After considering a candidate’s request for accommodation and any supporting information or documents provided, the Law Society will determine whether accommodation is required and, if so, what form of accommodation is reasonable in the circumstances.
Where the Law Society determines that accommodation is required and that providing accommodation will not cause undue hardship to the Law Society, it will develop an accommodation plan and provide the plan and an explanation for it to the candidate. The accommodation plan may not be identical to what was requested.
The Law Society will work with the candidate to implement the accommodation plan, including considering any requested modifications that are supported by new information.
Accommodation plans will generally be automatically implemented upon the candidate registering and paying for an examination.
Candidates with an accommodation plan will receive details about the date, time and location of the candidate’s licensing examination sitting on LSO Connects at least 10-15 days prior to the licensing examination date.
If the Law Society declines a request for accommodation or the candidate considers the Law Society’s accommodation plan to be unsatisfactory, the candidate may appeal the decision by following the procedure set out in the Accommodation Policy.