ONUCHE with matriculation number FPI/ND/COM/11/177 and OYIBO Y. HAJARAT with matriculation number FPI/ND/COM/11/157 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of National Diploma (ND) in Computer Science at federal polytechnic Lokoja Kogi State.
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. External Supervisor
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DEDICATION This project is dedicated firstly to the God Almighty, the owner of our who make it possible for us to finish this program successfully. We also dedicated this project to our parents whose contribution both financially and encouragement made it possible to us and see us through.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to express our gratitude and appreciation to our supervisor Mr. E. Ajayi for his intellectual support and guidance in this course of writing this project. Our appreciation also goes to our parents for their support and love through the duration of our course. They have tried al their best for us during our program. Also we like to express our sincere appreciation to our HOD Mrs. Odiketa J.C, our co-ordination Mr. James Ekume and other lecturers of computer science department for their effort in making us what we are. We want also appreciate some of our course mate who share their own knowledge we us to become what we are. And to all those who help us both spiritual and physical to make our staying in federal polytechnic Lokoja conducive and warm one, may almighty God bless you all (Amen)
ABSTRACT This computer system is used by various people to accomplish different tasks as work processing graphical designs data processing etc. the use of computer system in various section of the social economic and governmental activities can not be over emphasized. In a government parastatal get up information is highly essential\. They realization of the fact led to the implementation of a management information system (MIS) in traffic control. Thus automated traffic system, this is due to the difficulty in retrieving information and easy access to remove database or other parastatal, as well as manually process data, thereby lead to in accuracy of data process. The advantage of having a standard system is for efficient processing of information in Lokoja road safety commission (IRSM). This project demonstrates the use of computer technology in enhancing efficiency of the activities in the traffic management from the database generated, offender can be easily traced and trap down as well as to generate revenue. The software employs the use of Microsoft visual
basic 6.0 as the front end tool and Microsoft access as the back end tool. The program is broken down into modules with each modules handling a lot of related task.
CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION We have move to a time where access to information on which out knowledge is based will take on a variety of focuses. Francis and ludmila (1991) in their book entitled media forces in our society noted that modern computers and communication method have opened up a range of new information technology and power the impact these is clearly hummers, local and national government, the police and owned forces, large and small and industries regional and international companies are almost totally dependent on
computers for carrying out a wide range of their desired function. In view of this, we could see that computer information technology has reduced the world to a global room which means that with the right technology data can be extracted from any part of the world right on our table in which traffic control system is not let out.
1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In 1975 the carpets that over threw the government of general Yakubu gown gave as one of their reasons the traffic situation in Nigeria, the traffic situation in Lokoja road can only be compared to driver in cities it was common for workers to get home at late hour after closing from the work. The choice on our roads was caused by bad planning, non-enforcement of relevant laws, corruption and inaptitude of traffic managers (traffic police) and lack of information
technology. 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVE 1. To improve safety for travelers 2. To track down traffic offenders who evade arrest through the vehicle number plate. 3. Reduce driver frustration and road rage 4. To reduced accidents, both vehicular and penetration
5. To make multiple traffic offenders traceable and accountable and link up offenders to vehicles. 6. To developed database that can be used by other sections of government that needs information about the number of vehicle registered per a period of time to perform its duties or number of accident recorded per period 1.3STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM It was motivated to write and research many project on the road safety traffic, control system due to a lot of factors; 1. Inability of the traffic police to handle the work perfectly. 2. Driver frustration and road congestion 3. Unnecessary stopping- this is turn increase fuel consumption, and noise and vehicle wear and tear. 4. Traffic congestion is an ever increasing problem in Lokoja road about local authorities had continuously work to maximized efficiency of their road networks and to minimize any disruption caused by accident.
1.4SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 1. Ease traffic congestion and reduced delay 2. Educating road user through enlightment programmes and creating a driver training curriculum 3. Encourage traffic safety and accident management 4. Regulating the use of the high way by introducing traffic signal control fine and penalties for traffic violation. 1.5 DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (ITS): It
involves the use of advance electronic communication and computer of high way transportation. 2. RADER: is an electronic system used to locate object beyond the range of vision and to determine their distance by projecting radio wave against them. 3. TRAFFIC POLICE: Is a person who control traffic on a road. 4. DETECTOR: is an equipment (or device) used in discovering the presence of something (or object).
5. Automated is the act of converting a process or facility so that it can operate automatically. 6. TRAFFIC: Is the act or trading in something illegal vehicle, ships or aircraft moving along a route 7. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (IT): Is the study or use or computers and telecommunications for storing and sending something 8. SYSTEM: A set of things working together as a mechanism or network. 9. ROAD USER: The those who make use of the road 10.DATA: Is the collection of raw fact or figure that are stored in computer.
COST IMPLEMENTATION The cost incomes for the production or this project paper are follows. Typesetting Binding Photocopy Research transportation Foolscap paper Office file Biro Other things Total N 4, 3500 N 1,200 N 1,980 N 3000 N 100 N 30 N 40 N 800 N11, 500
DESIGN METHODOLOGY The method to be used in collecting data for the proposed system is data capturing. The data has to be captured into the database using a well friendly interface. The information entered into the database made it easy for traffic control system.
RECOMMENDATION For the experience of this project work, we here by recommend the following. 1. The project could be introduced as an online service, thereby making it easy for both government parastatal to make use of the database 2. We also say that the application of this package will require the training of the users and administration in charge. This is needed to be carried out to affect a good implementation of the system. Finally, the use automated traffic control information system should be encourage in all government parastatals
CONCLUSION The implementation of this project has greatly improved management and administration of road safety commission lokoja. This is because the developed package provides substantially increased processing capabilities reduces data redundancies, data duplication, wastage of storage space and provide up to date data. Also included is an integrated secured database, proper control and co-ordinated data and information, quick and accurate means of issuing information to the specific need of the system user.
REFERENCES Khasty C.S (2002); an Introduction to Transport Engineering, Inc Graw Hill Companies, USA Faheity M. (2005); Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering. Watt Publication, new York. Vernon M.S. (2006); Computer Application in Traffic Control, New York. Is and Design UK MC Grathi Publisher Adenson R.G. (2004) Data Processing and Management Information System. Mc Grant Hill Publisher USA Bob R.P (19980 Willia, CB Anita (2005); Visual Basic Programming 6.0