CERN Accelerating science

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Approximate next-to-next-to-leading-order threshold resummation in heavy flavor decays / Aglietti, U ; Ricciardi, G
We present an approximate next-to-next-to-leading-order evaluation of the QCD form factor resumming large logarithmic perturbative contributions in semi-inclusive heavy flavor decays. (15 refs)..
2002 - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 66 (2002) 074003/1-10 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
Approximate next-to-next-to-leading-order threshold resummation in heavy flavor decays / Aglietti, U (CERN ; Univ. Roma ‘‘La Sapienza’’ ; INFN Roma, Italy) ; Ricciardi, G (Univ. Napoli ‘‘Federico II’’, Napoli, Itlay ; INFN Napoli, Italy)
We present a NNLO evaluation of the QCD form factor resumming large logarithmic perturbative contributions in semi-inclusive heavy flavour decays..
hep-ph/0204125; DSF-2002-04.- Napoli : Napoli Univ., 2002 - 14 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 66 (2002) 074003 APS Published version, local copy: PDF; Access to fulltext document: PDF; External link: hep-ph/0204125 PDF
The structure function of semi-inclusive heavy flavour decays in field theory / Aglietti, Ugo (CERN ; INFN, Rome) ; Ricciardi, Giulia (Naples U. ; INFN, Naples)
We consider the decay of a heavy flavour into an inclusive hadronic state X of invariant mass m_X small with respect to its energy E_X, m_X << E_X. The electron spectrum and the hadronic mass distribution in semileptonic b -> u decays, or the photon spectrum in b -> s gamma decays, all require, close to their endpoints, a control over this region. [...]
hep-ph/0003146; CERN-TH-2000-071; DSF-T-7-00; CERN-TH-2000-071; DSF-T-2000-007.- Geneva : CERN, 2000 - 50 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 587 (2000) 363-99 Access to fulltext document: PDF; External link: Preprint - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Resummed $B \to X_{u}l\nu$ Decay Distributions to Next-to-Leading Order / Aglietti, U (CERN)
We perform factorization of the most general distribution in semileptonic B -> X_u decays and we resum the threshold logarithms to next-to-leading-order. From this (triple-differential) distribution, any other distribution is obtained by integration. [...]
hep-ph/0104020; CERN-TH-2001-099.- Geneva : CERN, 2001 - 19 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 610 (2001) 293-315 Access to fulltext document: PDF; External link: hep-ph/0104020 PDF - CERN library copies
The shape function in field theory / Aglietti, U. (CERN)
The shape function describes (non-perturbative) Fermi motion effects in semi-inclusive heavy flavour decay. Its renormalization properties are substantially dependent on the kind of ultraviolet regulator used. [...]
hep-ph/0009214; CERN-TH-2000-278; CERN-TH-2000-278.- Geneva : CERN, 2001 - 7 p.
- Published in : , pp. 453-458 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
In : 8th International Euroconference on Quantum Chromodynamics, Montpellier, France, 6 - 13 Jul 2000, pp.453-8 - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Transverse Momentum Distributions in B-Decays / Aglietti, U. (CERN) ; Sghedoni, R. (Parma U. ; INFN, Parma) ; Trentadue, L. (Parma U. ; INFN, Parma)
We consider transverse momentum distributions in B-decays. The O(alpha_S) coefficients for soft and collinear logarithms are computed to next-to-leading accuracy. [...]
hep-ph/0105322; CERN-TH-2001-143; PARMA-UPRF-2001-13; UPRF-2001-13; CERN-TH-2001-143.- Parma : Parma Univ. Dip. Fis, 2001 - 7 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 522 (2001) 83-88 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Soft-Gluon Resummation for the Fragmentation of Light and Heavy Quarks at Large x / Cacciari, Matteo (Parma U. ; INFN, Milan) ; Catani, Stefano (CERN)
We present a QCD study of fragmentation processes for light and heavy quarks in the semi-inclusive region of large x. Large logarithmic terms, due to soft-gluon radiation, are evaluated and resummed to all perturbative orders in the QCD coupling alpha_s. [...]
hep-ph/0107138; CERN-TH-2001-174; UPRF-2001-11; CERN-TH-2001-174; UPRF-2001-11.- Geneva : CERN, 2001 - 37 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 617 (2001) 253-290 Access to fulltext document: PDF; External link: Preprint - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
$K_{l3}$ form factors at order $p^{6}$ of chiral perturbation theory / Post, P ; Schilcher, K
This paper describes the calculation of the semileptonic K/sub l3/ decay form factors at order p/sup 6/ of chiral perturbation theory, which is the next-to-leading order correction to the well-known p/sup 4/ result achieved by Gasser and Leutwyler. At order p/sup 6/ the chiral expansion contains one- and two-loop diagrams which are discussed in detail. [...]
2002 - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 25 (2002) 427-43
Soft-gluon resummation in heavy quarkonium physics / Cacciari, Matteo (CERN)
Soft-gluon resummation within the framework of heavy quarkonium hadroproduction is considered. A few selected cases are studied in detail. [...]
hep-ph/9910412; CERN-TH-99-312; CERN-TH-99-312.- Geneva : CERN, 2000 - 15 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 571 (2000) 185-96 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: hep-ph/9910412 PDF - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Electroweak-boson hadroproduction at large transverse momentum : factorization, resummation and NNLO corrections / Kidonakis, Nikolaos (Florida State U.) ; Del Duca, Vittorio (CERN)
We study the resummation of singular distributions for electroweak-boson production at large transverse momentum in hadronic collisions. We describe the factorization properties of the cross section near partonic threshold and construct the resummed cross section at next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy in moment space in terms of soft gluon anomalous dimensions. [...]
hep-ph/9911460; FSU-HEP-991123; CERN-TH-99-339; DFTT-62-99; CERN-TH-99-339; FSU-HEP-99-11-23; DFTT-99-62.- Geneva : CERN, 2000 - 15 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 480 (2000) 87-96 Access to fulltext document: 9911460 - PDF; 9911460.fig1b - PS.GZ; 9911460.fig1a - PS.GZ; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.

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