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ISSN (Online) 2581-9429

International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2023

Impact Factor: 7.301

Density based Intelligent Traffic Light Control

using Image Processing
Monali Shirole1, Sachin Sabale2, Komal Pawale3, Maya Gaikwad4,
Dr. Sunil Khatal5, Prof. Mundhe B.6
Department of Computer Engineering1,2,3,4,5,6
Sahyadri Valley College of Engineering, Rajuri, Pune, Maharashtra, India1,2,3,4,6
Sharadchandra Pawar College of Engineering, Otur, Pune, Maharashtra, India5

Abstract: Users and administrators of transportation systems are constantly frustrated by the growing
traffic congestion, which also costs money and results in lost time. Cities, nations, and state transportation
departments are constantly looking for cheaper, more efficient ways to reduce urban traffic congestion.
India struggles with the twin problems of pollution and traffic. India is home to fifteen of the world's twenty
most polluted cities. The top four metros in India collectively experience congestion losses worth more than
USD 22 billion yearly. Due to time spent in traffic jams, these high levels of congestion come at a
significant cost in terms of lost productivity, fuel consumption, accidents, and stress associated to traffic.
Traffic congestion still exists despite longer roads, more recently built motorways, and improved
connection. In order to accomplish open traffic flows in the capital city, it is urgently necessary to use
solution-centric and cutting- edge technical methods due to rising vehicular traffic and limited road space.
The identification of these mobility gaps and the transformation of current transportation services can be
greatly aided by technology. Traffic lights are the main sources of congestion and limiting constraints in
metropolitan environments. Hence, implementing an effective and well-managed traffic signal control
programme is essential for reducing traffic congestion. Signals are without a doubt one of the most effective
weapons for urban traffic control that municipal authorities have at their disposal, and their proper
implementation may enhance both traffic flow and everyone's safety on the roads. A smart traffic light
system makes use of technology to enhance traffic outcomes by adding a sensing network that feeds back to
the current network so that it can adjust to changing patterns of traffic density and send the controller the
necessary signals in real-time. The suggested model, which is a function of real-time traffic density,
sequentially regulates each lane's clearance time. The strategy is somewhat hybrid, combining camera and
sensor network technology.

Keywords: Convolutional Neural Network, Deep Learning, Dataset, Depression

Long acknowledged as a global economic and social hindrance that has a negative impact on human productivity, air
pollution, fuel consumption, and overall quality of life. Users and administrators of transportation systems are
constantly frustrated by the growing traffic congestion, which also costs money and results in lost time. Cities, nations,
and state transportation departments are constantly looking for cheaper, more efficient ways to reduce urban traffic
congestion. Several social and environmental issues including lost productivity, energy waste, deteriorated air quality,
and a rise in vehicle accidents have been made worse by the congestion and delays that define much of the region's
transportation system. In the future, it will be crucial for the general development of the nation that infrastructure—of
which road traffic is a crucial component—becomes cutting- edge. This increases the study's applicability to the current
situation. A suitable solution to the complicated issue of traffic requires design, planning, engineering, and institutional
inputs. Traffic lights are the main sources of congestion and limiting constraints in metropolitan environments.
Hence, implementing an effective and well-managed traffic signal control programme is essential for reducing traffic
congestion. Signals are without a doubt one of the most potent weapons for urban traffic control at the disposal of city
officials, and their proper installation may enhance both traffic flow and everyone's safety on the roads. IOT and image
processing are examples of current emergent technologies that can be used to solve the issue. In these disciplines, there
Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/568 35
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2023

Impact Factor: 7.301
is a lot of ongoing study. These technologies have been included into our suggested system to create a smart and
intelligent traffic control system. Each of the two approaches has disadvantages of their own.


Adil Hilmani , Abderrahim Maizate, and Larbi Hassouni, Automated Real-Time Intelligent Traffic Control System for
Smart Cities Using Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Volume 2020.
In this study, we present a wireless sensor network (WSN)-based intelligent traffic control system to gather information
on parking availability and traffic flow in a smart city. The proposed system also offers cutting-edge services that
enable drivers to view traffic flow and the number of parking spaces near their destination remotely using an Android
mobile application. This helps them avoid traffic congestion, choose an alternate route to avoid getting stuck, and
makes it simpler for them to find a free parking spot and cut down on unnecessary trips. To link residents, our solution
combines three intelligent, interconnected subsystems (crossroad management, parking spot management, and a mobile
Duy Nhat Nguyen, Adaptive Traffic Control System: Design and Simulation, Concordia University, July 2015.
This research provides such a solution based on an adaptive traffic control algorithm that ensures dependable and ideal
vehicle mobility while taking into account the structure of the road network and constantly changing traffic streams.
The algorithm determines safe routes for cars to take around traffic crossings, enabling point-to-point movement by
cuttingdown on travel time and increasing fuel efficiency. Every road intersection has an Intersection Manager who is in
charge of the adaptive algorithm incorporated in the Arbiter. The thesis suggests a hierarchy of road managers for a
distributed traffic management architecture. The adaptive algorithm and architecture are given extensions.
Peng Jing, Hao Huang and Long Chen, An Adaptive Traffic Signal Control in a Connected Vehicle Environment: A
Systematic Review, School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering, Jiangsu University, 22 August 2017
In a connected car context, the current methods of adaptive traffic signal regulation will be reviewed critically in this
study, along with their benefits and drawbacks. To enable future study, a systematic framework on connected vehicle-
based adaptive traffic signal regulation is provided. In a connected car context, future research is required to provide
more effective and generic adaptive traffic signal control algorithms.
MADHUKAR, Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Using Fuzzy Logic, IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 2 April 2020
These technologies were created to manage predictable traffic patterns. Yet, the volume of traffic today fluctuates often,
necessitating increased computational capability in the traffic control system. The system that can manage the various
sizes of automobiles on the road is presented in this study. By taking into account all sizes of cars, this approach first
assesses the concatenated vehicle size. Cycle length is then determined using the calculated vehicle size along with the
other input parameters, traffic flow, and traffic density. In essence, three variables are used in this: the size of the
vehicles, the traffic density, and the traffic flow. The size of vehicles, traffic density, and traffic flow are taken into
account when developing fuzzy rules, and cycle length is determined using multiple datasets. The cycle length obtained
using the model in this paper is then compared to the cycle length for the fixed time control.
Hong K. Lo H. E Chow, “Adaptive Resolution, and Accuracy,March 2002; Accepted: July 2002
The adaptive traffic control system (ATCS) tries to manage approaching traffic that hasn't yet arrived and is, thus, not
completely known. In the hopes that the current or past arrival profile will continue to be indicative of the impending
crisis, an ATCS can develop control plans using historicaldata based on time of day or day of the week, as well as real-
time observed data. A short-term traffic prediction module may be added to more sophisticated ATCS to increase the
predictability of predictions. In any case, ATCS's performanceis reliant on its capacity to foresee future traffic patterns.


The exceptionally high resolution of the photos makes it challenging to identify vehicles from UAV images. The study
also looked at these issues. Particularly, the effectiveness of several approaches to locate the car on video frames has
been examined. As a result, the car's accuracy and average Intersection over Union (IoU) were examined. The methods
were applied to real data in line with real-time applications.

Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/568 36

ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2023

Impact Factor: 7.301

Fig: - System Architecture

we are using traffic dataset for protype put together traffic light controlling based with respect to vehicles is
proposed in the framework where we apply calculation (CNN: - Convolutional Brain Networks).Convolutional Neural
Networks is a famous profound learning method for current visual acknowledgment errands. There are four layered
ideas in Convolutional Neural Networks:
 Convolution,
 ReLu,
 Pooling and
 Full Connectedness (Fully Connected Layer).

The proposed model gives answer for the developing gridlock issue and can really supplant the current conventional
approaches or traffic light framework. Contingent upon traffic the sign will be changed and the mishap recognition is
likewise proposed where alarm is produced assuming vehicles will run one another . The framework can ended up being
extremely encouraging while at the same time executing and testing autonomous parts or modules in light of the idea
and move toward we proposed.

[1]. Adil Hilmani , Abderrahim Maizate, And Larbi Hassouni, “Automated Real-time Intelligent Traffic Control
System For Smart Cities Using Wireless Sensor Networks”, Wireless Communications And Mobile
Computing Volume 2020
[2]. Madhukar, “Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Using Fuzzy Logic”, Ijret | Volume 6, Issue 2 April 2020
[3]. Peng Jing, Hao Huang And Long Chen, An Adaptive Traffic Signal Control In A Connected Vehicle
Environment: A Systematic Review, School Of
[4]. Automotive And Traffic Engineering, Jiangsu University, 22 August 2017
[5]. Hong K. Lo H. E Chow, “Adaptive Resolution, And Accuracy, March 2002; Accepted: July 2002
[6]. Duy Nhat Nguyen, Adaptive Traffic Control System: Design And Simulation, Concordia University, July

Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/568 37


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