Ufgs 02 83 13.00 20

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USACE / NAVFAC / AFCEC / NASA UFGS-02 83 13.00 20 (August 2011)

Change 1 - 02/17
Preparing Activity: NAVFAC Superseding
UFGS-02 83 13.00 20 (April 2006)


References are in agreement with UMRL dated January 2017




SECTION 02 83 13.00 20




1.2.1 Action Level
1.2.2 Area Sampling
1.2.3 Competent Person (CP)
1.2.4 Contaminated Room
1.2.5 Decontamination Shower Facility
1.2.6 High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor (HEPA) Filter Equipment
1.2.7 Lead
1.2.8 Lead Control Area
1.2.9 Lead Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)
1.2.10 Material Containing Lead/Paint with Lead (MCL/PWL)
1.2.11 Personal Sampling
1.2.12 Physical Boundary
1.3.1 Description of Work
1.3.2 Coordination with Other Work
1.5.1 Qualifications Competent Person (CP) Training Certification Testing Laboratory Third Party Consultant Qualifications
1.5.2 Requirements Competent Person (CP) Responsibilities Lead Compliance Plan Occupational and Environmental Assessment Data Report Medical Examinations Training Respiratory Protection Program Hazard Communication Program Lead Waste Management

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 1 Environmental, Safety and Health Compliance
1.5.3 Pre-Construction Conference
1.6.1 Respirators
1.6.2 Special Protective Clothing
1.6.3 Rental Equipment Notification
1.6.4 Vacuum Filters
1.6.5 Equipment for Government Personnel
1.7.1 Protection of Existing Work to Remain



3.1.1 Protection Notification Lead Control Area Furnishings Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems Decontamination Shower Facility Eye Wash Station Mechanical Ventilation System Personnel Protection
3.2.1 Lead Control Area Requirements
3.3.1 Lead Work
3.3.2 Paint with Lead or Material Containing Lead Removal Paint with Lead or Material Containing Lead - Indoor Removal Paint with Lead or Material Containing Lead - Outdoor
3.3.3 Personnel Exiting Procedures
3.4.1 Tests Air and Wipe Sampling Sampling After Removal Testing of Material Containing Lead Residue
3.5.1 Cleanup Clearance Certification
3.5.2 Disposal Disposal Documentation Payment for Hazardous Waste

-- End of Section Table of Contents --

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 2

USACE / NAVFAC / AFCEC / NASA UFGS-02 83 13.00 20 (August 2011)
Change 1 - 02/17
Preparing Activity: NAVFAC Superseding
UFGS-02 83 13.00 20 (April 2006)


References are in agreement with UMRL dated January 2017


SECTION 02 83 13.00 20


NOTE: This guide specification covers the
requirements for protection of workers, disposal of
lead painted material.

Adhere to UFC 1-300-02 Unified Facilities Guide

Specifications (UFGS) Format Standard when editing
this guide specification or preparing new project
specification sections. Edit this guide
specification for project specific requirements by
adding, deleting, or revising text. For bracketed
items, choose applicable items(s) or insert
appropriate information.

Remove information and requirements not required in

respective project, whether or not brackets are

Comments, suggestions and recommended changes for

this guide specification are welcome and should be
submitted as a Criteria Change Request (CCR).

NOTE: This guide specification also provides
guidelines/recommendations for cleanup of lead on
construction projects impacting material containing
lead and/or lead based paint. This guide
specification does not apply to abatement of lead
hazards in target housing or child occupied
facilities. Section 02 82 33.13 20 REMOVAL/CONTROL
abatement or control of lead hazards in 40 CFR 745
defined child occupied facilities or target housing.

NOTE: Obtain project specific information and
appropriate sampling of Paint with Lead (PWL) or
Material Containing Lead (MCL) that will be removed
or disturbed.

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 3


NOTE: When historic preservation work will disturb
PWL, refer to the Secretary of the Interior's
Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties
and/or Brief 37, "Appropriate Methods for Reducing
Lead-Paint Hazards in Historic Housing" as

NOTE: Projects involving housing improvement,
maintenance, or repair are not considered a
lead-based paint hazard abatement action even if the
effect of the work removes (or reduces) lead
exposure potentials to the occupants. However,
appropriate precautions for protecting occupants and
leaving the housing clean (clearance) after
concluding any work disturbing lead must be
considered. Specific training and certification
requirements (40 CFR 745 or authorized state program
requirements) may not be necessary for all projects.
However, it is strongly recommended that the
specification editor have appropriate training
regarding lead.



NOTE: This paragraph is used to list the
publications cited in the text of the guide
specification. The publications are referred to in
the text by basic designation only and listed in
this paragraph by organization, designation, date,
and title.

Use the Reference Wizard's Check Reference feature

when you add a Reference Identifier (RID) outside of
the Section's Reference Article to automatically
place the reference in the Reference Article. Also
use the Reference Wizard's Check Reference feature
to update the issue dates.

References not used in the text will automatically

be deleted from this section of the project
specification when you choose to reconcile
references in the publish print process.

The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the

extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the
basic designation only.

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 4


AIHA Z88.6 (2006) Respiratory Protection - Respirator

Use-Physical Qualifications for Personnel


16 VAC 25-35 Title 16, Agency 25, Chapter 35:

Regulation Concerning Certified Lead
Contractor's Notification, Lead Project
Permits And Permit Fees

18 VAC 15-30 Title 18, Agency 15, Chapter 30: Virginia

Lead-Based Paint Activities Regulations


HUD 6780 (1995; Errata Aug 1996;Rev Ch. 7 - 1997)

Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control
of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing


29 CFR 1926.103 Respiratory Protection

29 CFR 1926.21 Safety Training and Education

29 CFR 1926.33 Access to Employee Exposure and Medical


29 CFR 1926.55 Gases, Vapors, Fumes, Dusts, and Mists

29 CFR 1926.59 Hazard Communication

29 CFR 1926.62 Lead

29 CFR 1926.65 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency


40 CFR 260 Hazardous Waste Management System: General

40 CFR 261 Identification and Listing of Hazardous


40 CFR 262 Standards Applicable to Generators of

Hazardous Waste

40 CFR 263 Standards Applicable to Transporters of

Hazardous Waste

40 CFR 264 Standards for Owners and Operators of

Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and
Disposal Facilities

40 CFR 265 Interim Status Standards for Owners and

Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment,
Storage, and Disposal Facilities

40 CFR 268 Land Disposal Restrictions

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 5

1.2.7 Lead

Metallic lead, inorganic lead compounds, and organic lead soaps. Excludes
other forms of organic lead compounds.

1.2.8 Lead Control Area

A system [of control methods] to prevent the spread of lead dust, paint
chips or debris to adjacent areas that may include temporary containment,
floor or ground cover protection, physical boundaries, and warning signs to
prevent unauthorized entry of personnel. HEPA filtered local exhaust
equipment may be used as engineering controls to further reduce personnel
exposures or building/outdoor environmental contamination.

1.2.9 Lead Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)

Fifty micrograms per cubic meter of air as an 8 hour time weighted average
as determined by 29 CFR 1926.62. If an employee is exposed for more than
eight hours in a work day, the PEL shall be determined by the following

PEL (micrograms/cubic meter of air) = 400/No. hrs worked per day

1.2.10 Material Containing Lead/Paint with Lead (MCL/PWL)

Any material, including paint, which contains lead as determined by the

testing laboratory using a valid test method. The requirements of this
section does not apply if no detectable levels of lead are found using a
quantitative method for analyzing paint or MCL using laboratory instruments
with specified limits of detection (usually 0.01 percent). An X-Ray
Fluorescence (XRF) instrument is not considered a valid test method.

1.2.11 Personal Sampling

Sampling of airborne lead concentrations within the breathing zone of an

employee to determine the 8 hour time weighted average concentration in
accordance with 29 CFR 1926.62. Samples shall be representative of the
employees' work tasks. Breathing zone shall be considered an area within a
hemisphere, forward of the shoulders, with a radius of 150 to 225 mm 6 to 9
inches and centered at the nose or mouth of an employee.

1.2.12 Physical Boundary

Area physically roped or partitioned off around lead control area to limit
unauthorized entry of personnel.


1.3.1 Description of Work

NOTE: Specify the construction activities that will
impact lead based paint or lead containing
material. Show the location of MCL/PWL impacted
construction activities on the contract drawings and
indicate its condition (well adhered sheets or
wrappings, solid, aggregates, bricks or blocks,
powdered, liquid, sludge, etc.). Example activities

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 7

1.2.7 Lead

Metallic lead, inorganic lead compounds, and organic lead soaps. Excludes
other forms of organic lead compounds.

1.2.8 Lead Control Area

A system [of control methods] to prevent the spread of lead dust, paint
chips or debris to adjacent areas that may include temporary containment,
floor or ground cover protection, physical boundaries, and warning signs to
prevent unauthorized entry of personnel. HEPA filtered local exhaust
equipment may be used as engineering controls to further reduce personnel
exposures or building/outdoor environmental contamination.

1.2.9 Lead Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)

Fifty micrograms per cubic meter of air as an 8 hour time weighted average
as determined by 29 CFR 1926.62. If an employee is exposed for more than
eight hours in a work day, the PEL shall be determined by the following

PEL (micrograms/cubic meter of air) = 400/No. hrs worked per day

1.2.10 Material Containing Lead/Paint with Lead (MCL/PWL)

Any material, including paint, which contains lead as determined by the

testing laboratory using a valid test method. The requirements of this
section does not apply if no detectable levels of lead are found using a
quantitative method for analyzing paint or MCL using laboratory instruments
with specified limits of detection (usually 0.01 percent). An X-Ray
Fluorescence (XRF) instrument is not considered a valid test method.

1.2.11 Personal Sampling

Sampling of airborne lead concentrations within the breathing zone of an

employee to determine the 8 hour time weighted average concentration in
accordance with 29 CFR 1926.62. Samples shall be representative of the
employees' work tasks. Breathing zone shall be considered an area within a
hemisphere, forward of the shoulders, with a radius of 150 to 225 mm 6 to 9
inches and centered at the nose or mouth of an employee.

1.2.12 Physical Boundary

Area physically roped or partitioned off around lead control area to limit
unauthorized entry of personnel.


1.3.1 Description of Work

NOTE: Specify the construction activities that will
impact lead based paint or lead containing
material. Show the location of MCL/PWL impacted
construction activities on the contract drawings and
indicate its condition (well adhered sheets or
wrappings, solid, aggregates, bricks or blocks,
powdered, liquid, sludge, etc.). Example activities

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 7

include: preparing surfaces for painting, saw
cutting through painted material, sanding painted
surfaces, scabbling painted or otherwise leaded
concrete surfaces, blast cleaning painted surfaces,
torch cutting through painted metal.

Construction activities impacting PWL or material containing lead which are

covered by this specification include the demolition and/or removal of
material containing lead in [_____] condition, located [_____] and as
indicated on the drawings. [_____]

1.3.2 Coordination with Other Work

The contractor shall coordinate with work being performed in adjacent

areas. Coordination procedures shall be explained in the Plan and shall
describe how the Contractor will prevent lead exposure to other contractors
and/or Government personnel performing work unrelated to lead activities.


NOTE: Review Submittal Description (SD) definitions
in Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit
the following list to reflect only the submittals
required for the project.

The Guide Specification technical editors have

designated those items that require Government
approval, due to their complexity or criticality,
with a "G." Generally, other submittal items can be
reviewed by the Contractor's Quality Control
System. Only add a "G" to an item, if the submittal
is sufficiently important or complex in context of
the project.

For submittals requiring Government approval on Army

projects, a code of up to three characters within
the submittal tags may be used following the "G"
designation to indicate the approving authority.
Codes for Army projects using the Resident
Management System (RMS) are: "AE" for
Architect-Engineer; "DO" for District Office
(Engineering Division or other organization in the
District Office); "AO" for Area Office; "RO" for
Resident Office; and "PO" for Project Office. Codes
following the "G" typically are not used for Navy,
Air Force, and NASA projects.

Use the "S" classification only in SD-11 Closeout

Submittals. The "S" following a submittal item
indicates that the submittal is required for the
Sustainability Notebook to fulfill federally
mandated sustainable requirements in accordance with

Choose the first bracketed item for Navy, Air Force

and NASA projects, or choose the second bracketed
item for Army projects.

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 8


Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation;

submittals not having a "G" designation are [for Contractor Quality Control
approval.][for information only. When used, a designation following the
"G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for
the Government.] Submittals with an "S" are for inclusion in the
Sustainability Notebook, in conformance with Section 01 33 29
SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING. Submit the following in accordance with Section

SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals

[ Occupational and Environmental Assessment Data Report (if

objective data is used to justify excluding the initial
occupational exposure assessment); G[, [_____]]

] Lead Compliance Plan Including CP Approval (signature, date, and

certification number); G[, [_____]]

Competent Person Qualifications; G[, [_____]]

Training Certification of Workers and Supervisors; G[, [_____]]

Lead Waste Management Plan; G[, [_____]]

[ Written Evidence That TSD is Approved for Lead Disposal; G[,


] Certification of Medical Examinations; G[, [_____]]

SD-06 Test Reports

Sampling Results; G[, [_____]]

Occupational and Environmental Assessment Data Report; G[, [_____]]

SD-07 Certificates

Testing Laboratory Qualifications; G[, [_____]]

[ Occupant Notification; G[, [_____]]

NOTE: See Criteria Notes in paragraphs AIR AND WIPE
whether these items should be included in the

[ Third Party Consultant Qualifications; G[, [_____]]

][ Clearance Certification; G[, [_____]]

] SD-11 Closeout Submittals

Completed and signed hazardous waste manifest from treatment or

disposal facility; G[, [_____]]

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 9

[ Waste turn-in documents or weight tickets for non-hazardous wastes
that are disposed of at sanitary or construction and demolition
landfills; G[, [_____]]


1.5.1 Qualifications Competent Person (CP)

Submit name, address, and telephone number of the CP selected to perform

responsibilities specified in paragraph COMPETENT PERSON (CP)
RESPONSIBILITIES. Provide documented construction project-related
experience with implementation of OSHA's Lead in Construction standard (
29 CFR 1926.62) which shows ability to assess occupational and
environmental exposure to lead, experience with the use of respirators,
personal protective equipment and other exposure reduction methods to
protect employee health. Submit proper documentation that the CP is
trained [and licensed] [and certified] in accordance with federal, State [(
18 VAC 15-30)] and local laws. [The competent person shall be a licensed
lead-based paint abatement Supervisor/Project Designer in the [State of
[_____]][Commonwealth of Virginia]]. Training Certification

NOTE: State or local regulations may consider PWL or
MCL removal work as "lead based paint hazard
reduction activities" even if the work does not
include lead based paint. The training provider may
be required to be "accredited" by either the State
or the United States Environmental Protection Agency

Submit a certificate for each worker and supervisor, signed and dated by
the [accredited] training provider, stating that the employee has received
the required lead training specified in 29 CFR 1926.62(l)[and is certified
to perform or supervise deleading, lead removal or demolition activities]
[in the state of [_____]]. Testing Laboratory

Submit the name, address, and telephone number of the testing laboratory
selected to perform the air [and wipe] analysis, testing, and reporting of
airborne concentrations of lead. Use a laboratory participating in the EPA
National Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program (NLLAP) by being accredited
by either the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) or
the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and that is successfully
participating in the Environmental Lead Proficiency Analytical Testing
(ELPAT) program to perform sample analysis. Laboratories selected to
perform blood lead analysis shall be OSHA approved.

[ Third Party Consultant Qualifications

NOTE: See Criteria Notes in paragraphs AIR AND WIPE
whether this paragraph should be included in the

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 10


Submit the name, address and telephone number of the third party consultant
selected to perform the wipe sampling for determining concentrations of
lead in dust. Submit proper documentation that the consultant is trained
and certified as an inspector technician or inspector/risk assessor by the
USEPA authorized State (or local) certification and accreditation program.

]1.5.2 Requirements Competent Person (CP) Responsibilities

a. Verify training meets all federal, State, and local requirements.

b. Review and approve Lead Compliance Plan for conformance to the

applicable referenced standards.

c. Continuously inspect PWL or MCL work for conformance with the approved

d. Perform (or oversee performance of) air sampling. Recommend upgrades

or downgrades (whichever is appropriate based on exposure) on the use
of PPE (respirators included) and engineering controls.

e. Ensure work is performed in strict accordance with specifications at

all times.

f. Control work to prevent hazardous exposure to human beings and to the

environment at all times.

g. Supervise final cleaning of the lead control area, take clearance wipe
samples if necessary; review clearance sample results and make
recommendations for further cleaning.

h. Certify the conditions of the work as called for elsewhere in this

specification. Lead Compliance Plan

NOTE: State or local regulations may have specific
requirements for written project designs. Research
specific State or local requirements for public,
commercial buildings or structures. Consider the
bracketed occupant protection plan for high profile
sensitive work such as present in family housing,
childcare facilities, administrative buildings,
kitchens, etc.

Submit a detailed job-specific plan of the work procedures to be used in

the disturbance of PWL or MCL. The plan shall include a sketch showing the
location, size, and details of lead control areas, critical barriers,
physical boundaries, location and details of decontamination facilities,
viewing ports, and mechanical ventilation system. Include a description of
equipment and materials, work practices, controls and job responsibilities
for each activity from which lead is emitted. Include in the plan, eating,
drinking, smoking, hygiene facilities and sanitary procedures, interface of

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 11

trades, sequencing of lead related work, collected waste water and dust
containing lead and debris, air sampling, respirators, personal protective
equipment, and a detailed description of the method of containment of the
operation to ensure that lead is not released outside of the lead control
area. Include site preparation, cleanup and clearance procedures. Include
occupational and environmental sampling, training and strategy, sampling
and analysis strategy and methodology, frequency of sampling, duration of
sampling, and qualifications of sampling personnel in the air sampling
portion of the plan. Include a description of arrangements made among
contractors on multicontractor worksites to inform affected employees and
to clarify responsibilities to control exposures.

[ The plan must be developed by a certified Lead Supervisor or Lead Project

Designer in the State of [_____].

][In occupied buildings, the plan must also include an occupant protection
program that describes the measures that will be taken during the work to
[notify and] protect the building occupants.

] Occupational and Environmental Assessment Data Report

NOTE: Sampling results of previous jobs or initial
monitoring during the job determine the requirements
for further monitoring and the need to fully
implement the control and protective requirements.
Some PWL or MCL work may not require full
implementation of the requirements of 29 CFR
1926.62. Based on the experience of the Contractor
or the use of a specific process or method for
performing the work, the Contractor may be able to
provide historic data (previous 12 months) to
demonstrate that airborne exposures are controlled
below the action level. Such methods or controls
shall be fully presented in the Lead Compliance

If initial monitoring is necessary, submit occupational and environmental

sampling results to the Contracting Officer within three working days of
collection, signed by the testing laboratory employee performing the
analysis, the employee that performed the sampling, and the CP.

[ In order to reduce the full implementation of 29 CFR 1926.62, the

Contractor shall provide documentation. Submit a report that supports the
determination to reduce full implementation of the requirements of
29 CFR 1926.62 and supporting the Lead Compliance Plan.

] a. The initial monitoring shall represent each job classification, or if

working conditions are similar to previous jobs by the same employer,
provide previously collected exposure data that can be used to estimate
worker exposures per 29 CFR 1926.62. The data shall represent the
worker's regular daily exposure to lead for stated work.

b. Submit worker exposure data gathered during the task based trigger
operations of 29 CFR 1926.62 with a complete process description. This
includes manual demolition, manual scraping, manual sanding, heat gun,
power tool cleaning, rivet busting, cleanup of dry expendable
abrasives, abrasive blast enclosure removal, abrasive blasting,

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 12

welding, cutting and torch burning where lead containing coatings are

c. The initial assessment shall determine the requirement for further

monitoring and the need to fully implement the control and protective
requirements including the lead compliance plan per 29 CFR 1926.62. Medical Examinations

Initial medical surveillance as required by 29 CFR 1926.62 shall be made

available to all employees exposed to lead at any time (1 day) above the
action level. Full medical surveillance shall be made available to all
employees on an annual basis who are or may be exposed to lead in excess of
the action level for more than 30 days a year or as required by 29 CFR
1926.62. Adequate records shall show that employees meet the medical
surveillance requirements of 29 CFR 1926.33, 29 CFR 1926.62 and 29 CFR
1926.103. Provide medical surveillance to all personnel exposed to lead as
indicated in 29 CFR 1926.62. Maintain complete and accurate medical
records of employees for the duration of employment plus 30 years. Training

NOTE: Use training requirements for location.
Include 18 VAC 15-30 for Virginia projects.

Train each employee performing work that disturbs lead, who performs
MCL/PWL disposal, and air sampling operations prior to the time of initial
job assignment and annually thereafter, in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.21,
29 CFR 1926.62, and State [(18 VAC 15-30)] and local regulations where
appropriate. Respiratory Protection Program

a. Provide each employee required to wear a respirator a respirator fit

test at the time of initial fitting and at least annually thereafter as
required by 29 CFR 1926.62.

b. Establish and implement a respiratory protection program as required by

AIHA Z88.6, 29 CFR 1926.103, 29 CFR 1926.62, and 29 CFR 1926.55. Hazard Communication Program

Establish and implement a Hazard Communication Program as required by 29

CFR 1926.59. Lead Waste Management

NOTE: Research local requirements. The EPA has
clarified waste requirements where lead-based paint
debris generated by contractors in households is
excluded from RCRA Subtitle C hazardous waste
regulations. Contractors may dispose of LBP-wastes
as household wastes subject to applicable State
regulations. Determination of the expected waste
materials as hazardous or solid waste for disposal

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 13

lead-contaminated dust. Use of these techniques for
exteriors should be limited because the resulting
airborne dust could result in significant
contamination of the ground in the immediate
vicinity of the facility. Manual or power
sanding/grinding of lead containing surfaces may be
an acceptable work method only if appropriate
engineering controls for personnel/environmental
protection are in place.

NOTE: For commercial/public buildings and industrial
buildings, the designer will have to ascertain
appropriate procedures, methods and techniques to
control lead hazards. The use of enclosure or soil
barriers as a control system requires the input of
engineering/ architectural experts familiar with
these controls. Add additional paragraphs to
address unique local or state requirements.

[Manual or power sanding or grinding of lead surfaces or materials is not

permitted unless tools are equipped with HEPA attachments or wet methods.
The dry sanding or grinding of surfaces that contain lead is prohibited.]
Provide methodology for removing lead in the Lead Compliance Plan. Select
lead removal processes to minimize contamination of work areas outside the
control area with lead-contaminated dust or other lead-contaminated debris
or waste and to ensure that unprotected personnel are not exposed to
hazardous concentrations of lead. Describe this removal process in the Lead
Compliance Plan. [_____] Paint with Lead or Material Containing Lead - Indoor Removal

Perform [manual] [mechanical] removal [and thermal cutting] in the lead

control areas using enclosures, barriers or containments [and powered
locally exhausted tools]. Collect residue [debris] for disposal in
accordance with federal, State, and local requirements. Paint with Lead or Material Containing Lead - Outdoor Removal

Perform outdoor removal as indicated in federal, State, and local

regulations and in the Lead Compliance Plan. The worksite preparation
(barriers or containments) shall be job dependent and presented in the Lead
Compliance Plan.

3.3.3 Personnel Exiting Procedures

Whenever personnel exit the lead-controlled area, they shall perform the
following procedures and shall not leave the work place wearing any
clothing or equipment worn in the control area:

a. Vacuum all clothing before entering the contaminated change room.

b. Remove protective clothing in the contaminated change room, and place

them in an approved impermeable disposal bag.

NOTE: Showering is the preferred method of personal

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 19

decontamination. However, extenuating circumstances
may prevent the use of a shower at the work site.
In that event, choose the alternate selection. Note
that the alternate is generally a very expensive
method and should be used only when showering at the
site is unfeasible.

[ c. Shower.

][c. Wash hands and face at the site, don appropriate disposable or
uncontaminated reusable clothing, move to an appropriate shower
facility, shower.

] d. C hange to clean clothes prior to leaving the clean clothes storage area.


3.4.1 Tests Air and Wipe Sampling

Conduct sampling for lead in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.62 and as

specified herein. Air and wipe sampling shall be directed or performed by
the CP.

a. The CP shall be on the job site directing the air and wipe sampling and
inspecting the PWL or MCL removal work to ensure that the requirements
of the contract have been satisfied during the entire PWL or MCL

b. Collect personal air samples on employees who are anticipated to have

the greatest risk of exposure as determined by the CP. In addition,
collect air samples on at least twenty-five percent of the work crew or
a minimum of two employees, whichever is greater, during each work

c. Submit results of air samples, signed by the CP, within 72 hours after
the air samples are taken.

d. Conduct area air sampling daily, on each shift in which lead-based

paint removal operations are performed, in areas immediately adjacent
to the lead control area. Sufficient area monitoring shall be conducted
to ensure unprotected personnel are not exposed at or above 30
micrograms per cubic meter of air. If 30 micrograms per cubic meter of
air is reached or exceeded, stop work, correct the conditions(s)
causing the increased levels. Notify the Contracting Officer
immediately. Determine if condition(s) require any further change in
work methods. Removal work shall resume only after the CP and the
Contracting Officer give approval.

NOTE: Include the following paragraph for high
profile, sensitive work such as present in family
housing, child care facilities, administrative
buildings, kitchens, barracks, etc. Use the
following paragraph along with clearance
certification by a third party consultant specified
in paragraph CLEARANCE CERTIFICATION to determine if

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 20

Contracting Officer.

Furnish the Contracting Officer with [two] [_____] complete sets of

personal protective equipment (PPE) daily, as required herein, for entry
into and inspection of the lead removal work within the lead controlled
area. Personal protective equipment shall include disposable whole body
covering, including appropriate foot, head, eye, and hand protection. PPE
shall remain the property of the Contractor. The Government will provide
respiratory protection for the Contracting Officer.


1.7.1 Protection of Existing Work to Remain

Perform work without damage or contamination of adjacent areas. Where

existing work is damaged or contaminated, restore work to its original
condition or better as determined by the Contracting Officer.


Not used.



3.1.1 Protection Notification

a. Notify the Contracting Officer [20] [_____] days prior to the start of
any lead work.

[ b. Occupant Notification

NOTE: Projects in target housing involving
improvement, or maintenance (renovation or repair),
that disrupt more than 2 square feet of painted
surface while being occupied requires occupant
notification prior to work.

Submit occupant written acknowledgment of the delivery of lead hazard

information pamphlet (EPA 747-K-99-001 "Protect Your Family From Lead
in Your Home") prior to commencing the renovation work for each
affected unit using language provided in 40 CFR 745 Subpart E.

] Lead Control Area

a. Physical Boundary - Provide physical boundaries around the lead control

area by roping off the area designated in the work plan or providing
curtains, portable partitions or other enclosures to ensure that lead
will not escape outside of the lead control area.

b. Warning Signs - Provide warning signs at approaches to lead control

areas. Locate signs at such a distance that personnel may read the sign
and take the necessary precautions before entering the area. Signs

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 16

shall comply with the requirements of 29 CFR 1926.62. Furnishings

NOTE: Verify with the activity furniture or
equipment requirements.

[ The Government will remove furniture and equipment from the building before
lead work begins.

][Furniture [_____] and equipment will remain in the [building] [lead control
area]. Protect and cover furnishings or remove furnishings from the work
area and store in a location approved by the Contracting Officer.

][Existing [furniture] [and] [equipment] is lead contaminated,

[decontaminate] [dispose of as lead contaminated waste].

] Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems

Shut down, lock out, and isolate HVAC systems that supply, exhaust, or pass
through the lead control areas. Seal intake and exhaust vents in the lead
control area with 0.15 mm 6 mil plastic sheet and tape. Seal seams in HVAC
components that pass through the lead control area. [Provide temporary HVAC
system for areas in which HVAC has been shut down outside the lead control
area.] Decontamination Shower Facility

Provide clean and contaminated change rooms and shower facilities in

accordance with this specification and 29 CFR 1926.62. Eye Wash Station

Where eyes may be exposed to injurious corrosive materials, suitable

facilities for quick drenching or flushing of the eyes shall be provided
within the work area. Mechanical Ventilation System

a. To the extent feasible, use local exhaust ventilation or other

collection systems, approved by the CP. Local exhaust ventilation
systems shall be evaluated and maintained in accordance with
29 CFR 1926.62.

b. Vent local exhaust outside the building and away from building
ventilation intakes or ensure system is connected to HEPA filters.

c. Use locally exhausted, power actuated tools or manual hand tools. Personnel Protection

Personnel shall wear and use protective clothing and equipment as specified
herein. Eating, smoking, or drinking or application of cosmetics is not
permitted in the lead control area. No one will be permitted in the lead
control area unless they have been appropriately trained and provided with
protective equipment.

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 17


3.2.1 Lead Control Area Requirements

NOTE: Choose the first paragraph if PWL or MCL will
be removed by means that will not create airborne,
dust containing lead (such as carefully unfastening
sheets containing lead from walls). Choose the
second paragraph if removal practice will create
airborne, dust containing lead (such as sanding,
sawing, grinding, thermal cutting or digging or
demolition activities). Select the control method
that will ensure efficiency and prevents lead from
escaping outside of the lead control area.

[ Establish a lead control area by completely establishing barriers and

physical boundaries around the area or structure where PWL or MCL removal
operations will be performed.
NOTE: The Designer should consider the use of
viewing ports for lead control areas under 100
square meters 1,000 square feet to save inspection

[ Full containment - Contain removal operations by the use of [critical

barriers] [and HEPA filtered exhaust] [a negative pressure enclosure system
with decontamination facilities and with HEPA filtered exhaust if required
by the CP]. For containment areas larger than 100 square meters 1,000
square feet install a minimum of two 450 mm 18 inch square viewing ports.
Locate ports to provide a view of the required work from the exterior of
the enclosed contaminated area. Glaze ports with laminated safety glass.


3.3.1 Lead Work

Perform lead work in accordance with approved Lead Compliance Plan. Use
procedures and equipment required to limit occupational exposure and
environmental contamination with lead when the work is performed in
accordance with 29 CFR 1926.62 [or 40 CFR 745], and as specified herein.
Dispose of all PWL or MCL and associated waste in compliance with federal,
State, and local requirements.

3.3.2 Paint with Lead or Material Containing Lead Removal

NOTE: Use bracketed prohibition on manual and power
sanding/grinding of lead surfaces/materials when
appropriate. Large scale manual or power
sanding/grinding of lead containing surfaces should
never be allowed in family housing, child care
facilities, administrative buildings, galleys,
barracks, etc., due to problems associated with the
resulting dust fallout/contamination of crevices and
cracks which may retain unseen quantities of

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 18

lead-contaminated dust. Use of these techniques for
exteriors should be limited because the resulting
airborne dust could result in significant
contamination of the ground in the immediate
vicinity of the facility. Manual or power
sanding/grinding of lead containing surfaces may be
an acceptable work method only if appropriate
engineering controls for personnel/environmental
protection are in place.

NOTE: For commercial/public buildings and industrial
buildings, the designer will have to ascertain
appropriate procedures, methods and techniques to
control lead hazards. The use of enclosure or soil
barriers as a control system requires the input of
engineering/ architectural experts familiar with
these controls. Add additional paragraphs to
address unique local or state requirements.

[Manual or power sanding or grinding of lead surfaces or materials is not

permitted unless tools are equipped with HEPA attachments or wet methods.
The dry sanding or grinding of surfaces that contain lead is prohibited.]
Provide methodology for removing lead in the Lead Compliance Plan. Select
lead removal processes to minimize contamination of work areas outside the
control area with lead-contaminated dust or other lead-contaminated debris
or waste and to ensure that unprotected personnel are not exposed to
hazardous concentrations of lead. Describe this removal process in the Lead
Compliance Plan. [_____] Paint with Lead or Material Containing Lead - Indoor Removal

Perform [manual] [mechanical] removal [and thermal cutting] in the lead

control areas using enclosures, barriers or containments [and powered
locally exhausted tools]. Collect residue [debris] for disposal in
accordance with federal, State, and local requirements. Paint with Lead or Material Containing Lead - Outdoor Removal

Perform outdoor removal as indicated in federal, State, and local

regulations and in the Lead Compliance Plan. The worksite preparation
(barriers or containments) shall be job dependent and presented in the Lead
Compliance Plan.

3.3.3 Personnel Exiting Procedures

Whenever personnel exit the lead-controlled area, they shall perform the
following procedures and shall not leave the work place wearing any
clothing or equipment worn in the control area:

a. Vacuum all clothing before entering the contaminated change room.

b. Remove protective clothing in the contaminated change room, and place

them in an approved impermeable disposal bag.

NOTE: Showering is the preferred method of personal

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 19

decontamination. However, extenuating circumstances
may prevent the use of a shower at the work site.
In that event, choose the alternate selection. Note
that the alternate is generally a very expensive
method and should be used only when showering at the
site is unfeasible.

[ c. Shower.

][c. Wash hands and face at the site, don appropriate disposable or
uncontaminated reusable clothing, move to an appropriate shower
facility, shower.

] d. C hange to clean clothes prior to leaving the clean clothes storage area.


3.4.1 Tests Air and Wipe Sampling

Conduct sampling for lead in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.62 and as

specified herein. Air and wipe sampling shall be directed or performed by
the CP.

a. The CP shall be on the job site directing the air and wipe sampling and
inspecting the PWL or MCL removal work to ensure that the requirements
of the contract have been satisfied during the entire PWL or MCL

b. Collect personal air samples on employees who are anticipated to have

the greatest risk of exposure as determined by the CP. In addition,
collect air samples on at least twenty-five percent of the work crew or
a minimum of two employees, whichever is greater, during each work

c. Submit results of air samples, signed by the CP, within 72 hours after
the air samples are taken.

d. Conduct area air sampling daily, on each shift in which lead-based

paint removal operations are performed, in areas immediately adjacent
to the lead control area. Sufficient area monitoring shall be conducted
to ensure unprotected personnel are not exposed at or above 30
micrograms per cubic meter of air. If 30 micrograms per cubic meter of
air is reached or exceeded, stop work, correct the conditions(s)
causing the increased levels. Notify the Contracting Officer
immediately. Determine if condition(s) require any further change in
work methods. Removal work shall resume only after the CP and the
Contracting Officer give approval.

NOTE: Include the following paragraph for high
profile, sensitive work such as present in family
housing, child care facilities, administrative
buildings, kitchens, barracks, etc. Use the
following paragraph along with clearance
certification by a third party consultant specified
in paragraph CLEARANCE CERTIFICATION to determine if

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 20

significant contamination was due to the contract
work. Surface dust sampling to determine clearance
(i.e., that the work has not contaminated surfaces
within and adjacent to the control area) should be
performed by a third party to reduce a conflict of
interest. Samples must be conducted by an individual
not paid or employed or otherwise compensated by the
lead Contractor. State or local regulations may
require third party.

[ e. Before any work begins, [a third party consultant shall] collect and
analyze baseline wipe [and soil] samples in accordance with methods
defined by federal, State, and local standards inside and outside of
the physical boundary to assess the degree of dust contamination in the
facility prior to lead disturbance or removal.
NOTE: Lead hazard control area containment adequacy
should be checked by surface wipe sampling of floors
in all buildings that are or will be occupied. The
exceptions being buildings to be demolished or
industrial buildings.

[ f. Surface Wipe Samples - Collect surface wipe samples on floors at a

location no greater than 3 m 10 feet outside the lead control area at a
frequency of once per day while lead removal work is conducted in
occupied buildings. Surface wipe results shall meet criteria in

] Sampling After Removal

After the visual inspection, [conduct soil sampling if bare soil is present
during external removal operations and] collect wipe [and soil] samples
according to the HUD protocol contained in HUD 6780 to determine the lead
content of settled dust in micrograms per square meter foot of surface area
[and micrograms per gram (ug/g) parts per million (ppm) for soil].

[ Testing of Material Containing Lead Residue

NOTE: Include this paragraph when the residue is
questionable with respect to its lead content,
otherwise delete.

Test residue in accordance with 40 CFR 261 for hazardous waste.


3.5.1 Cleanup

Maintain surfaces of the lead control area free of accumulations of dust

and debris. Restrict the spread of dust and debris; keep waste from being
distributed over the work area. Do not dry sweep or use pressurized air to
clean up the area. At the end of each shift and when the lead operation has
been completed, clean the controlled area of visible contamination by
vacuuming with a HEPA filtered vacuum cleaner, wet mopping the area and wet

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 21

wiping the area as indicated by the Lead Compliance Plan. Reclean areas
showing dust or debris. After visible dust and debris is removed, wet wipe
and HEPA vacuum all surfaces in the controlled area. If adjacent areas
become contaminated at any time during the work, clean, visually inspect,
and then wipe sample all contaminated areas. The CP shall then certify in
writing that the area has been cleaned of lead contamination before
clearance testing. Clearance Certification

NOTE: The second paragraph must be used for high
profile, sensitive work such as present in family
housing, child care facilities, kitchens, etc. For
work in administrative buildings or the conversion
of industrial lead work areas (e.g., firing ranges)
into non-industrial work areas open for public
access, use the third paragraph otherwise delete.
For industrial buildings, use visual clearance
only. Surface dust sampling to determine clearance
(i.e., that the work has not contaminated surfaces
within and adjacent to the control area) should be
performed by a third party to reduce a conflict of

The CP shall certify in writing that air samples collected outside the lead
control area during paint removal operations are less than 30 micrograms
per cubic meter of air; the respiratory protection used for the employees
was adequate; the work procedures were performed in accordance with
29 CFR 1926.62; and that there were no visible accumulations of material
and dust containing lead left in the work site. Do not remove the lead
control area or roped off boundary and warning signs prior to the
Contracting Officer's acknowledgement of receipt of the CP certification.

[ The third party consultant shall certify surface wipe sample results
collected inside and outside the work area are [less than 40 micrograms per
0.1 square meter square foot on floors, less than 250 micrograms per 0.1
square meter square foot on interior window sills and less than 400
micrograms per 0.1 square meter square foot on window troughs] [not
significantly greater than the initial surface loading determined prior to

][The third party consultant shall certify surface wipe sample results
collected inside and outside the work area are less than 200 micrograms per
0.1 square meter square foot on floors or horizontal surfaces.

][Certify surface wipe samples are not significantly greater than the initial
surface loading determined prior to work.

][Clear the lead control area in industrial facilities of all visible dust
and debris.

][For exterior work, soil samples taken at the exterior of the work site
shall be used to determine if soil lead levels had increased at a
statistically significant level (significant at the 95 percent confidence
limit) from the soil lead levels prior to the operation. If soil lead
levels either show a statistically significant increase above soil lead
levels prior to work or soil lead levels above any applicable federal or

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 22

state standard for lead in soil, the soil shall be remediated.

]3.5.2 Disposal

NOTE: Notify the activity that Federal regulations
(40 CFR 260-265) require a USEPA generator
identification number for use on the Uniform
Hazardous Waste Manifest prior to commencement of
removal work. A USEPA generator identification
number will not be required if it is certain that
the work will not generate HW.

NOTE: Research State, regional, and local laws,
regulations, and statutes and revise the
specifications accordingly. Proper segregation and
handling of waste can significantly reduce the
generated volume (and cost) of disposing hazardous

NOTE: Research State, regional, and local
requirements regarding the recycling of lead wastes.
Ensure that other hazardous components are not
present. The entire waste stream or discreet
portions of the waste may be appropriately packaged
and transported for recycling (Consider Section
MANAGEMENT). If waste is eligible for sanitary
landfill or C&D landfill disposal, some of these
requirements are not applicable.

a. All material, whether hazardous or non-hazardous shall be disposed in

accordance with all laws and provisions and all federal, State or local
regulations. Ensure all waste is properly characterized. The result of
each waste characterization (TCLP for RCRA materials) will dictate
disposal requirements.

b. Contractor is responsible for segregation of waste. Collect

lead-contaminated waste, scrap, debris, bags, containers, equipment,
and lead-contaminated clothing that may produce airborne concentrations
of lead particles. Label the containers in accordance with
29 CFR 1926.62 and 40 CFR 261.

c. Dispose of lead-contaminated material classified as hazardous waste at

an [EPA] [or] [State] approved hazardous waste treatment, storage, or
disposal facility off Government property.

d. Store waste materials in U.S. Department of Transportation (49 CFR 178)

approved 208 liter 55 gallon drums. Properly label each drum to
identify the type of waste (49 CFR 172) and the date the drum was
filled. For hazardous waste, the collection drum requires
marking/labeling in accordance with 40 CFR 262 during the
accumulation/collection timeframe. The Contracting Officer or an
authorized representative will assign an area for interim storage of

SECTION 02 83 13.00 20 Page 23

waste-containing drums. Do not store hazardous waste drums in interim
storage longer than 90 calendar days from the date affixed to each drum.

e. Handle, store, transport, and dispose lead or lead-contaminated waste

in accordance with 40 CFR 260, 40 CFR 261, 40 CFR 262, 40 CFR 263,
40 CFR 264, and 40 CFR 265. Comply with land disposal restriction
notification requirements as required by 40 CFR 268. Disposal Documentation

NOTE: Include the following paragraph if the
Contractor is to dispose of waste.

Submit written evidence to demonstrate the hazardous waste treatment,

storage, or disposal facility (TSD) is approved for lead disposal by the
EPA, State or local regulatory agencies. Submit one copy of the completed
hazardous waste manifest, signed and dated by the initial transporter in
accordance with 40 CFR 262. Contractor shall provide a certificate that
the waste was accepted by the disposal facility. [Provide turn-in documents
or weight tickets for non-hazardous waste disposal.] Payment for Hazardous Waste

Payment for disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste will not be made
until a signed copy of the manifest from the treatment or disposal facility
certifying the amount of lead-containing materials or non-hazardous waste
delivered is returned and a copy is furnished to the Government.

-- End of Section --

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