iPhone 16e
Alfred 5.5 is now available, with the huge exciting addition of the Grid, Text, Image and PDF views that bring your Alfred results to life in a whole new way! You can take a look at what's new in Alfred 5.5 in more details here. Download Alfred 5.5 from alfredapp.com or update in-app from the Update tab. Once you've installed the update, take a look at some of the new workflows that take advantage
Posted on Tue 25th January, 2022 When Apple's Shortcuts was released on macOS Monterey, our community started asking for ways to run shortcuts from Alfred. You’re so passionate about automation that you want to automate your automations, and we love that! So we created a Workflow for running shortcuts. To list all your installed shortcuts, open Alfred and type sc. You'll need to download the linke
Alfred 5.5 Discover a whole new way to interact with Alfred, using beautiful rich and interactive views. Text View The new scriptable, editable text view offers rich Markdown support, expanding your Workflow abilities immensely. Create a simple note-taking app, or a fully functional ChatGPT / DALL-E integration. Speaking of which, here's a fully functional ChatGPT / DALL-E integration: The ChatGPT
Syncing Your Alfred Settings Between Macs Syncing your Alfred preferences is a convenient way to backup your settings and, if you have more than one Mac, to ensure they all have access to the same workflows, snippets, themes, etc that you've taken the time to set up. Not all preferences are synced, as some can be customised independently on each Mac. Requirements for Preferences Syncing Setting up
We recommend JSON as the preferred format to return results into Alfred from a Script Filter. Example JSON Format: {"items": [ { "uid": "desktop", "type": "file", "title": "Desktop", "subtitle": "~/Desktop", "arg": "~/Desktop", "autocomplete": "Desktop", "icon": { "type": "fileicon", "path": "~/Desktop" } } ]} A Script Filter is required to return an items array of zero or more items. Each item de
Posted on Thu 19th May, 2016 After months of intense development, polishing and testing, Alfred 3 is here and ready for you! It's been a thrill to add new features to Alfred, and improve existing ones. We already can't live without these new features, which add so much to our workday productivity; Amazingly flexible workflows, snippet expansion, multimedia clipboard and more. You can download Alfr
The Script Filter input is one of the most powerful workflow objects, allowing you to populate Alfred's results with your own custom items. Note: Both the JSON and the legacy XML Output Formats are available as examples within Alfred's Workflow preferences. Select the [+] button > Getting Started and choose "Script Filter Output" to install the workflow. Take a look at the JSON Format page for mor
Alfred offers dynamic placeholders, which allow you to insert dynamically-created content when using Snippets and in certain workflow objects. What are Dynamic Placeholders? Dynamic placeholders are shortcuts in curly brackets like {date:short}, which are replaced with content (e.g. the current date) when the workflow or snippet is triggered. When creating a snippet or setting a workflow output, y
Posted on Tue 1st March, 2016 This week, Alfred celebrates his 6th birthday. While eating birthday cake is always exciting, it's with even greater excitement that we can finally announce that Alfred version 3 is on the way, and we have a great deal for everyone! The new features and improvements are shaping up beautifully; Vastly more flexible workflows, significantly improved clipboard history an
If Alfred can't find the files or applications you're looking for, the steps below will help you establish why this is. First, ensure that you're using the most current version of Alfred and that macOS is also up to date. Built-in Troubleshooting The built-in file troubleshooter can be run from Alfred's Preferences here: Help > Troubleshooting > File Search Troubleshooting > Run Troubleshooting Cl
The ultimate iOS command centre for Alfred. Your iPhone or iPad now becomes a perfect day-long companion to your Mac. Download on the App Store With a single touch on your iPhone or iPad, control the Alfred application on your Mac with Alfred Remote. Keep your frequently used actions at your fingertips; Whether at work or play, be more productive than ever! Use handy icons on your iOS device to co
Posted on Tue 24th June, 2014 Wondering why Andrew's been a little quiet on Twitter lately? He's been busy working away on something new you'll love. :) Want to find out more? Head over here and sign up to get the first sneak peeks as soon as they're ready!
Posted on Mon 2nd June, 2014 As some of you know, Apple announced its next operating system, OS X 10.10 Yosemite today. A few users have voiced concerns that Spotlight in Yosemite looks more like Alfred, and wonder whether this changes anything for Alfred and his future. What you have to remember is that Spotlight's primary objective is to search your files and a small handful of pre-determined we
The Music.app Mini Player is a handy, mouse-free way to control your music collection. From playing your favourite albums and rating them to letting Alfred surprise you with a random album, there's much fun to be had with the Mini Player. The Music Mini Player is a Powerpack feature. Discover how to use the Mini Player: Using the Mini Player General Music Mini Player preferences Keywords and Hotke
Alfred's Default Results are the ones presented to you when you search without prefixing your search term with a keyword. They include your Applications, Contacts and Preferences by default, but you can modify these to fit your own needs. In the Default Results preferences, you'll find the following settings: Default Results Search Scope Fallback Searches Applications Matching If you're completely
Alfred Blog > Productivity > Your Brain at your Fingertips: Using Evernote with Alfred Workflows Posted on Wed 5th March, 2014 Last week, we celebrated Alfred's 4th birthday by giving away licenses and subscriptions for some of our favourite Macs apps. We'll be featuring these apps over the coming weeks, as well as sharing the best Alfred workflows to make the most of each one. Today, we're taking
5 years old and 15% discounted! We're still buzzing from the excitement of releasing Alfred Remote for iOS and, already, we've reached another brilliant milestone: Alfred is turning 5 years old. On 28th February 2015, Alfred will have been helping Mac users be more productive for a whole five years. It's amazing how time flies when you're having fun! Alfred users feel like family to us; we are so
The Dictionary feature helps you quickly spell a word or discover its definition from within Alfred's search box. Defining a word Spelling a word Changing dictionary Opening the Thesaurus Defining a word Use the keyword "define" followed by the word you want to search for. If you misspell the word, Alfred will suggest the best dictionary guesses for it. Pressing the Return key will open the word i
Posted on Wed 3rd April, 2013 Since v2 was released nearly three weeks ago, some amazing workflows have been created by Alfred users. In this post, we'll highlight a few of our favourite ones, ranging from simple actions to mindblowingly clever use of scripts and web services. Don't hesitate to download and install these workflows to see how they've been created, and which objects were used to bui
This cheatsheet covers the default hotkeys, keywords and shortcuts for Alfred's features. Hotkeys in green are part of Powerpack features. Note that, if you have changed hotkeys and keywords away from defaults, you'll need to refer to your own Alfred preferences to find out what they are. Clever Question Mark: In Alfred, type ?hotkeys, ?keywords or the question mark followed by the name of a featu
Use workflows to extend Alfred and get things done in your own way. By replacing manual tasks or mouse-based actions with workflows, you'll boost your productivity. With the release of Alfred 5, many new features have been added to make workflows more powerful and easier to use. If you're using an older version of Alfred, you can upgrade to Alfred 5 here. Overview: What are workflows? Workflows ar
Please note that the Change Log covers all changes including Powerpack-only features. To enjoy all that Alfred has to offer, be sure to buy a Powerpack license. :) Alfred 5.6 Build 2290, Monday 24th February 2025 Workflow Improvements and Fixes Added fn+Click shortcut in Workflow Editor to automatically align objects to the selected object Added hint for this in Workflow Editor overlay Workflow va
Alfred Blog > Releases > Alfred 1.2 Released: 1Password Integration, Large Type, New Themes, Clipboard Merge and more! Alfred 1.2 Released: 1Password Integration, Large Type, New Themes, Clipboard Merge and more! Posted on Tue 1st May, 2012 We've just released Alfred version 1.2, which brings an absolute boatload of new features and improvements. It's now available to download by checking for upda
We would like to celebrate with you by offering the Powerpack with a 10% discount for single and family licenses until Sat 3rd March. Buy the Lifetime Mega Supporter license instead! By clicking either single or family discount buttons above, you agree to the purchase terms and conditions on our website. Discounts can't be retroactively applied.
This help and support site is here to help you get started with Alfred, as well as find answers to more advanced questions you might have. The sidebar gives you access to sections that mirror Alfred's preferences, as well as troubleshooting information and ways to contact us. Search Take a look at the cheatsheet for the default hotkeys, shortcuts and keywords. Getting Started with Alfred 5 You'll
Posted on Tue 2nd August, 2011 [Update: This is a legacy post, and Alfred 2 now uses workflows. Find out more about workflows. The links in the blog post below may not be kept up to date.] With Alfred 0.9.9 out for general release, we're excited to share some of the best Alfred Powerpack extensions that we've seen so far. These scripts have been created by Alfred users and are supported by their r
The Powerpack is a set of incredibly powerful features, built on top of the robust core Alfred application. Deeply flexible and integrated with macOS, use it to customise your Mac and make you more productive than ever! Buy the Powerpack Alfred 5.5 is here! Discover a whole new way to interact with Alfred, using beautiful rich and interactive views. Find out what's new. Alfred Can Do Anything! Whe
Discover Everything Alfred Has To Offer! Alfred 1 is a legacy version of Alfred, which has been superseded by more recent versions of Alfred. Upgrading to the latest version Download Alfred 5 today to take advantage of the wealth of features we've added. Unlock brilliant features like workflows, snippets text expansion, clipboard history, theming and much more with the Powerpack. You can purchase
Search and Browse Launch applications and find files on your Mac or on the web. Alfred learns how you use your Mac and prioritises results. Save countless hours by using hotkeys, keywords and customising how you want to search your Mac and activity history. Jump in and browse, preview files and take action on them without lifting your fingers off the keyboard. Type Less, Say More With Alfred's Cli
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