Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Performance Analysis: Durgesh Bhatt, Priyanka M Javhar
Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Performance Analysis: Durgesh Bhatt, Priyanka M Javhar
Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Performance Analysis: Durgesh Bhatt, Priyanka M Javhar
Abstract: A heat exchanger is a device that is used to transfer thermal energy (enthalpy) between two or more fluids, at different
temperatures and in thermal contact. In this problem of heat transfer involved the condition where different constructional parameters
are changed for getting the performance review under different condition. An excel program has been developed for the ease of
calculation and obtaining result after changing different parameters. The tube diameter, tube length, shell types etc. are all standardized
and are available only in certain sizes and geometry. And so the design of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger usually involves a trial and
error procedure where for a certain combination of the design variables the heat transfer area is calculated and then another
combination is tried to check if there is any possibility of increasing the heat transfer coefficient. Since several discrete combinations of
the design configurations are possible, the designer needs an efficient strategy to quickly locate the design configuration having the
minimum heat exchanger cost. In this particular problem the tube metallurgy and baffle spacing are being changed the results are
obtained. In current paper the baffle spacing and tube metallurgy are the parameters considering change and effect of the same of heat
transfer coefficient have been considered.
Keywords: Shell and Tube heat exchanger, Performance analysis, Optimization, M S Excel
1. Introduction
Transfer of heat from one fluid to another is an important
operation for most of the chemical industries. The most
common application of heat transfer is in designing of heat
transfer equipment for exchanging heat from one fluid to
another fluid. Such devices for efficient transfer of heat are
generally called Heat Exchanger.
1.4 Application
Figure 2: Basic components of STE
Generally the shell and heat type heat exchanger are widely
Shell-and-tube exchangers are classified and constructed in used for various purposes having limitation to be designed
accordance with the widely used TEMA (Tubular Exchanger for maximum up to 15000 psi, 1000 oF & 30000 ft2/shell.
Manufacturers Association) standards (TEMA, 1999), DIN Beyond above given parameter special consideration is
and other standards in Europe and elsewhere, and ASME required for the design of heat exchanger. The design is ideal
(American Society of Mechanical Engineers) boiler and for high pressure and temperature services.
pressure vessel codes. TEMA has developed a notation
system to designate major types of shell-and-tube Shell and tube heat exchanger are easy to clean for floating
exchangers. In this system, each exchanger is designated by a head type configuration so, can be used in dirty services.
three-letter combination, the first letter indicating the front- Shell and tube type heat exchanger can be used for higher
end head type, the second the shell type, and the third the temperature difference services as it can accommodate
rear-end head type. These are identified in Fig. 1.2. Some thermal expansion.
common shell-and-tube exchangers are AES, BEM, AEP, They are most suitable for gas services and phase change
CFU, AKT, and AJW. It should be emphasized that there are service.
other special types of shell-and-tube exchangers
commercially available that have front- and rear-end heads They can be designed for special operating conditions:
different from those in Fig. 1.6. Those exchangers may not vibration, heavy fouling, highly viscous fluids, erosion,
be identifiable by the TEMA letter designation. corrosion, toxicity, radioactivity, multicomponent mixtures,
and so on. They are the most versatile exchangers, made
from a variety of metal and nonmetal materials (such as
graphite, glass, and Teflon) and range in size from small
[0.1m2 (1 ft2)] to supergiant [over 105m2 (106 ft2)] surface
area. They are used extensively as process heat exchangers in
the petroleum-refining and chemical industries; as steam
generators, condensers, boiler feed water heaters and oil
coolers in power plants; as condensers and evaporators in
some air-conditioning and refrigeration applications; in waste
heat recovery applications with heat recovery from liquids
and condensing fluids; and in environmental control.
2. Literature Review
A Shell and tube heat exchanger is a device in which energy
is transferred from one fluid to another across a solid surface.
Figure 1: TEMA designation of STE Exchanger analysis and design therefore involve both
convection and conduction. Two important problems in heat
The three most common types of shell-and-tube exchangers exchanger analysis are (1) rating existing heat exchangers
are (1) fixed tube-sheet design, (2) U-tube design, and (3) and (ii) sizing heat exchangers for a particular application.
floating-head type. In all three types, the front-end head is Rating involves determination of the rate of heat transfer, the
stationary while the rear-end head can be either stationary or change in temperature of the two fluids and the pressure drop
floating (see Fig. 1.2), depending on the thermal stresses in across the heat exchanger. Sizing involves selection of a
the shell, tube, or tube-sheet, due to temperature differences specific heat exchanger from those currently available or
as a result of heat transfer. The exchangers are built in determining the dimensions for the design of a new heat
accordance with three mechanical standards that specify exchanger, given the required rate of heat transfer and
design, fabrication, and materials of unfired shell-and-tube allowable pressure drop. The LMTD method can be readily
heat exchangers. Class R is for the generally severe used when the inlet and outlet temperatures of both the hot
requirements of petroleum and related processing and cold fluids are known. When the outlet temperatures are
applications. Class C is for generally moderate requirements not known, the LMTD can only be used in an iterative
for commercial and general process applications. Class B is scheme. In this case the effectiveness-NTU method can be
for chemical process service. The TEMA standards used to simplify the analysis. The choice of heat exchanger
supplement and define the ASME code for heat exchanger type directly affects the process performance and also
Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014
Paper ID: SEP14607 1873
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
influences plant size, plant layout, length of pipe runs and the Ebieto, C.E and Eke G.B. [1] in his experimental paper the
strength and size of supporting structures. The most performance analysis carried out of shell and tube heat
commonly used type of heat exchanger is the shell-and tube exchanger & analytical method was used to develop
heat exchanger, the optimal design of which is the main correlation for the performance analysis.
objective of this study. Computer software marketed by
companies such as HTRI and HTFS are used extensively in The thermal analysis of a shell and tube heat exchanger
the thermal design and rating of HEs. These packages involves the determination of the overall heat-transfer
incorporate various design options for the heat exchangers coefficient from the individual film coefficients, and (Kern,
including the variations in the tube diameter, tube pitch, shell 1965). The shell-side coefficient presents the greatest
type, number of tube passes, baffle spacing, baffle cut, etc. A difficulty due to the very complex nature of the flow in the
primary objective in the Heat Exchanger Design (HED) is the shell. In addition, if the exchanger employs multiple tube
estimation of the minimum heat transfer area required for a passes, then the LMTD correction factor must be used in
given heat duty, as it governs the overall cost of the HE. But calculating the mean temperature difference in the exchanger.
there is no concrete objective function that can be expressed For the turbulent flow regime (Re ≥ 104), the following
explicitly as a function of the design variables and in fact correlation is widely used (serth, 2007).
many numbers of discrete combinations of the design
variables are possible as is elaborated below. Thus the Nu = Re0.8 Pr1/3 (µ/µw)0.14 (1)
optimal design of heat exchanger can be posed as a large
scale, discrete, combinatorial optimization problem. Most of Where,
the traditional optimization techniques based on gradient
methods have the possibility of getting trapped at local Nu = Nusselt Number = hd/k
optimum depending upon the degree of non-linearity and Re = Reynold’s Number = DVρ/µ
initial guess. Hence, these traditional optimization techniques Pr = Prandtl Number = cpµ/k
do not ensure global optimum and also have limited D = Inside diameter of the pipe
applications. In the recent past, some experts studied on the V = average fluid velocity.
design, performance analysis and simulation studies on heat
exchangers. Modeling and Simulation of Shell and Tube Cp,µ,ρ,k = Fluid properties at avg. bulk temperature.
Heat Exchangers Under Milk Fouling was carried out. µw = Fluid viscosity evaluated at average wall temperature.
Dynamic Model for Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers was
discussed. Shell and Tube heat exchangers are applied where Eq. (1) holds good for 0.5 ≤ Pr ≥ 17,000 & for pipes L/D ≥
high temperature and pressure demands are significant and 10. However for short pipes 10 ≤ L/D ≥ 60, the right hand
can be employed for a process requiring large quantities of side of the equation is often multiplied by the factor [
fluid to be heated or cooled. Due to their design, these 1+(D/L)2/3] to correct for the entrance and exit effects. (Serth
exchangers offer a large heat transfer area and provide high 2007).
heat transfer efficiency in comparison with others. Modeling
is a representation of physical or chemical process by a set of For laminar flow in circular pipes (Re < 2100), the seider-
mathematical relationships that adequately describe the Tate correlation takes the form : Nu = 1.86[RePrD/L]1/3
significant process behavior. Improving or understanding (µ/µw)0.14. This equation is valid for 0.5< Pr <17000 and
chemical process operation is a major objective for
developing a process model. These models are often used for [RePrD/L]1/3 (µ/µw)0.14 (2)
Process design, Safety system analysis and Process control.
A steady state model for the outlet temperature of both the For low in he transition region (2100 < Re < 104), the Hausen
cold and hot fluid of a shell and tube heat exchanger will be correlation is:
developed and simulated, which will be verified with the
experiments conducted. Based on these observations Nu = 0.116(Re2/3 – 125) Pr1/3(µ/µw)0.14 (1+(D/L)2/3). (3)
correlations to find film heat transfer coefficients will be
developed during any process of refining of chemical In computing the tube-side coefficient hi it is assumed that all
manufacturing the heat exchangers are widely used tubes in the exchanger are exposed to the same thermal and
equipment for heat recovery purpose. In most of the power hydraulic conditions. The value of hi is then the same for all
plants, refinery, petrochemical industries heat exchangers are tubes, and the calculation can be made for a single tube.
the common equipment to be visualized in units. Equations (1), (2), or (3) were used, depending on the flow
regime. The tube fluid heat transfer coefficient, hi, can be
The efficiency of the heat exchangers are depends on the calculated using;
how much heat transfer is done during the service. As the
service life passes the heat transfer rate decreases and the hi= (NuK/Di) (4)
efficiency as well. The dirt and the deposits in the process
fluid tend to adhere to inner and outer surface of the shell and The Delaware method (Serth, 2007) was used to compute the
tube type heat exchanger tubes. This phenomenon is known shell-side heat transfer coefficient, ho . In the equation for
as fouling of the heat exchanger. So keep the required the overall heat transfer coefficient, the temperature
process parameters in maintained condition the tube bundles difference, Δtm , is the mean temperature difference between
of the shell and tube type of exchangers are required to clean the two fluid streams. Since is independent of position along
out at a period of time.
Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014
Paper ID: SEP14607 1874
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
the exchanger, Δtm is the logarithmic mean temperature flow path set to the tube length times the number of tube
difference (Serth, 2007); passes (Serth, 2007).
(5) (14)
= Pressure drop (Pa)
Equation (5) is valid regardless of whether counter flow or = Darcy friction factor (dimensionless)
parallel flow is employed. In multi-pass shell and- tube = No. of tube passes (dimensionless)
exchangers, the flow pattern is a mixture of co-current and L = Tube length (m)
countercurrent flow. For this reason, the mean temperature G = Mass flux (kg/s m2)
difference is derived by introducing a correction factor, F , = Tube inside diameter (m)
which is termed the LMTD correction factor; = Density of water (kg/m3)
s = Fluid specific gravity (dimensionless)
(6) = Viscosity correction factor (dimensionless)
= (µ/ µw)0.14 for turbulent and transition flow.
The correction factor is a function of the shell and tube fluid = (µ/ µw)0.28 For laminar flow
temperatures, and the number of tube and shell passes. This
is corrected using two dimensionless temperature ratios For laminar flow friction factor is given by;
(Serth, 2007); let, N = No. of shell side passes then = 64/Re (16)
for turbulent flow (RE > 3000) following equation can be use
(7A) ;
= 0.4137 Re-0.2385 (17)
(7B) The minor losses on the tube side are estimated using the
following equation:
= 0.5x10-4arG2/s (18)
For R ≠1
where ar is the number of velocity heads allocated for minor
(8) losses.
Serth (2007) proposed the following expression for
computing the shell-side pressure drop:
For R= 1 (19)
(9) The shell side friction factor formula is given by;
= 144{ (20)
The required overall heat transfer coefficient is given by; An approximate equation for are as follows:
For Re ≥ 1000.
(10) (21)
The clean overall heat transfer coefficient is given by;
For Re < 1000.
-1.48 -0.000526
(11) ( (23)
And the design overall heat transfer coefficient is given by; -1.78 -0.00132
( (24)
Q= UAϴm Analysis has been done by varying the tube materials and it
is found that copper material gives the better heat transfer
Where, A = area of tub, U = Overall heat transfer coefficient rates than the brass material.
Area of the tubes = A = πdoL.
where, do = outside diameter of tubes 1. Rate of heat transfer can be improved by varying the tube
L = length of the tubes. diameter, length and no of tubes.
2. By changing the pitch lay out rate of heat transfer can be
LMTD method: improved.
3. By changing the temperature of tubes and medium rate of
heat transfer can be improved.
4. By changing the materials of tubes heat transfer rate can be
th1=hot water inlet improved.
th2=hot water outlet
tc1=cold water inlet 3. Problem Statement
tc2=cold water outlet
The thermal performance of a heat exchanger depends upon
For copper: so many factors. Some of them are thermal conductivities of
Heat release: Q= UAϴm involved fluids and materials, velocity of flow, turbulence,
Overall heat transfer coefficient: quality and quantity of the insulation provided, ambient
conditions flow conditions, construction etc. To make any
exact prediction about the performance of heat exchanger
under a set of loading conditions is always a tough job.
However by certain testing and experience predictions up to
1/u = 1/0.604+1/1400 a certain level can be made. The present paper is also an
U = 0.603 w/m2 k attempt of analyzing the performance of shell and tube type
A= 0.05494 m2 heat exchanger under certain specified variables and loading
ϴm = 33.7 K conditions.
Heat release: Q = 11.7 W.
For brass:
Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014
Paper ID: SEP14607 1876
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
4. Design Methods 4.3 Calculation of heat transfer area and tube
numbers Iteration #1:
Shell and tube heat exchangers are designed normally by
using either Kern’s method or Bell-Delaware method. Kern’s The first iteration is started assuming 1 shell pass and 2 tube
method is mostly used for the preliminary design and pass shell and tube exchanger with following dimensions and
provides conservative results whereas; the Bell- Delaware considerations.
method is more accurate method and can provide detailed
results. It can predict and estimate pressure drop and heat Fixed tube plate type
transfer coefficient with better accuracy. In this paper we a. 1΄΄ OD tubes (14 BWG) on 1¼΄΄ square pitch (PT)
have described Kern’s method of designing in detail. The b. Tube length (Lt) = 24΄ (the tube length is increased from
steps of designing are described as follows by considering a 16΄)
industrial example: c. 1 shell pass-6 tube pass (tube passes is increased to 6 from
150000 lb per hour of kerosene will be heated from 75 to d. Tube ID=0.834΄΄
120°F by cooling a gasoline stream from 160 to 120°F. Inlet e. Flow area per tube=0.546 inch2
pressure will be 50 psia for each stream and the maximum
pressure drop of 7 psi for gasoline and 10 psi for kerosene The log mean temperature correction factor (FT) for 1-2 shell
are permissible. Published fouling factors for oil refinery and tube exchanger:
streams should be used for this application.
De = 0.082 ft.
d. Shell side cross flow area Therefore the tube side pressure drop is within the
maximum allowable pressure drop of 10 psi.
= 0.675 ft2
4.8.2 Shell side pressure drop calculation
e. Mass velocity; = 210526 lb. h-1.ft-2
Tube clearance, C=0.25″
Spacing, B=15.5″
as = 0.675 ft2
f. Re = 35668 Mass velocity Gs = 210526 lb/ h ft2
Re = 35668
No. of baffles = nb = Tube length / Baffle spacing = 19
Tube side Reynolds no Re 12717.67998 Re
Velocity 14227.51636 u ft/hr
1.140272043 m/sec
density tube side Kerosene
densty shell side gasoline
in overall heat transfer coefficient. As we select the
thermal conductivity tube side kerosene 0.083 k btu/hr *ft*f
metallurgy having higher thermal conductivity the overall
thermal conductivity shell side gasoline 0.075 k btu/hr *ft*f heat transfer coefficient increases. The care must be taken
specific heat tube side kerosene 0.48 cpt btu/lb ft that higher the metallurgy higher the cost of construction
specific heat shell side gasoline 0.57 cts btu/lb ft
required, which some time will not be recovered from the
specific gravity tube side kerosene
Specific gravity shell side gasoline
ss operational life or the payback period may be more.
Tube pitch 1.25 Pt in
tube id 0.834 di in
tube od 1 do in
length 24 L ft
no of tubes 318 nt
no of tube side passes 6 np
Shell ID 31 ds in
Baffle spacing 15.5 B
No.of tubes U tubes 335
Therma conductivity of tube material 70 K Btu/ hr ft
Flow area per tube 0.546
Tube inside area Ao 0.785 Ao ft2
Tube out side area Ai 0.54601146 Ai ft2
Tube clearance 0.25 C
Figure 6: Tube metallurgy Vs. Overall heat transfer Figure 7: Baffle spacing effect on overall heat transfer
coefficient. coefficient and pressure drop.
8. Future Scope
Currently developed MS Excel program have many variables
which needs to feed manually like liquid properties. The
Figure 7: Baffle spacing Vs. Overall heat transfer coefficient various liquid properties can be saved in database and can be
used without feeding manual data. Curve fitting algorithm
6.3 Effect of baffle spacing on pressure drop: can be implemented to read the values from the graph when
user provides one parameter.
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decrease the baffle spacing the heat transfer coefficient will 9. Reference
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Paper ID: SEP14607 1880
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
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Author Profile
Durgesh Bhatt received BE in 2006 from IEI, India in 2007,
Worked as a design engineer in gear manufacturing
company, currently perusing master degree from Sri Satya
Sai Institute of Science & Technology in Thermal Branch.