries in all
wrecked diagonals equals the magic constant. The symmetric magic square is a natural magic
square of arrange n such that the addition of equally elements of every pair of dual equals n2 + 1.
14 19 12
13 15 17
18 11 16
Ex: 2
16 26 12
14 18 22
24 10 20
Ex: 3
20 40 12
16 24 32
36 8 28
3.3 Rows and columns Dot product of third order magic square
If R1, R2, R3& C1, C2, C3 are [7] the rows and columns of a 3rd order magic square in
their consecutive order respectively, then
(i) R1 . R2 = R2 . R3,
(ii) R1 . R1 = R3 . R3,
(iii) C1 . C2 = C2 . C3,
(iv) C1 . C1 = C3 . C3,
(v) R1 . C1 = R2 . C2 = R3 . C3,
(vi) R1 . C2 = R1 . C3 = R2 . C1 = R2 . C3 = R3 . C1 = R3 . C2.
Let us,
a–y a+y–x a+x
A= a+y+x a a–y–x
a–x a–y+x a+y
4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6
(i) R1 . R2 = (a – y) (a + y + x) + (a + y – x) a + (a + x) (a – y – x)
= 3a2 – (x + y)2
Put a=5, x=-3, y=1
R1 . R2 = 3(5)2-(-3+1)2
R2 . R3 = (a – x) (a + y + x) + (a – y + x) a + (a + y) (a – y – x)
= 3a2 – (x + y)2
R2 . R3 = R1 . R2
(iii) C1 . C2 = (a – y) (a + y – x) + (a + y + x) a + (a – x) (a – y + x)
= 3a2 – (x – y)2
= 3(5)2-(-3-1)2
C2 . C3 = (a + x) (a + y – x) + (a – y – x) a + (a + y) (a – y + x)
= 3a2 – (x – y)2
C1 . C2=C2.C3
Therefore (iii) proofed
(v) R1 . C1 = (a – y)2+ (a + y – x) (a + y + x) + (a + x) (a – x)
= 3a2 – 2x2 + 2y2
R2 . C2 = (a + y – x) (a + y + x) + a2+(a – y + x) (a – y – x)
= 3a2 – 2x2 + 2y2
R3 . C3 = (a – x) (a + x) + (a – y + x) (a – y – x) + (a + y)2
= 3a2 – 2x2 + 2y2
R1 . C1 = R2 . C2 = R3 . C3
Hence proof (v)
(vi) R1 . C2 = (a – y) (a + y – x) + (a + y – x) a + (a + x) (a – y + x)
= 3a2 + x2 – y2
= 3(5)5+(-3)2-(1)2
= 75+9-1
R1 . C3 = (a – y) (a + x) + (a + y – x) (a – y – x) + (a + x) (a + y)
= 3a2 + x2 – y2
R2 . C1 = (a + y + x) (a – y) + a (a + y + x) + (a – y – x) (a – x)
= 3a2 + x2 – y2
R2 . C3 = (a + y + x) (a + x) + a (a – y – x) + (a – y – x) (a + y)
= 3a2 + x2 – y2
R3 . C1 = (a – x) (a – y) + (a – y + x) (a + y + x) + (a + y) (a – x)
= 3a2 + x2 – y2
R3 . C2 = (a – x) (a + y – x) + (a – y + x) a + (a + y) (a – y + x)
= 3a2 + x2 – y2
a–y a+y–x a+x
A= a+y+x a a–y–x
a–x a–y+x a+y
4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6
R1 .R2 . R3 = (a – y) (a + y + x) (a – x) + (a + y – x) a (a – y + x) + (a + x) (a – y – x) (a + y)
= 3a (a2 – x2 – y2)
=3(5) (52-(-3)2-12)
C1 .C2 . C3 = (a – y) (a + y – x) (a + x) + (a + y + x) a (a – y – x) + (a – x) (a – y + x) (a + y)
= 3a (a2 – x2 – y2)
= 3(5) (52-(-3)2-12)
= 625
Hence, R1 . R2 . R3 = C1 .C2 . C3
An obtained a magic square [5] only having the knowledge of summation and
multiplication of integers with help of the 4×4 matrix.
The 4x4 matrix of cubes are semi-magic, its 4 rows and 4 columns having the same
magic sum,
Put up a magic [15] square by leasing S1 = {A, B, C, D} and S2 = {P, Q, R, S} and
allowing for S1 + S2.
“If A+D = B+C and P+R=Q+S the severe middle four in the first square also
convince the agreed circumstance”. “The extreme middle four” is not distinct but that most
probably are four middle squares then the hypotheses, A+D=B+C and P+R=Q+S are not
Create the 4 x4 matrix and find to calculate {A, B, C, D} and {P, Q, R, S} this number
{11, 9, 10, 8} and {18, 23, 12, 7}.
Taking A=11, B=9, C=10, D=8, P=18, Q=23, R=12, S=7.
A+D=B+C → 11+8=9+10
P+R=Q+S → 18+12=23+7
The conditions are satisfied, applied values on the below table,
29 15 33 21
22 32 18 26
16 28 20 34
31 23 27 17
29 15 33 21
22 32 18 26
16 28 20 34
31 23 27 17
29 15 33 21
22 32 18 26
16 28 20 34
31 23 27 17
29 15 33 21
22 32 18 26
16 28 20 34
31 23 27 17
29 15 33 21
22 32 18 26
16 28 20 34
31 23 27 17
29 15 33 21
22 32 18 26
16 28 20 34
31 23 27 17
29 15 33 21
22 32 18 26
16 28 20 34
31 23 27 17
Add the central squares is 98
29 15 33 21
22 32 18 26
16 28 20 34
31 23 27 17
29 15 33 21
22 32 18 26
16 28 20 34
31 23 27 17
29 15 33 21
22 32 18 26
16 28 20 34
31 23 27 17
3.5 Birthday Magic Square
Now introduce the model birthday to know improved all the way through magic square.
It will develop mathematical wisdom and make certain on the increase concentration.
23 11 19 88
89 18 8 26
9 25 90 17
20 87 24 10
𝐶2⇒ Q + R - 1 + P + 2 + S - 1= P + Q + R + S
𝐶3⇒ R + Q - 3 + S + 2 + P + 1 = P + Q + R + S
𝐶4⇒ S + P + 3 + R - 2 + Q - 1 = P + Q + R + S
𝑅2⇒ S + 1 + R - 1 + Q - 3 + P + 3 = P + Q + R + S
𝑅3⇒ Q - 2 + P + 2 + S + 2 + R - 2 = P + Q + R + S
11-2+23+2+88+2+19-2= 23+11+19+88
R4 ⇒ R + 1 + S - 1 + P + 1 + Q - 1 = P + Q + R + S
𝐷2= R + 1 + P + 2 + Q- 3 + S = P + Q + R + S
R+ S + Q - 3 + P + 3 = P + Q + R + S
19+88+11-3+23+3 =23+11+19+88
S+ 2 + R - 2 + P + 1 + Q - 1 = P+ Q + R + S
Rule: (2)
23 11 19 88
22 85 26 08
86 17 13 25
10 28 83 20
Rule: (3)
Q P-2 S+2 R
23 11 19 88
18 89 22 12
89 20 10 22
11 21 90 19
There are no limitations on [15] the parameters in the 1st square, however in the 2nd, the
condition A+B+D+E=4C must be satisfied.
Make 5x5 magic square matrix with equal sums of 75.
A=2, B=7, C=12, D=17, E=22, P=1, Q=2, R=3, S=4, T=5 respectively.
A+B+D+E = 4C
2+7+17+22 = 4x12
48 = 48
Therefore the conditions are satisfied. Then applied the values in table,
17+2 22+4 2+1 7+3 12+5
19 26 3 10 17
25 7 9 16 18
6 8 15 22 24
12 14 21 23 5
13 20 27 4 11
Construct 7X7 magic square the summation of rows and columns is 175
9 17 25 33 41 49 1
26 10 2 43 42 34 18
36 44 3 11 19 27 35
4 12 20 28 29 37 45
21 22 30 38 46 5 13
31 39 47 6 14 15 23
48 7 8 16 24 32 40
Create 8X8 magic square the total of rows and columns are310.
47 20 21 42 39 78 29 34
22 41 48 19 30 33 40 27
44 23 18 45 36 31 26 37
17 46 43 27 25 38 35 32
63 4 5 58 55 12 13 50
6 57 64 3 14 49 56 11
60 7 2 61 52 15 10 53
1 62 59 8 9 54 51 16
An Ideal Approach for Taxicab and Cabtaxi Number
4.1 Introduction
The great mathematician Srinivasan Ramanujan and Fermat are told the
same statements. Two of them were,
1. Find two cube numbers of which the sum is equal to two other cube numbers.
2. Find two cube numbers of which the sum is a cube.
Fermat himself worked on numbers which are additions of two cubes in more than two
ways. For solving x3= y3+ z3+ w3 by Viete's formulae. It is possible to assemble the integer
expressible as a addition of two cubes in n different ways.
The number about 1729 was at the present frequently called the “Taxicab problem.
If, m2+ mn + n2 = 3a2b
(3)2+(3)(0)+(0)2 = 3(1)2(3)
(m + ab2)3+ (bn + a)3= (bm + a)3+ (n + ab2)3
[3+1(3)2]3+[3(0)+1]3 = [3(3)+1]3+[0+(1)(3)2]3
The equation yields 123+ 13= 103+ 93= 1729.
But, the proof is of little use in finding the numbers; the Taxicab(n) exists for all positive
integer n.
=6063+(-513) 3
=422283+(-40884) 3
= 1078393+3627533
=6223163+(-576920) 3
=(-681184) 3+7147003
Taxicab(6) ≤24153319581254312065344=289062063+5821623
=491629643+(-45576680) 3
=564613003+(-53813536) 3
And so on …
The Taxicab (4,2,2) is the least number that is a sum of two fourth powers in two
different ways.
The following Taxicab numbers can be simply computed
The generalizing to superior powers it is not recognized, if n way additions for higher
powers exist. Further generalizing is obtained by allowing mutually positive and negative
The cabtaxi(n) exists for every part of the positive integer n, the proof of small exercise
in finding the number.
Cabtaxi(1) =1 = 13+03
Cabtaxi (6)=1412774811=9633+8043
=(-357) 3+11343
=11553+(-504) 3
=(-805) 3+12463
=47463+(-4725) 3
= (-714) 3+22653
=23103+(-1008) 3
= (-1610) 3+24923
=42303+(-4008) 3
= (-9450) 3+94923
=521643+(-16422) 3
=531303+(-23184) 3
= (-37030) 3+573163
=972903+(-92184) 3
=(-217350) 3+2183163
Cabtaxi(10) ≤ 933528127886302221000=83877303+70028403
=97733303+(-84560) 3
=97813173=(-1318317) 3
=(-3109470) 3+98771403
=100600503+(-4389840) 3
=(-7011550) 3+108526603
=184216503+(-17454840) 3
=(-41154750) 3+413376603
=774801303+(-77428260) 3
[Cab taxi(4), Cab taxi(5), Cab taxi(6), Cab taxi(7)were found by Randall L.Rathbun in the
beginning of the 1990s, Cabtaxi(8) Discovered by Daniel J.Bernstein in 1998.]
The production with splitting factors generates the addition of cubes of non-prime
“The prime version of Taxicab numbers” the smallest 2-way solutions are [10]
6058655748=613+18233 =10493+16993 …….(1)
6507811154=18613+3973 =18673+313 .…….(2)
K3 Surface of the Arithmetic Geometry
5.1 Introduction
The surface of intermediate type, that is neither geometrically rational nor ruled, nor of
common type, the k3 surface has an accessible arithmetic theory. Here included at the end two
admittedly optimistic conjectures on uniform boundedness of Brauer groups for pattern polarized
k3 surfaces over number fields. In these notes following treated the topics are,
Geometry of k3 Surface
The geometry of k3 surfaces are topological properties, including the lattice structure of
H2(X, Z) and simple connectivity, K3 surface of the period position, by the Torelli theorem and
subjectivity of the period chart.
Picard groups
Brauer groups
The Galois module structure of Pic(𝑋) Let compute an important piece of the Brauer
groups Br(X) = H2(Xet, Gm) of a locally solvable K3 surface X, the class of consisting of Br(X)
that are killed by means of passage to an algebraic closure, modulo Brauer classes classes from
the ground field.
field k such that ωx ≃Ϭx and H1 (X, Ϭx ) = 0. The polarized K3 surface is a brace (x, h), Here
X is an algebraic K3 surface and h ∈ H2 (x, 𝕫) is a plentiful division. The degree of a
polarized K3 surface is the self-intersection h2.
Allow, X be a smooth surface over a field k, can write Div X for its group of Weil
divisors. The intersection pairing on X is denoted by (,) X: Div X × Div X → Z. There are
three b a s i c e q u i v a l e n c e relatives [13] one can put on Div X:
C , D ∈ Div X are algebraically equivalent if there is a connected curve T
, two closed points 0 and 1 ∈ T , and a divisor E in X × T , f l a t o v e r T , such
that E|X ×{0} − E|X ×{1} = C − D.
(3) Numerical equivalence:
Numerical equivalent are C, D ∈ Div X, if (C, E) X = (D, E) X for all,
E ∈ Div X.
X Manifold X such that ωx = Ω2𝑥 ≃ ϬX and H (X,ϬX ) = 0
c1(X)2 =0, and c2(X)=24
The singular co-homology groups of X,
H0(X, Z) ≅Z because X is connected, and
H4(X, Z) ≅Z because X is oriented.
Let Hz be a free abelian group of finite rank. An integral Hodge structure of weight n on Hz
is a decomposition, called the Hodge decomposition,
Hc = Hz⊗ 𝑧 C = ⊕ Hp,q.
h0,0 1
h1,0 h0,1 0 0
h2,1 h1,2 0 0
h2,2 1
22. Acquire h1,1 = 20. Finall y, the hp,q “outside” this diamond vanish by Serre duality and
dimension reasons.
Good reduction
Absolute Frobenius
Over Z a finite field Fq, Let Fz:Z→Z be the Absolute Frobenius map:
The identity map on this point, and x→xp on the structure sheaf; it is not a
morphism of Fq-schemes. Set ϕz=𝐹𝑧𝑟 ; the map ϕz x 1: Z x𝐹 q → Z x𝐹 q induces a
linear transformation ϕ2𝑥 : H𝑒𝑡
2 2
( 𝑍,Ql) → H𝑒𝑡 ( 𝑍,Ql).
The polynomial ring F3 [x, y, z, w], provide weights 1, 1, 1 and 3, respectively, to the
variables x, y, z and w, and allow PF3 (1, 1, 1, 3) = Proj F3 [x, y, z, w] be the corresponding
weighted projective plane. A polynomial p5(x, y, z) ∈ F3[x, y, z]5 so that t h e hyper surface X
prearranged by
+ y5 + 2y 4 z + 2y3 z 2 + 2z 5 .
The projection π:
𝜓̃(x) = 3(x-1)(x + 1)(3x20+3x19+5x18+5x17+6x16+2x15+2x14-3x13-4x12-8x11-
The r o o t s of the degree 20 factor of ψ(x) are not i n t e g r a l , so they are not roots of
unity. Terminate that ρ(𝑥 ) ≤ 2.
5.10 Further techniques
A K3 surface X over Q with good diminution at p= 3 and 5, such that ρ(𝑥3) = 4 and
ρ(𝑥5) = 14.
Show that ρ(𝑥)=1 using simply information at these two primes. Allow X be the subschema
H ere
Now get,
̃ 3 (x) = 1(x-1)2(x2+x+1)
ϕ 3
= (3x18 + 5x17 + 7x16 + 10x15 + 11x14 + 11x13 + 11x12 + 10x11 + 9x10+ 9x9 + 9x8 +
X3+ Y3 = Z3+ W3
(𝛼+ λ2γ )3+ (λ 𝛽 + γ )3= (λ𝛼 + γ )3+ (𝛽 + λ2γ )3
While quite a few further formulations correspondent to Euler’s solution have been
discovered other formulations equivalent to be the simplest consider to all.
The equation,
X3+ Y3= Z3+ W3
gives a cubic surface, this is a rational elliptic surface.
Can be written the sum of two rational cubes d is the rational number, for example, by
Ramanujan’s period, condition d = 1, then this is equivalent to the exponent 3 case of [11] Fermat’s
last theorem and was proven by Euler. The equation was identified to have no solutions were
values of d.
For example,
Sylvester conjectured that if p ≡ 5 (mod 18) and q ≡ 11 (mod 18) are primes, subsequently
the equation has no solutions while d = p, 2p, 4p2, 4q, q2, 2q2.
Currently be on familiar terms that the equation E: X3+ Y3= 1 is an elliptic curve with j-invariant 0,
and for cube-free d, Ed: X3+ Y3= d is the cubic bend of E by d. Since Ed is torsion free for all
integral d > 2, Elliptic curves in families of cubic twists is really one ranks of this question.
P1= (x1(T),y1(T)) = (6T2- 4T + 4, -3T2- 5T + 5), and
P2= (x2(T),y2(T)) = (4T2- 4T + 6, 5T2- 5T - 3) and
k(T) = 63(3T2-3T+1)(T2+T+1)(T2-3T+3)
An elliptic surface is X3+Y3= k(T), which turns out to be a K3 surface. By André Weil in
1958 defined the k3 surface, have become fundamental objects in string theory, moonshine,
arithmetic geometry, and number theory.
The smooth minimal surface associated with the equation X3+Y3=k(T) is an elliptic k3-
surface with picard integer 18 over 𝑄.
Proof of theorem:
Show that the rank is at least 2. That image to check the differentials is linearly
independent. Compute that,
5S(6T + 5)
ϕ∗𝑝1ωE = dT and
5S(2T − 1)
ϕ∗𝑝2ωE = dT,
To show that rank is at most two, reduce the curve modulo a prime p. Over a function field
Fp(T), it is known that the rank is at most the order of vanishing of the L- function, and so can get
an upper bound on the rank of the reduced curve by computing its L-function in Magma.
Since, reducing mod p cannot reduce the rank, this shows that the rank over Q(T)is
at most 2.
The k3 Surfaces
The K3 surface is a smooth minimal complete surface that is regular and has trivial
canonical bundle. For examples of K3 surfaces include intersections of three quadrics in P5,
intersections of a quadric and a cubic in P4, and non-singular degree 4 surfaces in P3.
Discussed the first chapter was basic concepts of number theory with the related
definition, Ramanujan numbers explained with formula based, indicated of Ramanujan note
books, and applications of the number theory.
Explained was clearly shown that there cannot existed whichever number could be
expressed as sum of two numbers both are in power form of equal even exponents greater than
two or more ways. The least number was 1729, and the characteristic of a number to produced
such type of relational discussed in the second chapter.
In the second stage discussed was evidently revealed that there cannot existed any
number which could subsisted articulated as addition of two statistics mutually are in influenced
appearances of identical smooth exponents larger than in two or more ways. Odd all expounded
three is the least amount. The smallest number was 1729, and the characteristic of a number to
manufacture such form of qualified.
(ii) R1 . R2 . R3 = C1 .C2 . C3
In consulted the fourth chapter, “The smallest number expressed the calculation of two
cubes at the different ways”. The number was called Taxicab(2)=1729=93+103=13+123,
Taxicab(n) being the smallest number expressible in n ways as a sum of two cubes and it could
generalized the problem by difference of cubes, Cabtaxi(n) was the smallest number expressible
in n ways as a addition or difference of two cubes.
The fifth period was discussed reveals that studying Euler’s Diophantine equation
a2+b2=c2+d2 it turned absent that worked anticipated profound structures and phenomena which
have became fundamental objects in arithmetic geometry and number theory. In discovered a k3
surface with Picard number 18 could be there used to obtain infinitely many cubic twists over Q
with rank ≥2.