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Ultraflo 2000 Flow & Heatmeter: Operating Manual

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Operating Manual

Micronics Limited, Unit B3 Knaves Beech Business Centre, Davies Way, High Wycombe, Bucks HP10 9QR UK.
Tel: 01628 810456 Fax: 01628 531540 e-mail [email protected] www.micronicsltd.co.uk


E1:High Flow 16
INTRODUCTION 4 E2:No Flow Sig 16
E3:Hot Fault 16
HARDWARE E4:Cold Fault 16
Electronics Housing 4
Transducer Connections 4 W1:Check Data 16
Transducer Hardware 5 W2:Timing Poor 16
Transducer Mounting 5 W3:Signals Poor 16
Transducer Cables 6 W4:Ma (1) OVER 16
Keypad 6 W5:Ma (2) OVER 16
W6:Pulse At Max 17
Quick Start 8 Application Notes 17
View/Edit Site Data 10 Select a Metering Position 17
Set-up Sensors 11 Mounting The Transducers 18
Calibrate 4-20mA 12 Liquid Conditions 19
Read Flow 12 Propagation Velocity 19
Maximum Flow 19
FUNCTIONS Application Temperature 19
Display 13 Flow Range 19
Set-up 4-20mA 13
Pulses/Set Point 14 SPECIFICATION 20
CutOff M/S 15
Reset Total Flow 15
Reset Total Energy 15 CE MARKING Guidance Notes 22
Damping 15
Cal Factor 16 WARRANTY 22
Diagnostics 16
Save And Exit 16

WARNING - users should ensure or note that:

a) The Ultraflo 2000 is not certified for use in hazardous areas.
b) The local site safety regulations are complied with.
c) Work is carried out in accordance with The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.




Figure 1


4-20mA(1) ULTRAFLO 2000 110/240V



u u


(if supplied)

The following information is required by Micronics when

placing an order.
POWER VOLTAGE................................ 24v DC
PIPE OD............................................... 60
PIPE MATERIAL ................................... STEEL
APPLICATION TEMP............................ 60°C
LIQUID ................................................ WATER
MAX FLOW IN UNITS........................... 150L/MIN
(HEATMETER ONLY) .......................1000KW
(HEATMETER ONLY)........................... 25°C

Example Order Code 24-60-S-60-W-50-150L/min


INTRODUCTION the power supply, the power can now be applied.

The Ultraflo 2000 is a “Clamp-on” liquid flow meter The Ultraflo 2000 is now ready for programming.
that uses the Transit Time method of A full programming procedure is described on
measurement to read flow. Using two PT100 page 7.
temperature probes to measure temperature it
can also be used as a Heat/Energy meter. Before programming the instrument, it is
necessary to attach the transducers to the pipe
The Ultraflo is able to measure the flow of liquid in wall such that they can be finally locked in the
any pipe from 13mm to 5000mm, providing the correct position based on exact data provided by
pipe is flooded and the correct transducers are the instrument.
used. Units are supplied according to application
data provided by the customer. TRANSDUCERS
Each instrument uses two identical transducers,
The instrument displays volumetric flow rate in which transmit and receive the ultrasonic waves.
3 3 3 They are clamped to the pipe surface using the
m /hr, m /min, m /sec, g/min, USg/hr, l/min, l/sec
and linear velocity in metres and feet per second. mounting hardware supplied, as described on
The total volume of flow will be displayed, up to a pages 5, 6.
maximum 12-digit number. When supplied as a
Heatmeter, kW, kCal/hr, MJ/hr, MJ/min and The standard transducers are made from a Peek
MJ/sec can be displayed, as well as the material with an aluminium plate supporting the
temperature differential. stud, used to lock the sensor in position. A flying
armoured lead is attached between the sensor
The flowmeter is supplied with electronics, block and the tuning circuit.
sensors and all mounting hardware. The
Heatmeter version will also be supplied with Figure 3 – 1MHz Sensors with TNC Coaxial
PT100 temperature probes. Connector

Electronics Housing
An ABS housing with an opaque door contains the
master PCB. The housing is designed for wall
mounting using the brackets provided (see Figure
2 for mounting pattern). Drilling further fixing holes
in the Housing remove the IP67 protection rating
and CE approval.

Mounting the housing into position does not

require the removal of the electronics or the front
display panel.

Figure 2
Transducers are supplied according to the pipe
size and flow velocity, and are available to meet
an operating temperature range from –20°C up to

Transducer Connections
Transducers are connected to the electronics from
the tuning circuit by TNC connectors. All other
output and input connections are made through
metal glands to the clearly marked terminals.

24V 220VAC

DO NOT PROVIDE POWER to the instrument 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18
until the service compartment cover has been + - + - + - + + - + NC COM NO F + F L N E
replaced. S

Coax sensor connectors

The electronics are factory set for a particular
supply voltage. Should it be necessary to change Coax cable
the settings for the power supply see page 7, Only one current output can be used with the flow
Power up. meter, but both can be used when the Heatmeter
option is supplied. Connections 5-10 can only be
Having completed the procedure for mounting the used when the PT100 temperature probes are
electronics, connecting all cables and checking supplied with the Heatmeter.

selecting and preparing the transducer mounting

Transducer Hardware site.
Transducer alignment guide rails, chains and
couplant are supplied with all units in order to At this point program the instrument to determine
ensure that the transducers are accurately aligned the separation distance. When you have this
with respect to the pipe axis. information from the instrument follow the set up
procedure below.
A single guide rail assembly is supplied for
mounting the transducers in Reflex mode and two Procedure
guide rails are provided for mounting in Diagonal a) Insert the transducers into the guide rail
mode. so the tails come out of either end.
b) By turning the locking nut centre
Figure 4 – 1MHz Reflex Mounting Assembly clockwise, withdraw the transducers up
into the guide rail.
c) Apply a bead of coupling grease to each
transducer. See page 19, figure 15.
d) Attach both lengths of chain to the quick
links provided and offer the guide rail up
to the pipe wall at 45°.
e) Wrap the chain around the pipe and
connect to the ‘J’ bolt. Complete the same
for both ends of the guide rail then tighten
the locking nuts on the ‘J’ bolt. This will
secure the complete assembly to the pipe.
f) By turning the centre of the locking
assembly anti-clockwise lower one block
onto the pipe. Now adjust the second
block to required separation distance and
repeat the procedure. The separation
distance is measured from the front edge
of each block and not the centre of the
locking nut.
g) If the instrument now reads a negative
Figure 5 - Diagonal Beam Mounting Hardware flow swapping the TNC connectors on the
instrument can change this.
h) Now lock the transducers in position by
tightening the nut on locking assembly.
Note: When moving the transducers into position
ensure that they are withdrawn into the guide rail
as far as possible. This ensures that the couplant
will not be removed from the transducer face
before it is screwed down into position.
Figure 6

Transducer Mounting
The two different methods of mounting the ZERO
transducers are shown on pages 5 & 6. When
ordering the Ultraflo 2000 specific application
information should have been given. This
information determines the correct hardware to be
supplied with each instrument. DISTANCE

Reflex Mode
Reflex mode is a default setting on all applications
up to 215mm. Above this the instrument will
default to Diagonal mode. It is possible to change
these default settings if required (see page 11 Set
up sensors).

Before attempting to attach the transducers it is

imperative to ensure that the correct position has
been chosen to site the transducers and that the
pipe surface conditions are suitable. Go to page
17 and carefully follow all instructions for the

Figure 7
All transducers are mounted in Reflex or Diagonal
mode as described on page 5 and 6. The guide DISTANCE ‘xxx’ mm
rail assemblies are held in position using chains. Ref Line (E)

Diagonal Beam Mode

Diagonal beam mounting means the two
transducer blocks are mounted on opposite sides
of the pipe as shown in figure 7. This is the default
setting for all applications above 215mm. Chain

If you encounter a difficult application or the

maximum flow velocity is outside of the default
operating range, when working in the Reflex Ref Line (E)
Ref Line
mode, it is possible to reprogram the instrument to (D)
operate in Diagonal mode (see page 11, Set up
An easy way to draw a perpendicular
Diagonal Set up Procedure
circumference around a large pipe is to wrap a
a) Using whatever means available mark a
length of material such as chart paper around the
reference line around the circumference
pipe, aligning the edges of the paper precisely at
of the pipe (reference line D). As shown
the overlap. With the edge of the chart paper
in figure 7.
being parallel, then either edge describes a
circumference around the pipe that is
b) Locate and mark two positions exactly
perpendicular to the pipe axis.
180° apart around this reference line.
c) On both of these positions draw a
Mark the chart paper exactly where it overlaps.
reference line (E) perpendicular to line
Then after removing the paper from the pipe, fold
(D), parallel to the pipe axis and
the measured length in half keeping the edges
approximately 1 metre long. See figure 7.
parallel. The fold line now marks a distance
exactly half way around the pipe. Put the paper
d) Take each of the guide rails and load the
back on the pipe and use the fold line to mark the
transducers as described previously on
opposite side of the pipe.
page 5. Only one transducer goes in each
guide rail.
Transducer Cables
d) Attach the one guide rail to the pipe using The transducers are connected to the electronics
the chain provided, such that it is parallel via 50ohm coaxial cables and TNC connectors.
to the reference line (E) and position so The total length of the cable be up to a maximum
that the transducer face can be aligned of 200 mteres.
with reference line (D).
e) Program the flow meter and obtain the All data is entered for set up and calibration via
separation distance. the front panel keypad. Figure 9 shows the keypad
f) From the intersection of the
circumference reference line (D) and the
second reference line (E) measure and
mark the separation distance XXX. Now
mount the second guide rail such that the
transducer face can be positioned on this
intersection ensuring that the guide rail is
parallel to the reference line (E). See
figure 7.

g) Screw down both of the transducers and

lock in position as previously described.
h) RG223 Coaxial Cable (50ohm), Different • To give a NO answer and scroll through listed
lengths up to 200 metres available on options, press SCROLL.
• To select options, store data and move on to
the next option, press ENTER.


• If data has been incorrectly entered, press Y

until the display is clear, then re-enter the data PROGRAMMING/MAIN MENU
Power Up
The RESTART key can be pressed at any point in INSTRUMENT UNTIL THE SERVICE
the program and will take the instrument back to COMPARTMENT COVER HAS BEEN
the opening display. Press SCROLL to enter the REPLACED.
password 2000 and reprogram the instrument. If
the instrument has already been measuring flow The power supply is factory set. To change from
and the SCROLL key is not pressed, it 110/220VAC to 24VDC the left hand switch needs
automatically returns to flow mode. to be in the down position. The right hand switch is
only used when changing from 110VAC to
Scroll Key 220VAC.
When the SCROLL key is pressed in flow mode
the display will read the following. When power is applied to the Ultraflo 2000 it will
Signal 80% react in 2 distinctly different ways depending upon
0.00 mA whether any application data has been
programmed into the EEROM.

This displays the signal level of the instrument and All new meters received from the factory will have
the current output status of the 4-20mA. Both will had the EEROM memory wiped clean.
be displayed if a Heatmeter is supplied.
Apply power. Initial display will show
Press ENTER again and the following will be
displayed. Micronics Ltd
No errors
Within 5 seconds the display will change to

This will display all Error and Warning messages DIMENSION

(see page 16). To program the Ultraflo 2000, Millimetres
accurate application data must be keyed in via the
keypad. Data and instructions are requested via Application data can now be keyed in.
the display and all questions must be answered
before the program will step through to the point If the instrument has been used then application data
of measuring flow. will be stored in the EEROM and the following will be
displayed. If SCROLL is not pressed within 5 seconds
Once the unit has been programmed the data can after the initial display, the instrument will go directly to
be reviewed and changed if necessary. flow mode.

The instrument displays information in the Apply power. Initial display will show
following 3 ways.
Micronics Ltd
Flow in selected units. ULTRAFLO 2000
l/min 0.00
l 0.00 PRESS SCROLL within 5 seconds of initial start up
Display will then show

Energy in selected units. ENTER PASSWORD

kW 0.00
kWh 0.00
Key in password 2000 (only required if the unit has
been previously used)
Temperature differential.

H 50°C C 10°C
Diff 40°C

The flow information can be factored to suit the

users requirements by selecting CAL FACTOR
from the FUNCTIONS menu. The Totalised Flow
data can also be reset to zero.



**** mm/inches

Display will show: If the pipe has a LINING enter the thickness now and
press ENTER. If there is no LINING press ENTER to
MAIN MENU continue.
Quick Start
To get into the MAIN MENU press RESTART,
SCROLL, then enter the password 2000. The MAIN The display will show the following.
MENU has 5 options that are selectable by using the
scroll key. There are 11 wall material options that are selectable
by using the scroll key.
Press ENTER to select.
Select the material required and press ENTER when
MAIN MENU displayed.
Quick Start
View/Edit Site M/Steel
Setup sensors
Calibrate 4-20mA S/Steel 316
Read flow S/Steel 303
Cast Iron
MAIN MENU - Quick Start Ductile Iron
The Quick Start option enables the user to quickly Copper
read flow. Brass
The display will show the following. Glass
Other m/s
Quick Start
If Other m/s is selected the user needs to enter the
speed of sound in metres per second of the particular
Press ENTER to select this option and enter pipe material being used. Enter a figure and press
application data. The user now has the option of ENTER. Contact Micronics if the sound speed is not
selecting millimetres or inches. known.
Press SCROLL to display units and ENTER to select.
If a Lining material thickness has been selected
DIMENSION the following is displayed.
Inches Steel

The display will show the following. Enter the outside There are 6 Lining material options that are
diameter and press ENTER. selectable by using the scroll key. These are only
displayed if a Lining was selected previously.
mm/inches Select the material required then press ENTER to
Enter the wall thickness in the selected units and press
The display will show the following. Concrete
Other m/s

If Other m/s is selected the user needs to know

the speed of sound in metres per second of the
particular lining material being used. Enter a figure


and press ENTER. Contact Micronics if the sound If you have eneterd a SHC the following will now
speed is not known. be displayed.

The display will show the following. RELATIVE DENSITY

Enter the relative density of the liquid being
measured (Heatmeter only. See the Heatmeter
Press Scroll. There are 6 fluid options that are instructions on page 21) and press Enter.
selectable by using the scroll key.
The following will now be displayed.
Select the fluid required then press enter to select.
Approx. max flow
FLUID * * * * l/m
Glycol 50% The data that is entered and the application
Lub oil information that has been given to Micronics when
Diesel oil purchasing the equipment determine the
Freon approximate maximum flow. The instrument will
Other m/s always default to litres per minute.

If Other m/s is selected the user needs to know The instrument now displays the maximum flow
the speed of sound in metres per second of the rate that it is capable of with the sensors provided
particular fluid being measured. Enter a figure and and the application data that has been entered by
press ENTER. Contact Micronics if the sound the user.
speed is not known.
Pressing SCROLL at this point will allow the user
The display will show the following. to change the units to be displayed in the flow
°C Press ENTER when the units have been selected.
The Heatmeter option will also display kW, Kcal/h,
MJ/h, MJ/m, kJ/m, kJ/s and Temp °C.
To enter a minus temperature press Y on the
keypad. When the temperature has been entered Approx max flow
press ENTER. The Ultraflo has a temperature
range between -20°C and +200°C. * * * * l/s
* * * * l/m
If the temperature entered is out of range the * * * * Ml/d
following will be displayed. * * * * g/m
* * * * kg/h
Temp out of rang * * * * Usg/m
Press any key * * * * Uskg/h
* * * * m3/h
* * * * m3/m
When the correct temperature is entered the * * * * m3/s
following will be displayed. * * * * m/s
* * * * ft/s
Approx. max flow
* * * * l/m
The following will now be displayed.

NOTE: If you have purchased a Heatmeter the Attach sensors

following will be displayed unless water has REFLEX Sep * * * mm/inches
been selected.
RELATIVE SHC Pressing ENTER at this point will take the
XXX instrument into reading flow.
l/m 0.00
Enter the specific heat capacity of the liquid being l 000.0
measured (Heatmeter only. See Heatmeter
Instructions on page 21) and press Enter.
MAIN MENU - View/Edit Site

From the MAIN MENU select View/Edit site data

by pressing ENTER. This enables the user to view The display will now show the following.
and edit the application data that has been
entered into the unit previously. VIEW/EDIT SITE
Lining -- --
The display will show the following. Press ENTER
to select.
It will only be possible to change the pipe lining
l/m 0.00 material if a lining thickness has been entered
l 000.0 previously. To change the lining material press
ENTER. Use the SCROLL key to select from the
options available and press ENTER.
The display will show the following. Press ENTER
to select. The display will now show the following.


View/Edit Site Fluid WATER

The display will show the following. To change the fluid type press ENTER. Use the
scroll key to select from the options available and
Dimension MM/INCHES
The display will now show the following.
To change the dimensions press ENTER. Select VIEW/EDIT SITE
the units by pressing SCROLL. Press ENTER to Fluid °C 20.0
select. This will convert all previous data entered,
into the units selected.
To change the fluid temperature press ENTER.
The display will now show the following. Press ENTER again when a new temperature has
been entered.
Pipe OD 55.0 The display will now show the following.

To change the outside diameter of the pipe press Read flow
ENTER. Enter the new outside diameter in the
units selected previously and press ENTER.
Pressing SCROLL at this point will ask the user if
The display will now show the following. they wish to exit the VIEW/EDIT SITE loop.
Pressing ENTER will take the instrument back to
VIEW/EDIT SITE the MAIN MENU option, Setup sensors.
Wall thickness 3.0
Pressing ENTER will display the following.
To change the pipe wall thickness press ENTER. Approx max flow
Enter the new wall thickness in the units selected * * * * l/m
and press ENTER.

The display will now show the following. To change the flow units press SCROLL and use
the scroll key to select from the options available
Lining thick 0.0
Pressing ENTER will display the following.
To change or enter a pipe lining thickness press Attach sensors
ENTER. Enter the new lining thickness in the units REFLEX Sep 10.2
selected previously and press ENTER.

The display will now show the following

Wall M/Steel
Pressing ENTER at this point will take the
To change the wall material of the pipe press instrument into reading flow.
ENTER. Scrolls through the options, press
l/m 0.00
ENTER when a new material has been selected.

l 000.0 The display will show the following.


Press ENTER to select this option. Mode REFLEX

MAIN MENU Sensor params

Setup sensors Read flow
Exit and default
Select mode of operation by pressing SCROLL
This gives the user the opportunity to change the
then press ENTER.
mode of operation from Reflex to Diagonal (see
figure 5, page 5).
When application information is programmed into Mode REFLEX
the instrument it automatically selects the mode of
operation from that data. It is possible however to
use the same sensors in different modes. The display will show the following.

The Setup sensors option is available for two MODE

main reasons. Firstly, if from the data that has Reflex
been entered the instruction comes back that the
sensors should be mounted in Diagonal mode, it
Pressing SCROLL will allow you to choose
may be that this is not possible in the case of a
between Reflex and Diagonal operation. Press
partially buried pipe. Under these circumstances,
ENTER when new mode is selected.
provided that the velocity is low enough it may be
possible to use the transducers provided in Reflex
The display will show the following.
mode (see figure 4, page 5).
The second reason for this option is that in the Sensor params
case of applications where the signal strength is
not strong enough to get through a corroded pipe
in Reflex mode, the instrument may be used in The user cannot change this option. It is only used
Diagonal mode. This has the effect of increasing by Micronics engineers to set sensor parameters
the signal strength and maximum flow velocity. for a particular application and to make sure the
correct transducers are supplied with the
The display will read the following. instrument. If this option is selected in error the
instrument will ask for a password that is only
SETUP SENSORS known by Micronics engineers. Pressing SCROLL
Mode REFLEX will move the instrument onto the next option.

The display will show the following.

To change the mode of operation press ENTER.
There are 4 options under the heading of SETUP SETUP SENSORS
SENSORS and these are selectable by pressing Read flow

If the sensor mode has been changed from the

default settings (i.e. Reflex to Diagonal or
Diagonal to Reflex) then this option will have to be
selected to make sure that the new mode of
operation is used to read flow. If this is not
selected the default settings will be used.

The display will show the following.

Exit and default

Press ENTER at this point to Exit and return to the

MAIN MENU. This will re-set all the default sensor
settings in the instrument that may have been
changed by the user.

Pressing ENTER to continue will display the


Use the scroll and decimal point key to set 20mA

Approx max flow and keys 5 and 6 to trim. Press ENTER when
* * * * l/m complete.

The following will be displayed. Press SCROLL.

Pressing ENTER again displays the following.
Attach sensors
Calibrate 4-20mA
REFLEX Sep * * * mm/inches

The following will be displayed.

The instrument now displays the mode of
operation and separation distance. Attach the MAIN MENU
transducers as described on pages 5 and 6. Read flow
Pressing ENTER will take the instrument into
reading flow. MAIN MENU - Read flow
Pressing SCROLL will take the instrument back to
l/m 0.00 MAIN MENU-Quick start.
l 000.0
Pressing ENTER displays the following.
MAIN MENU - Calibrate 4-20mA Approx max flow
(Note: A meter is required to measure the output * * * * l/m

The display will read the following. Press ENTER It is possible to change the flow units by pressing
to select. SCROLL. When a new unit is selected press
Calibrate 4-20mA Pressing ENTER displays the following. Press
ENTER to read flow.
The 4-20mA output is calibrated before it leaves Attach sensors
the factory and should not need adjusting, REFLEX Sep 10.2
although this option allows the user to adjust it if
necessary to match a specific requirement. The
DAC value is a number between 0 and 40,000, This informs the user of the mode of operation
which is a number internal to the Ultraflo. and the separation distance.

The first stage is to adjust the output current to Pressing SCROLL takes the instrument into
4mA. Use the scroll key, decimal point key or keys SETUP SENSOR mode.
5 and 6. The scroll and decimal point key move
the DAC value in large steps of 25. Keys 5 and 6 SETUP SENSORS
move the value one digit at a time. Mode REFLEX

The DAC value should be approximately 8000 for

Pressing ENTER will read flow.
4mA and 40,000 for 20mA. By watching the actual
current value displayed on the meter, it is possible l/m 0.00
to set this exactly. l 0.00

The display will show the following.

When measuring flow there are only three keys
CAL 4mA that are active. FUNCTION, RESTART and
DAC value: 8000 SCROLL. (see also page 7)

Use the scroll and decimal point key to set and The Function key when pressed in flow mode
keys 5 and 6 to trim. Press ENTER when displays a range of information that will improve
complete. the performance of the instrument and will assist
with the setting up of the unit.
The display will then show the following.
The Restart key will at any point in the program
CAL 20mA display the start up message. This allows the user
DAC value: 40000 to restart the program from the beginning.

The Scroll key when pressed in flow mode will

display the signal level and the mA output.

Pressed for a second time it will display the mA out 0.00

ERRORS PENDING (see page 16 - Error &
Output OFF
Warning Messages). When pressed for a third
Units L/M
time it will read flow.
Max. 1000
When the instrument is measuring flow, there are mA on error 22.0
certain functions that the user can access. These Exit
functions are accessible by pressing the function
key on the keypad then entering the password
2000. The display will show the following. Press Enter to
The display will read the following. Select one of SETUP 4-20MA
the options by using the scroll key and press Output OFF
ENTER to select.
This shows the user what the output is giving at
Display L/M
any particular time. Press SCROLL to continue.
Setup 4-20mA
Pulses/set point The display shows the following. Select the output
Cutoff m/s 0.05 required and press ENTER.
Set zero flow
Reset total flow
Damping 5 OUTPUT
Cal factor 1.000 OFF
Save and exit 4-20mA
The display will show the following. Press ENTER
to select. It is possible to choose between switching the
output ON/OFF or selecting the output required by
Functions pressing SCROLL and ENTER.
Display L/M
Units L/M
By pressing ENTER then SCROLL the user is
able to change the measuring units. When
selected press ENTER. The units displayed will It is possible to set the output different from that
depend on whether a Flow meter or Heatmeter on the display. For example the display may show
has been purchased. Energy options appear the gallons/minute but the output needs to be set up in
list of flow units have been displayed. Press Enter m /hour. When a Heatmeter is supplied the
when you have selected what you would like options will include kW, kCal/hr, MJ/hr, min, sec
displayed. This is the same operation for both the and temperature differential. Scroll through the
Heatmeter and Flowmeter. options and press ENTER to select.

FUNCTIONS - Setup 4-20mA

If a Heatmeter is supplied there will be two 4-
20mA outputs available for use. They can be set
up separately to whatever output is required.
When using the 4-20mA to monitor temperature it
will only monitor the temperature difference and
not the individual temperatures of the flow and

The display will show the following. Press ENTER

to select.

Setup 4-20mA

The display will show the following. Scroll through

each item and press ENTER to select.

The display will show the following.

SETUP 4-20MA Units L/M
Max. 1000
Output OFF
This function allows the user to scale the 4-20mA. Set point
Press ENTER to select and enter your required Exit
maximum flow rate in the units selected. For
example when the flow rate reaches the maximum The display shows the following. Use the scroll
set, the output will be 20mA. Press ENTER when key to select units, press ENTER.
The display will show the following. Units L/M
Min. 000 At this point the user is able to select the units
required by pressing ENTER. Scroll through the
options required and press ENTER when
The user is now required to enter the minimum selected.
flow rate required in the units selected. Press
ENTER when complete. The display will show the following. Press ENTER
to select.
The display will show the following.


mA on error 22 Output OFF/PULSES/SET POINT

This gives an error output which would inform the Note: The display will show the previous selection.
user of loss of signal. This can be set to any figure
between zero and 24mA, but defaults to 22mA.
Press ENTER to select, enter the figure required OUTPUT
and press ENTER. Off

The display will show the following. Pulses

Set point
Press SCROLL to select and then ENTER.
Press SCROLL to stay in the SETUP 4-20mA
This facility allows the user to set the Pulses/Set
menu or ENTER to go back to the FUNCTIONS
point or switch it off altogether. Selecting Off and
pressing ENTER will move the program to Cutoff
m/s. Press SCROLL to select Pulses or Set point
FUNCTIONS - Pulses/set point
and press ENTER.
The following will be displayed. Press ENTER to
If Pulses were selected the display will show the
FUNCTIONS following.
Pulses/set point
l/pulse 1000
This gives the user a choice of using a pulse
output or the set point facility. Pulse output and set
point cannot be used at the same time. This can be scaled to the users requirements up
to a maximum of one pulse per second.
Scroll through the following options. Press ENTER
to select. SET POINT
Set point 1000

The Set point can be set to the users

requirements to trigger an alarm or indicator,
when the flow has reached a minimum or
maximum level.


The instrument defaults to 1000. This will be in the Press ENTER

units selected previously. It can now be changed
to the required amount by pressing ENTER. Enter FUNCTIONS - Reset Total Flow
the new amount then press ENTER. The display will now show the following.

The display now reads the following. Press
Reset total flow
ENTER to return to Functions.

This function resets the total Flow or Energy. If a
Heatmeter was supplied it is possible to re-set the
total Energy. Press ENTER.
FUNCTIONS - Cutoff m/s
The display will now show the following. The display will now ask the following.

Are you sure?

The instrument has a preset CUTOFF of

0.05m/sec, which has been programmed into the Or
instrument. Micronics cannot guarantee
measuring flows below this range because of
instabilities in the measuring process. It is possible
Are you sure?
for the user to change or cancel this figure but
Micronics cannot guarantee the performance
below this. It is also possible to enter any figure up Answer YES by pressing ENTER and NO by
to a velocity of 1m/sec. pressing SCROLL.

FUNCTIONS - Set Zero Flow If you have answered YES the following will be
Press ENTER to select. displayed. Press SCROLL to continue.
Cutoff m/s Total reset

On some applications the instrument is capable of

picking up noise which may show a small offset If you have answered NO the following will be
when in flow mode. This offset should be displayed. Press SCROLL to continue.
cancelled out which will increase the accuracy of
the instrument. FUNCTIONS
Reset total flow
Before this function is used you have to be sure
that the flow has stopped completely. To set zero
flow before the flow has stopped will result in an FUNCTIONS – Damping
error message. This will occur when the flow is still The display will show the following.
above 0.25m/sec. This could mean that the flow
has not totally stopped. Press SCROLL to answer FUNCTIONS
NO and ENTER to answer YES. Damping 5

The following is displayed. This option is used when flow readings are
FLOW > 0.25 m/s unstable due to turbulence caused by internal
Continue ? obstructions or bends etc. Damping or averaging
can be used to make the readings more stable. It
can be set to up-date the display between every 3
If the flow is below 0.25 m/sec then the following to 100 seconds. Press ENTER to select. Enter the
will be displayed. time in seconds then press ENTER.

Stop the flow and

press ENTER

FUNCTIONS - Cal Factor

Follow the instructions on the display by pressing
The display will show the following.
Zero flow set

for a variety of reasons. Firstly check that all

Cal factor 1.000 cables are connected, transducers are on the pipe
correctly and at the correct separation distance.
This facility should never have to be used if the Check that there is couplant on the transducers.
correct application data has been entered into the
unit when being installed. This message may also appear when trying to
measure a partially full pipe, aerated liquid or
The calibration factor enables the instrument to be when the particulate content of that liquid is too
calibrated to any existing meter or flow rate. The high. The condition of the pipe being measured
transducers are always calibrated to work with the could also be a problem.
electronics supplied. If for any reason the
transducers are damaged the new ones supplied E3:HOT Fault (only applicable for the Heatmeter)
will not have been calibrated with the electronics. This message appears when the temperature
The calibration factor could then be used to give probe on the feed pipe is not connected. Check
the same reading as other transducers. the connections under the terminal lid.
If the new reading is 4% higher than normal then E4:COLD Fault (only applicable for the
entering 0.96 will reduce the flow reading by 4%. If Heatmeter)
the reading is 4% lower than normal, entering 1.04 This message appears when the temperature
would increase the reading by 4%. When the probe on the return pipe is not connected. Check
instrument is supplied it will always default to 1.00. the connections under the terminal lid.
If it has to be changed the new cal number will
stay in the memory until changed again. Press WARNING MESSAGES
ENTER to select. Enter new data and press
W1:Check Data
This message occurs when the application
information has been entered incorrectly or the
FUNCTIONS - Diagnostics transducers have been attached to the wrong pipe
The display will now read. size. This will cause the timing to be in error. The
FUNCTIONS site data needs to be checked and the instrument
Diagnostics reprogrammed.

W2:Timing Poor
Diagnostics is not an option for the user. The Unstable signal timing or differing up/down stream
numbers displayed cannot be changed in any way times indicate that the liquid is aerated or pipe
and are only of benefit to Micronics engineers surface is of poor quality.
when testing the instrument or fault finding. Press
SCROLL to continue. W3:Signals Poor
This warning appears when there is a signal lower
FUNCTIONS - Save and Exit than 25%. This could be due to the application or
The display now reads. a poor quality pipe etc.

FUNCTIONS W4:mA (1) Over

Save and exit The mA (1) output is over range when the
Flow/Energy or Temperature differential is higher
than the maximum mA range.. It is possible to re-
Press SCROLL to start at the beginning of the scale the 4-20mA to be able to cope with the
FUNCTIONS menu again or ENTER to save all higher range.
the changes made and read flow.
W5:mA (2) Over
ERROR and WARNING MESSAGES Only one 4-20mA output is available with the
E1:High Flow? Flowmeter but both are available with the
When the instrument is programmed the user is Heatmeter. Both 4-20mA outputs are set up in the
informed of the maximum flow rate that the same way when supplied.
instrument can measure. If this is exceeded the
High flow message occurs.

It may be possible to get round these problems by

using another set of transducers in another mode.
This should not be necessary as the unit would
have been supplied for a particular application with
the correct transducers.

E2:No Flow Sig

This message appears when the two transducers
cannot send or receive signals. This could happen

Finally to ensure accurate flow measurement it is

W6:Pulse at Max imperative that the liquid is flowing uniformly within
This message occurs when the pulses have the pipe and that the flow profile has not been
exceeded the maximum setting. It is possible to distorted by any upstream or downstream
re-scale the pulse output to cope with the higher obstructions.
flow rate.
To obtain the best results from the Ultraflo 2000 it
APPLICATION NOTES is absolutely necessary that the following rules for
The ULTRAFLO 2000 is a “Transit Time” positioning the transducers are adhered to and
Ultrasonic flowmeter which has been designed to that the condition of the liquid and the pipe wall
work with “Clamp On” transducers, thus enabling are suitable to allow transmission of the sound
liquid flowing within a closed pipe to be measured along its predetermined path.
accurately without the need for any mechanical
parts to be inserted either through the pipe wall or Selecting A Meter Position
protrude into the flow system. As the transducers with the Ultraflo 2000 are
clamped to the outside surface of the pipe, the
The meter is controlled by a micro-processor meter has no way of determining exactly what is
containing a wide range of data which enables the happening to the liquid. The assumption therefore
instrument to measure flow in any pipe diameter has to be made that the liquid is flowing uniformly
from 13mm bore up to 5000mm, made of any along the pipe, either under fully turbulent
material and over a wide range of operating conditions or under laminar flow conditions.
It is further assumed that the flow velocity profile is
The system operates as follows: uniform for 360° around the pipe axis. The Ultraflo
“X” “Y” 2000 is normally supplied calibrated for use on
turbulent flows but by adjustment of the CAL
FACTOR the instrument can be used for laminar
flow applications.

Figure 11
Figure 11 shows a uniform profile as compared to
FLOW a distorted profile.

When ultrasound is transmitted from transducer

“X” to transducer “Y” the speed at which the sound
travels through the liquid is accelerated slightly by
the velocity of the liquid. If sound is transmitted in
the opposite direction from “Y” to “X” it is
decelerated because it is travelling against the
flow of the liquid. The difference in time taken to
travel the same distance but in opposite directions
is directly proportional to the flow velocity of the The difference between (a) and (b) is that the
liquid. “Mean Velocity” of the flow across the pipe is
different and the Ultraflo 2000 expects a uniform
Having measured the flow velocity and knowing flow as in (a). The distorted flow in (b) will give
the pipe cross-sectional area, the volumetric flow measurement errors which cannot be predicted or
can be easily calculated. All of the calculations compensated for.
required to first determine the correct siting of the
transducers and subsequently compute the actual Flow profile distortions result from upstream
flow are carried out by the microprocessor. disturbances such as bends, tees, valves, pumps
and other similar obstructions. To ensure a
To measure flow, it is first necessary to obtain uniform profile the transducers must be mounted
detailed information about each application, which far enough away from any cause of distortion such
is then programmed into the processor via the that it no longer has an effect.
keypad. This information must be accurate
otherwise flow measurement errors will occur.

Further having calculated the precise position at

which the transducers must be clamped onto the
pipe wall, it is equally important to align and
separate the transducers accurately with respect
to one another, as failing to do so will again cause
errors in measurement.


It will be impossible to achieve the accuracy of

Figure 12 measurement specified for the Ultraflo 2000 if the
CORRECT INCORRECT transducers are not clamped to the pipe correctly
and if the data - I.D., O.D., Temperature, Pipe
Material are not accurate.

> 20 D < 20 D The transducers are supplied with a guide rail, the
purpose of which is to ensure that the transducers
are aligned accurately with the pipe axis and that
the face of the sensor is tangential to the axis.
10 20 5 20
Apart from the correct positioning and alignment
of the transducers, of equal importance is the
FLOW FLOW condition of the pipe surface in the area under
each of the transducers.

The minimum length of upstream straight pipe is An uneven surface that prevents the transducers
20 diameters and 10 diameters downstream which from sitting flat on the surface of the pipe can
ensures that accurate results will be achieved. cause Signal Level and Zero Offset problems. The
Flow measurements can be made on shorter following procedure is offered as a guide to good
lengths of straight pipe down to 10 diameters practice with respect to positioning and mounting
upstream and 5 diameters downstream, but when the transducers.
the transducers are sited this close to any
obstruction errors can be considerable. 1. Select the site following the rules laid down on
page 17.
It is not possible to predict the amount of error as
this depends entirely upon the type of obstruction 2. Inspect the surface of the pipe to ensure it is
and the configuration of the pipework. The free from rust and unevenness. Transducers
message therefore is clear. Do not expect to can be mounted directly on painted surfaces
obtain accurate results if the transducers are as long as the surface is smooth and that the
positioned closer than allowed to any obstruction underlying metal surface is free from rust
that distorts the uniformity of the flow profile. particles. On bitumen or rubber coated pipes
the coating must be removed in the area
Examples of the effects of two different pipe under the transducers as it is preferable that
configurations are shown in Figure 13. the transducers are mounted directly on to
base metal.
3. Transducers can be mounted on both Vertical
or Horizontal pipe runs.

Figure 14 - Horizontal pipes

‘A’ ‘B’



4. Apply interface couplant to the face of the


The amount of couplant used is extremely

important particularly on pipes of less than 100mm
bore. Use the syringe supplied with the instrument
and apply couplant as shown.
On small pipes below 90mm the bead of grease
Mounting The Transducers used must be approximately 20mm long and 2mm
maximum diameter. Using more grease will cause


wall signals to be generated which cause errors in metres/second, of the particular liquid. Micronics
measurement. can supply this information.

Figure 15 Maximum Flow

The Ultraflo 2000 is normally supplied with
hardware suitable for the specific application for
which the instrument has been purchased. It is
possible to use the instrument on a wide range of
applications as long as the transducers will cope
with the maximum velocity and temperature

Application Temperature
On any application with an operating temperature
above or below ambient temperature, ensure that
the transducers reach and are maintained at the
application temperature before undertaking
On Stainless Steel pipes the amount of couplant calibration.
applied should never exceed the amount indicated
in the examples above. For large plastic and steel When applying the transducers to low temperature
pipes the amount of couplant applied is less pipes, do not allow the pipe surface to ice up
critical however do not use more than is absolutely between the transducer and the pipe wall.
Wherever possible insulate the transducers such
5. Attach the guide rail assembly to the pipe so that variations in ambient air temperature do not
that it is perfectly parallel to the pipe axis. effect the relationship between the transducer and
the liquid temperature.
6. When screwing the transducers on to the pipe
surface use only enough force to ensure that The instrument automatically compensates for
the transducer is flat against the pipe surface changes in application temperature over a range
and then lock in position. of approximately +/- 20°C.
7. Clamping the transducers in exactly the FLOW RANGE
correct position is extremely important. The Figure 16
Ultraflo 2000 calculates the separation
distance and the transducers must be I I I I I I I I I I I I

positioned and clamped exactly at the Transducer set "D" (5000mm)

distance specified. I I I I I I I I I I I I
Transducer set "C" (2000mm)

8. Always use the couplant provided.

Transducer set "D" (1000mm)

Liquid Conditions Transducer set "B" (1000mm)

Transit Time ultrasonic meters perform best on I I I I I I I I I I I I

Transducer set "C" (300mm)

liquids that are totally free from entrained air and
solids. With sufficient air in the system the I I I I I I
Transducer I
set "B" I
(90mm) I I I I

Ultrasound beam can be attenuated totally and Transducer set "A" (89mm)
therefore prevent the instrument from working. I I I I I I I I I I I I

Often it is possible to tell whether there is air in the Transducer set "A"
system or not. I I I I I I

m/s 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.07 0.1 0.4 1.3 2 4 6 7 8

If a flow signal cannot be obtained a simple test to
determine whether the flow is aerated involves f/s 0.06 0.09 0.19 0.22 0.32 1.31 4.26 6.56 13.12 19.68 22.96 26.24

cutting off the flow for a period of 10 - 15 minutes.

During this time the air bubbles will rise to the top
of the pipe and the flow signal should return.

When the flow signal has returned “Switch on” the

flow and if sufficient entrained air is locked in the
system it will very quickly disperse and kill the

Propagation Velocity
To make a flow measurement using the Ultraflo
2000 on any liquid other than water it is necessary
to know the propagation velocity in


Protection Class IP67
Material ABS
Dimensions 264 x 230 x 101 mm
Display 2 x 16 Character Super Twist LCD backlit
Keypad IP67
Sensor Connections TNC Coax Connectors
All Other Connections IP65 Glands
Temperature Range 0°C to 50°C Operating
-10°C to 60°C Storage

Switchable 110–240 VAC ± 50/60 Hz Max. 5 watts
24 Volt DC

Flow Display Volumetric Flow m , litres, gallons (Imperial and US)
Flow Velocity metres/sec, feet/sec
Flow Rate 0.2…12 m/sec to 4 Significant Figures
Total Flow 12 Digits
Signal Level Indication
ERROR messages
Analogue 4 - 20mA into 750 Ω Opto isolated with user definable scaling
Resolution 0.1% of full scale
Set Point or Pulse Max. 1 pulse per second User definable scaling

Display Energy kW, kCal/hr, MJ/hr,min,sec, kJ/hr,min,sec
Analogue 2 off 4-20mA Opto isolated with user definable scaling
Pulse Output Max. 1 pulse per second User definable scaling
Temperature Sensors: PT100 -20°C to +220°C
Max. temp. differential 220°C

Pipe Sizes Flow Velocity Range

‘A’ 50 mm…89 mm 0.2 m/sec…4 m/sec (8 m/sec)
‘B’ 90 mm…1000 mm 0.2 m/sec…8 m/sec (12 m/sec)
‘C’ 300 mm…2000 mm 0.2 m/sec…4 m/sec (7 m/sec)
‘D’ 1000 mm…5000 mm 0.2 m/sec…4 m/sec (7.5 m/sec)

Frequency: 1MHz, 2MHz, 0.5MHz

Flow Transducer Protection: Standard: IP65
Flow Transducer Cables: 50 Ohm Coax Cable
Flow Transducer Cable Length: 3 metres Standard - Optional up to 200 metres
Flow Transducer Temp. Range: -20°C to +200°C (‘D’ only up +80°C)

± 1…2% of reading or ± 0.02 m/sec, whichever is the greater.
Specification assumes turbulent flow profile with Reynolds numbers above 4000.
± 0.5% with unchanged transducer position.
Any sonic conducting medium such as Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Copper, UPVC, PVDF, Concrete,
Galvanised Steel, Mild Steel, Glass, Brass. Includes lined pipes – Epoxy, Rubber Steel, Plastic.

Micronics reserve the right to alter any specification without notification.



1. Installation
Connect the flow transducers to the instrument as described in the HARDWARE section of this
manual. Note that the Ultraflo must read positive flow otherwise the energy displayed will read zero.

Attach the temperature probes to the outside of the flow and return pipes. Use the stainless steel
banding to attach the temperature probe. Heat sink compound should be applied between the probe
and pipe for better heat transfer. Lagging should then be wrapped over the temperature probe itself
to stabilise the temperature.

One temperature probe should be attached to the feed pipe as the HOT SENSOR and the other is
attached to the return pipe as the COLD SENSOR.

Figure 17 PROBE


Remove the terminal lid and connect the temperature probes’ making sure the power is turned off.
Connect the HOT sensor to the terminal marked HOT (Pins 5,6,7) and the COLD sensor to the
terminal marked COLD (Pins 8,9,10). A reversed temperature connection will make the
measured energy zero.

110/220VAC 220VAC

24VDC 110VAC
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 F 14 15 F
16 17 18
+ - + - + - + + - + NC COM NO U + U L N E

The WHITE core from each temperature probe must always be connected to the negative (Pins 6
and 9). The other two cores on each temperature probe connect to either of the positive terminals
(Pins 5, 7and Pins 8,10). Always remember to earth the PT100 probes using the screen core.
The PT100 are subject to interference from power sources such as, pumps and invertors and
any electrical equipment. The interference will cause an error in the measurement of

2. Operation
Connect power to the instrument and wait for a few seconds.

1. Follow the Quick Start menu on page 8 to read flow. Note that if the fluid selected is not water,
the user will be prompted for the SHC (specific heat capacity) and the density relative to water
3 3
(specific gravity). For water @ 20°C the SHC is 4.2 kj/m and the density is 996kg/m . To
calculate the SHC figure to enter into the unit find the SHC of the liquid being measured in kJ/kg
K and divide by 4.2 kJ/kg K. Now enter this figure into the unit.
2. To calculate the relative density, find the density in kg/m and divide by the density of water @
20°C (996 kg/m ). Now enter this number into the unit. The SHC and Density figures are usually
available from your supplier.
3. Select the Energy units required when setting up the display or outputs from the FUNCTION
menu on page 13. Scroll through the options and press ENTER to select.
4. It is now possible to set either of the two 4-20mA outputs for Flow/Energy or Temperature
differential as described in FUNCTIONS on page 13.


The Ultraflo 2000 has been tested and found to conform to EN50081 - 1 Emission Standards and EN50082 -
1 Immunity Standards.

The tests were conducted by AQL - EMC Ltd, of 16 Cobham Road, Ferndown Industrial Estate, Wimborne,
UK BH21 7PG.

The unit was tested with all cables as supplied of a maximum length of 3m. While the operation of the unit
may not be affected by the use of longer cables, Micronics can make no statement about conformance to the
above standards when these cables are in use.


The Ultraflo 2000 Ultrasonic liquid flow meter is guaranteed by MICRONICS to be free from defects in
materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment to the original customer,
provided that the equipment has been installed and used in the manner described in this User’s Manual.

Fuses and sensor cables are not included in this warranty.

Repair or replacement, at MICRONICS option, will be made without charge at its factory during the warranty

If any problems develop, take the followings steps:

1) Notify MICRONICS or the Distributor from whom you purchased the meter giving full details of the
problem. Be sure to include the model and serial numbers of your flow meter. You will then receive
service data and/or shipping instructions, depending on your problem.

2) If you are instructed to send your meter back to the factory, please send it prepaid to the authorised
repair station, as indicated in the shipping instructions.

The warranty of the ULTRAFLO 2000 Ultrasonic Liquid Flow meter by MICRONICS is limited to those
stated above and MICRONICS will not be liable for anything beyond this.

Document Number 001 - 150

Software Version: v1.12


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