The :focus-within pseudo class « Back 27 April 2017 Today I came across a new CSS pseudo class that will be very handy for web developers who are styling focus states. The :focus-within pseudo class becomes active when an element itself has focus or if any of its descendants does. Take for example the following HTML code: <div class="container" tabindex="0"> <label for="text">Enter text</label> <i
resimagecrop – a responsive image solution « Back 15 October 2013 Last week I attended the excellent Fronteers conference in Amsterdam and while listening to a talk by Marcos Cáceres on responsive images, I had a thought on a potential polyfill solution. When I arrived home, I thought about it some more and today I managed to put it into practice. Please bear in mind that this is a work in progres
Responsive HTML5 video « Back 20 August 2012 Recently I was building a one page site, the centre piece of which was a video. Naturally I went with HTML5 video with a Flash fallback, but I also wanted to make the site, and the video, responsive. There are a couple of ways of approaching this, although none of them are perfect. The great debate about adaptive images continues, and is also appropriat