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Food Skills Facilitator Resources

Tools to support the success of your Food Skills for Families program.

The following content is intended for Food Skills for Families Facilitators and Host Organizations. If you are interested in becoming a partner or a facilitator, or for general information, please visit the Food Skills for Families program page

Learn how to get involved

Promotion materials
Posters and brochures are available to support the recruitment of participants. Fillable PDF versions are below. Hard copies can be requested on the Program Request Form.

Food Sense curriculum

Seniors curriculum

Newcomer curriculum

Session resources

The following are activities and resources to aid you in the delivery of your Food Skills for Families program. 


Canada's Food Guide is provided in hard copy with program materials and should be handed out to participants at the beginning of the program. Encourage participants to visit the Canada’s food guide website for numerous resources, recipes and tips. Participants can also download the food guide snapshot in multiple languages

Website Links

  • BCCDC - Prevention & Public Health resources
  • FoodSafe - FoodSafe training course information and food handling resources for professionals
  • HealthLink BC - Reference documents on food safety and food poisoning
  • Food Safety - Government of Canada site with safety tips for all food types and information to protect those who are vulnerable to food poisoning, including facts on food allergies and recalls 


  • Food storage & cooking danger zone thermometer | PDF image
  • Food-cooling procedure thermometer | PDF image


Curriculum Resources

Do you have the most up-to-date Facilitator Guide? Check the list below to ensure that your guide is the current edition in use. Current Editions of Facilitator Guides

Curriculum specific resources including shopping lists, recipe sign-up sheets are linked below. 

Session Posters

As seen in the Train-the-Trainer program, there are a variety of pre-made posters available. There are two posters for each session, the first poster has a session timeline, the second lists learning outcomes and recipes. 

Shopping Lists

Recipe Sign-up Sheets

Session Posters

As seen in the Train-the-Trainer program, there are a variety of pre-made posters available. There are two posters for each session, the first poster has a session timeline, the second lists learning outcomes and recipes. 

Shopping Lists

Recipe Sign-up Sheets

Session Posters

As seen in the Train-the-Trainer program, there are a variety of pre-made posters available. There are two posters for each session, the first poster has a session timeline, the second lists learning outcomes and recipes. 

Shopping Lists

Recipe Sign-up Sheets

Session Resources

Session specific optional resources and Canada food guide information is linked below.

Kitchen Meeting + Tour Questionnaire

This resource is designed to assist the facilitator with confirming final program details with a host while conducting a kitchen inspection.

How to Read a Recipe Activity

A short activity done in the first hour of the program. Participants are given the steps of reading a recipe and asked them to put them in the correct order. Recipe Reading Activity

Mindful Eating Activity

A short mindful eating activity done in the third hour of the program using a bar of chocolate. Mindful Eating Activity Guide.

Related Reading: Canada's Food Guide Topics

Fibre Activity: Sally & Bob 

You will receive two sample menus, a list of foods and the amount of fibre they contain and an answer sheet. Split participants up into two groups and ask them to calculate how many grams of fibre Sally and Bob each ate. Fibre Activity Toolkit

Related Reading: Canada's Food Guide Topics

‎Sugary Drinks Activity 

You are encouraged to create a “sugary drinks demo kit” similar to the one demonstrated during your Train-the-Trainer program. Using sugar cubes or loose sugar and clear glasses, have participants measure out how many grams of sugar are in a few of the beverages listed on the What’s in Your Glass graphic from the participant handbook. Here are a couple of Sugary Drinks Demo Ideas

Related Reading: Canada's Food Guide Topics

Dietitian Lead Tours

Depending on your store location, a Dietitian may be available to lead the tour for you. Check with your local store or use the links below to see if someone is available.

'In-Class' Grocery Store Tour Guide

An 'in-class' grocery store tour is a good option if your group is unable to visit a store in person. You can achieve the same outcomes and learning objectives of Session Five in an in-class setting as you would in a physical store. 

Notify the Food Skills team if you are delivering session five in-class and use the following manual. Facilitator Manual for In-Class Tour. 

Related Reading: Canada's Food Guide Topics

Related Reading: Canada's Food Guide Topics

Forms & newsletters


Invoice Template

Facilitators are to submit invoices once their program has completed. 

Reimbursement Direct Deposit Form

Once invoices (and receipts) are received at BCCDC reimbursement will take 30-60 days. Repayment is issued from the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA). 

To expedite payment we recommend facilitators sign up for direct deposit. Download the Vendor Direct Deposit Form to register and receive payment via direct deposit. 

If you need to report an incident to the Food Skills team please use the form below and forward it to [email protected].

Organizations interested is running a program can email their COVID-19 Safety Plan to [email protected] and ask for a Program Request Form. Forms should be emailed at least four weeks prior to session one and contain the program reference number. 


Facilitators will be emailed a Contract for Services or a Letter of Agreement prior to the start of their program. The signed document should be returned to the Food Skills team at [email protected] at least three weeks prior to the start date of the program. Program materials will be shipped once the contract has been returned. 

Facilitator Best Practices Guidelines


The 'Food Scoop' Newsletters

The Food Scoop Issue 20.0

October 2022 - Exciting Program Updates

The Food Scoop Issue 19.0

March 2022

The Food Scoop Issue 18.0

February 2022

The Food Scoop Issue 17.0

January 2022

The Food Scoop Issue 16.0

December 2021

The Food Scoop Issue 15.0

November 2021

The Food Scoop Issue 14.0

October 2021

The Food Scoop Issue 13.0

September 2021

The Food Scoop Issue 12.0

August 2021 

The Food Scoop Issue 11.0

June 2021 - Celebrating Indigenous Culture

The Food Scoop Issue 10.0

May 2021 - Asian Heritage Month

The Food Scoop Issue 9.0

April 2021

The Food Scoop Issue 8.0

Winter 2021 - Breaking Bread


The Food Scoop Issue 7.0 

Spring 2020 - The Dish on Intuitive Eating

The Food Scoop Issue 6.0 

Summer 2020 - Reconnecting with Food at Home 

The Food Scoop Issue 5.0 

Fall 2020 - Inspiring Communities Building Food Access 

The Food Scoop Issue 4.0 

Winter 2020 - Unintended Consequence & Positive Impacts of COVID-19 

The Food Scoop Issue 3.0 

Summer 2019

The Food Scoop Issue 2.0 

Fall 2019 - Colours of Food

The Food Scoop Issue 1.0

Winter 2019 - New Curriculum Announcement

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SOURCE: Food Skills Facilitator Resources ( )
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