HT Lab File D3mea2
HT Lab File D3mea2
HT Lab File D3mea2
(Mechanical Engineering)
Due to the wide range of design possibilities, simple manufactured, low maintenance and low
cost cross-flow heat exchangers are extensively used in the petroleum, petrochemical, air
conditioning, food storage, and others industries.
In this paper a mathematical model for cross-flow heat exchangers with complex flow
arrangements for determining e -NTU relations is presented. The model is based on the tube
element approach, according to which the heat exchanger outlet.
Temperatures are obtained by discretizing the coil along the tube fluid path. In each cross
section of the element, tube-side fluid temperature is assumed to be constant because the heat
capacity rate ratio C*-Cmin/Cmax tends toward zero in the element. Thus, temperature is
controlled by effectiveness of a local element corresponding to an evaporator or an element.
The authors are highly grateful to the Principal, Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College
Ludhiana, for providing this opportunity to carry out the present minor project work.
The constant guidance and encouragement received from Dr. P.S Bilga, Professor and
Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, GNDEC, Ludhiana has been of great help in
carrying out the project work and is acknowledged with reverential thanks.
The authors would like to express a deep sense of gratitude and thanks to Prof.Rupinder Kaur,
Prof. Deepak Dhand& Lab Attendant Rakesh Kumar and Lab Assistance Jasbir Singh,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, GNDEC, who was our minor project guides. Without
the wise counsel and able guidance, it would have been impossible to complete in this manner.
Transfer of heat from one fluid to another is an important operation for most of the chemical
industries. The most common application of heat transfer is in designing of heat transfer
equipment for exchanging heat from one fluid to another fluid. Such devices for efficient
transfer of heat are generally called Heat Exchanger.
This exchanger, shown in Fig.1.2 is generally built of a bundle of round tubes mounted in a
cylindrical shell with the tube parallel to that of the shell. One fluid flows inside other flows
across and along the tubes. The major components of this exchanger are tubes (or tube
bundles), shell, frontend head, rear-end head, baffles, and tube-sheet. A variety of different
internal constructions are used in shell and-tube exchangers, depending on the desired heat
transfer and pressure drop performance and the methods employed to reduce thermal stresses,
to prevent leakages, to provide for ease of cleaning, to contain operating pressures and
temperatures, to control corrosion, to accommodate highly asymmetric flows and so on.
In order to derive expression for LMTD for various types of heat exchangers, the following
assumptions are made:
Generally the shell and heat type heat exchanger are widely used for various purposes
having limitation to be designed for maximum up to 15000 psi, 1000 of & 30000 ft2/shell.
Beyond abovegiven parameter special consideration is required for the design of heat
exchanger. The design is ideal for high pressure and temperature services.
1. Shell and tube heat exchanger are easy to clean for floating head type configuration so
can be used in dirty services.
2. Shell and tube type heat exchanger can be used for higher temperature difference
services as itcan accommodate thermal expansion.
3. They are most suitable for gas services and phase change service.
They can be designed for special operating conditions : vibration, heavy touting, highly
viscous fluids, erosion, corrosion, toxicity, radioactivity, multi component mixtures and so
on. They arethe most versatile exchangers made from a variety of metal and non-metal
materials (such as graphite, glass, and Teflon) and range in size from small [0.1m2 (1 ft2) ]
to supergiant [over 105m2( 106 ft2) ] surface area. They are used extensively as process
heat exchanger s in the petroleum-refining and chemical industries ; as steam generators,
condensers, boiler feed water heaters and oil coolers in power plants ; as condensers and
evaporators in some air-conditioning and refrigerationapplications ; in waste heat recovery
applications with heat recovery from liquids and condensing fluids ; and in environmental
Ebieto, C. E and Eke G. B.-In his experimental paper the performance analysis carried
out of shell and tube heat exchanger & analytical method was usedto develop correlation
for the performance analysis. The thermal analysis ofa shell and tube heat exchanger
involves the determination of the overall heat-transfer coefficient from the individual film
Nu=0.8 Pr1/3(µ/µw) 0.14 (1)
For calculation of heat exchanger performance, if only the inlet temperatures are known, it
is preferable to use the effectiveness-number of transfer units (e-NTU) method, which
simplifies the algebra, involved in predicting the performance of complex flow
arrangements. e-NTU relations in algebraic form are useful in computational calculations
for design and experimental studies. For compact heat exchangers the mechanism of heat
transfer and pressure drop is fairly complex and
as a result, analytical derivation of e-NTU relations is a difficult task. It should be
emphasized that the use of correct e-NTU relations should be carefully considered before
applying the appropriate heat transfer correlation to sizing or rating a heat exchanger.
Bensafi et al. (1997)-Proposed a model that discretizes heat exchangers into tube
elements. Local values of properties and heat transfer coefficients are used. The authors
also present a computational procedure, which requires data on the coil geometry and
circuit and operational parameters such as temperature, mass flow rate, and pressure. In
this model. The cooling coils were analysed by a log mean temperature difference method.
Vardhan and Dhar (1998)-He proposed a model that discretizes the coil into nodes along
the tube-side path and carries out repetitive movement between the tube element entrance
and exit. While simultaneously updating the values of the air stream proper ties. Each
element uses an
effectiveness completed by mixed-umixed cross-flow e-NTU relations with the air side
Characterized by the minimum heat capacity rate.
Corbern and Me1on (1998)-He developed a model discretizing the tube path with a UA-
mean temperature difference local approach to test the R 134a evaporation and
correlation. A comparison of simulated with experimental data shows the most appropriate
correlation for computational simulation.
The thermal performance of a heat exchanger depends upon so many factors. Some of
them arethermal conductivities of involved fluids and materials, velocity of now,
turbulence, quality andquantity of the insulation provided, ambient conditions now
conditions, construction etc. To make an exact prediction about the performance of heat
exchanger under a set of loading conditions isalways a tough job. However, by certain
testing and experience predictions up toa certain level can be made. The present paper is
also an attempt of analysing the performance ofshell and tube type heat exchanger under
certain specified variables and loading conditions.
1. Cast iron shell.
2. U-shaped copper tubing.
3. Pressure cooker.
4. Heating Element.
5. Plastic pipes.
6. Metal pipes Joints.
7. Metallic frame.
8. Valves.
9. Thermocouples.
10. Temperature indicator.
11. Water pump.
12. Pressure Gauge.
1. Casing-Cast iron
2. Piping-Copper
3. Flanges-Mild steel
4. Pipe Joints-Mild Steel
5. Valves-Stainless Steel
6. Frame-Cast iron
1. Casing specifications
Inner diameter, Di-152. 4 mm
Outer diameter, Do-157. 4mm
Length, L-650mm
3. Flange specification
Diameter, D,-177 mm
Thickness, T-5mm
Fabrication-First of a cast iron casing is taken and is cut to appropriate dimensions and two
holesare drilled for inlet and outlet of steam. Then copper tubing is shaped in a U spiral from
whichcoldwater is passed. Two flanges are welded to the cast iron casing and to the ends of
the copper tubes. Plastic pipes are connected to the tubing through which water is to be passed.
A frame or base is made to which upon which whole set up is joined.
A pressure cooker is used to create steam and two holes are drilled into it. For one hole
pressuregauge is attached and to other valve arrangement which is further attached to the
steam inlet incasing.
First of a1l liquid or water is filled inside the pressure cooker and plastic pipe is attached to the
waterand outlet. Then the water is pumped into these pipes with the help of pump. The steam
is generated by heating the water inside the pressure cooker with the help of heater. The steam
generated by the pressure cooker is sent into the cast iron casing through the valve
The cold water is inside the tubing and the steam will flow all around it inside the casing. As
steam comes in contact with the cold water, it starts condensing we get condensed water at the
outlet of casing. Thermocouple wires are attached at the inlet and outlet of cold water and the
inlet/ outlet of steam.
By recording the values of inlet / outlet of the water and steam effectiveness can be found as
per the methods given in the calculations.
4. Correction Factor, F
To know the correction factor we have to know first P (temperature ratio) and R (capacity
P = tc2-tcl / th1-tcl
R=th1-th2 / tc2-tcl
Figure. 3 : Correction factors plot for common cross flow heat exchangers
5. NTU method
NTU = UA/Cmin
where, U= Over all Heat Transfer Coefficient
NTU : Number of Transfer Units
A= Area of tubes=Npπd L, where Np is the number of tubes per pass
5. Reynolds Number
Re= ρVD/µ
If Re > 2300. Hence the flow is turbulent.
7. Nusselts Number
Nu=hd / k = 0. 023 (Re)0. 8 (Pr)0.4
8. Prandtls Number
Pr=µC p / k
Length of tube-52cm ,
Diameter of tube=12.7mm
Cmax= mc*cpc=0.011*4.178*10^3=45.958W
Q=920.48=mh*cph(th1-th2)= mh*2206*10^3(120-18)
Now we have to find ho and hi-
For hi-
Area of tube=0.1036m^2,
Dia of tube=12.7mm
Therefore Reynold’s number=4m/ πdl=1096.7
And Nu=hd/k=.023*(Re)^0.8*(Pr)^0.4
To find Pr=µcp/k=7.03
Hence, Nu=13.55
For ho,
mh=0.00409Kg/s, Dia of shell=).1574m
Therefore Nu=13.56
Further,LMTD is given by-
Ꝋm=Ꝋ1-Ꝋ2/Ln(Ꝋ1/Ꝋ2)= (th1-tc2)-( th2-tc1)/ln[(th1-tc2)/ (th2-tc1)]=18.55
Hence rate of heat transfer= Ꝋ=FUAꝊm=2.65W
1. The effectiveness of heat exchanger is 97.3 %.
2. The rate ofheat transfer is 2.65 W.
Based on above study it is clear that many factors affect the performance of the heat
exchanger and the optimization obtained by the formulas depicts the cumulative effect
of all the factors over the performance of the heat exchanger. It is observed that by
changing the value of one variable the by keeping the rest variable as constant we can
obtain the different results. Based on that result we can optimize the design of the
shell and tube type heat exchanger. Higher the thermal conductivity of the tube
metallurgy higher the heat transfer rate will be achieved. Less is the baffle spacing,
more is the shell side passes, higher the heat transfer but at the cost of the pressure
drop. So, while optimization it must be taken care that the advantage in one of the
output parameter can affect the other parameters, which can lead to increase in initial
or operating cost.
2. Bensafi, A., Borg, S., and Parent, D., CYRANO : “A Computational Model for the
Detailed Design of plate-fin-and-tube Heat Exchangers Using Pure and Mixed
Refrigerants, International Journal of Refrigeration”
5. Durgesh Bhatt, Priyanka M Javhar, "Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Performance
7. Dutta B. K., "Heat Transfer Principles and Applications", PHI Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
8. Er. R. K. Rajput"A Textbook of Heat and Mass Transfer " S. Chand & Company
Pvt.Ltd, Ram Nagar, New Delhi.
9. Ebieto, C. E and Eke G. B., “Performance Analysis ofshell and Tube Heat
Exchangers using Miscible System”
10. Vardhan, A. and Dhar, P. L., “A New Procedure for Performance Prediction of
AirConditioning Coils”, International Journal of Refrigeration