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Beej's Guide to Git Please keep in mind that I'm only human and there is a very, very high probability that there are errors in this guide. Additionally, I might simply not know what I'm talking about when it comes to something! So email corrections are highly appreciated! (Click here for other guides!) What's Here for Readers: HTML: HTML HTML, widescreen HTML, single page HTML, single page, wides
Beej's Guide to Networking Concepts This is barely a book. It's stuff that I put together for class and used to have in Canvas, and then slammed together into a volume. I'll improve it over time, but it's kind of just dumped here for now. Forgive me. Please keep in mind this is an alpha-quality document. If you have corrections, I'd love to hear them, but understand that even I might not have read
Wait! You also have to make a call to WSAStartup() before doing anything else with the sockets library. You pass in the Winsock version you desire to this function (e.g. version 2.2). And then you can check the result to make sure that version is available. The code to do that looks something like this: #include <winsock2.h> { WSADATA wsaData; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0) { fprin
Beej's Quick Guide to GDB Release 2 (2009 Jun 14) Translations: Russian This is a very quick-and-dirty guide meant to get you started with the GNU Debugger, gdb, from the command line in a terminal. Often times gdb is run via an IDE, but many people out there shun IDEs for a variety of reasons, and this tutorial is for you! Again, this is only a getting-started guide. There's much much MUCH more t
Beej's Guide to Unix IPC Brian "Beej Jorgensen" Hall [email protected] Version 1.1.1 July 19, 2010 Copyright © 2010 Brian "Beej Jorgensen" Hall Contents 1. Intro 1.1. Audience 1.2. Platform and Compiler 1.3. Official Homepage 1.4. Email Policy 1.5. Mirroring 1.6. Note for Translators 1.7. Copyright and Distribution 2. A fork() Primer 2.1. "Seek ye the Gorge of Eternal Peril" 2.2. "I'm mentally prepa
Beej's Guide to Network Programming Using Internet Sockets Brian "Beej Jorgensen" Hall [email protected] Version 3.0.21 June 8, 2016 Copyright © 2015 Brian "Beej Jorgensen" Hall Contents 1. Intro 1.1. Audience 1.2. Platform and Compiler 1.3. Official Homepage and Books For Sale 1.4. Note for Solaris/SunOS Programmers 1.5. Note for Windows Programmers 1.6. Email Policy 1.7. Mirroring 1.8. Note for Tr
Beej's Guide to Network Programming Using Internet Sockets Brian "Beej Jorgensen" Hall [email protected] Version 3.0.0 September 23, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Brian "Beej Jorgensen" Hall Contents 1. Intro 1.1. Audience 1.2. Platform and Compiler 1.3. Official Homepage 1.4. Note for Solaris/SunOS Programmers 1.5. Note for Windows Programmers 1.6. Email Policy 1.7. Mirroring 1.8. Note for Translators 1.9.
Beej's Guide to Interprocess Communcation (Click here for other guides!) What's Here for Readers: HTML: HTML HTML, widescreen HTML, single page HTML, single page, widescreen HTML ZIP HTML ZIP, widescreen PDF: US Letter, one sided, syntax highlighting US Letter, two sided, syntax highlighting A4, one sided, syntax highlighting A4, two sided, syntax highlighting US Letter, one sided, black and white
Beej's Guide to Network Programming Using Internet Sockets (Click here for other guides!) (Notably, this is a WIP guide to general C Programming right here!) Hello, one and all! This is my little how-to guide on network programming using Internet sockets, or "sockets programming", for those of you who prefer it. The sockets API, though started by the Berkeley folk, has been ported to many many pla
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