4g Communications Rajendar Bits
4g Communications Rajendar Bits
4g Communications Rajendar Bits
(Mobile communications)
What is 4G?
4G: Edge over 3G.
Opportunities for implementation.
Threats for implementation.
4G Vision.
Advantages of 4G.
Comparison of 4G with other mobile technologies.
Basic Idea of Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiplexing (OFDM).
OFDM Characteristics.
OFDM Benefits.
This paper aims to identify and explore the different issues and challenges
related to fourth generation networks. It starts with a brief Introduction, and then
explains the edge of 4G technology over 3G, and defines 4G. It also focuses on the
opportunities for implementation of 4G, and also explains the threats for
implementation of 4G. It also provides a detailed insight on the vision of 4G, and also
discusses about the advantages and limitations of 4G technology. It also compares the
4G technology with all other technologies and also explains the Applications of 4G
technology. This paper also focuses on key technologies to implement 4G technology
as it provides a basic idea on OFDM since with its natural resistance to multipath
fading and its ability to support extremely high data rates, orthogonal frequency
division multiplexing (OFDM) is a major candidate for fourth-generation air
We are seeing a massive demand for data, audio, image and video services on
mobile phones. These require a faster rate of data transfer.
Though the projected data rate of 3G is around 2 Mbps, the actual data rate is much
slower, especially in crowded areas or when the network is congested. Further, data
rates also depend on the user’s activity (moving or steady state) and location
As expected data services like multimedia are going to play an increasing role and
will dominate the cellular traffic instead of voice in future.
In such a scenario, the present 2G and 3G systems will saturate and have no room to
survive. Also, the demand for increasing data rates leads to higher bandwidth
requirements. These factors force the cellular industry to develop a common standard
or system that over comes almost all limitations imposed by previous cellular
4G services hold out the promise of end-to-end, totally IP (Internet protocol), packet-
switched networks that will be able to handle growing loads of wireless voice, data,
video and audio transmissions more efficiently, at lower cost and at higher
performance levels i.e., 4G systems are expected to allow much higher data rates of
around 100 Mbps, higher bandwidth of the order of hundreds of megahertz, plenty of
services like data, audio and video(as shown in fig1),seamless connectivity and
improved quality of service keeping in mind that all existing networks can be merged
or interconnected to form an all-in-one.
What is 4G?
4G services will be dynamic and adaptable to the application. Faster response and
quality are the prerequisites for full-motion video, home entertainment and advance
location-based services. The expected data rate is 2 Mbps for vehicular applications.
Such high data rates obviously require a high bandwidth of the order of several
hundreds of megahertz.
OFDM/COFDM allows many users to transmit the allocated band, by subdividing the
available bandwidth into many narrow bandwidth carries. Each user is allocated
several carries to transmit his data. The transmission is generated such that the carries
to transmit his data. The transmission is generated such that the carries are orthogonal
to each other, thus allowing them to be packed together much closer than standard
frequency-division multiplexing in OFDM/COFDMA technology.
Seamless connectivity requires fast handoff between different networks as the user
moves from one network to another. This is possible as the core network is IP- based.
While maintaining the connectivity, the emphasis is also on the quality of services at
the cheapest rate.
Although most service providers are still expanding and improving their existing 2G+
networks, research towards 4G systems is making significant progress in major
companies like Motorola ,Qualcomm ,AT&T , Nokia ,Erickson and NTT(Nippon
Telephone and Telegraph) DoCoMo.
“4G is a network of networks” with which users will be in control. They will be able
to decide the right system and even right terminal for each application and each
environment (mobility, coverage). So personalized services can be provided
irrespective of underlying network. This makes the most efficient use of the available
spectrum by directing users to the most appropriate network.
It is now clear that to meet the requirements of high data rates, seamless
connectivity and cost effective service, the core network for 4G must be IP-based.
Merging all the networks in one core network requires an intermediate layer that
provides an interface between the existing network protocol and the required protocol.
Hence the opportunities are open for all the networks to update their present
architecture and allow the desired change.
In India, GSM is dominating the market, with CDMA competing with it. EDGE and
GPRS are working, while complete 3G services have not been introduced yet. It may
happen that the cellular networks waiting for 3G and upgrading themselves with 2G+
may switch directly to 4G by completely by passing 3G as it seems a better option
cost effectiveness in network upgradation and replacement.
Since the expected technology for 4G is ultra WCDMA and/or OFDM, the present
GSM networks must upgrade or be replaced with the whole network of CDMA or
OFDM. The migration of all networks like LAN, MAN, WLAN, HIPERLAN, DVB
and DAB also requires a transparent protocol and smart handoffs which should be
able to work for maintaining the quality of service and offering such services at the
low cost.
4. Full convergence of the networks (all IP-based voice, data and multimedia for end-
to-end quality of service, better security, seamless connectivity, entertainment and so
Fig. 3 shows the advantage of all the networks is possible according to the projected
path. It indicates integration of media, information technology and communication,
which is the major growing, fields in user applications. Merging all the services (like
voice, non-voice, Internet, e-commerce, multimedia, entertainment like news, sports,
video on demand, audio and so on) in one hand set is an attractive proposition if
implanted with reliable end-to-end quality of service and faster data transfer.
Threats for implementation
Major issues that need to be resolved before implementing the 4G network are:
the example of the existing GSM and CDMA. For merging those on a common
platform to provide of them has to change its standard or both have to compromise on
new interfacing standards. Since 4G has CDMA or OFDM as the only option to use,
definitely all the networks must update themselves to the desired level.
4G Vision
As can be seen in the picture above, the main requirements for 4G are as
Among the newer wireless technologies under consideration for the use in 4G systems
are OFDM, smart antenna systems and millimeter wireless.
Advantages of 4G
Although the concept of 4G communications shows much promise, there are still
limitations that must be addressed. A major concern is interoperability between the
signaling techniques that are planned for use in 4G (3XRTT and WCDMA).
Cost is another factor that could hamper the progress of 4G technology. The
equipment required to implement the next-generation network are still very expensive.
AS regards the operating area, rural areas and many buildings in metropolitan areas
are not being served well by existing wireless networks.
A remote database will contain the graphical representation of streets, buildings and
physical characteristics of a large metropolis. Blocks of this database will be
transmitted in rapid sequence to a vehicle, where a rendering program will permit the
occupants to visualize the environment ahead. They may also ‘virtually’ see the
internal layout of buildings to plan an emergency rescue or engage hostile elements
hidden in the building.
Technolo 1G 2G 2.5G 3G 4G
Design 1970 1980 1985 1990 2000
Implemen 1984 1991 1999 2002 2010
Service Analogue Digital voice, Higher- Higher- Higher-
voice, short messages capacity capacity capacity,com
Synchronous packetized broad- peletely IP-
data data band up to oriented,
Up to 9.6 2 Mbps Multimedia
kbps data up to
hundreds of
mega bits
etc 2000
Data 1.9 kbps 14.4 kbps 384 Kbps 2 Mbps 200 Mbps
PTSN, Packet Internet
network Packet network
Basic Idea of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
If you take a signal and send it over multiple low-rate carriers instead of a
single high-rate carrier, the longer symbol periods lessen or eliminate inter-symbol-
interference (ISI) problems. The added benefit of the high data rate is then made
possible when the multiple carriers (numbering in the hundreds or even thousands) are
modulated with higher-order symbol mapping, such as 8PSK or 16QAM. More bits
are then forced through the air in each symbol period.
Fig.8-(a) A Regular-FDM single carrier-A Whole bunch of Water coming all in one
stream.(b) Orthogonal-FDM-same amount of water coming from a lot of small
Think about what the advantage might be of one over the other? One obvious one is
that if my put my thumb over the faucet hole, I can stop the water but I cannot do the
same for the shower. So although both do the same thing, they respond differently to
interference. Thus more bits are then forced through the air in each symbol period.
Thus this is main consideration OFDM not only provides clear advantages for
physical layer performance, but also a frame work for improving layer to layer
performance by proposing an additional degree of freedom. It is possible to exploit the
time domain the space domain and the frequency domain and even the code domain to
optimize radio channel usage. It ensures very robust transmission in multi-path
environments with reduced receiver complexity
Fig.9: OFDM Principles
As shown in the fig.5 the signal is split into orthogonal sub carriers, on each of which
the signal is “narrowband” (a few KHz) and therefore immune to multipath effects,
Provided a guard interval is guarded between each OFDM symbol. OFDM also
provides a frequency diversity gain increasing the physical layer performance. It is
also compatible with other enhancement technologies, such as smart antenna and
OFDM Characteristics:
High-spectral efficiency.
Resistance to frequency selective fading.
Robust to multi-path.
OFDMA allows flexible resource scheduling.
Well-suited to multiple antennae, MIMO systems (diversity).