RF Digital Assignment 2: Luis C. Gutiérrez L, 4180666
RF Digital Assignment 2: Luis C. Gutiérrez L, 4180666
RF Digital Assignment 2: Luis C. Gutiérrez L, 4180666
One of the most im ort!nt fie"#s in e"e$troni$s, if not the most, is the fie"# of $ommuni$!tions. The re%uirements for sen#in& "!r&er !mounts of #!t! su$h !s hi&h #efinition 'i#eo im ose tou&h s e$ifi$!tions to (e met. )in$e the m!ssifi$!tion of *ire"ess #e'i$es su$h !s $e"" hones, +D,s !n# -L,N #e'i$es. /&oo# nei&h(or o"i$ies0 nee#e# to (e im "emente# th!t further $om "i$!te the #esi&n of ne* $ommuni$!tion s1stems.. In the Di&it!" R2 $ourse, ! ne* ! ro!$h for r!#io #esi&n is intro#u$e#, in *hi$h inform!tion is tr!ns ort 3en$o#e#4 in time r!ther th!n in !m "itu#e, t!5in& !#'!nt!&e of the short rise6f!"" times o(ser'e# (1 #ee n!no7s$!"e C8O) #e'i$es. In or#er to #i'e into this ne* *or"#, one h!s to re'ie* !n# un#erst!n# some $on$e ts th!t !re the foun#!tion of the $ommuni$!tion fie"#. In this !ssi&nment, the (!si$ forms of mo#u"!tion !re resente# 3i.e ,8, 28 !n# +84 !n# the &ener!te# si&n!"s !re o""ute# *ith #ifferen$e sour$es of G!ussi!n noise in or#er to o(ser'e their effe$t in the %u!"it1 of the si&n!" tr!nsmission. 8oreo'er, ! tri!n&u"!r mo#u"!tion ! ro!$h resente# in 91: is !"so !n!"1ze#, !n# its !#'!nt!&es resente#. The se$tion II sho*s the $ore of the !ssi&nment, *ith the re resent!tion of the si&n!"s re%uire# !n# the !rti$u"!r #is$ussion of e!$h of them. )e$tion III summ!rizes the resu"ts !n# $on$"usions. II. !. +!rt 1< R;)ULT) ,ND DI)CU))ION
This !rt of the !ssi&nment in'o"'es the &ener!tion of t*o mo#u"!te# si&n!"s, *hi$h $!n (e re$o&nize# !s !m "itu#e !n# fre%uen$1 mo#u"!te#. The m!them!ti$!" #efinition of su$h si&n!"s is resente# in e%u!tions 314 !n# 3=4 res e$ti'e"1<
-here ,$ !n# f$ !re the $!rrier !m "itu#e !n# fre%uen$1. ,m !n# fm !re the mess!&e !m "itu#e !n# fre%uen$1 !n# > is the mo# 7 u"!tion in#e?. In or#er to &ener!te those si&n!"s *e must fo""o* the &ui#e"ines, *hi$h st!te th!t ,m@ ,$, > A 1, f$ B =.4GCz, o'ers!m "in& r!tio 3O)R4 B 8 !n# ! suit!("e fre%uen$1 for the mess!&e. 2or this !rti$u"!r $!se, it *!s $hosen ! fre%uen$1 for the mess!&e of =D08Cz, su$h th!t in (oth time !n# fre%uen$1 "ots !"" the $om onents $!n (e $"e!r"1 i#entifie#. In the #e'e"o e# 8,TL,E $o#e !"" of these !r!meters h!'e (een "eft to (e #efine# (1 the user to m!5e the $o#e more f"e?i("e. Nonethe"ess, the re$ommen#e# '!"ues to o(t!in the "ots resente# in this re ort !re intro#u$e# in the he" of the m7fi"e. In the "eft h!n# si#e of fi&ure 1 it is ossi("e to o(ser'e the s!m "e# si&n!"s !t !n o'ers!m "in& r!tio of 8. It is im ort!nt to noti$e th!t this o'ers!m "in& r!tio is t!5en from the N1%uist fre%uen$1, *hi$h is #efine# !s #ou("e the hi&hest fre%uen$1 of the si&n!" 3in this $!se the $!rrier4. The ri&ht h!n# si#e resents the fre%uen$1 s e$trum of (oth si&n!"s. These s e$trums *ere norm!"ize# to the num(er of s!m "es use# !n# "otte# in "o&7s$!"e for the F7!?is for $"!rit1. 2or the ,8 s e$trum it is ossi("e to o(ser'e $"e!r"1 the $!rrier !n# the #ou("e si#e# mess!&e !t f$Gfm *here!s for the 28 the o(ser'e# e!5s #e en# on the si#e(!n#7 !ir Eesse" fun$tion $oeffi$ients 9=:. In this $!se, ! > of 1.D *!s use#.
)e$on#"1, for e!$h si&n!", #ifferent sour$e of noise *ere ! "ie#, (ein& these ,8, 28 !n# +8 G!ussi!n noise. 2i&ure = sho*s the resu"ts of ! "1in& this 5in# of noise to the !m "itu#e mo#u"!te# si&n!" (oth in time !n# fre%uen$1. It is im ort!nt to mention th!t the noise *!s s$!"e# !$$or#in&"1 #e en#in& on *here it *!s ! "ie# su$h th!t its effe$t $ou"# (e o(ser'e# $"e!r"1. 2or the !m "itu#e $!se, the o'er!"" noise f"oor *!s in$remente# (ut 1et sti"" (oth the mo#u"!te# si&n!" *!s $"e!r"1 o(ser'!("e. 2or the fre%uen$1 noise the $!se is more $riti$!", sin$e the mess!&e "e'e" is 'er1 $"ose to the noise f"oor. ;'en *orst is *h!t h! ens *ith the h!se noise. The mess!&e is $om "ete"1 su(mer&e# un#er the noise f"oor !n# for this $!se of mo#u"!tion, no "on&er re$o'er!("e.
In ! simi"!r *!1, the H noise sour$es !re ! "ie# to the !n&u"!r mo#u"!te# si&n!", !n# the resu"ts !re resente# in fi&ure H. The (eh!'ior !$hie'e# fo""o*e# the s!me tren# !s in the !m "itu#e mo#u"!te# si&n!". 8oreo'er, here. (oth the 28 !n# +8 noise m!5e the mess!&e to '!nish into the noise f"oor, *hi$h is s"i&ht"1 hi&her in these t*o $!ses th!n in the ,8 noise $!se.
+!rt =<
2or the !rt t*o ! sinusoi#!" $!rrier is fre%uen$1 mo#u"!te# usin& ! tri!n&u"!r mo#u"!tion ! ro!$h !s resente# in 91:. 2i&ure 4, resents the si&n!" mo#u"!te# *ith ! tri!n&u"!r '!ri!("e fre%uen$1 3to "eft4. The mo#u"!tin& fre%uen$1 !s ! fun$tion of time is resente# in the to ri&ht si#e of the fi&ure 4, sho*in& ! $entr!" s re!#in& ! ro!$h *ith IfBGD8Cz. 2in!""1, the (ottom si#e of the fi&ure resents the s e$trum of the ure $!rrier 3re#4 !n# the mo#u"!te# si&n!" 3("ue4. The s e$trum is f"!ttene# !roun# the $!rrier 3$entr!" s re!#in&4 (1 If. This If !rises from the e%u!tion for the s re!#in& sho*n in 9H:. , '!"ue of JB=.D is &i'en in the !ssi&nment sheet. The !#'!nt!&e of the us!&e of tri!n&u"!r mo#u"!tion is the re#u$tion of the ;"e$tro8!&neti$ Interferen$e th!t !rises in hi&h s ee# $ommuni$!tion, es e$i!""1 in $ro*#e# s e$trum (!n#*i#ths su$h !s mo(i"e ! "i$!tions. The ;8I su ression $!n (e *ritten !s in e%u!tion 3H4<
2i&ure 4< 2re%uen$1 mo#u"!tion *ith ! tri!n&u"!r *!'e. To "eft< )i&n!" in time. To ri&ht< Tri!n&u"!r mo#u"!tion. Eottom< 2re%uen$1 s e$trum of the $!rrier !n# the mo#u"!te# si&n!".
91: CONCLU)ION In this !ssi&nment the (!si$ $on$e ts of mo#u"!tion !n# the effe$ts of noise *ere re'ie*e#. Different sour$es of noise *ere ! "ie# in or#er to #etermine their inf"uen$e in t*o #ifferent"1 mo#u"!te# si&n!"s. 2rom the o(ser'!tions m!#e in the simu"!tions of fi&ure = !n# H one $!n est!("ish th!t h!se noise is more $riti$!" in $ommuni$!tion s1stems. The mess!&e /#ro*ne#0 f!ster in the noise f"oor *hen 28 !n# +8 noise *ere ! "ie# to the s1stem, *here!s in the !m "itu#e #om!in the mo#u"!te# *!s more ro(ust. ,##ition!""1, it *!s ossi("e to o(ser'e the effe$t of tri!n&u"!r mo#u"!tion in s e$tr!" f"!ttenin& th!t (rin&s the !#'!nt!&e of ;8I re#u$tion, m!t$hin& the ! ro!$hes for /&oo# nei&h(or o"i$ies0. 2rom the ;8I su ression ) one $!n est!("ish tr!#e7off (et*een s re!#in&, $!rrier fre%uen$1 !n# the reso"ution (!n#*i#th.
91: 9=: 9H:
Csi!n7Cui Ch!n&, I7Cui Cu! !n# )hen7Iu!n Liu. , ) re!#7 ) e$trum C"o$5 Gener!tor -ith Tri!n&u"!r 8o#u"!tion. Kourn!" of )o"i# )t!te Cir$uits, Lo". H8, No. 4. , ri" =00H. 2re%uen$1 8o#u"!tion. 2oun# !s #f #o$ument in< htt <66*e(too"s.#e"m!r"e!rnin&.$om6s!m "eM$h! ters68U704.+D2 C"o$5 Gener!tion -ith ) re!# ) e$trum. , "i$!tion note, 8!?im. htt <66***.m!?im7i$.$om6! 7notes6in#e?.m' 6i#6HD0H