iPhone 16e
Toy Camera introductory application! You’ll be able to check many different effects in real time just by sliding the screen right or left. Anyone can take a stylish picture without a deep technical knowledge. Not only you can save the picture to your iPhone but you can post it on Twitter or Facebook! Art & Mobile takes the No. 1 camera app market share in Japan, and this app will surely to satisf
One of the best photo manipulation app that easily controls blur depth and colors. By adjusting various parameters with simple UI, it allows you to apply many ToyCamera effects on your pictures: from miniature pictures to vintage styles images. It is an indispensable app for all the ones who like fashionable ToyCamera style pictures.With TiltShiftGenerator you’ll also be able to take a simple pho
Our second client project is iPad Calendar app for MUJI. Aesthetically beautiful and sophisticated Google Calendar client app. Please download and enjoy, its totally for FREE! What I did is user interface design n and direction of the app. For more information, please check official website. Simple and Sophisticated MUJI style simple and sophisticated calendar application. Credit Publisher Ryohin
Do you believe that this app is built with Adobe Flash? This simple but beautifully implemented metronome is built with Flash for iPhone technology that is one of the new feature of Adobe Flash Professional CS5. As you may know, Flash Professional CS5 is under development (private beta only). It means there is more feature to develop iPhone application in future. Full implementation version, sourc
ミニチュア風写真の撮り方 写真をミニチュア風にするには、どうすればよいでしょうか。 このチュートリアルでは写真をミニチュア風に見せるための簡単なコツを紹介します。 1:空気による色の減衰 空気の層は、遠くにあるものを色褪せさせます。 一方、ミニチュア写真ではカメラとの距離が非常に短い為、この色の減衰が起こりません。 実写では遠景ほど色が褪せています。 距離が近いミニチュアでは色が褪せません。 写真の彩度(Saturation)とコントラスト(Contrast)を強調することで、この空気による褪色を補正することができます。 彩度(Saturation)とコントラスト(Contrast)を強め、明度(Brightness)で明るさのバランスを調整します。 この鮮やかさがミニチュア風にするポイントの1つです。
This is the 5th release from the ToyCamera series and this software will allow you to create retro miniature pictures. Originally, it's published as a free web service and AIR app. Now the awaited iPhone version has finally been released. By adjusting various parameters, it allows you to apply many ToyCamera effects on your pictures: from miniature pictures to vintage styles images. It is an i
The most sold camera app in Japan. This simple application changes your iphone to the fun toy-camera. You do not need any difficult setting, all you need is just take a photo. ToyCamera automatically adds several random effects that is chosen from your custom effect list. ToyCamera is more focused on "Fun feeling of ToyCamera", rather than a functionality of an image filtering software. If you pre
The 4th release in the series of our ToyCamera, which you can take continuous shooting. Just pressing a button, it proceeds to take 4-8 serial shoots and create one image. The popping sound of the shutter gives you a great feeling. available after 12th Jan 2009
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