Research Paper
Research Paper
Research Paper
The best way to profoundly and scientifically concentrate the heat exchange upgrade of
nanofluids under turbulent course through twisted rectangular channels under consistent heat
flux conditions on every wall is to look at numerically. The nanofluids are fundamentally the
strong nanoparticle of CuO suspended in water arranged chemically. CFD investigation is led
utilizing FLUENT programming by the finite volume method. The limit conditions connected
are under a heat flux of 5000 W/m2, Reynolds quantities of 104–106 and a consistent volume
convergence of 1 to 4%. The outcomes shear stress that the heat transfer rates and in addition
the wall shear stretch increment with an increase of the nanofluids volume concentration. It
appears that the Copper oxide nanofluid fundamentally upgrades the heat exchange marvel. In
the present examination, CFD device Ansys has been utilized to concentrate the heat
investigation of various channels cross area. Square, Rectangular, Elliptical and roundabout
channels have been considered by and by for investigation of the theory. The conclusion is that
the rectangular channel is best among all as it gives most extreme heat transfer coefficient.
Subsequently, for further review rectangular channel has been utilized. The issue of fluid stream
and heat transfer was considered and inspected for the stream inside a wound pipe of
rectangular cross-area. Three-dimensional numerical arrangements were gotten for steady
fully developed turbulent stream and for uniform wall heat flux limit conditions utilizing
financially accessible software. Reynolds number range considered was 10000–100000 and
twisting angles 500, 800 and 1100 degree. The prandtl number scopes of liquids considered are
0.7–20. The result of Reynolds number and friction factor was analyzed to be an element of
Reynolds number 100000 and the greatest angle observed twisted channel is 1100°. Prandtl
number of 20 and greatest Nusselt number is watched for similar qualities. Relationships for
friction factor and Nusselt number are created including whirl parameter. Nearby
dissemination of friction factor proportion and Nusselt number over a cross-area is delineated.
On the premise of steady pumping power criteria, the improvement element is characterized to
contrast turned conduits and straight pipes. The determination of turned rectangular conduit is
displayed regarding upgrade figure. It is found that wound channel performs well in the
turbulent district for scope of parameters examined. Warm exchange upgrade for Reynolds
number of 100000 and Prandtl number of 0.7 for contort point of 500, 800 and 1100 is 7%,
10% and 13.1% separately. The outcomes are huge as they will add to improvement of vitality
effective and reduced size heat exchangers.
Keywords: Twist Ratio, CFD, FLUENT, nanofluids, Reynolds number, Prandtl number, heat
transfer coefficient.
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Heat Transfer Augmentation in Twisted Rectangular Channel Sharma and Thakur
part of car ventures as radiators and oil coolers Working towards the objective of sparing
in motors. So also, in thermal power plant energies and to make conservative the outline
station, heat exchangers are variedly utilized as for mechanical and chemical device and plants,
a part of boilers, condensers, air coolers and the enhancement of heat exchange is one of the
chilling towers and so forth. Heat exchangers key calculates design of heat exchangers.
are additionally utilized on an expansive scale
in synthetic and process enterprises for Heat transfer enhancement techniques are
exchanging the heat between two liquids which generally divided in to two types.
are at a solitary or two distinct states [1]. 1. Active techniques
Studied the effect of the SiO2 nanofluid on an 2. Passive techniques
automotive cooling system. Both experiments
and simulations by FLUENT software have In Active techniques with use of external power
been adopted. The table 1 shows the parameter or some external source the heat transfer is
used in FLUENT. Results showed significant enhanced.
enhancement of the heat transfer with the For example
nanofluids and agreed with the available 1. Mechanical aids
literature data [2]. Examined the effect of 2. Surface vibrations
temperature and volume fraction on the 3. Fluid vibration
viscosity of TiO2–water nanofluid. The results 4. Electrostatic fields (DC or AC)
were recorded and analyzed within the 5. Jet impingement
temperature range of 25–70°C and the volume
fractions 0.1%, 0.4%, 0.7% and 1% [3]. The In Passive technique does not require any
viscosity of two different materials, single wall external power for enhancement of heat transfer
carbon nanohorn (SWCNH) and rate. By the modifying the geometry of
titaniumdioxide (TiO2), suspended in water was exchangers, by changing the surface finish or
measured experimentally [4]. Empirical by modifying the flow by inserts or additional
correlation equations of viscosity against devices the heat transfer rate of heat exchangers
nanofluid volume fraction have been can be improved.
developed. The forced convection turbulent 1. Treated surfaces
flow of Al2O3–water nanofluid inside an 2. Rough surfaces
annular tube with variable wall temperatures 3. Extended surfaces
was investigated experimentally [5]. The results 4. Displaced enhancement devices.
showed that the heat transfer was enhanced due 5. Swirl flow devices
to the nanoparticles dispersed in the fluid. 6. Coiled tubes
Horizontal double-tube heat exchanger counter 7. Additives for gases
turbulent flow was studied numerically [6]. 8. Additives for liquids.
Al2O3–water nanofluid of 7nm with volume
concentration upto 2% was selected as the Twisted Rectangular Heat Exchanger
coolant fluid. The results showed that the Recent developments in design of heat
pressure drop of the nanofluid is slightly higher exchangers to full fill the demand of industries
than water and increases with the increase of has led to the evolution of twisted rectangular
volume concentrations. A double tube coaxial heat exchanger has many advantages over a
heat exchanger heated by solar energy using straight tube.
aluminumoxide nanofluid was presented
experimentally and numerically [7]. The results
1. Heat transfer rate in twisted ducts are
showed that nanofluids have a higher
higher as compared to a straight tube heat
performance of heat transfer than base fluids.
The turbulent flow of (CuO, Al2O3 and TiO2)
2. Compact size. It required small amount of
nanofluids with different volume
floor area compared to other heat
concentrations flowing through a two-
dimensional duct under constant heat flux
3. Larger heat transfer surface area.
conditions has been analyzed numerically.
JoNSNEA (2020) 8-17 © STM Journals 2020. All Rights Reserved Page 9
Journal of Nanoscience, NanoEngineering & Applications
Volume 10, Issue 2
ISSN: 2231-1777 (Online), ISSN: 2321-5194 (Print)
1100°. Three dimensional models are used in 0.023 𝑅𝑒 0.8 𝑃𝑟 0.4 Valid for Reynold number
the analysis. Peripherally and axially uniform 104–105.
wall boundary conditions are used in the
simulations. Body forces due to gravity are COMPARISON OF NUMERICAL
neglected. Solutions are obtained for steady AND THEORETICAL RESULTS
state, incompressible, hydrodynamically and Before starting the actual work the model
thermally developed flow. should be validated by some past work that has
already been done. For this purpose [9] project
Validation of paper before starting actual work.
Thus, work has been done earlier [8]. Heat Boundary Conditions
Transfer augmentation in the Straight channel • Square cross section twisted ducts where
by using nanofluids. fluid is made to flow from the ducts where
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Heat Transfer Augmentation in Twisted Rectangular Channel Sharma and Thakur
Reynold number varies from 10000 to • The Variation of heat transfer coefficient
100000. shows good result in lower twist ratio.
• Constant Heat Flux to the wall 5000W/m2 Therefore higher twisted channels shows
• The Simple Scheme of pressure treatment good result in variation. Variation in result
has been employed; a turbulent viscous k-e found to be ±3% whereas in twist ratio 10
model has been adopted. shows ±6% variation in result as shown in
Figure 2.
Fig. 1: Variation of Nusselt Number against Reynold Number for Maximum Heat Transfer.
TR10 TR 5 TR 2.5
Theortical TR 10 Theortical TR 5 Theoretical 2.5
Heat transfer coefficient
10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000
Reynold Number
Fig. 2: Variation of Nusselt Number Against Reynold Number with Different Twist Ratio.
JoNSNEA (2020) 8-17 © STM Journals 2020. All Rights Reserved Page 11
Journal of Nanoscience, NanoEngineering & Applications
Volume 10, Issue 2
ISSN: 2231-1777 (Online), ISSN: 2321-5194 (Print)
From this, it has been proved that with decrease maximum for rectangular channel which helps
in twist ratio heat transfer coefficient increases in increasing the turbulence within the channel.
thus, helps in more heat transfer. In other Elliptical channel found to have minimum Heat
words, angle twisted with more angles have transfer from the channel because of very less
more rate of heat transfer due to turbulence inlet velocity.
created inside the ducts.
The above experiment was done with fluid pure
The correlation of Nusselt number of twisted water. Rectangular channel found to best for
channel with twist ratio, Reynold number and maximum heat transfer as shown in Figure 3.
prandtl number are given: Thus to increase more heat transfer from the
𝑁𝑢 𝑇𝑤 = 2.3𝐻−0.35 (𝑁𝑢𝑆𝑡 ) + 65 (1) channel nanofluid has been used with different
concentration for rectangular Channel where as
𝑁𝑢𝑆𝑡 = 0.023 𝑅𝑒 0.8 𝑃𝑟 0.4 (2) to find which nanofluid has maximum value of
heat transfer coefficient.
After validating the above two paper we can In results it has been shown that by keeping the
now proceed with our further work, which is constant concentration for all the nanofluid, i.e.,
finding out the maximum heat transfer 3% variation has been shown in Figure 4
coefficient from various cross section channels. Therefore, CuO found to be best nanofluid for
For which we have chosen different channels maximum heat transfer in rectangular channel.
on which analysis has been done. This is due to because for 3% concentration
CuO has maximum value of Prandtl number
It has been found that rectangular channel has thus, which helps in momentum Diffusivity
maximum heat transfer coefficient from the which result increase in Turbulence.
analysis. This is due to rectangular channel has
minimum hydraulic diameter for a particular Overall 9% Increase in heat transfer coefficient
Reynold number. Thus, Inlet velocity will be for CuO nanofluid over pure water.
Heat Transfer coefficient
4000 Elliptical
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000
Reynold Number
Fig. 3: Variation of Heat Transfer Coefficient against Reynold Number for Different Channels of
Cross Section.
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Heat Transfer Augmentation in Twisted Rectangular Channel Sharma and Thakur
Fig. 4: Variation of Nusselt Number against Reynold Number with Different Nanofluid.
Velocity Contour
500 Degree Twisted Channel is shown in Figures 5 and 6.
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Journal of Nanoscience, NanoEngineering & Applications
Volume 10, Issue 2
ISSN: 2231-1777 (Online), ISSN: 2321-5194 (Print)
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Heat Transfer Augmentation in Twisted Rectangular Channel Sharma and Thakur
Fig. 9: Variation of Heat Transfer Coefficient against Reynold Number for Different Twisted Channels.
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Journal of Nanoscience, NanoEngineering & Applications
Volume 10, Issue 2
ISSN: 2231-1777 (Online), ISSN: 2321-5194 (Print)
In velocity contour, Lower twist ratio shows • Increase in heat transfer coefficient is about
increase in velocity at the twisted portion which 10% than pure water, Where as TiO2 is 7%
results in increase in turbulence where as in more effective than pure water.
higher twist ratio shows low velocity which is
due to less turbulence effects. From Research Work Part 2
• While flowing water through the channels,
Rectangular channel with more twisted angle thus different nanofluid are also used to
found to have maximum heat Transfer as shown increase the heat transfer coefficient.
in Figure 9; this is due to maximum velocity • Keeping 3% concentration fixed for every
inside the ducts which helps in increasing nanofluid and then it is made to flow
turbulence effects inside the channel. 1100
through the rectangular channel to know
degree twisted channels shows 13.1%
the best nanofluid.
• Results show that CuO found to be more
CONCLUSION effective.
From the Research Work Part 1 • Increase in heat transfer coefficient is about
• From Research work 1 it has been 10% than pure water, Where as TiO2 is 7%
concluded that by keeping the cross section more effective than pure water.
area constant, varies different geometry • For further work on Rectangular channel to
channels. increase more heat transfer coefficient
• It has been found that Rectangular channel another research work has been done on
found to be more effective. Ansys Fluent
• Ellipse channel found to be less effective as • Heat transfer coefficient increases 7%,
compared to other channel. 10%, 13.1% for 500°, 800°, 1100°
• Theoretically, Ellipse channel has higher respectively for different twisted channel.
hydraulic diameter than rectangular • Keeping one side of rectangular channel
diameter for a particular Reynold number. fixed, by other end twisting the rectangular
• For fixed Reynold number, Different channel with different angles.
Channels will have different entry • Where as in geometry different angle with
velocities. 500°, 800° and 1100° Rectangular channel
• Smaller Hydraulic diameter will have has been twisted.
maximum velocity for a particular Reynold • Results conclude that with increase in twist
number. angles, Heat transfer coefficient increases
• Rectangular Channel has minimum due to increase in swirl which help in
Hydraulic diameter which creates the turbulence.
maximum entry Velocity. • Whereas in case of twist ratio, heat transfer
• Thus, this maximum Velocity helps in coefficient increases with decrease in twist
increasing the turbulence effects inside the ratio.
channel. Pitch
• Twist .Ratio =
• By Analysis it has been found that Hydraluic .Diameter
Rectangular channel is 11% more effective
than square channel. • With increase in twist angles Pitch per unit
length decreases, hydraulic diameter will
• While flowing water through the channels,
thus different nanofluid are also used to remain constant for all twisted channels
increase the heat transfer coefficient. thus overall twist Ratio decrease for
• Keeping 3% concentration fixed for every increase in heat transfer coefficient.
nanofluid and then it is made to flow • 1100° has maximum heat transfer
through the rectangular channel to know coefficient but it has minimum twist ratio
the best nanofluid. which is 13.63
• Results show that CuO found to be more Re Pr
• Nusselt .Number
effective. Twist .Ratio
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Heat Transfer Augmentation in Twisted Rectangular Channel Sharma and Thakur
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