Clearing Neg Energies, Spirits Dmons, Etc
Clearing Neg Energies, Spirits Dmons, Etc
Clearing Neg Energies, Spirits Dmons, Etc
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Entity Removal, Spirit Releasement, Spiritual Clearing Dark Entities, Demon Possession
This website is dedicated to teaching people how entity attachments affect our li es and how to remo e them! This information is offered as an educational tool to aid people in their path on earth!
Dark Force and Spirit Attachment is the most unknown, contro ersi!", misun#erstoo# !n# #isre$!r#e# %orm o% ener$etic !n# s&iritu!" i""ness' D!rk %orces !n# s&irits !re non(&h)sic!" ener$) *!se# *ein$s, with ! consciousness !n# inte""i$ence, which enter into &eo&"e throu$h cuts !n# ho"es in the ener$) %ie"# +!ur!, !roun# the *o#)' As #!rk %orces !n# s&irits !tt!ch to ! &erson the) cre!te &erson!" &ro*"ems, !n# he! i") !%%ect the emotions, thou$hts, !n# ener$) "e e"s o% the &eo&"e the) !tt!ch to'
B!se# on m) rese!rch o% -. )e!rs %rom workin$ with m!n) &eo&"e, workin$ with #owsin$, !n# the rese!rch !n# work o% other he!"ers, I h! e %oun# th!t in our countr) +USA,/ 75% - 80% o% the &o&u"!tion h! e s&irit entities or $hosts !tt!che# to them' 50% - 60% o% the &o&u"!tion h! e #!rk %orces !n#0or #emons !tt!che# to them' 80% - 90% o% the &o&u"!tion h! e some %orm o% entit) !tt!che# to their house0"!n#' THE DAR F!R"ES
The Dark Force# !re ! co""ection o% non(hum!n #!rk ener$) +ne$!ti e !n# %e!r, *!se# *ein$s with !n e1treme") hi$h inte""i$ence th!t !re sent to our &"!net with !n intent to c!use h!rm to hum!ns, to ste!" the &ower, "i$ht, !n# ener$) o% hum!ns, !n# to cre!te !s much &!in, miser), !n# %e!r !s the) c!n' D!rk %orces use %e!r !s their m!in too" to h! e &ower o er hum!ns' D!rk %orces &re) on the %e!rs, ne$!ti e emotions, unhe!"th) h!*its, !n# #!rk thou$hts0*e"ie%s o% the &eo&"e the) &ossess' The types of dark force entities that exist: 2 Demon# +non(hum!n #!rk ener$) *ein$s, Demons !re the most common #!rk %orce entit)' 2 Dark ET$# and Repti%ian# +!# !nce# !"ien #!rk %orces,' 2 Fa%%en An&e%# +#!rk !n$e"ic *ein$s which !re e1treme") r!re,'
2 'e&ati(e Spirit Entitie# +#!rk or ne$!ti e s&irits0sou"s th!t work with the #!rk %orces,' S)*R*T E'T*T*ES+,H!STS Spirit Entitie#+,ho#t#+)o%ter&ei#t# !re hum!n sou"s who !t the time o% #e!th #i# not choose to cross o er to the ne1t wor"# or the other si#e' Bec!use the) #i# not choose to cross o er to the other si#e the) *ec!me stuck on e!rth !s either who"e sou"s or &!rts o% sou"s' These e!rth*oun# sou"s !n# sou" %r!$ments !tt!ch to the ener$) %ie"# +!ur!, o% hum!ns to m!int!in some t)&e o% contro" !n# &ower o er hum!ns, to "i e throu$h hum!ns !n# to "i e %rom the ener$) +"i%e %orce, o% hum!ns' S&irits choose not to cross o er to the other si#e %or !rious re!sons such !s/ con%usion, %e!r o% the unknown, un%inishe# *usiness, re en$e, %e!r *!se# re"i$ious *e"ie%s +%e!r o% *ein$ sent to he"" or 3u#$e#,, too much !tt!chment to &h)sic!" "i%e on e!rth, or to w!tch o er %!mi") !n# %rien#s' H!- DE.!'S A'D S)*R*TS ATTA"H T! )E!)/E D!rk %orces !n# s&irits enter cuts !n# ho"es in the ener$etic %ie"# +!ur!, !roun# the *o#)' The ener$) %ie"# is !n outer "!)er o% ener$) th!t em!n!tes %rom e er) &erson' Cuts !n# ho"es +ener$etic o&enin$s, #e e"o& in the ener$) %ie"# %rom we!k emotions !n# ! "oss o% &erson!" &ower' Cuts !n# ho"es th!t #e e"o& in the ener$) %ie"# c!n *e either tem&or!r) or
&erm!nent' Tem&or!r) cuts !n# ho"es in the ener$) %ie"# !re c!use# *) %e!r, !n$er !n# !"" %e!r re"!te# emotions, usin$ #ru$s !n#0or !"coho", !n# ! "oss o% &erson!" &ower' Person!" &ower is "ost %rom the use o% #ru$s, !"coho", %e!r, !n$er, $i in$ &!rts o% )our &ower !w!) to others, !n# sou" "oss %rom tr!um!tic e1&eriences' Perm!nent cuts !n# ho"es in the ener$) %ie"# !re c!use# *) ! "oss o% &erson!" &ower on ! #ee&er "e e" in o" in$ sou" "oss0sou" %r!$ment!tion' Another w!) to &ick u& s&irits !n#0or #!rk %orces is throu$h se1' Se1 is much more then ! &h)sic!" inter!ction, it is !n ener$etic e1ch!n$e, !n# o&enin$ into !nother &erson on !n ener$etic !n# s&iritu!" "e e"' The !ct o% se1 cre!tes ! connection *etween )our ener$) %ie"# +!ur!, !n# the ener$) %ie"# o% the &erson )ou !re h! in$ se1 with' 4hen this connection is m!#e )ou wi"" &ick u& or !*sor* wh!te er is !tt!che# within the other &erson5s ener$) %ie"#' I% )ou h! e se1 with someone th!t h!s ! s&irit entit) or #emon, )ou wi"" !*sor* th!t s&irit or #emonic entit) into )ourse"%' 6ou wi"" *!sic!"") *e m!kin$ ! choice to !""ow or in ite !n)thin$ within the &erson5s ener$) %ie"# )ou !re h! in$ se1 with to come into )ou' It is im&ort!nt to un#erst!n# wh!t se1 !ctu!"") is !n# wh!t it cre!tes *e)on# &h)sic!" &"e!sure, !n# to choose the correct &eo&"e who )ou w!nt to o&en )ourse"% to on th!t "e e"' S!U/ /!SS A'D S!U/ RETR*E0A/
A"" hum!n *ein$s h! e ! sou", which is the "i%e %orce +ener$),, &erson!" &ower, !n# s&iritu!" essence o% ! hum!n' As ! hum!n $oes throu$h it5s "i%e on e!rth, it m!) "ose &!rts o% it5s sou" #ue to the tr!um!s o% &h)sic!" "i%e' 4hene er ! &erson h!s ! tr!um!tic e1&erience, ! &!rt o% the sou" +ener$) !n# essence, s&"its o%% !n# se&!r!tes %rom the &h)sic!" *o#) in or#er to ! oi# the &!in !n# tr!um! o% the e1&erience' These se&!r!te# &!rts o% sou" then $o to ! &"!ce o% he!"in$ in ! se&!r!te #imension c!""e# 7non(or#in!r) re!"it)7' This is the w!) our min# !n# sou" &rocesses tr!um! !s ! w!) to &rotect our se"% %rom the &!in o% the tr!um!tic e1&erience' In sh!m!nic he!"in$ +ener$) he!"in$,, !n# other %orms o% he!"in$, these se&!r!te# &!rts o% the sou" !re c!""e# 7sou" &!rts0%r!$ments7 !n# when sou" &!rts *ecome se&!r!te# th!t is c!""e# #o1% %o## or #o1% 2ra&mentation' Sou" "oss c!n !"so h!&&en throu$h $i in$ &!rts o% )our &ower !w!) to other &eo&"e, or "ettin$ !nother &erson ste!", or t!ke &!rts o% )our &ower' As soon !s ! &erson h!s ! &!rt o% their sou" se&!r!te# %rom them it cre!tes ! &erm!nent ho"e or o&enin$ within the ener$) %ie"#' These &erm!nent ho"es in the ener$) %ie"# !re the m!in re!son most &eo&"e &ick u& s&iritu!" !tt!chments' 8ost hum!ns on e!rth +9.: ( 99:, wi"" h! e some t)&e o% sou" "oss in their "i%e un"ess the) c!n m!n!$e to "i e their entire "i es without !n) %orm o% emotion!", ment!", or &h)sic!" tr!um!' Sou" "oss is ! &erm!nent %orm o% ener$etic i""ness which wi"" not he!" itse"% un"ess )ou t!ke some
%orm o% !ction to he!" it' It is the com*in!tion o% %e!r, #ru$s, !"coho", tr!um!tic e1&eriences !n# sou" "oss which wi"" c!use ! &erson to *ecome e1treme") u"ner!*"e to the !tt!chment o% #!rk %orces !n# s&irits' No m!tter how inte""i$ent, !# !nce#, s&iritu!", or conscious )ou m!) *e"ie e )ourse"% to *e, )ou !re sti"" susce&ti*"e to &ickin$ u& #emons, s&irits, !n# #!rk %orces throu$h the emotions o% %e!r !n# !n$er, #ru$ !n#0or !"coho" use, se1, !n# sou" "oss' So1% Retrie(a% is !n !ncient ener$) !n# sou" he!"in$ metho# which restores "ost &erson!" &ower, sou" &!rts, !n# c"oses !n) &erm!nent ho"es or o&enin$s within the ener$) %ie"#' It is the most im&ort!nt %orm o% he!"in$ on e!rth ne1t to entit) remo !"' In tri*!" cu"tures, sou" "oss w!s seen !s the m!in c!use o% s&iritu!" i""ness !n# sou" retrie !" w!s usu!"") #one within ! %ew #!)s o% sou" "oss' In our mo#ern cu"ture, we !re most") i$nor!nt o% how the sou" %unctions in re$!r#s to tr!um! !n# most &eo&"e s&en# their entire "i es missin$ "!r$e %r!$ments o% their ener$), &ower, !n# sou"' Sou" retrie !" #oes not remo e #!rk %orce or s&irit !tt!chments, it on") cre!tes !n ener$etic *!rrier !roun# the ener$) %ie"#, which se!"s !n# &rotects the ener$) %ie"# %rom s&irits !n# #!rk %orces $ettin$ into it' I% !n entit) is !tt!che# to ! &erson !n# it is not remo e#, the sou" retrie !" wi"" on") %i"" the ener$) %ie"# !roun# th!t entit)' I% ! &erson h!s !"" their necess!r) sou" &!rts !n# is in 7%u"" sou"7 th!t #oes not me!n th!t &erson is immune to &ickin$ u& new
entities' It on") me!ns th!t there is "ess o% ! ch!nce o% ! new entit) 3um&in$ into ! &erson !s their ener$) %ie"# is %u"" !n# who"e, *ut new 7#oors7 !n# o&enin$s c!n *e cre!te# which !""ow new entities to !tt!ch' Sou" retrie !" work is !"w!)s #one with s&irit re"e!sement0entit) c"e!rin$0e1orcism' 6ou c!n h! e ! sou" retrie !" without !n entit) c"e!rin$, *ut i% )ou !re missin$ sou" %r!$ments )ou c!nnot h! e !n entit) c"e!rin$ without ! sou" retrie !"' The mo#t common ca1#e# o2 #o1% %o## are3 Pro"on$e# &!in, Ph)sic!", se1u!", or emotion!" !*use !s ! chi"# or !#u"t, Domin!tion *) other &eo&"e, A""owin$ )our sou" to *e sto"en or t!ken *) other &eo&"e or some #!rk entities, Bein$ ne$"ecte# or un"o e# !s ! )oun$ chi"#, Ne$!ti e or &ower tri& re"!tionshi&s, Su*st!nce !*use !n# other !##ictions, Not *ein$ true to onese"%; #isownin$ or #is!""owin$ &!rts o% onese"%, Bein$ mistre!te# or !*use# in "i%e or soci!" situ!tions, <i in$ )our &ower to !nother &erson, H!r*orin$ resentment or unreso" e# &!in, De!th o% ! chi"#, &!rent, or c"ose %rien#, Loss o% ! hus*!n#, wi%e, or c"ose "o er, Se ere") &h)sic!" tr!um!tic !cci#ents or e1&eriences such !s/ $ettin$ shot or st!**e#, *ein$ in ! c!r !cci#ent, or !n) other t)&e o% se ere &h)sic!" tr!um!, Su##en onset o% ! #e*i"it!tin$ #ise!se, Some sur$eries !n# o&er!tions, Co(#e&en#ent re"!tionshi&s ( where one h!s unconscious") $i en ! &!rt o% one5s sou" to !nother ( !s in ! &!rent0chi"# or intim!te re"!tionshi&, E1&osure to shockin$ or e1treme") stress%u" &h)sic!", or
&s)cho"o$ic!" con#itions or e ents ( %or e1!m&"e, witnessin$ ! mur#er, ser in$ in ! w!r, un#er$oin$ chemic!" or r!#i!tion ther!&), !n# *ein$ in ! n!tur!" #is!ster +! %ire, hurric!ne, e!rth=u!ke, torn!#o, etc',' THE "AUSES !F DE.!'S+DAR A'D S)*R*TS F!R"ES
The m!in w!) th!t #emons !n# s&irits work is *) !*sor*in$ "!r$e !mounts o% ener$) +"i%e %orce, %rom the &eo&"e the) h! e !tt!che# to, !n# *) intensi%)in$, m!ni&u"!tin$, !n# cre!tin$ #!rk !n# %e!r *!se# emotions, thou$hts, !n# *e"ie%s' The) !"so in%"uence !n# intensi%) unhe!"th) choices, h!*its, *e"ie%s, !n# "i%est)"es' The m!3orit) o% the #!rk %orces, #emons !n# s&irits th!t &eo&"e &ick u& the) $et %rom other &eo&"e' The) 3um& o%% o% &eo&"e who h! e mu"ti&"e entities !tt!che# to them !n# the) 3um& into new &eo&"e who !re 7c"e!r7, *ut who h! e cre!te# !n o&enin$ or #oorw!) to them' As #!rk %orces0#emons !n# s&irits !tt!ch to ! new &erson, the &rocess o% ener$etic i""ness *e$ins which m!ni%ests into emotion!", ment!", ener$etic !n# sometimes &h)sic!" &ro*"ems' Peo&"e th!t h! e #!rk %orces !n#0or s&irits !tt!che# to them m!) h! e *een mis#i!$nose# with &s)chi!tric &ro*"ems or other emotion!"") or ment!"") re"!te# &ro*"ems' But !"so &eo&"e who h! e er) st!*"e !n#0or success%u" "i es h! e #emon !n# s&irit
!tt!chments' E en &eo&"e who !re consi#ere# 7s&iritu!"") !# !nce#7 such !s he!"ers, &s)chics, "i$ht workers, s&iritu!" te!chers0$urus, )o$!0me#it!tion m!sters, &riests0&re!chers, etc', h! e !"" *een known to h! e s&iritu!" !tt!chments' It is not uncommon %or the ! er!$e &erson to h! e some %orm o% s&iritu!" !tt!chment' 8ost &eo&"e with s&iritu!" !tt!chments #o not know the) h! e them !n# !re !"so com&"ete") o*"i ious to their e1istence' S&iritu!" !tt!chment is o%ten #enie# !n# i$nore# *) the er) &eo&"e who su%%er %rom it the most' Peo&"e who choose to "i e out their entire "i es with entit) !tt!chments h! e no re!" contro" or ownershi& o er their own *o#), min#, !n# s&irit, !n# the) !re the ownershi& o% !n) entities !tt!che# to them' "ommon #4mptom# o2 #pirit entit4 and demon+dark 2orce attachment3 #ee& emotion!" &!in, #e&ression, "ow ener$) "e e"s +const!nt") tire# or e1h!uste#,, intensi%ie# "e e"s o% %e!r0!n$er0 h!te0or r!$e, se"% #estructi e &!tterns or "i%est)"es or choices, c!usin$ h!rm to se"% or others, suici#!" thou$hts !n#0or !ttem&ts, o*sessi e( com&u"si e #isor#ers, #ru$ !n#0or !"coho" !##ictions, unhe!"th) !##ictions, he!rin$ oices in the min#, str!n$e or weir# thou$hts th!t #on5t seem )our own, *ein$ #irecte# *) !n inner oice te""in$ )ou to #o #!rk0ne$!ti e or h!rm%u" thin$s to )ourse"% or others, se ere or intensi%ie# ment!" i""ness in some &eo&"e, ment!" or emotion!" inst!*i"it), &oor concentr!tion, moo# swin$s, mu"ti&"e &erson!"ities, insomni!, &!nic !tt!cks0!n1iet), ne$!ti e emotion!" out*ursts,
homici#!" thou$hts !n#0or !ttem&ts, se1u!" &ro*"ems, &ho*i!s0&!r!noi!, #e"usions, con%usion, ni$htm!res or !n) #!rk0ne$!ti e or terri%)in$ #re!ms or #!) #re!ms, s"ee& &!r!")sis, const!nt ne$!ti e or %e!r *!se# thou$hts !n#0or emotions, #!rk im&u"ses, %ee"in$ #ri en to #o thin$s )ou know !re wron$ or unhe!"th), w!kin$ u& tire# !%ter ! %u"" ni$ht5s rest, crimin!" h!*its, io"ent *eh! iors, se1u!" !*use(e en !mon$ those in re"!tionshi&s, const!nt ment!" noise +intensi%ie# unc"e!r thinkin$,, une1&"!ine# &h)sic!" &!in or &ro*"ems without !n) known c!use, ne$!ti e *e"ie%s, re"i$ious %!n!ticism, %ee"in$ str!n$e sens!tions in the *o#) such !s/ &rickin$ sens!tions or e"ectric shocks0&!in%u" shocks,co"# chi""s !roun# the *o#) or the %ee"in$ o% somethin$ cr!w"in$ un#er )our skin, %ee"in$ !n in isi*"e %orce0*ein$ &h)sic!"") ho"# )ou #own or &ush )ou, %ee"in$ ! thickness in the he!# !re!, %ee"in$ some t)&e o% in isi*"e ener$) mo e !roun# )our *o#), !n in!*i"it) to connect with )our hi$her sou"0s&irit0se"%, &eo&"e who "ike to !*use others either ment!"") or emotion!"") or &h)sic!""), &eo&"e who !re const!nt") in ! nee# to h! e &ower o er others, const!nt") ")in$ or schemin$ or tr)in$ to m!ni&u"!te others %or se"% &ower, &eo&"e who !re const!nt") "ookin$ %or trou*"e or &ro*"ems with other &eo&"e, &eo&"e who "ike to hurt !nim!"s or &ets, &eo&"e who ste!" other &eo&"e5s ener$) +&s)chic0ener$) !m&ires,, %ee"in$s o% &ower"essness or he"&"essness, %ee"in$s o% $i in$ e er)thin$ u&, %ee"in$ )our "i%e is *ein$ contro""e# *) somethin$ outsi#e o% )ourse"%, "oss o% )our &ur&ose0&!th in "i%e,
"oss o% )our &ower0sou"0"i$ht !n# ener$), r!&e, mur#er, torture, w!r, !n# more' "!..!' FA"TS A5!UT E'T*T*ES6 )!SSESS*!' A'D )E!)/E3 2 Entit) !tt!chments wi"" st!) with )ou unti" #e!th un"ess the) !re remo e#' 2 Entities #o not c!re !*out !n)one on this &"!net !n# !re on") intereste# in themse" es !n# wh!t the) c!n t!ke %rom !nother &erson' 2 Entities w!nt )ou to %e!r them, %or i% )ou #i# not %e!r them the) wou"# h! e no &ower' 2 Entities c!n #estro) cert!in hum!ns or he"& them #estro) themse" es, !n# wi"" not %ee" s)m&!thetic %or them in !n) w!)' 2 8ost &eo&"e who h! e entities #o not know the) h! e them' 2 8ost &eo&"e with entities wi"" "i e their entire "i es with them' 2 8!n) &eo&"e who h! e h!# entities remo e# %rom themse" es wi"" usu!"") &ick u& new ones "!ter in "i%e' 2 8!n) )oun$ chi"#ren, &ets, !n# o"# &eo&"e h! e entit) !tt!chments' 2 8ore then h!"% o% the wor"#5s &o&u"!tion su%%er %rom entit) &ossession !n# #o not know it' 2 6our s&iritu!" *e"ie%s !n#0or re"i$ious &r!ctice wi"" not &rotect )ou %rom entities' 2 Re"i$ious crosses, ho") w!ter, 7s&eci!"7 soun#s, cr)st!"s, !mu"ets, s!$e, reiki, s&e""s, !n# ch!nts h! e no !%%ect wh!tsoe er on entities'
2 >ust *ec!use )ou #o not 7*e"ie e7 in s&irits or #!rk entities #oes not me!n )ou c!nnot &ick them u&' Th!t is simi"!r to s!)in$ th!t i% )ou #o not *e"ie e in c!ncer )ou wi"" not $et it' 2 >ust *ec!use )ou #o not 7%ee"7 !n) entities !roun# )ou #oes not me!n the) !re not there, it on") me!ns )ou h! e $otten use# to the %ee"in$ o% them, or )ou !re so shut o%% &s)chic!"") )ou c!nnot %ee" them' 2 Entities #o not w!nt )ou to $et ri# o% them, there%ore the) wi"" tr) to kee& &eo&"e in %e!r o% !ttem&tin$ to remo e them or %in#in$ someone to remo e them' 2 6our s&iritu!" !n# ener$etic he!"th is the most im&ort!nt thin$ in "i%e, !s it !%%ects !n# in%"uences !"" !re!s o% "i%e' 6ou c!n h! e !"" the mone) !n# &resti$e in the wor"#, *ut i% )ou !re ! sick &erson s&iritu!"") !"" o% th!t is worth"ess' 7 "/*" HERE F!R FRE8UE'T/9 AS ED 8UEST*!'S : on #pirit po##e##ion6 e;orci#m6 and thi# remo(a% method
Thi# a1dio pro&ram =i%% teach 4o13 2 How to e!si") remo e e er) t)&e o% #!rk %orce0#emon !n# s&irit in e1istence with ste& *) ste& instructions' 2 How to c"e!r !n# remo e #!rk %orces !n# s&irits %rom &eo&"e !t ! #ist!nce' +remote c"e!rin$,
2 How to check )ourse"% !n# other &eo&"e %or s&irit !n#0or #!rk %orce entit) !tt!chments' 2 How to eri%) the remo !" o% #!rk %orces !n# s&irits' 2 How to c"e!r )our home, c!r, "!r$e s&!ces o% "!n#, !n# &ets o% !tt!che# entities' 2 How to remo e !n# c"e!r ne$!ti e thou$ht &ro$r!ms +su*conscious ne$!ti e &ro$r!mmin$,, im&"!nts0ener$etic cor#s with entities !n# &eo&"e, !n# #!rk &ort!"s +ener$) &ort!"s, %rom )our *o#) !n# home0s&!ce' 2 How to not &ick u& entities !n# wh!t "i%est)"e ch!n$es )ou nee# to m!ke in or#er %or th!t to h!&&en' 2 How hum!n sou"s +s&irits, *ecome tr!&&e# on e!rth !n# wh) the) nee# ener$) %rom &eo&"e' 2 How to re!"i$n0un(re erse the *o#)5s n!tur!" e"ectric!" s)stem +&o"!rit), !n# hi$her the ener$etic %re=uenc)0 i*r!tion o% the *o#) usin$ ! secret metho# &ioneere# *) ! m!ster her*!"ist' 2 How to hi$her )our ener$) "e e"s !n# h! e ! stron$er ener$) %ie"# !n# more &erson!" &ower within )ourse"%' 2 How to remo e curses +s&iritu!" intrusions,, s&e""s +*"!ck m!$ic,, !n# ener$etic cor#s !n# &s)chic cor#s with &eo&"e' 2 How to &rotect )our ener$) %rom *ein$ !*sor*e# !n# sto"en *) other &eo&"e +ener$)0&s)chic !m&ires,' 2 How to #e e"o& )our intuition' 2 How to work with !rch!n$e"s, !scen#e# m!sters, !n# !n$e"ic he"& %or he!"in$' 2 How to he"& )our sou" $row !n# more'
This remo !" metho# w!s #e e"o&e# !n# #isco ere# *) m!ster he!"er !n# te!cher >ohn Li in$ston' +===>?ohn-%i(in&#ton>com, >ohn Li in$ston is ! h)¬her!&ist, m!ster e1orcist, !n# sh!m!nic he!"er who h!s worke# with remo in$ #!rk %orces !n# s&irits %or more th!n ?. )e!rs' >ohn Li in$ston w!s $i en this metho# throu$h his work with the s&irit re!"m' Peter 8ich!e" w!s $i en &ermission to te!ch >ohn Li in$ston5s work to others in or#er to he"& &eo&"e un#erst!n# how #!rk %orces !n# s&irits !%%ect our he!"th' This remo !" metho# is non(re"i$ious *!se#' It is *!se# on !# !nce# "e e" !n$e" he!"in$ techni=ues' It is re$!r#e# !s one o% the most !# !nce# "e e" !n# e!siest to use metho#s o% remo in$ #!rk %orces !n#0or s&irits' It is use# *) m!n) hi$h") tr!ine# he!"ers' It re=uires er) "itt"e time, ener$) or e%%ort' It is e1treme") sim&"e !n# e!s) to #o th!t !n)one who wishes to #o it c!n #o it' A"" th!t is re=uire# is )our own hi$her se"% !n# the !*i"it) to use )our own &ower without !n) %e!r' A"" s&irit !tt!chments !n# #!rk %orces remo e# with this metho# !re #irecte# to the &ro&er &"!ce where the) !re nee#e# to $o' The) !re ne er !*"e to return or come *!ck to this wor"#' This !u#io &ro$r!m is - hour "on$, !n# cont!ins !rious t!"ks !*out #!rk %orce !n# s&irit !tt!chment, the remo !" metho#, !n# other use%u" in%orm!tion' It !"so inc"u#es ! remo !" $ui#e +sm!"" *ook"et, to !ssist )ou with the remo !" &rocess'
To "isten to s!m&"es )ou nee# to h! e ! newer we* *rowser !n#0or A#o*e F"!sh' B&#!te )our we* *rowser !t 8oCi""! Fire%o1 !n# inst!"" F"!sh !t the A#o*e site' I% )ou !re usin$ ! sm!rt &hone, Do"&hin is the *est *rowser to iew this site' I% )ou sti"" c!nnot "isten to the !u#io &"!)er $o to the !u#io site *) c"ickin$ here'
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