Internet of Things - Smart Traffic Management System For Smart Cities Using Big Data Analytics
Internet of Things - Smart Traffic Management System For Smart Cities Using Big Data Analytics
Internet of Things - Smart Traffic Management System For Smart Cities Using Big Data Analytics
Internet of things — smart traffic management system for smart cities using
big data analytics
53 8,391
7 authors, including:
Raja Kumar
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
All content following this page was uploaded by Rajesh Kumar on 15 November 2018.
4.3. Big Data Analytics Module While (Timer< green and Timer is not 0)
It receives the sensors information with sensor Id. If (
Compute all the information performing analytics Count> count)
operations. Various factors are considering for calculating Keep the signal green.
individual sensor strength and add each other sensor entry -- Count by 1.
and leaving vehicle details road capacity. Etc. factors are Else
considered compute analyzed report are to be produced it if (
make ready through access by using internet either mobile Count<= count)
APP or internet browser. Here apply various forms are Goto 2.
approaches [18] are connected with latest real-time End
streaming data processing mechanisms are used shown in Signal red.
Fig.2. Turn the adjacent signal green.
Go to 1.
Effective congestion management
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