Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home: Federally Required Lead Hazard Information and Disclosure Addendum

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Federally Required Lead Hazard

Information and Disclosure Addendum

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO RESIDENTS: The following information is taken from a brochure entitled “Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home” prepared
by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
While the information must be distributed to residents before they become obligated under the lease for most types of housing built before 1978,
it does not mean that the dwelling contains lead-based paint (LBP). The brochure was written in general terms and applies to both home purchasers
and renters. The information outlines action that can be taken to test for, remove or abate LBP in a dwelling. The TAA Lease Contract (”Lease”) specifically
prohibits a resident from performing this type of work—only the dwelling owner may do so under the Lease. If you have any questions about the presence
of LBP in your dwelling, please contact the owner or management company before taking any action to test, abate or remove LBP. NOTE: Page references
in the content of this form are to pages in the EPA brochure.

Are You Planning to Buy or Rent a Home Built

Protect Before 1978?

Did you know that many homes built before 1978 have lead-based
paint? Lead from paint, chips, and dust can pose serious health

Family Read this entire brochure to learn:

• How lead gets into the body

From •

How lead affects health
What you can do to protect your family
Where to go for more information

Lead in Before renting or buying a pre-1978 home or apartment, federal

law requires:

Your • Sellers must disclose known information on lead-based paint or lead-

based paint hazards before selling a house.

• Real estate sales contracts must include a specific warning statement
about lead-based paint. Buyers have up to 10 days to check for lead.
• Landlords must disclose known information on lead-based paint
or lead-based paint hazards before leases take effect. Leases must
include a specific warning statement about lead-based paint.

United States If undertaking renovations, repairs, or painting (RRP) projects in

Environmental your pre-1978 home or apartment:
Protection Agency
• Read EPA’s pamphlet, The Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right,
to learn about the lead-safe work practices that contractors are
United States required to follow when working in your home (see page 12).
Consumer Product
Safety Commission

United States
Department of Housing
and Urban Development

March 2021

Simple Steps to Protect Your Family Lead Gets into the Body in Many Ways
from Lead Hazards
Adults and children can get lead into their bodies if they:
If you think your home has lead-based paint: • Breathe in lead dust (especially during activities such as renovations,
repairs, or painting that disturb painted surfaces).
• Don’t try to remove lead-based paint yourself.
• Swallow lead dust that has settled on food, food preparation surfaces,
• Always keep painted surfaces in good condition to minimize and other places.
deterioration. • Eat paint chips or soil that contains lead.

• Get your home checked for lead hazards. Find a certified Lead is especially dangerous to children under the age of 6.
inspector or risk assessor at
• At this age, children’s brains
• Talk to your landlord about fixing surfaces with peeling or and nervous systems are
chipping paint. more sensitive to the
damaging effects of lead.
• Regularly clean floors, window sills, and other surfaces. • Children’s growing bodies
absorb more lead.
• Take precautions to avoid exposure to lead dust when
remodeling. • Babies and young children
often put their hands
and other objects in their
• When renovating, repairing, or painting, hire only EPA- or state- mouths. These objects can
approved Lead-Safe certified renovation firms. have lead dust on them.

• Before buying, renting, or renovating your home, have it Women of childbearing age should know that lead is dangerous to
checked for lead-based paint. a developing fetus.
• Women with a high lead level in their system before or during
• Consult your health care provider about testing your children
pregnancy risk exposing the fetus to lead through the placenta
for lead. Your pediatrician can check for lead with a simple
during fetal development.
blood test.

• Wash children’s hands, bottles, pacifiers, and toys often.

• Make sure children eat healthy, low-fat foods high in iron,

calcium, and vitamin C.

• Remove shoes or wipe soil off shoes before entering your


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© Texas Apartment Association, Inc., 2021 Page 1 of 5
Health Effects of Lead Check Your Family for Lead

Lead affects the body in many ways. It is important to know that Get your children and home tested if you think your home has
even exposure to low levels of lead can severely harm children. lead.

In children, exposure to lead can cause: Brain Nerve Damage

Children’s blood lead levels tend to increase rapidly from 6 to 12
Hearing months of age, and tend to peak at 18 to 24 months of age.
• Nervous system and kidney damage Problems

Consult your doctor for advice on testing your children. A simple blood
• Learning disabilities, attention-deficit test can detect lead. Blood lead tests are usually recommended for:
disorder, and decreased intelligence Slowed
• Children at ages 1 and 2
• Speech, language, and behavior
problems • Children or other family members who have been exposed to high
levels of lead
• Poor muscle coordination
• Children who should be tested under your state or local health
• Decreased muscle and bone growth screening plan
• Hearing damage Your doctor can explain what the test results mean and if more
Problems testing will be needed.
While low-lead exposure is most common, Reproductive
exposure to high amounts of lead can have (Adults)
devastating effects on children, including
seizures, unconsciousness, and in some cases, death.

Although children are especially susceptible to lead exposure, lead can

be dangerous for adults, too.

In adults, exposure to lead can cause:

• Harm to a developing fetus
• Increased chance of high blood pressure during pregnancy
• Fertility problems (in men and women)
• High blood pressure
• Digestive problems
• Nerve disorders
• Memory and concentration problems 3 4

• Muscle and joint pain 4


Where Lead-Based Paint Is Found Identifying Lead-Based Paint

and Lead-Based Paint Hazards
In general, the older your home or childcare facility, the more likely it
has lead-based paint.1 Deteriorated lead-based paint (peeling, chipping, chalking,
cracking, or damaged paint) is a hazard and needs immediate
Many homes, including private, federally-assisted, federally- attention. Lead-based paint may also be a hazard when found on
owned housing, and childcare facilities built before 1978 have surfaces that children can chew or that get a lot of wear and tear,
lead-based paint. In 1978, the federal government banned consumer such as:
uses of lead-containing paint.2
• On windows and window sills
Learn how to determine if paint is lead-based paint on page 7. • Doors and door frames

Lead can be found: • Stairs, railings, banisters, and porches

• In homes and childcare facilities in the city, country, or suburbs, Lead-based paint is usually not a hazard if it is in good condition
and if it is not on an impact or friction surface like a window.
• In private and public single-family homes and apartments,
Lead dust can form when lead-based paint is scraped, sanded, or
• On surfaces inside and outside of the house, and heated. Lead dust also forms when painted surfaces containing
lead bump or rub together. Lead paint chips and dust can get on
• In soil around a home. (Soil can pick up lead from exterior paint or surfaces and objects that people touch. Settled lead dust can reenter
other sources, such as past use of leaded gas in cars.) the air when the home is vacuumed or swept, or when people walk
through it. EPA currently defines the following levels of lead in dust as
Learn more about where lead is found at hazardous:
• 10 micrograms per square foot (μg/ft2) and higher for floors,
including carpeted floors
• 100 μg/ft2 and higher for interior window sills

Lead in soil can be a hazard when children play in bare soil or when
people bring soil into the house on their shoes. EPA currently defines
the following levels of lead in soil as hazardous:
• 400 parts per million (ppm) and higher in play areas of bare soil
• 1,200 ppm (average) and higher in bare soil in the remainder
of the yard

“Lead-based paint” is currently defined by the federal government as paint with Remember, lead from paint chips—which you can see—and lead
lead levels greater than or equal to 1.0 milligram per square centimeter (mg/cm2), or dust—which you may not be able to see—both can be hazards.
more than 0.5% by weight.
“Lead-containing paint” is currently defined by the federal government as lead in new
The only way to find out if paint, dust, or soil lead hazards exist is to
dried paint in excess of 90 parts per million (ppm) by weight. test for them. The next page describes how to do this. 6

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© Texas Apartment Association, Inc., 2021 Page 2 of 5

Checking Your Home for Lead Checking Your Home for Lead, continued

You can get your home tested for lead in several different ways: In preparing for renovation, repair, or painting work in a pre-1978
home, Lead-Safe Certified renovators (see page 12) may:
• A lead-based paint inspection tells you if your home has lead-
• Take paint chip samples to determine if lead-based paint is
based paint and where it is located. It won’t tell you whether your present in the area planned for renovation and send them to an
home currently has lead hazards. A trained and certified testing EPA-recognized lead lab for analysis. In housing receiving federal
professional, called a lead-based paint assistance, the person collecting these samples must be a certified
inspector, will conduct a paint inspection lead-based paint inspector or risk assessor
using methods, such as:
• Use EPA-recognized tests kits to determine if lead-based paint is
• Portable x-ray fluorescence (XRF) machine absent (but not in housing receiving federal assistance)
• Lab tests of paint samples • Presume that lead-based paint is present and use lead-safe work
• A risk assessment tells you if your home
currently has any lead hazards from lead There are state and federal programs in place to ensure that testing is
in paint, dust, or soil. It also tells you what done safely, reliably, and effectively. Contact your state or local agency
actions to take to address any hazards. A for more information, visit, or call 1-800-424-LEAD
trained and certified testing professional, (5323) for a list of contacts in your area.3
called a risk assessor, will:
• Sample paint that is deteriorated on doors, windows, floors, stairs,
and walls
• Sample dust near painted surfaces and sample bare soil in the
• Get lab tests of paint, dust, and soil samples

• A combination inspection and risk assessment tells you if your home

has any lead-based paint and if your home has any lead hazards, and
where both are located.

Be sure to read the report provided to you after your inspection or risk
assessment is completed, and ask questions about anything you do not

Hearing- or speech-challenged individuals may access this number through TTY by
calling the Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339.

7 8

What You Can Do Now to Protect Your Family Reducing Lead Hazards

If you suspect that your house has lead-based paint hazards, you Disturbing lead-based paint or
can take some immediate steps to reduce your family’s risk: removing lead improperly can
increase the hazard to your family by
• If you rent, notify your landlord of peeling or chipping paint. spreading even more lead dust around
the house.
• Keep painted surfaces clean and free of dust. Clean floors, window
frames, window sills, and other surfaces weekly. Use a mop or sponge • In addition to day-to-day cleaning
and good nutrition, you can
with warm water and a general all-purpose cleaner. (Remember:
temporarily reduce lead-based paint
never mix ammonia and bleach products together because they can hazards by taking actions, such as
form a dangerous gas.) repairing damaged painted surfaces
and planting grass to cover lead-
• Carefully clean up paint chips immediately without creating dust.
contaminated soil. These actions are
• Thoroughly rinse sponges and mop heads often during cleaning of not permanent solutions and will need
dirty or dusty areas, and again afterward. ongoing attention.
• You can minimize exposure to lead
• Wash your hands and your children’s hands often, especially before when renovating, repairing, or painting by hiring an EPA- or state-
they eat and before nap time and bed time. certified renovator who is trained in the use of lead-safe work
• Keep play areas clean. Wash bottles, pacifiers, toys, and stuffed practices. If you are a do-it-yourselfer, learn how to use lead–safe
work practices in your home.
animals regularly.
• To remove lead hazards permanently, you should hire a certified lead
• Keep children from chewing window sills or other painted surfaces, or abatement contractor. Abatement (or permanent hazard elimination)
eating soil. methods include removing, sealing, or enclosing lead-based paint
with special materials. Just painting over the hazard with regular
• When renovating, repairing, or painting, hire only EPA- or state- paint is not permanent control.
approved Lead-Safe Certified renovation firms (see page 12).
• Clean or remove shoes before entering your home to avoid tracking Always use a certified contractor who is trained to address lead
in lead from soil. hazards safely.

• Make sure children eat nutritious, low-fat meals high in iron, and • Hire a Lead-Safe Certified firm (see page 12) to perform renovation,
repair, or painting (RRP) projects that disturb painted surfaces.
calcium, such as spinach and dairy products. Children with good diets
absorb less lead. • To correct lead hazards permanently, hire a certified lead abatement
contractor. This will ensure your contractor knows how to work safely
and has the proper equipment to clean up thoroughly.

Certified contractors will employ qualified workers and follow strict

safety rules as set by their state or by the federal government.


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© Texas Apartment Association, Inc., 2021 Page 3 of 5

Renovating, Repairing or Painting a Home
Reducing Lead Hazards, continued with Lead-Based Paint

If your home has had lead abatement work done or if the housing is If you hire a contractor to conduct renovation, repair, or painting
receiving federal assistance, once the work is completed, dust cleanup (RRP) projects in your pre-1978 home or childcare facility (such as
activities must be conducted until clearance testing indicates that lead pre-school and kindergarten), your contractor must:
dust levels are below the following levels: • Be a Lead-Safe Certified firm approved by EPA or an
EPA-authorized state program
• 10 micrograms per square foot (μg/ft ) for floors, including carpeted

floors • Use qualified trained individuals (Lead-Safe

Certified renovators) who follow specific lead-safe
• 100 μg/ft for interior windows sills
2 work practices to prevent lead contamination
• Provide a copy of EPA’s lead hazard information
• 400 μg/ft2 for window troughs document, The Lead-Safe Certified Guide to
Renovate Right
Abatements are designed to permanently eliminate lead-based
paint hazards. However, lead dust can be reintroduced into an RRP contractors working in pre-1978 homes and childcare facilities
abated area. must follow lead-safe work practices that:
• Contain the work area. The area must be contained so that dust and
• Use a HEPA vacuum on all furniture and other items returned to the debris do not escape from the work area. Warning signs must be put
area, to reduce the potential for reintroducing lead dust. up, and plastic or other impermeable material and tape must be used.

• Regularly clean floors, window sills, troughs, and other hard surfaces • Avoid renovation methods that generate large amounts of
with a damp cloth or sponge and a general all-purpose cleaner. lead-contaminated dust. Some methods generate so much lead-
contaminated dust that their use is prohibited. They are:
Please see page 9 for more information on steps you can take to • Open-flame burning or torching
protect your home after the abatement. For help in locating certified
lead abatement professionals in your area, call your state or local • Sanding, grinding, planing, needle gunning, or blasting with
power tools and equipment not equipped with a shroud and
agency (see pages 15 and 16),, or call 1-800-424-LEAD. HEPA vacuum attachment
• Using a heat gun at temperatures greater than 1100°F
• Clean up thoroughly. The work area should be cleaned up daily.
When all the work is done, the area must be cleaned up using special
cleaning methods.
• Dispose of waste properly. Collect and seal waste in a heavy duty
bag or sheeting. When transported, ensure that waste is contained to
prevent release of dust and debris.

To learn more about EPA’s requirements for RRP projects, visit, or read The Lead-Safe Certified Guide to 12
Renovate Right.

11 12

Other Sources of Lead Other Sources of Lead, continued

Lead in Drinking Water • Lead smelters or other industries that release lead into the air.
• Your job. If you work with lead, you could bring it home on your body
The most common sources of lead in drinking water are lead pipes, or clothes. Shower and change clothes before coming home. Launder
faucets, and fixtures. your work clothes separately from the rest of your family’s clothes.
Lead pipes are more likely to be found in older cities and homes built • Hobbies that use lead, such as making pottery or stained glass,
before 1986. or refinishing furniture. Call your local health department for
information about hobbies that may use lead.
You can’t smell or taste lead in drinking water.
• Old toys and furniture may have been painted with lead-containing
To find out for certain if you have lead in drinking water, have your paint. Older toys and other children’s products may have parts that
contain lead.4
water tested.
• Food and liquids cooked or stored in lead crystal or lead-glazed
Remember older homes with a private well can also have plumbing pottery or porcelain may contain lead.
materials that contain lead.
• Folk remedies, such as “greta” and “azarcon,” used to treat an upset
Important Steps You Can Take to Reduce Lead in Drinking Water stomach.

• Use only cold water for drinking, cooking and making baby formula.
Remember, boiling water does not remove lead from water.
• Before drinking, flush your home’s pipes by running the tap, taking a
shower, doing laundry, or doing a load of dishes.
• Regularly clean your faucet’s screen (also known as an aerator).
• If you use a filter certified to remove lead, don’t forget to read the
directions to learn when to change the cartridge. Using a filter after it
has expired can make it less effective at removing lead.
Contact your water company to determine if the pipe that connects
your home to the water main (called a service line) is made from lead.
Your area’s water company can also provide information about the lead
levels in your system’s drinking water.
For more information about lead in drinking water, please contact
EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791. If you have other
questions about lead poisoning prevention, call 1-800 424-LEAD.* 4
In 1978, the federal government banned toys, other children’s products, and furniture
with lead-containing paint. In 2008, the federal government banned lead in most
children’s products. The federal government currently bans lead in excess of 100 ppm
Call your local health department or water company to find out about by weight in most children’s products.
testing your water, or visit for EPA’s lead in drinking 14
water information. Some states or utilities offer programs to pay for
water testing for residents. Contact your state or local water company
to learn more.
* Hearing- or speech-challenged individuals may access this number through TTY
13 by calling the Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339.

13 14

© Texas Apartment Association, Inc., 2021 Page 4 of 5

For More Information Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

The National Lead Information Center

Learn how to protect children from lead poisoning and get other
information about lead hazards on the Web at and
The CPSC protects the public against unreasonable risk of injury
from consumer products through education, safety standards IMPORTANT!, or call 1-800-424-LEAD (5323). activities, and enforcement. Contact CPSC for further information
regarding consumer product safety and regulations. Lead From Paint, Dust, and Soil in and
EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline Around Your Home Can Be Dangerous if
For information about lead in drinking water, call 1-800-426-4791, or CPSC Not Managed Properly
visit for information about lead in drinking water. 4330 East West Highway
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Hotline
Bethesda, MD 20814-4421 • Children under 6 years old are most at risk for lead
For information on lead in toys and other consumer products, or to 1-800-638-2772 poisoning in your home.
report an unsafe consumer product or a product-related injury, call or
1-800-638-2772, or visit CPSC’s website at or • Lead exposure can harm young children and babies even U. S. Department of Housing and Urban before they are born.
State and Local Health and Environmental Agencies Development (HUD)
Some states, tribes, and cities have their own rules related to lead- • Homes, schools, and child care facilities built before 1978
based paint. Check with your local agency to see which laws apply are likely to contain lead-based paint.
to you. Most agencies can also provide information on finding
HUD’s mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive
a lead abatement firm in your area, and on possible sources of communities and quality affordable homes for all. Office of
financial aid for reducing lead hazards. Receive up-to-date address Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes for further information • Even children who seem healthy may have dangerous
and phone information for your state or local contacts on the Web at regarding the Lead Safe Housing Rule, which protects families in levels of lead in their bodies., or contact the National Lead Information Center at pre-1978 assisted housing, and for the lead hazard control and
1-800-424-LEAD. research grant programs. • Disturbing surfaces with lead-based paint or removing
Hearing- or speech-challenged individuals may access any of the
lead-based paint improperly can increase the danger to
phone numbers in this brochure through TTY by calling the toll-
HUD your family.
free Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339. 451 Seventh Street, SW, Room 8236
Washington, DC 20410-3000 • People can get lead into their bodies by breathing or
(202) 402-7698 swallowing lead dust, or by eating soil or paint chips containing lead.
This document is in the public domain. It may be produced by an individual or organization without
permission. Information provided in this booklet is based upon current scientific and technical • People have many options for reducing lead hazards.
understanding of the issues presented and is reflective of the jurisdictional boundaries established by
the statutes governing the co-authoring agencies. Following the advice given will not necessarily Generally, lead-based paint that is in good condition is not
provide complete protection in all situations or against all health hazards that can be caused by lead
exposure. a hazard (see page 10).

U. S. EPA Washington DC 20460 EPA-747-K-12-001

U. S. CPSC Bethesda MD 20814 .BSDI 202
U. S. HUD Washington DC 20410

15 15 17

❖ Texas Department of State Health Services—512/458-7111 ❖ HUD Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control—202/755-1785
❖ EPA Region 6 Office (includes Texas)—214/665-2704 ❖ CPSC—800/638-2772 ❖ National Lead Information Center—800/424-5323


LEAD WARNING STATEMENT Housing built before 1978 may contain lead-based paint. Lead from paint, paint chips, and dust can pose health haz-
ards if not managed properly. Lead exposure is especially harmful to young children and pregnant women. Before renting pre-1978 housing, lessors
(owners) must disclose the presence of known lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the dwelling. Lessees (residents) must also receive
a federally approved pamphlet on lead poisoning prevention. (This addendum is a “pamphlet” within the meaning of federal regulations. The term “in
the housing” below means either inside or outside the housing unit.)
LEAD-FREE HOUSING If the housing unit has been certified as “lead free” according to 24 CFR Section 35.82, the lead-based paint and lead-based
paint hazard regulations do not apply, and it is not necessary to provide this addendum, or a lead-based paint warning pamphlet and lead-based paint
disclosure statement, to the lessee (resident).
Presence of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards (check only one box)
X Lessor (owner) has no knowledge of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing.
r Lessor (owner) knows that lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards are present in the housing (explain).


Records and reports available to lessor (check only one box)

X Lessor (owner) has no reports or records pertaining to lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing.

r Lessor (owner) has reports or records indicating the presence of some lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the
housing, and has provided the lessees (residents) with all such records and reports that are available to lessor (list documents).



Agent’s Statement. If another person or entity is involved in leasing the dwelling as an agent of the lessor (i.e., as a management company, real estate
agent or locator service acting for the owner), such agent represents that: (1) agent has informed the lessor of the lessor’s obligations under 42 U.S.C.
4852(d); and (2) agent is aware of agent’s responsibility to ensure that lessor complies with such disclosure laws. Such compliance may be through
lessor himself or herself, or through lessor’s employees, officers or agents. Lessor’s obligations include those in 24 CFR Sections 35.88 and 35.92 and 40
CFR Sections 745.107 and 745.113. Agent’s obligations include those in 24 CFR Section 35.94 and 40 CFR Section 745.115.
Accuracy Certifications and Resident’s Acknowledgment. Lessor and any agent named below certify that to the best of their knowledge the above
information and statements made or provided by them, respectively, are true and accurate. The person who signs for the LESSOR may be: (1) the owner
himself or herself; (2) an employee, officer or partner of the owner; or (3) a representative of the owner’s management company, real estate agent or
locator service if such person is authorized to sign for the lessor. The person who signs for the AGENT may be: (1) the agent himself or herself; or (2) an
employee, officer or partner of the agent if such person is authorized to sign for the agent. The lessees (residents) signing below acknowledge that they
have received a copy of this TAA lease addendum before becoming obligated under the lease and have been informed that it contains the disclosure
form and pamphlet information required by federal law regarding lead poisoning prevention.
Volara Apartments, 3550 E Overton Rd #2286-V01
Apartment name & unit number OR street address of dwelling
Dallas, TX 75216
12/11/2023 _______________________________________________________________
Lessee (Resident) Date signed Lessee (Resident) Date signed
Rosibeth Morales Diaz 12/11/2023
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Lessee (Resident) Date signed Lessee (Resident) Date signed

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Lessee (Resident) Date signed Lessee (Resident) Date signed

Volara Apartments Volara Apartments
Printed name of LESSOR (owner) of the dwelling Printed name of any AGENT of lessor, i.e., management company, real
estate agent or locator service involved in leasing the dwelling

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Signature of person signing on behalf of above LESSOR Date signed Signature of person signing on behalf of above AGENT, if any Date signed

You are entitled to receive a copy of this Addendum after it is fully signed. Keep it in a safe place.

TAA Official Statewide Form 21-AA/BB/CC

Page 5 of 5 Copyright October, 2021, Texas Apartment Association, Inc.
Bed Bug Addendum

Please note: We want to maintain a high-quality living environment for you. It’s important to work together to
minimize the potential for bed bugs in your dwelling and others. This addendum outlines your responsibility
and potential liability when it comes to bed bugs. It also gives you some important information about them.

1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the Lease Contract that you,

the resident or residents, signed on the dwelling you have agreed
5. Notification. You must promptly notify us:
to rent. That dwelling is:
Apt. #
2286- V01 at Volara Apartments • of any known or suspected bed-bug infestation or presence in
 the dwelling, or in any of your clothing, furniture, or personal
 • of any recurring or unexplained bites, stings, irritations, or
 sores on the skin or body that you believe are caused by bed
(name of apartments) bugs, or by any condition or pest you believe is in the dwelling;
or other dwelling located at    AND
 • if you discover any condition or evidence that might indicate
 (street address of house, duplex, etc.)
the presence or infestation of bed bugs, or if you receive any
(state)  (zip). confirmation of bed-bug presence by a licensed pest-control
professional or other authoritative source.
2. Purpose. This addendum modifies the Lease Contract to address
any infestation of bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) that might be found 6. Cooperation. If we confirm the presence or infestation of bed
in the dwelling or on your personal property. We will rely on repre- bugs, you must cooperate and coordinate with us and our pest-
sentations that you make to us in this addendum. control agents to treat and eliminate them. You must follow all di-
3. Inspection and Infestations. We are not aware of any current rections from us or our agents to clean and treat the dwelling and
evidence of bed bugs or bed-bug infestation in the dwelling. building that are infested. You must remove or destroy personal
property that cannot be treated or cleaned before we treat the
dwelling. Any items you remove from the dwelling must be dis-
• YOU HAVE INSPECTED THE DWELLING BEFORE MOVING posed of off-site and not in the property’s trash receptacles. If we
IN OR SIGNING THIS ADDENDUM, AND YOU DID NOT confirm the presence or infestation of bed bugs in your dwelling,
we have the right to require you to temporarily vacate the dwelling
and remove all furniture, clothing, and personal belongings so we
• YOU WILL INSPECT THE DWELLING WITHIN 48 HOURS can perform pest-control services. If you don’t cooperate with us,
AFTER MOVING IN OR SIGNING THIS ADDENDUM AND you will be in default and we will have the right to terminate your
right of occupancy and exercise all rights and remedies under the
Lease Contract.
You represent and agree that you have read the information about
bed bugs provided by us and that you are not aware of any infesta- 7. Responsibilities. You may be required to pay all reasonable costs
tion or presence of bed bugs in your current or previous dwellings, of cleaning and pest-control treatments incurred by us to treat
furniture, clothing, personal property and possessions and that you your dwelling unit for bed bugs. If we confirm the presence or in-
have fully disclosed to us any previous bed-bug infestation or issue festation of bed bugs after you move out, you may be responsible
that you have experienced. for the cost of cleaning and pest control. If we have to move other
If you disclose a previous experience of bed-bug infestation, we can residents in order to treat adjoining or neighboring dwellings to
review documentation of the treatment and inspect your personal your dwelling unit, you may have to pay any lost rental income and
property and possessions to confirm the absence of bed bugs. other expenses we incur to relocate the neighboring residents and
to clean and perform pest-control treatments to eradicate infesta-
4. Access for Inspection and Pest Treatment. You must allow us tions in other dwellings. If you don’t pay us for any costs you are
and our pest-control agents access to the dwelling at reasonable liable for, you will be in default and we will have the right to termi-
times to inspect for or treat bed bugs. You and your family mem-
bers, occupants, guests, and invitees must cooperate and not in- nate your right of occupancy and exercise all rights and remedies
terfere with inspections or treatments. We have the right to select under the Lease Contract, and we may take immediate possession
any licensed pest-control professional to treat the dwelling and of the dwelling. If you don’t move out after your right of occupancy
building. We can select the method of treating the dwelling, build- has been terminated, you will be liable for holdover rent under the
ing, and common areas for bed bugs. We can also inspect and treat Lease Contract.
adjacent or neighboring dwellings to the infestation, even if those
8. Transfers. If we allow you to transfer to another dwelling in the
dwellings are not the source or cause of the known infestation. Si-
multaneously as we treat the dwelling, you must, at your expense, community because of the presence of bed bugs, you must have
have your personal property, furniture, clothing, and possessions your personal property and possessions treated according to ac-
treated according to accepted treatment methods by a licensed cepted treatment methods or procedures established by a licensed
pest-control firm that we approve. If you fail to do so, you will be pest-control professional. You must provide proof of such cleaning
in default and we will have the right to terminate your right of oc- and treatment to our satisfaction.
cupancy and exercise all rights and remedies under the Lease Con-
tract. You agree not to treat the dwelling for a bed-bug infestation
on your own.

You are legally bound by this document. Please read it carefully.

Resident or Residents (all sign below) Owner or Owner‘s Representative (sign below)
______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
(Name of Resident)  Date signed  Date signed
Rosibeth Morales Diaz 12/11/2023
(Name of Resident)  Date signed
(Name of Resident)  Date signed
(Name of Resident)  Date signed
(Name of Resident)  Date signed
(Name of Resident) Date signed

You are entitled to receive a copy of this Addendum after it is fully signed. Keep it in a safe place.
©2019 Texas Apartment A ssociation, Inc. continued on back
Bed Bugs
A Guide for Rental-Housing Residents
(Adapted with permission from the National Apartment Association)

Bed bugs are wingless, flat, broadly oval-shaped in- cause of welts like that often go misdiagnosed. One
sects, with a typical lifespan of 6 to 12 months. Capa- distinguishing sign is that bed-bug marks often ap-
ble of reaching the size of an apple seed at full growth, pear in succession on exposed areas of the skin such
bed bugs are distinguishable by their reddish-brown as the face, neck, and arms. But sometimes a person
color, although after feeding on the blood of hu- has no visible reaction at all from direct contact with
mans and warm-blooded animals—their sole food bed bugs.
source—the bugs assume a distinctly blood-red hue
until digestion is complete. While bed bugs typically act at night, they often
leave signs of their presence through fecal markings
of a red to dark-brown color, visible on or near beds.
Bed bugs don’t discriminate. Blood stains also tend to appear when the bugs have
been squashed, usually by an unsuspecting sleeping
Bed bugs’ increased presence across the United States host. And because they shed, it’s not uncommon to
in recent decades is due largely to a surge in interna- find the skin casts they leave behind.
tional travel and trade. It’s no surprise then that bed
bugs have been found in some of the fanciest hotels
and apartment buildings in some of the nation’s most
expensive neighborhoods.
Prevent bed-bug encounters
when traveling.
Nonetheless, false claims that associate bed bugs
presence with poor hygiene and uncleanliness have Because humans serve as bed bugs’ main mode of
caused rental-housing residents, out of shame, to transportation, it’s especially important to be mindful
avoid notifying owners of their presence. This only of bed bugs when away from home. Experts attribute
causes the bed bugs to spread. the spread of bed bugs across all regions of the Unit-
ed States largely to increases in travel and trade, both
While bed bugs are more attracted to clutter, they’re here and abroad. So travelers are encouraged to take
certainly not discouraged by cleanliness. Bottom line: a few minutes on arriving to thoroughly inspect their
bed bugs know no social or economic bounds; claims accommodations before unpacking. Because bed
to the contrary are false. bugs can easily travel from one place to another, it’s
also a good practice to thoroughly inspect luggage
and belongings for bed bugs before heading home.
Bed bugs don’t
transmit disease.
Know the bed-bug
There exists no scientific evidence that bed bugs
carry disease. In fact, federal agencies tasked with dos and don’ts.
addressing pests of public-health concern, namely
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the • Don’t bring used furniture from unknown sourc-
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have re- es into your dwelling. Countless bed-bug infesta-
fused to elevate bed bugs to the threat level posed by tions have stemmed directly from bringing home
disease-carrying pests. Again, claims associating bed second-hand and abandoned furniture. Unless
bugs with disease are false. you are absolutely sure that a piece of second-
hand furniture is bed-bug-free, you should as-
sume that a seemingly nice looking leather
Learn to identify bed bugs. couch, for example, is sitting curbside waiting to
be hauled off to the landfill because it’s teeming
Bed bugs can often be found in, around, behind, un- with bed bugs.
der, or between: • Do inspect rental furniture, including mattresses
• Bedding and couches, for the presence of bed bugs before
• Bed frames moving it into your dwelling.
• Mattress seams
• Do address bed-bug sightings immediately. Rent-
• Upholstered furniture, especially under cushions
al-housing residents who suspect the presence of
and along seams
bed bugs in their unit must immediately notify
• Wood furniture, especially along areas where draw-
the owner.
ers slide
• Curtains and draperies • Don’t try to treat bed-bug infestations yourself.
• Window and door frames Health hazards associated with the misapplica-
• Ceiling and wall junctions tion of traditional and nontraditional chemical-
• Crown moldings based insecticides and pesticides poses too
• Wall hangings and loose wallpaper great a risk to you, your family and pets, and your
• Carpeting and walls (carpet can be pulled away from neighbors.
the wall and tack strip) • Do comply with eradication protocol. If the deter-
• Cracks and crevices in walls and floors mination is made that your unit is indeed playing
• Electronic devices, such as smoke and carbon-mon- host to bed bugs, you must comply with the bed-
oxide detectors bug-eradication protocol set forth by both your
Because bed bugs leave some people with itchy welts owner and their designated pest-management
similar to those made by fleas and mosquitoes, the company.

TAA Official Statewide Form 19-JJ, Revised October 2019

Copyright 2019, Texas Apartment Association, Inc.
Anexo sobre los chinches

Note por favor: Nuestro objetivo es mantener un entorno de vida con calidad para nuestros residentes. Para lograr este objetivo, es importante trabajar
juntos para reducir al mínimo la posibilidad de tener chinches en su vivienda y en las viviendas vecinas. Este anexo contiene información importante que
describe sus responsabilidades y su posible responsabilidad civil con respecto a la presencia de chinches en su vivienda.

1. Documento anexo. Este es un documento anexo al Contrato de 5. Notificación. Usted(es) nos debe(n) notificar con prontitud:
arrendamiento firmado por usted(es), el/los residente(s), en la vivi- • toda infestación de chinches que conozca(n) o sospeche(n)
enda que ha(n) consentido alquilar. Dicha vivienda es: tanto en la vivienda como en cualquiera de sus prendas de ve-
Apto. N.° _____________ en _________________________________ stir, muebles o efectos personales;
________________________ (nombre del conjunto de apartamentos) • toda mordedura, picadura, irritación o úlcera de la piel o del
u otra vivienda ubicada en ________________________________________
cuerpo que sea recurrente o inexplicable y que usted(es)
_____________________________(dirección de la casa, dúplex, etc.)
crea(n) causado por chinches o por cualquier tipo de insecto
________________________________________________ (ciudad)
___________________________________ (estado) _________ (C.P.). presente en la vivienda;
2. Objetivo. Este anexo modifica el Contrato de arrendamiento y se • si usted(es) descubre(n) cualquier evidencia de la presencia o
refiere a situaciones relacionadas con las chinches (cimex lectu-
la infestación de chinches o si tiene(n) confirmación de la pres-
larius) que puedan infestar la vivienda o los efectos personales del
arrendatario en la vivienda. Usted(es) acepta(n) que nos basemos encia de chinches hecha por un exterminador profesional o
en las declaraciones de usted(es) en este anexo. por otra fuente autorizada.

3. Inspección e infestaciones. Inspección e infestaciones. No ten- 6. Cooperación. Si confirmamos la presencia o infestación de

emos constancia de la existencia actual de chinches ni de una in- chinches, usted(es) debe(n) cooperar y coordinar con nosotros y
festación de chinches en la vivienda. nuestros agentes de control de plagas el tratamiento para eliminar-
las. Debe(n) seguir nuestras indicaciones o las de nuestros agentes
AL FIRMAR ESTE ANEXO, USTED(ES) ACEPTA(N) QUE: para limpiar y tratar la vivienda y el edificio que estén infestados.
• USTED(ES) HA(N) INSPECCIONADO LA VIVIENDA ANTES DE Debe(n) eliminar o destruir los efectos personales que no puedan
OCUPARLA O ANTES DE FIRMAR ESTE ANEXO Y QUE NO ser tratados o limpiados antes de que tratemos la vivienda. Todo
HA(N) OBSERVADO NINGUNA PRUEBA DE LA EXISTENCIA DE lo que debe ser eliminado, debe ser desechado fuera de nuestra
CHINCHES O DE UNA INFESTACIÓN DE CHINCHES; O BIEN propiedad, no en los recipientes de basura de la propiedad. Si con-
• USTED(ES) INSPECCIONARÁ(N) LA VIVIENDA DENTRO DE firmamos la presencia o la infestación de chinches en su vivienda,
LAS 48 HORAS DE OCUPARLA O DE FIRMAR ESTE ANEXO tenemos derecho a exigirle(s) que temporariamente abandone(n)
Y NOS NOTIFICARÁ(N) LA EXISTENCIA DE CHINCHES O UNA la vivienda y que retire(n) todos sus muebles, prendas de vestir y
INFESTACIÓN DE CHINCHES. pertenencias personales para poder realizar la exterminación de
Usted(es) declara(n) que ha leído la información que proporciona- plagas. Si usted(es) no coopera(n) con nosotros, estará(n) en in-
mos sobre chinches y que no tiene(n) constancia de una infestación cumplimiento y tendremos derecho a terminar su derecho de ocu-
o de la existencia de chinches en su vivienda actual o previa, ni en pación y a ejercer todos los derechos y recursos establecidos en el
sus muebles, prendas de vestir, bienes personales o pertenencias, Contrato de arrendamiento.
y que nos ha(n) dado a conocer plenamente toda infestación de
chinches y todo problema con chinches que haya(n) experimen- 7. Responsabilidades. Es posible que usted(es) deba(n) pagar todos
tado anteriormente. los gastos derivados del tratamiento de control de plagas incurri-
dos por nosotros para tratar su unidad. Si se confirma la presencia o
Si usted(es) declara(n) haber tenido una experiencia anterior de
la infestación de chinches después de que usted(es) se haya(n) mu-
infestación de chinches, podemos revisar la documentación del
tratamiento realizado e inspeccionar sus bienes personales y dado de la vivienda, es posible que usted(es) sea(n) responsable(s)
pertenencias para confirmar la ausencia de chinches. de los costos de exterminación y limpieza. Si tenemos que mudar a
otros residentes para poder tratar las viviendas adyacentes o veci-
4. Acceso para tratamiento de plagas e inspección. Usted(es)
nas a su vivienda, usted(es) puede(n) ser responsable(s) del pago
debe(n) permitirnos a nosotros y a nuestros agentes de control de
plagas el acceso a su vivienda a horas razonables para inspeccio- de todo alquiler no habido y otros gastos incurridos por nosotros
nar la presencia de chinches o para exterminarlas. Tanto usted(es) para reubicar a los residentes vecinos y para limpiar y realizar trata-
como los miembros de su familia, otros ocupantes, huéspedes e mientos de control de plagas en las otras viviendas. Si usted(es) no
invitados deben cooperar y no interferir con las inspecciones o paga(n) los costos por los cuales es/son responsable(s), usted(es)
tratamientos. Tenemos derecho a elegir cualquier exterminador estará(n) en incumplimiento y tendremos derecho a rescindir su
profesional para el tratamiento de la vivienda y el edificio. Pode- derecho de ocupación y ejercer todos los derechos y remedios
mos elegir el método de tratamiento para la vivienda, el edificio bajo el Contrato de arrendamiento y obtener la posesión inme-
y las áreas comunes. También podemos inspeccionar y tratar las diata de la vivienda. Si usted(es) no se muda(n) inmediatamente
viviendas vecinas o adyacentes, incluso si esas viviendas no son cuando termine su derecho de ocupación, será(n) responsable(s)
la fuente de la infestación o la causa de la plaga. Usted(es) es/son del pago de las rentas correspondientes conforme al Contrato de
responsable(s) y debe(n), a sus propias expensas, hacer tratar sus
posesiones personales, muebles, ropa y otros efectos, con méto-
dos de tratamiento aceptados, realizados por una empresa de ex- 8. Traslados. Si permitimos su mudanza a otra vivienda en la co-
terminio profesional, o por nosotros aprobada. Usted(es) debe(n) munidad debido a la presencia de chinches, usted(es) debe(n)
hacer tratar sus pertenencias lo más cerca posible a la fecha en que hacer tratar sus efectos personales y pertenencias con métodos o
nosotros tratamos la vivienda. Si usted(es) no lo hiciera(n), lo(s) con- procedimientos establecidos por exterminadores profesionales.
sideraremos en incumplimiento y tendremos derecho a terminar Usted(es) debe(n) darnos un comprobante de dicha limpieza y
su derecho de ocupación y ejercer todos los derechos y recursos
tratamiento que nos sea satisfactorio.
previstos en el Contrato de arrendamiento. Usted(es) acepta(n)
no tratar la infestación de la vivienda por su propia cuenta.

Este acuerdo legal es obligatorio—léalo con atención antes de firmarlo.

Todas las partes deben firmar únicamente la versión en inglés.

La traducción al español se le(s) da con fin exclusivamente informativo.

Usted(es) tiene(n) derecho a recibir una copia de este Anexo,

una vez que haya sido firmado por todas las partes. Guarde(n) su copia en un lugar seguro.
©2019 Texas Apartment A ssociation, Inc. continúa al dorso
Una guía para arrendatarios
(Adaptado con permiso de la National Apartment Association)

Las chinches, con una expectativa de vida de mosquitos, el origen de tales marcas es a menudo
6 a 12 meses, son insectos sin alas, planos y de mal diagnosticado. Sin embargo, las ronchas causa-
forma ovalada. Capaces de alcanzar en pleno das por las chinches muchas veces aparecen en
crecimiento el tamaño de una semilla de manzana, sucesión y en áreas expuestas de la piel, tales como
las chinches se distinguen por su color marrón el rostro, cuello y los brazos. En algunos casos, la
rojizo, aunque después de alimentarse de sangre persona no tiene reacción visible resultante de una
de seres humanos y de animales (su única fuente de exposición directa a las chinches.
alimento) las chinches toman un tono claramente
rojo sangre hasta finalizar su digestión. Mientras que las chinches normalmente prefieren ac-
tuar por la noche, a menudo no logran regresar a sus
escondites sin dejar huellas de su presencia, como
Las chinches no discriminan. restos fecales de un color rojo a marrón oscuro, visi-
bles en las camas y sus alrededores. También tienden
El aumento en la cantidad de chinches en los Estados a aparecer manchas de sangre cuando las chinches
Unidos en las últimas décadas puede atribuirse, han sido aplastadas por una persona que duerme
en gran parte, al aumento en viajes y comercio sin sospechar la infestación. Y, como mudan de piel,
internacional. No es de extrañar entonces que no es raro encontrar restos de caparazones en áreas
se hayan encontrado chinches una y otra vez en normalmente frecuentadas por las chinches.
algunos de los hoteles y edificios más exclusivos de
los barrios más caros de la nación.

Sin embargo, el prejuicio que asocia la infestación de

Prevención durante los viajes.
chinches con una higiene deficiente ha hecho que Puesto que los seres humanos servimos de trans-
los inquilinos, por vergüenza, eviten notificar a los porte principal para las chinches, es muy importante
propietarios la presencia de chinches. Esto sólo sirve estar alerta cuando se está fuera de casa. Los exper-
para facilitar la propagación de la plaga. tos coinciden en que la propagación de las chinches
en todas las regiones de los Estados Unidos es
Si bien es verdad que las chinches están, por su atribuida en gran parte a un aumento en los viajes y
propia naturaleza, más atraídas al desorden, la el comercio, tanto nacionales como internacionales.
limpieza ciertamente no las desalienta. Conclusión: Por lo tanto, se recomienda que al llegar a su destino
las chinches no conocen diferencias sociales ni temporario y antes de desempacar, el viajero tome
económicas; toda reclamación contraria es falsa. unos minutos para inspeccionar minuciosamente su
alojamiento a fin de garantizar que no existen hués-
pedes indeseados. Debido a que las chinches viajan
Las chinches no fácilmente de una habitación a otra, también se
transmiten enfermedades. recomienda que los viajeros inspeccionen minucio-
samente su equipaje y pertenencias antes de dejar el
hotel o alojamiento temporario.
No existe ninguna evidencia científica que pruebe
que las chinches transmiten enfermedades. De
hecho, las agencias federales encargadas de tratar Recomendaciones.
las plagas que son problemas de salud pública, a
saber, la Agencia de Protección del Medioambiente • No traiga(n) muebles usados de fuentes descon-
y los Centros para el Control y Prevención de En- ocidas a su vivienda. Innumerables infestaciones
de chinches son causadas directamente por la
fermedades, han rehusado elevar la infestación de
introducción de muebles de segunda mano y
chinches al nivel de amenaza que representan las abandonados, dentro de la vivienda. A menos
plagas diseminadoras de enfermedades. Una vez que pueda determinarse con absoluta certeza
más, las reclamaciones que asocian las chinches con que un mueble de segunda mano no está
enfermedades, son falsas. infestado de chinches, usted(es) debe(n) asumir
que si un sofá de cuero de aspecto muy agrad-
able se encuentra en la vereda esperando ser
Cómo identificar las chinches. transportado con los desechos, es porque está
infestado de chinches.
Las chinches pueden encontrarse a menudo en el in-
terior, los alrededores y entre: • Sí debe(n) inspeccionar los muebles de alquiler,
inclusive los colchones y sofás, buscando
• Camas
evidencia de chinches, antes de llevárselos a su
• Cabeceras y bastidores
• Costuras de colchones
• Tapizado de muebles, especialmente debajo de co- • Sí debe(n) notificar al propietario inmediata-
jines y dentro de costuras mente toda sospecha de presencia de chinches.
• Muebles de madera, especialmente en las zonas El inquilino que sospeche la presencia de chinch-
donde se deslizan los cajones es en su vivienda debe notificar inmediatamente
• Cortinas al propietario.
• Alrededor de los marcos de ventanas y puertas • No intente(n) tratar usted(es) mismo(s) una
• Las uniones entre techo y paredes infestación de chinches. Los riesgos para la salud
• Molduras asociados con la aplicación incorrecta de produc-
• En las paredes, detrás y alrededor de tapices sueltos tos químicos, insecticidas y pesticidas tradi-
y empapelados despegados cionales y no tradicionales, suponen un riesgo
• Entre las alfombras y paredes (se puede apartar la demasiado grande para usted(es) y sus vecinos.
alfombra de la tira donde esta clavada con tachuelas • Sí, debe(n) cumplir con el protocolo de er-
junto a la pared) radicación. Si se determina que su vivienda está
• Fisuras y grietas en paredes y suelos infestada de chinches, usted(es) debe(n) cumplir
• Dentro de los dispositivos electrónicos, tales como con el protocolo de erradicación establecido
detectores de humo y monóxido de carbono por su propietario y la compañía exterminadora
Debido a que las chinches dejan ronchas sorpren-
dentemente similares a las causadas por pulgas y
Formulario Estatal Oficial 19-KK de la TAA, revisado en octubre de 2019
Derechos de autor registrados en 2019 a favor de la Texas Apartment Association, Inc.
This Lease is valid only if filled out before January 1, 2024.

Apartment Lease Contract

This is a binding contract. Read carefully before signing.

This Lease Contract (“Lease”) is between you, the resident(s) as listed below and us. The terms “you” and “your” refer to all residents.
The terms “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to the owner listed below.

Residents _____________________________________________
Milton Yasin Gamboa Caicedo Owner ______________________________________________
Volara Apartments
Rosibeth Morales Diaz _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ Occupants ___________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________


A. Apartment (Par. 2)
Street Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
3550 E Overton Rd
Apartment No . ______________ City: ______________________________________
2286-V01 Dallas State: ___
TX Zip: ____________________

B. Initial Lease Term. Begins:_____________________________________

10/31/2023 Ends at 11:59 p.m. on:_________________________________

C. Monthly Base Rent (Par. 3) E. Security Deposit (Par. 5) F. Notice of Termination or Intent to Move Out (Par. 4)
A minimum of _____________________
30 days’ written notice of
$ ____________________________
1075.00 $ _____________________________
termination or intent to move out required at end of initial Lease
term or during renewal period
Note that this amount does not
D. Prorated Rent include any Animal Deposit, which If the number of days isn’t filled in, notice of at least 30 days
would be reflected in an Animal is required.
$ _____________________________
35.71 Addendum.
X due for the remainder of 1st
month or
r for 2nd month

G. Late Fees (Par. 3.3)

Initial Late Fee Daily Late Fee
X ___________%
r 10 of one month’s monthly base rent or r __________ _% of one month’s monthly base rent for ________ days or
r $______________________ r $__________________________________ for ______ days
Due if rent unpaid by 11:59 p.m. on the ____________________________________
3rd (3rd or greater) day of the month

H. Returned Check or Rejected J. Optional Early Termination Fee (Par. 7.2) K. Animal Violation Charge (Par. 12.2)
Payment Fee (Par. 3.4) Initial charge of $ __________________
100.00 per animal (not
$ ____________________________________ to exceed $100 per animal) and
55.00 Notice of ________________
30 days is required.
You are not eligible for early termination if A daily charge of $ ____________________
10.00 per animal
I. Reletting Charge (Par. 7.1) you are in default. (not to exceed $10 per day per animal)
Fee must be paid no later than ___________ 30
A reletting charge of $____________
940.91 days after you give us notice
(not to exceed 85% of the highest
If values are blank or “0,” then this section does
monthly Rent during the Lease term)
not apply.
may be charged in certain default

L. Additional Rent - Monthly Recurring Fixed Charges. You will pay separately for these items as outlined below and/or in separate addenda,
Special Provisions or an amendment to this Lease.

Animal rent $ _____________________________ Cable/satellite $________________________ Trash service $____________________

Internet $______________________________ Package service $________________________ Pest control $____________________
Storage $_____________________________ _ Stormwater/drainage $____________________ Washer/Dryer $____________________
Other: _________________________________________________________________________________________
TRASH $ _______________________
Other: _________________________________________________________________________________________
INSURANCE NON-COMPLIANCE FEE $ _______________________
Other: _________________________________________________________________________________________ $ _______________________
Other: _________________________________________________________________________________________ $ _______________________

M. Utilities and Other Variable Charges. You will pay separately for gas, water, wastewater, electricity, trash/recycling, utility billing fees and other
items as outlined in separate addenda, Special Provisions or an amendment to this Lease.

Utility Connection Charge or Transfer Fee: $ ____________________

50.00 (not to exceed $50) to be paid within 5 days of written notice (Par. 3.5)

Special Provisions. See Par. 32 or additional addenda attached. The Lease cannot be changed unless in writing and signed by you and us.

Apartment Lease Contract ©2022, Texas Apartment Association, Inc. Page 1 of 6

LEASE TERMS AND CONDITIONS 4. Automatic Lease Renewal and Notice of Termination. This Lease
will automatically renew month-to-month unless either party gives
1. Definitions. The following terms are commonly used in this Lease:
written notice of termination or intent to move out as required by Par.
1.1. “Residents” are those listed in “Residents” above who sign 25 and specified on page 1. If the number of days isn’t filled in, no-
the Lease and are authorized to live in the apartment. tice of at least 30 days is required.
1.2. “Occupants” are those listed in this Lease who are also autho-
5. Security Deposit. The total security deposit for all residents is due
rized to live in the apartment, but who do not sign the Lease.
on or before the date this Lease is signed. Any animal deposit will be
1.3. “Owner” may be identified by an assumed name and is the designated in an animal addendum. Security deposits may not be ap-
owner only and not property managers or anyone else. plied to Rent without our prior written consent.
1.4. “Including” in this Lease means “including but not limited to.” 5.1. Refunds and Deductions. You must give us your advance
1.5. “Community Policies” are the written apartment rules and notice of move out as provided by Par. 25 and forwarding
policies, including property signage and instructions for address in writing to receive a written description and
care of our property and amenities, with which you, your itemized list of charges or refund. In accordance with our
occupants, and your guests must comply. Community Policies and as allowed by law, we may deduct
1.6. “Rent” is monthly base rent plus additional monthly from your security deposit any amounts due under the
recurring fixed charges. Lease. If you move out early or in response to a notice to
2. Apartment. You are leasing the apartment listed above for use as a vacate, you’ll be liable for rekeying charges. Upon receipt of
private residence only. your move-out date and forwarding address in writing, the
2.1. Access. In accordance with our Community Policies, you’ll security deposit will be returned (less lawful deductions)
receive access information or devices for your apartment with an itemized accounting of any deductions, no later than
and mailbox, and other access devices including: __________
Gate 30 days after surrender or abandonment, unless laws provide
_______________________________________________ otherwise. Any refund may be by one payment jointly payable
______________________________________________. to all residents and distributed to any one resident we choose,
2.2. Measurements. Any dimensions and sizes provided to you or distributed equally among all residents.
relating to the apartment are only approximations or 6. Insurance. Our insurance doesn’t cover the loss of or damage to
estimates; actual dimensions and sizes may vary. your personal property. You will be required to have liability insur-
2.3. Representations. You agree that designations or accredi- ance as specified in our Community Policies or Lease addenda un-
tations associated with the property are subject to change. less otherwise prohibited by law. If you have insurance covering the
apartment or your personal belongings at the time you or we suffer
3. Rent. You must pay your Rent on or before the 1st day of each or allege a loss, you agree to require your insurance carrier to waive
month (due date) without demand. There are no exceptions any insurance subrogation rights. Even if not required, we urge you
regarding the payment of Rent, and you agree not paying Rent on to obtain your own insurance for losses due to theft, fire, flood, water,
or before the 1st of each month is a material breach of this Lease. pipe leaks and similar occurrences. Most renter’s insurance policies
3.1. Payments. You will pay your Rent by any method, manner don’t cover losses due to a flood.
and place we specify in accordance with our Community 7. Reletting and Early Lease Termination. This Lease may not be ter-
Policies. Cash is not acceptable without our prior written minated early except as provided in this Lease.
permission. You cannot withhold or offset Rent unless
authorized by law. We may, at our option, require at any 7.1. Reletting Charge. You’ll be liable for a reletting charge as
time that you pay Rent and other sums due in one single listed in Lease Details, (not to exceed 85% of the highest
payment by any method we specify. monthly Rent during the Lease term) if you: (A) fail to move in,
or fail to give written move-out notice as required in Par. 25;
3.2. Application of Payments. Payment of each sum due is an (B) move out without paying Rent in full for the entire Lease
independent covenant, which means payments are due term or renewal period; (C) move out at our demand because
regardless of our performance. When we receive money, of your default; or (D) are judicially evicted. The reletting
other than water and wastewater payments subject to charge is not a termination, cancellation or buyout fee and
government regulation, we may apply it at our option and does not release you from your obligations under this Lease,
without notice first to any of your unpaid obligations, then including liability for future or past-due Rent, charges for
to accrued rent. We may do so regardless of notations on damages or other sums due.
checks or money orders and regardless of when the
obligations arose. All sums other than Rent and late fees are The reletting charge is a liquidated amount covering only
due upon our demand. After the due date, we do not have part of our damages—for our time, effort, and expense in
to accept any payments. finding and processing a replacement resident. These
damages are uncertain and hard to ascertain—particularly
3.3. Late Fees. If we don’t receive your monthly base rent in full those relating to inconvenience, paperwork, advertising,
when it’s due, you must pay late fees as outlined in Lease Details. showing apartments, utilities for showing, checking pros-
3.4. Returned Payment Fee. You’ll pay the fee listed in Lease pects, overhead, marketing costs, and locator-service fees.
Details for each returned check or rejected electronic You agree that the reletting charge is a reasonable estimate
payment, plus initial and daily late fees if applicable, until of our damages and that the charge is due whether or not our
we receive full payment in an acceptable method. reletting attempts succeed.
3.5. Utilities and Services. You’ll pay for all utilities and services, 7.2. Early Lease Termination Procedures. In addition to your
related deposits, and any charges or fees when they are due termination rights referred to in 7.3 or 8.1 below, if this provision
and as outlined in this Lease. Television channels that are applies under Lease Details, you may terminate the Lease
provided may be changed during the Lease term if the prior to the end of the Lease term if all of the following
change applies to all residents. occur: (a) as outlined in Lease Details, you give us written
If your electricity is interrupted, you must use only battery- notice of early termination, pay the early termination fee and
operated lighting (no flames). You must not allow any specify the date by which you’ll move out; (b) you are not in
utilities (other than cable or Internet) to be cut off or default at any time and do not hold over; and (c) you repay all
switched for any reason—including disconnection for not rent concessions, credits or discounts you received during the
paying your bills—until the Lease term or renewal period Lease term. If you are in default, the Lease remedies apply.
ends. If a utility is individually metered, it must be connected 7.3. Special Termination Rights. You may have the right under
in your name and you must notify the provider of your move- Texas law to terminate the Lease early in certain situations
out date. If you delay getting service turned on in your name involving military deployment or transfer, family violence,
by the Lease’s start date or cause it to be transferred back into certain sexual offenses, stalking or death of a sole resident.
our name before you surrender or abandon the apartment, 8. Delay of Occupancy. We are not responsible for any delay of your
you’ll be liable for the charge listed above (not to exceed $50 occupancy caused by construction, repairs, cleaning, or a previous
per billing period), plus the actual or estimated cost of the resident’s holding over. This Lease will remain in force subject to
utilities used while the utility should have been billed to you. (1) abatement of Rent on a daily basis during delay, and (2) your right
If your apartment is individually metered and you change to terminate the Lease in writing as set forth below. Rent abatement
your retail electric provider, you must give us written notice. and Lease termination do not apply if the delay is for cleaning or re-
You must pay all applicable provider fees, including any fees pairs that don’t prevent you from moving into the apartment.
to change service back into our name after you move out.
8.1. Termination. If we give written notice to you of a delay in
3.6. Lease Changes. Lease changes are only allowed during the occupancy when or after the Lease begins, you may termi-
Lease term or renewal period if governed by Par. 10, specified nate the Lease within 3 days after you receive written notice.
in Special Provisions in Par. 32, or by a written addendum or
amendment signed by you and us. At or after the end of the If we give you written notice before the date the Lease begins
initial Lease term, Rent increases will become effective with at and the notice states that a construction or other delay is
least 5 days plus the number of days’ advance notice contained expected and that the apartment will be ready for you to
in Box F on page 1 in writing from us to you. Your new Lease, occupy on a specific date, you may terminate the Lease within
which may include increased Rent or Lease changes, will begin 7 days after receiving written notice.
on the date stated in any advance notice we provide (without After proper termination, you are entitled only to refund of
needing your signature) unless you give us written move-out any deposit(s) and any Rent you paid.
notice under Par. 25, which applies only to the end of the current
Lease term or renewal period.
Apartment Lease Contract ©2022, Texas Apartment Association, Inc. Page 2 of 6
9. Care of Unit and Damages. You must promptly pay or reimburse (c) disturbing or threatening the rights, comfort, health, safety,
us for loss, damage, consequential damages, government fines or or convenience of others, including us, our agents, or our
charges, or cost of repairs or service in the apartment community representatives;
because of a Lease or Community Policies violation; improper use, (d) disrupting our business operations;
negligence, or other conduct by you, your invitees, your occupants,
or your guests; or, as allowed by law, any other cause not due to our (e) storing anything in closets containing water heaters or
negligence or fault, except for damages by acts of God to the extent gas appliances;
they couldn’t be mitigated by your action or inaction. (f) tampering with utilities or telecommunication
Unless damage or wastewater stoppage is due to our negligence, equipment;
we’re not liable for—and you must pay for—repairs and replace- (g) bringing hazardous materials into the apartment
ments occurring during the Lease term or renewal period, includ- community;
ing: (A) damage from wastewater stoppages caused by improper
objects in lines exclusively serving your apartment; (B) damage to (h) using windows for entry or exit;
doors, windows, or screens; and (C) damage from windows or doors (i) heating the apartment with gas-operated appliances;
left open.
(j) making bad-faith or false allegations against us or our
RESIDENT LIFE agents to others;
10. Community Policies. Community Policies become part of the (k) smoking of any kind, that is not in accordance with our
Lease and must be followed. We may make changes, including addi- Community Policies or Lease addenda;
tions, to our written Community Policies, and those changes can be-
come effective immediately if the Community Policies are distributed (l) using glass containers in or near pools; or
and applicable to all units in the apartment community and do not (m) conducting any kind of business (including child-care
change the dollar amounts in Lease Details. services) in your apartment or in the apartment
10.1. Photo/Video Release. You give us permission to use any community—except for any lawful business
photograph, likeness, image or video taken of you while conducted “at home” by computer, mail, or telephone if
you are using property common areas or participating in customers, clients, patients, employees or other
any event sponsored by us. business associates do not come to your apartment
for business purposes.
10.2. Disclosure of Information. At our sole option, we may,
but are not obligated to, share and use information related 12. Animals. No living creatures of any kind are allowed, even tempo-
to this Lease for law-enforcement, governmental, or business rarily, anywhere in the apartment or apartment community un-
purposes. At our request, you authorize any utility provider to less we’ve given written permission. If we allow an animal, you must
give us information about pending or actual connections or sign a separate Animal Addendum and, except as set forth in the ad-
disconnections of utility service to your apartment. dendum, pay an animal deposit and applicable fees and additional
monthly rent, as applicable. An animal deposit is considered a gener-
10.3. Guests. We may exclude from the apartment community al security deposit. You represent that any requests, statements and
any guests or others who, in our sole judgment, have been representations you make, including those for an assistance or sup-
violating the law, violating this Lease or our Community port animal, are true, accurate and made in good faith. Feeding stray,
Policies, or disturbing other residents, neighbors, visitors, feral or wild animals is a breach of this Lease.
or owner representatives. We may also exclude from any
outside area or common area anyone who refuses to show 12.1. Removal of Unauthorized Animal. We may remove an
photo identification or refuses to identify himself or unauthorized animal by (1) leaving, in a conspicuous
herself as a resident, an authorized occupant, or a guest of place in the apartment, a written notice of our intent to
a specific resident in the community. remove the animal within 24 hours; and (2) following the
procedures of Par. 14. We may: keep or kennel the animal;
Anyone not listed in this Lease cannot stay in the turn the animal over to a humane society, local authority
apartment for more than _______ 3 days in one week or rescue organization; or return the animal to you if
without our prior written consent, and no more than twice we consent to your request to keep the animal and you
that many days in any one month. If the previous space have completed and signed an Animal Addendum and
isn’t filled in, 2 days total per week will be the limit. paid all fees. When keeping or kenneling an animal, we
10.4. Notice of Convictions and Registration. You must won’t be liable for loss, harm, sickness, or death of the
notify us within 15 days if you or any of your occupants: animal unless due to our negligence. You must pay for
(A) are convicted of any felony, (B) are convicted of any the animal’s reasonable care and kenneling charges.
misdemeanor involving a controlled substance, violence to 12.2. Violations of Animal Policies and Charges. If you or
another person, or destruction of property, or (C) register as a any guest or occupant violates the animal restrictions of
sex offender. Informing us of a criminal conviction or this Lease or our Community Policies, you’ll be subject to
sex-offender registration doesn’t waive any rights we may charges, damages, eviction, and other remedies
have against you. provided in this Lease, including animal violation charges
10.5. Odors and Noise. You agree that odors, smoke and listed in Lease Details from the date the animal was
smells including those related to cooking and everyday brought into your apartment until it is removed. If an
noises or sounds are all a normal part of a multifamily animal has been in the apartment at any time during
living environment and that it is impractical for us to your term of occupancy (with or without our consent),
prevent them from penetrating your apartment. we’ll charge you for all cleaning and repair costs,
including defleaing, deodorizing, and shampooing. Initial
11. Conduct. You agree to communicate and conduct yourself in a law- and daily animal-violation charges and animal-removal
ful, courteous and reasonable manner at all times when interacting charges are liquidated damages for our time,
with us, our representatives and other residents or occupants. Any inconvenience, and overhead in enforcing animal
acts of unlawful, discourteous or unreasonable communication or restrictions and Community Policies.
conduct by you, your occupants or guests is a breach of this Lease.
13. Parking. You may not be guaranteed parking. We may regulate the
You must use customary diligence in maintaining the apartment, time, manner, and place of parking of all motorized vehicles and
keeping it in a sanitary condition and not damaging or littering the other modes of transportation, including bicycles and scooters, in
common areas. Trash must be disposed of at least weekly. You will our Community Policies. In addition to other rights we have to tow or
use your apartment and all other areas, including any balconies, with boot vehicles under state law, we also have the right to remove, at the
reasonable care. We may regulate the use of passageways, patios, expense of the vehicle owner or operator, any vehicle that is not in
balconies, porches, and activities in common areas. compliance with our Community Policies.
11.1. Prohibited Conduct. You, your occupants, and your guests 14. When We May Enter. If you or any other resident, guest or occupant
will not engage in certain prohibited conduct, including the is present, then repair or service persons, contractors, law officers,
following activities: government representatives, lenders, appraisers, prospective resi-
(a) criminal conduct; manufacturing, delivering, or dents or buyers, insurance agents, persons authorized to enter under
possessing a controlled substance or drug parapher- your rental application, or our representatives may peacefully enter
nalia; engaging in or threatening violence; possessing the apartment at reasonable times for reasonable business purposes.
a weapon prohibited by state law; discharging a firearm If nobody is in the apartment, then any such person may enter peace-
in the apartment community; or, except when fully and at reasonable times (by breaking a window or other means
allowed by law, displaying or possessing a gun, knife, when necessary) for reasonable business purposes if written notice of
or other weapon in the common area, or in a way that the entry is left in a conspicuous place in the apartment immediately
may alarm others; after the entry. We are under no obligation to enter only when you
are present, and we may, but are not obligated to, give prior notice or
(b) behaving in a loud, obnoxious or dangerous manner; make appointments.

Apartment Lease Contract ©2022, Texas Apartment Association, Inc. Page 3 of 6

15. Requests, Repairs and Malfunctions. Texas Property Code secs. 92.151, 92.153, and 92.154 require, with
some exceptions, that we provide at no cost to you when occupancy
15.1. Written Requests Required. If you or any occupant needs
begins: (A) a window latch on each window; (B) a doorviewer (peep-
to send a request—for example, for repairs, installations,
hole or window) on each exterior door; (C) a pin lock on each sliding
services, ownership disclosure, or security-related matters— _
door; (D) either a door-handle latch or a security bar on each sliding
it must be written and delivered to our designated
door; (E) a keyless bolting device (deadbolt) on each exterior door;
representative in accordance with our Community Policies
and (F) either a keyed doorknob lock or a keyed deadbolt lock on
(except for fair-housing accommodation or modification
one entry door. Keyed locks will be rekeyed after the prior resident
requests or situations involving imminent danger or threats to
moves out. The rekeying will be done either before you move in or
health or safety, such as fire, smoke, gas, explosion, or crime in
within 7 days after you move in, as required by law. If we fail to in-
progress). Our written notes regarding your oral request do
stall or rekey security devices as required by law, you have the right
not constitute a written request from you. Our complying
to do so and deduct the reasonable cost from your next Rent pay-
with or responding to any oral request doesn’t waive the strict
ment under Texas Property Code sec. 92.165(1). We may deactivate
requirement for written notices under this Lease. A request
or not install keyless bolting devices on your doors if (A) you or an
for maintenance or repair by anyone residing in your
occupant in the dwelling is over 55 or disabled, and (B) the require-
apartment constitutes a request from all residents. The time,
ments of Texas Property Code sec. 92.153(e) or (f) are satisfied.
manner, method and means of performing maintenance
and repairs, including whether or which vendors to use, 18.1. Smoke Alarms and Detection Devices. We’ll furnish
are within our sole discretion. smoke alarms or other detection devices required by law
or city ordinance. We may install additional detectors
15.2. Your Requirement to Notify. You must promptly notify us in
not so required. We’ll test them and provide working
writing of air conditioning or heating problems, water leaks or
batteries when you first take possession of your
moisture, mold, electrical problems, malfunctioning lights,
apartment. Upon request, we’ll provide, as required by
broken or missing locks or latches, or any other condition that
law, a smoke alarm capable of alerting a person with a
poses a hazard or threat to property, health, or safety. Unless
hearing impairment.
we instruct otherwise, you are required to keep the
apartment cooled or heated according to our Community You must pay for and replace batteries as needed,
Policies. Air conditioning problems are normally not unless the law provides otherwise. We may replace dead
emergencies. or missing batteries at your expense, without prior notice
to you. Neither you nor your guests or occupants may
15.3. Utilities. We may change or install utility lines or
disable alarms or detectors. If you damage or disable the
equipment serving the apartment if the work is done
smoke alarm or remove a battery without replacing it
reasonably without substantially increasing your
with a working battery, you may be liable to us under
utility costs. We may turn off equipment and interrupt
Texas Property Code sec. 92.2611 for $100 plus one
utilities as needed to perform work or to avoid
month’s Rent, actual damages, and attorney’s fees.
property damage or other emergencies. If utilities
malfunction or are damaged by fire, water, or similar 18.2. Duty to Report. You must immediately report to us any
cause, you must notify our representative immediately. missing, malfunctioning or defective security devices,
smoke alarms or detectors. You’ll be liable if you fail to
15.4. Your Remedies. We’ll act with customary diligence to
report malfunctions, or fail to report any loss, damage, or
make repairs and reconnections within a reasonable
fines resulting from fire, smoke, or water.
time, taking into consideration when casualty-insurance
proceeds are received. Unless required by statute after 19. Resident Safety and Loss. Unless otherwise required by law, none
a casualty loss, or during equipment repair, your Rent of us, our employees, agents, or management companies are liable
will not abate in whole or in part. “Reasonable time” to you, your guests or occupants for any damage, personal injury,
accounts for the severity and nature of the problem and loss to personal property, or loss of business or personal income,
the reasonable availability of materials, labor, and from any cause, including but not limited to: negligent or intention-
utilities. If we fail to timely repair a condition that al acts of residents, occupants, or guests; theft, burglary, assault,
materially affects the physical health or safety of an vandalism or other crimes; fire, flood, water leaks, rain, hail, ice,
ordinary resident as required by the Texas Property Code, snow, smoke, lightning, wind, explosions, interruption of utilities,
you may be entitled to exercise remedies under § 92.056 pipe leaks or other occurrences unless such damage, injury or loss is
and § 92.0561 of the Texas Property Code. If you follow caused exclusively by our negligence.
the procedures under those sections, the following We do not warrant security of any kind. You agree that you will not
remedies, among others, may be available to you: rely upon any security measures taken by us for personal security,
(1) termination of the Lease and an appropriate refund and that you will call 911 and local law enforcement authorities if any
under 92.056(f); (2) have the condition repaired or security needs arise.
remedied according to § 92.0561; (3) deduct from the Rent
the cost of the repair or remedy according to § 92.0561; You acknowledge that we are not equipped or trained to provide
and 4) judicial remedies according to § 92.0563. personal security services to you, your guests or occupants. You rec-
ognize that we are not required to provide any private security ser-
16. Our Right to Terminate for Apartment Community Damage or vices and that no security devices or measures on the property are
Closure. If, in our sole judgment, damages to the unit or building are fail-safe. You further acknowledge that, even if an alarm or gate ame-
significant or performance of needed repairs poses a danger to you, nities are provided, they are mechanical devices that can malfunc-
we may terminate this Lease and your right to possession by giving tion. Any charges resulting from the use of an intrusion alarm will be
you at least 7 days’ written notice. If termination occurs, you agree charged to you, including, but not limited to, any false alarms with
we’ll refund only prorated rent and all deposits, minus lawful deduc- police/fire/ambulance response or other required city charges.
tions. We may remove your personal property if, in our sole judg-
ment, it causes a health or safety hazard or impedes our ability to 20. Condition of the Premises and Alterations.
make repairs. 20.1. As-Is. We disclaim all implied warranties. You accept the
16.1. Property Closure. We also have the right to terminate apartment, fixtures, and furniture as is, except for
this Lease and your right to possession by giving you at conditions materially affecting the health or safety of
least 30 days’ written notice of termination if we are ordinary persons. You’ll be given an Inventory and
demolishing your apartment or closing it and it will no Condition Form at or before move-in. You agree that
longer be used for residential purposes for at least 6 after completion of the form or within 48 hours after
months, or if any part of the property becomes subject to move-in, whichever comes first, you must note on the
an eminent domain proceeding. form all defects or damage, sign the form, return it to
us, and the form accurately reflects the condition of the
17. Assignments and Subletting. You may not assign this Lease or sub- premises for purposes of determining any refund due to
let your apartment. You agree that you won‘t rent, offer to rent or you when you move out. Otherwise, everything will be
license all or any part of your apartment to anyone else unless other- considered to be in a clean, safe, and good working
wise agreed to in advance by us in writing. You agree that you won‘t condition. You must still send a separate request for any
accept anything of value from anyone else for the use of any part of repairs needed as provided by Par. 15.1.
your apartment. You agree not to list any part of your apartment on
any lodging or short-term rental website or with any person or ser- 20.2. Standards and Improvements. Unless authorized by
vice that advertises dwellings for rent. law or by us in writing, you must not perform any repairs,
painting, wallpapering, carpeting, electrical changes, or
18. Security and Safety Devices. We’ll pay for missing security de- otherwise alter our property. No holes or stickers are
vices that are required by law. You’ll pay for: (A) rekeying that allowed inside or outside the apartment. Unless our
you request (unless we failed to rekey after the previous resi- Community Policies state otherwise, we’ll permit a
dent moved out); and (B) repairs or replacements because of reasonable number of small nail holes for hanging
misuse or damage by you or your family, your occupants, or your pictures on sheetrock walls and in grooves of wood-
guests. You must pay immediately after the work is done unless state paneled walls. No water furniture, washing machines,
law authorizes advance payment. You must also pay in advance for dryers, extra phone or television outlets, alarm systems,
any additional or changed security devices you request.

Apartment Lease Contract ©2022, Texas Apartment Association, Inc. Page 4 of 6

cameras, video or other doorbells, or lock changes, If you don’t pay the first month’s Rent when or before the Lease
additions, or rekeying is permitted unless required by law begins, all future Rent for the Lease term will be automatically
or we’ve consented in writing. You may install a satellite accelerated without notice and become immediately due. We
dish or antenna, but only if you sign our satellite-dish or also may end your right of occupancy and recover damages,
antenna lease addendum, which complies with reasonable future Rent, attorney’s fees, court costs, and other lawful charges.
restrictions allowed by federal law. You must not alter, 23.4. Holdover. You and all occupants must vacate and surrender
damage, or remove our property, including alarm systems, the apartment by or before the date contained in: (1) your
detection devices, appliances, furniture, telephone and move-out notice (2) our notice to vacate, (3) our notice of
television wiring, screens, locks, or security devices. When you non-renewal, or (4) a written agreement specifying a different
move in, we’ll supply light bulbs for fixtures we furnish, move-out date. If a holdover occurs, then you’ll be liable to us
including exterior fixtures operated from inside the for all Rent for the full term of the previously signed lease of a
apartment; after that, you’ll replace them at your expense new resident who can’t occupy because of the holdover, and
with bulbs of the same type and wattage. Your improvements at our option, we may extend the Lease term and/or increase
to the apartment (made with or without our consent) become the Rent by 25% by delivering written notice to you or your
ours unless we agree otherwise in writing. apartment while you continue to hold over.
21. Notices. Written notice to or from our employees, agents, or 23.5. Other Remedies. We may report unpaid amounts to
management companies constitutes notice to or from us. Notices to credit agencies as allowed by law. If we or our debt
you or any other resident of the apartment constitute notice to all collector tries to collect any money you owe us, you
residents. Notices and requests from any resident constitute notice agree that we or the debt collector may contact you by
from all residents. Only residents can give notice of Lease termination any legal means. If you default, you will pay us, in addition
and intent to move out under Par. 7.3. All notices and documents will to other sums due, any rental discounts or concessions
be in English and, at our option, in any other language that you read agreed to in writing that have been applied to your account.
or speak. We may recover attorney’s fees in connection with enforcing
21.1. Electronic Notice. Notice may be given electronically by our rights under this Lease. All unpaid amounts you owe bear
us to you if allowed by law. If allowed by law and in interest at the rate provided by Texas Finance Code Section
accordance with our Community Policies, electronic 304.003(c) from the due date. You must pay all collection-
notice from you to us must be sent to the email address agency fees if you fail to pay sums due within 10 days after
and/or portal specified in Community Policies. Notice you are mailed a letter demanding payment and stating that
may also be given by phone call or to a physical address collection-agency fees will be added if you don’t pay all sums
if allowed in our Community Policies. by that deadline. You are also liable for a charge (not to
exceed $150) to cover our time, cost and expense for any
You represent that you have provided your current email
eviction proceeding against you, plus our attorney’s fees and
address to us, and that you will notify us in the event your
expenses, court costs, and filing fees actually paid.
email address changes.
24. Representatives’ Authority and Waivers. Our representatives (in-
cluding management personnel, employees, and agents) have no
EVICTION AND REMEDIES authority to waive, amend, or terminate this Lease or any part of it
22. Liability. Each resident is jointly and severally liable for all Lease unless in writing and signed, and no authority to make promises, rep-
obligations. If you or any guest or occupant violates the Lease or our resentations, or agreements that impose security duties or other ob-
Community Policies, all residents are considered to have violated the ligations on us or our representatives, unless in writing and signed.
Lease. No action or omission by us will be considered a waiver of our rights or of
any subsequent violation, default, or time or place of performance. Our
22.1. Indemnification by You. You’ll defend, indemnify and hold us choice to enforce, not enforce or delay enforcement of written-no-
and our employees, agents, and management company tice requirements, rental due dates, acceleration, liens, or any other
harmless from all liability arising from your conduct or rights isn’t a waiver under any circumstances. Delay in demanding
requests to our representatives and from the conduct of or sums you owe is not a waiver. Except when notice or demand is required
requests by your invitees, occupants or guests. by law, you waive any notice and demand for performance from us if you
23. Default by Resident. default. Nothing in this Lease constitutes a waiver of our remedies for a
breach under your prior lease that occurred before the Lease term begins.
23.1. Acts of Default. You’ll be in default if: (A) you don’t Your Lease is subordinate to existing and future recorded mortgages, un-
timely pay Rent, including monthly recurring charges, or less the owner’s lender chooses otherwise.
other amounts you owe; (B) you or any guest or
occupant violates this Lease, our Community Policies, All remedies are cumulative. Exercising one remedy won’t constitute
or fire, safety, health, criminal or other laws, regardless of an election or waiver of other remedies. All provisions regarding our
whether or where arrest or conviction occurs; (C) you nonliability or nonduty apply to our employees, agents, and manage-
give incorrect, incomplete, or false answers in a rental ment companies. No employee, agent, or management company is
application or in this Lease; or (D) you or any occupant is personally liable for any of our contractual, statutory, or other obliga-
charged, detained, convicted, or given deferred tions merely by virtue of acting on our behalf.
adjudication or pretrial diversion for (1) an offense
involving actual or potential physical harm to a person, or END OF THE LEASE TERM
involving the manufacture or delivery of a controlled
substance, marijuana, or drug paraphernalia as defined 25. Move-Out Notice. Before moving out, you must give our represen-
in the Texas Controlled Substances Act, or (2) any sex- tative advance written move-out notice as stated in Par. 4, even if
related crime, including a misdemeanor. the Lease has become a month-to-month lease. The move-out date
can’t be changed unless we and you both agree in writing.
23.2. Eviction. If you default, including holding over, we may
end your right of occupancy by giving you at least a 24- Your move-out notice must comply with each of the following:
hour written notice to vacate. Termination of your possession (a) Unless we require more than 30 days’ notice, if you give
rights doesn’t release you from liability for future Rent or notice on the first day of the month you intend to move
other Lease obligations. After giving notice to vacate or out, move out will be on the last day of that month.
filing an eviction suit, we may still accept Rent or other
(b) Your move-out notice must not terminate the Lease
sums due; the filing or acceptance doesn’t waive or
before the end of the Lease term or renewal period.
diminish our right of eviction or any other contractual or
statutory right. Accepting money at any time doesn’t waive (c) If we require you to give us more than 30 days’ written
our right to damages, to past or future Rent or other sums, notice to move out before the end of the Lease term, we
or to our continuing with eviction proceedings. In an eviction, will give you 1 written reminder not less than 5 days nor
Rent is owed for the full rental period and will not be more than 90 days before your deadline for giving us
prorated. your written move-out notice. If we fail to give a reminder
notice, 30 days’ written notice to move out is required.
23.3. Acceleration. Unless we elect not to accelerate Rent, all
monthly Rent for the rest of the Lease term or renewal (d) You must get from us a written acknowledgment of your
period will be accelerated automatically without notice notice.
or demand (before or after acceleration) and will be 26. Move-Out Procedures.
immediately due if, without our written consent: (A) you
move out, remove property in preparing to move out, 26. 1. Cleaning. You must thoroughly clean the apartment, including
or you or any occupant gives oral or written notice of doors, windows, furniture, bathrooms, kitchen appliances,
intent to move out before the Lease term or renewal patios, balconies, garages, carports, and storage rooms. You
period ends; and (B) you haven’t paid all Rent for the must follow move-out cleaning instructions if they have been
entire Lease term or renewal period. Remaining Rent will provided. If you don’t clean adequately, you’ll be liable for
also be accelerated if you’re judicially evicted or move reasonable cleaning charges—including charges for cleaning
out when we demand because you’ve defaulted. carpets, draperies, furniture, walls, etc. that are soiled beyond
normal wear (that is, wear or soiling that occurs without
negligence, carelessness, accident, or abuse).

Apartment Lease Contract ©2022, Texas Apartment Association, Inc. Page 5 of 6

26.2. Move-Out Inspection. We may, but are not obligated to, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT, WITHOUT THIS WAIVER, YOU
provide a joint move-out inspection. Our representatives COULD BE A PARTY IN A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT. BY
have no authority to bind or limit us regarding deductions for SIGNING THIS LEASE, YOU ACCEPT THIS WAIVER AND
repairs, damages, or charges. Any statements or estimates by CHOOSE TO HAVE ANY CLAIMS DECIDED INDIVIDUALLY.
us or our representative are subject to our correction, modi- THE PROVISIONS OF THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL SURVIVE
fication, or disapproval before final accounting or refunding. THE TERMINATION OR EXPIRATION OF THIS LEASE.
27. Surrender and Abandonment. You have surrendered the apartment 31.2. Force Majeure. If we are prevented from completing substan-
when: (A) the move-out date has passed and no one is living in the tial performance of any obligation under this Lease by
apartment in our reasonable judgment; or (B) apartment keys and ac- occurrences that are beyond our control, including but
cess devices listed in Par. 2.1 have been turned in to us—whichever not limited to, an act of God, strikes, epidemics, war, acts of
happens first. terrorism, riots, flood, fire, hurricane, tornado, sabotage or
governmental regulation, then we shall be excused from any
You have abandoned the apartment when all of the following have
further performance of obligations to the fullest extent
occurred: (A) everyone appears to have moved out in our reasonable
allowed by law.
judgment; (B) you’ve been in default for nonpayment of Rent for 5
consecutive days, or water, gas, or electric service for the apartment 32. Special Provisions. The following, or attached Special Provisions and
not connected in our name has been terminated or transferred; and any addenda or Community Policies provided to you, are part of this
(C) you’ve not responded for 2 days to our notice left on the inside of Lease and supersede any conflicting provisions in this Lease.
the main entry door stating that we consider the apartment aban-
doned. An apartment is also considered abandoned 10 days after the __________________________________________________________
Renter's Insurance is required. No cash
death of a sole resident. __________________________________________________________
accepted. No checks accepted. No ACH
27.1. The Ending of Your Rights. Surrender, abandonment, or
accepted after the 3rd NSF. No ACH
judicial eviction ends your right of possession for all purposes
and gives us the immediate right to clean up, make repairs in, __________________________________________________________
payments accepted if under the eviction
and relet the apartment; determine any security-deposit
process. No money orders are accepted in
deductions; and remove or store property left in the apartment.
office unless first moving in, under the
27.2. Removal and Storage of Property. We, or law officers, may—
but have no duty to—remove or store all property that in our __________________________________________________________
eviction process, or pre-paying for
sole judgment belongs to you and remains in the apartment
repairs or maintenance requests.
or in common areas (including any vehicles you or any
occupant or guest owns or uses) after you’re judicially evicted __________________________________________________________
Otherwise, a $50 Money Order Service Fee
or if you surrender or abandon the apartment.
will apply to accept a money order as
We’re not liable for casualty, loss, damage, or theft. You
must pay reasonable charges for our packing, removing and __________________________________________________________
payment in office. Utilities are NOT
storing any property. __________________________________________________________
included in rent. Prorated the remaining
Except for animals, we may throw away or give to a charitable __________________________________________________________
days of October and applied $599 to the
organization all personal property that is:
month of November.
(1) left in the apartment after surrender or abandonment; or
(2)  left outside more than 1 hour after writ of possession is
executed, following judicial eviction. __________________________________________________________
An animal removed after surrender, abandonment, or eviction __________________________________________________________
may be kenneled or turned over to a local authority, humane __________________________________________________________
society, or rescue organization.
GENERAL PROVISIONS AND SIGNATURES __________________________________________________________
28. TAA Membership. We, the management company representing us,
or any locator service that you used confirms membership in good Before submitting a rental application or signing this Lease, you
standing of both the Texas Apartment Association and the affiliated should review the documents and may consult an attorney. You are
local apartment association for the area where the apartment is bound by this Lease when it is signed. An electronic signature is
located at the time of signing this Lease. If not, the following applies: binding. This Lease is the entire agreement between you
(A) this Lease is voidable at your option and is unenforceable by us and us. You are NOT relying on any oral representations.
(except for property damages); and (B) we may not recover past or
future rent or other charges. The above remedies also apply if both
of the following occur: (1) the Lease is automatically renewed on a Resident or Residents (all sign below)
month-to-month basis more than once after membership in TAA and
the local association has lapsed; and (2) neither the owner nor the man- 12/11/2023
agement company is a member of TAA and the local association during
(Name of Resident)  Date signed
the third automatic renewal. A signed affidavit from the affiliated local
apartment association attesting to nonmembership when the Lease
or renewal was signed will be conclusive evidence of nonmembership. Rosibeth Morales Diaz 12/11/2023
Governmental entities may use TAA forms if TAA agrees in writing. (Name of Resident)  Date signed
Name, address and telephone number of locator service (if applicable):
(Name of Resident)  Date signed
_________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ (Name of Resident)  Date signed

29. Severability and Survivability. If any provision of this Lease is invalid _____________________________________________________________
or unenforceable under applicable law, it won’t invalidate the remain- (Name of Resident)  Date signed
der of the Lease or change the intent of the parties. Paragraphs 10.1,
10.2, 16, 27 and 31 shall survive the termination of this Lease.
This Lease binds subsequent owners. _____________________________________________________________
(Name of Resident)  Date signed
30. Controlling Law. Texas law governs this Lease. All litigation arising
under this Lease and all Lease obligations must be brought in the
county, and precinct if applicable, where the apartment is located.
31. Waivers. By signing this Lease, you agree to the following: Owner or Owner’s Representative (signing on behalf of owner)
31.1. Class Action Waiver. You agree that you will not participate _____________________________________________________________
in any class action claims against us or our employees, agents,
or management company. You must file any claim against us
individually, and you expressly waive your right to bring,
represent, join or otherwise maintain a class action,
collective action or similar proceeding against us in
any forum.

Apartment Lease Contract, TAA Official Statewide Form 22‑A/B‑1/B‑2 Revised July 2022 Page 6 of 6

1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the Lease between you and us for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the
Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,
Texas OR
the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address) 
in  , Texas.

2. Payments. All payments for any amounts due under the Lease must be made:
q at the onsite manager’s office
X through our online portal
q by mail to  , or
q other: .

The following payment methods are accepted:

q electronic payment
q personal check
q cashier’s check
q money order, or
X other: .
We have the right to reject any payment not made in compliance with this paragraph.

3. Security Deposit Deductions and Other Charges. You’ll be liable for the following charges, if applicable: unpaid rent; unpaid
utilities; unreimbursed service charges; repairs or damages caused by negligence, carelessness, accident, or abuse, including stickers,
scratches, tears, burns, stains, or unapproved holes; replacement cost of our property that was in or attached to the apartment and is
missing; replacing dead or missing alarm or detection-device batteries at any time; utilities for repairs or cleaning; trips to let in company
representatives to remove your telephone, Internet, television services, or rental items (if you so request or have moved out); trips to
open the apartment when you or any guest or occupant is missing a key; unreturned keys; missing or burned-out light bulbs; removing
or rekeying unauthorized security devices or alarm systems; packing, removing, or storing property removed or stored under the Lease;
removing illegally parked vehicles; special trips for trash removal caused by parked vehicles blocking dumpsters; false security-alarm
charges unless due to our negligence; animal-related charges outlined in the Lease; government fees or fines against us for violation (by
you, your occupants, or your guests) of local ordinances relating to alarms and detection devices, false alarms, recycling, or other matters;
late-payment and returned-check charges; and other sums due under this Lease. You’ll be liable to us for charges for replacing any keys
and access devices referenced in the Lease if you don’t return them all on or before your actual move-out date; and accelerated rent
if you’ve violated the Lease. We may also deduct from your security deposit our reasonable costs incurred in rekeying security
devices required by law if you vacate the apartment in breach of this Lease.
Upon receipt of your move-out date and forwarding address in writing, the security deposit will be returned (less lawful deductions) with
an itemized accounting of any deductions, no later than 30 days after surrender or abandonment, unless laws provide otherwise. Any
refund may be by one payment jointly payable to all residents and distributed to any one resident we choose or distributed equally among
all residents.

4. Requests, Consent, Access and Emergency Contact. All written requests to us must be submitted by:
X online portal
q email to 
q hand delivery to our management office, or
q other: .
From time to time, we may call or text residents with certain promotional or marketing messages that may be of interest. By signing
this form and providing contact information, you are giving us your express written consent to contact you at the telephone number you
provided for marketing or promotional purposes, even if the phone number you provided is on a corporate, state or national Do Not Call
list. To opt out of receiving these messages, please submit a written request to us by the method noted above.
You agree to receive these messages from us through an automatic telephone dialing system, prerecorded/artificial voice
messages, SMS or text messages, or any other data or voice transmission technology. Your agreement is not required as a
condition of the purchase of any property, goods, or services from us.
Any resident, occupant, or spouse who, according to a remaining resident’s affidavit, has permanently moved out or is under court order
not to enter the apartment, is (at our option) no longer entitled to occupancy or access devices, unless authorized by court order.
After-hours phone number (214) 372-4651
(Always call 911 for police, fire, possible criminal activity or medical emergencies.)

5. Parking. We may have any unauthorized or illegally parked vehicles towed or booted according to state law at the owner or operator’s
expense at any time if the vehicle: (a) has a flat tire or is otherwise inoperable; (b) is on jacks, on blocks, or has a wheel missing;
(c) takes up more than one parking space; (d) belongs to a resident or occupant who has surrendered or abandoned the apartment;
(e) is in a handicapped space without the legally required handicapped insignia; (f) is in a space marked for office visitors, managers, or
staff; (g) blocks another vehicle from exiting; (h) is in a fire lane or designated “no parking” area; (i) is in a space that requires a permit or
is reserved for another resident or apartment; (j) is on the grass, sidewalk, or patio; (k) blocks a garbage truck from access to a dumpster;
(l) has no current license or registration, and we have given you at least 10 days’ notice that the vehicle will be towed if not removed; or
(m) is not moved to allow parking lot maintenance.
6. HVAC Operation. If the exterior temperature drops below 32° F you must keep the heat on and set to a minimum of 50° F. You must
also open all closets, cabinets, and doors under sinks to assist in keeping plumbing fixtures and plumbing pipes from freezing, and you
must drip all the faucets in your apartment using both the hot and cold water. Leave the faucets dripping until the exterior temperature rises
above 32° F. You must leave your HVAC system on, even if you leave for multiple days, and have it set to auto at all times.

7. Amenities. Your permission for use of all common areas, amenities, and recreational facilities (collectively “Amenities”) located at
the property is a license granted by us. This permission is expressly conditioned upon your compliance with the terms of the Lease, the
Community Policies, and any signage posted in or around any of the Amenities. We have the right to set the days and hours of use for all
Amenities and to change those or close any of the Amenities based upon our needs. We may make changes to the rules for the use of
the Amenities at any time.
Neither we nor any of our agents, employees, management company, its agents, or its employees shall be liable for any damage
or injury that results from the use of any Amenities by you, your invitees, your licensees, your occupants, or your guests. This
release applies to any and all current, past or future claims or liability of any kind related to your decision to use the Amenities.

8. Package Services. We q
X do or q do not accept packages on behalf of residents.
If we DO accept packages, you give us permission to sign and accept any parcels or letters you receive through UPS, Federal Express,
Airborne, United States Postal Service or other package delivery services. You agree that we are not liable or responsible for any lost,
damaged or unordered deliveries and will hold us harmless.

9. Fair Housing Policy. We comply with applicable fair housing laws. In accordance with fair housing laws, we’ll make reasonable
accommodations to our rules, policies, practices or services and allow reasonable modifications to give disabled persons access to and
use of the dwelling and common areas. We may require you to sign an addendum regarding the implementation of any accommodations
or modifications, as well as your restoration obligations, if any. This fair housing policy does not expand or limit any rights and obligations
under applicable law.

10. Special Provisions. The following special provisions control over conflicting provisions of this form:
No Loitering in parking lots, breezeways, walkways, curbs, laundry facilites, mailbox
room, stariwells, etc. TRASH FEE $10, PEST CONTROL FEE $5.00

Signature of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative

Rosibeth Morales Diaz

Texas Apartment Association

Este contrato de arrendamiento es válido solo si se rellena
antes del 1.º de enero de 2024.

Contrato de Arrendamiento de Apartamento

Este es un contrato vinculante. Léalo detenidamente antes de firmarlo.

Este contrato de arrendamiento (“Contrato”) se establece entre usted, el(los) residente(s) cuyo nombre aparece abajo, y nosotros.
Los términos “usted” y “suyo” se refieren a todos los residentes. Los términos “nosotros” y “nuestro” se refieren al propietario cuyo
nombre aparece abajo.

Residentes ____________________________________________ Propietario __________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ Ocupantes ___________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

A. Apartamento (párrafo 2)
Dirección residencial: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
N.º del apartamento __________________ Ciudad: _____________________________ Estado: ___ Código postal: ___________________

B. Plazo inicial del Contrato Comienza:____________________________ Termina a las 11:59 p. m. del:____________________________

C. Renta básica mensual (párrafo 3) E. Depósito en garantía (párrafo 5) F. Aviso de terminación del Contrato o de la intención
$ _____________________________ de mudarse (párrafo 4)
$ _____________________________
Se requiere un aviso por escrito de la terminación del Contrato
Tenga en cuenta que esta cantidad o de la intención de mudarse al menos _________ días antes
no incluye ningún depósito por de que termine el plazo del Contrato o el periodo de renovación.
D. Renta prorrateada
tenencia de animales, que se
$ _____________________________ describiría en el anexo Si no se indica el número de días, se requiere que el aviso se
r pagadera por el resto del mes o correspondiente. proporcione con al menos 30 días de anticipación.
r por el 2.º mes

G. Cargos por atraso (párrafo 3.3)

Cargo inicial por atraso Cargo diario por atraso
r ________________ % de la renta básica de un mes o r __________ _% de la renta básica de un mes por _____________ días, o
r $______________________ r $__________________________________ por _______ días
Pagadero si la renta no se ha pagado para las 11:59 p. m. del ____________________ (tercero o posterior) día del mes

H. Cheque rechazado o cargo por J. Cargo por terminación anticipada K. Cargo por violación a la norma de tenencia
pago rechazado (párrafo 3.4) opcional del Contrato (párrafo 7.2) de animales (párrafo 12.2)
$_____________________________ $ ____________________________________ Cargo inicial de $ __________________ por animal (sin
exceder $100 por animal) y

I. Cuota de nuevo arrendamiento Si ha incumplido el Contrato no tiene Un cargo diario de $ __________________ por animal
(párrafo 7.1) derecho a la terminación anticipada.
(sin exceder $10 por día por animal)
En ciertas situaciones de El cargo se debe pagar a más tardar _______
incumplimiento se podría cobrar una días después de que nos presente el aviso.
cuota de nuevo arrendamiento de Si no se indica el número de días, o este es
$_____________________________ “0”, entonces esta sección no aplica.
(que no exceda el 85% de la renta
mensual más alta durante el plazo
del contrato

L. Renta adicional: cargos fijos recurrentes mensuales. Usted pagará por separado estos artículos como se describe a continuación o en los
anexos, en las disposiciones especiales o en una enmienda de este Contrato.
Renta por tenencia Cable o antenas
de animales $ _____________________________ _ satelitales $__________________ Retiro de basura $__________________
Internet $ _____________________________ _ Servicio de paquetería $__________________ Control de plagas $________________
Almacenaje $______________________________ _ Aguas pluviales y drenaje $__________________ Lavadora y secadora $________________
Otro: __________________________________________________________________________________________ $ _______________________
Otro: __________________________________________________________________________________________ $ _______________________
Otro: __________________________________________________________________________________________ $ _______________________
Otro: __________________________________________________________________________________________ $ _______________________

M. Servicios básicos y otros cargos variables. Pagará por separado gas, agua, aguas residuales, electricidad, basura y reciclaje, cargos por
servicios básicos y otros artículos como se describe en los anexos, en las disposiciones especiales o en una enmienda de este contrato.
Cargo por conexión o cuota de transferencia de los servicios básicos: $____________(sin exceder $50) a pagar en el lapso de cinco días
del aviso por escrito (párrafo 3.5)

DIsposiciones especiales. Véase el párrafo 32 o los anexos. El Contrato no se puede cambiar a menos que se haga por escrito y sea firmado por
usted y por nosotros.

Contrato de Arrendamiento de Apartamento © 2022, Texas Apartment Association, Inc. Página 1 de 6

TÉRMINOS Y CONDICIONES DEL CONTRATO Contrato nuevo, que podría incluir aumentos de la renta o
cambios en el Contrato, comenzará en la fecha indicada en cualquier
1. Definiciones. En este Contrato se usan comúnmente los siguientes aviso por anticipado que proporcionamos (sin necesidad de su firma)
términos: a menos que nos proporcione un aviso por escrito de su intención de
1.1. “Residentes” son las personas indicadas arriba en la sección mudarse, de acuerdo con el párrafo 25, que aplica solo al final del
“Residentes”, que firman el Contrato y que están autorizadas para plazo del Contrato actual o del periodo de renovación.
vivir en el apartamento. 4. Renovación automática del Contrato y aviso de terminación del Con-
1.2. “Ocupantes” son las personas indicadas en este Contrato que trato. Este Contrato se renovará automáticamente cada mes, a menos que
también están autorizadas para vivir en el apartamento, pero cualquiera de las partes proporcione un aviso por escrito de la terminación
que no firman el Contrato. del Contrato o de la intención de mudarse, como lo requiere el párrafo 25 y
1.3. “Propietario” se podría identificar por un nombre comercial legal se especifica en la página 1. Si no se indica el número de días, se requiere
y es solo el propietario, no los administradores de la propiedad ni un aviso de al menos 30 días de anticipación.
otras personas. 5. Depósito en garantía. El depósito total en garantía de todos los
1.4. “Incluido(s)” en este Contrato significa “incluido(s) pero sin residentes se debe pagar en la fecha de la firma de este Contrato o antes.
limitarse.” Todo depósito por tenencia de animales se dispondrá en el anexo
1.5. “Políticas comunitarias” son las normas y las políticas por escrito correspondiente. Los depósitos en garantía no pueden aplicarse a la renta
del conjunto de apartamentos, e incluyen los letreros de la sin nuestro consentimiento anticipado por escrito.
propiedad y las instrucciones para el cuidado de nuestra 5.1. Reembolsos y deducciones. Debe proporcionarnos por
propiedad y comodidades, y usted y sus ocupantes y huéspedes anticipado un aviso de su intención de mudarse como lo
las deben cumplir. dispone el párrafo 25, y su dirección de remisión, por escrito,
1.6. “Renta” es la renta básica mensual más los cargos fijos recurrentes para enviarle una descripción y una lista detallada de los
mensuales adicionales. cargos o reembolsos. De acuerdo con nuestras políticas
comunitarias y como lo permita la ley, podemos deducir de su
2. Apartamento. Usted está arrendando el apartamento indicado arriba depósito en garantía cualquier cantidad que deba según el
para su uso exclusivo como residencia privada. Contrato. Si se muda anticipadamente o en respuesta a un aviso
2.1. Acceso. Según nuestras políticas comunitarias, usted recibirá de desalojo, usted será responsable de pagar los cargos por
información o dispositivos para tener acceso a su apartamento y a cambiar la combinación de las cerraduras. Cuando se reciba por
su buzón, y otros dispositivos de acceso que incluyen: escrito la fecha de su mudanza y la dirección de remisión, se le
__________________________________________________ devolverá el depósito en garantía (menos las deducciones legales)
__________________________________________________. con una contabilización detallada de las deducciones, a más tardar
2.2. Medidas. Todas las dimensiones y los tamaños relacionados 30 días después de entregar o abandonar el apartamento,
con el apartamento que se le proporcionen son solo a menos que las leyes dispongan otra cosa. Cualquier reembolso
aproximaciones o estimados; las dimensiones y los tamaños podría hacerse como un pago conjuntamente pagadero a todos
reales podrían variar. los residentes y distribuido a cualquier residente que elijamos, o
distribuido equitativamente entre todos los residentes.
2.3. Declaraciones. Usted acepta que las designaciones o las
acreditaciones asociadas a la propiedad están sujetas a cambio. 6. Seguro. Nuestro seguro no cubre la pérdida ni los daños a su propie-
dad personal. Se le requerirá que tenga un seguro de responsabilidad civil
3. Renta. Debe pagar la renta el día de cada mes (fecha límite) o antes, como se especifica en nuestras políticas comunitarias o en el anexo del
sin que se le pida. No hay excepciones en el pago de la renta, y usted Contrato, a menos que la ley lo prohíba. Si tiene un seguro que cubra su
acepta que el incumplimiento del pago de la renta el día de cada mes apartamento o sus pertenencias personales en el momento en que tenga,
o antes se considerará una violación material de este Contrato. o que alegue tener una pérdida, usted acepta solicitar a su aseguradora
3.1. Pagos. Usted pagará la renta por cualquier método, manera o en que renuncie a cualquier derecho de subrogación del seguro. Aunque no
cualquier lugar que especifiquemos, de acuerdo con nuestras se requiera, le urgimos que obtenga su propio seguro por pérdidas
políticas comunitarias. No se acepta pagar en efectivo sin nuestro debidas a robo, incendio, inundación, agua, fugas de tubería y ocurrencias
permiso previo por escrito. Usted no puede retener ni ajustar la similares. La mayoría de las pólizas de seguro de los inquilinos no cubren
renta a menos que así lo autorice la ley. A nuestra discreción, en pérdidas debidas a inundaciones.
cualquier momento podemos requerir que pague la renta y otras 7. Nuevo arrendamiento y terminación anticipada del Contrato. No se
sumas pendientes como pago único por cualquier método que puede terminar este Contrato anticipadamente excepto como se dispone
especifiquemos. en este Contrato.
3.2. Asignación de los pagos. El pago de cada suma debida es un 7.1. Cuota de nuevo arrendamiento. Usted será responsable de
convenio independiente, lo que significa que los pagos se vencen pagar una cuota de nuevo arrendamiento como se indica en
independientemente del cumplimiento de nuestras obligaciones. la sección Detalles del Contrato (la cual no excederá un 85%
Cuando recibimos dinero, excepto el de los pagos de agua y aguas de la renta mensual más alta durante el plazo del Contrato) si
residuales que están sujetos a los reglamentos gubernamentales, a usted: (A) no entra a habitar el apartamento, o no presenta un
nuestro criterio y sin aviso alguno podemos asignarlo primero a aviso por escrito indicando que se va a mudar del apartamento,
cualquiera de sus obligaciones impagadas, y luego a la renta como lo requiere el párrafo 25; (B) se muda del apartamento
acumulada. Podemos hacer esto independientemente de las sin pagar totalmente la renta del plazo completo del Contrato
anotaciones en los cheques o giros postales, e independientemente o del periodo de renovación; (C) se muda del apartamento
del momento en que surjan tales obligaciones. Toda suma, porque así se lo exigimos debido al incumplimiento; o (D) se
excepto la renta y los cargos por atraso es pagadera cuando la lo desaloja judicialmente. La cuota de nuevo arrendamiento
exijamos. Después de la fecha límite, no tenemos que aceptar no es una tarifa de terminación, cancelación o compra, y no lo
ningún pago. libera de sus obligaciones en virtud de este Contrato, incluida
3.3. Cargos por atraso. Si no recibimos su renta básica mensual en su la responsabilidad por rentas futuras o pasadas, cargos por
totalidad cuando se venza, debe pagar cargos por atraso como se daños u otras sumas vencidas.
describe en la sección Detalles del Contrato. La cuota de nuevo arrendamiento es una suma liquidada que
3.4. Cargos por pago rechazado. Usted pagará el cargo indicado en la cubre solo parte de nuestros daños, por nuestro tiempo,
sección Detalles del Contrato por cada cheque rechazado o pago esfuerzo y gastos para encontrar y procesar a un residente
electrónico rechazado, más los cargos inicial y diarios por atraso si nuevo. Estos daños son inciertos y difíciles de determinar,
corresponden, hasta que recibamos el pago total por un método particularmente aquellos relacionados con los inconvenientes,
aceptable. trámites, publicidad, muestra de apartamentos, servicios básicos
3.5. Servicios básicos y otros servicios. Usted pagará todos los para la muestra del apartamento, verificación de clientes posibles,
servicios básicos y otros servicios, depósitos relacionados, y costos operativos, costos de mercadotecnia y tarifas de los
cualquier cargo o tarifa cuando se venzan y como se describe en servicios de localización. Usted acepta que la cuota por nuevo
este Contrato. Los canales de televisión que se proporcionan arrendamiento es un estimado razonable de nuestros daños y que
podrían cambiar durante el plazo del Contrato si el cambio se el cargo es pagadero independientemente de si nuestros intentos
aplica a todos los residentes. para hacer un nuevo arrendamiento tienen éxito o no.
Si se interrumpe la electricidad, solo debe usar dispositivos de 7.2. Procedimientos para la terminación anticipada del Contrato. _
iluminación operados con baterías (sin llama). Por ninguna Además de sus derechos de terminación anticipada del Contrato
razón debe permitir que se cancele o cambie ningún servicio indicados en 7.3 o en 8.1 de abajo, si esta disposición aplica según
básico (excepto el cable o la internet), incluida la desconexión la sección Detalles del Contrato, usted puede terminar el Contrato
por no pagar sus facturas, sino hasta que termine el plazo del antes de que finalice el plazo del Contrato si ocurre todo lo
Contrato o el periodo de renovación. Si algún servicio se mide siguiente: (a) como se describe en la sección Detalles del Contrato,
individualmente, debe estar conectado en su nombre y usted usted nos avisa por escrito la terminación anticipada, paga la tarifa
debe notificar al proveedor la fecha en la que se va a mudar del por terminación anticipada y especifica la fecha en la que se
apartamento. Si se demora en conectar el servicio en su nombre mudará del apartamento; (b) no incumple en ningún momento y
para la fecha de inicio del Contrato, u ocasiona que se transfiera a no retiene la tenencia; y (c) paga todas las concesiones, créditos o
nuestro nombre antes de entregar o abandonar el apartamento, descuentos de la renta que haya recibido durante el plazo del Contrato. _
usted será responsable de pagar el cargo indicado arriba (sin Si incumple el Contrato, se aplicarán los recursos correspondientes.
exceder $50 por cada periodo de facturación), más el costo real o 7.3. Derechos especiales de terminación del Contrato. En virtud de
estimado de los servicios básicos usados mientras estos se le las leyes de Texas, podría tener el derecho de terminar
debería haber facturado a usted. Si la electricidad de su apartamento anticipadamente el Contrato en ciertas situaciones; por
se mide individualmente y usted cambia de compañía minorista de ejemplo, despliegue o transferencia militar, violencia familiar,
electricidad, debe proporcionarnos un aviso por escrito. Usted ciertos delitos sexuales, acoso o fallecimiento de un residente
debe pagar todas las tarifas correspondientes de la compañía, que vivía solo.
incluida cualquier tarifa por el cambio de servicio a nuestro 8. Demora en la ocupación del apartamento. No somos responsables de
nombre después de que usted se mude del apartamento. ninguna demora en la ocupación de su apartamento causada por con-
3.6. Cambios en el Contrato. Solo se permiten cambios en el strucción, reparaciones, limpieza o retención de la tenencia por parte
Contrato durante el plazo del Contrato o el periodo de del residente anterior. Este Contrato se mantendrá vigente sujeto a (1) un
renovación si esto es regido por el párrafo 10, especificado en descuento diario de la renta durante la demora, y (2) su derecho de
la sección Disposiciones especiales, en el párrafo 32, o en un terminar el Contrato por escrito como se dispone abajo. El descuento de la
anexo o enmienda firmada por usted y por nosotros. Cuando renta y la terminación del Contrato no aplican si la demora se debe a
termine el plazo del Contrato inicial, o después de que termine, actividades de limpieza o reparaciones que no evitan que usted entre a
entrarán en vigencia los aumentos de la renta, y se lo notificaremos habitar el apartamento.
por escrito con una anticipación de al menos 5 días más el
número de días indicado en el recuadro F de la página 1. Su

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8.1. Terminación. Si le avisamos por escrito una demora en la (b) comportarse de una manera ruidosa, desagradable o peligrosa;
ocupación cuando o después de que comience el Contrato, usted
podría terminar el Contrato en un lapso de 3 días después de (c) perturbar o amenazar los derechos, la comodidad, la salud, la
recibir el aviso por escrito. seguridad o la conveniencia de otros, incluidos nosotros,
nuestros agentes o nuestros representantes;
Si le avisamos por escrito antes de la fecha en la que comience el
Contrato, y el aviso indica que se esperan actividades de construcción (d) trastornar nuestras operaciones comerciales;
u otra demora y que el apartamento estará listo para que lo habite en _ (e) almacenar cualquier cosa en los armarios de los calentadores
una fecha específica, usted podría terminar el Contrato en un lapso de agua o electrodomésticos a gas;
de 7 días después de recibir el aviso por escrito.
Después de la terminación apropiada, usted tiene derecho (f) alterar el equipo de los servicios básicos o de telecomunicación;
únicamente al reembolso de cualquier depósito y de cualquier (g) introducir materiales peligrosos en el conjunto de apartamentos;
renta que haya pagado.
(h) usar las ventanas para entrar o salir;
9. Cuidado de la unidad y daños a la unidad. Debe pagar o reembolsarnos
prontamente las pérdidas, los daños, los daños resultantes, las multas o los (i) calentar el apartamento con electrodomésticos a gas;
cargos del gobierno, o los costos de reparaciones o servicios en el conjunto (j) hacer acusaciones de mala fe o falsas en nuestra contra o en
de apartamentos debidos a una violación del Contrato o de las políticas contra de nuestros agentes ante otros;
comunitarias; uso indebido, negligencia u otro comportamiento de su
parte, de parte de sus invitados, ocupantes o huéspedes; o, según lo (k) fumar en cualquier modalidad, que no cumpla con nuestras
permita la ley, cualquier otra causa que no sea por negligencia o culpa políticas comunitarias o los anexos del Contrato.
nuestra, excepto los daños por fuerza mayor al grado de que no se hayan (l) usar recipientes de vidrio en o cerca de las piscinas; o
podido mitigar debido a sus acciones o falta de acción.
(m) realizar cualquier tipo de negocios (incluidos los servicios de
A menos que los daños o la obstrucción de las aguas residuales se cuidado de niños) en su apartamento o en el conjunto de
deban a nuestra negligencia, no somos responsables —y usted debe apartamentos, excepto cualquier tipo de negocio legal
pagar— las reparaciones y las reposiciones que se hagan durante el realizado “en casa” por computadora, correo postal o
plazo del Contrato o el periodo de renovación, como: (A) daños por teléfono si los clientes, pacientes, empleados u otros
obstrucción de la tubería de las aguas de desecho causada por la asociados de su negocio no van a su apartamento con
presencia indebida de objetos en la tubería que da servicio propósitos comerciales.
exclusivamente a su apartamento; (B) daños en las puertas, ventanas
o mosquiteros; y (C) daños ocasionados por dejar las ventanas o las 12. Animales. No se permite ningún tipo de criatura viva, ni siquiera
puertas abiertas. temporalmente, en ningún lugar del apartamento o del conjunto de
apartamentos, a menos que le hayamos dado permiso por escrito. Si le
permitimos tener un animal, debe firmar un anexo sobre la tenencia de
VIDA DE LOS RESIDENTES animales y, excepto como se disponga en el anexo, pagar un depósito
por tenencia de animales, las tarifas y la renta mensual adicional según
10. Políticas comunitarias. Las políticas comunitarias son parte del Con- corresponda. Un depósito por tenencia de animales se considera un
trato y se deben cumplir. Podemos hacer cambios, incluidas adiciones, depósito general en garantía. Usted afirma que todas las solicitudes,
a nuestras políticas comunitarias, y esos cambios pueden entrar inme- declaraciones y aseveraciones que hace, incluidas las relacionadas con un
diatamente en vigencia si las políticas comunitarias se distribuyen y son animal de asistencia o apoyo, son verídicas, correctas y que las hace de
aplicables a todas las unidades del conjunto de apartamentos y no buena fe. La alimentación de animales callejeros, no domesticados o
cambian las cantidades en dólares indicadas en la sección Detalles del salvajes es una violación de este Contrato.
12.1. Remoción de animales no autorizados. Podemos sacar del
10.1. Publicación de fotografías y videos. Usted nos autoriza a apartamento un animal no autorizado (1) dejando en un lugar
usar cualquier fotografía, reproducción, imagen o video que se visible del apartamento un aviso que indique nuestra intención de
tome de usted mientras usa las áreas comunes de la propiedad sacar al animal en un lapso de 24 horas; y (2) siguiendo los
o participa en cualquier evento patrocinado por nosotros. procedimientos del párrafo 14. Podemos: mantener o alojar al
10.2. Divulgación de información. A nuestro criterio exclusivo, animal en una jaula; entregar el animal a una sociedad humanitaria,
podemos, pero no tenemos la obligación de compartir y usar autoridad local u organización de rescate, o devolverle el animal si
información relacionada con este Contrato para propósitos de aceptamos su solicitud de retener al animal y usted rellena y firma
ejecución de la ley, gubernamentales o comerciales. Cuando lo un anexo sobre la tenencia de animales y paga todas las tarifas. Al
solicitemos, usted autoriza a cualquier compañía de servicios a mantener o alojar a un animal en una jaula, no seremos resposables
darnos información sobre conexiones o desconexiones de pérdidas, daños, enfermedad o muerte del animal, a menos que
pendientes o reales de los servicios básicos de su apartamento. sean causados por nuestra negligencia. Usted debe pagar los
cargos razonables por el cuidado y el alojamiento en jaula del animal.
10.3. Huéspedes. Podemos excluir del conjunto de apartamentos a
cualquier huésped o a otras personas que, a nuestro criterio 12.2. Violaciones de las políticas de tenencia de animales y cargos
exclusivo, hayan violado la ley, este Contrato o las políticas relacionados. Si usted o alguno de sus huéspedes u ocupantes
comunitarias, o que molesten a otros residentes, vecinos, visitantes viola las restricciones referentes a la tenencia de animales de este
o a los representantes del propietario. También podemos excluir de Contrato o de nuestras políticas comunitarias, quedarán sujetos
cualquier área exterior o área común a cualquier persona que se a cargos, daños, desalojo y otros recursos dispuestos en este
rehúse a mostrar una identificación con fotografía o que se rehúse a Contrato, incluidos los cargos por violación de las normas de
identificarse como residente, ocupante autorizado o huésped de un tenencia de animales indicadas en la sección Detalles del
residente específico de la comunidad. Contrato, desde la fecha de entrada del animal hasta la fecha en
que se saque de su apartamento. Si el animal ha estado en su
Cualquier persona que no esté incluida en este Contrato no puede apartamento en cualquier momento durante el plazo de su
quedarse en el apartamento por más de _______ días en una ocupación (con o sin nuestro consentimiento), le cobraremos todos
semana sin nuestro consentimiento anticipado por escrito, y no más los costos de limpieza y reparación, incluidos los de eliminación de
del doble de tal número de días en cualquier mes. Si no se indica el pulgas, desodorización y limpieza con champú. Los cargos inicial
número de días, el límite será un total de 2 días por semana. y diarios por violación a la norma de tenencia de animales y los
10.4. Aviso de registro y condenas penales. Debe notificarnos en un cargos por la remoción de animales son la compensación de los
lapso de 15 días si usted o cualquiera de sus ocupantes: (A) fue daños y perjuicios por nuestro tiempo, inconveniencia y costos
condenado por cualquier delito, (B) fue condenado por cualquier operativos para hacer cumplir las restricciones y las políticas
delito menor que involucre una sustancia controlada, violencia comunitarias.
contra otra persona, o destrucción de la propiedad, o (C) está 13. Estacionamiento. Es posible que no se le garantice un estacionamiento.
registrado como delincuente sexual. El hecho de que nos informe Podemos reglamentar en nuestras políticas comunitarias la hora, la manera
una condena penal o registro como delincuente sexual no anula y el lugar de estacionamiento de todos los vehículos de motor y otros
los derechos que podamos tener en su contra. medios de transporte, como bicicletas y escúters. Además de otros derechos,
10.5. Olores y ruido. Usted acepta que los olores y el humo, incluidos podemos remolcar o inmovilizar vehículos según la ley estatal, y también
los relacionados con cocinar, y los ruidos o sonidos cotidianos son podemos remover, a cuenta del propietario o del operador del vehículo,
una parte normal de un entorno de vida multifamiliar, y que no es cualquier vehículo que no cumpla con nuestras políticas comunitarias.
práctico que evitemos que penetren en su apartamento. 14. Cuando podemos entrar en el apartamento. Si usted o cualquier otro
11. Comportamiento. Usted acepta comunicarse y comportarse en una residente, huésped u ocupante se encuentra presente, las personas de
manera legal, respetuosa y razonable en todo momento cuando reparación o servicio, contratistas, policías, representantes del gobierno,
interactúe con nosotros, con nuestros representantes y con otros residentes prestamistas, tasadores, residentes o compradores potenciales, agentes de
u ocupantes. Cualquier acto de comunicación o comportamiento ilegal, seguro, personas autorizadas a ingresar según su solicitud de arrendamiento,
irrespetuoso o irrazonable por su parte o por parte de sus ocupantes o o nuestros representantes, pueden entrar pacíficamente al apartamento a
huéspedes es una violación de este Contrato. horas razonables con propósitos comerciales razonables. Si no hay nadie
en el apartamento, entonces tal persona podría entrar pacíficamente y a
Debe realizar las diligencias acostumbradas para mantener el apartamento horas razonables (rompiendo una ventana o por otros medios, cuando
en buen estado, conservarlo en un estado higiénico y no dañar ni arrojar sea necesario) con propósitos comerciales razonables si deja un aviso de
basura en las áreas comunes. Debe desechar la basura al menos cada la entrada en un lugar visible del apartamento inmediatamente después
semana. Utilizará su apartamento y todas las demás áreas, incluidos los de la entrada. No tenemos la obligación de entrar solo cuando usted
balcones, con cuidado razonable. Podemos regular el uso de pasillos, esté presente y podemos avisarle anticipadamente o hacer una cita pero
patios, balcones, porches, y las actividades en las áreas comunes. no estamos obligados a hacerlo.
11.1. Comportamientos prohibidos. Usted, sus ocupantes y sus 15. Solicitudes, reparaciones y equipo defectuoso.
huéspedes no participarán en ciertas conductas prohibidas,
incluidas las siguientes actividades: 15.1. Se requieren solicitudes por escrito. Si usted o cualquiera de
sus ocupantes necesita presentar una solicitud —por ejemplo,
(a) comportamientos criminales; fabricación, entrega o posesión de reparaciones, instalaciones, servicio, del nombre y la
de una sustancia controlada o parafernalia relacionada con dirección del propietario o del agente del propietario o de
drogas; violencia o amenazas de violencia; posesión de un asuntos relacionados con la seguridad— debe hacerlo por
arma prohibida por las leyes estatales; disparo de un arma escrito y entregar la solicitud a nuestro representante
en el conjunto de apartamentos; o, excepto cuando lo designado, de acuerdo con nuestras políticas comunitarias
permita la ley, exhibición de una arma de fuego, arma blanca (excepto en el caso de solicitudes de adaptaciones o
u otro tipo de arma en las áreas comunes, o de una manera modificaciones según la ley de equidad en la vivienda o
que pudiera alarmar a otros; situaciones que involucren un daño inminente o amenazas a la

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salud o a la seguridad como incendio, humo, gas, explosión o un 7 días después de ocuparlo, según lo requiere la ley. Si no instalamos
crimen en progreso). Nuestras notas por escrito referentes a su los dispositivos de seguridad o no cambiamos la combinación como lo
solicitud verbal no constituyen una solicitud por escrito de su requiere la ley, usted tiene el derecho de hacerlo y de deducir
parte. Nuestro cumplimiento o respuesta a cualquier solicitud cualquier costo razonable de su siguiente pago de la renta, según la
verbal no anula el estricto requisito de la presentación de avisos sección 92.165(1) del Código de la Propiedad de Texas. Podemos
por escrito según este Contrato. Una solicitud de mantenimiento desactivar o no instalar cerraduras de seguridad sin llave en sus
o de reparaciones presentada por cualquiera de los residentes de puertas si (A) usted o un ocupante de la vivienda tiene más de 55
su apartamento se considera una solicitud de parte de todos los años o está incapacitado, y (B) se cumplen los requisitos de la sección
residentes. La hora, la manera, el método o los medios para 92.153(e) o (f) del Código de la Propiedad de Texas.
realizar el mantenimiento y las reparaciones, incluidos las
condiciones climáticas o los proveedores que usemos, quedan 18.1. Alarmas de humo y dispositivos de detección. Proporcionaremos
a nuestro criterio exclusivo. alarmas de humo u otros dispositivos de detección requeridos por
ley o por ordenanza municipal. Podemos instalar detectores
15.2. Su requisito de notificar. Debe notificarnos prontamente por adicionales que legalmente no se requieran. Los probaremos y le
escrito los problemas con el equipo de acondicionamiento de daremos pilas nuevas cuando tome posesión de su apartamento.
aire o de calentamiento, fugas de agua o humedad, moho, Si lo solicita, de acuerdo con la ley le proporcionaremos una
problemas eléctricos, funcionamiento defectuoso del alumbrado, alarma de humo capaz de alertar a una persona con deterioro
cerraduras o trabas de seguridad rotas o faltantes, o cualquiera auditivo.
otra condición que represente un peligro o una amenaza a la
propiedad, la salud o la seguridad. A menos que le digamos otra Usted debe pagar y reemplazar las pilas según sea necesario, a
cosa, se requiere que usted mantenga el apartamento a la menos que la ley disponga otra cosa. Podemos reemplazar las pilas
temperatura indicada en nuestras políticas comunitarias. Los agotadas o faltantes a su cuenta, sin darle aviso previo. Ni usted ni
problemas del equipo de acondicionamiento de aire por lo sus huéspedes u ocupantes pueden desactivar las alarmas o los
general no son una emergencia. detectores. Si usted daña o desactiva la alarma de humo o le
quita la pila sin ponerle una nueva, en virtud de la Sección
15.3. Servicios básicos. Podemos cambiar o instalar líneas o equipo 92.2611 del Código de la Propiedad de Texas podría ser
de los servicios básicos del apartamento si el trabajo se hace de responsable de pagarnos $100 más un mes de renta, los daños
manera razonable sin aumentar sustancialmente el costo de directos y los honorarios de un abogado.
estos servicios. Podemos apagar su equipo e interrumpir los
servicios básicos según sea necesario para realizar el trabajo o 18.2. Deber de informar. Debe informarnos inmediatamente de
evitar daños a la propiedad u otras emergencias. Si los servicios cualquier dispositivo de seguridad, alarma de humo o detector
básicos no funcionan bien o resultan dañados por un incendio, que falte, funcione mal o esté defectuoso. Usted es responsable
agua o una causa similar, debe notificar inmediatamente a nuestro si no informa el funcionamiento defectuoso de estos
representante. dispositivos, o si no informa cualquier pérdida, daño o sanción
ocasionado por un incendio, humo o agua.
15.4. Sus recursos. Actuaremos con la diligencia acostumbrada para
hacer reparaciones y reconexiones en un tiempo razonable, 19. Seguridad de los residentes y pérdidas. A menos que la ley lo
tomando en cuenta el momento en que se reciben los fondos del requiera, ninguno de nosotros, nuestros empleados, agentes o
seguro contra daños por hechos fortuitos. A menos que sea compañías de administración somos responsables ante usted, sus
requerido por la ley, después de una pérdida por hechos fortuitos, huéspedes o sus ocupantes por ningún daño, lesión personal o
o durante la reparación del equipo, no se le descontará total o pérdidas de la propiedad personal, pérdida de ingresos comerciales o
parcialmente la renta. El “tiempo razonable” toma en cuenta la personales, por ninguna causa, incluidas entre otras las siguientes:
gravedad y la naturaleza del problema y la disponibilidad razonable actos negligentes o intencionales de los residentes, ocupantes o
de materiales, mano de obra y servicios básicos. Si no reparamos huéspedes; robo, allanamiento, asalto, vandalismo u otros delitos;
oportunamente una condición que afecta materialmente la incendio, inundación, fugas de agua, lluvia, granizo, hielo, nieve,
salud física o la seguridad de un residente común, como lo humo, relámpagos, viento, explosiones, interrupción de los servIcios
requiere el Código de la Propiedad de Texas, usted podría tener básicos, fugas en la tubería u otros eventos a menos que tal daño, lesión
derecho a ejercer los recursos de la § 92.056 y la § 92.0561 de o pérdida sea causado exclusivamente debido a nuestra negligencia.
este código. Si sigue los procedimientos de esas secciones,
podría tener a su disposición los siguientes recursos, entre No garantizamos la seguridad de ninguna clase. Usted acepta que no
otros: (1) terminar el Contrato y recibir el reembolso apropiado dependerá de ninguna de las medidas de protección implementadas
según 92.056(f); (2) hacer que se repare o corrija la condición por nosotros para su seguridad personal, y que llamará al 911 y a las
según la § 92.0561; (3) deducir de la renta el costo de la autoridades policiales locales si surge alguna necesidad relacionada con
reparación o corrección según la § 92.0561; y 4) recursos la seguridad.
judiciales según la § 92.0563. Usted reconoce que no estamos equipados ni capacitados para
16. Nuestro derecho de terminar el Contrato por daños o cierre del proporcionar servicios de protección personal a usted, a sus huéspedes o a
conjunto de apartamentos. Si a nuestro criterio exclusivo, los daños a la sus ocupantes. Usted reconoce que no se nos requiere que
unidad o al edificio son considerables o la realización de las reparaciones proporcionemos ningún servicio privado de protección y que ningún
necesarias representa un peligro para usted, podemos terminar este dispositivo o medida de seguridad de la propiedad es infalible. Usted
Contrato y su derecho de posesión avisándole por escrito con al menos 7 reconoce además que, aunque se proporcione una alarma o características
días de anticipación. Si terminamos el Contrato, usted acepta que le adicionales en el portón de entrada, estos son dispositivos mecánicos que
reembolsaremos solamente la renta prorrateada y todos los depósitos, pueden funcionar mal. Cualquier cargo que resulte de la respuesta a una
menos las deducciones legales. Podemos retirar su propiedad personal si, alarma de intrusión se le cobrará a usted, incluidos pero sin limitarse a
a nuestro criterio exclusivo, esta representa un riesgo para la salud o la alarmas falsas que ocasionen la intervención de la policía, los bomberos o la
seguridad o impide nuestra capacidad para hacer reparaciones. ambulancia, y otros cargos municipales requeridos.

16.1. Cierre de la propiedad. También tenemos el derecho de 20. Condición y alteraciones de las instalaciones.
terminar este Contrato y su derecho de posesión avisándole por 20.1. Como está. Renunciamos a todas las garantías implícitas.
escrito la terminación con al menos 30 días de anticipación si Usted acepta el apartamento, los accesorios fijos y el mobiliario
vamos a demoler su apartamento o lo vamos a cerrar y ya no lo como están, excepto por condiciones que materialmente afecten
utilizaremos para propósitos residenciales por al menos 6 meses, la salud o la seguridad de las personas comunes. Se le entregará un
o si cualquier parte de la propiedad queda sujeta a un proceso de formulario de inventario y estado del apartamento cuando entre a
enajenación de bienes. habitar el apartamento o antes. Usted acepta que después de llenar
17. Asignaciones y subarrendamiento. Usted no puede asignar este el formulario o en un lapso de 48 horas a partir de que ocupa el
Contrato ni subarrendar su apartamento. Usted acepta que no rentará, apartamento, lo que suceda primero, usted debe anotar en el
ofrecerá rentar o permitir el uso de todo o de cualquier parte de su formulario todos los defectos o daños, firmarlo y devolvérnoslo; el
apartamento a ninguna persona, a menos que de otra manera lo formulario debe reflejar con precisión el estado de las instalaciones _
aceptemos por escrito con anticipación. Usted acuerda que no aceptará con el propósito de determinar cualquier reembolso que se le deba
nada de valor de ninguna persona a cambio del uso de cualquier parte cuando se mude del apartamento. De otra manera, se considerará
de su apartamento. Usted acuerda no listar ninguna parte de su que todo se encuentra limpio, que se puede usar de manera
apartamento en ningún sitio web de hospedaje o arrendamiento a corto segura y que funciona bien. De cualquier manera debe enviar por
plazo ni con ninguna persona o servicio que anuncie viviendas para separado una solicitud de cualquier reparación necesaria como lo
arrendamiento. dispone el párrafo 15.1.

18. Dispositivos de seguridad y protección. Pagaremos los dispositivos 20.2. Normas y mejoras. A menos que lo autorice la ley, o que nosotros
de seguridad faltantes que requiera la ley. Usted pagará lo siguiente: lo autoricemos por escrito, usted no debe realizar ninguna
(A) un cambio de la combinación de cerraduras que usted solicite (a reparación, pintar, tapizar paredes, colocar alfombras, hacer
menos que no las hayamos cambiado después de que el residente cambios en el sistema eléctrico, o de otra manera alterar nuestra
anterior se mudó del apartamento; y (B) reparaciones o reemplazos propiedad. No se permite hacer orificios o pegar calcomanías en
causados por abuso o daños por su parte o por parte de su familia, el interior o en el exterior del apartamento. A menos que nuestras
ocupantes o huéspedes. Debe pagar inmediatamente después de que políticas comunitarias dispongan otra cosa, permitiremos un
se haga el trabajo, a menos que la ley estatal autorice un pago número razonable de orificios pequeños con clavos para colgar
anticipado. También debe pagar anticipadamente cualquier dispositivo cuadros en las paredes de tablarroca y en las ranuras de las
de seguridad adicional o de otro tipo que usted solicite. paredes de paneles de madera. No se permiten muebles de agua,
lavadoras, enchufes adicionales para el teléfono o el televisor,
Las secciones 92.151, 92.153 y 92.154 del Código de la Propiedad de sistemas de alarma, cámaras, video u otros timbres en la puerta,
Texas disponen que, con algunas excepciones, cuando entre a habitar cambios de cerradura, adiciones o cambios de combinación de
el apartamento le proporcionemos lo siguiente sin costo alguno: las cerraduras, a menos que lo requiera la ley o que nosotros lo
(A) una traba de seguridad para cada ventana; (B) una mirilla (o hayamos autorizado por escrito. Usted puede instalar una antena
ventanilla) en cada puerta exterior; (C) una traba de clavija en cada satelital u otra antena, pero solo si firma nuestro anexo sobre
puerta corrediza; (D) ya sea un picaporte con traba o una barra de antenas y antenas satelitales y cumple con las restricciones
seguridad para cada puerta corrediza; (E) una cerradura de seguridad razonables permitidas por la ley federal. No debe alterar, dañar ni
sin llave (un pestillo de resorte) en cada puerta exterior; y (F) ya sea retirar nuestra propiedad, incluidos sistemas de alarmas,
una cerradura de pomo con seguro de llave o una cerradura de pestillo dispositivos de detección, electrodomésticos, mobiliario, cables
con llave en una puerta de entrada. Se cambiará la combinación de las de teléfono y de televisor, mosquiteros, cerraduras o dispositivos
cerraduras de llave después de que el residente anterior se mude del de seguridad. Cuando entre a habitar el apartamento le
apartamento. El cambio de combinación de las cerraduras se hará ya entregaremos bombillas para las lámparas fijas que
sea antes de que usted entre a habitar el apartamento o en un lapso de proporcionemos, incluidas las lámparas exteriores que se operan

Contrato de Arrendamiento de Apartamento © 2022, Texas Apartment Association, Inc. Página 4 de 6

desde el interior del apartamento; después usted las reemplazará 23.5. Otros recursos. Podemos reportar las cantidades no pagadas a
por su cuenta con bombillas del mismo tipo y vataje. Las mejoras las agencias crediticias como lo permite la ley. Si nosotros o
que haga al apartamento (con o sin nuestro consentimiento) nuestro cobrador tratamos de cobrar cualquier dinero que usted
pasan a ser de nuestra propiedad, a menos que acordemos otra nos deba, usted acepta que nosotros o el cobrador podemos
cosa por escrito. comunicarnos con usted por cualquier medio legal. Si usted
incumple nos pagará, además de otras sumas vencidas, cualquier
21. Avisos. Un aviso por escrito a o de nuestros empleados, agentes o descuento o concesión en la renta que se haya acordado por
compañías de administración constituye un aviso a o de nosotros. Los escrito y que se haya aplicado a su cuenta. Podemos recuperar los
avisos a usted o a cualquier otro residente del apartamento constituyen honorarios de un abogado por sus servicios para hacer valer
un aviso a todos los residentes. Los avisos y las solicitudes de cualquier nuestros derechos en virtud de este Contrato. Todas las
residente constituyen un aviso de todos los residentes. Solo los residen- cantidades no pagadas que nos deba devengan un interés a una
tes pueden dar un aviso de terminación del Contrato y la intención de tasa establecida por la Sección 304.003(c) del Código Financiero de
mudarse según el párrafo 7.3. Todos los avisos y documentos serán en Texas, a partir de la fecha de vencimiento. Si no paga las sumas
inglés y, a nuestro criterio, en cualquier otro idioma que usted lea o hable. que debe en un lapso de 10 días después de que se le envíe por
21.1. Avisos electrónicos. Los avisos, de nosotros a usted, se podrían correo postal una carta en la que se exige el pago y que indica
enviar electrónicamente si así lo permite la ley. Si lo permite la ley, y que se añadirán las tarifas de una agencia de cobranza si no paga
en cumplimiento con nuestras políticas comunitarias, los avisos todas las sumas para esa fecha límite, deberá pagar todas las
electrónicos, de usted a nosotros se deben enviar a la dirección tarifas de la agencia de cobranza. Usted también es responsable
electrónica o al portal especificado en las políticas comunitarias. de pagar un cargo (que no exceda $150) para cubrir nuestro
También se pueden dar avsos por teléfono o enviarlos a una dirección tiempo, costo y gastos de cualquier proceso de desalojo en su
residencial si así lo permiten nuestras políticas comunitarias. contra, más los honorarios y gastos de un abogado, costos
judiciales y tarifas de presentación realmente pagados.
Usted declara que nos ha proporcionado su dirección electrónica
actual y que nos notificará si esta cambia. 24. Autoridad de los representantes y rescisiones. Nuestros representantes
(incluido el personal de administración, los empleados y los agentes) no
tienen autoridad para rescindir, enmendar o terminar este
DESALOJO Y RECURSOS Contrato ni ninguna de sus partes a menos que sea por escrito y
firmado, y no tienen autoridad para hacer promesas o declaraciones,
22. Responsabilidad civil. Cada residente es conjunta y separadamente ni de establecer acuerdos que nos impongan o impongan a nuestros
responsable de todas las obligaciones del Contrato. Si usted o uno de sus representantes obligaciones de seguridad u otro tipo de obligaciones,
huéspedes u ocupantes viola el Contrato o nuestras políticas comunitarias, a menos que sea por escrito y firmado. Ninguna acción u omisión de
se considerará que todos los residentes han violado el Contrato. nuestra parte se considerará la renuncia de nuestros derechos o de
22.1. Indemnización de su parte. Usted nos defenderá, indemnizará y cualquier violación o incumplimiento subsiguiente, u hora o lugar de
liberará a nosotros, a nuestros empleados, agentes y compañías cumplimiento de las obligaciones. Nuestra decisión de hacer cumplir,
de administración de cualquier responsabilidad civil que surja no hacer cumplir o demorar el cumplimiento de los requisitos de aviso
por su comportamiento o solicitudes a nuestros representantes y por escrito, fechas límite para pagar rentas, aceleración, gravámenes
del comportamiento o las solicitudes de sus invitados, ocupantes o cualquier otro derecho no constituye una renuncia en ningún caso. La
o huéspedes. demora para exigir las sumas que nos debe no es una renuncia. Excepto
cuando la ley disponga que notifique o exija el cumplimiento de nuestras
23. Incumplimiento por parte del residente. obligaciones, si usted incumple el Contrato, renuncia a este derecho. Nada
23.1. Acciones de incumplimiento. Usted incumplirá si: (A) no paga de lo contenido en este Contrato constituye una renuncia de nuestros
puntualmente la renta, incluidos los cargos recurrentes mensuales recursos por una violación de su contrato anterior que ocurrió antes de
u otras cantidades que deba; (B) usted o cualquier huésped u que comenzara el plazo del Contrato. Su Contrato es subordinado a
ocupante viola este Contrato o nuestras políticas comunitarias, o hipotecas registradas existentes y futuras, a menos que el prestamista del
las leyes contra incendios, de seguridad, salud, penales o de otro propietario elija lo contrario.
tipo, independientemente de si ocurre un arresto o una condena; Todos los recursos son acumulativos. El uso de un recurso no constituye
(C) proporciona respuestas incorrectas, incompletas o falsas en la una elección ni una renuncia de otros recursos. Todas las disposiciones
solicitud de arrendamiento o en este Contrato; o (D) usted o referentes a nuestra exención de responsabilidad o exención de obligación
cualquier ocupante es incriminado, detenido, condenado o ha aplican a nuestros empleados, agentes y compañías de administración.
recibido un fallo aplazado o ha participado en un programa de Ningún empleado, agente o compañía de administración es personalmente
desviación previo al juicio por (1) un delito que involucra daño responsable de ninguna de nuestras obligaciones contractuales, estatutarias
físico real o potencial a una persona, o que involucra la fabricación o de otro tipo meramente por el hecho de actuar en nuestro nombre.
o entrega de una sustancia controlada, marihuana o parafernalia
de drogas como se define en la Ley de Sustancias Controladas de
Texas, o (2) cualquier delito de naturaleza sexual, incluido un FINALIZACIÓN DEL PLAZO DEL CONTRATO
delito menor. 25. Aviso del residente de su intención de mudarse. Antes de mudarse
23.2. Desalojo. Si usted incumple el Contrato, incluida la retención de del apartamento, debe entregar a nuestro representante un aviso
la tenencia, podemos dar por terminado su derecho de anticipado por escrito de su intención de mudarse, como se dispone en
ocupación entregándole un aviso por escrito con al menos 24 el párrafo 4, aunque el Contrato se haya transformado en un contrato
horas de anticipación para que desocupe el apartamento. La mensual. La fecha de la mudanza del apartamento no se puede cambiar
terminación de sus derechos de posesión no lo libera de la a menos que nosotros y usted lo acordemos por escrito.
responsabilidad civil de rentas futuras y otras obligaciones del El aviso de su intención de mudarse debe cumplir con cada uno de los
Contrato. Después de entregar el aviso de desocupación o de siguientes requisitos:
presentar una demanda de desalojo, aún podemos aceptar la
renta u otras sumas pagaderas; la presentación o la aceptación de (a) A menos que requiramos un aviso con más de 30 días de
la demanda no cancela ni reduce nuestro derecho de desalojo ni anticipación, si usted nos entrega el aviso el primer día del mes en
ningún otro derecho contractual o estatutario. La aceptación de el que tiene la intención de mudarse, la mudanza será el último
dinero en cualquier momento no cancela nuestro derecho a la día de ese mes.
compensación por daños, rentas pasadas o futuras u otras sumas, (b) El aviso de su intención de mudarse no debe finalizar el Contrato
ni cancela el derecho de continuar con los procedimientos de antes del final del plazo del Contrato o del periodo de renovación.
desalojo. En caso de desalojo, la renta que se debe es por el
periodo total de arrendamiento y no se prorrateará. (c) Si requerimos que nos entregue un aviso por escrito de su
intención de mudarse más de 30 días antes de que finalice el plazo
23.3. Aceleración. A menos que elijamos no acelerar la renta, todas del Contrato, le enviaremos un recordatorio por escrito no menos
las rentas mensuales del resto del plazo del Contrato o del periodo de 5 días ni más de 90 días antes de la fecha límite para que nos
de renovación se acelerarán automáticamente sin aviso ni entregue el aviso por escrito de su intención de mudarse. Si no le
exigencia (antes o después de la aceleración) y serán pagaderas enviamos un recordatorio, se requiere un aviso por escrito de su
inmediatamente si, sin nuestro consentimiento por escrito: intención de mudarse con 30 días de anticipación.
(A) usted se muda del apartamento, saca sus pertenencias en
preparación para mudarse, o usted o algún ocupante da un aviso (d) Debe recibir de nosotros un acuse de recibo por escrito de su
verbal o por escrito de la intención de mudarse antes de que aviso.
finalice el plazo del Contrato o periodo de renovación; y (B) usted 26. Procedimientos para mudarse del apartamento.
no ha pagado toda la renta por la totalidad del plazo del Contrato
o periodo de renovación. La renta remanente también se 26. 1. Limpieza. Debe limpiar minuciosamente el apartamento,
acelerará si se lo desaloja judicialmente o se muda del incluidos puertas, ventanas, mobiliario, baños, electrodomésticos
apartamento cuando lo exijamos debido a su incumplimiento. de la cocina, patios, balcones, garajes, cocheras y cuartos de
almacenaje. Debe seguir las instrucciones de limpieza al mudarse
Si no paga la renta del primer mes cuando comience el Contrato o del apartamento si es que se le proporcionan. Si no limpia
antes, todas las rentas futuras dentro del plazo del Contrato se apropiadamente, usted será responsable de los cargos razonables
acelerarán automáticamente sin aviso y serán inmediatamente de limpieza, incluidos cargos por la limpieza de alfombras,
pagaderas. También podemos terminar su derecho de ocupación cortinas, mobiliario, paredes, etc. que estén más sucias de lo
y recuperar la compensación por daños, renta futura, honorarios normal (esto es, uso o ensuciamiento no causado por negligencia,
de abogado, costos judiciales y otros cargos legales. descuido, accidente o abuso).
23.4. Retención de la tenencia. Usted y todos los ocupantes deben 26.2. Inspección al mudarse. Podemos hacer una inspección al
desalojar y entregar el apartamento para o antes de la fecha mudarse conjuntamente con usted, pero no estamos obligados
indicada en: (1) su aviso de que se va a mudar del apartamento a hacerlo. Nuestros representantes no tienen autoridad para
(2) nuestro aviso de desalojo, (3) nuestro aviso de no renovación, obligarnos o limitarnos con respecto a las deducciones por
o (4) un acuerdo por escrito que especifique una fecha diferente reparaciones, daños o cargos. Cualquier declaración o estimado
para mudarse del apartamento. Si retiene la tenencia, entonces de nuestra parte o de parte de nuestros representantes están
usted será responsable ante nosotros de toda la renta por la sujetos a nuestra corrección, modificación o desaprobación antes
totalidad del plazo del Contrato previamente firmado por un de la contabilización o reembolso finales.
residente nuevo que no puede habitar el apartamento debido a
la retención de la tenencia, y a nuestro criterio, podemos 27. Entrega y abandono. Usted ha entregado el apartamento cuando: (A) la
extender el plazo del Contrato o aumentar un 25% la renta fecha de mudanza del apartamento ha pasado y nadie vive en él, según
entregándole un aviso por escrito a usted o dejándolo en el nuestro criterio razonable; o (B) se nos han entregado las llaves y los
apartamento mientras usted continúa reteniendo la tenencia. dispositivos de acceso al apartamento que se listan en el párrafo 2.1, lo
que suceda primero.

Contrato de Arrendamiento de Apartamento © 2022, Texas Apartment Association, Inc. Página 5 de 6

Usted ha abandonado el apartamento cuando haya ocurrido todo lo 30. Ley controlante. La ley de Texas gobierna este Contrato. Todo
siguiente: (A) según nuestro criterio razonable, todos parecen haberse litigio que surja de este Contrato y de todas las obligaciones del
mudado del apartamento; (B) ha incumplido el pago de la renta por 5 Contrato se debe realizar en el condado y el precinto (si
días consecutivos, o se han terminado o transferido los servicios de agua, corresponde), en donde se encuentra el apartamento.
gas o electricidad del apartamento que no están conectados en nuestro
nombre; y (C) usted no ha respondido por dos días a nuestro aviso que 31. Renuncias. Al firmar este Contrato usted acepta lo siguiente:
dejamos en el interior de la puerta de entrada principal que indica que 31.1. Renuncia a las demandas colectivas. Usted acepta que
consideramos que se ha abandonado el apartamento. Un apartamento no participará en ninguna demanda colectiva en contra
también se considera abandonado 10 días después del fallecimiento de nuestra, de nuestros empleados, agentes o compañía de
un residente que vivía solo. administración. Usted debe presentar cualquier reclamación
27.1. La terminación de sus derechos. La entrega, el abandono o en nuestra contra de manera individual, y usted
el desalojo judicial terminan sus derechos de posesión para todos expresamente renuncia a su derecho de presentar,
los propósitos y nos dan el derecho inmediato de limpiar, hacer representar, unirse o de otra manera mantener una
reparaciones y volver a arrendar el apartamento; determinar las demanda colectiva, acción colectiva o procedimiento
deducciones del depósito en garantía; y remover o almacenar las similar en nuestra contra en cualquier foro.
pertenencias que se dejaron en el apartamento. USTED ENTIENDE QUE, SIN ESTA RENUNCIA, USTED
27.2. Remoción y almacenamiento de las pertenencias. Nosotros o PODRÍA SER PARTE DE UNA DEMANDA COLECTIVA. AL
la policía podemos —pero no tenemos la obligación de— FIRMAR ESTE CONTRATO, USTED ACEPTA ESTA
remover o almacenar toda propiedad que a nuestro criterio RENUNCIA Y ELIGE QUE CUALQUIER DEMANDA SE
exclusivo le pertenezca a usted y que haya dejado en el DECIDA INDIVIDUALMENTE. LAS DISPOSICIONES DE ESTE
apartamento o en las áreas comunes (incluido cualquier vehículo PÁRRAFO SUBSISTIRÁN LA TERMINACIÓN O EL
que usted o cualquiera de sus ocupantes o huéspedes posea o VENCIMIENTO DE ESTE CONTRATO.
use) después de que se lo desaloje judicialmente, o si usted 31.2. Fuerza mayor. Si se nos impide que cumplamos totalmente
entrega o abandona el apartamento. cualquier obligación según este Contrato por eventos que se
No somos responsables por hechos fortuitos, pérdidas, daños o encuentran fuera de nuestro control, incluidos sin limitarse
robo. Usted debe pagar los gastos razonables en los que incurramos casos de fuerza mayor, huelgas, epidemias, guerra, actos de
para empacar, remover y almacenar cualquier pertenencia. terrorismo, motines, inundación, incendio, huracán, tornado,
sabotaje o reglamentación gubernamental, entonces se nos
Excepto en el caso de animales, podemos desechar o dar a una excusará el cumplimiento de nuestras obligaciones subsiguientes
organización caritativa toda la propiedad personal que: al máximo grado permitido por la ley.
(1) se haya dejado en el apartamento después de su entrega o 32. Disposiciones especiales. Lo siguiente, o las disposiciones
abandono; o especiales adjuntas y cualquier anexo o políticas comunitarias que se le
proporcionen, son parte de este Contrato y sustituyen a cualquier dis-
(2)  que se haya dejado en el exterior por más de 1 hora después posición conflictiva contenida en este Contrato.
de la ejecución de un auto de posesión, después de un
desalojo judicial.
Un animal que se haya dejado en un apartamento después de su
entrega, abandono o desalojo, se puede colocar en una jaula o _____________________________________________________________
entregar a una autoridad local, sociedad humanitaria u
organización de rescate. _____________________________________________________________
28. Afiliación a la TAA. Nosotros, la compañía de administración que nos
representa, o cualquier servicio de localización que usted haya usado _____________________________________________________________
confirmamos nuestra afiliación en pleno derecho tanto a la Asociación de
Apartamentos de Texas (Texas Apartment Association) como a la _____________________________________________________________
asociación de apartamentos afiliada de la localidad en la que se ubica el
apartamento en el momento de la firma de este Contrato. Si este no es _____________________________________________________________
el caso, aplica lo siguiente: este Contrato se puede anular si así lo desea _____________________________________________________________
usted, y nosotros no podemos hacerlo cumplir (excepto por daños a la
propiedad); y (B) no podemos recuperar rentas pasadas o futuras ni _____________________________________________________________
otros cargos. Los recursos indicados también aplican si suceden los dos
eventos siguientes: (1) el Contrato se renueva automáticamente como _____________________________________________________________
contrato mensual más de una vez después de terminarse la afiliación a la
TAA y a la asociación local; y (2) ni el propietario ni la compañía de _____________________________________________________________
administración son miembros de la TAA y de la asociación local durante _____________________________________________________________
la tercera renovación automática. Una declaración jurada firmada de la
asociación de apartamentos local afiliada que certifica la no afiliación _____________________________________________________________
cuando se firmó el Contrato o la renovación será evidencia concluyente
de la no afiliación. Las entidades gubernamentales pueden usar los _____________________________________________________________
formularios de la TAA si esta asociación lo acepta por escrito.
Nombre, dirección y número de teléfono del servicio de localización (si
corresponde): _____________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

29. Divisibilidad y perduración. Si cualquier disposición de este Contrato Antes de presentar una solicitud de arrendamiento o de firmar este Con-
es inválida o carece de fuerza ejecutoria según la ley aplicable, no trato, usted debe revisar los documentos y puede consultar a un aboga-
invalidará el resto del Contrato ni cambiará la intención de las partes. Los do. Usted queda obligado por este Contrato después de que lo firme. Una
párrafos 10.1, 10.2, 16, 27 y 31 perdurarán después de la terminación firma electrónica es vinculante. Este Contrato es el acuerdo completo
de este Contrato. Este Contrato es vinculante para los propietarios entre usted y nosotros. Usted NO se basa en ninguna declaración verbal.

Todas las partes deben firmar únicamente la versión en inglés.

La traducción al español se le(s) da con fin exclusivamente informativo.

Contrato de Arrendamiento de Apartamento © julio de 2022, Texas Apartment Association, Inc. Página 6 de 6
M E M B E R Inventory and Condition Form
Resident’ Milton Yasin Gamboa Caicedo s Name:__________________ Personal #: (______)________________ Work #: (______)_______________
Resident’s Name: _______________________________________________________
Rosibeth Morales Diaz Personal #: (______)________________ Work #: (______)_______________
Resident’s Name: _______________________________________________________ Personal #: (______)________________ Work #: (______)_______________
Resident’s Name: _______________________________________________________ Personal #: (______)________________ Work #: (______)_______________
Resident’s Name: _______________________________________________________ Personal #: (______)________________ Work #: (______)_______________
Resident’s Name: _______________________________________________________ Personal #: (______)________________ Work #: (______)_______________
Apartment Community Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Volara Apartments
or Street Address (if house, duplex, etc.): ______________________________________________________________________ Apt . # ______________
Within 48 hours after move-in, you must note on this form all defects, damage, or safety or pest-related concerns and return it to our representative.
Otherwise, everything will be considered to be in a clean, safe, and good working condition. Please mark through items listed below or put “none” if the
items don’t exist. This form protects both you (the resident) and us (the owner). We’ll use it in determining what should and should not be considered
your responsibility upon move-out. You are entitled to a copy of this form after it is filled out and signed by you and us.

X Move-In or r Move-Out Condition (Check one)


Living Room Dining Room

Walls _____________________________________________________ Walls _____________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
Wallpaper_________________________________________________ Wallpaper_________________________________________________
Plugs, switches, A/C vents____________________________________ Plugs, switches, A/C vents____________________________________
Woodwork/baseboards______________________________________ Woodwork/baseboards______________________________________
Ceiling ___________________________________________________ Ceiling ___________________________________________________
Light fixtures, bulbs_________________________________________ Light fixtures, bulbs_________________________________________
Floor/carpet_______________________________________________ Floor/carpet_______________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
Doors, stops, locks__________________________________________ Doors, stops, locks__________________________________________
Windows, latches, screens ____________________________________ Windows, latches, screens____________________________________
Window coverings __________________________________________ Window coverings__________________________________________
Closets, rods, shelves________________________________________ Closets, rods, shelves________________________________________
Closet lights, fixtures________________________________________ Closet lights, fixtures________________________________________
Lamps, bulbs_______________________________________________ Water stains or mold on walls, ceilings or baseboards______________
Water stains or mold on walls, ceilings or baseboards______________ _________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ Other_____________________________________________________
Kitchen Walls _____________________________________________________
Walls _____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ Wallpaper_________________________________________________
Wallpaper_________________________________________________ Plugs, switches, A/C vents____________________________________
Plugs, switches, A/C vents____________________________________ Woodwork/baseboards______________________________________
Woodwork/baseboards______________________________________ Ceiling ___________________________________________________
Ceiling ___________________________________________________ Light fixtures, bulbs_________________________________________
Light fixtures, bulbs_________________________________________ Floor/carpet_______________________________________________
Floor/carpet_______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ Doors, stops, locks__________________________________________
Doors, stops, locks__________________________________________ Closets, rods, shelves________________________________________
Windows, latches, screens____________________________________ Closet lights, fixtures________________________________________
Window coverings__________________________________________ Water stains or mold on walls, ceilings or baseboards______________
Cabinets, drawers, handles___________________________________ Other_____________________________________________________
Countertops _______________________________________________
Exterior (if applicable)
Stove/oven, trays, pans, shelves_______________________________
Patio/yard _________________________________________________
Vent hood ________________________________________________
Refrigerator, trays, shelves____________________________________
Faucets ___________________________________________________
Refrigerator light, crisper ____________________________________
Balconies _________________________________________________
Dishwasher, dispensers, racks _________________________________
Microwave ________________________________________________ Bedroom (describe which one): ___________________________________
Plumbing leaks, water stains or mold on walls, ceilings or baseboards_ Walls _____________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ Wallpaper_________________________________________________
Other_____________________________________________________ Plugs, switches, A/C vents____________________________________
_________________________________________________________ Woodwork/baseboards______________________________________
General Items Light fixtures, bulbs_________________________________________
Thermostat________________________________________________ Floor/carpet_______________________________________________
Cable TV or master antenna___________________________________ _________________________________________________________
A/C filter __________________________________________________ Doors, stops, locks__________________________________________
Washer/dryer ______________________________________________ Windows, latches, screens____________________________________
Garage door_______________________________________________ Window coverings__________________________________________
Ceiling fans _______________________________________________ Closets, rods, shelves________________________________________
Exterior doors, screens/screen doors, doorbell____________________ Closet lights, fixtures________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ Water stains or mold on walls, ceilings or baseboards______________
Fireplace__________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
Other_____________________________________________________ Other_____________________________________________________
© Texas Apartment Association, Inc., 2021 Continued on back side
Bedroom (describe which one): ____________________________________ Bedroom (describe which one): ____________________________________
Walls ________________________________________________________ Walls ________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
Wallpaper____________________________________________________ Wallpaper____________________________________________________
Plugs, switches, A/C vents_______________________________________ Plugs, switches, A/C vents_______________________________________
Woodwork/baseboards_________________________________________ Woodwork/baseboards_________________________________________
Ceiling ______________________________________________________ Ceiling ______________________________________________________
Light fixtures, bulbs____________________________________________ Light fixtures, bulbs____________________________________________
Floor/carpet__________________________________________________ Floor/carpet__________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
Doors, stops, locks_____________________________________________ Doors, stops, locks_____________________________________________
Windows, latches, screens_______________________________________ Windows, latches, screens_______________________________________
Window coverings_____________________________________________ Window coverings _____________________________________________
Closets, rods, shelves___________________________________________ Closets, rods, shelves___________________________________________
Closet lights, fixtures___________________________________________ Closet lights, fixtures___________________________________________
Water stains or mold on walls, ceilings or baseboards________________ Water stains or mold on walls, ceilings or baseboards________________
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
Other________________________________________________________ Other________________________________________________________

Bath (describe which one): ________________________________________ Bath (describe which one): ________________________________________
Walls ________________________________________________________ Walls ________________________________________________________
Wallpaper____________________________________________________ Wallpaper____________________________________________________
Plugs, switches, A/C vents_______________________________________ Plugs, switches, A/C vents_______________________________________
Woodwork/baseboards_________________________________________ Woodwork/baseboards_________________________________________
Ceiling ______________________________________________________ Ceiling ______________________________________________________
Light fixtures, bulbs____________________________________________ Light fixtures, bulbs____________________________________________
Exhaust fan/heater_____________________________________________ Exhaust fan/heater_____________________________________________
Floor/carpet__________________________________________________ Floor/carpet__________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
Doors, stops, locks_____________________________________________ Doors, stops, locks_____________________________________________
Windows, latches, screens_______________________________________ Windows, latches, screens_______________________________________
Window coverings_____________________________________________ Window coverings _____________________________________________
Sink, faucet, handles, stopper____________________________________ Sink, faucet, handles, stopper____________________________________
Countertops __________________________________________________ Countertops __________________________________________________
Mirror _______________________________________________________ Mirror _______________________________________________________
Cabinets, drawers, handles______________________________________ Cabinets, drawers, handles______________________________________
Toilet, paper holder ____________________________________________ Toilet, paper holder ____________________________________________
Bathtub, enclosure, stopper______________________________________ Bathtub, enclosure, stopper _____________________________________
Shower, doors, rods____________________________________________ Shower, doors, rods____________________________________________
Tile _________________________________________________________ Tile _________________________________________________________
Plumbing leaks, water stains or mold on walls, ceilings or baseboards Plumbing leaks, water stains or mold on walls, ceilings or baseboards
____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
Other________________________________________________________ Other________________________________________________________

Safety or Pest-Related Items (Put “none” if item does not exist)

Half Bath
Door knob locks ______________________________________________
Walls ________________________________________________________
Keyed deadbolt locks __________________________________________
Keyless deadbolts _____________________________________________
Keyless bolting devices ________________________________________
Plugs, switches, A/C vents_______________________________________
Sliding door latches ___________________________________________
Sliding door security bars_______________________________________
Ceiling ______________________________________________________
Sliding door pin locks___________________________________________
Light fixtures, bulbs____________________________________________
Exhaust fan/heater ____________________________________________
Window latches _______________________________________________
Porch and patio lights__________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ Smoke alarms (push button to test)_______________________________
Doors, stops, locks_____________________________________________ Other detectors _______________________________________________
Windows, latches, screens_______________________________________ Alarm system _________________________________________________
Window coverings _____________________________________________ Fire extinguishers (look at charge level—BUT DON'T TEST!)________________
Sink, faucet, handles, stopper____________________________________ Garage door opener____________________________________________
Countertops __________________________________________________ Gate access card(s)_____________________________________________
Mirror _______________________________________________________ Other________________________________________________________
Cabinets, drawers, handles ______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
Toilet, paper holder____________________________________________ Pest-related concerns __________________________________________
Tile _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
Plumbing leaks, water stains or mold on walls, ceilings or baseboards
____________________________________________________________ Date of Move-In: _____________________________________________
Other________________________________________________________ or Date of Move-Out: _________________________________________

Acknowledgment. You agree you will complete and submit this form in accordance with this Lease and our Community Policies. You acknowledge you will
inspect and test all the safety-related items (if in the dwelling), as well as smoke alarms and any other detector(s), and confirm that they are working, except as
noted on your completed Inventory and Condition Form. All items will be assumed to be in good condition unless otherwise noted. You acknowledge you will
receive written operating instructions on the alarm system and gate access entry systems (if there are any). You acknowledge that you will inspect the dwelling
and confirm no signs of bed bugs or other pests are present, or that you will report any bed bug or pest issues through a work order or other repair request.
In signing below, you acknowledge receipt of this form and accept the responsibility for completing it as part of the Lease Contract.
You agree that, either after completion or 48 hours after move-in without returning this form (whichever comes first), it accurately
reflects the condition of the premises for purposes of determining any refund due to you when you move out.
Resident or Resident’s Agent:_________________________________________________________________ Date of Signing: ____________________
Owner or Owner’s Representative:____________________________________________________________ Date of Signing:____________________


Date completed form was received: __________________________________ Received by: _________________________________________________

TAA Official Statewide Form 21-H, Revised June, 2021

Copyright 2021, Texas Apartment Association, Inc.
Animal Addendum

Please note: We consider animals a serious responsibility and a risk to each resident in the dwelling. If you do
not properly control and care for an animal, you’ll be liable if it causes damage or disturbs other residents.

1. Dwelling Unit. License #: 

Unit #
2286-V01 , at 
3550 E Overton Rd Date of last rabies shot: 
(street address) in  Dallas Animal owner’s name: 
(city), Texas
75216 (zip code).
Animal’s name: 
2. Lease. Type: 
Owner’s name: Volara Apartments Breed: 
 City of license: 
License #: 
Residents (list all residents): Milton Yasin Gamboa Date of last rabies shot: 
Caicedo Housebroken? 
 Rosibeth Morales Diaz Animal owner’s name: 

 Animal’s name: 
City of license: 
3. Conditional Authorization for Animal. You may keep the animal or License #: 
animals described below in the dwelling until the Lease expires. We
Date of last rabies shot: 
may terminate this authorization sooner if your right of occupancy is
lawfully terminated or if in our judgment you, your animal, your guest, Housebroken? 
or any occupant violates any of the rules in this addendum. Animal owner’s name: 

4. Animal Deposit. You must pay a one-time animal deposit of 11. Special Provisions. The following special provisions control over any
$ when you sign this addendum. This deposit is conflicting provisions of this addendum: 
in addition to your total security deposit under the Lease, which is a This community allows a maximum of two
general security deposit for all purposes. Refund of the total security pets per apartment home. Breed
deposit is subject to the terms and conditions in the Lease, and this Restriction apply. Animals must remain
animal-deposit portion of the total deposit is not separately refund­ on leash in all common areas. Citations
able even if the animal is removed. may be given if tenant has failed to
pick up after pet(s). PET RENT. $15 (1
5. Assistance or Service Animals. When allowed by applicable laws, we pet) or $25 (2 pets). PET DEPOSIT: $350
may require written verification of or make other inquiries regarding (1 Pet, $200 NON REFUNDABLE) $600 (
the disability-related need for an assistance or service animal for a per­
son with a disability. We will not charge an animal deposit, additional 12. Emergency. In an emergency involving an accident or injury to your
rent, or other fee for any authorized assistance or service animal. Ex­ animal, we have the right—but not the duty—to take the animal to
cept as provided by applicable law, all other provisions of this adden­ the following veterinarian for treatment, at your expense.
dum apply to assistance or service animals. Doctor: 
6. Search and Rescue Dogs. We may ask the handler of a search and Address: 
rescue dog for proof he or she is a person with a certification issued by City/State/Zip: 
a nationally recognized search and rescue agency before we authorize Phone: ( ) 
a search and rescue dog. If we authorize a search and rescue dog, we
will not charge an animal deposit, additional rent or other fee for any 13. Animal Rules. You are responsible for the animal’s actions at all times.
such dog. Except as provided by applicable law, all other provisions of You agree to follow these rules:
this addendum apply to search and rescue dogs. 13.1 Shots and Licenses. The animal at all times must have current
rabies shots and licenses required by law. You must show us evi­
7. Additional Monthly Rent. Your monthly base rent (as stated in the
dence of the shots and licenses if we ask.
Lease) will be increased by $ .
13.2 Disturbances. The animal must not disturb the neighbors or
8. Additional Fee. You must also pay a one-time nonrefundable fee other residents, regardless of whether the animal is inside or
of $ to keep the animal in the dwelling unit. The outside the dwelling.
fee is due when you sign this addendum.
13.3 Housebreaking, Cages, Offspring. Dogs, cats, assistance or
9. Liability Not Limited. The additional monthly rent and additional service animals, and search and rescue dogs must be house­
security deposit under this Animal Addendum do not limit residents’ broken. All other animals must be caged at all times. No animal
liability for property damage, cleaning, deodorization, defleaing, re­ offspring are allowed.
placements, or personal injuries. 13.4 Indoor Waste Areas. Inside, the animal may urinate or defe­
cate only in these designated areas: Litter Box
10. Description of Animal. You may keep only the animal or animals de­ 
scribed below. You may not substitute any other animal. Neither you
nor your guests or occupants may bring any other animal—mammal, 13.5 Outdoor Waste Areas. Outside, the animal may urinate or def­
reptile, bird, amphibian, fish, rodent, arachnid, or insect—into the ecate only in these designated areas:  Designated
dwelling or apartment community. Areas
Animal’s name:  13.6 Tethering. Animals may not be tied to any fixed object any­
Type:  where outside the dwelling units, except in fenced yards (if any)
for your exclusive use.
City of license: 
©2022 Texas Apartment A ssociation, Inc. continued on back
13.7 Off-Limit Areas. You must not let an animal—other than an 20. Multiple Residents. Each resident who signed the Lease must also
assistance or service animal—into swimming-pool areas, laun­ sign this addendum. You, your guests, and any occupants must follow
dry rooms, offices, clubrooms, other recreational facilities, or all animal rules. Each resident is jointly and severally liable for dam­
other dwelling units besides your own, except that search and
rescue dogs shall be allowed to use areas of the property ac­ ages and all other obligations set forth in this addendum, even if the
cessible to the general public, such as the leasing office. Cer­ resident does not own the animal.
tain service animals in training shall also be allowed to use
those areas when accompanied by an approved trainer. 21. Dog Park. We may provide an area to be used as a dog park. While
13.8 Food & Water. Your animal must be fed and given water in­ using the park, you will be required to supervise your dog, but may
side the dwelling unit. You may not leave animal food or water remove the leash. Leashes must be used while traveling to and from
outside the dwelling unit at any time, except in fenced yards (if the park. The park is not supervised or monitored in any way, and you
any) for your exclusive use. use the park at your own risk. We are not liable for any injury, damage
13.9 Leash. You must keep the animal on a leash and under your su­ or loss which is caused as a result of any problem, defect or malfunc­
pervision when outside the dwelling or in any private fenced area. tion of the park. We are also not liable for injury, damage or loss to
We or our representative may pick up unleashed animals, report
them to the proper authorities, or do both. We’ll charge you a rea­ any person, animal or property caused by any other person or animal,
sonable fee for picking up and keeping unleashed animals. including, but not limited to, dog bite, trespass, assault or any other
13.10Animal Waste. Unless we have designated a particular area in crime. Furthermore, we are not liable for any disruption in the park’s
your dwelling unit or on the grounds for animal defecation and operation or performance. You hereby release us and our agents, con­
urination, you are prohibited from letting an animal defecate or tractors, employees and representatives from any liability connected
urinate anywhere on our property and you must take the ani­ with the park. You agree to be responsible for any property damage
mal off our property for that purpose. If we allow animal defeca­
caused by you, your guests or other occupants to the park. You un­
tion inside the unit, you must ensure that it’s done in a litter box
with a kitty-litter-type mix. If the animal defecates anywhere derstand that participating in any activity at the park carries a risk of
on our property (including in a fenced yard for your exclusive injury, and you are willing to assume this risk. We make no representa­
use), you must immediately remove the waste and repair any tions or warranties of any kind regarding the park.
damage. In addition to the terms of this addendum, you must
comply with all local ordinances regarding animal defecation. 22. General. You acknowledge that no other oral or written agreement
14. Additional Rules. We may make reasonable changes to the animal exists regarding animals. Except for any special provisions noted in
rules from time to time if we distribute a written copy of any changes paragraph 11 above, our representative has no authority to modify this
to every resident who is allowed to have animals. addendum or the animal rules except in writing as described under
paragraph 14. This Animal Addendum and the animal rules are consid­
15. Violation of Rules. If you, your guest, or any occupant violates any
rule or provision of this addendum (in our judgment) and we give you ered part of the Lease described above.
written notice of the violation, you must remove the animal immedi­
ately and permanently from the premises. We also have all other rights 23. Animal Restrictions. No animal will be allowed that poses a threat
and remedies set forth in the Lease, including eviction and recovering to any other person. You represent that your animal(s) does not pose
damages and attorney’s fees from you. a danger or threat of any kind to any person or property; has not dis­
played vicious, aggressive or dangerous behavior; and has never be­
16. Complaints About Animal. If we receive a reasonable complaint from
a neighbor or other resident or if we, in our sole discretion, determine fore injured you or any other person or animal or caused any dam­
that the animal has disturbed neighbors or other residents, we will age to your property or another person’s property. You affirmatively
give you written notice and you must immediately and permanently represent and warrant that you have never had a claim or lawsuit filed
remove the animal from the premises. against you or anyone else for an injury or damage caused by or re­
17. Our Removal of an Animal. In some circumstances, we may enter the lated to the animal. You understand and agree that the approval of the
dwelling unit and remove the animal within one day after leaving a animal to live in your apartment is expressly conditioned upon all of
written notice in a conspicuous place. the forgoing being true and if you have made any misrepresentation it
is a violation of the Lease.
17.1 Causes for Removal. We can remove an animal under this para­
graph if, in our sole judgment, you have:
(A) abandoned the animal;
(B) left the animal in the dwelling unit for an extended period of You are legally bound by this document. Please read it carefully.
time without food or water;
(C) failed to care for a sick animal;
(D) violated our animal rules; OR
(E) let the animal defecate or urinate where it’s not allowed. You are entitled to receive a copy of this Addendum after it is fully
signed. Keep it in a safe place.
17.2 Removal Process. To remove an animal, we must follow the
procedures in the Lease, and we may turn the animal over to a
humane society or local authority. We’ll return the animal to you
upon request if we haven’t already turned it over to a humane Resident or Residents (all sign below)
society or local authority. We don’t have a lien on the animal
for any purpose, but you must pay for reasonable care and ken­ 12/11/2023
neling charges for the animal. If you don’t pick up the animal (Name of Resident)  Date signed
within five days after we remove it, it will be considered aban­ 12/11/2023
Rosibeth Morales Diaz
doned. (Name of Resident)  Date signed
18. Liability for Damage, Injuries, Cleaning. Except for reasonable wear _______________________________________________________
and tear resulting from an assistance or service animal, you and all co- (Name of Resident)  Date signed
residents are jointly and severally liable for the entire amount of any _______________________________________________________
damage the animal causes, including cleaning, defleaing, or deodor­ (Name of Resident)  Date signed
izing. This provision applies to all parts of the dwelling unit including
carpets, doors, walls, drapes, wall­paper, windows, screens, furniture, and _______________________________________________________
appliances, as well as landscaping and other outside improvements. If an (Name of Resident)  Date signed
`item cannot be satisfactorily cleaned or repaired, you must pay for us _______________________________________________________
to replace it. Payment for damage, repairs, cleaning, replacements, and (Name of Resident) Date signed
the like are due immediately upon demand. As the owner, you’re strictly
liable for the entire amount of any injury that your animal causes to an­
other person or to anyone’s property. You indemnify us for all costs of Owner or Owner‘s Representative (sign below)
litigation and attorney’s fees resulting from any such injury or damage.
19. Move-Out. Except for reasonable wear and tear resulting from an as­  Date signed
sistance or service animal, when you move out, you’ll pay for deflea­
ing, deodorizing, and shampooing to protect future residents from
possible health hazards, regardless of how long the animal was there.
We—not you—will arrange for these services.

TAA Official Statewide Form 22-E, Revised February 2022

Copyright 2022, Texas Apartment Association, Inc.
1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the
Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,
Texas OR
the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address) 
in  , Texas.

2. Electrical Submetering. Your dwelling unit is submetered for electricity. You’ll receive electricity bills monthly, based on
how many kilowatt-hours (KWHs) you use as recorded on the submeter for the dwelling unit described above.

3. Coverage and Cost. Your monthly bill for electricity for your dwelling unit will cover only electricity consumed within
your dwelling unit. The submeter bill will not include any electricity for common areas or common facilities. Your per-KWH
cost will be what the electric utility company charges us for an average KWH, that is, our total bill divided by the apartment
community’s total KWH consumption. There will be no extra charge of any kind for electrical consumption through your
submeter. Billing calculations are governed by Rule 25.142 of the Public Utility Commission of Texas.

4. Your Payment Due Date. You must pay your monthly electric submeter bill within 16 days after the date when we issue
it. If you don’t pay it within 16 days, you’ll be liable for a late payment charge of 5 percent of the bill. You must pay your bill
directly to [check one] q X us at the same place where you pay your rent or q the address specified in your submeter bill. If
your electric service is disconnected for nonpayment, we can charge you up to $10 for a reconnection fee. The Public Utility
Commission regulates electric submetering rules. A summary of the rules is set forth on the reverse side of this page.

5. Late Payment. If you are late in paying the electric bill, we may cut off your electricity pursuant to statutory procedures.
We may also exercise all other lawful remedies, including eviction. If your electric service must be re-established after it is
disconnected for nonpayment, we will also charge you a $ reconnection fee (not to exceed $10, based on our
average cost to reconnect service.)

����������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
Rosibeth Morales Diaz


1. Keep doors and windows closed when running your air conditioning unit for cooling or heating.
2. When you’re inside your dwelling, set all thermostats at 78 degrees in the summer and use fans to make it feel cooler.
3. When you’ll be gone more than four hours, change the thermostat to 80 degrees when cooling and 55 degrees when
4. In the winter, keep the temperature at 68 during the day and lower the thermostat temperature to 55 degrees at night.
5. Adjust window blinds or drapes to keep out direct sunlight in the summer and let in direct sunlight in the winter.
6. Use a microwave instead of using an oven, whenever possible.
7. Take showers rather than tub baths to conserve hot water heated by electricity.
8. Make sure your air conditioner is clean. Changing dust filters on your air conditioning unit is important. Filters are essential
to keep airborne dust from gathering on the cooling coils and preventing the air conditioning compressor from using more
electricity. Also, when a filter is dirty it loses its dust-gathering capacity, and it will then use more electricity in circulating air
because of the accumulation of dust in the filter.
9. Turn off lights, TVs, computers and other electrical equipment when leaving a room.
10. Close vents and doors to unused rooms.
11. Use energy settings on dishwashers, washing machines and clothes dryers. Run when fully loaded. Use at night.
12. Consider using compact fluorescent light bulbs rather than standard incandescent bulbs.

Texas Apartment Association


The Texas Public Utility Commission (PUC) has adopted comprehensive submetering rules for electricity. Those rules (or a summary of those rules
approved by the PUC) must be attached to your Lease Contract. PUC Substantive Rules §25.141 and §25.142, relating to submetering, may be found
on the PUC website at [ ]. Specific questions about the PUC rules may be directed to the PUC at 888/782-8477. This is a
summary of our duties and your duties under the rules, which has been approved by the PUC. As on the other side of this page, the terms “you” and
“your” refer to all residents, and the terms “we” and “our” refer to the owner.

1. Submeter Bills in General. Your submeter bill may cover only electricity consumed within your apartment unit, as measured by that unit’s submeters.
Electrical consumption for the common areas and common facilities are our sole responsibility. Each month, the electric submeter bill must be given as
separate bills or as separate, distinct line items on a multi-item bill. The bill must state that it is for “submetered electricity.” Allocations of non-submetered
mastermetered utilities and allocations of utility costs of central hot-water systems or central air conditioning or heating systems are lawful if (1) they are
clearly separate from the submetering charges for your apartment, and (2) they are covered by a separate addendum. Proration of non-submetered
mastermetered utilities must also be covered by separate documents.

2. How Your Submeter Bill Is Calculated. Your bill is calculated in the following manner: After we receive the apartment utility bill from the utility
company, we’ll divide the net total charges for electrical consumption, plus applicable tax, by the total number of KWHs to obtain an average cost per KWH.
This average KWH cost is then multiplied by your KWH consumption to obtain the charge to you. The computation of the average cost cannot include any
penalties charged by the utility to us for disconnect, reconnect, late-payment or other similar service charges.

3. What Your Submeter Bill Must Show. Your bill must show all of the following information:
(a) the date and reading of the submeter at the beginning and at the end of the period for which the bill is rendered;
(b) the number of KWHs metered;
(c) the computed rate per KWH;
(d) the total amount due for electricity;
(e) a clear and unambiguous statement that the bill is not from the utility company, which must be named in the statement;
(f) the name and address of the person to whom the bill applies;
(g) the name of the firm rendering the submetering bill and the name and title, address and telephone number of the person or persons to be contacted
in case of a billing dispute;
(h) the name, address and telephone number of the party to whom payment is to be made; and
(i) the due date and the late-payment penalty (if a late-payment penalty has been agreed to in the Lease Contract).

4. Due Date. The due date of your submeter bill is no less than seven days after issuance. A bill for submetered electricity is delinquent if it’s not received
by the party indicated on the bill by the due date. The postmark date on the envelope of the bill or on the bill itself constitutes proof of the date of issuance.
An issuance date on the bill constitutes proof of the date of issuance if there is no postmark on the envelope or bill. If the due date falls on a holiday or
weekend, the due date for payment purposes is the next work day after the original due date.

5. Late Payment Charges. A one-time penalty not to exceed 5% may be made for payment of your submetered electrical bill after the due date (i.e., for
late payment). In order for late payment penalties to be charged, the bill must indicate the amount due if paid by the due date and the amount due if the
late penalty is incurred. No late penalty may be applied unless agreed to by you in a written Lease Contract which states the exact dollar or percentage
amount of such late penalty.

6. Reconnection Fees. A reconnection fee may be charged if service to you is disconnected for nonpayment of submetered electric bills in accordance
with the Texas Property Code and PUC rules (summarized below). The reconnection fee is calculated based on our average actual cost for the expenses
associated with the reconnection, but under no circumstances may it exceed $10. No reconnect charge may be assessed unless you’ve agreed to it in a
written Lease Contract that states the exact dollar amount of the charge.

7. Additional Charges on Your Bill. We can’t impose any extra charges on you over and above those charges billed to us by the utility company. The bill
may not include a deposit, late penalty, reconnect charge, or any other charge unless otherwise provided above.

8. Our Records. We’re required to keep the following records for the current month and the preceding 12 months: (1) all electric utility bills from the utility
company; (2) all of your submeter readings; (3) our calculations on how the average KWH cost was determined for submeter billing purposes; and (4) any
testing results on the submeters if they have been tested during that time. You may examine and copy the information during reasonable business hours
at your manager’s on-site office. If there is no such on-site office, you may examine and copy the records at a mutually convenient time and place.

9. Disputes. You and we must resolve any disputes regarding how to compute your submeter bill. If a dispute arises and if an investigation is necessary,
we’re required to investigate promptly and report the results to you within 30 days.

10. Overbilling or Underbilling. If submetered billings are found to be in error, we must calculate a billing adjustment. If you are entitled to a refund, we’ll
make an adjustment for the entire period of the overcharges. If you were undercharged, we may backbill you for the amount underbilled. Any backbilling
of electric charges cannot extend back beyond six months unless we produce records to identify and justify the additional amount of backbilling. If
the underbilling is $25 or more, we must offer a deferred-payment plan option, for the same length of time as that of the underbilling. But we may not
disconnect service if you fail to pay charges arising from an underbilling more than six months before the date you were initially notified of the amount of
the undercharges and the total additional amount due. And we can’t backbill you for usage by a previous resident.

11. Discontinuance of Electric Service Prohibited. According to the Texas Property Code, Section 92.008(b), submetered, prorated or allocated
electric service provided by the landlord as an incident to tenancy or other agreement may not be disconnected or interrupted unless the interruption
results from nonpayment by a tenant of an electric bill issued to the tenant by the landlord for such electric service, bona fide repairs, construction, or an
emergency. Disconnection or interruption allowed under Section 92.008 is subject to the specific requirements in that section. Violation for disconnection
or interruption of electric service, including submetered, prorated or allocated electric service, may result in the tenant terminating the Lease Contract or
recovering possession of the premises; and, in addition to other remedies available under law, recovery of actual damages, one month’s rent plus $1,000,
reasonable attorney’s fees, and court costs, less any delinquent rents or other sums.

12. Submeter Tests. We’re required to keep records of any tests of the submetering equipment. We must, at your request, test the accuracy of your
submeter. If you wish, you may watch the test, or you can send a representative. The test must be made during reasonable business hours at a time
convenient to you if you desire to watch. If the submeter test indicates that the submeter is within the accuracy standards required by PUC rules, a charge
of up to $15 for electricity may be charged to you for making the test. But if the submeter has not been tested within a period of one year or if the submeter’s
accuracy is not within the accuracy standards required by PUC rules, no charge can be made to you for making the test. After completing any requested
test, we’ll promptly advise you of the results.

13. Penalties for Noncompliance. Both the utility companies and we are subject to enforcement under the PUC statutes, which may involve civil penalties
of up to $5,000 for each offense and criminal penalties for willful and knowing violations.

14. Complete Copy of the Rules. A complete copy of the PUC electricity submetering rules is available for you to inspect and copy at the on-site manager’s
office; or if there is no on-site office, it’s available at our street address or the management company’s street address stated on the other side of this page.
The rules cover additional subjects such as: (1) estimated bills in case of submeter malfunctions; (2) submeter accuracy requirements; (3) bill adjustments
due to a submeter malfunction; (4) bill adjustments due to conversion from all-bills-paid to submetering; (5) location of submeters; (6) submeter testing
equipment; (7) submeter testing; and (8) uniformity of submeters in the apartment complex.

Texas Apartment Association

Mold Information and Prevention Addendum

Please note: We want to maintain a high-quality living environment for our residents. To help achieve this
goal, it is important that we work together to minimize any mold growth in your dwelling. This addendum
contains important information for you, and responsibilities for both you and us.

1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the Lease Contract executed by 4. Avoiding Moisture Buildup. To avoid mold growth, it’s important to
you, the resident or residents, on the dwelling you have agreed to rent. prevent excess moisture buildup in your dwelling. Failing to promptly
attend to leaks and moisture accumulations on dwelling surfaces can
That dwelling is: Unit #  2286-V01 at
encourage mold growth, especially in places where they might get
Volara Apartments
inside walls or ceilings. Prolonged moisture can come from a wide

variety of sources, such as:

 , • rainwater leaking from roofs, windows, doors, and outside walls, as
(name of apartments) well as flood waters rising above floor level;
or other dwelling located at  • overflows from showers, bathtubs, toilets, sinks, washing machines,
 dehumidifiers, refrigerator or air-conditioner drip pans, or clogged
 air-conditioner condensation lines;
(street address of house, duplex, etc.) • leaks from plumbing lines or fixtures, and leaks into walls from bad
City/State where dwelling is located  or missing grouting or caulking around showers, bathtubs, or sinks;
 . • washing-machine hose leaks, plant-watering overflows, pet urine,
cooking spills, beverage spills, and steam from excessive open-pot
2. About Mold. Mold is found everywhere in our environment, both cooking;
indoors and outdoors and in both new and old structures. Molds are
nothing new—they are natural microscopic organisms that reproduce • leaks from clothes-dryer discharge vents (which can put a lot of
by spores. They have always been with us. In the environment, molds moisture into the air); and
break down organic matter and use the end product for food. Without • insufficient drying of carpets, carpet pads, shower walls, and
molds we would be struggling with large amounts of dead organic bathroom floors.
matter. Mold spores (like plant pollen) spread through the air and are 5. Cleaning Mold. If small areas of mold have already accumulated on
commonly transported by shoes, clothing, and other materials. There is nonporous surfaces (such as ceramic tile, formica, vinyl flooring, metal,
conflicting scientific evidence about how much mold must accumulate wood, or plastic), the Environmental Protection Agency recommends
before it creates adverse health effects on people and animals. Even so, that you first clean the areas with soap (or detergent) and water and let
we must take appropriate precautions to prevent its buildup. the surface dry thoroughly. (Applying biocides without first cleaning
3. Preventing Mold Begins with You. to minimze the potential for mold away the dirt and oils from the surface is like painting over old paint
growth in your dwelling, you must: without first cleaning and preparing the surface.) When the surface
is dry—and within 24 hours of cleaning—apply a premixed spray-
• Keep your dwelling clean—particularly the kitchen, bathroom, on household biocide such as Lysol Disinfectant®, Original Pine-Sol®
carpets, and floors. Regular vacuuming and mopping of the floors, Cleaner, Tilex Mold & Mildew Remover® or Clorox® Clean-up® Cleaner
plus cleaning hard surfaces using a household cleaner, are all + Bleach. (Note two things: First, only a few of the common household
important to remove the household dirt and debris that harbor cleaners can actually kill mold. Second, Tilex and Clorox contain bleach,
mold or food for mold. Throw away moldy food immediately. which can discolor or stain surfaces, so follow the instructions on the
• Remove visible moisture accumulations on windows, walls, ceilings, container.) Always clean and apply a biocide to an area five or six times
floors, and other surfaces as soon as reasonably possible. Look for larger than any mold you see—mold can be present but not yet visible
leaks in washing-machine hoses and discharge lines—especially if to the naked eye. A vacuum cleaner with a high-efficiency particulate
the leak is large enough for water to seep into nearby walls. If your air (HEPA) filter can be used to help remove nonvisible mold products
dwelling has them, turn on exhaust fans in the bathroom before from porous items such as fibers in sofas, chairs, drapes, and carpets—
showering and in the kitchen before cooking with open pots. provided the fibers are completely dry. Machine washing or dry-cleaning
Also when showering, keep the shower curtain inside the tub (or will remove mold from clothes.
fully close the shower doors). Experts also recommend that after
a shower or bath you (1) wipe moisture off shower walls, shower 6. Warning for Porous Surfaces and Large Surfaces. Do not clean or
doors, the bathtub, and the bathroom floor; (2) leave the bathroom apply biocides to visible mold on porous surfaces such as sheetrock
door open until all moisture on the mirrors and bathroom walls and walls or ceilings or to large areas of visible mold on nonporous surfaces.
tile surfaces has dissipated; and (3) hang up your towels and bath Instead, notify us in writing and we will take appropriate action to comply
mats so they will completely dry out. with Section 92.051 et seq. of the Texas Property Code, subject to the
special exceptions for natural disasters.
• Promptly notify us in writing about any air-conditioning or heating-
system problems you discover. Follow any of our rules about 7. Compliance. Complying with this addendum will help prevent mold
replacing air filters. It’s also good practice to open windows and growth in your dwelling, and both you and we will be able to respond
doors periodically on days when the outdoor weather is dry (i.e., correctly if problems develop that could lead to mold growth. If you have
humidity is below 50%) to help humid areas of your dwelling dry questions about this addendum, please contact us at the management
out. office or at the phone number shown in your Lease Contract.
• Promptly notify us in writing of any signs of water leaks, water If you fail to comply with this addendum, you can
infiltration, or mold. We will respond in accordance with state be held responsible for property damage to the
law and the Lease Contract to repair or remedy the situation as dwelling and any health problems that may result.
necessary. We can’t fix problems in your dwelling unless we
know about them.

Resident or Residents (all sign below) Owner or Owner’s Representative (sign below)

(Name of Resident)
Rosibeth Morales Diaz
(Name of Resident)

(Name of Resident)

(Name of Resident)

(Name of Resident)

(Name of Resident)
Your are entitled to receive a copy of this Addendum after it is fully signed. Keep it in a safe place.
TAA Official Statewide Form 15-FF, Revised January 2015
Copyright 2015, Texas Apartment Association, Inc.
Documento anexo: Informacion sobre el moho y su prevencion

Nota: Nuestro objetivo es mantener un ambiente de calidad para los residentes. Teniendo esto en cuenta, es importante
trabajar juntos para minimizar el crecimiento de moho en su vivienda. Por eso este documento anexo contiene
información importante sobre sus responsabilidades y las nuestras.

1. Documento anexo. Este es un documento anexo al Contrato de 4. Para evitar el crecimiento de moho, es importante prevenir la
arrendamiento firmado por usted(es), el/los residente(s) en la vivienda acumulación de humedad excesiva en su vivienda. La falta de atención
que ha(n) convenido en arrendar. Dicha vivienda es: inmediata a las pérdidas de agua o a la acumulación de humedad en las
superficies de la vivienda, a la humedad que se filtra en las paredes o en
Apartamento N.o  en
los cielorasos, puede estimular el crecimiento de moho. La acumulación

de humedad puede provenir de varias fuentes, tales como:

 • agua de lluvia que gotea de techos, ventanas, puertas y paredes
 , externas, al igual que el agua de inundaciones que sube sobre el
(nombre del conjunto de apartamentos) nivel del piso;
u otra vivienda situada en  • agua que rebalsa de las duchas, bañeras, excusados, lavatorios, tinas,
 máquinas lavadoras, deshumificadores, recipientes de descarga de
 refrigeradores o de aparatos de aire acondicionado o de mangueras
(dirección de la casa, dúplex, etc., con el nombre de la calle) de condensación tapadas;
Ciudad/estado donde está situada la vivienda  • pérdidas de agua provenientes de las cañerías o de los sanitarios,
 . pérdidas de agua hacia las paredes provenientes de selladuras
faltantes o deterioradas alrededor de las duchas, bañeras o tinas;
2. Información sobre moho. El moho se encuentra virtualmente en todo • pérdidas en mangueras de lavadoras, agua de riego de plantas,
el medio ambiente, tanto en el interior como en el exterior y tanto en orina de animales, derrames en la cocina, derrame de bebidas y
estructuras viejas como nuevas. El moho, que existe por naturaleza, vapor excesivo en la cocina;
está formado por organismos microscópicos que se reproducen por
esporas y han existido siempre. Toda la vida hemos estado rodeados • pérdidas provenientes de la descarga en secadoras de ropa (que
de esporas de moho. El moho degrada el material orgánico del medio pueden inyectar humedad excesiva en el aire); y
ambiente y utiliza el producto final como alimento. Si no existiera • secado defi ciente de alfombras, felpudos, paredes de ducha y pisos
el moho, tendríamos que lidiar con grandes cantidades de material de baño.
orgánico muerto. 5. Control de moho. Si ya existen pequeñas áreas de moho en superficies
Las esporas de moho (como el polen de las plantas), se esparcen por el no porosas (como azulejos, formica, pisos vinílicos, metal, madera
aire y son habitualmente transportadas en los zapatos, la ropa y otros o plástico), la Agencia Federal de Protección del Medio Ambiente
materiales. Cuando hay exceso de humedad dentro de una vivienda, el (Environmental Protection Agency, EPA) recomienda limpiar primero
moho puede crecer. La evidencia científi ca es contradictoria respecto las áreas afectadas con agua y jabón (o detergente), dejar secar y dentro
a qué cantidad de moho es sufi ciente para producir efectos adversos de las 24 horas siguientes, colocar un biocida desinfectante de uso
en la salud. De todas maneras, se deben tomar ciertas precauciones. doméstico ya mexclado, en spray como Lysol Desinfectant®, Original
Pine-Sol® Cleaner, Tilex Mold & Mildew Remover® o Clorox Clean-up®
3. La prevención comienza por casa. Para minimizar el potencial de Cleaner + Bleach. (Nota: Son pocos los limpiadores domésticos comunes
crecimiento de moho en su vivienda, usted debe hacer lo siguiente: que realmente destruyen el moho). El Tilex® y el Clorox® contienen
• Mantener limpia la vivienda, especialmente la cocina, el/los baño/s, cloro y pueden causar manchas o decoloración. Asegúrese de seguir
las alfombras y los pisos. Para quitar la suciedad y los depósitos las instrucciones del envase. Colocar biocidas sobre una superficie sin
que albergan el moho o que le sirven de alimento, es importante limpiar primero la suciedad y la grasa es como pintar sobre pintura vieja
limpiar regularmente, pasar la aspiradora, el trapo de pisos y sin haber preparado previamente la superficie.
utilizar limpiadores domésticos para superficies duras. Deshacerse Siempre aplique el biocida sobre una superficie 5 a 6 veces mayor que
inmediatamente de alimentos enmohecidos. la mancha de moho, ya que puede haber moho aún no visible. Se pu-
• Secar la humedad visible acumulada en las ventanas, paredes, ede utilizar una aspiradora con un filtro de partículas de alta eficiencia
cielorasos, pisos y otras superfi cies, lo antes posible. Buscar (HEPA) para quitar el moho no visible de superficies porosas, como
pérdidas de agua de las mangueras de máquinas lavadoras y en las fibras de sofás, sillas, cortinas y alfombras, siempre y cuando las fibras
descargas, especialmente si la pérdida es lo sufi cientemente grande estén completamente secas. El lavado en máquina o la limpieza a seco
como para infiltrar las paredes cercanas. Encender los ventiladores de textiles son suficientes para deshacerse del moho.
de extracción del baño y de la cocina antes de empezar a bañarse
o cocinar con trastes sin tapa. Al ducharse, mantener la cortina de 6. No limpie ni aplique biocidas en: (1) el moho visible en superficies
ducha dentro de la bañera o cerrar bien la puerta corrediza de la porosas, tales como cielorasos o paredes de placa de yeso, ni (2)
ducha. Después del baño o ducha, los expertos recomiendan: (1) grandes áreas de moho visible, en superficies no porosas. En tales
pasar un trapo para secar la humedad de las paredes, las puertas, casos, notifíquenos por escrito y nosotros investigaremos y tomaremos
la bañera y el piso; (2) dejar la puerta del baño abierta hasta que las medidas adecuadas, en cumplimiento con la Sección 92.051 et seq
se haya secado toda la humedad restante en los espejos, paredes del Código de Propiedades de Texas, sujeto a excepciones especiales
y azulejos; y (3) colgar las toallas y tapetes de baño para que se en caso de desastres naturales.
sequen completamente. 7. Cumplimiento. . Cumplir con las recomendaciones de este anexo,
• Notificarnos inmediatamente por escrito cualquier problema de nos ayudará a prevenir el crecimiento de moho en su vivienda y a
aire acondicionado o calefacción. Siga nuestras instrucciones responder correctamente, si surgen problemas que puedan conducir
para cambiar filtros de aire acondicionado, cuando corresponda. al crecimiento de moho. Si tiene preguntas con respecto a este anexo,
Además, le recomendamos abrir periódicamente las ventanas y por favor diríjase a la oficina de administración o llame al número de
puertas en días en que el aire exterior es seco (por ejemplo, cuando teléfono en su Contrato de arrendamiento.
la humedad es inferior a 50 por ciento) para ayudar a secar las zonas Si usted(es) no cumple(n) con las disposiciones de este anexo,
húmedas de su vivienda. puede(n) ser responsable(s) de daños ocurridos a la propiedad
• Notificarnos inmediatamente por escrito si encuentra señales y de los problemas de salud que pudieran resultar. No podemos
de pérdida de agua, infiltración o moho. Responderemos en resolver los problemas en su vivienda si no sabemos que existan.
cumplimiento con derecho estatal y el Contrato de arrendamiento
para reparar o remediar la situación, según sea necesario.

Todas las partes deben firmar únicamente la versión en inglés.

La traducción al español se le(s) da con fin exclusivamente informativo.

Usted(es) tiene(n) derecho a recibir un original de este Documento anexo: información sobre el moho y su prevención,
una vez que haya sido firmado por todas las partes. Guárde(n) su copia en un lugar seguro.

Formulario oficial 15-FF de la TAA para aplicación en todo el estado, revisado en enero de 2015
Derechos de autor registrados en 2015 a favor de la Texas Apartment Association, Inc.
Security Guidelines for Residents

1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the Lease Contract • Always be aware of your surroundings and avoid areas that
(”Lease”) executed by you, the resident(s), on the dwelling are not well-traveled or well-lit.
you have agreed to rent. That dwelling is: • Keep your keys handy at all times when walking to your car
Apt. #
2286-V01 at Volara Apartments or home.
 • Do not go inside if you arrive home and find your door
 open. Call the police from another location and ask them
 to meet you before entering.
(name of apartments) • Make sure door locks, window latches and sliding glass
doors are properly secured at all times.
or other dwelling located at 
 • Use the keyless deadbolt on your unit when you are at
(street address of house, duplex, etc.) • Don’t put your name or address on your key ring or hide
City/State where dwelling is located  extra keys in obvious places, like under a flower pot. If you
 . lose a key or have concerns about key safety, we will rekey
your locks at your expense, in accordance with paragraph
2. Security Guidelines. We disclaim any express or implied 11 of the Lease.
warranties of security. We care about your safety and that of
other occupants and guests. No security system is failsafe. • Check the door viewer before answering the door. Don’t
Even the best system can’t prevent crime. Always act as open the door if you don’t know the person or have any
if security systems don’t exist since they are subject to doubts. Children who are old enough to take care of
malfunction, tampering, and human error. The best safety themselves should never let anyone inside when home
measures are the ones you perform as a matter of common without an adult.
sense and habit. • Regularly check your security devices, smoke alarms and
Inform all other occupants in your dwelling, including other detection devices to make sure they are working
any children you may have, about these guidelines. We properly. Alarm and detection device batteries should be
recommend that all residents and occupants use common tested monthly and replaced at least twice a year.
sense and follow crime prevention tips, such as those listed • Immediately report in writing (dated and signed) to us any
below: needed repairs of security devices, doors, windows, smoke
• In case of emergency, call 911. Always report emergencies alarms and other detection devices , as well as any other
to authorities first and then contact the management. malfunctioning safety devices on the property, such as
broken access gates, burned out exterior lights, etc.
• Report any suspicious activity to the police first, and then
follow up with a written notice to us.
• Know your neighbors. Watching out for each other is one
of the best defenses against crime.

Resident or Residents (all sign below) Owner or Owner’s Representative (sign below)

(Name of Resident)
Rosibeth Morales Diaz
(Name of Resident)

(Name of Resident)

(Name of Resident)

(Name of Resident)

(Name of Resident)

Your are entitled to receive a copy of this Addendum after it is fully signed. Keep it in a safe place.

TAA Official Statewide Form 15-M, Revised January, 2015

Copyright 2015, Texas Apartment Association, Inc.
Normas de seguridad para residentes—Anexo

1. Anexo. Esto es un anexo al Contrato de arrendamiento firmado • Trate de conocer a sus vecinos. El cuidado mutuo es una de
por usted(es), el/los residente(s), para la vivienda que ha(n) las mejores defensas contra el crimen.
convenido en arrendar. Dicha vivienda es: • Observe siempre con atención sus alrededores y evite
Apartamento N.º en  áreas poco concurridas o mal iluminadas.
 • Tenga sus llaves a mano cuando se dirija hacia su carro o su
 , • No entre a su apartamento si al legar encuentra la puerta
(nombre del conjunto de apartamentos) abierta. Llame a la policía desde otro lugar y pida que lo
u otra vivienda que se encuentra en  acompañe para entrar.
 • Verifique que las cerraduras, trabas y puertas corredizas
 estén siempre bien cerradas.
(dirección de la casa, el duplex, etc.)
• Coloque el pestillo cuando se encuentre en su casa.
Ciudad/Estado donde se encuentra la vivienda 
 . • No coloque su nombre y dirección en su llavero ni esconda
llaves en lugares obvios, como debajo de una maceta.
2. Normas de seguridad. No nos hacemos responsables de Si usted pierde sus llaves o le preocupa la seguridad
ninguna garantía de seguridad, sea expresa o implícita. Nos en referencia a sus llaves, podemos cambiar el cerrojo
importa la seguridad de usted(es) y de los otros ocupantes y a su cargo, según las disposiciones del párrafo 9 de este
huéspedes. Usted(es) consta(n) que hará(n) todo lo posible Contrato.
por cumplir con toda norma de seguridad que esté adjunta
a este Contrato. Ningún sistema de seguridad es infalible. • Antes de abrir la puerta, verifi que por la mirilla quién llama.
Ni el mejor sistema puede prevenir el crimen. Compórtese No abra si no conoce a la persona o si tiene dudas. Los niños
siempre como si dichos sistemas no existieran, puesto que con edad para quedarse solos, nunca deben dejar entrar a
están siempre expuestos a fallas mecánicas, alteración nadie si no hay un adulto presente.
delictiva intencional y errores humanos. Las mejores medidas • 
Verifique con regularidad el funcionamiento de los
de seguridad son las que usted(es) mismo(s) toma(n) de dispositivos de seguridad y todos los detectores, sea de
costumbre y con sentido común. humo o de otra cosa. Se debe verifi car las pilas de los
Haga conocer estas normas de seguridad a todos los detectores mensualmente y reemplazarlas dos veces al
ocupantes de su vivienda, incluyendo a los niños. año como mínimo.
Recomendamos que todos los residentes y ocupantes usen • Notifique a la gerencia por escrito (fechado y firmado) e
su sentido común y sigan consejos como los siguientes para inmediatamente cuando se necesite hacer reparaciones
prevenir la delincuencia: en dispositivos de seguridad, en puertas y ventanas, en
• En caso de emergencia, llame al 911. Llame primero a las detectores de humo o de otro tipo y en todo otro dispositivo
autoridades pertinentes y después a la gerencia. de seguridad que no funcione bien en la propiedad, como
portones de acceso, luces exteriores, etc.
• Notifique toda conducta sospechosa primero a la policía y
luego por escrito a la gerencia.

Todas las partes deben firmar únicamente la versión en inglés.

La traducción al español se le(s) da con fin exclusivamente informativo.

Usted(es) tiene(n) derecho a recibir una copia de este documento una vez
que haya sido debidamente firmado por todas las partes. Guarde(n) su copia en un lugar seguro.

Formulario Estatal Oficial 15-M de la TAA, revisado en octubre del 2015

Derechos de autor registrados en 2015 a favor de la Texas Apartment Association, Inc.
Asbestos Addendum

1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the Lease Contract 3. Federal Recommendations. The United States Environmental
executed by you, the resident(s), on the dwelling you have Protection Agency (EPA) has determined that the mere
agreed to rent. That dwelling is: presence of asbestos materials does not pose a health risk to
Apt. #
2286-V01 at Volara Apartments residents and that such materials are safe so long as they are
 not dislodged or disturbed in a manner that causes the asbestos
 fibers to be released. Disturbances include sanding, scraping,
 pounding, or other techniques that produce dust and cause
 , the asbestos particles to become airborne. The EPA does not
(name of apartments) require that intact asbestos materials be removed. Instead,
the law simply requires that we take reasonable precautions
or other dwelling located at  to minimize the chance of damage or disturbance of those

(street address of house, duplex, etc.) 4. Community Policies and Rules. You, your families, other
occupants, and guests must not disturb or attach anything to
City/State where dwelling is located  the walls, ceilings, fl oor tiles, or insulation behind the walls or
 . ceilings in your dwelling unless specifi cally allowed in owner’s
2. Asbestos. In most dwellings which were built prior to 1981, rules or community policies that are separately attached to this
asbestos was commonly used as a construction material. In Lease Contract. The foregoing prevails over other provisions
various parts of your dwelling, asbestos materials may have of the Lease Contract to the contrary. Please report any ceiling
been used in the original construction or in renovations prior leaks to management promptly so that pieces of acoustical
to the enactment of federal laws which limit asbestos in certain ceiling material or ceiling tiles do not fall to the fl oor and get
construction materials. disturbed by people walking on the fallen material.

Resident or Residents (all sign below) Owner or Owner’s Representative (sign below)

(Name of Resident)
Rosibeth Morales Diaz
(Name of Resident)

(Name of Resident)

(Name of Resident)

(Name of Resident)

(Name of Resident)

Your are entitled to receive a copy of this Addendum after it is fully signed. Keep it in a safe place.

TAA Official Statewide Form 15-Y, Revised January, 2015.

Copyright 2015, Texas Apartment Association, Inc.
Anexo sobre el asbesto

1. Anexo. Esto es un anexo al Contrato de arrendamiento 3. Recomendaciones federales. La Agencia Estadounidense

firmado por usted(es), el/los residente(s), para la vivienda que de Protección del Medio Ambiente (la EPA) ha determinado
ha(n) convenido en arrendar. Dicha vivienda es: que la mera presencia de materiales de asbesto no representa
Apartamento N.o en  un peligro para la salud de los residentes y que dichos materiales
 son seguros siempre que no sean quitados ni tratados de tal
 manera que se escapen las fibras de asbesto. Tales escapes
 , resultan al pulir, lijar, rascar, golpear o tratar los materiales de
(nombre del conjunto de apartamentos) otro modo que produce polvo y suelta las fibras al aire. La EPA
no requiere que se retiren los materiales de asbesto que estén
u otra vivienda que se encuentra en  en buenas condiciones. Al contrario, la ley simplemente
 requiere que tomemos precauciones razonables para
 minimizar la posibilidad de dañar o molestar dichos
(dirección de la casa, el duplex, etc.) materiales.
Ciudad/Estado donde se encuentra la vivienda  4. Reglas y politicas comunitarias. Ni usted(es), ni sus familias,
 . ni otros residentes, ni huéspedes deben alterar ni poner nada
2. El asbesto. En la mayoría de las viviendas construídas antes en las paredes, los techos, las baldosas del suelo ni en el aislante
de 1981, se usaba mucho el asbesto como material de detrás de las paredes o de los cielorasos de su vivienda, a
construcción. Es posible que en partes de su vivienda se hayan menos que sea específi camente permitido por las reglas del
usado materiales de asbesto, sea en la construcción original o propietario o las políticas comunitarias adjuntas por separado
en las renovaciones llevadas a cabo antes de la promulgación a este Contrato de arrendamiento. Lo antedicho reina por
de leyes federales que limitan el asbesto en ciertos materiales encima de otras disposiciones del Contrato de arrendamiento
de construcción. que digan lo contrario. Favor de informar a la administración
sin demora sobre agua que entra por el techo, de manera que
los materiales del techo acústico no caigan al suelo donde
podrían soltar partículas de asbesto al ser pisados.

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Formulario Estatal Oficial 15-Y de la TAA, revisado en enero del 2015

Derechos de autor registrados en 2015 a favor de la, Texas Apartment Association, Inc.

1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the

Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,
Texas. The terms of this addendum will control if the terms of the Lease and this addendum conflict.
2. Reason for allocation. When water and wastewater bills are paid 100 percent by the property owner, residents have
no incentive to conserve water. This results in a waste of our state’s natural resources and adds to the overhead of the
property—and that usually means higher rents. Allocation of water bills saves money for residents because it encourages
them to conserve water and wastewater. We as owners also have incentive to conserve because we are required by law to
pay a portion of the total water bill(s) for the entire apartment community.
3. Your payment due date. Payment of your allocated water/wastewater bill is due 16 days after the date it is postmarked
or hand delivered to your apartment. You agree to mail or deliver payment to the place indicated on your bill so that payment
is received no later than the due date. You will pay a late charge of 5 percent of your water/wastewater bill if we don’t receive
timely payment. If you are late in paying the water bill, we may not cut off your water; but we may immediately exercise all
other lawful remedies, including eviction—just like late payment of rent.
4. Allocation procedures. Your monthly rent under the TAA Lease Contract does not include a charge for water and
wastewater. Instead, you will be receiving a separate bill from us each month for such utilities. We may include this item as
a separate and distinct charge as part of a multi-item bill. We will allocate the monthly mastermeter water/wastewater bill(s)
for the apartment community, based on an allocation method approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) and
described below.
The allocation method that we will use in calculating your bill is noted below and described in the following subdivision of
Section 24.281 of the PUC rules (check only one):
q subdivision (i) actual occupancy;
q subdivision (ii) ratio occupancy (PUC average for number of occupants in unit);
X subdivision (iii) average occupancy (PUC average for number of bedrooms in unit);
q subdivision (iv)combination of actual occupancy and square feet of the apartment; or
q subdivision (v) submetered hot/cold water, ratio to total.
The normal date on which the utility company sends its monthly bill to us for the water/wastewater mastermeter is about
1 day of the month. Within 10 days thereafter, we will try to allocate that mastermeter bill among our residents by
allocated billings.
5. Common area deduction. We will calculate your allocated share of the mastermetered water/wastewater bill according
to PUC rules. Before calculating your portion of the bill, we will deduct for irrigation of landscaping and all other common area
uses, as required by PUC rules. We will also deduct for any utility company base charges and customer service charges
so that you won’t be paying any part of such charges for vacant units. No administrative or other fees will be added to the
total mastermeter water/wastewater bill(s) to be allocated unless expressly allowed by PUC rules. No other amounts will be
included in the bill except your unpaid balances and any late fees you incur. If we fail to pay our mastermeter bill to the utility
company on time and incur penalties or interest, no portion of such amounts will be included in your bill.
6. Change of allocation formula. The above allocation formula for determining your share of the mastermetered water/
wastewater bill cannot be changed except as follows: (1) the new formula is one approved by the PUC; (2) you receive notice
of the new formula at least 35 days before it takes effect; and (3) you agree to the change in a signed lease renewal or signed
mutual agreement.
7. Previous average. As required under PUC rules, you are notified that the average monthly bill for all dwelling units in
the previous calendar year was $ per unit, varying from $ to $ for the lowest
to highest month’s bills for any unit in the apartment community for this period, if such information is available. The above
amounts do not reflect future changes in utility company water rates, weather variations, total water consumption, residents’
water consumption habits, etc.
8. Right to examine records. During regular weekday office hours, you may examine: (1) our water/wastewater bills from
the utility company; (2) our calculations of your monthly allocations; and (3) any other information available to you under PUC
rules. Please give us reasonable advance notice to gather the data. Any disputes relating to the computation of your bill will
be between you and us.
9. PUC. Water allocation billing is regulated by the PUC. A copy of the rules is attached. This addendum complies with those
10. Conservation efforts. We agree to use our best efforts to repair any water leaks inside or outside your apartment no later
than 7 days after learning of them. You agree to use your best efforts to conserve water and notify us of leaks.

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Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
Rosibeth Morales Diaz




Texas Apartment Association

Water allocation and submetering is regulated by the Texas Public Utility Commission (PUC). In
accordance with PUC rules, a copy of the applicable rules is provided to you below:
SUBCHAPTER I: WATER UTILITY SUBMETERING AND ALLOCATION submetered water utility service; water utility service measured by point-of-
use submeters when all of the water used in a dwelling unit is measured
§ 24.275. General Rules and Definitions and totaled; or wastewater utility service based on total water use as
measured by point-of-use submeters.
(a) Purpose and scope. The provisions of this subchapter are intended to
establish a comprehensive regulatory system to assure that the practices (15) Tenant--A person who owns or is entitled to occupy a dwelling unit or
involving submetered and allocated billing of dwelling units and multiple use multiple use facility unit to the exclusion of others and, if rent is paid, who
facilities for water and sewer utility service are just and reasonable and is obligated to pay for the occupancy under a written or oral rental
include appropriate safeguards for tenants. agreement.
(b) Application. The provisions of this subchapter apply to apartment houses, (16) Undercharge--The amount, if any, a tenant is charged for submetered
condominiums, multiple use facilities, and manufactured home rental or nonsubmetered master metered utility service to the tenant's dwelling
communities billing for water and wastewater utility service on a submetered unit less than the amount the tenant would have been charged under this
or allocated basis. The provisions of this subchapter do not limit the authority subchapter. Undercharge and Underbilling have the same meaning.
of an owner, operator, or manager of an apartment house, manufactured (17) Utility costs--Any amount charged to the owner by a retail public utility
home rental community, or multiple use facility to charge, bill for, or collect for water or wastewater service. Utility Costs and Utility Service Costs have
rent, an assessment, an administrative fee, a fee relating to upkeep or the same meaning.
management of chilled water, boiler, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, or (18) Utility service--For purposes of this subchapter, utility service includes
other building system, or any other amount that is unrelated to water and only drinking water and wastewater.
sewer utility service costs.
(c) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, § 24.277. Owner Registration and Records
have the defined meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(a) Registration. An owner who intends to bill tenants for submetered or
(1) Allocated utility service--Water or wastewater utility service that is allocated utility service or who changes the method used to bill tenants for
master metered to an owner by a retail public utility and allocated to tenants utility service shall register with the commission in a form prescribed by the
by the owner. commission.
(2) Apartment house--A building or buildings containing five or more (b) Water quantity measurement. Except as provided by subsections (c) and
dwelling units that are occupied primarily for nontransient use, including a (d) of this section, a manager of a condominium or the owner of an apartment
residential condominium whether rented or owner occupied, and if a house, manufactured home rental community, or multiple use facility, on
dwelling unit is rented, having rent paid at intervals of one month or more. which construction began after January 1, 2003, shall provide for the
(3) Condominium manager--A condominium unit owners' association measurement of the quantity of water, if any, consumed by the occupants of
organized under Texas Property Code §82.101, or an incorporated or each unit through the installation of:
unincorporated entity comprising the council of owners under Chapter 81, (1) submeters, owned by the property owner or manager, for each dwelling
Property Code. Condominium Manager and Manager of a Condominium unit or rental unit; or
have the same meaning.
(2) individual meters, owned by the retail public utility, for each dwelling
(4) Customer service charge--A customer service charge is a rate that is unit or rental unit.
not dependent on the amount of water used through the master meter.
(c) Plumbing system requirement. An owner of an apartment house on which
(5) Dwelling unit--One or more rooms in an apartment house or construction began after January 1, 2003, and that provides government
condominium, suitable for occupancy as a residence, and containing assisted or subsidized rental housing to low or very low income residents shall
kitchen and bathroom facilities; a unit in a multiple use facility; or a install a plumbing system in the apartment house that is compatible with the
manufactured home in a manufactured home rental community. installation of submeters for the measurement of the quantity of water, if any,
(6) Dwelling unit base charge--A flat rate or fee charged by a retail public consumed by the occupants of each unit.
utility for each dwelling unit recorded by the retail public utility. (d) Installation of individual meters. On the request by the property owner or
(7) Manufactured home rental community--A property on which spaces are manager, a retail public utility shall install individual meters owned by the
rented for the occupancy of manufactured homes for nontransient utility in an apartment house, manufactured home rental community, multiple
residential use and for which rental is paid at intervals of one month or use facility, or condominium on which construction began after January 1,
longer. 2003, unless the retail public utility determines that installation of meters is
(8) Master meter--A meter used to measure, for billing purposes, all water not feasible. If the retail public utility determines that installation of meters is
usage of an apartment house, condominium, multiple use facility, or not feasible, the property owner or manager shall install a plumbing system
manufactured home rental community, including common areas, common that is compatible with the installation of submeters or individual meters. A
facilities, and dwelling units. retail public utility may charge reasonable costs to install individual meters.
(9) Multiple use facility--A commercial or industrial park, office complex, or (e) Records. The owner shall make the following records available for
marina with five or more units that are occupied primarily for nontransient inspection by the tenant or the commission or commission staff at the on-site
use and are rented at intervals of one month or longer. manager's office during normal business hours in accordance with subsection
(g) of this section. The owner may require that the request by the tenant be
(10) Occupant--A tenant or other person authorized under a written in writing and include:
agreement to occupy a dwelling.
(1) a current and complete copy of TWC, Chapter 13, Subchapter M;
(11) Overcharge--The amount, if any, a tenant is charged for submetered
or nonsubmetered master metered utility service to the tenant's dwelling (2) a current and complete copy of this subchapter;
unit after a violation occurred relating to the assessment of a portion of (3) a current copy of the retail public utility's rate structure applicable to the
utility costs in excess of the amount the tenant would have been charged owner's bill;
under this subchapter. Overcharge and Overbilling have the same (4) information or tips on how tenants can reduce water usage;
(5) the bills from the retail public utility to the owner;
(12) Owner--The legal titleholder of an apartment house, a manufactured
home rental community, or a multiple use facility; and any individual, firm, (6) for allocated billing:
or corporation expressly identified in the lease agreement as the landlord (A) the formula, occupancy factors, if any, and percentages used to
of tenants in the apartment house, manufactured home rental community, calculate tenant bills;
or multiple use facility. The term does not include the manager of an (B) the total number of occupants or equivalent occupants if an
apartment home unless the manager is expressly identified as the landlord equivalency factor is used under §24.281(e)(2) of this title (relating to
in the lease agreement. Charges and Calculations); and
(13) Point-of-use submeter--A device located in a plumbing system to (C) the square footage of the tenant's dwelling unit or rental space and
measure the amount of water used at a specific point of use, fixture, or the total square footage of the apartment house, manufactured home
appliance, including a sink, toilet, bathtub, or clothes washer. rental community, or multiple use facility used for billing if dwelling unit
(14) Submetered utility service--Water utility service that is master metered size or rental space is used;
for the owner by the retail public utility and individually metered by the (7) for submetered billing:
owner at each dwelling unit; wastewater utility service based on
(A) the calculation of the average cost per gallon, liter, or cubic foot; (e) Waiver of tenant rights prohibited. A rental agreement provision that
(B) if the unit of measure of the submeters or point-of-use submeters purports to waive a tenant's rights or an owner's responsibilities under this
differs from the unit of measure of the master meter, a chart for subchapter is void.
converting the tenant's submeter measurement to that used by the retail
§ 24.281. Charges and Calculations
public utility;
(C) all submeter readings; and (a) Prohibited charges. Charges billed to tenants for submetered or allocated
(D) all submeter test results; utility service may only include bills for water or wastewater from the retail
public utility and must not include any fees billed to the owner by the retail
(8) the total amount billed to all tenants each month;
public utility for any deposit, disconnect, reconnect, late payment, or other
(9) total revenues collected from the tenants each month to pay for water similar fees.
and wastewater service; and
(b) Dwelling unit base charge. If the retail public utility's rate structure includes
(10) any other information necessary for a tenant to calculate and verify a a dwelling unit base charge, the owner shall bill each dwelling unit for the
water and wastewater bill. base charge applicable to that unit. The owner may not bill tenants for any
(f) Records retention. Each of the records required under subsection (e) of dwelling unit base charges applicable to unoccupied dwelling units.
this section shall be maintained for the current year and the previous calendar (c) Customer service charge. If the retail public utility's rate structure includes
year, except that all submeter test results shall be maintained until the a customer service charge, the owner shall bill each dwelling unit the amount
submeter is permanently removed from service. of the customer service charge divided by the total number of dwelling units,
(g) Availability of records. including vacant units, that can receive service through the master meter
serving the tenants.
(1) If the records required under subsection (e) of this section are
maintained at the on-site manager's office, the owner shall make the (d) Calculations for submetered utility service. The tenant's submetered
records available for inspection at the on-site manager's office within three charges must include the dwelling unit base charge and customer service
days after receiving a written request. charge, if applicable, and the gallonage charge and must be calculated each
month as follows:
(2) If the records required under subsection (e) of this section are not
routinely maintained at the on-site manager's office, the owner shall (1) water utility service: the retail public utility's total monthly charges for
provide copies of the records to the on-site manager within 15 days of water service (less dwelling unit base charges or customer service
receiving a written request from a tenant or the commission or commission charges, if applicable), divided by the total monthly water consumption
staff. measured by the retail public utility to obtain an average water cost per
gallon, liter, or cubic foot, multiplied by the tenant's monthly consumption
(3) If there is no on-site manager, the owner shall make copies of the
or the volumetric rate charged by the retail public utility to the owner
records available at the tenant's dwelling unit at a time agreed upon by the
multiplied by the tenant's monthly water consumption;
tenant within 30 days of the owner receiving a written request from the
tenant. (2) wastewater utility service: the retail public utility's total monthly charges
for wastewater service (less dwelling unit base charges or customer
(4) Copies of the records may be provided by mail if postmarked by
service charges, if applicable), divided by the total monthly water
midnight of the last day specified in paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of this
consumption measured by the retail public utility, multiplied by the tenant's
monthly consumption or the volumetric wastewater rate charged by the
§ 24.279. Rental Agreement retail public utility to the owner multiplied by the tenant's monthly water
(a) Rental agreement content. The rental agreement between the owner and (3) service charge for manufactured home rental community or the owner
tenant shall clearly state in writing: or manager of apartment house: a manufactured home rental community
(1) the tenant will be billed by the owner for submetered or allocated utility or apartment house may charge a service charge in an amount not to
services, whichever is applicable; exceed 9% of the tenant's charge for submetered water and wastewater
service, except when;
(2) which utility services will be included in the bill issued by the owner;
(A) the resident resides in a unit of an apartment house that has received
(3) any disputes relating to the computation of the tenant's bill or the an allocation of low income housing tax credits under Texas
accuracy of any submetering device will be between the tenant and the Government Code, Chapter 2306, Subchapter DD; or
(B) the apartment resident receives tenant-based voucher assistance
(4) the average monthly bill for all dwelling units in the previous calendar under United States Housing Act of 1937 Section 8, (42 United States
year and the highest and lowest month's bills for that period; Code, §1437f); and
(5) if not submetered, a clear description of the formula used to allocate (4) final bill on move-out for submetered service: if a tenant moves out
utility services; during a billing period, the owner may calculate a final bill for the tenant
(6) information regarding billing such as meter reading dates, billing dates, before the owner receives the bill for that period from the retail public utility.
and due dates; If the owner is billing using the average water or wastewater cost per
(7) the period of time by which owner will repair leaks in the tenant's unit gallon, liter, or cubic foot as described in paragraph (1) of this subsection,
and in common areas, if common areas are not submetered; the owner may calculate the tenant's bill by calculating the tenant's average
volumetric rate for the last three months and multiplying that average
(8) the tenant has the right to receive information from the owner to verify volumetric rate by the tenant's consumption for the billing period.
the utility bill; and
(e) Calculations for allocated utility service.
(9) for manufactured home rental communities and apartment houses, the
service charge percentage permitted under §24.281(d)(3) of this title (1) Before an owner may allocate the retail public utility's master meter bill
(relating to Charges and Calculations) that will be billed to tenants. for water and sewer service to the tenants, the owner shall first deduct:
(b) Requirement to provide rules. At the time a rental agreement is discussed, (A) dwelling unit base charges or customer service charge, if applicable;
the owner shall provide a copy of this subchapter or a copy of the rules to the and
tenant to inform the tenant of his rights and the owner's responsibilities under (B) common area usage such as installed landscape irrigation systems,
this subchapter. pools, and laundry rooms, if any, as follows:
(c) Tenant agreement to billing method changes. An owner shall not change (i) if all common areas are separately metered or submetered, deduct
the method by which a tenant is billed unless the tenant has agreed to the the actual common area usage;
change by signing a lease or other written agreement. The owner shall (ii) if common areas that are served through the master meter that
provide notice of the proposed change at least 35 days prior to implementing provides water to the dwelling units are not separately metered or
the new method. submetered and there is an installed landscape irrigation system,
(d) Change from submetered to allocated billing. An owner shall not change deduct at least 25% of the retail public utility's master meter bill;
from submetered billing to allocated billing, except after receiving written (iii) if all water used for an installed landscape irrigation system is
approval from the commission after a demonstration of good cause and if the metered or submetered and there are other common areas such as
rental agreement requirements under subsections (a), (b), and (c) of this pools or laundry rooms that are not metered or submetered, deduct
section have been met. Good cause may include: at least 5% of the retail public utility's master meter bill; or
(1) equipment failures; or (iv) if common areas that are served through the master meter that
(2) meter reading or billing problems that could not feasibly be corrected. provides water to the dwelling units are not separately metered or
submetered and there is no installed landscape irrigation system, (2) install submeters and begin billing on a submetered basis; or
deduct at least 5% of the retail public utility's master meter bill. (3) discontinue billing for utility services.
(2) To calculate a tenant's bill:
§ 24.283. Billing
(A) for an apartment house, the owner shall multiply the amount
established in paragraph (1) of this subsection by: (a) Monthly billing of total charges. The owner shall bill the tenant each month
(i) the number of occupants in the tenant's dwelling unit divided by the for the total charges calculated under §24.281 of this title (relating to Charges
total number of occupants in all dwelling units at the beginning of the and Calculations). If it is permitted in the rental agreement, an occupant or
month for which bills are being rendered; or occupants who are not residing in the rental unit for a period longer than 30
(ii) the number of occupants in the tenant's dwelling unit using a ratio days may be excluded from the occupancy calculation and from paying a
occupancy formula divided by the total number of occupants in all water and sewer bill for that period.
dwelling units at the beginning of the retail public utility's billing period (b) Rendering bill.
using the same ratio occupancy formula to determine the total. The (1) Allocated bills shall be rendered as promptly as possible after the owner
ratio occupancy formula will reflect what the owner believes more receives the retail public utility bill.
accurately represents the water use in units that are occupied by
multiple tenants. The ratio occupancy formula that is used must (2) Submeter bills shall be rendered as promptly as possible after the
assign a fractional portion per tenant of no less than that on the owner receives the retail public utility bill or according to the time schedule
following scale: in the rental agreement if the owner is billing using the retail public utility's
(I) dwelling unit with one occupant = 1;
(c) Submeter reading schedule. Submeters or point-of-use submeters shall
(II) dwelling unit with two occupants = 1.6; be read within three days of the scheduled reading date of the retail public
(III) dwelling unit with three occupants = 2.2; or utility's master meter or according to the schedule in the rental agreement if
(IV) dwelling unit with more than three occupants = 2.2 + 0.4 per the owner is billing using the retail public utility's rate.
each additional occupant over three; or (d) Billing period.
(iii) the average number of occupants per bedroom, which shall be (1) Allocated bills shall be rendered for the same billing period as that of
determined by the following occupancy formula. The formula must the retail public utility, generally monthly, unless service is provided for less
calculate the average number of occupants in all dwelling units based than that period.
on the number of bedrooms in the dwelling unit according to the scale (2) Submeter bills shall be rendered for the same billing period as that of
below, notwithstanding the actual number of occupants in each of the the retail public utility, generally monthly, unless service is provided for less
dwelling unit's bedrooms or all dwelling units: than that period. If the owner uses the retail public utility's actual rate, the
(I) dwelling unit with an efficiency = 1; billing period may be an alternate billing period specified in the rental
(II) dwelling unit with one bedroom = 1.6; agreement.
(III) dwelling unit with two bedrooms = 2.8; (e) Multi-item bill. If issued on a multi-item bill, charges for submetered or
allocated utility service must be separate and distinct from any other charges
(IV) dwelling unit with three bedrooms = 4 + 1.2 for each additional
on the bill.
bedroom; or
(f) Information on bill. The bill must clearly state that the utility service is
(iv) a factor using a combination of square footage and occupancy in
submetered or allocated, as applicable, and must include all of the following:
which no more than 50% is based on square footage. The square
footage portion must be based on the total square footage living area (1) total amount due for submetered or allocated water;
of the dwelling unit as a percentage of the total square footage living (2) total amount due for submetered or allocated wastewater;
area of all dwelling units of the apartment house; or (3) total amount due for dwelling unit base charge(s) or customer service
(v) the individually submetered hot or cold water usage of the tenant's charge(s) or both, if applicable;
dwelling unit divided by all submetered hot or cold water usage in all (4) total amount due for water or wastewater usage, if applicable;
dwelling units;
(5) the name of the retail public utility and a statement that the bill is not
(B) a condominium manager shall multiply the amount established in from the retail public utility;
paragraph (1) of this subsection by any of the factors under
subparagraph (A) of this paragraph or may follow the methods outlined (6) name and address of the tenant to whom the bill is applicable;
in the condominium contract; (7) name of the firm rendering the bill and the name or title, address, and
(C) for a manufactured home rental community, the owner shall multiply telephone number of the firm or person to be contacted in case of a billing
the amount established in paragraph (1) of this subsection by: dispute; and
(i) any of the factors developed under subparagraph (A) of this (8) name, address, and telephone number of the party to whom payment
paragraph; or is to be made.
(ii) the area of the individual rental space divided by the total area of (g) Information on submetered service. In addition to the information required
all rental spaces; and in subsection (f) of this section, a bill for submetered service must include all
of the following:
(D) for a multiple use facility, the owner shall multiply the amount
established in paragraph (1) of this subsection by: (1) the total number of gallons, liters, or cubic feet submetered or measured
by point-of-use submeters;
(i) any of the factors developed under subparagraph (A) of this
paragraph; or (2) the cost per gallon, liter, or cubic foot for each service provided; and
(ii) the square footage of the rental space divided by the total square (3) total amount due for a service charge charged by an owner of a
footage of all rental spaces. manufactured home rental community, if applicable.
(3) If a tenant moves in or out during a billing period, the owner may (h) Due date. The due date on the bill may not be less than 16 days after it is
calculate a bill for the tenant. If the tenant moves in during a billing period, mailed or hand delivered to the tenant, unless the due date falls on a federal
the owner shall prorate the bill by calculating a bill as if the tenant were holiday or weekend, in which case the following work day will be the due date.
there for the whole month and then charging the tenant for only the number The owner shall record the date the bill is mailed or hand delivered. A
of days the tenant lived in the unit divided by the number of days in the payment is delinquent if not received by the due date.
month multiplied by the calculated bill. If a tenant moves out during a billing (i) Estimated bill. An estimated bill may be rendered if a master meter,
period before the owner receives the bill for that period from the retail public submeter, or point-of-use submeter has been tampered with, cannot be read,
utility, the owner may calculate a final bill. The owner may calculate the or is out of order; and in such case, the bill must be distinctly marked as an
tenant's bill by calculating the tenant's average bill for the last three months estimate and the subsequent bill must reflect an adjustment for actual
and multiplying that average bill by the number of days the tenant was in charges.
the unit divided by the number of days in that month. (j) Payment by tenant. Unless utility bills are paid to a third-party billing
(f) Conversion to approved allocation method. An owner using an allocation company on behalf of the owner, or unless clearly designated by the tenant,
formula other than those approved in subsection (e) of this section shall payment must be applied first to rent and then to utilities.
immediately provide notice as required under §24.279(c) of this title (relating (k) Overbilling and underbilling. If a bill is issued and subsequently found to
to Rental Agreement) and either: be in error, the owner shall calculate a billing adjustment. If the tenant is due
(1) adopt one of the methods in subsection (e) of this section; or a refund, an adjustment must be calculated for all of that tenant's bills that
included overcharges. If the overbilling or underbilling affects all tenants, an (A) The owner may not bill the tenant for testing costs if the submeter
adjustment must be calculated for all of the tenants' bills. If the tenant was fails to meet AWWA accuracy standards for water meters or ASME
undercharged, and the cause was not due to submeter or point-of-use standards for point-of-use submeters.
submeter error, the owner may calculate an adjustment for bills issued in the (B) The owner may not bill the tenant for testing costs if there is no
previous six months. If the total undercharge is $25 or more, the owner shall evidence that the submeter or point-of-use submeter was calibrated or
offer the tenant a deferred payment plan option, for the same length of time tested within the preceding 24 months.
as that of the underbilling. Adjustments for usage by a previous tenant may
not be back billed to a current tenant. (C) The owner may bill the tenant for actual testing costs (not to exceed
$25) if the submeter meets AWWA accuracy standards or the point-of-
(l) Disputed bills. In the event of a dispute between a tenant and an owner use submeter meets ASME accuracy standards and evidence as
regarding any bill, the owner shall investigate the matter and report the results described in paragraph (7)(A) of this subsection was provided to the
of the investigation to the tenant in writing. The investigation and report must tenant.
be completed within 30 days from the date the tenant gives written notification
of the dispute to the owner. (9) Bill adjustment due to submeter or point-of-use submeter error. If a
submeter does not meet AWWA accuracy standards or a point-of-use
(m) Late fee. A one-time penalty not to exceed 5% may be applied to submeter does not meet ASME accuracy standards and the tenant was
delinquent accounts. If such a penalty is applied, the bill must indicate the overbilled, an adjusted bill must be rendered in accordance with §24.283(k)
amount due if the late penalty is incurred. No late penalty may be applied of this title (relating to Billing). The owner may not charge the tenant for
unless agreed to by the tenant in a written lease that states the percentage any underbilling that occurred because the submeter or point-of-use
amount of such late penalty. submeter was in error.
§ 24.285. Complaint Jurisdiction (10) Submeter or point-of-use submeter testing facilities and equipment.
For submeters, an owner shall comply with the AWWA's meter testing
(a) Jurisdiction. The commission has exclusive jurisdiction for violations under requirements. For point-of-use meters, an owner shall comply with ASME's
this subchapter. meter testing requirements.
(b) Complaints. If an apartment house owner, condominium manager, (b) Plumbing fixtures. After January 1, 2003, before an owner of an apartment
manufactured home rental community owner, or other multiple use facility house, manufactured home rental community, or multiple use facility or a
owner violates a commission rule regarding utility costs, the person claiming manager of a condominium may implement a program to bill tenants for
the violation may file a complaint with the commission and may appear submetered or allocated water service, the owner or manager shall adhere to
remotely for a hearing. the following standards:
(1) Texas Health and Safety Code, §372.002, for sink or lavatory faucets,
§ 24.287. Submeters or Point-of-Use Submeters and Plumbing Fixtures faucet aerators, and showerheads;
(a) Submeters or point-of-use submeters. (2) perform a water leak audit of each dwelling unit or rental unit and each
common area and repair any leaks found; and
(1) Same type submeters or point-of-use submeters required. All
submeters or point-of-use submeters throughout a property must use the (3) not later than the first anniversary of the date an owner of an apartment
same unit of measurement, such as gallon, liter, or cubic foot. house, manufactured home rental community, or multiple use facility or a
manager of a condominium begins to bill for submetered or allocated water
(2) Installation by owner. The owner shall be responsible for providing,
service, the owner or manager shall:
installing, and maintaining all submeters or point-of-use submeters
necessary for the measurement of water to tenants and to common areas, (A) remove any toilets that exceed a maximum flow of 3.5 gallons per
if applicable. flush; and
(3) Submeter or point-of-use submeter tests prior to installation. No (B) install toilets that meet the standards prescribed by Texas Health
submeter or point-of-use submeter may be placed in service unless its and Safety Code, §372.002.
accuracy has been established. If any submeter or point-of-use submeter (c) Plumbing fixture not applicable. Subsection (b) of this section does not
is removed from service, it must be properly tested and calibrated before apply to a manufactured home rental community owner who does not own
being placed in service again. the manufactured homes located on the property of the manufactured home
(4) Accuracy requirements for submeters and point-of-use submeters. rental community.
Submeters must be calibrated as close as possible to the condition of zero
error and within the accuracy standards established by the American Water
Works Association (AWWA) for water meters. Point-of-use submeters
must be calibrated as closely as possible to the condition of zero error and
within the accuracy standards established by the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME) for point-of-use and branch-water
submetering systems.
(5) Location of submeters and point-of-use submeters. Submeters and
point-of-use submeters must be installed in accordance with applicable
plumbing codes and AWWA standards for water meters or ASME
standards for point-of-use submeters, and must be readily accessible to
the tenant and to the owner for testing and inspection where such activities
will cause minimum interference and inconvenience to the tenant.
(6) Submeter and point-of-use submeter records. The owner shall maintain
a record on each submeter or point-of-use submeter which includes:
(A) an identifying number;
(B) the installation date (and removal date, if applicable);
(C) date(s) the submeter or point-of-use submeter was calibrated or
(D) copies of all tests; and
(E) the current location of the submeter or point-of-use submeter.
(7) Submeter or point-of-use submeter test on request of tenant. Upon
receiving a written request from the tenant, the owner shall either:
(A) provide evidence, at no charge to the tenant, that the submeter or
point-of-use submeter was calibrated or tested within the preceding 24
months and determined to be within the accuracy standards established
by the AWWA for water meters or ASME standards for point-of-use
submeters; or
(B) have the submeter or point-of-use submeter removed and tested and
promptly advise the tenant of the test results.
(8) Billing for submeter or point-of-use submeter test.
Under a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) order, you as our resident have a right to install a transmitting or receiving satellite dish
or antenna on the leased premises, subject to FCC limitations. We as a rental housing owner are allowed to impose reasonable restrictions
relating to such installation. You are required to comply with these restrictions as a condition of installing such equipment. This addendum
contains the restrictions that you and we agree to follow.

1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the lease between you and us for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the
Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,
Texas OR
the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address) 
in  , Texas.

2. Number and size. You may install 0 satellite dish(es) or antenna(s) on the leased premises. A satellite dish may not exceed
one meter (3.3 feet) in diameter. Antennas that only transmit signals or that are not covered by 47 CFR §1.4000 are prohibited.

3. Location. Your satellite dish or antenna must be located: (1) inside your dwelling; or (2) in an area outside your dwelling such as a
balcony, patio, yard, etc. of which you have exclusive use under your lease. Installation is not permitted on any parking area, roof, exterior
wall, window, window sill, fence, or common area, or in an area that other residents are allowed to use. A satellite dish or antenna may not
protrude beyond the vertical and horizontal space that is leased to you for your exclusive use.

4. Safety and non-interference. Your installation: (1) must comply with all applicable ordinances and laws and all reasonable safety
standards; (2) may not interfere with our cable, telephone or electrical systems or those of neighboring properties; (3) may not be
connected to our telecommunication systems; and (4) may not be connected to our electrical system except by plugging into a 110-volt
duplex receptacle. If the satellite dish or antenna is placed in a permitted outside area, it must be safely secured by one of three methods:
(1) securely attaching it to a portable, heavy object such as a small slab of concrete; (2) clamping it to a part of the building’s exterior that
lies within your leased premises (such as a balcony or patio railing); or (3) any other method approved by us in writing. No other methods
are allowed. We may require reasonable screening of the satellite dish or antenna by plants, etc., so long as it does not impair reception.

5. Signal transmission from exterior dish or antenna to interior of dwelling. Under the FCC order, you may not damage or alter
the leased premises and may not drill holes through outside walls, door jams, windowsills, etc. If your satellite dish or antenna is installed
outside your dwelling (on a balcony, patio, etc.), the signals received by it may be transmitted to the interior of your dwelling only by the
following methods: (1) running a “flat” cable under a door jam or windowsill in a manner that does not physically alter the premises and
does not interfere with proper operation of the door or window; (2) running a traditional or flat cable through a pre-existing hole in the wall
(that will not need to be enlarged to accommodate the cable); (3) connecting cables “through a window pane,” similar to how an external
car antenna for a cellular phone can be connected to inside wiring by a device glued to either side of the window—without drilling a hole
through the window; (4) wireless transmission of the signal from the satellite dish or antenna to a device inside the dwelling; or (5) any
other method approved by us in writing.

6. Safety in installation. In order to assure safety, the strength and type of materials used for installation must be approved by us.
Installation must be done by a qualified person or company approved by us. Our approval will not be unreasonably withheld. An installer
provided by the seller of the satellite dish or antenna is presumed to be qualified.

7. Maintenance. You will have the sole responsibility for maintaining your satellite dish, antenna, and all related equipment.

8. Removal and damages. You must remove the satellite dish or antenna and all related equipment when you move out of the dwelling.
In accordance with the TAA Lease Contract, you must pay for any damages and for the cost of repairs or repainting caused by negligence,
carelessness, accident. or abuse which may be reasonably necessary to restore the leased premises to its condition prior to the installation
of your satellite dish, antenna or related equipment. You will not be responsible for normal wear and tear.

9. Liability insurance and indemnity. You must take full responsibility for the satellite dish, antenna, and related equipment. If the dish
or antenna is installed at a height or in some other way that could result in injury to others if it becomes unattached and falls, you must
provide us with evidence of liability insurance to protect us against claims of personal injury and property damage to others, related to your
satellite dish, antenna, and related equipment. The insurance coverage must be $ , which is an amount reasonably
determined by us to accomplish that purpose. Factors affecting the amount of insurance include height of installation above ground level,
potential wind velocities, risk of the dish/antenna becoming unattached and falling on someone, etc. You agree to hold us harmless and
indemnify us against any of the above claims by others.

10. Security deposit. Your security deposit (in your Lease Contract) is increased by an additional reasonable sum of $ 
q effective at time of installation or q effective within days of installation to help protect us against possible repair costs,
damages, or failure to remove the satellite dish, antenna and related equipment at time of move-out. Factors affecting any security
deposit may vary, depending on: (1) how the dish or antenna is attached (nails, screws, lag bolts drilled into walls); (2) whether holes
were permitted to be drilled through walls for the cable between the satellite dish and the TV; and (3) the difficulty and cost of repair or
restoration after removal, etc. A security deposit increase does not imply a right to drill into or alter the leased premises.

11. W
 hen you may begin installation. You may start installation of your satellite dish, antenna, or related equipment only after you have:
(1) signed this addendum; (2) provided us with written evidence of the liability insurance referred to in paragraph 9 of this addendum;
(3) paid us the additional security deposit, if applicable, in paragraph 10; and (4) received our written approval, which may not be
unreasonably withheld, of the installation materials and the person or company that will do the installation.

12. Miscellaneous. If additional satellite dishes or antennas are desired, an additional lease addendum must be executed.

________________________________________________ ����������������������������������������������������
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
Rosibeth Morales Diaz

Texas Apartment Association

(For operation of central HVAC and/or central hot water system)

1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the
Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,
Texas. The terms of this addendum will control if the terms of the Lease and this addendum conflict.
2. Reason for allocation. When utility costs for operating a central heating/air conditioning system or a central hot water
system are paid by the property owner, residents have little incentive to conserve. This often results in a waste of our state’s
natural resources and adds to the overhead of the property — and that usually means higher rents. Allocation of central
system utility costs saves money for residents because it encourages conservation.
3. Payment due date. Payment of your allocated share of the central system utility costs is due 16 days after the date it is
postmarked or hand delivered to your apartment. We may include this item as a separate and distinct charge as part of a
multi-item bill. Unless otherwise provided, you agree to pay it at the same place your rent is paid under your lease. There will
be a late charge of 5 percent of your bill if your bill is not timely paid.
4. Allocation procedures. Central system allocation is governed by the Public Utility Commission. You agree to the allocation
system described below for utilities used in operating the central system(s) for the entire apartment community. During the
lease term, we are authorized to allocate such central system utility costs to your apartment unit as described in paragraph
7 on the basis of [check one]
q square footage
q submetered electricity or submetered water or
q a combination of methods.
5. What is covered. Your monthly rent in your TAA Lease Contract does not cover the cost of electricity and gas used in operating
(1) a central heating/air conditioning and/or (2) a central hot water system. You will be receiving a separate bill from us for
such utilities, as indicated below.
q [check if applicable]. Your monthly share of the electricity and gas for operating a CENTRAL HEATING AND AIR
CONDITIONING SYSTEM is described in paragraph 7.
q [check if applicable]. Your monthly share of the electricity and gas for operating a CENTRAL HOT WATER SYSTEM is
described in paragraph 7.
6. No extras. No administrative or other fee will be added to the total utility costs to be allocated for operating the central
system. Penalties or interest for our late payment of the utility bills for operating the central system will be paid by us and will
not be allocated.
7. Formula. [check the one option that is applicable]
Allocation will be based on square footage. The formula for allocating utility costs for the above central system(s) will be
a percentage calculated by dividing the square feet in your apartment unit by the total square feet in all units and in all
heated common areas and office areas in the entire apartment community. This percentage is .
Allocation will be based on a submetered utility. The formula for allocating utility costs for the above central system(s)
will be a percentage calculated by dividing the submetered water or electricity consumption in your dwelling unit by the
total submetered consumption in all dwelling units in the apartment community. The submetered utility being used for
the central system allocation is [check one] q water or q electricity.
Allocation will be based on a combination of the first two formulas: 50 percent of your allocation will be according to
square footage and 50 percent of your allocation will be according to a submetered utility. The utility being used for
the “submetered utility” portion of the formula is [check one] q submetered water or q submetered electricity. This
percentage is .
8. Previous average. The average monthly amount of the allocated share of central system utilities for apartment no.

2286-V01 for the most recent calendar year was:
$ for the central HVAC system, and
$ for the central hot water system.
The above amounts represent an allocation based on [check one] q square footage, q submetered utility or q a combination
of square footage and submetered utility.
9. Change of allocation formula. The above allocation formula for determining your share of central system operating
costs cannot be changed except as follows: (1) the new formula is one approved by the PUC; (2) you receive notice of the
new formula at least 90 days before it takes effect; and (3) you agree to the change in a signed lease renewal or signed
mutual agreement.
10. R
 ight to examine records. You may examine our central system utility bills and our calculations relating to the monthly
allocation of central system utility costs during regular weekday office hours. While it is not required, please give us
reasonable advance notice to gather the data.

����������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative

Rosibeth Morales Diaz



Texas Apartment Association

1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the
Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,
Texas OR
the condominium/townhome located at (street address) 
in  , Texas.

2. Responsibility for area. The apartment or condominium/townhome unit has a fenced or enclosed patio, yard or atrium.
Unless we, as owner, expressly assume responsibility below, you, as resident, will perform or pay for yard maintenance of
such fenced or enclosed area, as follows:

q You or q
X we will keep the lawn mowed and edged and maintain all plants, trees, shrubs, etc.

q You or q
X we will water the lawn and other vegetation.

X You or q we will keep the lawn, flowerbeds, sidewalks, porches and driveways free of trash and debris.

q You are, q
X we are, or q no one is obligated to fertilize lawn and plants.

3. Report problems. You must promptly report infestations or dying vegetation to us. You may not modify existing landscape,
change any plants or plant a garden without our prior written approval.

����������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative

Rosibeth Morales Diaz





Texas Apartment Association


1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the
Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,
Texas. The terms of this addendum will control if the terms of the Lease and this addendum conflict.

2. Reason for allocation. When natural gas bills are paid by the property owner, residents have no incentive to conserve
gas and heat. This results in a waste of our state’s natural resources and adds to the overhead of the property—and that
usually means higher rents. On the other hand, allocation of gas raises everyone’s awareness of the need to conserve gas
and heat and to pay attention to the thermostat and heat loss through open doors or windows. It should therefore minimize
the necessity for rent increases to cover wasteful practices of other residents regarding heating and gas consumption.

3. Your payment due date. Payment of your allocated gas bill is due 16 days after the date it is postmarked or hand delivered
to your apartment. You agree to mail or deliver payment to the place indicated on your bill so that payment is received no later
than the due date. You will pay a late charge of $ (not to exceed $3) if we do not receive timely payment. If
you are late in paying the gas bill, we may not cut off your gas; but we may immediately exercise all other lawful remedies,
including eviction—just like late payment of rent.

4. Allocation procedures. Your monthly rent under the TAA Lease Contract does not include a charge for natural gas.
Instead, you will be receiving a separate bill from us each month for gas. We may include this item as a separate and distinct
charge as part of a multi-item bill.
You agree to and we will allocate the monthly gas bill for the apartment community based on the allocation method checked
q A percentage reflecting your apartment unit’s share of the total square footage in the apartment community, i.e., your
unit’s square footage divided by the total square footage in all apartment units.
q A percentage reflecting your apartment unit’s share of the total number of people living in the apartment community,
i.e., the number of people living in your apartment divided by the total number of people living in the entire apartment
community for the month. (“People” for this purpose are all residents and occupants listed in leases at the apartment
community as having a right to occupy the respective units.)
q Half of your allocation will be based on your apartment unit’s share of total square footage and half will be based on your
share of total people living in the apartment community, as described above.
X Per dwelling unit
q Other formula

5. Common area deduction. Only the total mastermeter gas bill will be allocated. Before the bill is allocated, a deduction
of percent will be made to cover estimated gas consumption in any common areas, such as: (1) gas dryers and
room heating in laundry rooms; or (2) hot water heating for pools, spas or laundry rooms. Penalties or interest for any late
payment of the mastermeter gas bill by us will be paid for by us and will not be allocated. A nominal administrative fee of
$ per month (not to exceed $3) will be added to your bill for processing, billing and/or collecting.

6. Change of allocation formula. The above allocation formula for determining your share of the natural gas bill cannot be
changed except as follows: (1) you receive notice of the new formula at least 35 days before it takes effect; and (2) you agree
to the change in a signed lease renewal or signed mutual agreement.

7. Right to examine records. You may examine our gas bills from the utility company and our calculations relating to the
monthly allocation of the gas bills during regular weekday office hours. Please give us reasonable advance notice to gather
the data.

����������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
Rosibeth Morales Diaz

Texas Apartment Association


1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the

Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,
Texas OR
the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address) 
in  , Texas.

2. Concession or discount. As an incentive and bonus to you for signing the TAA Lease Contract, choosing our property,
and agreeing to fulfill your obligations for the entire term of the TAA Lease Contract, you will receive a concession, credit or
discount described below. [Check all that apply]
X One-time concession. You will receive a one-time concession in the total amount of $ 
q .
This concession will be credited to your charges for the month(s) of 
q Monthly discount. You will receive a monthly discount of $ for months.
Special Provisions: Unlawful Early Move-out or Non-payment of Rent. At anytime management has
the right to charge move in special back to resident if the following occurs: 1) Fail to
pay rent on time. 2) Fail to give written move-out notice as required in Paragraph 23 or
37: or 3) Move out without paying rent in full for the entire lease contract term or
renewal period; or 4) Move out at our demand because of your default; or 5) Are
judicially evicted.

3. Payment or repayment for breach. If you move out or terminate your TAA Lease Contract early, in violation of the TAA
Lease Contract, you forfeit the concession or credit received under this addendum.
If you fail to pay all of your obligations under the TAA Lease Contract, then you will be required to immediately repay us the
amounts of all concessions and/or discounts that you actually received from us for the months you resided in your dwelling,
in addition to all other sums due under the TAA Lease Contract for unauthorized surrender or abandonment by the resident
(see TAA Lease Contract Par. 27).

����������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative

Rosibeth Morales Diaz






Texas Apartment Association


1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the
Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,

2. Remote control/cards/code for gate access.

X Remote control for gate access. Each resident on the lease will be given a remote control at no cost to use during his
or her residency. Each additional remote control for you or your occupants will require a $  50.00 non-
refundable fee.

q Cards for gate access. Each resident on the lease will be given a card at no cost to use during his or her residency.
Each additional card for you or your occupants will require a $ non-refundable fee.

X Code for gate access. Each resident will be given, at no cost, an access code (keypad number) for the pedestrian or
vehicular access gates. It is to be used only during your residency.

3. Damaged, lost or unreturned remote controls, cards, key fobs or code changes.
X If a remote control is lost, stolen or damaged, a $
q 50.00 fee will be charged for a replacement. If a remote
control is not returned or is returned damaged when you move out, there will be a $  50.00 deduction from
the security deposit.

q If a card is lost, stolen or damaged, a $ fee will be charged for a replacement card. If a card is not
returned or is returned damaged when you move out, there will be a $ deduction from the security

q We may change the code(s) at any time and notify you accordingly.

4. Report damage or malfunctions. Please immediately report to the office any malfunction or damage to gates, fencing,
locks, or related equipment.

5. Follow written instructions. You and all other occupants must read and follow the written instructions that have been
furnished to you regarding the access gates. If the gates are damaged by you, your occupants, guests, or invitees through
negligence or misuse, you are liable for the damages under your lease, and collection of damage amounts will be pursued.

6. Personal injury and/or personal property damage. Anything mechanical or electronic is subject to malfunction.
Fencing, gates, or other devices will not prevent all crime. No security system or device is foolproof or 100 percent successful
in deterring crime. Crime can still occur. Protecting residents, their families, occupants, guests, and invitees from crime is
the sole responsibility of residents, occupants, and law enforcement agencies. You should first call 911 or other appropriate
emergency police numbers if a crime occurs or is suspected. We are not liable to any resident, guest, occupant, or invitee
for personal injury, death, or damage/loss of personal property from incidents related to perimeter fencing, automobile
access gates, and/or pedestrian access gates. We reserve the right to modify or eliminate security systems other than those
statutorily required.


• Always approach entry and exit gates with caution and at a very slow rate of speed.
• Never stop your car where the gate can hit your vehicle as the gate opens or closes.
• Never follow another vehicle into an open gate. Always use your card to gain entry.
• Report to management the vehicle license plate number of any vehicle that piggybacks through the gate.
• Never force the gate open with your car.
• Never get out of your vehicle while the gates are opening or closing.
• If you are using the gates with a boat or trailer, please contact management for assistance. The length and width of the
trailer may cause recognition problems with the safety loop detector and could cause damage.
• Do not operate the gate if there are small children nearby who might get caught in it as it opens or closes.
• If you lose your card, please contact the management office immediately.
• Do not give your card or code to anyone else.
• Do not tamper with gate or allow your occupants to tamper or play with gates.

����������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
Rosibeth Morales Diaz





Texas Apartment Association


1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the

Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,
Texas. The terms of this addendum will control if the terms of the Lease and this addendum conflict.

2. Intrusion alarm. Your dwelling is equipped with an intrusion alarm. It must not be considered a guaranty of safety or
security. You should at all times take precautions as if no intrusion alarm exists. You acknowledge that the security of you
and your family, occupants, and guests are your responsibility alone. Your use of the alarm system is (check one) q required
or q
X optional. You are responsible for all fines and other charges resulting from or attributable to the alarm, including false
alarm charges for your dwelling.

3. Permit from city. You (check one) q do or q do not have to obtain a city permit for activation and use of the intrusion
alarm. If you do, the phone number to call is , and it is your responsibility to obtain the permit. You
also will be responsible for any fines due to excessive false alarms.

4. Follow instructions. You agree to use reasonable care in operating the alarm and to follow the written instructions, rules,
and procedures furnished to you by us. Instructions q are attached or q
X will be provided to you when you move in.

5. Alarm company. You (check one) q X will or q will not have to make arrangements with an independent alarm company to
activate and maintain the alarm system. You (check one) q X may choose your own alarm company or q are required to use
 as your alarm company. The alarm system is repaired and
maintained by .
Resident and Alarm Company

6. Entry by owner. Upon activation of the alarm system, you must immediately provide us (management) with your security
code and any special alarm system instructions for lawful entry into the unit when no one is there, as authorized in your TAA
Lease Contract. You must reimburse us for any expenses we incur in entering your dwelling, when those expenses are due
to your failure to provide the foregoing information.

7. Repairs or malfunctions. If the intrusion alarm malfunctions, you agree to (check one) q X contact your intrusion alarm
company immediately for repair or q contact us immediately for repair. The cost of repair will be paid by (check one) q
X you
or q us. Do not tamper with the intrusion alarm system.

8. No warranty. We make no guarantees or warranties, express or implied, concerning the alarm system. All guarantees and
warranties are expressly disclaimed. Crime can and does occur despite the best security measures. Anything electronic or
mechanical is subject to malfunction and human error. Therefore, residents and occupants should not rely on such security
systems. We are absolutely not responsible for malfunction of the alarm.

9. Liability. We are not liable to you, your guests, or other occupants for any injury, damage or loss resulting from the
alarm or any malfunction of the alarm. It is strongly recommended that you purchase insurance to cover casualty loss of
your property, including loss by theft.

10. Emergencies. You agree to call 911, other law enforcement authorities, or emergency medical services in the event of a
crime or emergency. Then contact us. We are not required to answer the alarm, but we do have the right to enter and cut
off the alarm to minimize annoyance to neighbors when it malfunctions or is not timely cut off.

11. Entire agreement. We’ve made no promises or representations regarding the alarm system except those in this

���������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative

Rosibeth Morales Diaz






Texas Apartment Association


1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No. 
2286-V01 in the

Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,
Texas OR
the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address) 
in  , Texas.

2. Use of Appliances. You (as residents) have permission from us (as owner) to install and use (check all that apply):
q a washing machine and/or q a dryer in the dwelling unit described above, subject to the conditions in this addendum.
Please remember that we do not select your washing machine or dryer, install them, maintain them, or use them. You are
in the best position to prevent water, fire, smoke or other damage caused by: (1) a defective washing machine or dryer;
(2) a washing machine or dryer accident; or (3) improper installation, maintenance or use of a washing machine or dryer.

3. Conditions. If your washing machine and/or dryer leaks, floods, causes a fire, causes smoke damage, or otherwise
malfunctions or is misused, it can cause a lot of problems and a lot of damage to your unit and other units, as well as damage
to your personal property and personal property of residents in other units. For these reasons, your right to install and use a
washing machine and/or dryer in your unit is subject to the following conditions. You automatically agree to those conditions
when connecting or using a washing machine and/or dryer in your unit.

4. Installation. You should be especially careful in your choice of a washing machine and/or dryer and in their installation,
maintenance and use—just as if it were in your own home. You and all other residents, occupants, and guests in your
unit must follow manufacturer’s instructions for the washing machine and/or dryer’s installation, maintenance, and use.
Installation must be done by a professionally qualified person or company approved by us. We recommend that you have it
professionally installed.

5. Responsibility for damage. You agree to assume strict liability for all damage to your unit and to other units and to
personal property in your unit and other units if the washing machine and/or dryer leaks, floods, malfunctions or is misused,
or in any other way causes damage—unless it is caused by us or our management company, or acts of God to the extent they
couldn’t be mitigated by your action or inaction. That means you will be responsible for costs of removing water from carpets,
replacing permanently damaged carpets, repainting, and any other repairs or damages to your unit and to other units, as well
as damage to personal property in your unit and other units if, among other things:
• the water or dryer vent hoses break or leak; or
• the water or dryer vent hoses were incorrectly connected or did not have protective washers in the connections; or
• the washing machine and/or dryer was overloaded, causing it to malfunction; or
• the washing machine and/or dryer leaks or malfunctions for any other reason.
• the owner’s insurance may not cover such damages, and the owner is under no obligation to have insurance that does
cover such damages.

6. New hoses. When installing the washing machine, you must use new hoses since bursting or leaking hoses are the most
common cause of water damage. Stainless braided water hoses are recommended. Similarly, you should use a new dryer
vent hose when installing your dryer.

7. Inspection. You must not use the washing machine and/or dryer until management has inspected the installation. Such
inspection does not relieve you of liability in the event of water, fire, smoke or other damage from your washing machine and/
or dryer.

8. Maintenance. You will have the sole responsibility for maintaining your washing machine and all related hardware. Such
maintenance must include, but is not limited to, regularly cleaning lint from your dryer’s lint trap.

9. Insurance. At all times you must carry renter’s insurance that provides insurance coverage for damage to your personal
belongings from accidental water discharge from your washing machine or other causes. Similarly, it must provide coverage
for fire or smoke damage from your washing machine and/or dryer. It must also provide coverage for any potential liability,
due to your fault, for water, fire, smoke or other damage to other units and to personal property of others. You must verify
with your agent that such coverages are included in your policy and must furnish us a copy of the policy upon our request.

���������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative

Rosibeth Morales Diaz




Texas Apartment Association


1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the
Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,
Texas. The terms of this addendum will control if the terms of the Lease and this addendum conflict.

2. Reason for allocation. Governmental entities impose stormwater/drainage fees to help pay for the cost of maintaining
the infrastructure needed to prevent flooding and lessen the impact of pollution on our water system. These fees can be
significant. Our property has chosen to allocate this fee so residents are more aware of the true costs associated with these
fees and so it is not necessary to raise rents to keep pace with these fee increases.

3. Your payment due date. Payment of your allocated stormwater/drainage bill is due 16 days after the date it is postmarked
or hand delivered to your apartment. You agree to mail or deliver payment to the place indicated on your bill so that payment
is received no later than the due date. You will pay a late charge of 5 percent of your stormwater/drainage bill if we do
not receive timely payment. If you are late in paying the stormwater/drainage bill, we may immediately exercise all lawful
remedies under your lease contract, including eviction—just like late payment of rent.

4. Allocation procedures. Your monthly base rent under the TAA Lease Contract does not include a charge for stormwater/
drainage costs. You will pay separately for these monthly recurring fixed charges which are defined under the Lease as
“Additional Rent”. You may receive a separate bill from us each month or we may include these items as separate and distinct
charges as part of a multi-item bill. You agree to and we will allocate the monthly stormwater/drainage bill for the apartment
community based on the allocation method checked below. (check only one)
q A percentage reflecting your apartment unit’s share of the total square footage in the apartment community, i.e. your unit’s
square footage divided by the total square footage in all apartment units.
q A percentage reflecting your apartment unit’s share of the total number of people living in the apartment community, i.e.
the number of people living in your apartment divided by the total number of people living in the entire apartment commu-
nity for the month. (“People” for this purpose are all residents and occupants listed in leases at the apartment community
as having a right to occupy the respective units).
q Half of your allocation will be based on your apartment’s share of total square footage and half will be based on your share
of total people living in the apartment community, as described above.
X Per dwelling unit
q Other formula (see attached page)

5. Penalties and fees. Only the total stormwater/drainage bill will be allocated. Penalties or interest for any late payment of
the master stormwater/ drainage bill by us will be paid for by us and will not be allocated. A nominal administrative fee of
$ per month (not to exceed $3) will be added to your bill for processing, billing and/or collecting.

6. Change of allocation formula. The above allocation formula for determining your share of the stormwater/drainage bill
cannot be changed except as follows: (1) you receive notice of the new formula at least 35 days before it takes effect; and
(2) you agree to the change in a signed lease renewal or signed mutual agreement.

7. Right to examine records. You may examine our stormwater/drainage bills from the utility company, and our calculations
relating to the monthly allocation of the stormwater/drainage bills during regular weekday office hours. Please give us
reasonable advance notice to gather the data.

���������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
Rosibeth Morales Diaz

Texas Apartment Association


1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the
Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,
Texas. The terms of this addendum will control if the terms of the Lease and this addendum conflict.

2. Reason for allocation. Apartment owners receive bills for services provided to residents and charges for various
governmental fees. These are direct costs that the apartment community incurs. In order to help control the cost of rent, we
have chosen to allocate the services and governmental fees indicated below through an allocated bill using a standardized
formula to distribute these costs fairly. While we may impose a nominal fee to help recover our costs in administering these
bills, we do not add any other costs to these bills and make no profit off of them.

3. Services and governmental fees allocated. We will allocate the following services and governmental fees:
q Cable/satellite television q
X Registration/license fee
X Stormwater/drainage q Other ����������������������������������������������
q Trash removal/recycling q Other ����������������������������������������������
q Street repair/maintenance fee q Other ����������������������������������������������
X Emergency services fee q Other ����������������������������������������������
q Conservation district fee q Other ����������������������������������������������
X Inspection fee q Other ����������������������������������������������

4. Your payment due date. Payment of your allocated services and governmental fee bill is due 16 days after the date it is
postmarked or hand delivered to your apartment. You agree to mail or deliver payment to the place indicated on your bill so
that payment is received no later than the due date. You will pay a late charge of $ (not to exceed $3) if we
do not receive timely payment. If you are late in paying the services and governmental fee bill, we may cut off services, as
allowed by law, and we may immediately exercise all other lawful remedies, including eviction—just like late payment of rent.

5. Allocation procedures. Your monthly base rent under the TAA Lease Contract does not include a charge for the services
and governmental fees indicated above. You will pay separately for these charges which are defined under the Lease as
“Additional Rent”. You may receive a separate bill from us each month or we may include these items as separate and
distinct charges as part of a multi-item bill.
You agree to and we will allocate the indicated services and governmental fees for the apartment community based on the
allocation method checked below: (check only one)
q A percentage reflecting your apartment unit’s share of the total square footage in the apartment community, i.e., your
unit’s square footage divided by the total square footage in all apartment units.
q A percentage reflecting your apartment unit’s share of the total number of people living in the apartment community,
i.e., the number of people living in your apartment divided by the total number of people living in the entire apartment
community for the month. (“People” for this purpose are all residents and occupants listed in leases at the apartment
community as having a right to occupy the respective units).
q Half of your allocation will be based on your apartment unit’s share of total square footage and half will be based on your
share of total people living in the apartment community, as described above.
X Per dwelling unit
q Other formula (see attached page)

6. Penalties and fees. Only the total of the services and governmental fee bills will be allocated. Penalties or interest
for any late payment of these bills by us will be paid for by us and will not be allocated. A nominal administrative fee of
$ per month (not to exceed $3) will be added to your bill for processing, billing and/or collecting.

7. Change of allocation formula. The above allocation formula for determining your share of the services and governmental
fee bills cannot be changed except as follows: (1) you receive notice of the new formula at least 35 days before it takes effect;
and (2) you agree to the change in a signed lease renewal or signed mutual agreement.

8. Right to examine records. You may examine our service and governmental fee bills from the companies and governmental
entities and our calculations relating to the monthly allocation of these bills during regular weekday office hours. Please give
us reasonable advance notice to gather the data.

���������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
Rosibeth Morales Diaz

Texas Apartment Association


1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the
Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,
Texas OR
the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address) 
in  , Texas.

2. Flat fee for trash/recycling costs. Your monthly base rent under the TAA Lease Contract does not include a charge
for trash removal. Instead, you will be receiving a separate bill from us for such service. You agree to pay a monthly fee of
10.00 for the removal of trash and/or recycling for the apartment community, plus a nominal administrative fee of
3.00 per month (not to exceed $3) for processing and billing.

Your trash/recycling bill may include state and local sales taxes as required by state law.

3. Payment due date. Payment of your trash removal and recycling bill is due 16 days after the date it is postmarked or hand
delivered to your apartment. We may include this item as a separate and distinct charge as part of a multi-item bill. You agree
to mail or deliver payment to the place indicated on your bill so that payment is received no later than the due date. There will
be a late charge of $
1.00 (not to exceed $3) if we do not receive timely payment of your trash/recycling bill, but
we are not obligated to accept late payment. If you are late in paying the trash removal/recycling bill, we may immediately
exercise all lawful remedies under your lease contract, including eviction.

����������������������������������������������� ___________________________________________
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
Rosibeth Morales Diaz





Texas Apartment Association


1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the
Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,
Texas OR
the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address) 
in  , Texas.

2. Purpose. The following special provisions become part of the Lease:

No cash or checks will be accepted. No loud music, no gambling, no drinking of any kind of
alcohol, no carrying of weapons, no loitering, no drug dealing, no possession of drugs,
and/or criminal activity permitted. Owner complies with with the City of Dallas 10:00 pm
curfew and will enforce it to the fullest extent allowed by law. City Ordinance only
allowed the temporary use of window units. Washer and/or dryer nor secondary freezers are
allowed in the apartment home.

Signature of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative

Rosibeth Morales Diaz

Texas Apartment Association


This addendum shall become a part of the lease contract for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the

Volara Apartments

Apartments located at (street address) 3550 E Overton

Rd in ,
Dallas Texas,
(include postal code);

the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address) 
in , Texas,
(include postal code).

The legal description of your leased unit is as follows:

[Enter legal description of leased property]

Signed this
28 day of ,
October .


Rosibeth Morales Diaz


Texas Apartment Association


1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the

Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,
Texas OR
the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address) 
in  , Texas.

2. Smoking, in any form, anywhere inside any of the dwelling units, or inside any buildings within the apartment community, is
strictly prohibited. This is our no-smoking policy; and you agree that any violation of the no-smoking policy is a material and
substantial violation of this addendum and a breach of the TAA Lease Contract.
The prohibition of smoking extends to all residents, their occupants, guests, invitees and all others who are present on or in
any portion of the community. The no-smoking policy and rules extend to, but are not limited to, the leasing offices, building
interiors and hallways, building common areas, dwelling units, club house, exercise or spa facility, indoor tennis courts, all
interior areas of the community, commercial shops, businesses, work areas, and all other spaces whether in the interior of
the community or in the enclosed spaces on community grounds. Smoking is also prohibited by this addendum inside any
dwelling or building, whether leased by you or another.

3. Smoking permitted in designated areas of the apartment community. Smoking is permitted only in specially
designated areas, if any. The permissible smoking areas are marked by signs.
Smoking on balconies, patios, and limited common areas attached to or outside of your dwelling unit:
q is permitted
X is not permitted.
Only the following outside areas may be used for smoking: 

Smoking is permitted only in specially designated areas outside the buildings of the apartment community. Smoking must be
at least
25 feet from the buildings in the apartment community, including administrative office buildings. If the previous
field is not completed, smoking is only permitted at least 25 feet from the buildings in the apartment community, including
administrative office buildings. The smoking-permissible areas are marked by signage.
Even though smoking may be permitted in certain limited outside areas, we reserve the right to direct that you and your
occupants, family, guests, and invitees immediately cease smoking in those areas if smoke is entering a dwelling or building
or if it is interfering with the rights, comfort, health, safety or convenience of others in or near the apartment community or
rental premises.

4. Your responsibility for damages and cleaning. You are responsible for payment of all costs and damages to your
dwelling unit, other residents’ dwelling units, or any other portion of the community for repair, replacement, or cleaning
and odor removal due to smoking or smoke-related damage caused by you or your occupants, family, guests, or invitees,
regardless of whether such use was a violation of this addendum. You agree that any costs or damages we incur related to
repairs, replacement, cleaning and odor removal due to your smoking or due to your violation of the no-smoking provisions of
the TAA Lease Contract are NOT normal wear and tear. You also agree that smoke-related damage, including but not limited
to smoke odor that permeates sheetrock, carpeting, wood, insulation, or other components of the dwelling unit or building,
shall always be in excess of normal wear and tear in our community and at the rental premises.

5. Your responsibility for loss of rental income and economic damages regarding other residents. You are
responsible for payment of all lost rental income or other economic and financial damages or loss to us due to smoking
or smoke-related damages caused by you or your occupants, family, guests, or invitees which results in or causes other
residents to vacate their dwelling units, results in disruption of other residents’ enjoyment of the community, adversely affects
other residents’ or occupants’ health, safety, or welfare, or causes a qualified applicant to refuse to rent the unit because of
smoke related damages including smoke odors.

6. Definition of smoking. “Smoking” refers to, but is not limited to, any use or possession of a cigar, cigarette, e-cigarette,
hookah, vaporizer, or pipe containing tobacco or a tobacco product while that tobacco or tobacco product is burning, lighted,
vaporized, or ignited, regardless of whether the person using or possessing the product is inhaling or exhaling the smoke
from such product. The term tobacco includes, but is not limited to any form, compound, or synthesis of the plant of the genus
Nicotiana or the species N. tabacum which is cultivated for its leaves to be used in cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, hookahs,
vaporizers, or pipes. Smoking also refers to use or possession of burning, lighted, vaporized, or ignited non-tobacco products
if they are noxious, offensive, unsafe, unhealthy, or irritating to other persons.

7. Lease Contract termination for violation of this addendum. We have the right to exercise all remedies available
to us for any violation of this addendum, which in turn is a default under the Lease, which include terminating your right of
occupancy and possession. Violation of this addendum is a material and substantial default of the TAA Lease Contract. In
the event we terminate your right of occupancy, you shall remain liable for all rent and other sums due under the TAA Lease
Contract subject to any duty to mitigate.

8. Extent of your liability for losses due to smoking. Your responsibility for damages, cleaning, deodorizing, loss of
rental income, and other economic damages under this addendum are in addition to, and not instead of your responsibility
for any other damages or loss under the TAA Lease Contract or any other addendum.

Texas Apartment Association

9. Your responsibility for conduct of occupants, family members and guests. You are responsible for communicating
the no- smoking policy and provisions of this addendum to your occupants, family, guests, and invitees and understand that
a failure on their part to comply is the same as non-compliance by you.

 o warranty of a smoke-free environment. Although we prohibit smoking in all interior parts of the dwelling units
10. N
and community, there is no warranty or guaranty that your dwelling unit, buildings or the community is smoke-free. Smoking
in certain limited outside areas may be allowed as provided in this Addendum. Enforcement of our no-smoking policy is a
joint responsibility that requires your cooperation in reporting incidents or suspected violations of smoking. You must report
violations of our no-smoking policy to us before we are obligated to investigate and take action. You agree to cooperate with
us if it becomes necessary to pursue action for any violations of the no-smoking policy.
is an important and binding legal document. By signing this addendum you are acknowledging that a violation could
lead to termination of your right of possession or your right to occupy the dwelling unit and premises. If you or someone in
your household is a smoker, you should carefully consider whether you will be able to abide by the terms of this addendum.
Before signing you must advise us whether you or anyone who will be living in your dwelling is a smoker. If you give an
incorrect or false answer, you agree that is a default under the Lease. Provide your answer by checking one of the following
X Neither you nor anyone who will be living in the dwelling unit is a smoker and it is agreed no one will ever smoke in the
q Someone who will be living in the dwelling unit is a smoker but it is agreed no one will ever smoke in the unit.

����������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
Rosibeth Morales Diaz




Texas Apartment Association


1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the

Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,
Texas. The terms of this addendum will control if the terms of the Lease and this addendum conflict.

2. Reason for allocation. When mastermetered electrical bills are paid by the property owner, residents have no incentive
to conserve electricity. This results in a waste of our state’s natural resources and adds to the overhead of the property—
and that usually means higher rents. On the other hand, allocation of electricity raises everyone’s awareness of the need
to conserve electricity and air conditioning and to pay attention to the thermostat and cool air loss through open doors
or windows. It should therefore minimize the necessity for rent increases to cover wasteful practices of other residents
regarding electrical consumption.

3. Your payment due date. Payment of your allocated electric bill is due 16 days after the date it is postmarked or hand
delivered to your apartment. We may include this item as a separate and distinct charge as part of a multi-item bill. You agree
to mail or deliver payment to the place indicated on your bill so that payment is received no later than the due date. You will
pay a late charge of 5 percent of your electrical bill if we do not receive timely payment. If you are late in paying the electric
bill, we may cut off your electricity pursuant to statutory procedures. We may also exercise all other lawful remedies, including
eviction. If your electric service must be re-established after it is disconnected for nonpayment, we will also charge you a
$ reconnection fee (not to exceed $10, based on our average cost to reconnect service).

4. Allocation procedures. You (the resident) and we (the owner) agree to the electricity allocation system described below.
During the lease term, we are authorized to allocate the monthly mastermeter electrical bill(s) for the apartment community
as set forth below. Your monthly rent under the TAA Lease Contract does not include a charge for electricity. Instead, you will
be receiving a separate bill from us for electricity. Your monthly electricity bill will be based on:
• A percentage reflecting your apartment unit’s share of the total square footage in the apartment community, i.e., your unit’s
square footage divided by the total square footage in all apartment units. That percent for your unit is percent.
If a formula other than the total square footage formula in the first checkbox of this paragraph is used, we have requested
and received written approval from the PUC to use this formula. PUC rules already permit allocation based on square

5. Common area deduction. Only the total mastermetered electrical bill will be allocated. Before the bill is allocated, a
deduction of percent will be made to cover estimated electricity consumption in any common areas such as
electricity used in: (1) laundry rooms; (2) central hot water heating; (3) pools and spas; (4) outside lighting; and (5) any onsite
management office. Penalties or interest for any late payment of the mastermetered electrical bill by us will be paid for by us
and will not be allocated.

6. Change of allocation formula. The above allocation formula for determining your share of the mastermetered electricity
bill cannot be changed except as follows: (1) the new formula is one approved by the PUC; (2) you receive notice of the new
formula at least 90 days before it takes effect; and (3) you agree to the change in a signed lease renewal or signed mutual

7. Previous average. The average monthly bill for your apartment for the previous calendar year was $ ,
using the allocation formula checked above.

8. Right to examine records. You may examine our electrical bills from the utility company and our calculations relating
to the monthly allocation of the electricity bills during regular weekday office hours. While it is not required, please give us
reasonable advance notice to gather the data.

9. Copy of PUC rules. The Public Utility Commission (PUC) governs electrical allocation. We have attached a copy of the
PUC electrical allocation rules with your TAA Lease Contract.

����������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative

Rosibeth Morales Diaz





Texas Apartment Association


1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the

Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,
Texas. The terms of this addendum will control if the terms of the Lease and this addendum conflict.

2. Texas law. Texas allows qualified people to carry a firearm in the state. However, we may restrict carrying firearms on
our property, with the exception of transporting firearms from a vehicle to an apartment. If we provide notice of our policy
restricting the carrying of firearms, and you do not comply, you will be in violation of the Lease and may be engaging in
criminal trespass.

3. Community firearm carry policy. Whether or not you hold a license under the Texas handgun licensing law, by signing
this addendum, you understand and agree as follows (the specific agreements are indicated by the options that are marked):
X Option 1: Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person
licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with
a concealed handgun. The only exception is that we allow persons to transport their firearms between their vehicles and
their apartments.
X Option 2: Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with an openly carried handgun), a person
licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with
a handgun that is carried openly. The only exception is that we allow persons to transport their firearms between their
vehicles and their apartments.
X Option 3: Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person
licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter q X the leasing
office or q
X any common rooms/amenities of this property with a concealed handgun. (If neither is checked, concealed
handguns are prohibited in both).
X Option 4: Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with an openly carried handgun), a person
licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter q X the leasing
office or q
X any common rooms/amenities of this property with a handgun that is carried openly. (If neither is checked,
openly carried handguns are prohibited in both).
X Option 5: Pursuant to Section 30.05, Penal Code (criminal trespass), a person may not enter this property with a firearm,
other than to transport their firearm(s) between their vehicle(s) and their apartment(s), as long as firearms are not in plain

4. General acknowledgment and agreement. By signing this addendum, you acknowledge and agree that:
(a) you and your occupants and guests will adhere to any of our other policies concerning firearms as set forth in the Lease
or any community policies we issue;
(b) you have been provided the apartment community’s policy or policies concerning firearms and will follow them;
(c) you will inform all of your occupants or guests what the apartment community’s policy or policies concerning firearms are
and that they are subject to the same policy or policies as you;
(d) you understand that a violation of this addendum will be a violation of the Lease and could be considered criminal
trespass under Texas law; and
(e) you will promptly provide written notice to us of any violations of our firearm or other weapons policies that you observe.

5. Assumption of risk/waiver. By signing this addendum and taking possession of the apartment, you acknowledge and
agree that:
(a) we do not guarantee a gun-free environment at the apartment community and we cannot guarantee anyone’s safety;
(b) no action or omission by us under this addendum may be considered a waiver of our rights, or of any subsequent violation,
default, or time or place of performance, even if we have actual knowledge of, or have been provided with written notice
of a violation;
(c) our efforts to restrict the carrying of handguns and/or firearms at the apartment community do not in any way enlarge,
restrict or otherwise change the standard of care that we would have to you or any other household in the apartment
community to render any areas in the apartment community any safer, more secure, or improved as compared to any
other rental property;
(d) we disclaim any express or implied warranties that any part of the apartment community will have any higher or improved
safety or security standards than any other rental property;
(e) we cannot and do not warrant or promise that any part of the apartment community is or will be free from handguns,
firearms, or other weapons; and
(f) our ability to effectively monitor or enforce this addendum depends in large part on your and your occupants’ and guests’
cooperation and compliance.

���������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
Rosibeth Morales Diaz

Texas Apartment Association


This is an amendment to the Animal Addendum dated

October 31, 2023 between us (the Owner identified in the
Lease) and you (each Resident identified in the Lease) in connection with the lease of the dwelling described below.

Volara Apartments


Milton Yasin Gamboa Caicdo

Rosibeth Morales Diaz


Volara Apartments, #2286-V01

Apartment community and unit number or street address of rental unit

You acknowledge that no animal, whether or not they provide, or are intended to provide, assistance or service, may disturb or
threaten the rights, comfort, health, safety or convenience of others in or near the apartment community and rental premises,
behave in a loud or obnoxious manner, engage in any violent activity, or disrupt our business operations. You acknowledge that
if the animal does any of this, or poses a direct threat to person or property, or otherwise violates the provisions of the Animal
Addendum, this addendum or the Lease, you will be in default under the Lease. In that event, you agree that we will have
contractual rights and remedies as set forth in the Lease and its addenda, including but not limited to revocation of your right to
keep the animal in or about the rental premises described in the Lease, revocation of your right to occupy the rental premises
described in the Lease, along with other rights and remedies including eviction of residents and occupants and removal of

In the event the assistance or service animal is sick or injured and you are unavailable to seek treatment for the animal, we will
have the right (but not the duty) to contact a veterinarian and incur on your behalf any necessary veterinarian charges to render
aid or treatment to the animal.

We will not charge a security deposit, animal rent, or other charge for the keeping of an authorized and legally recognized
assistance or service animal. You will, however, be liable for the entire amount of any injury that the animal causes to another
person or to anyone’s property in or near the apartment community and rental premises.

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Date Resident’s signature

����������������������������������������������� Rosibeth Morales Diaz
Date Resident’s signature

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Date Resident’s signature

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Date Resident’s signature

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Date Resident’s signature

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Date Resident’s signature

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Date Signature of Owner’s Representative

Texas Apartment Association

1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No.  2286-V01 in the
Volara Apartments

Apartments in  Dallas ,
Texas OR
the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address) 
in  , Texas.

2. Purpose of Addendum. By signing this Addendum, you acknowledge that existing, ongoing, or future construction on the property may
affect your use, view, and enjoyment of such property.
3. Acknowledgment of Construction on Property. You acknowledge that the property, including its common areas and apartments,
may currently or in the future, be under repair, renovation, improvement, or construction. We do not guarantee that the repair, renovation,
improvement, or construction will be completed on a set date or time and therefore, are not under any obligation to have said repair,
renovation, improvement, or construction completed by a set date or time. You also acknowledge that the repair, renovation, improvement,
or construction does not represent a breach of our obligations under the Lease Contract.
4. Use of Amenities and Services. Repair, renovation, improvement, or construction at the property may create conditions where your
use of the property’s amenities and services may be limited or not available. You agree to observe and follow any signage regarding
construction placed on the property by us or our contractors. Various dangers that may be present include potentially harmful chemicals,
construction machinery, construction tools, nails, screws, falling debris, and other items that are typically found at construction sites. No
sign or form can contemplate or discuss every possible construction issue that could arise on a property, so you acknowledge and agree
that you will use your best judgment and common sense to avoid injuring yourself, your animals, or others as you enter or leave the
5. Noise and Other Disturbances. Repair, renovation, improvement, or construction at or near the property may create noise or other
disturbances, and the property itself, or portions thereof, may be unfinished for some time with respect to landscaping, building exteriors,
interiors, amenities, walkways, lighting and the like. You acknowledge that these conditions may create inconveniences that may be
beyond our control. You agree that despite these inconveniences, your obligations set forth in the Lease, including payment of rent, will
still be in effect.
6. No Offset of Rent. To the extent allowed by state law or local ordinance, you agree that any inconvenience associated with the repair,
renovation, improvement, or construction, such as, but not limited to, those disclosed herein, will not be deemed to offset your rent
7. Delay of Occupancy. You acknowledge that occupancy of the apartment may be delayed due to repair, renovation, improvement, or
construction of the property, including common areas and apartments. Such repair, renovation, improvement, or construction may cause
unforeseen delays due to scheduling conflicts, delay in permit issuance, acts of God, and other things beyond our control. The Lease
will remain in effect subject to: (1) the start date of the term of the lease contract shall be changed to the first day that we provide you the
apartment for occupancy, and rent shall be abated until occupancy is provided; and (2) your right to terminate as set forth in your Lease
under DELAY OF OCCUPANCY, and in accordance with applicable state law or local ordinance.
You knowingly and voluntarily accept the risks of delays and the apartment not being ready for occupancy on the date set forth in the
Lease. You agree that our failure to have the apartment ready on the set date in the Lease due to a repair, renovation, improvement,
or construction delay does not constitute a willful failure to deliver possession of the apartment or entitle you to any other form of credit,
discount or other compensation. We agree that rent will not commence under the Lease until possession is delivered to you.

8. Displacement. In the event Resident must be displaced from the apartment that is the subject of the Lease Contract due to repair,
renovation, improvement, or construction in or around the apartment, Owner, at Owner’s sole option, shall transfer Resident to another
apartment within the apartment community that is not affected by the repair, renovation, improvement, or construction or shall provide
appropriate comparable accommodations for Resident. However, in the event of Resident’s displacement and subsequent re-location, the
terms of the Lease Contract, including but not limited to the payment of rent, shall remain in full force and effect.
9. Severability. If any provision of this Lease Contract is invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective
to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceability only without invalidating or otherwise affecting the remainder of this Lease Contract. The
court shall interpret the lease contract and provisions herein in a manner such as to uphold the valid portions of this Lease Contract while
preserving the intent of the parties.
10. Release and Waiver of Claims. Neither we nor any of our agents, employees, management company, its agents, or its
employees shall be liable for any damage or injury to you, your invitees, your licensees, your occupants, or your guests that
results from any condition related to the construction that is occurring on the property. This release is of and from any and
all claims, controversies, disputes, actions, demands, causes of action, or liability of every kind and description, known or
unknown, at law or in equity, which you or they had in the past, now have, or may hereafter have in the future against us or our
management company or either of their agents or employees arising out of or in any way connected, directly or indirectly, with
the construction that is occurring on the property.
11. Special Provisions. The following special provisions control over conflicting provisions of this printed form:

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Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
Rosibeth Morales Diaz

Texas Apartment Association

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