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1. Introduction
arrangement and water-water heat transfer and analyzed with ΔT1 -ΔT2 (4)
ΔTlm =
regard to overall heat transfer coefficient, effectiveness. ΔT
ln 1
Warnakulasuriya and Worek [2] investigated heat transfer and ΔT2
pressure drop of a viscous absorbent salt solution in a
ΔT1 =Th1 -Tc2 ΔT2 =Th2 -Tc1
commercial plate heat exchanger. Based on the experimental
data, correlations for Nusselt number and friction factor were
proposed. 3.1 Governing parameters and calculation procedure
Vishal Naik et al. [3] carried out the experimental study of the
effect of chevron angle with wide range of Reynolds Number on Total heat transfer area of a plate (effective heat transfer area) is
heat transfer characteristics of Gasketed oil-water PHE. given by
Jogi Nikhil et al. [4] reviewed the effect of plate geometry on
heat transfer characteristics of corrugated PHE by conducting A1 A1p (5)
experiment for single phase flow (water-to-water) configurations
and studied their effect. Based on that data, a simplified The enlargement factor is given by equation .It generally lies
correlation estimated the Nusselt number as a function of between 1.15 1.25 . A 1p is approximated from fig-2 as:
Reynolds number, Prandtl number and chevron angle.
Akturk et al. [5] in their study experiments are performed with a
commercial plate heat exchanger with 30° chevron angle. New A1p L p L w (6)
Nusselt and friction factor coefficient correlations are found. The L p & L w can be estimated from the port distance L v & L h and
obtained correlations can be used between a Reynolds number
range of 450 - 5250. port diameter D p are given as below
Dardour et al. [6] done a numerical analysis of the thermal
performance of a plate type heat exchanger with parallel flow Lp Lv Dp Lw Lh Dp
Lin et al. [7] in their study they developed dimensionless As specified by fig-2 the mean channel spacing (b) can be taken
correlations to characterize the heat transfer performance of the as the difference between plate pitch (p) and plate thickness (t)
corrugated channel in a plate heat exchanger by using the thus
Buckingham Pi theorem.
b pt Lc (7)
Gherasim Iulian et al. [8] presented an experimental p
investigation of the hydrodynamic and thermal fields in a two Nt
channel chevron-type plate heat exchanger for laminar and
turbulent conditions. The equivalent diameter of the channel, De, is defined as:
Anil Kumar Khandale et al. [9] carried out performance
4 b Lw 2b (8)
evaluation of heat transfer enhancement by corrugated plate heat De
2 b Lw
exchanger. They investigated the heat transfer characteristics and
thermal performance of plate heat exchanger with a mixed plate
configuration. With the approximation that b « Lw
3. Analysis of Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger Single-phase heat transfer
The performance of a plate heat exchanger can be analyzed by The heat transfer correlation is in the form
putting the necessary equations in order as below: μ
Nu=C1 Re Pr b
m 13
Heat duty is defined as the product of mass flow rate specific (9)
heat capacity and the temperature difference between inlet and μw
outlet fluid temperatures. C1 and m values are obtained from literature. The Reynolds
number, Re, based on channel mass velocity and the equivalent
Q mC p ΔT (1) diameter, De, of the channel is defined as:
G c De (10)
Heat rejected by hot fluid Re
Q=m hCph ΔTh (2)
Heat absorbed by cold fluid Where, G c = channel mass velocity which is given by
Where N cp is the number of channel per pass and obtained by Qf U f A e FΔTlm (20)
following equation A comparison between Qr and Qf defines the safety factor, Cs of
the design:
Nt 1 (12)
N cp
2N p Qf (21)
Cs =
Pressure drop 3.2 Thermal performance
The total pressure drop is composed of the frictional channel Heat exchanger has some heat transfer equations, resulting in the
pressure drop, p c and the port pressure drop p p . following dimensionless groups.
1 1 1 t •
Q max =( m c p )c (Th1 - Tc1 ) if Cc Ch
= + + (17)
Uc h h h c k w
And under fouling conditions (fouled or service overall heat
Q max =( m c p ) h (Th1 - Tc1 ) if Ch Cc
transfer coefficient): (24)
1 1 1 t (18)
= + + +R fh +R fc This can be obtained with a counter flow heat exchanger if an
Uf h h h c k w
infinite heat transfer area were available. Heat exchanger
The relationship between U c , fouled U f , and the cleanliness effectiveness, ε , is therefore written as
factor, CF, can be written as:
Ch (Th1 -Th2 ) Cc (Tc2 -Tc1 )
ε = = (25)
1 (19) Cmin (Th1 - Tc1 ) C min (Th1 - Tc1 )
U f = U c (CF) =
+R fh +R fc
The first definition is for Ch Cmin , and the second is for
The heat balance relations in PHE are the same as for tubular
Cc Cmin
heat exchangers. The required heat duty, Qr , for cold and hot
streams is obtained from equations 2 and 3. 4. Results and Discussion
On the other hand, the actually obtained heat duty, for fouled The values got from the above are shown plotted as graphs
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