A Review On Study of Heat Transfer Analysis of Helical Coil Heat Exchangers
A Review On Study of Heat Transfer Analysis of Helical Coil Heat Exchangers
A Review On Study of Heat Transfer Analysis of Helical Coil Heat Exchangers
Volume 5 Issue 4, May-June 2021 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
KEYWORDS: Heat Exchanger, Helical Coil, Heat Transfer, CFD, Heat transfer
Coefficient, Pressure Drop
Exchanging Heat is an operation wherever in the heat is inside the tubes and cold water inside the shell is made, to
transferred from mass of one fluid to another fluid that is study and analyze the heat transfer coefficient and pressure
often exploited in heating and cooling based mostly on the drops for different mass flow rates and inlet and outlet
operation throughout the globe. In a typical sense, a device is temperatures Bell Delaware methods.
outlined as a convenience or mechanical setup utilized for
OBJECTIVES: The criterion of any heat exchanger is to
the procedure of warmth trades between two or a lot of
develop in a manner of maximum transformation of heat
liquids that area unit at varying temperatures.. Heat
from hot fluid to cold fluid in a plant in order to eliminate
exchangers area unit valuable in various planning
wastages of heat in effective ways. Design and development
procedures such as folks with important influence plants,
of heat exchangers are based on heat transfer per unit area
refrigerant and aerating and cooling frameworks, power
where as some space is required and are modeled with
frameworks, conservative device atomic force plants,
respect to availability of space to install it. This project will
nourishment getting ready plants, concoction reactors,
help to understand and will provide CFD solution, at
HVAC, house, and aeronautical applications The most
different aspects parameter through flow of fluid on
commonly used type of HE is the shell and tube heat
differently constructed material of helical type heat
exchanger. In the present study, a comparative analysis of a
exchanger which improve efficiency. The transfer of heat to
water to water Shell & Tube HE wherein, hot water flows
and from process fluids is an essential part of most of the
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD43650 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 1568
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
chemical processes. Therefore, heat exchangers are used rate over the straight tube. Simulation results also showed
extensively and regularly in process and allied industries 10% increase in nusselt number for the helical coils whereas
and are very important during design and operation. pressure drop in case of helical coils is higher when
compared to the straight tube.
In the present study, a comparative analysis will be done of a
water to water Spiral HE wherein, hot water flows inside the Hemasunder Banka et. al. [6] has done an analytical
tubes and cold water inside the shell is made. The heat investigation on the shell and tube heat exchanger using
transfer coefficient and pressure drops for fixed mass flow forced convective heat transfer to determine flow
rates and inlet and outlet temperature by using Fluent 14.0 characteristics of nano fluids by varying volume fractions
(CFD) will analyzed. and mixed with water , the nano fluids are titanium carbide
(TiC), titanium nitride (TiN) and ZnO nano fluid and different
Main Objectives are:
volume concentrations (0.02, 0.04, 0.07 & 0.15%) flowing
To Analyze and Design the Spiral heat exchanger for
under turbulent flow conditions. CFD analysis is done on
various given material.
heat exchanger by applying the properties of nano fluid with
To Calculate the Heat Transfer for various material and
different volume fractions to obtain temperature
To compare the heat transfer characteristic between
distribution, heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rate.
Copper, Bronze and metal on various working
He found that heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer
parameter by using Fluent14.0.
rates are increasing by increasing the volume fractions.
Daniel Flórez-Orrego et.al [7] bestowed a detail study on
The first steps towards the getting an ideas to do some
flow and therefore the heat transfer over a device designed
conceptual change in design and analysis as it is require,
supported cone formed helical coil. The simulations result
literature review done , taken as a references and found
shows similarities within the elements related to rate
some useful decision making in the form conclusion and
contours of the warmth exchanger. moreover, deviations and
report are in the form of their descriptive summary below.
errors within the analysis were found owing to uneven flame
J.S. Jayakumaret. al [1] presented the effects of the fixed radiation with a deviation around twenty third was
thermal and transfer properties of the system on estimation recorded. The reliable correlation with the nusselt range
of the heat transfer coefficients. The CFD based values shows that the design provide improved
experimentation analysis show that estimated co-efficient is performance.
within the permissible range of real-time scenario and the
Timothy J. Rennie [8] studied each parallel and counter
correlation between the two was also presented.
fluid flows in cycle for heat exchanger designed supported
Usman Ur Rehman [2] studied the heat transfer and flow double pipe coiling frame work with a scope of warmth
distribution in a shell and tube heat exchanger and transfer characteristics associated. The simulation analysis
compared them with the experimental results. The model proves thatthe overall heat transfer constants is directly
showed an average error of around 20% in the heat transfer proportional to the inner dean range however the fluid flow
and the pressure difference. conditions within the outer pipe had a serious contribution
on the general heat transfer coefficient.
Nawras H. et.al [3] illustrated the performance of elliptical
tubes based on the mechanical and thermal parameters Usman ur Rehman [9] studied the heat transfer and flow
employed for polymer heat exchangers. The mechanical distribution during a shell and tube device and compared
analysis proves that the streamlined shape of the outer tube them with the experimental results. The model showed a
had an optimal thermal performance based on analysis over mean error of around two hundredth within the heat
different geometries of the tube and materials. transfer and therefore the pressure distinction.
K. Abdul Hamid et. al. [4] has done work on pressure drop Nawras H. et.al [10] illustrated the performance of elliptical
for Ethylene Glycol (EG) based nano fluid. The nano fluid is tubes supported the mechanical and thermal parameters
prepared by dilution technique of TiO2 in based fluid of used for chemical compound heat exchangers. The
mixture water and EG in volume ratio of 60:40, at three mechanical analysis proves that the efficient form of the
volume concentrations of 0.5 %, 1.0 % and 1.5 %. The outer tube had an best thermal performance supported
experiment was conducted under a flow loop with a analysis over completely different geometries of the tube
horizontal tube test section at various values of flow rate for and materials.
the range of Reynolds number less than 30,000. The
Tuckerman and Pease [11] exploited silicon micro-
experimental result of TiO2 nano fluid pressure drop is
channels, with water because the operating fluid, to dissipate
compared with the Blasius equation for based fluid. It was
power from an electronic chip. The micro-channels were
observed that pressure drop increase with increasing of
engraved {during a in an exceedingly in a very} atomic
nano fluid volume concentration and decrease with
number 14 sample with an overall dimension of 1cm2. The
increasing of nano fluid temperature insignificantly. He
tiny characteristic length scale of silicon small channels
found that TiO2 is not significantly increased compare to EG
prompted the scientific community to analyze the chance of
fluid. The working temperature of nano fluid will reduce the
new transport physics.
pressure drop due to the decreasing in nano fluid viscosity.
Shiva Kumar et. al [5] have worked on both straight tube
Descriptive analysis that's finding facts and surveys, whereas
and helical tube heat exchanger. He has compared CFD
applied and elementary analysis aims to seek out a
results with the results obtained by the simulation of
resolution to social issues or industrial issues. There are
straight tubular heat exchanger of the same length under
primarily two varieties of analysis approach that's a
identical operating conditions. Results indicated that helical
quantitative and qualitative analysis
heat exchangers showed 11% increase in the heat transfer
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
These are is more subdivided into experimental and material using machine Fluid Dynamic (CFD) are done. The
simulation approaches. The experimental approaches are comparative analysis is completed in terms of style contour
characterized with larger control over the atmosphere variations and flow of fluid Transmit. The below fig.1
whereas simulation approaches it includes the development showing the step by step procedure on Ansys CFD and on
artificial atmosphere at intervals that relevant info and applying relevant boundary condition result may be
knowledge may be generated, during this project, a analyzed and simulation of fluid flow will be done.
comparative analysis of helical device with totally different
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD43650 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 1570
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
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