4G Features: Jawad Ibrahim

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4G Features

Jawad Ibrahim
[email protected]

Issue Date: December 2002

INTRODUCTION implemented based on analog technology and the basic

cellular structure of mobile communication. Many funda-

T he approaching 4G (fourth generation) mobile commu-

nication systems are projected to solve still-remaining
problems of 3G (third generation) systems and to provide
mental problems were solved by these early systems.
Numerous incompatible analog systems were placed in
service around the world during the 1980s.
a wide variety of new services, from high-quality voice to The 2G (second generation) systems designed in the
high-definition video to high-data-rate wireless channels. 1980s were still used mainly for voice applications but
The term 4G is used broadly to include several types of were based on digital technology, including digital signal
broadband wireless access communication systems, not processing techniques. These 2G systems provided cir-
only cellular telephone systems. One of the terms used to cuit-switched data communication services at a low
describe 4G is MAGIC—Mobile multimedia, Anytime any- speed. The competitive rush to design and implement
where, Global mobility support, Integrated wireless solu- digital systems led again to a variety of different and
tion, and Customized personal service. As a promise for incompatible standards such as GSM (global system
the future, 4G systems, that is, cellular broadband wire- mobile), mainly in Europe; TDMA (time division multiple
less access systems, have been attracting much interest access) (IS-54/IS-136) in the U.S.; PDC (personal digital
in the mobile communication arena. The 4G systems not cellular) in Japan; and CDMA (code division multiple
only will support the next generation of mobile service, but access) (IS-95), another U.S. system. These systems
also will support the fixed wireless networks. operate nationwide or internationally and are today's
This paper presents an overall vision of the 4G fea- mainstream systems, although the data rate for users in
tures, framework, and integration of mobile communica- these system is very limited.
tion. The features of 4G systems might be summarized During the 1990s, two organizations worked to define
with one word—integration. The 4G systems are about the next, or 3G, mobile system, which would eliminate
seamlessly integrating terminals, networks, and applica- previous incompatibilities and become a truly global sys-
tions to satisfy increasing user demands. tem. The 3G system would have higher quality voice
The continuous expansion of mobile communication channels, as well as broadband data capabilities, up to 2
and wireless networks shows evidence of exceptional Mbps. Unfortunately, the two groups could not reconcile
growth in the areas of mobile subscriber, wireless net- their differences, and this decade will see the introduc-
work access, mobile services, and applications. An esti- tion of two mobile standards for 3G. In addition, China is
mate of 1 billion users by the end of 2003 justifies the on the verge of implementing a third 3G system.
study and research for 4G systems. An interim step is being taken between 2G and 3G, the
2.5G. It is basically an enhancement of the two major 2G
technologies to provide increased capacity on the 2G RF
HISTORY (radio frequency) channels and to introduce higher
throughput for data service, up to 384 kbps. A very

T he history and evolution of mobile service from the 1G

(first generation) to fourth generation are discussed in
this section. Table 1 presents a short history of mobile
important aspect of 2.5G is that the data channels are
optimized for packet data, which introduces access to
the Internet from mobile devices, whether telephone,
telephone technologies. PDA (personal digital assistant), or laptop.
This process began with the designs in the 1970s that However, the demand for higher access speed multi-
have become known as 1G. The earliest systems were media communication in today's society, which greatly

December 2002 • Volume 1, Number 1 11

Table 1. Short History of Mobile Telephone Technologies

Technology 1G 2G 2.5G 3G 4G
Design Began 1970 1980 1985 1990 2000
Implementation 1984 1991 1999 2002 2010?
Service Analog voice, Digital voice, Higher capacity, Higher capacity, Higher capacity,
synchronous data short packetized data broadband data completely IP-
to 9.6 kbps messages up to 2 Mbps oriented, multimedia,
data to hundreds
of megabits
Standards AMPS, TACS, TDMA, CDMA, GPRS, EDGE, WCDMA, Single standard
NMT, etc. GSM, PDC 1xRTT CDMA2000
Data Bandwidth 1.9 kbps 14.4 kbps 384 kbps 2 Mbps 200 Mbps
Core Network PSTN PSTN PSTN, Packet network Internet
packet network

1xRTT = 2.5G CDMA data service up to 384 kbps GSM = global system for mobile
AMPS = advanced mobile phone service NMT = Nordic mobile telephone
CDMA = code division multiple access PDC = personal digital cellular
EDGE = enhanced data for global evolution PSTN = pubic switched telephone network
FDMA = frequency division multiple access TACS = total access communications system
GPRS = general packet radio system TDMA = time division multiple access
WCDMA = wideband CDMA

depends on computer communication in digital format, ronment, and quality of service. Connection with the net-
seems unlimited. According to the historical indication of work applications can be transferred into various forms
a generation revolution occurring once a decade, the and levels correctly and efficiently. The dominant meth-
present appears to be the right time to begin the ods of access to this pool of information will be the
research on a 4G mobile communication system. mobile telephone, PDA, and laptop to seamlessly access
the voice communication, high-speed information servic-
es, and entertainment broadcast services. Figure 1 illus-
4G trates elements and techniques to support the adapt-
ability of the 4G domain.

T his new generation of wireless is intended to comple-

ment and replace the 3G systems, perhaps in 5 to 10
years. Accessing information anywhere, anytime, with a
The fourth generation will encompass all systems from
various networks, public to private; operator-driven
broadband networks to personal areas; and ad hoc net-
seamless connection to a wide range of information and works. The 4G systems will interoperate with 2G and 3G
services, and receiving a large volume of information, data, systems, as well as with digital (broadband) broadcasting
pictures, video, and so on, are the keys of the 4G infra- systems. In addition, 4G systems will be fully IP-based
structures. The future 4G infrastructures will consist of a wireless Internet.
set of various networks using IP (Internet protocol) as a This all-encompassing integrated perspective shows
common protocol so that users are in control because they the broad range of systems that the fourth generation
will be able to choose every application and environment. intends to integrate, from satellite broadband to high alti-
Based on the developing trends of mobile communi- tude platform to cellular 3G and 3G systems to WLL (wire-
cation, 4G will have broader bandwidth, higher data rate, less local loop) and FWA (fixed wireless access) to WLAN
and smoother and quicker handoff and will focus on (wireless local area network) and PAN (personal area net-
ensuring seamless service across a multitude of wireless work), all with IP as the integrating mechanism.
systems and networks. The key concept is integrating the With 4G, a range of new services and models will be
4G capabilities with all of the existing mobile technolo- available. These services and models need to be further
gies through advanced technologies. examined for their interface with the design of 4G sys-
Application adaptability and being highly dynamic are tems. Figures 2 and 3 demonstrate the key elements and
the main features of 4G services of interest to users. the seamless connectivity of the networks.
These features mean services can be delivered and be
available to the personal preference of different users
and support the users' traffic, air interfaces, radio envi-

12 Bechtel Telecommunications Technical Journal

4G Mobile Communications

Air Access Mobile Fixed

Users Ter minals Inter fac es Points Ac cesses Backbone Applic ations

Figure 1. 4G Visions (Ref. 1)

Broadcast Cellular


IP Based
Core Network

Short Range WLAN

PAN = Personal Access Network DAB = Digital Analog Broadcast
LAN = Local Area Network MAN = Metropolitan Area Network
WAN = Wide Area Network UMTS = Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
DVB = Digital Video Broadcast WLAN = Wireless Local Area Network

Figure 2. Seamless Connections of Networks (Ref. 2)

December 2002 • Volume 1, Number 1 13


Converged Autonomous
Services Networks


Figure 3. Key Elements of 4G Vision (Ref. 3)


A s the history of mobile communications shows,

attempts have been made to reduce a number of
technologies to a single global standard. Projected 4G
Jawad Ibrahim is an RF
engineer in the RF Design
Department at Bechtel
systems offer this promise of a standard that can be Telecommunications. He
embraced worldwide through its key concept of integration. is actively involved in both
Future wireless networks will need to support diverse RF planning work for
IP multimedia applications to allow sharing of resources clients and equipment
among multiple users. There must be a low complexity of testing in the Bechtel TDR
implementation and an efficient means of negotiation (Training, Demonstration,
between the end users and the wireless infrastructure. and Research) Laboratory
The fourth generation promises to fulfill the goal of PCC in Frederick, Maryland.
(personal computing and communication)—a vision that Jawad has also participat-
affordably provides high data rates everywhere over a Jawad Ibrahim ed in audits for OSSs
wireless network. (operation support sys-
tems) for clients.
Previously, at Teligent, Jawad was involved in NOC (net-
REFERENCES work operations center) testing and certification. He has
extensive experience in RF design, both mobile and fixed.
1. B. G. Evans and K. Baughan, "Visions of 4G," He also has worked in wireline systems, both switching
Electronics and Communication Engineering and transmission.
Journal, Dec. 2002. Jawad holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer
2. H. Huomo, Nokia, "Fourth Generation Mobile," Information Systems and Network Engineering from
presented at ACTS Mobile Summit99, Sorrento, Strayer University and is working toward his Master's
Italy, June 1999. degree in Telecommunication and Computer Information
3. J. M. Pereira, "Fourth Generation: Now, It Is Systems at George Washington University.
Personal," Proceedings of the 11th IEEE
International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and
Mobile Radio Communications, London, UK,
September 2000.

14 Bechtel Telecommunications Technical Journal

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