Module 3 Section 2
Module 3 Section 2
Module 3 Section 2
These services deal primarily with collecting,
CLASSIFICATION OF ENGINEERING interpreting, and reporting information, together with
SERVICES formulating conclusions and making
recommendations. Typical services in this category
The needs for professional civil engineering services 2.2.1 Preliminary and Feasibility Investigations
vary, and the civil engineering firms that meet these and Reports
needs vary in organizational structure, size, and
capability. Many civil engineering firms provide These services usually precede the authorization of a
comprehensive services to the client, while other capital project and may involve extensive
firms specialize in areas of engineering, such as investigations, analyses of conditions, and
geotechnical or structural, and transportation, water
comparison of several possible plans. These studies
and construction management, and provide their
services to a prime engineer, architect, or owner. Few may include the impact of a project upon the
civil engineering firms are qualified to provide environment, sustainable development, operating
complete service for all projects, and the use of costs, life- cycle costs, financing considerations, and
associate professionals to provide specialized expected revenues as bases for conclusions and
services is common. Services provided by Civil recommendations regarding the advisability of
Engineers can be grouped into five broad categories: undertaking a project.
1. Consultations, research, investigations, and 2.2.2 Planning Studies
These services may include the broad areas of
2. Design services for construction projects. developing the engineering requirements of master
plans for long-range capital. improvement programs;
3. Construction services.
preparation of preliminary engineering alp of land
4. Special services for construction projects. development plans, urban plans, and regional plans;
and the investigation of environmental conditions
5. Engineering support services.
and preparation of environmental impact studies with
6. Academic services. subsequent engineering planning to improve or
maintain existing conditions. Such planning often
7. Services as Employee.
requires coordination of the work of many
The types of infrastructure under the domain of civil engineering and other disciplines.
engineering, pursuant to RA 544, as amended,
2.2.3 Appraisals, Valuations and Rate Studies
1. Streets, bridges, highways and railroads These services may include investigations and
analyses of existing conditions; capital and operating
2. Airports and hangars costs; overhead costs and costs of financing; and
3. Portworks, canals, river and shore improvements, revenues as needed to evaluate a property or to
light houses and dry docks recommend establishment of prospective rates.
2.2.6 Direct Personal Services Civil engineering services are required for each
of six typical phases of a construction project. All
This includes services such as assistance in services are preferably furnished by the same
preparation for legal proceedings. Appearances Civil Engineer for consistency and efficiency,
before courts or commissions to render expert although at times services in various phases are
opinions and conclusions, and investigations of furnished by different engineers or by the client.
technical matters where judgment is required The services are supplemented by special
engineering knowledge, experience, and judgment is services which may be provided by the client, a
required. specialized engineer, or another Civil Engineer.
2.2.7 Research and Development The six standard phases of a construction project
and the engineering services needed for each are:
Research is a specialized investigation and gathering
of data from existing resources or through laboratory Study and Report Phase. Analysis of the client's
works and processes related to the purpose and object needs, Conceptual design, conceptual opinions of
of the research. Research and development may probable constructor cost.
cover the following:
Preliminary Design Phase. Preparation of final
(a) Development of new construction materials and design criteria, preliminary drawings, outline
methods from concept to commercialization. specifications, and preliminary opinions of
probable construction cost.
(b) Improvement of construction materials and
methods through exhaustive studies to reduce total Final Design Phase. Preparation of design
construction cost and at the same time improve calculations, construction drawings,
quality. specifications, estimated construction cost, and
other contract documents.
2.2.8 Special Services
Bidding or Negotiating Phase. Assistance to the
These services can vary to suit special needs of the client with the bidding or negotiating process for
client and can include such diverse activities as: construction of the project.
7. Providing periodic status reports. 2. Reviewing laboratory, shop, and mill test
reports on materials and equipment.
2.3.4 Bidding or Negotiating Phase
Services under this phase may include: 3. Visiting the project site at appropriate
intervals as construction proceeds to observe
1. Assisting the client in advertising for and and report on the progress and the quality of
obtaining bids or negotiating proposals for the executed work.
each separate prime construction contract,
maintaining a record of prospective bidders 4. Providing services during construction by
to whom bidding documents have been a full-time resident project representative,
issued, attending pre-bid conferences, and and by supporting staff as required, to enable
receiving and processing deposits for bidding construction to be accomplished in
documents. conformance to the construction drawings,
specifications, and other contract
2. Issuing addenda as appropriate to interpret,
clarify, expand or amend the bidding 5. Issuing instructions from the client to the
documents. contractors, issuing necessary interpretations
and clarifications of contract documents,
3. Assisting the client in determining the preparing change orders, requiring special
qualifications and acceptability of inspections and testing of the work, and
prospective contractors, subcontractors and recommendations as to acceptability of the
materials suppliers. work.
4. Consulting with and advising the client as 6. Making recommendations to the client on
to the acceptability of alternative materials corrective actions or contractual measures
and equipment proposed by the of that may be exercised by the owner.
prospective constructors when substitution
prior to the award of contracts is allowed by 7. Preparing sketches required to resolve
the bidding documents. problems due to actual field conditions
5. Attending the bid opening, preparing bid
tabulation sheets and providing assistance to 8. Determining amounts of progress
the client in evaluating bids of proposals and payments due, based on degree of completion
in assembling and awarding contracts for of the work, and recommending issuance of
construction, materials, equipment and such payments by the client.
9. Observing and assisting performance tests
2.3.5 Construction Phase and initial operation of the project.
Services under this phase involve consulting 10. Preparing record drawings from
with and advising the client during information submitted by the contractor.
construction and are usually those associated
11. Making a final inspection and reporting Civil Engineer when employed is similarly
on completion of the project, including required to comply with the code of ethics of
recommendations concerning final payments the profession as the consulting Civil
to contractors and release of retained Engineer.
At the completion of construction, the Civil Special services required during the study,
Engineer may as a basic service, assist in the design, construction and operation phases of
start-up of project operations. The Civil a construction project may include
Engineer may be commissioned to prepare a investigations, reports, and activities beyond
manual for both operation and maintenance the scope of the basic services. These
requirements, and may also provide services, many of which are also listed earlier
assistance in adjusting and balancing in this section under the category
equipment, identifying deficiencies and "Consultations, Investigations, and Reports,"
assisting in obtaining corrections, and may relate to the client's decisions as to the
performing inspection prior to the end of the feasibility, scope, and location of the project.
project warranty period. The Civil Engineer The research, compilation of engineering
may assist in operator training, setting up job data, and acquisition of property may involve
classifications and salaries, organizing of professional specialists in engineering and
supplies, developing charts for recording other fields.
operational data, operations. observing
reporting on project operations. Special services that may be provided by the
Civil Engineer or negotiated with other firms
2.4 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES or subconsultants by the Civil Engineer
acting on behalf of the client could include:
A registered Civil Engineer may engage in
construction contracting after being licensed 1. Geotechnical engineering - including test
as a contractor by the Contractors borings, sampling and analysis, and
Accreditation Board. It is considered recommendations.
unethical for a civil engineer to allow his
license to be used by any other construction 2. Special studies, tests, and process
company except his own. determinations to establish design criteria or
demonstrate compliance.
A registered Civil Engineer may provide the
services of a supporting technical employee 3. Land surveys, establishment of boundaries
as required of a construction company. He and monuments, preparation of easement
shall however, be paid the professional fees, descriptions, and related computations and
in addition to his regular salary, for any drawings.
design work he performs for which he signs
as professional Civil Engineer and/or 4. Engineering and topographic surveys for
engineer on record. design and construction.