Effect of Non-Newtonian Fluids On The Performance of Plate Type Heat Exchanger

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Journal of Critical Reviews

ISSN- 2394-5125 Vol 7, Issue 7, 2020


K. Sukanya1, M. Laxmi Deepak Bhatlu2, Neethu Jayan3, K. Saranya4, S. Karthikeyan5
1Department of Chemical Engineering, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore, India. sukanya.k@kahedu.edu.in
2Department of Chemical Engineering, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore, India.
3Department of Chemical Engineering, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore, India.
4Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India.
5Department of Chemical Engineering, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore, India.

Received: 18.02.2020 Revised: 14.03.2020 Accepted: 08.04.2020

A plate heat exchanger constitutes a series of parallel plates, placed one on top of the other so as to permit the forming of a series of
channels for fluids to flow between them.The objective of this analysis is to study the performance of the plate type heat exchanger (PHE)
with the non-Newtonian fluid (sodium alginate). The experiment were conducted on Plate type Heat Exchanger for parallel and counter
current flow patterns with different concentration (0.1%,0.5% and 1%) of cold fluid. A comparison among collateral flow and counter
current flow heat exchanger was done. The obtained result shows that counter current flow heat exchanger proved to be more effective
than parallel type heat exchanger.
Keywords: Plate-type Heat Exchanger, Sodium Alginate and Water.

© 2020 by Advance Scientific Research. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31838/jcr.07.07.180

INTRODUCTION analysed condensation phenomena taking place in compact heat

The heat transfer to and from fluids process is a necessary part of exchanger.
the chemical processes. Heat exchangers are implemented in
A compact heat exchanger will have density of area higher than
allied industries and are important during design and operation.
700m2/m3 units in streams of gas operation and excess of about
The other options of heat exchanger type affects the performance
300 m2/m3 while in liquid streams [12]. A heat exchanger of
of the process and also affects plant size, layout of the plant and
plate type consists of plates to differentiate the hot fluid and cold
size, strength of supporting structures [1].
fluids. The greater heat transfer efficiency of the plate exchanger
Heat exchangers are devices that transfer heat between two is extremely small in comparison to shell type device and tube
fluids by either direct contact or indirectly. They are able to type device with an equivalent capacity of heat transfer [13-29].
transfer heat across a liquid fluid and a gas or across two gases,
The present article is about to study and determine the
or they are able to perform as liquid fluid to liquid fluid heat
characteristics of heat transfer in plate heat exchanger using
exchangers. They are widely applied in petroleum refineries,
water and sodium alginate experimentally and comparing the
petrochemical plants, chemical plants, power plants, air
characteristic performance of collateral flow and counter flow
conditioning, natural gas processing, refrigeration and space
patterns. The experimental study in plate heat exchanger in
heating. For instance, the radiator in a car is water (liquid) -to-air
determining cold outlet temperature and hot fluid outlet
(Gas) heat exchanger that is capable of cooling the hot water
temperature for different flow rates are done. Then water-
returning from the engine. A wide range of heat exchangers are
sodium alginate in volume basis at 0.1%, 0.5% and 1%
available in the market, the proposed research work
composition are taken to obtain the performance of plate heat
concentrates on the frequently used plate heat exchanger
(compact) [1-2].
Compact heat exchangers are differentiated by large surface area
to desired volume, in contrast with the conventional heat
Sodium Alginate (C6H8O6)n
exchanger, especially the shell type and tube type exchanger. In
Sodium alginate is a natural product extracted from Non-
general Compact heat exchangers are highly efficient, allowing
Newtonian fluid used in this research study for Performance
more amount of energy to be regained across process streams;
analysis of Plate heat exchanger.
they are versatile with regards to the number of process streams
that are to be handled [3-5].
Plate Type Heat Exchanger
Many compact heat exchangers handle only two of the streams
The plate heat exchanger under this work has 5 plates and 2 end
and others are able to handle four streams or more streams with
plates made of aluminium of dimensions 150 × 150 mm inner
ease. The demand for high performance of a compact heat
dimension and 250 × 250 mm outer dimension and as shown in
exchanger device is improving due to their demand in
figure 1. The studies are done for collateral flow and counter flow
applications like aerospace and automobile, cooling of electronic
patterns using cold fluid (sodium alginate) in cold and hot
equipment’s and artificial organs [6-7].
(water) fluid in the hot side. Two centrifugal pump (CP) of 0.25
Early studies constitute solutions to nusselt number for huge HP, two instant water heaters (3KW each), two rotameters and
collection of duct shape during laminar flow [8], being either two storage vessels of 100 L is used for carrying out the
constant temperature wall or constant heat flux wall at boundary experimental study.
conditions, using various techniques like conformal mapping [9]
or Galerkin integral methods [10].Many conventional models for
heat exchanger have been proposed. Recently, Buongiorno [11]

Journal of critical reviews 983


Figure 2: A Plot of Nusselt Number vs. Reynolds Number for

Parallel Flow

Effectiveness Vs Reynolds Number for Parallel Flow (cold)

The difference in Reynolds number (cold) for compositions
(1%,0.5% and 0.1% ) of sodium alginate – water system on
effectiveness to show the performance of different rate of flow
and cold side composition under collateral flow condition is
Fig. 1: Experimental Setup for Plate Type Heat Exchanger
shown in figure 3.
Nusselt Number (cold) Vs Reynolds Number (cold) for
The characteristic performance of plate heat exchanger for
Counter Current Flow
collateral and counter current flow from experimental data are
The cold fluid Reynolds number for sodium alginate-water
represented in below figures (Fig 2,3,4,5) The coefficient of heat
system at different composition (1%,0.5% and 0.1% on volume
transfer as to Nusselt number of both cold fluid and hot fluid
basis) versus cold side Nusselt number are plotted to find the
with effectiveness is being represented in terms of Reynold’s
performance of changing flow rate and cold side composition on
number of cold fluid.
coefficient of cold side heat transfer of counter current flow
conditions as shown in figure 4.
Effect of Variation of Cold Fluid Reynold’s Number
In the figure (Fig.No.2) the cold fluid Nusselt number versus cold
fluid Reynold’s number are plotted that shows when the cold
fluid Nusselt number increases, there is increase in cold fluid
Reynold’s number. This is because as the Reynold’s number
improves the individual coefficients of heat transfer for hot fluid
and cold fluid increases. The improvement in these heat transfer
coefficients will improve the overall coefficient of heat transfer
that in turn improves the cold fluid Nusselt number.
The graphs (Fig.No.3) plotted against Effectiveness versus cold
fluid Reynold’s number imply that any improvement in Reynold’s
number decreases cold side efficiency and increase the hot side
efficiency of heat exchanger.

Effect of Variation of Composition

The graphs (Fig.No.4) plotted between the Nusselt number of the
cold fluid and Reynold’s number of cold fluid: at constant rate of Figure 3: A plot of Effectiveness vs. Reynolds Number for
flow of cold fluid show that the cold fluid Nusselt number Parallel Flow
decrease with fraction mole of the system. The decrease in water
concentration, decreases the heat of fluid in tube side and hence
the heat is transferred. If there is improvement in composition,
the outlet temperature of tube is decreased.
The graphs (Fig.No.5) plotted between the Effectiveness against
the Reynolds number of different systems, at constant flow rate
of fluid (cold) shows that the Effectiveness decreases with
decrease of fraction mole of sodium alginate.

Nusselt Number Vs Reynolds Number for Parallel Flow

The cold fluid Reynolds number for various composition (1%,
0.5% and 0.1% ) of sodium alginate – water versus against
Nusselt number is plotted to obtain the performances of different
rate of flow and cold fluid composition on heat transfer Figure 4: A Plot of Nusselt Number vs. Reynolds Number for
coefficient of cold side under parallel flow conditions as shown in Counter Current Flow
figure 2.

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