Ufgs 02 83 19.13 10
Ufgs 02 83 19.13 10
Ufgs 02 83 19.13 10
SECTION 02 83 19.13 10
1.2.1 Abatement
1.2.2 Target Housing
1.2.3 Child-Occupied Facility
1.2.4 Lead-Based Paint Hazards
1.3.1 Protection of Existing Areas To Remain
1.3.2 Coordination with Other Work
1.3.3 Sampling and Analysis Dust Wipe Materials, Sampling and Analysis Soil Sampling and Analysis Clearance Monitoring
1.3.4 Clearance Requirements
1.5.1 Qualifications and Organization Report
1.5.2 Personnel and Subcontractor Responsibilities and Qualifications Certified Abatement Supervisor Lead Hazard Abatement Workers Certified Risk Assessor Testing Laboratories
1.5.3 Regulatory Requirements
1.5.4 Occupant Protection Plan
1.5.5 Licenses, Permits and Notifications
1.5.6 Training
SECTION 02 83 19.13 10
NOTE: This guide specification covers the
requirements for abatement of lead based paint
hazards in target housing and child occupied
NOTE: To assure protection of workers and proper
disposal of lead based paint, this guide
specification is to be used together with Section
02 83 13.00 20 LEAD IN CONSTRUCTION.
NOTE: This paragraph is used to list the
publications cited in the text of the guide
specification. The publications are referred to in
the text by basic designation only and listed in
this paragraph by organization, designation, date,
and title.
1.2.1 Abatement
NOTE: Show the lead-based paint abatement
activities and pertinent control techniques at
NOTE: Review 40 CFR 745 (e)(8)(v)(A), (B) and (C)
to determine the quantity and location of clearance
samples for target housing, child occupied
a. Take dust wipe samples inside the lead hazard control area after the
final visual inspection in the quantities and at the locations
b. Take exterior bare soil samples inside the lead hazard control area
after the final visual inspection in the quantities and at the
locations specified.
NOTE: Clearance criteria are as follows:
a) Building Interior:
b) Building Exterior:
NOTE: Review 40 CFR 745 (e)(8)(v)(A), (B) and (C)
to determine the quantity and location of clearance
samples for target housing, child occupied
a. Take dust wipe samples inside the lead hazard control area after the
final visual inspection in the quantities and at the locations
b. Take exterior bare soil samples inside the lead hazard control area
after the final visual inspection in the quantities and at the
locations specified.
NOTE: Clearance criteria are as follows:
a) Building Interior:
b) Building Exterior:
NOTE: Review submittal description (SD) definitions
in Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit
the following list to reflect only the submittals
required for the project.
Expendable Supplies
The laboratory selected to perform analysis on dust wipe, paint chip and
soil samples shall be recognized by the EPA's National Lead Laboratory
Accreditation Program (NLLAP).
NOTE: This specification section is based on EPA 40
CFR 745, Section 227 requirements. The designer
will need to research and specify the requirements
of any other state, local or installation
regulations that may affect lead hazard abatement
activities specific to this project.
The following State and local statutes, regulations and requirements apply
to lead hazard abatement activities to be performed: State, [_____], Local
NOTE: Consult with the customer, district
engineering, construction and safety offices and all
outside regulatory authorities (EPA, state, county,
city) having jurisdiction over any part of the
project to determine whether a license or permit is
required and who is responsible for submitting
required notifications to various agencies. The
designer then must make the decision if the required
permits are to be obtained by the Contractor or the
Government. If the Contractor is to provide the
permits, include this paragraph and choose the
appropriate bracketed items. If the Government is
to obtain the permits/licenses, delete this entire
Certify and submit in writing to the [Regional Office of the EPA] [state's
environmental protection agency responsible for lead hazard abatement
activities] [_____] [and the Contracting Officer] at least [10] [_____]
days prior to the commencement of work that [_____] licenses, permits and
notifications have been obtained. All associated fees or costs incurred in
obtaining the licenses, permits and notifications are included in the
contract price.
1.5.6 Training Containers
Chemical paint strippers shall not contain methylene chloride and shall be
formulated to prevent stain, discoloration, or raising of the substrate
Neutralizers for paint strippers shall be compatible with the substrate and
suitable for use with the chemical stripper that has been applied to the
NOTE: Negative Air Pressure Systems are typically
required only for projects using powered floor
sanding or abrasive blasting techniques. Both
techniques may have application for historical
restoration, but are not typically used as lead
hazard abatement techniques. Remove the following
two paragraphs if negative air pressure systems are
not necessary for the project.
Work shall not proceed in the area until containment is set up and HEPA
filtration systems are in place. The negative air pressure system shall
meet the requirements of ASSE Z9.2 including approved HEPA filters in
accordance with UL 586. Negative air pressure equipment shall be equipped
with new HEPA filters, and shall be sufficient to maintain a minimum
pressure differential of minus 0.005 kPa 0.02 inch of water column relative
to adjacent, unsealed areas. Negative air pressure system minimum
requirements are listed as follows:
a. The unit shall be capable of delivering its rated volume of air with a
clean first stage filter, an intermediate filter and a primary HEPA
filter in place.
e. The unit shall be equipped with a means for the operator to easily
interpret the readings in terms of the volumetric flow rate of air per
minute moving through the machine at any given moment.
g. The unit shall be equipped with an audible horn that sounds an alarm
when the machine has shut itself off.
Vacuum systems shall be suitably sized for the project, and filters shall
be capable of trapping and retaining all mono-disperse particles as small
as 0.3 micrometers (mean aerodynamic diameter) at a minimum efficiency of
99.97 percent. Used filters that are being replaced shall be disposed in a
proper manner.
Perform work following practices and procedures in project work plans and
the occupant protection plan.
Set up lead hazard control areas and operate equipment within the lead
hazard control area in a manner that will minimize migration of lead dust
beyond the lead hazard control area boundaries.
NOTE: The necessary dust control requirements and
lead dust migrations control features of the lead
hazard control area depend on the level of dust
License No.________________________________________________
Shipped by_________________________________________________________________
I certify that the clearance samples taken meet the clearance sampling
requirements of this contract.
By:____________________ Date:___________________
Certified Risk Assessor
I have inspected sampling locations and procedures and have found them to be
Signature Date
-- End of Section --
3.4.3 Clearance
The certified risk assessor shall review analytical results for the samples
taken to determine compliance with project specific clearance
requirements. The following actions apply and shall be performed at the
Contractor's expense if project specific clearance levels are exceeded:
Reclean surfaces.
Retest to determine clearance.
b. The name and address of each firm conducting lead hazard control
activities and the name of each supervisor assigned to the project.
f. The results of clearance testing and all soil analyses, and the name of
each laboratory that conducted the analyses.
Certify that the lead hazard control area(s) for each individual work task
data elements have passed visual clearance criteria and are ready for
clearance sampling. To pass visual clearance, lead hazards have to be
removed; control technology appropriately applied/installed; the lead
hazard control area must be free from visible dust debris, paint chips or
any other residue that may have been generated by the lead hazard control
Certified Supervisor Date
The Contracting Officer hereby determines that the Contractor has performed
visual inspection of the lead hazard control area and by quality assurance
inspection, finds the Contractor's work to be:
License No.________________________________________________
Shipped by_________________________________________________________________
I certify that the clearance samples taken meet the clearance sampling
requirements of this contract.
By:____________________ Date:___________________
Certified Risk Assessor
I have inspected sampling locations and procedures and have found them to be
Signature Date
-- End of Section --