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Internet of Things - Smart Traffic Management System For Smart Cities Using Big Data Analytics

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Internet of things — smart traffic management system for smart cities using
big data analytics

Conference Paper · November 2018

DOI: 10.1109/ICCWAMTIP.2017.8301496


53 8,391

7 authors, including:

Abida Sharif Rajesh Kumar

COMSATS University Islamabad University of Electronic Science and Technology of China


Raja Kumar
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University


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School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu
Dept. of Computer Engineering, Comsats Institute of Information Technology, Wah Cantt., Pakistan
E-MAIL: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: proficiency of administrations and address occupants' issues.

Smart Traffic System (STS) is a one of the important ICT permits city authorities to communicate straight
aspect for future smart city. STS is more expensive and highly forwardly with the group and the city base and to screen
configurable to provide better quality of service for public what is going on in the city, how the city is developing, and
traffic management. This paper proposes a low cost future how to empower a superior personal satisfaction. Using
STS to provide better service by deploying traffic update sensors coordinated with ongoing checking frameworks,
instantly. Low cost vehicle detecting sensors are fixed in the
information is gathered from nationals and gadgets then
middle of road for every 500 meters. Internet of Things (IoT)
is being used to attain public traffic data quickly and send it handled and broke down. The data and information
for data processing. The Real time streaming data is sent for assembled are keys to handling inefficiency.
Big Data analytics. There are several analytical scriptures to
analyze the traffic density and provide solution through 2. Literature Review
predictive analytics.
According to the United Nations Population Fund, in
Keywords: 2025, 64% of the world’s population lived in urban areas,
Internet of Things; Big Data; Smart Cities; Smart Traffic approximately 5.2 billion people [3]. By 2035, roughly 66%,
Management System. or 6 billion people will live in urban areas. This not only
represents a massive challenge in how we build and manage
1. Introduction cities but significant opportunity to improve the lives of
billions of people. Rising to that challenge, engineers
Internet of Things (IoT) is a recent communication worldwide are turning to new technology such as the Cyber
paradigm that envisions a near future, in which the objects Physical Systems, 5G and data analytics searching for new
of everyday life will be equipped with microcontrollers, approaches and solutions that will improve city
transceivers for digital communication, and suitable transportation, water and waste management, energy usage,
protocol stacks that will make them able to communicate and a host of other infrastructure issues that underpin the
with one another and with the users, becoming an integral operation of cities and the lifestyle of urban citizens [4].
part of the internet [1]. A smart city is an urban According to the research on Smart Cities, the Smart
improvement vision to incorporate various Internet of City market is estimated at hundreds of billion dollars by
Things (IoT) and Information and Communication 2025, with an annual spending reaching nearly 23 billion
Technology (ICT) arrangements in a safe style to deal with [5]. On the technical side, the most relevant issue consists
a city's advantages and benefits incorporate, yet are not in the no interoperability of the heterogeneous technologies
constrained to, neighborhood offices data frameworks, currently used in city and urban developments. In this
schools, libraries, transportation frameworks, clinics, power respect, the IoT vision can become the building block to
plants, water supply systems, waste administration, law realize a unified urban scale ICT platform, thus unleashing
requirement, and other group administrations [2]. the potential of the STS vision [67].
The objective of building a smart city is to enhance
personal satisfaction by utilizing innovation to enhance the

978-1-5386-1010-7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 281

STS vision activity congestion on street systems is calculation [17] to execute in the movement framework.
only slower speeds, expanded excursion time and expanded The activity focuses are dealt with as autonomous areas.
lining of the vehicles. At the point when the number of The movement densities of various streets at a specific time
vehicles surpasses the limit of the street, activity congestion as info in light of out information, we have created two
happens like metropolitan urban communities. Movement yields. Movement Cycle is the aggregate time required for
congestion is brought about when the interest surpasses the one complete revolution of the sign lights at any activity
accessible street limit. point.
In [8] this paper proposed a strategy for deciding This strategy is connected for more cycle span when
traffic blockage on streets utilizing picture preparing there is more movement so that more vehicles can breathe
procedures and a model for controlling traffic signals in easy. At the point when there is less movement, the activity
light of data got from pictures of streets taken by camcorder. cycle is abbreviated with the goal that vehicles don't need to
Variable traffic cycle and weighted time for every street in sit tight for a drawn out stretch of time in sign moves. The
view of traffic thickness and control traffic lights in a second parameter is weighted time portion shown in Fig.1.
consecutive way it is very time complex as well as
Consequently, it is high time to adequately deal with
the traffic jam [9] issue. There are different strategies
accessible for traffic administration, for example, video
information analysis, infrared sensors, inductive circle
recognition, remote sensor system, etc. Henceforth another
innovation called Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is
presented which can be combined with the current flagging
framework that can go about as a key to brilliant traffic
administration [10] continuously.
In [11] introduced model called dynamic traffic
monitoring system. It using their various parameter factors Fig.1 STS Architecture
towards collecting Gathering of high quality travels time
and speed. It means that various affecting factors are should 4. Evaluation Model
counting. In [12] invented that GPS based vehicle tracking
system. It provides to decreasing the short distance In practical approach it consists the three different
traveling. As well as same content in [13] focused on modules are adding.
various factors are to be considering timely data
acquiescing by using VSNs vector distance routing 4.1. Experimental Setup
algorithm. It provides the high reliable communication [14].
For experimental setup three different modules are
3. Problem Statement there for overall application designing. Based on below Fig
1 shows deploying technologies on root phase.
A Novel Technical support for traffic control system
for better emerging traffic management system for smart 4.2. Internet of things module
cities [15]. Deploying booming technologies like Internet of
Things and Big data. User friendly App based traffic Approach is to completely IoT based vehicle
updates, status of road based vehicle strength etc. information gathering system. Intel IoT kit with all latest
interaction provided by using these technologies. features and vehicle detection sensors. Connected the
The portability model utilized for regenerations sensors based on our criteria deploy on road ½ km or 1 km
depends on the comfortable driving model (CDM) in [16]. and more it depends best is to deploy very near distance for
It is a traffic cell robot where space is discredited in units of getting better results.
0.5 m and time in interims of 1 s. The position and the At least 5 sensors are connected in each other and it
speed of a vehicle named as n are given by and, communicates to the single IoT kit. All kits are connected
individually. The model incorporates expectant impacts by to the network access sharing information among the
considering the status of the first vehicle's brake light by Internet. It continues monitoring for vehicles and updates
suspecting its speed and by plan a straightforward activity are sending to the big data storage and analytics.

4.3. Big Data Analytics Module While (Timer< green and Timer is not 0)
It receives the sensors information with sensor Id. If (
Compute all the information performing analytics Count> count)
operations. Various factors are considering for calculating Keep the signal green.
individual sensor strength and add each other sensor entry -- Count by 1.
and leaving vehicle details road capacity. Etc. factors are Else
considered compute analyzed report are to be produced it if (
make ready through access by using internet either mobile Count<= count)
APP or internet browser. Here apply various forms are Goto 2.
approaches [18] are connected with latest real-time End
streaming data processing mechanisms are used shown in Signal red.
Fig.2. Turn the adjacent signal green.
Go to 1.
Effective congestion management

6. Conclusion and Future work

The proposed system discussed about a low cost STS

to provide better service by deploying traffic indicators to
update the traffic details instantly. Low cost vehicle
detecting sensors are shown in the middle of road for every
500 meters. IoT are being used to acquire traffic data
quickly and send it for processing. The streaming data is
sent for Big Data analytics. There are several analytical
scriptures to analyze the traffic density and provide solution
through predictive analytics. Moreover, our approach is
Fig.2 Big Data Analytics Module flow provided a better result while comparing to the existing
systems. In future advanced sensors used for detecting
5. User Interaction Modules nature of capacity of vehicle using big data analytics to
create more flexible to travelers.
In this module consists of the latest analytics and
decision tools are providing for travelers. Capacity of road Acknowledgements
number of vehicles are there status everything shown
accessing internet. Multiple way’s user wants to access the This paper was supported by the National Natural
information example mobile APP, internet browser throw Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61370073), the
enabling GPS on Device, etc. In user point of view very National High Technology Research and Development
faster interaction and fast data processing are to be done by Program of China (Grant No. 2007AA01Z423), the project
using background as big data stream analytics. of Science and Technology Department of Sichuan
Province, and Chengdu Civil-military Integration Project
5.1. STS Algorithm Management Co., Ltd.

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