Tan Delta Abnormal

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the leading electrical & electronics monthly

VOL 13 z ISSUE NO. 6 z FEBRUARY 2022 PGS. 10# ISSN 0970-2946 z Rs. 100/-

Marching towards
Smart Metering to all by 2025

11 29 41 45

Cover Story : Marching towards Smart metering to all by 2025

Guest Article : Opportunities for startups in Consumer Electronics
In Focus : Marconite as Ground Enhancement Material than Bentonite COVID-19
Tech Space : Perovskite Solar Cells - The Future of Solar Power Stay Safe
Events and Eventualties


On Transformer’s Abnormal Situation (Part-12)

LAST FEW MONTHS the CASE STUDIES on TRANSFORMER’s Abnormal situation is getting
published under the section of EVENT and EVENTUAL series. Readers especially from field units
are accepting this series because of its presentation approach is based on the actual situations,
observations, action taken on the subject with recommendations for the future reference.

This month, our attempt is once again on the continuation the technical note to abnormal behavior of Power
of the subject on TRANSFORMER’s Abnormal situation. Transformers.
Transformer, the only compact electro-mechanical
We urge all our esteem readers to please share
device helps to connect two different voltage level
your suggestion and feedback, which shall be the
systems. Reliability of the electrical system depends
motivational factor to improve in further.
upon the healthiness of this device, as because, any
eventuality on this device delinks the electrical network
dragging the situation towards instability and possible Mismatch of Oil Level
way to blackout scenario also. At one of AUTO TRANSFORMER, 160 MVA,
First NINE parts of this series had been published 220/132 KV, it was observed with mismatch
during February 2021, March 2021, April 2021, May of oil level between POLG and MOLG during
2021, June 2021, July 2021 August 2021, September service condition.
2021, October 2021, November 2021 and January
2022 with response of readers on this subject being in Observations
exponential trend. 1. This transformer was equipped with AIR CELL in
the conservator tank.
On the basis of the positive response and suggestive
feedback from the readers, we have considered the 2. The POLG (Prismatic Oil Level Gauge) was of
continuation of this series with few other case studies showing FULL OIL through the prismatic glass.
in this month. These studies shall be the continuation (Refer Fig 2.1.1)
of the last month’s technical case study series on 3. But the MOLG (Magnetic Oil Level Gauge) was

70 February 2022
Events and Eventualties

Fig 2.1.1 Empty showing Fig 2.1.2 Full showing Fig 2.1.3 Defective Link )LJ  )XOO\ LQÁDWHG

showing with NO DEFLECTION on the graduated Recommendations

scale. (Fig 2.1.2)
Both POLG and MOLG of any AIR-CELL conservator
4. Actually this indication should be at 35 Degree should be checked regularly. If POLG level is decreasing,
centigrade mark or slight above depending upon then it could be the leaky transformer. If without leakage
WKHWHPSHUDWXUH%XWVKRZLQJZLWK18//GHÁHFWLRQ POLG level is decreasing, then the case is of imbalance
at the MOLG was suspected with the followings. of pressure due to looseness of TOP RELEASE
b. The MOLG indicator might be defective. Abnormal Tan Delta Value of new
c. MOLG connecting rod might be stuck at any AUTO TRANSFORMER
point inside.
One of the new AUTO TRANSFORMER of
d. Other defective inside the conservator. rating 160 MVA, 220/132KV after release
5. So the decision of physical checking was planned. from the factory and after receipt at site, the
TANDELTA VALUE as obtained were of very
Action Taken abnormal.
1. Shutdown was availed, Valves leading to Main
Conservator Tank was closed for action. Observations
2. Oil from the Conservator was completely drained 1. On receipt of the AUTO TRANSFORMER, assembly
for physical inspection. The manhole cover was was done at site.
also opened for access to internal inspection of the  7KH RLO ÀOWUDWLRQ DQG RWKHU FRPPLVVLRQLQJ ZRUNV
3. On doing so and during inspection it was found 3. The LV tests like Voltage ratio, magnetic Balance,
with the problem on the LINK PIN connected to the Excitation current and Loading stability tests were
MOLG indicator and connecting rod. done and found in order.
4. In practice the connecting rod along with FLOAT 4. The winding resistance, Turn’s ratio tests etc.. were
was not getting lifted properly for indicating to the also done at site and results were found in order.
desired le vel. ( Refer Fig 2.1.3) 5. But while doing TAN-DELTA TESTS, the results
became irregular and abnormal.
Table 2.2.1 Measurement by KIT1
6. So, suspecting problems in the testing kit, other
Connections Mode KV mAmpere Watt Tan Delta Capacitance test kits were brought for comparison of the test
applications Loss In pF results and found with similar kind of irregular and
CH+CHL GND 10 KV 40.78 2.163 0.533 13031 abnormal value
CH GAR 19.88 13.01 6.582 6334
Table 2.2.2 Measurement by KIT2
CHL UST 20.86 -8.933 -4.276 7335
Connections Mode KV mAmpere Watt Tan Capacitance
CL+CHL GND 69.40 27.56 3.985 22124
applications oss elta In pF
CL GAR 48.96 27.61 5.685 15570
CH+CHL GND 10 KV 35.56 1.963 0.788 13038
All the connecting valves, pipe lines etc.. were also CH GAR 24.56 23.01 7.582 6434
properly tightened to avoid the loss of pressure
CHL UST 20.83 -9.933 -5.276 7235
during service condition. (Refer Fig 2.1.4)
6. The AIR_CELL was re-charged once again after CL+CHL GND 59.41 27.56 3.986 22129
replacement of new MOLG and its connecting rod
CL GAR 42.96 23.71 7.685 15670
with other mechanism.

February 2022 71
Events and Eventualties

7. The results obtained by different kits are shown in VDWLVÀHGRISURGXFLQJWKHFRUUHFWYDOXHDVREWDLQHG

the table no 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 above. in table 2.3.3.
8. The results as obtained conclude about some
issue in the transformer, not in the KITs. Recommendations
9. But some problems in the transformers are This is always recommended for keeping practice
not being accepted as no other test results are for measurement of CORE-BODY-YOKE, IR value
supporting to this TAN DELTA abnormal value. before taking any installation of Transformer at site.
10. So experts were referred about such abnormality. The value should be above minimum of 25 Mohm. This
value changes and kept as reference for different type
11. On visit the site and in the presence of experts and
of manufacturers.
engineers from OEM, the test results were also
taken for the TAN DELTA KIT. This time also the
results were obtained of similar value as before. Abnormal value of TAN DELTA
Table 2.3.3 Measurement after tightening of the
and PI of PTR
CORE-BODY-YOKE connections At one of the 220/132/33 KV Grid Sub-Station, it was
found with abnormal value of Tan Delta and PI of the
Connections Mode KV mAmpere Watt Tan Capacitance
applications Loss Delta In pF
windings of a 20 MVA 132/33 Kv Power Transformer.

CH+CHL GND 10 KV 41.06 1.188 0.290 13080

CH GAR 20.95 0.788 0.372 6674 1. This transformer was in service and catering the
CHL UST 20.12 0.416 0.207 6411 load of 10.5 MWatt successfully.
CL+CHL GND 70.89 2.399 0.340 22661 2. During annual condition monitoring check of this
transformer, it was found with some abnormal TAN
CL GAR 51.03 1.961 0.384 16251
DELTA and IR value of the Neutral Bushing of the
12. This time it was suspected on the earthing of the HT side winding.
transformers and especially on the CORE-BODY-
YOKE connections. Table 2.3.1: Tan Delta of 132 KV Bushing
13. The commissioning team was asked to produce Ref Mode KV mA Watt TanDel Cap(PF)
the CORE-BODY-YOKE IR measurement value that
has been taken during pre-installation condition. UST 2 0.195 0.003 0.628 311.1
14. The team explained that this value had not been UST 10 0.981 0.036 0.37 312.4
taken during installation time. UST 2 0.194 0.004 0.617 309.1
15. The same has not even been asked by the testing
Y-Ph UST 10 0.964 0.029 0.297 307.06
team or the OEM requirement.
16. Now, the TOP COVER BOX was opened for the UST 2 0.196 0.003 0.768 312.1
access of this LINK connection between CORE- B-ph UST 10 0.974 0.027 0.273 310.3
UST 2 0.006 0.011 320.2 2.796
17. It was found with looseness of the all the links on
this box. N UST 10 0.017 0.079 325.4 3.131
18. The required links were tightened properly and IR Of 132KV Bushing BDV Values & PI of Power
then the tandelta measurement was taken and
Ref P-Tandel Tandel-E Top Bottom OLTC Remarks
found with the following results as mentioned in
table 2.3.3. R *Ÿ *Ÿ Neutral
Y *Ÿ *Ÿ Bushing
Analysis of the results B *Ÿ *Ÿ
80 KV 78 KV 40KV Tan Delta
1. Due to looseness of the links between the CORE- Value is
BODY-YOKE, during the application of the HV AC N 0Ÿ *Ÿ Abnormal
supply of 10 KV to the specimen, it was found with
IR and PI of HT-E of the Transformer
contribution of Earthing for the measurement got
changed. Ph 60S 600S PI
PI value being less on HT-E, but
2. The mode selected as GAR, GND and UST are HV-E 0Ÿ 0Ÿ 1.16 not objectionable
not being properly maintained during the testing
methods, so results as supposed to be obtained 3. This transformer was of Star-Star connected
in the TAN Delta value are not normal as obtained winding with solidly grounded of HT and LT
before the measurement practices. Neutral.
3. But after tightening the required modes got 4. The results along with HT BUSHINGS and other

72 February 2022
30+ years of serving Electrical Industry
Publication Date 1st working day of the month of the issue
Cover Pages 210 GSM Art Paper *
Inside Pages 70 GSM LWC Paper *
Magazine Size A - 4, 297 mm x 210 mm


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February 2022 73
Events and Eventualties

values are provided below. (Refer Table No 2.3.1).

Table 2.4.2. Tan Delta of 132 KV Bushing after
5. Even of obtaining the lower Tan Delta value of HT Neutral Bushing Replacement
Neutral, the transformer was kept in service and
Ref Mode KV mA Watt TanDel Cap(PF)
catering the load.
UST 2 0.2 1.8 0.4 310.7
6. It was decided for the replacement of the NEUTRAL R-Ph
Bushing by a good bushing with correct TAN UST 10 0.98 44.77 0.45 310.7
DELTA value. UST 2 0.19 2.29 0.59 307.9
7. The replacement action was programmed. Filter UST 10 0.97 56.78 0.58 307.9
machine was arranged for downing of oil from
UST 2 0.2 2.03 0.51 311.2
the main tank for the approach the HT Neutral B-ph
Bushing. UST 10 0.98 50.68 0.51 311.1
8. The HT neutral bushing was replaced by a good UST 2 0.11 0.45 0.2021 176.5
one of correct Tan Delta Value. UST 10 0.55 11.45 0.2066 176.5
9. After replacement of the HT Neutral, the results IR Of 132KV Bushing
were changed drastically including the IR and PI
Ref P-TanDelta Tan Delta value of HT Neutral became well
value of Transformer as mentioned below. (Table within the range with its capacitance value
No. 2.3.2) N *Ÿ also.
Final IR and PI value of Transformer
Ph 15Sec 60Sec 600Sec PI
Tan delta value of the HT neutral bushing being IR and PI value of
abnormal, affects the system IR and PI value as this 9.78 21.7 the transformer
LV-E *Ÿ 2.22
was remaining on the neutral ground part. But with this *Ÿ *Ÿ winding was also
abnormal value and even charging of the system could 12.2 changed and the
HV-E *Ÿ *Ÿ 1.44 transformer was
be made possible as because Neutral of the transformer *Ÿ
is generally grounded during the time of transformer in also charged
15.1 29.2 successfully
service. But this value was only misleading the results HV-LV *Ÿ 1.92
*Ÿ *Ÿ
obtained during the test of the neutral bushing.

74 February 2022
Events and Eventualties

Conclusion 4. Damages at Remote end Control Room ACDB

We should not be panic for the Tan Delta value of a. Burning of Aux Coil of Contactor.
NEUTRAL BUSHING being found with Abnormal and b. Burning of SCADA panels
beyond the limit for the Transformer.
Post incident Attention
Sparking and Blowing of DC fuses 1. Both 132kv main incoming supply were hand
tripped, due to the failure of DC supply at this
At 132/33 KV Grid Station, THREE nos of distribution
GRID So the Grid was undergone with FORCED
transformer of 250KVA, 33/0.4 KV each were connected
with from 33 KV Bay for the purpose of supplying of
LT voltage for different applications (Lighting Load and 2. Tracing of all blown fuses was done and replaced
SCADA connection and others). One day there had with good one.
been Phase to ground fault on B phase conductor at
3. DG set was taken into service for Aux AC supply to
the nearby end Transformer Premises, which resulted
the system.
4. Blown fuses of 132KV Bus PT was also replaced.
1. Tripping of Station Transformer feeder resulted at
Grid premises. 6. The Earth Links were tightened and GI Earth wires
were resized to its place.
2. Damages at Grid Premises
a. Blowing out of FUSES 7. After availing the Main DC supply, the 33 KV station
transformer and other feeders were charged in
i. MAIN DC FUSES on the battery charger.
successive manner and stood OK.
ii. DC FUSES of Main DCDB.
8. EARTH FLAT connection from REMOTE
iii. Few fuses on CRP (Control and Relay Panel)
of both 132 KV and 33 KV.
this Grid Premises) to GRID MAT was done before
iv. Secondary side Protection Core Fuses of energization of REMOTE TRANSFORMER system.
132KV Bus PT at PT console Box
b. Defect of 2 nos Numerical Relays on 132KV Analysis of the Incident
c. Flashing and damage of MODEM Router Box, Reasons of HIGH Voltage
RTU panel, GPS units The snapping of 33 KV Phase wire and connecting to
to different panels at Grid Control Room. resulted of heavy fault current and tripping of VCB
connected to this bay at Grid Sub-Station. (Figure-2.4.1)
PREMISES The detail investigation, was done on the Earthing
a. Severe Sparking on DP structures, LT ACDB System at REMOTE END Transformer Premises and
Earth Points with Blowing out of FUSES of available Transformers, Structures and others.
ACDB. 1. NO Earth Pits were found, as inquired from
b. SPARKING on EARTH LINKS/ FALTS DISCOM WING that the Pits are being in buried
2. NO Earth Mat at this premises.
sparking on these points.
side Transformer Neutrals.
Because of this improper Earth loop, the closed path
from the driving source became poor and resulting
with HIGH VOLTAGE appearance on the Earth Point,
called GPR (Ground Potential Rise). The earthing on
33 KV B phase, resulted the voltage rise on the healthy
(R and Y). Simultaneously, the Voltage on the DELTA
winding of the station Transformer also became high on
the RY Phase as compared to the YB and BR phases.

February 2022 75
Events and Eventualties

Snapshots of Damages at this Grid

Rtu Cable Terminal Blowing Of Dcdb Fuses Burning Of Modem Router Box

Defect Of Numerical Relays Burning Of CRPTerminals Sparking On Airtel Modem

Snapshots of Damages at Remote

Burning of Mccb at Remote Burning of Earth Terminal Point Sparking at DP Structure

Endswitch Yard

Sparking at Panel Box Sparking at Panel Box Sparking at AB Switch Handle

76 February 2022
Events and Eventualties

1RZ WKH UHÁHFWLRQ RI WKLV YROWDJH RQ WKH /7 VLGH 6WDU Re-Occurrence of the Incident on Same Day
connected) became prominent due to the weak and  'XULQJÀUVWLQFLGHQWRQRIWKH*,(DUWK:LUHVRXW
separate Earth connection. The Individual voltage on of 2 nos from DISCOM DP Structure were being
the healthy R and Y phases became very high causing in damaged condition, not noticed properly as the
the failure and damage of the items as described above. string was damaged at the bottom point as like
The other reason of Failure is also that rushing of fault VKRZQLQÀJXUH
current at different weak elements (Like GPS UNITs, 2. The system was charged from Grid end to avail Aux
MODEMS, Electronics Relay etc..) to Source Ground AC supply from the Station transformer at the grid
premises along with other 2 Nos of Transformers
Recommended Solutions at REMOTE END premises. The LT loads were not
1. Provision at REMOTE ENDTRANSFORMER extended to the system.
PREMISES 3 The incident repeated coincidentally at the time of
a. Provision of Earth Mat with CONTOUR EARTH extension low light load from the ACDB board.
ELECTRODES at 6 mtr inter electrode distance, 4. Accidentally the damaged Earth GI wire slides
considering poor Soil resistivity 6 mtr pipe down touching the same B phase conductor
Electrode with Chemical Earthing is preferable. UHVXOWLQJ ZLWK ÁDVK RYHU DW WKH VSRW DQG WRWDO
structures used at this premises as per IS.  7KLVWLPHWKHIDXOWFXUUHQWRQ*5,'VLGHZDVUHÁHFWHG
F 5HFWLÀFDWLRQ RI WKH '3 VWUXFWXUHV ZLWK with 8 Kamp, causing with outage of both 33 KV
replacement of insulators, defunct/ non- side of Power Transformers and simultaneously
available LAs. the 33 KV VCB of Station Transformer Bay from
Grid end.
d. Renovation/Replacement of the ACDB with
proper SFU (Switch gear Fusing Unit). 6. But this time only it was found with FLASH OVER of
e. Arrangement protection scheme should also be
done. RE-OCCURRENCE OF THE FAULT was re-analysed
and again it was emphasized on the strengthen of
f. This Mat must be connected to GRID EARTH REMOTE ENDAREA EARTH SYSTEM.
MAT to avoid GPR.
2. Earthing connection to All LT board panels, CRPs, Conclusion
DCDBs, Chargers etc.. must be re-checked Proper Earthing need to be done with Relay gradation
regarding its Earth Connection and connection to and renovation of the Discom Structures At Remote
Endtransformer Premises „
3. The relay setting and CTR available to be re-visited (Continued to Next Month)
and re-set as per system requirement.
Er. P.K. Pattanaik:
4. Voltage Relay, available at the Battery charger to GM (Elect), at Odisha Power Transmission
be revisited and set with OV of 110 % and UV of 85 Corporation Ltd. – Odisha.
% with time delay of 1 sec.

February 2022 77

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