Type-safe Asynchronous Actions (Redux Thunk) Using TypeScript FSA If you haven't read the previous blog post (which describes FSA and the TypeScript FSA library), please read it before continuing. In this article, I cover the creation and usage of Typesafe actions and the way to unit test reducers that use asynchronous actions. Before going any deeper I'll explain a few concepts before going into
Type-safe Flux Standard Actions (FSA) in React Using TypeScript FSA TypeScript FSA (previously known as Redux TypeScript Actions) is a library that helps you define actions with types and use those actions while enjoying the compiler's help. Those actions can be synchronous or asynchronous. FSAs and the library's benefits and usage are covered in this article. What is the FSA (Flux Standard Action
When something new is announced, people have a tendency to choose sides. When TypeScript was announced, I wrongfully picked a few key concepts that didn't resonate with me, then chose my side: against. In this blog post, I'll try to explain what I was thinking when TypeScript was announced and how I realised that there are great minds behind it who really know how to create benefits without big sa