4G: The Magic Technology: By:-Krishna Kishor K

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By:- Krishna Kishor K

princeofperla.blogspot.com(visit for ppt)


The approaching 4G (fourth Pick up any newspaper today and

generation) mobile communication it is a safe bet that you will find an article
systems are projected to solve still- somewhere relating to mobile
remaining problems of 3G (third communications. If it is not in the
generation) systems and to provide a wide technology section it will almost certainly
variety of new services, from high-quality be in the business section and relate to
voice to high-definition video to high- the increasing share prices of operators or
data-rate wireless channels. The term 4G equipment manufacturers, or acquisitions
is used broadly to include several types of and take-overs thereof. Such is the
broadband wireless access pervasiveness of mobile communications
communication systems, not only cellular that it is affecting virtually everyone’s life
telephone systems. One of the terms used and has become a major political topic
to describe 4G is MAGIC—Mobile and a significant contributor to national
multimedia, Anytime anywhere, Global gross domestic product (GDP).
mobility support, Integrated wireless
Wireless mobile-communications systems
solution, and Customized personal
are uniquely identified by "generation"
service. As a promise for the future, 4G
designations. Introduced in the early
systems, that is, cellular broadband
1980s, first-generation (1G) systems were
wireless access systems have been
marked by analog-frequency modulation
attracting much interest in the mobile
and used primarily for voice
communication arena. The 4G systems
communications. Second - generation (2G)
not only will support the next generation
wireless-communications systems, which
of mobile service, but also will support the
made their appearance in the late 1980s,
fixed wireless networks. This paper
were also used mainly for voice
presents an overall vision of the 4G
transmission and reception The wireless
features, framework, and integration of
system in widespread use today goes by
mobile communication. The features of
the name of 2.5G—an "in-between"
4G systems might be summarized with
service that serves as a stepping stone to
one word—integration. The 4G systems
3G. Whereby 2G communications is
are about seamlessly integrating
generally associated with Global System
terminals, networks, and applications to
for Mobile (GSM) service, 2.5G is usually
satisfy increasing user demands. The
identified as being "fueled" by General
continuous expansion of mobile
Packet Radio Services (GPRS) along with
communication and wireless networks
shows evidence of exceptional growth in
In 3G systems, making their appearance in
the areas of mobile subscriber, wireless
late 2002 and in 2003, are designed for
network access, mobile services, and
voice and paging services, as well as

interactive-media use such as industry, but also cable, wireline and
teleconferencing, Internet access, and handset companies. It will also
other services. The problem with 3G simultaneously provide the media and
wireless systems is bandwidth—these entertainment industries another
systems provide only WAN coverage avenue for content delivery.
ranging from 144 kbps (for vehicle
mobility applications) to 2 Mbps (for
indoor static applications). Segue to 4G, • Support for interactive
the "next dimension" of wireless multimedia, voice, streaming
communication. The 4g wireless uses video, Internet, and other
Orthogonal Frequency Division broadband services
Multiplexing (OFDM), Ultra Wide Radio
Band (UWB), and Millimeter wireless and • IP based mobile system
smart antenna. Data rate of 20mbps is • High speed, high capacity, and low
employed. Mobile speed will be up to cost per bit
200km/hr.Frequency band is 2-8 GHz. it
gives the ability for world wide roaming to • Global access, service portability,
access cell anywhere. and scalable mobile services

• Seamless switching, and a variety

of Quality of Service driven
DEFINITION:- services
4G is the short term for fourth- • Better scheduling and call
generation wireless, the stage of admission control techniques
broadband mobile communications that
will supersede the third generation • Ad hoc and multi hop networks
(3G). it is expected that end-to-end IP (the strict delay requirements of
and high-quality streaming video will be voice make multi hop network
among 4G's distinguishing features. service a difficult problem)
Fourth generation networks are likely to
use a combination of WiMAX and WiFi. • Better spectral efficiency
4G technologies are sometimes referred
• Avoidance or prevention of the
to by the acronym "MAGIC," which
stands for Mobile multimedia,
Anytime/any-where, Global mobility • Seamless network of multiple
support, Integrated wireless and protocols and air interfaces (since
Customized personal service. 4G will be all IP, look for 4G
Although 3G networks were systems to be compatible with all
really about the technology, 4G common network technologies,
networks are both a technology and a including802.11, WCDMA, Blue
business transformation. 4G will tooth, and Hyper LAN)
potentially reshape not just the wireless
• An infrastructure to handle pre is a 1G mobile system. Based on FDMA, it
existing 3G systems, along with allows users to make voice calls in 1
other wireless technologies. country .


4G HISTORY: 2G first appeared around the end

At the end of the 1940’s, the first of the 1980’s, the 2G system digitized the
radio telephone service was introduced, voice signal, as well as the control link.
and was designed to users in cars to the This new digital system gave a lot better
public land-line based telephone network. quality and much more capacity (i.e. more
Then, in the 60s, a system launched by people could use their phones at the same
Bell Systems, called IMTS, or, “Improved time), all at a lower cost to the end
Mobile Telephone Service", brought quite consumer. Based on TDMA, the first
a few improvements such as direct dialling commercial network for use by the public
and more bandwidth. The very first analog was the Global system for mobile
systems were based upon IMTS and were communication (GSM).
created in the late 60s and early 70s. The
systems were called "cellular" because
large coverage areas were split into 3G systems promise faster
smaller areas or "cells", each cell is served communications services, entailing voice,
by a low power transmitter and receiver. fax and Internet data transfer capabilities,
the aim of 3G is to provide these services
any time, anywhere throughout the globe,
1G analog system for mobile with seamless roaming between
communications saw two key standards. ITU’s IMT-2000 is a global
improvements during the 1970s: the standard for 3G and has opened new
invention of the microprocessor and the doors to enabling innovative services and
digitization of the control link between application for instance, multimedia
the mobile phone and the cell site. entertainment, and location-based
services, as well as a whole lot more. In
Advance mobile phone system
(AMPS) was first launched by the US and

2001, Japan saw the first 3G transmission rates than 3G. 4G mobile
network launched. data transmission rates are planned to be
up to 100 megabits per second on the
3G technology supports around
move and 1000gigbits per second
144 Kbps, with high speed movement, i.e.
stationary, this is a phenomenal amount
in a vehicle. 384 Kbps locally, and up to
of bandwidth, only comparable to the
2Mbps for fixed stations, i.e. in a building.
bandwidth workstations get connected
directly to a LAN.


For 1 and 2G standards, bandwidth 4G KEY TECHNOLOGIES:

maximum is 9.6 kbit/sec, This is
Access schemes:
approximately 6 times slower than an
ISDN (Integrated services digital network). As the wireless standards evolved,
the access techniques used also exhibited
Rates did increase by a factor of 3 with
increase in efficiency, capacity and
newer handsets to 28.8kbps. This is rarely scalability. The first generation wireless
the speed though, as in crowded areas, standards used plain TDMA and FDMA. In
when the network is busy, rates do drop the wireless channels, TDMA proved to be
dramatically. less efficient in handling the high data rate
channels as it requires large guard periods
Third generation mobile, data to alleviate the multipath impact.
rates are 384 kbps (download) maximum, Similarly, FDMA consumed more
typically around 200kbps, and 64kbps bandwidth for guard to avoid inter carrier
upload. These are comparable to home interference. So in second generation
systems, one set of standard used the
broadband connections.
combination of FDMA and TDMA and the
Fourth generation mobile other set introduced an access scheme
called CDMA. Usage of CDMA increased
communications will have higher data
the system capacity, but as a drawback

placed a soft limit on it rather than streams has a much lower bit rate than
the hard limit (i.e. a CDMA network will the original bit stream, but their
not reject new clients when it approaches summation can provide very high data
its limits, resulting in a denial of service to rates. N orthogonal sub-carriers modulate
all clients when the network overloads). the parallel bit streams, which are then
Data rate is also increased as this access summed prior to transmission.
scheme (providing the network is not An OFDM transmitter accepts data
reaching its capacity) is efficient enough from an IP network, converting and
to handle the multipath channel. This encoding the data prior to modulation. An
enabled the third generation systems, IFFT (inverse fast Fourier transform)
such as IS-2000, UMTS, HSXPA, 1xEV- transforms the OFDM signal into an IF
DO, TD-CDMA and TD-SCDMA, to use analog signal, which is sent to the RF
CDMA as the access scheme. However, transceiver. The receiver circuit
the issue with CDMA is that it suffers from reconstructs the data by reversing this
poor spectral flexibility and process. With orthogonal sub-carriers, the
computationally intensive time-domain receiver can separate and process each
equalization (high number of sub-carrier without interference from
multiplications per second) for wideband other sub-carriers. More impervious to
channels. fading and multi-path delays than other
OFDM, a form of multi-carrier wireless transmission techniques, ODFM
modulation, works by dividing the data provides better link and communication
stream for transmission at a bandwidth B quality.
into N multiple and parallel bit streams, Recently, new access schemes
spaced B/N apart. Each of the parallel bit like Orthogonal FDMA (OFDMA), Single

Carrier FDMA (SC-FDMA), Interleaved two-edged sword. The signal is relatively
FDMA and Multi-carrier CDMA (MC- secure against interference and has the
CDMA) are gaining more importance for potential for very high-rate wireless
the next generation systems. These are
broadband access and speed. On the
based on efficient FFT algorithm and
other hand, the signal also has the
frequency domain equalization, resulting
lower number of multiplications per potential to interfere with other wireless
second. They also make it possible to transmissions. In addition, the low-power
control the bandwidth and form the constraints placed on UWB by the FCC,
spectrum in a flexible way. However, they due to its potential interference with
require advanced dynamic channel other RF signals, significantly limits the
allocation and traffic adaptive scheduling.
range of UWB equipment (but still makes
it a viable LAN technology).
One distinct advantage of UWB is its
Ultra Wide Band
immunity to multi-path distortion and
A UWB transmitter spreads its interference. Multi-path propagation
signal over a wide portion of the RF occurs when a transmitted signal takes
spectrum, generally 1 GHz wide or more, different paths when propagating from
above 3.1GHz. The FCC has chosen UWB source to destination. The various paths
frequencies to minimize interference to are caused by the signal bouncing off
other commonly used equipment, such as objects between the transmitter and
televisions and radios. This frequency receiver.
range also puts UWB equipment above
the 2.4 GHz range of microwave ovens
and modern cordless phones, but below IPv6 support:
802.11a wireless Ethernet, which operates Unlike 3G, which is based on two
at 5 GHz. parallel infrastructures consisting of circuit
switched and packet switched network
UWB equipment transmits very nodes respectively, 4G will be based on
narrow RF pulses—low power and short packet switching only. This will
pulse period means the signal, although of require low-latency data transmission.
wide bandwidth, falls below the threshold IPv6 is short for "Internet Protocol
detection of most RF receivers. Traditional Version 6". IPv6 is the "next generation"
RF equipment uses an RF carrier to protocol designed by the IETF to replace
the current version Internet Protocol, IP
transmit a modulated signal in the
Version 4 ("IPv4"). 
frequency domain, moving the signal from
By the time that 4G is deployed, the
a base band to the carrier frequency the
process of IPv4 address exhaustion is
transmitter uses. UWB is "carrier-free", expected to be in its final stages.
since the technology works by modulating Therefore, in the context of
a pulse, on the order of tens of 4G, IPv6 support is essential in order to
microwatts, resulting in a waveform support a large number of wireless-
occupying a very wide frequency domain. enabled devices. By increasing the
The wide bandwidth of a UWB signal is a number of IP addresses, IPv6 removes the

need for Network Address
Translation (NAT), a method of sharing a
limited number of addresses among a
larger group of devices, although NAT will
still be required to communicate with
devices that are on existing IPv4 networks.

Advanced Antenna Systems:

The performance of radio
communications depends on an antenna
system, refer to smart or intelligent
antenna. Recently, multiple antenna
technologies are emerging to achieve the
goal of 4G systems such as high rate, high MIMO
reliability, and long range technology has attracted attention in
communications. In the early 90s, to cater wireless communications, because it
the growing data rate needs of data offers significant increases in data
communication, many transmission throughput and link range without
schemes were proposed. One additional bandwidth or transmit power.
technology, spatial multiplexing, gained It achieves this by higher spectral
importance for its bandwidth efficiency (more bits per second per hertz
conservation and power efficiency. Spatial of bandwidth) and link reliability or
multiplexing involves deploying multiple diversity (reduced fading). Because of
antennas at the transmitter and at the these properties, MIMO is a current
receiver. Independent streams can then theme of international wireless research.
be transmitted simultaneously from all the
antennas. This increases the data rate into
Software-Defined Radio (SDR):
multiple folds with the number equal to
minimum of the number of transmit and A software-defined radio system,
or SDR, is a radio communication system
receive antennas. This is called MIMO(as a
where components that have typically
branch of intelligent antenna). Spatial been implemented in hardware are
multiplexing techniques makes the instead implemented using software on a
receivers very complex, and therefore it is personal computer or embedded
typically combined with Orthogonal computing devices.SDR is one form of
frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) or open wireless architecture (OWA). Since
with Orthogonal Frequency Division 4G is a collection of wireless standards,
the final form of a 4G device will
Multiple Access (OFDMA) modulation,
constitute various standards. This can be
where the problems created by multi-path efficiently realized using SDR technology,
channel are handled efficiently. which is categorized to the area of the
radio convergence.

Software Defined Radio (SDR) Telemedicine:- A paramedic assisting a
benefits from today’s high processing victim of a traffic accident in a remote
power to develop multi-band, multi- location could access medical records (X-
standard base stations and terminals.
rays) and establish a video conference so
Although in future the terminals will adapt
that a remotely based surgeon could
the air interface to the available radio
access technology, at present this is done provide ‘on-scene’ assistance.
by the infrastructure. Several
Crisis management application:-In the
infrastructure gains are expected from
SDR. For example, to increase network event of natural disasters where the
capacity at a specific time (e.g. during a entire communications infrastructure is in
sports event), an operator will reconfigure disarray, restoring communications
its network adding several modems at a quickly is essential. With wideband
given Base Transceiver Station (BTS). SDR wireless mobile communications, limited
makes this reconfiguration easy. In the
and even total communication
context of 4G systems, SDR will become
capability(including Internet and video
an enabler for the aggregation of multi-
standard pico/micro cells. For a services) could be set up within hours
manufacturer, this can be a powerful aid instead of days or even weeks required at
to providing multi-standard, multi-band present for restoration of wire line
equipment with reduced development communications.
effort and costs through simultaneous
multi-channel processing.

Considering 4G characteristics, we
Telegeoprocessing:- You will be able to can find out strengths, weaknesses,
see the internal layout of a building during opportunities and threats of 4G with
an emergency rescue. This type of better understandings. The lists and
application is some time referred to as findings follow.
Strengths in 4G:
A remote database will contain the  4G visions take into account
installed base and past
graphical representation of streets,
buildings and physical characteristics of a  Strong position of
large metropolis. Blocks of this database telecommunications vendors
will be transmitted in rapid sequence to a expected in the marketplace.
vehicle, where a rendering program will  Faster data transmission and
permit the occupants to visualize the higher bit rate and bandwidth,
environment ahead. They may also allow more
o business applications and
‘virtually’ see the internal layout of
buildings to plan an emergency rescue or  Has advantage for personalized
engage hostile elements hidden in the multimedia communication tools

Weakness in 4G: competition in the mobile
 No large user community for industry.
advanced mobile data applications  Seamless roaming and seamless
yet transfer of services.
 Growing divergence between
telecommunications vendors and
 Comparatively higher cost to use TECHNOLOGY:-
and deploy infrastructure Four important 4G Technology
compared fast tests and conferences took place in
o mobile generation December of 2009.
Opportunities in 4G: First, the Ministry of Industry and
 Evolutionary approach may yield Information Technology (MIIT) announced
opportunities for the 4G the beginning of next-stage TD-LTE tests
 Emphasis on heterogeneous for 4G internet network on the 28th of
networks capitalizes on past December 2009. ZTE, Huawei, Datang, and
investments Motorola will be the first group of
 Strategic alliance and coalition manufacturers to execute these tests and
opportunities with traditional non- will be evaluated by the MIIT. According
telecommunication industries to both the MIIT and these leading
 Sophisticated and mature manufacturers, LTE is premier in
commercialization of 4G extending the mobile communication
technology would industry to the mobile Internet. Base
o encourage more stations with a similar preexisting platform
applications of e-commerce in TD-SCDMA mode will only need to
and m-commerce upgrade their software to TD-LTE mode or
 Worldwide economy recover TD/TD-LTE dual mode, minimizing costs.
stimulates consumption and The stages of testing include the concept
consumer testing stage, technology research,
o confidence, therefore bring development and experiment stage, and
in opportunities for scale experiment stage expected to be
telecommunication completed in the latter half of 2010.
sections Secondly, the first 4G technology
 It is expected and predicted that selection conference in China was held in
consumers will continue to replace Beijing this past December. Various
handsets with newer technology at assessment boards have tested 4G
a fast rate. standards and proposals, headed by Wen
 Desirable higher data capacity Kun, head of the Division of Technology of
rates, the growth opportunity for the MIIT. Although the assessment boards
4G is very bright and hopeful. are all from different countries and will
produce different results based on their
Threats in 4G: home wireless communications
 Faster rate of growth and environment, China will base its 4G
developments in other region assessment on its own environment. The
 Since 3G mobile is still in the results of one country may not necessarily
market, it squeezes the market be applied to other countries, so further

discussions are necessary before deciding The 4G system will be implemented in the
final results. The International coming years which are a miracle in the
Telecommunications Union (ITU) will field of communication engineering
assist in determining frequency and
technology. The 4G Vision is a living
introducing other important 4G
document which intends to update and
technologies. China’s share of
involvement in 4G technologies and amend as time and knowledge progress. It
standards will be at least 40%. will act as the umbrella vision to a large
Thirdly, a joint seminar on new research program and place in context the
network, future internet, home detailed research work that will take place
networking, IPTV, CDN and environmental in the various areas.
standards took place between the China
Communications Standards Association “The development in day-to-day
(CCSA) and the European communication after 3G is not just an 4G
Telecommunications Standards Institute EVOLUTION, It’s a REVOLUTION.”
(ETSI) on the 17th of December 2009 in
Beijing. The key point of this seminar was
the mutual understanding that if different
sectors want to realize the sharing of REFERENCES:-
information globally, sensor network
technology will be the key. The ETSI also 1. B. G. Evans and K. Baughan, "Visions of
emphasized the direction of home 4G," Electronics and Communication
networking as the future direction of
internet development. Engineering Journal, Dec. 2002.
Finally, after the world’s first 4G
LTE network was introduced in Norway 2. Glisic, Savo. Advanced Wireless
and Sweden, the Chinese Communications: 4G
telecommunications company Huawei Technologies.Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley &
won a bid to provide the network with Sons, 2004
base stations, operation support systems,
and network planning and 3. And Source: Internet.
implementation. This amazingly fast
network can offer users a download rate  www.3g4g.co.uk/4g
of up to 100Mbs/s, realizing its success
thanks to Huawei’s assistance and  www.3g4g.blogspot.com
 www.wikipedia.org

CONCLUSION:-  www.4g.co.uk
The mobile technology though
reached only at 3G now, 4G offers us to  www.4gworld.com
provide with a very efficient and reliable
wireless communication system for  www.ieee.org
seamless roaming over various network
including internet which uses IP network.


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