Vue is built to handle most typical use cases efficiently without requiring a lot of manual tweaking. But sometimes, you’ll hit situations that need a bit more fine-tuning. In this article, we’ll go over the key things to keep an eye on for optimizing performance in a Vue app. Page Load Performance vs. Update Performance When talking about optimizing performance in Vue apps, there are two main as
Track page speed over time and get the data you need to optimize it. Font performance optimization is a set of web development techniques that make fonts load faster and render more smoothly. They involve practices such as thoughtful font selection, the use of performant font formats, self-hosting, optimized @font-face declarations, font display strategies, and more. Optimizing the fonts displayed
This guide covers some modern web performance features of Chrome DevTools, with a focus on the new Performance Panel features which helps you optimize Core Web Vitals and improve your general web performance. What We'll Cover In this guide, we'll dive deep into the new Performance Panel features in Chrome DevTools. We'll explore what the new features are, how to access it, and how to use it effec
Track page speed over time and get the data you need to optimize it. Choosing the right image format is the first and most important step when it comes to image performance. We want our websites to load fast, but we also want our images to look good. Balancing these two concerns is the core of image performance. Image formats are file types for digital graphics that have evolved over time to make
Track page speed over time and get the data you need to optimize it. Key findings of the 2021 report: Popular extensions like Honey, Evernote Web Clipper, and Avira Browser Safety can have a significant negative impact on website speed On ad-heavy websites, ad blockers and privacy tools can greatly improve performance As the performance impact varies between different websites, five different page
We can see that each page loads over 15 MB of JavaScript code. A look at the performance timeline in Chrome DevTools confirms that running this code is the primary cause of the poor page performance. This article will take a closer look at the page load process of the Google Cloud Functions page, and examine how it could be sped up. You can use these strategies to investigate and improve the perfo
Track page speed over time and get the data you need to optimize it. A story on Hacker News recently argued that webpage speeds haven't improved, even as internet speeds have gone up. This article explains why that conclusion can't be drawn from the original data. We'll also look at how devices and the web have changed over the past 10 years, and what those changes have meant for web performance.
Extensions often need to inject code into every page, rather than only targeting certain domains. Password managers need to check if there's a login form. Spell checkers need to look for text fields. However, for performance it would be much better if the code that checks the relevant conditions was separated from the primary functionality of the extension. Then most of the code would only be load
Track page speed over time and get the data you need to optimize it. This post describes some techniques to make front-end apps load faster and provide a good user experience. We'll look at the overall architecture of the front-end. How can you load essential resources first, and maximize the probability that the resources are already in the cache? I won't say much how the backend should deliver r
The developer tools I tested tend to do better than the general purpose tools. Usually they inject some code to detect the use of a certain technology, but it's not a massive JavaScript bundle. I separated out HN/Reddit Enhancement suite and WikiWand because they are meant to augment a particular website. You'd not expect them to change anything on other sites. This is true for HN and Reddit Enhan
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