iPhone 16e
V8 SpiderMonkey JavaScriptCore Chakra Other ⬤ Minor difference (1 point) ⬤ Small feature (2 points) ⬤ Medium feature (4 points) ⬤ Large feature (8 points) Compilers/polyfills Desktop browsers Servers/runtimes Mobile Feature name Current browser Traceur Babel 6 + core-js 2 Babel 7 + core-js 2 Babel 7 + core-js 3 Closure 2020.06 Closure 2020.09 Closure 2021.08 Closure 2021.09 Closure 2021.10 Closure
This table shows proposals which have not yet been included in the current ECMAScript standard, but are at one of the maturity stages of the TC39 process.
V8 SpiderMonkey JavaScriptCore Chakra Carakan KJS Other ⬤ Minor difference (1 point) ⬤ Small feature (2 points) ⬤ Medium feature (4 points) ⬤ Large feature (8 points) Compilers/polyfills Desktop browsers Servers/runtimes Mobile Feature name Current browser ES6 Trans- piler Traceur Babel 6 + core-js 2 Babel 7 + core-js 2 Babel 7 + core-js 3 Closure 2020.06 Closure 2020.09 Closure 2021.08 Closure 20
V8 SpiderMonkey JavaScriptCore Chakra Carakan KJS Other ⬤ Minor difference (1 point) ⬤ Small feature (2 points) ⬤ Medium feature (4 points) ⬤ Large feature (8 points) Compilers/polyfills Desktop browsers Servers/runtimes Mobile Feature name Current browser ES6 Trans- piler Traceur Babel 6 + core-js 2 Babel 7 + core-js 2 Babel 7 + core-js 3 Closure 2020.09 Closure 2021.08 Closure 2021.09 Closure 20
V8 SpiderMonkey JavaScriptCore Chakra Carakan KJS Other ⬤ Minor difference (1 point) ⬤ Small feature (2 points) ⬤ Medium feature (4 points) ⬤ Large feature (8 points) Compilers/polyfills Desktop browsers Servers/runtimes Mobile Feature name Current browser es5-shim Konq 4.13 Konq 4.14[1] IE 8 IE 9 IE 10 IE 11 FF 91 ESR FF 102 ESR FF 103 FF 104 FF 105 FF 106 FF 107 FF 108 FF 109 FF 110 FF 111 FF 11
stuff by kangax es-discourse 2015-current JSCritic 2014-current ECMAScript 6 compatibility table 2012-current Javascript 2D canvas libraries comparison table 2010-current Various tests (Javascript, HTML, etc.) 2009-current Fabric.js 2008-current ECMAScript 5 compatibility table ( non-standard, strict mode ) 2010-current HTML minifier (tests ) 2010-current ECMAScript 5 official test suite (web-port
Tests description: Names of form controls are populated as properties of "parent" form element and might conflict with "actual" properties of a form element (either own or inherited via "interface chain") Interfaces tested against are HTMLFormElement, HTMLElement, Element, Node, EventTarget, ElementCSSInlineStyle as well as Object.prototype <form> <input type="text" name="submit" value="Submit!">
Introduction Function expressions vs. Function declarations Function Statements Named function expressions Function names in debuggers JScript bugs JScript memory management Tests Safari bug SpiderMonkey peculiarity Solution Alternative solution WebKit's displayName Future considerations Credits Introduction Surprisingly, a topic of named function expressions doesn’t seem to be covered well enough
Case-sensitive Treat attributes in case sensitive manner (useful for custom HTML tags) Collapse boolean attributes Omit attribute values from boolean attributes Collapse inline tag whitespace Don't leave any spaces between display:inline; elements when collapsing. Must be used in conjunction with collapseWhitespace=true Collapse whitespace Collapse white space that contributes to text nodes in a d
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