The Tiruchirappalli City Municipal Corporation Act, 1994
The Tiruchirappalli City Municipal Corporation Act, 1994
The Tiruchirappalli City Municipal Corporation Act, 1994
Disclaimer: The document is pu !ished "o# $c$demic inte#est% &o# $ccu#$c', the (ie)e#s $#e $d(ised to (e#i"' the *$+ette noti"ic$tion%
CONTENT' 1ECTION 1% .% 5% 4% 6% 7% 8% 9% 9% 1/% 11% 1.% 1ho#t tit!e, e3tent $nd commencement %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4e"initions Est$ !ishment o" Municip$! Co#po#$tion "o# the Cit' o" Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i Municip$! Autho#ities Constitution o" Counci! 4u#$tion o" Co#po#$tion The T$mi! N$du 4ist#ict Municip$!ities Act, 19./ not to $pp!' App!ic$tion o" the p#o(isions o" the 1991 Act to the Co#po#$tion T#$nsition$! P#o(isions Appointment o" 1peci$! O""ice# Po)e# to m$:e #u!es Po)e# to #emo(e di""icu!ties PA2E . 5 5 4 4 6 6 7 8 9 9 9
An Act to p#o(ide "o# the est$ !ishment o" $ Municip$! Co#po#$tion "o# the Cit' o" Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i% ;E it en$cted ' the Le*is!$ti(e Assem !' o" the 1t$te o" T$mi! N$du in the &o#t'<"i"th Ye$# o" the Repu !ic o" Indi$ $s "o!!o)s= 1( ')$r! !i!le, e*!e+! a+d c$mme+ceme+!( , >1? This Act m$' e c$!!ed the Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i Cit' Municip$! Co#po#$tion Act, 1994% >.? It e3tends to the cit' o" Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i%
>5? It sh$!! come in to "o#ce on such d$te, $s the 2o(e#nment m$', ' noti"ic$tion, $ppoint@% "( De%i+i!i$+s( , 1 ,>$$? ACit' o" Ti#uchi#$pp$!!iB o# ACit'B me$ns the !oc$! $#e$ comp#ised in the Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i Municip$!it' $nd inc!udes $n' !oc$! $#e$ )hich $"te# the d$te o" the commencement o" this Act, is inc!uded in the Cit' ut does not inc!ude $n' !oc$! $#e$ )hich $"te# such d$te o" the commencement is e3c!uded "#om the Cit'0
> ? CCo#po#$tionC me$ns the Municip$! Counci! o" Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i constituted unde#
section 5D
>c? CCounci!C me$ns the Municip$! Counci! o" Ti#uchi#$pp$!!iD >d? Cd$te o" commencement o" this ActC me$ns the d$te $ppointed unde# su section>5? o" section 1D >e? C2o(e#nmentC me$ns the 1t$te 2o(e#nmentD >"? CMunicip$!it'C me$ns the Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i Municip$!it'D >*? C1chedu!ed C$stesC $nd C1chedu!ed T#i esC sh$!! h$(e the me$nin*s, #especti(e!', $ssi*ned to them in c!$uses >.4? $nd >.6? o" A#tic!e 577 o" the ConstitutionD >h? $!! )o#ds $nd e3p#essions used in this Act $nd not de"ined ut de"ined in the Coim $to#e Cit' Municip$! Co#po#$tion Act, 1991 >he#e$"te# #e"e##ed to $s the 1991 Act?, sh$!! h$(e the me$nin*s, #especti(e!', $ssi*ned to them in the 1991 Act%
-( Es!a.lis)me+! $% M +ici/al C$r/$ra!i$+ %$r !)e Ci!0 $% Tir c)ira//alli%E >1? -ith e""ect on $nd "#om the d$te o" the commencement o" this Act, the !oc$! $#e$ inc!uded in the Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i Municip$!it' sh$!! constitute the Cit' o" Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i "o# pu#poses o" this ActD $nd "#om such d$te o" the commencement, $ Municip$! Co#po#$tion sh$!! de deemed to h$(e een est$ !ished "o# the s$id Cit' ' the n$me o" Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i Municip$! Co#po#$tion= P#o(ided th$t the 2o(e#nment m$', "#om time to time, $"te# consu!t$tion )ith the Co#po#$tion, ' noti"ic$tion, $!te# the !imits o" the cit' constituted unde# this su <section so $s to inc!ude the#ein o# to e3c!ude the#e"#om the $#e$s speci"ied in the noti"ic$tion= P#o(ided "u#the# th$t the po)e# to issue $ noti"ic$tion unde# this su <section sh$!! e su Fect to p#e(ious pu !ic$tion% >.? The Co#po#$tion sh$!!, ' the s$id n$me, e $ od' Co#po#$te, h$(in*
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1% C!$use >$? su stituted ' T%N% Act 54H1996 omitted ' T$mi! N$du Act 18 o" 1997% @ 1<7<1994 is the d$te on )hich this Act c$me into "o#ce vide Noti"ic$tion No% >.? MNH./.1 >$<5?H94, 2O Ms% No% 95, M%A I-%1 /1%7%94 E /.97%
pe#petu$! succession $nd $ common se$! )ith po)e# to $cJui#e, ho!d $nd dispose o" p#ope#t' $nd to ente# into cont#$cts $nd m$' ' its Co#po#$te n$me, sue $nd e sued% >5? The Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i Municip$!it', "unctionin* immedi$te!' e"o#e the d$te o" the commencement o" this Act, sh$!! e deemed to h$(e een $ o!ished "#om such commencement% 4( M +ici/al A !)$ri!ies%E The Municip$! $utho#ities ch$#*ed )ith c$##'in* out the p#o(isions o" this Act sh$!! e ,< 1 ,>1? $ M$'o#D >1$? $ Counci!D0 >.? $ 1t$ndin* CommitteeD >5? $ Commissione#D $nd >4? $ -$#ds Committee% 1( C$+s!i! !i$+ $% C$ +cil% E >1? 1$(e $s othe#)ise p#o(ided in su section >.?, the counci! sh$!! consist o" such num e# o" Counci!!o#s e!ected in the m$nne# !$id do)n in this Act $s m$' e "i3ed ' the 2o(e#nment, ' noti"ic$tion, "#om time to time, so, ho)e(e#, th$t the tot$! num e# o" Counci!!o#s o" the Counci! sh$!! not e3ceed se(ent'<t)o $t $n' time%
>.? The "o!!o)in* pe#sons sh$!! $!so e #ep#esented in the Counci!, n$me!'=<
. 5
> ? the mem e#s o" the House o" the Peop!e #ep#esentin* constituencies )hich comp#ise )ho!!' o# p$#t!' the $#e$ o" the co#po#$tion $nd the mem e#s o" the Counci! o" st$tes #e*iste#ed $s e!ecto#s )ithin the $#e$ o" the Co#po#$tionD ,>c? $!! the mem e#s o" T$mi! N$du Le*is!$ti(e Assem !' #ep#esentin* constituencies )hich comp#ise )ho!!' o# p$#t!' the $#e$ o" the co#po#$tion0 5 ,>d? Omitted0 6 ,>.<A? the pe#sons #e"e##ed to in su <section >.? sh$!! e entit!ed to t$:e p$#t in the p#oceedin*s ut sh$!! not h$(e the #i*ht to (ote in the meetin*s o" the counci!%0
>5? 1e$ts sh$!! e #ese#(ed "o# the pe#sons e!on*in* to the 1chedu!ed C$stes $nd the
1chedu!ed T#i es in the Counci! $nd the num e# o" se$ts so #ese#(ed sh$!! e$#, $s ne$#!' $s m$' e, the s$me p#opo#tion to the tot$!
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1% .% 5% 4% 6% 1u stituted ' T$mi! N$du Act 59 o" .//9% C!$use >$? Omitted ' T$mi! N$du Act 5 o" 1998% P#o(iso Omitted ' T$mi! N$du Act .. o" 1997% 1u stituted ' T$mi! N$du Act .. o" 1997% Inse#ted ' T$mi! N$du Act .. o" 1997%
num e# o" se$ts to e "i!!ed ' di#ect e!ection in the Counci! $s the popu!$tion o" the 1chedu!ed C$stes in the Cit' o# o" the 1chedu!ed T#i es in the Cit' e$#s to the tot$! popu!$tion o" the Cit'= P#o(ided th$t "o# the "i#st e!ection to e he!d immedi$te!' $"te# the d$te o" the commencement o" this Act, the p#o(ision$! popu!$tion "i*u#es o" the Cit' $s pu !ished in #e!$tion to 1991 census sh$!! e deemed to e the popu!$tion o" the Cit' $s $sce#t$ined in th$t census%
>4? 1e$ts sh$!! e #ese#(ed "o# )omen e!on*in* to the 1chedu!ed C$stes $nd the 1chedu!ed T#i es, "#om $mon* the se$ts #ese#(ed "o# the pe#sons e!on*in* to the 1chedu!ed C$stes $nd the 1chedu!ed T#i es, )hich sh$!! not e !ess th$n one<thi#d o" the tot$! num e# o" se$ts #ese#(ed "o# the pe#sons e!on*in* to the 1chedu!ed C$stes $nd the 1chedu!ed T#i es%
1 1
,>4<A? %%%%%%%%%%%0
>4<;? %%%%%%%%%%%%%0 >6? 1e$ts sh$!! e #ese#(ed "o# )omen in the Counci! $nd the num e# o" se$ts #ese#(ed "o# )omen sh$!! not e !ess th$n one<thi#d .,inc!udin* the num e# o" se$ts #ese#(ed "o# )omen e!on*in* to the 1chedu!ed C$stes $nd the 1chedu!ed T#i es0 o" the tot$! num e# o" se$ts in the Counci!% >7? The #ese#($tion o" se$ts unde# su <sections >5? $nd >4? sh$!! ce$seB to h$(e e""ect on the e3pi#' o" the pe#iod speci"ied in the A#tic!e 554 o" the constitution% 2( D ra!i$+ $% C$r/$ra!i$+% E >1? The co#po#$tion, un!ess soone# disso!(ed, sh$!! continue "o# "i(e 'e$#s "#om the d$te $ppointed "o# its "i#st meetin* $nd no !on*e# $nd the s$id pe#iod o" "i(e 'e$#s sh$!! ope#$te $s disso!ution o" the Co#po#$tion% >.? An e!ection to constitute the Co#po#$tion sh$!! e comp!eted,< >$? e"o#e the e3pi#' o" its du#$tion speci"ied in su <section >1?D o#% > ? e"o#e the e3pi#$tion o" $ pe#iod o" si3 months "#om the d$te o" its disso!ution= P#o(ided th$t )he#e the #em$inde# o" the pe#iod "o# )hich the disso!(ed Co#po#$tion )ou!d h$(e continued, is !ess th$n si3 months, it sh$!! not e necess$#' to ho!d $n' e!ection, unde# this su <section "o# constitutin* the Co#po#$tion "o# such pe#iod% #( T)e Tamil Nad Dis!ric! M +ici/alai!ies Ac!, 19"3 +$! !$ a//l0 %E>1? 1u Fect to the p#o(isions o" su <sections >.? $nd >5?, the T$mi! N$du 4ist#ict Municip$!ities Act, 19./ >he#e$"te# in this section #e"e##ed to $s the C4ist#ict Municip$!ities ActC? sh$!!, )ith e""ect on $nd "#om the d$te o" the
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1% Inse#ted ' T$mi! N$du Act 54 o" 1996 $nd Omitted ' T$mi! N$du Act 18 o" 1998% .% 1u stituted ' T$mi! N$du Act 18 o" 1996%
commencement o" this Act, ce$se to $pp!' to the !oc$! $#e$ comp#ised )ithin the Cit' o" Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i% >.? 1uch cesse# sh$!! not $""ect, E >$? the p#e(ious ope#$tion o" the 4ist#ict Municip$!ities Act, in #espect o" the !oc$! $#e$ comp#ised )ithin the Cit' o" Ti#uchi#$pp$!!iD >$? $n' pen$!t', "o#"eitu#e o# punishment incu##ed in #espect o" $n' o""ence committed $*$inst the 4ist#ict Municip$!ities ActD o# > ? $n' in(esti*$tion, !e*$! p#oceedin*s o# #emed' in #espect o" such pen$!t', "o# "e#itu#e o# punishment, $nd $n' such pen$!t', "o#"eitu#e o# punishment m$' e imposed $s i" this Act, h$d not een p$ssed% >5? Not)ithst$ndin* $n'thin* cont$ined in su <section >1?, $!! $ppointments, noti"ic$tions, notices, #u!es, 'e<!$)s, #e*u!$tions, o#de#s, di#ections, !icences, pe#missions, schemes, "o#ms $nd po)e#s, m$de o# issued o# con"e##ed unde# the 4ist#ict Muncip$!ities Act, $nd in "o#ce on the d$te o" the commencement o" this Act sh$!!, so "$# $s the' $#e not inconsistent )ith the p#o(isions o" this Act, continue to e in "o#ce in the tot$! $#e$ comp#ised )ithin the Cit' o" Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i unti! the' $#e #ep!$ced ' the $ppointments, noti"ic$tions, notices, #u!es, 'e<!$)s, #e*u!$tions, o#de#s, di#ections, !icences, pe#missions, schemes, "o#ms $nd po)e#s to e m$de o# issued o# con"e##ed unde# this Act% 4( A//lica!i$+ $% !)e /r$5isi$+s $% !)e 1941 Ac! !$ !)e C$r/$ra!i$+ %E >1? 1$(e $s othe#)ise e3p#ess!' p#o(ided he#ein, $!! the p#o(isions o" the 1991 Act, inc!udin* the p#o(isions #e!$tin* to the !e(' $nd co!!ections o" $n' t$3 o# "ee $#e he#e ' e3tended to $nd sh$!! $pp!', mutatis mutandis to the Co#po#$tion $nd the 1991 Act sh$!!, in #e!$tion to the co#po#$tion e #e$d $nd const#ued $s i" the p#o(isions o" this Act h$d "o#med p$#t o" the 1991 Act% >.? &o# the pu#pose o" "$ci!it$tin* the $pp!ic$tion o" the p#o(isions o" the 1991 Act to the Co#po#$tion, the 2o(e#nment m$', ' noti"ic$tion, m$:e such $d$pt$tions $nd modi"ic$tions o" the 1991 Act $nd the #u!es $nd 'e<!$)s m$de the#eunde#, )hethe# ' )$' o" #epe$!in*, $mendin* o# suspendin* $n' p#o(isions the#eo", $s m$' e necess$#' o# e3pedient $nd the#eupon, the 1991 Act $nd the #u!es m$de the#eunde#, sh$!! $pp!' to the Co#po#$tion su Fect to the $d$pt$tions $nd modi"ic$tions so m$de%
>5? Not)ithst$ndin* th$t no p#o(ision o# insu""icient p#o(ision h$s een m$de unde# su <section >.? "o# the $d$pt$tion o" the p#o(isions o" the 1991 Act, o# the #u!es $nd 'e<!$)s m$de the#eunde#, $n' Cou#t, T#i un$! o# Autho#it' #eJui#ed o# empo)e#ed to en"o#ce these p#o(isions m$', "o# the pu#pose o" "$ci!it$tin* thei# $pp!ic$tion to the co#po#$tion, const#ue these p#o(isions in such m$nne#, )ithout $""ectin* the su st$nce, $s m$' e necess$#' o# p#ope# h$(in* #e*$#d to the m$tte# e"o#e the cou#t, t#i un$! o# $utho#it'%
>4? In the 1991 Act $s e3tended $nd $pp!ied to the cit' o" Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i,< >$? $n' #e"e#ence to the Cit' o" Coim $to#e, $nd Coim $to#e Municip$!it', sh$!! ' #e$son o" this Act, e const#ued $s $ #e"e#ence to the Cit' o" Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i $nd Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i Municip$!it', #especti(e!'D $nd >$? $n' #e"e#ence to the Coim $to#e Co#po#$tion, Co#po#$tion o" Coim $to#e $nd Municip$! Co#po#$tion o" Coim $to#e, sh$!! ' #e$son o" this Act, e const#ued $s $ #e"e#ence to the Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i Co#po#$tion, Co#po#$tion o" Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i $nd Municip$! Co#po#$tion o" Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i, #especti(e!'% 9( Tra+si!i$+al /r$5isi$+s(E >1? A!! p#ope#t', $!! #i*hts o" )h$te(e# :ind, used enFo'ed %o# possessed ', $nd $!! inte#ests o" )h$te(e# :ind o)ned ', o# (ested in, o# he!d in t#ust ' o# "o# the Counci!, )ith $!! #i*hts o" )h$te(e# :ind used, enFo'ed o# possessed ' the s$id Counci!, $s )e!! $s $!! !i$ i!ities !e*$!!' su sistin* $*$inst the s$id counci!, sh$!!, on $nd "#om the d$te o" the commencement o" this Act $nd su Fect to such di#ections $s the 2o(e#nment m$', ' *ene#$! o# speci$! o#de#, *i(e in this eh$!", (est )ith the Co#po#$tion%
>.? A!! $##e$#s o" t$3es o# othe# p$'ments ' )$' o" composition "o# $ t$3, o# due "o# e3penses o# compens$tion, o# othe#)ise due to the s$id Counci! on the d$te o" such commencement m$' e #eco(e#ed $s o" the' h$d $cc#ued to the Co#po#$tion $nd m$' e #eco(e#ed $s i" the s$id $##e$#s o# p$'ments h$d ecome due, unde# the p#o(isions o" this Act% >5? A!! t$3es, "ees $nd duties, )hich immedi$te!' e"o#e the d$te o" the commencement o" this Act, )e#e ein* !e(ied ' the s$id counci!, sh$!! e deemed to h$(e een !e(ied ' the co#po#$tion unde# the p#o(isions o" this Act $nd sh$!! continue to e in "o#ce $cco#din*!' unti! such t$3es, "ees $nd duties $#e #e(ised, c$nce!!ed o# supe#seded ' $n'thin* done o# $n' $ction t$:en unde# this Act% >4? A!! p#oceedin*s t$:en ', o# $*$inst, the Counci! o# $utho#it' o# $n' pe#son unde#
the 4ist#ict Municip$!ities Act, m$' e continued ', o# $*$inst, the Co#po#$tion, $utho#it' o# pe#son $s i" the s$id p#oceedin*s h$d een commenced unde# the p#o(isions o" this Act%
>6? An' $ction t$:en unde# the 4ist#ict Municip$!ities Act, ' $n' $utho#it' e"o#e the
d$te o" such commencement sh$!! e deemed to h$(e een t$:en ' the $utho#it' competent to t$:e such $ction unde# this Act $s i" this Act h$d een in "o#ce%
>7? Not)ithst$ndin* $n'thin* cont$ined in this Act, e(e#' o""ice# o# emp!o'ee )ho, immedi$te!' e"o#e the d$te o" such commencement )$s in the se#(ice o" the Municip$!it' sh$!!, on $nd "#om the d$te o" the commencement o" this Act, e deemed to e $n o""ice# o# emp!o'ee o" the co#po#$tion
P#o(ided th$t ,E >$? the te#ms $nd conditions $pp!ic$ !e to such o""ice#s $nd emp!o'ees conseJuent on thei# $ so#ption in the se#(ice o" the Co#po#$tion sh$!! not e !ess "$(ou#$ !e th$n those $pp!ic$ !e to such emp!o'ees immedi$te!' e"o#e the d$te o" such commencement, $s #e*$#ds p$' $nd $!!o)$nces, !e$(e , pension, *#$tuit',, p#o(ident "und $nd $*e o" supe#$nnu$tionD $nd
> ? the se#(ice #ende#ed ' $n' such<o""ice# o# othe# emp!o'ee unde# the Municip$!it' upto the d$te o" such commencement sh$!! e deemed to e se#(ice unde# the Co#po#$tion $nd sh$!! e entit!ed to count th$t se#(ice "o# the pu#pose o" inc#ements, !e$(e, pension, p#o(ident "und, $nd *#$tuit' =
P#o(ided "u#the# th$t $n' o""ice# o# othe# emp!o'ee se#(in* in the Municip$!it' sh$!! e *i(en $n option to e e3e#cised )ithin such time $nd such m$nne# $s m$' e p#esc#i ed eithe# to e $ so# ed in the se#(ice o" the Co#po#$tion o# to e #et$ined in the se#(ice constituted unde# section 85<A o" the 4ist#ict Municip$!ities Act, o# to e #et#enched "o#m the se#(ice o" the Municip$!it' on such #et#enchment ene"its $s m$' e p#esc#i ed%
>8? An' di(ision o" the Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i Municip$!it' into )$#ds m$de unde# the 4ist#ict Municip$!ities Act, $nd in "o#ce on the d$te o" the commencement o" this Act sh$!! e deemed to e $ di(ision o" the Co#po#$tion unti! $!te#ed% >9? The e!ecto#$! #o!! p#ep$#ed "o# the Ti#uchi#$pp$!!i Municip$!it' unde# the 4ist#ict Municip$!ities Act, $nd in "o#ce on the d$te o" the commencement o" this Act, sh$!! e deemed to e the e!ecto#$! #o!! "o# the co#po#$tion unti! $ ne) e!ecto#$! #o!! is p#ep$#ed $nd pu !ished $nd the p$#t o" the s$id e!ecto#$! #o!! #e!$tin* to e$ch )$#d o" the Municip$!it' sh$!! e deemed to e the !ist o" the e!ecto#$! #o!! "o# the co##espondin* di(ision o" the Co#po#$tion%
13( A//$i+!me+! $% '/ecial O%%icer( E >1? The#e sh$!! e $ppointed ' the 2o(e#nment, ' noti"ic$tion, $ speci$! o""ice# to e3e#cise the po)e#s, pe#"o#m the duties $nd disch$#*e the "unctions o" , < >1? the Counci! >.? the st$ndin* committee, >5? the Commissione#, $nd >4? the )$#ds committee% >.? The 2o(e#nment sh$!! c$use e!ections to e he!d to the Co#po#$tion so th$t the ne)!' e!ected Counci!!o#s $nd the M$'o# m$' come into o""ice I ,on o# e"o#e the 5/th d$' o" Kune 19970%
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1% LOn o# e"o#e the 51st d$' o" 4ecem e# 1996M 1u stituted ' TN Act 65 o" 1994 Lon o# e"o#e the 5/th d$' o" Kune 1997M su stituted ' TN Act 47 o" 1996%
>5? The 1peci$! O""ice# sh$!! e3e#cise the po)e#s, pe#"o#m the duties $nd disch$#*e the "unctions, <
>$? o" the Co#po#$tion, unti! the e!ected Counci!!o#s come into o""iceD >$? o" the 1t$ndin* Committee, unti! $ 1t$ndin* Committee is $ppointed ' the
co#po#$tionD $nd
> ? o" the commissione#, unti! $ Commissione# is $ppointed ' the 2o(e#nment $nd such o""ice# m$', i" the 2o(e#nment so di#ect, #ecei(e #emune#$tion "o# his se#(ices "#om the Municip$! "und%
>4? Unti! $ ne) 1peci$! O""ice# is $ppointed ' the 2o(e#nment unde# su <section >1?, the 1peci$! O""ice# o" the Municip$!it' "unctionin* immedi$te!' e"o#e the d$te o" the commencement o" this Act sh$!! e deemed to e the 1peci$! O""ice# o" the Co#po#$tion $nd he sh$!! e3e#cise the po)e#s $nd pe#"o#m the duties $nd disch$#*e the "unctions $s those e3e#cised, pe#"o#med $nd disch$#*ed ' the 1peci$! O""ice# $ppointed unde# su <section >1?% >6? The 1peci$! O""ice# #e"e##ed to in su <section >1? o# in su <section >4? sh$!! ho!d o""ice I,upto the 5/th d$' o" Kune 19970 $nd no !on*e#% 11( P$6er !$ ma7e r les( , >1? The 2o(e#nment m$' m$:e #u!es "o# c$##'in* out the pu#pose o" this Act%
>.? >$? A!! #u!es m$de unde# this Act sh$!! e pu !ished in the T$mi! N$du 2o(e#nment 2$+ette $nd un!ess the' $#e e3p#essed to come into "o#ce on $ p$#ticu!$# d$', sh$!! come into "o#ce on the d$' on )hich the' $#e so pu !ished%
> ? A!! noti"ic$tions issued unde# this Act sh$!!, un!ess the' $#e e3p#essed to come into "o#ce on $ p$#ticu!$# d$', come into "o#ce on the d$' on )hich the' $#e pu !ished%
>5? E(e#' #u!e m$de o# noti"ic$tion o# o#de# issued unde# this Act sh$!! $s soon $s
possi !e, $"te# it is m$de o# issued, e p!$ced on the t$ !e o" the Le*is!$ti(e Assem !', $nd i", e"o#e the e3pi#' o" the session in )hich it is so p!$ced o# the ne3t session, the Assem !' m$:es $n' noti"ic$tion in $n' such #u!e o# noti"ic$tion o# o#de# o# the Assem !' decides th$t the #u!e o# noti"ic$tion o# o#de# shou!d not e m$de o# issued, the #u!e o# noti"ic$tion o# o#de# sh$!! the#e$"te# h$(e e""ect on!' in such modi"ied "o#m o# e o" no e""ect, $s the c$se m$' e, so ho)e(e#, th$t $n' such modi"ic$tion o# $nnu!ment sh$!! e )ithout p#eFudice to the ($!idit' o" $n'thin* p#e(ious!' done unde# th$t #u!e o# noti"ic$tion o# o#de#% 1"( P$6er !$ rem$5e di%%ic l!ies% E I" $n' di""icu!t' $#ises in *i(in* e""ect to the p#o(isions o" this Act,<the 2o(e#nment m$', ' $n o#de# pu !ished in the T$mi! N$du 2o(e#nment 2$+ette, m$:e such p#o(isions not inconsistent )ith the p#o(isions o" this Act $s $ppe$! to them to e necess$#' o# e3pedient "o# #emo(in* the di""icu!t'= P#o(ided th$t no such o#de# sh$!! e m$de $"te# the e3pi#' o" t)o 'e$#s "#om the d$te o" the commencement o" this Act% GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1% 1u stituted ' TN Act 65 o" 1994 On o# e"o#e the 51st d$' o" 4ecem e# 1996 in o# e"o#e the 5/th d$' Kune 1997M su stituted ' TN Act 47 o" 1996% 8888888888888888 9