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Harassment and Discrimination

The Law Society does not tolerate harassment or discrimination in the provision of its services. 

The Law Society will take whatever action is practicable and appropriate in the circumstances to address harassment or discrimination in the provision of its services to anyone, including the public, the profession or stakeholders. Complaints of harassment or discrimination in the provision of Law Society services should be brought to the attention of Equity Initiatives at [email protected].

The Law Society also provides a Discrimination and Harassment Counsel service free-of-charge to the Ontario public,lawyers and paralegals. The Discrimination and Harassment Counsel confidentially assists anyone who may have experienced discrimination or harassment by a lawyer or paralegal.You can reach the Discrimination and Harassment Counsel by:

What is Discrimination?

Discrimination is unequal or differential treatment or a denial of equality based on one or more of the enumerated grounds listed below that creates disadvantage, violates the dignity or self esteem of an individual, perpetuates unacceptable stereotypes and/or prejudices or promotes economic and/or social disadvantage.

What is Harassment?

Harassment includes unwelcome comments or behaviour when such conduct might reasonably be expected to cause insecurity, discomfort, offence or humiliation to another person. For example, harassment includes:

  • name calling
  • racial slurs
  • racist jokes
  • demands for sexual favours
  • sexually suggestive or obscene comments or gestures
  • sexist jokes
Terms or Concepts Explained