iPhone 16e
TLDR: In two years we plan to turn CocoaPods trunk to be read-only. At that point, no new versions or pods will be added to trunk. Last month I wrote about how CocoaPods is currently being maintained, I also noted that we were discussing converting the main CocoaPods spec repo "trunk" to be read-only: We are discussing that on a very long, multi-year, basis we can drastically simplify the security
TLDR: We're still keeping it ticking, but we're being more up-front that CocoaPods is in maintenance mode. CocoaPods is about 13 years old now, and the landscape of iOS development has changed a lot in that time. I remember the fragmented islets of small shared libraries (like: ASIHTTPRequest, Three20, SBJson, SSToolkit, iCarousel) with tricky upgrade instructions and complicated build setups. Coc
CocoaPods 1.7.2 brings with it the final version of CDN support for the trunk specs repo. It's been a tale of ridiculous scale, unintended consequences and free open-source plans. CocoaPods is moving to use a CDN which is located at https://cdn.cocoapods.org/ and is still considered experimental. A future release will make it the default spec source. A CDN is a Content Delivery Network - what this
CocoaPods 1.5.0 comes with native support for building Swift pods as static libraries. Just a few months after the release of CocoaPods 1.4.0, we're releasing a new version that focuses on enabling everyone to adopt Swift. Swift Static Libraries Up until Xcode 9, support for building Swift into static libraries was non-existent and use of dynamic frameworks was required. This was a deal-breaker fo
CocoaPods 1.4.0 comes packed with new features such as app host support for tests, script phases, static framework support and a new Swift version DSL! Just after few months after the release of CocoaPods 1.3.0, we unveil a new version that adds a bunch of new powerful features. Let's get right into it! App host support for test specs CocoaPods 1.3.0 introduced support for test specs, but initiall
I'm incredibly happy to say that, after an incredible four and a half years of development, we just released CocoaPods 1.0. It's been a long road to get here, but the journey has told the story of the larger Cocoa open source community -- from new versions of Xcode to new languages and platforms, CocoaPods has grown over the years to support a staggering number of developers. Across all of our var
TLDR: CocoaPods now has a Mac App that provides a hosted Ruby experience, go check out the web page for it: cocoapods.org/app. The rest of this post is about how all the pieces come together to make a CocoaPods app. What's happening under the hood? Let's take a look at the Xcode Project. The app is three separate tools that work in combination to provide a seamless experience. You can see the targ
TL;DR: CocoaPods 0.36 has been released, with the long-awaited support for Frameworks and Swift. CocoaPods 0.36 adds support for dynamic frameworks, and with that it also brings enhanced support for dependencies using Apple's new programming language, Swift. This has been one of the largest singular changes in CocoaPods, affecting almost all of CocoaPods' subsystems such as Xcodeproj. And there we
TL;DR: CocoaPods 0.36 will bring the long-awaited support for Frameworks and Swift. It isn't released and considered stable yet, but a beta is now available for everyone via [sudo] gem install cocoapods --pre. Pod authors will especially want to try this version to make sure their pods will work with the upcoming release. This is because if a single dependency in a user's project requires being a
TL;DR: CocoaPods 0.35 has been released, with major improvements to the dependency resolution process, thanks to Stripe's support. Making the 0.35 release possible is the concurrent release of Molinillo 0.1, our new dependency resolution module. The CocoaPods 0.35 is much more limited in scope than 0.34 was, but the improvements in this version center on the heart of what CocoaPods is: a dependenc
TL;DR: CocoaPods 0.34 which includes the work sponsored by SoundCloud has been released. The highlights? Support for scoping Pods per build configuration, declaration of source repositories, and faster downloads. This release will require making changes to your Podfiles I would like to thank SoundCloud and the Travis Foundation for their support. Without their contribution, this release wouldn't h
After a year of architecture design and hard work, we are proud to introduce the ‘Trunk’ web-service, which will dramatically improve the user-experience of podspec publishers. TL;DR We have good reasons for why and how we’re going to continue from here, but feel free to skip over the history lessons and straight to: ‘Trunk’, our solution. The past and the why Many have asked “why doesn’t CocoaPod
Update: We hope you enjoyed our April Fools’ day prank! We are still an independent open-source project and fully committed to you, our users. In case it wasn’t completely clear to you, you may have thought that this post mentions a big well-known technology company, however, it in fact mentions ‘Appie’, which –with our sans-serif font– looks different when spelled with a capital ‘I’ ;) Appie is E
TL;DR: CocoaPods 0.30 dramatically reduces setup time & download size, introduces compatibility adjustments for Xcode 5.1 and the Rainforest! Smarter Setup Sometimes the small changes have the biggest impact. Folks with slow interwebs, rejoice! Because this patch contributed by Jeff Verkoeyen will prevent the download of the history of the master repo during setup and consequently will dramaticall
Note: If you got this problem after running gem update, jump here to find a solution. Unfortunately we've encountered a bug in libgit2 and we are going to have to force push into the Specs repository. (Also known as the ‘master’ spec repo.) What does this mean for you? Well, basically your CocoaPods setup is going to break. You are going to have to manually delete any local copies of the Specs rep
TL;DR: CocoaPods 0.29 introduces the pod try subcommand, the social media URL podspec attribute & complete inhibition of header warnings. Every now and then we hear about tiny yet huge feature requests for CocoaPods. Pod try is one of these. Suggested by Laurent Sansonetti, pod try quickly gained a spot among the features of CocoaPods that I love the most. But… What is it? Pod Try Pod try is a new
TL;DR: CocoaPods 0.28 introduces support for plugins. Fighting feature creep in CocoaPods is not easy. We hear about a lot of great ideas and many of them don't make the cut as they would not be useful for at least 80% of our users. The ideal solution would be support for third-party plugins and, luckily, an elegant and lean patch from Les Hill has introduced it. Plugin support allows one to tweak
Today we are releasing CocoaPods 0.26. The most visible change is that CocoaPods now hides the schemes of the Pod targets. If this doesn't ring a bell the following image should. Don't fear though, the schemes are still there and if you need to check that a CocoaPods generated target is behaving correctly you can easily make its scheme visible. Other improvements include the restoration of the com